Section 6
Section 6
Section 6
In this section of the portfolio, I have created a mock interview video using screencast-o-
matic (LINK). This mock interview helped my reflect on each of my accomplishments and
helped wrap up the ideas and experiences I possess which I believe best highlight my ability to
become an effective teacher. The video highlights commonly asked interview questions
highlighting background experiences, what I learned during the program through Medaille,
lesson plan highlights, and my knowledge in current trends in education. This screencast has
been placed on my Weebly website for your viewing. Please take the time to review the website.
Candidate Interview Video. These responses connect my portfolio artifacts to my ability to plan,
instruct, assess, accommodate, modify, enhance learning with technology, and professional
staying on pace with the current trends in education as well as my knowledge of theorists in the
Briefly share a little about your background experiences that have led you to choose a
career in education.
I am not going to lie, growing up I never imagined myself being a teacher. I did
not sit around when I was younger dreaming of becoming a teacher, and I am not ashamed of
that. Yes, I played teacher in my room every day after school while I was waiting for dinner,
however, I doubted my ability and ignored that desire. I went my whole life ignoring that flame
inside of me and looked down different paths only to find a spark rather than a flame. I woke up
one day to a feeling of the flame in my belly and decided to listen to it rather than ignore it. With
this, I began volunteering in schools and searching for part-time jobs in this field. The more I
worked with children the more confident I became in my abilities and desire to become a
teacher. After finishing my Psychology degree, I applied to many schools in Ontario and Buffalo
and was lucky enough to be accepted into Medaille. I have gathered so many valuable lessons
and experiences through Medaille that I will take with me to my classroom. The closer the end
What have you learned in your teacher training program that will make you an excellent
How does one condense a year’s worth of valuable experiences into one simple response?
I have learned a variety of valuable lessons and experiences through my teacher training program
at Medaille that will make me an excellent teacher. I have learned the importance of creating a
planning, how to instruct based of students’ learning styles, and the importance of technology
use within the classroom are just a few of the teaching aspects I have learned during my time at
The most important aspect of teaching I have learned is the importance of creating a
positive classroom environment. Creating a positive classroom environment is the first step
toward a successful year of learning. When I say positive classroom environment I mean creating
a space where students feel they are allowed to make mistakes, that they are allowed to express
their ideas openly with their classmates, that the students feel comfortable approaching me with
issues related and unrelated to academics, and simply creating a space where my students feel
safe, accepted, and comfortable. Without this establishment, I believe my students would not
The next most important aspect of teaching that goes hand-in-hand with my first, is the
feel that we would not be able to establish the positive classroom environment I strive for. These
techniques also provide students with a classroom structure which essentially will limit negative
behaviours. These techniques include morning routine, classroom jobs which provide students
with a sense of leadership, or a system for when students do not listen. Without some sort of
structure throughout the classroom student would not have an effective learning experience.
Lesson planning is another very important aspect that I have learned and appreciated.
standards, and encourages motivational strategies using anticipatory sets. I appreciate the
importance of lesson planning and ensure that with my need for organization, I will always be
pre-planning my lessons. If you take a look throughout my artifact section of my portfolio, you
will find the three-part lesson I had created to teach to my classroom at Hamlin Park, and a
The ability and importance of instructing a class based on their unique learning styles has
also been learned through my teacher training program. I understand that each of my students
brings something unique to the classroom. I also understand that each student that enters my
classroom has a different learning style that will be different from their classmates, as well as
mine. I realize and am willing to take on the challenge and commitment of creating lessons that
section of this portfolio and a cyber safety presentation throughout my Weebly website. Both of
these resources are examples of my ability to use technology to inform, educate, and gather
These are just a few of the skills I have gathered throughout my teacher training program
Provide us with an example of a lesson you taught. How did you integrate it with other
curriculum arear, address the common core learning standards, technology, student
In our second semester at Medaille, we were required to create a three-part lesson which we
would teach to our assigned classrooms at Hamlin Park. This would have been a great example,
unfortunately, due to COVID-19 we were unable to teach our prepared three-part lesson to our
students. You can view this lesson plan under my artifact section (artifact one) of this portfolio
My next example that I am proud enough to share with you is my integrated math lesson that I
created during my last semester at Medaille. I was not required to formally teach this lesson;
however, it was a unique challenge that I thoroughly enjoyed accomplishing. This lesson
required students to recognize and identify 2D shapes according to their properties and hot and
cold colours to create an original piece of artwork. I would use a SMARTboard during the
introduction of the lesson to get students to interact with the variety of shapes and their
properties. From here, we would move into the core of the lesson followed by the making of our
How will your knowledge of the current trends in education inform you as an educator in
our district/board/school?
Our world is vastly changing, especially with the growth and inclusion of technology. Within
the classroom, technology inclusion is especially important for the learning process for our
students. Technology allows students to learn in new ways, make better connections to their
learning, and enhance our learning opportunities. The teaching program through Medaille has
classroom. Technology has been a big part of my teacher education as each semester we were
required to use some sort of technology to include in presentations, lesson plans or other
assignments. With the added focus on math in education, incorporating technology into my math
lessons will help engage and create more meaningful learning experiences for my students.
Why should we hire you instead of the other applicants we have interviewed?
I do not want to bore you by repeating a similar response each of the other candidates
have expressed, so I will be honest and genuine. So why should you hire me? Well because I am
different from the others. As I mentioned earlier, I did not sit around when I was younger
dreaming of becoming a teacher, and I am not ashamed of that. Yes, I played teacher in my room
after school while I was waiting for dinner, however, I doubted my ability and ignored that
desire. I went my whole life ignoring that flame inside of me and looked down different paths
only to find a spark rather than a flame. I woke up one day to a feeling of the flame in my belly
and decided to listen to it rather than ignore it. I want to be able to push my students into trying
something new and pursuing those that to ignite the flame in their belly. I hope to provide my
students with the confidence to be able to pursue anything they put their mind to.
Now to build on my character, my personality is unique, and I have the ability to bring
positivity into any room I enter. I am motivated by the desire to positively impact each of my
students inside and outside of the classroom. I am hardworking and easy to work with. Being a
part of one of the generations surrounded by technology has put me at an advantage to the other
candidates. My young, agile mind provides me with the ability to learn quickly and be adaptive
ideas, new ways to complete a task/goal, open to constructive feedback/criticism, and believe in
the importance of reflection. From this, you should now have a better understanding of what you
could be missing out on if you decide to go a different way with another candidate.
It is extremely important to me that you have an understanding of who I am and what I can bring
to the classroom. I am a motivated, hardworking, intelligent individual who will enter the
classroom each day with a smile and the determination to positively impact each of my students.