Hci Note
Hci Note
Hci Note
we depend on them
buy upgrades to go even faster
fashion accessories
appear very simple
have a life of their own
purpose: difficult to use
badly engineered (need reset buttons)
yet, people buy them eagerly...
mass produced, with little intrinsic value
not difficult to design
Computing provides
performing chores
behaviour is difficult to identify & comprehend
unlikely achieve intended goals
support and are promoted by a social structure
grow sub/linearly with the programmer typing (some typing may be deletions)
number of things a program can do grows exponentially with the number of
the system state is often unknown, the outcome is therefore unforseeable
have a bounded raionality: finite computation speed and finite lifetime (upper bound
on cognitive resources)
skilled people build programs that sometimes may not understand
understanding a system overloads our cognitive resources
it is therefore difficult to evaluate it
Media equation
Reeves e Nass 1996
we take media as a reality (evolutionary speaking)
everything we perceive is taken as real
a real program behaving like one demonstrated would work everywhere in the same
way...yet the demonstration has shown a single trace
we cannot distinguish between a simulation and the real thing
collusion (we collude with bad design)
successful dreams (optimistic about scenarios)
lottery effect (few successes imply many positive views on computer usage)
review culture (technical reviews are inaccurate, do not fully test, list new features)
succesful children ...dumb adults (playing vs rationalizing)
realism-reality gap (it looks realistic, i.e. it is real)
Oracle effect (experts underestimate complexity)
one way to use computers ("experts" show the way...only 1 way)
automation is not computation (speeding up procedures is not necessarily a good
Lyability Problem: quando si apre il sigillo le aziende non si assumono alcuna
responsabilità nell'abilità dell'utente se esso sia in grado o meno di utilizzare con le
proprie conoscenze il programma).
inertia (liability problem, there is no reason to improve since we all benefit by not
usability is the user's problem (quote R. Nader's book Unsafe at any Speed) people
are told to read handbooks so feeding the industry of training and consultancy
Possible solutions
good design + better handbooks
construct the initial user manual
find problems (technical authors do this)
fix the design (the user manual is a direct indicator of design areas needing attention)
and repeat : each step improves the product
it is easy to write vague, inexact and misleading manuals
manuals should be short, complete and sound
there may be different users for a manual: a mathematician, an electronic engineer, a
Aristotle defines justice as the act of giving a person good
to do good design is to be engaged in an act of justice
justice is the maintenance of rights(for the user)
just design is to maintain those rights
good manual writers contribute to a just world
Theory of justice
Rowls, 1972
justice as fairness: a system of rules that would be designed by people under a "veil
of ignorance" of whether and to what extent those rules applied to themselves
fairness applies to designers as well as users
designers generally do not act justly
good design is engagement with justice
be conscious of the way in which users will operate the product
user concurrent engineering with user manuals
put oneself into the many ¹ roles of usage
justice is the only virtue that can be achieved by accident (Aristotle)
integrity cannot be reached by accident
justice is an outcome and holds if it fairly affects others
optimistic view: market will help ensure good design
pessimistic view: superior technical systems fail due to economic and social forces
computing systems are complex
since they are difficult to evaluate, we take them as objects for uncritical consumption
it suits almost everybody: manufacturers make money, book publishers sell
dummies, marketing people have a lot to advertise...we all swallow
concurrent and iterative manual design
Present Situation
computer pervasiveness implies many, different users
which, in turn, means many, different interfaces
web, games, databases, simulation, business, training, education, etc. are but a few
of the applications
impacting on: info organization, query languages, 3d representations, animation,
direct manipulation, telepresence, virtual realities...(sw)
novel keyboards, high resolution color displays, speech i/o, gestural inputs, force-
feedback devices, touchscreen & stylus...(hw)
time to learn
speed of performance
rate of errors by users
retention over time
subjective satisfaction
lengthy learning favours task-performance
if low error rate then performance is hindered
subjective satisfaction may be a key point
design teams negotiate guidelines
paper prototype/mock up prototype
Short-term memory
Long-term memory and learning
Problem solving
Decision making
Attention and set (scope of concern)
Search and scanning
Time perception
Personality Differences
Interaction styles
Pace of interaction
Graphics versus Text
Dense versus sparse
Step-by-step versus all-at-once
sorting sequences
icons, buttons, colours
pluralization, grammar, spelling
etiquette, policies, tone, formality, metaphors
Companies should run usability studies in each country, culture and language
Computer curbcuts
Cheaper to handle if planned (rather than added)
learning-disabled children (2% of school population)
proceduresm directions and verbal content at levels and in formats making them
accessible even to poor readers
response requirements do not allow students to complete programs without engaging
with target concepts
design feedback sequences that explain the reasons for sutdents’errors and that
lead students through the processes necessary for responding correctly
incorporate reinforcement techniques that capitalize on students’ sophistication with
out-of-school materials
Elderly users
growing population of senior citizens
writing accounting, education, entertainment, social interaction, communication and
increased access of the society
increased participation through networks
improved chances for productive employment
government agencies, universities, medical centers, law firms could use senior
e-mail connection enriches family life
larger street signs
brighter traffic lights
better nighttime lighting
larger fonts
higher display contrast
easier-to-use pointing devices
louder audio tones
simpler command languages
golden age software + kidware: large opportunities
Controlled Experiments
have limitations:
Human Interfaces
need to understand and measure human performance
awareness to human-factors issues
knowledge and techniques of traditional psychology to be used for studying human-
computer interaction
information science, business and management, education, sociology, anthropology
are all contributing and benefiting by their study of human-computer interaction
Directions of Study
Reduced anxiety and fear of computer usage
Graceful evolution
Specification and implementation of interaction: building tools reduce 10% if the tool
is adapted to the task
Specification and implementation of interaction: building tools for interface
Direct manipulation - which is the best metaphor? - new forms: visual languages,
spatial visualization, remote control telepresence virtual reality
Input devices - high-precision touchscreen, stylus, pen, voice, eye-gaze, gestual;
mouse, dataglove, force feedback joystick
Online assistance - limited understanding for novices, knowledgeable and expert
users - JIT: just-in-time training
Information exploration - navigation, browsing, searching of multimedia digital
libraries - filter
Practioner’s summary
thorough task analysis
attention to : reliability, availability, security, integrity, standardization, schedules &
evaluation of design alternatives: short learning times, rapid task performance, low
error rates, ease of retention, high user satisfaction
for refined design test: accomplishment of goals, expert reviews, usability tests,
acceptance tests
input devices
direct vs indirect, linea vs rotary
structured vs unstructured, controllable vs immutable personality styles
technical aptitudes
user-interface styles
Many theories...
compete for attention
continuous refinements
extended by critics
applied by eager and hopeful designers
implementers must keep up with developments not only in s/w tools but also in
Subject satisfaction
researchers in media and advertising recognize the difficulty in predicting emotional
theoretical predictions are combined with intuitive judgements + extensive market
broader theories: small group behavior,organizational dynamics, sociology of
barriers to new technology may be analyzed via social psychology and anthropology
coming up with a god theory is not simple
the above model is clear since it is top-down
matches the s/w architecture
allows useful modularity during design
designers move from conceptual to lexical and carefully record mappings between
these 2 levels
Keystroke-level model
attempts to predict performance times for error-free task execution
different activities are considered: key-stroking,pointing, homing, drawing, thinking,
waiting for system response
the sum of all insured times provides performance times
these models hold for experienced users and error-free performance
no emphasis on learning, problem solving, error handling, subjective satisfaction and
users formulate goals (edit documents) and subgoals (insert word) by using methods
or procedures
Again on GOMS
Kieras and Polson (1985)
Kieras and Polson formalized GOMS by using production rules
via these rules predictions of learning and performance time were given when
interacting with a text editor through 5 different actions:
Natural GOMS
Kieras (1988)
"the GOMS analysis did not explain how the notation works, it is clumsy, detached
from the underlying cognitive theory"
GOMS was refined into Natural GOMS Language (NGOMSL)
Find when the task-analyst must make: a judgement call
Method descriptions
Elkerton and Palmiter (1991)
Stages of action
Norman (1988)
Norman’s contribution
taking care of
cycles of action
gulf of evolution which separates user’s intentions from allowable actions plus
gulf of evaluation separating system’s representation from user’s expectation
Four principles
Norman’s four principles for good design
Study errors - they often occur when moving from goals to intentions to actions and
to executions
when users explore an interface and try to accomplish their goals, they pin-point 4
critical points where failures may occur:
users can form an inadequate goal
users might not find the correct interface object because of an incomprehensible
label or icon
users may not know how to specify or execute a desired action
users may receive inappropriate or misleading feedback
Franzke (1995)
Consistent + Inconsistent A Inconsistent B
delete/insert character delete/insert character delete/insert character
delete/insert word remove/bring word remove/insert word
delte/insert line destroy/create line delete/insert line
delte/insert paragraph kill/birth paragraph delte/insert paragraph
once the full set of task-action mappings is written down, the grammar of the
command language can be tested for completeness
[Direction = forward, Unit=char]
[Direction = backward, Unit=char
[Direction =forward, Unit=word]
[Direction =backward, Unit=word]
Again on consistency
notation and approach (for TAGS) are flexible and extensible
consistency is subtle, multiple levels, may also hinder some implementation details -
Reisner (1990)
understanding consistency is instrumental for implentors, researchers and designers
- Grudin (1989)
the first were stable in memory and well organized, the second were arbitrary and
had to be rehearsed to be maintained
OAI Model
the two pictures show
in this way, the interface is easy to learn and to use since it maps the world domain
with the metaphoric domain
it focuses on task objects and actions and on interface objects and actions
OAI reflects design at high level as when programmers use widgets in usr-interface-
building tools
standard widgets have a simple syntax:click, double-click, drag, drop
OAI follows the object-oriented approach
when problems are complex: break them down!
intentions may be decomposed into smaller action steps
Application domains
designers must learn via
training courses
designers generate a hierarchy of objects and actions to model the user’s tasks
the model is the basis for designing the interface objects and actions + their
representation in pixels on the screen, in physical devices or audio cues
users must firstly become proficient in their task domain
next, they may learn the equivalent computer program
Interface objects
the interface includes hierarchies of objects and actions at high and low levels
storage is a high level concept: computers store information
Interface actions
both high and low level actions like
creating a text data file
load, insertion, save actions
storing a file, backup on one of many disks, applying access control
permissible file types, sizes, error conditions, responses to h/w or s/w errors
and finally...clicking on a pull-down menu
Familiar examples
a designer will build interface objects and actions based on familiar examples
tune those objects and actions to fit the task
for a real estate business, geographical maps and houses will be available as well as
their properties, cost, distance, size and location (familiar concepts) will be mapped on
the screen
to explain "saving a file", icons representing a disk drive and the directory will show
where the file will be stored
a demonstration will be performed to enable the user a logical understanding of the
they map a meaning from one known domain to another one
they may be abstract, concrete or analogical
they are used to avoid long, tiresome training of new concepts
most icons user representations which are visual metaphors (which, in itself, is a
interface objects and actions have a logical structure which is easy to memorize in a
stable way
Bottom-up modelling
task objects made explicit
user’s task actions laid out clearly
next, interface objects are identified
and interface actions follow...with the OAI model
many years ago users had to remember device dependent details (format instruction
in Fortran, number of i/o device to be deployed,etc.)
or, which action deletes a character: delete, backspace, CTRL-H, CTRL-G, CTRL-D,
rightmost mouse button or Escape
which action inserts a new line after the third text line: CTRL-I, INSERT KEY, I3, I 3,
problem 1: details vary across computer platforms
problem 2: arbitrariness of minor design features reduces the effectiveness of paired-
associate learning
repeated rehearsals for rote memorization
moreover, syntactic knowledge is hampered by the lack of a hierarchical or modular
structure to cope with complexity
within e-mail:
for the novice these similar termination commands bear no logical connection
Syntactic knowledge
it is system-dependent
Usage profiles
"Know thy user" Hansen (1971): simple, difficult and undervalued goal
many designers assume they understand both the user and his tasks
some users prefer to deal with tables, others with graphs, with words instead of
numbers, etc.
all design should begin with an understanding of the intended users including
cultural or ethnic background, education, training, motivation, goals, age, gender,
physical abilities, personality
Different users
it is a never-ending process
users evolve, new users arrive
novice:know little about the task or interface
first time users:know little about the interface
designers must cope with both:clear instructions, help, manuals, tutorials,...
knowledgeable intermittent users
the designer will provide an orderly menu structure, consistent terminology, high
interface apparence (more recognition, less recall), on line help, protection from
dangerous situations,...
expert frequent users:
using examples
testing their reached ability
this approach must be also contained in the manuals, help screens, error messages
and tutorials
interaction pace (slow for novices and fast for frequent users)
Task profiles
once the user profile is determined, tasks should be focused
this analysis should precede the design process
design or implementation convenience should not dictate system functionality or
command features
high-level tasks first but, until which level should be go to define low-level, atomic,
Direct manipulation
visually presents task may be hard to program
allows easy learning may require graphics
allows easy retention device
allows errors to be avoided
encourages exploration
affords high subjective satisfaction
Menu selection
shortens learning presents danger of many menus
reduces keystrokes may slow frequent users
structures decision making consumes screen space
permits use of dialog-management
tools requires rapid display rate
allows easy suport of error
Form fillin
simplifies data entry consumes screen space
requires modest training
gives convenient assistance
permits use of form-management tools
Natural language
relieves burden of requires clarification learning syntax
dialog may require
more keystrokes
is unpredictable
may not showcontext
Interface Design
8 golden rules
1 strive for consistency
most violated rule since there are many forms of consistency
On errors
No rule has been found against human error (Sigmund Freud)
users of computer programs make a lot of mistakes! more than expected
Card reports that experienced professional users made mistakes or used inefficient
strategies in 31% of the tasks assigned to them
one way to reduce mistakes is to provide good error messages
Shneiderman reported that, with improved error messages produced success at
repairing the errors, lower error rates, increased subjective satisfaction
Error messages
better messages mean:
instead of
Error prevention
this goal is more attainable than what it seems
understand the nature of errors
Norman’s view is that people make 'slips' and designers help them to properly
recognize commands, guide them to avoid irreversible actions, make menu choices
Norman’s advice is:
to avoid modes
to offer feedback about the system state
to make commands consistent
Error reduction
3 techniques for reducing errors:
correct matching pairs
complete sequences
correct commands
typical example is the parenthesis completion ((())) which can be easily spotted by the
system and reported to the user.
Other markers (<<<>>>) to delimit boldface, italic or underscored text in word
processors or for web programming (html language).
To prevent this, an editor could put both markers and the users fills in avoiding his last
marker slip; for some users this approach is too rigid, a message for 'missing marker'
could be placed in a screen corner
if an action requires a sequence of commands, a single command may condense the
full sequence
at the same time, users should be allowed to modify the sequence of actions and have
atomic control
both macro action condensation and free single actions should be allowed
error messages
based on:
i/o formats
command sequences
h/w devices
the above guidelines are useful but need to be extended and adapted to the
application domain and to the computing platform
from a report on the design of control rooms for electric power utilities - Lockheed
User’s attention
exceptional conditions or time-dependent information should become immediately
visible by the user through
two levels only
Inverse coloring
soft tones for regular + feedback and harsh sounds for emergency
dange of cluttered displays by overusing the above techniques
novices need simple, logically organized and well labeled displays
expert users do not need extensive labels on the fields but subtle highlighting or
positional presentation is sufficient
display formats should be tested for comprehensibility
similarly highlighted items will be perceived as being related
colour coding is powerful in linking related items, difficult to cluster items
the user should be allowed to highlight as wished
Audio highlighting
audio tones signal feedback about progress - clicks in keyboards/ringing sounds in
alarms for emergency conditions do alert users rapidly but a mechanism to suppress
alarms must also be provided
different audio alarms must be tested for user recognition
alternatives are pre-recorded messages (or synthesized) but may interfere among
different operators
minimal i/p actions by user
minimal memory load on users
users should not need to remember lengthy codes and complex syntactic
command strings
compatibility of data entry with data display
closely link format of displayed information with data-entry format
flexibility for user control of data entry
experienced operators may prefer a given entry sequence, this clashes with the
consistency principle
the human should take responsibility and decide, no automatic procedure can deal
with such situations
another emergency: fire on a plane, transponder out of service and no
communication between pilot and air traffic control tower...
System design
goal: to give operators sufficient information about current status and activities
when intervention is necessary, they hae the knowledge and capacity to perform
correctly even under partial failures
human role is to respond in unanticipated situations:
equipment failure
improper human performance
incomplete or incorrect data
On automation
for both home & office automation, some advocate agents (antropomorphic,
adaptive, autonomous) carrying out the user’s intents and even anticipate their needs -
Hayes-Roth (1995)
Aple’s helpful young man, HPackard’s Bill, Microsoft’s Bob, etc. as butlers, guides,
on-screen partners
these characters are called knowbots orsoftbots since they are knowing robots that
or programs that know
human-human interaction may be a good model for HCI, there is a tendency to
design computer partners with antropomorphic (or credible) representations
Helpful avatars
so far, the animated characters placed at information kiosks have proved unhelpful
this is true for many other tentative solutions to the information-provider agent (bank
assistants, car driver informer, automatic postal clerk, etc.)
a variant to the anthropomorphic agent is a program, based on a user model, to
guide an adaptive system which modifies the interface making life easier for the user.
Adaptations based on:
response time - length of messages
density of feedback- order of menu items
i.e. for a frequently used item in a menu, such item should come first
Dark side
if the adaptive system makes a change and it is unexpected, the user must pause,
understand and resume his work - time lost...
the system might ask the user if he accepts the change but then, again, we have job
designers believe that users are attracted by "autonomous, adaptive, intelligent"
users may feel anxious and out of control
only advantageous systems have been for training & help in well studied situations
Another path
the negative issue has encouraged another approach: www searching and
collaborative filtering
no visible agent or adaptation in the interface: the applications aggregate information
from multiple sources in some (often proprietary) way
black box approach which are entertaining like when selecting movies, books,
sometimes searches are to broad and too many items are captured
Alternative to agents
user-control, responsability and accomplishment
users desire to be in full control and gain system mastery
comprehensible and predictable user interfaces should mask the underlying
computational complexity
critical issue: who is responsable for failures?
an alternative may be to expand the control panel metaphor
now: set up for speed of cursor blinking, rate of mouse tracking, speaker
loudness, personal preferences,...
next: set up for different user levels, complex processes are specified by direct
manipulation programming, graphical specifications,...
Summing up
designing user interfaces is complex & creative
task analysis should come first and be detailed and accurate
recording of task objects and actions leads to useful metaphors for interface objects
and actions
principles and guidelines are emerging from practical experience
guidelines support consistency, records organizational policies, facilitates training of
new designers, stimulates discussion
The design process
old users where available to learn difficult programs that would fulfill their needs
present users are experts in their work domain but not technicians
design should address their issues
1991 - the Usability Professionals Association was born
LUCID - (Logical User-Centered Interaction Design) includes the observation of
users, the development of real scenarios and of social impacts coming from using new
Usability support
CUO - Chief Usability Officer, Usability Day, Usability Managers...
to stimulate change
each project has its architect who develops the user interface and coordinates
today’s jobs narrow - we have specialists in:
Development tools
choosing the right tool is one basic step
new instruments speed up the implementation and favour the desig-test-refinement
the writing of the guideline document is only the first step towards the implementation
management strategies, also called 3E (enforcement, exemption, enhancement) are
spreading around
Still on usability
it is always difficult to grasp the concept of usability (every change is costly)
it is also difficult to include the user’s requests in the project
Karat (1990, 1994) noted that for every single dollar spent on usability,100 US$
payoffs were obtained spread out along the following items:
reduced program development cost
Other data
Landauer (1995) showed productivity increases up to 720% in projects that
considered usability from the start
even minimal modifications of a project, after a usability test which pinpointed 20 of
the most common errors, increased user efficiency from 19% up to a maximum of 80%
usability engineers become the real project managers, they also take care of
resource allocation, costs and deadlines
design is typically creative and unpredictable
Carroll & Rosson (1985) describe design as follows:
Words and icons
Screen-layout issues
Action sequences
a form-fillin system may show the fields without processing them
paper models are also helpful
Hypercard and Macromind Director are good building tools for prototypes
Visual Basic and Borland’s Delphi are alos used
Visix’s Galaxy and Sun’s Java are more sophisticated
Development methodologies
typical failure of s/w projects is of 60% !!
Design in practice
formal methodologies have relieved the pain of deadlines and budgets for
usable interfaces are still something different...advocated by academics
improved methodologies for new hi-tech companies which have built from the original
user-centered approach
detailed deliverables are specified incorporating cost/benefit and return on
investment (ROI) analysis
moreover, management strategies - for schedule and budget - are also considered
create a high concept
establish business objectives
set up the usability design team
identify the user population
identify technical and environmental issues
produce a staffing plan, schedule and budget
Example of concept: The new home banking system will provide customers with
unified access to their accounts. It will support balance inquiry, management of
credit acounts and loans, transfer of funds, among acounts, electronic bill
payment and investment in the bank’s family of mutual funds. The system will
provide the custormer with year-end accounting for tax purposes.
partition the user population into homogeneous segments
break job activities into task units
conduct needs analysis through construction of scenarios and participatory design
sketch the process flow for sequences of tasks
identify major objects and structures which will be used in the software interface
research and resolve technical issues and other constraints
create specific usability objectives based on user needs
initiate the guidelines and style guide
select a navigational model and a design metaphor
identify the set of key screens: login, home, major processes
develop a prototype of the key screens using a rapid prototyping tool
conduct initial reviews and usability tests
expand key-screen prototype into full system
conduct heuristic and expert reviews
conduct full-scale usability tests
deliver prototype and specification
develop standard practices
manage late stage change
develop online help, documentation and tutorials
provide training and assistance
perform logging, evaluation and maintenance
based on rapid prototyping, iterative usability testing
spots interface issues with have implications for the technical architecture of the
LUCID describes a phased rollout approach built on theories of organizational
LUCID makes committments to user-centered design and highlights the role of
usability engineering in s/w development focusing on:
Areas of activity
For each stage, 9 areas of activity are evaluated in connection with specified
deliverables and timely feedback through reviews
1. product definition
2. business case
3. resources
4. phys. environment
5. technical environment
6. users
7. functionality
8. prototype
9. usability
10. design guidelines
11. content materials
12. documentation training and help
LUCID conclusions
each project is different yet a design methodology is mandatory
validation & refinement in multiple projects has proven useful & constructive
LUCID promotes an orderly process and predictable progress
Ethnographic observation
observation of users
an ethnographer participate - overtly or covertly - in peole’s daily lives for an
extended period of time watching what happens, listening to what is said, asking
knowledge on the organizational context and individual behaviour is gained
user-interface designers observe the users AND the interfaces they use at work
etnographic methods have been applied to office work, air-traffic control, other
Etnographic guidelines
field study
each collected data requires interpretation and attention for each situation
learning the technical language of the users is vital for obtaining rapport
rating scales or rankings should be used
anecdotes or critical incidents capture user experiences
written report summaries are also useful
working relationships may develop
users become active participants in the design of their new interface
Participatory design
Positive features
Negative features
Project leader
considers social and political environments
the right level of user involvement
personalities of the users and design team members
individual preferences and organizational politics are sometimes stronger than
technical issues
novelty is threatening to many people...
clear statements about what to expect when should be produced
Scenario development
for current interfaces data on the range and distribution of task frequencies and
sequences are available
if not available they should be logged from day to day operation
these data are crucial, particularly if a process known as business-process-re-
engineering is taking place
where the ts are single tasks and the fs are single frequencies for every user class
Another scenario
US Holocaust Museum and Education Center
A grandmother and her 10-and 12- year old grandsons have visited the museum
before. They have returned this time to the Learning Center to explore what life
was like inn her shetl in Poland in the 1930s. One grandson eagerly touches the
buttons on the welcome screen, and they watch the 45-second video introduction
by the museum director. They then select the button on “History before the
Holocaust” and choose to view a list of towns. Her small town is not on the list,
but she identifies the larger nearby city, and they get a brief textual description, a
map of the region, and a photograph of the marketplace.
Analysis of scenarios
written to give nontechnical museum planners and Board of Directors the idea of
what could be built if funding were provided
easy for people to grasp
convey design issues such as physical installation and development requirements
some scenario writers also produce video tapes, e.g.
Social impact
issues of technology - web, privacy, copyright, etc.
impact of new systems requires a statement (as in ecological policies) to promote
high quality systems in government related applications - Battle et al., (1994)
in the private sector reviews would be optional and self administered
an outline was suggested by Shneiderman and Rose (1996)
Social impact
written by the design team
early along the process design
accessible to users, managers, public
the statement is next evaluated by managers, other designers, end users, federal
government units, stte legislatures, regulatory agencies, professional societies, and
labor unions
once the social impact statement is adopted it must be enforced
effort, cost and time should be appropriate to the project
Statement consequences
it may offer large improvements by preventing problems that could be expensive to
improves privacy protection
minimizes legal chalenges
creates more satisfying work environments
the common goal is excellence in design
Legal Issues
every development process should include a review of legal issues that may affect
design, implementation or marketing
privacy: medicl, legal, financial, military...
illegal tampering, inadvertent loss, malicious mischief
privacy protection may involve user-interface mechanisms for controlling passwords,
file access, identity checking, data verification
encryption and decryption processes may involve complex dialog boxes to specific
safety and reliability:
Another issue
freedom of speech in electronic environments
are users allowed to make controversial/potentially offensive statements via e-mail?
must community standards hold?
are ntework operators responsible for or prohibited from eleiminating offensive or
obscene jokes, stories or images?
equal access for impaired persons
the most controversial issue for user-interface designers is: copyright and patent
protection for interfaces
fonts, lines, boxes, shading and colors cannot be accorded copyrights i.e. GUIs
cannot be protected
An example
the idea of working with many documents at once is not protectable (by multiple
windows) but that specific expressions of windows (colored frames, animation, etc.) is
are copyrights or patents more appropriate for user interfaces?
copyright is easy to obtain - a notice on the user interface and file an application -
last 75 years for a company and life +50 years for persons
patent is complex, slow and costly - last 17 years but are more enforceable
Copyright infringement
it is easy to detect if the copy is complete
what if there are partial copy, some elements are the same but not all of them
ordinary observers must be convinced that the copy is substantially similar to the
the evaluation plans might be a 2 years test with mutiple phases for an air-traffic-
control system or
a 3 day test with 6 users for a small internal accounting system
costs may vary from 10% of the project to 1%
not possible now to bypass usability testing
customers might file lawsuits to s/w vendors for errors
impossible to test the system in every possible situation
testing must include continuing methods to assess and repair problems during the
lifecycle of the interface
a decision must be made as to delivery after testing
most testing methods account for normal usage but stressful situations and partial
equipment failures should also be considered
more than 4000 members of the Usab.Prof. Ass. exchange ideas about these
Expert reviews
experts may belong to staff or be external consultants
reviews may be conducted rapidly
reviews may be performed early or late in the design phase: they provide
recommendations, a formal report or both
suggestions should be made cautiously (take care of the designer’s ego)
it is better to pinpoint problems than to provide solutions
solutions should be left to the designers
Usability labs
have emerged in different companies
they provide a positive image of the company
some are very large (16 labs at Boca Raton, IBM)
usability consultancy firms have started and may be hired
each lab may serve 10 to 15 projects a year; lab staff meets with the user interface
architect or manager at the kick off to make a test plan with scheduled dates and budget
usability staff participate in early task analysis, provide info on s/w tools, references
and help develop set of taks for the usability test
2 to 6 weeks before the test a detailed test plan is defined, inlcuding a list of tasksm
subjective satisfaction and debriefing questions
number of participants, source: customer site, personnel agency
a pilot test of procedures, tasks, questionnaires made 1 week ahead of time
final procedures are now defined
participants should always be treated with respect
informed that THEY are not tested, the system is
they will be told what they will be doing & for how long
participation should always be voluntary (informed consent)
a typical statement could be the following:
Statement of consent
I have freely volunteered to participate in this experiment
I have been informed in advance what my task(s) will be and what procedures will be
I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and have had my questions
answered to my satisfaction
I am aware that I have the right to withdraw consent and to discontinue participation at
any time, without prejudice to my future treatment
My signature below may be taken as affirmation of all the above statements; it was
given prior to my participation in ths study
discount usability engineering (Nielsen, 1992) which is a quick & dirty approach
(task analysis, prototype development, testing)
field test user realistic environments - portable usability labs with videotaping &
logging - a variant is to provide users with test versions of new s/w (Microsoft’s
Windows 95 was screened by 400.000 users!)
Testing conclusions
last approach compares different versions of the same interface or with other similar
interfaces intended for the same job
its name: competitive usability testing
it is important to construct parallel sets of tasks and counterbalance the order of
presentation of interfaces
usability has at least 2 serious limitations:
due to the above conclusions, usability tests must be integrated with other
measurements, i.e. with surveys
surveys are a familiar, inexpensive and generally acceptable companion for usability
tests and expert reviews
clear goals in advance + focused items helping to attain those goals
care in administration and data analysis
it should be prepared, reviewed among colleagues and tested with a small sample of
statistical analyses and presentations should be developed before the final survey is
survey goals may be tied to the components of the OAI model of interface design;
subjective impressions about the representation of:
task domain objects and actions
reasons for not using an interface - inadequate services, too complex, too slow
familiarity with features - printing, macros, shortcuts, tutorials
feelings after using an interface:
confused vs clear
frustrated vs in control
bored vs excited
Online surveys
avoid the cost and effort of printing, distributing and collecting paper forms
many people prefer to answer a short survey displayed on a screen (rather than
filling in and returning a printed form)
in a survey, a short scale with 5 values was provided
strongly agree
strongly disagree
online assistance
command structures
Other questionnaires
Coleman and Williges, 1985 developed a set of opposing features as reactions users
could have with an interface
pleasing vs irritating
simple vs complicated
concise vs redundant
readability of characters
meaningfulness of command names
helpfulness of error messages
User satisfaction
the questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction (QUIS) was developed by
Shneiderman and refined by Norman and Chin
It was based on early versions of the OAI model and covered interface details
readability of characers
layout of displays
interface objects
meaningfulness of icons
interface actions
task issues
Different questionnaires
the QUIS was developed and is available at Maryland Univ.
it includes website design and videoconferencing, based on over 50 questions
it is layered on two levels (general and detailed) and has been undertaken by over a
thousand users
other scales include the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire developed by
IBM and the SUS developed by Digital Corp.
Acceptance tests
explicit acceptance criteria should be established when the requirements document
is written
user friendly is vague, we rather use:
An acceptance specification
The subjects will be 35 secretaries hired from an employment agency. They have no
word-processing experience, but have typing skills in the range of 35 to 50 words per
minute. They will be given 45 minutes of training on the basic features. At least 30 of the
35 secretaries should be able to complete, within 30 minutes, 80 percent of the typing
and editing tasks in the enclosed benchmark test correctly.
another specification
After 4 days of regular use of the system, 25 of these 35 secretaries should be able to
carry out, within 20 minutes, the advanced editing tasks in the second benchmark test,
and should make fewer than six errors.
it focuses on performance after regular use
After two weeks, at least 15 of the test subjects should be recalled and should perform
the third benchmark test. In 40 minutes, at least 10 of the subjects should be able to
complete 75% of the tasks correctly.
Dopo due mesi, vengono richiamate 15 delle segretarie prima utilizzate. Gli viene
assegnato il compito di scrivere un brano per completare la fase di sperimentazione. In
40 minuti, almeno 10 segretarie devono essere in grado di completare almeno il 75%
del compito in modo corretto.
iit focuses on retention
still on acceptance testing
in a large system 8 to 10 tests will be carried out on ° components of the interface,
with different user communities
other criteria may be also considered:
subjective satisfaction
o/p comprensibility
system response time
installation procedures
printed documentation
graphics appeal
acceptance context
if precise acceptance criteria are established, both customer and interface developer
user friendliness is avoided (as a standard to comply with)
contractual fulfillment can be demonstrated
outside organizations may be more neutral
central goal of acceptance testing is not to detect flaws but to verify adherence to
Post acceptance
after acceptance, field testing is performed before international distribution
training methods, tutorial material, telephone help procedures, marketing and
publicity can all be improved
the evolutionary development is forced, in the pre-release phase, through
interviews with individual users can be productive since the interviewer may focus on
specific issues of concern
focus-group discussions are also valuable to generalize comments
a small fraction of the user community is involved since all contacts are expensive
and time consuming
yet contact with users leads to:specific & constructive suggestions
a large corporation conducted 45’ interviews with 66 of the 4300 users of an internal
message system
these interviews revealed that the users were happy with some aspects of the
functionality (the capacity to pick up messages at any site, the legibility of printed
messages and the convenience of after-hours access) but- out of all users -
23.6% had concerns about reliability
20.2% thought that using the system was confusing
18.2% said convenience and accessibility could be improved
16.0% expressed no concerns
system usage
speed of user performance
rate of errors
frequency of requests for online assistance
the highest fequency error is a candidate for attention
logging is positive but may break into personal grounds
links to specific user names should not be collected
monitoring individual activity should be known to users (when and what will be done
with the results)
manager and worker cooperation improves productivity
Online consultant
provides a very personal assistance
users feel reassured if they know there is a human available for help
such consultants are a good source for listing the problems met by users
some organizations offer a toll-free number for consultancy
AOL provides live chat rooms for discussion of user problems
users type their questions and get their answers
Getting help
many groups maintain a standard electronic-mail address of staff@organization that
allows users to get help
quick help at night from system analysts
e-mail can also be used to allow users to send messages to the maintainers or
an online suggestion box encourages to make productive comments
an online suggestion box invites comments, gets 10 to 20 a day including thoughtful
ones as this:
I find as I get searching through the various Web pages...that I am left with an
unsatisfied feeling. I have been sitting in front of the PC for close to an hour...and have
been stopped and/or slowed due to items that can be directly related to web server
First off, the entry pages are too big and disorganized. Those links that do exist do not
have adequate enough descriptions to direct a user to the information they desire. In
addition, the use of a search engine would greatly facilitate sifting through the
abundance of information that is thrown at the user with any one of these links.
Riguardo i riferimenti
Links should be short, sweet, and specific. Large amounts of material should not be
included in one document on a busy server...
Breaking up these larger documents into smaller, well organized documents may seem
to create an additional burden on programming. However, if intelligence is used in the
creation of such systems, it would not take much.
An Internet directory service for personal names can be found at Knowbot Information
Service with an invitation:
Place a compliment or a complaint in the KIS log file
managers recognize the power of controlled experiments
proposals are made for
the experiment may support a decision made providing change in the interface
fractions of users could be given the "new" version of the interface, performance is
next compared with the "control group"
dependent measures can be performance times, user-subjective satisfaction (on a
short scale), error ratesm user retention over time
novice experimenters are advised to collaborate with experienced social
open questions: