Everything by David A. White: Week 5 Lesson Plan: What Is Fair? Day 1
Everything by David A. White: Week 5 Lesson Plan: What Is Fair? Day 1
Everything by David A. White: Week 5 Lesson Plan: What Is Fair? Day 1
Day 1
Time: 1 hour
Adapted from Philosophy for Kids: 40 Fun Questions that Help You Wonder About
Everything by David A. White
SWBAT: discuss justice in different situations, create their own definitions of justice,
Materials: Printed skit, folders.
Introduction: 5 minutes
Begin by writing this question on the board: Are you a fair and just person? Ask the
students to take a few minutes to answer the question in their notebooks, giving at least
two reasons for their answer.
Ask the students to write down their choice and a brief explanation why. When most are
finished writing, ask for volunteers to discuss their answers to the first question—are you
just? And then the second—what should I do about the calculator? What does this
situation tell us about justice? What does justice mean?
Transition: Can you think of a situation where it would not be right to return someone’s
Allow the students to choose a reaction and write why, briefly. Share answers. Then
discuss what each letter might suggest about justice (For example, choice D might help
the friend, but it avoids the issue of who the sword should go to).
Choose a Big Question from the Class Poster to discuss.
Day 2
As a break in the program, students will complete an art project that promotes pride in
their club.
1. Design a t-shirt for Philosophy Club.
2. Create posters for other schools advertising Philosophy Club.
3. Create Philosophy business cards.
4. Create Sock-rates puppets. (Sock puppets!)