Evidence Based Medicine in Neurosurgery PDF
Evidence Based Medicine in Neurosurgery PDF
Evidence Based Medicine in Neurosurgery PDF
Editorial 1
The concept evidence-based medicine (EBM), although in participation in decision making.4,5 One common implemen-
vogue since long, has been gradually making its space in the tation of EBM involves the use of clinical practice guidelines
neurosurgical practice for the past four decades. The propo- during medical decision making to encourage effective care.
nents propose it as a new paradigm of health care on which The Institute of Medicine (IOM) defines clinical guidelines as
every treatment modality must be based, and on the other “systematically developed statements to assist practitioner
extreme, there is skepticism in EBM taking a significant role and patient decisions about appropriate health care for
in management of neurosurgical ailments. The debate will specific clinical circumstances.”3
vary from deception to the final truth. Nevertheless, this It is difficult to exaggerate the resonance of EBM in con-
concept will evolve with days to come, but it needs to be temporary health care. Many observers have elevated EBM
understood in all aspects, including its pros and cons with a to a new international health care “paradigm.”6 Many parties
need to improve it in many aspects. In this article, we focus have jumped into this subject, and many clinical practice
on unique problems of universal application of this concept guidelines are being framed by individuals, professional
in neurosurgery. organizations, insurers, and others that the benefits of uni-
Evidence-based medicine is commonly defined as “the formity may disappear when there are so many overlapping,
conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best conflicting, and poorly constructed guidelines. With more
evidence in making decisions about the care of individual than 1,000 guidelines created annually, calls for “guidelines
patients.”1 The term is loosely used and can refer to anything for clinical guidelines” have been issued.7,8 This is perhaps
from conducting a statistical meta-analysis of accumulated what Arthur Doyle in his work stated “There is nothing
research, promoting randomized clinical trials (RCTs), more deceptive than an obvious fact.” The work on EBM was
supporting uniform reporting styles for research, and formu- motivated, in part, as a response to the accusations made by
lating a personal orientation toward critical self-evaluation. Archibald Cochrane in his book, Effectiveness and E fficiency,
EBM was initially defined in opposition to clinical experience, which Hill describes as a “a biting scientific critique of
but later definitions have emphasized its complementary medical practice.” In it, Cochrane accuses that many of the
character and have aimed to improve clinical experience treatments, interventions, tests, and procedures used in
with better evidence. It was in the late 1970s when a group medicine had no evidence to demonstrate their effectiveness
of researchers in Canada’s McMaster University authored a and may, in fact, be doing more harm than good.9 Cochrane
group of manuscripts on how to critically appraise scientific promoted the use of RCTs as the best means of demonstrating
information and the term “evidence-based medicine” made the efficacy of a therapy or an intervention, as well as the
first appearance in 1990 at the same university. The term concept of “efficient health care,” that is, using the available
subsequently appeared in print in the American College of health care resources to “maximize the delivery of effec-
Physicians (ACP) journal club in 1991.2 In contrast to EBM, tive interventions.”10 A large group of researchers based in
comparative effectiveness research (CER) is defined as “The Canada and the United States formed the first international
generation and synthesis of evidence that compares the ben- EBM working group and published “The User’s Guide to the
efits and harms of alternate methods to prevent, diagnose, Medical Literature,” in JAMA between 1993 and 2000, as a
treat and monitor a clinical condition or to improve the deliv- 25-part series that still resonates today. These papers were
ery of care.”3 All definitions of EBM involve three overlapping later turned into a textbook on EBM.2,10 At the same time,
processes: systemic review of the available scientific studies, when there was tremendous change in EBM, a need was felt
integration of such data with clinical experience, and patient for the applicability of the same to the neurologic surgery.11
sham controls, problems with patient accrual (particularly the application of health care resources to the situations in
where there is a small sample size), and preferences and which there is “high-quality evidence” of efficacy. As has
variability in surgical proficiency and techniques.26,27 Some already been shown, there are many patients and many sit-
surgeons may wish to avoid RCTs to avoid the risk of having uations for which this evidence will not be available anytime
their innovative procedures deemed ineffective.28 Such an in the foreseeable future. The lack of evidence may be used
attitude clearly represents a conflict of interest between the as a cost-cutting tool to deny patient’s treatment for condi-
patient and surgeon. tions where there is nothing “proven” effective, even though
Evidence-based medicine is not evidence based; that is, it accepting an unproven treatment may be what the patient
does not meet its own empirical tests for efficacy.17,29,30 There decides is the most attractive option.
is no convincing evidence that physicians practicing EBM The attitudes of clinicians toward EBM require more
provide better health care than those who do not.17 EBM ad- research,17,34,35 as well as methods to overcome their skep-
vocates might argue that because EBM is not a test, a therapy, ticism.34,36,37,38,39 In considering the relevance of a p
or an intervention, it does not require the same level of ev- source of evidence, it is imperative that neurosurgery trainees
idence for support. This argument is misleading in that the be provided with guidance on adopting a sound methodology
tremendous resources required to support and practice EBM that helps avoid errors caused by deliberate and nondeliber-
are ignored.15 According to the principles of EBM, compelling ate distortions of fact. These include u nscrupulous financial
evidence should be provided before the expenditure of these stakeholders who attempt to seduce c linicians into believ-
resources. Instead, EBM demands and consumes health care ing an unproven and ineffective treatment is efficacious,
resources with no evidence to support the expenditure.15 politically biased, or financially motivated publication com-
The usefulness of applying EBM to individual patients is panies, or simple, unintentional clinician bias that has found
limited.23,31,32 Outcome assessments are probabilistic; they do its way into the results of a study through bad design.40 In
not guarantee what might be efficacious in individual cases. one of the studies that was an RCT comparing arthroplasty
For each patient, a neurosurgeon should therefore exercise with cervical fusion, the authors claimed an earlier return to
his/her clinical judgment, fully inform the patient and their work for the arthroplasty group. The difference reached sta-
family of all the treatment options, and honor particular pa- tistical significance. When asked, the presenter explained the
tient values. Neurosurgeons might thus feel frustrated at the difference: patients who underwent fusion were prescribed
thought of being forced to apply generalized research findings a collar. With a collar, they did not or were not allowed to
to individual patients when their clinical expertise tells them work.41 This may be summarized by a famous quote of M. K.
they should be doing otherwise. Many of the neurosurgical Gandhi “An error does not become a truth by reason of mul-
guidelines are treatment options rather than standards. The tiplied propagation nor does truth become an error because
clinician should scrutinize guidelines and be confident with nobody sees it.” Recently a growing awareness of the poor
his/her procedural design and expected outcomes before ap- quality of reporting in medical research literature has eme
plying them to any patients. The clinician should compare the rged.42,43,44 Selective reporting of data, incomplete listing of
individual patient with the class of patients considered in the interventions, problematic conclusions, and u nclear meth-
studies being referred to for supporting evidence of a clinical odologies have plagued many papers. In neurosurgery,
decision or a particular guideline. The clinician should also these d eficiencies are particularly profound. Despite the
view the evidence in the context of a locally appropriate ho- well-known preeminence of RCTs,22 these are scarce in the
listic model of health care, which takes into account cultur- neurosurgery literature even when compared with general
al, religious, geographical, social/resource/economy-related, surgery or other surgical s ubspecialties.35–37 Moreover, under
and medicolegal factors in determining the applicability of close examination, neurosurgical RCTs as a group have
the implementation of EBM in a particular instance.6 shown many flaws. In a survey of 108 RCTs on neurosurgery
Owing to small patient populations, uncommon diseases procedures during a 36-year span, underpowered trials and
are hard to study with EBM methods.31 EBM threatens the inadequate design reporting are widespread.38
autonomy of the physician-patient relationship.9,15,31,33 This It is estimated that less than 1% of published papers in lead-
may result in limiting the patient’s right to choose what is ing neurosurgical journals are RCTs. Although there are many
best in his/her individual circumstances. Sackett addresses barriers to performing high-quality RCTs in surgery, one
the “fear that Evidence-Based Medicine will be hijacked by of the most common—and difficult to overcome—is lack of
purchasers and managers to cut the costs of health care” equipoise. This term means “genuine uncertainty within the
by simply stating that this fear is a fundamental misunder- expert medical community” on the optimal approach for a
standing of the financial consequences of EBM, and that certain medical condition. RCTs are ethical and feasible only
physicians practicing EBM “may raise rather than lower the when there is clinical equipoise between the treatment arms
cost” of their patient care.1 The strongest EBM opponents of a trial. Lack of clinical equipoise affected the National
think that EBM is particularly susceptible to hijacking by Institutes of Health–sponsored SPORT (Spine Patient
organizational cost containers.33 Charlton and Miles state Outcomes Research Trial) study, which contained an RCT
that “EBM involves a takeover of the clinical consultation that compared surgery versus conservative management for
by an alliance of managers and their statistical technocrats symptomatic lumbar disc herniation. The high crossover rate
... easily regulated by politicians, bureaucrats and their sta- (30% of patients crossed from the nonoperative cohort to the
tistical technicians.”15 Logically, EBM could be used to limit operative cohort within 3 months) suggested that clinicians,
patients, or both felt that surgery provided a higher chance aim of a physician is to help the patient achieve health by
of clinical benefit after 6 weeks of failed conservative man- the best possible management and that can be understood
agement. Conversely, almost as many patients randomized to only when we are aware of the inherent weaknesses in the
receive surgery did not undergo an operation, indicating that trials and their interpretation. On research level, we need to
patients had strong opinions favoring the role of conservative have better designed RCT and clinical trial registries to im-
treatment when symptoms were mild or improving. In retro- prove quality of research data. Neurosurgery training should
spect, the lack of clinical equipoise limited the ability of this include a sound knowledge of the principles of EBM, and the
study to detect better outcomes from surgery. organizations must develop policies and guidelines after ana-
Other major challenge in performing RCTs in neurosur- lyzing the available evidence and its applicability in the local
gery are the heterogeneity of the disease entity; that is, a social, cultural, and economic surroundings. This is especially
disease entity that is subjected to scrutiny is not similar in important in developing countries as most of the guidelines
all patients like an anterior communicating artery aneurysm come from developed areas that may not be possible to ad-
may not be similar in all two cases that we have randomized here to in our circumstances in many cases.
to two arms of treatment, so results will not be correct.
Financial Support and Sponsorship
A further challenge in studying novel neurosurgical proce-
dures is the learning curve characteristics, both of individual
practitioners and new technologies in a broader sense. The Conflicts of Interest
rapid changes in endovascular techniques are a good exam- There are no conflicts of interest.
ple of latter.45–48 One of the criticisms of International Sub-
arachnoid Aneurysm Trial (ISAT) was that the learning curve Acknowledgment
of surgeons was not taken into consideration whereas it was None.
considered for interventionists. Another major concern is
misinterpretation in many trials. Multiple examples in this References
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