EECS 203: Discrete Mathematics Fall 2019 Discussion 2 Notes: 1 Definitions
EECS 203: Discrete Mathematics Fall 2019 Discussion 2 Notes: 1 Definitions
EECS 203: Discrete Mathematics Fall 2019 Discussion 2 Notes: 1 Definitions
Fall 2019
Discussion 2 Notes
1 Definitions
• Predicate:
• Universal quantifier:
• Existential quantifier:
• Nested Quantifiers:
2 Exercises
1. Exercise 1.4.12
Let Q(x) be the statement “x + 1 > 2x”. If the domain consists of all integers, what are
these truth values?
a) Q(0)
b) Q(−1)
c) Q(1)
d) ∃xQ(x)
e) ∀xQ(x)
f) ∃x¬Q(x)
g) ∀x¬Q(x)
2. Exercise 1.4.25
Let P (x) be “x is perfect”; let F (x) be “x is your friend”; and let the domain (universe of
discourse) be all people. Translate each of these statements into logical expressions using
predicates, quantifiers, and logical connectives.
a) No one is perfect.
3. Exercise 1.4.40
Translate these system specifications into English where the predicate S(x, y) is “x is in
state y” and where the domain for x and y consists of all systems and all possible states,
a) ∃xS(x, open)
d) ∃x¬S(x, available)
e) ∀x¬S(x, working)
4. Exercise 1.5.4
Let P(x, y) be the statement “Student x has taken class y,” where the domain for x consists
of all students in your class and for y consists of all computer science courses at your school.
Express each of these quantifications in English.
a) ∃x∃yP (x, y)
b) ∃x∀yP (x, y)
c) ∀x∃yP (x, y)
d) ∃y∀xP (x, y)
e) ∀y∃xP (x, y)
f) ∀x∀yP (x, y)
5. Exercise 1.5.23
Express each of these mathematical statements using predicates, quantifiers, logical connec-
tives, and mathematical operators.
d) A negative real number does not have a square root that is a real number.
6. Exercise 1.5.31
Express the negations of each of these statements.
a) ∀x∃y∀zT (x, y, z)
7. Not in Book 1
Using ONLY Natural Deduction, prove
(p → q) ∨ q