Leica DM E: WWW - Ryfag.ch
Leica DM E: WWW - Ryfag.ch
Leica DM E: WWW - Ryfag.ch
Ryf AG
Bettlachstrasse 2
2540 Grenchen
tel 032 654 21 00
fax 032 654 21 09
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Figure 1
1.0 Introduction
The installation of the Koehler kit is best done by an authorized Leica Microsystems Service or
Sales Representative, but can be done by anyone who has mechanical experience.
Koehler Illumination provides bright and level illumination and allows you to precisely center
the condenser as well as eliminate stray light from entering the field of view with the use of a
field diaphragm. This is done by a combination of precision optics, condenser adjustment, and
adjusting a field diaphragm so only the field of view is illuminated. The proper adjustment for
Koehler illumination is described after the installation instructions.
Check that you have the following components in your Koehler illumination Kit (see page 1):
2.0 Installation
1 Unplug the microscope and remove the eyepieces.
2 Raise the stage to the highest position using the microscope coarse focus control knob.
3 Lower the condenser to the lowest position using the condenser focus control knob.
4 Using the Allen wrench which came with the microscope, remove the two alignment set
screws which are holding the condenser in place. Save these alignment set screws for
possible later use.
6 Raise the condenser bracket to the highest position using the condenser focus.
7 Remove the blue daylight filter from the underside of the condenser. Save this filter for
possible later use.
8 Insert the lens holder from the Koehler kit into the underside of the condenser.
9 Using the 2.5mm wrench provided with the Koehler kit, remove the mounting bolts holding
down the light port window to the microscope stand.
10 Remove the light port window. Save this for possible later use.
12 Carefully tip the microscope on its back and remove the 4 screws holding the rubber feet.
13 While holding the base in place with one hand, tip the microscope back onto its base to its
normal operating position.
15 Looking into the light port, you will see a lens held into a circular fixture with a mounting
ring. At the six o’clock position of the circular fixture (closest to you) there is a notch.
16 Insert the ball of the 2.5mm wrench into the notch and pull up on the mounting ring.
The mounting ring should pop out of the light port.
17 Hold a tissue over the light port and turn the base upside down. The lens will fall into the
tissue. Save this for possible later use.
19 Take the aspherical lens which is provided with the Koehler kit and insert it into the light
port so that the diffused, spherical side is flush with the bottom of the light port. You will be
able to see this through the opened lamp door.
20 Close the lamp door securely.
21 Hold the aspherical lens in the light port and turn the base right side up again.
22 Drop the mounting ring into the light port so it surrounds the aspherical lens.
23 Using the ball end of the 2.5mm wrench, press one of the opened ends of the mounting ring
into the groove around the circumference of the lens. Put tissue on one of your fingers and
hold this end of the mounting ring into the groove.
24 Using the other hand with the ball end of the 2.5mm wrench, run the ball around the
circumference of the lens pressing the mounting ring into the groove along the way.
25 Once the mounting ring is in the groove, use an air syringe or slightly blow on the aspherical
lens to remove any dust. Using a lens tissue if necessary, remove any fingerprints or marks.
26 Lift the stand and reposition it over the base, making sure to align the back plate with the
stand’s groove.
27 Tip the microscope on its back holding the base with one hand.
28 Remount the four rubber feet with screws and tip the microscope back onto the base,
returning it to it’s normal operating position.
29 Reconnect the power cord into the back of the microscope and rettach the cord wrap /
lock if necessary.
30 Position the field diaphragm with protective window onto the light port so the
holes in the stand align with the holes in the field diaphragm and the lever for the
field diaphragm assembly is facing you.
31 Using the 2.5mm wrench and the mounting screws provided, attach the field diaphragm
to the microscope.
33 Install the condenser into the condenser bracket so the numbers on the condenser are
facing forward and the pin on the back of the condenser is aligned with the slot in the
condenser bracket.
34 Screw the condenser centering screws into the condenser bracket simultaneously
until the pin in the rear of the condenser is half way into the notch.
35 Raise the condenser to the top position with the condenser focus
3.0 Proper Adjustment
1 Reset the eyepieces, then plug in the microscope power cord and turn it on.
2 Lower the stage using the microscope focus adjustment control knob and put a standard
stained microscope slide on the stage.
3 Rotate the nosepiece to move the 10x objective into working position.
4 Raise the stage using the microscope coarse adjustment focus knob until you reach its
positive stop. Using the fine adjustment knob, bring the specimen into sharp focus.
6 Adjust for eye difference focus (for binocular and trinocular bodies).
7 Close your left eye and focus on the specimen with your right eye using the fine focus knob.
8 Close your right eye and focus on the specimen by rotating the left focusable eyepiece tube.
9 While viewing through the microscope, close the field diaphragm which you have just
installed using the field diaphragm lever. You will see the iris leaves imaged within the field
of view.
10 Using the condenser adjustment focusing knob, focus the condenser until the leaves of the
field diaphragm are in sharp focus.
11 Center the image of the field diaphragm by turning the condenser centering screws.
This is best accomplished by rotating the two screws simultaneously. After centering,
open the field diaphragm until the iris leaves disappear just beyond the field of view.
12 Remove an eyepiece and view the back aperture of the objective. Close the condenser
diaphragm and then reopen the condenser diaphragm leaves until approximately 20% of
the leaves fill your field of view. This will obtain the full resolving power of the microscope.
Replace the eyepiece.
13 When changing to other objectives, the positions of the condenser and field diaphragms
must be reset as in steps 6 – 9 above for optimum resolution and contrast.