RANS Simulation of Turbulent Diffusive Combustion Using Open Foam
RANS Simulation of Turbulent Diffusive Combustion Using Open Foam
RANS Simulation of Turbulent Diffusive Combustion Using Open Foam
Schemes to write the flow equations in discreet form, solution solvers, pre and post data processing
utilities provided by OpenFoam libraries, are used to build a finite volume executable for simulating a
low speed, turbulent and rate controlled diffusive CH4 -Air combustion. Unsteady Favre’s averaged
turbulent conservation equations (total mass, momentum, energy and species mass fractions), are
used to describe the combustion gas dynamics, and to handle turbulence a modified k-ε model is
applied. Several global kinetic mechanisms, one step, two and four steps have been considered to
describe the oxidation process of CH4 in a free jet type flame. The interaction between chemistry
and turbulence, is modeled according to the partially stirred reactor (PaSR) concept. To improve
convergence and accuracy in solving low speed fluid dynamic equations, a pressure implicit with
splitting of operators (PISO) technique extended to cover high temperature flows, is utilized. The
exponential dependence of the chemical kinetics from temperature, makes stiffs the ODE’s needed
to determine source average values with which the species conservation equations are solved. To
deal with the stiffness issue, OpenFoam provides numerical schemes that guaranties the stability
of the computation. Comparisons between results of numerical simulations and experimental data
obtained with the benchmark known as flame “D”, are presented.
A0 pre-exponential factor ∆t time step
D̄k mean species molecular diffusion coefficient ε turbulent kinetic energy dissipation
hs sensible enthalpy κ volume reactive fraction
k turbulent kinetic energy λ thermal conductivity coefficient
p pressure µ molecular viscosity coefficient
Prl Prandtl number µt turbulent viscosity coefficient
RR reaction rate µe f f efective viscosity coefficient
T temperature ρ density
Ta activation temperature τi j viscous stress tensor
r pilot inlet radius τch chemical time
u velocity τmix mixing time
Vk diffusion velocity of specie k ω̇k production/consumption rate of specie k
Yk mass fraction of specie k ω̇T heat released by combustion
Wk molecular weight of specie k e Favre averaged quantity
Vp control volume ¯ Reynolds averaged quantity
et al. (2011), have show the utilization of included in the OpenFoam solvers library, has
OpenFoam to treat incompressible aerodynamic been selected.
problems. Turbo machinery applications have
The flame D develops in a low speed envi-
been reported by Beaudoin and Jasak (2008),
ronment, however due to strong temperature
Mangani (2008), Muntean et al. (2009) and
changes associated with chemical heat release
Benajes et al. (2014). Diesel engine combus-
(300 ≤ T < 2500 K), compressible effects arise.
tion modeling, including spray simulation are
When the Mach number goes to zero, the com-
presented by Nordin (2001), Kärrholm et al.
pressible governing equations should in a con-
(2008) and Novella et al. (2011). Marzouk and
tinuous sense, approach their incompressible
Huckaby (2010), have made studies of chemical
counterpart and density tends to become inde-
kinetics models related to syngas burning.
pendent of pressure. Then, the continuity equa-
Here are presented results for the piloted free tion is no suitable to compute the density as
jet flame D, a benchmark case carefully stud- a dependent variable wherein the pressure is
ied experimentally in the Combustion Research evaluated from it via an equation of state. To
Facility of Sandia National Laboratories (USA). handle these issues, methods based on solving
The available experimental data covers the pe- a new transport equation for pressure is for-
riod 1998-2007 Barlow and Frank (1998), Bar- mulated. Here the pressure-velocity coupling
low and Frank (2007). Nooren et al. (2000) solution method known as PISO (for pressure
made contributions on subjects related to turbu- implicit with splitting of operators) applicable
lence effects in CH4 -air jet flames and on mea- to compressible flow is employed (Issa (1986),
surements techniques. Temperature and species Benajes et al. (2014)). Further details about
mass fractions measurements have been con- the PISO method are given in the section where
ducted using Raman-Rayleigh scattering tech- fundamental aspects of numerical techniques
niques. It prevents possible inconsistencies are treated.
in comparing Favre averaged predictions with
All openFoam codes are built for a three di-
Reynolds averaged measurements. In addition,
mensional (3D) space and all meshes have to
the flame D has a small probability of local ex-
be defined in a 3D manner. However, the
tinction Barlow and Frank (2007), becoming
shape of the computational domain in which
suitable for comparisons with models not in-
the simulations are carried out is axial symmet-
cluding a flame extinction criteria.
ric. In OpenFoam, an axial symmetric wedge
When finite rate chemistry processes are con- shaped geometry can be generated by defin-
sidered, a decision has to be made about ki- ing first a 3D mesh, and thereafter specify-
netic mechanisms to be used, since it could ing front and back sides of the axial symmet-
have a great impact on computing times. In ric domain as wedge patches where appropri-
line with the main purpose of this work, gain- ate boundary conditions are applied. Details
ing experience on the use of openFoam to build for generating axial symmetric wedge shaped
executable solvers and testing its usefulness to geometries using blockMesh (utility for gen-
study turbulent diffusive combustion, simplified erating simple meshes with blocks of hexahe-
reaction mechanisms for the oxidation of CH4 dral cells) and employing wedge patch from
fuel have been examined. The types of mech- libfiniteVolume library can be found on the
anisms studied include one reaction step Bui- openFoam user guide OpenCFD (2009)1 .
Pham (1992), two reaction steps (Westbrook
It is assumed that the Navier-Stokes equations
and Dryer (1981)), with Andersen et al. (2009)
are to a multi-species reacting gas also appli-
rates, and the Wang et al. (2012) modifica-
cable, and that conservation equations (continu-
tion adding a H2 oxidation reaction, and four
ity, momentum, species and energy) in RANS
reaction steps proposed by Jones and Lindst-
simulations can be written in terms of mass
edt (1988) where reverse parameters used in CO
weighted Favre averages Favre (1969). With
and H2 oxidation’s, are now calculated using
this formalism, the averaged balance equations
equilibrium constants Wang et al. (2012). Two
become Poinsot and Veynante (2005):
and four steps mechanisms were programed for
use with openFoam. In each cell of the compu- Global mass
tational domain and for every flow time step, the
calculation of each species source term requires ∂ρ̄ ∂
+ (ρ̄ uei ) = 0 (1)
the integration of ordinary differential equations ∂t ∂xi
(ODE’s). However, these ODE’s are stiff and 1 The wedge patches technique has been successfully ap-
to guaranty stability the semi implicit numerical plied in computing supersonic-hypersonic flows around ax-
method of Bader and Deuflhard (1983) (SIBS) isymmetric blunt bodies Gutiérrez et al. (2012)
L. F. Gutiérrez et al. / JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 669-682, 2016.
where ”Y ” ≈ −µ ∂Yk
ρ̄ ug (8)
i k
Dp ∂ p̄ ∂ p̄
= + uei (5) where µt is the turbulent viscosity. By adding
Dt ∂t ∂xi
both laminar and turbulent diffusion fluxes, the
Note that these equations are formally identical corresponding terms in the species conservation
to the classic Reynolds averaged equations for equation (Eq. 3) can be written
constant density flows.
∂ ( )
ρ̄Vk,iYk + ρ̄ ug
”Y ” ≈ (9)
L. F. Gutiérrez et al. / JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 669-682, 2016.
L. F. Gutiérrez et al. / JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 669-682, 2016.
∫ t+∆t [ ∫ ∫
d where n − 1 and n denotes successive time lev-
ρϕd V + ∇ · (ϕρU)d V −
t dt VP VP els. Discrete equations for momentum and en-
∫ ] ∫ t+∆t [∫ ]
ergy can be derived from Eq. 29 by replacing ϕ
∇ · (Γϕ ∇ϕ)d V dt = Sϕ (ϕ)d V dt
VP t VP with ue and hes respectively 2 .
2 Note that difussive terms need some special considera-
(26) tions
L. F. Gutiérrez et al. / JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 669-682, 2016.
( ( ) ) ( )
It is said in the introduction that the pressure- e p − ∇· ρ(aP )−1 ∇p = 0
∇· ψ(aP )−1 H U
velocity coumpling solution algorithm PISO
will be employed. Here the PISO method is out-
lined and its implementatio described. Issa in-
troduce de novel idea of PISO methodology Issa (33)
(1986), Jasak gives a apropriate description for
the openFoam enviroment Jasak (2007), Jasak It should be noted that this equation has the
(1996). Starting from following semi-discrete standard form of Eq. 29 (rate of change, con-
form of the momentum equation: vective and difussive terms), and discretiza-
tion of any standard form equation can be han-
( ) dle in a stable, accurate and bounded man-
aP U e − ∇p̄
e nP = H U (30) ner Jasak (2007). Next it is showing how the
PISO method is applied within the openFoam’s
environment and Fig. 2 shows corresponding
( )
e = RP − ∑ aN U nN
H U (31) 1. Momentum equations are assembled and
solved (first predictor step) 3
L. F. Gutiérrez et al. / JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 669-682, 2016.
L. F. Gutiérrez et al. / JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 669-682, 2016.
L. F. Gutiérrez et al. / JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 669-682, 2016.
L. F. Gutiérrez et al. / JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 669-682, 2016.
exp ing Jones and Lindstedt four steps mechanism
2200 BP with experiments, have shown no mayor dif-
2000 WDM ferences when the temperature raises, a small
JL improvement where the heat release should
1600 be stronger and some deterioration when the
burned gases are diluted by mixing with the
to follow the ascending branch of the exper-
imental curve, but a greater divergence in its
descending branch. In relation to the behav-
0.02 0.002
ior of the H2 O simulation, it seems that the
one step mechanism provides the best results
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 (Fig. 6(d)). The CO and H2 mass fractions cal-
x/r x/r
Fig. 5. H2 and CO center line distributions. culated through the Westbrook and Dryer mod-
ified two steps mechanism by adding a H2 oxi-
dation rate, seem to be best approach to experi-
adiabatic flame temperature below values pre- mental values (Fig. 5).
dicted by Bui Pham one step reaction mecha- Simulation times needed to practical reach
nism. steady state conditions are derived after apply-
In addition to the fact that the burned gas con- ing the ||L2 || norm to selected variables residu-
tains incompletely oxidized species, it is also als. Typical results obtained for flow parameters
recognized that typical hydrocarbons burn in a (p, T), species O2 (reactant) and H2 O (product)
sequential manner, that is, the fuel is partially in one and four steps combustion mechanisms,
oxidized to CO and H2 . To account for this ef- are plotted inf Fig. 7(a) and Fig. 7(b). It can
fect of incomplete conversion of CH4 and O2 be concluded that in each of plotted variables
reactants to products CO2 and H2 O, Westbrook a 10−6 precision value is achieved with a com-
and Dryer have introduced the two steps mech- putation time of not more that one second.
anism adding a CO oxidation reaction. This two
reactions model is also applied to the methane’s
flame and temperature results are included in This work has two main proposes. First, to
Fig. 4. It can be seen that the addition of the show how an executable code to numerically
CO - CO2 equilibrium provides a somewhat simulate a rate controlled and turbulent diffu-
better adiabatic flame temperature. Suppos- sive combustion process, can be built using the
edly, further refinements in expressing dissoci- set of libraries provided by openFoam. Second,
ated effects on burned gas temperature would to demonstrate what so good are simulations
lead to additional improvements. In this sense, carried out using the code. It is estimated that
the H2 oxidation in the Westbrook and Dryer the first purpose has been accomplished but the
was added, however the flame temperature re- second has been only partially because it pro-
sults did not substantially improved, if com- duced results that should be conceptualized as
pared with the original two steps mechanism. not completely satisfactory. Going from one
step to two steps, and even to four steps hy-
Comparisons of plotted simulations results us-
L. F. Gutiérrez et al. / JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 669-682, 2016.
0.2 BP 0.2
Y[CH4] 0.15 JL 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
x/r (a) x/r (b)
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
x/r (c) x/r (d)
Fig. 6. CH4 ,O2 ,H2 O, CO2 center line distributions.
0.001 p 0.001 p
O2 O2
0.0001 H2O 0.0001 H2O
1e-05 1e-05
1e-06 1e-06
1e-07 1e-07
1e-08 1e-08
1e-09 1e-09
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
t[s] (a) t[s] (b)
Fig. 7. Residuals of O2 , H2 O, T and p for BP (a) and JL (b) chemical models.
L. F. Gutiérrez et al. / JAFM, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 669-682, 2016.