1005hans PDF
1005hans PDF
1005hans PDF
Cepstrum Analysis
The cepstrum is a relative of the well-known autocorrelation,
RAA(t), which can be derived from the autospectrum as:
RAA (t ) = F -1 (SAA ( f )) (1)
where F-1is the inverse Fourier transform and SAA(f) is the au-
tospectrum. RAA(t) is in the time domain (more properly the lag-
time domain. The autocorrelation reveals the delay information
inherent in a periodic autospectrum. One example is identification
of acoustic reflections.
The cepstrum is derived similarly; it is the inverse Fourier
transform of the logarithm of the autospectrum:
C AA (t ) = F -1 log (SAA ( f )) } (2)
This has two implications:
• The logarithm boosts lower levels of the autospectrum. This
means that a low-level part of the spectrum that holds periodic
information that would not show in the autocorrelation will
show in the cepstrum.
• As noted previously, the response spectrum is the product of
the excitation spectrum and the spectrum of the transfer path:
Y(f)=H(f) X(f) or in power terms:
SYY ( f ) = H ( f ) SXX ( f )
The cepstrum of the response spectrum becomes:
{ } { (
CYY (t ) = F -1 log (SYY ( f )) = F -1 log H ( f )
)} + F {log (S
XX ( f ))} (4)
which means that the effect of the transfer path on the excitation
Figure 3. (a) Baseband time signal; (b) Baseband spectrum; (c) Envelope of
filtered time signal; (d) Envelope spectrum. is additive in the cepstrum, and the two can be separated in the
analysis, as will be shown later.
Second Modulation. As stated, the engagement of a local fault The term cepstrum looks like a spelling error and is often cor-
produces an impact force. If the engagements are subjected to the rected by proof readers. It is not an error; the term has been chosen
same (radial) load, the resulting pulse train will be uniform as to give the function a scent of “spectrum” because it is advanta-
shown in Figure 2. The fault in the outer, stationary race of the geous to consider the cepstrum as the spectrum of (the logarithm
bearing is subjected to the same load for each over roll of the ball. of) the autospectrum.
A fault on the rotating inner race, on the other hand, is subjected To support this perception, all terms related to the cepstrum are
to a varying load, where the frequency of the load variation is the warped versions of the corresponding spectrum terms:
RPM of the inner race. Consequently, the envelope signal will be • Spectrum: cepstrum
amplitude modulated as shown in Figure 2. This is a real ampli- • Frequency: quefrency
tude modulation that will show in the envelope spectrum. This • Harmonics: rahmonics
modulation should not be confused with the (pseudo) modulation • Low-pass filter: short-pass lifter
of the structural resonances that is demodulated by the envelope • High-pass filter: long-pass lifter
analysis. The lifters are used to edit the cepstrum prior to a Fourier trans-
Ship Propeller Shaft. Figure 3a shows the vibration signal form back to a spectrum, the frequency domain:
measured on a bearing of a ship propeller shaft. The signal clearly
shows some impact events, and an audio playback of the vibra- Liftered Spectrum: log (SLL ( f )) = F {Lifter (t ) Cepstrum(t )} (5)