Improving The Security and Flexibility of One-Time Passwords by Signature Chains
Improving The Security and Flexibility of One-Time Passwords by Signature Chains
Improving The Security and Flexibility of One-Time Passwords by Signature Chains
3 2003,
While the classical attack of “monitor the network and intercept the password” can be avoided by
advanced protocols like SSH, one-time passwords are still considered a viable alternative or a supplement
for software authentication since they are the only ones that safeguard against attacks on insecure client
machines. In this paper by using public-key techniques we present a method called signature chain
alternative to Lamport’s hash chain to improve security and flexibility of one-time passwords. Our
proposition improves the security because first, like other public-key authentication protocols, the server
and the user do not share a secret, thereby eliminating attacks on the server side. Second, from any
incorrectly revealed one-time password, unspent passwords cannot be calculated if a signature chain is
preferred. Having an infinite length, the chain in our proposition is more flexible and facilitates using
the protocol without the complexity of restarting. On the other hand, the disadvantage of signature chain
is the longer verification time with respect to hash chain based approaches.
Key Words: authentication, hash chain, signature chain, public-key authentication protocol, one-time
password, network security.
1. Introduction
Authentication is the process by which a system can determine whether or not a given user is who he/she
claims to be. Authentication is the key for information security since if the authentication mechanism is
compromised, the rest of the security measures are bypassed as well.
It is widely accepted that authentication uses one or more one of the followings.
The last alternative, passwords are the most widely used method for authentication. This is due to
its convenience and low cost. While the others depend on specialized hardware devices, this method can be
fully utilized by using only software techniques. This is why it is sometimes called “software authentication”.
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Other than inconvenience and cost, the first 2 alternatives have their own problems. We do not explain these
but refer instead to some references [1-3].
The classical way of authentication via passwords in early protocols like telnet is composed of 4 steps:
2. Client machine sends the name and password across the network.
Since in this basic protocol the password is transmitted across the network in plaintext (without any
encryption), anybody that can intercept the password can use it later for impersonation. This simple attack
was the initial motivation behind the design of one-time passwords (OTPs) [7]. At present, to safeguard
against this attack, system administrators are switching their computer systems from telnet to secure shell
(SSH) [4]. In SSH, where the password is transmitted in an encrypted channel, “eavesdrop and replay” kinds
of attack are impossible. This is why at first glance one might think that having the elegant solution of SSH,
using OTPs becomes obsolete and is no more than an inconvenience for the user. This claim is not true, as
we will show, since the network is not the only place the attacker can steal the password from.
There are several ways in which a password may be snooped directly on the client machine. For
instance, someone with root access may maliciously have installed a trojan horse version of an application
program or a ”wiretap” device driver in the kernel. If the system administrator installing the software is
not malicious but careless enough not to check that he has an unmodified version of software distribution,
a “keyboard-trapping” routine inside the modified version of authentication software can again capture the
password when you are typing. No matter how sophisticated they are, none of the software authentication
methods based on traditional passwords can safeguard against the attacks on insecure client machines.
Possible countermeasures to this attack are as follows:
1. Making sure that the client machine is secure so that it does not allow someone to snoop the password.
2. We can employ OTPs for authentication purposes. Since each password is valid for only one time, the
password, if snooped, is not useful for later authentications.
The first countermeasure is applicable when the user has the full administrative rights of the client
machine and all the software programs he installs are reliable. However, this assumption is not realistic in
most cases, for instance when the user travels frequently and uses insecure or even hostile clients to login to
a server machine.
We reserve the next section for the introductory information on the second countermeasure, OTPs,
which offer a viable alternative to traditional passwords, but have some deficiencies with respect to the
flexibility and security they provide. These deficiencies are precisely the topic of this paper.
After the next section, this paper is organized as follows. Before going into the details of our proposal,
we briefly explain our contribution in section 3. In section 4, to overcome the limitations of hash chain
construction used in OTP schemes, we propose the concept of signature chain. In section 5, we show how
this new idea can be employed in OTP-s operation. One important issue in using any public-key technique,
the issue of securely distributing the public keys is discussed in Section 6, emphasizing the characteristics in
our setting. Section 7 summarizes the analysis of our new authentication protocol. We look at the practical
issues in section 8. Finally, we end up by providing the results of our performance evaluation study and
discussing future works in sections 9 and 10, respectively.
BIÇAKCI, BAYKAL: Improving the Security and Flexibility of One-Time Passwords by Signature Chains,
2. One-Time Passwords
OTP schemes, where each password is used only once, offer a viable alternative or a supplement to traditional
password schemes. OTP schemes’ advantages depend on which mode of operation is used. The modes of
operation and corresponding advantages are as follows:
1. In the first mode of operation, to facilitate user-friendliness, each user has only (and should memorize)
one password just as in traditional passwords. This password is used to authenticate the user to the
client machine (workstation) and then this machine generates the OTP to be sent to the server. On
the network connecting the client and the server machines only the OTP is transmitted. Hence this
mode, sometimes named as “workstation environment”, safeguards only from “eavesdrop and replay”
kinds of attack.
2. For applications that require stronger security, it is possible to have the user enter the OTP-s without
getting any help from the system. In this mode not only “eavesdrop and replay” attacks are impossible
but also the aforementioned attacks on insecure client machines are avoided. Of course, we cannot
expect someone to memorize all these OTPs. Now we are in a so-called “human and paper environment”
where OTPs are listed on a piece of paper and carried in the pocket1 . This is an inconvenience for
the user, but in most applications demanding a high level of security this inconvenience is tolerable.
Variations of OTP schemes include “sequentially updated OTPs” where there is initially only a single
secret password that is shared and the user creates and transmits the new password while he is being
authenticated with the previous one, and “shared lists of OTPs” where each user uses a set of passwords
each valid for a single authentication and distributed as a pre-shared list [5].
The third alternative, “OTP sequences based on hash chain”, is a more elegant design and has more
attractive properties than the other 2 variations. First of all, this method is more efficient with respect to
bandwidth than sequential updated OTPs. Sequentially updating also becomes difficult when communication
failures occur. Second, shared lists have the drawback of list maintainance and distribution.
Hash functions are useful constructions in many cryptographic applications like OTPs and their
definition is straightforward; a hash function h() is a function such that
• But given a randomly chosen y, it is computationally infeasible to find an x such that h(x) = y.
The idea of hash chains was first proposed by Lamport [6] in 1981. Applying the hash function h()N
times to a seed will form a hash chain of length N :
In the above hash chain, hi−1 cannot be generated from hi by those who do not know the value s.
OTP schemes based on hash chains (Lamport’s idea) operate in 3 steps [7]:
1 Alternatively, mobile devices such as PDAs and cellular phones can be used for storing the OTP list.
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Preparatory Step
The server sends a seed in clear text to the user. The user concatenates the password with the seed so
that the user can use the password (shared secret) more than once by changing the seed. The result of the
concatenation is called “ s” on the generation and verification steps.
Generation Step
By applying the secure hash function more than once, a sequence of OTPs (pi ) is produced by the user.
The initial OTP is produced by applying the hash function (h)N times
P0 = hN (s) (1)
The next OTP (the first one to be used for authentication) is generated by applying the hash function
N − 1 times
Verification Step
First of all, the initial OTP P0 is calculated by the server. Before a user tries to be authenticated, the
current value of iand the seed are passed to him/her, so that the user enters the next OTP (The first OTP
used for authentication is P 1 ). The server applies the hash function to the password sent
If the output is the same as the one stored on the server side (the previous one), the user is
authenticated and the OTP is saved for the next authentication.
BIÇAKCI, BAYKAL: Improving the Security and Flexibility of One-Time Passwords by Signature Chains,
In [10], the author proposes a new OTP scheme with a shared list of passwords predistributed. Their
contribution is to allow the server to decrease the storage requirements by cryptographic techniques. Partially
based on our earlier work [12], this paper is the first trying to improve the security and flexibility of Lamport’s
Currently in all OTP methods the server stores a secret. For instance in [7], hash chains are constructed
from the concatenation of a password and a seed (transmitted to the user in cleartext). The password is the
shared secret and needs to be stored on the server side in some way. Even if the password is destroyed after
the hash chain is generated (we cannot generate any further chains), the server is susceptible to attacks since
the password might be a guessable one and an off-line dictionary attack on the hash chain is very powerful
just like in the traditional password scheme (In our research we see that there are various open-source tools
to perform these attacks 2 ).
Our first contribution is the design of an OTP-based authentication method, which does not need to
store a secret on the server side but still has the capability of defending against client-side attacks 3 . Our
second contribution is a chain-based scheme in which from any incorrectly revealed OTP, unspent OTPs
cannot be calculated therefore, for secure operation our scheme does not assume the user is careful enough
to enter the correct password in each authentication (It is obvious that without chaining, with a cost of
increased storage, this is easily supported in a shared list of independent passwords). Our last, but not
least, contribution is to allow using OTPs without a need to reinitialize the system after a certain number
of authentications. By having an infinite length, in contrast to current method in use, the chain in our
proposition is more flexible and facilitates using the protocol without the complexity and communication
overhead of restarting.
4. Signature Chains
In this section we will propose the SC as an alternative to Lamport’s hash chain. Our proposition depends on
the idea of public-key crypto-systems. In secret-key cryptography, while we have the same key that is used
for both encryption and decryption, public-key cryptosystems involve 2 keys. One of these keys is public, i.e.
it is available to everybody. Any message that is encrypted by a public key only can be decrypted back with
the corresponding private key. We can also build a digital signature easily by using the public key–private
key pair. Any message that is digitally signed with the private key can be verified by using the public key.
Since the private key is known only by its owner, only the owner can generate the digital signature. Our
proposition uses public-key cryptosystems very similar to digital signature schemes. The only difference is
that in digital signatures generally the algorithm is performed on the hashed version of the message, this
is because most times the message is too long to be processed by the public-key algorithm. In our case, as
we will show in subsection 4.2, we do not need to bother with this kind of pre-processing if we are careful
enough in choosing the digital signature scheme to be used.
4.1. Definition
We will define SC as follows:
2 e.g., ∼ dugsong/john-1.6.skey.patch-1 (Last access: September 17, 2003).
3 An alternative method not to store a secret on the server side is to start the construction of hash chain from a secure
random number and to send the last element of this hash chain to the server after digitally signing it. However this method
lacks the other benefits of our proposal.
Turk J Elec Engin, VOL.11, NO.3, 2003
Definition: SC is a chain where the elements in the chain are the signatures obtained by applying
the signing algorithm recursively starting with an initial input message4 .
The length of the chain can be legitimately increased infinitely, thereby facilitating its use without
restarting or bootstrapping.
Now we will see how we can construct such a signature chain
Construction: Let algorithm S be a signing algorithm in a signature scheme (e.g., RSA [14], DSS
[15]) where d is the private key and V is the corresponding verification algorithm with the corresponding
public key e. Let x and y constitute a pair such that
Sd (x) = y
true if y = Sd (x)
Ve (x, y) =
false if y 6= Sd (x)
SdN (x) denotes that we apply the signing algorithm S recursively N times to the initial input message (seed)
x using the private key d . As seen below, recursive applications results in an (infinite length) signature
chain originated from the initial input message x
BIÇAKCI, BAYKAL: Improving the Security and Flexibility of One-Time Passwords by Signature Chains,
Suppose we choose RSA in constructing a SC, then the first three elements can be constructed as
follows by using s as the initial seed
Suppose also the user entered P3 incorrectly instead of P1 for the first authentication, then an attacker
can compute P2 and P1 by using P3 and the public key as follows:
In order to safeguard against this attack, hashing the password before signing it should be performed
a a a
P1 = [h(s)] mod n, P2 = [h(P1 )] mod n, P3 = [h(P2 )] mod n
Then P2 cannot be generated from P3 (The attacker can generate h(P2 ) but not P2 ).
In contrast, DSS [15], which does not have the “message recovery” property, can be used to construct
a SC and safeguard against the concerned attack without hashing.
Sd (s) = P0 (7)
Pi = Sd (Pi−1 ) (10)
Note that just like ordinary OTP-s, by knowing Pi−1 , Pi cannot be generated because d is unknown
to the server.
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iii. The server keeps a table for each user, which stores the
1. user’s ID
2. user’s public key
3. OTP sequence number (initially zero)
4. Previous OTP (initially the seed value)
iv. The user generates an OTP list from the seed value by constructing a SC using his private key. The
user can update his OTP list anytime he wishes by computing more elements in the infinite length SC.
The steps of the server’s operation are illustrated in the following pseudocode:
Get user’s ID
Find the current value of OTP sequence number of the user and send it.
5 For some signature schemes like DSS [15], an attacker can generate a valid signature for a random message. Then the
attacker can claim that the random number is the seed to start with. Refer to [5] for more details.
BIÇAKCI, BAYKAL: Improving the Security and Flexibility of One-Time Passwords by Signature Chains,
If OTP is correct
Authentication succeeds
Turk J Elec Engin, VOL.11, NO.3, 2003
the initial set of public keys that the server stores in a key file, transitive trust may be used to trust other
public keys. For example, if the server trusts Alice in its key file and Alice trusts Bob, the server can choose
to trust Bob and add Bob’s public key into its key file.
1. Since the signature chain is constructed by public-key techniques only, no secret is shared between
the client and the user just like other public-key authentication protocols. This important property
eliminates the possibility of attacks on the server side (It was previously proved that the system also
protects the user from the client side attacks in contrast to other software authentication methods
based on public keys).
seed 1 2 3 N-1 N
4 3 2 1 seed
(b) based on SC
a. OTPs based on hash chain are spent starting from the N th element in the chain and sufficient
for N authentications at most.
b. OTPs based on SC are good for infinite number of authentications.
2. By employing a signature scheme, which does not have the “message recovery” property, it was shown
that from any incorrectly revealed OTP, unspent OTPs could not be calculated; therefore, for secure
operation our scheme does not assume the user is careful enough to enter the correct OTP in each
3. The figure shows the comparison between OTP schemes based on hash chain and the SC. In this figure,
each rectangle demonstrates an OTP and the line connecting these rectangles shows the hash operation
for the hash chain and signing operation for SC, respectively (each starts from the seed value). As seen,
we have much more flexibility in using the SC, whereas in Lamport’s OTP scheme the user will be
BIÇAKCI, BAYKAL: Improving the Security and Flexibility of One-Time Passwords by Signature Chains,
able to be authenticated by the system at most N times. For the (N+1) th authentication, the system
should be restarted or, in other words, the preparatory step should be repeated 6 . If the computer
used to generate the OTPs was not connected to the network for security reasons, to get the new seed
value from the server the connection should be re-established.
By using SC, users can generate OTPs in any number they wish in their secure (home) machine and
print them out on a piece of paper. These OTPs will be used later to be authenticated from insecure client
machines. Should the use be paranoid, to protect the private key used in generating the OTPs the user can
disconnect his/her computer from the network.
There is one attack left called an active network attack, which is both effective on OTP protocols
with or without a SC. An example of this more sophisticated attack is a “hijacking connection” attack,
in which the connection is taken over after the user has authenticated himself to the server. One possible
countermeasure to this attack will be explained in subsection 8.3.
8. Practical Considerations
In this section, we will look at 3 issues that are considered to be important for putting our new authentication
method into practice.
1. The server and the user agrees on the seed value (designated s) just like in our original proposal.
2. However, in this method if the server asks for the hundredth OTP, the workstation computes the
signature on the value of (s + 100) and returns this signature as the OTP.
6 5 For instance, in S/Key system a special command “keyinit” should be executed [7].
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Notice that in this method only one public key operation is required.
There is an interesting analogy between the 2 alternatives we have proposed to generate OTPs using
public-key cryptography and the modes of operation in block ciphers (secret key cryptography), which
specifies how a block cipher can be extended to process messages of arbitrary length [1]. While the original
signature chain construction we have proposed is the analog to output feedback mode, the method we
proposed in this subsection is very similar to the counter encryption mode of block ciphers. We refer
interested readers to [1] for information on modes of operation of block ciphers.
9. Performance Evaluation
To compare the performances of signature chain and hash chain, we have conducted an experiment on a
PC with an 800 MHz Pentium III and 128 MB memory. The library used was MIRACL version 4.7 7 and
the compiler was Microsoft Visual C++ Version 6.0. SHS [16] and DSS [15] with a key length of 1024
bits were chosen to generate the hash chain and SC, respectively. Our implementation results show that
using public-key algorithms instead of hash functions does result in a degradation of the performance in
verification of OTPs (hash functions are designed to be very fast, only 0.028 ms is sufficient to perform one
hash operation). However we claim that verification is sufficiently quick (around 6 ms) and does not produce
7 Available at∼ mscott/, (Last access: September 17, 2003).
BIÇAKCI, BAYKAL: Improving the Security and Flexibility of One-Time Passwords by Signature Chains,
a significant problem.8
We also measured the time required to sign (to generate an element of the SC) and found that it
is slightly longer than 5 ms. In the “human and paper environment”, the client can generate OTPs and
print them on a piece of paper before the operation. Therefore, although the timing for SC is comparable
high with respect to hash chain, we think that this does not create a bottleneck in the operation since the
computation is performed offline (not in real-time).
• When storing a secret on the server side should be avoided to safeguard against attacks on the server
• When a chain-based OTP method is desired, which does not assume that the user is careful enough
to enter the correct OTP in each authentication (Previous chain-based solutions have the problem of
that if the attacker can see one of the last passwords on the list, then all previous passwords can be
calculated from it).
• When the flexibility of SC, which facilitates using OTPs without the complexity and communication
overhead of restarting and results in a more user-friendly OTP solution, is a required feature.
The use of wide-ranging authentication services based on public-key cryptography, including the one
we have presented in this paper, becomes practical if it is complemented by a trustworthy means to manage
and distribute the public keys. We believe that the SCOTP protocol will be more useful when public key
infrastructure deployment reaches its true potential. As a future work, it is promising to implement a fully
functional OTP scheme using the SC idea and integrate it with SSH for hybrid operation. Another future
work is to experiment with different signature schemes to make the operation of our protocol more efficient.
[1] R. Anderson, Security Engineering: a guide to building dependable distributed systems, Wiley Computer
Publishing, 2001.
[2] Bruce Schneier, Secrets and Lies: digital security in a networked world, Wiley Computer Publishing, 2000.
[3] R. Anderson, M. Kuhn: Tamper Resistance – a Cautionary Note, the Second USENIX Workshop on Electronic
Commerce Proceedings, Oakland, November 1996.
[4] T. Ylonen. SSH - Secure login connections over the Internet, In Proc. of 6th USENIX Security Symposium, July
[5] A. Menezes, P. Van Oorshot, S. Vanstone, Handbook of applied cryptography, CRC Press, 1996.
8 The server that verifies OTPs is generally a more powerful device. Similar to our proposal, popular authentication protocols
like SSH use public key cryptography and have similar figures for the timing.
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[6] L. Lamport, Password authentication with insecure communication, Communications of the ACM, 24(11),
November 1981.
[7] N. Haller, The S/Key One-Time Password System, Proceedings of the Symposium on Network & Distributed
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[8] D.L. McDonald, R.J. Atkinson, C. Metz ”One-Time Passwords in Everything (OPIE): Experiences with Building
and Using Strong Authentication,” In Proc. of the 5th USENIX UNIX Security Symposium, June 1995.
[9] D. de Waleffe, J.J. Quisquater: Better login protocols for computer networks. In Proc. of ESORICS, France,
October 1990.
[10] A.D. Rubin, Independent One-Time Passwords, USENIX Journal of Computer Systems, February 1996.
[12] K. Bicakci, N. Baykal, Infinite Length Hash Chains and Their Applications, Proc. of IEEE 11 th International
Workshops on Enabling Technologies (WETICE 2002), June 2002, Pittsburgh, USA.
[13] C. Kaufman, R. Perlman, M. Speciner, Network Security, Private Communication in a Public World, Prentice
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[14] R.L. Rivest, A. Shamir, L.M. Adleman, A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems.
Communications of the ACM, 21(2), 1978.
[15] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), FIPS Publication 186: Digital Signature Standard
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[16] P.R. Zimmermann, The Official PGP User’s Guide, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1995.
[17] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), FIPS Publication 180: Secure Hash Standard (SHS),
May 11, 1993.