Messages Tracing
Messages Tracing
Messages Tracing
5- Setup(BSSÆMSC):
This message is sent from the BSS side to the MSC informing it with the requested traffic
channel, the dialed number and some other information. The data contained in this message is
as following:
o CM Message type: here it is setup
o GSM bearer capability: speech, Transfer mode and coding standard.
o Radio channel required: in this field MS specified the preferred channel and the
supported one. For example: full rate speech version 1 preferred, half rate speech
version 1 is also supported.
o Speech version octet: The speech versions supported and the coding techniques
used in sending this speech. For example: GSM half rate speech version 1.
o The called subscriber information: the type of the dialed number and the dialed
number itself. For example: the number attribute is the ISDN telephony number
plan, number: 2012100006.
This message comes as a response for the message “Disconnect”, to release the traffic
channel used.
Calling Called
Figure no.2: The actual situation for two mobiles in different BSS parts.
Note 1: the Alert for the calling mobile is originating form the MSC side, this alert is sent
by the UMG to the mobile through the BSS part.
Note 2: the above situation is for a MS calling a MS in the same BSC and registered in
the same MSC.