Complex Numbers in Polar Form: Calculating The Magnitude of Impedance

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2 Polar (Trigonometric) Form of Complex Numbers 449

EXAMPLE 2 Calculating the Magnitude of Impedance

Calculate the magnitude of impedance in terms of the resistive and reactive parts.

Write the impedance. Z ϭ R ϩ iX
The magnitude of a complex number is
the square root of the sum of the squares
of the real and imaginary parts. ƒ Z ƒ ϭ 2R2 ϩ X2

Complex Numbers in Polar Form

We say that a complex number z ϭ x ϩ iy is in rectangular form because it is located at the
point (x, y), which is expressed in rectangular coordinates in the complex plane. Another
convenient way of expressing complex numbers is in polar form (sometimes called
trigonometric form). Recall in our study of vectors (Section 7.4) that vectors have both
magnitude and a direction angle. The same is true of points in the complex plane. Let r
represent the magnitude, or distance from the origin to the point (x, y), and � represent the
direction angle; then we have the following relationships:
r ϭ 2x2 ϩ y2 Imaginary
y x y
sinu ϭ cosu ϭ tanu ϭ (x 0) z = x + iy
r r x
Note: If x ϭ 0, then the result is a pure imaginary number that corresponds to a point on r y Real

the y-axis. Therefore, in that case, u ϭ 90° or 270° a

p 3p x
or , respectivelyb.
2 2
Isolating x and y in the equations above, we find:
x ϭ r cosu y ϭ r sin�
Using these expressions for x and y, a complex number can be written in polar form:
z ϭ x ϩ yi ϭ (r cosu) ϩ (r sinu)i ϭ r (cosu ϩ i sinu)


The following expression is the polar form of a complex number:

z ϭ r (cosu ϩ i sinu)
where r represents the modulus (magnitude) of the complex number and u is
called the argument of z.

The following is standard notation for modulus and argument:

r ϭ mod z ϭ �z� and u ϭ arg z 0 Յ u Ͻ 2p or 0° Յ u Ͻ 360°

Converting Complex Numbers Between

Rectangular and Polar Forms
We can convert back and forth between rectangular and polar (trigonometric) forms of
complex numbers using the modulus and trigonometric ratios:
y x y
r ϭ 2x2 ϩ y2 sinu ϭ cosu ϭ tanu ϭ (x 0)
r r x
450 C H A P T E R 8 Complex Numbers, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations


Step 1: Plot the point z ϭ x ϩ yi in the complex plane (note the quadrant).
Step 2: Find r. Use r ϭ 2x2 ϩ y2.
Step 3: Find �. Use u ϭ tanϪ1a b or tan u ϭ , x 0, where � is in the quadrant
y y
x x
found in Step 1 and 0° Յ u Ͻ 360° or 0 Յ u Ͻ 2p.
Step 4: Write the complex number in polar form: z ϭ r(cos u ϩ isinu).

Technology Tip EXAMPLE 3 Converting from Rectangular to Polar Form

To convert complex numbers Express the complex number z ϭ 13 Ϫ i in polar form.
from rectangular to polar form, set
the calculator to degree mode. For Solution:
points in quadrants II, III, and IV, Imaginary
use the inverse tangent function to S TEP 1 Plot the point. axis
find the reference angle and then the The point lies in quadrant IV.
argument u, where 0° Յ u Ͻ 360°.
Express the complex number Real
z ϭ 13 Ϫ i in polar form. axis

Method I: Use tan Ϫ1 a b to find

13 z = ÷3 – i
the reference angle for u, which is in
quadrant IV. QIV
S TEP 2 Find r.
Let x ϭ 13 and y ϭ Ϫ1
in r ϭ 2x2 ϩ y2. r ϭ 2� 13 �2 ϩ (Ϫ1) 2
Eliminate the parentheses. r ϭ 13 ϩ 1
Simplify. rϭ2

Method II: Use the angle( S TEP 3 Find u.

y 1
feature on the calculator to find u. Let x ϭ 13 and y ϭ Ϫ1 in tan u ϭ . tan u ϭ Ϫ
You still have to find the actual x 13

u ϭ tanϪ1 aϪ bϭϪ
angle in quadrant IV. Press 1 p
Solve for u.
MATH � CPX � 4: angle( 13 6
ENTER 2nd x2 3 ) – 2nd .
Find the reference angle. reference angle ϭ
The complex number lies in quadrant IV. uϭ

z ϭ 2 ccosa b ϩ isin a bd
S TEP 4 Write the complex number in
11p 11p
polar form, z ϭ r (cos u ϩ isin u) .
6 6

Note: An alternative form is in degrees: z ϭ 2(cos330° ϩ isin 330°).

■ Answer:

z ϭ 2 ccosa b ϩ isina b d or
5p 5p ■ YOUR TURN Express the complex number z ϭ 1 Ϫ i13 in polar form.
3 3
2 (cos 300° ϩ isin 300°) You must be very careful in converting from rectangular to polar form. Remember that
the inverse tangent function is a one-to-one function and will yield values in quadrants I
8.2 Polar (Trigonometric) Form of Complex Numbers 451

and IV. If the point lies in quadrant II or III, add 180° to the angle in degrees found through
the inverse tangent function (for u in radians, add p).

EXAMPLE 4 Converting from Rectangular to Polar Form

Express the complex number z ϭ Ϫ2 ϩ i in polar form.

Forgetting to confirm the quadrant in which the point lies.


STEP 1 Plot the point.

The point lies in quadrant II.

z = –2 + i
r Real

STEP 2 Find r.
Let x ϭ Ϫ2 and y ϭ 1 in
r ϭ 2x2 ϩ y2.
r ϭ 2(Ϫ2) 2 ϩ 12
r ϭ 15

STEP 3 Find u.
Let x ϭ Ϫ2 and y ϭ 1 in
tan u ϭ .
tan u ϭ Ϫ12
u ϭ tan Ϫ1 AϪ12B
u ϭ tanϪ1 AϪ12B � Ϫ26.565°
� Ϫ26.565° Technology Tip

The complex number lies in Express the complex number

Write the complex number in polar
quadrant II. z ϭ Ϫ2 ϩ i in polar form.
form, z ϭ r (cos u ϩ isin u) .
u � Ϫ26.6° ϩ 180° ϭ 153.4° z ϭ 15 [cos(Ϫ26.6°) ϩ i sin(Ϫ26.6°)]

STEP 4 Write the complex number in Note: u ϭ Ϫ26.565° lies in quadrant IV,
polar form, z ϭ r (cos u ϩ i sin u) . whereas the original point lies in
quadrant II. Therefore, we should have
z � 15 Ccos(153.4°) ϩ i sin(153.4°)D added 180° to u to arrive at a point in
quadrant II.

z � 15 Ccos(116.6°) ϩ i sin(116.6°)D
■ Answer:
■ YOUR TURN Express the complex number z ϭ Ϫ1 ϩ 2i in polar form.
452 C H A P T E R 8 Complex Numbers, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations

To convert from polar to rectangular form, simply evaluate the trigonometric functions.

EXAMPLE 5 Converting from Polar to Rectangular Form

Technology Tip Express z ϭ 4(cos120° ϩ isin120°) in rectangular form.
Express in rectangular form: Solution:
z ϭ 4(cos120° ϩ isin120°).
Evaluate the trigonometric z ϭ 4(cos120° ϩ isin120°)

functions exactly. Ϫ12 13

z ϭ 4aϪ b ϩ 4a bi
1 13
Distribute the 4.
2 2

Simplify. z ϭ Ϫ2 ϩ 2 13i

■ Answer: z ϭ Ϫ13 Ϫ i
■ YOUR TURN Express z ϭ 2(cos210° ϩ isin210°) in rectangular form.

EXAMPLE 6 Using a Calculator to Convert from

Technology Tip
Polar to Rectangular Form
Express in rectangular form: Express z ϭ 3(cos109° ϩ isin109°) in rectangular form. Round values to four decimal
z ϭ 3(cos109° ϩ isin 109°) . places.

Use a calculator to evaluate z ϭ 3(cos109° ϩ isin109°)

the trigonometric functions. Ϫ0.325568 0.945519

Simplify. z � Ϫ0.9767 ϩ 2.8366i

■ Answer:
z � Ϫ5.5904 Ϫ 4.2127i ■ YOUR TURN Express z ϭ 7(cos217° ϩ isin 217°) in rectangular form. Round to
four decimal places.

8.2 S U M MARY
In the complex plane, the horizontal axis is the real axis and the and tanu ϭ , x 0, where 0 Յ u Ͻ 2p or 0° Յ u Ͻ 360°. It
vertical axis is the imaginary axis. Complex numbers can be
is important to note in which quadrant the point lies. To convert
expressed in either rectangular form, z ϭ x ϩ iy, or polar form,
from polar to rectangular form, simply evaluate the trigonometric
z ϭ r (cos u ϩ isin u). The modulus of a complex number
expressions for x and y.
z ϭ x ϩ iy is given by �z� ϭ 2x2 ϩ y2. To convert from
rectangular to polar form, we use the relationships r ϭ 2x2 ϩ y2 x ϭ r cosu and y ϭ r sinu
8.2 Polar (Trigonometric) Form of Complex Numbers 453



In Exercises 1–12, graph each complex number in the complex plane.

1. 7 ϩ 8i 2. 3 ϩ 5i 3. Ϫ2 Ϫ 4i 4. Ϫ3 Ϫ 2i
5. 2 6. 7 7. Ϫ3i 8. Ϫ5i
2 11 7 15 5 47 19
9. ϩ i 10. Ϫ ϩ i 11. 4 Ϫ i 12. Ϫ Ϫ i
3 4 2 2 2 10 10

In Exercises 13–28, express each complex number in polar form.

13. 1 Ϫ i 14. 2 ϩ 2i 15. 1 ϩ 13i 16. Ϫ3 Ϫ 13i
17. Ϫ4 ϩ 4i 18. 15 Ϫ 15i 19. 13 Ϫ 3i 20. Ϫ13 ϩ i
21. 3 ϩ 0i 22. Ϫ2 ϩ 0i 23. 213 Ϫ 2i 24. Ϫ8 Ϫ 813i
1 13 5 5 13 1 7 7
25. Ϫ ϩ i 26. Ϫ Ϫ i 27. Ϫ i 28. ϩ i
2 2 3 3 8 8 16 16

In Exercises 29–44, use a calculator to express each complex number in polar form. Express Exercises 29–36 in degrees
and Exercises 37–44 in radians.
29. 3 Ϫ 7i 30. 2 ϩ 3i 31. Ϫ6 ϩ 5i 32. Ϫ4 Ϫ 3i
33. Ϫ5 ϩ 12i 34. 24 ϩ 7i 35. 8 Ϫ 6i 36. Ϫ3 ϩ 4i
37. Ϫ6 ϩ 2i 38. Ϫ5 Ϫ 8i 39. 35 Ϫ 10i 40. 20 ϩ i
3 5 12 5 25 13 27 3
41. ϩ i 42. Ϫ ϩ i 43. Ϫ Ϫ i 44. Ϫ i
4 3 6 6 2 4 13 11

In Exercises 45–60, express each complex number in exact rectangular form.

45. 5(cos180° ϩ i sin180°) 46. 2(cos135° ϩ i sin135°)
47. 2(cos 315° ϩ i sin 315°) 48. 3(cos 270° ϩ i sin 270°)
49. Ϫ4(cos 60° ϩ i sin 60°) 50. Ϫ4(cos 210° ϩ i sin 210°)
51. 13(cos150° ϩ i sin150°) 52. 13(cos 330° ϩ i sin 330°)

53. 12 c cos a b ϩ i sin a bd 54. 2 ccosa b ϩ isina b d

p p 5p 5p
4 4 6 6

55. 5 c cosa b ϩ i sin a b d 56. 8 c cosa b ϩ isina b d

p p 7p 7p
3 3 4 4

ccos a b ϩ i sin a bd ccosa b ϩ isina b d

3 7p 7p 9 3p 3p
57. 58.
2 6 6 5 2 2

59. 10 c cos a b ϩ i sin a b d

5p 5p
60. 15( cos p ϩ isinp)
3 3

In Exercises 61–72, use a calculator to express each complex number in rectangular form.
61. 5(cos 295° ϩ i sin 295°) 62. 4(cos 35° ϩ i sin 35°)
63. 3(cos100° ϩ i sin100°) 64. 6(cos 250° ϩ i sin 250°)
65. Ϫ7(cos140° ϩ i sin140°) 66. Ϫ5(cos 320° ϩ i sin 320°)
454 C H A P T E R 8 Complex Numbers, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations

67. 3 ccos a b ϩ i sin a bd 68. 2 c cosa b ϩ i sina b d

11p 11p 4p 4p
12 12 7 7

69. Ϫ2 ccos a b ϩ i sin a bd 70. Ϫ4 ccosa b ϩ isina bd

3p 3p 15p 15p
5 5 11 11

71. 6 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d 72. 14 c cosa b ϩ isina b d

p p 5p 5p
8 8 12 12

■ A P P L I C AT I O N S

73. Resultant Force. Force A, at 100 pounds, and force B, at 76. Resultant Force. Force A, at 20 pounds, and force B, at
120 pounds, make an angle of 30° with each other. 60 pounds, make an angle of 60° with each other. Represent
Represent their respective vectors as complex numbers their respective vectors as complex numbers written in polar
written in polar form, and determine the resultant force. form, and determine the resultant angle.
77. Actual Speed and True Course. An airplane is flying on
a course of 285° as measured from due north at 300 mph.
The wind is blowing due south at 30 mph. Represent their
respective vectors as complex numbers written in polar form,
B and determine the resultant speed and direction vector.
Fo b
0l 78. Actual Speed and True Course. An airplane is flying on
a course of 80° as measured from due north at 150 mph.
The wind is blowing due north at 20 mph. Represent their
100 lb respective vectors as complex numbers written in polar
Force A form, and determine the resultant speed and direction vector.
79. Boating. A boat is moving across a river at 15 mph on a
74. Resultant Force. Force A, at 40 pounds, and force B, at bearing of N 50° W. The current is running from east to west
50 pounds, make an angle of 45° with each other. Represent at 5 mph. Represent their vectors as complex numbers written
their respective vectors as complex numbers written in polar in polar form, and determine the resultant speed and
form, and determine the resultant force. direction vector.
75. Resultant Force. Force A, at 80 pounds, and force B, at 80. Boating. A boat is moving across a river at 22 mph on a
150 pounds, make an angle of 30° with each other. Represent bearing of S 50° E. The current is running from north to
their respective vectors as complex numbers written in south at 9 mph. Represent their vectors as complex numbers
polar form, and determine the resultant angle. written in polar form, and determine the resultant speed and
direction vector.


In Exercises 81 and 82, explain the mistake that is made.

81. Express z ϭ Ϫ3 Ϫ 8i in polar form. 82. Express z ϭ Ϫ3 ϩ 8i in polar form.
Solution: Solution:
Find r. r ϭ 2x2 ϩ y2 ϭ 29 ϩ 64 ϭ 173 Find r. r ϭ 2x2 ϩ y2 ϭ 19 ϩ 64 ϭ 173
8 8
Find �. tan u ϭ Find �. tanu ϭ Ϫ
3 3

u ϭ tan Ϫ1 a b � 69.44° u ϭ tanϪ1 aϪ b � Ϫ69.44°

8 8
3 3

z � 173 Ccos(69.44°) ϩ i sin(69.44°)D

Write the complex number in polar form.
z � 173 Ccos(Ϫ69.44°) ϩ isin(Ϫ69.44°)D
Write the complex number in polar form.

This is incorrect. What mistake was made? This is incorrect. What mistake was made?
8.2 Polar (Trigonometric) Form of Complex Numbers 455

In Exercises 83–86, determine whether each statement is true or false.

83. In the complex plane, any point that lies along the 89. Find the modulus of z ϭ bi, where b is a negative real
horizontal axis represents a real number. number.

84. In the complex plane, any point that lies along the vertical 90. Find the modulus of z ϭ a, where a is a negative real
axis represents an imaginary number. number.

85. The modulus of z and the modulus of z are equal. In Exercises 91 and 92, express the complex number in
polar form.
86. The argument of z and the argument of z are equal.
91. a Ϫ 2ai, where a Ͼ 0
87. Find the argument of z ϭ a, where a is a positive real
number. 92. Ϫ3a Ϫ 4ai, where a Ͼ 0
88. Find the argument of z ϭ bi, where b is a positive real


93. Use identities to express the complex number 96. Perform the given operations and then convert to polar

4 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d exactly in rectangular form.

p p form: Ϫ2i3 (1 ϩ 4i)(2 Ϫ 5i) .
12 12 97. Let z ϭ 1 ϩ 2i. Find and graph z0, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5
94. Use identities to express the complex number on the same coordinate plane.
4 ccosa b ϩ i sin a b d exactly in rectangular form.
5p 5p
8 8 98. Let z ϭ Ϫ1 ϩ i. Find and graph z0, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5
on the same coordinate plane.
95. Perform the given operations and then convert to polar
form: 3i(2 ϩ 4i) (3 Ϫ 2i) .


For Exercises 99 and 100, use graphing calculators to For Exercises 101 and 102, use a graphing calculator to
convert complex numbers from rectangular to polar form. convert between rectangular and polar coordinates with the
Use the Abs command to find the modulus and the Angle Pol and Rec commands.
command to find the angle.
101. Find Pol(2, 1). Write 2 ϩ i in polar form.
99. Find abs(1 ϩ i). Find angle(1 ϩ i). Write 1 ϩ i in polar
102. Find Rec(3, 45°). Write 3(cos 45° ϩ isin 45°) in
rectangular form.
100. Find abs(1 Ϫ i). Find angle(1 Ϫ i). Write 1 Ϫ i in polar


■ Find the product of two complex numbers given in ■ Derive the identities for products and quotients of
polar form. complex numbers.
■ Divide two complex numbers given in polar form. ■ Relate De Moivre’s theorem (the power rule) for
■ Raise a complex number to an integer power. complex numbers to the product rule for complex
■ Determine the nth root of a complex number. numbers.
■ Find all complex roots of a polynomial equation.

In this section, we will multiply complex numbers, divide complex numbers, raise
complex numbers to powers, and find roots of complex numbers.

Products of Complex Numbers

We will first derive a formula for the product of two complex numbers that are given in
polar form.

Start with two complex
numbers z1 and z2 in polar form. z1 ϭ r1 (cos u1 ϩ isinu1 ) and z2 ϭ r2 (cos u2 ϩ isinu2 )
Multiply z1 and z2. z1z2 ϭ r1r2 (cos u1 ϩ isinu1 )(cosu2 ϩ isinu2 )
Use the FOIL method to multiply
the expressions in parentheses. z1z2 ϭ r1r2 (cos u1 cosu2 ϩ icosu1 sinu2 ϩ isinu1 cosu2 ϩ i 2 sinu1 sinu2 )

Group the real parts and the
imaginary parts. z1z2 ϭ r1r2 [(cosu1 cosu2 Ϫ sinu1 sinu2 ) ϩ i(cosu1 sinu2 ϩ sinu1 cosu2 )]

c d
Use the cosine and sine z1z2 ϭ r1r2 (cos u1 cosu2 Ϫ sinu1 sinu2 ) ϩ i (cos u1 sinu2 ϩ sinu1 cosu2 )

sum identities (Section 5.2). cos(�1 ϩ �2) sin(�1 ϩ �2)

Simplify. z1z2 ϭ r1r2 [cos(u1 ϩ u2 ) ϩ isin(u1 ϩ u2 )]


Let z1 ϭ r1 (cos u1 ϩ isinu1 ) and z2 ϭ r2 (cos u2 ϩ isinu2 ) be two complex

numbers. The complex product z1z2 is given by
Study Tip
z1z2 ϭ r1r2 [cos(u1 ϩ u2 ) ϩ isin(u1 ϩ u2 )]
When two complex numbers
are multiplied, the magnitudes are In other words, when multiplying two complex numbers, the magnitudes are
multiplied and the arguments multiplied and the arguments are added.
are added.

8.3 Products, Quotients, Powers, and Roots of Complex Numbers; De Moivre’s Theorem 457

EXAMPLE 1 Multiplying Complex Numbers

Find the product of z1 ϭ 3(cos35° ϩ isin 35°) and z2 ϭ 2(cos10° ϩ isin10°) .
Technology Tip
Find the product of
Set up the product. z1z2 ϭ 3(cos 35° ϩ isin35°) � 2(cos10° ϩ isin10°) z1 ϭ 3(cos 35° ϩ i sin 35°) and
z2 ϭ 2(cos 10° ϩ i sin 10°).
Multiply the magnitudes
and add the arguments. z1z2 ϭ 3 � 2[cos(35° ϩ 10°) ϩ isin(35° ϩ 10°)]

z1z2 ϭ 6(cos 45° ϩ isin 45°) ϭ 6 ccosa b ϩ isina b d

p p
4 4
The product is in polar form.
To express the product in
z1z2 ϭ 6 c d ϭ 312 ϩ 3i 12
rectangular form, evaluate 12 12
the trigonometric functions. 2 2

■ Answer:
■ YOUR TURN Find the product of z1 ϭ 2(cos 55° ϩ i sin 55°) and z1z2 ϭ 10(cos 120° ϩ i sin 120°)
z2 ϭ 5(cos 65° ϩ i sin 65°). Express the answer in both polar and or z1z2 ϭ Ϫ5 ϩ 5i 13
rectangular form.

EXAMPLE 2 Multiplying Complex Numbers

Find the product of z1 ϭ 5 ccosa b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 2 ccosa b ϩ isina b d .

p p p p
6 6 3 3

z1z2 ϭ 5 ccos a b ϩ isina b d � 2 ccosa b ϩ isina b d

p p p p
Set up the product.
6 6 3 3

z1z2 ϭ 5 � 2 ccosa ϩ b ϩ isina ϩ b d

Multiply the magnitudes p p p p
and add the arguments. 6 3 6 3

z1z2 ϭ 10 ccos a b ϩ isina b d

Simplify. The result p p
is the product in
polar form. 2 2

Evaluate the
functions. z1z2 ϭ 10[0 ϩ i(1)]

The result is the product

in rectangular form. z1z2 ϭ 10i

Find the product of z1 ϭ 3 ccosa b ϩ isina b d and

p p ■ Answer:
■ YOUR TURN Polar form:
4 4
z2 ϭ 2 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d . Express the answer in both polar and z1z2 ϭ 6 ccos a b ϩ i sina bd
p p 3p 3p
4 4
2 2
Rectangular form:
rectangular forms.
z1z2 ϭ Ϫ3 12 ϩ 3i12
458 C H A P T E R 8 Complex Numbers, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations

Quotients of Complex Numbers

We now derive a formula for the quotient of two complex numbers.

Start with two complex numbers z1
and z2, in polar form. z1 ϭ r1 (cos u1 ϩ isinu1 ) and z2 ϭ r2 (cos u2 ϩ isinu2 )

ϭ a ba b
z1 r1 (cos u1 ϩ isinu1 ) r1 cosu1 ϩ isinu1
Divide z1 by z2. ϭ
z2 r2 (cos u2 ϩ isinu2 ) r2 cosu2 ϩ isinu2
Multiply the second expression in
ϭ a ba ba b
parentheses by the conjugate of z1 r1 cosu1 ϩ isinu1 cosu2 Ϫ isinu2
the denominator, cosu2 Ϫ isinu2. z2 r2 cosu2 ϩ isinu2 cosu2 Ϫ isinu2

ϭ a ba b
Use the FOIL method to multiply
z1 r1 cosu1 cosu2 Ϫ i2 sinu1 sinu2 ϩ isinu1 cosu2 Ϫ isinu2 cosu1
the expressions in parentheses in the
last two expressions. z2 r2 cos2 u2 Ϫ i2 sin2 u2

ϭ a b£ §
Substitute i2 ϭ Ϫ1 and group the real z1 r1 (cos u1 cosu2 ϩ sinu1 sinu2 ) ϩ i(sinu1 cosu2 Ϫ sinu2 cosu1 )
parts and the imaginary parts. Apply
the Pythagorean identity to the
z2 r2 cos2 u2 ϩ sin2 u2

denominator inside the brackets. 1

ϭ a b [(cosu1 cosu2 ϩ sinu1 sinu2 ) ϩ i(sinu1 cosu2 Ϫ sinu2 cosu1 )]

z1 r1
z2 r2

ϭ a b [(cosu1 cosu2 ϩ sinu1 sinu2 ) ϩ i(sinu1 cosu2 Ϫ sinu2 cosu1 )]

Use the cosine and sine difference z1 r1
identities (Section 5.2).
z2 r2

cos(�1 Ϫ �2) sin(�1 Ϫ �2)

Simplify. z1z2 ϭ [cos(u1 Ϫ u2 ) ϩ isin(u1 Ϫ u2 )]

It is important to notice that the argument of the quotient is the argument of the
numerator minus the argument of the denominator.


Let z1 ϭ r1 (cos u1 ϩ isinu1 ) and z2 ϭ r2 (cos u2 ϩ isinu2 ) be two complex

numbers. The complex quotient is given by
z1 r1
ϭ [cos(u1 Ϫ u2 ) ϩ isin(u1 Ϫ u2 )]
z2 r2
In other words, when dividing two complex numbers, the magnitudes are divided
and the arguments are subtracted. It is important to note that the argument of
the quotient is the argument of the complex number in the numerator minus the
argument of the complex number in the denominator.
8.3 Products, Quotients, Powers, and Roots of Complex Numbers; De Moivre’s Theorem 459

EXAMPLE 3 Dividing Complex Numbers

Let z1 ϭ 6(cos125° ϩ isin 125°) and z2 ϭ 3(cos 65° ϩ isin65°). Find . Technology Tip
Solution: Let z1 ϭ 6(cos 125° ϩ i sin125°)
and z2 ϭ 3(cos 65° ϩ i sin 65°).
z1 6(cos125° ϩ isin125°) z1
Set up the quotient. ϭ Find . Be sure to include
z2 3(cos 65° ϩ isin65°) z2
parentheses for z1 and z2.
Divide the magnitudes and z1 6
ϭ [cos(125° Ϫ 65°) ϩ isin(125° Ϫ 65°)]
subtract the arguments. z2 3

Simplify. ϭ 2(cos 60° ϩ isin 60°)

The quotient is in polar form.

ϭ 2a ϩ i b ϭ 1 ϩ i13
To express the product in
rectangular form, evaluate z1 1 13
the trigonometric functions. z2 2 2

Polar form: ϭ 2(cos 60° ϩ isin 60°)

Rectangular form: ϭ 1 ϩ i 13

■ Answer:
■ YOUR TURN Let z1 ϭ 10(cos 275° ϩ i sin 275°) and z2 ϭ 5(cos 65° ϩ isin 65°). z1
z1 ϭ 2(cos 210° ϩ i sin 210°)
Find . Express the answer in both polar and rectangular forms.
z2 z1
or ϭ Ϫ 13 Ϫ i

When multiplying or dividing complex numbers, we have considered only those values of �
such that 0° Յ u Ͻ 360° or 0 Յ u Ͻ 2p. When the value of � is negative or greater than
360° or 2p, find the coterminal angle in the interval [0°, 360°) or [0, 2p).

Powers of Complex Numbers

Raising a number to a positive integer power is the same as multiplying that number by
itself repeated times.
x3 ϭ x � x � x (a ϩ b) 2 ϭ (a ϩ b)(a ϩ b)
Therefore, raising a complex number to a power that is a positive integer is the same as
multiplying the complex number by itself multiple times. Let us illustrate this with the
complex number z ϭ r(cosu ϩ isinu), which we will raise to positive integer powers (n).
460 C H A P T E R 8 Complex Numbers, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations

Take the case n � 2. z2 ϭ [r(cosu ϩ isinu)][r(cos u ϩ isinu)]
Apply the complex product rule (multiply
the magnitudes and add the arguments). z2 ϭ r2 [cos(2u) ϩ isin(2u)]
Take the case n � 3. z3 ϭ z2 z ϭ {r2 [cos(2u) ϩ isin(2u)]}[r(cos u ϩ isinu)]
Apply the complex product rule (multiply
the magnitudes and add the arguments). z3 ϭ r3 [cos(3u) ϩ isin(3u)]
Take the case n � 4. z4 ϭ z3z ϭ {r3 [cos(3u) ϩ isin(3u)]}[r(cos u ϩ isinu)]
Apply the complex product rule (multiply
the magnitudes and add the arguments). z4 ϭ r4 [cos (4u) ϩ isin(4u)]
The pattern observed for any positive integer n is: zn ϭ rn [cos (nu) ϩ isin(nu)]

Although we will not prove this generalized representation of a complex number raised to
a power, it was proved by Abraham De Moivre and hence its name.


If z ϭ r (cosu ϩ isinu) is a complex number, then

zn ϭ rn [cos(nu) ϩ isin(nu)]
where n is a positive integer.
In other words, when raising a complex number to a positive integer power n,
raise the magnitude to the same power n and multiply the argument by n.

Although De Moivre’s theorem has been proven for all real numbers n, we will use
it only for positive integer values of n and their reciprocals (nth roots). This is a very
Technology Tip powerful theorem. For example, if asked to find ( 13 ϩ i ) 10, you have two choices:
Find A13 ϩ iB10 and express (1) Multiply out the expression algebraically, which we will call the “long way,” or
the answer in rectangular form. (2) convert to polar coordinates and use De Moivre’s theorem, which we will call the
“short way.” We will use De Moivre’s theorem.

EXAMPLE 4 Finding a Power of a Complex Number

Find ( 13 ϩ i) 10
and express the answer in rectangular form.

Study Tip Convert to polar form. A13 ϩ iB10 ϭ [2(cos 30° ϩ isin 30°)] 10
23 ϩ i in polar form:
A13 ϩ iB10 ϭ 210 [cos(10 � 30°) ϩ isin(10 � 30°)]
Apply De Moivre’s theorem
with n ϭ 10.
x ϭ 23
A13 ϩ iB10 ϭ 210 (cos 300° ϩ isin 300°)
r ϭ 23 ϩ 1 ϭ 2 Simplify.

1 Evaluate 210 and the sine 1 13
tan u ϭ or u ϭ 30°. and cosine functions. ϭ 1024a Ϫ i
23 2 2

ϭ 512 Ϫ 512i13

■ Answer: Ϫ512 Ϫ 512i 23 ■ YOUR TURN Find ( 1 ϩ i 13 ) 10 and express the answer in rectangular form.
8.3 Products, Quotients, Powers, and Roots of Complex Numbers; De Moivre’s Theorem 461

Roots of Complex Numbers

De Moivre’s theorem is the basis for the nth root theorem. Before we proceed, let us
motivate it with a problem: Solve x3 Ϫ 1 ϭ 0. Recall that a polynomial of degree n has n
solutions (roots in the complex number system). So the polynomial P(x) ϭ x3 Ϫ 1 is of
degree 3 and has three solutions (roots). We can solve it algebraically.

List the potential rational roots of the
polynomial P(x) ϭ x3 Ϫ 1. x ϭ Ϯ1
Use synthetic division to test x ϭ 1. 1 1 0 0 Ϫ1
1 1 1
1 1 1 0

x2 ϩ x ϩ 1
Since x ϭ 1 is a zero, then the polynomial
can be written as a product of the linear P(x) ϭ (x Ϫ 1)(x2 ϩ x ϩ 1)
factor (x Ϫ 1) and a quadratic factor.

Use the quadratic formula on x2 ϩ x ϩ 1 ϭ 0 Ϫ1 Ϯ 21 Ϫ 4 Ϫ1 Ϯ 2Ϫ3 1 i23

xϭ ϭ ϭϪ Ϯ
to solve for x. 2 2 2 2

1 i23 1 i23
So the three solutions to the equation x3 Ϫ 1 ϭ 0 are x ϭ 1, x ϭ Ϫ ϩ , and x ϭ Ϫ Ϫ .
2 2 2 2

An alternative approach to solving x3 Ϫ 1 ϭ 0 is to use the nth root theorem to find the
additional complex cube roots of 1.

Derivation of the nth Root Theorem

Let z and w be complex numbers such that w is the w ϭ z1/n or w ϭ 1
z , where n is a positive
nth root of z. integer
Raise both sides of the equation to the nth power. wn ϭ z
Let z ϭ r (cosu ϩ isinu) and w ϭ s(cosa ϩ isina). [s (cos a ϩ isina) ]n ϭ r(cosu ϩ isinu)
Apply De Moivre’s theorem to the left side of the equation. sn [cos( na) ϩ isin( na)] ϭ r(cosu ϩ isinu)
For these two expressions to be equal, their magnitudes
must be equal and their angles must be coterminal. sn ϭ r and na ϭ u ϩ 2kp, where k is any integer
u ϩ 2kp
Solve for s and a. s ϭ r 1/n and a ϭ

z1/n ϭ r1/n c cosa b ϩ isina bd

u ϩ 2kp u ϩ 2kp u ϩ 2kp
Substitute s ϭ r1/n and a ϭ into w ϭ z1/n.
n n n

u u
Notice that when k ϭ n, the arguments ϩ 2p and are coterminal. Therefore, to get
n n
distinct roots, let k ϭ 0, 1, ..., n Ϫ 1. If we let z be a given complex number and w be
any complex number that satisfies the relationship z1/n ϭ w or z ϭ wn, where n Ն 2,
then we say that w is a complex nth root of z.
462 C H A P T E R 8 Complex Numbers, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations


Technology Tip The nth roots of the complex number z ϭ r(cosu ϩ isinu) are given by

wk ϭ r1/n ccosa ϩ b ϩ isina ϩ bd

Find the three distinct roots of u 2kp u 2kp
u in radians
calculator to find AϪ4 Ϫ 4i13 B1/3,
Ϫ4 Ϫ 4i13. Caution: If you use a TI
n n n n
the calculator will return only one

wk ϭ r1/n ccosa ϩ b ϩ isina ϩ bd

root. u k � 360° u k � 360°
u in degrees
n n n n
where k ϭ 0, 1, 2, ..., n Ϫ 1.

To find all three distinct roots, you

need to change to polar form and
apply the nth root theorem. EXAMPLE 5 Finding Roots of Complex Numbers
Find the three distinct cube roots of Ϫ4 Ϫ 4i13 and plot the roots in the complex plane.
Study Tip S TEP 1 Write Ϫ4 Ϫ 4i13 in polar form. 8(cos 240° ϩ isin 240°)
Ϫ4 Ϫ 4i23 in polar form: S TEP 2 Find the three cube roots.

wk ϭ r1/n ccosa ϩ bd
x ϭ Ϫ4 y ϭ Ϫ423 u k � 360° u k � 360°
) ϩ isina ϩ
r ϭ 216 ϩ 48 ϭ 264 ϭ 8 n n n n
y Ϫ423 u ϭ 240°, r ϭ 8, n ϭ 3, k ϭ 0, 1, 2
ϭ 23
w0 ϭ 81/3 ccosa b ϩ isina bd
tanu ϭ ϭ
x Ϫ4 240° 0 � 360° 240° 0 � 360°
u ϭ tan A23B ϭ 60°, but the
For k ϭ 0: ϩ ϩ
Ϫ1 3 3 3 3
point is in quadrant III therefore Simplify. w0 ϭ 2(cos80° ϩ isin80°)
u ϭ 60° ϩ 180° ϭ 240°.

w1 ϭ 81/3 ccosa b ϩ isina bd

Note: 240° 1 � 360° 240° 1 � 360°
For k ϭ 1: ϩ ϩ
• The modulus of the nth root will 3 3 3 3
always be the nth root of r.
u Simplify. w1 ϭ 2(cos200° ϩ isin200°)
• The first angle will always be .

w2 ϭ 81/3 ccosa b ϩ isina bd

• The angles always increase by a 240° 2 � 360° 240° 2 � 360°
For k ϭ 2: ϩ ϩ
2p 360° 3 3 3 3
factor of or .
n n
Simplify. w2 ϭ 2(cos320° ϩ isin320°)

S TEP 3 Plot the three complex cube roots Imaginary

in the complex plane. axis
■ Answer:
2i w0
w0 ϭ 2(cos 100° ϩ isin 100°) 80º
Notice the following:
w1 ϭ 2(cos 220° ϩ isin 220°)
w2 ϭ 2(cos 340° ϩ isin 340°) ■ The roots all have a magnitude Real
Imaginary of 2, and hence all lie on a circle
axis of radius 2. –2 2
w0 2i
100º w1
■ The roots are equally spaced 320º
200º w2
Real around the circle (120° apart).
axis –2i
–2 2
220º w2
■ YOUR TURN Find the three distinct complex cube roots of 4 Ϫ 4i13 and plot the
roots in the complex plane.
8.3 Products, Quotients, Powers, and Roots of Complex Numbers; De Moivre’s Theorem 463

Solving Equations Using Roots

of Complex Numbers
Let us return to solving the equation x3 Ϫ 1 ϭ 0. We have solved this equation using
known algebraic techniques, now let us solve it using the nth root theorem.

EXAMPLE 6 Solving Equations Using Complex Roots Technology Tip

3 The solution to the equation is
Find all complex solutions to x Ϫ 1 ϭ 0.
x ϭ (1 ϩ 0i) 1/3.
Solution: x3 ϭ 1
S TEP 1 Write 1 in polar form. 1 ϭ 1 ϩ 0i ϭ cos0° ϩ i sin0°

S TEP 2 Find the three cube roots of 1.

wk ϭ r1/n ccos a ϩ b ϩ i sina ϩ b]

u k � 360° u k � 360°
n n n n
r ϭ 1, u ϭ 0°, n ϭ 3, k ϭ 0, 1, 2

w0 ϭ 11/3 ccos a b ϩ i sina ϩ bd

0° 0 � 360° 0° 0 � 360°
For k ϭ 0: ϩ
3 3 3 3

Simplify. w0 ϭ cos 0° ϩ i sin 0°

w1 ϭ 11/3 ccos a b ϩ i sina ϩ bd

0° 1 � 360° 0° 1 � 360°
For k ϭ 1: ϩ
3 3 3 3
Simplify. w1 ϭ cos 120° ϩ i sin 120°

w2 ϭ 11/3 ccos a b ϩ i sina ϩ bd

0° 2 � 360° 0° 2 � 360°
For k ϭ 2: ϩ
3 3 3 3
Simplify. w2 ϭ cos 240° ϩ i sin 240°

S TEP 3 Write the roots in rectangular form.

For w0: w0 ϭ cos 0° ϩ i sin 0° ϭ 1

1 0

1 13
For w1: w1 ϭ cos 120° ϩ i sin 120° ϭ Ϫ ϩ i
2 2

1 13
2 2

1 13
For w2: w2 ϭ cos 240° ϩ i sin 240° ϭ Ϫ Ϫ i
2 2

1 13
2 2

S TEP 4 Write the solutions to the equation x3 Ϫ 1 ϭ 0.

1 13 1 13
xϭ1 xϭϪ ϩi xϭϪ Ϫi
2 2 2 2

Notice that there is one real solution and there are two (nonreal) complex solutions and
that the two (nonreal) complex solutions are complex conjugates.
464 C H A P T E R 8 Complex Numbers, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations

It is always a good idea to check that the solutions indeed satisfy the equation. The
equation x3 Ϫ 1 ϭ 0 can also be written as x3 ϭ 1, so the check in this case is to cube
the three solutions and confirm that the result is 1.

x ϭ 1: 1 3 ϭ 1 ✓

: aϪ ϩ i b ϭ aϪ ϩ i b aϪ ϩ i b
1 13 1 13 3 1 13 2 1 13
xϭϪ ϩi
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

ϭ aϪ Ϫ i b aϪ ϩ i b
1 13 1 13
2 2 2 2
1 3
ϭ ϩ
4 4

: aϪ Ϫ i b ϭ aϪ Ϫ i b aϪ Ϫ i b
1 13 1 13 3 1 13 2 1 13
xϭϪ Ϫi
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

ϭ aϪ ϩ i b aϪ Ϫ i b
Imaginary 1 13 1 13
Study Tip axis 2 2 2 2
Note: You could use the polar form w1 i
in Step 3 and De Moivre’s theorem 120º 1 3
ϭ ϩ
for the integer power n ϭ 3 to check Real 4 4
the nonreal complex solutions. w0 axis
–1 1


8.3 S U M MARY

In this section, we multiplied and divided complex numbers Let z ϭ r (cosu ϩ i sinu) be a complex number. Then for a
given in polar form and, using De Moivre’s theorem, raised positive integer n: z raised to a power n is given by
complex numbers to integer powers and found the nth roots
z n ϭ r n [cos(nu) ϩ i sin(nu)]
of complex numbers, as follows.
Let z1 ϭ r1 (cos u1 ϩ i sin u1 ) and z2 ϭ r2 (cos u2 ϩ i sin u2 ) The n nth roots of z are given by
be two complex numbers.
wk ϭ r1/n ccosa ϩ b ϩ i sina ϩ bd
u k � 360° u k � 360°
The product z1z2 is given by n n n n
z1z2 ϭ r1r2 [cos(u1 ϩ u2 ) ϩ i sin(u1 ϩ u2 )] where u is in degrees or

wk ϭ r1/n ccosa ϩ b ϩ isina ϩ bd

The quotient is given by u k � 2p u k � 2p
n n n n
z1 r1 where u is in radians and k ϭ 0, 1, 2, ..., n Ϫ 1.
ϭ [cos(u1 Ϫ u2 ) ϩ i sin(u1 Ϫ u2 )]
z2 r2
8.3 Products, Quotients, Powers, and Roots of Complex Numbers; De Moivre’s Theorem 465



In Exercises 1–20, find the product z1z2 and express it in rectangular form.
1. z1 ϭ 4 (cos 40° ϩ i sin 40°) and z2 ϭ 3(cos 80° ϩ i sin80°)
2. z1 ϭ 2(cos 100° ϩ i sin 100°) and z2 ϭ 5(cos 50° ϩ i sin50°)
3. z1 ϭ 4(cos 80° ϩ i sin 80°) and z2 ϭ 2 (cos 145° ϩ i sin145°)
4. z1 ϭ 3(cos 130° ϩ i sin 130°) and z2 ϭ 4(cos 170° ϩ i sin170°)
5. z1 ϭ 2(cos 10° ϩ i sin 10°) and z2 ϭ 4(cos 80° ϩ i sin80°)
6. z1 ϭ 3(cos 190° ϩ i sin 190°) and z2 ϭ 5(cos 80° ϩ i sin80°)
7. z1 ϭ 6 (cos 20° ϩ isin 20°) and z2 ϭ 8 (cos 10° ϩ isin10°)
8. z1 ϭ 5 (cos 200° ϩ isin 200°) and z2 ϭ 2 (cos 40° ϩ isin40°)
9. z1 ϭ 12 (cos 280° ϩ i sin 280°) and z2 ϭ 29 (cos 50° ϩ isin50°)
10. z1 ϭ 56 (cos 15° ϩ isin 15°) and z2 ϭ 12
5 (cos 195° ϩ isin195°)

11. z1 ϭ 13 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 127 ccosa b ϩ i sina b d

p p p p
12 12 6 6

12. z1 ϭ 15 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 15 ccosa b ϩ i sina b d

p p 4p 4p
15 15 15 15

13. z1 ϭ 4 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 3 ccos a b ϩ i sina b d

3p 3p p p
8 8 8 8

14. z1 ϭ 6 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 5 ccos a b ϩ i sina b d

2p 2p 2p 2p
9 9 9 9

15. z1 ϭ 9 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 1 ccos a b ϩ isina b d

4p 4p p p
3 3 3 3

16. z1 ϭ 13 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 4 ccos a b ϩ isina b d

3p 3p 7p 7p
10 10 10 10

17. z1 ϭ 3 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 5 ccos a b ϩ isina b d

7p 7p p p
12 12 4 4

18. z1 ϭ 18 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 2 ccos a b ϩ isina b d

p p 3p 3p
3 3 2 2

ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ ccosa b ϩ isina b d

17 p p 17 p p
19. z1 ϭ
2 2 2 4 4 4

ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ ccosa b ϩ isina b d

13 8p 8p 12 6p 6p
20. z1 ϭ
3 7 7 5 7 7
466 C H A P T E R 8 Complex Numbers, Polar Coordinates, and Parametric Equations

In Exercises 21–40, find the quotient and express it in rectangular form.
21. z1 ϭ 6(cos 100° ϩ isin 100°) and z2 ϭ 2(cos 40° ϩ isin 40°)
22. z1 ϭ 8(cos 80° ϩ i sin80°) and z2 ϭ 2(cos 35° ϩ i sin 35°)
23. z1 ϭ 10(cos 200° ϩ i sin 200°) and z2 ϭ 5(cos 65° ϩ i sin65°)
24. z1 ϭ 4(cos 280° ϩ i sin 280°) and z2 ϭ 4(cos 55° ϩ i sin 55°)
25. z1 ϭ 112 (cos 350° ϩ i sin 350°) and z2 ϭ 13 (cos 80° ϩ i sin80°)
26. z1 ϭ 140 (cos 110° ϩ i sin 110°) and z2 ϭ 110 (cos 20° ϩ i sin20°)
27. z1 ϭ 2(cos 213° ϩ isin 213°) and z2 ϭ 4(cos 33° ϩ isin 33°)
28. z1 ϭ 12(cos 315° ϩ isin 315°) and z2 ϭ 3(cos 15° ϩ isin15°)
29. z1 ϭ 35 (cos 295° ϩ i sin 295°) and z2 ϭ 4
10 (cos 55° ϩ isin55°)
2 8
30. z1 ϭ 3 (cos 355° ϩ i sin 355°) and z2 ϭ 9 (cos 235° ϩ i sin235°)

31. z1 ϭ 9 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 3 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d

5p 5p p p
12 12 12 12

32. z1 ϭ 8 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 4 ccos a b ϩ i sina b d

5p 5p 3p 3p
8 8 8 8

33. z1 ϭ 45 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 9 ccos a b ϩ i sina b d

22p 22p 2p 2p
15 15 15 15

34. z1 ϭ 22 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 11 ccos a b ϩ i sina b d

11p 11p 5p 5p
18 18 18 18

35. z1 ϭ 25 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 5 ccos a b ϩ isina b d

13p 13p 7p 7p
9 9 9 9

36. z1 ϭ 30 ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ 15 ccos a b ϩ isina b d

3p 3p p p
2 2 6 6

ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ ccos a b ϩ isina b d

1 17p 17p 3 p p
37. z1 ϭ
2 12 12 8 4 4

ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ ccos a b ϩ isina bd

5 61p 61p 1 31p 31p
38. z1 ϭ
12 36 36 8 36 36

ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ ccos a b ϩ isina b d

15 35p 35p 25 5p 5p
39. z1 ϭ
2 18 18 4 18 18

ccos a b ϩ i sin a b d and z2 ϭ ccos a b ϩ isina b d

7 13p 13p 14 p p
40. z1 ϭ
12 12 12 3 12 12

In Exercises 41–50, evaluate each expression using De Moivre’s theorem. Write the answer in rectangular form.
41. (Ϫ1 ϩ i) 5 42. (1 Ϫ i) 4 43. AϪ 13 ϩ i B 6 44. A13 Ϫ iB 8 45. A1 Ϫ 13iB 4 46. AϪ1 ϩ 13i B5
47. (4 Ϫ 4i) 8 48. (Ϫ3 ϩ 3i) 10 49. A4 13 ϩ 4iB 7 50. AϪ5 ϩ 513iB 7

In Exercises 51–62, find all nth roots of z. Write the answers in polar form, and plot the roots in the complex plane.
51. 2 Ϫ 2i 13, n ϭ 2 52. 2 ϩ 2i 13, n ϭ 2 53. 312 Ϫ 3i12, n ϭ 2 54. Ϫ12 ϩ i12, n ϭ 2
27 27 13
55. 4 ϩ 4i 13, n ϭ 3 56. Ϫ ϩ i, n ϭ 3 57. 13 Ϫ i, n ϭ 3 58. 412 ϩ 4i12, n ϭ 3
2 2
59. 812 Ϫ 8i 12, n ϭ 4 60. Ϫ8 12 ϩ 8i 12 , n ϭ 4 61. 1013 Ϫ 10i, n ϭ 4 62. Ϫ5 Ϫ 5i13, n ϭ 4

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