Physics Division: Phys 177 Syllabus, PG
Physics Division: Phys 177 Syllabus, PG
Physics Division: Phys 177 Syllabus, PG
A.Y. 2018-2019
A premier institution of higher learning in Caraga Region committed to global excellence in science and technology, and humanities towards sustainable
Caraga State University is committed to the four-fold functions (quality instruction, research, extension, and production) of higher education by:
providing quality and relevant education in science and technology, and humanities;
developing competent individuals who are scientifically-trained, technologically skilled and morally upright;
contributing in the creation of an eco-friendly and healthy environment; and
participating actively in transnational collaboration, industry linkages and global networks.
1. F. A. Jenkins, H. E. White, Fundamentals of Optics, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001
2. M. Young, Optics and Lasers, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000.
3. M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980.
4. E. Hecht, Optics, Addison-Wesley Longman, Reading, 1998.
5. J. W. Goodman, Introduction to Fourier Optics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996
6. B.E.A. Saleh, M.C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2007
Assessme Instruction
Specific Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching Learning Activities nt task al
Wee Topic e Remark
At the end of the subsection, the students must (Mode of Instructions) (Evaluati Materials s
k Fra have: ve and
Ray Optics Lecture/discussi Measure)
Individual Books,
a. Properties of Light • familiarized with the different on, and/or Journals
1-3 15.0
b. Image Formation properties of light Brainstorming, group , Online
(Graphical Ray Problem solving, seatworks, interacti
Assessme Instruction
Specific Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching Learning Activities nt task al
Wee Topic e Remark
At the end of the subsection, the students must (Mode of Instructions) (Evaluati Materials s
k Fra have: ve and
in Plane and • applied the imaging equations for Measure)
Board simulation
Spherical Surfaces optical problems involving spherical Experiment 1: Measuring works, s (PhET,
c. Ray Tracing mirrors and thin lenses Index of Refraction Laboratory Ray Optics
Calculations* • mastered graphical ray tracing of reports Simulator),
d. Lens Aberration image formation in spherical mirrors Experiment 2: Image Experimen
and thin lenses Formation in Spherical tal Set-up
• explained the concept of lens abberation Mirrors
Experiment 3: Image
Formation in Thin Lenses
Optical Instruments, • familiarized the principle of operation Problem solving,
Light Sources and of different optical instruments and Books,
Oral Reporting / Peer Teaching Individual
Detectors the physics behind it Journals,
a. The Human Eye • demonstrated how a telescope Online
Demonstration 1: Telescope group
b. Cameras and microscope works interactiv
4-5 10.0 seatworks,
c. Types of Lenses e
• identified the different sources of Demonstration 2: Microscope Problem
and Magnifiers simulatio
light and detectors sets, Board
d. Microscopes ns
• calculated parameters Demonstration 3: Laser as works,
e. Types of Telescopes (PhET),
involving measurement of Light Source Laboratory
f. Different Light Sources Experimen
visible light reports
g. Different Light Detectors tal Set-up
Demonstration 4: CCD as
light detector
Wave Optics • solved problems involving the wave Individual
Lecture/discussi Books,
a. Vibrations and Waves nature of light such as interference and/or
on, Journals,
b. Superposition of Waves and diffraction group
Brainstorming, Online
6 -8 c. Interference 15.0 seatworks,
• applied the diffraction grating theories Problem solving, interactiv
and Problem
to obtain the wavelength of a coherent Oral Reporting / Peer Teaching e
Interferometr sets, Board
light source simulatio
y works,
d. Diffraction
Assessme Instruction
Specific Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching Learning Activities nt task al
Wee Topic e Remark
At the end of the subsection, the students must (Mode of Instructions) (Evaluati Materials s
k Fra have: ve and
• calculated the spatial period of a Experiment 4: Interference Measure) Experimen
diffraction grating using a coherent Pattern of Single and Double tal Set-up
light source Slits
Demonstration 5:
9 Midterm Examination 5.0
Polarization • identified the different types of Lecture/discussi Books,
polarization and polarizing Individual
a. Polarization by on, Journals,
devices and/or
Reflection Brainstorming, Online
• obtained analytic expressions for group
b. Malus Law Problem solving, interactiv
10 - 10.0 seatworks,
c. Dichroic Crystals various polarization effects and solve Oral Reporting / Peer Teaching e
11 Problem
d. Double Refraction problems on light transmittance and simulatio
sets, Board
e. Parallel and propagation in terms of the electric Demonstration 6: Polarization ns
Crossed field vector in Sunglasses (PhET),
Polarizers •• demonstrated basic application
identified the different Experimen
Lasers and Beam Optics processes involved in lasing Lecture/discussi Books,
a. Laser Processes • discussed the basic role of resonators on, Journals,
and in lasers Brainstorming, Online
Amplification Problem solving, interactiv
12 - 10.0 • enumerated the different laser modes seatworks,
b. Resonators Oral Reporting / Peer Teaching e
13 and oscillations Problem
c. Laser Modes simulatio
• enumerated the common type of lasers sets, Board
d. Common Lasers Experiment 7: Determining ns
• familiarized the properties of works,
e. Gaussian Beam the Beam Size of a Laser (PhET),
Gaussian beams such as linewidth Laboratory
f. Rayleigh Range Beam Experimen
of a laser reports
Assessme Instruction
Specific Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching Learning Activities nt task al
Wee Topic e Remark
At the end of the subsection, the students must (Mode of Instructions) (Evaluati Materials s
k Fra have: ve and
• applied the concept of total internal Lecture/discussi Measure) Books,
Fiber Optics Individual
reflection to waveguides such as on, Journals,
a. Guided Rays and/or
optical fibers Brainstorming, Online
b. Guided Waves group
• measured the attenuation in wave Problem solving, interactiv
14 - c. Attenuation 10.0 seatworks,
guides due to dispersion Oral Reporting / Peer Teaching e
15 and Problem
Dispersion • identified the features of photonic sets, Board
Demonstration 7: Wave ns
d. Photonic Crystal Fibers crystal fibers works,
Guiding in Glass Slabs (PhET),
Holography &
Fourier Optics Lecture/discussi Books,
• familiarized with the basic principles Individual
a. Basic Principles on, Journals,
of holography and/or
of Holography Brainstorming, Online
• discussed how a hologram group
b. Viewing a Hologram Problem solving, interactiv
16 - 10.0 is reconstructed seatworks,
c. Volume Holography Oral Reporting / Peer Teaching e
17 Problem
d. Multiplex Holograms • enumerated the different types simulatio
sets, Board
e. Reflection and of holograms Demonstration 8: Basic ns
Transmission Volume Holography (PhET),
Holograms Experimen
18 Final Examination 5.0 tal Set-up
TOTAL 90.0
The instructor have the freedom to change the percentage distribution but the major exams should not be less than 40%. The final grade corresponding to the
student’s general percentage are given in the table to the right. In the case of the conditional grades, these will be given to the students upon completion of the requirements
set by the instructor. A grade of INC (Incomplete) will be given in the event that the student is not able to comply before the deadline set by the instructor and the student
will continue complying the requirements in the next semester.