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Integrating Data Mining Results with Knowledge Based System for

Cattle Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment :The Case of Debre Birhan
Basso Animal Health Center



Jun. 2018


Integrating Data Mining Results With Knowledge Based System for

Cattle Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment :The Case of Debre Birhan
Basso Animal Health Center

A Thesis Submitted to the College of Graduate Studies of Debre Berhan University

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in
Information Systems



Jun. 2018

Debere Birhan University

Debere Birhan Ethiopia



Integrating Data Mining Results With Knowledge Based System For

Cattle Diseases Diagnosis And Treatment :The Case Of Debre
Birhan Basso Animal Health Center


Name and Signature of Members of the Examining Board

Name Title Signature Date

________________ Chair Person

Dr. Kindie Biredagn Advisor

________________ Examiner1 _________

________________ Examiner2 _________


I would like to dedicate my thesis to my father, who passed away without seeing my
achievement, and to my dear brother, Bayu Beyene who devoted his life for my achievement.
Thank you Emamey! God bless your life in the best of her ways.

First of all, I would like to thank almighty God for giving me the strength to achieve whatever I
have achieved so far and for guiding me all the way through.

I would like thank my advisor, Dr. Kindie Biredagn, for his guidance, direction, patience, and continuous
encouragement throughout the time of my thesis research. He was always there to answer my questions
and set time to meet with me whenever needed. I will be forever grateful.

I would like to thank my best Friend, Etagegn Shewakena. Her words of encouragement and support are
what kept me going all these years.

I sincerely thank my whole family, without their support and encouragement I would have not been here
today. They have always been with me supporting, helping and appreciating in my journey to be a better

I would like to thank Basso Animal health Center Workers, Dr Hailemariam Amare, Mulatu
Tegegn, Tsegu Teklyie, Fantahun Gebiru, Yonas Tadele and administration of Debre Berhan
animal health officer Mr. Eshetu Demissie. I always wish to good as half you are.

I would like to express my gratitude for Debre Birhan College of computing members, especially
Yeshalem Gezahegn, Mikre Getu (Mak), Kindie Alebachew, Baye Yemataw, Hagos Yirgaw and
Almaz Assefa.

Last but not least, It is an honor for me to express my special appreciation for my classmates for their
collaboration with giving me ideas, directions, comments and also for their encouragements.
Table of Contents
Acronym ........................................................................................................................................ ix
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................. 2
1.3. Objectives of the Study .................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1. General Objective ..................................................................................................... 4
1.3.2. Specific objectives .................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Scope and Limitation of the Study ................................................................................... 4
1.5. Significance of the Study ................................................................................................. 5
1.6. Research Methodology..................................................................................................... 6
1.6.1. Research Design........................................................................................................ 6
1.6.2. Literature review ....................................................................................................... 6
1.6.3. Methods of Knowledge Collected ............................................................................ 6
1.6.4. Methods Knowledge Representation ........................................................................ 6
1.6.5. Implementation tool .................................................................................................. 7
1.6.6. Evaluation methods ................................................................................................... 7
1.7. Organization of the study ................................................................................................. 7
1.8. Definetion of Technical Terms ........................................................................................ 8
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 9
LITERATURE REVIEW AND RELATED WORK ..................................................................... 9
2.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.2. Data Mining Process Model ............................................................................................. 9
2.2.1. Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) process.................................................. 9
2.2.2. Sample Explore Modify Model Assess Process ..................................................... 10
2.2.3. CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data mining Process.................................... 11
2.2.4. Hybrid Process ........................................................................................................ 11
2.3. Data Mining Tasks ......................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1. Association Rule Discovery.................................................................................... 13
2.3.2. Clustering ................................................................................................................ 13
2.3.3. Regression ............................................................................................................... 14
2.3.4. Classification........................................................................................................... 14
2.4. Attribute selection measures .......................................................................................... 19
2.5.1. Information Gain ..................................................................................................... 19
2.5.2. Gain Ratio ............................................................................................................... 20
2.5.3. Gini Index ............................................................................................................... 21
2.5. Knowledge Base System ................................................................................................ 22
2.6. Knowledge representation .............................................................................................. 24
2.6.1. Forms of Representing Knowledge ........................................................................ 25
2.6.2. Implementation Tools ............................................................................................. 26
2.7. Evaluation of the Classification Model .......................................................................... 27
2.7.1. Prediction Accuracy ................................................................................................ 27
2.7.2. True Positive rate and False Positive rate ............................................................... 27
2.7.3. Precision and Recall ................................................................................................ 28
2.8. Related Work.................................................................................................................. 28
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 32
KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION AND MODELING .................................................................. 32
3.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 32
3.2. Knowledge Acquired Using Documents Analysis ......................................................... 32
3.2.1. Common Cattle Disease .......................................................................................... 33
3.3. Knowledge Acquired using Interview............................................................................ 43
3.3.1. Conceptual Modeling for Cattle Disease Diagnosis and Treatment ....................... 44
3.4. Knowledge Acquired from Data Mining ....................................................................... 47
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 48
DATA MINING TECHNIQUES ................................................................................................. 48
4.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 48
4.2. Research Design with Respect to Hybrid Model ........................................................... 48
4.2.1. Understanding of the Problem Domain .................................................................. 49
4.2.2. Understanding of the Data ...................................................................................... 49
4.2.3. Preparation of the Data ........................................................................................... 50
4.2.4. Data mining ............................................................................................................. 56
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 57
EXPERMENTAL RESULT AND ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 57
5.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 57
5.2. Selecting Modeling Technique....................................................................................... 57
5.3. Expermental Setup ......................................................................................................... 57
5.3.1. Methods of Training and Testing Option................................................................ 58
5.3.2. Developing Classifier, Model uses Naïve Bayes .................................................... 58
5.3.3. Developing Classifier Model using J48 Decision Tree .......................................... 59
5.3.4. Developing Classifier Model using JRip Rule Based ............................................. 60
5.3.5. Performance Comparison of Naïve Bayes, J48 and JRip models ........................... 61
5.4. Classifying Model Performance Evaluation Metrics ..................................................... 63
5.5. Rule Extraction From JRip Classification Algorithm .................................................... 64
CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................. 65
IMPLEMENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS ........................................................ 65
6.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 65
6.2. Architecture of the system.............................................................................................. 65
6.2.1. Data Mining ............................................................................................................ 66
6.2.2. Knowledge based system ........................................................................................ 67
6.3. Combination of Data Mining and Knowledge Based System........................................ 70
6.3.1. Structure of JRip rule and PROLOG rule ............................................................... 70
6.4. Evaluation of the Prototype ............................................................................................ 72
6.4.1. User Acceptance Testing ........................................................................................ 72
6.4.2. System Performance Testing using Test cases ....................................................... 75
6.5. Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 76
CHAPTER SEVEN ...................................................................................................................... 79
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................ 79
7.1. Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 79
7.2. Recommendation ............................................................................................................ 80
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 89
Appendix I .................................................................................................................................... 89
Appendix II ................................................................................................................................... 90
Appendix III .................................................................................................................................. 91
Appendix IV.................................................................................................................................. 93
Appendix VI.................................................................................................................................. 94
List of Tables
TABLE 2.1 SUMMARY OF DATA MINING MODELS .......................................................................................................... 12

TABLE 2.3 CONFUSION MATRIX .................................................................................................................................. 27

TABLE 2.4 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION RESULT ........................................................................................................ 31

TABLE 3.1 MASTITIS BASIC MICROORGANISM ............................................................................................................. 36

TABLE 4.1 SAMPLE DATA AFTER HANDLING MISSING VALUES ...................................................................................... 50

TABLE 4.2 DATA TRANSFORMATION BY CATTLE TEMPERATURE RANGE [4] ................................................................ 51

TABLE 4.3 REMOVING UNNECESSARY ATTRIBUTES OF THE TABLE ............................................................................... 55

TABLE 5.1 COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS OF THE MODELS ......................................................................................... 62

TABLE 5.2 DETAILED ACCURACY BY CLASS FOR JRIP CLASSIFICATION ALGORITHM: ................................................ 64

TABLE 6.1 SAMPLE JRIP RULES FOR MASTITIS AND FMD. .......................................................................................... 71

TABLE 6.2 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION THROUGH VISUAL INTERACTION .................................................................. 73

TABLE 6. 3 EXPERTS RESPONSE IN CLOSED ENDED QUESTION .................................................................................... 74

List of Figures
FIGURE 2.1 THE SIX STEPS KDP MODEL FRAMEWORK .................................................................................................... 13

FIGURE 2.2 DATA MINING ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTATION - CLASSIFICATION MODEL [25].......................................... 15

FIGURE 2.3 DECISION TREE STRACTURE ............................................................................................................................ 16

FIGURE 2.4 THE GENERAL ARCHITECTURE OF KNOWLEDGE BASED SYSTEM [7] ........................................................... 23


FIGURE 3.2 DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE FOR CATTLE DISEASE............................................................................................ 44

FIGURE 3.3 DECISION TREE FOR CATTLE DISEASE FROM DISCUSSION OF DOMAIN EXPERT ............................................. 47

FIGURE 4.1 DATA MINING SYSTEM FRAMEWORK.............................................................................................................. 48

FIGURE 4.2 ARFF FILE FROM WEKA ................................................................................................................................ 51

FIGURE 4.3 IMBALANCE DATASET BEFORE SMOTE ......................................................................................................... 53

FIGURE 4.4 BALANCED DATASET AFTER SMOTE AND DISCRTIZE .................................................................................. 54

FIGURE 5.1 TP RATE OF CLASSIFIERS ................................................................................................................................. 63

..................................................................................................................................................................................... 66



DISEASE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 70
AI Artificial Intelligence
ARFF Attribute Relation File Format
BAHC Basso Animal Health Center
C/I Contraindication
CART Classification & Regression Trees
CBR Case Based Reasoning
CommonKADS Common Knowledge Acquisition and Documentation Structuring
CRISP-DM CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining
CSV Comma Separated Value
D/F Dosage Forms
D/I Drug Interaction
DBAHC Debre Birhan Animal Health Center
FMD Foot Mouse Disease
GUI Graphical User Interface
ID3 Iterative Dichotomiser 3
IIS Internet Information Server
IM Intramuscularly
IU International Unit
IV Intravenously
JDE Java Integrated Development Environment
JDK Java Development Kit
JPL Java to Prolog Library
KBS Knowledge Based System
KDD Knowledge Discovery Database
KDP knowledge discovery processes
KR Knowledge Representation
LSD Lumpy skin Disease
MSF Medicine Sans Frontieres
RIPPER Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction
SMOTE Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique
S/E Side Effect
SEMMA Sample, Explore, Modify, Model Asses
SWI-Prolog PROGraming in Logic
WEKA Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis
WP Withdrawal Period

The general objective of this study is to constructing predicting model and integrate
automatically with the knowledge base system, in order to increase the efficiency in the
diagnosis and treatment of common cattle disease. Different researches, articles, journal
papers and guidelines that have been done on cattle disease diagnosis and treatment, data
mining, KBS, knowledge acquisition for KBS and integration of data mining results with
KBS were reviewed. Besides to this, related works were reviewed to identify the gap and
formulate research questions of the study. Mixed (quantitative and qualitative) research
design were used, integrated (manual and automated) knowledge acquisition techniques
were used to acquire knowledge, rule based knowledge representation approach was used
to represent knowledge in the knowledge base.

In this study, rule based diagnosis and treatment of cattle disease knowledge based
system is proposed. The system is aiming at utilizing hidden knowledge extracted by
employing induction algorithm of data mining, specifically JRip from sampled BAHC
dataset. The integrator application then links the model created by JRip classifier to
knowledge based system so as to add knowledge automatically. In doing so, the
integrator understands the syntax of JRip classifier and Prolog and converts from rule
representation in JRip to Prologunderstandable format.

Finally, As a result, the proposed system can perform in the absence of domain experts
with 90% of system performance evaluation result which indicates that the KBS has the
necessary knowledge for diagnosis and treatment of cattle disease which in turn implies
that the study was effective in acquiring knowledge. Besides to this, the proposed system
achieves 85.8% of the users’ acceptance which in turn implies that the proposed system
could be operational if it could be implemented.

Keywords: - Cattle disease, Data mining, rule based, integration with Knowledge Base
System, JRip classifier, KBS, CommonCADS.


1.1. Background

Ethiopia is one among the nations that possesses the largest livestock population in the African
continent with an estimated fifty six million of cattle, fifty eight million of sheep and goats and
ten million of equines, one million of camels and fifty seven million of chicken [1]. The average
lifespan for cattle is 18 to 22 years, although they can live in excess of 25 years. Because many
rescued animals have come from abusive conditions, however, these cattle may have more health
problems and a shorter life span than other cattle [2].

Livestock sector would be a significant contributor to Ethiopia’s economy. It is noteworthy

livestock products and by products like meat, milk and butter that contribute to the improvement
of the nutritional status of the people. Livestock also plays an important role in providing export
commodities, such as live animals and skins, which benefits the country with foreign exchanges.
Livestock also gives a certain degree of security in times of crop failure, as they are a near-cash
capital stock. Furthermore, livestock provides farmyard manure that is commonly applied to
improve soil fertility and also used as a source of energy.

In addition to death, they cause loss of production and frequently a loss of body condition [3].
Unhealthy animals require more food and take longer time for growth than healthy ones. The
cattle disease costs millions of Birr losses every year. Generally, animals are born free of disease
or parasites. But they usually acquire these disorders either through contact with diseased
animals or due to improper sanitation, feeding, care and management. Keeping animals healthy
by confining purchases to healthy herds, proper quarantine at the time of bringing in new
animals, employing sound principles of sanitation, management and feeding and careful use of
appropriate and dependable vaccines is the practical and economical ways to avoid losses from
the disease.

Good housing assists in maintaining the health of the herd, whereas judicious feeding not only
builds up body resistance to disease but also helps in speedy recovery in case there is a disease
attack [3]. According to Drug Administration and Control Authority of Ethiopia [4], cattle

diseases are categorized into five groups, namely, infectious diseases, noninfectious diseases,
diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the reproductive system and ectoparasites.

Knowledge Base System (KBS) is one of the major family members of the Artificial Intelligence
(AI) groups. With the availability of advanced computing facilities and other resources attention
is now turning to more demanding tasks that might require intelligence. Societies and industries
are becoming knowledge-oriented and are depending on different experts’ decision making
ability to solve problems [5].

The KBS is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence to solve problems within a
specialized domain that requires human expertise. The typical applications of knowledge base
system include classification, diagnosis, monitoring, designing, scheduling and planning for
specialized tasks [6]. From these applications of knowledge base system this research work
focuses on the diagnosis of disease of cattle.

Knowledge based system helps for animal health workers to upgrade their knowledge and
experience and give high level medical health care services and treatment. Developing a
Knowledge Base System that gives advice about cattle disease would play a critical role, so that
animal health workers can save many lives. Besides of this, developing the knowledge based
system encourage and enable cattle owners who have computer access to diagnosis his/her cattle
to check the severity of the disease and go to the higher clinic for further diagnosis.

Data mining (DM) is a subfield of machine learning that enables finding interesting knowledge
(patterns, models and relationships) in very large databases. It is the most essential part of the
knowledge-discovery process, which combines databases, statistics, and artificial intelligence
machine learning techniques. Data mining improves decision making by giving insight into what
is happening today and by helping predict what will happen tomorrow [7].

1.2. Statement of the Problem

In Ethiopia, the number of veterinarians was very low until the last decade. The ratio of
veterinarians to animals was about 1: 500,000 [8]. Even if the government is working to increase
the number of veterinarians by opening veterinary colleges, the ratio of veterinarians to animals
is still not satisfactory. Recently, the government has been using animal health assistant to treat
animals in rural areas. These animal health assistants have only basic knowledge about animal

diseases. Animal health assistants, who work in the rural town of Ethiopia, are the primary
means to treat cattle in the country. There is no way to acquire information about cattle diseases
after they have graduated. The information they obtain through agricultural development office
is static and does not respond to users specific needs since the information is general. For
example, if a new disease occurred in the country, detail symptom of the disease would not be
known. During this situation, people would look for veterinarians [9]. But veterinarians are
rarely able to devote adequate time to assisting all requests. Moreover, in many instances,
response by veterinarians is not also on time. The use of knowledge based system could be a
possible solution for treating on time. The best knowledge is no such a system in use for cattle
diseases treatment, especially in Ethiopia. Thus, this research explores the applicability of using
knowledge based system technology in the domain of cattle disease diagnosis and treatment by
developing a knowledge based system [5].

Even though Knowledge Base Systems are very important and vital in solving such kind of
problems in developing countries where there is a lack of educated experts in health, no one is
doing a research on the construction of KBS that can acquire knowledge through integrated
(manual and automated) knowledge acquisition techniques and provide advice for Health
Workers about cattle disease.

In this research, Data Mining result integrated with Knowledge Based System for Cattle Diseases
Diagnosis and Treatment is present to reduce the problems, which will use to facilitate fast
disease diagnosis and on time treatment by the veterinarians and educated producers of cattle.
Because, several diseases show very similar conditions which need differential diagnosis and
take long time to detect them.

In this regard, these studies explore and find answers to the following research questions:-
 What are the main attribute that can properly predict the type of cattle disease?
 Which classification algorithm is best to develop the prediction model that can predict the
type that will give to the diseased cattle which is infected by disease?
 How to acquire, model, represent and implement a data mining result knowledge based
system for the diagnosis and treatment of selected disease?
 How to evaluate the performance and user acceptance of the prototype?

1.3. Objectives of the Study

1.3.1. General Objective

The general objective of this study is to apply the data mining techniques for constructing
predicting model and integrate automatically with the knowledge base system, in order to
increase the efficiency in the diagnosis and treatment of common cattle disease.

1.3.2. Specific objectives

To achieve the general objective the following specific objectives formulate:

 To acquire knowledge from domain experts, documents analysis and data mining.
 To conduct preprocessing of Basso Animal health center cattle disease dataset based on
hybrid model.
 To explore suitable classification data mining technique and algorithm.
 To create a predictive model based on Basso Animal health center cattle disease dataset.
 To construct the Knowledge base system using rule-based knowledge representation
 To evaluate the performance.
 To evaluate user acceptance level.

1.4. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is, thus, bound to propose a prototype of a Knowledge Based System for the diagnosis
and treatment of eight common diseases of cattle, namely blackleg, anthrax, Foot Mouse Disease
(FMD), Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), pneumonia, mastitis, enteritis and internal parasite
frequently occurs, according to Basso Animal Health Center dataset. Knowledge acquisition,
modeling, representation and development of the knowledge-based system for the diagnosis and
treatment of selected diseases are the major goals of this research.

The time and resources constraints are limited to cover the entire KBS of all diseases in this
study. Hence, this study does not include the diagnosis and treatment of all diseases of cattle.
The reason is many of the viral and bacterial diseases need sophisticated laboratory equipment
for the identification of them. It is, thus, limited to the differential diagnosis and treatment of
diseases of cattle based on symptoms. Generally, the study tries to implement a prototype

Knowledge Based System with java graphical user interface which plays the differential
diagnosis of a limited number of diseases.

The main limitation that the researcher faced while doing this researcher is data size and quality.
The dataset was small in number because of this the researcher faced class imbalance problem
and forced to use Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) to make the imbalance
dataset balanced and get as many rules and knowledge as possible.

1.5. Significance of the Study

The benefit of this study is providing the medical diagnosis and treatment of diseases of cattle.
The veterinary who work in agricultural sectors can easily access the collected knowledge in the
Knowledge Base System to support the cattle producers timely and quickly. Domain Experts and
middle level professionals can improve their knowledge and experience using the knowledge
base system to diagnose and treat diseases. KBS enables human experts to share their private
knowledge among users in the agricultural fields to improve quality and productivity of cattle

Developing a Knowledge Base System would play a vital and critical role in documenting
guidelines and knowledge and experience of well-educated and experienced veterinaries and
make it available for those Animal Health workers which in turn serves as means of knowledge
transfer such that the people of Ethiopia could get early and timely diagnosis and treatment
where ever they are which also help the country in providing a quality health care service for the
people who are living in remote areas.

Developing and implementing a Knowledge Base System that provides advice to animal health
workers and cattle owners would play a great role because KBS provides the high-quality
performance which solves difficult problems in a domain as good as or better than human
experts and can possesses vast quantities of domain specific knowledge to the minute details
which can in turn serve as means of knowledge and experience transfer because the ability of the
intelligent systems to capture and redistribute expertise has significant implications on
development of a nation, commodity or population.

1.6. Research Methodology

1.6.1. Research Design

Since the research topic needs several experiments and domain experts’ opinion, the researcher will use
mixed (both quantitative and qualitative) research design. The researcher also collected the dataset for
data mining purpose from Basso Animal health center cattle disease.

1.6.2. Literature review

The researcher will review different researches, articles and journal papers that will on cattle
disease and treatment, data mining, Knowledge base Systems, knowledge acquisition of
knowledge based systems and integration of data mining results with knowledge base systems to
get conceptual understanding about the problem on the hand.

1.6.3. Methods of Knowledge Collected Manual Knowledge Acquisition

The researcher will use both interview and document analysis to acquire knowledge. The
researcher will conduct the domain expert’s interview with veterinaries who works for cattle
diseases Treatment and Research Center at the Bassona Worena Wereda Animal Health Center. Automated Knowledge Acquisition

The researcher used hybrid model to acquire knowledge from Basso Animal health center cattle
disease using the (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) data mining tool.
This model consists of six phases intended as a cyclical phases, namely domain understanding,
data understanding, data preparation, data mining, data evaluation and knowledge discovery

1.6.4. Methods Knowledge Representation

Since the knowledge that the researcher will acquire from data mining classification technique
are in the form of rules and the knowledge that the researcher acquire from document analysis
and domain experts’ interview about diagnosis and treatment of cattle disease are full of decision
trees and procedures which are easy to convert to rules, the researcher forced to use rule-based
knowledge representation method which is the most predominant knowledge representation
methods to develop the Knowledge base.

1.6.5. Implementation tool

In order to mine the hidden knowledge from the pre-processed dataset and compare the
performance of classifiers, we used WEKA data mining tool. To represent rules in knowledge
base and construct the prototype of cattle disease advising Knowledge Based System, the
researcher use SWI-Prolog. Java NetBeans IDE 8.2 with JDK-8u20 [10] was employed to
integrate WEKA result with the Knowledge based system and develop the GUI of the propose

1.6.6. Evaluation methods

The researcher will use True Positive rate, Precision, Recall and F-measure evaluate the results
and accuracy of the developed model. The researcher also evaluate the KBS using system
performance testing by preparing test cases and users’ acceptance testing questionnaire which
helps the researcher to make sure that whether the potential users would like to use the propose
system frequently and whether the propose systems meets user requirements.

1.7. Organization of the study

This study comprises seven chapters. Chapter one discusses background of the study, the
problem statement and research questions, the objectives of the study, scope and limitation of the
study and methodologies that the researcher uses to conduct this study.

Chapter two discusses about conceptual and related works review that are relevant for this study.
In this chapter, the researcher discussions about data mining process model, data mining tasks,
classification algorithm. In addition to this, the researcher discusses about Knowledge Based
System such as methods of knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, Knowledge Base
System architecture, Knowledge Base development tools which are relevant for this study.

Chapter three presents the knowledge acquisition and modeling. In this chapter, the researcher
discussions about common cattle disease, symptoms of the disease, transmission, and prevention
methods, clinical diagnosis and treatment of cattle disease. The focus here is on manual (domain
expert interview and documents analysis) and automated knowledge acquisition techniques
through data mining. In addition to this the researcher discussed about conceptual modeling for
cattle disease diagnosis and treatment.

Chapter four discusses about methodology and approach of the study. Here, the researcher
presents data mining framework for mining knowledge from domain expert and the researcher
presents the data mining process model domain understanding, data understanding, data
understanding, data preparation, data mining, data evaluation and knowledge discovery.

Chapter five discusses about expermental result and discussion. In this chapter, the researcher
discuss predictive model creation and experimentation. The researcher also discusses the results
of WEKA classifier algorithms by comparing one to another and also discuss the research

Chapter six discusses about implementation and evaluation of the proposed systems. In this
chapter, the researcher discuss the components of the proposed system such as the knowledge
base, the inference engine, the user interface. Besides to this, the researcher discusses how to
evaluate the proposed system using test cases and user acceptance testing mechanisms.

Finally, chapter seven conclusion and recommendation which is the last chapter of the study,
discusses on the conclusion and forwards recommendation for further investigation.

1.8. Definetion of Technical Terms

 Classification: in DM, it is the task of assigning attributes to a predefined class.

 Classification model: is known as a target function. It is used for predicting or describing a
 Data mining (DM): process of retrieving useful information from a large amount of data.
 Supervised learning: a type of DM techniques that uses training data to train the
algorithm and to generate a classification model.
 Test dataset: data that are used to test an algorithm for accuracy.
 Training dataset: data that are used to train a supervised learning algorithm.
 Unsupervised learning: a type of DM techniques that does not need to use training data to
train the algorithm. No prediction involved.
 Instance: an attribute or a feature of data
 WEKA: Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis - is a DM software program to
analyses data.


2.1. Introduction

Cattle are large grazing animals with two-toed or cloven hooves and a four-chambered stomach.
This stomach is an adaptation to help digest tough grasses. Cattle can be horned or polled (or
hornless), depending on the breed. The horns come out on either side of the head above the ears
and are a simple shape, usually curved upwards but sometimes down. Cattle usually stay together
in groups called herds. One male, called a bull will usually have a number of cows in a herd as
his harem. The cows usually give birth to one calf a year, though twins are also known to be
born. The calves have long strong legs and can walk a few minutes after they are born, so they
can follow the herd. Cattle are the most common type of large domesticated hoofed animals.
They are a prominent modern member of the subfamily Bovine [11].

2.2. Data Mining Process Model

One of the greatest strength of data mining is reflected in its wide range of methodologies and
techniques that can be applied to a host of problem sets [12]. Data mining tools perform data
analysis and uncover important data patterns, contributing greatly to different business strategies
including medical researchers. The widning gab between data and information calls for a
systematic development of data mining tools that would turn data toms into golden nugets of
knowledge. Thus, patterns and knowledge from data mining is using for a sound judgement and
proactive decision making in different organization including health care sectors. Broadly used
methodologies in data mining are Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD), CRoss Industry
Standard Process for Data mining (CRISP-DM), Sample Explore Modify Model Assess
(SEMMA) and hybrid process [12].

2.2.1. Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) process

It is a process using data mining methods to extract what is deemend knowledge according to the
specification of measures and thresholds, using the data base along with any required
preprocessing, subsampling, and transformation of the data base [13]. KDD is a five stage
process model, as listed in the following

Selection:-this stage consists on creating a target data set, or focusing on a subset of variables or
data sample, on wich discovery is to be performed.

Preprocessing:- this stage consists of the target data cleaning and preprocessing in order to
obtain consistent data.

Transformation:- this stage consists of the transformation of the data using dimentionality
reduction or transformation method.

Data mining:- this stage consists of searching for patterns of interest in a particular
representational form, depending on the data mining objective.

Interpretation/Evaluation:- this stage consists of the interpretation and evaluation of the mined

The KDD process is interactive and iterative, involving numerous steps with many decisions
meing made by the user. Additionaly, the KDD process must be presented by the development of
an understanding of the application domain, the relevant prior knowledge and the goals of the
end users. It also must be continued by the knowledge consolidation by incorporating this into
the system [14].

2.2.2. Sample Explore Modify Model Assess Process

It is developed by the SAS institute. The acronym SEMMA stands for Sample Explrore, modify,
Model and Assess and referes to the process of conducting a data mining project [15].The SAS
institute considers a cycle with five stages for the process lists as following.

Sample:- this stage consists on sampling the data by extracting a protion of a large dataset big
enough to contain the significant information, yet small enough to manipulate quickly. This stage
is pointed out at being optional.

Explore:- this stage consists on the exploration of the data by searching for unanticipated trends
and anomalies in order to gain understanding and ideas.

Modify:- this stage consists on the odification of the data by creating, selecting and transforming
the variables to focus the model selection process.

Model:- this stage consists on the modeling the data by allowing the software to search
authomatically for a combination of data that reliably predicts a desired outcomes.

Assess:- this stage consists on assessing the data by evaluating the usefulness and reliability of
the findings from the data mining process and estimate how well it performs.

Although the SEMMA process is independent from data minig chosen tolls, it is linked to SAS
Enterprise miner software and pretend to gide the user on the implementation of data mining
applications. SEMMA offers an asy to understand process, allowing an organized and adequate
development and maintenance of data mining project [15].

2.2.3. CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data mining Process

CRISP-DM methodology is applied to build the mining models. It consists of six major
phases: business understanding, data understanding, data preparation, modeling, evaluation,
and deployment. Business understanding phase focuses on understanding the objectives and
requirements from cattle disease perspective, converting this knowledge into a data mining
problem definition, and designing a preliminary plan to achieve the objectives. Data
understanding phase uses the raw the data and proceeds to understand the data (medical
terminologies, tests etc), identify its quality, gain preliminary insights, and detect interesting
subsets to form hypotheses for hidden information. Data preparation phase constructs the final
dataset that will be fed into the modeling tools. This includes table, record, and attribute
selection as well as data cleaning and transformation. The modeling phase selects and applies
the best models and calibrates their parameters to optimal values. The evaluation phase evaluates
the model to ensure that it achieves the business objectives. The deployment phase specifies the
tasks that are needed to use the models [16].

2.2.4. Hybrid Process

The development of academic and industrial model has led to the development of hybrid models,
i.e., models combine aspects of both. One such model is a six step knowledge discovery
processes (KDP) model developed by Cios and other scholars [17]. It was developed based on
the CRISP-DM model by adopting it to academic research. The main difference and extensions
includes as follows:

Providing more general, research-oriented description of the steps

Introducing a data mining steps instead of the modeling step

Introducing the several new explicit feedback mechanisms, (the CRISM-DM model has
only three major feedback sources while the hybrid model has more detailed feedback
Modification of the last steps, since in the hybrid model, the knowledge discovered for
particular domain can be applied in other domain.

Summary of correspondence between KDD, SEMMA, CRISP-DM and hybrid models are
presented in table 2.1:

Table 2.1 Summary of data mining models


Pre KDD ------------------------ Business Domain
understanding understanding
Selection Sample
Preprocessing Explore Data understanding Data understanding
Transformation Modify Data preparation Data preparation
Data mining Model Modeling Data mining
Interpretation/ Evaluation Asses Evaluation Data evaluation
Post KDD ------------------- Deployment Knowledge discovery
From the above table 2.1 by doing the comparision of the models, some of them follow the same
steps to discovery process whiles others follow diferrent steps. For example in KDD and
SEMMA stages the first approach is equivalent. Sample can be identified with selection. ;
explore can be identified with preprecessing; modify can be identified with transformation;
model can be identified with data mining; assess can be identified with interpretation/evaluation.
CRISP-DM compare to hybrid data mining is most of the components are similar but on data
mining identified with modeling; knowledge discovery can be identified with deployement.
There for CRISP-DM is mostly used to project work but hybrid is used to research work [18].
According to this comparision hybrid data modeling is best for this study. Data mining process,
as depicted in figure 2.1 below, is a step in hybrid process which consists of methods that
produce useful patterns or models from the data.

Figure 2.1 The six steps KDP Model Framework

2.3. Data Mining Tasks

Many of the problems can be phrased in terms of the following data mining tasks, which can be
found in available data mining literature [19]:

2.3.1. Association Rule Discovery

It is a descriptive data mining task which includes determining patterns, or associations between
elements in datasets. Associations are represented in the form of rules. The association technique
is used for associating tasks [19] . Examples are market basket analysis, which more or less is
determining what things go together in a shopping cart at the supermarket, and cross selling
programs, which helps to design attractive packages or groupings of products and services [20].

2.3.2. Clustering
Clustering is identifying similar groups from unstructured data. Clustering is the task of grouping
a set of objects in a such a way that object in same group are more similar to each other than to
those in other groups. Once the clusters are decided, the objects are labelled their corresponding
clusters, and common features of the objects in cluster are summarized to form a class
description [21]. The difference with the classification task is that clusters were unknown at the
time the algorithm starts. In other words, there are no predefined classes it relies on [20]. The
records are grouped together on the basis of self-similarity. The meaning of the results of

clustering are to be determined by the user. Clustering is often done as a prelude to some other
data mining task. Clustering technique is used for the clustering task [19].

2.3.3. Regression
Regression, sometimes also called estimation, is a kind of statistical estimation technique which
is used to map each data object to a real value provided prediction value [22]. It deals with
continuously valued outcomes and comes up with a value for some unknown continuous
variable. The estimation approach has the great advantage that the individual records can be rank
ordered according to the estimate. Uses of regression include prediction, modelling of causal
relationships, and testing hypotheses about relationships between variables. Well suited
techniques for regression tasks are (linear) regression models and none linear regration [19].

2.3.4. Classification
Classification is the task of assigning class labels to the data according to a model learned from
the training data where the classes are known. Classification is one of the most common tasks in
supervised learning, but it has not received much attention in temporal data mining [23]. The
classification task is characterized by a well-defined definition of the classe lables, and a training
set consisting of preclassified examples. The task is to developed a classification model of some
kind that can be applied to unclassified data in order to classify it. Decision trees, nearest
neighbor are well-suited techniques for the classification task.

The developed model is based on the analysis of a set of training data whose class label is known
and the derived model may be represented in various forms such as IF-THEN rules, decision
trees, mathematical formulae, semantic network etc. [24]. Each technique employs a learning
algorithm to identify a model that best fits the relationship between the attributes set and the
class label of the input data. The following classification model ilustrates the data mining
algorithm implementation shows in Figure 2.2 as follows:

Figure 2.2 Data Mining Algorithm Implementation - Classification Model [25].

There are various classification techniques; among which the main classification techniques are
lists as the following [24]. Decision tree induction

The decision tree algorithm is probably the most popular data mining technique because of the
fast training, performance, a high degree of accuracy, and easily understandable patterns.
Splitting your data into subsets is the main idea behind the algorithm [26]. When decision tree
induction is used for attributes subset selection, a tree is constructed from the given labeled data.
All attributes that do not appear in the tree are assumed to be irrelevant. There is a large number
of decision-tree induction algorithms described primarily in the machine-learning and applied-
statistics literatures that construct decision trees from a set of input-output training samples [27].
In decision tree construction, selection of splitting attributes is necessary in order to avoid
irrelevant attributes by examining the effect of each attribute for the distinct class and its
likelihood for improving the overall decision performance of the tree, since the feature with
minimum impact on dependent variable may distort the tree's performance and the classification

One of the most attractive aspects of decision trees lies in their interpretability especially with
respect to the construction of decision rules which is constructed from a decision tree simply by
traversing any given path from the root node to any leaf [27]. Therefore, to make a decision tree

model more readable, a path to each leaf can be transformed into an IF-THEN rule. In Figure
2.3, illustrates the root node and leaf node as follows [28].

Figure 2.3 Decision tree Stracture

The challenge with decision tree is overfitting. As the dataset grows larger and the number of
attributes grows larger, we can create trees that become increasingly complex [24]. This
potentially leads to the concept of overfitting which consequently brings the notion of pruning;
this implies removing of the branches of the classification tree in order to make tree as simple
and compact as possible, with as few nodes and leaves as possible. This is done through pruning
a tree by halting its construction by partition the subset of training tuples at a given node or
removing sub trees from a fully grown tree [24].

The main advantages of decision trees over other algorithms are that they are quick to build,
efficient and easy to understand as each node is labelled in terms of the input attributes. The
basic algorithm for decision tree induction is greedy algorithm that constructs decision trees in a
top-down recursive divide and conquer manner [29]. The algorithm is summarized as follows.

Create a node N;
If samples are all of the same class, C then
Return N as a leaf node labeled with the class C;
If attribute-list is empty then
Return N as a leaf node labeled with the most common class in samples;
select test-attribute, the attribute among attributes-list with the highest

information gain; label node N with test-attribute; for each known value AI of
test-attribute grow a branch from node N for the condition test-attribute= AI;
let si be the set of samples for which test-attribute= ai;
If si is empty then attach a leaf labeled with the most
common class in samples;
else attach the node returned by


J48 Classification Algorithm

Decision tree J48 implements Quinlan‘s C4.5 algorithm for generating a pruned or un-pruned
C4.5 tree. J48 builds decision trees from a set of labeled training data using the concept of
information entropy. It uses the fact that each attribute of the data can be used to make a decision
by splitting the data into smaller subsets. Rule Based Classification

Though the decision tree is a widely used technique for classification purposes, another popular
alternative to decision trees is classification rules which can be expressed as parts IF-THEN rules
so that humans can understand them easily [27]. It is a relationship between antecedent, and
consequent i.e. an expression of the form IF condition THEN the conclusion. The algorithm
decision tree is the best known method for deriving rules from classification trees [27].

The advantage of IF-THEN rule is the rules are order independent, i.e. regardless of the order of
rules executed, the same classification of the classes is possible to reach [27]. The challenges are
the generated rules are often more complex than necessary and contain redundant information
and the rules generated this way may be unnecessarily complex and incomprehensible [27].

Rule based classifier group instances by using a set of IF… THEN rules.

Rule :( Condition) X


 Condition is a conjunction of attributes like (A1=v1) and (A2=v2) and …and

(An=vn) and
 X is a class label.

For example: (fever=high) ^ (diarrhea>= Yes)  Enteritis

JRIP is a prepositional rule learner, i.e. Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error
Reduction (RIPPER) [30]. Rules in this algorithm are generated for every class in the training set
and are then pruned. The discovered knowledge is represented in the form of IF-THEN
prediction rules, which have the advantage of being a high-level and symbolic knowledge
representation contributing towards the comprehensibility of the discovered knowledge.

JRip is based on the construction of a rule set in which all positive instances are covered by
partitioning the current set of training instances into two subsets namely a growing set and a
pruning set. The rule is constructed from instances in the growing set. Initially, the rule set is
empty and the rules are added incrementally to the rule set until no symptom instances are
covered. Following this the algorithm substitutes or revises individual rules by using reduced
error pruning in order to increase the accuracy of the rules. To prune a rule the algorithm takes
into account only a final sequence of conditions of the rule and sorts the deletion that maximizes
the function [31]. NaïveBayes classifier

The Naïve Bayes algorithm is a simple probabilistic classifier that calculates a set of probabilities
by counting the frequency and combinations of values in a given data set. The algorithm uses
Bayes theorem and assumes all attributes to be independent given the value of the class variable.
This conditional independence assumption rarely holds true in real world applications, hence the
characterization as Naïve Bayes yet the algorithm tends to perform well and learn rapidly in
various supervised classification problems [32] . Steps to calculate Naïve Bayes formula as

Step 1: Convert the data set into a frequency table

Step 2: Create Likelihood table by finding the probabilities
Step 3: Use Naïve Bayesian formula to calculate the posterior probability for each class.
The class with the highest posterior probability is the outcome of prediction.
𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑘𝑖ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑃(𝑥 |𝑐 )∗𝐶𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡 𝑃(𝑐)
Posterior probability P(C|X)= ……….(2.9)
Predictor Prior Probability P(x)

2.4. Attribute selection measures

An attribute selection measure for developing decision tree is a heuristic for selecting the
splitting criterion that best separates a given data partition of class-labeled training instances into
individual classes. The attribute selection measure provides a ranking for each attribute
describing the given training instances. The attribute that has the best score for the measure is
chosen as the splitting attribute for the given instance. The tree node created for partition, let‘s
say D, is labeled with the splitting criterion, branches are grown for each outcome of the
criterion, and the instances are partitioned accordingly [24]. This section describes three popular
attribute selection measures, namely information gain, gain ratio, and gini index.

2.5.1. Information Gain

Information gain for attribute selection measure is based on the work of Claude Shannon on
information theory, which studied the value or information content of messages. Iterative
Dichotomiser 3 (ID3) uses information gain for attribute selection measure. The notion used is
as follows: - Let D, the data partition, be a training set of class labeled instances. Suppose the
class label attribute has m distinct values defining m distinct classes, Ci(for i=1, …, m). The
attribute with the highest information gain is selected as the splitting attribute. This attribute
minimizes the information needed to classify the instances in the resulting partitions and reflects
the least impurity in these partitions. Entropy (impurity) is used to measure the information
content of the attributes. High entropy means the attribute is from a uniform distribution whereas
low entropy means the attribute is from a varied distribution. Entropy is defined as follows. Let
pi be the probability that an arbitrary instance, in D belongs to class Ci, estimated by |Ci, D|/|D|.
Expected information (entropy) needed to classify an instance in D is given shows in the
following equation 2.1:

Entropy (E(D))=∑𝑚
𝑖=1 𝑝𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑔(𝑝𝑖)…………..(2.1)

Enthropy(E(D)) - is the average amount of information needed to identify the class label of an
instance in D. The smaller information required, the greater the cleanliness. At this point, the
information we have is based solely on the proportions of instances of each class. A log function
to the base 2 is used, because the information is encoded or measured in bits.

Suppose attribute A can be used to split D into v partitions or subsets, {D1,D2,…, Dv}, where Dj
contains those instances in D that have outcome aj of A. Information needed (after using A to
split D) to classify D:

X Info(Dj).............(2.2)

The smaller the expected information required, the greater the purity of the partitions.
Information gained by branching on attribute A is given by


Information gain increases with the average purity of the subsets. The attribute that has the
highest information gain among the attributes is selected as the splitting attribute.

2.5.2. Gain Ratio

The information gain measure is biased toward tests with many outcomes. That is, it prefers to
select attributes having a large number of values. This may result in the selection of an attribute
that is non-optimal for prediction. C4.5, a successor of ID3, uses an extension to information
gain known as gain ratio, which attempts to overcome this bias. It applies a kind of normalization
to information gain using a split information‖ value defined analogously with Info(D) as:

SplitInfoA(D)= - ………(2.4)

This value represents the potential information generated by splitting the training data set, D, into
v partitions, corresponding to the v outcomes of a test on attribute A. Note that, for each
outcome, it considers the number of tuples having that outcome with respect to the total number
of tuples in D. It differs from information gain, which measures the information with respect to
classification that is acquired based on the same partitioning [24]. The gain ratio is defined as:

GainRatio(A)= ………..(2.5)

The attribute with the maximum gain ratio is selected as the splitting attribute. Note, however,
that as the split information approaches 0, the ratio becomes unstable. A constraint is added to
avoid this, whereby the information gain of the test selected must be large at least as great as the
average gain over all tests examined.

2.5.3. Gini Index

The Gini index is used in Classification & Regression Trees CART. Using the notation described
above, the Gini index measures the impurity of D, a data partition or set of training tuples [7], as
described in eq. 2.6 as follows:23513

Gini(D)=1- ……..(2.6)

Where pi is the probability that a tuple in D belongs to class Ci and is estimated by |C i,D|/|D|. The
sum is computed over m classes. To determine the best binary split on A, we examine all the
possible subsets that can be formed using known values of A and need to enumerate all the
possible splitting points for each attribute. If A is discrete valued attribute having v distinct
values, then there are 2v-v possible subsets. When considering a binary split, we compute a
weighted sum of the impurity of each resulting partition. If data set D is split on A into two
subsets D1 and D2, the gini index gini(D) is defined as [24]:

GiniA (D)= Gini(D1) Gini(D2)……..(2.7)

First, we calculate Gini index for all subsets of an attribute, then the subset that gives the
minimum Gini index for that attribute is selected. The point, giving the minimum Gini index for
a given (continuous valued) attribute is taken as the split-point of that attribute. The reduction in
impurity that would be incurred by a binary split on attribute A is

Gini(D) – GiniA(D)……..(2.8)

The attribute that maximizes the reduction in impurity (or has the minimum Gini index) is
selected as the splitting attribute.

To summarize, the three measures for attribute selection are used mostly. Information gain is
biased towards multi valued attributes. Whereas Gain ratio tends to prefer unbalanced splits in
which one partition is much smaller than the others. Gini index is biased to multi valued
attributes and has difficulty when the number of classes is large. The algorithm used each
attribute of the data to make decisions by splitting the data into smaller subsets. All the possible
tests are considered during decision making based on the information gain value of each

2.5. Knowledge Base System

Knowledge based systems is a branch of artificial intelligence, which is a computer program that
attempts to replicate the reasoning processes of a human expert and it can make decisions and
recommendations and perform tasks based on user input. Artificial Intelligence is all about how
making the system think, or act like humans. The expert`s knowledge is available when the
human expert might not be and so that the knowledge can be available at all times and in many
places, as necessary. Expert systems derive their input for decision making from prompts at the
user interface, or from data files stored on the computer [33].

Knowledge-based systems are computer programs designed to solve problems, generate new
information (such as a diagnosis), or provide advice, using a knowledge base and an inference
mechanism. Most systems include a user interface and some explanation capability as well.
Knowledge-based systems are characterized as focusing on the accumulation, representation, and
use of knowledge specific to a particular task, but addressed the expanded views of such systems
made possible by the ability to use the same knowledge in several different ways [34].

There are two main parts to any Knoelege Based System (KBS) - the knowledge base and the
inference engine. In addition, there are peripheral features designed to facilitate interaction with
end-users (user interface), explanation of a line of reasoning [35]. Figure 2.4 ilustrates the
stracture design of the general architecture of Knowledge Based System.

The most important ingredient in any expert system is the knowledge. The power of domain
expert system resides in the specific, high-quality knowledge it contains about task domains [36]
[37]. Knowledge can be classified in many different ways. Tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge,
hidden knowledge, factual knowledge, procedural knowledge, commonsense knowledge, domain
knowledge, Meta knowledge, etc. [38].

Figure 2.4 The General Architecture of Knowledge Based System [7]
Knowledge base: contains the knowledge necessary for understanding, formulating and for
solving problems. It is a warehouse of the domain specific knowledge captured from the human
expert via the knowledge acquisition module. To represent the knowledge production rules,
frames, logic, semantic net, etc. is used [36]. The knowledge base stores all relevant information,
data, rules, cases, and relationships used by the expert system. A knowledge base can combine
the knowledge of multiple human experts [39].

Inference Engine: is a brain of expert systems. It uses the control structure (rule interpreter) and
provides a methodology for reasoning. It acts as an interpreter which analyzes and processes the
rules. It is used to perform the task of matching antecedents from the responses given by the
users and firing rules. The major task of inference engine is to trace its way through a forest of
rules to arrive at a conclusion [39].

The purpose of the inference engine is to seek information and relationships from the knowledge
base and to provide answers, predictions, and suggestions in the way a human expert would. The
inference engine must find the right facts, interpretations, and rules and assemble them correctly
[39]. Two types of inference methods are commonly used, namely backward chaining and
forward chaining. Backward chaining is the process of starting with conclusions and working

backward to the supporting facts. Forward chaining starts with the facts and works forward to the
conclusions [39].

User Interface:- is the interaction point between the user and the system. The user interface can
be graphical user interface (GUI) or command line interface (CLI). In the course of integration of
data mining with knowledge based system, Graphical User Interface for the integrator and
Command Line Interface for the knowledge based system.

Explanation facility:- it provides information to user for the questions asked by the system. This
facility is helpful to have clarity while answering to the questions asked by the system. In steps
identifying disease as blackleg, anthrax, foot mouse disease, pneumonia, lumpy skin disease,
mastitis, enteritis, and internal parasite the system displays questions. The user can get
explanation of the question asked if he/she has no clarity with it.

Knowledge Acquisition: It is the accumulation, transfer and transformation of problem-solving

expertise from experts and/or documented knowledge sources to a computer program for
constructing or expanding the knowledge base. It is a subsystem which helps experts to build
knowledge bases [36].

The knowledge acquisition process incorporates typical fact finding methods like interviews,
questionnaires, record reviews and observation to acquire facts and explicit knowledge.
The knowledge acquisition process is usually comprised of three principal stages [7]:

Knowledge elicitation is the interaction between the expert and the knowledge
engineer/program to elicit the expert knowledge in some systematic way.
The knowledge thus obtained is usually stored in some form of human friendly
intermediate representation.
The intermediate representation of the knowledge is then compiled into an executable
form (e.g. Production rules) that the inference engine can process.

This is a time intensive process, and automated knowledge elicitation and machine learning
techniques are increasingly common modern alternatives stages of knowledge acquisition [7].

2.6. Knowledge representation

Knowledge Representation (KR) is the area of artificial intelligence concerned with how
knowledge can be represented symbolically and manipulated in an automated way by reasoning

program. Knowledge is a progression from data to information, from information to knowledge
and from knowledge to wisdom while representation is a combination of syntax, semantics and
reasoning. Hence, KR is an area of research in AI which aims at representing knowledge in
symbols to facilitate inference from those knowledge elements, creating new elements of
knowledge [40].

As a branch of symbolic Artificial Intelligence, knowledge representation and reasoning aims at

designing computer systems that reason about a machine-interpretable representation of the
world, similar to human reasoning. In Artificial Intelligence, knowledge representation studies
the formalization of knowledge and it’s processing within machines [41]. The object of
knowledge representation is to express knowledge in computer-tractable form, such that it can be
used to help agents perform well [42].

2.6.1. Forms of Representing Knowledge Semantic Networks Knowledge Representation

A semantic network is a graph whose nodes represent concepts and whose arcs represent
relations between these concepts. They provide a structural representation of statements about a
domain of interest. Semantic networks provide a means to abstract from natural language,
representing the knowledge that is captured in text form more suitable for computation [41].
Semantic networks are closely related to another form of knowledge representation called frames
systems. In fact, frame systems and semantic networks can be identical in their expressiveness,
but use different representation metaphors. While the semantic network metaphor is that of a
graph with concept nodes linked by relation arcs, the frame metaphor draws concepts as boxes,
i.e. frames, and relations as slots inside frames that can be filled by other frames. Thus, in the
frame metaphor the graph turns into nested boxes [41].

The semantic network form of knowledge representation is especially suitable for capturing the
taxonomic structure of categories of domain objects and for expressing general statements about
the domain of interest. Inheritance and other relations between such categories can be
represented in and derived from subsumption hierarchies. On the other hand, the representation
of concrete individuals or even data values, like numbers or strings, does not fit well the idea of
semantic networks [41].

25 Rules Based Knowledge Represetation

It is important to emphasize that logic is not the knowledge itself; it is simply a way of
representing knowledge. However, logic can be viewed as a form of meta level knowledge about
how to represent and reason with knowledge. What logic enables us to do is represent the
knowledge possessed by an agent using a finite set of logical expressions plus a process (namely,
the inference rules of logic) for generating a (potentially unlimited) set of other logical
expressions that are part of the agent’s knowledge [43]. Rules come in the form of IF-THEN-
constructs and allow expressing various kinds of complex statements. Rules can be found in
logic programming systems, like the language Prolog, in deductive databases or in business rules
systems. The IF-part is also called the body of a rule, while the THEN-part is also called its head.
Typically, rule-based knowledge representation systems operate on facts, which are often
formalized as a special kind of rule with an empty body. They start from a given set of facts and
then apply rules in order to derive new facts, thus “drawing conclusions” [41].

It is important to distinguish between facts and their representations. Facts are part of the world,
whereas their representations must be coded in some way that can be physically stored within an
agent. We cannot put the world inside a computer (nor can we put it in a human), so all
reasoning mechanisms must operate on representations of facts, rather than on the facts
themselves. Because, the sentences are physical configurations of parts of the agent, reasoning
must be a process of constructing new physical configurations from old ones. Proper reasoning
should ensure that the new configurations represent facts that actually follow from the facts that
the old configurations represent [42].

Among the various methods of knowledge representation methods rule based is the most
commonly used forms of knowledge representation for this study and they are derived from
popular techniques such as decision trees.

2.6.2. Implementation Tools

In order to mine hidden knowledge from the pre-processed dataset and compare the
performance of classifiers, WEKA 6.8.1 is used. WEKA is chosen since it is proven to be
powerful for data mining and used by many researchers for mining task and the
researcher is familiar with the tool. It contains tools for data preprocessing, clustering,

regression, classification, association rules and visualization. WEKA is written in the Java
language and contains a GUI for interacting with data files and producing visual results.
In addition, in order to develop an application which maps the knowledge acquired from
the data mining classifiers with knowledge based system Java NetBeans IDE 8.2 with JDK -8u20
is employed. NetBeans offers easy and efficient project management, has best support for latest
java technologies, and can be installed on all operating systems supporting java.To represent
rules in knowledge base and constructing the Rule based diagnosis disease and advising
Knowledge based system PROLOG is used.

2.7. Evaluation of the Classification Model

In order to evaluate the performance of the classifier Prediction Accuracy, True Positive, False
Positive, Precision, Recall and F-Measure are commonly used. Confusion matrix helps to see a
breakdown of a classifier‘s performance by showing how frequently instances of a class let us
say class X are classified as class X or misclassified as some other class, say class Y [44].

Table 2.3 Confusion Matrix

Predicted class Total instances

+ -
+ True Positive False Positive Positive
Actual Class - False Negative True Negative Negative

2.7.1. Prediction Accuracy

Prediction accuracy measures the proportion of instances that are correctly classified by the
Predictive Accuracy = ------------------ (2.9)

Where, TP is true positive rate, TN is true negative rate, FP is false positive rate and FN is false
negarive rate.

2.7.2. True Positive rate and False Positive rate

In contrary to Predictive Accuracy TP rate and FP rate values do not depend on the relative size
of positive and negative classes [44].

True Positive rate (TP) is the proportion of positive or correctly classified instances as positive or
correct instances.
True Positive rate= ----------------------------- (2.11)

The False Positive (FP) rate is measures the proportion of negative instances that are erroneously
classified as positive.
False Positive rate= ------------------------------- (2.12)

2.7.3. Precision and Recall

Precision: is measuring the proportion of instances that are classified as positive that are really
Precision = ----------------------------------- (2.13)

Recall: is what percent of positive/ negative tuples the classifier labeled as positive or negative
for both True and False Classes (Blackleg, Anthrax, FMD, LSD, Mastitis, Enteritis, Pneumonia
and internal Parasite).
Recall= --------------------------------------- (2.14)

F-Measure: is calculated as the harmonic mean of recall and precision.

F-measure= -------------------- (2.15)

2.8. Related Work

Many studies have attempt to diagnosis of cattle disease in order to diagnosis and treatment of
process using different techniques including expert system, machine learning and Knowledge
base system. This section investigates related works done on diagnosis and treatment of cattle

Derejaw [9], has developed on Web-based expert system for diagnosing cattle diseases. On hise
research, Knowledge is obtained from domain experts (veterinarians). For this research, the rule
based knowledge representation method is chosen because it clearly demonstrates the domain
knowledge. There are already defined set of symptoms, syndromes and basic issues that should

be addressed to confirm the presence of cattle diseases. As a result, rule based representation
method is more appropriate to represent and demonstrate the real domain knowledge in
diagnosing cattle diseases.

The researcher evaluates the performance of the result is by gathering information from the
domain expert. Therefore, for the comfort of analyzing the relative performance of the system
based on user evaluation to evaluate the performance. The overall average performance accuracy
of the system is about 87.2%. This implies that the modeled system performs well in making
right decisions in the diagnosis of cattle diseases. Generally, we can conclude that the
respondents are satisfied with the following criteria: user interface design, accuracy, response
time and significance of the system [9].

Ahmad et al [45], conducted the research on web based cattle disease expert system diagnosis
with forward chaining method in Indonesia. The researcher have used forward chaining and
certainty factor method. Production rules are one of the many forms of knowledge representation
used in the development of expert systems. Representation of knowledge with the rules of
production, basically a rule (rule) in the form of IF-THEN. There are two stages of the model that
are often used to calculate the level of confidence (CF), of a rule, namely digging out the results of
interviews with experts and Manual calculation of CF Value. Finally, the modeled system performs not
well known in making right decisions in the diagnosis of cattle diseases.

Oluwatoyin and Adedoyin [46], have developed a fuzzy expert system for diagnosis of cattle
disease in Nigeria. In their research, they have developed a three layered architecture, namely
application layer, business layer and storage layer. The system has given great advantages for the
veterinary doctors. It gives reliable, high speed and accurate observations in diagnosing of cattle
diseases. It can also be used in the absence of clinicians to diagnose diseases.

The system uses the Bayesian Belief Network methodology described. The system is
parameterized using data collected from veterinary experts. A fuzzy rule base contains a set of
fuzzy rules in a single IF-THEN rule in the form of membership value. There is a procedure for
the fuzzy algorithm to diagnose the disease.

First to display the list of all the symptoms from the database. After getting the database to select
the particular symptom of concern to be diagnosed and to select the level of severity of each
selected symptom. Each selected symptom, search the database for all the diseases that has the

symptom and then the weight of the symptom and multiply it by the appropriate linguistic
variable. If select the disease with the highest value after summation has been carried out in step
four and display its corresponding disease. This is the diagnosed disease. Finally, the diagnosed
disease is displayed in the application. Finally,the researchers have recommended that the work
can be extended using the combined features of neural network and fuzzy logic to improving
disease diagnosis in cattle.

Rong and Daoliang [47], have developed a web based expert system for diagnosis of cow
disease.Their system has been composed of three-tier web application which uses Internet
Information Server (IIS), Microsoft SQL server 2000, Windows XP as the operating system and
Windows XP with Internet Explorer (IE) on the client side. Their proposed system have adopted
three algorithm, i.e. Case Based Reasoning (CBR), subjective Bayesian theory and Dempster-
Shafer (D-S) evidential theory. Their developed system consists of four subsystem. These are
case management, diagnosis, prevention and cure, and medication management. To diagnose the
milch cow disease, the system will first look for a disease that can explain all the symptoms. If
there is no such disease, it will look for a disease that can explain all but one symptom, etc., until
it finds a possible disease.

Birhane [40], has developed a prototype KBS for diagnosis and treatment of diseases of sheep
and goats. Common Knowledge Acquisition and Documentation Structuring (CommonKADS)
knowledge engineering methodology is used to model the requirements of the system.
Production rule is used to develop the prototype system as knowledge representation technique.

For this research, the rule based knowledge representation method is chosen because it clearly
demonstrates the domain knowledge. There are already defined set of symptoms, syndromes and
basic issues that should be addressed to confirm the presence of sheep and goat diseases. As a
result, rule based representation method is more appropriate to represent and demonstrate the real
domain knowledge in diagnosing sheep and goat diseases.

The researcher evaluates the performance of the result is by gathering information from the
domain expert. Therefore, for the comfort of analyzing the relative performance of the system
based on user evaluation to evaluate the performance. The overall average performance accuracy
of the system is about 84.8%. This implies that the modeled system performs well in making
right decisions in the diagnosis and treatment of sheep and goat diseases [40].

Tesfamariam [48], has developed diagnosis and treatment of system for Visceral Leishmaniasis
(VL) using integration of data mining and knowledge base system. The researcher has used
Knowledge Discovery database (KDD) model to extract data mining from Médecins Sans
Frontières (MSF) Holland Andurafi project dataset.

The performance of proposed system has been evaluated with the metrics of precision, recall, F-
meausre and positive rate as shown the in table 2.4 as follows:

Table 2.4 Performance evaluation Result

Metrics J48 JRip PART
TP rate 0.68 0.68 0.67
Precision 0.74 0.73 0.73
Recall 0.68 0.67 0.68
F-mesure 0.65 0.65 0.65

The researcher desides to use rules that are generated by the PART classification algorithm
model for further use in the development of knowledge base of the knowledge based system.
Finally [48], result study achives promising result with 95% and 86% of the system performance
and user acceptance respectively.

Away from each other the above researchers and as to the review of the researcher, no study was
done at the area throughout the Amhara region animal health center using data mining
techniques. The researcher see that the limitation of the existing system is not considering
analysis of data in detail. Hence, the aim of this study to apply data mining techniques in order to
diagnosis of cattle disease and treatment. And also determine the existent and significant of it,
and also it can be a foot step for further findings.



3.1. Introduction

Knowledge acquisition (KA) is the process of eliciting, structuring and organizing knowledge
from human experts, books, documents, and sensors. On the other hand, it refers computer files
and transferring to the knowledge base using knowledge representation techniques used in KBS;
namely, logic, production rules, semantic nets, and frames [49]. The step of knowledge
acquisition is one of the major bottlenecks in the stage of knowledge base development. Usually,
for each application domain there are several sources of knowledge (human experts, the
specialized literature which includes textbooks, books, reviews, collection of data during the run
of similar systems, etc.) [38].

3.2. Knowledge Acquired Using Documents Analysis

Document analysis involves gathering knowledge from existing documentations. Hence,

document analysis has been carried out to acquire explicit knowledge which is found in various
secondary sources of knowledge. According to Drug Administration and Control Authority of
Ethiopia [4], cattle disease categorized into five groups namely, infectious diseases,
noninfectious diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the reproductive system
and ectoparasites. Infectious disease is subdivided in to six namely, blackleg, anthrax, foot
mouse disease (FMD), lumpy skin disease(LSD), enteritis, and internal parasite. Mastitis disease
is one division of reproductive system disease and pneumonia is a respiratory system disease
shows in the following Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Major categories of cattle disease and its subcategories of disease

3.2.1. Common Cattle Disease

Based on the above figure 3.1 in Basso Animal Health Center dataset common cattle disease is
Foot-mouse Disease (FMD), Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), Blackleg, Anthrax, Internal Parasite,
Enteritis from infectious disease, Mastitis from reproductive system disease and pneumonia from
the respiratory system disease are selected for this study. Blackleg

Blackleg is an acute, febrile disease of cattle and sheep caused by Clostridium chauvoei
characterized by emphysematous swelling of the heavy muscle and severe toxemia. Blackleg is
not transmitted directly from sick animals to healthy animals by mere contact. Lameness, loss of
appetite, rapid breathing, depression and high fever are the signs observed in animals infected by
this disease. The sick animal usually dies with in 12 to 48 hours. In most cases the animal is
found dead without being previously observed sick. Blackleg is mostly occuring in the northern
part of Ethiopia [50]. Cattle within the age of six months to two years old are mainly affected by
this disease, though at any age and condition is affected. Blackleg is common in Ethiopia during
dry period of the year [4].

Clinical symptoms

Depression, anorexia, rumen stasis, high-fever (41-420C) and painful. The marked lameness with
muscle swelling of the upper part of the affected leg with capitation may follow. At necropsy

affected tissues are filled with rancid serosanguineous fluid and gas pockets, which crepitate
when squeezed and the muscle appear dry [4].


The clinical signs and postmortem findings are indicative; the epidemiology and bacterial
isolation are confirmatory [4].
Treatment and Prevention
Non-drug treatment

 Drainage and slashing of affected tissues to allow oxygen into the tissue, plus supportive
treatment with parental fluids, analgesics, etc.

Drug treatment

 Procaine penicillin G, 22,000IU/kg, IM or SC q 24 h for 3 to 5 days or Benzathine

penicillin or similar repository preparations, q 48-72 h.
 S/E,C/I and D/I: Hypersensitivity reactions to pencilines, simultaneous administration of
chloramphenicol, tetracycline or phenylbutazone.
 D/F: 200,000 IU/ml to 400000 IU/ml
 W/P: meat 14 days and milk 3 days
 Local antibiotic treatment Aug. Oxyteracycline spray 5% of the site of the wound is
 Vaccination with C. chauvoeibacterin. Anthrax

Anthrax, which is caused by bacterium, occurs in areas where animals have previously died of
anthrax. Even though anthrax has appropriate vaccination, in Ethiopia, still it occurs frequently
[50]. One of the common signs in cattle with anthrax is a progression from a normal appearance
to dead in a matter of hours. Weakness, fever, excitement followed by depression, difficulty in
breathing, uncoordinated movements and convulsions are other signs of anthrax additionally,
after death, the animal's body rapidly decomposes.

Anthrax is an acute, febrile (240C), septicemia, fatal bacterial disease of food animals caused by
Bacillus anthracis. An anthrax outbreak occurs regularly and is commonly associated with neural

or alkaline, calcareous soils where the spores revert to the vegetative form and multiply to
infectious levels if environmental conditions of soil, moisture, temperature, and nutrition are
optimizations [4].

Clinical symptoms

The clinical sign in anthrax disease includes in ruminant species, acute illness is characterized by
abrupt onset of fever, signs of abdominal pain, aborttion, diarrhea, and milk production is
decreasing. Chronic infection is rare in cattle and is manifested by localized edematous swelling
on the ventral neck, Thorax and shoulders [4].


Anthrax is diagnosed by examining blood (or other tissues) for the presence of the bacteria.
Samples must be collected carefully to avoid contamination of the environment and to prevent
human exposure to the bacteria [4].

Treatment and prevention

Supportive teraphy

Hyperimmune serum plus antibiotics

 Penicillin 22,000 IU/kg, IM, q 12 h for 2 days, then daily for 3 days or Benzathine
penicillin or other repository preparations, q 48-72 h; the initial dose should be
administered IV. For C/I/, S/E, D/I, D/F, W/P, see page 34
 Oxyteracycline 6-11 mg/kg, IM, or IV, q 12-24 h. Initially, divided the daily dose into
two doses.
 S/E, C/I, D/I: renal impairment, last 2-3 weeks of ingestion in pregnant animals and up
to 4 weeks of age in neonates. Gastrointestinal symptoms are more severe with
oxyteracycline among the tetracycline’s; discoloration of the teeth when used during
pregnancy and drug interactions with anti-acids, dairy products, calcium salts, iron salts,
magnesium salts, zinc salts and warfarin.
 D/F: injection, 5, 10%
 W/P: meat 21 days, milk 7 days
 Amoxicillin 5-10 mg/kg q 24 h for 3-5 days; for C/I, S/E, D/F, D/I, and W/P are similar
to penicillin


Caution: animals that have died of anthrax should be burned in a closed incinerator. Animals
should not be vaccinated within 2 months of anticipated slaughter; antibiotics should not be
administered with one week of vaccination. Mastitis

It is, a complex and costly disease of dairy cows, that results from the interaction of the cow and
environment including milking machine and microorganism [51]. In Ethiopia, even though the
disease of mastitis has been known locally, it has not been studied systematically, making
information available on the prevalence of disease and associated economic loss inadequate [52].
Unfortunately, mastitis is not always easy to detect in its early stages, particularly when the
redness and swelling of the udder is not obvious. If left untreated, severe clinical mastitis may
cause the death of the cow [53].

Mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary gland, is almost always due to infection by bacteria
of mycotic pathogens. Although over 135 microorganisms have been reported because the
disease, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus agalactiae, Str. uberis, Str. dysgalactiae, other
streptococci, Arcanobacterium pyogenes, Mycoplasma spp, Nocardia asteroides and Coliforms
are the most agents in Mastitis disease [4].
Clinical symptoms
Clinical mastitis is manifested by inflammation of the udder and often accompanied by abnormal
milk secretions. The signs depend on the organism involved. Systemic signs could also be
observed. Subclinical mastitis is the most common [4].
The clinical sign is usually non-specific, but the following gives the clue for the type of agent

Table 3.1 Mastitis basic microorganism

Microorganism Clinical finding

Staphylococcus aureus Sever swelling, purulent milk with clots
Mycoplasma species Drop in milk production, infection of all quarters
Arcanobacterium pyogenes Profuse, foul-swelling, purulent discharge
Mycoplasma bovis Rapid onset

Diagnosis: - It is based on clinical signs, and identification of the pathogen. A test to detect
subclinical mastitis include California Mastitis Test, or direct somatic cell count [4].
Treatment and Prevention
Drug Treatment:
Treatment depends on the type of infecting organism and the stage of mammary gland damage.
 Subclinical infections:

Intramammary infusion, q 48 h for 3 times, applied separately into every quarter parachute or
acute staphylococcal mastitis:

 Systematic treatment

Procaine penicillin G 22, 000 IU/kg, aqueous suspension, IM or SC q 24 h for 3 to 5 days or

Benzathine penicillin G or a similar repository preparation, q 48-72 h. For S/E, C/I, D/F, D/I,
W/P, see page 34

 Amoxicillin or Ampicillin 10 mg/kg q 24 h, IM

 W/ P: Meat 6 days; milk 96 hr.
 Long acting penicillin preparation before dying the cow C/I, S/E,D/I see page 34
 Oxyteracycline 10mg/kg, q 24 h, IV
 W/P: milk 96 hour; meat 14-28 days; For C/I, S/E, D/I, see page 34

Intramammary infusion:

 Benzathine Cloxacillin, 500mg for 3 days

 S/E: like Benzathine or procaine penicillin (see page 34)
 C/I: hypersensitivity and not recommended for food producing animals
 D/F: Intramammary suspension 500, 625 mg/dose


 Disinfection of the teat before and after milking

 Dry cow therapy with long acting penicillin preparation should be applied before drying
the cow.

37 Lumpy skin disease

Lumpy skin disease is an infectious, eruptive, occasionally fatal disease of cattle caused by a
virus associated with the neethlig poxvirus in the genus Capripoxvirus of the family Poxviridae
[54]. Pneumonia is a common sequel in animals with lesions in the mouth and respiratory tract. it
is a highly infectious viral disease of cattle and buffalo characterized by boxlike intracutaneous
firm nodules, edema of the lips, superficial lymph nodes swelling, and lyphangitis. The disease is
widely distributed in Ethiopia imposing severe economic loss due to damage of hide [4].

Clinical symptoms

Painful swelling, fever, nasal discharge, emaciation, and hypersalivation followed by

characteristic eruptions on the skin and other parts of the body are characteristics; the nodules are
circumscribed, round, slightly raised, firm, and painful and involve the entire curtis and the
mucosa of the gastrointestinal, respiratory and genital tract. The regional lymph nodes are
swollen and edema develops in the udder, brisket, and legs. Secondary infection cause extensive
suppuration and sloughing lesions [4].

Diagnosis: - The widespread nodular lesion of the skin and mucous membranes and biphasic
fever are indicative [4].

Treatment and prevention

 Drug treatment: There is no effective treatment, but secondary bacterial infections are
prevented by administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
 Prevention: - vaccination with sheep/ goat pox virus or LSD strain. Foot-and-Mouse disease

Foot-and-Mouse disease (FMD) is a highly communicable viral infection of cattle, pigs, sheep,
goat, buffalo, and artiodactyl wild life species characterized by fever, vesicle in the mouse, on
the muzzle, gums, pharynx, teats, and interdigital cleft. It is caused by an Aphthovirus that is
transmitted by contact and through milk. Recovered animals remain carriers for up to 2 and a
half year [4]. The foot-and-mouth disease is a highly communicable disease affecting cloven-
footed animals. The disease spreads by direct contact or indirectly through infected water,
manure, hay and pastures [3].

Clinical symptoms: -The clinical sign includes inappetance, fever, shacking or rolling, of the
feet, reduced milk yield, high temperature, shivering followed by smacking the lips, and
pregnant animals may abort [4].

Diagnosis: - Clinical signs are indicative and confirmed by Foot Mouse Disease (FMD)

Treatment and prevention

 Drug treatment: - No specific treatment, however, supportive treatments against

secondary bacterial infection are necessary.
 Control and prophylaxis: - vaccination, test and quarantine infected herds Pneumonia

It is inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma usually accompanied by inflammation of the

bronchioles and often by pleurisy. It is the main respiratory problem of dairy cattle. The
occurrence of this problem might be due to stress, workload and movement of animals during
drought period that can favors the bacteria to multiply due to the immune status of the animals
were suppressed. Environmental risk factors include close confinement and poor ventilation of
the house, high temperature that encourage replication of the diseases [55].

Important pathogens associated with pneumonia in cattle are Mannheimia haemolytica serotype
A,Haemophilus sommus, P, multocida, Mycobacterium Bevis, Mycoplasma mycoides
subspecies mycoides small colony type, Parainfluenza virus 3 bovine respiratory syncytial virus,
bovine herpes virus 1 and bovine viral diarrhea [4].

Clinical symptoms

It is manifested clinically by an increase in respiratory rate, cough, salivation, impotence,

abnormal breath sounds on auscultation and, in most bacterial pneumonias, by evidence of
toxemia. Broncho-pneumonia is usually accompanied by a moist, painful cough; interstitial
pneumonia is characterized by frequent, hacking coughs, often in paroxysms. The presence of
nasal discharge depends on accompanying inflammation of the upper respiratory tract [4].


The clinician has to decide whether there is pneumonia and if there is, then determine the nature
and cause of the pneumonia [4].

Treatment and prevention

Non-drug treatment

 The treatment of pneumonia depends on the etiology

 Nursing: sick animals should be provided with shelter; animals would be given good
quality long-stem pastures.

Drug treatment

 Procaine pencilin G, 22000 IU/kg; maintenance q 24 h , PO for 3 to 5 days or

benzathine pencillin G or similar respiratory preparation q 48-72 h. for S/E, C/I, D/I, D/F
W/P, see page 34
 Ampicilline tetrahydrate 22 mg/kg IM, SC, q 24 h for 3-6 days. For S/E, C/I, D/I, D/F
W/P, see page 34
 Oxyteracycline hydrochloride 11 mg/kg, q 24 h or long acting formulation, 20 mg/kg,
IM, q 48 h for 3-5 days. S/E, C/I, D/I, D/F W/P, see page 35
 Tylosin 44 mg/kg, IM, q 24 h for 3-5 days
 S/E: allergic reaction in all species and gastrointestinal disturbance
 C/I: animals with impaired liver function
 D/F: powder 10, 20, and 30%; injection, 50, 200, 150 and 220 mg/ml and tablet 200mg
 D/I: theophylline, warfarin and beta-adrenergic drugs
 W/P: adult, meat 7 days, milk 4 days; calves, meat 14 days Internal Parasite (Gastrointestinal)

Internal parasites are infectious of the gastrointestinal tract with nematodes, cestodes and
trematodes. The common stomach worms of cattle are Haemonchus placei, Ostertagia ostertagi
and Trichostronglyus axeii. Ostertagia and Trichostronglyus infections are characterized by
profuse, watery diarrhea that usually is persist. Signs of anemia, hyperproteinemia and edema,
particularly the lower jaw and sometimes along the ventral abdomen manifests these infections
together with haemonchus infections [4].

Clinical Symptoms: Ostertagia and Trichostronglyus infections are characterized by profuse,
watery diarrhea that usually is persist. Signs of anemia, hyperproteinemia and edema,
particularly the lower jaw and sometimes along the ventral abdomen manifests these infections
together with haemonchus infections [4].

Diagnosis: animals with poor body condition have anemia and diarrhea is suggestive; confirmed
by fecal examination. Clinical signs, grazing history and season may give a presumptive
diagnosis of internal parasite infection in cattle. The diagnosis confirmed by finding worm eggs
on a fecal exam [4].


Reduce exposure to parasite burdens by moving calves onto paddocks that have not been grazed
for a long period. Avoid too much grazing pressure higher pasture covers reduce the number of
larvae consumed as most larvae live close to the ground. Calves which are healthy and well fed
will be less susceptible to gastrointestinal parasites than weaker calves. Grazing paddocks with
adult cattle or sheep after calves will reduce the larvae load on the pastures.

Calves need to be drenched before worm burdens get too high. Can be administered as a pour
on, oral or injectable. Oral combination drenches tend to be the most effective drench in young
calves. Talk to your vet re avoiding drench resistance - factors include using the correct dose,
returning treated stock to contaminated pastures, not treating healthier animals, only drenching
when necessary based on faecal eggo counts (FEC) and symptoms.

 Haemonchus placei: Tetramisole 15 mg/kg

 S/E: frothing, salivation, tremore, transient head shaking, licks of lip, urination,
defecation, vomiting, ataxia, collapse and death due to respiratory failure
 C/I: with in 14 days of treatment of organophosphorus compound or
diethylcarbamate. Don’t exceed dose 4.5 gm per animal
 D/F: Bolus, 150,600,700,1000,1200,1500,and 2000 mg;powder or granule, 10,20,
and 30% ; injection, 30 and 100 mg/ml
 Ostertagia ostertagi:Albendazol 7.5 mg/kg
 Trichostronglyus axeii: Ivermectin 200 mg/kg

 S/E: Ataxia, depression, tremors, mydriasis, listlessness, msculoskeletal pains,
oedema of the faceor extremeties itching and popular rash
 C/I: calves less than 12 weeks of age and lactating animals
 D/F: Bolus, 1.75 gm and 5 gm; Suspension, 800mg/ml
 W/P: meat 28 days and don’t use in lactating animals
 Control: To be effective, a parasite control program must reduce the numbers of worms
in all classes of cattle and control the number of worms on the pasture. Control of internal
parasites in cattle must kill all stages in the animal and help control the number of larvae
and eggs on pastures. Adult cattle usually have more resistance to internal parasites than
younger cattle, but deworming older cattle can help reduce pasture contamination. Enteritis /diarrhea

It is swelling or inflammation of the small intestines and can present as a variety of symptoms in
the bovine. Enteritis also called diarrhea is a common in new born calves characterized by
progressive dehydration and death, some times in a few as 12 hr. it is caused by multitude of
bacterial, viral and non-infectious agents [4].

Clinical Finding:

Subacute form: diarrhea persists for several days and result in malnutrition and emaciation. It is
common in diary calves [4].

Acute form: The major signs are diarrhea, dehydration, profound weakness, and death within
one to several days of onset. The sign depend on the etiology [4].

Diagnosis: Slight to moderate distension of right abdomen; fluid-rushing and splashing sounds
on auscultation and ballottement Diarrhea and dehydration.

Treatement and prevention:

Drug Treatment:

 sulfadimidine, initial dose: 140mg/kg, IV; maintenance dose: 70mg/kg, IV q 24 h for5-7

 S/E: crystallization in unirany tract, cutaneous eruption, hypothyroidism and
idiosyncratic toxicosis.

 C/I: pregnant and lactating animals
 D/I/: thiopentone sodium and warfarin
 D/F: bolus, 5g; injection 330,333 and 160mg/ml; powder, 8,10,16,20,25, and 30%
 WP: meat 21 days; it shoud not be used in lactating cows
 Procaine pencilline, G, 22,000IU/kg, IM or SC q 24 h for 3-5 days
 Benzathine pencillin or similar respiratory preparations, q 28-72 h. S/E, C/I, D/I, D/F
W/P, see page 34

3.3. Knowledge Acquired using Interview

In this study to acquire the needed knowledge, both secondary and primary (documented and
undocumented) sources of knowledge are used. Primary knowledge is gathered from veterinaries
and pharmacist (five experts), in Basso Animal Health Center by using interviewing and
critiquing knowledge elicitation methods. In the same way, secondary sources of knowledge are
collected by using document analysis.

Interview (both structured and unstructured) is used to collect tacit knowledge from the domain
experts. In addition, critiquing (analyzing) elicitation methods are used to purify the collected
knowledge. The acquired knowledge is refined with the consultation of the domain experts.
Moreover, secondary sources of knowledge are gathered from the Internet, animal disease
diagnosis and treatment guidelines (especially, The Drug Administration and Control Authority
of Ethiopia, Standard Veterinary Treatment Guidelines for veterinary clinics), research papers
and articles by using document analysis technique.

Purposive sampling technique is used to select domain experts for knowledge acquisition. The
selection criteria of domain experts for the study are based on the professions/expertises,
educational qualification level, year of experience and their immediate position in the cattle
disease diagnosis and treatment. Due to this, the researcher selects only three experts.

As the domain experts explained during discussion, there are two types of diagnosis that the
veterinarian uses to treat the cattle. These are tentative diagnosis and differential diagnosis.

1. Tentative diagnosis is used to treat cattle which are infected with the disease. Some diseases
show specific clinical signs when the animal is infected. For example, Lumpy Skin Disease,
which is caused by a virus can be diagnosed and treated quickly without comparing symptoms.

This is because, the disease has easily identified symptom. These kinds of diseases can be
treated by asking the case history from animal owners.

2. Differential diagnosis: This is used to diagnose certain diseases which have two or more
similar clinical signs. In this case, in order to identify a disease, the veterinarian should diagnose
the difference between the infected animal by using clinical symptoms.

Figure 3.2 Diagnostic Procedure for cattle Disease

The researcher observed how the veterinarians diagnose a particular disease in the infected cattle.
From the observation and discussion, the procedure of diagnosis that takes place in the domain is
demonstrated in the figure 3.2 above.

3.3.1. Conceptual Modeling for Cattle Disease Diagnosis and Treatment

Cattle disease diagnosis involves many steps beginning with collecting information about the
cattle disease owner’s case history, symptoms, and performing a clinical examination by
veterinaries. Although there are no laboratory tests in the Basso Animal Health Center to
diagnose specifically cattle disease, the veterinary use various tests to make sure something else

is not causing the symptoms. The veterinary bases his or her diagnosis on the cattle owner case
history of symptoms, including any functional problems caused by the symptoms and his or her
observation. The veterinary then determines if the case history symptoms and degree of disability
point to a diagnosis of a specific disease. Cattle disease diagnosis is one and basic part in the
diagnosis of animal medical health conditions which needs careful examination and diagnosis.

In the Clinical Diagnosis, a decision needs to be made whether the cattle disease is suspected or
not. The input knowledge role consists of data about the patient case such as, Fever, Cough,
Painful, Diarrhea, Nasal discharge, Abortion, Loss of appetite, Swelling of neck, Lameness,
Crepitation sound, Change color of milk, Decrease milk yield, Swelling udder, Shivering, Sore
feet, Salivation, Rolling, Smacking lips, Depression, Nodular lesion, Abnormal breathing, Rough
hair, Emaciation and Poor body condition. The following figure 3.3 shows Decision tree for
cattle disease from discussion of domain expert:

Figure 3.3 Decision tree for cattle disease from discussion of domain expert

3.4. Knowledge Acquired from Data Mining

Nowadays, data stored in medical databases are growing in an increasingly rapid way. Due to
this tendency data mining application in healthcare today is excessive, because healthcare
organizations today are capable of generating and collecting a large amounts of data. This
increase in volume of data requires an automatic way for these data to be extracted when needed.
With the use of data mining techniques it is possible to extract interesting and useful knowledge
and this knowledge can be used by physicians to determine diagnoses, prognoses and treatments
for patients in healthcare organizations which improve work efficiency and enhance the quality
of the decision making process [56]. The dataset for this study have been collected from Basso
Animal Health Center, which is found in Debre Birhan, North Shoa Ethiopia. In chapter Four
discuss in detail about the data mining.



4.1. Introduction
This section discusses about methodology i.e. data mining thechniques used through the research
process which includes general approach of the research design, the data collection, analysis and
interpretation of artifacts. Having the description of the type of the study follows a hybrid model
knowledge discovery approach which starts from understanding of the problem to use discovered
knowledge in six steps iteration.

4.2. Research Design with Respect to Hybrid Model

In order to apply the Data mining technology, one must follow the standard process steps, for
instance hybrid model can be taken. Below here each step was summarized for this study. Figure
4.1 ilustrates system framework as follows:

Figure 4.1 Data Mining System framework

4.2.1. Understanding of the Problem Domain
The researcher understands the problem domain by conducting some structured and unstructured
sample interview questions for purposely selected domain experts. This initial step involve
working closely with domain experts to define the problem and determine the project goals,
identifying key people, like animal health officer, veterinaries, laboratory technician, pharmacist
and learning about current solution to the problem. Here is significant number of cattle are
infected by disease before diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Finally, project goal are
translated in to data mining goals, and the initial selection of data mining tools to be used later in
the process is performed [17]. In this case since the animal health center is demanding the
answer of how to increase the performance of diagnosis and treatment of diseased cattle’s? A
better classification technique at the beginning is very much essential in order to learn from the
stored data. An overall problem domain is understood via through and repeated discussing with
stockholders identified above and reviewing an abstract journal which is prepared by animal
health Bureau of the region.

4.2.2. Understanding of the Data

This steps include collecting sample data and deciding which data, including format and size will
be needed. Background knowledge can be used to guide this efforts. Data are checked for
completeness, redundancy, missing values etc. finally, the step includes verification of the
usefulness of the data with respect to the data mining goals [17]. There is no database in Debre
Birhan Animal Health Center (DBAHC). However, it uses a manual document to recored animal
disease, symptoms, and treatment of the disease in every day throuout the year. And this data is
collected from Debre Birhan Basso Animal Health Center (DBBAHC). Initialy the data were
manual table format and then to write each record data in to Microsoft Excel 2016 for further
preparation and getting ready for input to WEKA 3.8 data mining tool. The initial data are
collected form BAHC for a time period of two years. Collecting total number of records from
the area is 2417. The total size of the initial data in Excel format is 1.96 MB.

During the data understanding Phase the application process for cattle disease diagnosis and
treatment at Basso animal health center is studied, including the interviews from the veterinaries’
and guidelines, in order to identify the types of data collected from the diseased animal registered
and stored in the Basso animal health center databases in manual format.

4.2.3. Preparation of the Data
This step covers all activities needed to construct the final dataset, which constitutes the data that
will be fed into data mining tool(s) in the next step. To be useful for data mining purpose, the
database need to undergo preprocessing, in the form of data Cleaning, data reduction, data
transformation and Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA) understandable
format. Handling missing values

BAHC dataset has instances with total records of 2175 and 33 attributes including class label,
among these records 123 (7.7%) are missed values in only temperature attribute. We use Matlab
as a tool to handle missing values by using mean average techniques to fill the missing values.

Table 4.1 Sample data after handling missing values Data Transformation

In data transformation, the data are transformed or consolidated into forma appropriate for
mining [24]. In this study, the researcher performed generalization of the records by using
categories for only temperature attribute which is grouped in low, normal and high. In the initial
dataset, the body temperature is measured using degree centigrade (0C) and there are more than
39 the high value, the range between 38 and 39 normal and less than 38 low. So, the researcher
categorized them into three groups as indicated in table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Data Transformation by cattle temperature range [4]
Value Temprature in degree centigrade (0C)
Low <38
Normal 38-39
High >39 Format Data

Formatting transformations refers to primarly syntactic modification made to the data that donot
change its meaning, but might bereqiured by the modeling tool [top ten classification
algorithm(www.cs.uvm.edu/~icdm/algorithm)]. After all preprocessing the data is covered into
Dot Comma Separated Value (.CSV) format and for the WEKA it’s again converted into dot
Attribute Relation File Format (.ARFF) file format. Figure 4.2 ilustrates sample WEKA ARFF
files show as follows:

Figure 4.2 ARFF file from WEKA Class Imbalance

The class imbalance problem is prevalent in many applications, including: fraud/intrusion
detection, risk management, text classification, and medical diagnosis/monitoring, etc. It
typically occurs when, in a classification problem, there are many more instances of some classes
than others. In such cases, standard classifiers tend to be overwhelmed by the large classes and
ignore the small ones. Particularly, they tend to produce high predictive accuracy over the
majority class, but poor predictive accuracy over the minority class [57].

A number of solutions to the class-imbalance problem were proposed both at the data and
algorithmic levels. At the data level, these solutions include many different forms of re-sampling
such as over-sampling and under-sampling. Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique
(SMOTE) is an over-sampling approach which generates synthetic examples in a less
applicationspecific manner. The minority class is over-sampled by taking each minority class
sample and introducing synthetic examples along the line segments joining any/all of the k
minority class nearest neighbors [57]. Figure 4.3 ilustrates imbalance dataset before SMOTE
shows as follows:

Figure 4.3 Imbalance dataset before SMOTE
As we can observe in figure 4.4 below, the classes are imbalance and to avoid this, the researcher
SMOTE the data set and discretize it before conducting the experiments and as a result the
dataset increases from 2175 records to 3627 records.

Figure 4.4 Balanced Dataset after SMOTE and Discrtize Attribute selection

Attribute selection searches through all possible combinations of attributes in the data and fineds
which a subset of attribute works best for prediction. Attribute selection also known as feature
selection which is select relevant attributes and remove redundant and/ or irrelevant attributes. In
this research, roll number, date and kebele, removed because all are not important to determine
the cattle disease. Species, sex and breed also removed because all are only identifiers of
animals. We want to eliminate irrelevant attributes and evaluate attributes individually, so that
we use the ranking method with GainRatioAttributeEval were followed for selecting best
attribute selection for data mining that come up 20 out of 33 attributes. Table 4.3 shows
unnecessary attribute for diagnosis and treatment for cattled disease as follows:

Table 4.3 Removing unnecessary attributes of the table

Removed attributes
Attribute name Remark
Roll No, Date, Kebele, Spp, Sex, Breed Not important for the study
The experiment result reveals:

Evaluation mode:evaluate on all training data

=== Attribute Selection on all input data ===
Attribute Evaluator (supervised, Class (nominal): 21 Class):
Gain Ratio feature evaluator
Ranked attributes:
0.861 8 Swell_of_ neck
0.853 13 Swelling_Udder
0.848 12 Decrease_Milk_yield
0.846 1 Temprature
0.842 15 Smaking_Lips
0.815 11 Change_color_of_Milk
0.811 18 Abnormal_Breathing
0.808 20 poor_Body_condition
0.801 3 Coughing
0.783 17 Nodular_Lesion
0.782 9 Lameness
0.779 19 Rough_hair
0.771 10 Crepitation_Sound
0.77 14 Sore_feet
0.748 16 Depression
0.742 5 Diarrhoea
0.612 2 Fever
0.609 4 Painful
0.598 6 Nasal_Discharge
0.443 7 Loss_of_Apptetite
Selected attributes: 8,13,12,1,15,11,18,20,3,17,9,19,10,14,16,5,2,4,6,7 : 20

The experiment shows that the attribute Swell of neck is the most impact of the output and Loss
of Appitite have the smallest output impact.

4.2.4. Data mining

Here the data minor uses various data mining methods to derive knowledge from preprocessed
data [17]. At this stage, a particular data mining method that matches the goal of the data mining
process defined in the first step is selected. However, the detail of developing and training the
model vary from technique to technique and hence, there are no blueprint procedures. During the
modeling stages for this study, we use classification algorithms groupd in defferennt classifying
methods, including a common decision tree algorithm C4.5 (J48), Naïve Bayes and rule (JRip).
Then these three classiferes were chosen for comparision purposes for this study.



5.1. Introduction

In this chapter, discuss the experimentation process by relating the steps followed, the choice
made, the task accomplished, the result obtained, evaluation of the model results, and present it
in a way that the organization can easily understand and use it. And also to discuss means to
question the research findings, and to consider different interpretations. Experiments have been
carried to develop classifier model and to extract relevant actionable classification rules. In this
study different experiments were conducted using various data mining methods to derive
knowledge from preprocessed data for diagnosis of cattle disease from the preprocessed data.
According to the methodology of this study after preparation of the data, the next task is the
mining process. As it has been stated in the previous sections, a total of 3627 data records were
preprocessed to perform the experiment.

5.2. Selecting Modeling Technique

Selecting appropriate model depends on data mining goals. Consequently, to attain the objectives
of these research three classification techniques, namely Naïve Bayes classification, decision tree
classification and rule based classification has been selected for model building. The analysis
was performed using WEKA environment. Among the different available classification
algorithms in WEKA, Naïve Bayes, J48 and JRip algorithms are used for experimentation of this
study. The reason why the researcher selected the above algorithms is, because the algorithms
are easy to understand and interpret the results of the model, and also have advantages such as
high tolerance to noise, and the ability to classify unseen patterns.

5.3. Expermental Setup

In any data mining research before developing a model, we should generate a mechanism to test
the model performance. For instance, in the supervised data mining task, such as classification, it
is common to use classification accuracy measure, True Positive rate (TP), precision, recall and
F-measure of the experts are used as to measure the performance of the developed data mining

5.3.1. Methods of Training and Testing Option

For the experimental setup, the cattle disease datasets were converted to ARFF (Attribute
Relation File Format), because it is a suitable input file format for the WEKA system. In order to
perform the experiment the researcher used two methods to classify the dataset, the first method
is k-fold (10-folds) cross validation and, the second method is percentage split.

Therefore the dataset is randomly partitioned equally into ten parts. Consequently, 90% of the
dataset is used for training and 10 % for testing and the dataset are partitioned into percentages
splits option (70%: 30%) that means 70% of the dataset is used for training and the remaining
30% for testing purpose. As the researcher explained on the experimental setup to build the
model for each algorithm perform two experiments based on the two methods, namely the
experiment performed based on K-fold (10 – fold) cross validation method called experiment I
and the second experiment performed based on the percentage split method called experiment II.

5.3.2. Developing Classifier, Model uses Naïve Bayes

Experiment I:

This experiment conducts under 10-fold cross-validation test option with default parameters of
WEKA and the algorithm generates a model as Naïve Bayes and Correctly Classified Instances
are 3572 which means 98.48% and Incorrectly Classified Instances are 55 which means 1.52 %
from Total Number of 3627 of Instances and taking 0.02 seconds to build the model.

Experiment II:

Percentage split test option to test the classification model. Out of the 3627 total records 1088
(30%) of the instances were used as a testing dataset. The Naïve Bayes learning algorithm scored
an accuracy out of total 1088 number of testing instances 1070 (98.35%) of them are classified
correctly and the remaining 18 (1.65 %) testing instances are misclassified or incorrectly
classified and taking 0.02 seconds to build the model.

Experiment III:

Percentage split test option to train the classification model. Out of 3627 total records 2539(70%)
of the instances were used as a training dataset. The Naïve Bayes learning algorithm scored an
accuracy of total 2539 number of training instances 2504(98.62 %) of them are classified

correctly and the remaining 35 (1.38 %) training instances are misclassified classified and taking
0.00 seconds to build the model.

To conclude, the above three experiments, namely experiment I, II and II performed in order to
build the classification model using Naïve Bayes classification Algorithm by applying k-fold
cross validation, testing dataset and training dataset percentage split method in respectively on
the experiments.

Experiment I, II and III shows that the Classification accuracy of the models based on the above
three methods respectively. The first experiment was performed based on 10-fold cross
validation method and classifies with 98.48%, accuracy rate, and the second experiment
performed based on 30%:70% percentage split classifies with 98.35 % and 98.62 % accuracy
rate respectively.

So to sum up, when we compared the three experiments the third experiment performed based on
a percentage split by training dataset has a better accuracy, performance than the first experiment
performed by K-fold cross validation and the second experiment by testing dataset.

5.3.3. Developing Classifier Model using J48 Decision Tree

Experiment I:

This experiment conducts under 10-fold cross-validation test option with default parameters of
Weka and the algorithm generates a model as a decision tree with 35 Number of Leaves and 68
Size of the tree and Correctly Classified Instances are 3578 which means 98.65 % and
Incorrectly Classified Instances are 49 which means 1.35 % from Total Number of Instances of
3627 and taking 0.08 seconds to build the model..

Experiment II:

This experiment conducted in percentage split test option to test the classification model. Out of
the 3627 total records 1088 (30%) of the instances were used as a testing dataset. The J48
learning algorithm scored an accuracy out of 1088 total number of testing instances 1069 (98.25
%) of them are classified correctly and the remaining 19 (1.75 %) testing instances are
incorrectly classified. The algorithm generates a model as a decision tree with 35 numbers of
Leaves and 68 Size of the tree and taking 0.06 seconds to build the model.

Experiment III:

Percentage split option to train the classification model. Out of 3627 total records 2539(70%) of
the instances were used as a training dataset. The J48 learning algorithm scored an accuracy of
total 2539 number of training instances 2474 (97.44%) of them are classified correctly and the
remaining 65 (2.56 %) training instances are misclassified classified. The algorithm generates a
model as a decision tree with 35 numbers of Leaves and 68 Size of the tree and taking 0.16
seconds to build the model.

To conclude, the above three experiments, namely experiment I, II and II performed in order to
build the classification model using J48 classification algorithm by applying k-fold cross
validation, testing dataset and training dataset percentage split method in respectively on the

Experiment I, II and III shows that the Classification accuracy of the models based on the above
three methods respectively. The first experiment was performed based on 10-fold cross
validation method and classifies with 98.65%, accuracy rate, and the second experiment
performed based on 30%:70% percentage split classifies with 98.25 % and 97.44 % accuracy
rate respectively.

So to sum up, when we compared the three experiments the first experiment performed based on
10-fold cross validation has a better accuracy performance than the second and third experiment.

5.3.4. Developing Classifier Model using JRip Rule Based

Experiment I:

In this experiment JRip rule induction algorithm is employed. Therefore, to generate IF-THEN
rules from the experimental intrusion dataset JRip algorithm with its default values of the
parameter and 10-fold cross-validation test mode is employed. JRip correctly classified 3579
which means 98.68 % instances and incorrectly classified 48 which means 1.32 % instances. The
algorithm generates 21 rules taking 0.27 seconds to build the model.

Experiment II

For this experiment the K-fold cross validation method is changed into a percentage split test
option to test the classification model. Out of the 3627 total records 1088 (30%) of the instances

were used as a testing dataset. The JRip learning algorithm scored an accuracy out of 1088 total
number of testing instances 1069 (98.25 %) of them are classified correctly and the remaining 19
(1.75%) testing instances are misclassified or incorrectly classified. The algorithm generates 20
rules taking 0.3 seconds to build the model.

Experiment III:

Percentage split option to train the classification model. Out of 3627 total records 2539(70%) of
the instances were used as a training dataset. The JRip learning algorithm scored an accuracy of
total 2539 number of training instances 2480 (97.68%) of them are classified correctly and the
remaining 59(2.32 %) training instances are misclassified. The algorithm generates 20 rules and
taking 0.27 seconds to build the model.

To conclude, the above three experiments, namely experiment I, II and II performed in order to
build the classification model using a JRip classification algorithm by applying k-fold cross
validation, testing dataset and training dataset percentage split method in respectively on the

Experiment I, II and III shows that the Classification accuracy of the models based on the above
three methods respectively. The first experiment was performed based on 10-fold cross
validation method and classifies with 98.68 %, accuracy rate, and the second experiment
performed based on 30%:70% percentage split classifies with 98.25 % and 97.68 % accuracy
rate respectively.

So, when we compared the three experiments performed by different methods, the first
experiment performed based on K-fold cross validation has a better accuracy, performance than
the second and the third experiment performed by percentage split.

5.3.5. Performance Comparison of Naïve Bayes, J48 and JRip models

Selecting a better classification technique for building a model, which performs best in handling
the classification, is one of the aims of this research. For this reason, the three selected
classification model with respective best performance accuracy is listed in the below table 5.1:

Table 5.1 Comparison of the results of the models

Algorithms Correctly classified instances Incorrectly classified instances Time taken

used (second)
10 fold cross validation test option
No. Percentage No. Percentage
Naïve Bayes 3572 98.48 % 55 1.52% 0.02
J48 3578 98.65% 49 1.35% 0.08
JRip 3579 98.68% 48 1.32% 0.27
Percentage split with testing dataset
Naïve Bayes 1070 98.35 % 18 1.65 % 0.02
J48 1069 98.25 % 19 1.75 % 0.06
JRip 1069 98.25 % 19 1.75% 0.03
Percentage split with training dataset
Naïve Bayes 2504 98.62% 35 1.38% 0.00
J48 2474 97.44 65 2.56 0.16
JRip 2480 97.68 % 59 2.32% 0.27

The above experiments were performed on WEKA experiment by using training sets in
WEKA test option and the experiments were performed by using two methods namely 10-fold
cross validation and percentage split test option. In these experiments three algorithms are used,
namely Naïve Bayes, J48 decision tree and JRip rule based. From each methods totally nine
models are developed based on the two methods. As shown on the above comparison table
(Table 5.1), all the results were almost all closely equal but the difference lays on the execution
period or the time taken to build the model.

The graphical representation of the algorithms with respect to classes for TP rate is indicated in
Figure 5.1:

Figure 5.1 TP rate of classifiers

5.4. Classifying Model Performance Evaluation Metrics

Evaluation of classifier data mining algorithms can be compared according to a number of

measures. In comparing the performance of different classifier data mining algorithms to
determine its classifications, some quantities that interpret the goodness of fit of a model, and
error measurements must be considered.

The final comparative analysis of the models shows on the above table 5.1 JRip rule classifier
algorithm with 10-fold cross validation test option are performed best classification accuracy of
98.68%. whereas J48 and Naïve Bayes classifier algorithms with 10-fold cross validation test
option performed classification accuracy of 98.65% and 98.48% of result respectively.

In other side, the final comparative analysis of the models shows on the above table 5.1 the JRip
rule classifier algorithm and J48 decision tree have equal Percentage split test option in testing
dataset performed classification accuracy of 98.25%, whereas Naïve Bayes algorithm with
percentage split test option performed best classification accuracy of 98.35% result.

Finally, the final comparative analysis of the models shows on the above table 5.1 the Naïve
Bayes classifier algorithm with Percentage split test option in training dataset performed best
classification accuracy of 98.62%, whereas J48 and JRip classifier algorithms with percentage
split test option training dataset performed classification accuracy of 97.44 % and 97.65% result

So, to sum up the model which was developed by the JRip rule classifier algorithm with
10-fold cross validation test option method was selected as the best classification model based on
the accuracy evaluation methods used in this study.

Hence, to evaluate the performance of the classifiers employed in this study True Positive rate,
Precision, Recall and F-measure are used. Table 5.2 illustrates the performance of the three
classifiers. JRip has registered the best result in terms of the true positive rate, precision, recall
and F-measure values as compared to other classifiers all over the eight classes as below.

Table 5.2 Detailed Accuracy by Class for JRip classification algorithm:

Detailed Accuracy by Class

TP Rate Precision Recall F-Measure Class
99.8% 98.5% 99.8% 99.1% FMD
97.4% 99.6% 97.4% 98.5% Blackleg
98.7% 97.2% 98.7% 97.9% Enteritis
99.6% 96.5% 99.6% 98.0% LSD
96.4% 99.5% 96.4% 97.9% Pneumonia
98.0% 98.9% 98.0% 98.5% Internal Parasite
99.8% 99.6% 99.8% 99.7% Anthrax
99.8% 100% 99.8% 99.9% Mastitis
Weighted Ave 98.7% 98.7% 98.7% 98.7%

5.5. Rule Extraction From JRip Classification Algorithm

Having generated rules using JRip classifier, the next task is building or constructing the
knowledge base. For this study we devised an automatic construction of knowledge base
aligned with the data mining task. The overall task of the application is to extract rules from
BAHC data set using JRip classifier and mapping JRip rules to Prolog rules. The rule generated
by JRip shows in appendix IV.



6.1. Introduction

Findings of data mining are the base for the development of knowledge base system through the
Integrator application. Facts we get from Data mining can be represented as a rule in the
knowledge base. After knowledge acquisition is done using a JRip rule induction algorithm,
which performs on data collected from Basso Animal Health Center the facts extracted is
represented in the knowledge base system. The main challenge here is how to use his knowledge
extracted from data mining for knowledge based system.

6.2. Architecture of the system

Classification algorithms are widely used in various medical applications. Data classification is a
two phase process in which first step is the training phase where the classifier algorithm builds a
classifier with the training set of tuples and the second phase is classification phase where the
model is used for classification and its performance is analyzed with the testing set of tuples

This system was designed with the progression of conceptual design that refined the systems’
architecture. Of course, the conceptual design was essential to stabilize the architecture of data
mining result with knowledge based system for cattle diseases diagnosis and treatment.
Throughout design iterations, the design of data mining result with knowledge based system for
cattle diseases, diagnosis and treatment was expended into system architecture to ensure that it
supported the cattle disease and treatments. Figure 6.1 shows the overall system design and
framework of integrating data mining induced hidden knowledge about cattle disease diagnosis
and treatment based on Basso animal health center dataset with knowledge based system.

Figure 6.1. General framework Integrating of Data Mining model with Knowledge
Based System [59]
As we can see from the Figure 6.1 here above, the contribution of this study in the general
architecture of the Knowledge Based System is the knowledge acqusition techniques which
means that in this study integrated (manual and automated) knowledge acquisition techniques
has been implemented. In addition to this, the data mining results are integrated automatically
using WEKA Jar and Jpl jar as middleware.

6.2.1. Data Mining

Data Preprocessing subtask is applied for effective data selection to enhance the performance of
the cattle disease diagnosis and treatment system. It contains the feature extraction component to
extract the required features from BAHC Dataset for the process of disease diagnosis and
treatment. During the preprocessing stage of instances are classified as normal and disease, and

also disease is further classified into eight sections represented into Blackleg, Anthrax, Foot
Mouse disease, Pneumonia, Lumpy skin disease, Mastitis, enteritis, and internal parasite.

In this research as shown in figure 6.1, Predictive Models are used for this study. This model
makes prediction about unknown data values of the known values using classification algorithm.
This model of the data mining enables to generate rules for the purpose of generated for building
the rule library in the knowledge base system to simplify cattle disease diagnosis and treatment.

6.2.2. Knowledge based system

Let us discuss components of the knowledge Based System for Diagnosis and Treatment of cattle
disease as follows: Common component of the system consists of the following subsystems:
rule library, Inference engine, knowledge base and user interface. Knowledge Base

The researcher stores all knowledge that are collected from domain experts, document analysis
and data mining in the knowledge based as set of rules using a rule-based knowledge
representation method. Inference Engine

An inference engine is the brain of the Knowledge Based System, which directs the system how
it can derive a conclusion by looking for possible solutions from the knowledge base and
recommend the best possible solution. Since the objective of the proposed Knowledge Based
System is for diagnosis and treatment of cattle disease and the Prolog’s built-in inference
mechanism is backward chaining, the researcher prefers to use a backward inference mechanism
which is a goal derived that tries to prove or disprove the goal.

For instance, if the user wants to write a prescription for the diseased cattle after he/she has
diagnosis the diseased cattle, he/she should answer the questions that are asked by the system. To
do so, the system needs facts and rules about the drugs which are appropriate for the specific
diseased cattle. User Interface

KBS cattle disease diagnosis and treatment used a simple user interface to display the
information. When KBS cattle disease diagnosis and treatment identified a possible type of cattle

disease, the system would present treatments and preventions of the disease on the screen and the
users can ask detail or more explanation if they did not satisfied with the provided suggestions in
such away the users could observe it straight away. For example, when the type of disease was
identified, the typical disease descriptions, treatments and prevention would appear on the
computer screen and asked whether they need more explanation or not. The user could view
different type of disease and treatments for the cattle disease. The first page of the user interface
welcomes users and describes what the system does as shown in the figure below figure 6.2:

Figure 6.2 Welcoming windows of KBS cattle Disease Diagnosis user interface
After the prototype displays the greeting page a user can interact directly with the system by
typing “The veterinary name”. As soon as a user types veterinary name the system gives gridline
for users by providing options as (y or n). The following figure shows the sample dialogue
windows between the user and the system to identify the infected on cattle.

Figure 6.3 Sample dialogue windows between the user and the system to identify cattle

After the constraint is identified and described well its recommended treatments are provided as
it is presented in the following sample window.

Figure 6.4 Sample dialogue window of the system’s treatment and prevention for the
identified disease

6.3. Combination of Data Mining and Knowledge Based System

Accordingly, for diagnosis and treatment of cattle disease the model constructed by JRip rule
based is used for cattle disease diagnosis. Java programming was used to integrate diagnosis and
treatment of the cattle disease model created using a JRip rule with the Knowledge Based
System automatically. For this study, we used Weka, jpl and swi-prolog tools to construct a
predictive model. Hence, our system automatically takes the data set, construct the model using
the selected JRip rule classification algorithm and integrate the model with a knowledge base for
diagnosing and treatment of cattle disease.

6.3.1. Structure of JRip rule and PROLOG rule

JRip algorithm generates rules in the form of (condition)…(conclusion) format. The
algorithm has generated 21 rules from the BAHC dataset. The format of the some of the rules is
indicated in the table 6.1. The condition part contains attribute, comparison operator and value.
Two or more conditions are joined by = and’. After the conditions the ‘=>’ meaning implies
follows. The conclusion part of the rule has the format class=’disease’, for example
class=Pneumonia, class= FMD.

Table 6.1 Sample JRip rules for Mastitis and FMD.
S.No Rule
Condition Conclusion
1 Class=Mastitis
(Swelling_Udder = Yes) and (Temprature=High) =>

2 (Temprature = High) and (Painful = No) and Class=FMD

(Loss_of_Apptetite = No) and (Swelling_Udder = No) and (28.0/3.0)
(Crepitation_Sound = No) and (Fever = Yes) and (Depression =
No) =>

As shown in table 6.1 the rules are in IF….THEN format. For example:

(Swelling_Udder = Yes) and (Temprature=High) => Class=Mastitis (400.0/0.0)

This rule can be read us:

IF (Swelling_Udder = Yes) and (Temprature=High = No) =>THEN class Class=Mastitis


The attribute Swelling_Udder is Yes or No. It tells us about whether the cattle breast is swell or
not. If the breast is swell, its value is Yes; otherwise its value is No.

The attribute Temprature is High, Normal or Low. It tells us about whether the cattle body
temprature is increase from the normal temprature or not. If the body temprature is greater than
39 value is High, the body temprature is greater between38-39 value is Normal; otherwise its
value is Low.

Hence, for a certain disease to be classified as an Mastitis both the antecedent of the rule
((swelling_udder) and (Temprature)) should be true. In other words, if the diseased cattle breast
is swell second then that the cattle is affected by mastitis disease. If either of them is false then
the conclusion (class =Mastitis) will be false.

But Prolog does not work in IF… THEN format, rather it works in reverse order.
PROLOG starts with a goal and then goes to the facts which can proof the goal as true.
Therefore, the above rule has to be formatted as:

disease (mastitis):- (swelling_udder = 1),(Temprature= High).

As illustrated above, the conclusion comes first with predicate =’class’ and followed by ‘:-‘
replacing ‘=>‘ in JRip and then antecedents joined by ‘,’ replacing ‘and‘ in JRip rule. And
finally Prolog rules terminate by period (.) whereas JRip rules terminate with new line.

6.4. Evaluation of the Prototype

System evaluation is the basic issue for the application of successful and effective knowledge
base system. The developed system, cattle disease diagnosis and treatment is tested and
evaluated to check whether the objectives of the research are achieved or not. The other one is
preparing rules and feed the proposed system with these rules and give the same rule for domain
experts and compare the results of the proposed system and the domain experts such that we can
make sure that the proposed system could replace the domain experts in his or her absence. In
addition to this, evaluation can be done by conducting a user acceptance testing which will help
the researcher to make sure whether the proposed system is user friendly or not.

6.4.1. User Acceptance Testing

In this way, three users were selected and had been given the chance to use and interact with the
system. The user selected were one (VMD) and two animal health assistant professional from
Debere Birhan animal health center.

The user acceptance testing ensures how the users or domain experts view the system on the
bases of the above criteria‘s. Different researchers used different types of user acceptance
testing, evaluation criteria [7]. The evaluators were allowed to rate the options as excellent, very
good, good, fair and poor for those closed ended questions.

The table 6.1 below indicates the feedbacks obtained from the domain experts (evaluators) on
system interactions as calculated based on the given scale.

Table 6.2 Performance Evaluation through visual interaction
No. Criteria of Evaluation




1 Simplesity to use and interact with the prototype 2 1 4.33
2 Attractiveness of the prototype system 1 2 3.67
3 Efficiency in time 1 1 1 4
4 The ability of the prototype system in making 3 5
right treatment and control of an identified
5 The accuracy of the prototype system in 2 1 4.33
diagnosis of diseases of cattle
6 Knowledge adequacy regarding disease diagnosis 1 1 1 4
in the Knowledge Based System
7 How do you rate the significance of the system 1 2 4.67
in the domain area?

As table 6.1 points out, 3.33 % of the respondents reply easiness use and to interact with the
prototype knowledge base system as excellent the highest number (66.7%) rated easiness to use
and to interact with the prototype knowledge base system as very good. In case of attractiveness
of the prototype, 33.33% of the respondents reply the prototype knowledge base system as good,
and the highest number which is 66.7% rated the attractiveness of the prototype knowledge base
system as very good. In case of time, efficiency, the same number of evaluators (33.33%) rated
the prototype knowledge base system as good, very good and excellent. Regarding The ability
of the prototype system in making right treatment and control of an identified disease, 100% of
respondents reply the prototype knowledge based system as very good. Moreover, 66.7% of the
respondents evaluate the prototype knowledge base system as good and 33.3% excellent at
providing accurate for diagnosis of diseases of cattle. For criteria of the prototype incorporating
sufficient knowledge,the same number of evaluators (33.33%) rated the prototype knowledge
base system as good, very good and excellent. Finally, concerning the significance, diagnosis
knowledge based system, 33.3% of the evaluaters responded as very good and 66.7% responed
as excellent.

The reply from cattle disease diagnosis and treatment domain experts, who used the system, is
that the system is appropriate, applicable and capable. Also results obtained from domain experts
during interaction with the system and closed ended question, all of the evaluators responded the
system as good, very good and excellent and none of them respond poor and fair for any section
of the knowledge based system. Table 6.2 indicates the number of responses obtained for each of
the options that the respondents rate to evaluate the prototype.

Table 6. 3 Experts Response in Closed ended Question

Evaluators who respond as Value Total number of responses for each Percentage
option of all seven questions
Poor 1 0 0.00%
Fair 2 0 0.00%
Good 3 3 14.29%
Very Good 4 12 57.14%
Excellent 5 6 28.57%

As shown in the above table 6.2, base on closed ended questions as evaluation criteria, the
domain experts reply the prototype as very good twelve times (57.14%). The experts also
respond the prototype as excellent six times (28.57%). The least response is good three times
(14.29%) regarding the prototype on its easiness, incorporation of sufficient knowledge.

As table 6.2 reveals, the total average performance the prototype from the cattle disease
diagnosis and treatment domain experts evaluation is 4.29 out of the three selected experts on the
scale 5=excellent, 4=very good , 3=good, 2= fair and 1=poor. Therefore, the total average
performance of the prototype is found to be 85.8%. Generaly, this prototype has got very good
acceptance by the domain experts in predicting the disease and providing treatment for each
disease. With time efficiency and cost effectiveness, this prototype disease diagnosis and
treatment KBS has great value in predicting disease of cattle diagnosis and treatment by using
knowledge base stored as rules and facts of disease diagnosis and treatment is needed in the areas
it can be implemented.

6.4.2. System Performance Testing using Test cases

System performance testing is done by preparing test cases. The test cases include samples of
disease instances taken from BAHC dataset. The instances include 20 attributes with their
respective values. The test cases, which are unlabeled disease instances are delivered to domain
experts to label them as Blackleg, Anthrax, FMD, Pneumonia, LSD, Mastitis, Enteritis and
Internal parasite. Considering the numbers of attributes and the time it consumes to label it
manually, the researcher prepared only 40 test cases/instances for system performance testing.

Confusion matrix is used for comparing the performance of diagnosis and treatment of cattle
disease KBS with domain expert’s judgment. System performance testing basically used to
measure Precision, Recall, F-measure, and True Positive rate how accurate the system is.

Table 6.4 Confusion matrix for evaluation of KBS compared to experts‘judgment

Performance of Combined rule based system






Domain experts feedback

FMD 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Blackleg 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 8
Enteritis 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 5
LSD 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Pneumonia 0 0 0 0 12 0 1 0 13
Internal parasite 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9
Anthrax 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Mastitis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Total 1 6 4 5 12 9 2 1 40

The confusion matrix on table 6.3 shows matrix of test cases evaluation by diagnosis and
treatment KBS and domain experts‘ suggestion. The rows illustrate evaluation of domain expert
and the columns illustrate result of diagnosis and treatment KBS. The entries under column FMD
testified that out of one instance is correctly identified as FMD disease.

The entries for Blackleg and Enteritis columns show that the system has correctly identified six
instances are as blackleg, four instances are as Enteritis disease types respectively.The entries
under column LSD testified that out of five instances, two of the instances are correctly
identified as LSD disease and two instances are incorrectly identified as Blackleg and also one
instance is incorrectly identified as Enteritis.

The entries for Pneumonia and Internal Parasite columns show that the system has correctly
identified twelve instances are as Pneumonia and nine instances as Internal parasite disease types
respectively. The entries in the confusion matrix under Anthrax column depict that one instance
out of two is incorrectly identified by the system as Pneumonia, one instance is correctly
classified as Anthrax. Finally, the entries under column Mastitis testified that out of one instance
is correctly identified as Mastitis disease.

Identification of each class of disease to their correct class is important to provide proper
diagnosis and treatment to veterinaries so that they can take appropriate measures. But as shown
in the confusion matrix, 2 blackleg are incorrectly identified as LSD disease, 1 Enteritis is
incorrectly identified as LSD and 1 Pneumonia is incorrectly identified as Anthrax disease.

The system has correctly diagnosis or identified 36 test instances out of 40 to their correct
class. This means the system has 90% diagnosis accuracy and 4 instances out of 40 are
incorrectly classified which is 10%. So this measure is enough to measure performance of the
knowledge base system.

From the above results the researcher understands that the proposed system can perform in the
absence of domain experts with 90% which indicates that the Knowledge Based System has the
necessary knowledge for diagnosis and treatment of cattle disease which in turn implies that the
study was effective in acquiring the knowledge required for diagnosis and treatment of cattle
disease through integrated (manual and automated) knowledge acquisition techniques.

6.5. Discussion
As we have discussed in the evaluation section, the proposed system achieves a promising results
with 90% system performance testing result and 85.8.% user acceptance testing result which are
the better results as compared to [9] which achieved 87.2% overall performance by using
Interviews and documents analysis as means of knowledge acquisition technique which in turn

indicates that using integrated (manual and automated) knowledge acquisition techniques is
better than using manual or automated knowledge acquisition techniques separately.

At the beginning, this study has four research questions to answer and let us discuss how these
questions have been answered with this study. The first research question of this study was What
are the main attributes that can properly predict the type of cattle disease? To answer this
question, information gain method and the domain expert’s interview were used and this study
finds out that all instances of the rule generated discloses that the strong and significant attribute
for predicting the cattle disease performance is a swell of neck.

The second question was “Which classification algorithm is best to develop the prediction model
that can predict the type that will give to the diseased cattle which is infected by the disease? To
answer this question, three experiments for three classification algorithms namely Naïve Bayes,
J48 pruned, and JRip under 10-fold Cross-Validation test option/mode and percentage split were
conducted and the experiments showed that JRip classification algorithm is the best classification
algorithm to develop the prediction model that can predict the type of diagnosis that should be
given to the diseased cattle is infected by disease because it registers better performance with
98.68% evalaution result and the researcher decided to use the results for further use in the
development of knowledge base of KBS.

The third question was “how to acquire, model, represent and implement a data mining result
knowledge based system for the diagnosis and treatment of selected disease? To answer this
question, a prototype Knowledge Based were developed using the knowledge that is acquired
from domain Experts’ Interview and documents analysis with Prolog and WEKA was integrated
with Java by adding the WEKA jar file in Java library which enabled us to integrate the WEKA
result automatically with the knowledge base. Then to call the knowledge base that is
constructed with Prolog from Java, we have added JPL jar file in Java library and the evaluation
results of system performance testing and user acceptance testing showed that the proposed
system registers better performance.

The final question was how to evaluate the performance and user acceptance of the prototype?
To answer this question the researcher also evaluates the KBS using system performance testing
by preparing test cases and users’ acceptance testing questionnaire which helps the researcher to

make sure that whether the potential users would like to use the propose system frequently and
whether the propose systems meets user requirements.



7.1. Conclusion
Ethiopia is one among the nations that possesses the largest livestock population in the African
continent with an estimated fifty six million of cattle, fifty eight million of sheep and goats and
ten million of equines, one million of camels and fifty seven million of chicken [1]. Ethiopia has
great potential for increasing livestock production, both for local use and export. However,
development has been constrained by numerous reasons. Cattle disease is the main constraint.

In this study, the possibility of integrating data mining result with knowledge based system is
realized and explored. The integration process begun by taking samples of BAHC dataset. The
dataset is preprocessed and made suitable for mining steps. Due to several limitations in
acquiring knowledge for knowledge base from domain experts in the area of diagnosis and
treatment of cattle disease, an automatic knowledge acquisition mechanism is proposed in this
study. Data mining has proven to induce hidden knowledge from large collections of datasets.

To identify the best prediction model for diagnosis and treatment of cattle disease, 9
experiments for three classification algorithms, namely J48 pruned, Naïve Bayes and JRip under
ten-fold Cross- Validation test option and percentage split test option were conducted. Finally,
by conducting objective and subjective interestingness measure, the researcher decided to use
rules that are generated by JRip classification algorithm model for further use in the development
of the knowledge base of the knowledge base system because it registered better performance
than J48 and Naïve Bayes with 98.68%, 98.65% and 98.48% evaluation result in 10-fold cross
validation respectively.

The prototype Knowledge Based System, which provides advice for Animal Health Workers
about diagnosis and treatment of cattle disease was developed using SWI-Prolog 7.7.13 with
NetBean 8.2. The proposed Knowledge Based System has Knowledge Base, Inference Engineen,
Explanation Facility and User Interface. Then 40 test cases were prepared to evaluate the
performance of the proposed system. Finally, system performance evaluation, testing and user
acceptance testing were conducted. User acceptance testing is performed based on seven criteria
of evaluation. Selected domain experts are trained and used the system to evaluate how much the

KBS meets their requirements. The system on average scored 85.8% based on user acceptance
evaluation. The system has registered 90% overall accuracy according to the system performance

7.2. Recommendation
In this study promising result is achieved in integrating machine learning induced patterns with
knowledge based system for diagnosis and treatment of cattle disease and providing advice to
animal health workers. Some challenges have been encountered which hinder the system of
scoring a better achievement.

The first one is in the course of integration, two interfaces, namely; graphical user
interfaces (for the Integrator) and command line interface for diagnosis and treatment of cattle
disease KBS has been used. A challenge has encountered in bringing the Integrator and diagnosis
and treatment KBS together under one interface. This is reflected on user acceptance test in that
evaluator rated the simplicity to use and interact with the system below very good.
The other challenge encountered is about using knowledge which the KBS has already used
previously before re-running the Integrator application following a change in the
numbers of the dataset. In addition, the designed prototype KBS supports eight types of
disease, namely FMD, Blackleg, Enteritis, LSD, Pneumonia, Internal Parasite, Anthrax and

Hence the researcher believes further researches have to be done to boost the benefits of
integration of data mining with the knowledge based system and the following are
recommended for future study:

 Building hybrid knowledge based system which is capable of employing rule based
reasoning and case based reasoning with integrated data mining techniques.
 Improve and build knowledge base system with Graphical user interface which makes
simple to use and attractive to the user. Using different programming languages like Java,
C# and so…on.
 To apply integration of machine learning with a knowledge based system in other
domain areas than intrusion detection, especially in areas where there is a shortage of
domain expert to acquire knowledge.

 Further combinations such as artificial intelligence, soft computing and other clustering
algorithms can be used to improve the detection accuracy and to reduce the rate of false
negative alarm and false positive alarm.
 Integrating Text Mining Results with the Knowledge Based System. While we did the
data mining process, we understood that there are notes that have been written by health
experts as a remark. So that, if someone can conduct text mining and generate some case,
it will expand the knowledge base and improve the performance of the system.


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Appendix I
Interview questions

The importance of this interview questions is to extract tacit knowledge from experts in disease
of cattle diagnosis, which help for the development of Knowledge Based System for disease
diagnosis and treatment. The interviewer writes the answerers replied using pen and notebook. I
would like to thank for your collaboration and precious information.

1. Which types of cattle diseases are common in Ethiopia?

2. How a disease is identified when cattle is infected by a certain disease?

3. What are the overall symptoms that are shown when the diseases are occurrence?

4. What are the steps to diagnose a certain disease?

5. How can we control the cattle diseases?

6. What are the average range of the age of calf, young and adult in both breeds?

Appendix II
Dear Evaluator,

This evaluation form is prepared aiming at measuring to what extend doesdiagnosis and
treatment of cattle diseasae KBS is useable and acceptable by end users in the area of Animal
health center. Therefore, You are kindly requested to evaluate the system by labeling ( √ )
symbol on the space provided for the corresponding attribute values for each criteria of

I would like to appreciate your collaboration in providing the information.

Note:- the values for all attributes in the table are rated as: Excellent=5, Very good =4, Good=3,
Fair= 2 and Poor =1.

No. Criteria of Evaluation



1 Simplesity to use and interact with the prototype
2 Attractiveness of the prototype system
3 Efficiency in time
4 The ability of the prototype system in making
right treatment and control of an identified
5 The accuracy of the prototype system in
diagnosis of diseases of cattle
6 Knowledge adequacy regarding disease diagnosis
in the Knowledge Based System
7 How do you rate the significance of the system
in the domain area?

Appendix III

Initial list of original attributes with their description

Attribute name Description Datatype Domain value

Date Patient cattle date of registration Date/Time {Yy/mm/DD
Kebele Address of the cattle Numeric {Continuous
Sex Cattle gender Nominal {Male, Female}
Spp Cattle species Nominal {Bovine}
Breed Cattle offspring Nominal {Local, Cross}
Age The age of the cattle Nominal {Adult, young,
Temperature The rectal temperature of the cattle Numeric {Continuous}
Fever Cattle body temperature that is higher than Binary {Yes, No}
Cough To force air through your throat with a short Binary {Yes, No}
Painful Causing pain to cattle body Binary {Yes, No}
Diarrhea Cattle intestine evacuation with More or less fluid Binary {Yes, No}
Nasal discharge Mucus flows out of cattle nose Binary {Yes, No}
Abortion Cows/ Heifers embryo or fetus are death Binary {Yes, No}
Loss of appetite Cattle decrease feeding Binary {Yes, No}
Swelling of neck Cattle neck swells Binary {Yes, No}
Lameness Cattle impair freedom of movement Binary {Yes, No}
Crepitation sound Cattle make a sound of crackling sound Binary {Yes, No}
Change color of Normal milk color change Binary {Yes, No}
Decrease milk yield Reduce the milk Binary {Yes, No}
Swelling udder A bag like organ containing the cattle glands Binary {Yes, No}
Shivering The cattle body Shake slightly Binary {Yes, No}

Sore feet Cattle foot pain Binary {Yes, No}
Salivation The cattle drool the mucus Binary {Yes, No}
Rolling Revolving the cattle around the surface Binary {Yes, No}
Smacking lips Involving a loud smacking of the lips Binary {Yes, No}
Depression Decrease and loss of interest in pleasurable Binary {Yes, No}
Nodular lesion The cattle body is inflamed Binary {Yes, No}
Abnormal Fast breathing (depend on age) rate/minute Binary {Yes, No}
Rough hair Standing the cattle hair Binary {Yes, No}
Emaciation The cattle become very thin Binary {Yes, No}
Poor body Failing of state of physical fitness Binary {Yes, No}
Diagnosis Confirmative diagnosis of cattle disease Nominal {Blackleg, FMD,
LSD, anthrax,
mastitis, Enteritis,
Internal Parasite}

Calf, newborn=56, 2 weeks=50, 5 weeks=37, 6 months=30, yearling= 27 and cattle adult=12-16 [4].40

Appendix IV
Rules extracted by JRip Classification algorithm
S.No Rule
1 (Coughing = Yes) => Class=Pneumonia (352.0/0.0)
2 (Abnormal_Breathing = Yes) and (Depression = No) => Class=Pneumonia (74.0/0.0)
3 (Temprature = Normal) and (Fever = Yes) and (Decrease_Milk_yield = No) and
(Nodular_Lesion = No) and (Painful = No) and (Loss_of_Apptetite = Yes) and
(Lameness = No) and (Depression = No) => Class=Pneumonia (7.0/1.0)
4 (Smaking_Lips = Yes) => Class=FMD (385.0/2.0)
5 (Sore_feet = Yes) => Class=FMD (34.0/0.0)
6 (Temprature = High) and (Painful = No) and (Loss_of_Apptetite = No) and
(Swelling_Udder = No) and (Crepitation_Sound = No) and (Fever = Yes) and
(Depression = No) => Class=FMD (28.0/3.0)
7 (Lameness = Yes) and (Crepitation_Sound = No) and (Painful = No) => Class=FMD
8 (Swelling_Udder = Yes) and (Nodular_Lesion = No) => Class=Mastitis (400.0/0.0)
9 (Change_color_of_Milk = Yes) => Class=Mastitis (33.0/0.0)
10 (Temprature = High) and (Fever = No) and (Crepitation_Sound = No) and (Painful = No)
=> Class=Mastitis (14.0/0.0)
11 (Decrease_Milk_yield = Yes) => Class=Anthrax (409.0/0.0)
12 (Swell_of_ neck = Yes) => Class=Anthrax (34.0/0.0)
13 (Depression = Yes) and (Nasal_Discharge = Yes) and (Painful = Yes) => Class=Anthrax
14 (Diarrhoea = Yes) => Class=Enteritis (401.0/0.0)
15 (Fever = No) and (poor_Body_condition = No) and (Nodular_Lesion = No) and
(Temprature = Normal) and (Rough_hair = No) and (Nasal_Discharge = No) and
(Loss_of_Apptetite = No) => Class=Enteritis (56.0/9.0)
16 (poor_Body_condition = Yes) => Class=Internal Parasite (430.0/5.0)
17 (poor_Body_condition = Yes) => Class=Internal Parasite (430.0/5.0)
18 (Rough_hair = Yes) and (Temprature = Normal) => Class=Internal Parasite (20.0/0.0)
19 (Temprature = High) => Class=Blackleg (444.0/0.0)
20 (Loss_of_Apptetite = Yes) and (Fever = Yes) and (Nasal_Discharge = No) =>
Class=Blackleg (14.0/0.0)
21 => Class=LSD (483.0/16.0)

Appendix VI

Sample SWI-prolog code

/* prolog Library*/

:- use_module(library(jpl)).
start :-sleep(0.4),
write('############||| CATTLE DISEASE DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM |||##############'),nl,
/* Factors about the disease and symptom

symptom(Diseased_cattle,high_body_temprature) :- verify(Diseased_cattle," have

high_body_temprature (y/n) ?").

symptom(Diseased_cattle,fever) :- verify(Diseased_cattle," have a fever (y/n) ?").

symptom(Diseased_cattle,depression) :- verify(Diseased_cattle," have a depression (y/n) ?").

symptom(Diseased_cattle,loss_of_appetite) :- verify(Diseased_cattle," have a loss_of_appetite

(y/n) ?").

symptom(Diseased_cattle,lameness) :- verify(Diseased_cattle," have a lameness (y/n) ?").

symptom(Diseased_cattle,painful_the_affected_area) :- verify(Diseased_cattle," have a

painful_the_affected_area (y/n) ?").

symptom(Diseased_cattle,crepitational_sound) :- verify(Diseased_cattle," have a

crepitational_sound (y/n) ?").


/* the rules that does the diagnosis*/

symptom(Diseased_cattle, high_body_temprature),

symptom(Diseased_cattle, fever),

symptom(Diseased_cattle, depression),

symptom(Diseased_cattle, loss_of_appetite),

symptom(Diseased_cattle, lameness),

symptom(Diseased_cattle, painful_the_affected_area),

symptom(Diseased_cattle, crepitational_sound).

/* calling rules by jpl in java*/

interface(X,Y,Z) :-
atom_concat(Y,X, FAtom),
jpl_new('javax.swing.JFrame', ['Knowledge Based System'], F),
jpl_new('javax.swing.JLabel',['---CATTLE DISEASE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT
jpl_call(F, setLocation, [400,300], _),
jpl_call(F, setSize, [400,300], _),
jpl_call(F, setVisible, [@(true)], _),
jpl_call(F, toFront, [], _),
jpl_call('javax.swing.JOptionPane', showInputDialog, [F,FinalAtom], N),
jpl_call(F, dispose, [], _),
( (N == yes ; N == y)

assert(yes(Z)) ;
assert(no(Z)), fail).

I certify that this thesis to which it refers is the product of my own work and that any ideas or
quotation from the work of other people, published or otherwise are fully acknowledged in
accordance with the standard referring practices of the discipline.

Declared By:

Name: Tadesse Beyene

Signature: ___________________

Date: ___________________

Confirmed By:

Name: Dr. Kindie Biredagne (Advisor)

Signature: ____________________

Date: ____________________


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