Abnormal Psych Question 2

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Encircle the best and correct answer.
1. A substance is defined as any:  D. The individual complains of withdrawal
A. Drug that has psychedelic effects. symptoms, such as nervousness, headaches,
B. Over-the-counter prescription drug. and nausea.
C. Product that could potentially create an
addiction. 6. Paul has fallen ill, lost his job and his wife has
D. Natural or synthesized product that has left him due to his problem with heroin. His
psychoactive effects. friends and family are telling him that he is an
addict because he is exhibiting: 
2. Ces has been using cocaine for a while now. She A. Substance withdrawal
has been without any cocaine for 24 hours and B. Substance tolerance
as a result is experiencing strange behaviors and C. Substance intoxication
physiological responses. She is most likely D. Substance dependence
showing signs of: 
A. Substance intoxication 7. ___ is present when a person experiences less
B. Substance withdrawal effect from the same dose of a substance and
C. Tolerance needs more and more of it to achieve
D. A drive-control disorder intoxication.
A. Impulse-control disorder
3. Marc took something at a party earlier in the B. Behavioral under control
evening and is now showing changes in the C. Tolerance
function of his central nervous system that are D. Withdrawal
manifesting in both behavior and physiology. He
is most likely experiencing:  8. Which of the following is a central nervous
A. Substance intoxication system depressant? 
B. Withdrawal tolerance A. Cocaine
C. Substance B. Nicotine
D. A drive-control disorder C. Cannabis
D. Alcohol
4. _____ is a set of physiological and behavioral
symptoms that result when people who have 9. Which term refers to alcohol-induced amnesia
been using substances heavily for prolonged for the events that occurred while one was
periods of time stop or greatly reduce their use.  intoxicated? 
A. Substance withdrawal A. Coma
B. Substance intoxication B. Deprivation
C. Substance abuse C. Blackout
D. Substance dependence D. Flash

5. Which of the following is one of the four 10. Alcohol is considered a ____ because it ____. 
categories of harmful consequences that suggest A. Stimulant; makes people less inhibited in
substance abuse?  their behavior
A. The individual fails to fulfill important B. Depressant; slows the central nervous system
obligations at work, home, or school as a C. Stimulant; activates the brain
result of substance use. D. Stimulant; activates the sex drive
B. The individual uses the substance only in
situations in which it is not physically 11. Binge drinking is defined as consuming: 
hazardous to do so. A. Different types of drinks in moderate
C. The individual stops using the substance quantities in one sitting.
because of legal problems in the past. B. Five or more drinks within a couple of hours.
C. Two to three drinks early in the morning.

D. Three or more drinks within a span of two 18. A loss of interest in everything in life is called
hours. _____. 
A. Depression
12. Renz is over at a friend's house to pregame B. Anxiety
before going out. He takes a substance that C. Anhedonia
provides an instant rush of euphoria followed by D. Dissociation
heightened self-esteem, alertness, energy, and
feelings of competence. He has most likely 19. Many people with depression experience _____
taken:  they walk, gesture, and talk more slowly. On the
A. Opiates other hand, some people may exhibit _____ they
B. Cocaine cannot sit still, and may move around or fidget
C. Benzodiazepines aimlessly. 
D. Alcohol A. Psychomotor agitation; psychomotor
13. Which of the following makes cocaine more B. Psychomotor retardation; psychomotor
likely than most substances to lead to abuse and agitation
dependence?  C. Psychomotor atrophy; psychomotor
A. It is easy availability dystrophy
B. The absence of short-term health disorders D. Psychomotor dystrophy; psychomotor
C. Symptoms of fatigue and insomnia upon atrophy
D. Its rapid, strong effects on the brain's reward 20. In severe cases, people with depression lose
centers touch with reality, experiencing _____ beliefs
with no basis in reality, and _____ seeing,
14. Which of the following observations is true of hearing, or feeling things that are not real. 
cocaine?  A. Delusions; hallucinations
A. Its effects wear off quickly. B. Hallucinations; delusions
B. It is one of the few substances immune to C. Delusions; paranoia
development of tolerance. D. Paranoia; delusions
C. It has been tried at least once by thirty
percent of people in the United States. 21. If a person experiences depressed mood or loss
D. Its use has increased drastically since the of interest in usual activities, and at least four
mid-1980s. other depressive symptoms for at least two
weeks, and these symptoms are severe enough to
15. Which of the following is an example of a interfere with the person's ability to function in
stimulant?  everyday life, the person meets the criteria for
A. Amphetamines _____. 
B. Barbiturates A. adjustment disorder
C. Alcohol B. major depressive disorder
D. Nitrites C. schizophrenia
D. bipolar disorder
16. Identify the physiological effect of nicotine. 
A. It resembles a fight-or-flight response. 22. If a person experiences depressed mood plus
B. It reduces stress and anxiety. two other symptoms of depression for at least
C. It suppresses several biochemicals including two years, and during the two years has not been
dopamine and norepinephrine. without depressive symptoms for more than two
D. It reduces the craving to smoke more. months, the person is most likely to be
diagnosed with _____. 
17. _____ is by far the most heavily used stimulant.  A. Postpartum depression
A. Nicotine B. Persistent depressive disorder
B. Amphetamine C. Major depression
C. Cocaine D. Seasonal affective disorder
D. Caffeine

23. Which of the following is true of the difference more chronic than bipolar disorder.
between persistent depressive disorder and B. Cyclothymic disorder is less severe and less
major depressive disorder?  chronic than bipolar disorder.
A. Major depressive disorder is less severe and C. Cyclothymic disorder is more severe and
more chronic than persistent depressive disorder. more chronic than bipolar disorder.
B. Major depressive disorder is less severe and D. Cyclothymic disorder is more severe and
less chronic than persistent depressive disorder. less chronic than bipolar disorder.
C. Major depressive disorder is more severe and
more chronic than persistent depressive disorder. 29. Which of the following statements is true of
D. Major depressive disorder is more severe mood disorders? 
and less chronic than persistent depressive A. A major depressive episode is necessary for
disorder. a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder.
B. Hypomania is a diagnostic criterion for
24. In this category of disorders, children are bipolar II disorder but not cyclothymic disorder.
thought to display deficits in a “theory of mind:” C. The level of social and occupational
A. Autism spectrum disorder functioning of bipolar I and bipolar II disorders
B. Intellectual disability are identical.
C. Motor disorder D. A diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder requires
D. Specific learning disorder that the person alternates between cycles of
E. Communication disorder hypomania and moderate depression.

25. The combination of major depression and 30. Which of the following is true of bipolar
anxiety is so common that the authors of the disorder? 
DSM-5 introduced the subtype of _____.  A. Only about 10 percent of people with bipolar
A. Anxious distress disorder have multiple cycles during their
B. Chronic depressive disorder lifetimes.
C. Generalized anxiety depression B. The length of individual episodes of bipolar
D. Major depression, recurrent disorder varies greatly from one person to the
26. Individuals suffering from depression with C. Most people with bipolar disorder swing
_____ show strange behaviors ranging from a from mania to depression and back again within
complete lack of movement to excited agitation.  a day.
A. Melancholic features D. A relatively common pattern in bipolar
B. Psychotic features disorder is for episodes to get longer but less
C. Catatonic features frequent over time.
D. Atypical features
31. Which of the following is true about the
27. Martha gave birth to twins two weeks ago. She prevalence of bipolar disorder? 
finds herself weeping while she is changing the A. Women are more likely than men to develop
twins or feeding them. She is irritable, and has bipolar disorder.
had little sleep since their birth. Martha feels B. Men are more likely than women to develop
guilt and shame because she says a good mother bipolar disorder.
would be able to take care of her children. The C. Women and men are equally likely to
subtype of major depression Martha is most develop bipolar disorder.
likely suffering from is depression with:  D. Men are significantly more likely than
A. Atypical features women to develop bipolar disorder.
B. Melancholic features
C. Per partum onset 32. In the brain, dopamine, norepinephrine, and
D. Catatonic features serotonin are found in large quantities in the
28. Which of the following is true of the difference A. Hypothalamus
between cyclothymic disorder and bipolar B. Hippocampus
disorder?  C. Limbic system
A. Cyclothymic disorder is less severe and D. Amygdale

33. What is a key difference between adaptive fear safe. Bradley is most likely suffering from
responses and maladaptive anxiety responses?  _____. 
A. Maladaptive responses subside once the A. A situational type phobia
threat ends, whereas adaptive fear persists after B. An animal-type phobia
the threat passes. C. Social phobia
B. Maladaptive responses are out of proportion D. A natural environment type phobia
to the threat, whereas adaptive responses are
appropriate to the situation. 38. According to Freudian theory, phobias develop
C. Adaptive responses lead people take extreme when: 
steps to protect themselves, whereas A. The ego is unable to meet the needs of the id.
maladaptive responses lead individuals to take B. Unconscious anxiety is displaced onto a
risks. neutral or symbolic object.
D. Adaptive responses can lead to anticipatory C. The preconscious state of mind becomes tied
anxiety, whereas maladaptive responses can lead to the conscious state of mind.
to generalized anxiety disorder. D. Sexual urges and drives are retarded or
34. Which diagnosis is most likely when panic
attacks that are not usually provoked by any 39. Which of the following statements about panic
particular situation become a common disorder is true? 
occurrence, leading one to begin to worry about A. People with panic disorder often fear they
having the attacks and change behaviors as a have life-threatening illnesses, though they are
result?  less likely to have a personal or family history of
A. Generalized anxiety disorder serious chronic illness.
B. Panic disorder B. Many people with panic disorder feel
C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder ashamed of it and try to hide it from others.
D. Separation anxiety disorder C. About 28 percent of people will develop
panic disorder at some time, usually between
35. Ruth is afraid of being in large open spaces. She late adolescence and the mid-thirties.
is especially worried that she will not be able to D. People with panic disorder may become
leave the area if she begins to panic. Ruth is demoralized and depressed but rarely do they
most likely experiencing _____.  become suicidal.
A. social phobia
B. agoraphobia 40. People diagnosed with generalized anxiety
C. acute distress disorder disorder (GAD): 
D. claustrophobia A. Know their anxiety is provoked by
uncontrollable circumstances.
36. Tina and her parents live on a farm where field B. Are often excessively worried about almost
mice are very common. One night, a mouse all situations.
crawled on Tina while she was sleeping. The C. Only worry about the safety and security of
experience frightened Tina so badly that she their family members.
now avoids any situation where she might come D. See their anxiety and worry as part of their
across a mouse. She always checks her bed personality.
carefully each night. Tina is most likely
exhibiting behaviors related to _____.  41. According to cognitive theory, which of the
A. A social phobia following statements is true about people
B. A situational type phobia diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder
C. An animal-type phobia (GAD)? 
D. A natural environment type phobia A. They are always anticipating a negative
event, and they tend to think it through.
37. Bradley was 12 years old when lightning struck B. They believe that worrying can help them
his home. Now he becomes very anxious every avoid bad events by motivating them to engage
time the sky darkens. If a storm begins, he in problem solving.
exhibits panic symptoms and frantically C. They actively conjure up visual images of
searches for an area in the house where he feels what they worry about, as a way of habituating

to the negative emotions associated with the room is taught to reappraise her or his current
event. room in a more positive way.
D. Their chronic anxiety is the result of having D. A person afraid of contamination is asked to
had highly controlled and predictable hold a dirty handkerchief for more than an hour.
experiences in their childhood.
47. Which of the following is the most common
42. People diagnosed with general anxiety disorder type of delusion? 
are thought to have deficient levels of:  A. Persecutory delusions
A. Serotonin B. Somatic delusions
B. GABA receptors C. Delusions of grandeur
C. Norepinephrine D. Thought insertions
D. Dopamine receptors
48. People with _____ may believe that the
43. Lee is a high school teacher. He has difficulty comments of a local politician at a rally are
grading his papers because he constantly checks directed at them. 
and rechecks the students' answers. He fears that A. Delusions of thought insertion
he has made a mistake in the calculations. Lee's B. Somatic delusions
checking routines are not limited to his students' C. Delusions of reference
work. He also checks the locks on his classroom D. Grandiose delusion
door several times before leaving school, and
performs these kinds of rituals at home as well. 49. Delusions are to _____ as hallucinations are to
Lee is most likely exhibiting:  _____. 
A. Acute stress disorder A. Perceptions; thoughts
B. Post-traumatic stress disorder B. Thoughts; feelings
C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder C. Thoughts; perceptions
D. Generalized anxiety disorder D. Perceptions; feelings

44. Which of the following is an example of an 50. April was experiencing sleep deprivation and
obsession?  thought that spiders were crawling on her skin.
A. Repeatedly checking the locks on all doors April was most likely experiencing a(n)_____. 
B. Constantly thinking about cleanliness and A. Olfactory hallucination
contamination B. Auditory hallucination
C. Washing hands several times a day C. Somatic hallucination
D. Spending hours sorting and resorting D. Tactile hallucination
51. A person with schizophrenia may exhibit
45. Which of the following is an example of a disorganized speech patterns that are completely
compulsion?  incoherent to listeners. This is known as _____. 
A. Repeatedly checking the locks on all doors A. Blunted affect
B. Constantly worrying about cleanliness and B. Alogia
contamination C. Avolition
C. Spending hours thinking about the D. Word salad
orderliness of the house
D. Fearing incessantly about the welfare of 52. _____ are words that mean something only to
loved ones the person speaking them. 
A. Neologisms
46. Which of the following is a good example of the B. Alogia
use of exposure and response prevention C. Word salads
therapy?  D. Clangs
A. A person afraid of germs is allowed to clean
his or her hands as often as desired. 53. Which of the following statements is true about
B. A person afraid of flying is taught to first the gender differences in disorganized thought
imagine buying an airline ticket. and speech symptoms of schizophrenia? 
C. A person afraid of having a disorganized A. Women with schizophrenia tend to show

more severe deficits in language than do men most likely to be diagnosed with _____. 
with schizophrenia. A. Schizoaffective disorder
B. Brain abnormalities associated with B. Schizophreniform disorder
schizophrenia may not affect women's language C. Delusional disorder
and thought as much as they do men's because D. Brief psychotic disorder
women can use both sides of their brain to
compensate for problems. 59. Which of the following statements is true of
C. Compared to women, language deficits are delusional disorder? 
less apparent in men with schizophrenia owing A. Individuals have delusions that last at least 1
to the fact that language is controlled more month, but do not show any other symptoms of
bilaterally in men. schizophrenia.
D. Language is more localized in men, so when B. In addition to delusions, individuals also
the areas of the brain associated with language exhibit at least one other positive symptom of
are affected by schizophrenia, men are better schizophrenia.
able to compensate for the deficits than women. C. It appears to affect males more than females.
D. Its onset tends to be earlier in life than most
54. Which of the following is a negative symptom disorders.
of schizophrenia? 
A. Catatonia 60. Renz believes that he is being followed but
B. Derailment shows no other psychotic symptoms. Other than
C. Avolition his delusion, he does not act oddly or have
D. Delusions difficulty functioning. He is most likely to be
diagnosed with _____. 
55. Marc has experienced a loss of the ability to A. Delusional disorder
experience pleasure. Marc is most likely B. Schizophrenia spectrum disorder
exhibiting _____.  C. Brief psychotic disorder
A. Avolition D. Schizophreniform disorder
B. Anhedonia
C. Aphasia 61. Chris shows a pervasive pattern of social deficits
D. Alogia and has a great deal of discomfort in close
relationships. Her coworkers describe her as odd
56. Edgie experienced delusions and hallucinations as she speaks in a peculiar manner, is often
for 2 weeks, and also had a manic episode suspicious, and is inappropriate in her display of
following this 2-week period. He continues to emotion. She would most likely be diagnosed
experience delusions and hallucinations. Edgie with _____. 
will most likely receive a diagnosis of _____.  A. Delusional disorder
A. Mood disorder with psychotic features B. Schizophrenia spectrum disorder
B. Schizoaffective disorder C. Schizotypal personality disorder
C. Shared psychotic disorder D. Schizophreniform disorder
D. Schizophrenia spectrum disorder
62. The DSM-IV included _____ separate
57. Eric has always functioned well but shows personality disorders. 
symptoms of schizophrenia for 1-6 months A. 4
without the restricted affect. His prognosis is B. 6
good but he will most likely be diagnosed as C. 8
having _____.  D. 10
A. Schizophreniform disorder
B. Schizoaffective disorder 63. Agnes, a second-year medical student, attempted
C. Delusional disorder suicide at least 10 times before entering therapy.
D. Brief psychotic disorder Her attempts to hurt herself usually followed
arguments with her husband about getting a
58. Ces suddenly experienced delusions, divorce. Which of the following diagnoses is Jen
hallucinations, and disorganized speech but most likely to receive from her therapist? 
these symptoms lasted for only 3 days. She is A. Borderline personality disorder

B. Avoidant personality disorder A. Are quite spontaneous in their interactions
C. Antisocial personality disorder with others.
D. Schizotypal personality disorder B. Are often workaholics who see little need for
leisure activities.
64. Studies show that people with borderline C. Tend to relate well with people of different
personality disorder have greater activation of ranks.
the _____, which may contribute to the D. Tend to be efficient and hence make
difficulty they have in regulating their moods.  excellent employees.
A. Thalamus
B. Amygdala 70. Which of the following is widely used in
C. Medulla treatment for obsessive-compulsive personality
D. Hippocampus disorder? 
A. Antidepressants
65. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder B. Aversion therapy
tend to seek _____.  C. Guided meditation
A. Dependency D. Relaxation techniques
B. Admiration
C. Solitude 71. Which personality disorder is characterized by
D. Stability an unstable or disorganized identity and they
tend to have odd beliefs, perceptions, and self-
66. Which of the following statements is true about presentations? 
narcissistic personality disorder?  A. Paranoid personality disorder
A. This disorder is more frequently diagnosed B. Borderline personality disorder
in women than in men. C. Schizotypal personality disorder
B. This disorder is highly prevalent in cultures D. Dependent personality disorder
that value self-confidence and assertiveness.
C. People with this disorder are preoccupied 72. Somatoform disorders are most commonly due
with fantasies of power and success. to _________.
D. People with this disorder often consider A. Biological factors
themselves to be superior but are benevolent. B. Extreme stress
C. Economic factors only
67. Under the DSM-5 criteria, which of the D. Post-traumatic symptoms
following pathological personality traits is
associated with avoidant personality disorder?  73. Which of the following is not a somatoform
A. Psychoticism disorder?
B. Detachment A. conversion disorder
C. Disinhibition B. obsessive-compulsive disorder
D. Antagonism C. hypochondriasis
D. body dysmorphic disorder
68. Portia's friend invited her to a five-star
restaurant. Janice became nervous when she saw 74. All of the following are dissociative disorders
the various pieces of silverware placed on the except________.
table. She felt that others were scrutinizing her A. Dissociative fugue
every move, and watching to see if she used the B. Dissociative amnesia
cutlery properly. Overwhelmed with anxiety, C. Depersonalization
Portia left the restaurant without eating dinner. D. Depression
Portia would most likely be diagnosed with: 
A. Avoidant personality disorder 75. The class of disorders where people experience
B. Schizotypal personality disorder significant physical symptoms without an
C. Borderline personality disorder organic reason is called ______.
D. Dependent personality disorder A. Dissociative disorders
B. Somatoforms disorders
69. People with obsessive-compulsive personality C. Psychotic disorders
disorder:  D. Adjustment disorders

76. What is one of the difficulties in diagnosing A. Must have complaints in multiple bodily
somatoform disorders? areas
A. the person is probably faking the symptoms B. Complain of chronic anatomical pain
B. The person has difficulty pinpointing the C. Must have the same diagnostic criteria as
physical discomfort somatization disorder
C. The person may have a real physical D. Present their complaints in vague, dramatic,
problem or exaggerated ways
D. The person is looking for attention
83. Somatization symptoms tend to be reported
77. Which of the following is true? more by ___________.
A. Psychosomatic disorders refers to A. Children
psychological disorders exacerbated by B. Adolescents
medical problems. C. Women
B. Somatoform disorders are psychological D. Men
symptoms exacerbated by physical
illnesses. 84. Cognitive therapies focus on helping clients
C. Malingering refers to an individual’s _____________.
psychological problems exacerbated by A. Challenging the maladaptive interpretations
other psychological disorders. of physical symptoms and teach the client
D. Factitious disorders are the deliberate techniques for appropriate interpretations
faking of symptoms to gain medical B. Identify reinforcer that contribute to the
attention. manifestation of symptoms
C. Provide insight into the clients somatization
78. Jonathan pretended to have a stomachache to symptoms and discuss early childhood
avoid taking his algebra test. Jonathan’s faking experiences
his symptoms is referred to as ____________-. D. Design a behavior modification with
A. Psychosomatic punishers to discourage maladaptive ways
B. Somatization of thinking
C. Malingering
D. Factitiousness 85. A primarily difference between body
dysmorphic disorder and the other somatoform
79. Bethany has hypertension. Her friends call her a disorders is _____________.
worrier. Her worrying impacts her hypertension. A. BDD is more closely associated with the
Bethany most likely is experiencing a ________. anxiety disorder, OCD
A. Psychosomatic disorder B. BDD clients have an excessive
B. Somatoform disorder preoccupation with the belief that their
C. Dissociative disorder bodies are imperfect.
D. Acute stress disorder C. BDD patients suffer from physical pain as
result of plastic surgery
80. Conversion disorder is characterized by: _____ D. BDD is a preoccupation with the emotional
A. Sensory and motor deficits distress and anxiety of sexuality
B. Loss of memory
C. Pain in different areas of the body 86. Women with BDD are more often preoccupied
D. Sexual pain with all of the following body parts except
81. Which of the following is not required to receive A. Breasts
a diagnosis of somatization disorder? B. Hips
A. Pain in four areas of the body C. Genitals
B. Two gastrointestinal symptoms D. Weight
C. Three sexual pain symptoms
D. A neurological symptoms 87. Which of the following would not be considered
a dissociative experience?
82. People diagnosed with pain disorder A. Daydreaming
_________________. B. Nightmares

C. Being absorbed in a movie B. Males diagnosed with DID tend to be more
D. Not knowing what is going on around you aggressive than females diagnosed with
88. Daydreaming is considered to be a mild C. Females and males diagnosed with DID are
experience? equally aggressive.
A. Somatization D. Neither males nor females diagnosed with
B. Dissociative DID show signs of aggression.
C. Depersonalization
D. Existential 95. Which of the following is the most common
alter found in DID?
89. Dissociative experiences are especially common A. Helper
when a person is ------ and ------? B. Host
A. Sleep-deprived and anxious C. Persecutor
B. Anxious and worried D. Child
C. Worried and under stress
D. Under stress and sleep-deprived 96. Many of the earlier cases of DID were
misdiagnosed as ____________ because the
90. Sue has been up for 48 hours with her sick child. patient reported hearing voices in their heads.
The family was in a car accident, and the child A. Bipolar disorder with psychotic features
was seriously injured. Sue has had an episode B. Schizophrenia
where did not recognize her face in the mirror. C. Major Depressive disorder with psychotic
Most likely Sue had a ____________ features
experience. D. Brief psychotic disorder
A. Existential
B. Dissociative 97. Most studies have found that people who report
C. Conversion DID experience have a history of
D. Somatization A. Sexual or physical abuse
B. Kidnapping
91. Which of the following dissociative disorder is C. Religious persecution
characterized by a person developing one or D. War
more distinct personalities?
A. DID 98. Which of the following is the most common
B. Dissociative fugue contributor to DID?
C. Dissociative amnesia A. Genetic predisposition to the disorder
D. Depersonalization Disorder B. Chronic physical or sexual abuse during
92. A person diagnosed with DID may have several C. Low socioeconomic family status
alters. An alter is a(n) _________. D. Being diagnosed with several other
A. alternative personality disorders
B. ceremonial pedestal
C. means of creating pleasant experiences 99. Brown has a history of drinking heavily nightly
D. an out of body experience before going to bed. One morning his family
accused him of kicking the dog, breaking several
93. Alter personalities of DID clients are often dishes, and being verbally abusive. Brown says
________. he has no memory of the incident. Most likely
A. The same gender and the same age Brown’s memory loss is related to
B. The same gender but different ages _______________.
C. Different genders and different ages A. Korsakoff’s syndrome
D. Different gender and the same age B. PTSD
94. Which of the following is true concerning DID? D. Dissociative Amnesia
A. Females diagnosed with DID tend to be
more aggressive than males diagnosed with 100. Which of the following is not a
DID. dissociative disorder?

A. Korsakoff’s syndrome C. Outgrow the symptoms of ADHD but find
B. Hypochondriasis it difficult to lead normal healthy lives
C. Dissociative Identity Disorder D. Maintain the symptoms of ADHD
D. Depersonalization Disorder throughout adulthood and lead normal
productive lives
101. Steven left his home abruptly without
taking any of his belongings. He relocated to the 106. Which neurotransmitter has been
next town. However, he had difficulty implicated in ADHD?
understanding how he ended up in his new A. Dopamine
surroundings. Several months later he returns to B. Serotonin
his old home with no memory of his absence. C. Norepinephrine
Steven is most likely will be diagnosed with D. ACH
A. Schizophrenia 107. Which of the following is true
B. DID concerning the controversy surrounding the use
C. Dissociative Fugue of drugs for treating children diagnosed with
D. Depersonalization Disorder ADHD?
A. Studies indicate that teachers convince
102. Dissociative amnesia is characterized by parents to medicate their children
A. The person suddenly taking flight, moving B. Studies show that the media has
to another area, and creating a new identity encouraged drug manufactures to increase
B. One or more distinct personalities via for their production of stimulants
control of the individual C. One study showed that some children who
C. A person consistently feeling outside received medication for ADHD symptoms
him/herself did not meet the diagnostic criteria for the
D. The person’s inability to remember specific disorder
events, time periods, or personal D. Current studies have revealed that a lack of
information understanding of ADHD behaviors exist
among primary caregivers
103. All of the following are true concerning
dissociative fugue except _________. 108. Which of the following groups is most
A. A person who experiences fugue may likely to be prescribed drug therapy for ADHD?
return to his/her previous identity and home A. Girls and younger children
B. A fugue state has the potential to last for B. Younger girls and younger boys
days or years C. Boys and younger children
C. Persons experiencing fugue states also D. Older girls and older boys
suffer with alternative personalities
D. Recovering from a fugue states does not 109. Reading disorder is also known
mean that the person will remember all as________.
events A. Cognitive deficits
B. Dyslexia
104. All of the following behavioral disorders C. Comprehension disorder
are diagnosed in children in except ________. D. Phonology disorder
A. Antisocial personality disorder
B. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder 110. Which of the following learning
C. Conduct disorder disorders is more common?
D. Oppositional defiant disorder A. Dyslexia
B. Math disorder
105. Many children______________. C. Communication disorder
A. Maintain the symptoms of ADHD well into D. Disorder of written expression
adulthood and lead unproductive lives
B. Outgrow the symptoms of ADHD and lead 111. Which of the following disorders is
normal healthy lives characterized by a limited vocabulary, difficulty

in learning new words, difficulty in retrieving C. Parent training alongside short-term
words or the right words, and poor grammar? medical treatment.
A. Mixture receptive-expressive language D. Introspective psychotherapy for the child.
B. Phonological disorder 118. Cognitive disorders were formerly
C. Stuttering called________.
D. Expressive language disorder A. Organic cognitive disorders
B. Organic brain disorders
112. Disorders characterized by severe and C. Brain disorders
lasting impairments in several areas of D. Cognitive brain disorders
development including social interactions,
communication with others, everyday behaviors, 119. Which of the following is the difference
interest, and activities are called_________. between "normal" memory lapses and dementia?
A. Developmental disorders A. With normal memory lapses, the person is
B. Long-term developmental disorders much older than someone with dementia
C. Pervasive developmental disorders B. In dementia, the memory does not return
D. Childhood developmental disorders spontaneously, and may not respond to
memory cues
113. Autism involves all of the following C. With normal memory lapses, the person is
deficits except_______. probably entering the onset of dementia
A. Gross motor skills D. In dementia, the memory loss is associated
B. Social interactions to psychological effects of stress
C. Communication
D. Activities and interest 120. The deterioration of language seen in
dementia is referred to as_________.
114. When a child diagnosed with autism A. Amnesia
uses a parrot-like type of expressive language, B. Echolalia
this type of language deficit is C. Palialia
called________________. D. Aphasia
A. Echopraxia
B. Echolalia 121. The inability to recognize objects or
C. Avolition people is referred to as____________.
D. Alogia A. Apraxia
B. Agnosia
115. Which of the following is not a C. Aphasia
pervasive developmental disorder? D. Avolition
A. Autism
B. Asperger’s disorder 122. The repetition of sounds or word is
C. Rhett’s disorder to________ as the repetition of what is heard is
D. Mental retardation to__________.
A. Echolalia; echolalia
116. Being restless and unable to sit quietly B. Echolalia; palialia
are consistent with which set of symptoms of C. Palialia; palialia
ADHD? D. Palialia; echolalia
A. Problems with attention
B. Hyperactive behavior 123. A person experiencing ___________
C. Depressed mood will have difficulty carrying out actions such as
D. Excessive impulsivity washing their hands when requested.
A. Agnosia
117. Which of the following is likely to B. Apraxia
provide the best solution to the treatment of C. Echolalia
ADHD? D. Palialia
A. Long-term medical treatment.
B. Parent training alone.

124. The person diagnosed with Alzheimer's 130. Korsakoff’s syndrome is caused by
disease at age 45 would be considered to have damage to ___________ and is classified as
an____________. a(n)__________.
A. Premature-onset type A. Vertebrae; dementia
B. Early-onset type B. Adrenal glands; delirium
C. Late-onset type C. Carotid artery; medical disease
D. Post-onset tie D. Thalamus; amnesic disorder

125. Patricia is overweight, and recently 131. Patricia is overweight, and recently
retired from teaching. She has been under retired from teaching. She has been under
extreme pressure since her spouse died, and has extreme pressure since her spouse died, and has
suffered several small strokes. In addition, she suffered several small strokes. In addition, she
has suffered from the inability to organize and has suffered from the inability to organize and
plan, memory lapse, and forgetting the names of plan, memory lapse, and forgetting the names of
close friends. Patricia is most likely close friends. Patricia is most likely
experiencing which of the following. experiencing which of the following.
A. Alzheimer’s disease A. Alzheimer’s disease
B. Vascular dementia B. Vascular dementia
C. Parkinson’s disease C. Parkinson’s disease
D. Dementia associated with other medical D. Dementia associated with other medical

126. Of the following types of dementia,

which of the following type is most rare?
A. Pick’s disease
B. Alzheimer's disease
C. Parkinson’s disease
D. Huntington's disease

127. ___________ is characterized by

tremors, muscle rigidity, the inability to initiate
movement, and possibly dementia.
A. Alzheimer’s disease
B. Korsakoff's syndrome
C. Parkinson’s disease
D. Multi-infarct dementia.

128. _______ involves an acute, usually

transient, disorientation and memory loss.
A. Anterograde amnesia
B. Retrograde amnesia
C. Dissociative amnesia
D. Delirium

129. The person with________ amnesia is

impaired in ability to learn new information; the
person with ________ amnesia is impaired in
ability to recall previously learned information.
A. Present; past
B. Retrograde; anterograde
C. Anterograde; retrograde
D. Proactive; retroactive


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