Hepatokines - A Novel Group of Exercise Factors

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Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology



Hepatokines—a novel group of exercise factors

Cora Weigert 1,2,3 & Miriam Hoene 1 & Peter Plomgaard 4,5,6

Received: 2 August 2018 / Revised: 28 September 2018 / Accepted: 3 October 2018

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Regular physical activity not only improves the exercise capacity of the skeletal muscle performing the contractions, but it is
beneficial for the whole body. An extensive search for Bexercise factors^ mediating these beneficial effects has been going on for
decades. Particularly skeletal muscle tissue has been investigated as a source of circulating exercise factors, and several myokines
have been identified. However, exercise also has an impact on other tissues. The liver is interposed between energy storing and
energy utilising tissues and is highly active during exercise, maintaining energy homeostasis. Recently, a novel group of exercise
factors—termed hepatokines—has emerged. These proteins (fibroblast growth factor 21, follistatin, angiopoietin-like protein 4,
heat shock protein 72, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1) are released from the liver and increased in the bloodstream
during or in the recovery after an exercise bout. In this narrative review, we evaluate this new group of exercise factors focusing
on the regulation and potential function in exercise metabolism and adaptations. These hepatokines may convey some of the
beneficial whole-body effects of exercise that could ameliorate metabolic diseases, such as obesity or type 2 diabetes.

Keywords Hepatokines . Liver . Exercise . Training . Energy metabolism . Insulin resistance . Type 2 diabetes . FGF21 .
ANGPTL4 . Follistatin . Selenoprotein P . HSP72 . IGFBP

Introduction metabolism [2]. However, several tissues respond to physical

activity, for which reason the orchestration of tissue-specific
Health benefits from exercise have long been acknowledged, and functions is crucial, bringing the concept of circulating exercise
regular physical activity is recommended as therapeutic interven- factors into play which could mediate the cross-talk. To regulate
tion to prevent and treat a range of chronic disorders, including energy metabolism, various tissues produce signalling molecules
obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes [1]. Exercise initi- to communicate between energy storing and energy utilising
ates several transcriptional and (post)translational mechanisms in tissues. With the discovery of leptin [3] as a signalling molecule
skeletal muscle, which increases the capacity and efficiency for secreted by the adipose tissue, the term Badipokine^ was coined.
fuel uptake and utilisation, thus improving whole-body energy Transferring the concept of adipokines to the energy utilising

This article is part of the special issue on Exercise Physiology: future

opportunities and challenges in Pflügers Archiv

* Cora Weigert 3
German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), Tuebingen, Germany
* Peter Plomgaard 4
The Centre of Inflammation and Metabolism, and the Centre for
plomgaard@dadlnet.dk Physical Activity Research, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetology, Angiology, Nephrology,
Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, Department of Internal 5
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, Rigshospitalet,
Medicine IV, University of Tuebingen, Otfried-Mueller Str. 10, Blegdamsvej 9, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Institute for Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases of the 6
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen,
Helmholtz Center Munich, University of Tuebingen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Tuebingen, Germany
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skeletal muscle tissue, interleukin (IL)-6 was the first muscle- did not reduce glucose delivery from the liver [17], and thus,
derived signalling molecule to be termed a myokine [4], even the contribution of the adrenergic system is not completely
though myostatin (growth differentiation factor (GDF)-8) had clear. Growth hormone (GH) and cortisol are both elevated
been classified as a muscle-derived hormone years before [5]. by exercise and may partially contribute to the adaptation of
Since then, several endocrine functions have been attributed to hepatic metabolism [18]. The increased metabolic activity of
the myokines secreted by the working muscle including regula- the liver during exercise is reflected by a higher hepato-
tion of body weight and insulin sensitivity, as well as tumour splanchnic oxygen uptake. During moderate exercise, hepatic
suppression and maintenance of cognitive functions [6]. blood flow is unchanged or only slightly reduced [19, 20]
The liver is a central organ in energy metabolism, inter- while hepato-splanchnic oxygen uptake is upregulated more
posed between energy storage and utilisation and as such, than twofold [21], presumably due to high levels of oxygen
challenged both during physiological (exercise, fasting, food extraction [22]. Of note, exercising with very high intensity
intake) and pathophysiological (metabolic syndrome, diabe- can markedly reduce hepato-splanchnic blood flow [23, 24],
tes, obesity, cachexia) conditions. In analogy to adipo- and which may compromise hepatic metabolism [23].
myokines, signalling molecules exclusively or predominantly
produced by the liver and secreted into the bloodstream that
impact extrahepatic tissues/organs [7] have been termed
Bhepatokines^. During the last decade, hepatokines have prin- Searching for potential exercise-regulated
cipally been studied in the context of metabolic diseases [8]. hepatokines—candidates from mouse
Prominent examples are fetuin-A (also known as α-2- microarray data
Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein) and selenoprotein P (SeP),
which are linked to insulin resistance [9, 10]. In contrast, fi- Upregulation of gene expression is one mechanistic pathway
broblast growth factor (FGF)21 has the potential to improve which can lead to increased production and release of
glucose homeostasis and dyslipidemia [11]. In the present adipokines, hepatokines and myokines. One bout of acute ex-
narrative review, we summarise and discuss hepatokines in ercise increases the transcript and protein levels of several
relation to acute exercise and physical training as well as their myokines in the contracting muscle [25, 26]. Compared with
potential role in energy homeostasis and metabolic skeletal muscle, even more transcripts in the liver of mice
adaptations. showed pronounced alterations immediately after a non-
exhaustive treadmill exercise [27, 28]. Filtering these transcripts
for genes encoding potentially secreted proteins revealed 55
The role of the liver in exercise metabolism upregulated genes after exercise and 29 transcripts with reduced
abundance (Table 1). The list of regulated transcripts is domi-
The liver plays a pivotal role in exercise metabolism when the nated by cytokines, chemokines and components of the extra-
energy balance becomes negative and substrates need to be cellular matrix. Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein
mobilised from storage or synthesised. Hepatic glucose pro- (IGFBP)1 showed the highest change with significant signal
duction is increased via breakdown of glycogen as well as intensities already in sedentary mice. FGF21 was also strongly
enhanced de novo synthesis of glucose from lactate, glycerol increased by acute exercise while being almost undetectable in
and amino acids. The relative contribution of the hepato- livers of sedentary mice. The exercise-dependent regulation and
splanchnic bed to the whole-body uptake of free fatty acids secretion of both factors has been validated in mice and humans
(FFA) decreases during exercise, but the absolute uptake in- as described below in further detail. Additional hepatic tran-
creases, and FFA are oxidised to provide energy for ATP- scripts regulated by acute exercise in our transcriptomics study,
consuming biochemical processes [12]. After prolonged exer- which are already known as liver-derived secreted factors
cise, excess FFA are also re-esterified to triglycerides, and are follistatin, angiopoietin-like 4 protein (ANGPTL4) and
elevated hepatic triglyceride content can be observed [13, 14]. inhibin E.
A major regulator of hepatic metabolism during exercise is Several of the transcripts listed in Table 1 may contribute
a change in the glucagon-to-insulin ratio, which increases due to changes in the systemic concentration and may be in-
to both an increase in glucagon and a decrease in insulin in the volved in intrahepatic adaptations to exercise, but will not
circulation. Exercise studies in rodents demonstrate a fall in be discussed further due to their wide tissue distribution.
hepatic energy charge with increased production of AMP, Moreover, a transcriptomics approach cannot cover all
which is considered to trigger glycogen mobilisation [15] exercise-regulated hepatokines because an increased release
and to stimulate oxidation of fatty acids via activation of of proteins is not necessarily reflected in an elevated tran-
AMPK. The increase in circulating catecholamines during script level. For instance, post-translational regulation or an
high intensity exercise has been suggested to stimulate hepatic enhanced secretion of existing protein pools, which is not
glucose output [16], but hepatic adrenergic blockade in dogs reflected on the transcriptional level, has been reported for
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Table 1 Transcripts of potential secreted hepatokines differentially regulated immediately after 60 min non-exhaustive treadmill exercise in mice

Gene symbol Gene description FC Sed Run SL ECM Accession

Igfbp1 Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 32.3 46.3 1496 Yes P47876
Fgf21 Fibroblast growth factor 21 26.5 bd 26.5 Yes Q9JJN1
Serpine2 Serine peptidase inhibitor, clade E, member 2 18.3 bd 18.3 Yes Yes Q07235
Esm1 Endothelial cell-specific molecule 1 12.1 2.2 26.6 Yes Q9QYY7
Impg2 Interphotoreceptor matrix proteoglycan 2 11.0 bd 11 Yes Q80XH2
Ccl5 Chemokine (C–C motif) ligand 5 9.1 1.3 11.8 Yes P30882
Chgb Chromogranin B 8.8 1.3 11.5 Yes P16014
Gpc3 Glypican 3 8.8 2.3 20.2 Yes Yes Q8CFZ4
Matn2 Matrilin 2 7.0 bd 7 Yes Yes O08746
Ang2 Angiogenin 6.6 3.4 22.4 Yes Q64438
Ephb6 Eph receptor B6 6.4 2.2 14 Yes O08644
Il1b Interleukin 1 beta 6.0 10.2 61.7 Yes P10749
Adm2 Adrenomedullin 2 5.8 1.8 10.4 Yes Q7TNK8
Serpine1 Serine peptidase inhibitor, clade E, member 1 5.4 2.2 11.8 Yes Yes P22777
Sbsn Suprabasin 4.7 2.3 10.9 Yes Yes Q8CIT9
Podn Podocan 4.7 4 18.9 Yes Yes Q7TQ62
Col4a4 Collagen, type IV, alpha 4 4.5 4 18.1 Yes Yes Q9QZR9
Acrbp Proacrosin-binding protein 4.5 bd 4.5 Yes Q3V140
Cxadr Coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor 4.5 bd 4.5 Yes P97792
Tfpi Tissue factor pathway inhibitor 4.4 bd 4.4 Yes O54819
Pcolce2 Procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 2 4.3 2.9 12.4 Yes Q8R4W6
Edn1 Endothelin 1 3.9 2.7 10.5 Yes P22387
Pcsk5 Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5 3.5 3.6 12.5 Yes Q04592
Efna1 Ephrin A1 3.4 304 1033 Yes P52793
Igfbp3 Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 3.4 6 20.3 Yes P47878
Xcl1 Chemokine (C motif) ligand 1 3.4 3.7 12.4 Yes P47993
Angptl4 Angiopoietin-like 4 3.2 1056 3334 Yes Yes Q9Z1P8
Lrch3 Leucine-rich repeats and CH domain 3 3.1 bd 3.1 Yes Q8BVU0
Gdf15 Growth differentiation factor 15 3.1 38.3 118.6 Yes Q9Z0J7
Scube2 Signal peptide, CUB domain, EGF-like 2 3.0 3.6 10.7 Yes D3YVM9
Hist2h4 Histone cluster 2, H4 3.0 3.6 10.7 Yes P62806
Cxcl13 Chemokine (C–X–C motif) ligand 13 3.0 7.8 23.1 Yes O55038
Col11a2 Collagen, type XI, alpha 2 2.9 6.2 18 Yes Yes Q64739
Ran RAN, member RAS oncogene family 2.9 bd 2.9 Yes P62827
Ccl6 Chemokine (C–C motif) ligand 6 2.9 6.5 18.7 Yes P27784
Gdf5 Growth differentiation factor 5 2.8 5.3 14.9 Yes P43027
Plaur Plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor 2.8 4.5 12.4 Yes P35456
Fst Follistatin 2.7 32.3 88.2 Yes P47931
Cfl1 Cofilin 1, non-muscle 2.7 bd 2.7 Yes P18760
Smpdl3b Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase, acid-like 2.6 7.9 20.9 Yes P58242
Ctgf Connective tissue growth factor 2.5 63 160.5 Yes Yes P29268
Fbn1 Fibrillin 1 2.5 5.8 14.6 Yes Yes Q61554
Cd14 CD14 antigen 2.5 6.9 17.2 Yes P10810
Fbln5 Fibulin 5 2.5 1.9 4.7 Yes Yes Q9WVH9
Serpina7 Serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor 2.5 81 199.4 Yes P61939
Gsn Gelsolin 2.4 4.7 11.1 Yes P13020
Lepr Leptin receptor 2.4 4 9.4 Yes P48356
Tomm20 Translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 20 homolog (yeast) 2.3 3.8 8.9 Yes Q9DCC8
Fgfr2 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 2.2 7.7 17.2 Yes P21803
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Table 1 (continued)

Gene symbol Gene description FC Sed Run SL ECM Accession

Loxl3 Lysyl oxidase-like 3 2.2 2.2 4.8 Yes Q9Z175

Mep1b Meprin 1 beta 2.2 9.2 19.8 Yes Q61847
Thbs2 Thrombospondin 2 2.1 10.3 21.9 Yes Q03350
Lifr Leukemia inhibitory factor receptor 2.1 16 33.2 Yes P42703
Insl5 Insulin-like 5 2.0 5.2 10.4 Yes Q9WUG6
S100a8 S100 calcium-binding protein A8 2.0 2.7 5.4 Yes P27005
Itgb4 Integrin beta 4 0.5 12.8 6.4 yes A2A863
Prok2 Prokineticin 2 0.5 10.4 5.1 Yes Q9QXU7
Camp Cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide 0.5 17.8 8.5 Yes P51437
Il1a Interleukin 1 alpha 0.5 2.1 Bd Yes P01582
Cort Cortistatin 0.5 10.1 4.6 Yes P56469
Cxcl1 Chemokine (C–X–C motif) ligand 1 0.4 165.9 73.1 Yes P12850
Bmp5 Bone morphogenetic protein 5 0.4 2.3 Bd Yes P49003
Rpn1 Ribophorin I 0.4 14.2 6.1 Yes Q91YQ5
Retn Resistin 0.4 20.7 8.8 Yes Q99P87
Tub Tubby candidate gene 0.4 11.3 4.7 Yes P50586
Nodal Nodal 0.4 13.6 5.5 Yes P43021
Trh Thyrotropin releasing hormone 0.4 10.3 4.1 Yes Q62361
Casp14 Caspase 14 0.4 10.9 4 Yes O89094
Anxa1 Annexin A1 0.3 14.7 5.1 Yes P10107
Mmp15 Matrix metallopeptidase 15 0.3 25.2 8.6 Yes O54732
Col1a2 Collagen, type I, alpha 2 0.3 3 Bd Yes Yes Q01149
Fgl2 Fibrinogen-like protein 2 0.3 23.7 7.7 Yes P12804
Fgf22 Fibroblast growth factor 22 0.3 9.3 3 Yes Q9ESS2
Ndfip1 Nedd4 family interacting protein 1 0.3 3.1 Bd Yes Q8R0W6
Icam4 Intercellular adhesion molecule 4 0.3 14.6 4.6 Yes Q9ERM2
Angptl2 Angiopoietin-like 2 0.3 3.9 Bd Yes Q9R045
Pla2g10 Phospholipase A2, group X 0.2 16.3 3.7 Yes Q9QXX3
Ucn Urocortin 0.2 4.5 Bd Yes P81615
Inhbe Inhibin beta E 0.2 109.5 18.2 Yes O08717
Cxcl14 Chemokine (C–X–C motif) ligand 14 0.2 6.1 Bd Yes Q9WUQ5
Cgref1 Cell growth regulator with EF hand domain 1 0.1 7.6 Bd Yes Q8R1U2
Col12a1 Collagen, type XII, alpha 1 0.1 11.6 1.2 Yes Yes Q60847
Cfh Complement component factor h 0.1 11.1 Bd Yes P06909
Ccl1 Chemokine (C–C motif) ligand 1 0.1 18.4 1.2 Yes P10146

Transcripts with at least twofold regulation and secreted protein annotation (SL-0243, Uniprot) or annotation as extracellular matrix protein (ECM;
GO:0031012) are shown. Mice ran 60 min at 14 m/min and 14o uphill inclination on an electric treadmill and livers were obtained immediately after the
run. Sedentary mice remained in their cages. Sed, run: signal intensity of transcripts on Illumina mouseRef-8 v1.0 Expression bead chip array (Illumina,
San Diego, CA, USA) and respective Swissprot accession number. Experimental conditions are described in reference [27]

two myokines, IL6 and secreted protein acidic and rich in into the circulation, but the best evidence in humans is a net
cysteine (SPARC) [29, 30]. efflux from the hepato-splanchnic bed, which can be analysed
In the following paragraphs, we will focus on hepatokines as arterial-to-hepatic vein difference. This release from the
with evidence for transcriptional regulation by exercise and hepato-splanchnic bed has been reported for FGF21,
hepatic release into the bloodstream. Of note, elevated protein follistatin, ANGPTL4 and heat shock protein (HSP) 72 in
abundance in hepatic tissue accompanied by increased plasma relation to an acute exercise bout [19, 31–33] and in the resting
concentration is a good hint for an actual release from the liver condition for IGFBP1 [34].
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Hepatokines in humans concentrations [35], and similarly, patients with type 2 diabe-
tes treated with an FGF21 analogue experience weight loss
FGF21 and reduced fasting glucose levels after 2 weeks of treatment
[53]. Adenoviral gene transfer to the liver of obese mice
FGF21 has emerged as a novel metabolic regulator [35], causes a reduction in weight gain, adipose tissue hypertrophy,
which is preferentially expressed in the liver [36]. The hepatic hepatosteatosis and inflammation [54]. Moreover, this FGF21
origin of circulating FGF21 has elegantly been demonstrated gene therapy prevents insulin resistance associated with aging,
in mice, where liver-specific knockout of FGF21 results in the while a FGF21 induced bone loss as potential adverse effect of
absence of circulating FGF21 [37]. In humans, FGF21 is re- FGF21 overexpression [55] was not observed. Liver, adipose
leased from the hepato-splanchnic bed both after an overnight tissue and brain are considered the most important sites of
fast and during an acute bout of exercise [31], supporting that FGF21 action. Rodent studies in particular demonstrate that
FGF21 is a liver-derived factor both in mouse and man. In FGF21 mediates increased fatty acid oxidation and decreased
humans, circulating FGF21 is increased after a prolonged fast lipogenesis in the liver [44, 45] as well as increased glucose
[38, 39], exercise [40], in type 2 diabetes [41], steatosis [42], uptake in adipose tissue—an effect mainly accounted for by
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis [42], obesity [42] and during brown adipocytes [56]. Human studies support a central reg-
critical illness [43]. Several mechanisms have been suggested ulation of food intake and reduction in sugar consumption by
for the regulation of FGF21, where the predominant one both FGF21 [57, 58] and increased production of adiponectin [53,
in vitro and in vivo in mice is PPARα activation, which leads 59]. As FGF21 holds strong promise as a therapeutic target,
to increased FGF21 expression [44, 45]. In humans, 2 weeks’ exercise-induced FGF21 could be one of the molecular links
treatment with PPARα and β, but not γ agonists, increases that mediates the beneficial effects of exercise to the whole-
circulating FGF21 [46], which is in line with the fact that body level. This is supported by the impaired exercise adap-
elevation of FFA—the endogenous agonist of PPAR α and tations in FGF21-deficient mice, which fail to improve glu-
β—for 4 h by infusion gives rise to an increase in plasma cose tolerance and to reduce hepatic triglyceride content com-
FGF21 [47]. The kinetics and the low magnitude of the pared to wildtype mice under the same high-fat diet [60].
FGF21 response to either PPAR activation or FFA infusion
for 4 h [46, 47] are not consistent with the observation that Follistatin
FGF21 increases rapidly after an acute bout of exercise with a
higher magnitude (exercise 2- to 3-fold versus 1.3-fold with The liver has recently been identified as the source of circu-
PPAR or FFA activation), indicating that other regulatory lating follistatin [32]. Particularly during the first hours after
mechanisms may exist. an exercise bout, circulating follistatin is increased five- to
The most powerful hormonal signal to induce an increase sevenfold [32, 51, 61, 62]. Examination of various tissues in
in circulating FGF21 is glucagon, where a 2.5-fold increase mice revealed that the liver exhibits a marked increase in
can be demonstrated [48]. Intriguingly, insulin has an inhibi- follistatin mRNA expression immediately after an acute exer-
tory effect, and inducing an increased glucagon-to-insulin ra- cise bout [61], which is supported by the observation in
tio in healthy males increases FGF21 with a similar magnitude humans that follistatin is released from the hepato-
and kinetic as during exercise [31]. Thus, the glucagon-to- splanchnic bed in the recovery state after an exercise bout
insulin ratio is much more powerful in stimulating hepatic [32]. Collectively, these data strongly suggest that the liver is
FGF21 secretion than activating PPAR, either pharmacologi- the organ mainly accounting for circulating follistatin.
cally or by FFA. During physical exercise, an increase in the The initial perception was that circulating follistatin is a
glucagon-to-insulin ratio is crucial, as prevention of an in- result of spill-over from auto- or paracrine processes, yet
crease in the glucagon-to-insulin ratio during an exercise bout follistatin increases with prolonged fast [63], pregnancy
blunts the exercise-induced increase in FGF21 [49]. An im- [64], type 2 diabetes [65] and critical illness [66, 67]. A mutual
paired exercise-induced FGF21 response has been reported feature of these conditions is an increase in the glucagon-to-
both in obesity associated with insulin resistance [50] and in insulin ratio as previously summarised [68]. Examining the
type 2 diabetes [49]. However, obesity per se does not impair regulation of exercise-induced follistatin revealed that the
exercise-induced FGF21 [51]. Although conjectural, insulin glucagon-to-insulin ratio is important for the increase in
resistance seems to be the factor impairing the exercise- follistatin after exercise [49]. Thus, the regulation of circulat-
induced FGF21 as recently reviewed [52]. ing follistatin is clearly linked to energy metabolism.
The relation of FGF21 to metabolism is not only reflected Additional stimuli must exist, as blunting the increase in the
by its regulation, but indeed by its actions (Fig. 1). FGF21 glucagon-to-insulin ratio during an exercise bout only reduces
administered to mice [35] and humans [53] has beneficial the exercise-induced rise in follistatin levels by 50%.
effects on energy metabolism. Insulin-resistant mice treated Moreover, exercise-induced follistatin is impaired by insulin
with FGF21 reduce body weight and blood glucose resistance [49] but not by obesity per se [51].
Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol

Sugar consumption ↓ Bloodstream and
Food intake ↓ Endothelium
Lipoprotein lipase activity ↓
Regulation of IGF1 bioavailability

Effects on the Liver
Fatty acid oxidation ↑ White adipose tissue
Lipogenesis ↓ FGF21
Follistatin Fat mass ↓
Insulin-dependent suppression of Adiponectin production ↑
glucose production ↓ Follistatin
HSP72 Insulin-dependent suppression
Fatty acid oxidation ↑ of lipolysis ↓
Mitochondrial function ↑
Apoptosis ↓

Skeletal muscle Follistatin
Follistatin Regulation of insulin and
Hypertrophy ↑ glucagon secretion
Oxidative capacity ↑
Mitochondrial function ↑
ROS-dependent increase in PGC1α
and mitochondrial content ↓

Fig. 1 Potential effects of exercise-regulated hepatokines. Hepatokines concentration of hepatokines. Selenoprotein P (SeP) is not regulated by
can act in an autocrine/paracrine manner on the liver and as endocrine exercise but reduces production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the
factors on brain, endothelium, adipose tissue, pancreas and skeletal exercising skeletal muscle in an endocrine manner. This figure was
muscle. In most cases, an acute bout of exercise increases the systemic created using illustrations provided by Servier medical art

Follistatin has primarily been investigated as a TGF-β mod- communication from the liver to the endocrine pancreas, skel-
ulating protein due to its inhibition of activins and GDFs, but etal muscle or adipose tissue, acting as a link between energy
follistatin is a pluripotent molecule and several target tissues metabolism and tissue growth and differentiation.
have been suggested (Fig. 1). Firstly, follistatin acts on the
endocrine pancreas modulating both insulin and glucagon se- ANGPTL4
cretion, which suggests a feedback regulation [32]. Secondly,
follistatin may have a role in regulating muscle hypertrophy Like follistatin, plasma ANGPTL4 increases during exercise
where follistatin acts in concert with myostatin [69], insulin and in the recovery phase in healthy subjects [77]. ANGPTL4
and IGF [70] as well as testosterone [71]. In vivo follistatin was identified in mice as Bfasting-induced adipose factor^ in
treatment induces muscle hypertrophy in mice [72] and non- both adipose tissue [78] and liver [79]. In humans, ANGPTL4
human primates [73], and follistatin gene therapy has been is highly expressed in the liver followed by the pericardium,
tested in a phase 1/2a study in patients with Becker’s muscle whereas adipose and skeletal muscle tissue expression is low
dystrophy, where an improvement in muscle function was ob- [80]. Skeletal muscle has been suggested as a source of ele-
served [74]. Thirdly, a recent study demonstrated that chronic vated plasma levels of ANGPTL4 in response to exercise [77,
activation of Forkhead box (Fox)O1 drives hepatic expression 81]. However, when ANGPTL4 release is measured by
of follistatin, which leads to impaired insulin sensitivity in ad- arterial-to-venous differences over both a resting and an
ipose tissue, potentiation of hepatic glucose production and exercising leg, no contribution of ANGPTL4 to the systemic
severe glucose intolerance in mice [75, 76]. Even though highly circulation can be detected [33]. In contrast, a release of
speculative, a lack of insulin suppression of adipose tissue li- ANGPTL4 can be detected from the hepato-splanchnic bed
polysis and hepatic glucose production might be of advantage during exercise with no release at rest [33]. Thus, in humans,
during endurance exercise and the early recovery phase. More exercise-induced ANGPTL4 is released in to the circulation
studies are needed to understand the physiological role of via the hepato-splanchnic bed from the liver while other tis-
follistatin as exercise-regulated hepatokine. However, follistatin sues contribute to the systemic ANGPTL4 level in the resting
is a pluripotent molecule and could function as a means of state.
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Induction of ANGPTL4 in adipose tissue during fasting is increases [98], while cAMP levels are reduced by insulin via
ascribed to PPARα activation [78], but other PPARs were also activation of phosphodiesterase (PDE) [98]. Thus, the
found to have regulatory effects on ANGPTL4 expression glucagon-to-insulin ratio sensed by the liver determines
[82], which has been supported by promoter analysis [83]. cAMP levels within the hepatocyte. Both glucagon and
These findings are in line with ANGPTL4 being a fasting- adrenalin can stimulate the adenylyl cyclase during exercise;
induced protein as FFA, which are the ligands of PPARs, however, glucagon seems to be the determinant of cAMP
increase during fasting [84]. A common denominator of levels during exercise [99]. FoxO transcription factors ap-
fasting and exercise is the increase in the glucagon-to-insulin pear to play an important role in the enhanced hepatic tran-
ratio. Indeed, an experimentally induced increase in the scription of FGF21, follistatin and ANGPTL4. Exercise does
glucagon-to-insulin ratio in healthy subjects resting in bed not only induce hepatic cAMP levels, but also activates
increases systemic levels of ANGPTL4, and blunting the in- AMPK and JNK in the liver [27, 100] and all these path-
crease in the glucagon-to-insulin ratio in healthy males during ways activate FoxO [101]. The inhibitory effect of insulin
a bout of bicycle exercise abolishes the exercise-induced on the transcription of these hepatokines may be mediated
ANGPTL4 increase [33]. Taken together, these in vivo obser- by the PI3K/PKB pathway, which leads to inactivation of
vations in humans demonstrate that the glucagon-to-insulin FoxO1 [76].
ratio is pivotal for the induction of ANGPTL4 during physical In addition, PPARs are established regulators of FGF21
exercise. and ANGPTL4 expression, but the contribution of this path-
The function of ANGPTL4 has been studied in vivo and way to exercise-dependent hepatokine production has not
in vitro, where it acts as an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) been fully clarified. Prevention of the increase in the
[85] (Fig. 1). LPL mediates the degradation of lipoprotein triglyc- glucagon-to-insulin ratio by somatostatin infusion during ex-
erides into FFA in various tissues [86] and is increased in skeletal ercise also blocked the increase in plasma FFA [49], and thus,
muscle tissue by fasting [87]. In line with the observation that a contribution of elevated FFA to the increase in hepatokines
ANGPTL4 is an inhibitor of LPL activity, circulating triglyceride cannot be excluded. Interestingly, elevation of cAMP levels in
levels are decreased in mice lacking ANGPTL4 [88] and in- hepatocytes directly increases ANGPTL4 mRNA levels [33],
creased in mice overexpressing ANGPTL4 [85, 88]. and the cAMP/PKA pathway can regulate the transcriptional
Population-based studies in humans have revealed that loss-of- activity of PPARs [102]. Collectively, a molecular pathway
function mutations in ANGPTL4 are associated with low levels exists for hepatokine production where secretion is stimulated
of triglycerides [80, 89]. As ANGPTL4 is an inhibitor of LPL, it via cAMP, and inhibition occurs via the insulin-regulated en-
seems paradoxical that ANGPTL4 increases under the exact zymes PDE and PKB, as summarised in Fig. 2. This regula-
conditions where an increased breakdown of triglycerides is im- tion by the glucagon-to-insulin ratio suggests that systemic
portant—as it is the case during exercise and fasting. Based on levels of these hepatokines are influenced by hepatic insulin
tissue-specific overexpression models, ANGPTL4 has also been resistance, and reduction in insulin action can result in less
suggested to play a role in lipid partitioning and tissue-specific inhibition of hepatokine secretion. As discussed above, ele-
uptake or release of FFA [90, 91] and to improve glucose me- vated circulating levels of FGF21 [41], ANGPTL4 [103] and
tabolism [92]. In contrast, a recent study linked the genetic inac- follistatin [65] have been demonstrated in patients with type 2
tivation or loss of ANGPTL4 to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes diabetes.
and improvement in glucose homeostasis [93]. An additional
function attributed to ANGPTL4 is supporting angiogenesis HSP72
[94], while recent studies on the regulation of pancreatic α-
cells are inconsistent [95, 96]. ANGPTL4-induced inhibition of In humans, HSP72 increases in the circulation during an acute
LPL activity is due to direct protein-protein interaction [90, 97], bout of exercise [104]. Skeletal muscle, liver and brain have
and it is unclear whether an ANGPTL4 receptor exists to mediate been suggested to be the tissues responsible for exercise-
other effects attributed to this protein. Nevertheless, the acute induced HSP72 release [105, 106]. Measurement of arterial-
regulation of plasma ANGPTL4 levels may suggest an endocrine to-venous differences in healthy humans during exercise dem-
role as a liver-derived signal to the peripheral tissues. onstrates a release of HSP72 from the hepato-splanchnic bed,
while no release is detected over the exercising leg or at rest
A pathway jointly regulating the hepatic FGF21, [19]. In addition, the brain releases HSP72 to the circulation
follistatin and ANGPTL4 response to exercise during exercise [105]. Taken together, HSP72 is an exercise-
induced hepatokine; however, contributions from other tissues
A rise in the glucagon-to-insulin ratio increases the plasma add to the increase in HSP72 observed with exercise.
concentration of FGF21, follistatin and ANGPTL4 in vivo The regulation of HSP72 during exercise has not been
in humans [31–33]. Stimulation of hepatocytes with gluca- completely elucidated. Different from what its name suggests,
gon activates the adenylyl cyclase and intracellular cAMP heat per se only influences HSP72 induction to a minor degree
Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol

Glucagon Insulin


cAMP Glycogen
Fatty acids


Hepatokine mRNA

Fig. 2 Regulation of hepatokines during exercise. The increase in the growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)1. Hepatic energy depletion
glucagon-to-insulin ratio during exercise leads to elevated cAMP levels activates FoxO via 5′ AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and activa-
via stimulation of the adenyl cyclase and inactivation of tion of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Insulin inactivates FoxO via acti-
phosphodiesterase (PDE). This can activate Forkhead box (Fox)O, vation of protein kinase B (PKB) and reduces cAMP levels. Fatty acid
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) and other factors. signalling via PPARs can contribute to the transcriptional regulation of
This increases the transcription of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)21, hepatokines. This figure was created using illustrations provided by
follistatin, angiopoietin protein-like 4 (ANGPTL4) and insulin-like Servier medical art

during exercise in humans [107]. In rats, stress-induced circu- oxidation and maintenance of mitochondrial function in the
lating HSP72 is not affected by hypophysectomy or adrenal- liver, a paracrine function of exercise-induced HSP72 can be
ectomy, which rules out growth hormone, epinephrine and considered as well [116].
cortisol as major stimulatory signals [108]. However, phenyl-
ephrine increases plasma HSP72, and blocking of α1-
adrenergic receptor by prazosin blunts stress-induced IGF-1 and IGFBP1
HSP72, whereas a β-selective antagonist (propranolol) has
no effect, which collectively suggests that norepinephrine is Both GH and IGF1 levels increase at an early stage during an
a stimulating signal [108]. Interestingly, ingestion of glucose exercise bout in the circulation [117, 118]. During exercise,
during exercise completely blunts hepato-splanchnic release IGF is not released solely from the liver, as a contribution from
of HSP72, suggesting a role for the glucoregulatory hormones the exercising leg has also been demonstrated [119]. Plasma
insulin and glucagon [109]. However, no regulation of liver IGFBP1 increases during prolonged exercise in humans
HSP72 mRNA is observed with a 48-h fast in rats [110]. Thus, [120], and hepatic IGFBP1 mRNA and protein levels are
the cross-talk between the adrenergic and glucose-induced strongly upregulated during acute exercise in mice (Table 1)
hormones still needs to be elucidated. [27]. The increase is clearly linked to the hepatic energy state
The roles of HSP72 seem to be diverse and related to and is regulated by hepatic glycogen depletion [121] and thus
whether it is located intra- or extracellularly [111]. dependent on the duration of exercise [27]. FoxO proteins are
Overexpression of HSP72 protects against heatstroke [112], important regulators of IGFBP1 transcription, which may be
which is in line with a muscle-specific overexpression the link between tissue glycogen content and regulation of
protecting against exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage IGFBP1 production during exercise (Fig. 2) [122].
[113] and preserving muscle function [114] (Fig. 1). Circulating IGFBPs regulate the bioavailability of IGF1,
Interestingly, overexpression of HSP72 in cardiac and skeletal but the physiological function of elevated plasma levels of
muscle tissue increases exercise performance, oxidative ca- IGFBP1 during prolonged exercise remains elusive. Exercise
pacity and mitochondrial content and also protects against also induces intrahepatic IGFBP1 protein accumulation in
obesity-induced insulin resistance [115], suggesting a role in mice [27], raising the possibility that this increase promotes
energy metabolism. However, the contribution of liver- an anti-apoptotic effect by interfering with the p53 tumour
derived HSP72 to the abovementioned effects has not been suppressor protein, which is also elevated in the liver after
validated yet. Since HSP72 also regulates hepatic fatty acid acute exercise [123].
Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol

GDF15 species (ROS) production in skeletal muscle [130]. Absence

or low concentrations of SeP allow higher levels of ROS,
GDF15 is a hepatokine candidate based on its upregulation in which are considered to trigger mitochondrial adaptations
the liver of mice during an acute bout of exercise, as shown in [132] in response to exercise (Fig. 1). SeP may also modulate
Table 1. This notion is strengthened by the observation that the effects of exercise in humans, since pre-training SeP plas-
GDF15 is strongly induced by fasting in mice [124], which ma levels are inversely associated with the improvement in
supports the idea that energy depletion regulates hepatic VO2 max in middle-aged humans without diabetes and obe-
GDF15 mRNA levels. GDF15 protein has recently been sity [130].
shown to increase in the circulation in response to an acute
bout of exercise [125]. In relation to exercise, GDF15 was
initially thought to be a myokine, but no release could be
detected from an exercising leg [125]. In similarity with
Conclusion and outlook
FGF21, follistatin and ANGPTL4, increased levels of circu-
During and particularly after an exercise bout, the liver se-
lating GDF15 are associated with insulin resistance [126]. The
cretes potential exercise factors. The exercise-induced
receptor for GDF15 has been identified to be the orphan re-
hepatokines are regulated by several stimuli where the
ceptor GDNF family receptor alpha like (GFRAL), which is
glucagon-to-insulin ratio seems to be most relevant for
expressed in the brain and is involved in the regulation of food
FGF21, follistatin and ANGPTL4. These factors are all ele-
intake [127, 128]. Whether GDF15 is released from the liver
vated with insulin resistance, while the response of FGF21
and how it is regulated during an acute bout of exercise still
and follistatin to an acute bout of exercise appears to be im-
needs to be addressed.
paired in subjects with insulin resistance. Obesity per se does
not affect the exercise-induced response of these hepatokines.
Inhibin βE
This conjectures that FGF21 and follistatin may discriminate
between distinct effects of steatosis and insulin resistance of
Inhibin βE is one of the hepatokine candidates with a down-
the liver. Another relevant question is whether regular physi-
regulation of its mRNA after acute exercise (Table 1). It was
cal activity alters the concentration of circulating hepatokines
recently classified as hepatokine, which is associated with
associated with insulin resistance thereby contributing to the
insulin resistance [129]. Human liver biopsies from insulin-
improvement of metabolic disorders.
resistant subjects have increased expression levels of inhibin
In conclusion, the liver is not merely an organ receiving
βE mRNA, and knock-down of inhibin βE in an obese mouse
humoral stimuli; it is also communicating to extrahepatic tis-
model improves fatty acid oxidation. The influence of acute
sues such as the adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Research
exercise and regular physical activity on circulating inhibin
is now beginning to unravel the physiological role of circulat-
βE needs to be investigated. Reduced levels of circulating
ing hepatokines in the adaptation to physical exercise and in
inhibin βE may be involved in mediating the beneficial effects
the beneficial effect of exercise on whole-body metabolic
of exercise on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.
A role for the hepatokine selenoprotein P in exercise Funding information The Centre for Physical Activity Research (CFAS)
adaption is supported by a grant from TrygFonden. CIM/CFAS is a member of
DD2—the Danish Center for Strategic Research in Type 2 Diabetes (the
The systemic level of a hepatokine may alter the response to Danish Council for Strategic Research, grant no. 09-067009 and 09-
075724). This study was further supported by a grant from the Danish
exercise even if it is not regulated by physical activity. The Diabetes Academy supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation to CW
plasma concentration of the hepatokine selenoprotein P (SeP) and in part by grants from the German Federal Ministry of Education and
has been linked to the training responsiveness in VO2max Research (BMBF) to the German Centre for Diabetes Research (DZD
[130] in humans and mice. SeP is produced mainly in the liver e.V.; No. 01GI0925).
and functions as a transport protein supplying selenium to
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