Submitted in Partial Fulfilment For The Award of The Degree of
Submitted in Partial Fulfilment For The Award of The Degree of
Submitted in Partial Fulfilment For The Award of The Degree of
Bachelor of technology
R.Ranjith (18BCL0008)
We hereby declare that the project report entitled “STREETER-PHELPS EQUATION & OXYGEN SAG CURVE ” submitted by us to Vellore
Institute of Technology University, Vellore In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
technology in Civil Engineering is a record of bonafide project work carried out by us under the guidance of Dr.
P.Porchelvan. We further declare that the work reported in this project has not been submitted and will not be submitted,
either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or diploma in this institute or nay other institute or university.
Signature of candidates
This is to certify that the project report entit “STREETER-PHELPS EQUATION & OXYGEN SAG CURVE” submitted by
Abhishek Bhardwaj (17BEE0027), Manu mrinal Singh - (18BCB0103) and Shankab das (18BCL0076) to Vellore
Institute of Technology University, Vellore, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor
of Technology in Civil Engineering is a record of bonafide work carried out by them under my guidance. The project fulfils
the requirement of this Institute and in my opinion meets the necessary standards for submission. The contents of this
report have not been submitted and will not be submitted either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or
diploma and the same is certified.
Project Guide
We find immense pleasure in expressing our profound gratitude and thanks to our guide Dr. Bhaskar Das for his invaluable
guidance, constant encouragement and keen interest in the progress and completion of this work. He has always been most
willing to spend his valuable time for discussions were always enjoyable as well as his comments have been extremely
valuable. We learned a lot from the discussion. He has associated with us as a friend,philosopher and advisor. We would like
to thank our HODs and Dean for providing all the infrastructure facilities to carry out our project successfully.
The curve obtained when the concentration of dissolved oxygen in a river into which sewage or some other
pollutant has been discharged is plotted against the distance downstream from the sewage outlet (see
graph). Samples of water are taken at areas upstream and downstream from the sewage outlet. DISSOLVED
OXYGEN DEFICIT :- Difference Between Dissolved Oxygen Concentration At Saturation And The Actual Instantaneous
Dissolved Oxygen Concentration At Time D (Deficit) = Saturated DO – Actual DO Saturated DO At 0 degree , the DO is
14.6 mg/L. At 20 degree, the DO is 9.17 mg/L. At 30 degree, the DO is 7.63 mg/L. So we can see that, with the increase in
The Streeter-Phelps Equation & The Oxygen-Sag Analysis Curve Method. It is used in the of water pollution as a water quality modelling tool.
The model describes how dissolved oxygen (DO) decreases in a river or stream along a certain distance by degradation of biological oxygen
demand (BOD). The equation was derived by H. W. Streeter, a sanitary engineer, and Earle Phelps , a consultant for the US HEALTH SERVICE,
in 1925, based on field data from the Ohio River The equation is also known as the DO sag equation. TheThe Streeter–Phelps equation determines
the relation between the DO concentration and the BOD over time and is a solution to the linear first order differential equation. ThisThis differential
equation states that the total change in oxygen deficit (D) is equal to the difference between the two rates of deoxygenation and reaeration at any time.The
Streeter–Phelps equation, assuming a plug-flow stream at steady state.DO content is one of the most widely used indicators of overall ecological health of a
body of water. Deoxygenation :- Deoxygenation is a chemical reaction involving the removal of oxygen atoms from a molecule. The term also refers to the
removal molecular oxygen (O ) from gases and solvents, a step in air-free technique and gas purifiers. Rate of reoxygenation increases at DO deficit
syms d t
Ds = input('Saturation value of Dissolved Oxygen ');
kd = input('Value of Kd at 20 degree Celsius ');
kr = input('Value of Kr at 20 degree Celsius ');
T = input('Value of Temperture at time of Study');
Kd = (kd*(1.047)^(T-20));
Kr = (kr*(1.016)^(T-20));
do = input('Value of Do ie Initial Oxygen Deficit ');
lo = input('Value of lo ie Initial Organic Matter ');
t = linspace(0,40,100);
d = ((Kd*lo)/(Kr-Kd))*(exp(-Kd*t)-exp(-Kr*t))+do*exp(-Kr*t);
f= Ds-d;
legend('Dissolved Oxygen');
z = input('Enter the time for finding oxygen Deficit ');
oxygendeficit = ((Kd*lo)/(Kr-Kd))*(exp(-Kd*z)-exp(-Kr*z))+do*exp(-Kr*z);
criticaltime = (1/(Kr-Kd))*log((Kr/Kd)*(1-(do*(Kr-Kd)/(Kd*lo))));
purificationconstant = (Kr/Kd);