DSP QB - 16ec422 - Prasad

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1 a). Determine the linear convolution for the two sequences x(n)={3,2,1,2},h(n)= {1,2,1,2} [L1][CO1][7M]
b). Explain the power signal and Energy signal [L2][CO1][5M]

2) Find the forced response of the system described by the difference equation:
y(n)+ 2y(n-1)+y(n-2)=x(n)+x(n-1) for input x(n) =(-1)n u(n)
3 a). Find impulse response of the system described by the difference equation [L2][CO1][6M]
y(n)+ y(n-1)-2y(n-2)= x(n-1)+2x(n-2).
b). Find 4-point DFT of the sequence x(n)={1,6,4,3} [L2][CO1][6M]

4) State and prove following properties of DFT [L3][CO1][12M]

i) Linearity ii) Circular time shifting iii) Circular frequency shifting iv) Time reversal v) Complex conjugate.

5 a). Determine the circular convolution for the two sequences x1(n)={1,2,3,4}, x2(n)= {1,5,1,3} using concentric
circles method. [L1][CO1][7M]
b). Explain the classification of discrete-time signals [L2][CO1][5M]

6 a). Find the natural response of the system described by the difference equation:
y(n)+ 2y(n-1)+y(n-2)=x(n)+x(n-1) with initial conditions y(-1)=y(-2)=1. [L3][CO1][8M]
b) Justify how DFT can used as a linear Transform. [L1][CO1][4M]

7) Find the output y(n) of a filter whose impulse response is h(n)=[1,-1] and input x(n)= [1,-2,2,-1,3,- 4,4,-3] using
i) overlap add method ii)overlap-save method [L1][CO1][12M]
8) For each of the following systems, determine whether or not the system is static/dynamic, linear/non-linear, time
variant/invariant, causal/non-causal, stable/unstable. [L1][CO1][12M]
i) y(n)=cos[x(n)] ii) y(n)= x(-n+2)

9a). Explain frequency analysis of discrete-time systems. [L2][CO1][6M]

b). Determine magnitude and phase response for the system described by the difference equation:
1 1
y(n)= 2 x(n)+x(n-1)+ 2 x(n-2) [L3][CO1]
10a). Find 8 point DFT of the sequence x(n)=[1,2,1,0,2,3,0,1] [L1][CO1][7M]
b). Describe the relation between i) DFT to Z- transform ii) DFT to Fourier Series. [L1][CO1][5M]

Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm
1) Compute 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n)= {1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1} using radix-2 DIT-FFT Algorithm.[L1][CO2][12M]
2a). Construct Radix-4 DIF FFT algorithm with neat sketch. [L2][CO2][7M]
b). Compare DFT and FFT algorithms. [L4][CO2][5M]
3) Compute 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n)= {1,2,1,2,1,2,2,1} using radix-2 DIF-FFT Algorithm.[L2][CO2][12M]

4 a). Construct the decimation in time FFT algorithm with butterfly diagram. [L2][CO2][7M]
b). Explain use of FFT in linear filtering and correlation. [L1][CO2][5M]

5 a). Explain decimation in frequency FFT algorithm. [L1][CO2][7M]

b). Compare radix-2 DIT-FFT and DIF-FFT algorithms. [L4][CO2][5M]

6) Compute IDFT of the sequence x(n)= { 7,-0.707-j0.707,-j, 0.707-j0.707,1, 0.707+j0.707,j,

-0.707+j0.707}. [L2][CO2][12M]

7) Formulate the DFT by divide and conquer approach [L1][CO2][12M]

8) How do you compute DFT using [L1][CO2][12M]
a) The Goertzel Algorithm b) The chrip-z Transform

9 a). Explain Radix-4 FFT algorithm in decimation in time domain. [L2][CO2][7M]

b). Describe Quantization errors in the direct computation of DFT. [L1][CO2][5M]

10 a). With a neat sketch find 4 point DFT of the sequence x(n)=[1,6,7,4] using radix2 DIT-FFT algorithm.
b). Interpret the applications of FFT algorithm. [L1][CO2][4M]


Implementation of Discrete-Time Systems

1 (a). Discuss frequency sampling structure for FIR filter. [L1][CO3][6M]

(b). Realize FIR filter with system function in cascade form [L3][CO3][6M]

H (z) = 1 + 2 z-1+2z-2+2z-3

2.Consider the system y(n) = y(n - 1) + 2y(n - 2) + x(n)+3x(n-1) (i) Find H(z) (ii) Realize using direct form-I and direct
form-II. [L1][CO3][12M]

3 (a). Obtain direct form-I,direct form-II,cascade,parallel form realization of following system:

y(n) = 0.75y(n-1)-0.125y(n-2)+3x(n)+7x(n-1)+x(n-2) [L2][CO3][12M]

4Z 2
1 1
Z− Z−
4. A system is represented by a transfer function H(Z) =3+ 2 - 4 [L3][CO3]
i) Does this system function H(Z) represent FIR or IIR.Justify?
ii) Give a difference equation for direct form-I structure.
iii) Draw the block diagram for direct form-II and give equations for implementation.
5 (a). Differentiate the different structures forIIR systems [L1][CO3][5M]
(b) Realize following system with difference equation in cascade form [L2][CO3][7M]
y(n)=y (n - 1) + 2y (n - 2) + x(n)-x(n-1)

6 (a). Explain lattice & lattice-ladder structure for IIR digital filter. [L2][CO3][6M]
(b). Discuss transposed structures. [L1][CO3][6M]
−1 −2
7. The transfer function of a discrete causal system is given as H(Z)= 1−0 .2 Z −0.15Z [L1][CO3]
i) Find difference equation ii) Draw cascade & parallel realizations
iii)Calculate impulse response of the system.
8.Realize system with following difference equation [L3][CO3]
[12M]y(n) = (3/4) y(n-1) – (1/8) y(n-2) + x(n) + (1/3) x(n-1).
a) Cascade form
b) Parallel form

9. a). Illustrate the realization of the IIR filter in cascade form [L1][CO3][6M]
(b). Explain representation of structures using signal flow graphs. [L2][CO3][6M]
10(a). Explain conversion from lattice structure to direct form. [L2][CO3][6M]
(b). Determine the direct form realization of FIR with system function [L1][CO3][6M]
H(Z)= 1+2Z-1-3Z-2-4Z-3+5Z-4

Design of IIR Filters

1. (a).The analog transfer function H(s)= 2/(s+1)(s+2) Determine H(z) using impulse invariance method
(b) Compare FIR and IIR filters. [L4][CO4][5M]

2. (a) Explain the features of Chebyshev approximation. [L2][CO4][6M]

(b) Discuss the location of poles for Chebyshev filter. [L1][CO4][6M]

3. (a) Discuss the characterization of IIR filter. [L1][CO4][5M]

(b) Given specifications αp=1 dB; αs= 30dB; Ωp= 200rad/sec; Ωs=600 rad/sec. Determine the order the filter.

4. (a) Compare features of different windowing functions. [L4][CO4][5M]

(b) Determine the order and the pole of the low pass filter that has a 3-dB attenuation at 500 Hz and an attenuation
of 40 dB at 1000 Hz. [L1][CO4][7M]
5. Describe the IIR filter design approximation using Bilinear Transformation method. [L2][CO4][12M]
Also sketch the s-plane to z-plane mapping. State its merits and demerits.

6. Using the bilinear transform, design a high pass filter, monotonic in pass band with cut off frequency of 100Hz
and down 10dB at 350 H. the sampling frequency is 5000Hz. [L3][CO4][12M]

7. a). Discuss the frequency selective filters with plot. [L1][CO4][6M]

b). Give the advantages and disadvantages of the digital filters [L1][CO4][6M]
8.Design a Chebyshev filter for the following specifications using [L3][CO4][12M]
a) Bilinear transformation b) Impulse invariant method
0.8≤│H(ejw)≤1 0≤w≤0.2π
│H(e )≤0.2 0.6π≤w≤π
9. Describe the frequency transformation in digital filters [L1][CO4][12M]

10. a). Explain the frequency transformation in analog filters [L2][CO4][8M]

b). Distinguish the Butterworth and Chebyshev filters [L4][CO4][4M]
Design of FIR Filters

1.Design an ideal HPF with desired frequency response Hd(ejw)= 1, п/4 ≤|w|≤п [L3][CO5][12M]
0, |w|≤ п/4
Find the values of h(n) for N=11 and also find H(Z) using Hanning window technique.

2. a). Determine the frequency response of the FIR filter defined by y(n)= 0.25x(n)+ x(n-1) +
0.25x(n-2). [L1][CO5][6M]
b). Explain about the Rectangular window of the FIR filter. [L2][CO5][6M]

3. Design a ideal band pass filter with a frequency response Hd(ejw)=1, п/4 ≤|w|≤3п/4
= 0 otherwise
Find the values of h(n)=11 and plot frequency response [L3][CO5][12M]
4 a) Design FIR filter using symmetric filter [L2][CO5][6M]
b) Design a linear phase FIR filter using frequency sampling method. [L1][CO5][6M]
5. Design a filter with Hd(ej)= e-j3 -π/4≤≤π/4 [L3][CO5][12M]
=0 π/4≤≤π
Using Hamming window with N = 7

6. a) Discuss about characteristics linear phase FIR filters [L1][CO5][6M]

b) Compare features of different windowing functions? [L4][CO5][6M]
7.(a) Discuss about Asymmetric FIR filters. [L1][CO5][5M]
(b) What are the effects of windowing? [L1][CO5][7M]

8. Design a FIR low pass filter satisfying the following specifications αp≤0.1 dB; αs≥44.0 dB;
p= 20rad/sec;s=600 rad/sec and sf=100rad /sec. [L3][CO5][12M]
9. A band pass FIR filter of length 7 is require. It is to have lower and upper cut off frequencies of 3kHz and is
intended to be used with a sampling frequency of 24kHz. Determine the filter coefficients using hamming window.
Consider the filter to be causal. [L3][CO5][12M]

10. Illustrates the followings

a) Rectangular window [L1][CO5][4M]
b) Hamming window [L1][CO5][4M]
c) Hanning window [L1][CO5][4M]
Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavanam Road – 517583


Subject with Code : Digital Signal Processing(15A04603) Course & Branch: B.Tech - ECE
Year & Sem: III-B.Tech & II-Sem Regulation: R15

1) Sequence steps for converting analog signal to digital signal [ ]
A) Sampling, coding, quantization B) sampling, quantization, coding,
C) coding, sampling, quantization D) quantization, sampling, coding
2) Analog signal given to the sampler then the output is [ ]
A) Discrete signal B) Digital signal C) Quantized signal D) Analog signal
3) ‘A signal that varies continually with time’ then the signal is [ ]
A) Digital signal B) Discrete signal C) Quantized signal D) Analog signal
4) ‘A signal that has values at particular instant of time’ then the signal is [ ]
A) Digital signal B) Discrete signal C) Quantized signal D) Analog signal
5) If X(n) is a signal and X(n+N)=X(n) then X(n) is said to be [ ]
A) Aperiodic signal B) non-periodic signal C) periodic signal D) Stationary signal
6) If X(n) is a signal and X(n+N)≠X(n) then X(n) is said to be [ ]
A) Aperiodic signal B) Stationary signal C) periodic signal D) Stationary signal
7) If X(n) is a periodic signal and X(n+N)=X(n) then N is said to be [ ]
A) Frequency B) Time C) Time period D) Frequency slot
8) If X(n) is a signal and fallow the property X(-n)=X(n) then X(n) is said to be [ ]
A) Symmetric Signal B) Even Signal C) Asymmetric signal D) both a and b
9) If X(n) is a signal and fallow the property X(-n)= -X(n) then X(n) is said to be [ ]
A) Symmetric Signal B) Odd Signal C) Asymmetric signal D) both b and c
10) A signal is defined as X(n)= 1 for n=0; and X(n)= 0 for n≠0; then X(n) is said to be [ ]
A) Unit step B) Unit sample C) ramp D) Exponential
11) A signal is defined as X(n)= 1 for n≥0; and X(n)= 0 for n<0; then X(n) is said to be [ ]
A) Unit step B) Unit sample C) ramp D) Exponential
12) A signal is defined as X(n)= n for n>0; and X(n)= 0 for n<0; then X(n) is said to be [ ]
A) Unit step B) Unit sample C) ramp C) Exponential
13) If the energy of a signal X(n) is finite value then power of that signal is [ ]
A) 1 B) 0 C) not defined D) >1
14) If the energy of a signal X(n) is infinite then power of that signal is [ ]
A) Finite B) infinite C) finite or infinite D)not able to determine
15) If the system output depends only on present and past inputs,the system is said to be [ ]
A) Causal system B) non causal system C) linear system D)non linear system
16) If the system output depends on present, past and future inputs, the system is said to be [ ]
A) Causal system B) non causal system C) linear system D)non linear system
17) If a system satisfies the superposition theorem then system is said to be---------system [ ]
A) Timevarient B) Time invariant C) non linear D) linear
18) If a relaxed system doesn’t satisfy the superposition theorem then system is said to be [ ]
A) Timevarient B) Time invariant C) non linear D) linear
19) A LTI system is said to be stable if=------------------ [ ]
A) Unbounded O/Ps for Unbounded I/Ps B) Unbounded O/Ps for bounded I/Ps C)
bounded O/Ps for bounded I/Ps D) bounded O/Ps for Unbounded I/Ps
20) -------Is example for linear signal [ ]
A) S1 (t) = 5 t B) S2 (t) = 10 t2 C)S3 (t) = 20 t2 D) None
21)------- Is alternate Method for processing analog signals [ ]
A) A to D converter B) D to A converter C) Digital signal processing D) None
22)The Sequence of steps for converting analog signal to digital signal------- [ ]
A) Encoding, Sampling, Quantizing B) Sampling, Quantizing, Encoding
C) Quantizing, Sampling, Encoding D) None
23) Is Operation on Independent Variable [ ]
A) Scalar Multiplication B) Signal Multiplier C) Addition operation D) Time Scaling
24)------- Is Operation on dependent Variable [ ]
A) Scalar Multiplication B) Time Shifting C) Time ReversalD) Time Scaling
25) If x(n) is given signal then x(2n) Indicates ------- [ ]
A) Compressed of x (n) B) Expansion of x (n) C) Multiplication of x (n) D) None
26) If x(n) is given signal then x(n/2) Indicates ------- [ ]
A) Compression of x (n) B) Expansion of x (n) C) Multiplication of x (n) D) None
27) Given is true for unit sample sequence [ ]
A) δ (n) =1 n=0 B) δ (n) =1 n≠0 C) δ (n ) =1 n=1 D) None
28) Given is true for unit step sequence [ ]
A) u (n) =1 n≥0 B) u (n) =1 n≠0 C) δ (n ) =1 n=1 D) None
29) -------- is the relation δ (n) in terms u(n) [ ]
A) δ (n)=u (n-1) B) δ (n)= u(n)-u (n-1) C) δ (n)= u(n)+u (n-1) D) None
30) Given is true for Energy Signal [ ]
A) P=∞ B) P=0 C) E=0 D) None
31) Given is true for Power Signal [ ]
A) E=∞ B) E=0 C) P=0 D) None
32) A signal is periodic signal with period ‘N’ if x(n) = ------ [ ]
A) x (2N) B) x (n+N) C) x(n-1) D) None
33) Is fundamental period of x(n) = cos (nπ/2) [ ]
A) 4 B) 8 C) 2 D) None
34) A signal is said to be even signal if ------- [ ]
A) x (-n)=-x(n) B) x (-n)=2x(n) C) x (-n)= x(n) D) None
35) A signal is said to be odd signal if ------- [ ]
A) x (-n)=-x(n) B) x (-n)=2x(n) C) x (-n)= x(n) D) None
36) If x(n) is given signal then even part of x(n) is ------- [ ]
A) x e(n)=x(n)+x(-n) B) x e(n)=x(n)-x(-n) C) x e(n)=1/2[x(n)+x(-n)] D) None
37) If x(n) is given signal then odd part of x(n) is ------- [ ]
A) x o(n)=x(n)+x(-n) B) x o(n)=x(n)-x(-n) C) x o(n)=1/2[x(n)-x(-n)] [D] None
38) A signal is said to be causal signal if ------- [ ]
A) x (n)=0 n<0 B) x (n)=0 n>0 C) x (n)=0 D) None
39) A System is said to be causal system if present output depends ------- [ ]
A) Present Inputs B) past inputs C) both D) None
40) DFS is a mathematical tool used to analyse ------- [ ]
A) Aperiodic Sequences B) Periodic Sequences C) Both D) None

1) In N-Point DITFFT, number of butterflies per stage is ------- [ ]
[A] 2N [B] 3N [C] N/2 [D] N/3
2) In 16-Point DITFFT, each sample represented by ------- digits [ ]
[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 4 [D] 8
3) In N-Point DIT-FFT input sequence order is ------- [ ]
[A] Natural [B] Bit reversal [C] even [D] None
4) In N-Point DIT-FFT, number of stages in the flow graph is ------- [ ]
[A] 2N [B] 3N[C] log 2N [D] 2log 2N
5) In N-Point DITFFT, output sequence order is ------- [ ]
[A] Natural [B] Bit reversal [C] even [D] None
6) Direct DFT requires ------- number of complex multiplications [ ]
[A] N [B] N2 [C] (N/2) log 2N [D] None
7) FFT algorithms requires ------- number of complex multiplications [ ]
[A] N [B] N2 [C] (N/2) log 2N [D] None
8) In DITFFT, Inputs/outputs for each butterfly in stage ‘m’ separated by ------- [ ]
[A] 2m [B] 2m-1 [C] 2m-1 [D] None
9) In direct computation of DFT the number of real multiplications are [ ]
[A] 2N2 [B] 2N [C] 4N2 [D] None
10) In direct computation of DFT the number of real additions are ------- [ ]
[A] 2N [B] 2(N-1) [C] 4N (N-1) [D] None
11) In direct computation of DFT the number of complex additions are ------- [ ]
[A] N2 [B] N (N-1) [C] (N-1)/2 [D] None
12) In direct computation of DFT the number of complex multiplications are [ ]
[A] N2 [B]N (N-1) [C] (N-1)/2 [D] None
13) In radix 2 FFT, the no of complex multiplications for ‘m’ stages is ------- [ ]
[A] (N/2) log2N [B] (N/2) log2 (N/2) [C] (N+1) log2 (N/2) [D] (N) log2 (N)
14) In radix 2 FFT, the no of complex additions for ‘m’ stages is ------- [ ]
[A] (N/2) log2N [B] (N/2) log2 (N/2) [C] (N+1) log2 (N/2) [D] (N) log2 (N)
15) For a 32 point DFT using direct method, no of complex additions are ------- [ ]
[A] 992 [B] 986 [C] 942 [D] 936
16) For a 16 point DFT using direct method, no of complex multiplications are ------- [ ]
[A] 240 [B] 256 [C] 235 [D] 128
17) In 128 point FFT, the number of complex additions are ------- [ ]
[A] 992 [B] 896 [C] 448 [D] 16256
18) In 64 point FFT, the number of complex multiplications are ------- [ ]
[A] 1024 [B] 896 [C] 192 [D] 80
19) The value of the twiddle factor at N=4 and n*k=3 is ------- [ ]
[A] j [B] -j [C] 1 [D] 0
20) Complex multiplication takes place before add/sub operations in ------- [ ]
[A] DIT [B] DIF [C] Both [D] None
21) Complex multiplication takes place after add/sub operations in ------- [ ]
[A] DIF [B] DIT [C] both [D] None
22) If X(k) consist of N- no of frequency samples, then its discrete frequency locations are given by the _________
[ ]
[A] fk=KFs/N [B] fk=Fs/N [C] fk=KN/Fs [D] fk=N
23) Twiddle factor WN given by --- [ ]
-j2π/n j2π/n -j2π/n -jπ/n
[A]e [B]e [C]- e [D]e
24) Symmetry property of twiddle factor is ---------- [ ]
k+n/2 k k+n/2 k k+n/3 k k+n/4 k
[A]wN = wN [B]wN = -wN [C]wN = wN [D]wN = wN
25) Periodicity property of twiddle factor is ---------- [ ]
k+n k k+n/2 k k+n k k+n/2 k
[A]wN = wN [B]wN = -wN [C]wN = wN [D]wN = wN
26) By using twiddle factor computational complexicity reduced from N2 to ------------ [ ]
[A]N/2 log2N [B]N/4 log2N [C]N/2 log2 [D]-N/2 log2N
27) The number of butterflies per stage is -------- for N-point DFT [ ]
[A]N/2 [B]N/4 [C]N [D]N/6
28) Bit reversal order for I/P of DITFFT algorithm is [ ]
[A]{0,2,4,6,1,3,5,7} [B]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} [C]{0,4,2,6,1,5,3,7} [D]{0,4,6,2,1,5,7,3}
29) Bit reversal order for O/P of DIFFFT algorithm is [ ]
[A]{0,2,4,6,1,3,5,7} [B]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} [C]{0,4,2,6,1,5,3,7} [D]{0,4,6,2,1,5,7,3}
30) The I/Ps and O/Ps for each butterfly in the stage ‘m’ is separated by [ ]
m m-1 m+1 -m
[A]2 [B]2 [C]2 [D]2
31) Computational complexity will__________by using twiddle factors in FFT calculation [ ]
[A]Increase [B]Decrease [C]Not effected [D]be same
32) How many twiddle factors are required for computing 8-point FFT [ ]
[A]8 [B]16 [C]2 [D]4
33) How many twiddle factors are required for computing 16-point FFT [ ]
[A]8 [B]16 [C]2 [D]4
34) How many twiddle factors are required for computing 32-point FFT [ ]
[A]8 [B]16 [C]2 [D]4
35) W8 value is [ ]
[A]1 [B]0.707-j0.707 [C]-j [D]-0.707-j0.707
36) W8 value is [ ]
[A]1 [B]0.707-j0.707 [C]-j [D]-0.707-j0.707
37) W8 value is [ ]
[A]1 [B]0.707-j0.707 [C]-j [D]-0.707-j0.707
38) W8 value is [ ]
[A]1 [B]0.707-j0.707 [C]-j [D]-0.707-j0.707
39) In 16 point DITFFT algorithm number of butterflies per stage is [ ]
[A]16 [B]8 [C]4 [D]2
40) In 8 point DITFFT algorithm number of butterflies per stage is [ ]
[A]16 [B]8 [C]4 [D]2
41) In 32 point DITFFT algorithm number of butterflies per stage is [ ]
[A]16 [B]8 [C]4 [D]2
42) In 4 point DITFFT algorithm number of butterflies per stage is [ ]
[A]16 [B]8 [C]4 [D]2

Implementation of discrete Time Systems

1) The three factors that influence structures are computation complexity, memory and [ ]
[A] Speed [B] Accuracy [C] finite word length [D] None
2) The unit sample response of FIR system is identical to [ ]
[A] h(n)=0 [B] h(n)=bn [C] h(n)=u(n) [D] None
3) The length of FIR filter is [ ]
[A] M-1 [B] M [C] M-2 [D] None
4) The direct form structure is equivalent to [ ]
[A] Sampling [B] DFT [C] convolution [D] None
5) The number of memory locations needed to realize direct form structure is [ ]
[A] M-1 [B]M [C]M+N-1 [D] None
6) The number of additions per output point needed to realize direct form structure is [ ]
[A] M [B] M-1 [C] M-N-1 [D] None
7) The number of multiplications per output point in direct form structure is [ ]
[A] M [B] M-1 [C] M+N-1 [D] None
8) The tapped delay line filter is also called as [ ]
[A] parallel form [B] Direct form[C] Cascade form [D] None
9) The condition for FIR system to have linear phase is [ ]
[A] h(n)=0 [B] h(n)=+/- h(M-N-1)[C] h(n)=h(M-N) [D] None
10) For a linear phase FIR system if M=even the no of multiplications is [ ]
[A] M [B] (M-1)/2 [C] M/2 [D] (M+1)/2
11) For a linear phase FIR system if M=odd the no of multiplications is [ ]
[A] (M-1)/2 [B] M/2 [C] (M+1)/2 [D] (M-N-1)/2
12) In frequency sampling structure the value used to characterize the filter is [ ]
[A] impulse response [B] step response[C] frequency response[D] None
13) The most efficient form of realization is [ ]
[A] Direct form [B] parallel[C] frequency sampling[D] cascade
14) The structure that is mostly used in digital speech processing is [ ]
[A] Cascade [B] Parallel[C] Lattice [D] Direct form
15) IIR filter’s Direct form is obtained by cascading all zero system with _____ [ ]
[A] Inverse system [B] conjugate system[C] all pole system [D] None
16) In IIR direct form I the number of additions is ________ [ ]
[A] (M+N)/2 [B] (M-N)/2[C] M-N [D] M+N
17) The no of memory locations needed to realize IIR direct form I is ________ [ ]
[A] M+N-1 [B] M+N+1[C] M+N [D] M-N
18) In IIR direct form I the number of multiplications is __________ [ ]
[A] M+N-1 [B] M+N+1[C] M-N-2 [D] None
19) The no of multiplications required to realize IIR direct form II is _______ [ ]
[A] M+N-1 [B] M+N+1[C] M-N-2 [D] None
20) The Direct form structure is also called as _________ [ ]
[A] sampling [B] Canonic[C] Parallel [D] None
21) The no of additions required to realize IIR direct form II is _______ [ ]
[A] M+N-1 [B] M+N+1[C] M+N [D] None
22) The structure obtained by changing all branch direction and input & output is [ ]
[A] Canonic [B] Cascade[C] Transposed [D] None
23) The structure that needs lesser memory location is _______ [ ]
[A] Direct form I [B] Direct form II[C] Cascade[D] Parallel
24) The Parallel form realization of IIR system is obtained by _______ [ ]
[A] Differential equation [B] Difference equation[C] Partial Fraction [D] None
25) The Lattice coefficients are also called as _______ [ ]
[A] Constants coefficient [B] parallel coefficient [C] reflection coefficient [D] None
26) The Polar form of Z can be expressed as ------- [ ]
[A] -rejw [B] rejw [C]) ejw [D] None
27) Z transform of sequence x(n)={1,0,3} is ------- [ ]
[A] 1+Z+3Z-2 [B] 1+3Z-2 [C] 1+Z-2 [D] None
28) Z transform of sequence x(n)={1,1,3}is --------( take origin at second sample) [ ]
[A] Z-1+1+Z [B] Z-1+1+2Z [C] 1+Z-2 [D] None
29) ROC for Left hand finite sequence is -------- ------- [ ]
[A] Entire Z except Z=0 [B] Entire Z except Z=∞ [C] Entire Z except Z=1 [D] None
30) ROC for Right hand finite duration sequence is ------- [ ]
[A] Entire Z except Z=0 [B] Entire Z except Z=∞ [C] Entire Z except Z=1 [D] None
31) ROC for Left hand infinite duration sequence is ------- [ ]
[A] Inside circle [B] Outside circle [C] Entire Z [D] None
32) ROC for Right hand infinite duration sequence is ------- [ ]
[A] Inside circle [B] Outside circle [C] Entire Z [D] None
33) The range of values of Z for which z-Transform converges called as ------- [ ]
[A] Region of complex [B] Region of covariance [C] Region of convergence [D] None
34) ROC for Two sided finite duration sequence is ------- [ ]
[A] Inside circle [B] Outside circle [C] Entire Z except Z=0 & Z=∞ [D] None

35) Z-transform of unit sample sequence is -------- [ ]

[A] 1 [B] 0 [C] u(n) [D] None
36) Z-transform of δ (n-m) is ------- [ ]
m m-1 -m
[A] Z [B] Z [C] Z [D] None
37) Z-transform of unit step sequence is -------- [ ]
[A] z [B] z/z-1 [C] z-1[D] None
38) Z-transform of a u(n) is -------- [ ]
[A] z [B] z/z-a [C] z-a [D] None
39) ROC for unit sample sequence is ------- [ ]
[A] Entire Z [B] Entire Z except Z=0[C] Entire Z except Z=∞ [D] None
40) ROC for unit step sequence is ------- [ ]
[A] Entire Z [B] Entire Z except Z=0[C] |Z| > 1 [D] None

Design of IIR Digital Filters
1.IIR Filters are [ ]
A)Recursive type B)Non-Recursive type
C)Neither Recursive nor non-recursive D)None
2.In the Impulse Invariance Transformation, relationship between Ω and ω is [ ]
A) Ω= ωT B) Ω= ω/T
C) ω= Ω/T D) ω=T/ Ω
3.Non-linearity in the relationship between Ω and ω is known as [ ]
A)Aliasing B)Frequency Warping
C)Unwarping D)Frequency Mixing
4. In The Bilinear Transformation, the Relationship between Ω And Ω Is [ ]
A) Ω=2tan(ω/2) B) Ω=2/T tan(ω/2)
C) Ω= 1/Ttan(ω/2) D) Ω= tan(ωT/2)
5.Butterworth filters have [ ]
A)Wideband Transition Region B) Sharp Transition Region
C) Oscillation in Transition Region D) None
6. Chebyshev filters have [ ]
A)Wideband Transition Region B) Sharp Transition Region
C) Oscillation in Transition Region D) None
7. Type-1 Chebyshev filters contains [ ]
A)oscillations in the passband B) oscillations in the passband
C) oscillations in the stop and pass banda D) Oscillation in Transition band
8. Type-2 Chebyshev filter is also called [ ]
A)inverse chebyshev filter B)elliptic filter
C) reverse chebyshev filter D)None
9. The physically realizable IIR filters do not have --------------- phase [ ]
A)linear B)Non-linear
C)magnitude D)None
10.In ----------------------transformation,the impulse response of digital filter is the [ ]
Sampled version of the impulse of analog filter.
A)impulse invariant B)bilinear
C)magnitude D)phase
11.Alaising occurs only in ----------------------transformation. [ ]
A) impulse invariant B)bilinear
C)magnitude D)phase
12.In -----------------approximation,the magnitude response is equiripple in the [ ]
Passband and monotonic in the stopband
A) Type-1 Chebyshev B) Type-2 Chebyshev
C)butterworth D)None
13.In -----------------approximation,the magnitude response is monotonic in the [ ]
Passband and equiripple in the stopband
A) Type-1 Chebyshev B) Type-2 Chebyshev
C)butterworth D)None
14. In -----------------approximation,the magnitude response is maximally flat at the [ ]
origin and monotonically decreaseswith increasing frequency
A) Type-1 Chebyshev B) Type-2 Chebyshev
C)butterworth D)None
15.At the cutoff frequency ,the magnitude of the butterworth filter is----------- [ ]
times the maximum value
A)1/√2 B)1/2
C)1 D)-1/2
16.The ideal filters are [ ]
A)causal B)Non causal
C)symmetric D)none
17.In fourier series method to get transfer function of realizable filter,H(z) is to be [ ]
Multiped by
A)z-(N-1)/2 B) z(N-1)/2
C) z-(N-1) D) z(N-1)
18.The abrupt truncation of fourier series results in oscillations in [ ]
A)stopband B)passband
C)both A and B D)none
19.The frequency of a digital filter is [ ]
A)periodic B)Non periodic
C)may be periodic or Non periodic D)none
20.For rectangular window ,the main lobe width is equal to [ ]
A)2π/N B) 4π/N
C) 8π/N D) 12π/N
21.For Hanning window ,the main lobe width is equal to [ ]
A)2π/N B) 4π/N
C) 8π/N D) 12π/N
22.For Hamming window ,the main lobe width is equal to [ ]
A)2π/N B) 4π/N
C) 8π/N D) 12π/N
23.For blackman window ,the main lobe width is equal to [ ]
A)2π/N B) 4π/N
C) 8π/N D) 12π/N
24.For kaiser window ,the main lobe width is equal to [ ]
A)Adjustable B) 4π/N
C) 8π/N D) 12π/N
25.For Rectangular window ,the peak side lobe magnitude in dB is [ ]
A)-13 B)-31
C)-41 D)-58
26.For Hanning window ,the peak side lobe magnitude in dB is [ ]
A)-13 B)-31
C)-41 D)-58
27.For Hamming window ,the peak side lobe magnitude in dB is [ ]
A)-13 B)-31
C)-41 D)-58
28.For Blackman window ,the peak side lobe magnitude in dB is [ ]
A)-13 B)-31
C)-41 D)-58
29.for a linear phase filter the delay is [ ]
A)variable B)constant
C)function D)sequence
30.In FIR filters ,--------------- is a linear function of ω [ ]
A) phase B)width
C)oscillations D)None
31.In---------------------- window spectrum the higher side lobe attenuation is [ ]
Achieved at the expense of increased main lobe width
A)Blackman B)Hamming
C)Kaiser D)Hanning
32.In---------------------- window spectrum the increase in side lobe attenuation is [ ]
Achieved at expense of constant attenuation at high frequencies
A)Blackman B)Hamming
C)Kaiser D)Hanning
33. In---------------------- window spectrum has the highest attenuation for side lobes [ ]
A)Blackman B)Hamming
C)Kaiser D)Hanning
34. In---------------------- window spectrum,the side lobe magnitude is variable [ ]
A)Blackman B)Hamming
C)Kaiser D)Hanning
35. In---------------------- window spectrum, the width of the main lobe is triple that of [ ]
Rectangular window for same value of N
A)Blackman B)Hamming
C)Kaiser D)Hanning
36.In---------------------- window spectrum, the width of the main lobe is double that of [ ]
Rectangular window for same value of N
A)Blackman B)Hamming
C)Kaiser D)Hanning
37.The --------------------- response of the filter is fourier transform of impulse response [ ]
Of the filter.
A)magnitude B)phase
C)frequency D)natural
38.The ideal filters are ------------------------,and hence physically unrealizable [ ]
A)causal B)Non causal
C)symmetric D)none
39.In FIR filters with constant phase delay,the impulse response is [ ]
A)causal B)Non causal
C)symmetric D)none
40.The generation of oscillations due to slow convergence of the fourier series near the [ ]
Points of discontinuity is called ---------------------------- phenomenon
A)Gibbs B)Guassian
C)Poission D)Rayleigh


Design of FIR filters

1.The number of additions per output point needed to realize direct form structure is
[A] M [B] M-1 [C] M-N-1 [D] None
2.The number of multiplications per output point in direct form structure is
[A] M [B] M-1 C] M+N-1 [D] None
3.The tapped delay line filter is also called as
[A] parallel form [B] Direct form [C] Cascade form [D] None
4.The condition for FIR system to have linear phase is
[A] h(n)=0 [B] h(n)=+/- h(M-N-1) [C] h(n)=h(M-N) [D] None
5.For a linear phase FIR system if M=even the no of multiplications is
[A] M [B] (M-1)/2 C] M/2 [D] (M+1)/2
6.For Hanning window ,windowing function is equal to
A)0.54+0.46cos(2πn/N-1) B)0.5+0.5 cos(2πn/N-1) C)1 D)1.5
7.For Hamming window ,windowing function is equal to
A)0.54+0.46cos(2πn/N-1) B)0.5+0.5 cos(2πn/N-1) C)1 D)1.5
8.What is the Z-transform for x(n-3)
[A] ZX(Z) [B] Z3 X(Z) [C] Z-3 X(Z) [D] 3X(Z)
9.For rectangular window ,the windowing function is equal to
A)2 B) 4 C) 1 D) 8
10.For Hamming window ,What is the value of α
A)0.54 B)0.5 C)-1 D1
11.In FIR filters ,--------------- is a linear function of ω
A) phase B)width C)oscillations D)None
12.What is the Z-transform of y(n-3)
[A] Z3Y(Z) [B] Z-3 Y(Z) [C] Z [D] 1
13.For Butterworth filters the poles are located at
[A] circle [B] ellipse [C] both [D] None
14.The range of values of Z for which z-Transform converges called as -------
[A] Region of complex [B] Region of covariance [C] Region of [D] None
15.Z-transform of δ (n-m) is -------
[A] Zm [B] Zm-1 [C] Z-m [D] None
16.FIR system is a
[A] recursive [B] non-recursive [C] both [D] None
17.Which type of system is called all pole system
[A] FIR [B] IIR [C] both [D] None
18.For the given specification αs=6db find maximum allowable stop band(λ).
[A] 4 [B] 1.72 [C] 2.68 [D] 5
19.Warping effect is present in ----------method
A)impulse-invariance B)derivatives C)bilinear D)matched z-transform
20.The phase of symmetric impulse response with odd length is given by
A)()= -4+β B) ()=-4-β C) ()= 4+β D) ()=0
21.Which of the following is a condition for asymmetric linear phase FIR filter with odd length
A)h(n)= - h(N-n) B) h(n)= h(N-n) C) h(-n)= - h(N-n) D) h(n)= - h(N+n)
For a stable filters all poles lies in_________ of s-plane
A) Left B) Right C) Both D) None
22.What is another name for triangular windowing technique
A) Rectangular B) Kaiser C) Barlett D) Hamming
23.Which of the following methods are used for designing LPF and HPF
A)Approximation B)Bilinear C)Impulse Invariance D)Both A & C
24.The --------------------- response of the filter is fourier transform of impulse response.
A)magnitude B)phase C)frequency D)natural
25.The ideal IIR filters are ------------------------,and hence physically unrealizable
A)causal B)Non causal C)symmetric D)none
26.In FIR filters with constant phase delay, the impulse response is
A)causal B)Non causal C)symmetric D)none
27.The generation of oscillations due to slow convergence of the fourier series near the Points of discontinuity is
called ---------------------------- phenomenon
A)Gibbs B)Guassian C)Poission D)Rayleigh
28.The FIR filters are ------------------------,and hence physically realizable
A)causal B)Non causal C)symmetric D)none

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