OISD Std-164

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OISD - STD-164



OISD – STD – 164

First Edition, July, 1998


Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
OISD - STD-164
First Edition
July, 1998



Prepared by:




NEW DELHI 110 001


are prepared for use in the oil and gas industry under Ministry of
Petroleum & Natural Gas. These are the property of Ministry of
Petroleum & Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or copied and
loaned or exhibited to others without written consent from OISD.

Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy

and reliability of the data contained in these documents OISD hereby
expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage
resulting from their use.

These documents are intended to supplement rather than

replace the prevailing statutory requirements.

Oil Industry in India is more than 100 years old. Over the
years a variety of practices have been in vogue because of
collaboration/ association with different foreign companies and
governments. Standardisation in design, operating and maintenance
practices was hardly in existence at a national level. This lack of
uniformity, coupled with feed back from some serious accidents that
occurred in the recent past in India and abroad, emphasised the
need for the industry to review the existing state of art in designing,
operating and maintaining oil and gas installations.

With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in

1986 constituted a Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety
Directorate (OISD) staffed from within the industry in formulating and
implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed at removing
obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing standards to
ensure safer operations. Accordingly, OISD constituted a number of
functional committees comprising of experts nominated from the
industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects.

The present document on Fire Proofing in Oil & Gas Industry was
prepared by the Functional Committee on Fire Proofing. This
document was prepared based on the accumulated knowledge,
experience of industry members and various national/international
codes and practices.

This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements

based on the new experiences and better understanding.

Suggestions from industry members may be addressed to :

The Coordinator
Functional Committee on Fire Proofing
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
2nd Floor, “Kailash”,
26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
NEW DELHI 110 001.


Shri B. K. Raut DGM (SMMS) E.I.L.

Shri R. P. Saxena DGM (M) MRBC, ONGC

Shri S.G. Subrhamoney CH.MGR, (PROJECTS), HPCL


Shri B. K. Singh SR. INSP. MGR IOC


Shri U. V. Mannur MGR (LPG - ENGG) IOC (MKTG)




In addition to the above, several other experts from Industry contributed in the
preparation, review and finalisation of this document.



2.0 SCOPE 1












FIGURE 5.1 – 5.4 20



1.0 INTRODUCTION which vessels can be depressurised,

evacuation of personnel can be
This standard provides technical carried out and the fire can be
details, including inspection and brought under control. Passive fire
maintenance requirements, for protection therefore seeks to
selection and application of fire minimise the consequences of a fire
proofing in Oil Industry. This and to prevent fire escalation.
publication applies to on-shore
installations for exploration & 2.0 SCOPE
production, refineries, storage and
marketing installations; however, it This standard covers technical
can be applied to a limited extent to details of materials used for fire
offshore exploration & production proofing, fire rating, selection and
installations. application methods for different
areas, methods of application of fire
Only passive fire proofing systems proofing materials, quality control
have been covered and details of measure and inspection during
active systems such as automatic application of materials, including
water deluge, which are used to periodic inspection and maintenance
protect pressure vessels, processing of fire proofing. Active fire protection
structures, equipment etc. are system and its effects are beyond
excluded. Passive fire protection the scope of this standard.
shall be used alongwith active fire
protection systems like water deluge, 3.0 DEFINITIONS:
sprinkler systems etc.
i) Fire Proofing : Fire proofing is
As nothing can be made totally safe an insulation that provides a
from the effects of fire, the term "Fire degree of fire resistance to
Proofing" is therefore misleading. protect substrates like vessels,
Nonetheless, the term continues to piping and structures for a
be widely used in Industry. In this predetermined time period
standard, “Fire Proofing” refers to against fire.
selection and application of the
materials that provide a degree of ii) Fire Rating : Fire rating is
fire resistance to protect substrates expressed in number of hours of
like vessels, piping and structures for protection selected to maintain
a predetermined time period. structural integrity for a
predetermined length of time.
All commonly used structural
materials lose their strength on being iii) Fire-Exposed Envelope : A fire-
exposed to fire,. The primary role of exposed envelope is the three-
passive fire protection is to delay and dimensional space into which fire
limit the temperature rise of potential equipment can release
substrates. This is to enable flammable or combustible fluids
structural integrity to be maintained that are capable of burning long
and to gain valuable time during
enough and with enough intensity
to cause substantial property g) The fire proofing system should
damage. be adequate for the desired fire
rating hours.
AND SYSTEMS h) The fire proofing material/coating
should be resistant to weather
4.1 GENERAL effects such as chalking and
erosion. Top coat, wherever
Passive fire proofing materials & provided, must be resistant to
systems should conform to the solar ultra violet radiation.
following parameters :
a) It should fulfill its protection role by MATERIALS
limiting the temperature of
substrate of a vessel or structure Materials normally used for fireproofing
to be within the guaranteed are dense concrete, light weight
maximum temperature over a concrete, mastic and prefabricated
specified time period. panels. Prior to use, these materials
should be checked to relevant
b) The fire protection should not fail specifications.
at the end of this specified period,
but should continue to offer a 4.2.1 Dense Concrete
reasonable measure of protection
beyond this period. This traditional material has been
used for decades as fire proofing and
c) It should have system integrity so is the standard by which other
that the protection remains in materials are judged. Tough and
place during a fire, and can dense, (approx. density 2200-2400
withstand both the thermal Kg/cum) they provide long term
stresses and impingement of fire protection in most environments.
water from hoses/monitors. Test
checks as necessary should be Thermal protection is afforded by
carried out. mechanisms of heat absorption
through sensible energy rise and
d) The fire protection must be non- breakdown of the chemically attached
corrosive to the substrate and be water in the Portland cement. Their
compatible to environmental sheer mass provides enough heat
conditions. It must not in itself sink in most fire environments.
become a hazard in a fire Concrete must be poured into forms
condition whether by spalling, and requires steel reinforcements.
spreading flame, or producing Gunnite is a mixture of sand and
toxic fumes. Portland cement which is pumped
and sprayed onto reinforcing mesh
e) Selection of the fire proofing installed around the steel. Adequate
system must take into account the protection should be taken for
weight limitations imposed on the equipment in the vicinity, as a lot of
strength of steel supports to be dust gets generated in the process of
fireproofed especially for existing gunniting.
This material provides adequate
f) The materials should have service for long periods of time. If
adequate adhesion, strength and failure occurs, it is usually because of
durability. the intrusion of moisture and/or acid &
airborne salts through cracks or themselves to application on any
porous areas and may spall during shape. All mastics are sprayed on the
water exposure in a fire. In SO2 or substrate in one or two coats,
other corrosive environments, a top depending on the degree of the fire
coat of suitable anticorrosive paint resistance/protection required. A
may be provided. positive mechanical reinforcement
such as reinforcing fabric or wire is
Dense concrete is generally used for required to ensure the integrity of the
fire proofing of supporting structurals system during fire situation if
of Pipe racks, vessels, furnaces, air thickness of coating is higher.
fin coolers, exchangers etc.
Following materials are covered under
4.2.2 Light Weight Concrete mastics:

This concrete is made of light weight A) Subliming Coating

aggregates such as vermiculite,
mica, perlite and cements. Dry Subliming coatings consist of two
densities range from 640 to 960 components applied with
kg/cum. Lightweight materials are reinforcement. They absorb large
usually sprayed on but they may be amount of heat in the event of
troweled or formed in place using fire and they change directly
light reinforcing mesh. from solid to gaseous state.

Lightweight concrete materials are B) Intumescent Mastics

fairly durable and have limited
maintenance requirements. They Intumescent mastics provide
are capable of withstanding direct protection by expanding during
flame impingement upto 1093 deg C heating and forming an insulation
(2000 deg F) and can withstand layer of char. The quality of char
thermal stresses and high pressure and resistance to oxidation
water streams. These materials are determines the performance of
applied by qualified and trained the material. The material is
applicators. applied along with reinforcement.
These materials are durable, light
These materials can be applied over weight and also provide long
any configuration in varying climatic term corrosion protection to steel.
conditions. As these materials are However, they need stringent
susceptible to hairline cracks, a good surface preparation.
paint system for the substrate and
top coat of fire proofing is desirable. C) Ablative Coatings

Light weight concrete is normally Ablative mastics absorb heat as

used for fire proofing of Vessels and they lose mass. These materials
supporting structurals of Pipe racks , have good bond strength, high
vessels, furnaces, air fin coolers, coefficient of elongation and are
exchangers etc. also resistant to most industrial
chemicals and solvents.
4.2.3 Mastics However, stringent surface
preparation is required for these
The mastic coating system has good materials.
durability, corrosion protection and
resistance to environmental 4.2.4 Pre-Fabricated Panels
conditions. In addition, such systems
are very light weight and lend
Preformed inorganic panels are
precast or compressed fire resistant For the most part, liquid and
panels made of a lightweight gaseous hydrocarbon fires are
aggregate and a cement binder or a characterized by highly luminous
compressed inorganic insulating flames resulting from hot carbon
material such as calcium silicate. particles (soot). Because of limited
The panels are attached to the mixing with oxygen, combustion
substrate by mechanical fasteners gases are fuel-rich and produce
that are designed to withstand nearly continuous radiation in the
exposure to fire without appreciable infrared region making the hot gas
loss of strength. and soot particles behave as a gray
body radiator. Petrochemical fire
These panels are convenient and temperatures reach as high as 1300
clean during installation and not deg C (2400 Deg. F) but average
much of surface preparation is 1000 deg C (1850 deg F) because
required. However, this material of various factors including
cannot be used for small steel radiational cooling of the fire ball,
members and complicated shapes. winds and geometry. Free burning
When panels are used outdoors, an fires normally do not achieve the
external weather-proofing system is theoretical combustion temperatures
usually required to prevent moisture for the fuels involved. During fires
from penetrating. All joints must be with high pressure fuel sources,
caulked or sealed with fire rated convection plays a larger role and
mastic. can even be the primary mode of
heat transfer. Jet fires are
Preformed materials are characterized by high convective
advantageous because they can be inputs. Annexure 1 summarises the
applied cleanly, they have no curing parameters for a wide range of fire
time, and they have low conductivity. environments.
Preformed materials are more
susceptible than dense concrete to Outdoor testing is becoming
damage from impact. increasingly difficult due to
environmental considerations and
5.0 FIRE RATING SYSTEMS hence, furnace testing is heavily
relied upon today. However, some
5.1 FIRE TESTS AND STANDARDS testing organisations have
successfully carried out tests on
The criteria for judging a material's loaded vessels in outdoor. Some
thermal performance in a fire years ago, it was also recognized
exposure should be actual fire tests that the ASTM E-119 test standard
on a sufficiently large enough scale did not produce a severe enough
to realistically determine the environment to properly evaluate
behaviour of both the material and materials destined for use in the
the installation design. Test hydrocarbon industry where fire
environments should closely match reaches maximum temperatures in
the fire exposure expected in an end- minutes or less and temperature
use situation. In the case of the levels and heat fluxes are higher.
hydrocarbon processing industry - Therefore, the "high rise" or "high
this could be anything from free intensity" fire test environment was
burning pools of liquid to high adopted by industry as a more
pressure jets of hot hydrocarbons. realistic test and several test
Therefore, it is imperative to test agencies are now equipped to run
materials in as severe an this test. This test, although short on
environment as possible. convective heat transfer, is a
reasonable simulation when careful to determine which
compared to an open pool fire. member was tested. Steel
Nearly all fire protective materials temperatures are measured beneath
are now evaluated in the "high rise" the protective material at 4 levels
fire environment for Hydrocarbon with 3 thermocouples per level.
processing industry applications. Failure criteria for columns are :
The characteristics of various fire
environments are detailed at a) When the average of all
Annexure-I. thermocouples at any level
reaches 538 deg C (1000 deg F)

There are a number of fire test b) If any individual thermocouple

laboratories in North America and reaches 649 deg C (1200 deg
Europe, of which a partial directory is F).
given at Annexure - II these
laboratories conduct fire tests Environmentally exposed materials
according to defined standards and are tested against control material to
depending upon performance, a determine the effect on fireproofing
rating is determined for the particular performance. A loss in performance
type of test run. A rating is given in of 25% or more in any of these tests
time units with temperature limits prevents a material from receiving an
imposed on the protected part of the external use rating. Even though
test assembly. Annexure - III list these evaluations are helpful in
some of the important ratings used in determining material suitability for
the Hydrocarbon processing industrial use, the aging tests are
industries for structural and accelerated and small losses in
personnel protection of stationary performance may turn into
materials. significantly larger ones over long
periods of time. However, this test
The oldest and most widely used program is an important tool in rating
independent testing organisation is and monitoring potential fire
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (ULI) protection materials for outdoor use.
in USA. ULI provides fire test and
manufacturing follow-up services for After successful completion of the
many products on a nonprofit basis. test, a listing or rating is offered,
ULI was the first testing organisation which in the case of ULI, is printed in
to standardize the "high rise" fire an annual Fire Resistance Index
test as UL 1709 and offer it as one of under X or XR classifications for
their services. Other testing columns for the hourly period tested.
laboratories now conduct similar Listings in the X classification are for
tests. designs tested to the ASTM E-119
cellulosic fire environment whereas
In the case of the UL 1709 test, the those in the XR classification have
furnace temperature is brought up to been tested to the UL 1709 high
1093deg C (2000 deg F) within 5 intensity fire environment. XR
minutes and held within a tolerance ratings (listings) include mandatory
of this level for the duration of the additional testing for environmental
test. Tests are usually run on a light aging such as freeze thaw cycling,
column designated as a W10X49, salt fog, high humidity, and SO2 /
but they can be run on lighter or CO2 exposures. For X
heavier sections. Less material is classifications, environmental testing
required to protect heavier is optional.
members, so the user should be
While, UL -1709 is the minimum
requirement for a fire proofing Further, fire rating for LPG storage
material, materials being used for vessels should be as per OISD-STD-
pressurised storage vessels must 144 whereas for other areas, it
have preferably undergone should be as per API - 2218.
independent tests successfully on
such type of vessels. 6.0 AREAWISE APPLICATION
Determination of fire proofing needs
5.3 FIRE RATING involves a three step procedure that
The following factors should be
considered in selecting the rating of a) The location of fire-hazardous
the material to be applied : areas or fire-exposed envelopes,

a) The source volume of leak b) The size of the fire-exposed

envelope, and
b) The time required to block flows
and backflows of fuel that may be c) The rating or thickness of fire
released. proofing material that need to be
applied within each of the fire-
c) The time required to apply exposed envelope
adequate and reliable cooling
water from fixed monitors, fixed 6.1 FIRE -EXPOSED ENVELOPE :
water spray systems, and hand
hose lines. A fire-exposed envelope is the three-
dimensional space into which fire
d) The time required for the area’s potential equipment can release
drainage system to remove a flammable or combustible fluids that
spill. are capable of burning long enough
and with enough intensity to cause
e) The layout of the equipment, substantial property damage.
particularly if congestion exists.
f) The physical properties of CLASSIFICATION
material that may be spilled.
Fire-potential equipment includes
g) The fuel’s burning rate. types of hydrocarbon-handling
equipment that can release
h) The fuel’s heat of combustion. appreciable quantities of flammable
i) The severity of operating
conditions, particularly the 6.2.1 High Fire Potential Equipment :
temperature if the material being
handled is above its autoignition a) Fired heaters that charge liquid
point. or mixed phase hydrocarbons,
under the following conditions :
j) The importance of the unit to
continued plant operations and i) Operation at temperatures
earnings. and flow rates that are
capable of causing coking
k) Availability & proximity of fire within the tubes.
fighting resources in and around
the plant and time required for ii). Operation at pressure and
evacuation of personnels. flow rates that are high
enough to cause large
spills before the heater can a) Pumps that handle Class IIIB
be shut in. liquids below their flash points.

iii) Charging of potentially b) Piping that is within battery

corrosive fluids. limits and has a concentration
of valves, fittings, and flanges.
iv) Incorporation of a high
level of automation and c) Heat exchangers that may
complex peripheral develop flange leaks.
equipment such as
combustion air preheater. 6.3 SIZE OF FIRE-EXPOSED
b) Pumps that handle flammable
and combustible liquids at or A frequently used frame of reference
above their flash point or for a fire-exposed envelope is one
autoignition temperatures, at that extend 20-30 feet (6.1-9.1
high pressure, or at high flows. meters) horizontally and 30-40 feet
In some cases, maintaining (9.1-12.2 meters) vertically from a
seals without serious leaks may source of liquid fuel.
be difficult because of the liquid
being pumped. The following conditions within the
fire-exposed envelope can either
c) Reactors that operate at high limit or extend the envelope’s
pressure or are apt to produce reference dimensions :
exothermic or runaway
reactions. a) The source & volume of the leak.

d) Compressors along with related b) Pressure and possible leak rates.

lube-oil system. Compressors
do not have a high liquid - fire c) The surface drainage area and
potential; however, they can capacity of the drainage system.
generate a fire-exposed
envelope if the likelihood exists d) The fuel’s burning rate.
that there will be a prolonged e) The fuel’s heat of combustion.
release of gas and intense fire
in the vicinity of important Because of the size and importance
structural supports. of large vessels such as reactors,
regenerators and vacuum towers
6.2.2 Medium Fire Potential that are mounted on high support
Equipment : structures, fireproofing materials
should be considered for the entire
a) Accumulators, feed drums, and exposed support system regardless
other vessels that may leak as of its height.
a result of broken
instrumentation, ruptured 6.4 FIREPROOFING INSIDE
gaskets, or other apparatus. PROCESSING UNITS :

b) Tower that may leak as a result 6.4.1 Multilevel Equipment Structures:

of broken gauge columns or
gasket failure on connected a) When structures support fire-
piping and bottom reboilers. potential equipment, fireproofing
should be used for the vertical
6.2.3 Low Fire-Potential Equipment : and horizontal steel support
members from the grade up to
the highest level at which the g) The earthing lugs should be kept
equipment is supported (see clear of the fire protection.
Figure 5.1).
6.4.2 Support for Pipe Racks :
b) Elevated floors and platforms
that could retain significant a) When a pipe rack is within a fire-
quantities of liquid hydrocarbons exposed envelope, fireproofing
should be treated as though they should be used for all vertical and
were on the ground floor level. horizontal supports upto and
including the first level (see Figure
c) When structures support non-fire 5.3.).
potential equipment, fireproofing
should be considered for the If a pipe rack carried piping that has
vertical and horizontal steel a diameter greater than 6 inches at
members from grade up to and levels above the first horizontal
including the level that is nearest beam or large hydrocarbon pumps
to a 30-foot (9.1 meter) elevation are installed beneath the rack,
above grade if the collapse of fireproofing should be considered
unprotected structural supports upto and including the level that is
could result in substantial nearest to a 30-foot (9.1 meter)
damage that would involve elevation (see Figures 5.3 and 5.4.)
nearby fire-potential equipment Wind or earthquake bracing and
(see Figure 5.2). non-load bearing stringer beams that
run parallel to piping need not be
d) Fireproofing should be used for fireproofed.
knee and diagonal bracing that
contributes to the support of b) If air fin-fan coolers are installed on
vertical loads or to the horizontal top of a pipe rack, fireproofing should
stability of columns if it is located be used for all vertical and horizontal
within the fire-exposed envelope. support members on all levels of the
Knee and diagonal bracing that is pipe rack including support members
used only for wind, earthquake, for the air fin-fan coolers, regardless
or surge loading need not be of their elevation above grade.
fireproofed (see Figure 5.1).
c) Fireproofing should be considered
e) When reactors, towers, or similar for knee and diagonal bracing that
vessels are installed on protected contributes to the support of vertical
steel or reinforced concrete loads. Knee or diagonal bracing that
structures, fireproofing materials is used only for wind or earth-quake
should be used for protection of loading need not be fireproofed.
supporting steel brackets, lugs,
or skirts ( see Figure 5.1). The d) Frequently, the layout of piping
insulating effect of the requires that auxiliary pipe supports
fireproofing material must be be placed outside the main pipe
considered in the design of rack. These supports include small
supports for vessels that operate laterals pipe racks, independent
at high temperatures. stanchions, individual T columns,
and columns with brackets.
f) Except for the upper surface of Whenever these members support
the top flange, fireproofing should piping with a diameter greater than 6
be considered for beams that inches or important piping such as
support equipment in fire- relief lines, blowdown lines, or pump
exposed areas. suction lines from accumulators or
towers, fireproofing should be leg supports to their full load-
considered. bearing height should be used.

e) Consideration should be given for 6.4.6 Supports for Horizontal

installing a fireproofed catch beam or Exchangers, Coolers,
bracket, beneath larger piping Condensers, Drums, Receivers
(greater than 6 inches) that is and Accumulators :
supported by exposed steel spring
hangers or rods. Sufficient Fireproofing should be considered
clearance should be provided for steel saddles that support
between the bracket or beam and horizontal heat exchangers, coolers,
the pipe to permit free movement. condensers, drums, receivers, and
accumulators that have a diameter
6.4.3 Grade-Level Air Coolers : greater than 30 inches (0.76 meter) if
the vertical distance between the
Fire-proofing should be considered concrete pier and the shell of the
for supports for air fin-fan coolers in vessel exceeds 18 inches (0.46
hydrocarbon service. meter).

6.4.4 Tower & Vessel Skirts : 6.4.7 Fired Heaters :

a) Fire-proofing should be used for a) Fireproofing should be used for all

the exterior surfaces of skirts that supports for fired heaters in
support tower and vertical hydrocarbon service. Heaters are
vessels. Consideration should often supplied with short, steel legs
also be given for fireproofing that are set on reinforced concrete
interior surfaces of skirts if there piers. Consideration should be given
are flanges or valves inside the to fireproofing these legs from the
skirt. Interior surfaces of skirts concrete piers upto the point where
need not be fireproofed if there is the steel columns are welded to the
only one manway opening steel floor plate of the firebox.
through the skirt and its diameter
is not greater than 2 feet (0.6 b) If structural supports is provided by
meter). Openings other than the horizontal steel beams beneath the
single manway may be closed firebox of an elevated heater,
with removable steel plate at fireproofing should be used for the
least 1/4 inch (6.4 millimeters) beams unless at least one flange
thick. Consideration should be face is in continuos contact with the
given to minimizing the effect of elevated firebox.
draft through vent openings and
space that surrounds pipe c) If common chimneys or stacks
penetrations in the skirt. handle flue gas from several heaters,
fireproofing should be considered for
b) Fireproofing should be used for the structural support for ducts or
brackets or lugs that are used to breeching between heaters and
attach vertical reboilers or heat stacks.
exchangers to towers or tower
skirts. d) When fired heaters in other than
hydrocarbon service, such as steam
6.4.5 Leg Supports for Towers & superheaters or catalytic cracking-
Vessels : unit air heaters, are located within a
fire-exposed envelope, fireproofing
If towers or vessels are elevated on should be considered for their
exposed steel legs. Fireproofing the support members if a collapse would
result in damage to adjacent the supports are welded to the
hydrocarbon-processing equipment vessel.
or piping.
6.5.3 Horizontal Pressurised Storage
Horizontal pressurised storage tanks
6.5.1 Pipe Racks : should preferably be installed on
reinforced concrete saddles.
a) Fireproofing should be Fireproofing should be considered
considered for pipe rack supports for exposed steel tank supports that
outside processing units if they are more than 18 inches (0.46 m)
are located within a fire-exposed high, measured at the lowest point of
envelope. Bracing for the tank shell.
earthquakes, wind or surge
protection and stringer beams 6.5.4 Flare Lines :
that run parallel to piping need
not be fireproofed. Fire proofing should be considered
for supports for flare lines if they are
b) If important pipe racks run within within a fire-exposed envelope or if
20-30 feet of open drainage they are close to open ditches or
ditches or channels that may drainage channels that may receive
contain oil waste or receive large accidental spills of
accidental spills, either hydrocarbons.
fireproofing should be considered
for the pipe rack supports as 7.0 METHODS OF
described in or the ditch APPLICATION OF FIRE
should be covered. PROOFING
6.5.2 Storage Spheres/ Vessels & its
Supports :
The process of fire proofing
Fire proofing protects the LPG application consists of but not limited
vessel by reducing the heat input to to, attaching pins for retention of
the vessel and also by controlling the metal/fabric mesh reinforcement,
rate of rise of vessel wall abrasive blasting where required,
temperature. Fireproofing provides priming with appropriate and
protection in case water supply is approved primer system, installation
interrupted. of reinforcing mesh, masking where
necessary, mixing, spraying,
Fire proofing of all LPG vessels, their trowelling and leveling, rolling top
supports and connected/ nearby coating if required, and demasking.
pipelines should conform to the
requirements stipulated in OISD-
Fireproofing shall be provided on the
The application shall be performed
aboveground portion of the vessel’s
by qualified applicator having
supporting structures. The
training, equipment and experience.
fireproofing shall cover all support
Supervisory or lead personnel
members required to support static
involved with the application shall be
load of the full vessel. Fireproofing
or have been trained by the
shall not encase the points at which
manufacturer of fire proof coating
material. Applicator shall submit
written verification of such training in Environmental specifications for
case of proprietary products. blasting where required and priming
are as per manufacturer or relevant
7.3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS : standard which include but are not
limited to ambient temperature,
The applicator shall follow standard substrate temperature, relative
industrial hygiene practices for the humidity and dew point.
handling of chemical coatings and Environmental specifications for the
shall confirm to applicable codes of system provided by the manufacturer
practice and regulations. Necessary of fire proof coating, these conditions
Personal Protective Equipment as shall be recorded for each system
detailed in OISD-STD-155 should be since conditions can vary
used. considerably depending on location.
Record daily environmental
7.4 STORAGE OF MATERIAL: conditions. Where water is required
to be added, it should be clean,
The coating material shall be stored potable and of a quality suitable for
off the ground in a covered area and use in blending with fireproofing
shall be protected from severe coatings and should have chloride
temperatures. content less than 50 PPM.


7.8.1 Dense Concrete
Prior to actual production work, an
approved sample or a sample area A typical composition of dense
will be coated with fire proof coating concrete is one part cement, two and
following all pertinent procedures half part sand and two and half part
and specifications. This sample gravel passing through 9.5 mm
should be typical of the work to be sieve. Water should not exceed 802
done. liters / cubic meter of cement. In the
case of pneumatically applied
This sample or sample area will then concrete the ratio shall be one part
be approved by the Client's of cement and four parts sand.
Representative, Applicator's Water cement ratio shall remain
Representative, Consultant's same as above.
representative and any other party
as defined and required by the Dense concrete can be formed in
contract, for quality of surface finish place or pneumatically sprayed to
and adherence to procedures. the required thickness using steel
7.8.2 Lightweight Concrete
Applicator will obtain a release from
the Client for a given area to start on. A) Substrate Preparation

7.7 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS It is recommended that in a

Refinery/Petrochemical environment,
Environmental conditions are the steel should be suitably primed,
important for every aspect of the painted or galvanised prior to the
Application System. application of fireproof coating.
Paint surfaces must be chemically D) Fireproof Coating
resistant and stable at a pH of 12 to
12.5 when exposed to Portland The light weight concrete shall be
cement. Paints based on two-pack mixed in accordance with the
epoxy resins, chlorinated rubber or Manufacturer's Instructions for
solvent based vinyl are normally Application and spray applied in the
satisfactory when applied in minimum number of coats or by
accordance with the manufacturer's using trowel to the required
instructions. thickness as per Manufacturer's
recommendation. The coating is
All paints must be fully cured under generally float finish to close down
the conditions specified in the the texture.
Manufacturer's Data Sheet.
E) Water Shedding
B) Mesh Retaining Pins
Where water shedding cowls are not
Pins should be fixed to the structural provided, top surfaces and all
substrate at maximum 400 mm terminations of fire proof coating
centers on a staggered pitch. Stud against steel must be sloped and
fixing may necessitate the local floated to shed water.
removal of the priming system which
should be reinstated to the original A `U' shape shall be cut at the
paint specification after the fixing of concrete steel junction to receive
pins. Welding need not be done for mastic sealant.
fixing pins on pressure vessels as
the same can be fixed using other
techniques. F) Top Coating - Weather Barrier

C) Mesh Reinforcement After the concrete coating has been

allowed to cure and dry for at least
Attach reinforcing mesh (made of five days, suitable top coat as
GI/SS) to previously installed pins recommended by manufacturer may
using suitable arrangements. be applied, if required.

The mesh should be pulled away G) Sealing of Concrete Coating/Steel

from the substrate so as to lie Junctions:
substantially within the center of the
final fireproof thickness. Apply a suitable flexible sealant in
the groove which may be
Mesh shall be overlapped at all joints Polysulphide based or Silicone
and no more than three mesh rubber based.
thicknesses are permitted at any one
joint. Cut ends may be twisted All sealants must be suitable for use
together to make a more secure with a concrete mixture and be
joint. Alternatively, galvanised wire weather resistant and remain
ties at 150 mm centers may be flexible.
7.8.3 Mastics
For pressure vessels where pins are
not permitted, reinforcing mesh is A) Mesh Retaining Pins
attached to a system of floating rings
and tensioning wires to construct a Pin Installation wherever required
monolithic reinforcement. shall be done in accordance with the
procedure outlined in the
Manufacturer's Application Manual. Application Manual upto the required
Embedded mesh reinforcement shall thickness.
be used based on manufacturers’
recommendation. Mixing of material components is
automatically achieved at the correct
B) Substrate Preparation ratio by the equipment volumetric
ratioing pumps. Although the
Substrate preparation shall be done equipment has off ratio detection
in accordance with product devices built into the system, actual
requirements. The blast finish/profile ratio checks must be taken. The
shall be accepted prior to priming. ratio check should be performed at
start-up and at shut down daily.
In the event that the applicator does
not perform the actual blasting and G) Surface Finish and Inspection
priming, the applicator is responsible
for obtaining documentation Surface finish is a visual standard for
certifying the steel meets acceptable sprayed Intumescent/Subliming
blast finish criteria and priming Material which includes various
criteria as per the Manufacturer's structural configurations. Visual
Application Manual. inspection should be performed to
ensure that there is no exposed
C) Priming Procedure mesh, debonding at terminations or
bubbles below the finish surface
Priming of substrate shall be done in layer.
accordance with paint Physical inspection would consist of
manufacturer’s application guideline. drilling holes in the Intumescent/
Only primers approved by Material Subliming Material to determine
Manufacturers can be used. actual thickness, tapping with a
hammer to detect possible hollow
D) Mesh Reinforcement areas or delamination between
sprayed layers of coating not visible.
Meshing of substrate shall be done
in accordance with the procedures 8.0 QUALITY CONTROL IN
outlined by Mastic Material APPLICATION OF FIRE
Manufacturers Application Manual. PROOFING

E) Masking 8.1 INTRODUCTION :

Any surfaces or equipment in the Quality control during application is

spraying areas which do not receive of prime importance. Satisfactory
mastic must be masked off, using performance of the fireproofing
polyethylene or equivalent. material over its expected life time
Regardless of the structural depends on the user’s and the
configuration being worked on, applier’s knowledge of materials and
overspray is always a concern. application techniques and on
continuous inspection by qualified
F) Intumescent/Subliming Coating plant personnel.

Solvent based or Solventless Attention to the following points will

application of Intumescent/ ensure a quality job :
Subliming Materials shall be done in
accordance with the procedure 8.2 QUALIFIED PERSONNEL :
outlined by the Intumescent/
Subliming Materials Manufacturers
Both the user and the applicator
should have a detailed knowledge of Some materials require a controlled
the characteristics of the fireproofing curing period to develop full strength
material and the application and prevent serious cracking in the
techniques that are necessary to future. Hence, proper curing is to be
achieve the desired degree of fire ensured.
resistance. The applicator should be
qualified as per Para 7.2. 8.8 RANDOM CORE SAMPLE CHECK :

8.3 STORAGE OF MATERIAL: Random core samples should be

taken after application to verify coat
Materials should be stored at site in thickness, proper bonding, and lack
accordance with the manufacturer’s of voids. Defects, if any, should be
recommendations, since some rectified properly.
materials are temperature sensitive
and others must remain upright in 9.0 PERIODIC INSPECTION AND
their containers for the proper MAINTENANCE
sealing. Material should not be used
if its shelf life has exceeded. 9.1 DETERIORATION DURING
As fireproofing materials age,
The contractor/applier is required to problems can develop that affect the
provide a sample of the finished usefulness of the coating and
work so that there is no weaken the protected structural
misunderstanding about the desired supports.
texture, smoothness and soundness
of the finished coating. Before start Any fireproofing material is subject to
of the application job, mock-up a certain amount of degradation over
application should be carried out time, however, some applications
over 1Mx1M surface area to have been known to fail completely
ascertain the skill of the applicator. at a rapid rate. The failure may be
caused by materials that are
8.5 SURFACE PREPARATION : improperly selected; in most cases,
however, the failure results from poor
Substrate surfaces must be cleaned applications.
so that they are free from oil, grease,
liquid contaminants, rust, scale and Cracking or bulging of the surface of
dust. If a primer is required, it must the material is the first sign of a
be compatible with the fire proofing problem. If the problem is not
material. corrected, moisture, chemicals,
corrosive vapour, and marine
8.6 APPLICATION : condensation can enter and lead to
corrosion of both the substrate and
It is to be ensured that the materials the reinforcement materials.
must be applied in accordance with
the manufacturer’s recommendations Weathering or the use of the wrong
for dry thickness and use of top coat can cause the fireproofing
reinforcing materials. Thickness of to become permeable to moisture
material must be ensured as some of and vapour. This permeability can
the mastic coating shrinks as much lead to serious corrosion and
as 30 per cent when cured. deterioration.

8.7 CURING :
Loss of bonding to the substrate for periodic fire testing over the
seriously affects the material’s expected life of the coating.
performance and may be caused by
moisture, penetration, corrosion, the In the event of a fire, the affected
use of an improper primer on the area of coating should be
substrate, or poor preparation of the thoroughly examined including
substrate before the fireproofing is substrate if required and
applied. necessary jobs carried out.

Fire proofing is sometimes scrapped

or knocked off equipment during
construction or maintenance.
The weathering effects of sunlight
and chemical atmospheres have a) When cracks are wider than
been known to affect some mastic hairline , the opening should be
materials to the extent that they lose cleaned out and filled with new
a significant amount of their material according to the
insulating ability due to development manufacturer’s instructions.
of cracks, disbonding, and peeling
off top coat. b) If top coat is required to prevent
moisture from penetrating, it
9.2 INSPECTION : must be renewed at intervals
recommended by the
To reduce the risk of structural manufacturer.
failure from hidden corrosion or the
risk from fire because of fireproofing c) Loss of bonding to the substrate
loosened or damaged by underlying may be noticed when the surface
corrosion, all fireproofed surfaces bulges or if an abnormal sound
should periodically be inspected and is given off when the surface is
tested as per schedule prepared by tapped with a light hammer.
the owner based on local
environmental conditions and In areas that have evidence of
criticality of the equipment. An bond failure, fireproofing should
inspection and testing program be removed, and the substrate
should include the following steps : should be thoroughly cleaned
and properly primed before new
a) Survey the coating for surface material is applied.
d) Whenever rust stains are
b) Selectively remove small sections observed on the external surface
of fireproofing to examine of fire proof coating, the integrity
conditions at the face of the of coating as well as the
substrate and the surface of condition of substrate should be
reinforcing wire. established by chipping the
affected area.
c) Visually check for the loss of
fireproofing materials as a result 10.0 REFERENCES
of mechanical abuse.
i) UL- 263 : Fire tests of Building
d) When the fireproofing material is Construction and materials
applied, coat and set aside
several pieces of structural steel
ii) UL-Subject 1709 : Structural vi) API- 2510 : Design and
steel Protected for Resistance construction of LPG
to Rapid Temperature rise fires installations

iii) ASTM E119 : Method for fire vii) API-2510A : Fire-Protection

test of building construction and consideration for the design
Material and operation of LPG storage
iv) ASTM –E1529 : Standard test
methods for determining effects viii) OISD-STD-144 Vol. IV : Safety
of large Hydrocarbon pool fires and Fire protection in LPG
on Structural members and Bottling Plant operations
ix) OISD-STD-155 Part I & II :
v) API 2218 : Fireproofing Personnnel Protective
Practices in Petroleum and Equipment.
Petrochemical Processing



deg C (deg F) FLUX
Full scale
floor, wall &

e) High Rise
Test 1093 (2000) 3.77(50000) .38(5000) 4.15(55000)

E-119 538 (1000) 1.125(14900) .11(1400) 1.23(16300)
(UL 263)
(ISO 834)
c) ASTM E- - Atleast 8150 C
1529 after first 3
minutes -- -- 3.77(50000)

- Between 10100
C & 11800 C
after 5 min. at
all times

Propane 1216 (2200) 2.2(29100) 3.2(42400) 5.4(71500)
contained by 4’
x 8’ x 3’ pit Jet
fire test
Open Pool ** 926 (1700) to 3.40(45000) 0.38(5000) 3.77(50000) to
Fire Test 1260(2300) to to 4.6(61000)
3.85(51000) 0.76(10000)

* - As the walls in the furnace heat up, these values rise to a

maximum total heat flux of approximately 4.9 Cal/cm 2Sec (65000
BTU/Ft2 Hr) in approximately 15 minutes.

** - Peak values are largely dependent upon fire size and geometry


Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing Berlin, Germany

Factory Mutual Research Corpn,(FM) Norwood, MA, USA
Loss Prevention Council (LPC) Borehamwood, Herts, England.
Southwest Research Institute (SWRI) San Antonio,TX, USA
TNO Delft, Netherlands
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.(ULI) Northbrook, IL, USA
Warrington Fire Research Center Warrington, Cheshire, England.
Health & Safety Executive Buxton
U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT) USA





UL 1709 W 10 X49 1093 deg C (2000 Protected steel must High intensity
Column 9” deg F) not exceed or high rise fire
high 538 deg C (1000 deg curve. Gas
F) fired furnace
BAM 90 min. for Horizontal 485 600-900 deg C 250 deg C (482 deg Pressurised
pressurised LPG M3 Tank with (1112 - 1652 deg F) F) maximum wall Propane jets in
tanks (Germany) 6.4 mm wall temperature a series
thickness and measured in the surrounding
50% filled with ullage space not the tank.
Propane adjacent to the
liquid. Maximum
internal pressure of
approximately 20
GESIP (France) Loaded vessel 1000 deg C Protected steel must Simulated
+ + Flame not exceed 427 deg C Pool fine
impingement 1100 deg C (800 deg F) furnace test
and + Hose H/C
H.S.E. Loaded vessel Pool fire (H/S) 427 deg C Pool fire
(U.K.) 1100 deg C




Fig. No. 5.1 : Structural Supporting Fire-Potential Equipement in a Fire-Exposed


Note : shows Fire Proofing



Fig. No. 5.2 : Structure supporting Non-Fire-Potential Equipements in a fire Exposed

Note : shows Fire Proofed Structures

Figure 5.3 : Pipe rack without pumps in a Fire Exposed area

Note : shows Fire proofed Structures

Fire Hazardous

Large Pumps

Figure No. 5.4 : Pipe racks with large Fire-Potential Pumps installed below

Note : shows Fire Proofed Structures

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