SEN05156-01 90 Repair and Replacement of Parts: KOMATSU 12V140E-3 Series Engine Form No. SEN05156-01
SEN05156-01 90 Repair and Replacement of Parts: KOMATSU 12V140E-3 Series Engine Form No. SEN05156-01
SEN05156-01 90 Repair and Replacement of Parts: KOMATSU 12V140E-3 Series Engine Form No. SEN05156-01
© 2010 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 12-10
16 12V140E-3 Series
12V140E-3 Series
12V140E-3 Series 1
SEN05157-00 90 Repair and replacement of parts
2 12V140E-3 Series
90 Repair and replacement of parts SEN05157-00
1. Cylinder liner
2. Clevis seal
3. Cylinder liner O-ring
4. Cylinder block
5. Main bearing metal cap bolt
6. Main bearing metal cap
(No. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 are same)
7. Camshaft bushing
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90 Repair and replacement of parts SEN05157-00
Fig. A Fig. D
Fig. B Fig. E
Fig. C Fig. F
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Roundness 0.005
Straightness 0.010
Length Min. 1,300
i: Upper section
j: Lower section
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90 Repair and replacement of parts SEN05157-00
1. Crankshaft
2. Main bearing metal (upper) (All other than No.
4 are the same)
3. Main bearing metal (lower) (All other than No.
4 are the same)
4. Thrust metal (All of upper x 1 and lower x 2 are
the same)
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SEN05157-00 90 Repair and replacement of parts
a OS: Oversize
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SEN05157-00 90 Repair and replacement of parts
Damage of bolt • Presence of crack and damage on threaded portion of bolt Replace bolt
• Presence of bend of bolt
a US: Undersize
a If all the items of this criteria (particularly the wave of the large end hole) cannot be measured after the
connecting rod is rebuilt, do not rebuild since the accuracy of the connecting rod large end hole after
rebuilding cannot be confirmed.
a When reusability is judged, if there are honing marks left on the inside of the connecting rod large end
hole, it is not required to measure the surface roughness of the inside and wave of the large end hole.
a Do not reuse the connecting rod cap mounting bolt more than 5 times.
Each time the bolt is used, make a punch mark on it.
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90 Repair and replacement of parts SEN05157-00
Removal of gear
q Make a notch at the tooth bottom of the gear
with a grinder and break the gear to remove
with a chisel.
b: Inspection range
c: Streaks
d: Lengthwise direction
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SEN05157-00 90 Repair and replacement of parts
Replacement of crankshaft gear 1 4. Using the drive tool, press fit the gear with the
timing mark out until its side is fitted with the
a Crankshaft gear replacement tools crankshaft flange.
Symbol Part No. Part name a Press fit the gear quickly before it cools
1 790-101-2800 Bearing puller
2 790-101-2300 Push puller
Removal of gear
q Make a notch at the tooth bottom of the gear
with a grinder, assemble tools K1 and K2, and
rotate the nut to pull out the gear.
a If the gear cannot be pulled out by the above
method, make a notch at the tooth bottom of
the gear with a grinder, heat the gear with a
gas burner, and drive out the gear with a cop-
per rod etc.
a Take care not to damage the crankshaft.
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90 Repair and replacement of parts SEN05157-00
Removal of gear
Set the camshaft assembly on the press stand and
press the camshaft to pull out the gear.
5. Using the drive tool, press fit the gear with the
timing mark out until its side is fitted with the
camshaft flange.
a Press fit the gear quickly before it cools
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SEN05157-00 90 Repair and replacement of parts
Replacement of main bearing 4. Apply dial gauges to the inside of the 2 main
bearing metal caps at the longest pitch among
metal cap 1 the caps to be used to center the arbor of the
a When replacing the main bearing metal cap, boring machine.
work on the semi-finished cap according to the
following procedure and install it. 5. While checking the inside diameter of main
bearing metal cap (1), cut little by little.
Repair parts a Cut to the degree that the boring bar tool
almost touches the inside of cylinder block
Part No. Part name
6215-99-4160 No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 main bearing metal cap a Inside diameter of main bearing metal cap
6215-99-4170 No. 4 main bearing metal cap q Machining dimension
6215-99-4180 No. 7 main bearing metal cap Tolerance: 157 +0.025/0 mm
q After machining, remove the main bearing
Inside machining of main bearing metal cap metal cap, assemble it again, and check
1. Remove the cylinder liner. its inside diameter.
Tolerance: 157 +0.025/–0.010 mm
2. Install the replacement main bearing metal cap (Range to upper and lower 10° from mat-
to the cylinder block and tighten it to the speci- ing face of main bearing metal cap)
fied torque. a Finished surface roughness: Max. 10 S
a Match the notches of the cylinder block a Do not cut the inside surface of the cylin-
and main bearing metal cap to each other. der block.
2 Main bearing metal cap mounting bolt:
Apply engine oil to threaded portion and
a Tighten with the angle tightening wrench
at the 3rd time.
3 Main bearing metal cap mounting bolt:
Unit: Nm {kgm}
Step Target Range
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a Connecting rod small end bushing replace- 2. Install the bushing to push tool (1), set push
ment tool tool (4), and fix them with nut (2).
Symbol Part No. Part name a Match the oil holes of the bushing and
connecting rod to each other.
L 795-240-6401 Push tool (KIT)
3. Drive push tool (1) with the press to press fit
Pulling out of bushing the bushing.
1. Set the connecting rod to block (3) of tool L. a Since the bushing is semi-finished, its
inside diameter is small and the piston pin
2. Using push tool (1) and nut, drive out the bus- does not go through it.
ing with the press. After press fitting the bushing, machine its
a After removing the bushing, remove sharp inside with a reamer or a honing machine
edges and burrs from and clean the bush- according to the maintenance standard.
ing mounting hole. a After machining, remove all the chips from
the oil hole and oil groove.
a The inside surface roughness of the
machined bushing must be maximum of
3.2 S.
16 12V140E-3 Series
90 Repair and replacement of parts SEN05157-00
Replacement of cam bushing 1 3. Pulling out of No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 bushings
1) Assemble bar (1), push tool (2), collar (3)
a Cam bushing replacement tools and guide (4) .
Symbol Part No. Part name 2) While hitting bar (1), drive out the bushing
from the cylinder block.
M 795-213-1200 Push tool (KIT)
1. Pulling out of No. 1 and No. 7 bushings
1) Assemble push tool (2), collar (3) and bar
(1) of tool M.
2) While hitting bar (1), drive out the bushing
from the cylinder block.
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90 Repair and replacement of parts SEN05157-00
Shims for adjusting counterbore depth (reference) q When grinding the counterbore portion, use
Unit: mm tool N.
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Q — OS
— Q SH
22 12V140E-3 Series
90 Repair and replacement of parts SEN05157-00
1. Wipe off dirt, oil etc. from cylinder block top (c)
and the cylinder liner flange contact surface
with cloths.
3. Press fit cylinder liner to the cylinder block. 4. Set the cylinder liner to the cylinder block,
At this time, apply a little amount of rubber install the used head gasket, and tighten the
lubricant (RF-1) to cylinder block contact sur- cylinder head temporarily.
face (d) of the O-ring and seal of the cylinder At this time, tighten the bolts in the following
liner. order.
a Apply the engine oil just before press fit- 3 Tightening torque:
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90 Repair and replacement of parts SEN05157-00
1 ø167
2 ø161.45 ± 0.25
3 ø160.67 ± 0.064
4 176 ± 0.25
5 184.94 ± 0.18
6 ø158 +0.040
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SEN05157-00 90 Repair and replacement of parts
Repair of crankshaft by grinding 1 q Finish the oil holes of the main journal and pin
journal to the dimensions shown below.
q When the crankshaft is worn, seized or dam-
aged slightly and needs to be repaired, grind it Main journal portion
to one of the following undersizes.
Undersizes: 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 mm
q If the crankshaft is bent or worn unevenly, it
should not be repaired but should be replaced.
(Repairing the crankshaft requires high tech-
q Finish fillet portion (R), shoulder portion (r) and
area (R) around the hole of the crankshaft with
extreme care.
R2 3.5 –0
–0.5 3.2S
Main journal (b)
r2 6 —
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90 Repair and replacement of parts SEN05157-00
a OS: Oversize
q Squareness of thrust surface (TIR)
Tolerance: 0.02 mm
Allowable limit: 0.02 mm
a TIR is an abbreviation for Total Indicator Read-
ing, which is the difference between the maxi-
m u m a nd m i n i m u m r e a d i n gs i n r u n ou t .
1.00 US 99.000
a US: Undersize
q Roundness, cylindricality (TIR) and surface
roughness of pin journal
Tolerance: Max. 0.010 mm
Allowable limit: 0.010 mm
Surface roughness: Max. 0.8 µm
12V140E-3 Series 29
SEN05157-00 90 Repair and replacement of parts
Grinding of sides of main journal and pin jour- Work after repair by grinding
nal q Ensure again that each dimension is as speci-
q When repairing the worn surfaces of the main fied.
journal and pin journal, limit the grinding quan- q Clean each part thoroughly and apply rust-pre-
tity to the minimum. ventive oil.
q Width of crankshaft main journal q When storing the crankshaft for a long period,
#1 standard: 57 +0.1/0 mm support it on 3 points or keep it erected with a
#2, 3, 5, 6 standard: 55 +0.1/0 mm sling.
#4 standard: 59 +0.1/0 mm
#7 standard: 59 +0.05/0 mm Balancing (Reference)
q Width of crankshaft pin journal Avoid performing repair that may affect the crank-
Standard: 92 +0.054/0 mm shaft balancing, as much as possible.
q Allowable limit of unbalance:
0.0098 Nm {100 g•cm}
q Limits for reading balance accurately
Bend of crankshaft: 0.07 mm (TIR)
Rotation speed of crankshaft: Max. 325 rpm
q Correct the balance by drilling holes in or grind
the counterweight, if necessary.
Drilling direction: Radial direction
Hole diameter: Max. 15 mm
Hole depth: Max. 50 mm
Number of holes: Max. 6/counterweight
Center of hole:
Match to the center of the counterweight.
(Deviation: Max. 0.5 mm)
Dressing of grinding stone
Distance between holes:
q Dress the grinding stone for each journal. Thickness must be at least 5 mm.
q Adjust the grinding stone edge to the arc of the a TIR is an abbreviation for Total Indicator Read-
fillet with the grinding stone modifying device. ing, which is the difference between the maxi-
q Test and correct the grinding stone edge by m u m an d m i n i m u m r e a d i ng s i n r u no u t .
grinding a piece of wood on trial, while check- measurement.
ing with ball gauges.
Finishing of surface
See "Improvement of surface roughness of crank-
shaft journal".
q Surface roughness standard (Pin journal and
main journal)
Journal surface: Max. 0.8S
Thrust surface: Max. 1.6S
End taper portions, boss portions and fillet por-
tions of pin and main journals: Max. 3.2S
q Polish finishing margin: 0.007 – 0.008 mm
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SEN05157-00 90 Repair and replacement of parts
© 2009 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 05-09 (02)
36 12V140E-3 Series