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Kinematic and dynamic modeling of Robotic Palm is an interesting task but to obtain the best performance of the system, the study of
the kinematic both forward and inverse and dynamic mechanism of the system is essential. The kinematic analysis is the relationships
between the positions of the links of a manipulator and dynamic analysis is the relationship between force and motion generate on the
joints and links. The kinematics separate in two types, forward (direct) kinematics and inverse kinematics and this same for dynamics
also but my focus is on to formulate and analyze forward kinematics and dynamics only. In forward kinematics, the length of each
link and the angle of each joint is given and we have to calculate the position of any point in the work volume of the robot. In
dynamic analysis, to be able to control a robot manipulator as required by its operation, it is important to consider the dynamic model
in design of the control algorithm and simulation of motion. The mathematical equations for kinematics and dynamics of Robotic
Palm manipulator based on the Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) framework. MATLAB code in the form of several M-files are developed
for kinematics and dynamics analysis of two link planar manipulator and results are plotted in the form of graphical representation.
Keywords: D-H coordinate, link, planar, torque, joints.
Robotics is a branch of engineering and science that includes electronics engineering, mechanical
engineering and computer science and so on. This branch deals with the design, construction, use to control
robots, sensory feedback and information processing. These are some technologies which will replace
humans and human activities in coming years. These robots are designed to be used for any purpose but these
are using in sensitive environments like bomb detection, deactivation of various bombs etc. Robots can take
any form but many of them have given the human appearance. The robots which have taken the form of
human appearance may likely to have the walk like humans, speech, cognition and most importantly all the
things a human can do. Most of the robots of today are inspired by nature and are known as bio-inspired
robots. Robotics is that branch of engineering that deals with conception, design, operation, and
manufacturing of robots. There was an author named Issac Asimov, he said that he was the first person to
give robotics name in a short story composed in 1940‟s. In that story, Issac suggested three principles about
how to guide these types of robotic machines. Later on, these three principles were given the name of Issac‟s
three laws of Robotics. These three laws state that:
Robots will never harm human beings.
Robots will follow instructions given by humans with breaking law one.
Robots will protect themselves without breaking other rules.
It is bifurcated into two parts.The first part presents the approaches of other researchers in analyzing
the kinematics of planar manipulators and specifically, the 2DOF planar manipulator. This section discusses
existing forward kinematics analysis methods, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of each of them. The
second section examines ways in optimizing design.
A. Forward Kinematics
Forward Kinematics refers to the use of the kinematic equations of a robotic element to compute the position
of the end effector from specified values for the joint parameters. So for forward kinematics, the joint angles
are the inputs, the outputs would be the coordinates of the end effectors.
B. Inverse Kinematics
On the other hand Inverse Kinematics, the given inputs are the coordinates of the end effectors, the outputs to
calculate the joint angle of the end effectors. If we want to place the hand of the robot at the desired location
and orientation, we need to know how much joint angle, or link length of the robot must be such that at those
values the hand will be at desired position and orientation.
To find the mathematical formulation of the 3 link robotic palm forward kinematics and dynamics
with the help of D-H convention.
Simulate that mathematical formulation using the MATLAB for the forward kinematic and dynamic
Link Link Twist Angle Link Length Joint Distance Joint Angle
a l D ᶿ
1 0 a1 0 ᶿ1
2 0 a2 0 ᶿ2
3 0 a3 0 ᶿ3
= [0:5:30]*pi/180;
= [0:2:12]*pi/180;
= [0:3:18]*pi/180;
l1 = 0.45;
l2 = 0.30;
l3 = 0.22;
α1 = 0;
α2 = 0;
α3 = 0;
0 1 2
H = h1 * h2 * h3
As we discussed in the literature review section, that by giving link length and angle of turn , we get
coordinates traced by the joints of the robotic finger mechanism. The procedure used was Denavit
Hartenberg Transformation . The MATLAB program above shows Forward Kinematics of our Finger
mechanism. The Table above shows the inputs in order to conduct Forward kinematic analysis. The
coding above is only for the one finger .The outline coding for different fingers are same but values of
inputs changes from finger to finger. Below we received the path traced by the joints and tips in the form
of a graphical representation.
Inverse Kinematics is exact reverse of Forward Kinematics. In this, we gave the coordinates of the
end effector as well as external parameter (Gamma) which is the addition of all the angles made by the
extension of the previous link. We gave the coordinates and Gamma as an input to MATLAB coding.
We get the angles turned in graphical format by each link at every instant.
The thumb and fingers of the human hand can be modeled as a serial link mechanism with three joints.
The number of joints and number of d.o.f. of the robot hand were designed to mimic those of the human
hand. The thumb and the fingers is actuated by servo motors connected by strings. To perform power-grasps
it is absolutely necessary to have a nearly parallel position of the second, third and forth finger. Now with
modern software tool we can direct import the complex model inside matlab which can be used for further
accurate & effective motion control. The block diagram can be used to simulate the internal mechanics of the
hand without actually prototyping the system. The error can be easily identified in the model and can be
prevented while actually 3D printing the model. The development of powerful computational platforms for
simulating the behaviour of robotic systems constitutes a fundamental tool for researchers of this field to
visualize the motions and compute various actuation parameters required for movement of the links.
In the control of the revolute joint we can implement Integral controllers. Integral controllers provide a
means for eliminating steady state error in the system. This is because an integrator adds an additional s to
the denominator of the transfer function.
During the gripping action of fingers a sophisticated control system is essential.
It should be clear that :-
1. The response of the robot actuators to a function for motion of the the link should not overshoot.
2. It should rise to the value of the input signal as quick as possible.
3. It should not have any steady state error.
In this paper, the mathematical analysis for forward kinematics as well as inverse kinematics is
achieved. In the forward kinematics modeling of the system, the mathematical equations for the position of
end effector with respect to the base frame by using the Denavit-Hartenberg Transformation and
homogeneous transformation matrices are derived. D.H parameters are applied to determine the coordinate
matrices through their different positions and transformation. For the computational analysis of
mathematical formulation of complete forward kinematics and inverse of the system. The simulated results
are also produced. Thus various related graphical representation corresponding to stated analysis and
calculations have been plotted.
[1] Bibhuti Bhusan Biswal, P. K. Parida, Kishor Pati „Kinematic Analysis of Dexterous Hand‟ , January
2012, National Institute of Technology.
[2] http://inmoov.fr/project/ Open Source only dedicated to the field of Robotics.
[3] Pushkal Badoniya, Josy George, „Two Link Planar Robot Mechanism‟, Lakshmi Narayan College of
Technology (LNCTE)
[4] Jessica Lauren Banks, „Design and control of Antropomorphic Robotic Finger with Multi-Point Tactile
Sensation‟,University of Michigan submitted to Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
[5] Mitra A. K. (2012), “Joint Motion-based Homogeneous Matrix Method for Forward Kinematics
Analysis of Serial Mechanisms”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced
Engineering, ISSN 2250-2459, Vol. 2, Issue 5.
[6] Dodds Stephen (2012), “A Two-Link Manipulator: Simulation and Control Design.