My Courses: Home MKTG-6254 Week 2: Introduction To Market Research PQ1
My Courses: Home MKTG-6254 Week 2: Introduction To Market Research PQ1
My Courses: Home MKTG-6254 Week 2: Introduction To Market Research PQ1
Question 1 Consumerism became much more prevalent in American society during the post-World War II
Answer saved economic boom. With this came a distinct need to better understand consumers and their choices on a
Marked out of deeper and more personal level.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 2 of 20)
Question 2
Observations is a primary research method, there is no direct interaction between researcher and
Answer saved
person/consumer being observed. Researcher observes the reactions of a subject and makes notes.
Marked out of
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 3 of 20)
Question 3 Secondary research is fast and easy. It aims at gaining a broader understanding of subject matter.
Answer saved
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 4 of 20)
Question 4 It is a bad practice to reward respondents on successfully filling out surveys for their time and efforts
Answer saved and valuable information. Most organizations or businesses usually giveaway gift cards from reputed
Marked out of brands that respondents can redeem later.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 5 of 20)
Question 5 Primary research is defined as a methodology used by researchers to collect data directly, rather than
Answer saved depending on data collected from previously done research. Technically, they “own” the data.
Marked out of
1.00 Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 6 of 20)
Question 6 Local newspapers, journals, magazines, radio and TV stations are a great source to obtain data for
Answer saved secondary research.
Marked out of
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 7 of 20)
Question 7 It was during The Quantitative Questionnaire Era were first true instances of market research came
Answer saved about in the 1920s when a man by the name of Daniel Starch developed a theory that advertising had
Marked out of to be seen, read, believed, remembered, and most importantly, acted upon, in order to be considered
1.00 effective.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 8 of 20)
Question 8
Customer Data is information held on file about customers by a store or other business, usually
Answer saved
including names, contact details, and buying habits. Customer data are the firsthand responses that are
Marked out of obtained from customers through investigation or by asking direct questions.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 9 of 20)
Question 9
One of the major disadvantages of secondary research is, it can be quite expensive to conduct. One
Answer saved
may be required to spend a huge sum of money depending on the setup or primary research method
Marked out of used. Not all businesses or organizations may be able to spend a considerable amount of money.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 10 of 20)
Question 10 Businesses or organizations can themselves conduct primary research or can employ a third party to
Answer saved conduct research on their behalf.
Marked out of
1.00 Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 11 of 20)
Question 11
Primary research includes research material published in research reports and similar documents. These
Answer saved
documents can be made available by public libraries, websites, data obtained from already filled
Marked out of in surveys etc. Some government and non-government agencies also store data, that can be used for
research purposes and can be retrieved from them.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 12 of 20)
Question 12 Personal interviews usually last up to 30 minutes or even longer depending on the subject of research.
Answer saved If a researcher is running short of time conducting telephonic interviews can also be helpful to collect
Marked out of data.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 13 of 20)
Question 13
Focus group is a popular research technique is used to collect data from a small group of people,
Answer saved
usually restricted to 6-10. It brings together people who are experts in subject matter, for which
Marked out of research is being conducted.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 14 of 20)
Question 14 Secondary research is based on tried and tested data which is previously analyzed and filtered.
Answer saved
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 15 of 20)
Question 15 In response, Ernest Dichter pioneered a new form of consumer research in the late 1970s, called
Answer saved Motivational Research. Based on Freudian psychoanalytic concepts, Dichter believed that consumer’s
Marked out of held within their minds hidden realm of desires, taboos, repressions, and secrets.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 16 of 20)
Question 16 Indirect competition is a situation in which two or more businesses offer products or services that are
Answer saved essentially the same; as such, the businesses are competing for the same potential market.
Marked out of
1.00 Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 17 of 20)
Question 17 A man named George Gallup, a contemporary of Starch, further developed the practice with his rival
Answer saved theory of aided recall, which prompted people interviewed to recall an ad seen in a publication without
Marked out of actually showing it to them. This system would later be adapted and used to measure the effectiveness
1.00 of radio and television advertising.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 18 of 20)
Question 18
Conducting interviews is a quantitative research method to collect data and has been a popular
Answer saved
method for ages. These interviews can be conducted in person (face-to-face) or over the telephone.
Marked out of Interviews are open-ended method which involves dialogues or interaction between interviewer
(researcher) and interviewee (respondent).
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 19 of 20)
Question 19 The Internet has had the biggest impact in digital era, allowing us to conduct surveys on much more
Answer saved massive scales; research news, communications, and culture with ease; and create hyper-segmentations
Marked out of on the minutest scales.
Select one:
False 1/1
8/5/2020 PQ1 (page 20 of 20)
Question 20
Online surveys are convenient and can be sent on emails or can be filled out online. These can be
Answer saved
accessed on handheld devices like smartphone, tablets, Ipads and similar devices.
Marked out of
Select one:
False 1/1