Blacktown Council PART M

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Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


Structure of this Part
Land to which this Part Applies
Date of Enforcement
Relationship to Environmental Planning Instruments
1.5 General Objectives 5

Overall Framework
3.1 Land Use 8
3.1.1 Neighbourhood & Community Facilities 8
3.1.2 Primary School 11
3.1.3 Open Space & Conservation Areas 11
3.1.4 Residential Density Distribution 11
3.2 Circulation Network 14
3.2.1 Site Access and Linkages 14
3.2.2 Streets 14 Street Character 17 Street Intersections 18
3.2.3 Public Transport 18
3.2.4 Pedestrian and Cycle Network 23


4.1 Site Drainage Stormwater Management 25
4.2 Land Capability – Salinity and Sodicity 25
4.3 Aboriginal Heritage 26
4.4 Contamination 26
4.5 Cut and Fill 27
4.6 Flora and Fauna 27

5.0 HOUSING 28
5.1 Introduction 28
5.2 Dwelling House 30
5.2.1 Definition 30
5.3 Dual Occupancy 33
5.3.1 Definition 33
5.4 Integrated Housing 35
5.4.1 Definition 35
5.4.2 Design Principles 35
5.4.3 Development Application Requirements 35
5.4.4 Development Controls for Integrated Housing 36
5.5 Medium Density 37
5.5.1 Definition 37
5.5.2 Development Controls for Medium Density Housing 37

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

5.6 Studios 39
5.6.1 Definition 39

5.6.2 Development Controls for Studios 39
5.7 Common Issues 39
5.7.1 External Appearance 39
5.7.2 Safety – Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
(CPTED) Requirements 41
5.7.3 Privacy 42
5.7.4 Solar Access 42
5.7.5 Landscaping 42
5.7.6 Fencing 43
5.7.7 Water Efficiency 43
5.7.8 Energy Efficiency
5.7.9 Services
5.7.10 Materials Selection
5.7.11 Salinity and Sodicity 44




A.1 Definitions 49

B.1 Proposed Vegetation Species for Private Open Space 52

C.1 Salinity Management Plan 54

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


Figure 1.1 Location Plan 2
Figure 1.2 Area to which this Part Applies 4
Figure 2.1 Design Structure 7
Figure 3.1 Land Use 9
Figure 3.2 Neighbourhood and Community Facilities 10
Figure 3.3 Open Space and Conservation Area 12
Figure 3.4 Residential Density Distribution 13
Figure 3.5 Access and Linkages Plan 15
Figure 3.6 Street Hierarchy Plan 16
Table 3.1 Street Character 17
Table 3.2 Road Carriageway and Width 18
Figure 3.7 Typical Collector Road 19
Figure 3.8 Typical Local Street 19
Figure 3.9 Typical Local Street Adjacent to Trunk Drainage 20
Figure 3.10 Typical Stanhope Parkway (Sub Arterial) and Access Street 20
Figure 3.11 Typical Private Driveway 21
Figure 3.12 Public Transport 22
Figure 3.13 Pedestrian and Cycle Network 24
Figure 5.1 Streetscape Planning Principles – Typical Block (Typical Street) 28
Figure 5.2 Streetscape Planning Principles – Typical Block (Facing Open Space) 28
Figure 5.3 Acceptable Orientation 29
Figure 5.4 Acceptable Orientation 29
Table 5.1 Minimum Allotment Size for Subdivision of Dwelling Houses 30
Figure 5.5 Minimum Setback Controls for Dwelling Houses 30
Table 5.2 Development Controls for Dwelling Houses 31
Figure 5.6 Carport Controls 32
Table 5.3 Development Controls for Dual Occupancy Housing 34
Table 5.4 Development Controls for Integrated Housing 37
Table 5.5 Development Controls for Medium Density Housing 38
Table 5.6 Development Controls for Studios 39
Figure 5.7 Architecture Treatment of Dwelling Façade 41
Figure 5.8 Fencing Controls 45

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Amendments to Part M – Second Ponds Creek

(as of 2 July 2008)
Amendment Location Description Adoption Enforcement
No. Date Date

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

This Part of Blacktown Development Control Plan (DCP) 2006 has been
developed to provide detailed development controls and standards to encourage
innovative development. This will be done within the context of:

(1) ensuring the proper management, development and conservation of

natural and man-made resources within the area;
(2) conserving and managing the cultural and ecological significance of the
site; and
(3) create a flourishing environment for communities to live in.

1.11.1 Structure
Structure of this
of this Part
The following sections of this Part of Blacktown DCP 2006 present the
development principles and establish corresponding development controls.
Each section has its own set of objectives and development controls that will be
used to demonstrate the appropriate application of the controls. Figure 1.1 (refer
to page 2) indicates the location of this site.

This Part is structured to provide guidance to the following levels:

(a) development Principles and Objectives (Overall Structure);

(b) urban Design and Site Planning Controls;
(c) housing Controls (Dwelling Houses, Dual Occupancy, Integrated
Housing, Medium Density, Studios); and
(d) neighbourhood / Community Uses.

Section 7 details information to be provided with any Development Application

covered by the development guidelines identified in this Part of the DCP.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 1.1
Location Plan

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

1.21.2 Land
Land to to which
which this this
PartPart Applies

The overall Second Ponds Creek site comprises approximately 330ha of land
which slopes from its east and west edges down to Second Ponds Creek that
runs north south through the centre of the site.

This Part (Part M) of the DCP applies to the land shown hatched on Figure 1.2.
The land is zoned under the provisions of Blacktown Local Environmental Plan
1988 (LEP). Accordingly, Blacktown City Council is the consent authority for
the site.

When a development application is lodged which relates to land to which this

Part applies, Council will take the provisions of Blacktown DCP 2006 into INTRODUCTION
consideration in determining the development application. Variations may be
sought in special circumstances where that development standard may not
provide the best solution. The extent of, and reasons for, such variations must
be fully documented and submitted to Council for consideration.

1.31.3 Date
Date of Enforcement
of Enforcement

DCP Amendment No.90 was adopted by Council on 22 March 2006 and came
into force on 12 April 2006 in accordance with Clause 21 of the Environmental
Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. It amended Blacktown
Development Control Plan 1992. On 10 May 2006 it was incorporated into the
consolidated DCP 2006. For subsequent amendments to the DCP refer to the
amendment table on page III.

Persons using Blacktown DCP 2006 are advised to ensure that they have the
latest version that has been formally adopted by Council, and that there are no
current proposals to amend the provisions of the DCP that might relate to the
intended development.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 1.2
Area to which this Part applies

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

1.41.4 Relationship
Relationship to Environmental
to Environmental Planning
Planning Instruments

This Part is made under, and conforms with, the Blacktown Local
Environmental Plan (LEP) 1988 as amended. The Blacktown LEP 1988 takes
precedence over the DCP to the extent of any inconsistency.

Where there is an inconsistency with this Part and any other Part of the DCP in
force, the provisions of this Part should prevail to the extent that it applies to the
land to which this Part being Part M (Second Ponds Creek) relates. Where an
element is not covered by this Part then other sections of Blacktown DCP 2006
may apply. This Part is to be read in conjunction with the following:

(1) Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 1988. INTRODUCTION

(2) Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006.
(3) Other relevant Council Policies.
(4) Relevant S94 Plans adopted by Blacktown City Council.
(5) Relevant State Environmental Planning Policies & Regional
Environmental Plans.

1.51.5 General
General PlanObjectives

The Second Ponds Creek site provides an opportunity to create a diverse

residential and complimentary use development that integrates with the existing
landscape qualities of the site. It is intended that the this Part of the DCP will
achieve the following:

(a) outline the broad strategic planning intentions for the Second Ponds
Creek site and to provide detailed development controls;
(b) outline criteria which would be relevant to the broad types of
development, covering issues including urban character, landscaping,
transport, traffic and access, car parking, ecologically sustainable
development, indigenous heritage, waste management and pollution
(c) meet ecological, social and economic needs of the community and ensure
intergenerational equity between all stages of the development;
(d) specify criteria to be applied in the assessment of development proposals
and to ensure that such development is consistent with the planned
character of each locality; and
(e) specify the minimum standard of information to be submitted with any
development application and to ensure a clear process for applicants to

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


The aim of this Part of the DCP is to provide detailed planning and development
controls to encourage innovative development which optimises the available
land resource. It also aims to ensure the appropriate management, development
and conservation of natural and man-made resources within the area to which
this Part relates.

The following sections describe underlying principles to achieve the desired

built form and public domain.
2.12.1 Overall
Overall Framework
Second Ponds Creek DCP Framework
The plan design allows for a potential yield of approximately 3,400 new
residential lots.

Two primary schools and various community facilities are proposed to support
the new residential community. This Part creates a number of new residential
neighbourhood areas in one of the main urban development fronts in the Sydney
metropolitan area.

The Second Ponds Creek trunk drainage corridor forms a linear open space
through the proposed new residential area and establishes connections to many
of the proposed community facilities. The linear Parkland commences from
Schofields Roads to Patterson Reserve, a distance of approximately 3

The parkland comprises an average width in the order of 100m and encompasses
much larger areas where there are existing significant stands of vegetation,
worthy of conservation.

The treatment of the proposed linear parkland is critical to the success of this
new suburban living environment. The design structure is described in Figure

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 2.1
Design Structure

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


The public infrastructure and spaces which provides the overall framework for
the development of the site should achieve the following:

(1) Provide the necessary public domain and infrastructure to support a

(2) Provide pedestrian, cycle and public transport access to housing, jobs,
open space and services.
(3) Increase choice of available transport and reducing dependence on cars.
(4) Supporting the efficient and viable operation of existing local public

transport services.
Manage and mitigate salinity. URBAN DESIGN
(6) Manage storm water and flood sustainability by incorporating Water
Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD).

The following sections set out the objectives and development controls that
relate to those general elements. Refer to Figure 2.1 for Design Structure.

3.13.1 Land
Land UseUse
.1 NeNeighbourhood
ighbourhood & C&om
munity FacFacilities


(1) Facilitate sustainable communities to ensure intergenerational equity.

(2) Locate facilities which will support community needs and facilitate
interaction for residents.
(3) Locate community facilities within residential precincts that are usable
and provides a range of social, active and passive functions.

Development Control

(1) Community facilities such as childcare should be generally located as

indicated on Figures 3.1 and 3.2.
(2) A development application is required for each community facility and/or
childcare site.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 3.1
Land Use

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 3.2
Neighbourhood and Community Facilities

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006
.2 PrPrimary
imary ScSchool


(1) Ensure that school buildings are of a scale and character consistent with
the business centre and community facilities. Respond to natural systems,
protecting and enhancing areas of natural, indigenous and scenic
(2) Integrate the primary schools with the neighbourhood centres and
community uses.

Development Control
(1) A development application is required for each school site.
.3 OpOpen
en SpaSpace
ce & Cand
vation Areas Areas


(1) Respond to natural systems, protecting and enhancing areas of natural,

indigenous and scenic importance.
(2) Provide for diversity of interests catering for a wide range of users.
(3) Ensure an equitable distribution of open space throughout the

Development Control

(1) Provide a range of open space and conservation areas in accordance with
Fig 3.3 (refer page 12).
(2) Trunk Drainage Zone
(3) A - Neighbourhood Parks
(4) B - Open Space
(5) C - Open Space and Ecological
(6) Open space and conservation design is to have consideration to
stormwater, WSUD, salinity and sodicity management requirements.
(7) Detailed designs of each open space and conservation area to be
submitted to Council for approval.
(8) Designs are to include identification of areas of native vegetation and
aboriginal heritage and how the area will be developed without an overall
adverse impact on these issues.
.4 ReResidential
sidential DeDensity
nsity Disand


(1) Provide a variety of housing types to meet the needs of the community.
(2) Ensure medium density dwellings are generally located near open space
and facilities.

Development Control

(1) Medium density housing to be located generally around local centres,

local parks, schools, on collector roads, near bus routes and the central
trunk drainage zone. (refer to Figure 3.4 on page 13).

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 3.3
Open Space and Conservation Area

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 3.4
Residential Density Distribution

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

3.23.2 Circulation
Circulation Network



e AcAccess
cess andand Linkages
Link ages

Provide linkages that create connections within the site and to adjoining

Development Control

(1) Site access and provision for future linkages are to be provided as URBAN DESIGN
indicated on Figure 3.5 (refer to page 15).
(2) Access is to be provided to the existing development at Quakers Hill and
Stanhope Gardens, as well as future development areas to the east and
west as indicated on Figure 3.5.
.2 StStreets

The hierarchy of roads, streets and paths, taken collectively constitute the
overall circulation system for the site and accommodate vehicular and pedestrian
traffic into and throughout the development.

Street trees will provide a critical element of the landscape strategy as people
often recall places because of the memories created by distinctive streetscapes.
Trees and other landscape elements along roadways are designed to reinforce
themes, frame views and create attractive walking experiences and should
respond to environmental conditions, views, topography, existing trees as well
as the street function and the role of the street in the circulation hierarchy.

The selection of plant and hardscape materials for the circulation system will be
based on aesthetic, practical and safety considerations. Variation in the
landscape character will be created through differing plant species and layout.

The road (refer Figure 3.6 on page 16) has been devised to comply with a design
environment appropriate to road function and to facilitate safe environment for
all users. In accordance with the road hierarchy the following streetscape
character types have been defined reflecting their function and proposed

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 3.5
Access and Linkages Plan

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 3.6
Street Hierarchy Plan

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Street Type Streetscape Character Criteria

1 Sub Arterial Wide leafy 'Parkway' Avenue with a Formal median and verge planting.
Road central planted median.

2 Collector Road Wide residential street with leafy,

parkway character, trees should be
Formal avenue tree planting in verge.

large, in scale with the road and its


3 Local Streets Planted with a variety of less formal

evergreen canopy tree species,
Treed avenues in alternate staggered arrangements.

designed to make them more

individual and intimate.

3a Local Street with

The street is equivalent to local
street with verge incorporating bio-
Continuous informal/staggered canopy tree planting
Informal tree planting indigenous riparian vegetation
adjacent to road swales, detention zones and with open canopy on one side of the road.
edge permeable zones.

4 Access street
Regular spaced, closed canopies. Canopy tree planting.

5 Private Driveway
Plant as a traditional 'driveway.' Include planting to the entryway verge and one tree

Table 3.1
Street Character
.2.1 StStreet
reet ChCharacter


(1) Provide acceptable levels of access, safety and convenience to all users
ensuring acceptable levels of amenity.
(2) Make adequate provision for bus services to service the site.
(3) Provide a legible, safe and convenient network of "all weather" pathways
for pedestrian and cyclists including users with disabilities and limited
mobility in accordance with provisions contained in the Disability
Discrimination Act.
(4) Cater for the integrated provision of landscaping, public utilities and

Development Control

(1) The road and street hierarchy is to conform with that shown on Figure
3.6, Table 3.2 and Figures 3.7 to 3.11.
(2) No direct vehicular access except at controlled intersections will be
permitted to arterial or sub arterial roads.
(3) Corner lots are to have a minimum 5m splay kerb returns to be a
minimum 8.5m radius.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


COLLECTOR 11m 4.5m 20m 1.5m (2.5m
ROADS including cycleway)

LOCAL 9m 3.5m, 1.8m 16m 1.2m - 1.5m

STREETS adjacent to
ACCESS 5.6m 3.5m 13.1m 1.2m
PRIVATE 5.0m** 1.5m 8m (NOT nil***

Table 3.2
Road Carriageway and Reserve Width
* For a maximum length of 80m
** Up to 15 dwellings
*** Except where street connects to an adjoining street
.2.2 StStreet
reet InIntersections


(1) Ensure a hierarchy of intersections consistent with the street hierarchy.

(2) Facilitate safe vehicle and pedestrian crossings.

Development Control

(1) A Traffic Management Plan showing intersection controls to be submitted

with the first subdivision application for Council approval.
(2) All four way intersections to comply with a Traffic Management Plan.
.3 PuPublic
blic TrTransport


(1) Facilitate the provision of a future efficient bus service.

(2) Provide bus stops at appropriate intervals and in locations determined in
consultation with the service providers and Council.

Development Control

(1) At least 90% of all dwellings are to be within 400m safe walking distance
from a future bus route.
(2) The pedestrian routes and their road crossings are to be located
conveniently to designated bus stops.
(3) An indicative bus route is indicated in Figure 3.12.
(4) A Traffic Management Plan showing location and configuration of bus
stops be submitted with the first subdivision application for Council

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8

Typical Collector Road Typical Local Street

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 3.9 Figure 3.10

Typical Local Street Adjacent to Trunk Drainage Typical Stanhope Parkway (sub arterial) and
Access Street

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


Figure 3.11
Typical Private Driveway
Note: RTA turning templates are to be applied to garages
abutting private driveways to ensure adequate manoeuvring can
be achieved within the private driveway.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 3.12
Public Transport

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

3.2.4 Pedestrian
3.2.4 Pedestrianandand
CycleCycle Network


(1) Provide a network of pedestrian and cycle linkages to allow residents

easy and safe access to the main open space and other public amenity
features of the site including access to public transport as indicated on
Figure 3.13 (refer page 24).
(2) Provide an all weather pedestrian network of suitable material, width and
design that can link into existing or possible future pedestrian networks.
(3) Provide legible and convenient pedestrian and cycleway connections that
link existing and new neighbourhoods and connect open spaces.
Development Control

(1) Provide on grade pedestrian and cyclist crossings at Stanhope Parkway to

future developments.
(2) Pedestrian and cycle links are to be generally provided as indicated on
Figure 3.13.
(3) For reasons of safety, significant pedestrian links across sub arterial
routes should be at signalised intersections.
(4) Road crossings are to be located where there is adequate sight distance
and suitable lighting provided at road crossings.
(5) Cycleways to be built in accordance with Council specifications.
(6) Provide off road cycle paths within open space areas, and parallel to
Stanhope Parkway and Schofields Road.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 3.13
Pedestrian and Cycle Network

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


The following sections set out the objectives and development controls that
relate to site planning and the subdivision development of the site.

4.14.1 Site
Site Drainage
Drainage Stormwater
Stormwater Management

(1) Provide adequate drainage of all lots and roads within the development
(2) Integrate landscape design into the Water Sensitive Urban Design
(WSUD) drainage measures and salinity and sodicity management
measures on a lot and subdivision scale.
Development Control

(1) Stormwater systems to be designed to cater for all storm events up to the
1:100 year ARI storm event.
(2) Apply WSUD strategies to minimise stormwater pollution by treating
initial runoff and reducing the connectivity of impervious surfaces.
(3) WSUD strategies are to complement salinity and sodicity management
related to Appendix C, improving or at least maintaining the current
condition, without detriment to the waterway environment.
(4) Maximise at - source street level and neighbourhood scale stormwater
quality strategies, based on using current best practice to achieve
pollutant load reduction targets set by Department Environment and
Conservation in their stormwater management guidelines.

4.24.2 Land
Land Capability
Capability – Salinity
– Salinity and Sodicity
and Sodicity


(1) Manage and mitigate the impacts of, and on, salinity and sodicity.

Development Control

(1) Comply with the Salinity Management Plan at Appendix C (see page54).
(2) Salinity shall be considered during earthworks, rehabilitation works and
during the siting, design and construction of infrastructure from Salinity
damage and to minimise the potential impacts the infrastructure may have
on salinity.
(3) The soil type of each lot is to be sampled, tested and classified for soil
salinity, sodicity and aggressivity.
(4) An appropriately qualified consultant is to oversee and monitor the bulk
(5) An appropriately qualified consultant is to certify that the subdivision has
been completed in accordance with the requiements of the Salinity
Management Plan at Appendix C prior to the release of a subdivision
certificate. Further, the consultant is to verify that the land is appropriate
for the proposed development, having regard to but not limited to salinity,
sodicity, erodability and acid sulphate soils.
(6) Any works within the central woodland corridor are to comply with the
requirements of the Salinity Management Plan.
(7) Salinity and sodicity management related to Appendix C is to
complement WSUD strategies, improving or at least maintaining the
current condition, without detriment to the waterway environment.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

(8) All building works to comply with the requirements of the Salinity
Management Plan at Appendix C.

(9) The DCP be reviewed on a two yearly basis to ensure that best practice
salinity and sodicity techniques have been incorporated.

4.34.3 Aboriginal
Aboriginal Heritage


(1) Manage the Aboriginal heritage values of the site to ensure that the
conservation outcome is enduring.
(2) Ensure areas identified as archaeologically significant are managed
appropriately. SITE PLANNING
Development Control

(1) Management of Aboriginal heritage on the site must generally comply

with the recommendations contained within the Jo McDonald Cultural
Heritage Archaeological Report (May 2005).
(2) Development application must identify any areas of Aboriginal heritage
value that are within or adjoining the DA area, including any areas within
the development site that are to be retained and protected (and identify
the management protocols for these).
(3) Developments that will impact on Aboriginal heritage will require
consent from the department of Environment and Conservation (DEC)
under the National Park and Wildlife Act 1974 and consultation with the
relevant Aboriginal communities.
(4) A Plan of Management must be produced and submitted to Council to
ensure that all sites identified are managed appropriately for their cultural
heritage values.
(5) The Plan of Management must be submitted to Council concurrently with
applications for development.
(6) Where the necessary consents have already been obtained from the DEC,
the development application must demonstrate that the development will
be undertaken in accordance with any requirements of that consent.

4.44.4 Contamination


(1) Minimise the risks to human health and the environment from the
development of potentially contaminated land.
(2) Ensure that potential site contamination issues are adequetely addressed
at the subdivision stage.

Development Control

(1) Comply with Part Q (Contaminated Land Guidelines of Blacktown

Development Control Plan 2006.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

4.54.5 Cut
Cut and
and Fill Fill


(1) Manage and mitigate the impacts of cut and fill throughout the site.

(1) Cut and fill on the site is to be minimised.
(2) Comply with Council's provisions on cut and fill.

4.64.6 Flora
Flora and
and Fauna

(1) Manage the flora and fauna of the site to ensure that the conservation
outcome is enduring.

Development Control

(1) Comply with the provisions of the Threatened Species Conservation Act
(2) A tree survey is to be submitted with each subdivision DA.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


5.15.1 Introduction

The pattern, scale, and types of dwellings are important elements in creating a
successful residential community.

The following sections set out the objectives and development controls that
relate to the design and development of Dwelling Houses, Dual Occupancy,
Integrated Housing, Medium Density Housing and Studios. Refer figures 5.1a
and 5.1b which indicate streetscape principles.


Figure 5.1
Streetscape Planning Principles – Typical Block (Typical Street)

Figure 5.2
Streetscape Planning Principles - Typical Block (Facing Open Space)

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 5.3
Acceptable Orientation

Figure 5.4
Acceptable Orientation

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


Corner 500 550
Battle-axe adjoining open space or 450 485
community land
(exludes access handle)

Other Battle-axe 500 550

(exludes access handle)

Other 450 485

Table 5.1
Minimum allotment size for Subdivision of Dwelling Houses

5.25.2 Dwelling
Dwelling House
.1 DeDefinition

A "Dwelling House" is defined in Blacktown LEP 1988 as: "A building

containing 1 but not more than 1 dwelling."

Figure 5.5
Minimum Setback controls for Dwelling Houses

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Minimum Allotment size 450 sqm

Minimum Frontage width 12m

Minimum Lot Depth 20m

Private Open Space (POS) 80sqm - 1, 2 or 3 bedroom

100sqm - 4 bedrooms or more
Generally to be located at the side or rear of dwelling
Minimum width of POS 2.5m - directly accessible from living areas

Minimum dimension of 4m x 6m
Principal POS

Setbacks (min/m)

• Primary Front (Building) 4.5m - building facade

2m - articulation zone (minor architectural features)
• Primary Front (Garage) 5.5m - garage door
• Fronting Open Space 3.5m - building facade
• Side and rear (Main Dwelling) 900mm - single storey
1.5m - two storey
• Side and rear (Garage) Zero
• Corner Lots (Secondary Street 3m - for a max length of 9m
Frontage) 4m - along both street frontages for length of frontages beyond 9m
3m - where frontages is to open space
Max no. of storeys 2

Max building depth of second storey 14m


Max height dwelling 7.2m - to uppermost ceiling

10m - to ridgeline

Max height of carport 3.5m

Car parking spaces 2 - at least one space needs to be covered

Garage minimum internal Single - 5.5m x 3.0m

dimension Double - 5.5m x 5.5m

Max. carport and garage door width Not more than 5m wide or 50% of the dwelling width whichever is the
Floor level above the 1%, 1:100 year 500mm
flood level

Table 5.2
Development Controls for Dwelling House’s

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 5.6
Carport Controls

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

5.35.3 Dual
Dual Occupancy
.1 DeDefinition

"Dual Occupancy Housing" is defined as two dwellings on a single allotment

of land, whether or not the dwellings are attached where:
(a) the dwellings have the general external appearance, character and scale of
a dwelling-house or dwelling-houses; and
(b) the part of the allotment on which the dwellings are not situated is
available for use by the residents of the dwellings.

Dual occupancy housing includes:

(a) the alteration or addition to an existing dwelling-house erected on an
allotment so as to create two dwellings; or
(b) the erection of another detached dwelling-house in addition to one
already erected on an allotment, but only if not more than two dwellings
will be created as a result of the development being carried out; or
(c) the erection of two attached dwellings on an allotment; or
(d) the erection of two detached dwelling-houses on an allotment.

The subdivision (whether Torrens Title, Strata Title or Community Title) of an

allotment on which there are two dwellings as a result of an approved dual
occupancy development is prohibited except where the approved development is
a detached dual occupancy located on a corner lot.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Min Allotment Size 450 sqm - 2 attached dwellings
600 sqm - 2 detached dwellings
600 sqm - corner lot

Min. Lot Depth 20m

Floor Space Ratio 0.5:1

Private Open Space 80 sqm for each dwelling - 1, 2 or 3 bed dwellings

100 sqm for each dwelling - 4 bedroom dwellings

Min Dimension of Principal POS 4m x 6m - directly accessible from living areas

Min Width of POS 2.5m

Setbacks (min/m)
• Primary front (Building) 4.5m - building facade, 2m - articulation zone (minor architectural feature)
5.5m - garage door
• Primary front (Garage) 3.5m - building facade
• Fronting open space 1m - single storey
• Side and rear. (Main Dwelling) 1.5m - 2 storey
Zero - for more length of 10m and internalised within development
• Side and rear. (Garage) 3m - for max. length of 9m in the secondary street frontage
• Corner lots (Secondary Street 4m - along both street frontages for length of frontage beyond 9m
Frontage) 3m - along both street frontages for length of frontage beyond 9m where frontage is
to public or community open space

Easement for Zero Lot Line 1m - single storey

1.5m - two storey

Maximum no. of Storeys 2

Max Building depth for any Second 14m

Storey Component

Max. height of Dwelling 7.2m - to uppermost ceiling

10m - to ridge line

Max. height of Carport 3.5m

Resident Car Parking Spaces 1 per dwelling - 1 or 2 bedrooms

2 per dwelling - 3 or more bedrooms

Visitor Carparking Visitor parking can be stacked in driveway where garage spaces are provided.
Otherwise 1 visitor space to serve both dwellings is to be provided off the driveway

Garage and Parking Space min. Covered - 3m width, 5.5m length

dimensions Uncovered - 2.5m width, 5.2m length

Floor level above the 1%, 1:100 500mm

year flood level

Max. carport and garage door width Not more than 5m wide or 50% of the dwelling width, whichever is lesser

Table 5.3
Development Controls for Dual Occupancy Housing

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

5.45.4 Integrated
Integrated Housing
.1 DeDefinition

"Integrated Housing" is defined as development that consists of:

the subdivision of land into 5 or more allotments; and
the erection of a single detached dwelling-house on each of the allotments
created by that subdivision,where a single application for consent for the
subdivision and other development is submitted. Further, each proposed
allotment must have a site area of 300 square metres or more.

The definition of a "detached dwelling-house" is contained within Blacktown HOUSING

LEP 1988:

"Detached Dwelling House" A dwelling-house that is not attached to another

dwelling-house by a common wall, ceiling, floor, breezeway, carport or any
other structure.

Integrated housing differs from most other forms of residential development in

that a development must be made for both the subdivision and the proposed
development concurrently. Once approved, no further Development Application
is required.
.2 DeDesign
sign Priprinciples

Integrated housing presents the opportunity to consider all aspects of building

and site design together, to be combined effectively to create a functional and
attractive residential environment.

It is essential in any integrated housing development that all proposed dwelling-

houses are shown to be capable of being accomodated on proposed allotments
without compromising Council's requirements, particularly solar access and

All integrated housing developments must be designed so as to ensure a

compatible relationship between dwelling-houses within the development and
dwellings on adjoining land.
.3 DeDevelopment
velopment AppApplication
lication ReqRequirements

Any person undertaking an integrated housing development is required to

submit a combined Development Application to Council for the construction of
the dwelling-houses and subdivision of the land.

Factors which should be considered in the layout of an integrated housing

development include:

(a) slope and orientation of the land;

(b) energy-efficient design of subdivision and dwelling-houses;
(c) solar access to adjoining dwellings/dwelling-houses;
(d) adequate visual and acoustic privacy to each dwelling-house;
(e) relationship to adjoining dwellings/dwelling-houses;
(f) retention of special qualities or features such as trees and views;
(g) provision of adequate site drainage;
(h) provision for landscaping and private open space; and
(i) existing streetscape character.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Allotment orientation shall take into account the type of dwelling to be

constructed thereon. Internal living and external private open space areas should

generally be oriented to the north. Dwelling-houses should be positioned so that
the possible overshadowing impact of and on existing or future adjoining
dwellings/dwelling houses is minimised.

In determining the suitability or otherwise of any integrated housing proposal,

Council will give consideration to the above matters together with those
specified in Section 79(c) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act
.4 DeDevelopment
velopment ConControls
trols for for
grated HouHousing

Minimum Allotment size 300sqm

Minimum Frontage width 10m

Floor Space ratio 0.55:1 - measured as an average over entire development and excludes garages

Private Open Space 80sqm - 1,2 or 3 bedroom

• Minimum dimension of Principal 100sqm - 4 bedrooms or more
POS Generally to be located at the side or rear of dwelling
• Minimum width of POS 4m x 6m - directly accessible from living areas.

Setbacks (Min/m)

• Primary Front (building) 4.5m - building facade. 2m - articulation zone (minor architectural feature)
• Primary front (garage) 5.5m - garage door
• Fronting Open Space 3.5m - building façade
• Side and Rear 1m - single storey
1.5m - two storey
• Side and Rear (garage) Zero - for a max length of 10m and internailsed within development
• Corner Lots (Secondary Street 3m - for a max length of 9m on the secondary street façade
Frontage) 4m - along both street frontages for length of frontages beyond 9m
3m - along both street frontages for length of frontage beyond 9m where
frontages is to open space
• Zero Lot, max. wall length 10m - one side wall may be built on the boundary for a maximum
continuous length

Easement for Zero Lot Line 1m - single storey

1.5m - two storey

Max no of storeys 2

Max height dwelling 7.2m - uppermost ceiling

10m - ridge line.

Max height of carport 3.5m

Garage and parking space min, 3.5m width

dimensions 5.5m length

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Max. carport and garage door width Not more than 5m wide or 50% of the dwelling width, which ever is the lesser

Floor level above the 1%/1:100 year 500mm

flood level

Resident Car Parking Spaces 2 - Parking may be in tandem. Both spaces need to be covered

Visitor Car Parking Visitor parking can be stacked in driveway where garage spaces are provided.
Otherwise 1 space per dwelling for Torrens Title or 1 space per 2.5 dwellings for
visitor parking

Table 5.4
Development Controls for Integrated Housing

5.5 Medium
.1 DeDefinition

"Medium Density Housing" is defined in the Blacktown LEP 1988 as three or

more dwellings on the same parcel of land where each dwelling has an
individual entrance and direct private access to private open space at natural
ground level for the exclusive use of the occupants of the dwelling but, in the
table to Clause 9 of the LEP, does not include any other form of dwellings
elsewhere specifically defined in this Part of the DCP.

Examples of Medium of density housing include development commonly

known as villas and townhouses and but does not include dual occupancy
housing, integrated housing or any other form of housing specifically defined in
Blacktown LEP 1988.
.2 DeDevelopment
velopment ConControls
trols for for
Med Medium
ium Dendensity
sity HouHousing

Minimum Frontage width 26m - Applications proposing the development of irregular shaped sites
will be treated on their merits in terms of their compliance within the
spirit of the site requirements below

Maximum Depth No greater than 2.75 times the width of the site
On sites approaching the max allowable depth ratio Council may require
buildings to be offset one from the other to create a development that is
aesthetically pleasing

Maximum no. of attached dwellings in one 4

group 6 when opposite public or community open space

Min. gap between group of attached 5m (Fig 5.2c)

dwellings comprising two or more dwellings
per group

Min. gap between group of attached 2.5m (Fig 5.2b)

dwellings and a detached dwelling

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Max. number of dwellings of same facade 4
type in a single street block

Private Open Space (POS) 50sqm - 1 bedroom

60 sqm - 2 bedroom
70 sqm - 3 or more bedroom
Generally to be located at the side or rear of dwelling.

• Minimum dimension of Principal POS 6m x 4m - directly accessible from living areas

• Minimum width of POS 2.5m

Setbacks (Min/m)
• Primary Front (Building) 4.5m - building facade
2m articulation zone (minor architectural feature)
• Primary Front (Garage) 5.5m - garage door
• Fronting Open Space 3.5m - building façade
• Side and Rear 1m - single storey
1.5m - two storey
• Side and Rear (Garages) Zero - for a max length of 10m and internalised within development.
• Corner Lots (Secondary Street Frontage) 3m - for a max length of 9m on the secondary street façade.
4m- along both street frontages for length of frontages beyond 9m
3m - along both street frontages for length of frontage beyond 9m where
frontage is to open space

Easment for Zero Lot Line 1m - single storey

1.5m - two storey

Minimum gap between groups of attached 5m


Max no of storeys 2 (excludes attic)

Maximum Building Depth of any Second 14m

Storey Component

Max height dwelling 7.2m - to uppermost ceiling

10m - to ridge line

Max height of carport 3.5m

Maximum carport and garage door width Not more than 5m wide or 50% of the dwelling width which ever is the

Car Parking Spaces 1 per dwelling - 1 and 2 Bedroom

2 per dwelling - 3 Bed or more
1 space covered stack - parking permitted

Visitor Car Parking 1 space per 2.5 dwellings

Floor level above the 1% 1:100 year flood 500mm


Garage and Parking space, min. dimension Covered - 3m width, 5.5m length
Uncovered - 2.5m width, 5.2m length

Table 5.5 Development Controls for Medium Density Housing

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

5.65.6 Studios
.1 DeDefinition

A "Studio" is defined as a room or suite of rooms no greater than 60m² in floor

area located above a garage and detached from the dwelling. A studio may, but
does not have to, contain a kitchen.
.2 DeDevelopment
velopment ConControls
trols for for

Private Open Space (POS) Self Contained (with kitchen): 25sqm - in addition to normal requirement
Non-self Contained (without kitchen): No requirement
Minimum width of POS 2.5m
• Rear Zero
• Side Zero or garage setback
Car Parking 1 space - Self contained
No requirement - Non-self contained

Table 5.6
Development Controls for Studios

(1) Studio accommodation:

(a) Studios above garages in private driveways can be attached as long
as there are no more than 2 in a continuous row;
(b) Studio accommodation should not be located over garages directly
opposite in a private driveway unless adequate separation for
privacy is achieved;
(c) No more than 1 studio per 7 dwellings; and
(d) A studio is to be on the same title as the main residence.

5.75.7 Common
Common Issues
.1 ExExternal
ternal AAppearance


(1) Enhance the streetscape amenity and residential character of the site.
(2) Create a high standard of architectural design for both individual
dwellings and groups of dwellings.
(3) Consider proportions in the design of the building elevations.
(4) Reinforce significant street intersections particularly on open space and
other key strategic areas through articulation of corner buildings.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

DevelopmentControl (Fig(Fig
Control 5.8.1)

(1) Articulate the building façade using:

variations in setbacks;
material and detailing;
building entrances;
balcony and other elements;
(e) shutters, awnings and louvres; and
(f) attention to proportion of openings, window type and size.
(2) Corner buildings should be articulated by addressing both street
frontages, corner elements such as verandahs, pergolas and attic storey.
(3) Windows to living area should be directed either to the street or rear
private open space (and private driveway) to provide visual surveillance HOUSING
to the street and other open space areas.
(4) Generally no bathrooms, ensuite or laundry window to face a public road.
(5) Building entries are to be clearly visible from the street.
(6) Modulation of the façade should be integral to the design of the building,
not ‘stuck on’.
(7) Attention to both the building base and roof is required. Roofs are to be
either pitched between 20 and 40 degrees with simple forms that avoid
small pieces of roof with messy flashing details, or designed as a flat or
skillion roof.
(8) Communication devices, including antennae, satellite dishes and similar
elements are not to be visible from the street.
(9) An upper storey eaves overhang of at least 450mm is required, except on
party walls and zero lot line walls.
(10) Lightweight material such as boarded cladding may be used to add interest
to the façade. Materials such as fibre cement cladding is to be rendered with
either a reveal joint or no joints.
(11) Carports and garages should be constructed of materials that complement
the colour and finishes of the main dwelling.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

1. Varied roof scape to break up buiding mass

2. Articulate facade with materials and detailing
3. Facade modulation by variations in setbacks
4. Roofpitch between 20 degrees and 40 degrees or designed as a skillion or flat roof
5. Articulate proportion of opening and windows type
6. Articulate facade with balconies, verandahs, pergolas and sun shading
7. Living area windows directed to street or private open space
8. Legible building entry

Figure 5.7
Architectural Treatment of Dwelling Facade
.2 SafeSafety
ty – Cri–mCrime
e PrevePrevention
ntion throuthrough
gh EnvirEnvironmental
onmental DesigDesign
Requirements Requirements


(1) Enhance safety, maximise surveillance and minimise opportunities for


Development Control

(1) Building entries to be clearly visible from the street. They are not to be
obscured by carports or other elements. A covered entry is encouraged.
Entries are to be adequately lit.
(2) Where garages are located behind dwellings in car courts with private
driveway access, measures must be taken to minimise opportunities for
(3) Provide lighting both to streets and private driveways sufficent for

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006
.3 PrPrivacy


(1) Ensure that buildings are designed and sited to provide privacy between
neighbours and between occupants and the public.

Development Control

(1) Windows to upper storeys to be located on front or rear facades where

(2) Second storey windows to living areas that face directly to windows,

balconies or private open space of adjoining properties to be offset.
First floor balconies or living room windows not permitted to directly
overlook private open space of adjoining dwellings unless suitable
screening is provided.
(4) Maintain adequate privacy between studio accommodation located on
private driveways.
.4 SoSolar
lar AcAccess


(1) Maximise solar access to private open space and living areas of

Development Control

(1) Areas of private open space should achieve at least 3 hours of sunlight to
50% of the required private open space between 9am and 3pm on 21
(2) Dwellings to be designed to avoid unreasonable overshadowing of
adjacent properties. Buildings should be designed to ensure that 50% of
the on-site private open space area of adjoining sites receive a minimum
of 3 hours of sunlight between 9.00am and 3.00pm on 21 June.
(3) An application proposing a 2 storey dwelling must include shadow
diagrams showing the impact of the proposal on site and adjoining site
between 9am and 3pm on 21 June.
.5 LaLandscaping


(1) Maximising microclimate benefits to residential lots.

(2) Enhance streetscape amenity.
(3) Ensure planting success and continuity.
(4) Minimise requirements for irrigation and fertilisers.


(1) Indigenous species to make up a large percentage of the plant material mix.
(2) Most plant species to be selected from the schedule, Appendix B (refer page 52).
(3) A landscaping plan to be submitted for all development other than single dwelling houses.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006
.6 FeFencing


(1) Ensure front fences contribute to the streetscape and creates a clear
distinction between public and private domain.
(2) Ensure that rear and side fencing will assist in providing privacy to open
space areas.
(3) Ensure that fence height, location and design will not affect traffic and
pedestrian visibility at intersections.

Development Control

(1) Fences to the street frontage are to be a maximum of 0.9m in height

except corner lots.
(2) Fences to corner lots are to be a maximum 0.9m high on the primary
street frontage and on the secondary street frontage to a point 4m from the
dwelling frontage where it may then increase to 1.8m in height.
(3) Side and rear boundary fencing constructed behind the building alignment
setback should be a maximum 1.8m high and constructed of materials to
complement the design of the dwelling. Metal sheeting is not permitted.
(4) Front fences may be of solid construction to a maximum height of 0.6m.
The balance of the fence is to have a minimum opening ratio of 50%.
Metal sheeting is not permitted.
(5) Retaining walls visible to a public place are to be masonry.
(6) Courtyard retaining walls will require fencing to be positioned on top of
retaining wall.
.7 WWater
ater EfEfficiency


(1) Minimise water consumption in accordance with State Government



(1) The provisions of BASIX will apply with regards to water requirements.
.8 EnEnergy
ergy EfEfficiency


(1) Minimise energy usage and greenhouse emissions.

Development Control

(1) The provisions of BASIX will apply with regards to energy requirements.
(2) Maximise cross flow ventilation in all dwelling designs.
(3) Incorporate outdoor clothes line and drying areas into all dwellings.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006
.9 SeServices


(1) Ensure that services are not visually intrusive.

Development Control

(1) Should an electrical substation (located within the site area or on the
street frontage of the site) be necessary, the requirements of both Council
and Integral Energy shall be met.
(2) All electrical reticulation within the site shall be underground.
(3) Provision shall be made to illuminate all common accessways and
driveways to the satisfaction of the Council. All common accessways
shall be lit at the vehicular footway crossing by an approved means from
dusk till dawn.
.10 MMaterials
aterials SeSelection


(1) Select materials that minimise the use of non renewable resources.

Development Control

(1) The selection of materials for pipe infrastructure, foundation and

brickwork must have sulphate resistant properties to cope with the saline
(2) Specify where possible, the use of recycled and renewable materials.
.11 SaSalinity
linity anand
d SoSodicity


(1) Manage and mitigate the impacts of, and on, salinity.

Development Control

(1) Salinity shall be considered during the siting, design and construction of
dwellings including: drainage, vegetation type and location, foundation
selection and cut and fill activities, to ensure the protection of the
dwelling from salinity damage and to minimise the impacts that the
development may have on the salinity process.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 5.8
Fencing Controls

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006



(1) Provide for retail and commercial development and associated parking to
service the Second Ponds community in conjunction with higher density
housing and community uses.
(2) Integrate the development with the adjoining land uses.
(3) Establish the community centre as the focal point for community identity
and activity.
(4) Development to contribute to the creation of a distinctive main street NEIGHBOURHOOD/

(1) Buildings to address the main street.

(2) Buildings to be a maximum of 3 storeys in height with the ground floor
providing for retail/commercial uses only and/or commercial/ residential
apartments above.
(3) A distinctive identifying architectural element to be provided.
(4) An unobstructed footway of 3.5m width to be maintained along the street
(5) Pedestrian linkages to be provided to the school and community uses.
(6) Parking to be generally located with access from the local street system.
(7) Parking rates for all development to comply with the parking provisions
of Part A (Introduction and General Guidelines) of Blacktown DCP 2006.
(8) Private open space to be provided for each shop top dwelling in the form
of a balcony:
1. Bed 8m²
2. Bed 10m²
3. Bed 12m²
(9) The minimum depth of all balconies should be 2m.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


Applicants are encouraged to use the services of architects, town planners,
engineers, professional designers and other specialists as required to undertake
the site analysis, design development and to prepare the supporting
documentation. Consultation with neighbours and Council officers before
completing the proposal is highly recommended. INFORMATION TO BE
A Design Review Panel, independent of Council’s development approval
process, has been established by Landcom to review applications prior to DEVELOPMENT
lodgement with Council. The Design Review Panel excludes a parcel of land in
the North-West corner being Lot 1 DP124210. APPLICATION
The amount of information required for a Development or Construction
Certificate Application will vary depending on location, scale and complexity of
the proposal as well as whether the application relates to land subdivision or
building construction. The following information, as relevant to the type of
development application, must be submitted:

Application fees as advised by Council.

Application form a completed document signed by the owner of the land or accompanied by the
written authority of the owner to lodge the application (including where appropriate
the company seal or seal of the body corporate).

Architectural plans Documents (3 copies) at a minimum scale of 1:200 showing:

• dimensions and reduced levels of all floors, gutters (eaves) and ridge-lines;
• detailed floor plans; and
• all elevations and relevant sections.

Notification plans Documents (8 copies, A4 size) showing the location, height and external
configuration of the proposed development.

Site analysis a document including a statement of how the proposed development has addressed
the site opportunities and constraints identified.

Statement of a document (for all development applications) which:

environmental effects • explains how the proposal has resolved the relevant items contained in Section
79C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and in particular
this plan;
• explains how the project design has responded to the information contained in the
site analysis; and
• demonstrates that the intent of the criteria outlined in this Part has been satisfied.

Survey or site plan Plans at a scale of 1:200 showing:

• site dimensions;
• changes of levels on the site related to a fixed datum point;
• existing vegetation, showing canopy spread of trees and ground levels at the base
of the trunk;
• spot levels of street frontage including road gutter; and
• easements for drainage and services affecting or benefiting the subject property.

Salinity management plan a plan detailing management and mitigation measures.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Other information may also be required with the development application or as

part of the Construction Certificate documentation, including:

Cut and fill plan a plan with details of the exact depth and extent of excavation and filling on the

Landscape plan a plan showing the location of existing trees, indicating those that are to be
retained and proposed landscaping of the completed development indicating
opportunities for providing native flora and fauna habitats.

Model a model to scale showing the relationship of the proposal for adjoining
development for superlot applications, (minimum 15 dwellings).

SEPP1 Objection a document signed by the applicant outlining why compliance with a particular
development standard (contained in the LEP or other applicable environmental
planning instrument) is unreasonable or unnecessary.

Shadow diagrams Diagrams for all two storey buildings or second storey additions in residential
areas showing the effect of 9am, 12 noon and 3pm shadows during mid-winter.

Soil and water a plan for civil and building activities.

management and
sediment control plan

Species impact statement a document where a "significant effect" is "likely" to be imposed upon "threatened
species, populations or ecological communities, or their habitats", pursuant to
Section 5A of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.

Stormwater management a plan specifying the proposed method for stormwater collection and conveyance,
management of 100 year ARI events, effects and management of blockages and
rare storm event impacts, down stream flows, drainage flow velocity mitigation
and pollution control.

Waste management plan a plan for demolition and construction specifying the proposed methods for
minimisation and recycling of waste materials. This plan should also detail how
waste and recyclables will be managed by occupants after construction including
details on storage areas and accessways to Council collection points.

For further information, refer to Council’s application form or enquire with

Council's Planning and Development Services staff.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

A.1 Definitions
Definitions APPENDIX A
A definition applying to terms used in this Part of Blacktown DCP 2006 will
generally have the same meaning as ascribed to them as is set out in Part A
(Introduction & General Guidelines) of Blacktown DCP 2006, and as is set out
in Blacktown LEP 1988. Other definitions which are applicable in relation to
this Part and related development are set out below.

Articulation Zone
A 2m wide zone forward of the building facade that may include minor
architectural features such as pergolas, bay windows, stair enclosures and

Attic Room

Is a habitable space located above the upper most ceiling between the roof of a
dwelling and is accessed from within the dwelling and does not exceed 60m² in
area per dwelling.

Built upon Area

Means the area of the site containing the dwelling structure and any hard surface
areas (unless permeable) but excludes paved landscape areas and courtyards.

Corner lotLot

Is an allotment that has frontage to two or more intersecting roads.

Design Review
Review Panel

(1) The Design Review Panel (DRP) consists of Landcom and/or Australand
representatives, the estate Architect and a consultant Landscape
(2) Once a purchaser has selected a house type, an application is to be
submitted to the DRP.
(3) A recommendation from the Panel is required prior to the DA submission
to Blacktown City Council.
(4) The recommendation from the DRP must be attached as part of the
supporting documentation for Council’s consideration, as part of any
formal DA.
(5) The Design Review Panel is independent of Council’s development
approval process.

Finished Ground
ground Level

Is the finished ground level following any bulk earthworks required at

subdivision development stage to create a land surface generally suitable for

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


The sum of the areas of each floor of a building where the area of each floor is APPENDIX A
taken to be the area within the outer face of the external enclosing walls as
measured at a height of 1400 millimetres above each floor level excluding -
(a) columns, fin walls, sun control devices and any elements, projections or
works outside the general lines of the outer face of the external wall;
(b) lift towers, cooling towers, machinery and plant rooms, ancillary storage
space and vertical air-conditioning ducts;
(c) car parking needed to meet any requirements of Council and any internal

access thereto; and
(d) space for the loading and unloading of goods.

Landscaped areaArea

Includes all permeable areas, paved courtyard areas and pathways but does not
include any driveways.

Landscape planPlan

Is a plan prepared by the applicant that shall accompany the Development

Application and sets out the general principles of embellishment to be
undertaken in subsequent stages of the development of those areas where the
developer intends to undertake the embellishment of open space.

Neighbourhood Centre

Local Centre containing a mix of retail, professional services, associated

community uses.

Principal residence
Principal Residence

Is a dwelling which has direct access to a public road or public open space and is
not studio accommodation.

Private Driveways

A shared driveway to a group of dwellings that does not require garbage truck
access and is not a through road.

Semi Detached
detached Houses

Are dwellings that have a common wall with an adjoining dwelling in a group of
only two dwellings. The garage may be attached or detached from the dwelling.

Significant Building

A corner building or other building identified as being an important element

within the streetscape.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Storage Space

This includes any garage space in excess of the minimum dimensions for APPENDIX A
garages and also includes designated linen or other storage areas but not
including wardrobes in bedrooms or kitchen storage cupboards.


Water Sensitive Urban Design.

Zero lotLot Line
line Houses
Part of the dwelling wall is built to the property boundary but has no common
boundary wall with any adjoining dwelling.

Zipper Lots

Are lots with at least one irregular side boundary and generally has a dwelling
built to one boundary which has no common boundary wall with any adjoining

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

B.1 Proposed
B.1 Proposed Vegetation
Vegetation Species
Species for Privatefor Private
Open SpaceOpen Space

Scientific Name Common Name Mature Mature Native

Height Spread
Acer buergeranum Trident Maple 6m 3m X
Agonis flexuosa Willow Myrtle 14m 6m √
Angophora floribunda Rough Barked Apple 20m 6m √
Banksia integrifolia Coastal Banksia 20m 6m √
Casuarina glauca Swamp She-Oak 15m 5m √
Corymbia maculata Spotted Gum 30m 8m √
Eucalyptus amplifolia Cabbage Gum 30m 5m √
Eucalyptus crebra Narrow Leafed Red Ironbark 30m 8m √
Eucalyptus microcorys Tallow-wood 40m 8m √
Eucalyptus moluccana Grey Box 30m 8m √
Eucalyptus tereticornis Forest Red Gum 40m 4m √
Fraxinus ‘Raywoodii’ Claret Ash 20m 8m X
Jacaranda mimosilfolia Jacaranda 20m 8m X
Melaleuca linarifolia Snow In Summer 10m 4m √
Melaleuca nodosa Ball Honeymyrtle 4m 2.5m √
Melaleuca stypheloides Prickly Paperbark 10m 3m √
Melia azedarach White Cedar 15m 5m X
Sapium sebiferum Chinese Tallow Tree 7m 3m X
Agapanthus orientalis Agapanthus 0.75m 0.4m X
Acemena smithii ‘Hedge Master’ Lilly Pilly 2m 1m √
Anigozanthos flavidus Tall Kangaroo Paw 2m 1m √
Banksia spinulosa Hairpin Banksia 3m 2m √
Brunoniella australis Blue Trumpet 0.3m 0.4m √
Bursaria spinosa Tasmanian Christmas Bush 10m 6m √
Callistemon linariifolius Narrow-leaved Bottlebrush 3.5m 2m √
Crinum pedunculatum Crinum Lily 2.5m 2.5m √
Dietes bicolor Fortnight Lily 1.0m 0.75m X
Doryanthes excelsa Gymea Lily 3m 2m √
Dodenea viscose Giant Hop Bush 3m 3m √
Gardenia augusta Common Gardenia 1.5m 1.0m X
Grevillea poorinda “Royal Mantle” Grevillea 1.5m 1.5m √
Hakea sericea Silky Hakea 6m 3m √
Kunzea ambigua Tick Bush 2.5m 2m √
Micromyrtus ciliata Finged Heath Myrtle 0.15m 1.5m √
Phormium tenax “Purpureum” NZ Purple Flax 1.0m 1.0m X
Thryptomene saxicola Rock Thryptomene 1m 0.5m √
Westringia fruticosa Coastal Rosemary 2.0m 1.5m √
Ground Cover
Aspidistra elatoir Cast Iron Plant 1m 0.8m X
Brachycome multifida Cut Leaf Daisy 0.3m 1m √
Dichondra repens Kidney Weed 0.1m 0.3m √
Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’ Grevillea cultivar 0.3m 0.4m √
Hardenbergia violaceae Purple Coral Pea climbs to 1.5m 1.5m √
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine climbs to 6m 1.5m X
Viola hederacea Native violet 0.2m 0.5m √
Wahlenbergia gracilis Australian Bluebell 0.3m 0.25m √

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Aristida ramosa Wire Grass 0.5m 0.5m √
Danthonia tenuoir Wallaby Grass 0.3m 0.3m √
Imperta cylindrica Cogon Grass 0.5m 0.5m √
Liriope muscari Turf Lily 0.6m 0.5m X
Microlaena stipoides var. Microlaena 0.5m 0.3m √
Ophiopogon japonicus Mondo Grass 0.35m 0.3m X
Pennisetum alopecrroides Fountain Grass 1m 1m √
Poa labillardieri Poa 0.4m 0.25m √
Themeda australis Kangaroo Grass 1m 0.3m √

Carex appressa Tall Sedge 1m 0.5m √
Dianella caerulea Flax Lily 0.5m 0.3m √
Dianella revolute Flax Lily 1m 1m √
Gahnia aspera Saw Sedge 1m 0.4m √
Isolepis nodosa Nobby Clubrush 1m 1m √
Lomandra longifolia Mat Rush 0.7m 1m √
Lomandra multiflora Many Flowered Mat Rush 0.7m 0.7m √
Juncus usitatus Common Rush 1m 0.4m √
Cynodon dactylon Couch (improved types) - - X

It is important to note that this plant list is indicative only to provide a guide on
the range of suitable plants for the region with consideration of functional,
aesthetic, salt tolerance and horticultural requirements. The selection of species
is expected to vary over time as a result of species availability, site conditions,
plant viability.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

C.1 Salinity
Salinity Management
Management Plan Plan APPENDIX C




Prepared for LANDCOM

Project 29867E
September 2005

Douglas Partners Pty Ltd Phone (02) 9809 0666

ABN 75 053 980 117 Fax (02) 9809 4095
96 Hermitage Road
West Ryde NSW 2114
PO Box 472
West Ryde NSW 1685

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

The salinity management report overviews relevant salinity observations,
measurements and issues, and presents recommendations for management of
salinity for the proposed residential development at Second Ponds Creek,

Information is presented from numerous relevant investigations of the site. This

includes maps of electrical conductivity of soil water extract (ECe) across the
site (Figures 1 and 2). These maps can be used to provide indications of salinity SALINITY
levels at specific locations.
Most of the near surface soils at the site are non or only slightly saline.
Moderately saline conditions only occurred in a few isolated areas along the
creek corridor.

Close to the creek salinity levels generally peaked in the B2 soil horizon
whereas in the upper landscape areas salinity levels peaked in the shale, which
was generally at relatively shallow depths.

The primary salt management method recommended in the report is

consequently avoidance by managing stripping and reinstatement of near surface
soils. The A and top of the B (i.e. B1) horizons are generally only slightly or
non saline. They should be recovered and stockpiled separately. The more
saline layers, where exposed, will need to be covered. Building platforms
should be capped with 100 - 200 mm of B1 horizon non-saline subsoil. In
addition to this where saline soils are exposed in landscape areas a topping of
100 - 200 mm of non-saline topsoil (A) is recommended.

General information is also presented on the causes and effects of urban salinity
followed by additional recommendations and guidance for residential
subdivision site design and building construction for mitigation and
management. In the creek corridor, rectification of scoured areas should be
carried out using appropriate engineering and landscaping solutions.

The salinity management measures recommended in the report will safeguard

and reduce the risk of any increase in the existing relatively low levels of
salinity in the near surface soils.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

5.1 Water Management 6
5.2 Site Design 7
5.3 Residential and Other Buidlings 10

APPENDIX A: Notes Relating to this Report

Borehole Logs
Drawing 1 – Locality Plan

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Project 29867E
12 September, 2005 APPENDIX C
This report presents an overview of salinity observations and issues, together
with general recommendations for salinity management for proposed residential
development, at Second Ponds Creek, Schofield. The management report was
prepared by Douglas Partners Pty Ltd (DP) and Sydney Environmental and Soil
Laboratory (SESL) for submission to Blacktown Council by Landcom, the
project developer.

This management report includes:

• background information on salinity at the site;

• general information on the causes and effects of urban salinity;
• recommendations and general guidelines for site development and
construction, covering water management, site development and
• conclusions.

The aim of this report is to present practical recommendations about how to

manage and, where possible, mitigate the existing saline conditions on site, so as
to limit any impact of salinity on roads, buildings, vegetation, underground
services, water courses and storages comprising the proposed residential


The site covers an area of 391 hectares, identified as Lot 244 of DP 1030940,
and is situated in a broad shallow valley draining north.

The possible presence of saline groundwater and soils on this section of the
catchment area for Second Ponds Creek has been recognised for over 60 years.
Details of the geology and hydrogeology at the site and results from various
investigations are in the following reports:

• “Report on Preliminary Salinity Investigation, Second Ponds Creek,

Schofields” by Douglas Partners, dated September 2001 (Project 29867),
henceforth termed the DP report. As well as reporting on soil sampling
and testing in the area, this report contains details of earlier work by Dr
Peter Mitchell and others.
• “Salinity Investigation at Second Ponds Creek” by CSIRO Land and
Water, dated May 2002. The report contained the results from additional
soil sampling and testing as well as geophysical work comprising EM31
measurements of bulk soil conductivity along a number of transects
parallel to the creek.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

• “Salinity Investigation Second Ponds Creek” by Mitchell Resource

Intelligence, dated November 2002 (MRI report). The report considered
results from the earlier reports mentioned above and other sources,
carried out further soil sampling and testing and produced maps plotting APPENDIX C
estimated conductivity of soil water extract (ECe) in both the A2 and B2
soil horizons. These maps are reproduced as Figures 1 and 2.

Conclusions based on the information in these studies were that:

• salinity at the Second Ponds Creek site was not as severe as originally
thought with ECe values of over 5 dS/m (moderately saline is 4 to 8
dS/m) only occurring in a few isolated areas along the creek corridor MANAGEMENT
(attention is drawn to the different ECe scales used on the two figures);
• in lower landscape positions, close to the creek, salinity levels generally PLAN
peaked at the bottom of the B2 horizon then appeared to drop off in the
shale, based on profiles in the DP report. The A1 horizon was generally
leached apart from some local pockets of high salinity near the creek in
the A2 horizon;
• on the upper landscape, salinity levels usually peaked in the shale but
generally at lower levels than closer to the creek;
• saline water appeared to be perched on the shale and flows laterally
leading to an accumulation of salts in the lower subsoil through
• sodicity was considered a more serious problem than salinity, particularly
along the creek line and tributaries, where dispersive soils and erosion
were extensive.


Although saline soils and groundwater are a natural part of the Australian
landscape, land management practices are now increasingly recognized as
significant contributors to the expansion of salt affected areas. In particular,
urban salinity is increasingly occurring around populated areas due to clearing
and site development.

Salinity occurs when salts found naturally in the soil or groundwater are
mobilised. Capillary rise and evaporation concentrate the salt on, and close to,
the ground surface. Urban salinity becomes a problem when the natural
hydrogeological balance is disturbed by human interaction. This may occur in
urban areas due to changes to the water balance, increases in the volume of
water into a natural system altering subsurface groundwater flows and levels,
exposure of saline soils, and removal of deep rooted vegetation reducing rates of
evapotranspiration. Even small changes in sensitive areas can result in the
balance being irrecoverably altered and salinisation occurring.

Some building methods may also contribute to the process of urban salinity. In
particular compacted surfaces and fills can restrict groundwater flow and result
in a concentration of salt in one area. Cutting into slopes for building, can result
in saline soils or ground water being exposed and intercepted. Additionally, the
use of imported filling may be an additional source of salt or the filling may be
less permeable, preventing good drainage. These issues may also result in
problems with the design and construction of roads. In particular, the building
of embankments and the compaction of layers can interfere with groundwater
flow. Also the inappropriate positioning, grading and construction of drains can
result in surface and groundwater mixing and stagnant pools forming that
evaporate leaving salt encrusted ground.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 1
ECe in A2 Soil Horizon (MRI Report, Nov. 2002)

Figure 2
ECe in B2 Soil Horizon (MRI Report, Nov. 2002)

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Salinity issues may also arise as the result of cumulative impacts. A common
example is from the gradual removal of vegetation across a site, which can
contribute to a change in the hydrological regime from reduced
evapotranspiration, a consequential rise in the ground water table, and APPENDIX C
subsequent salinity problems. Where vegetation is gradually removed the water
table rises as a result of a smaller volume of water being used by the plants,
allowing salts to be mobilised. Of more relevance in an urban landscape is the
potential for an increase in water inputs into the hydrological regime. These
increased inputs commonly come from the irrigation or watering of gardens and
playing fields, infiltration of storm water and sewage and other service leakage.
These inputs may seem minor on their own but their cumulative effects over
time produce an elevated groundwater table and eventually high levels of

Excess salinity in an urban environment can result in significant problems. It

can manifest itself in a number of ways resulting in damage to buildings,
vegetation, soils and roads.

The effects of salinity can be observed on building materials, infrastructure

including pipework and roads as well as in vegetation. The effect of urban
salinity is the result of both physical and chemical actions of the salt on
concrete, bricks and metals. Salt moves into the pores of concrete and bricks
and becomes concentrated when the water evaporates and can result in
breakdown of materials and corrosion. Evidence of this may include crumbling,
eroding or powdering of mortar or bricks, flaking of bricks facing and cracking
or corrosion of bricks.

High levels of salinity can result in damage to and even death of plants. Signs
that vegetation is under stress from salinity include the discolouration and
wilting of leaves and the death of less salt tolerant plant species. It may also be
hard to establish lawns in areas that are subject to high salinity.

High levels of salinity may also affect soil structure, chemistry and productivity.
This can reduce plant growth which in turn alters soil structure, chemistry and
nutrient levels. As soils become more saline, plant and micro-organisms decline
and soil structure deteriorates.

Waterlogging may also occur following a decline in nutrient levels. Over time,
the alteration of soil structure can lead to the formation of gullies and other
forms of soil erosion.

Salinity may also result in the corrosion of steel pipes, structural steel and
reinforcement and can damage underground service pipes resulting in significant
financial costs.

Salinity can also have a significant effect on roads and pavements and including:

• deterioration of the bitumen seal;

• blistering which can lead to the formation of cracks and potholes;
• staining;
• cracking;
• deformation;
• potholes;
• cracking and spalling of reinforced concrete pavements.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


5.1 Water Management APPENDIX C

The key to controlling the salinity of water in and around the Second Ponds
Creek corridor is to minimise the concentration of salinity by evaporative
processes. This can be done by ensuring good drainage in the catchment and
minimising the number of shallow open pools that can readily dry out. Erosion
is to some extent currently bigger issue along the creek line than salinity.
Consequently, any wetlands constructed along the creek and other watercourses SALINITY
should not only be designed to minimise evaporative losses but also incorporate
adequate bank protection measures to restrict erosion during peak flow periods. MANAGEMENT
horizon clays should be minimised by use of linings or sensitive landscaping
design. Re-establishment of suitable vegetation and addition of gypsum to PLAN
dispersive soils in soil conservation earthworks are also measures to control

Outside the creek corridor, efforts should be made to prevent or restrict changes
to the water balance that will result in rises in groundwater levels bringing saline
water closer to the ground surface where evaporative concentration can occur
resulting in potential salinisation. These efforts need to be directed at all levels
of the development process including:

• site design, including vegetation and landscaping; and

• residential and other buildings.

In general, the following recommendations for site design and building are
directed at:

• maintaining the natural water balance;

• maintaining good drainage;
• avoiding disturbance or exposure of sensitive soils;
• retaining or increasing appropriate native vegetation in strategic areas;
• implementing building controls and engineering responses where

Reference should also be made to maps and recommendations given in the DP

report, some of which are repeated below.

5.2 Site Design

Planning of the development of the site requires careful management with a

view to controlling drainage and infiltration of both surface waters and
groundwater to prevent rises in groundwater levels and minimise the potential
for erosion. Control methods for management of salinity during site
development should start with adherence to careful stripping and separation of
non-saline topsoil from slightly and moderately saline subsoils. Soils must be
replaced in the original order where possible to avoid bringing salts to the

The A and top of the B (i.e. B1) horizon are generally not saline and should be
recovered and stockpiled separately. The lower B (i.e. B2) and C horizons are
generally the more saline layers and where exposed need to be covered with say
100 - 200 mm of B1 then 100 - 200 mm of topsoil (A) for landscape finishes.
Building platforms should be capped with 100 - 200 mm of B1 horizon non
saline subsoil.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

The general prognosis for landscape success is good to very good if such
management methods are incorporated in design and followed during
construction. The main area showing severe problems in relation to rectification
is the scoured area of the main creek. This can be addressed by a range of
engineering and landscaping solutions.

Figure 3
The Urban Salinity Process

Figure 3 from "Good Housekeeping to Manage Urban Salinity" by the

Department of Infrastructure Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR)
illustrates the urban salinity process and identifies situations where salinity
problems can develop due to inappropriate planning and design.

Precautionary measures in subdivision design to reduce the potential for salinity

problems include:

• avoiding water collecting in low lying areas, along shallow creeks,

floodways, in ponds, depressions, or behind fill embankments or near
trenches on the uphill sides of roads. This can lead to water logging of
the soils, evaporative concentration of salts, and eventual breakdown in
soil structure resulting in accelerated erosion;

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

• roads and the shoulder areas should also be designed to be well drained,
particularly with regard to drainage of surface water. There should not be
excessive concentrations of runoff or ponding that would lead to
waterlogging of the pavement or additional recharge to the groundwater. APPENDIX C
Road shoulders should be included in the sealing program;

• surface drains should generally be provided along the top of batter slopes
of greater than 2.5 m height to reduce the potential for concentrated flows
of water down slopes possibly causing scour. Well graded subsoil
drainage should be provided at the base of all slopes where there are road
pavements below the slope to reduce the risk of waterlogging;
• where possible materials and waters used in the construction of roads and
fill embankments should be selected to contain minimal or no salt. This PLAN
may be difficult for cuts and fills in lower areas where saline soils are
exposed in cut or excavated then placed as filling. Under these
circumstances where salinisation could be a problem, a capping layer of
either topsoil or sandy materials should be placed to reduce capillary rise,
act as a drainage layer and also reduce the potential for dispersive
behaviour in the sodic soils;

• to minimise infiltration through the exposed filling batters and the

potential resulting flushing of salts from the filling, it is suggested that the
batter slopes be specifically compacted to the requirements as described
above but with control of the moisture content to OMC + 2% or otherwise
over-filled, compacted and then trimmed back to the final alignment. If
the later is to be carried out, the outer zone (say 3 m wide) of the filling
should be placed at OMC + 2%;

• gypsum should be mixed into filling containing sodic soils and cuts where
sodic soils are exposed on slopes to improve soil structure and to
minimise erosion potential;

• consideration could be given to planning to use deeper infrastructure

service lines, deeper than say 1.2 m, to promote subsurface drainage by
incorporating slotted drainage pipes fitting into the stormwater pits in
lower areas where pipe invert levels are within about 1 m of existing
groundwater levels. This is probably likely to be more appropriate where
good drainage can be planned as in certain situations poorly graded
subsoil drainage and water collecting in pits may make things worse
raising the water table and increasing the risk of salinisation;

• salt tolerant grasses and trees should be considered close to the creek and
in areas of moderate and greater salinity to reduce soil erosion and to
stabilise the soils and creek banks as well as maintain the existing
evapotranspiration and groundwater levels. Reference should be made to
an experienced landscape planner or agronomist. Advice from landscape
technologists is that a wide range of indigenous and native species are
available that will tolerate the anticipated level of salinity.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

5.3 Residential and Other Buildings

Figure 4, also from “Good Housekeeping to Manage Urban Salinity" by DIPNR,

presents diagrammatically a selection of salinity management tips for domestic APPENDIX C

The extent of measures adopted during construction in particular the concrete

and masonry requirements should depend on the particular level of salinity of
aggressivity at the actual site. Based on measurements and observations to date,
it is anticipated that extreme salinity protection measures, such as increased
durability concrete, barrier membranes, pier and beam, etc will not be required
over most of the building areas. Nevertheless, for the construction of buildings MANAGEMENT
on moderately or more saline sites, it is considered that:
• soil from building sites in areas suspected to be more than slightly saline
(ECe > 4 dS/m) should be sampled, tested and classified for soil salinity
and aggressivity. This should preferably be carried out by a geotechnical
consultant at the same time the site is classified for soil reactivity (shrink
– swell behaviour as described in Australian Standard 2870 – 1996
Residential slabs and footings). The salinity classification would involve
limited additional testing of soil or water samples for pH, electrical
conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), sodicity, and possibly
sulphates and chlorides. At Second Ponds Creek it is anticipated, based
on Figures 1 and 2, that only a few building sites close to the creek
corridor are likely to be affected;

• on moderately or more saline sites, a thick layer of sand (say 100 mm

minimum) followed by a membrane of thick plastic should be placed
under the concrete slab to act as a moisture barrier and drainage layer to
restrict capillary rise under the slab. Alternatively concrete grade of at
least N25 and minimum 45 mm reinforcement cover should be adequate
in moderately saline areas increasing to N32 and 50 mm cover
respectively for very saline (ECe from 8 to 16 dS/m) areas;

• the need for higher than normal strength concrete (≥ N40) and use of
sulphate resistant cement should be considered in potentially highly saline
(ECe > 16 dS/m) or aggressive areas in order to reduce the risk
reinforcement corrosion in concrete slabs. A minimum of 55 mm of
concrete cover on slab reinforcement, proper compaction and curing
concrete are also suggested to produce a dense low permeability concrete;

• as an alternative to slab on ground construction, suspended slab or pier

and beam construction should be considered, particularly on sloping sites
as this will minimise exposure to potentially corrosive soils and reduce
the potential cut and fill on site which could alter subsurface flows;

• other measures that can be considered to improve the durability of

concrete in saline environments should be considered. These include
reducing the water cement ratio (hence increasing strength), minimising
cracks and joins in plumbing on or near the concrete, reducing turbulence
of any water flowing over the concrete and using a quality assurance

• it is essential that in all masonry buildings that a brick damp course be

properly installed so that it cannot be bridged either internally or
externally. This will prevent moisture moving into brick work and up the

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Figure 4
Salinity Management at Home

• as there are various exposure classifications and durability ratings for the
wide range of masonry available, reference should be made to the
supplier in choosing suitable bricks of at least exposure quality. Water
proofing agents can also be added to mortar to further restrict potential
water movement;

• in high salinity areas, bricks that are not susceptible to damage from salt
water should be used. These are generally less permeable, do not contain
salts during their construction and have good internal strength so that they
can withstand any stress imposed on them by any salt encrustation;

• as indicated on Figure 4, service connections and stormwater runoffs

should be checked to avoid leaky pipes which may affect off site areas
lower down the slope and increase groundwater recharge resulting in
increases in groundwater levels.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006


The above information and recommendations have been based on the results of
testing carried out and reported to date.

Recommendations are given for site development to minimise or reduce the

potential for the development of salinity problems.

Generally apart from the main creek corridor, almost all of the topsoils and
nearsurface subsoils in the areas where residential buildings are proposed are
non-saline (ECe < 2 dS/m) or slightly saline. The B-horizon soils and shale are MANAGEMENT
more saline in some locations at depths below 1 m to 1. 5 m.
The main implications for residential development and road construction are that
measures should be taken to minimise the use of extensive cut and fill
techniques. Where cutting is necessary the non-saline near surface soils should
be kept separate from the deeper more saline subsoils and shale. Any cut soils
should be replaced in original order and exposed B-horizon soils and shale
covered with non-saline topsoils so as not to bring salts to the surface.

Other recommendations for site design and buildings should be followed. In the
creek corridor, rectification of the scoured areas should be carried out with
appropriate engineering and landscaping solutions. As previously mentioned
sodic soils and erosion is to some extent a more serious problem here than


Reviewed by:
Dr Terry Wiesner
Grahame Wilson

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

1. Department of Land and Water Conservation (DLWC), 2002, Site
Investigation for Urban Salinity booklet
2. Department of Land and Water Conservation (DLWC), 2002, Draft
Salinity Potential In Western Sydney Hazard Map

3. Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR),

2004, Roads and Salinity SALINITY
4. Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR), MANAGEMENT
2004, Waterwise Parks and Gardens
5. Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR),
2004, Building in a Saline Environment

6. Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (DIPNR),

2002, Salinity Potential in Western Sydney Map

7. Stockland (2004), Annand Alcock Urban Design, Issue 5, April 2004,

Chapter 6 Environmental Management

8. Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Ltd (2003) Western

Sydney Salinity Code of Practice

9. Department of Infrastructure Planning and Natural Resources (2004)

Good Housekeeping to Manage Urban Salinity – for residents in Western

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

APPENDIX A (to Salinity Management Plan)

Notes Relating to this Report: Borehole Logs
Drawing 1 – Locality Plan
These notes have been provided to amplify the geotechnical report in regard to SALINITY
classification methods, specialist field procedures and certain matters relating to
the Discussion and Comments section. Not all, of course, are necessarily
relevant to all reports. PLAN
Geotechnical reports are based on information gained from limited subsurface
test boring and sampling, supplemented by knowledge of local geology and
experience. For this reason, they must be regarded as interpretive rather than
factual documents, limited to some extent by the scope of information on which
they rely.

Description and Classification Methods

The methods of description and classification of soils and rocks used in this
report are based on Australian Standard 1726, Geotechnical Site Investigations
Code. In general, descriptions cover the following properties - strength or
density, colour, structure, soil or rock type and inclusions.

Soil types are described according to the predominating particle size, qualified
by the grading of other particles present (eg. sandy clay) on the following bases:

Soil Classification Particle Size

Clay less than 0.002 mm
Silt 0.002 to 0.06 mm
Sand 0.06 to 2.00 mm
Gravel 2.00 to 60.00 mm

Cohesive soils are classified on the basis of strength either by laboratory testing
or engineering examination. The strength terms are defined as follows.

Classification Undrained Shear Strength kPa

Very soft less than 12
Soft 12—25
Firm 25—50
Stiff 50—100
Very stiff 100—200
Hard Greater than 200

Non-cohesive soils are classified on the basis of relative density, generally from
the results of standard penetration tests (SPT) or Dutch cone penetrometer tests
(CPT) as below:

Relative Density SPT “N” Value CPT Cone Value (qc —

(blows/300 mm) MPa)
Very loose less than 5 less than 2
Loose 5—10 2—5
Medium dense 10—30 5—15
Dense 30—50 15—25
Very dense greater than 50 greater than 25

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Rock types are classified by their geological names. Where relevant, further
information regarding rock classification is given on the following sheet.

Sampling is carried out during drilling to allow engineering examination (and
laboratory testing where required) of the soil or rock.
Disturbed samples taken during drilling provide information on colour, type,
inclusions and, depending upon the degree of disturbance, some information on
strength and structure. SALINITY
Undisturbed samples are taken by pushing a thin-walled sample tube into the MANAGEMENT
soil and withdrawing with a sample of the soil in a relatively undisturbed state.
Such samples yield information on structure and strength, and are necessary for PLAN
laboratory determination of shear strength and compressibility. Undisturbed
sampling is generally effective only in cohesive soils.
Details of the type and method of sampling are given in the report.

Drilling Methods

The following is a brief summary of drilling methods currently adopted by the

Company and some comments on their use and application.

Test Pits — these are excavated with a backhoe or a tracked excavator, allowing
close examination of the in-situ soils if it is safe to descent into the pit. The
depth of penetration is limited to about 3 m for a backhoe and up to 6 m for an
excavator. A potential disadvantage is the disturbance caused by the excavation.

Large Diameter Auger (eg. Pengo) — the hole is advanced by a rotating plate
or short spiral auger, generally 300 mm or larger in diameter. The cuttings are
returned to the surface at intervals (generally of not more than 0.5 m) and are
disturbed but usually unchanged in moisture content. Identification of soil strata
is generally much more reliable than with continuous spiral flight augers, and is
usually supplemented by occasional undisturbed tube sampling.

Continuous Sample Drilling — the hole is advanced by pushing a 100 mm

diameter socket into the ground and withdrawing it at intervals to extrude the
sample. This is the most reliable method of drilling in soils, since moisture
content is unchanged and soil structure, strength, etc. is only marginally

Continuous Spiral Flight Augers — the hole is advanced using 90—115 mm

diameter continuous spiral flight augers which are withdrawn at intervals to
allow sampling or in-situ testing. This is a relatively economical means of
drilling in clays and in sands above the water table. Samples are returned to the
surface, or may be collected after withdrawal of the auger flights, but they are
very disturbed and may be contaminated. Information from the drilling (as
distinct from specific sampling by SPTs or undisturbed samples) is of relatively
lower reliability, due to remoulding, contamination or softening of samples by
ground water.

Non-core Rotary Drilling — the hole is advanced by a rotary bit, with water
being pumped down the drill rods and returned up the annulus, carrying the drill
cuttings. Only major changes in stratification can be determined from the
cuttings, together with some information from ‘feel’ and rate of penetration.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Rotary Mud Drilling — similar to rotary drilling, but using drilling mud as a
circulating fluid. The mud tends to mask the cuttings and reliable identification
is again only possible from separate intact sampling (eg. from SPT).
Continuous Core Drilling — a continuous core sample is obtained using a
diamond-tipped core barrel, usually 50 mm internal diameter. Provided full core
recovery is achieved (which is not always possible in very weak rocks and
granular soils), this technique provides a very reliable (but relatively expensive)
method of investigation.

Standard Penetration Tests

Standard penetration tests (abbreviated as SPT) are used mainly in non-cohesive
soils, but occasionally also in cohesive soils as a means of determining density PLAN
or strength and also of obtaining a relatively undisturbed sample. The test
procedure is described in Australian Standard 1289, “Methods of Testing Soils
for Engineering Purposes” — Test 6.3.1.

The test is carried out in a borehole by driving a 50 mm diameter split sample

tube under the impact of a 63 kg hammer with a free fall of 760 mm. It is
normal for the tube to be driven in three successive 150 mm increments and the
‘N’ value is taken as the number of blows for the last 300 mm. In dense sands,
very hard clays or weak rock, the full 450 mm penetration may not be
practicable and the test is discontinued.

The test results are reported in the following form.

• In the case where full penetration is obtained with successive blow counts
for each 150 mm of say 4, 6 and 7
as 4, 6, 7
N = 13
• In the case where the test is discontinued short of full penetration, say
after 15 blows for the first 150 mm and 30 blows for the next 40 mm
as 15, 30/40 mm.
The results of the tests can be related empirically to the engineering properties
of the soil.

Occasionally, the test method is used to obtain samples in 50 mm diameter thin

walled sample tubes in clays. In such circumstances, the test results are shown
on the borelogs in brackets.

Cone Penetrometer Testing and Interpretation

Cone penetrometer testing (sometimes referred to as Dutch cone — abbreviated

as CPT) described in this report has been carried out using an electrical friction
cone penetrometer. The test is described in Australian Standard 1289, Test 6.4.1.

In the tests, a 35 mm diameter rod with a cone-tipped end is pushed

continuously into the soil, the reaction being provided by a specially designed
truck or rig which is fitted with an hydraulic ram system. Measurements are
made of the end bearing resistance on the cone and the friction resistance on a
separate 130 mm long sleeve, immediately behind the cone. Transducers in the
tip of the assembly are connected by electrical wires passing through the centre
of the push rods to an amplifier and recorder unit mounted on the control truck.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

As penetration occurs (at a rate of approximately 20 mm per second) the

information is plotted on a computer screen and at the end of the test is stored on
the computer for later plotting of the results.
The information provided on the plotted results comprises:
• Cone resistance — the actual end bearing force divided by the cross
sectional area of the cone — expressed in MPa.
• Sleeve friction — the frictional force on the sleeve divided by the surface
area — expressed in kPa.
• Friction ratio — the ratio of sleeve friction to cone resistance, expressed SALINITY
in percent.
There are two scales available for measurement of cone resistance. The lower
scale (0—5 MPa) is used in very soft soils where increased sensitivity is PLAN
required and is shown in the graphs as a dotted line. The main scale (0—50
MPa) is less sensitive and is shown as a full line.

The ratios of the sleeve friction to cone resistance will vary with the type of soil
encountered, with higher relative friction in clays than in sands. Friction ratios
of 1%—2% are commonly encountered in sands and very soft clays rising to
4%—10% in stiff clays.

In sands, the relationship between cone resistance and SPT value is commonly
in the range:
qc (MPa) = (0.4 to 0.6) N (blows per 300 mm)

In clays, the relationship between undrained shear strength and cone resistance
is commonly in the range:
qc = (12 to 18) cu

Interpretation of CPT values can also be made to allow estimation of modulus or

compressibility values to allow calculation of foundation settlements.

Inferred stratification as shown on the attached reports is assessed from the cone
and friction traces and from experience and information from nearby boreholes,
etc. This information is presented for general guidance, but must be regarded as
being to some extent interpretive. The test method provides a continuous profile
of engineering properties, and where precise information on soil classification is
required, direct drilling and sampling may be preferable.

Hand Penetrometers

Hand penetrometer tests are carried out by driving a rod into the ground with a
falling weight hammer and measuring the blows for successive 150 mm
increments of penetration. Normally, there is a depth limitation of 1.2 m but this
may be extended in certain conditions by the use of extension rods.
Two relatively similar tests are used.
• Perth sand penetrometer — a 16 mm diameter flat-ended rod is driven
with a 9 kg hammer, dropping 600 mm (AS 1289, Test 6.3.3). This test
was developed for testing the density of sands (originating in Perth) and
is mainly used in granular soils and filling.
• Cone penetrometer (sometimes known as the Scala Penetrometer) — a 16
mm rod with a 20 mm diameter cone end is driven with a 9 kg hammer
dropping 510 mm (AS 1289, Test 6.3.2). The test was developed initially
for pavement subgrade investigations, and published correlations of the
test results with California bearing ratio have been published by various
Road Authorities.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Laboratory Testing

Laboratory testing is carried out in accordance with Australian Standard 1289

“Methods of Testing Soil for Engineering Purposes”. Details of the test
procedure used are given on the individual report forms.

Bore Logs

The bore logs presented herein are an engineering and/or geological

interpretation of the subsurface conditions, and their reliability will depend to SALINITY
some extent on frequency of sampling and the method of drilling. Ideally,
continuous undisturbed sampling or core drilling will provide the most reliable MANAGEMENT
assessment, but this is not always practicable, or possible to justify on economic
grounds. In any case, the boreholes represent only a very small sample of the PLAN
total subsurface profile.

Interpretation of the information and its application to design and construction

should therefore take into account the spacing of boreholes, the frequency of
sampling and the possibility of other than ‘straight line’ variations between the

Ground Water

Where ground water levels are measured in boreholes, there are several potential

• In low permeability soils, ground water although present, may enter the
hole slowly or perhaps not at all during the time it is left open.
• A localised perched water table may lead to an erroneous indication of
the true water table.
• Water table levels will vary from time to time with seasons or recent
weather changes. They may not be the same at the time of construction
as are indicated in the report.
• The use of water or mud as a drilling fluid will mask any ground water
inflow. Water has to be blown out of the hole and drilling mud must first
be washed out of the hole if water observations are to be made.

More reliable measurements can be made by installing standpipes which are

read at intervals over several days, or perhaps weeks for low permeability soils.
Piezometers, sealed in a particular stratum, may be advisable in low
permeability soils or where there may be interference from a perched water

Engineering Reports

Engineering reports are prepared by qualified personnel and are based on the
information obtained and on current engineering standards of interpretation and
analysis. Where the report has been prepared for a specific design proposal (eg.
a three storey building), the information and interpretation may not be relevant if
the design proposal is changed (eg. to a twenty storey building). If this happens,
the Company will be pleased to review the report and the sufficiency of the
investigation work.

Blacktown Development Control Plan 2006

Every care is taken with the report as it relates to interpretation of subsurface

condition, discussion of geotechnical aspects and recommendations or
suggestions for design and construction. However, the Company cannot always
anticipate or assume responsibility for: APPENDIX C
• unexpected variations in ground conditions — the potential for this will
depend partly on bore spacing and sampling frequency
• changes in policy or interpretation of policy by statutory authorities
• the actions of contractors responding to commercial pressures.
If these occur, the Company will be pleased to assist with investigation or advice
to resolve the matter. MANAGEMENT
Site Anomalies PLAN
In the event that conditions encountered on site during construction appear to
vary from those which were expected from the information contained in the
report, the Company requests that it immediately be notified. Most problems are
much more readily resolved when conditions are exposed than at some later
stage, well after the event.

Reproduction of Information for Contractual Purposes

Attention is drawn to the document “Guidelines for the Provision of

Geotechnical Information in Tender Documents”, published by the Institution of
Engineers, Australia. Where information obtained from this investigation is
provided for tendering purposes, it is recommended that all information,
including the written report and discussion, be made available. In circumstances
where the discussion or comments section is not relevant to the contractual
situation, it may be appropriate to prepare a specially edited document. The
Company would be pleased to assist in this regard and/or to make additional
report copies available for contract purposes at a nominal charge.

Site Inspection

The Company will always be pleased to provide engineering inspection services

for geotechnical aspects of work to which this report is related. This could
range from a site visit to confirm that conditions exposed are as expected, to full
time engineering presence on site.

Copyright © 1998 Douglas Partners Pty Ltd


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