Mage The Awakening - Summoners PDF
Mage The Awakening - Summoners PDF
Mage The Awakening - Summoners PDF
Do you see these circles? Do you know what they are? What they mean?
Oh, I’m sure you’ve seen their like, before,
and you’re thinking of several clever answers to my questions,
none of which is the answer.
These are the doorways through which I welcome wonders and terrors
into this Fallen World and bind them to my service.
And, so, these circles are wonder and terror. They are power.
— Heliodromus, Mystagogue and Summoner
Kale woke with a start, tangled in his sheets and “That fucking wheel,” he said aloud as he started
sweating through the cool of the AC. He fumbled for up the coffee machine.
the phone, dropped it and, swearing, snatched it off •••
the floor. Out of the picture window in his bedroom After breakfast he slipped on his running shoes and
he could see the rising sun reflecting off the stately headed outside. The wind blowing off the ocean was
progression of ocean waves. The morning sun illumi- cold in the morning air and he picked up his pace to
nated the room in a ruddy glow just bright enough to stay warm as he jogged along the cliff’s edge. As he
make him squint. ran, his thoughts returned to his father. The old man
“Hello?” had never understood Kale’s drive to become an artist.
“Hey buddy! Did I wake you?” Even the fact that the family fortune was founded on
“Yes. Don’t worry about it,” Kale said, cutting off the money generated by great-grandfather’s art hadn’t
the apology he knew was coming. “Was having a swayed his father’s mind. He had wanted Kale to fol-
nightmare anyways.” low his footsteps in the company. Kale only wanted
“The wheel again?” to paint. Their arguments eventually drove Kale from
“Yeah. That fucking wheel. I always hated that god- the house and only when his paintings began to gain
damned thing. Tell me again why I shouldn’t just melt it some recognition, when he proved his art wasn’t just
down,” said Kale, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. a rich kid’s hobby, had his father relented.
“Well, for starters, the Historical Society would have Other than holidays and the occasional family get-
a fit. That hunk of metal is a piece of genuine Ameri- together, he hadn’t spent much time around his father
cana, cobbled together by your great-grandfather. It for the last 20 years. The old wounds scabbed over
might be junk to you, but to them its art. Then there’s slowly. In a bit of irony, he was painting when he got
the whole legacy issue to contend with…” the phone call telling him his father was dead. The
maid hadn’t been able to find the old man when she
“Alright, alright. I know,” Kale interrupted. “What
got to work, the car was still in the garage and the
do you want, Jimmy?”
back door was open, banging back and forth against
“I have some papers here for you to sign. You coming
the house in the wind. She called the police and the
down to the office today?”
sheriff’s deputy that responded found the body. The
Kale swung his legs out of bed. “Yeah, later though. coroner’s report said the old man had died from a heart
Say around three?” attack. The police had asked him if he knew why his
“Swell,” said Jimmy, cheerfully. “See you at three.” father would’ve gotten up in the middle of the night
Kale hung up the phone, got out of bed and walked and wandered the grounds (the body had already begun
towards his closet. Kicking off the boxers he’d slept in, to display signs or rigor mortis when it was found) and
he threw on a pair of gray sweats and a ragged black Kale had said no. Sure he already knew the answer;
T-shirt that said “The Ramones” in fading letters. He he asked where exactly the body had been found. His
dug out a pair of white athletic socks and padded down father had died beside the wheel.
to the kitchen. Like every other room in the house, “That fucking wheel,” he said, absently.
the kitchen looked shiny and new. The stainless steel He was jolted out of his reverie when he realized he
counters were free of dents or scratches and the ap- was standing in front of the wheel, like he had conjured
pliances looked fresh out of the box. After his father it by speaking its name. Panting slightly from his run,
had died and Kale returned home for good, he’d had he walked around the wheel, eyeing it with distaste. Ac-
the entire place redecorated. It wasn’t just that his cording to family lore, his great-grandfather had begun
father’s taste had been bad (it had) or that the house construction of the wheel after visiting Tibet, inspired
was decades out of style (it was); living among the by the wind-driven prayer wheels of that country. The
detritus of his father’s life had been like living with a wheel itself looked like it had been constructed from
ghost. Before it was redecorated, every time he came an oil drum and was set horizontal to the ground with
home, Kale had half-expected to encounter his father’s an axle running through it. Wind was captured by a
slightly disapproving face around every corner. So he’d series of bent fins, which turned the wheel smoothly
cleaned out the place, even renovating the grounds. on its axle if it had been oiled recently or jerkily, ac-
Anything that reminded him of his father was removed, companied by screeching metal, if it hadn’t. The entire
replaced or refurbished. Except the wheel. thing was constructed from galvanized steel and was
supported by matching struts, bolted into the stone of Kale stepped back from the canvas to take a look at
the cliff. Taken as a whole it looked, to Kale at least, his work. In leaner times he’d painted dull landscapes
like a giant paper towel holder, set upright, that had for hotels and restaurants, always to the exact speci-
been attacked by a windmill. fications requested by the client. Once his work had
Great-grandfather had known next to nothing about grown more popular he’d sworn to never take another
the Tibetan language, so he had decorated the wheel commission and to only paint what he wanted to paint.
with glyphs of his own devising, searing them into the He’d always painted from instinct, rarely planning out
metal. No two glyphs were alike and (according to every exactly what his next project would be. Commission
expert who had examined the thing) were completely work was the antithesis of that kind of spontaneity
decorative in design, conforming to no known or and he was glad he’d never signed his real name to any
guessed-at language. In his will, great-grandfather had of the commercial paintings. The painting he’d just
declared the wheel a legacy of the estate and forbade spent the last several hours working on was nominally
its removal from the grounds. Every couple of weeks, a traditional sunset. In it, the sun sank slowly into the
the people from the Historical Society would come waves of the ocean, infusing the water with an orange
out to oil the thing and polish it clean of rust. It had glow. The twilight sky was still lit by the last rays of
remained in the same spot for nearly a century. the sun, the horizon a luminous pink.
Kale had a very clear memory of when simple distaste Disrupting all that mundane tranquility was a black
for the wheel had turned to outright hatred. At his keyhole, larger than the sun, floating near the right
11th birthday, buzzing on a sugar high of cake and ice border of the painting. The keyhole was pitch black for
cream, he and his friends had roamed the grounds now – though Kale thought he might end up lighting
of the estate until they ended up by the wheel. He the darkness with stars– and the edges of the keyhole
remembered his friends looking at the thing in awe, glowed with a strange gray, eldritch light. He had the
daring each other to touch it. The wind was calm that oddest sensation that there was something moving
day and the wheel was turning in lazy revolutions, behind the keyhole, something very large and very
glinting innocently in the noon day sun. Finally, old. He had an idea that, whatever the something
one of his friends from school, a boy named Niko, might be, he’d only capture a portion of it in the
reached out to touch it. Kale had wanted to shout at painting; only an eye. An eye peeking through the
him to stop, had wanted to smack his hand away like keyhole like a child might on Christmas Eve to spy
Niko was extending it toward a rabid dog. Only the out her presents.
fear of being labeled a “sissy” or “puss” kept him from The inspiration for this work was no great mystery.
acting on his growing sense of unease. Just as Niko He’d painted the view from his living room balcony,
placed his fingers on the wheel, a hard gust of wind though he’d worked indoors to avoid the erratic ocean
blew in off the ocean and, snicker-snack, the tips of winds. Kale wasn’t sure why he’d added the keyhole,
Niko’s index and middle fingers were lopped off by either. It just seemed to fit. The location of the keyhole
the sharp edges of the metal fins. He remembered in the painting nagged at his mind. It reminded him
with a crystal clarity Niko’s screams and the bright of something, but he couldn’t think what. Shrugging
red blood running in the grooves of the wheel, filling his shoulders, he attempted to banish the idea from
the incomprehensible glyphs. his mind and began to put away his tools. Brushes
He shook himself mentally and begun to jog back were carefully washed out, paint lids screwed firmly
to the house. Spending a lot of time today down memory in place and everything was packed away into his kit.
lane, he thought, which was immediately followed by, Even though he was sure he’d work on the painting
Maybe Jimmy is right. Maybe I should get out more often. again tomorrow, he always followed the same routine.
He’d get out this weekend, he promised, just as soon as In its own odd way, returning everything to its proper
the painting was finished; and hey, he was going down place was just as much a part of his creative process
to the office today. That was a social occasion not to as the actual painting was.
be missed. He snorted. Behind him, forgotten for the He’d nearly forgotten about his earlier fixation on the
moment, the wheel continued to turn, its revolutions keyhole’s location until he began to carefully cover the
not quite matching the steady beat of his heart. painting. Frowning, he secured the cover, wondering
anew what bothered him about its placement. Vaguely the railing. Turning on his heel, he strode with quick
irritated by this disruption to his normal routine, Kale steps back into the house and grabbed the painting
moved the easel to the side of the room and marched from the easel. He ripped the covering off it and stared.
over to the double glass doors that led to the balcony. There could be no doubt. The keyhole and the wheel
Sliding them open, he stepped out into the evening. were in the same place. Angrier than he’d been in
The real sunset taking place was far more prosaic years, he walked back out to the balcony and hurled
than the one he’d just been working on, albeit still the painting over the edge.
quite lovely. The wind tugged gently at his hair as he “Fly motherfucker,” he said and watched as the paint-
surveyed the view, his hands resting on the railing. ing caught an updraft and sailed over the cliff edge.
Intentionally sweeping his view from left to right, Slamming the door behind him, Kale stomped over
he tried to guess at what seed had germinated in his to the bar and poured himself a glass of brandy. He
imagination into the keyhole of the painting. Moving downed it in two quick gulps and poured another. Still
his head only a fraction at a time, eyes straight ahead, fuming, trembling from the shock of adrenaline that
Kale tried to mimic the viewpoint of the painting. had surged through his body in his anger, he downed
Nothing, nothing, nothing; he continued to scan. Then that one as well and poured a third. Forcing himself
he stopped. This view, this vantage of the grounds to relax, he picked up his drink and shuffled over to
was exactly the same as the one he’d captured in the the sofa. The leather of the cushions creaked as he
painting. The wheel. That fucking wheel was in the sat down. He idly picked up the remote and turned
exact same position in his point of view as the keyhole on the flat-screen, plasma television that hung from
was in the painting. his wall. He flipped through channels at random,
“Son of a bitch,” he whispered. not really even seeing the pictures on the screen as
The goddamned thing had begun to invade his they flashed by; his mind filled with images of prayer
work! Furious, Kale slammed the side of his fist into wheels and keyholes.
He sleeps. The storm has come again and he stands beside the wheel, wet hair plastered
to his head. The glyphs on the wheel are gone and, in a flash of lightning, he sees key-
holes painted in their place. One by one, stars appear in the keyholes, shining dully, leaving
streamers of light as the wheel turns. The winds screams in his ears, the voices gibber
and laugh insanely. In slow motion he sees himself reach out to stop the wheel, just like
poor Niko reached out to touch it. His mind screams with the danger, visions of Niko’s fin-
gers spurting blood flickering through his sight like film on a faltering projector. The fins
slice through his hands, snicker-snack, and he feels nothing, only an icy-cold that seeps up
his arms. Impossibly, the mauled remains of his hands obey his commands and grasp the
wheel, sliding on its wet surface before catching it and holding it still. The wind dies, the
voices stop and the storm abates. All is quiet. The cold moon stares down at him and he
begins to shake, the chill from his arms spreading to his chest. He stares at the wheel
and sees a shadow pass over the stars twinkling out of the keyholes. The cold has spread
its icy fingers to his heart, the chill freezing the blood in his veins. His shakes become
more violent, his body spasms, dancing a lunatic jig. Eyes appear at the keyholes, starkly
white against the black, pupils a putrid yellow. The eyes stare at him and he screams.
Still screaming he awoke. The room was freezing On the third ring he heard a click and a tired-
cold and, for a moment, he could see his breath fog- sounding voice said, “Hello?”
ging in the air. He could see frost lining the edges of “It’s me Jimmy. I need an answer. Does the Historical
the windows. His skin was painful with gooseflesh and Society have great-grandfather’s papers?”
he realized that he was naked. At some point in the “What?”
night he’d thrown his sheets to the floor and stripped “Wake up dammit! Listen. Does the Historical
free of his boxers. Reaching out with a trembling Society have great-grandfather’s papers? You know;
hand he pulled the sheets over his body and huddled original designs for his sculptures, journals, that sort
in their warmth. Slowly, the room lost its chill and, of shit?”
still wrapped in the sheets, Kale rose from his bed. He
“Christ, Kale. I don’t know. Why?”
staggered, body aching, to the bathroom and stepped
“Never mind why. Can you find out for me?”
into the shower, not bothering to remove his cocoon
of sheets before turning on the hot water. The pound- “Does this have something to do with the wheel?”
ing spray of the shower jet, combined with the heat “I told you never mind why! Can you find out?”
and steam finally drove the chill and stiffness from “You know you can’t get rid of that thing.”
him. When he felt almost human again, he turned off Kale almost screamed into the phone. “I don’t give
the shower and rang out the sheets as best he could two shits what you think, Jimmy! Can you find out
before hanging them in the stall. Toweling off, Kale or not?”
stared at his reflection in the fogged mirror and asked “Whoa, whoa! Calm down, man. Yeah, sure. I can
himself a question. find out. If they do have that stuff, what then?”
“What the hell is going on?” “I wanna see it,” said Kale.
The bedroom was back to a normal temperature “Ok, sure. Right. I’ll call on Monday and find
when he left the bathroom. Dressing quickly in jeans out.”
and a button-down, blue and white striped shirt, he “Today, Jimmy! You find out today. I don’t care if
hurried downstairs and set the coffee to brewing. He you have to hitchhike to the director’s house to ask.
plucked the phone from its wall mount and dialed Find. Out. Now.”
Jimmy’s cell. He wouldn’t be in the office on a weekend. An exasperated sigh. “Fine. I’ll call you back when
It rang five times before he got Jimmy’s voice mail. Kale I know.”
snarled, hung up and immediately called back.
“Good,” said Kale, hanging up.
“Answer the phone you asshole,” he muttered, dig-
ging in the fridge for the cream.
Kale sifted through the small mound of books, Setting the ledger aside, he picked up the drawings
drawings and journals laid out before him on a desk of the glyphs again and stared at them. A quick scan
in the back of the Historical Society building. It had of the room turned up a notebook, which he brought
taken Jimmy four hours to track down the director back to the desk. He began to copy the glyphs,
and convince her to allow Kale to look through his looking for a connection. He reversed their images,
great-grandfather’s memorabilia. The large cash transposed one over the other and tried to decon-
“donation” Jimmy had offered hadn’t hurt either. struct them to their most basic elements. Nothing
The documents smelled faintly musty, as though he tried made the glyphs any more intelligible and
they’d been kept in a basement with poor ventilation he eventually admitted defeat, his head pounding
for years, which was probably the case. At first, he from staring at the odd symbols. Frustrated, he went
had found great-grandfather’s spidery handwriting back to shuffling through the rest of the collection,
difficult to decipher, but after staring at it for over flipping through pages, looking for anything out of
an hour now he was able to make out what the man place. Every single book was filled from front to back
had written without too much difficulty. It hadn’t with great-grandfather’s writing, notes and sketches.
taken him long to find the original design for the Except that wasn’t true was it? He remembered leafing
wheel. Great-grandfather had made several pencil through one book with several blank pages in the
sketches of the general shape of the thing and across back. It hadn’t struck him as unusual at the time,
the bottom of one of the pages were drawings of all but now it definitely seemed strange.
29 of the glyphs that had been seared into the metal He dug through the stacks around him until he
body of the wheel. Viewed as a whole, the glyphs found it. The book, large and sturdily bound in rigid
were disconcerting to look at, the angles seemed leather, was one of great-grandfather’s personal diaries.
wrong and, not for the first time, Kale wondered Kale flipped to the back and found the blank pages.
exactly what they represented. He held one of the pages up to the lights, cracking
He continued to pour over the materials and after the spine as he did so. Nothing. Disappointed he
another hour had passed, he thought he’d found began to close the book when he caught a whiff of
something interesting in an old ledger. Before the something other than the musty smell he’d become
construction of the wheel, great-grandfather had accustomed to. Putting his nose to where paper met
been considered something of a local eccentric. His binding he took a sniff. The crevice held the ghostly
pieced-together metal sculptures were seen as curiosity faint smell of lemon. Excited now, he hurried over to
pieces rather than legitimate works of art. All that one of the bright lamps the staff used for restoration
changed following the wheel’s creation. Suddenly, projects and removed the hood. He turned the lamp
art critics who had previously sneered — often pub- on and held the page close to the heat of the bulb.
licly — at great-grandfather’s work had a change of Slowly, excruciatingly, brown words began to appear
heart. They proclaimed the works the product of a on the page. He subjected the remainder of the pages
visionary in the field and, consequently, demand for to the same treatment, then sat down to read what
the sculptures had skyrocketed. A year prior to his he had discovered.
construction of the wheel, great-grandfather had been The first few pages were written in a language he
nearly bankrupt. A year later he was flush with cash didn’t recognize. He skipped past these until he came
and nearly overwhelmed with orders for his work. to writing in plain English:
Somehow the wheel and great-grandfather’s sudden
success were tied together, but Kale was at a loss to
explain how.
March 9
I keep this secret accounting of my work and the
summoning ritual, as a testament. You, who have dis-
covered this secret, will bear witness to my triumph,
to the ascendance of the ancient. It calls to me in my
dreams, promising me immortality, riches and more.
I will be the first disciple and rule over the Earth as
a god. Those of my line will become prophets to my glory,
walking among the herds in forms of terrible splendor.
I begin.
March 12
The summoning was a success. I have spoken to the an-
cient and forged a pact. Upon the morrow I’ll beg
in construction. Glory to the name I dare not write!
He who is Lord of Nightmares, King of Fever Dreams,
Prince of Insanity!
April 16
The Wheel is done.
April 20
The thing is finished. I have inscribed the 29 names of
the ancient onto the Wheel and anointed them with my
blood, binding the turning of the wheel not only to me,
but to my family line. Tomorrow I will place the Wheel
on the highest point of the cliffs where it will catch the
ocean winds. In accordance with the pact I have made,
the Wheel will turn for 100 years and for every second
of every day of every year it turns, me and mine will
be rewarded with fortune and glory. Each time the
Wheel turns the names of the ancient will be shouted to
the heavens, defying the banishment that traps it out
of space and time. When I die my soul will be
drawn through the Wheel to the ancient’s side where
I’ll bask in its splendor and be rewarded with
a new body, not of flesh but of the Void: vast and
eternal. The souls of my descendants will enhance the
hideous strength of the Wheel as it turns, like a key in a
lock, sacrifices for my godhood. They will die for me, and
the ancient will return, I at his side.
Kale stared in horror at what he’d just read. It was voices mixed with its howls, moaning and tittering
unbelievable, insane and yet he believed it all the same. madly. He leaned forward as he struggled along the
He remembered the unnatural chill of his bedroom, cliff, fighting against the gale. The skies had darkened
his nightmares, his instinctual loathing of the wheel to near black, lightning flashes and thunder cracks
all his life and the blood from Niko’s fingers. He ripped disorienting in the gloom. He was so intent on reach-
the formerly blank pages out of the back of the book. ing his goal he almost walked into the wheel before it
No one could be allowed to see them. He folded the registered in his consciousness. It was spinning so fast
pages up in the drawings of the wheel and stuffed the its shape was a blur of motion. St. Elmo’s fire danced
bulky papers in the waistband of his jeans, nestled in and skittered around the metal, lighting the wheel
the hollow of his back. He pulled his shirt down over with an eerie luminosity. The glyphs glowed with the
the bulge, disguising it from view. Hopefully no one light, seeming to combine into one monstrous Name.
would notice they were missing until he could burn Unnoticed by Kale in the rain, blood had begun to
them. He walked out of the room, down a hall and past stream from his nose. The Name reflected in his eyes
a volunteer who was manning the front desk, forcing and he felt his stomach churn, his mind reeling. The
himself not to run. He nodded at the man, mumbled voices whispered words of nameless dread in his ears;
a word of thanks for his patience and was out the they cajoled him to throw himself on the wheel, to
front door. Continuing his feigned calm, just in case feed its hunger with his blood and soul. With one
the volunteer was watching him out the window, he swift motion he slammed the tire iron into the wheel,
walked slowly to his car and got in. Once the Historical metal against metal, and, screeching with protest, the
Society was out of sight, Kale gunned the engine and wheel ceased to turn. The voices in his ears roared in
sped for home. Home and that fucking wheel. anger, then ceased.
A storm was brewing by the time he reached the Kale dropped to his knees and hefted the crow-
house. Fat raindrops splashed against the car’s wind- bar. Blood dripped from his nose onto the stone as
shield and streaks of lightning split the cloudy sky. he attacked the bolts that held the thing in place.
Thunder boomed and rattled the windows as he pulled The wheel was rocking back and forth in the wind,
into the garage. Wasting no time, he vaulted out of groaning against the tire iron that held it still. Grudg-
the car like it was on fire, great-grandfather’s papers ingly, the first bolt pulled free of the stone. His hands
clutched in his fist. He hurried into the house, nearly tingled from the static charge of the metal. Ignoring
running by the time he reached the kitchen. Slamming the increasing intensity of the storm, he worked the
a cupboard door open with a crack that was echoed by other bolts free, each one more stubborn than the
the thunder outside, he reached inside for a stainless last. He felt dizzy from the exertion, from the blood
steel pot. His mind had raced all the way back from loss he’d just noticed and from the power of the storm.
the Historical Society. How much time did he have? Summoning up the last of his strength, he stood up,
Did the world have? The entry had only been dated defying the wind and kicked the wheel over the cliff.
by month, not year. There wasn’t any official date for His last sight before he staggered back from the edge
the day the wheel was bolted into place. Grabbing up and passed out was of the wheel, bouncing down the
a book of matches from beside the stove, he sprinted stony cliff face into the churning waters.
back to the garage. He set the pot on the concrete He awoke. The sky was blue and the sun shone down
floor of the garage and tossed the papers in it. Kale on him, warm and comforting. Kale crawled to the cliff
picked up the gasoline can he kept for the lawnmower edge and peered over. Below him he saw the ocean
and doused the papers. He lit a match and dropped waves pounding against the cliff. The wheel was gone,
it in. The gasoline lit with a whoosh and the papers sucked into the belly of the sea. Muscles protesting,
began to burn. Soon the drawings, the notes and he got up and staggered toward the house.
great-grandfather’s insane ravings were nothing more The wheel tumbled along the ocean floor, mangled
than ash. He left the remains smoldering in the pot and broken, caught in the flow of a current. Its motion
and searched through the tools he kept in the garage. was arrested when one of its twisted struts snagged on
It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking a rocky outcropping on the ocean floor. The current
for and, crowbar and tire iron in hand, he stepped out pulled against it, wedging the strut more firmly in
into the storm. place. One fin, less damaged than the others, caught
The storm raged around him, rain lashing his body. the pull of the current. The wheel began to turn.
The wind screamed in his ears and he could hear
Credits Coming next for Mage: The Awakening:
Written by: Chris Burns, Bethany Culp, Stephen
Michael DiPesa, Matthew McFarland, John Newman,
Alex Scokel and Chuck Wendig
Developer: Stephen Michael DiPesa
Creative Director: Richard Thomas
Art Direction and Layout: Aileen E. Miles
Interior Art: John Bridges, Mark Geyer, Brian
LeBlanc, Justin Norman, Jami Waggoner
Cover Art: Art Babayan
Mage:The Awakening
Tarot Deck
© 2009 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for
the purposes of reviews, and for blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vampire, World
of Darkness and Mage the Ascension are registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf the
Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Promethean the Created, Changeling the Lost, Storytelling System, Seers of the Throne, Reign of
the Exarchs, Tome of the Watchtowers, Legacies the Sublime, Legacies the Ancient, Guardians of the Veil, Mysterium, Free Council,
Astral Realms, Innocents, Intruders Encounters with the Abyss, Grimoire of Grimoires and Summoners are trademarks of CCP hf.
All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein are copyrighted by CCP hf.
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Table of Contents
Prologue: The Wheel 2
Introduction 14
Chapter One: From Distant Shores 18
Chapter Two: From the Five Towers 64
Chapter Three: From the Endless Dark 112
Chapter Four: From Stranger Spheres 142
Chapter Five: Otherworldly Compacts 164
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind
to correlate all of its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance
in the midst of the black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.
—H. P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu
Some of the oldest recorded forms of magic in hu- not (or will not) put down, to the detriment of many,
man history are invocations of otherworldly powers: and, yet, despite their many dangers and the horrors
gods, spirits, demons, ghosts, and the like. Since the they all too often unleash, these magical practices
dawn of time, people have been fascinated by the persist. This is because tremendous sorcerous might
beings of those other worlds, as evidenced by the awaits those who master this treacherous species of
most ancient religions, going back to the fanciful willwork. Few feats of Awakened magic so clearly
creatures — clearly of no earthly origin — painted assert the mage’s dominance over creation, itself, as
on cave walls and carved into stone. While the reality reaching through the weave of worlds and binding
that people see is the place where the human experi- what lay beyond to the fetters of one’s will.
ence unfolds, few things have captured humanity’s The entities with which summoners converse are
collective imagination quite like those worlds that more and less — and other — than human, and these
we cannot see. truths are poised like a sword of Damocles above the
Among the Awakened, these truths endure in a head of every summoner. In the end, one can forge
long tradition of summoning. From the transcendent pacts with these creatures, make allies of them, and
magnificence of the Realms Supernal to the endless even tame them, but one cannot genuinely understand
darkness of the Underworld, mages call out to beings them, any more than they understand those who call
foreign to the material realm, searching for power, lost them forth from the thousand realities from which
secrets, new knowledge, and other, far more bizarre they hail. In the end, a mage never knows what she’s
commodities. Sometimes, they find what they’re going to get when she engages in summoning; not
searching for and, sometimes, they find death (or even from a being that she’s called a dozen times
worse), but, always, with each new generation, new before. What if the spells don’t work correctly, this
seekers emerge, delving into the mysteries of this time? What if the spirit has just been setting her up
universe and every other, hungry for the lore that for some awful fate? The other realms of the Tapes-
they encompass. try (and those beyond) cannot be trusted, and only
foolish summoners — and those who do not survive
Theme and Mood long enough to claim the title of summoner — allow
themselves to forget that.
Profound perils and terrifying splendors await those
who inscribe the ancient circles and call out to names
that echo down through the endless ages of the worlds How to Use This Book
beyond. The way of the summoner skirts a razor-thin Summoners is intended to supplement the existing
edge of hubris; for what else can it be to command body of Awakened magic by codifying and expanding
powers beyond even the vast might given to the upon certain existing magical practices (like dealing
Awakened? Too often, mages call up what they can- with Acamoth or summoning spirits from the Under-
world), while also presenting entirely new forms of entities and powerful secrets concealed within the
willwork pertaining to otherworldly entities and the higher world. Mages who long to know the hidden
ways in which mages interact with them. The vari- truths of the Watchtowers, however, are in for a rude
ous forms of summoning presented here all fall under shock, as these entities come not to speak of their
the common umbrella of Awakened willwork, but homeland, but instead to test those who presume to
most of them are very different from one another, in rouse them and to bestow the gifts of the Supernal
terms of execution; some don’t even use the Arcana. upon those who meet with their approval.
Certain of these summonings are relatively easy to In Chapter Three, From the Endless Dark, the
perform, while others require potent command of Abyss gets its due. The Acamoth — Void-born pris-
magic, strange correspondences and uncommon cir- oners of the earthly realm — are discussed, as well
cumstances, or other factors that contribute to their as their kin, the Gulmoth, and the means by which
difficulty and rarity. the latter sort of spirit may be called down from the
Summoners can be used whole-cloth or in as modu- Abyss and into the Fallen World. The investments
lar a fashion as you like; simply decide which sorts of offered by the Acamoth are explored and darker be-
summonings mages can perform in your chronicle, stowments, still, await those who dare to pursue the
which are just rumors or traps to lead the unwary quicker path of the Void, itself, by opening a door for
astray, and which simply don’t exist, even in myths the things that lurk within the Abyss.
and legends. The same applies to the other systems Chapter Four, From Stranger Spheres, lights the
and setting information written here, as you may have way into the unknown; proof that there is more in
a great deal of use for, say, the People of the Hour, Heaven and Earth than is dreamt of in Awakened
but little interest in allowing mages to call down philosophy. Discussed within this chapter are crea-
beings from Arcadia or the other Realms Supernal. tures from outside the known realms and the means
Use what works for you, modify what you like, and by which they intrude upon — or are invited into —
discard the rest. this one. Some of these beings bear gifts and others,
What Summoners is not is a guide to the other only death. Some, strangest of all, are little more than
worlds whence these strange creatures originate. The terribly dangerous curiosities; terrifying and compel-
great struggle of the Awakened unfolds here, in the ling, all at once.
Fallen World, rather than in alien realms outside of Lastly, Chapter Five, Otherworldly Compacts,
the comprehension of the human mind. Most mages, contains most of the systems appropriate to sum-
no matter how powerful, could no more survive in moners and summoning. Perhaps most important
those bizarre planes than a moray eel could thrive in is the system for pacting with otherworldly entities,
a pine forest, or a housecat on the surface of the sun. though many other rules are included, such as Merits,
The significance of the entities that summoners call Flaws, Derangements, spells, various sorts of objects
is to be found in the ways in which they enrich and of power, and Legacies that call upon the summoner’s
inform the Awakened experience in this realm (or in craft (sometimes in very unusual ways). These systems
which they fail to do so). add a great deal to the repertoire of the dedicated
summoner and many of them are useful to any mage;
Contents even those who are only interested in dabbling in this
hazardous school of mysticism.
In Chapter One, From Distant Shores, we discuss
the numerous unusual beings that may be summoned
from the various far corners of the Fallen World, itself;
Summoners have their own terminology, with which
creatures that dwell in the Shadow Realm, Twilight,
they describe their art and through which they keep
the astral reaches, and stranger places, still. Though
its secrets out of the hands of the unworthy. Many
native to the same world as the Awakened, many of
of these terms are familiar even to Sleepers, though
these creatures are most assuredly inhuman in their
most fail to grasp their significance in the tongue of
thoughts and perspectives, and in what they desire
the practiced summoner.
in exchange for their services.
Acamoth: An Abyssal spirit imprisoned in or oth-
Chapter Two, From the Five Towers, reveals the
erwise confined to the Fallen World on a long-term
secrets of Supernal summoning, illuminating the odd
basis. These spirits aspire to tear a rift in the Tapestry,
so that the Void might flood in through it and an- Exemplar: An Astral being embodying a virtue.
nihilate all of reality. Fae: Specifically as it applies to Awakened sum-
Aetherial: Of or pertaining to the Supernal Realm moners, a Fae is a being native to Arcadia. Fae come
of the Aether. in two different types: Anachronisms and Moirae.
Aletheian: An Astral being encompassing a con- Forfeiture: The consequences of reneging on the
cept or ideal. cost of a pact.
Alien: Specifically as it applies to an Awakened Gulmoth: An Abyssal spirit called down from
summoner, alien is a term occasionally used to describe the Void by a summoner, into the Fallen World (as
an entity — spirit or otherwise — stemming from opposed to an Acamoth; an Abyssal spirit trapped
outside of the known realms of existence. within the earthly realm).
Anachronism: A manifest Arcadian entity, em- Imp: A manifest Daimonic entity, embodying the
bodying the Time Arcanum. Space Arcanum.
Angel: Specifically as it applies to an Awakened Iniquity: An Astral entity embodying a vice.
summoner, an Angel is a creature from the Aether. Manifest: A term referring to a Supernal entity
Aetherial Angels are either Cherubim or Seraphim. tied to a Gross Arcanum (Forces, Life, Matter, Space,
Apeiron: A manifest Stygian entity, embodying or Time).
the Matter Arcanum. Moira: A recondite Arcadian entity, embodying
Arcadian: Of or pertaining to the Supernal Realm the Fate Arcanum (pl. Moirae).
of Arcadia. Morphean: An Astral entity originating within
Atavism: A manifest Primal entity, embodying the an Oneiros.
Life Arcanum. Pact: A mystically-fortified agreement between
Beast: Specifically as it applies to Awakened sum- a willworker and an otherworldly entity, typically a
moners, a Beast is an entity native to the Primal spirit of some sort, which entails an exchange of goods
Wild. Beasts come in one of two forms: Atavisms and/or services. Some pacts last a matter of days, while
and Totems. others may persist for a lifetime (or even longer).
Boon: One of the services standardly offered by Primal: Of or pertaining to the Supernal Realm of
a summoned Abyssal spirit; its particular specialty. the Primal Wild.
The boons of such beings are frequently catalogued by Recondite: A term referring to a Supernal entity
those that know of them and researched by would-be tied to a Subtle Arcanum (Death, Fate, Mind, Prime,
summoners. or Spirit).
Cherub: A recondite Aethial entity, embodying Request: The service (of whatever sort) acquired
the Prime Arcanum (pl. Cherubim). by a summoner through means of a pact.
Chthonian: An entity of the Underworld, dead but Royal Avatar: An ephemeral shell containing a
never born. Possibly somehow related to the Specters portion of the power and consciousness of a spirit of
of Stygia. Prince/Princess (Rank 6) standing or greater.
Cost: The commodity (goods, services, or whatever) Seraph: A manifest Aethial entity, embodying the
that a mage exchanges for the request of a pact. Forces Arcanum (pl. Seraphim).
Daimonic: Of or pertaining to the Supernal Realm Shade: Specifically as it applies to Awakened sum-
of Pandemonium. moners, a Shade is a being native to Stygia. Shades
Dementia: As the term applies to summoners, a may be either Apeirons or Specters. Also, frequently
dementia is an Astral being embodying a given de- used to refer to ghosts.
rangement. Specter: A recondite Stygian entity, embodying
Demon: Specifically as it applies to Awakened the Death Arcanum.
summoners, a Demon is a denizen of Pandemonium. Spirit: Any ephemeral entity native to the Shadow
Demons come in two varieties: Imps and Shades. Realm. Also, frequently used for any being comprised
Esoteric: An Astral entity embodying an aspect of of ephemera or similar substances (such as Supernal
the conscious self. entities, Acamoth or Gulmoth, and sometimes even
Stygian: Of or pertaining to the Supernal Realm Trial: The ordeal demanded by a Supernal entity
of Stygia. of its summoner. In some cases, the trial is preemptive
Term: The period of time during which a mage — a task that must be performed before the spirit
benefits from the request of a pact. can be called or interacted with — while, in others,
Tithe: The price requested by a summoned Abyssal it outlines behaviors that must be observed during or
entity in exchange for its services. Distinct from a pact even after the summoning.
in that a binding agreement is not necessary. Void, the: The Abyss.
Totem: A recondite Primal entity, embodying the Wraith: A recondite Daimonic entity, embodying
Spirit Arcanum. the Mind Arcanum.
Chapter One:
From Distant
“Dad, you always have to complicate things. Why do you do that?”
Ikon’s tone was one of pure exasperation. The young willworker paced anxiously; he hadn’t seen his father in
nearly half a decade, but the old man still knew how to get his goat. For his part, Charon chuckled, his voice
sonorous and deep, “Fine. We’ll change the subject. Have you been practicing the summonings I taught you?”
The younger Moros quirked an eyebrow. “Seriously, Dad, what kind of a dumbshit question is that? This is
the first time we’ve seen each other in years and that’s the best thing you can think to ask?”
“Fredrick Thomas Alcott, you will mind your language in my presence.”
Inwardly, Ikon cringed, just a bit. Even after all this time, those three names — recited in precisely that
tone of voice — had the power to make him feel like a four-year-old who’d just knocked over an antique vase. He
looked away, unable to meet Charon’s steely gaze. The Necromancer focused, instead, upon a single, indelible
reality: this is not my father. My father is dead. That is just his reflection.
“Sorry, Dad,” Ikon muttered, turning once more to face the shadowy figure seated before him. “These past
few years have been hell. I’m not the man you remember, anymore.”
Charon smiled warmly. “You’re still my son, Freddie. That’s all that matters.”
The younger Alcott frowned. “You don’t understand. The Consilium’s falling apart; has been since you and
Ascalon were killed by those Banishers. After that, the Scarlet Mummers withdrew their support from the
Council and skipped town. About a year later, the Harbingers overthrew the Hierarch—”
“Giselle?” Charon interjected, incredulously.
Ikon nodded once. “Yeah. We’ve been without one, ever since.” Of course, he would’ve never dared to refer to
the former Hierarch — even now — by her first name, even if it was an alias, but she and his father were…
close, once.
“So,” the old man huffed, “you need my help, then?” His features set in that stubborn way he had, and which
Ikon remembered so well. “What do you need me to do, son?”
“Everything,” Ikon whispered hoarsely, “and nothing, at all.”
The seals under the Persian rug flared to life, surrounding Charon’s shade on all sides. The ghost cried out
in obvious pain and fear, but the young Moros kept his will sharp and focused. The elder Alcott called to his
son in a panic, “Freddie? What are you doing?”
Unshed tears burned in Ikon’s eyes as he replied, “You’re not my father. You’re a thing that I summoned
from the Underworld. Like a chair… a car… a weapon.”
Charon toppled from his seat, upending it with a crash. “You don’t understand, Freddie: what I taught you
was wrong. It’s me. It really is me.”
“No, it’s not.” Ikon’s voice grew stronger, steadier, “You still carry the echoes of my father’s magic, though,
and this Consilium needs a new Hierarch; a strong Hierarch. Alone, I can’t take the seat, but with your power
at my disposal…”
The ghost screamed again, as yet another ring of binding sigils began to glow.
The four known realms of the Fallen World and Shadow were parts of the ancient world, though
— Shadow, the Underworld, the Astral, and the they may not have always been referred to by those
material — are usually viewed by many willworkers names and likely occupied a far different position in
as symptoms of the sickness that is the Quiescence. the metaphysical framework of the world. Almost no
Spirits are known to wander from Shadow to the records survive from those days of encounters with
material, crossing where the Gauntlet is weak. beings from what modern willworkers call the Astral
The influence of these creatures, foreign to the Realm or the Underworld, leading many Awakened
material realm, eventually begins to color every- scholars to believe those realms did not exist, then,
thing — and everyone — with which they have or, if they did, it was in so radically different a form
contact. Ghosts, the restless shades of the dead, sad as to be unrecognizable to modern mages.
afterimages of souls that have moved on to some Many of the rules of Twilight and Shadow are
uncertain Fate, are trapped in the Fallen World, fairly well chronicled, their basic laws understood
lingering intangibly in Twilight, until they finally and ably navigated by those familiar with the appro-
descend to the Underworld, there to spend the priate mystic arts. The Astral and the Underworld,
remainder of eternity amongst their own… and however, are less well documented: the former on
amongst things that may never have lived, at all. account of its eternally protean nature and the latter
The Astral Realm — pure thought, emotion, ideal, because it remains one of the last true unknowns of
and desire — remains a remote world, cut off from the Fallen World. For long ages, willworkers have
all save the most transitory contact with the ma- aspired to understand and codify these two strange
terial and its native creatures. The material realm worlds, but they remain, fundamentally, mysteries to
itself is degraded and incomplete, separated from a even the sagest Awakened. Even the proliferation of
higher order of reality by the vast gulf of the Abyss. more readily available (and entirely mundane) com-
Before the Fall, there was a place for everything munication hasn’t helped to settle the arguments;
and everything was in its place. Now, the different if anything, it has only served to fan the flames of
realms rest in an uneasy heap, leaning against and intellectual debate.
atop and even within one another; the irreparable Theories abound as to the precise nature of the
ruins of the world that came before. Astral and why it functions as it does. Perhaps the
It is clear that before the Ladder fell, mages inter- most persistent, however, are those with their roots
acted with ghosts and spirits. The Mysterium boasted in Atlantean orthodoxy, and they serve for sum-
the Cenacle of Sighs, a repository of knowledge and moners to explain much about why these worlds
lore that would have died with those masters who remain the province of the strangest entities in the
had passed from the material plane if not for the skill Fallen World. While variations exist (and are hotly
and power of the Alae Draconis. The Thyrsus of the contested between the various would-be sages of
day communed with small gods and the beings that the unseen worlds), the most commonly accepted
resided within objects, places, and ideas, forging pacts explanation dates back to the Ladder to Heaven and
of mutual benefit — though usually far more beneficial the catastrophic damage done to the nascent Fallen
to the mages than the spirits, if the old texts are to be World in its collapse. Caught within the rungs of the
believed — with the ancestors of those creatures that Ladder, wisps of Supernal substance, too rarified to
now reside in the Shadow Realm. While many records long survive within the profane reality below, drifted
of Atlantis are lost, many willworkers believe Twilight
upward, eventually settling in a layer between the
Fallen World and the Abyss, and giving rise to the Summoning and
Astral Realm.
Of course, this argument has its detractors, often
the Fallen Realms
Just as the beings of the Fallen World’s realms are
derided as wishful thinking on the parts of mages who
many, so, too, are the purposes to which they are
yearn for the lost days of Atlantis and an easy route
called from their homes and made to manifest before
back to the higher worlds. If the Astral Realm was
the summoner. Perhaps the most common reason
truly of the Supernal, critics argue, then mages could
is knowledge; of a given realm and its denizens, of
bypass the Abyss entirely and access the Oracles and
something that the entity knows (or is purported
their Watchtowers directly. Indeed, these skeptics go
to know), or whatever else. Of course, many of
so far as to argue that souls, even without initiation
these beings can only see the world through their
into the Mysteries, would be able to ascend to the
own eyes, largely devoid of the human capacity for
Supernal without traversing the Abyss. Regardless of
perspective. Even the most recently-minted ghost
the truth of the matter, those who study the Astral
of the dead is a static thing, the sum total of the
Realm agree that the creatures that inhabit it are
qualities that define it. Thus, experienced Fallen
not properly life — even ephemeral life — in the
World summoners caution those newer to the art,
traditional sense. Rather, they are incarnations of
warning them against putting too much stock in
ideals, concepts, and even aspects of the self; forms
what such entities have to teach. Always, such
that embody the formless.
veteran summoners warn, those that call these be-
The Underworld, on the other hand, does not often ings must question the creature’s agenda (for they
stir up the fiery debate as the Astral. So many cultures all have one) and, just as importantly, the limits of
seem to agree upon the fundamental nature of the its experience and frame of reference. While these
domain of the dead that even the most uninitiated beings can change, most of them cannot truly grow,
are capable of hearing stories that agree with certain and that is a critical distinction.
Awakened perspectives on the matter. Those who
Naturally, while knowledge for its own sake is well
study the subject, however, often tie their speculations
and good, most summoners desire information for a
on the Underworld’s existence to the selfsame Ladder
reason and that reason, more often than not, boils
mythology ascribed to the Astral. These mages believe
down to power. The Influences of Shadow Realm
the largest pieces of the Ladder crashed — metaphori-
spirits or the strange Numina of Astral beings are
cally — through the Fallen World, descending into
a tempting prize for the aspiring Fallen World
a bottomless nothingness, below, and creating the
summoner; abilities that are not easily countered,
Underworld. Thus, that realm can be thought of as a
even by one’s fellow Awakened. Indeed, some
place of absence. The absence of God. The absence of
few tales — tucked away in the deepest vaults of
hope. The absence of self. This thread runs through
Mysterium Athenaeums and Guardian strongholds
the center of many cultures’ beliefs. For the mage,
— speak of whole armies of spirits or ghosts, bound
however, it is the absence of the Supernal, perhaps the
to the will of a summoner whose ambitions vastly
greatest possible metaphysical distance between the
outstripped her good sense. The Awakening, sadly,
individual and the higher world; even the Abyss, for
often brings with it a sense of entitlement and the
all of its myriad horrors, is far closer to the Watchtow-
sense that one’s connection to the higher world of
ers than the Underworld, potentially the most telling
the Realms Supernal conveys a fundamental right
symptom of the sickness that is the Fallen World. In
to mastery over “lesser” worlds and their creatures
the Underworld, death ceases to have meaning as part
is pervasive among many summoners, particularly
of the soul’s journey. It is, instead, a dumping ground
those who work within the realms of the Fallen
for all that remains of the individual consciousness
World. The fact of the matter, however, is that
after the end, while the soul itself continues on to an
these realms carry their own dangers and bring their
uncertain destiny.
own powers to bear against those that presume too
It is out of these worlds — the Shadow Realm, much of them.
the Astral Realm, the Underworld, and the material
Of course, many Fallen World summonings are,
realm (and its immaterial Twilight) — that Fallen
relatively speaking, quite easy, and therein lies much
World summoners call forth spirits, ghosts, and other
of their peril. Any willworker who achieves even a
entities to attend them.
Shadow Summonings
Resonances, to learn from them, bind them, or even
pact with them.
ligence. When magic alone fails to suffice, summoned
spirits may aid in interrogation, bypassing psychic
Summoning Spirits shields with powers that never touch the mind.
Many resources already exist for the Fetishes enable Guardians to smuggle much-needed
dedicated Shadow Realm spirit summoner. enchanted objects into places that might otherwise
The Spirit Arcanum spells, “Spirit Tongue,”
register Artifacts or the more common Enhanced
“Ephemeral Shield,” “Lesser Spirit Summons,”
or Imbued Items. And, when all other options have
“Peer Across the Gauntlet,” “Place of Power,”
“Control Spirit,” “Familiar Pact,” “Greater run out, a summoned spirit can be sent to deliver the
Spirit Summons,” “Numinous Shield,” “Spirit order’s final judgment upon one who offends against
Road,” “Bind Spirit,” “Create Fetish,” “Essence the Veil.
Gift,” “Grant Familiar,” “Sacramental Chain,” The Mysterium: Many spirits are ancient creatures,
“Spirit Guardian,” “Road Master,” “Control possessed of a wealth of strange knowledge. Some
Gauntlet,” “Materialize Spirit,” “Shape Spirit,” mystagogue spirit summoners simply enjoy converse
“Spirit Court,” and many others are all po- with such entities, often learning dire secrets from
tentially vital tools in the spirit summoner’s them that the spirits happily divulge, whether out of
arsenal. With these magics, the willworker lack of understanding of the lore’s power or, indeed,
can call out to the creatures of Shadow, cre-
a lack of concern. Occasionally, enterprising Censors
ate a hospitable (or hostile) environment for a
summoned entity, bind a spirit to service in a
use summoned spirits to sniff out dangerous relics for
variety of ways, and guard against the retali- containment, while other willworkers of the Dragon’s
ation of a spirit unwillingly called. Wing bind them as sanctum guards.
The Silver Ladder: Théarchs have a longstanding
Many of these magics can also be em-
relationship with the spirits of Shadow. Some of the
ployed upon a spirit presently existing in the
immaterial state of Twilight (indeed, some, oldest histories of the Voice of the Dragon tell of
such as the “Spirit Tongue” spell, are largely bargains that kept the island nation of Atlantis at
intended for interaction with spirits in such peace with the spirits that coexisted with its people.
a state). Regardless of the spirit’s current Traditions of diplomacy and even goodwill may
location, however, the wise mage prepares encourage a mage of the Silver Ladder to summon
extensively before such a summoning — or spirits and discourse with them. Some théarchs hand
any summoning, for that matter. Better, down the lore of ages-old pacts to their apprentices,
experienced summoners say, to be overly teaching the secret words by which allied spirits
prepared than insufficiently protected. Spirits of the Shadow might be called forth from their
are volatile creatures, at times, and must be resting-places.
handled with the same sort of caution as a
hungry feral animal or raging brushfire.
The Seers of the Throne: Seers deal warily with
spirits, aware that such creatures are, at best, tem-
peramental, selfish, and deeply inhuman. Spirits
can’t often easily be subjugated and discarded, so
The Free Council: In the search for freedom from many Seers of the Throne try to keep them at a
the old Atlantean hegemony, Libertines seek new ways distance, when possible. Of course, any completely
of defining the Awakened relationship with spirits, and disregarded resource becomes an asset to one’s
new attitudes on summoning go a long way to rising enemies, so certain Seers practice the arts of spirit
above the Diamond’s often-unpleasant past with the summoning, merely to deprive the Pentacle Orders
denizens of the Shadow Realm. When a mage of the of a dangerous edge in the long conflict between
Free Council can discern no way around or through the two factions.
her current problem, she may consult a spirit for its Banishers: Those that aspire to the end of magic
unique insight. Those whose techné focuses intently tend to view the spirits of the Shadow Realm as merely
on a given subject may summon spirits aligned with another sort of demon. As so many Banishers reckon
such forces, hoping to gain a bit of otherworldly themselves damned for the “sin” of magic, they turn
inspiration. the tools of the enemy against him, summoning and
The Guardians of the Veil: Behind the Masque binding spirits with what skill they can muster. Of
lurk many uses for the creatures of Shadow. Guardians course, lacking as they do in any formal training,
summon spirits to aid in infiltration and counterintel- many Banishers end up destroying themselves through
defend anything placed in its charge by whomever it Rank: 2
considers to be the owner of the briefcase. Attributes: Power 7, Finesse 2, Resistance 5
Rank: 1 Willpower: 12
Attributes: Power 2, Finesse 1, Resistance 4 Essence: max 15
Willpower: 6 Initiative: 7
Essence: max 10 Defense: 7
Initiative: 5 Speed: 17 (species factor 10)
Defense: 2 Size: 6
Speed: 13 (species factor 10) Corpus: 11
Size: 2 Influence: Access 2
Corpus: 6 Numina: Blast, Gauntlet Breach
Influence: Protection 1 Ban: No Entry may not pass through any doorway
Numina: Material Vision without first receiving permission to do so. The
Ban: Silver-Skin can never allow an unauthor- individual giving permission need not possess any
ized individual to access the materials inside the legitimate authority to allow entry; the spirit just
briefcase that is its physical reflection. needs to be allowed through by someone.
Ban: 6th and Lake cannot cross any barrier made number of mages, really — are largely inconsequential
from undamaged car parts; even so much as an to such inconceivably potent entities. Frequently, the
unbroken line of brand-new hubcaps bars the summoning mage’s spell simply fails, with no sense
spirit’s path. that the desired spirit has even so much as noticed
the call. At no point in known Awakened history has
Greater Mysteries — an entity of the greatest possible spirit Rank (10) ever
answered a summoning. It may be that such beings
Spirit Royalty lack the ability to interface with reality on such a
limited scale.
While spirits of Rank 6 and greater are still deni-
zens of the same Shadow Realm as the lesser beings
with which the Awakened more regularly interact,
Summon Royal Avatar (Spirit •••••)
Since the most ancient times, mages have aspired to
their power and the sheer vastness of their respective
commune with the gods. Indeed, in ancient Atlantis,
natures put them on a different plane, entirely. As
the Ladder to Heaven was constructed for the very
the Archmasters are to Awakened of lesser prowess,
purpose of converse with the powers that moved (and
so, too, is Shadow’s royalty to those that serve its
were, in turn moved by) the most expansive processes
myriad of Princes, Duchesses, and the like. These
of the cosmos. The Celestial Ladder is gone, but be-
gods — for, surely, such is what they are — cannot
ings still dwell within the Fallen World possessed of
be summoned, bound, compelled, or in any way
such immense power as to be considered divinities in
meaningfully opposed, save perhaps by the elusive
their own right. Masters of the Spirit Arcanum who
Archmasters. Still, these entities are not wholly be-
wish to have contact with such entities make use of
yond the ability of lesser Awakened to contact and
this spell to do so.
perhaps even bargain with.
Practice: Making
Of course, any mage less than an Archmaster cannot
Action: Extended (target number = 25 successes)
hope to encompass the totality of such a being with
the known lore of the Arcana, and so such willworkers Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
instead use Spirit Arcanum magics to build a shell Aspect: Vulgar
suitable for hosting a miniscule portion of the spirit’s Cost: 10 Mana
power, through which it might interact, by way of Successful casting of this spell summons a royal
extending an invitation to the royal. Such “royal avatar to the mage’s location. Because of the tran-
avatars,” as they are called, act in virtually every way scendent nature of spirits of Rank 6 or greater, no
like the gods out of which they are summoned, save for Space Arcanum component is necessary to contact
the far more limited (thought still immense) scope of the spirit; it simply knows that it is being contacted
their capabilities. For all intents and purposes, a royal and either chooses to extrude an avatar or not. If the
avatar is the spirit that gives rise to it, for all that the spirit is unwilling to speak with the summoner, then
avatar says, thinks, and does is directed by the greater the spell automatically fails, regardless of successes
entity in which it has its origin. Naturally, such spirits accrued and Mana spent. Successes equal to five times
expect to be treated with deference, unto the point the avatar’s effective spirit Rank (of 5) are necessary
of worship; by their reasoning, any willworker who to build the ephemeral shell to be inhabited by a
wishes an audience should pay the proper homage to fragment of the royal’s consciousness and power. The
one of the fundamental forces of the universe. Those caster has no control, whatsoever, over the final Traits
who fail to show such respect as these being feel they of the royal avatar; the royal assigns them, instead,
are owed often receive appropriate chastisement. according to its wishes.
Depending upon the deity in question, this may mean If, at any point, the royal wishes to terminate
a long lecture, a penance to which the willworker is contact with the summoner, the spell automatically
irresistibly bound, a swift but agonizing death, eternal ends, with no roll necessary. Should the royal wish to
imprisonment in an unknown realm, or just about communicate directly with the willworker, then it may
anything else. simply shift the totality of its presence to the mage’s
Spirits of the station of King or Queen (Rank 8) location, though such is surpassingly rare. Not only
or greater almost never answer such a summoning, as do most spirit royals have no inclination to deal so
the concerns of an individual mage — or almost any directly with mortals, but the unscheduled arrival of
Initiative: 30 to cast this spell. Summon Cryptid may not be cast
Defense: 15 at sympathetic range, even if the mage otherwise
Speed: 40 (species factor 10) possesses a sympathetic connection to the creature
Size: 20 that she is attempting to summon.
Corpus: 35 Success in casting this spell summons a cryptid out of
its hiding place and compels it to present itself before
Influence: Storms 5, Strife 4, War 4
the caster. The creature may or may not be peaceful;
Numina: Blast, Harrow, Materialize, Material Vi-
the spell offers no protections of its own against a hos-
sion, Psychic Torment, Reaching, Wilds Sense
tile cryptid. A cryptid may willingly forego its roll to
Ban: The Thunderer must not depart a place with- contest this spell if it actually desires to make contact
out leaving it in some way scarred by destructive (out of curiosity, loneliness, or even hunger).
elemental force.
Mysterium Rote: Fortean Bestiary
Dice Pool: Resolve + Occult + Spirit
Evolution’s Exiles — Cryptids Mystagogues often have occasion to encounter
aberrations of the natural world. Those that make a
At the edge of Shadow, lurking around the Verges
between worlds (or other similarly chimerical locales), habit of such unusual adventures sometimes wish to
dwell the creatures that once were, and still are, but be able to call up a particular specimen for study, rare
which cannot be: cryptids. Driven, perhaps, by some sacramental components, or even just a pleasant chat.
subtle and ill-understood sense to places as impossible This rote is ancient, indeed, and has long since passed
as themselves, cryptids stake out territories on the into the hands of mages outside of the Mysterium.
fringes of the known world. Some few are intelligent
enough to attempt to build and to thrive, but most Sample Cryptid: Chupacabra
are essentially extraordinary animals, desiring merely Many different sorts of entities get branded with
to eat, to mate, to hide from the sight of humanity, the moniker of the chupacabra (“goat-sucker”); a beast
and to live free. These bizarre entities, not quite flesh alternately described as resembling a bear, a reptile, a
and not quite spirit, can be called by mages who learn dog, or some combination of the three (often bipedal
the secrets of summoning them. or semi-bipedal). Tales of the creature originate in
1990s Puerto Rico, though they have since been
Summon Cryptid reported — with all of their varied appearances —
(Life ••• + Space •• + Spirit •••) all over Latin America, the United States, and even
further abroad. Some say that the creature is shy and,
Willworkers interested in seeing the Mothman,
the Jersey Devil, the Fiji mermaid, or the Mongolian others, that it is aggressive in the pursuit of livestock
death worm often find nothing but fanciful tales and upon which to feed. Some chupacabras have even
badly-crafted fake corpses for their efforts. Those who been seen in broad daylight, along roads or otherwise
learn this spell, on the other hand — and who dare well out in the open, and at least a few have allegedly
to wander into some of the loneliest and remotest been filmed or killed. Most of the videos and corpses
places on Earth — sometimes find a great deal more. have been written off as perfectly mundane animals,
This spell calls a cryptid out of the Verge or other such as mangy coyotes, but some aren’t so easily clas-
impossible space in which it dwells. sified by science.
Practice: Weaving This particular specimen looks like an awkwardly
proportioned hyena, with the scaly hide of a dark
Action: Instant and contested; target rolls Resis-
brown monitor lizard and only the odd tuft of beige
tance reflexively
fur poking out at its joints, from inside its ears, and
Duration: Prolonged (one scene) at the tip of its stubby tail. The creature has a loping,
Aspect: Vulgar uneven gait that, nevertheless, allows it to cover a
Cost: 1 Mana great deal of distance quickly. Its oversized head hangs
The willworker must be physically present at the site low to the ground and sways from side to side when
of the Verge or other “impossible space” that contains it walks, sniffing the ground for the scent of prey. Its
or encompasses the cryptid’s personal domain in order mouth bears only two teeth, which fold out like a co-
(typically uncertain) purposes. These cryptids often
travel from out of strange Verges that occur far above
Sample Cryptid: Sasquatch
The sasquatch, also known as the “skunk ape” (for
ground level. what some claim is a telltale unpleasant smell) or
Rank: 2 Bigfoot, is a cryptid believed native to the area around
Attributes: Power 3, Finesse 6, Resistance 3 the western border between Canada and the United
Willpower: 6 States. Perhaps related to the also-famous yeti or other
Essence: max 15 “hairy men” of myth and folklore, the sasquatch is a
Initiative: 9 shy, retiring cryptid. Only rarely are accounts given
Defense: 6 of violent behavior on the part of sasquatches, which
Speed: 12 (species factor 3) are usually more afraid of humans than humans are of
Size: 3 these looming creatures. Some stories, however, tell
of curious sasquatches who seek out lone humans or
Corpus: 6
small groups, perhaps drawn by the scent of cooking
Influence: Travel 4 food, or even to study the small, noisy beings that so
Numina: Impossible Technologies (dice pool 9). closely resemble them.
The gray spends a point of Essence to temporar- An adult sasquatch allegedly stands anywhere from
ily craft a piece of impossible machinery: devices six to 15 feet in height, though most accounts tend
for telepathic communication, the generation of toward the smaller end of that scale; eight to nine
anti-gravity fields, and the like. These devices feet or so, and about 500
last for a scene before breaking down into pounds in weight. The
components that register as inconclusive cryptid most closely
to modern scientific tests. By spending resembles a hulking
one point of Essence per item, a gray cross between a
can sustain its impossible technologies human being and
from scene to scene. a gorilla, walk-
Ban: When in the material realm, a gray ing with a long,
alien must always leave some evidence swift stride and
of its presence. swaying arms. The
Restless Shades —
has not yet triumphed over wonder.
Summoning Ghosts
Emotional echoes left behind when a soul departs pace the places where they died, and haunt the
the world — afterimages invisibly burned onto the steps of those important to them (for good or for
Tapestry of reality — ghosts are the commonest beings ill) in life.
native to the immaterial state of the material realm, On the subject of ghosts, the old lore of the Awak-
known as Twilight. Certainly, other entities exist ened is clear: ghosts aren’t people; they are not even
within that slightly different metaphysical “energy truly sentient (though many believers — as well as
state” of the material, but they are either surpass- many ghosts, themselves — certainly think they are).
ingly rare (such as the projected consciousnesses of Instead, they are nothing more than elaborate sets
corporeal beings) or else native to other realms (like of programmed responses, derived from the person-
Twilight familiars). Thus, ghosts are effectively the ality templates of the individuals of whom they are
uncontested inheritors of this insubstantial reflection nothing more than pale copies. Interestingly, this
of the physical world. And they are everywhere: exact necessarily implies that ghosts existed during the
numbers are hard to track (for obvious reasons), but time of Atlantis, despite the fact that many Awak-
the number of people, worldwide, who die each day ened point to their existence as one of the cruelest
is presently in the low hundred-thousands, and many symptoms of the Exarchs’ Lie. Those willworkers who
of those people leave behind ghosts when their souls uphold both orthodoxy and the theory that ghosts
depart the Fallen World in the attempt to migrate are a sign of the damage done to the Tapestry during
back to the Realms Supernal. They walk the halls the Fall believe that it is the inability of the human
of the homes that once sheltered them, aimlessly soul to readily ascend to the Supernal at the moment
task for those with even a modicum of training. Ex-
ceptions exist, of course, but exceptionally potent
Spectral Summonings shades are rare, as all but a scant handful of ghosts
Any mage aspiring to practice the ways of slip away, into the Underworld, within a decade of
the summoner with respect to the shades of death, at most.
the departed has a ready repertoire of spells
at her disposal. The Death Arcanum spells,
“Speak with the Dead,” “Ghost Summons,”
“Touch of the Grave,” “Control Ghost,” “Ghost
Ghost Summoners
Mages of all sorts call ghosts to service, every
Gate,” “Restore Corpus,” “Haunting,” “Twi- day. While the ends to which these entities are put
light Shift,” “Quicken Ghost,” and still others remain many and varied, certain commonalities
are all potentially useful for dealing with emerge within the different Pentacle Orders, as well
ghosts still existing in the Twilight state.
as the other Awakened fellowships — organized or
Once a ghost has been called from the Un- otherwise — throughout the world. Some examples
derworld (see pp. 41) with the Death 5 spell, of the purposes to which various willworkers might
“Summon the Dead,” it can be targeted with summon the restless shades of the dead lingering
any or all of these spells, as well. A word of within Twilight:
caution, however: those unquiet spirits that
The Adamantine Arrow: The ghosts of Fallen
descend to the Underworld are occasionally
far more powerful than the ones lingering, warriors often have useful counsel to impart to the
unseen, in the material realm. Further, such living. Skilled tacticians, for instance, may be willing
ghosts are frequently deeply degenerate, hav- (or may be compelled) to share the knowledge of their
ing lost much of their Morality while dwelling strategies with those who call to them. Likewise, a
on the invisible fringes of the world. deceased master of a rare and exotic weapon can be
engaged as a tutor by an Arrow or a slain courier can
be given an opportunity to impart the vital message
that she died carrying. Some Arrows are also known
of death that somehow causes the disconnect that to use the ghosts of the dead as soldiers against en-
makes ghosts “wrong” in the present configuration of emies ill-prepared for such an unconventional vector
reality. Such theorists go on to say that death was, in of assault.
those days, accepted as a natural part of the cycle of The Free Council: Even after freedom fighters,
the soul’s journey, making ghosts more keepsakes of innovators, and revolutionaries of all sorts shuffle off
the dead than objects of fear. The argument doesn’t the mortal coil, they may well still have lessons to
really stand up under the weight of the innumerable teach. Libertines summon such ghosts to hear their
tales of ancient willworkers seeking the means to incendiary speeches and unorthodox methods. Other
cheat death, but the facts, scarce though they may mages of the Free Council approach ghostly summon-
be, do seem to imply that something changed in the ing as a science unto itself, performing all manner of
fundamental nature of the restless dead in the sever- experiments to discern the outermost parameters of
ing of the worlds. the practice and, potentially, to create entirely new
Ghosts are probably the most commonly summoned applications for an ancient mystic art.
entities from any part of the Tapestry, or beyond. In The Guardians of the Veil: While it is sometimes
fact, most mages don’t even really think of the spells said that “dead men tell no tales,” Guardians of the
used to call ghosts and command their services as Veil who practice ghostly summonings often beg to
truly being a form of summoning, so pervasive and ac- differ. Even the grave cannot hold a secret against a
cepted is the practice in Awakened society. Certainly, persistent Guardian’s inquiries. Furthermore, ghosts
the belief in the non-sentience of ghosts plays into make for phenomenal spies and, sometimes, even
this, but it also has a great deal to do with the virtual assassins. They can be also used as deterrents, scaring
inability of the overwhelming majority of ghosts to Sleepers away from something that they are not meant
defend themselves against various applications of the to see. Alternately, they can entice parapsychologists,
Death Arcanum; on average, ghosts are the weakest occultists, and other such nosy sorts toward some read-
of the ephemeral entities of the Fallen World, making ily debunked phenomenon, sabotaging the already
their subjugation through magic a relatively simple paper-thin credibility of paranormal study.
The Left-Handed: Left-Handed willworkers
put ghosts to some of the most abhorrent uses to
which these entities can be bent. Tremere liches, Anchors
in particular, often being quite skilled in the arts In terms of the shades of the dead, an an-
of the Death Arcanum, are particularly egregious chor is any person, place, or thing that serves
offenders. Some such mages summon ghosts for use as a ghost’s tether within the material world:
as sex slaves or victims of pointless tortures, enacted effectively, the points upon which its safety
simply for the amusement of the summoner. On a net over the Underworld is secured. When
more pragmatic level, Left-Handed mages some- all of these things are gone, whether through
the simple processes of time or deliberate
times compel ghosts to terrify, harm, and even kill
destruction, the ghost has nothing further to
the living; sometimes in the body of the beloved hold onto, and it descends into the realm of
family dog or a trusted friend, and sometimes as the dead, from which very few ghosts ever
nothing more than a disembodied presence that return, however briefly.
batters flesh with unseen fists. Likewise, they are
as hungry for knowledge as any other willworkers For a willworker, however, a ghost’s an-
chor fulfills another highly useful purpose.
and occasionally call ghosts for the knowledge that
Such an item constitutes an Intimate sympa-
they possess. thetic tie to the shade (Mage: The Awaken-
ing, pp. 114–6). Through this connection, a
Ghosts mage with the Space Arcanum can easily
target the ghost with scrying (or other) spells
As described in the World of Darkness rulebook, at great distance. Granted, few willworkers
pp. 208–16, ghosts are immaterial entities, dwell- have much interest in what a random ghost
ing within the Twilight state of the material realm, does with its spare time, but one sent into the
on account of some manner of unfinished business. sanctum of an enemy, and then spied upon
Presented below are four sample ghosts: two that with magic is another matter entirely…
might be used as quick resources by a mage (whether
a player character, a friend, or even a foe) in need of
spectral assistance, one with which characters might
sympathize and attempt to aid, and one — a ghost
mage — that is definitely a power (and, potentially, was simply androgynous in life, but it’s just as likely
a threat) in her own right. that the frightful shade no longer remembers. Trails
of insubstantial mist follow the ghost as it moves,
Sample Ghost: Frightful Shade obscuring the already hazy lines of its form.
Sometimes, a mage needs to get rid of somebody. The frightful shade’s only remaining anchor is a
She’s not looking for a fatal solution, just something chipped and worn porcelain doll’s head, about the size
to make a person leave a place. Maybe she wants a of a softball. One of the blue glass eyes is missing, as
particular house for her sanctum, because of the Hallow are patches of its fraying golden-yellow hair. Its rosy
that sits on its roof. Or, perhaps she’s a Guardian of the pink lips are quirked in a subtle smile, dimpling its
Veil who needs to make sure that a Sleeper journal- cherubic cheeks. The head may have belonged to the
ist stops sniffing around a particular paranormal site. ghost in life, though it might also have been a gift
Then again, maybe she’s just interested in horrifying given to a beloved child, now long since gone.
a victim into madness. The frightful shade is useful Attributes: Power 4, Finesse 3, Resistance 2
for any or all of these pursuits. Willpower: 6
This ghost is pale and faded, even when viewed by Essence: max 10
those capable of looking into Twilight. Its eyes and Morality: 3 (Depression, Fugue)
mouth are black pits. Long years have worn down Virtue: Hope
its attachment to the material and the shade will
Vice: Sloth
almost certainly vanish into the Underworld within
Initiative: 5
the next few years, if not sooner. Even the ghost’s
gender has become difficult to discern; perhaps it Defense: 4
Hannibal’s wife and children are his only anchors; Defense: 2
they mean the world to him, even in death. Some- Speed: 14 (species factor 10)
times, it’s hard to see how much the kids have grown Size: 5
over these past two years, because they did it without Corpus: 8
their father, but he stays out of a fierce devotion to his
Numina: Ghost Sign (The World of Darkness,
family. He desperately wants revenge on his murderer,
p. 211)
but never really got a good look at the guy. If Han-
nibal ever heard the killer’s voice again, though, he’d
remember the man in an instant. Sample Ghost Mage: Kuzunoha
Attributes: Power 2, Finesse 2, Resistance 3 She had been many things to many people over the
course of her long life, but Kuzunoha — named for
Willpower: 5
the foxwife who was mother to the famous sorcerer,
Essence: max 10 Abe no Seimei — was certainly not as immortal as
Morality: 7 her namesake. She passed quietly in her sleep at the
Virtue: Fortitude age of 103, having lived what was, by all accounts, a
Vice: Envy splendid life; full of all of the joys and pleasures that
Initiative: 5 anyone could hope to ask for. But it wasn’t enough
for Kuzunoha. She needed just a little bit longer,
wanted just a little bit more. In the end, her restless
spirit lingered, trying in vain to experience a few
more fleeting moments of the life that she
felt ended too soon.
Grant Ghost Familiar (Death •••••) Cost: 1 Mana
The willworker is capable of forging a familiar bond See “Ghost Familiar Pact,” above. The subject pays
between a ghost and another mage. By way of this the Merit cost. As above, the familiar bond may not
magic, mages unskilled in the secrets of the Death be forced onto an unwilling ghost. Also as above,
Arcanum might gain ghostly familiars of their own. this spell may not be cast upon a mage who already
possesses a familiar, ghostly or otherwise.
Practice: Patterning
Silver Ladder Rote: Aid of the Departed
Action: Extended (target number = familiar
dots) Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion + Death
Duration: Lasting Through the use of this rote, willworkers occasion-
ally bestow ghostly familiars upon friends, allies, and
Aspect: Covert
Effect: The willworker has a magical bond with a ghost within the immaterial state of Twilight.
Unlike a normal familiar, ghost familiars may not be embodied, though they can attempt to manifest
(The World of Darkness, p. 210), as normal. Even while insubstantial, however, a ghost familiar may
touch, and be touched by, the mage to whom it is bound. Likewise, the bound shade may speak with
the willworker and hear her words, without the need for any other magics. Ghostly familiars exist on the
material side of the Gauntlet, but can travel with their masters into Shadow, or go there themselves, if
they possess the appropriate Numina.
The act of bonding with a ghost in this way frees the restless shade from reliance upon its anchors: it
may still travel to them, as normal (The World of Darkness, pp. 209–10), but it no longer needs them.
Even if all of its anchors are destroyed, the ghost remains within the material realm, rather than de-
scending to the Underworld. Further, the ghost may now range as far from its master as a normal famil-
iar might, and the familiar bond bestows a modicum of self-awareness upon even the dimmest residual
shade. Such ghosts regain a bit of personality (through proximity to the Supernally-fortified souls of the
mage to whom they are bound); enough to interact on the same level as a more conventional familiar.
A ghost familiar spends and receives Essence in the same manner as a fetch, though the ghost fa-
miliar can only gain Essence from its bonded willworker or through proximity to a place resonant with
death. The empathic connection conveyed by a normal familiar bond exists between a mage and her
ghost familiar. Likewise, the ghost familiar constitutes a Sensory sympathetic tie for its bound mage,
and the willworker can spend the shade’s Essence as points of Mana.
• A ghost familiar retains its Virtue and Vice, and benefits from them, as normal. (Note, however, that
the ghost familiar’s Morality score, and any derangements associated with degeneration, are lost when
the familiar bond takes hold; the ghost no longer needs its Morality trait to function normally.)
• A ghost familiar has two ghost Numina (The World of Darkness, pp. 210–2), rather than one spirit
• As above, ghost familiars attempting to manifest do so according to the rules that govern ghosts,
rather than those for normal fetches.
anorexia. The scores of holes in his arms, legs, and
elsewhere continually weep what looks to be a mixture
of blood and heroin. Johnny’s ghost is dirty and his
hair is a clumpy dark tangle that perpetually hangs
in his face. He smells of old sweat and the faintest
whiff of the piss and shit that soiled his threadbare
jeans when his insides let go, while his shirtless torso
is adorned by a small, faded tattoo of a four-leaf clover
on the right side of his chest.
The old apartment building’s second floor (where
Johnny was squatting when he died) is still an anchor
for him, though he’s never allowed the time to visit
it; not that he’d particularly want to. Johnny has no
other ties to the material world, though the building
and the lich are two too many. At this point, he’d
much prefer the sweet release of oblivion.
Attributes: Power 3, Finesse 3, Resistance 2
Willpower: 5
Essence: max 10
Virtue: Prudence
Vice: Gluttony
Initiative: 5
Defense: 3
Speed: 16 (species factor 10)
Size: 5
Corpus: 7
Numina: Magnetic Disruption, Phantasm (The
World of Darkness, pp. 211–2)
The Dead
Amongst the Dead —
The Underworld
Doors. Corridors. Archways. Shadowy chambers; kind, she is taken by an urge to wander downward,
ranging from caves, to vast mausoleums, to vaulted ever downward, into the parts of the realm of the
cathedrals, and more. These are the things that ghosts dead never chronicled by its unhappy shades, there to
speak of when they are summoned up from the Un- open one last door and step through, into a Fate that
derworld. So, too, do they tell of societies of the lost not even the wisest know. Some few, extraordinarily
and forgotten dead, most of whom have long since strong-willed, ghosts manage to stave off this calling,
given up hope of being claimed by the heavens — or but rare, indeed, are those who last more than a handful
even hells — of which they were taught. Then again, of centuries, let alone stand fast against the crushing
many of them believe they are in Hell, having been tide of a millennium… or longer. Those that do are
judged and found wanting, and cast into exile from rightly accounted among the most potent ghosts in
life, along with countless millions of others. the Fallen World and powers to be reckoned with,
And when, at last, a ghost in the Underworld has even when measured against the magics of a Master
dwelt for too many interminable centuries among her of the Death Arcanum.
is surrounded at all times by the sickly-sweet smell
of burning flesh. Reginald is an amazingly accom-
A Sense of Self modating ghost, all too happy to do anything that
When a ghost’s anchors are finally gone (or he possibly can to have even a moment out of the
when it otherwise loses its tenuous connec- Underworld. To one who promises a way to restore
tion to the material realm), it falls, inexorably, him to life (regardless of whether or not she lies),
into the Underworld. Upon arriving in the Reginald is a devoted slave.
realm of the dead, however, a strange thing Attributes: Power 2, Finesse 3, Resistance 1
happens: the ghost regains some measure
of its volition, becoming once more capable
Willpower: 3
of thoughts, emotions, and deeds that are no Essence: max 10
longer defined by set responses imprinted Morality: 5 (Phobia: Fire)
at the instant of physical death. Theories Virtue: Hope
abound as to why, exactly, this is, but some Vice: Greed
Awakened scholars believe the soul some-
how “glances off” of the Underworld after
Initiative: 4
the body dies, leaving a bit of its substance Defense: 3
there, a fragment of the self that merges with Speed: 15 (species factor 10)
the spiritually empty template of the psyche Size: 5
encapsulated within a ghost. This miniscule Corpus: 10
shard, say such willworkers, returns a mea-
sure of sentience to a restless shade when it Numina: Magnetic Disruption, Terrify
finally descends to the realm of the dead.
Among its other, potentially staggering,
implications, this means that ghosts in the
Underworld are capable of a certain degree
of growth and personal evolution. They can
study languages that didn’t exist when they
died or hold opinions about events occur-
ring centuries after their bodies
have gone to dust. The dead
talk amongst their own (in most
cases, they have little else to do)
and they learn. And that is — or
should be, anyway — a poten-
tially terrifying thought for those
mages who believe that the ghosts
of long-dead Atlantean Masters and
Archmasters still dwell among the in-
numerable shades of the Underworld.
fact, grimoire, or other enchanted item, a willworker readily available to those that could persuade them
might unwittingly call the ghost up from the realm to part with the knowledge.
of the dead, only to learn what a truly potent shade Centuries of ill-advised summonings and even
is capable of. more ill-advised journeys into the realm of the
Attributes: Power 9, Finesse 6, Resistance 10 dead ultimately proved the futility of that course.
Willpower: 19 Whatever these beings were — whether creatures
Essence: max 25 of the Underworld that predated the presence of
Morality: 2 (Depression, Fixation) the human dead there, or Specters of Stygia, forever
Virtue: Fortitude cut off from their distant homeland — they had no
memories of the time before the first human ghosts.
Vice: Pride
At first, they dwelt among those dead, feeding upon
Initiative: 16 those unhappy shades as they desired, but the sheers
Defense: 9 numbers of the dead eventually grew overwhelming
Speed: 25 (species factor 10) and the entities fled deeper into the endless corridors
Size: 5 of the Underworld, there to hide themselves from
Corpus: 15 the ghosts that they came to fear and whom they
Numina: Animal Control, Compulsion, Ghost envied, for having ever known life. Over the ages,
Speech, Telekinesis, Terrify (The World of Dark- the so-called chthonians delved so deeply into the
ness, pp. 210–2) realm of the dead that they became all but impos-
sible to locate for any Underworld explorer and
Dead, But Never Born — were forgotten by all save the most sagacious (and
powerful) of summoners.
they are present). As specified, above, a summoned a stringy yellow-green fluid from its spongy hide. Its
chthonian exists in the immaterial state of Twilight voice sounds like the buzzing of flies, just inside the
and cannot materialize, by any means. Further, ear, and is often accompanied by a crawling sensation,
no matter what steps are taken, the entity always all over the listener’s skin. Worm within the Marrow
returns to the Underworld at the next new moon, takes its time when it speaks, seemingly in no rush to
if not released (whether by the cast or under its answer whatever questions are put to it.
own power) before such a time. Rank: 2
Attributes: Power 4, Finesse 2, Resistance 6
Sample Chthonian: Worm within the Marrow Willpower: 10
Like the rest of its kind, it has no proper name, but Essence: max 15
willworkers have dubbed it Worm within the Mar- Initiative: 8
row and whatever outer reflex of its consciousness
Defense: 4
deals with their kind recognizes that title as its own.
Speed: 11 (species factor 5)
Once, long ago, this chthonian devoured the shade
of a powerful willworker and mages have periodically Size: 6
called it in the centuries since, hoping to glean some Corpus: 12
insight into her works; particularly certain spells that Influence: Death 3
she never shared with even her most favored students Numina: Harrow, Soul Snatch
and several Artifacts that she hid before her death. Ban: Once Worm within the Marrow attacks any
Worm within the Marrow appears in creature, even in self-defense, it must attempt to
the form of a hugely fat, writhing devour that creature.
maggot, about the size of a couch,
with grinding mandibles, sur- Sample Chthonian:
rounded by a ring of scores
of tiny, round black eyes.
That Which Is the Door
No one really knows who first sum-
It stinks of badly rot-
moned or named That Which Is the
ted meat and leaks
Astral Summonings
nian purports to offer is already within the grasp
of Masters of the Death Arcanum: That Which Is
the Door opens gateways to the Underworld for
those that request such a thing. Perhaps, though, While the Underworld may be the least understood
it is capable of creating portals to particularly use- of all the realms to which mages have access, the
ful or interesting locales within the realm of the Astral Realm is perhaps the most perplexing. Other
dead, enabling its summoner to access knowledge worlds are, in one way or another, at least somewhat
or items of power lost to the living world. quantifiable; they possess qualities that any mage
That Which Is the Door is a great, heaving so inclined can — at least in part — decipher and
mass of rotten flesh and bone, contained within a understand. But the Astral Realm is something dif-
slick, transparent membrane. Gobs of putrid mat- ferent, entirely. It reflects (or, perhaps, creates) the
ter continually churn audibly underneath its thin dreams, hopes, imaginings, and archetypes that move
“skin,” as the entire thing continually consumes through every mind, human or otherwise, throughout
and replenishes itself. When That Which Is the the Tapestry. No wonder, then, that its native entities
Door speaks, it extends slender tendrils of its are bizarre by even a summoner’s standards.
membrane toward whomever it addresses, allowing The largest obstacle confronting any would-be
the rudimentary limbs to hang, quivering, in the Astral summoner is the problem of interpretation. A
air before the subject of its statements and inqui- single mind is a complex enough thing, even for those
ries. Its voice sounds like thick, slithering liquid, who spend a lifetime studying its secrets. So much
stirred by some relentless hand. If the chthonian more so is the collective consciousness of the Astral
opens a gateway to the Underworld, it does so by Realm. The raw amount of informational input that
breaching its membrane and spilling its wretched, a willworker can receive is staggering and, potentially,
stinking mass out, onto a doorway or other portal, even harmful. Colors from the Astral, for instance, are
preferably a hatch or other passage down, through not simply more vivid; they are essentially more what
a floor. It then either coagulates once more or, they are than is possible within the material world.
itself, returns to the realm of the dead, as its sum- The same goes for a scent, or a philosophy, or a fear.
moner requires. Everything within the Astral Realm is simultaneously
Rank: 4 far less substantial and far truer to its own nature: an
ideal, unconstrained by the profane limitations of mass
Attributes: Power 10, Finesse 12, Resistance 11
and flawed substance. The geography of the Astral is
Willpower: 21 defined not by “where,” but instead by “what,” “how,”
Essence: max 25 “when,” or even “who.” Thus, those who traffic in
Initiative: 23 these powers, calling them down from their rarified
Defense: 12 realm, must exercise the greatest caution, lest they
Speed: 32 (species factor 10) become caught up in a reality too perfect, too true,
to be real.
Size: 9
In summoning an Astral entity, of whatever sort,
Corpus: 20
a mage might bear in mind that what he calls is not
Influence: Death 5 exactly a being as he knows it but, rather, the tiniest
Numina: Psychic Torment, Soul Snatch, Under- fragment of an ever-shifting mass of thought-stuff.
world Gate While the entity may, in fact, be the one that he seeks,
Ban: That Which Is the Door, despite its nature as its existence within the Fallen World must, necessar-
a portal to the Underworld, may not cross through ily, be influenced by the innumerable stray thoughts
any door, archway, or other portal, or even over that border the illimitable space in which it resides
a threshold. and which effect, and are in turn effected by, its only
vaguely individual qualities. Déjà vu and short-term the Fallen World (and, perhaps, those mirrored within
memory loss might plague a mage who summons more the Realms Supernal), the overarching godforms of the
powerful imagery, for example, making the truth of the Tapestry. By calling forth these, the deepest concepts
summoning experience difficult to decipher. Likewise, of reality, the summoner tempts the destruction of his
when attempting to summon manifest concepts, the identity, as it is swept away by an ideal whose subju-
experience can be nearly blinding to the mage as he gation of the individual is no more malicious than a
navigates stark, blatant symbolism, cast in fleeting tidal wave that sweeps away a sandcastle. By their very
shells of ephemera. These summoned aspects can nature, these pure icons of thought and idea interface
distort the willworker’s sense of time, place, or even with the consciousness of the summoner, who can
the self, and he sometimes finds that the summoning easily be drawn into fantasies of godhood and even
process lasts for many hours — or even days — longer omnipotence, should she fail to anchor her sense of
than he intends. Caught up in the surreal splendors self through more forceful means. In the wake of such
of the Astral Realm’s denizens, some Awakened have a summoning, many willworkers feel dull or listless,
sickened or even died of malnutrition or other forms as though everything around them is devoid of true
of bodily neglect before successfully disengaging from meaning and virtually unworthy of consideration. For
a summoning. the Awakened, it is a sobering experience; to connect
When the willworker attempts to call upon another with power as vast as it is impersonal, and then to
individual’s ego, or the archetypes that encapsulate be cast back into the smallness of a single conscious-
that individual, seeing things from her target’s perspec- ness, even one refined by a connection to the Realms
tive can grant potent knowledge of her target. The Supernal. For this reason, masters often forbid these
downside to this type of summoning is the obvious sorts of summonings to students who learn of them,
disassociation of self, for the mage risks believing lest their apprentices slip into an endless haze of
she is the subject of her Astral inquiry; much like a remorse over the disconnection of the self and the
practitioner of the Life Arcanum, without a proper All, the real and the true.
anchor of identity, she will become lost in the sensa- And that may well be the heart of the matter, with
tion of this “summoned self,” eventually staining her respect to Astral summonings. Just as with so many
own self-image with external thoughts, feelings, and summonings, those called down from the Astral are
dreams. In this manner, more than one such summoner used for the purposes of gleaning information; in this
has walked down the road of total self-annihilation case, a very particular sort of information, and one
through misuse of Astral summonings, erasing all that often exists in scarce supply within the material
traces of the person who was and psychologically realm: truth. Somewhere within the Astral Realm
becoming someone else, entirely… whether real or lies the bared totality of every consciousness residing,
imagined. whether in whole or merely in part, inside any portion
Of course, calling upon the inner self, through of the Fallen World. The insight that willworkers can
one’s Oneiros, is no less dangerous than summoning gain from such encounters is not only awesome in its
down the Astral reflections of others. In many ways, scope, but also vast in its application. The subconscious
in fact, this process is even more dangerous, as the realm of one’s own Oneiros, for example, contains a
willworker’s psyche possesses fewer buffers to defend wealth of answers and perspectives, realities of one’s
against the extremes of her own consciousness. Such identity and true nature that the mage may hide even
a summoner might be overwhelmed by the lingering from herself. In dreams, as it is said, all things are
shadow of her seven-year-old self’s sense of rejection possible, and mages who explore their Oneiroi learn
when her father walked out on the family, or by some to access and analyze those possibilities. Even when
stray fragment of a nightmare that she experienced they cannot be realized within the material realm,
last week. Because these elements comprise, and are they almost invariably offer valuable self-knowledge
native to, the mage’s own mind, her psyche accepts to the willworker who dares to call down the entities
them. From there, these minute facets of the self can that thrive within her dream-world.
expand to overtake larger portions of a summoner’s By accessing the deeper reaches of the Astral,
identity. however, a mage can summon more than merely the
The most dangerous of all Astral summonings, denizens of her own dreams; she can call forth the
however, are those of the fundamental archetypes of beings that reside within the dreams of others. While
“good” than iniquities are “evil”; they are merely rep- liberty, innovation, and the like appeal to the order’s
resentations of a particular type of ideal, distinct from democratic, progressive spirit. Dementias can grant
aletheians, in that they cannot exist independently profound insights into aberrant psychology, while both
from free will. In many cases, exemplars and iniquities exemplars and iniquities can educate the Libertine
exist for the same concept: suicide, for instance, was upon the nuances of the human condition.
seen in certain societies throughout time as noble The Guardians of the Veil: The morpheans and
and honorable under particular circumstances, while esoterics of others are of greater interest to many
it was (and is) repudiated as a sin by others. Guardians than their own. These Astral spirits,
Note that iniquities are entirely distinct from the properly studied, can illuminate exploitable weak-
goetic demons conjured by some mages. These enti- nesses in another’s psychology, as well as revealing
ties originate within the Astral Realm — within the core motivations and providing a working personal-
idea of a given type of sin — rather than within the ity template. Dementias can be of use in explaining
personal sins of an individual. Those who study the away inexplicable phenomena, while exemplars and
matter are divided on whether to call goetic demons iniquities can help a Guardian to hold on to or aban-
a form of Astral summoning, perhaps derived from don her sense of self, or to immerse herself within or
somewhere between the Oneiros and the conscious manifestly deny the lure of sin, depending upon her
mind, but no conclusive evidence exists to verify present needs.
claims, one way or the other. The Mysterium: While morpheans and esoterics —
Lastly, while Astral summonings may be, mechani- particularly one’s own — are of interest to mystagogues,
cally, identical to spirits, they are not affected by the as well as dementias, exemplars and iniquities, it is
Spirit Arcanum. Instead, a mage who wishes to control, the aletheians that most captivate the Mysterium as a
bind, or otherwise influence such an entity substitutes whole. Some mystagogues reason that universal truth
the Mind Arcanum at an equivalent dot level. hovers within the Astral, waiting to be seized by one
who unravels all of its secrets. Through the diligent
Astral Summoners study of aletheians, a mage of the Dragon’s Wing might
learn to grasp the true nature of the Tapestry.
For the most part, mages belonging to either the The Silver Ladder: All of the Astral summonings
Pentacle Orders or the Seers of the Throne are the are potentially of use and interest to théarchs. Whether
commonest sorts of Astral summoners. Banishers and one’s own or those of another, morpheans and esoter-
Apostates frequently lack the training with which to ics reveal the truth of the individual’s self. Dementias
call down such rarified entities; most of them don’t can be used to aid those whose pursuit of magic has
even know that such arts are possible, let alone led them astray from the path of Wisdom and into
how to perform them. Some examples of the typical madness, while aletheians embody the higher truths
reasons why mages of different affiliations summon toward which the Ladder reaches. Exemplars and
Astral entities: iniquities reveal moral truths and the ways in which
The Adamantine Arrow: To best serve those around they move from age to age, culture to culture.
her, a warrior must first know herself, inside and out. The Seers of the Throne: Seers crave power and
Calling upon her own morpheans and esoterics, an are conditioned to look to external authority in order
Arrow can analyze her strengths and weaknesses, to seek it out. Thus, they tend not to dwell overmuch
developing both as a member of the Dragon’s Talon on their own morpheans and esoterics, though they
and as a person. Likewise, aletheians identifying with sometimes try to find advantage in those of others.
honor, courage, strategy, or other concepts or ideals Dementias are weapons for most of the Seers who
revered by the Adamantine Arrow can light the way practice Astral summonings, and little more, while
to victory. Also, exemplars of virtues shared among most exemplars (save for those embodying, say, ambi-
warrior cultures can put an Arrow in touch with the tion or conquest) are typically just curiosities to them.
values of her ideological ancestors. Iniquities often appeal to the Seer mindset, while
The Free Council: Libertines might contact the As- aletheians serve to remind them of the true reality
tral reflections of their own conscious and unconscious they will inherit when they kneel, at long last, before
minds in the pursuit of self-knowledge or while seeking the Supernal thrones of the Exarchs.
to understand some external problem. Aletheians of
Summoning dreams is a practice, some say, as old as Corpus: 7
Atlantis itself. While the Free Council is not nearly Influence: Oedipal Urge 1
that ancient, they are no less dedicated to their arts Numina: Usurp Vice
than mages who came before. This rote, in particular, Ban: The Positive Pole Oedipus Complex must
was crafted early in the Order’s existence and was used always give its undivided attention to the individual
extensively in the early days of the Free Council to out of whose dream-realm it was fashioned, if
help guide and direct the path of Libertines interested she is present.
in the burgeoning field of psychology, drawing upon
their common dreams. It remains a popular and well
used rote to this day and is often shared amongst the
Sample Morphean:
ranks of the Free Council and beyond. Jimmy Fisk’s Test Anxiety
Jimmy Fisk is the quiet young man who works in the
Sample Morphean: mail room. High school was hellish for him: he was
Positive Pole Oedipus Complex a scrawny kid with disfiguring acne, the faintest hint
of a lisp, and a neurotic need to pull down straight
The so-called Positive Pole Oedipus Complex is A’s. While he usually managed to wreck the curve in
a facet of human psychology, in which a child in his classes (earning a swirly or two in the process), he
formative years sexually desires the parent of the never quite got over that irrational drive to perform.
opposite sex and hopes for the death of the par- Every so often, he has a recurring nightmare about a
ent of the same sex. It remains a subject of some test for an uncertain class, the material for which he
contention as to whether the morphean embodying clearly never studied.
the Positive Pole Oedipus Complex is an inherent
Not quite properly a dementia — it’s much more
aspect of the personality, or merely a creation of
an occasional bad dream than a full-blown insan-
the pervasiveness of said complex as an idea in the
ity — Jimmy’s test anxiety appears in Twilight in
collective unconscious.
the form of a small whirlwind of shredded pieces of
When viewed by those able to see unmanifested blue-covered exam books, half-finished SATs, pencil
spirits in Twilight, the Positive Pole Oedipus Com- shavings, pinkish-grey bits of used pencil eraser, and
plex appears as an image of the subject’s opposite-sex jagged fragments of the old, round clocks that hang
parent, often clothed (or unclothed) and behaving in in outdated classrooms the world over. It occasionally
a manner that suggests a desire to couple. The mor- barks at those around it, with phrases like, “Pencils
phean carries some object indicative of the death of down!” or, “Pop quiz!” These statements are deliv-
the subject’s same-sex parent: a severed penis for the ered in a harsh tone of voice, by what sounds like an
phallus of the father, for example, or the mother’s sev- unfriendly man of middling years.
ered head. Regardless of the sexual orientation of the
Rank: 1
subject, the Positive Pole Oedipus Complex invariably
Attributes: Power 3, Finesse 3, Resistance 1
manifests with the opposite-sex parent as the object
of desire, bearing a dehumanizing representation of Willpower: 4
the same-sex parent as the object of loathing. The Essence: max 10
morphean’s interest is only for the child-lover who Initiative: 4
created it; upon that individual, it lavishes all of its Defense: 3
perverse attention. Speed: 10 (species factor 5)
Rank: 1 Size: 3
Attributes: Power 4, Finesse 1, Resistance 2 Corpus: 4
Willpower: 6 Influence: Anxiety 1
Essence: max 10 Numina: Psychic Torment
Initiative: 3 Ban: This morphean vanishes back into Jimmy
Defense: 4 Fisk’s dream-realm whenever a test, of whatever
Speed: 10 (species factor 5) sort, is successfully completed in its presence.
Size: 5
romancer, the Warlock turned to other options. In Corpus: 8
secret, she studied her fellow mages through scrying Influence: Hunger 2
portals, calling their foremost conscious desires out Numina: Harrow
of them, so they could be studied and the truth of the Ban: Christie Wu’s Hunger must consume anything
matter discerned. Lucia never found a lich, however, that is deliberately offered to it as food.
as none existed within the Consilium to find. Instead,
she discovered that the rumor had been seeded by
two Seers of the Throne who had quietly replaced
Sample Esoteric: Uther’s Bliss
Councilors, and that they were using the paranoia Facing down rogue Banishers and rampaging spirits
that the story engendered to gradually weaken any was never the hard part for Uther, Thyrsus and Ban-
hope of concerted resistance when the time came ner Warden of the Adamantine Arrow. No, that was
for their allies to strike. Armed with this knowledge, the years-long struggle to work up enough courage
Lucia petitioned for, and received, permission to to finally come out to Slingshot and confess that
eliminate the threat.
The archetypes that exist within the Astral Realm Summon Astral Archetype (Mind ••••)
— shared by all humanity, within the Temenos and, With this spell, a mage can call down a small in-
deeper still, the Dreamtime — may well predate the carnation of a universal concept, giving shape to it
rise of conscious thought. Some Awakened believe within the immaterial state of Twilight.
they are the templates for the earliest gods, and they Practice: Patterning
might as well be deities, for all of the vast power
Action: Extended and contested; target rolls Re-
they wield. But, despite their incredible might, these
sistance reflexively
congealed concepts lack a sense of self; they simply
are and cannot be anything else. Mages who wish to Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
interact with them, then, must summon down a small Aspect: Vulgar
fragment of all that they are, something actually ca- Cost: 1 Mana
pable of interacting on a level as limited as the human An Adept of the Mind Arcanum wishing to sum-
capacity for expression and comprehension. mon a thoughtform (aletheian, dementia, exemplar,
The most ancient archetypes reveal themselves or iniquity) must accrue successes equal to five times
in such basic forms as the Fertility Goddess or the the desired Rank of the entity, to a maximum Rank
Trickster. These are the foundation stones of the equal to the mage’s dots in Mind. If the thoughtform,
human experience, the ideas that primitive peoples for whatever reason, does not desire to be drawn down
to the material realm, then it may roll Resistance Initiative: 21
to contest the summoning, with a target number of Defense: 12
successes equal to five times the summoner’s Gnosis. Speed: 31 (species factor 10)
Note that the summoner has no real control over the Size: 4
specific potency or capabilities of the thoughtform
Corpus: 16
that answers the call, beyond the ability to specify a
given ideal and spirit Rank. Influence: Indivisibility 4
A mage whose consciousness is presently beyond Numina: Blast, Material Vision, Reaching, Ver-
the barrier of his Oneiros (either in the Temenos or satile Energies
the Dreamtime) need not spend a point of Mana to Ban: When deliberately confronted with its own
cast this spell, and its Aspect becomes covert. In such reflection, Indivisible loses a point of Essence per
a case, the entity manifests within the Astral, at the turn.
location of the mage’s consciousness.
Silver Ladder Rote: Anima Mundi Sample Aletheian: Eco-Friendly
Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion + Mind Eco-Friendly exists in harmony with the forces of
nature. It exists to preserve the balance of the en-
This rote is an old account within the Dragon’s
vironment; it takes no more than it gives and gives
Voice, dating back (some say) to the time of the At-
no more than it takes. The aletheian acts to counter
lantean Diaspora. Seeking knowledge and guidance
deeds that despoil the natural world and can advise
from the overarching concepts that bind the cosmos
its summoner on how best to exist in equilibrium with
together, enterprising théarchs cried out directly to
her surroundings. It protects, but it is not charitable.
the Astral Realm and gave heed to its replies.
It saves, but it has no mercy. It preserves, but it has
Sample Aletheian: Indivisible no sense of compassion.
It is the One, devoid of the possibility of multiplic-
ity, or even duality. It knows nothing of the Other,
for it is One, and only One. Indivisble’s aletheian
may be consulted on matters of unity (whether
peacefully or by force; the entity cares nothing
for such semantics), or summoned to help
facilitate unification, one way or the other.
It must be addressed with a single perspective,
absolutely without even the faintest hint of
dissent, and is thus most frequently summoned
by a lone willworker.
Indivisible’s aletheian takes a form repre-
sentative of its nature: typically, a floating
gray obelisk of unimaginable hardness. Its
surface is not etched or marred in any way,
and neither is it reflective (as reflection implies
the possibility of otherness). Its voice is flat and
neutral, utterly genderless; a monotone without
accent or inflection. Observers are taken with
the distinct impression that the aletheian’s at-
tentions are focused perfectly inward, and that they
somehow do not register on its awareness or any of
its senses, even while interacting with it.
Rank: 4
Attributes: Power 12, Finesse 9, Resistance 12
Willpower: 24
Essence: max 25
Sample Dementia: Paranoia moves when it speaks — in a frantic, high-pitched
tone — causing the thin skin over where its mouth
Paranoia knows that everyone is out to get it. It
checks the doors and the windows. It searches every should be to stretch like a paper-thin membrane on
nook and cranny for those that are conspiring against the verge of rupture.
it. The dementia is aware that its summoner is trying Rank: 2
to do something bad to it; if only it could figure out Attributes: Power 4, Finesse 6, Resistance 3
what. Every shadow conceals an enemy and every Willpower: 7
question or comment is a trap for the unwary. When Essence: max 15
whatever it is that’s going to happen finally happens, Initiative: 9
Paranoia will be ready. Defense: 6
This dementia is gangly, with a naked, androgy- Speed: 17 (species factor 7)
nous form that appears starved. Its entire body is a Size: 5
sickly mauve in color, and it is forever in motion, Corpus: 8
to the point of being jittery. Paranoia makes oth-
Influence: Paranoia 2
ers nervous by its mere presence, whether out of a
sense that some shadowy conspiracy really is about Numina: Derange (Paranoia), Psychic Torment
to kick down the door or because the dementia Ban: Paranoia must check every hidden space in
seems like it could erupt into irrational violence at the location into which it is summoned: behind
any moment. Its bald head is featureless, save for a doors and curtains, under couches, even inside
ring of nine unblinking, beady black eyes. Its jaw jewelry boxes or briefcases.
Sample Iniquity: Vindictiveness Size: 5
Vindictiveness wants retribution. It’s going to get Corpus: 7
that bastard back for what he did. It longs to exult Influence: Vindictiveness 1
in the utter humiliation, ruin, or even destruction of Numina: Usurp Vice
those that wronged it. It is satisfied only by witness- Ban: Vindictiveness must answer any harm or
ing the glorious culmination of its vicious hatred. Its slight in kind, preferably with a disproportionate
desires go well beyond “an eye for an eye” and stray response.
far into the realm of excess. It knows no bounds in
Denizens of the Lower Depths bargain can’t possibly be as bad as bartering with
the Abyss, can it? Those who wake — screaming,
Some say demons — of the genuine “demons from drenched in cold sweat — even years after accepting
Hell” variety — dwell within the Lower Depths, the Decay’s offer, their minds and spirits plagued by
believed to exist beneath even the Underworld. By nightmares of horrid worlds that cannot possibly be,
extension, this would make that realm the true Hell, might beg to differ.
by any definition. While most willworkers dismiss the The Decay has no Traits. It is simply a devil’s bargain
notion as provincial, others find a measure of sense in within the self. It may be able to be summoned; certain
it: metaphysically speaking, the Lower Depths are the lost objects of power, created by no human hand, might
realm most directly “opposite” the Realms Supernal contain secrets of how to call this malevolent being.
in the great axis of the Tapestry. A mage who wants an Abyssal Investment, but who
Regardless of the truth of their nature (which even isn’t willing to deal with an Acamoth to get it, might
the entities of the Lower Depths, themselves, may not just be tempted to seek out an otherworldly relic that
adequately comprehend), these beings are inimical enables her to call the Decay into the material realm
to life. They despise all things with an intensity that for long enough to reach an arrangement.
rivals that of the creatures of the Abyss. Awakened
magic may or may not even be able to call these mon-
strosities into the material realm; some of the beings
of the Lower Depths claim to predate the Tapestry,
itself, pushed aside when the universe as it is now
known came to be.
The Realms Supernal, in which stand the Five that a mage can learn from such Supernal entities is
Watchtowers of the Oracles, are perhaps the greatest staggering, though certainly not absolute, and, given
mystery in all of the Tapestry. Even in the days of At- how remarkable it is to touch Heaven (or Hell, or
lantis, these realms captured the loftiest imaginings of whatever other Supernal Realm to which a given
humanity. It is from these far-off worlds that the very willworker Awakened) for the first time, it comes as
power of Awakened magic flows, descending through no surprise that some wish to do so again, even if only
the Abyss and into the human soul, to manifest in a limited way, in the hopes of growing further in
through will within the Fallen World. The eternal mystic understanding or power.
spirit of an Awakening mage rises up to these realms, But these entities are not lightly tampered with.
whether astrally or in a waking dream of metaphor and They reside in worlds far more pure — both for good
symbolism, so that she can etch her name upon the and for ill — than the Fallen World, and they under-
very fabric of the universe and proclaim her intention stand as little of this reality as human beings, even
to see through the all-encompassing Lie that has been Awakened ones, do of theirs. Most importantly, they
inflicted upon her since birth. The Supernal Realms are not human; they are precisely what they are, and
are wondrous and terrifying, absolute in the purity cannot be anything other. They may change through
of the concepts and ideals that they represent. No the turning of the ages with the shifting energies of the
wonder, then that many willworkers long to reflect Realms Supernal, but they do not will themselves to
upon certain portions of their respective experiences change. They may wax and wane in power, but only
during the journey to one of the Watchtowers. Many according to the ineffable designs of the mechanisms
seek in ancient texts and crumbling and forgotten that move the higher worlds. They may move mortal
ruins the long-lost paths to the Supernal; if such willworkers to heartbreaking awe and soul-numbing
things ever existed, at all, however, they are now fear, but they cannot truly appreciate the magnificence
so well-hidden as to be beyond the craft of any save of what they are, because their nature is simply to be
perhaps the Archmasters and those mysterious beings extensions of the truer reality in which they have their
who stand as far above them in mystic prowess as they genesis. In fact, some willworkers speculate that the
stand above the average mage. actual purpose of the creatures of the Supernal is to
On the other hand, some such Awakened (perhaps serve as guideposts along the journey of the human
a bit more pragmatic, a bit more foolhardy, or a bit soul, as it struggles toward all that which is revealed
more of both) turn to the ancient practice of Supernal in the Awakening. And that is a sobering thought.
summoning, hoping to glean some insight into the
to best discover the nuances of any foreign land,
one should first speak to a native. While nothing
immerses one in the truths of a place quite like being
there, converse with Supernal beings may well be the Awakening is by no means a universally pleasant
next best thing for those interested in understand- experience. While mages of every Path come through
ing (and, perhaps, eventually ascending to) those the Awakening more knowledgeable, more enlight-
realms. Indeed, the depth and breadth of knowledge ened and more powerful, many of them go to Hell
Once in a Lifetime
While the heart of the matter has already been summarized in the Introduction to this book, it bears
repeating, here: the central struggle of the Awakened is to be found in the Fallen World, rather than in
far-flung realms peopled by strange beings and alight with unearthly magics. This is particularly impor-
tant to recapitulate with respect to the Realms Supernal, given the drive that many mages feel to attempt
a return to the Watchtowers and the worlds in which they stand. But the attempt to do so is a fool’s
errand. When, and if, a willworker is ready to return to the higher worlds, she will know; in the proper
time, nothing will need to be forced and the road to the Supernal will reveal itself. No loopholes exist
in the laws of the cosmos to make this process any easier. If they did, they would invalidate the entire
Awakened journey.
Many mages may be tempted to treat summoned Supernal entities as some kind of “quick way” back
to the realms from which they hail. This is a perfectly reasonable mindset for such characters to evince,
as people who believe in higher purposes and higher powers often make desperate leaps of logic in
order to see what they want to see in the world (particularly in the World of Darkness). From a rules-
design and (far more importantly) Storytelling perspective, however, it is vitally important that any such
efforts be doomed to failure. The Awakening is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a reason. The Ora-
cles, the Supernal Realms as a whole, or whatever it is that calls the human soul up through the Void to
the higher worlds, chooses those whom it chooses and then it sends them back. With all of their power
and incredible potential for knowledge, so many mages who see the Awakening as a challenge merely
to return to the Supernal fail to grasp that simple truth.
Supernal entities cannot open magical doors for mages that lead back to the Watchtowers, or even
to offer another glimpse, however fleeting, of them. They cannot exercise any otherworldly Influence or
rare Numen to get a willworker even one short step closer to going back to the Supernal Realm to which
she Awakened. They cannot thwart the laws that divide the Fallen from that which stands above, even
if those laws can occasionally be bent to permit them to descend to the material realm. They cannot do
any of these things and, just as significantly — if not more so — they should not. This chapter, like every
other in this book, exists to illustrate what mages can do in the Fallen World with powers that stem from
elsewhere; the ways in which they can affect their native realm, for better or for worse, proving that it is
not where willworkers go that defines them, but what they do with the power that they have been given.
magical style and choices of Arcana can indeed af- Paths, and having a mage nearby who resonates with
fect the temperament of the beings that he summons. a different realm is (correctly) felt to hinder the effort.
The Fallen emulates the Supernal, and so it should In addition, a certain degree of competitive spirit is
come as no surprise that a mage’s proclivities affect common among mages; if someone manages to sum-
the sorts of beings he summons from the Supernal mon a Supernal being, and then a rival mage turns
Realms. This chapter discusses each of the Supernal around and presents the findings to the Consilium
Realms in turn and examines the effect of the various or to an order first, who’s to say who really codified
Arcana on summoning attempts. the process?
Another issue is that some mages take a dim view
The Summons of trying to bridge the Abyss in the first place, or at
The spell is an extended action, meaning that least, trying to do it casually. While the Silver Ladder
even a powerful mage requires some time to com- wants magic to be a more powerful force in the world,
plete the casting. The casting area is important. and the Free Council share that sentiment to a point,
Supernal creatures aren’t the Guardians of the Veil
so much compelled to and the Adamantine
the Fallen World as Arrow worry about what
enticed, and so the would happen if the
area to which they Supernal Realms and
are being summoned the Fallen World were
must be as compatible to meet. The Abyss
with the Supernal has separated them
Realm of choice as for so long — can the
possible. The best world handle a sud-
possible summoning den influx of magic?
location is a Demesne, Supernal beings don’t
but since they aren’t live long in the Fallen
easy to come by, most World, so would a
Awakened summon- mass “migration” of
ers try to incorporate them trigger some
as many symbolic cor- kind of cataclysm,
respondences to the or would it provide
realm in ques- enough of a shift in
tion — and to the world’s magic ecol-
the Arcana being ogy that they could
used — as possible. survive? There’s no
The sections on the way to know, and mages
realms later on in this that err on the side of cau-
chapter list sample cor- tion would rather that the
respondences, but obviously curious among the Awakened
different mages have different takes look elsewhere for answers.
on the Supernal Realms based on their own All of this in mind, the summons tends to be
Awakenings. Because no two Awakenings are alike, a a solitary affair. The character sets up the area and
summoner has an easier time contacting the Supernal casts a spell using the Arcanum of choice. The spell
if he can use symbols and objects that call to mind isn’t designed to do anything, merely to forge a con-
his own time in the realm. nection to the realm and keep it open long enough
Mages of different Paths have various approaches to for a Supernal being to make the journey. Of course,
the ritual, depending, again, on what they are trying that journey involves traversing the Abyss, and so
to summon and why. In general, summoning some- every minute that the connection remains open, the
thing from the Supernal Realms is usually done alone, chances grow that something will worm its way into
rather than with a cabal. Part of the reason for this is the gateway. For this reason, when the Supernal being
that cabals are often made up of mages on different returns home, the mage needs to be able to change
permanently, or sever or alter sympathetic connections
in a manner not usually possible, even to a Master of
New Flaw: Abyss-Marked Space (see pp. 176). A Supernal denizen might be able
Your character has been stained with the to perform such feats, though only within the sum-
Abyss. Paradox is a greater threat to the moning circle (see Summoned Creatures, below).
mage than usual, and Abyssal creatures
always notice him (though not all of them are
hostile). Summoned Creatures
In game terms, the Storyteller adds one die While specific creatures are discussed in the sections
to the character’s Paradox pool. In addition, on their home realm, below, enough commonalities
the character receives a –2 modifier to hide exist to merit a brief look here.
from Abyssal creatures, magically or oth-
erwise. Abyssal creatures don’t necessarily What Denizens Know
wish to harm the character; less intelligent Much to the disappointment of the Awakened,
ones might even view him as a kindred spirit. Supernal denizens are not omniscient. They do not
Being Abyss-Marked also makes Supernal
know the secret history of Atlantis, the true names
summoning more dangerous (see p. 74).
of the Oracles (or the Exarchs), or how the Supernal
Realms were formed. They know, as indicated above,
specific details about mages who Awakened to their
realm, but the greater mysteries of the universe seem
the answers to all of the great philosophical questions to elude them.
to the universe, they can sometimes tell a mage why Mages draw several conclusions from these facts.
he Awakened, what the choices he made during his One is that the denizens of the Supernal are merely
Awakening meant, whether or not a given person is inhabitants of their realms, much like mages are in-
Awakened (and whether a given mage is still alive), habitants of the Fallen World. They know about what
and possibly even whether a given person is destined surrounds them, but they can only speculate about
for Awakening (or at least, is likely to Awaken). In greater truths, just as mages (and Sleepers, for that
addition, a mage might ask a Supernal entity how to matter) can only speculate about the purpose of life
access Atlantean temples, how to activate Artifacts, on Earth. They know fact, but not meaning — and
details about Atlantean history (so far as the being indeed, there may be no intrinsic meaning to it all.
knows; see below), how to perform certain kinds Some Supernal denizens claim to know the nature of
of magic, and whether any members of a particular Creation, but then, so do some Sleepers, and neither
Legacy are still live. are backed by any hard data.
• Arcane Experience: Certainly, the first time Another possibility is that the Supernal denizens
a mage successfully summons a Supernal being, he know the truth, but will not or cannot reveal it.
should receive at least one point of Arcane Experience. Since the Supernal Realms were created (or at least
Summoning a manifest and recondite being might codified) by the Oracles, it stands to reason that the
each be worth a point, and the knowledge that such inhabitants must owe some fealty to them. As such,
a being imparts might be worth even more. they might be limited in the information they can
• Artifacts: Supernal denizens can, in theory, bring reveal by outside edict. If that’s the case, a prolonged
Artifacts from their home realm with them to the period in the Fallen World might be enough to erode
Fallen World (see p. 173). This isn’t something that this control, allowing a Supernal being to speak freely
the summoner can necessarily plan for (especially about the Oracles and/or Exarchs and other lofty
since he has no control over what sort of being he topics, were that being so inclined. As mentioned,
will attract). If, however, the player wishes to spend though, Supernal beings don’t live long in the Fallen
experience points on an Artifact after character World, and no summoner has yet managed to extend
creation, the summoning ritual can make a good their lifespan here.
rationale for it. Finally, another possibility exists, and it’s one that
• Magical Intercession: A mage might wish to mages are reluctant to even acknowledge. The “Su-
perform a feat of magic that is, for whatever reason, pernal beings” summoned from the realms might be
impossible. The mage might wish to regrow a lost limb nothing more than magical constructs, forged through
Storyteller should allow players to roll Intelligence event, if a mage directly contributed to this event, the
+ Occult to gain hints about what a given denizen player must roll to avoid degeneration if the character’s
might expect. Wisdom is 2 or above (roll two dice).
with a subtle webbing of thin, pale blue blood vessels just universe great and small, from the tremulous potential
beneath the surface. Most unsettling and alien of all, a energy in a coiled spring, to the awesome, explosive
thousand tiny, closed, lash-less eyes covered the surface of force of a star turning super nova. When a Theurgist
the entity’s entire body. For all the being’s silent serenity, returns to the Fallen World, he often feels as though
and in spite of the raging electrical storm outside, it might his eyes have been opened. He can look at the world
have been sleeping. Galileo knew better. through a new, divinely-inspired lens — his life has a
Kaon lay unconscious on the scorched tile before the purpose, and nothing can stand in the way of what is
entity, her skin steaming like rain evaporating off hot right and just (by his reckoning, anyway). Even those
asphalt. The acrid scent of burnt flesh and hair hung in with a clear sense direction will falter occasionally,
the heavily charged air. Several of the gathered rushed however, and this is when an Obrimos looks back to
forward to tend to Kaon’s wounds. the Aether for guidance and inspiration.
The ritual had been a lot to ask of such an inexperi- The Angels of the Supernal Realm of the Aether
enced mage, but these were desperate times, and the more are ancient and wizened sages, winged warriors of
practiced mages would be needed in the long, hard battle righteous fire and might, and vast elementals of pure,
ahead. Galileo stepped forward, facing the being. Willing crackling energy. They provide the summoner with
his voice not to waver, he spoke. the wisdom and strength of the eternal magic and
“We have great need of your help. Something is poison- forces of the universe. They offer devastating pow-
ing the ley lines, and the taint of the Abyss is infecting the ers of destruction, but only for the sake of rebirth
Awakened throughout the city. Many have died, sleepers and creation. Angels of the Aether are intense and
and Awakened alike, and many more will die if the origin charismatic creatures: ageless, awe-inspiring, and
of this poison is not discovered. Despite our best efforts, all-consuming. Angels themselves are neither good
the cause remains untraceable to even to the city’s most nor evil, and simply are what they are meant to be:
powerful mages.” beings devoid of moral choice. They may not be
The entity’s eyes remained closed, and Galileo stepped kind, but they are unwavering in their resolve and
back reverently. Another Obrimos of the forum took his righteousness (although, having no choice in the
place, giving testimony of dark, malignant energy that was matter, what Angels consider “righteous” can vary
spreading like a cancer throughout the city. Each declaration considerably). Angels hold lofty standards, and will
strengthened the first, and when the last mage had spoken, not answer the call of those they consider impure
the forum fell still and silent, waiting for the being’s response. or unworthy.
Even the storm outside had ceased, as though the night was While a Theurgist may summon an Angel from the
holding its breath in anticipation of the verdict. Aether for help and guidance in personal matters,
In a sudden blaze of light, the entity opened its thousand he may also do so to benefit the greater good. An
eyes. Briefly, a myriad of tiny, electric-blue pupils could Angel, in fact, may be much more willing to assist a
be seen, and then the light grew so bright that every mage mage who calls upon it for a selfless purpose. More
present was blinded for an instant. so than denizens of any other Supernal realm, An-
gels of the Aether are willing to help those in times
When Galileo’s vision returned, the entity had discorpo-
of need. A mage willing to die to save the lives of
rated and returned to the Aether. Still slightly disoriented,
others will find himself blessed in unexpected ways,
he felt his way to the window of the skyscraper. Far
while a mage who calls upon an Angel with wicked
below, the city shone with flowing rivers of blue-white
or selfish intent may find himself wholly regretting
light. The ley lines were now visible to every mage in the
ever having Awakened.
city. Galileo squinted, leaning closer to the cool glass. In
the distance, the pure, shining blue-white energy of the
ley lines dimmed — the flow of the river of Mana was Risks
stagnant and mottled with darkness. Angels are powerful beings with high, rigidly fixed,
ethical standards. While most are benevolent, many
Calling Down the Aether are simply incapable of seeing gray areas when it comes
to morality. As such, any mage who calls upon an
Angel must be extremely careful. Angels are able to
Mages who walked the Path of the Mighty often
recall Awakening in a realm of pure energy — spin- inherently understand the moral nature of the Obri-
ning with the stars of the heavens and surrounded mos whose call they answer, some with such clarity
by beings of pure light. They feel the forces of the that they are capable of seeing, in vivid detail, past
Seraphim are beings composed of pure energy de- the path of the just and, accordingly, they are also
rived from the Supernal Realm of the Aether, and are likelier to be somewhat more understanding, patient,
representative of the vast and limitless power from and forgiving.
which all of Creation was born. To some extent, all Most Cherubim glow with a soft, luminous blue-
Seraphim have been touched by divine fire. Many do white light, representative of Mana. They tend to
strongly resemble the Angels of belief systems through- have multiple eyes — sometimes, hundreds or even
out the world: beings composed of pure light or fire, thousands of them — representing divine, all-seeing
with multiple faces and/or wings. Others, however, wisdom. They have an understanding of the funda-
may choose less recognizable forms: a pulsing orb of mentals of magic that can make a Master of Prime
light, a shimmering wave of heat, a twisting pillar of look like a novice. Some can sculpt the raw essence
water, or a fiery bird blazing across the heavens. They of magic into material forms, creating objects and
commonly arrive loudly, in a rush of roaring wind or even beings of potentially immense power. Some
a surge of unbridled energy. believe that Mana itself springs directly from the will
Each Seraph stands steadfastly for what it believes of the Cherubim, and flows from the Aether to all
to be just and right, and is typically a skilled warrior other realms, Supernal or otherwise. In these ways,
for whatever its distinct cause may be. The forces that Cherubim are god-like, creating something where
Seraphim command are generally used for benevolent there was once nothing.
purposes, but that is not to say that they cannot be Cherubim are typically quieter, more secretive, and
destructive. Indeed, if an entire city must be demol- less demanding of the summoner than Seraphim (at
ished for the sake of what a Seraph understands to be least as far as ethical standards are concerned) — but
the greater good, he would not hesitate to (and, in that is certainly not to say Cherubim are less powerful.
some cases, could very easily) burn it to the ground. Indeed, Cherubim are representative of the power
Seraphim, like all Supernal Angels, are not creatures of magic itself, and it is through magic that all other
that are capable of recognizing grey areas of morality. energies are harnessed and shaped.
Good and evil (as they understand the concepts)
contrast very sharply in the eyes of the Seraphim,
and they hold those whose call they answer to rigid The Summoner
ethical standards. Despite this fact, Seraphim can Many Obrimos are passionate men and women,
prove to be valuable allies to any Obrimos who walks fortified by their unwavering belief in what is just.
a true and virtuous path. As such, a Theurgist’s Virtue can shape the form and
personality of the Angel that she summons from the
Cherubim — Angels of Prime Aether. A mage who is known for her giving and
In contrast to Seraphim, Cherubim gain their name generous nature, may find herself in the company of
from the Babylonian term, karabu, which means pro- an Angel who is also charitable. Similarly, an Obrimos
pitious, or blessed. While Seraphim are warriors for with the Virtue of Faith might be more likely to attract
divine cause, the Cherubim are sages and teachers. Angels that are representative of spiritual iconography,
They have existed in tandem with Seraphim since time while one possessed of a moderate nature might find
began, and use their power to temper the blazing fire that even the powerful, radiant Seraph she calls is
and passionate fervor of their counterparts. As such, capable of some modicum of personal restraint.
they are also excellent communicators, councilors, A Theurgist’s knowledge of magic also has an ef-
and intermediaries. fect on the entity he summons. Each of the Arcana
Cherubim, like Seraphim, typically follow a divine are present in the Supernal Realm of Aether to some
or righteous purpose, but there are exceptions to extent, and the mage’s proclivity toward one brand
every rule. Because of their innate ability to serve as of magic or another may interact with the ruling
intermediaries, Cherubim are, perhaps, more likely Arcanum of Prime and Forces in a variety of ways.
to walk the fine line between good and evil. While The following are suggested beings that a mage with
the Seraphim almost always see morality in black a great deal of knowledge in a non-ruling Arcanum
and white, Cherubim are more likely to at least ac- (Disciple or better) might summon.
knowledge the possibility of moral ambiguity. Of the • Fate: Angels summoned by a disciple of Fate are
two types of Supernal Angels, Cherubim are more representative of the chaotic aspects of Forces and
capable of understanding why mortals stray from Prime. Seraphim may manifest as forms in ceaseless
Size: 5
Corpus: 10
Influence: Prime 3, Judgment 1
Numina: Binding Vow, Blast, Essence Conversion,
Telekinesis (as per the Ghost Numen; see The World
of Darkness, p. 212)
Trial: Before the ritual to call upon an Ophan is
performed, an Obrimos forum must be assembled
in the summoning location. One of the gathered
must then succeed in recreating the divine fire, and
the Ophan is called from the Realm of Aether. She
floats, graceful and alien, before the assembled, her
eyes closed. Each mage must, in turn, give testimony
on the purpose for summoning the entity from her
lofty place in the heavens, and why her assistance is
needed. If the forum makes a convincing argument,
the Ophan shows her approval by opening her eyes.
For a moment, her white skin is pin-pricked with
thousands of tiny, electric blue-eyes. Then, her
eyes shine so brightly that all Awakened within
sight are blinded by the light of the Aether for a
split second. When their vision returns, the flow
of Mana within the city is visible — softy glowing
with blue-white energy. The Ophan’s power af-
fects a number of square miles equal to the caster’s
Willpower + Gnosis.
the mage is no longer worthy of the gifts.
Any unjust action (in the utterly rigid
and unambiguous sense that comprises
Metatron’s understanding) will cause
these potent gifts to be swept back to the
Aether. Should the Theurgist’s actions
be in any way unjust by the Angel’s
reckoning, then it may choose to levy
punishment upon him, as well. The
mage may only use the Gifts of Meta-
tron for the purpose that was disclosed to
the Angel during the summoning; their
use for any other end is automatically
deemed “unworthy” by the Seraph.
Seraph: Elemental
A mage who summons an Elemental
finds himself confronted by a being
composed of pure energy. It may manifest
as a pillar of blazing fire, a shining ball of
white heat and light, a crumbling, hulking
beast of molten earth and stone, a shimmering
and shifting heat mirage, or a sloshing, amorphous
blob of water, undulating to an otherworldly tide.
Elementals are not particularly intellectual beings,
and they are known to become violent when taken
from their realm. Often, an Elemental will attack its
summoner immediately after materializing within
the summoning circle.
Within certain circles of Obrimos, an Elemental
may be deliberately called upon to battle a newly
armor (see “Unseen Shield” on p.169 of Mage: The awakened Theurgist as a divine rite of passage. The
Awakening), and does not count toward the mage’s rite is representative of the exertion of mortal will
Spell Tolerance. over the forces of the universe, and how through
The Sword of Metatron allows the mage to strike the mastery of magic, a mage may defeat whatever
down his enemies with the celestial fire of the Angels adversary he faces. A young mage can learn a great
— leaving the innocent unharmed. Mechanically, the deal about his own abilities though the process, and
sword is typical of its kind (The World of Darkness, gains arcane experience from the confrontation.
p. 170), but its fiery blade deals aggravated damage, Attributes: Power 5, Finesse 2, Resistance 5
rather than lethal, upon the wicked. Additionally, a Willpower: 10
mage who uses the sword of Metatron will find his Essence: max 10
hands guided by the divine skill of the Seraphim. When Initiative: 7
using the Sword of Metatron, the character gains two Defense: 5
bonus dice to all rolls related to swordsmanship. Speed: 17 (species factor 10)
Finally, the Wisdom of Metatron pours knowledge Size: 6
of the energies of the universe directly into the mind Corpus: 11
of the willworker, making him a master of Forces Influence: Forces 2
Numina: Blast, Reaching
The Three Gifts of Metatron remain with the
Trial: Elementals are the forces of the universe
summoner until the threat he faces is resolved or
incarnate, and as such, they can be challenging ad-
detail. Every curve of his face was perfect — his eyes were alter events, then why was she granted the ability to
just as kind as always. When his arms encircled her and do so in the first place?
held her tight, she felt just as safe as she always had. For the Acanthus, there will always be difficult
“Never leave me again?” She asked. decisions. Even with the ability to see the future,
“Never.” He said. there are questions left unanswered, and destinies left
But when he spoke, there was a hollowness to his voice unfulfilled. An Enchanter may summon a denizen of
that she had never heard there before. Arcadia because she is searching for answers, to as-
sist her in achieving a desired end, or simply to help
Calling Down Arcadia ease the crushing burden of the gift (or curse) that
she has been given.
A mage awakened to the Realm of Arcadia tends
to be known (if stereotypically) for her free spirit, Risks
enthusiasm, and passion for life. She may be seen as Known for their capricious manner, summoned Fae
fickle, irrational, or immature, but the wonderment can be dangerous, benign, or, more likely, a combina-
with which she perceives the world is infectious to tion of the two. Fae are believed to be creatures born
those around her. Likely, a mage drawn to the Path of from all that is, or might be, possible. They can be
the Thorn was capable of seeing “magic” in the world playful and mischievous, wildly temperamental and
even before Awakening — in the eternal dance of the easily offended, or haunting and mysterious. Nearly
seasons, in the laughter of a child, in a secret glance all are, to some degree, unsettling for their instability.
between lovers. For all of life’s beauty, Acanthus are Beings called from the Realm of Arcadia are as diverse
also capable of sensing and understanding the purpose as the chaos from which they originate; and while the
behind life’s ugliness. As many Acanthus Masters ask majority of Fae may not actively intend harm, their
of their apprentices, “If one good person had to die to unpredictable nature can be extremely dangerous.
save thousands of lives, what would you do?” Because of this, a mage who calls upon a denizen of
Luckily, most people are not afflicted with the Arcadia can only be absolutely sure that he cannot
foresight to ever truly face such a question. En- be absolutely sure of anything, at all.
chanters, however, forever trace the threads of Fate For all the benefits a mage might reap from summon-
and Time, untangling hundreds of possibilities and ing an Arcadian Fae, there are risks in doing so that
outcomes from an impossibly intricate knot. They go far beyond the hazards of the being’s mercurial tem-
can see events that might occur, and can influence perament. Creating a gateway to the Supernal Realm
seemingly extraneous factors to produce a desired of Arcadia is, after all, inviting chaos to the Fallen
conclusion. Altering destiny to ensure the untimely World — and chaos can be difficult or even impossible
demise of one person and the preservation of the lives to contain, once unleashed. If the Realm of Arcadia is
of thousands might, therefore, be a simple choice for set loose during a summoning, it can manifest in many
a mage capable of understanding the end result. But ways: all of the glass within the radius of a city block
what if that one person destined to die was someone may shatter, birds may fly backwards, day and night
genuinely important to the willworker? A mother? may suddenly occur simultaneously within the mage’s
A child? A lover? sanctum, or living dreams of strange futures and pasts
Such a problem can raise many difficult moral and that never were may wander the waking world. A mage
existential questions, and the fact that the mage’s who risks opening the door to the Realm of Arcadia
own destiny is entwined with the very person who is wide enough to call upon one of its creatures may even
destined to die further complicates matters. Can an find his own destiny altered beyond repair.
Enchanter allow things to run their natural course As stated, the chaos of Arcadia is not easily fettered.
despite the outcome, knowing that she has the That said, it follows naturally that the denizens of
power to change the future? Should she tamper with Arcadia, born of infinite possibility, may also be dif-
the interplay of history and inevitability in the first ficult to contain. Occasionally, a creature summoned
place, recognizing that it’s impossible to perceive or from Arcadia may not desire to return home, and
understand the final destiny of universe? (After all, may use whatever faculties that are available to it to
mages can only see so far before possible events split remain in the Fallen World as long as possible. Even
away into a chaotic tangle of infinite possibilities.) if the summoned Fae is unsuccessful in its attempt
And if an enchanter is not meant to utilize magic to to stay in the physical world (as it surely must be), it
Moirae can manifest in any conceivable form, and or clearly see events that have passed or will come
some may choose to appear as something different to pass. They may be able to stop or speed up time,
with each blink of the eye: an eccentric old man, a or link objects together temporally. Some scholars
ball of chaotic energy, a beautiful woman in brightly- believe that Anachronisms may even be able to
colored robes, a small animal or imaginary creature, remove themselves from the stream of time entirely,
or a friend or acquaintance of the summoner. and emerge in a place where time is meaningless.
Every Moira knows something of Fate, instinctively From this vantage point, anachronisms can view the
at the very least. Most Moirae have developed unique passage of time as a whole, and step back into the
abilities pertaining to the manipulation of Fate, which current wherever (or whenever) they please.
can be utilized to advantage of the summoner. Among Whether or not Anachronisms are more rational
a score of possible benefits, a mage calling upon a beings than their related Fae, Moirae, is up for debate.
Moira can gain a greater understanding of the nature While Anachronisms as a whole tend to be more
of destiny. Mere proximity to a Moira can alter the solemn and reserved (though there are certainly some
destiny of the mage, ultimately leading her to new exceptions), they can be just as erratic as their more
discoveries and conclusions. lively counterparts. A mage summoning an Anach-
Moirae are notorious for turning things around on ronism is wise to remember that fact. She should stay
the summoner, which may end up being either to the on guard, show respect, and watch her tongue — or
benefit of the detriment of the Acanthus. Because risk being carried away, powerless, by the swift, end-
Moirae are born from limitless potentiality, their less current of time.
doing so may not be intentional (then again, being
entirely unpredictable, it may). As such, a mage who
calls upon a Moira must often be extremely careful
The Summoner
about what he says when dealing with the creature, While the mage’s ability in other Arcana (apart
lest his words be misinterpreted… or lest he be bound from ruling Arcana) is typically a fairly straightforward
to them with gossamer chains of destiny. indicator of what type of entity will be summoned
from a given Supernal Realm, such is not necessarily
Anachronisms — Fae of Time the case with Acanthus. It is true that an enchanter
who is a disciple of Death might be slightly more
The term “anachronism” refers to anything that is
likely to call upon a creature associated with death
incongruous with the time period in which it exists.
from the Realm of Arcadia, for example. However,
An Anachronism appears in a temporal context in
the Supernal Realm of Arcadia is a place of chaos,
which it seems out of place and impossible, or at the
chance, and infinite probability. Therefore, it is also
very least, peculiar. Similarly, a being summoned from
possible (though perhaps less likely) for an Acanthus
Arcadia using the Arcana of Time is taken from its
studying Death to summon an entity that is repre-
appropriate place-time and brought into a realm in
sentative of Life (or, indeed, any other Arcanum)
which it does not belong. As such, Fae of Time are
from Arcadia.
called Anachronisms.
It is important to remember that a summoning
Anachronisms appear in a variety of forms related
ritual calling upon a denizen of Arcadia can result
to the passage of time. They may appear very old,
in the manifestation of a being slanted toward any
very young, or both old and young simultaneously.
Arcanum, despite the magical background of the
Many Anachronisms manifest along with imagery
mage. While it is more likely that an enchanter will
related to chronology some way: clocks, calendars,
find herself confronting an entity somehow related to
mechanical objects, a beating heart, a metronome,
the Arcanum with which she is familiar, she is wise to
an hourglass. They may alter the summoner’s percep-
be prepared for whatever chance brings her. As luck
tion of the progress of history throughout the ritual,
would have it, Acanthus are probably the best suited
making the environment to seem as though years or
of all Awakened to deal with such a predicament.
months have passed when only been a few minutes
have transpired. • Death: An enchanter who studies the Arcanum
of Death is likely to call Moirae representative of
Anachronisms have an unparalleled understand-
ill-omen. They may resemble creatures from supersti-
ing of the mechanics of Time. They may be able to
tious folklore: the Banshee of Irish folklore, a black
journey backwards or forwards in the stream of time,
cat, a flock of ravens, or the barguest, a spectral dog
be capable of coming home at a reasonable hour once in may also discover that he is weaker at others. After
a while.” all, if a mage spent a great deal of time and effort in
A mage who successfully calls upon the Weaver one stream of destiny to become a great musician,
can persuade her to weave a favor. Like her husband, less time would have been devoted to other skills in
the Weaver practices her craft for its own sake, and order to achieve greatness in one. A favor made by
is usually more than happy to oblige in exchange for the Weaver eventually unravels (or is prematurely
pleasant conversation and good company. destroyed), and the summoner’s original skill (or lack
The Weaver is able to perceive the potential for thereof) returns.
greatness in any person: any budding talent that was The Weaver’s favor temporarily rearranges the char-
never encouraged to grow, and any hidden ability that acter’s Skill dots, creating areas of great strength and
was never able to surface. She can sort through the great weakness. The favor remains in effect so long
course of destiny, find alternate threads of Fate con- as the player wears it. A favor made by the Weaver
nected to the mage in which latent untapped abilities unravels in a number of days equal to the mage’s
are a realized, and weave them into a physical form Gnosis + Composure.
for the summoner to wear (usually a wristband, belt Attributes: Power 6, Finesse 10, Resistance 4
or small talisman). A mage who has never played a Willpower: 10
musical instrument in his life may suddenly find himself Essence: max 30
an accomplished pianist when donning a favor crafted Initiative: 14
by the Weaver. While an Acanthus may find himself Defense: 10
stronger at a certain skill while wearing the favor, he
from the life of the mage. The more powerful the Defense: 8
Artifact and the longer it must run, the more time Speed: 24 (species factor 10)
from the life of the mage required to fuel the device. Size: 3
An Enchanter who obtains a clockwork Artifact may Corpus: 9
find large chunks missing from her memory, or she Influence: Time 2
may find herself unable to perform certain tasks or Numina: None
spells previously learned. In game terms, the character Trial: Before a Perdurantist will restore a dam-
temporarily loses a number of Skill dots equal to the aged Artifact, the summoner must use the Time or
merit rating of the Artifact. If the Skill dots are reduced Fate Arcanum to show him the purpose the Artifact
to zero, the character also temporarily loses any rotes will serve in the future. The Perdurantist will not
associated with the Skill. The Skills that the character exhibit approval or disapproval of the mage’s intent;
loses are chosen by the Watchmaker. Eventually, the rather, he will ask the mage one more time if she is
mechanism runs down (or is prematurely destroyed), sure that she would like the object restored. If the
and the lost time is returned to the mage. Enchanter is resolute, the Perdurantist will agree to
Attributes: Power 4, Finesse 10, Resistance 6 fix the Artifact. Additionally, he will attach a bane
Willpower: 10 or a gift of fortune upon the object to help or hinder
Essence: max 30 the summoner when the object is used in the future.
Initiative: 16 What, exactly, wins the approval of the Perdurantist
Defense: 10 is uncertain. He is as unpredictable as any denizen
Speed: 24 (species factor 10)
Size: 4
Corpus: 10
Influence: Time 2, Mechanics 1
Numina: Accelerate
Trial: The Watchmaker guards the secrets of his
trade carefully. If a mage shows too much interest in
his work, asks him too many questions, or glances
in his direction as he works, the Watchmaker will
stubbornly refuse to assist the summoner.
arrives, he needs to have the remaining fortitude to
conquer it. Denizens of Pandemonium are not neces-
sarily hostile to humanity, but they do take their roles Demons and Other Demons
as adversaries very seriously. They are not meant to The word “demon” is a loaded term, be-
be at the beck and call of mankind, even the Awak- cause it calls to mind fallen Angels and other
ened. Weaklings, therefore, need not even attempt a figures from religious mythology. Mages often
summoning. Of course, a weakling probably doesn’t debate whether Pandemonium is truly “the
have what’s necessary to Awaken as a Mastigos in Abode of Demons.” Is it Hell? Are the horrific
the first place. creatures there the souls of sinners, made
monstrous by their surroundings? If so, what
Calling down a Demon isn’t without its rewards, does that make the Shades of Stygia? And,
however. Some Mastigos call down Demons in order when mortal occultists summon what they
to glimpse Hell again, to remind themselves that what believe to be Demons, what are they truly
they went through for their Awakening was a greater calling up?
ordeal than their Acanthus and Obrimos comrades
Awakened scholars generally accept that
(whether that’s true or not is a matter of debate).
the inhabitants of Pandemonium are not
Other Warlocks look for information on “true” De- “demons” in the classical sense, though their
mons, the inhabitants of Lower Depths that, unlike appearance may have influenced (or been
the Demons of the Kingdom of Nightmares, feed on influenced by) spirits and other entities that
human vice and depravity. Some Mastigos look for actually do feed on vice and sin. As for where
assurance that others of their Path are alive — given these beings hail from, some are conceptual
the Path’s propensity for teleportation and clearing spirits found in the Shadow. Others are be-
away sympathetic connections, this might be the only ings that are not precisely spirits, but occupy
way to find this information. a place (or at least, a plane of existence)
Finally, some Mastigos attempt to call down their outside the direct experience of Sleepers and
mages alike. This place could legitimately
tormentors, the Demons that tortured them, turned
be called “Hell,” and the inhabitants thereof,
their souls inside out and exposed every mistake and Demons. Whether that lends credence to any
sin they’d ever experienced, just so they can return particular religion, though, is impossible to
the favor. say — it’s just as likely that early humans saw
Hell, somehow, and made up their legends
Risks from there.
Demons are not helpful creatures. They are meant to Likewise, it’s important to draw the distinc-
be tormentors, testers and abusers, and that’s precisely tion between the Demons of Pandemonium
what they do. Some Mastigos expect to be met with and the beings “summoned” by goetic magic.
a handshake and a congratulatory smile — after all, Goetists call up manifestations of their own
the mage survived Hell, returned to the Fallen World, vices and frailties, giving them will and from.
and has become a powerful enough mage to call a In a sense, they aren’t really summoning
Demon out of its natural habitat into and command anything, merely giving voice to what already
it. Shouldn’t that be worth a little respect? exists. Practice of goetia doesn’t help or hin-
der a Mastigos in calling up a Demon.
Not the way Demons see it. A mortal that calls a
Demon out of Pandemonium apparently didn’t get
the message the first time, and needs a bit more abuse
before he learns the lesson of his Path. Time in Pande- A Mastigos performing a Supernal summoning,
monium is meant to turn a mage inside out and force then, always has a struggle on his hands when the
him to confront himself — if a mage needs more help entity arrives. The nature of that struggle varies.
in doing that, the Demon can certainly oblige. Note, Some Demons can be intimidated. Some have to
though, that most Demons are intelligent enough to be fought to a standstill. Others can be outwitted or
realize that they shouldn’t kill the summoner. Imps commanded. The specifics of the situation depend
are happy to thrash the mage a bit, while Wraiths on the nature of the summoned being, but also on
invade his mind and look for sins and transgressions the mage’s Awakening. Remember that a Supernal
to pervert and shove back in his face. summoning is recalling his own time in the realm in
whether all Imps are intelligent. Some act as though remind the mage (graphically, if necessary) of any sin
they only have an animal’s level of cognition, but in a he has ever committed, every trauma he has ever face.
realm in which Mind is one of the Ruling principles, If the mage hasn’t truly come to terms with himself,
cognition is not in short supply. then he shouldn’t be calling down Supernal entities,
An Imp’s challenge might be martial in nature, but and certainly not from the Abode of Demons.
it’s just as often a moral quandary or a riddle. After all, A mage that successfully summons and bests a
if all a Mastigos wants to do is best his own vices he Wraith might be granted self-knowledge of a nature
should take up goetia. Calling down manifest Demons deeper and more profound than any a Sleeper guru
of Pandemonium might ask him to enter a literal could teach. Any action he has ever taken, any
fight with a monster, where damage is measured in choice he has ever made, he can learn exactly why
blood and flesh (Health), not in fortitude and courage he made it. He can learn how external stimuli affect
(Willpower). It might also present him with an Imp him (which, coupled with the Mind Arcanum, can
in the body of a child, begging not to be returned to allow him to change how they affect him), and he
the Supernal Realms. Who could send a child back can learn how to beat his own Vice. Summoning up
to Hell? The mage must, by remembering who he is a Wraith sometimes acts as the impetus for a mage to
(a Warlock on the Path of Scourging) and therefore learn goetia. And some goetists call down a Wraith,
who the child is (a Demon). and realize that they just don’t need to bother with
Imps, when bested, can help mages overcome men- their Vices anymore.
tal blocks relating to the practice of Space (in game
terms, granting Arcane Experience that can be used
to increase the Arcanum instead of Gnosis). Because
The Summoner
of their origins, however, they also often command All summoners unconsciously influence the specific
unparalleled skilled at scrying. A mage requires a being they call down simply be dint of their magical
sympathetic connection to his target in order to open styles. For Mastigos, however, intent plays perhaps a
a scrying window, but a Demon is the scrying window. larger role in the summons than for other Paths —
Because Space is ultimately a state of mind, no sym- not surprising, given that Mind is one of the Ruling
pathy is required for a Demon to scry. An Imp might Arcana. A mage that wants to be punished for a past
be able to find a target that the mage cannot, though transgression summons a Demon capable of meting
it might simply grant the mage a tenuous sympathetic out punishment. A mage that wants to be rewarded
connection, just enough to enable a weak attempt to might get his wish, but it’s far more likely that the
open a window. The mage, then, needs to build the Demon will make him look at his motives objectively
connection from there. (and then reward him, if that’s appropriate). This
reflection of intent is, of course, more prevalent for
Wraiths — Demons of Mind mages summoning Wraiths than Imps, but all Demons
know the summoner’s thoughts better than other
Wraiths, the inhabitants of Pandemonium sum-
Supernal beings.
moned through the use of the Mind Arcanum, are
arguably the most dangerous to summon of any of the A Warlock’s choice of magical study also influences
Supernal beings. They do not normally have physical the being he summons. While all of the Arcana are
bodies, but they might as well — the connection cre- present in Pandemonium to one degree or another,
ated when a mage summons a Wraith allows the being they interact with the dominant forces (Mind and
immediate and unfettered access to the mage’s mind. Space) in different ways. Below are some suggestions
As such, the Wraith can force the mage to feel, see, as to the beings a mage with a great deal of knowledge
hear and otherwise experience anything it wishes. If in a non-ruling Arcanum (Disciple or better) might
the Wraith wants to harm the mage, it simply wills summon.
the mage to feel pain. • Death: A Mastigos who studies Death is likely to
Fortunately, Wraiths are not usually malevolent summon an Imp that takes the form of a dead person,
just for the sake of it. In true Pandemonium fashion, and probably proceeds to impersonate her, throwing
they act in an adversarial manner in order to test the in the Mastigos’ face every wrong that the mage ever
mage, to force him to rise to meet the adversity. If the did the deceased. If the mage summons a Wraith, the
Wraith has access to the mage’s mind, the mage must Demon might take the form of ghost and do much the
either fight to reclaim it or shut it off. The Wraith can same thing, or it might focus more on the capacity
again asks who summoned it. The mage’s player must
continue attempting to stand up to the Bull, but
wound penalties apply to the Resolve + Composure
roll. If the mage falls unconscious or gives up, the Bull
departs for Pandemonium.
Wraith: The Memory of Hell
One of the most insidious recondite Demons of The Primal Wild,
Pandemonium, the Memory of Hell attacks in a
rush of sensation and images. It brings the mage
back to Pandemonium, and forces him to relive
Abode of Beasts
“Aren’t you worried about… you know… the natural
his Awakening. This time, however, it changes world and all?”
key details, makes challenges just a bit harder and I love young Shamans. “What do you mean?” We were
tries to force the Mastigos to give up. Moreover, it standing on the side of the mountain, a split-rail fence
tries to make the Mastigos believe that everything separating us from hundreds of feet of nothing. Well,
that has happened to him since his Awakening has probably not nothing. If we fell here, we’d bounce against
been a dream, just part of a grand mystery play. If the mountainside enough times that we’d be hamburger
the Mastigos succumbs to despair, or tries to repeat by the time we hit bottom.
that which has already happened, he fails to best “Well, I just…” He gestured around us. Scrub, cactus,
the Demon and it returns to Pandemonium. If he flies, sand. “We’re bringing jeeps and stuff out here—”
refuses to play along and asserts that he is and has “Nothing that hasn’t been done before.”
been walking the Path of Scourging, the Memory “I know, but—”
of Hell ceases the assault, and converses with the “Hang on.” I took a drink from my water bottle. It
mage. The Memory of Hell can help point the mage was still cool, but sweating something awful. “You think
toward a practitioner of any Legacy that teaches the maybe this is a bad idea, because we drove here? If we
Mind Arcanum, or any Legacy open to Mastigos. hadn’t, we’d be dead already.”
For some of the more obscure Legacies, this Demon “I know. But now that we’re here, we still have all this
might be the only way to find a mentor. stuff.” He gestured to the pile of gear. I rolled my eyes.
The Memory of Hell is invisible and incorporeal. It “Craig — sorry, Cernunnos — you’ve got to lighten
never manifests visibly, but its voice is low, sonorous up.” I swatted a fly on my arm, and the poor kid actually
and frank. winced. “Look, I’m not saying that the natural world isn’t
Attributes: Power 7, Finesse 8, Resistance 4
a concern. I’m not saying that environmentalism isn’t a
concern. But you’ve got to look at it all on the right scale.”
Willpower: 11
I smacked another fly, crushing it against my shoulder.
Essence: max 25
“Now, take that fly, for instance. If it and all its buddies
Initiative: 12
could build machines that would let them feed without
Defense: 8
getting smacked, they would. Human beings do what we
Speed: 25 (species factor 10)
do because we can. It’s our place in the natural world
Size: 2
you love so much.” Craig’s face was getting sunburned,
Corpus: 6 too. I debated letting him burn just to show him that he
Influence: Memory 4 needs to be prepared more than dogmatic, but screw it.
Numina: Derange, Psychic Torment, Trial, Usurp I’m too old for that kind of sensei bullshit. I tossed him a
Vice tube of sunblock.
Trial: This Demon’s challenge is best run as its “But all the damage we’re causing—”
own scene, with the mage reliving his Awakening “Has its reflection in the Shadow, too.” I started scratch-
and trying to remember that he already succeeded. ing the circle in the ground. We needed to get this going
This requires that the player give the Storyteller de- before dark. “Look, I’m not saying it’s okay for people
tails about the Awakening (hopefully earlier in the to be dumping their garbage everywhere, because doing
chronicle), and the Storyteller presents these details that shows a lot of disrespect for the place we have to live.
with slight variations. Likewise, the Storyteller should But if you watch the world, animals — and people — are
revisit key points in the chronicle, with the intention changing to cope with the way the world’s changing, or
of making it all seem surreal and dreamlike. If, at else they die out. That’s how this works.”
any point, the mage states that he is a Warlock and “But if we’re the ones causing the changes, isn’t that…
that this challenge has already been completed, the I don’t know… wrong?”
Demon ceases it.
step in if called, and, for those mages skilled in Time
as well as Life, hang healing spells in case of injury
(see p. 260 of Mage: The Awakening for more on Totems and Spirits
prepared spells). Are Totems, in fact, spirits? They work by
As for the ritual space, Shamans normally prefer to the same game mechanics, they conform to
summon manifest Beasts (called Atavisms) in a natural the same ecology, and they originate from
setting. Forest, desert, mountains, lakes, even oceans the Supernal Realm in which Spirit is a ruling
— any place away from a major population center Arcanum.
is often the first choice. Urban Shamans, however, For the purposes of Mage, the only dif-
point out that cities can hold a surprising amount of ference is that Totems are subject to magic
biodiversity, and report great success in summoning as described on p. 72 of this book, rather
such creatures into the “concrete jungle.” Of course, than being subject to the Spirit Arcanum as
summoning this sort of creature here presents another described in Mage: The Awakening. But to
an observer in a chronicle, yes, Totems are
problem — the large number of Sleepers nearby can
indistinguishable from spirits.
provide a source of Disbelief, or, worse, food, if the
Beast gets loose. That has some implications for the Primal
Recondite Beasts — or Totems — can be summoned Wild as it relates to the Fallen World, and
anywhere. A Thyrsus doing so, though, needs to pay more importantly, the Shadow. Was the Pri-
mal Wild part of the Shadow at one point, be-
attention to the correspondences not only to the
fore an Atlantean king carved part of it away
Primal Wild, but to the Totem in question. That is, and moved it across the Abyss? It’s possible,
the mage can’t predict what kind of being will come but that isn’t the sort of question that needs
through the gateway, but she can (and should) pay a definitive answer in a game book, because
attention to what is nearby. A Thyrsus who summons it’s not the sort of thing that a cabal is going
a Totem in a room full of weapons is likely to attract to realistically be able to answer anyway.
a violent Beast. Summoning a Totem to a murder
Another, related matter, for Storytellers and
site might call down a spirit of grief, death, murder or players who have access to Werewolf: The
even justice. A Shaman should look around her ritual Forsaken, is this: do Totems respond to Gifts
space and ask herself: “What kind of spirit would be and rites? The answer is: no. Totems, what-
attracted to this area?” She then must prepare for any ever their origins, are Supernal creatures,
answer she can come up with. and are not subject to the bargains and oaths
Sample Correspondences: Blood, sex, animals, that compel spirits to respond to a were-
stone, mountains, silver, moon rocks, fur, werewolves, wolf’s powers. Likewise, while it might be
water, fire, predation, plants, fossils. possible for a Beast to consume a spirit from
the Shadow if it is in the Beast’s nature to do
The Entities
so (the Ravenous Beast, for instance), this
doesn’t change or empower the Beast in any
The denizens of the Primal Wild are collectively way. It might be a good bribe, though.
called Beasts. Manifest Beasts are known as Atavisms,
while recondite Beasts are called Totems.
years — or never did. The Life Arcanum is capable of
Atavisms — Beasts of Life created fantastic creatures, dragons, unicorns, griffins
An “atavism” is a genetic throwback, something and beasts unrecognizable to any human mythology.
out of place in modern life. The Atavisms of the Any of them might answer a summons.
Primal Wild are exactly that. They emerge from the Does this mean that such creatures ever lived in
Supernal gateways, some hungry, some timid and the Fallen World? It’s hard to say. The Primal Wild
some indifferent, but almost all operate according to is a realm of spirit and flesh, and the line between
animal instinct. the two blurs considerably in the Abode of Beasts.
The Storyteller has a great deal of leeway in pre- A given Atavism might have no fossil record, but
senting these creatures, because they can represent that doesn’t mean it was never a spirit — and if it’s
animals that have not walked the Earth in millions of a spirit, in the Primal Wild, it has a body. Likewise,
Such Beasts are often intelligent even before a Sha- spirits of distance, travel, knowledge are possible,
man uses magic to make them so. More importantly, as are spirits of suspicion, jealousy, and violation (a
they usually understand the notion of bargaining, Disciple of Space has amazing potential to see what
which is a much safer starting point than normally she shouldn’t be able to see). Such Totems might take
possible. Totems summoned by such Shamans are often the forms of insects, frogs, geckos and other clinging
embodiments of concepts (honesty, oaths, betrayal, or creepy animals.
destiny), and take the forms of ravens, cats and other • Time: The study of Time breeds an appreciation
animals often used as familiars. for inevitability and the ravages of years, and the
• Forces: If a Shaman knowledgeable in the Arca- Primal Wild is an excellent object lesson in these
num of Forces summons an Atavism, it’s just as likely to precepts. A jungle will eventually reclaim a city, if it
be a plant as an animal. Flora, of course, flourish with isn’t trimmed back. A stream will cut through rock.
sunlight, and so a mage that can control light, heat Years of erosion can destroy any structure. Not all
and (to some extent) weather makes is of interest to Shamans who learn the Time Arcanum learn this
such beings. Likewise, reptiles and other cold-blooded sort of patience, however — they might use Time to
organisms might emerge from the gateway (this also skip over the difficult parts of their lives, to speed up
gives the Shaman a good way to get on the Beast’s what they don’t wish to experience. A more patient
good side). Totems, in this case, might be elemental mage is likely to attract Totems and Atavisms that
spirits, taking on the forms of phoenixes, lightning live slowly. Spirits of weather, glaciers, mountains
beetles, salamanders, leeches and other animals that and stone, or animals such as tortoises and alligators
are either tied to the elements or the weather in (or, if the terrain permits, sharks, which were swim-
popular myth. ming the Earth’s oceans long before the dinosaurs
• Matter: When an animal or a plant dies, its appeared) are all good possibilities. Impatient mages
magical purview changes from Life to Matter (after might summon mayflies, salmon and other creatures
a brief stint with Death). As such, Beasts summoned that live quickly and urgently.
by Shamans with knowledge of the Matter Arcanum • Mind: The Primal Wild is a realm of instinct
might be scavengers, or they might be animals that and intuition, not cognition. That isn’t to say that
shape their surroundings. Woodpeckers, dung beetles the inhabitants are stupid, but they do tend to ani-
and many other species use their physical environ- malistic (in the case of Atavisms) or so focused on
ments, and they might appreciate a mage that can do their own purview that they seem simplistic (Totems).
much the same thing on a grander scale. Likewise, in The ability to awaken true thought in these creatures,
the Primal Wilds, water, stone and air all have spirits, then, is a powerful one, and Shamans who learn at
and Totems representing these materials might seek least a Disciple’s rank in Mind are likely to attract
out a Thyrsus skilled in Matter. Atavisms and Totems that already have some affin-
• Prime: Every object, being or substance has within ity for human-like reason. These beings might take
it Mana, and so Prime is a kind of siren call in the any form, but they are often deceptively small and
Primal Wild, a resonating signal that any Beast might weak-looking.
feel compelled to follow. As such, a Shaman with
knowledge of Prime who summons down a Supernal
being is putting a kind of evolution into play — only
Example Entities
the creature that can enter the gateway quickly follows
the gateway to the reward at the end. Of course, this Atavism: The Carnivorous Plant
means that only fast, savage or intelligent Beasts make It’s not something that people think about often,
the cut, which can have either good or extremely bad but every living thing in the world, plants included,
ramifications for the mage at the other end. need sustenance. Most plants take it from the sun,
• Space: Shamans with expertise in Space tend but some eat meat. This Atavism appears when a
to call Beasts with amazing powers of perception. A Shaman summons a being from the Primal Wild into
spider feels everything on its web. An eagle can see a forest or jungle area, or in a place in which prey is
so far as to border on clairvoyance. Likewise, crea- plentiful (a pet store, perhaps). The plant takes root,
tures that can cross long distances in the blink of an and can stave off dying from exposure to the Fallen
eye might be lured by a mage with a similar ability. World as long as it eats at least five pounds of meat
Totems, likewise, tend to follow the same lines — every day.
Totem: The Blood of the Prey
Something must die so that the predators can feast.
Atavisms that take the forms of prey animals don’t
realize this; they simply want to avoid being eaten.
Totems that reflect prey animals, however, do under-
stand their place in the circle of life. One such Totem
is the Blood of the Prey. It is a spirit of satiation, of the
end of the hunt when blood spatters the leaves and
the carcass is torn to shreds. As such, when it appears,
it takes the form of a prey animal. The Shaman must
kill it and tear it to pieces. The Totem then speaks to
the Shaman from the blood-soaked ground.
The Blood of the Prey is a patient, if somewhat
morbid, Totem. It fulfills its purpose with its own death
(whether it rises phoenixlike to die again is a matter
of debate, and the Blood of the Prey, when asked,
doesn’t seem to understand the question). It might be
able to cure disease or stave off death in other ways,
or it might be able to mark a mage’s enemy with the
Blood of the Prey, making him a target for any natural
or supernatural predators he meets.
Attributes: Power 3, Finesse 8, Resistance 3
Willpower: 5
Essence: max 15
Initiative: 11
Defense: 8
Speed: 21 (species factor 10)
Size: 2
Corpus: 5
Influence: Death 2, Inevitability 1 but fair (in its own judgment). It is a spirit of renewal, of
Numina: Gauntlet Control, Trial destruction followed by creation. And unfortunately,
Trial: The Shaman must kill the Blood of the Prey once it is summoned, it has to be endured before the
before she can converse with it. The Totem takes the Shaman can speak with it.
form of a small prey animal — a rabbit, a mouse, a The Cleansing Storm might take the form of a
chicken, etc. The Shaman must catch and slaughter monsoon, a tornado or even a fire (the surroundings
it, using any method she wishes. The blood of the and the correspondences help influence this). It will
creature, though, must splash to the ground. If the assuredly leave the summoning area a complete ruin,
Shaman wishes, she can have an animal do the dirty and might very well cause injury or death to Sleepers
work for her (releasing a dog to kill the rabbit, for around. This is the Shaman’s responsibility to cope
instance), but the Blood of the Prey looks at this as a with after the Storm passes — she called down the
lack of commitment to the summoning. If the Blood Cleansing Storm, and so she must help with the
of the Prey does not die from predation before it dies painful renewal.
of exposure to the Fallen World, of course, the mage If the character can endure the Storm, it takes on
can gain nothing from the summoning. A mage who humanoid form (usually a silhouette through smoke
consumes the flesh of this Beast can refill her Mana or mist), and answers whatever questions the mage
pool to its maximum capacity. might have. The Cleansing Storm has a flawless
memory, and can tell the mage about anything in
Totem: The Cleansing Storm the Primal Wild that it has seen or heard, including
A Shaman learned in the Arcanum of Forces might other Thyrsus, summoning attempts, or Awakenings.
call down the Cleansing Storm. This Totem is harsh, It also sometimes brings Artifacts from the Primal
a blinding white light. Many who return from Stygia push himself near enough to death, the summoning
feel compelled to gain a better understanding of what will fail. If the mage pushes himself too far, he may
they witnessed when Awakening. What was beyond find himself unable to step back from the precipice
the shroud? What lurks in the shadows? What was before plunging over.
the source of that blazing light? Were the beings that If the mage succeeds in calling a Stygian being to
surrounded the mage really the dead, or were they the fallen world, there are additional risks. Not every
something else entirely? being residing in the Supernal Realm of Stygia is
Additionally, mages drawn to the Watchtower of benevolent. Some are downright dangerous, wishing
the Lead coin often contemplate processes of trans- to cause death in the Fallen World, and they utilize
formation and change in magic and nature. Through whatever powers they possess in order to do so. A
alchemy, lead becomes gold. Through nature, life Necromancer may find himself used as an instru-
becomes death. Through study and practice, a Nec- ment of death by the very being he invited into the
romancer can transform himself, gaining a better Fallen World.
understanding of these processes. To many Moros, Because of the transformative nature of the Realm
the knowledge to be gained by observing a denizen of Stygia, even the most seemingly benign creatures
of Stygia is a tempting enough reason in and of itself from the realm can be dangerous. The summoner may
to attempt a summoning. If the beings who reside in find himself inadvertently modified by a creature he
the Supernal Realm of Stygia are truly the dead, a has summoned: changed from solid to liquid, from
Moros knows it is possible that she, too, may someday flesh to gold, or from living to dead. Such creatures
be transformed by death into one of very beings she may not intend to hurt the mage, but they also may
summons to the Fallen World in life. Some Necro- not understand that change can be a bad thing,
mancers become preoccupied with this notion, and leading to the death of the mage (which, to them, is
seek to uncover as much information as they can just another transition and nothing at all a cause for
about the natives of Stygia. concern). Similarly, a mage who calls upon a shade
Whatever burning question a Moros chases, she may find herself, or the world around her, altered in
knows, better than most, that her time to discover some way — not always for the better.
the answer as a mortal is limited. She also knows that Finally, ever questing for understanding, some Nec-
the answers to many of her questions lie just beyond romancers gain too much insight from summoning
death’s door, and she will knock upon that door until a shade. Some Moros gain so much understanding
someone, or something, answers. from the denizens of Stygia that they wish to return
to the realm and experience it firsthand. Such mages
Risks become fervent in their belief that true understanding
To many Moros, the drive to understand the trans- lies just beyond death’s door, and they willingly step
formative processes of Death and Matter can become across the threshold, never to return.
an obsession. Additionally, most Necromancers know
that their time on this Earth is brief in the grand The Ritual
scheme of things. As such, Necromancers are may A mage who walks the Path of Doom is already
be compelled to perform summoning rituals more intimately familiar with death and decay. Even so,
often than mages following any other path, some- facing one’s own death often remains an unsettlingly
times losing their own lives in the pursuit of greater notion at the very least — even for those who have
understanding. previously done so. As noted above, a Moros who
The ritual to call upon a denizen of Stygia is a risky wishes to summon an entity from the Supernal Realm
process in and of itself, requiring the willworker to of Stygia must bring his mortal body close to death
bring himself to a state very near death. In doing once more, knock upon the gates of death, and call
so, the mage is able to thin the wall between the out into the darkness of the unknown.
Fallen World and the Supernal Realm of Stygia and The ritual typically occurs in a location upon which
attract beings from the other side. Even for a Master the shadow of death has fallen. Most commonly, the
of Death, it is possible to botch the ritual, leading to summoner will seek out a graveyard, but there are
fatal consequences. There is a very thin line between other locations that serve equally well. Any place
life and what comes after, and the mage must find a where the remains of the dead are present, or a large
perfect balance. If the mage is timid and does not
is afraid to ask. While she may dread the answer to magic, or imbue materials with magic altering their
whatever question haunts her soul, a niggling yearn- chemical properties. Specters may be able to transfer
ing to know the truth sculpts the form of the shade magic from one vessel to another — leaching Mana
she summons — forcing the summoner to confront from one object or creature and feeding another.
her fear face-on. Every Necromancer has an uncon- • Space: A mage proficient in Space magic may
scious effect on the nature of the shade summoned, summon a Specter capable of scrying upon the dead.
and the experience can be life-altering. Whether the It may manifest as a deep, endless pit, from echoing
encounter is eye-opening or traumatic, it is sure to with the low moans of the dead, or a vast, boiling
change the mage in some way. shadow from which ghostly images of the dead arise.
A Necromancer’s preference of magical study also has Apeirons are capable of turning any material into a
an influence on the being she summons. Each of the surface suitable for scrying, and may offer the mage
Arcana are present in the Supernal Realm of Stygia to any number of material Artifacts to assist in traveling
some extent, some more so than others, and they may through space.
interact with the ruling forces of Death and Matter in • Spirit: A Necromancer who studies the Spirit
different ways. The following are suggested beings that Arcana is likely to attract Specters that represent
a mage with a great deal of knowledge in a non-ruling death or carrion. They might take the forms of ravens,
Arcanum (Disciple or better) might summon. vultures, black dogs and other animals associated with
• Fate: A Necromancer who is a disciple of Fate is death. Likewise, Apeirons often take the form of spirits
likely to call Specters representing harbingers of death concerned with changes as they occur within matter:
in folklore: banshees, owls, barguests, crows or Grim spirits of erosion, decay, or other transformation.
Reapers. Specters called by a willworker studying Fate • Time: Shades summoned by a Disciple of Time
often have great insight into destiny relating to the dead, typically manifest in forms that call to mind chrono-
and may be able to mark those fated to die in the near logical change. A Specter might choose to manifest in
future, cause one person to die in the place of another, a form of a rotting corpse — rapidly cycling through
or allow the mage to see his own end. Apeirons, on the various stages of decay before the eyes of the sum-
other hand, tend to be more interested in the effects moner. Apeirons tend to appear in forms representative
different materials have on destiny. They may alter of transitions that occur in matter over time. They
the course of a substance through Fate to see the long- may reveal themselves as a beings composed of a
term effect of doing so upon the future. For example, substance that shifts erratically between solid, liquid
an Apeiron might keep radioactive substances from and gaseous states.
someone who would use the materials to cause harm • Life: Although Life and Death may seem
at some uncertain future date, or cause a rich man to diametrically opposed, both Arcana have similar
become destitute through alchemy. transformative aspects. Specters called upon by a
• Forces: Specters summoned by Necromancers mage with knowledge in the Life Arcanum therefore
studying Forces can be horrific to behold. Often, they represent metamorphosis in life and how it relates to
manifest as grotesque representations of transitional death: a compost heap blossoming with new growth,
effects of energy on the mortal body: a tumor-ridden a dying mother giving birth, or a spider that kills its
body exposed to radiation; a bloated corpse dredged mate after breeding. Apeirons often take forms resem-
up from the aftermath of a hurricane, or a charred bling the hulking, clay golems of Judaic mythology
figure burned beyond recognition. Though terrifying — matter given life.
to behold, these Specters have much to teach a mage • Mind: A Necromancer proficient in the Arcanum
on harnessing the transformative aspects of Forces. of Mind should take particular care when summoning
Apeirons manifest in diverse forms related to the ef- a shade from Stygia. He may find himself faced by
fects of such energies on matter: a vast glacier melting an entity that is afflicted with some kind of mental
in the heat, a statue slowly eroding in howling wind disturbance, representative of changes within the
or rushing water. brain. Paranoia and madness are common in Specters,
• Prime: Shades drawn to a Disciple of Prime especially. Apeirons, on the other hand, may be able
are known to excel at the magical metamorphosis. to produce any number of mind-altering compounds
Apeirons may be able to transform Mana from its to the benefit (or detriment) of the summoner.
original state into objects or creatures composed of pure
Example Entities find items helping her with the problem at hand: old
photographs, antique keys to unknown doors, faded
newspaper clippings, perhaps even a hand-written
Specter: The Salvager note from one of the lost dead. While none of the
A Salvager is the incarnation of all that is lost and items should present an immediate answer to the
forgotten in death. It might manifest as an orphaned character’s problem, they may provide subtle clues
child, pale and emaciated from neglect, or as a frail, or present alternatives that the character may not
elderly man, abandoned and lonely in his twilight have yet considered, or that the mage may have
years. Its features may be slightly decayed, but the forgotten.
effect is more heart-wrenching than monstrous. A
Salvager’s clothing is faded and worn to threads, as Specter: The Harbinger
though it should have been discarded long ago, and Not every Necromancer summons a denizen of
it carries upon its back a frayed sack that has been Stygia with pure or decent intentions. While it is true
patched together time and time again. The sack con- the most Moros call upon shades to aid the living, it
tains the detritus of the past, discarded and broken is also true that the darkest of mages can call upon a
objects, or items that have been lost and forgotten shade for assistance with any number of malignant
by the owner. acts — including murder.
Salvagers are typically called upon when a mage has A Harbinger manifests as a tall, beautiful woman
hit a dead end with a problem at hand, and has run with smooth, pale skin. Her eyes are black, shining
out of options. Salvagers can utilize their connection darkly like polished hematite, and a pair of large,
to the lost and forgotten to provide the mage with feathered, ebony wings unfold gracefully from her
valuable hints related to the problem at hand (see ivory back. She is bare-chested, but wears a sarong of
“Trial” below). scarlet silk about her waist. The sickly-sweet scent of
crushed nightshade amount of resistance
berries clings to the to paranormal attack. A
Harbinger, invoking a mage possessing the Touch
strange combination of the Harbinger must be
of attraction and re- able to remain in unbro-
vulsion. ken physical contact with
Harbingers are al- an Awakened victim for
ways delighted to have a number of minutes equal
dealings with Nec- to the victim’s Resolve +
romancers. When a Gnosis. The intended target
Harbinger is called upon, is alerted of the danger by
the summoner finds herself the intense pain caused by
in a darkly opulent chamber the touch of the mage. Ad-
surrounded by draped silk. In ditionally, when viewed with
the center of the chamber, softly Mage Sight (see Mage: The
lit by candlelight, is a table set for Awakening, p. 110), a Nec-
two. The Harbinger is a gracious romancer who possesses the
host and will offer the Necromancer Touch of the Harbinger appears
the finest food and wine but if the Nec- as though her hands are dripping with vibrant,
romancer decides to partake of the meal, she will red blood. If anything breaks or interrupts the initial
taste nothing but death and decay the moment it contact, the Touch of the Harbinger is lost and the
passes her lips. victim is unharmed and unaffected. If the Touch of
The Harbinger will ask the Necromancer whom she the Harbinger is successful upon a mage, the victim
intends to murder. Then, ever agreeable, she will laud will die within 24 hours.
the mage’s intent to end the life of another and offer Attributes: Power 8, Finesse 6, Resistance 6
assistance. The Moros can then choose to make a deal Willpower: 14
with the Harbinger. In exchange for a small piece of Essence: max 25
the mage’s “soul,” she will kiss the willworker, and Initiative: 12
bestow upon her the Touch of the Harbinger. Defense: 7
If the mage accepts, the character’s Wisdom im- Speed: 24 (species factor 10)
mediately drops by one, and she is gifted with the Size: 5
Touch of the Harbinger. When the summoner’s trial Corpus: 11
ends, the next living creature that she touches, even Influence: Death 2, Seduction 1
accidentally, will die within 24 hours under circum- Numina: Harrow, Trial, Underworld Gate
stances unrelated to the mage (making the murder Trial: The Harbinger is a vain creature, and will
very difficult to trace at worst, and perceived as an become very offended if the summoner suggests in any
accident by the authorities at best). way that she is not the epitome of sensual beauty. If
The Touch of the Harbinger is less effective and the mage does not show full appreciation of her kiss,
much easier to track when used upon a mage, how- she may attempt to kill him on the spot.
ever, as the Awakened inherently possess a certain
Essence: max 20
Initiative: 12
Defense: 8
Speed: 24 (species factor 10)
Size: 7
Corpus: 13
Influence: Matter 1, Craft 2
Numina: Fortify Material, Trial
Trial: The Metal Smith is nearly always
intensely focused upon his work. Unable
to hear a voice calling out to him, or feel
a tap on the shoulder through his dense,
petrified skin, it can be difficult to gain
his attention. The summoner must find
some way to communicate with the
Metal Smith. If the mage is skilled in
the Mind Arcanum, she may be able to
communicate telepathically. The surest
way to get the Metal Smith’s attention,
however, is to find the box containing
his ears. When the box is opened, the
Metal Smith can hear once more, and
he will be willing to do business with
the mage.
The Metal Smith’s magical forge can only
be fueled with the blood of the living, which is in
short supply in the Supernal Realm of Stygia. The
Metal Smith is more than willing to craft a small
Artifact made of thaumium in return for a quantity of
the constant, deafening clang of hammer on metal. the summoner’s blood. If the mage agrees to the deal,
Attributes: Power 8, Finesse 6, Resistance 6 she must slice open her flesh and pour blood from the
Willpower: 14 wound into the forge, feeding the fire.
Finding the Acamoth is more a matter of skill and though these stories are as likely as not rumors spread
knowledge than luck. Many phenomena within the by Scelesti and similarly corrupted mages, hoping to
Fallen World create dark and unpleasant resonance, ensnare others with the promise of easy gain.
but the Abyssal taint of the Acamoth has its own As to the Accursed, some believe certain of their
unique character, readily understood as such by those number are empowered to act as proxies for the
mages with experience in seeking out the spirits of the Acamoth they serve, either setting up “appointments”
Void. Intelligence or Wits + Academics, Investiga- (corporeal or telepathic) with their masters or facili-
tion, or Occult rolls are likely called for, with dots tating the entire process of bargaining, from start to
of the Library Merit (Mage: The Awakening, pp. finish. While the latter tales are especially suspect,
85–6) focused upon the Abyss, Acamoth, or similar enough evidence exists of the former to make for a
subjects granting their customary benefits. Of course, relatively reliable fact. Through Scelesti intermediar-
knowing where an Acamoth sleeps and actually getting ies, mages can effectively “summon” an Acamoth for
to it are two different tasks, entirely. More powerful a meeting. For those interested in going this route, it
willworkers might simply scry the resting place of an has the added benefit of requiring no particular degree
Abyssal spirit and teleport to it or otherwise use magic of mystic prowess; the willworker need only make
to ease the journey, but not all mages have access contact with one of the Accursed who happens to
to such powers. Thus, some peril is often involved be bound to the service of a given Acamoth and he
merely to reach the creature. Given the sometimes can contact that Acamoth, so long as the Scelestus
thousands of years during which the horrific madness is willing and able to do so.
of an Acamoth has had to leach into the very land Lastly, certain of the Acamoth realized long ago that
around it, nature itself is sometimes turned against a their distance from the Awakened typically made for
seeker, as vicious beasts haunt her steps, paths twist considerable difficulty in bargaining with them, and
in upon themselves, and the air becomes a poisonous so they created (or got Awakened servants to create)
vapor. If the spirit senses an Awakened visitor from
within the weave of its eternal dreams, though, it
often clears the way, welcoming the willworker into
its resting-place for negotiations. Calling the Earthbound
Many mages just aren’t cut out for these dangerous Technically speaking, can it truly be called
ventures, however. Though every willworker is poten- “summoning” when all a mage is doing is
tial a scholar of the unknown, not all are adventurers attempting to get the attention of something
and explorers; the sort of people often necessary to already dwelling in the Fallen World? Seman-
reach the subterranean tomb of an Acamoth. Other tics aside, most Awakened who care to think
methods for contacting the Fallen World’s Void- on the prospect concede that magics intended
to gain the notice of the Acamoth are, in fact,
spawned prisoners exist, though, allowing even the
acts of summoning, as the spirit must either
most retiring academe to barter with such beings for be drawn to the mage’s location or — as is
powers not meant for the earthly realm. rather more likely — some portion of its con-
A less direct — though perhaps less complex — route sciousness must be invited to dwell within the
than physical proximity involves tapping directly into willworker for a time.
the dreams of the Acamoth. Mages who wish to at-
Veteran summoners cite various criteria for
tempt this may use either Mind 3 or Spirit 3 (almost their claims: the standardized use of circles of
certainly paired with Space 2, given the likelihood protection, for example, and other defensive
that the Acamoth is nowhere nearby) to reach out to measures, as well as the possibility of forging
the nightmares of the entity, once it has been located a pact with such an entity at the conclusion
through the study of ley lines, the perusal of old texts, of a bargaining process. Ultimately, however,
or whatever other method. Instantly sensing the magi- the distinctions are inconsequential, as the
cal intrusion upon its thoughts, the Acamoth focuses spirits of the Void are just as dangerous when
its attention upon the interloper, opening a channel called from deep beneath within the heart
of communication. Certain willworkers claim to have of a mountain or the bottom of the sea as
made incredibly favorable deals with Acamoth deep when summoned out of the dead heart of the
Abyss, itself.
in slumber, as their thoughts are simply too sluggish
and hazy to bring their full alien brilliance to bear,
(causing them to suffer the customary penalties for
fighting blind when attempting to attack him; see
The World of Darkness, pp. 166–7). This Invest-
ment is rare and typically only granted by Acamoth
of Rank 3 or greater.
Backlash Mitigation: For the next week, the mage
may spend points of Willpower, on a one-for-one
basis, to eliminate Health points of damage inflicted
by Paradox Backlash, to a minimum of zero. Note
that the willworker may spend more than one point
of Willpower in a turn, if necessary, to do so, and that
these points may be spent in addition to any spent to
enhance a die roll or for any other normal purpose
(such as augmenting Defense). This Investment is
rare and typically only granted by Acamoth of Rank
3 or greater.
Cure a Derangement: The mage is permanently
cured of one derangement of her choosing from
which she presently suffers. This derangement may,
however, return through later emotional or spiritual
trauma. Note that derangements gained as a result of
Wisdom degeneration may not be cured through the
use of this Investment, though they can be completely
suppressed for one full year.
Enhanced Mana Capacity: For the next month, are inverted; when functioning on her last three
the mage’s maximum Mana is increased by an amount points of Health she gains one to three bonus dice,
equal to his Gnosis. Any other means of carrying ad- as appropriate, for all activities for which she would
ditional Mana (such as storing it in the form of Tass) normally be penalized. During this time, the mage
continue to function normally for the willworker. experiences pain as pleasure, growing more intense
Feed on Pain: For the next month, whenever as her body sustains more damage.
another living thing sustains harm — one or more Manifestation Immunity: The next time within
points of lethal or aggravated damage — within the the next 12 months that the willworker incurs a
willworker’s presence (including himself), he may Manifestation Paradox, the Abyssal entity that arrives
spend a point of Willpower to recuperate a point of does him no harm. The spirit will stay for as long as
Mana, up to the maximum normally allowed by his it is permitted to (within the limits of the Manifes-
Gnosis. The effects of this Investment may be used tation’s duration) and may attempt to bargain with
in conjunction with Legacy oblations that involve the mage, should he permit such, but it must return
physically harming others or oneself. This Invest- instantly to the Abyss if commanded by him to do
ment is rare and typically only granted by Acamoth so. If the willworker does not incur a Manifestation
of Rank 3 or greater. Paradox within a year of gaining this Investment, its
Fortitude: For the next month, the willworker re- effects are lost without benefit. This Investment is
ceives a +2 bonus to all Resistance Attributes for the rare and typically only granted by Acamoth of Rank
purposes of all resisted or contested effects (magical 3 or greater.
or otherwise) directed at her. Characters that have Paradox Sense: For the next week, the willworker
enhanced any or all of their Resistance Attributes can discern the presence, type (Backlash or Bedlam,
through other means may still benefit from the Invest- for instance), and general strength (weak, moderate,
ment’s effects. This Investment is rare and typically or overwhelming, for example) of Paradox within
only granted by Acamoth of Rank 3 or greater. sensory range by succeeding on a reflexive Wits +
Inverted Agony: For the next week, the mage’s Composure roll. The mage must consciously attempt
dice pool penalties for her last three dots of Health to use this sense. The Paradox may be up to one day
the cost of eight experience points. When the mage’s her current Gnosis finds that her spirit is no more
spellcasting penalty is equal to the lesser of her Gnosis sustaining than that of a Sleeper.
or Willpower, an Acamoth can no longer use her as
a conduit to the Abyss (and will, therefore, almost
certainly refuse her its services, unless she has some- Abyssal Summonings by Path
thing better to offer). Different Paths suggest different methods for calling
Each year (counting as every 12 months, to the day, out to the Acamoth. The methods that make sense
from the time of her first bargain with an Acamoth), for, say, an Acanthus don’t necessarily resonate with
provided the willworker has not exceeded her Invest- the philosophies of a Thyrsus. The symbols of cer-
ment tolerance (whether by engaging in a number tain Watchtowers identify more closely than others
of such bargains equal to or less than her Gnosis, or with the Abyss and its native creatures, making the
by spending enough dots of Willpower to completely path of temptation that much more appealing to the
prevent the accrual of spellcasting penalties), this total willworkers embodying those realms. Some mages
resets. If the mage has accrued spellcasting penalties speculate that the allure of the Void’s madness and
within a given 12-month period, one point of penalty nihilism are somehow vital to the ordeals of these
fades for each full year (again, each full 12 month Paths, testing those souls bound to them through
anniversary of her first Abyssal Investment) during the opportunity to refuse the seductive power of the
which she refrains from gaining Investments. During Abyss… or to accept it.
this time, her annual Investment tolerance drops by Acanthus: The cruel caprices of Arcadia have
a number equal to her current spellcasting penalty, their reflection within the roiling lunacy of the Void.
to a minimum of zero. The Lunargent Thorn is a precious thing, after all,
For example, a mage with three dots of Gnosis but also one that wounds. Specific moments in time
who gains her first five Investments within a single are sometimes infected by the taint of the Abyss and
12 month period – without spending permanent dots Enchanters are uniquely well-suited to discovering
of Willpower to extend her tolerance – gains a –1 those inauspicious instants. Likewise, times and places
penalty to all spellcasting rolls (rote or improvised) of crossing appeal to the Fae nature of the Acanthus,
as of the fourth Investment and a –2 penalty as enabling such willworkers to use those locations
of the fifth. Upon the one-year anniversary of the (particularly those that lead to bleak and ruinous
willworker’s first Investment, the total number of destinations) as focal points for Abyssal summonings.
Investments that she can “safely” gain during the next People, places, or things befouled by broken promises
12 months drops to one (her Gnosis of three, minus that led to calamity can be employed by Enchanters
two for her current spellcasting penalty). Should the to invoke the Void, as can those contaminated by
mage manage to restrain herself from bargaining with broken destinies.
the Acamoth more than one Investment during the Mastigos: The Warlocks of Pandemonium may
course of those 12 months, then her penalty drops well be the willworkers most continually assailed by
to –1 during the subsequent 12-month period. If the the siren song of the Abyss. Their magics open the
mage’s Gnosis increases at all during this time, then mind and render meaningless the distinctions of place;
her subsequent tolerance increases accordingly, but sorcery easily subverted to the purposes of calling
not retroactively. out to the things of the Void. As with the Acanthus,
Other Awakened who glimpse a mage currently strange and unwholesome intersections can serve
suffering from spellcasting penalties as a result of too- the Mastigos as ritual sites for summoning Acamoth.
frequent Investment bargains with Acamoth with the Likewise, any place heavily corrupted by foul psychic
Death 1 “Soul Marks” spell (Mage: The Awakening, residue (the site of a brutal mass slaying, for example,
p. 135) note a feeling of raw, ragged wounds of un- or a children’s hospital in which a doctor slowly and
certain origin upon her spirit. Those who look upon deliberately betrayed and murdered a number of her
her with the Prime 1 “Supernal Vision” spell (Mage: patients over the years). Ordeals turned from tran-
The Awakening, p. 211) see fraying at the edges of scendent experiences to become merely expressions of
her aura; the greater spellcasting penalty, the greater pain without the possibility for growth are also potent
the apparent damage. A Tremere lich attempting symbols of Daimonic Abyssal summonings.
to sustain himself on the soul of a mage whose soul Moros: For the Moros, death without meaning
disintegration spellcasting penalties meet or exceed constitutes their Path’s most powerful connection
with ambitious mystagogues, provided those mages tools against him.” Only too late do such Banishers
have the courage to ask the right questions. The lock learn that the Abyss can never be turned to its own
blazoned on the Atlantean glyph of the Dragon’s Wing unmaking, for it was utterly unmade at the very in-
indicates both the portals that must be passed to earn stant of its genesis.
knowledge and the locking away of lore too powerful
to be left in the hands of the ignorant. Both of these Left-Handed Legacies and the Acamoth
images resonate with the Acamoth and can be used It is certainly worth mentioning that many mem-
by a mystatogue to form a connection to such a being. bers of Left-Handed Legacies want as little to do
Contrary to what many willworkers of the Mysterium with the Abyss and its creatures — earthbound or
believe, some information truly is evil, irrespective of otherwise — as any other relatively sane willworker.
the intentions of the one who uses it. In fact, the only such mages to deal with the Acamoth
The Silver Ladder: The Ladder to Heaven is a on a consistent basis are the various groups collec-
powerful symbol, still, to the théarchs of the Silver tively known as the Scelesti. Left-Handed mages
Ladder. Perhaps, the ruins of that structure — as much such as the Tremere liches don’t necessarily object
metaphor as physical construct, if not more so — ex- to dealings with the Void on any moral level (though
ist, still, within the Abyss. As the théarch reaches some of them do, as the beliefs that willworkers hold
upward toward something so sublimely shattered and in such concepts as right and wrong aren’t always,
annihilated, she reaches also toward the Abyss. The or even often, so black and white), but almost all
devastation of the Ladder may well have been the of them recognize the dangers inherent to such
birth of the Void; for all many denizens of the Abyss practices. Given the day-to-day perils of living as
know, it was. Pride, also, resonates with the burden a Left-Handed mage most anywhere in the Fallen
of those who would lead their fellow willworkers, like World, it’s easy to understand why so many of them
the hubris that sundered the worlds and created the shun this sort of magic.
madness between them. Symbols and actions indica- The Accursed, however, certainly make up for
tive of leadership gone awry, turned to dark purpose, the reservations of their Left-Handed peers with a
call to the Acamoth in the name of the Ladder. vengeance, with no few of them summoning and
The Seers of the Throne: The goals of the Seers otherwise calling upon the Acamoth as freely and as
of the Throne are so easily corrupted to the seductive frequently as they dare. Numerous Scelesti exercise
call of the Acamoth. The Throne is built upon the far more caution and discernment in their Abyssal
acquisition and indulgence of power as both means and summonings, of course, but their actions are balanced
end, as a thing sacred by its very nature. The Abyss against those of the many Accursed who long only to
offers power, devoid of any sort of ethical mandate. do their part in burning down the world until they,
It is a short step beyond the need to subjugate and too, are consumed by the insatiable, otherworldly, and
control out of selfishness, to the longing to do so out of all-devouring flame that they seek to unleash. Some
hatred. Once others have been reduced to the level of Scelesti remain in more or less constant communi-
commodities, they can be treated like animals and less cation with one or more such patron spirits, while
than animals without the slightest pang of conscience. others only infrequently experience the presence of
Lies and greed feed the Abyss, and those Seers who the Acamoth. A few Accursed never directly deal
would ascend to the right hand of the Exarchs must with Acamoth, though this is quite rare.
first cross the long dark of the Void.
Banishers: Those who long for the destruction
of magic, itself, have much to learn from the Abyss
and from the Acamoth who are its substance made
Calling to the Void
As powerful and versatile as the abilities of the
manifest in the Fallen World. The Banishers’ creed
Acamoth may be, most of these creatures are still cut
of insane hatred of all that they fear and misunder-
off from the majority of their unnatural might and can
stand is very nearly a symphony to the spirits of the
offer only certain gifts to those willing to deal with
Void. Merely by being what they are, Banishers make
them; thus, a few Awakened turn to the practice of
themselves attractive to the Acamoth, who happily
summoning down those spirits still dwelling within
hasten to their call. As many such willworkers believe
the Void. Known as the Gulmoth, these dread beings
themselves cursed or even damned by the Awakening,
slither in through tears in the seams of the Tapestry, a
it can prove to be a short step to “turning the Devil’s
in this respect for summoning the Gulmoth into the Wisdom to fall from his high perch and the Gulmoth
Fallen World as they are for calling out, across it, to invariably do all that they can to encourage in such a
the Acamoth.) willworker the belief that they aren’t so bad; that they
Physical relics of Paradox are often suitable for the are victims of the Fall, as much as any other creature
purpose of “consecrating” a ritual space for use in an from among the many realms. In a way, unfortunately,
Abyssal summoning: material taken from the area the Gulmoth speak the truth in this respect, which
of an Anomaly, the remains of someone killed by makes their words all the more dangerous for the
Havoc, even a few shreds of unnaturally preserved pure of heart to hear, for to be moved by them is to
carcass from a slain Manifestation. Not all mages can embrace the end of Wisdom.
get ready access to these sorts of things (not without As to what must be done to call down beings of
deliberately incurring Paradox and chancing a Mani- Rank 6 or greater, none can say for certain, as it is
festation, anyway, which largely ruins the point of doubtful that more than a bare handful of such still-
the exercise), so other methods are often called for. born gods have tread the Earth in the ages between
Objects, places, and acts that carry the taint of mad- the Fall and the present day. A scant few texts speak
ness, sickness, betrayal, horror, destruction, death, of the ritual sacrifice of scores of lives, Awakened
and the like call to the Abyss and its denizens are souls obliterated by unspeakable acts of sorcery, the
readily drawn to the savor of such pleasant fare. In creation of Paradoxes so vast and elaborate that they
certain cases, areas carry a sympathetic connection sustain themselves for a thousand years, and similarly
to the Void; perhaps an Abyssal intruder incarnated heinous perversions of magic. Furthermore, these
there or a powerful Scelestus resided there for many are among the tamest of the unholy rites alluded-to
years. Would-be Abyssal summoners cannot typically by those that dare to speak, at all, of the prospect of
count on the “good fortune” of finding such a locale, inviting into this reality such Gulmoth, anathema to
unattended and ready for use. all that which is and will ever be.
Mages are capable of augmenting somewhat their
ability to call out to the things of the Void in a (rela- The Risks
tively) safe manner. Willworkers of particular low Bargaining with the Void is, at best, a tremendously
Wisdom (1 or 2) gain a bonus die on the extended iffy proposition. Mages have met horrific ends for
Gnosis roll to summon Abyssal spirits. Mages may having truck with such powers, and not always at
also sacrifice to the Abyss to gain bonus dice for a the hands of the creatures they call down from the
single roll in the extended action. By sacrificing a Abyss. Almost every mage of the Pentacle Orders
living creature (as per the rules given on p. 78 of
Mage: The Awakening), the willworker may gain
bonus dice in place of points of Mana. He must
either take bonus dice or Mana from the sacrifice;
the process only allows for one or the other. Note,
however, that this is the deliberate act of ending lives
in the name of the Void. Regardless of a character’s
intentions in doing so, this is Left-Handed willwork
in its truest form. Objects and locations associated
with such a sacrifice inevitably take on a hideous
resonance and even those otherwise faithful to the
path of Wisdom often find their auras stained by so
heinous a deed.
Conversely, a mage of exceptionally high Wisdom
— 9 or 10 (though what such a willworker would
be doing calling down creatures from the Abyss is
questionable, at best) — suffers a one-die penalty to
his extended Gnosis roll; the Void recoils from the
purity of his spirit and his very soul rebels against
such unholy magics. Of course, practicing Abyssal
summonings is a sure way for a mage of such profound
sense of right and wrong and, indeed, all comprehen- Lastly — and perhaps most significantly — the
sion of safe and unsafe. Many of these become the Gulmoth offer the benefits of pacts without all of
archetypal cackling lunatics of the Awakened world, the hassle of negotiation. Provided one can locate
driven far beyond the edge of reason by contemplation the correct entity, it will perform whatever service is
of truths (and lies that are, nevertheless, simultane- required of it, irrespective of how vile, in exchange
ously truths) too terrible for the mind to absorb, let for a predictable fee. A summoner need not wonder
alone articulate. But the fact is that all the myriad at the cost or (in most cases) perform any lengthy
things that wander the endless insanity of the Void service. Instead, the Gulmoth requires a severed digit,
know something. These secrets blast the soul, but some a priceless treasure destroyed, or a dear friend’s throat
mages believe the wounds they will surely carry are slit with a dagger forged from a piece of steel extracted
worth the enlightenment they stand to gain. What from the wreckage of a fatal car crash.
sorts of lore does the Abyss conceal?
Perhaps the most significant of the information
willworkers can dredge out of the Abyss are the Su-
An Abyssal Bestiary
pernal secrets that filter down from the Watchtowers, Scratched into the floor with a chisel used to cut the
only to become lost in the Void. For every Supernal planks for the coffins of seven murderers, the circle was
truth that migrates into the Fallen World, many a faint whitish line against the pale old hardwood. Sigils
more lose their way in the long dark of the Abyss in the High Speech adorned the meticulously carven ring,
and some of these are discovered by the denizens of at each of the cardinal directions, but these marks were
that loathsome realm. Perhaps, overly curious mages obviously wrong, somehow. Any scholar of the old tongue
sometimes speculate, some vital secret of the Oracles would know them as such, merely to glance at them, though
has gone astray in the Void; some shred of knowledge few, indeed, might understand the true significance of a
so important it must surely be worth the cost to one’s misplaced line, here, or a too-sudden curve, there. What
soul necessary to obtain it. crouched within the circle knew, however, and it stared
across that boundary at she who had called out to it.
More banal, perhaps, but certainly no less compel-
ling, is the promise of Supernal Artifacts that “wash “You have summoned me, Awakened One. What do
up” on the shores of the Void, rather than descending you ask?”
properly to the Fallen World. Mages sometimes barter Shakti licked her lips nervously, casting the briefest
with the Gulmoth for these items; presumably, given of glances around the barren dining room of the aging
the near-impermeability of the Abyss as a barrier house; as though its walls still dripped with the blood of
between the worlds, the majority of Artifacts end up those butchered here so many long years ago by he who
in the Void, instead of the material realm. Thus, a was husband and father to them. Though she accounted
willworker who knows what she’s looking for may be herself well-schooled in the ways of Path and order, this
able to very nearly “custom order” an Artifact from was something entirely different. Still, she had not come
a willing and resourceful Gulmoth, so long as she’s this far, only to falter at so critical a juncture. Shakti
able to meet the creature’s price. steadied her voice and answered, “I have need of your
Some say the Watchtowers, themselves, are mir- services, Prince in Tatters.”
rored in the roiling madness of the Abyss. Certain The mystagogue could have sworn that the thing smiled
Awakened are so desperate for the lore of the Five at that, the cloud of inky darkness atop its neck twisting
Towers that they will stoop to bartering with the Void into something roughly approximating a grin. “As you
for knowledge of them. A reflection, after all, may say, Awakened One. What service, specifically, may I
not be the thing itself, but one can discern much by render unto you?”
exhaustively studying even an image. A handful of “I have been tasked with an oath, sworn without com-
willworkers believe some formula exists within the pulsion but against my wishes.” Shakti paused, trying to
dark inversion of the Watchtowers that will enable one think of how best to phrase her request. The Gulmoth
who deciphers it to return to the Realm Supernal. Of did not prompt her or in any other way display even the
course, no one who has actually attempted the journey slightest impatience. Instead, it remained rooted to the
has returned, but the Gulmoth are all too willing to very spot to which it had been called, staring intently at
keep providing such knowledge as they possess upon her. Finally, she continued, “I must have the freedom to
the subject to any mage who knows enough to ask circumvent that oath without breaking it.”
the right questions.
When the thing replied, Shakti sensed, more than covering the walls, floor, and ceiling of a chamber
heard, the note of sadistic glee in its tone, “You must be without windows or doors, mutely testify as to the
more exact in your words, Awakened One: of what oath, generosity of a terrifying Abyssal spirit… and warn
precisely, do you speak?” of the soul-shivering toll exacted by its inhumanly
Shakti’s head fell and her voice dropped to scarcely more beautiful counterpart, when so much as a single ritual
than a whisper. “The injunction against dealing with the component is a hair’s breadth out of line or a word of
Seers of the Throne placed upon me by my Hierarch.” power is even slightly misspoken. The alien entities
The Prince in Tatters bowed low, at that. “As you desire, are unknown and unknowable, but they permit and
Awakened One.” The willworker’s breath caught in her throat, even encourage the convenient deception that they
as the Gulmoth reached one spindly, long-fingered hand toward can be categorized and understood, for the human
her, its talons just barely within the line of the circle. “And mind is so much more willing to accept that which
whom do you offer as the fulfillment of my price?” it believes itself to comprehend.
Certain spirits of the Abyss have, over the course The titles by which these entities are known are
of centuries and even millennia, become known to not their real names, of course. Such creatures have
earthly willworkers. In the depths of a ruined Myste- no “real names”; they don’t truly possess existence and
rium Athenaeum, on ragged sheets of tanned human so they cannot have names. Rather, these titles are
flesh, a thousand names, fit to scour sight and sanity, convenient forms of address by which human minds
are tattooed, detailing the attributes of a particular might classify them and so attempt to confine them.
Gulmoth; the tithes it demands and the favors it grants. Each such spirit might be known by a hundred different
Elsewhere, etched into 55 sheets of unearthly metal, names; over the ages since the Fall, some of them have
been. So long as the rites are observed and the proper Invariably unwholesome and frequently repellent
tribute made, most of them will answer, regardless of in nature, these boons are, nevertheless, the primary
the noises that humans use to address them. reason for calling down and consorting with the
Eleven Gulmoth, in total, are presented here for use Gulmoth. Many of these boons enable mages to
in your chronicles or simply as inspiration for unique take shortcuts in their willwork, acquiring instantly
Abyssal horrors of your own. Two of each correspond something that might take years of study and hard
to the five spirit Ranks for which mechanics are ap- work, or even something simply beyond the purview
plicable, while the last is an example of a far more of Awakened magic. Others are simply too difficult for
potent sort of entity, a creature that cannot be fought the summoner to acquire on her own; while destroy-
with raw power, irrespective of scale. In addition to ing a hated enemy may, technically, be possible for
the general sorts of environments into which Abys- the willworker, the disparity between their levels of
sal entities prefer to be summoned, each has its own mystic skill and mundane resources could make such an
individual tastes, the particular atrocities that call undertaking a virtual impossibility… without Abyssal
out to it and for which it will heed the summoner’s aid, anyway. Likewise, an Atlantean ruin could contain
call. Each has its own appearance and mannerisms, all sorts of traps and riddles the would-be pillager must
for the horrors of the Void are infinite, as are the alien overcome, some of which require particular degrees
spirits that bask in them. Each of the Gulmoth has of mystic acumen, athletic prowess, or intellectual
its strengths and its weaknesses; the gifts that it offers capability. Certain Gulmoth, however, are more than
and the price that it exacts. Also, each such being capable of cheating the laws of reality to bypass these
suffers under a personal Ban, through which a clever safeguards, calling upon powers that have no place in
willworker might mitigate, somewhat, the toll that the Fallen World to accomplish ends inconceivable
she must pay for the spirit’s services, or perhaps even to even the ancients, themselves.
thwart the cost, outright.
Remember, however, that the sum total of what Tithes
may truly be known and comprehended with respect Naturally, nothing in this world or any other is
to the Void is but a drop of water next to the ocean free, so the Gulmoth require an exchange for their
of what no mortal mind will ever grasp of its essence. services. These bargains, taken in their entirety, are
The Gulmoth chronicled below are but the smallest never to the advantage of the summoner, though they
sampling of what awaits those who meddle with the may certainly seem so, depending upon the perspec-
vast nothingness between the Fallen and the Supernal. tive of the individual. Whether or not a given mage
Each is a nightmare, distinct and utterly unique. Each believes a century of extra life is worth the murder of
despises and hungers. Each offers only the seeming of 10 Sleepers is irrelevant; from an objective, metaphysi-
aid, in exchange for a price that gnaws at the soul cal perspective — that of the path of Wisdom — the
and rots the foundations of this realm, like drops of willworker has been cheated in the deal, for nothing can
water falling onto stone over the course of hundreds possibly be worth what he has sacrificed. This is the
of millennia. One who deals in such powers should way of the tithes the Gulmoth demand. They aspire
expect to pay the dearest cost, when — not if — her to make the price seem as fair as possible, or even to
reach, at long last, truly exceeds her grasp. favor the summoner. In the case of especially far-fallen
and self-absorbed mages, the cost can absolutely seem
Boons trivial compared to the prize.
Abyssal spirits want to be summoned, so they, unlike Some tithes are actually quite small, for they are
many other such entities, arrive in the Fallen World the demands of relatively weak Gulmoth. If such a
brandishing ready goods and services. Nearly every being can get more out of a mage, it will, but these
deliberately summoned Void-born being has within creatures are the small fish in the unimaginably vast,
its purview a certain range of gifts that it can offer to predatory sea of the Void and pride is not a concern
its summoner. Only those Abyssal creatures utterly for their kind. For the most part, they acquire what
new to earthly incarnation or so intrinsically inimical they can, when they can, and content themselves
to terrestrial existence as to be incapable of reasoned with doing small harms to the fabric of the Tapestry.
bartering with a summoner lack such a suite of wares More powerful entities command commensurately
with which to tempt. higher prices for their assistance, most of which
Rank: 1 Naturally, Arublex takes pains to use its Essence as
Attributes: Power 3, Finesse 3, Resistance 2 often as it can get away with, preferably to assist its
Willpower: 5 master in an obvious a manner as possible, so as to
Essence: max 10 earn Mana that it might offer to its lords in the dark
Initiative: 5 heart of the Abyss. While the two commodities are
Defense: 3 functionally identical, the Gulmoth delights in the
Speed: 13 (species factor 7) irony of sending the celestial fire into the depths of
Size: 2 the Void.
Corpus: 4 Ban: Periodically, Arublex must indulge its perverse
Influence: Perversity 2 nature through an act of abject contrariness. The
Numina: Discorporation, Innocuous Gulmoth almost always does as its master requires of
Boons: Arublex’s services are both very simple and it, but — every once in a while, when something is
extremely complex. The Gulmoth will only perform extremely important to its master — Arublex must
a single duty, though that one obligation is profound. oppose the willworker’s intention. Further, it must
As mentioned above, Arublex will act as a Twilight do so in such a way as does not directly violate any
familiar to a willworker who summons it for that command that it has been given, but nevertheless
purpose. Thus, the spirit is willing to do anything manages to corrupt its master’s intentions.
that the average familiar would, but only for one who
binds it to service. For those unwilling to accept the The Maw of Long Sorrows
bond of master and slave (though which is which in The self is precious and to be treated with pro-
Arublex’s case may occasionally be somewhat unclear, found respect and dignity. When and where this
given the Gulmoth’s abilities), this nightmarish little fundamental axiom is defied, the Maw of Long Sor-
demon spares no words. rows may be summoned into this realm. A glutton
Tithe: The tithe of Arublex is twofold. First, any who has treated her body as a gutter, rather than a
mage who wishes to engage the entity’s service must temple; a teenaged boy who spells the litany of his
agree to a familiar bond. This contract — though angst across his skin in a razor-thin diatribe; a heroin
forged through unorthodox means — is as binding as addict whose flesh is a constellation of track marks,
any other (requiring the same experience expenditure and whose veins have collapsed under the strain of
as any other Twilight familiar), tying the two together a hundred needles too many: these are the canvas
in a symbiotic relationship. This very connection upon which the circles to summon the Maw might
forms the basis of the second half of Arublex’s tithe: be inscribed. When the Gulmoth is drawn down, the
the Gulmoth must spend a point of Essence every day, immediate surroundings seem to grow unnaturally
same as any other familiar. In Arublex’s case, however, still and quiet, as though the world itself has caught
the spirit funnels this Essence into the Abyss, doing its its breath in shock and horror.
own small part to feed the Fallen World to the Void.
that lacks a certain… something. A violation joyfully Rank: 2
endured is, to many, somehow more arousing. The Attributes: Power 4, Finesse 6, Resistance 4
Gulmoth known as the Courtesan, however, can be Willpower: 8
summoned up into any location in which crimes of Essence: max 15
lust have transpired. The air grows heavy with the Initiative: 10
smell of sex; those who lick their suddenly-dry lips Defense: 6
taste a lover’s sweat upon them. A pool of black liquid Speed: 15 (species factor 5)
bubbles up from the floor, coalescing seamlessly into Size: 5
the sparse silken garb of the Courtesan as it crawls Corpus: 9
up from the depths, only to fall on its knees at the Influence: Victimization 2
feet of its summoner and ask, “What is your desire, Numina: Shapechange (1 Essence, roll Power + Finesse;
master?” the Courtesan affects any purely cosmetic change neces-
The Courtesan is androgynous, but beautiful; indeed, sary to become the most physically desirable possible
not merely attractive, but instead possessed of the sort mate for its summoner), Usurp Vice
of alien beauty that strikes awe into the hearts of all Boons: The Courtesan will do anything that is
who behold it. Every line of its body is sensual in a way commanded of it, provided that such satisfies a sexual
that mortal frames cannot contain, while the contours longing of its summoner. The Gulmoth will even al-
of its face enflame the most unspeakable of lusts. Its low its physical shell to be destroyed (banishing the
every word conceals an invitation for the listener to spirit back to the Void), if the prospect of murder
satisfy her most inhumane yearnings upon the Cour- gets its summoner off. That said, the Courtesan isn’t
tesan, without the need for either restraint or shame. particularly interested in healthy expressions of lust.
The Gulmoth isn’t properly hermaphroditic; unless It will perform, of course, but attempts to “up the
that’s what its summoner most wants in a mate that ante,” as it were, whispering suggestions for more
will gladly consent to any act of lust, irrespective of adventurous (in other words, more vile and sadistic)
how vile, violent, or otherwise socially unacceptable. activities into the ear of he who called it, even as it
The spirit’s touch electrifies every pleasure receptor services its master’s pleasure. The Courtesan, after all,
in its summoner’s body, enfolding the willworker in doesn’t want to be treated as an object of desire; rather,
a profane embrace of absolute bliss. its nature calls it to suffer as the victim of a series of
increasingly shocking and brutal sex crimes.
Tithe: In addition to whatever Wisdom the Courte-
san’s summoner might stake in the process of slaking
his urges at the Gulmoth’s expense, the spirit desires
a prize of its own. The Courtesan claims the fertility
of its summoner, “borrowing” it (via a combination of
its Victimization Influence and Shapechange Numen)
for a short while to spawn a new Abyssal entity; a
Rank 1 Gulmoth with a nature and personality shaped
largely by the mage who is its earthly “parent.” For
approximately 17 days after a liaison with the Cour-
tesan, the summoner (regardless of gender) is wholly
infertile, as the new Gulmoth incubates within the
Courtesan’s Essence. After giving “birth” (in a grue-
some process unimaginable to even the majority of
the most jaded scholars of the Void), the Courtesan
leaves its progeny to fare for itself.
Ban: The Courtesan must accept any gift offered
to it; not merely by its summoner, but by anyone who
wishes to bestow such a thing upon the Gulmoth.
No matter how harmful the gift might be, so long as
it is presented as such, the spirit must willingly and
graciously receive it.
The Gears of Chaos
The Gulmoth known as the Gears of Chaos can as it tends to stray far off the topic, its oddly buzzing
only be called into a place where lifeless devices hold high-pitched voice meandering from one subject to
primacy over people. From the factory where children the next, very nearly at random. Periodically, images
were worked to death, to the automated assembly line appear in one or more of the fragments of television
used to put employees out of their jobs, to a base- or computer screens protruding from one part of the
ment office in which banks of computers continually creature or another; sometimes, it conveys informa-
churn out spam e-mails to a frustrated populace; all tion through these media, as well.
of these places call out to the Gears of Chaos. The Rank: 3
spirit manifests to the smell of smoldering oil or axle Attributes: Power 6, Finesse 7, Resistance 9
grease, with a metallic shrieking, as though of dozens Willpower: 15
or even hundreds of gears grinding to a halt, as heavy Essence: max 25
machinery fails catastrophically. The entity erupts
Initiative: 16
out of the nearest mechanical or electronic device of
Defense: 7
sufficient dimensions to surround the thickest part of
Speed: 16 (species factor 3)
its form (about as wide as the average grown man’s
Size: 4
thigh), destroying the object in the process. While
Corpus: 13
it is present, all those in the Gulmoth’s vicinity taste
Influence: Ordered Systems 3
the bitterness of copper in their mouths, with a slight
tingling upon the lips and tongue, as though from an Numina: Create Anomaly (Stygia), Essence Conversa-
tion, Fetter
extremely slight electrical charge.
The Gears of Chaos looks like wreckage left in the Boons: Provided she can get Gears of Chaos to stay
aftermath of a bombing at a museum of technology: on-topic for long enough, a summoner can request a
wires and circuit boards are fused into and protrude number of different services from the Gulmoth. First
from twisted masses of hydraulics and clockworks. and perhaps foremost, Gears of Chaos can offer mean-
Everything hisses and sparks, as metal grates on metal ingful insight into very nearly any ordered system: a
and steam vents from odd angles of the spirit’s form. machine, a pylon of Seers of the Throne, a pack of
The Gulmoth has no discernable anatomy; certainly, cryptids, a Consilium, a mathematical equation, the
no part of the entity’s ramshackle body passes for a weather, or the combination to an electronic lock,
head. It moves with uneven motions, jerking along for instance. Further, the spirit may disassemble any
spasmodically, as though on the verge of collapse. The device into its individual components, on whatever
Gulmoth’s summoner must continually put Gears of level; a complex mechanical item can be stripped
Chaos back on track in the course of any conversation, down to each separate part, or even into the elements
sibilance of a badly sparking wire. All, however, agree nent; while false teeth may be put in their place, the
the Gulmoth manifests to the smell of burning; not holes made by the extraction will never heal properly,
burning stone, or metal, or flesh, or wood — instead, though they are sanitary and painless.
they say the Ninth Calamity smells somehow of the Ban: If N’thraka is surrounded on all sides by ra-
burning of everything, from the tallest mountain, to dioactive material (which need be no more elaborate
the deepest ocean, to every speck of dust afloat in than a chunk of an appropriate substance at each
the Universe. of the three points of an equilateral triangle), it is
Rank: 3 held fast and cannot move — not even through the
Attributes: Power 9, Finesse 4, Resistance 8 Gauntlet. For each hour that it is thus confined, the
Willpower: 17 Ninth Calamity will lose a point of Essence. When
Essence: max 20 it reaches zero, it vanishes back into the Void. The
Initiative: 12 Gulmoth may hurl its powers at anyone outside of
Defense: 9
the barrier, but it cannot take any action that will or
might disrupt the materials that confine it.
Speed: 28 (species factor 15)
Size: 5
Corpus: 13
The Echoing One
Influence: Annihilation 3 Some places have heard whispers that never
Numina: Blast, Create Anomaly (Aether), Gauntlet
reached any living ear. Perhaps someone died after
Breach murmuring his final words, a bitter curse, declaration
of love, or plea for forgiveness that shall forever go
Boons: N’thraka will happily serve as a savage thug
unanswered. Maybe a woman only recently struck
for anyone who summons it. The willworker need only
deaf in an accident spoke aloud to herself, purely by
name the party to be destroyed and the Gulmoth will
instinct, and then remembered her handicap with
seek her out and kill her in the most brutal possible
disappointment, her sudden thought dying slowly in
manner. Likewise, the Ninth Calamity will lay waste
silence. The Echoing one is drawn to the places where
to a structure or object, to the best of its formidable
the spoken word goes to die, its purpose unfulfilled.
capability. Perhaps the least-used and little-known
Where such words perish, the Echoing One may be
service that the spirit is willing to offer is the inflic-
called, appearing from behind some object or up from
tion of severe, long-term damage to the Gauntlet in
a dark space within sight.
a given area. N’thraka will, if asked, pair its Gauntlet
Breach Numen and Annihilation Influence together to In terms of its appearance, the Echoing One is a
rend the Gauntlet in a given area, creating a Shadow slithering mass of darkness. It seems, at times, to be
Verge (really, more of an open wound between the a blob of shadowy tendrils and, at other times, to be
worlds). Most have no need for such a thing, but a few a singular, serpentine form. The Gulmoth hisses its
old texts still refer to this odd boon and the Gulmoth words softly, in a calm, rational tone of voice. While
will readily comply with the request. its motions may becomes agitated, its speech is always
measured and polite. Even if the spirit becomes hostile,
Tithe: To kill a person, the Ninth Calamity requires
it never raises its voice or makes threats; it just keeps
the willing sacrifice of one of the summoner’s fingers.
talking as though holding a pleasant conversation,
The digit, once claimed, can never be healed, by any
even when explaining the fine details of peeling
means. The wound never closes and remains raw
the flesh from its enemy’s bones. In truth, however,
(through strangely painless, clean, and dry) for the
the Echoing One much prefers civil discourse to
remainder of the mage’s life. To destroy an object,
violence, for its purpose is corruption, rather than
edifice, or other such piece of lifeless matter, the
“mere” destruction.
Gulmoth demands a little over a pint of fresh human
Rank: 4
blood, harvested by force from an unwilling subject.
Attributes: Power 11, Finesse 10, Resistance 10
N’thraka cares nothing for the specific origin of the
Willpower: 21
blood, so long as it meets the spirit’s sole criterion. At
Essence: max 25
least one drop of this blood must touch the material
to be obliterated. To rend the Gauntlet, the Ninth Initiative: 20
Calamity’s tithe is three of the summoner’s teeth. As Defense: 11
with the sacrifice of a finger, these wounds are perma- Speed: 31 (species factor 10)
Size: 5
Boons: The Prince in Tatters will happily facilitate
any act of treason, particularly one that sows suffering
without the possibility of redemption or restitution.
The Gulmoth accomplishes most of its works through
negation; it cannot make the woman of its summoner’s
dreams fall in love with him, for example, but it can
attempt to make her betray her husband with him in
a single night’s infidelity. Also, the Prince can break
Supernal-sanctified oaths through its power. At the
summoner’s request, the oath in question may be made
to seem to be intact, lawfully fulfilled, or whatever
else. Lastly, the Gulmoth will work its powers to
enable a mage to advance at the expense of a friend
or trusted ally without requesting a tithe in return,
though it will force the willworker to confront every
unpleasant consequence of that treachery.
Tithe: As betrayal draws the Prince in Tatters, so,
too, does it sustain the Gulmoth. For smaller services
(say, getting usurping a friend’s position as Consilium
Sentinel), the Prince’s needs are relatively humble:
a finger cut from the hand of a treasured sibling, for
example, or the life of a loyal pet. The Prince’s favor-
ite tithe, however) and the one that it demands for
more sizable bestowments, such as enabling a mage
to slip free of a binding oath) is a Sleeper dear to the
summoner — someone who loves and trusts her —
offered up freely, so that the spirit might harvest the
Sleeper’s soul and drag it back to the Void.
Ban: Should the Prince fail to deliver the service
to which it agrees, then it must return its tithe. While
sustained and empowered by treachery, the Gulmoth
cannot directly indulge in it.
Ban: Light is painful to the Darkness That Hungers. is appropriate to the immediate environment). The
A candlelight inflicts a point of bashing damage per duplication effect is perfect, down to clothing, distin-
turn to the Gulmoth, while torchlight or the average guishing marks, and even fingerprints. It is, however,
flashlight inflicts two; an average light bulb inflicts merely a façade. Any damage to the exterior of the
three; a brightly-lit space, four; and floodlights or full Thief of Names (whether flesh, clothing, or whatever)
noonday sunlight, five. Naturally, the entity will use reveals that it is a hollow shell, the inside of which is
its Consumption Influence to destroy any source of completely covered with blasphemous glyphs, written
illumination that it can (and it is capable of doing so in no known tongue and utterly unreadable, even
to almost any light source short of natural daylight), with the most potent magics. Each time the Thief
but it will attempt to flee back into the shadows speaks, it does so in the voices of those important
while doing so. to its summoner, alternating from one voice, to the
next, to the next.
The Thief of Names Rank: 5
Why it is that the Thief of Names is summoned in Attributes: Power 15, Finesse 15, Resistance 15
the manner that it is, no one now knows, but all of Willpower: 30
the few sources that speak of this Gulmoth indicate Essence: max 50
that a mage must obliterate the last of something of Initiative: 30
significance to gain an audience: the final relic of Defense: 15
an ancient civilization, the last living specimen of a Speed: 40 (species factor 10)
dying species, or the only remaining practitioner of Size: As per its summoner (typically, 5)
an obscure Legacy, for example. The spirit is drawn Corpus: Size + 15 (typically, 20)
to extinction and some have speculated that such is Influence: Names 5
because it rarely gets to indulge its desire for destruction
Numina: Binding Vow, Create Anomaly (Pandemo-
while within the Fallen World; rather, it must content nium), Harrow, Soul Snatch, Versatile Energies
itself with subtler fare. The Thief manifests within
Boons: The Thief of Names comes to only one
the real name of its summoner; while it is within the
purpose and will serve no other calling unless force-
Fallen World, its summoner is defined only by her
fully bound to do so (no mean feat for even the most
Shadow Name and any aliases she might use.
puissant of willworkers). This Gulmoth enters the
The Gulmoth appears as a cosmetically exact physi-
Fallen World solely to indulge the cause of its given
cal replica of its summoner, entering from the north
title: it steals a name for its summoner. Specifically, the
(out of a field, through a door, or via whatever means
Thief takes the real name of a person designated by the
willworker who calls it — and whose
real name must be known to him —
and permanently exchanges it with
the summoner’s real name. Though
mages have at least a few reasons to
request such a strange boon, the most
common cause for calling down the
Thief of Names is that a willworker’s
real name has been discovered by an
enemy and is being used as a vector
of attack against her.
Tithe: The Thief requires the sacri-
fice of a name as the cost of its service;
the name of someone especially dear
to the summoner. One mage utterly
obliterates all trace of this person’s
name to have the Gulmoth’s boon,
while another offers up all memory of
it (only to later discover he no longer
in the wake of its unveiling, along with the rest of Ban: Should the Mirror at the End of All Things
some fraction of the world. enter into your chronicle, its Ban is best crafted ac-
Tithe: This nightmarish juggernaut of Void-born cording to the needs of your story, so as to make for
malice exacts what tribute it requires, both from its the grandest and most powerful possible conflict.
summoner and from everything unfortunate enough Needless to say, however, the Ban of such a thing — a
to exist in its path. It is an unreasoning hate — life- veritable god of the Void — should be elaborate in
less and deathless — yearning only to make all that its execution and far-reaching in its consequences;
which is cease to be, so that it need no longer feel physical, mental, and spiritual, alike.
jealousy toward all that which is, for all that which
it is not.
Some of the manifestations, behaviors, gifts, sacrifices, and motivations bestowed, demanded, and
held by many of the Gulmoth described in this chapter are, to put it mildly, strange. Some of them don’t
even seem particularly malevolent — not inherently more malevolent than many perfectly mundane
human beings in the Fallen World, anyway — but all of these bizarre thoughts and behaviors have
their origin in an unyielding hatred of all that which exists and the artificial strictures enforced upon the
Gulmoth by corporeal existence within the material realm. The shapes in which willworkers see these
entities aren’t their real shapes; they have no “real shapes.” They are fragments of the Void wrenched
away from the whole and compelled to take on hateful (and self-loathing) substance within a reality
that reminds them of nothing so much as all they, themselves, do not and cannot possess.
Abyssal spirits engage in weird and inexplicable activities, and are subject to occasionally unfathom-
able Bans, to go with their often disturbing and chaotic appearance. This is because they are, essen-
tially, glitches in the system of the Fallen World: mad bits of nonsensical code inserted into a less-than-
perfect operating system. As such, they reveal themselves in ways that sometimes appear internally
contradictory and/or exacerbate the flaws in the system they infect through their very presence. Mages
forget to their own peril the fact that the Acamoth and Gulmoth are nothing more than incarnations of an
incomprehensibly vast universe of hatred, jealousy, horror, and self-destructive lunacy, given material
form and some semblance of conscious motivation.
If a mage were to sit down with some magic markers flying machines. No, those kind of creatures are mani-
and a blank canvas of paper, she could draw a map of festations of biology, of a cosmic design rooted firmly
her cosmology. It may not be precisely objective. It may in the physical. The entities found in this chapter are
not be something “true” like you’d find in the pages not so easily defined, nor are they comprehensible by
of Mage: The Awakening, but to her it’d be accurate a sane human mind.
enough, and more importantly, it’d be understandable. The price of dealing with such beings is high: one’s
She could point to our world, the Fallen World. She mind and soul can easily be lost beneath the crushing
could draw lines pointing to the Supernal, and it would intelligences and overwhelming emotions that leak
be easy enough to depict the great dark gulf that waits into this plane of existence. But the reward of deal-
between those two realms: the Abyss, a yawning gap ing with such entities is similarly high: those mages
that all magical minds must cross to make a grab at swollen with proud wisdom know that the cost of true
the brass ring of enlightenment. She could even lay enlightenment is as immeasurable as the very idea of
a sheet of transparency over the whole affair, and true enlightenment.
faintly trace another realm over all this mess, calling
it the Shadow. Were this mage particularly eager, she
might even draw little pictures of the Watchtowers Summonings From Beyond
way out there in the Realms Supernal. Unless otherwise specified (the Cargo Cult “Atakai,”
And that’s it, right? That’s all there is? Some think for instance), summoning the entities in this chapter
so. Mages, don’t forget, are hubristic creatures. Even can be done using the following spell. It’s never as
when proven otherwise night in, night out, the sorcer- easy as just casting a spell, however; each entity must
ous individuals often expect that they’ve got all the have certain conditions filled before it dares to enter
information, thanks, no need to look any deeper. this world.
But, to paraphrase the Bard, there exist more
things in Heaven and Earth than exist in a mage’s Outer Channel
philosophy. So it is with realms far stranger than (Space •••• + Spirit ••••)
what’s expected. Similar to Spirit Road, the mage opens a channel
between this world and the outer realms, piercing
Here There Be Dragons the Gauntlet and the mage’s own Wisdom to do so.
Truth is, cosmology is not so nicely detailed. Just as It is not a sane act, not by any means, opening a road
we here on the physical planet represent just a tiny that would allow a quincunx entity (or any other mad
molecular mote in the great cosmos, so it is with all the being) through.
realms and places that mages think they understand. Practice: Weaving
Way out there, beyond the known, beyond the beyond, Action: Extended (target number equal to the
mages may find that far stranger spheres and weirder Gauntlet Strength + the mage’s own Wisdom
shores exist. These places are home to entities that are score)
so far beyond human intelligence and understanding, Duration: Lasting
they can only be described as “alien.” Aspect: Vulgar
That, in a nutshell, is what this chapter is about, Cost: None
really. Aliens. Not extra-terrestrials in saucer-shaped
This does not work like summoning a spirit normally
does (p. 249, Mage: The Awakening) in that the spirit
is literally summoned directly to the mage’s immediate
Cargo Cults
Imagine it. You’re a native on one of Micronesia’s
vicinity, and the mere summoning of the entity does countless islands. You’ve known nothing but the
not come replete with control over the entity. The boundaries of your own island — its cliffs, its beaches,
duration is lasting because the spirit doesn’t leave at its distant and surrounding horizon. This is your entire
the end of the scene, nor is it in any way bound to world. Ignorant of what waits beyond.
the vicinity in which it was summoned. These enti- Then, one day, you hear it: sounds like thunder,
ties are not “normal” spirits (if they are spirits at all), a rumble that echoes out over the crashing waves,
and refuse to abide by what a mage expects — once but this thunder doesn’t stop. And it’s not followed
more, hubris can blind a willworker who believes by lightning, not at all. It appears, then, over the
she has cemented all knowledge around any kind of clouds: a plane, double-props whirring, a trail of
ephemeral or bizarre being. white smoke emerging from its end. But to you, it’s so
Mysterium Rote: The Other Door much more than that: a god, a demon, a thunderbird,
Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion + Spirit vs. Re- an iron dragon. The plane flies overhead. It drops
sistance (or the entity’s Resolve + Composure if it’s cargo: food, technology, items to help build shelter,
not strictly a “spirit”) what-have-you. The god has gifted you. It is a divine
The Mysterium knows it is sometimes necessary to intercession. Your family, your friends, they wonder
plumb the deepest, strangest depths of the cosmos to if the god will come back. They build shrines in its
increase awareness, understanding and knowledge. honor. They cut out swaths of jungle — really, an
This rote does just that, calling forth a truly bizarre airstrip — so that the great bird may land. And just
being into audience. Its willworkers do not use this when they’ve prayed enough… the great flying god
rote lightly, recognizing that once such a creature returns anew to drop another parcel of splendorous
is summoned, it is not always so keen to leave. The goods upon its worshipful children. Maybe the god
effects of bringing an eldritch or insane entity into will even land, and maybe it’ll emerge — white-faced,
this plane of existence always comes with powerful white as the sun and sand — and speak in its divine
consequences — sometimes, a being’s very presence tongue and accept thanks in the form of a feast or
will corrupt this world, for they cannot be so easily other supplications.
contained in the material plane. Of course, we know what’s really happening. These
are “cargo cults,” born out of foreign intervention
starting in the late 19th century. A boat comes, or a
Bound? plane. It unloads its cargo — perhaps an act of char-
So — the entities in this chapter, can they ity, or a movement to establish a new colony — and
be bound with known or theorized magic? the natives are astounded. The white men bring
The Storyteller is encouraged to allow play- unexpected treasures. The natives do not think of
ers to get creative with this.
these individuals as interlopers, not really — they are
Can an Adept of Spirit (“I can imprison ghosts or gods or spirits. It represents a major paradigm
any spirit, binding it into steel, stone or flesh shift: where once the gods remained largely distant,
according to my desires”) bind one of these seen only in glimpses or certain potentially natural
bizarre entities? Maybe. Though even for an phenomena, suddenly they have emerged. They step
Adept, some form of ceremony and ritual
onto the islands, made manifest. It changes everything.
should be tied to the being in question.
Worship grows out of this. Strange venerations. It’s a
Alternately, different Arcana may be used powerful moment. (And actually, it works as a nice
in the same way that Spirit would for most metaphor for the Awakening: the ignorant human is
ephemeral entities: Prime may be the way given a glimpse of a magical reality and fails to truly
to fetter a potent ultra-terrestrial, or Space understand it, unable to grasp its depths.)
may create a whole new prison for such a
strange spirit.
Cargo cults were particularly prevalent during World
War II, when the Allies in the Pacific Theater thought
That’s the cool thing about magic, isn’t it? to make allies out of the many inhabited islands of
So many options. Micronesia and Melanesia. They showed up. They
If one is not present, the summoners must carve out this plane of existence unless the Storyteller feels it’s
a landing strip for the Atakai, with minimum dimen- appropriate — however, that spell short-cuts a great
sions of being 250 yards long and 10 yards wide. (If deal of the difficulty necessary to learn about the Atakai
you need a roll for this, it should require an extended in the first place, and is thus not recommended.)
Strength + Athletics roll, with 25 successes neces-
sary, and each roll being equal to 10 minutes worth Atakai Cults
of work. Penalties can go up to –5 if the territory The chief-most threat blocking characters from
is truly unforgiving. Multiple characters can work learning or performing the Atakai summoning rites are
toward this goal, and it’s recommended to keep this the Atakai cargo cults themselves. The following cults
not as a teamwork roll; successes gained on multiple are all at least 50 years old and continue to venerate
extended rolls simply go toward the 25 needed.) The and summon the strange batkon aire spirits:
Atakai are not expected to land, but this is where it The Cult of Karaperamun (Vanuatu): The head
(“they?”) will drop the precious cargo. of this cult is actually a white European male: John
When the airstrip is complete, the characters must Fromm. Fromm has told his adherents that, quite
also put together a full-size facsimile — a “sympathetic simply, they can rule the world. How? Well, by reject-
model” — of a plane. Doesn’t matter if it’s done with ing European traditions (and money), by once more
rebar and tarp, or bamboo and hemp cord; as long as embracing the “old ways” (guzzling kava, performing
it looks roughly the shape of a plane and can “seat” sacrifices, committing to polygyny), and oh, by kill-
at least one person. (To complete, the character must ing Europeans. Yes, John Fromm is himself European
succeed on an extended Wits + Crafts roll, with 10 (British, actually), but he escapes this pogrom by
successes necessary and each roll equaling 10 minutes. suggesting that he has been possessed by the ancient
Teamwork can apply.) spirit of Karaperamun, who was once the patron
Finally, the character must put a living human inside supreme deity of Vanuatu. He offers proof of this by
the plane’s “cockpit.” The plane, with the human being the only one who actually knows how to sum-
inside, must then be set on fire. As the plane burns, mon the Atakai, and by this demonstration proves
so does the sacrifice within. This calls the Atakai. his purported divinity.
(Note that sacrificing a human in this way is most The Naked Cult of Solomon (Solomon Islands):
certainly a sin against Wisdom 3 — “Planned crime Sarmeiento de Castro heads this cult, and he believes
without using magic,” a.k.a. murder.) himself (falsely or not) to be descended from famous
The Atakai does not come on a predictable Peruvian sea navigators such as Álvaro de Mendaña
timetable. The strange entity will appear at that de Neira. He claims his navigator “blood” has indebted
spot within the next seven days. The Atakai will him to the Atakai, and that he and his people must
drop one item of considerable power (Artifact, serve them with sacrifices, but are rewarded (in the
Enhanced Item, or Imbued Item at five dots mini- form of the strange objects that drop from the sky).
mum). However, glimpsing the Atakai is not easy One more thing: to be indebted to the Atakai means
on the witness: the mind is quite clear that what it remaining utterly pure; which is to say, both utterly
is seeing is not something of this world. The char- chaste and completely naked at all hours of the day
acter suffers hot or cold flashes, and may tremble, and night.
salivate heavily, even suffer momentary seizures. The Prophet’s Cult (Papua New Guinea): A
The player should roll the character’s Resolve + nameless prophet leads this cult, and claims the fol-
Composure, with a penalty equal to how many times lowing: Jehovah is inferior and servile to Satan, and
the character has witnessed the Atakai previously. this great imbalance has led the dead back to Earth,
Failure on this roll causes the character to take on and the Atakai are arming this cargo cult against the
a mild derangement of the player’s choosing. Suc- eventual incursions of the dead returning. Even better,
cess indicates no derangement is taken (though they believe the Atakai are actually the servitors of
the other physical effects as noted still occur until some outside god who is older than both Satan and
the batkon aire sighting has passed). Jehovah, and this god (the Baigona Snake) is actu-
(Note that the spell at the fore of this chapter, Outer ally the snake who brought “wisdom” to Eve in the
Channel, is not necessary to summon the Atakai. In Garden of Eden.
fact, that spell will not work to bring the Atakai into
Storytelling Hints: Fromm’s often a bit drunk — Mental Skills: Academics 2, Crafts 2, Investigation 3,
drunk on power, and drunk on kava. Kava, a potent Medicine 3, Occult 3
fermented liquid (from the roots of the kava shrub), Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Stealth 2, Survival
does wonders for Fromm, and he believes this tradi- 4, Weaponry (Machete) 3
tional juice is mighty sacred, connecting him with Social Skills: Animal Ken 1, Expression 1, Intimidation
the primal forces that whirl about the island. Fromm’s 3, Persuasion (Delusions of Grandeur) 3, Subterfuge
funny and quirky, always fast with a joke or a story — (Under Duress) 3
but when it gets down to business, he affects a deep Merits: Allies (Cargo Cult) 5, Artifact 4 (“Count Amaury’s
voice (the voice of Kamaperamun, he claims) and Spectacles,” p. 335, Mage: The Awakening), Destiny
(Bane: Another Thyrsus) 5, Fast Reflexes 2, Holistic
becomes terribly cruel.
Awareness, Inspiring, Status (Cargo Cult) 5
Path: Thyrsus Willpower: 5
Order: None Wisdom: 3 (Megalomania)
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 3 Virtue: Faith
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2 Vice: Pride
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 3, Initiative: 8 (with Fast Reflexes)
Composure 2
It becomes clear soon enough: these figures are
ill-made mockeries of man. They are not human,
Dark Tools not at all. And when the subject of their “interview”
So, the cars, the strange stabbing picks, recognizes this, well, that’s usually when things get
and even their suits — what to think about the really interesting.
physical objects that accompany the Men in
Black? Silence, One Way or Another
They are actually extensions of the Men The Men in Black seem overly concerned with
in Black themselves. Destroying the stranger silencing their victims. The level of their intense
destroys all that comes with them: the matte zealousness toward this goal appears driven by just how
black cars, their weird weapons, their cloth- connected the victim was to the supernatural event.
ing and sunglasses and fake lips and plastic If the victim was merely a witness, the Men in Black
fingernails. All of it. only seek to convince the individual to “admit” aloud
Unless… once more, magic is a way to get that what they witnessed was a hoax, hallucination or
creative, isn’t it? A mage might be able to otherwise falsified and imagined. If the target vocally
use a combined Spirit/Time spell to “keep” agrees and repeats their assertions, they leave. It’s that
one of their weapons or black cars in this easy. It’s not so easy, however, if the target refuses to
world. These items work flawlessly, to the acknowledge that the strangers are correct. That’s
tune of a +3 bonus. However, those who use
when the Men in Black get violent.
them begin to go slowly mad, gaining one
mild derangement per week of use. The good They resort to torture. They attempt to grab the
news is: the character is able to recognize the victim and hold her down. They begin to hurt her.
source of his nascent insanity, and after the Little pain, at first, with an always odd, off-kilter brand
second derangement is almost certain to get of torture: the figure might begin with small but hard
rid of the accursed weird objects. Bad news pinches. He might advance to bending back fingers
is, the derangements are only conquered until they break or tugging on an ear until it starts
through therapy (magical or otherwise) — to come off. The stranger might bite her, or try to fill
they do not fade on their own. her ears and eyes with things he finds underneath
the sink (dishwashing fluid, Windex, drain cleaner).
If at any point the victim will admit to the Men in
Black being right, the torture stops. The strangers
ing a glass of water, the Man in Black might lick the wipe themselves off, maybe get a drink from the re-
glass or gently rub his fingers along the rim, seemingly frigerator, then leave, either getting into their matte
mystified by the sensation. black cars or simply wandering off down the street,
Another might ask for a pen, and then let the ink in search of their next victim. If the individual later
bleed into his white shirt. Sometimes, they perform speaks of the supernatural event, the Men in Black
a seemingly normal action that is inconsistent with return (see “Brain Death,” below).
their supposed positions as “agents of the government” It’s a whole different bag of tricks if the Men in
(which they often claim to be): the Man in Black will Black encounter someone who had any kind of re-
get up in the middle of questioning and wash his face sponsibility for a supernatural event (say, for instance,
in the sink, or he’ll begin folding or shredding paper a mage). To those with any kind of responsibility, they
napkins with trembling fingers. are not so kind.
It’s not long before their real inhumanity starts to
show itself. One might start to shake — not violently, Brain Death
but like a drunk with the DTs. Another wipes his They attempt to abduct those who have responsibil-
mouth with the back of his hand and his lips pop like ity in a supernatural event. They’ll swarm a character,
ticks, leaving a bright red smear of blood across his grapple the individual, and throw him in the trunk
cheek (and the enigmatic stranger will seem utterly of their car or drag him bodily to a remote location
unfazed by this). A third tugs at his ear, and it comes (which may be five minutes or five hours away).
off, plopping onto the linoleum floor.
The Men in Black have
the following abilities:
Never Die: A Man in
Black suffers from dam-
age as does any physical
object or organic life-
form: the stranger’s body
breaks down and once
it has taken a Health
track full of lethal or
aggravated damage, it
perishes immediately,
literally falling apart
into a gaseous, bloody
disruption (often leav-
ing behind something
else that looks like runny
makeup or melted plas-
tic). However, the Man
Once there, the Men in Black attempt to incur some in Black is reconstituted only one hour later. He
manner of brain death in the victim. This may not doesn’t arise from the strange and grisly remains, but
be a total brain death, and may instead be something instead appears much like they all do in the begin-
akin to a lobotomy. It isn’t a perfect science: the Men ning — driving up in a car, walking out of the woods,
in Black have long metal picks with black handles coming in through a closet door.
that they use to do the “operation,” which more or Spatial Certainty: The Men in Black have some
less consists of holding down the victim and pushing provenance with the Space Arcanum. A Man in Black
the needles into various parts of the victim’s face and has a sympathetic connection with his quarry: he can
head — corners of the eyes, temples, up the nose, and roughly track it anywhere. He may not know of a
so forth. This may kill the victim. It may turn the target’s location, but he always knows (without a roll)
victim into a drooling vegetable. It may simply ruin the direction in which the target awaits. In addition, a
just enough of the brain to stop the mage from, say, Man in Black also has the Spatial Awareness spell as an
performing magic. Again, it’s not a perfect science: the innate ability (p. 233, Mage: The Awakening). This
Men in Black are imprecise, and when they perform must be activated with rolls, as per the rote, “Trailing
this task it’s always like they’re doing it for the first the Long Stride” (Intelligence + Occult; the Man in
time (it may call to mind a child who has a bug trapped Black has no actual Space Arcanum).
under a glass — growing fascinated as it plucks off legs
The Men in Black are still frail creatures in some Storytelling the Men in Black
fashion, though, and are beholden to the following
weaknesses: First and foremost, the Men in Black are not
to be played for comical effect, but certainly
Ill-Made Masquerade: The Men in Black aren’t their behavior can seem comical and, ini-
human, and they don’t do a very good job at pretend- tially, harmless. One of the strangers washes
ing to be human. Even at a distance, any Perception his hands in the fish tank, while another
rolls made regarding a Man in Black’s falseness gain bites his thumbnail down to the bloody quick
+2. Up close, such a roll gains +4, instead. while asking questions. Strange. Anything
Temporal Limits: The Men in Black are curiously weird that they do should be given eventual
limited by, and vulnerable to the march of time. First, contrast, though, when it comes time to solicit
each Man in Black has a “time limit” in this world information or “silence” the target — they be-
equal to 43 hours, 17 minutes and 21 seconds. Once come an unstoppable, nightmarish force.
that limit has been reached, the shadowy stranger is And that’s the key to Storytelling the Men
simply no longer. A character blinks, and nothing in Black: nightmare. Like in a nightmare, they
remains of the Man in Black that was pursuing her. represent an enemy that keeps on coming.
There exists a wrinkle to this, however: any time a Yes, you can destroy them physically but they
Man in Black’s body is killed (see Never Die, above) always return (and in fact, destroying them
physically only lengthens the duration of the
and returns, it restarts the clock, setting it back to
nightmare, really). The story one gets out of
the odd deadline. The second temporal limit suffered
the Men in Black is, effectively, a chase story:
by a Man in Black is magic from the Time Arcanum. look to movies like Duel or The Terminator
Any time a spell from Time is cast in the presence of for this idea. It’s about running. About getting
a Man in Black, it seems to make him dizzy: he suf- away. About escape at any cost. All too often,
fers a –1 penalty to all rolls for every Time spell cast game players have the idea that (often accu-
(cumulative). This penalty remains for one hour. rately) they just need to find a way to kill the
Weapon Confusion: The Men in Black are capable bad guy, need to find the “mini-boss’ weak-
with Brawl rolls and with Weaponry rolls made to ness,” except here, that won’t work. The good
utilize their long needled picks in combat. Other news is, the Men in Black seem programmed
weapons, however, utterly confound them. A Man on a time limit, so they cannot come cease-
lessly until their victim is dead. Because of
in Black can pick up a pistol or a baseball bat to use
this, the characters merely need to hide and
against a target, but attacks are clumsy and slow — the survive. It should humble the characters a bit:
stranger suffers a –5 to use any such weapon. not everything they witness or conjure can be
so easily put back down.
Summoning the Strangers
One may summon a Man in Black a couple different
ways. First, a mage may utilize the Outer Channel spell
(p. 144), with a few notable tweaks to the process. moned during a Manifestation Paradox. An Abyssal
First, the target number is different. The Men in creature still enters this world (be it a snarling Imp
Black seem to have no resistance to or concern over or some dark Angel), and when it does, the character
the Gauntlet, and so the target number is now twice can expend a Willpower point and that character’s
the mage’s Wisdom (for the mage must overcome player can attempt a Composure + Subterfuge roll.
her own sanity and moral scale to invite such inhu- Success on this roll brings the Men in Black into this
man anomalies into this world, even temporarily). world, though they do not appear immediately, usually
Second, the mage who summons the Men in Black showing up within 24 hours of the Manifestation.
is subject to a mild derangement during the time that The bigger question is, why summon the Men in
the Men remain in this world. This derangement is Black at all? Some mages have done so in an attempt
usually Fixation or Vocalization (pp. 97–98, World to bring the Men in Black to bear against their
of Darkness Rulebook). magical enemies. Upon summoning the strangers
If a mage or other character is not using the Outer close to a supernatural event, the Men in Black
Channel spell, then the Men in Black can be sum- enter this world and hone in on the witnesses to
Man in Black
Quote: Might I have a cup of water? I feel… parched.
Tell me about the events of two nights ago. Did you know
Numbers Stations
It’s long been assumed that they’re coded com-
that water vapor can sometimes simulate a paranormal munications provided for spies. Some believe that
experience, the manifestation of such may appear to be they’re used by criminal organizations, be they drug
a ghostly entity? Thank you for the water. Ah. I will runners or masters of slave markets.
enjoy it. Certainly, numbers stations are trying to commu-
Background: As above. The Men in Black are nicate something. These radio frequencies, found on
inhumans masquerading as humans. They seek to shortwave and around since World War I, transmit
“convince” witnesses they did not see the supernatu- a series of numbers or codes as read by what sounds
ral event they believe they saw, and they also seek to be a synthesized human voice. The transmissions
to “correct errors” when it comes to those who may often have simple, tonal music in the background
have been responsible for such a supernatural event. (anything from “Hot Cross Buns” to the “Lincolnshire
Correcting an error means, of course, a cruel lobotomy Poacher”). Sometimes, a series of letters is read first,
or death outright. read in the military style (“Charlie Oscar Tango”) then
Description: At a distance, they might seem human. followed by numbers of a single language (which may
Up close, that impression fades swiftly. Their skin may be foreign — “zwei eins neun sechs”). A few eschew
appear plasticene, or painted on. They wear dark suits, spoken codes and go for codes based on sound (such
always, and sometimes wear dark glasses (whether in as Morse code). Whatever the recording, it’s played
lens or in frame), dark shoes, and dark gloves. over and over again, obviously trying to communicate
some kind of message.
Storytelling Hints: Basically? Act weird. The Men
in Black do not react normally given certain stimuli. These messages are transmitted over a high-
When transmitting bad news or making a threat, frequency signal given low power, receivable only
the stranger may wear a broad smile. When giving by a properly-tuned large antenna and receiver. The
a compliment, the figure may frown or be watching low power makes them difficult — impossible, in this
the ceiling fan revolve or be looking at his own hand case — to triangulate.
as if it’s a marvel of nature. They ask odd questions. So, what are they? Nobody knows, or if they do,
They interrupt others and themselves. They speak they don’t seem willing to share. No government
sometimes in non sequiturs, as if trying to mimic will admit to using them, even though the United
human conversational patterns (and failing). States government persecuted a group of supposed
Cuban nationals (the “Cuban Five”) using a numbers
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 4, Resolve 4
station as evidence in the trial (the so-called “Wasp
Physical Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 1, Com-
posure 4 Attempts to jam the stations have met with futility.
Mental Skills: Investigation 5, Occult 5, Science 1
Either the numbers station itself moves frequencies
or, as is normally the case, the jamming attempt fails
Physical Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Drive 1, Stealth
5, Weaponry 3 for some reason (equipment breaks down, jammer
Social Skills: Intimidation 3
personnel goes missing).
Merits: Direction Sense, Fleet of Foot 3
Willpower: 8 Oh, they’re real alright
Wisdom: n/a
Go to Google, right now. Search for “Conet
Virtue: Justice Project.”
Vice: Wrath
Initiative: 6 You’ll pull up some sites where you can
go and actually listen to Numbers Stations
Defense: 2
— even better, some allow you to download
Speed: 16 (with Fleet of Foot) them as MP3s, so you can play them for your
Health: 8 troupe as examples.
Trust us. It’s creepy.
Type Damage Dice Pool Special
Steel Pick 1(L) 10 Armor Piercing 1
because magic is a powerful key that might unlock mages gain a +3 to this roll, however, intimating
the doors that will allow the Hellmenth to enter the that somehow the Hellmenth have a sympathetic
Fallen World. connection with the Watchtower of Lead (some
Mages have a couple ways of deciphering the tomes suggest their awful under-realm actually exists
“one-time pad” codes. The first is the standard way, beneath that tower). This is further intimated by the
which is by possessing a key. Without magic, a mage presence of the Operators, who are of course dead
must be given the key, however — but who would entities (ghosts). Success destroys the red obelisk.
ever deliver such a thing? Nobody really knows, The stone spire becomes shot through with endless
but sometimes a key will show up uninvited. It’ll micro-fractures, and then it collapses into hunks
be slipped under a door or left in a mailbox, or of stone that immediately collapse into dust. Oth-
even sent via e-mail. Who’s sending them? While erwise, the obelisk cannot be destroyed. Attacks
certainly it’s possible that the Operators have found fail to damage them. Even a nuclear blast would
a way (an alternate use of the Frequency Numen) destroy everything around it, but would leave the
to relay the information, it’s all the more likely that spire exposed (or, more likely, buried again so that
the keys are delivered by hand via humans who it must be found and uncovered — some degree of
serve the Operators or the Hellmenth. (How might work always seems explicit).
humans come in contact with the Operators? More The world is home to dozens, maybe even hun-
on that can be found below, under “The Operator’s dreds, of such obelisks, though usually they’re hidden
Gift,” p. 158.) in such a way that they cannot be found without
The second way is, of course, using magic. Using effort. However, it only takes six of these obelisks
a conjunctional effect with Fate 2 (for randomly as- to be destroyed to pave the way for the Hellmenth
suring that a key sheet can be found or replicated, to come through. Once six of the obelisks have
similar to “Shifting the Odds” on p. 153 of Mage: been destroyed, the process begins. Somewhere,
The Awakening) and Mind 1 (allowing one’s mind way out where mankind does not go (anywhere
to work on the code from multiple angles, similar to from the Gobi Desert to Lake Vostok), they begin
what’s gained using “One Mind, Two Thoughts” on to crawl into the world — immediately boring
p. 206, Mage The Awakening) can help a mage solve into the Earth’s mantle. Slowly, they’ll begin to
the one-time pad. eat. They hunger for everything, both organic and
The code itself, as transmitted by the numbers sta- inorganic matter. They’ll rise up in the oceans first
tion, is almost always an address. If it’s not an address, (given that the oceans cover most of the planet),
then it’s close to it: a latitudinal and longitudinal point consuming vast quantities of water and fish. They
somewhere on the planet. A single numbers station might disturb the mantle in such a way to trigger
does not give away an entire address. It usually only earthquakes, which in turn trigger tidal waves.
provides five to seven letters or numbers of an address Soon, they’ll come for the towns and cities. They
at a given time. The rest will either be transmitted eat. They digest. They excrete a spectral landscape
by the same numbers station (the transmission may in their wake: human ghosts, animal Specters, the
change after seven days) or will need to be pulled and shades and shadows of buildings and mountains
solved from a separate numbers station on a nearby and forests; all gray and grim, as if covered in a
frequency. veneer of pale dust.
At each point, one will find a red spire. The spires, They do this until the world is destroyed, just as
formed of blood-colored marble and about 10 feet high, much a wreck as the underworld from whence they
are featureless but for a single face-shaped imprint in came. At least, that’s the theory — that’s what’s writ-
the center, about five feet up from the ground. These ten in some of the old books and parchments. (Even
obelisks might be buried, with only a certain portion some early Atlantean texts seemed to tell fearfully of
of the marble showing, or they might actually be inside the coming of the Hellmenth.) It’s never happened
a building (think embedded in a house’s foundation before, thankfully. But it has certainly come close:
or behind crumbling drywall). six obelisks must be destroyed in seven days. If those
Placing one’s face upon the obelisk, a mage may individual obelisks are not unlocked in this time
“unlock” it by succeeding on a Gnosis roll. Moros period, then the gates will not open.
ists (humans) have found ways to triangulate the in on the numbers station frequency, triangulating
rough locations of the stations by using personal it by sensing the spectral energies that form the
and portable radio direction-finding equipment radio frequency.
(jury-rigged, of course). Doing so necessitates an Alternately, a mage may summon an Operator
extended Wits + Crafts roll, with a target number using Outer Channel (p. 144) — Outer Channel
of 20 successes, and each roll equates to an hour’s works despite the fact that an Operator is technically
worth of driving around. The roll suffers a –5 pen- a ghost, because these Specters do not come from any
alty due to the difficulty of triangulation, however. traditional or known realms. Rather, the Hellmenth
Those mundane humans who find an Operator often “underworld” is so far removed from those planes of
end up in thrall to them (and may be the ones who existence that have been mapped and charted that
leave the code keys for unwitting mages). it is necessary to create a channel that connects this
It is likely far better (and perhaps easier) for a place with that one. (Note, however, that one thank-
mage to triangulate a numbers station using magic. fully cannot summon the Hellmenth themselves in
Spells like “Receiver” or “Tune In” (p. 164, Mage this way: they are altogether too powerful and alien
The Awakening) don’t allow the mage to track the to bring here in such a manner.)
frequency, but do allow her to tune into it and com- Using Outer Channel to summon an Operator
municate with an Operator sans radio. Combining necessitates a few tweaks, though. The target number
both Death 1 and Forces 1 allows the mage to hone is now the Operator’s Resistance + the mage’s own
uncial, or twelfths — five-twelfths being the value of
the quincunx coin).
Story Hooks The symbol has strong religious, spiritual and
Below are a number of story hooks using occult inferences, as well, with the quincunx often
numbers station as their focus: being thought of as an arrangement that invokes
• The cabal receives a letter or a piece of stability and order. The Olmec arranged items in
parchment (perhaps scanned and sent over a quincunx pattern to delineate a sacred space.
e-mail), and it features the key sheet neces- Vodoun practitioners often use the symbol to “seal
sary to decipher the codes transmitted by a in a trick,” i.e. to create a space where a spell can
numbers station. The key sheet itself is dotted be locked in and performed properly. Some pagan
with blood, and someone has used that blood rituals arrange candles in the quincunx pattern
to write a radio frequency in the upper right on an altar, and early alchemists believed the
corner of the document. arrangement was key to the prima essentia of the
• A fellow cabal, be they competitors or Philosopher’s Stone.
allies, have taken to deciphering the num- So, if this symbol is meant to invoke a sense of spiri-
bers stations and tracking down the spires tual and magical stability, why is it then that moments
on a swift, globe-trotting adventure. Problem of madness — riots, atrocity, outbreaks of disease,
is, the characters learn the truth, and must break-outs at insane asylums and prisons — the quin-
intercept that cabal before the unwittingly
cunx symbol appears as a physical manifestation, an
unleash the Hellmenth into this world. That
means translating the numbers stations and
entity composed of five strobing lights? The presence
potentially dealing with the Operators. of these apparent entities does not seem to soothe the
situation; stability is by no means the result of their
• The Operators are ghosts. That means appearance. In fact, the more that appear, the worse
they were once alive. A young girl comes
the situation seems to become — those individuals
to the characters and tells them her father
present seem to succumb to madness with hair-trigger
died five years ago, but he’s been “talking”
to her again on her radio late at night. It’s a ease. What are these things?
numbers station, and it’s his voice doing the
reading of the numbers. Two things become Description and Manifestation
apparent: first, this girl is this close to Awak- Each entity appears as a series of five flashing lights
ening. Second, this Operator obviously retains arranged in the quincunx pattern. They are approxi-
some level of personality from his life, and mately the dimensions of a bath towel (unfurled into
is connected to this girl. Does that mean the a rectangle). The symbols are not consistent between
Operators can be redeemed? Can they be entities — one quincunx might offer flashing lights
turned from worshiping the Hellmenth para-
that are little more than dots, whereas another has
sites and be turned toward some manner of
strobe pulses that look more like intricate mandalas,
just reward?
swastikas, star patterns, and the like.
It’s uncertain whether the quincunx appear at mo-
The Quincunx
Pick up a six-sided die and look at the fifth side, or
ments of madness or, as some suspect, they appear
earlier and actually help to stir events into the chaos
that they become.
instead grab a playing card and look at the symbols When one or several quincunx is present, the fol-
present. Or, more specifically, look at the arrangement lowing effects are in play:
of the symbols: one symbol in each corner, and a • Those nearby (within a radius of 100 yards of the
single symbol in the center. This is a quincunx ar- entity) gain a mild derangement. They all gain the
rangement, and it is found in architecture, money, art, same mild derangement. However, those who already
astrology, and religious ritual. It forms the foundation possess one (or several) derangements do not gain
for a number of sacred mosques. It is the pattern one any new lunacies.
uses to plant trees in an orchard. It forms the basis of • For every quincunx nearby (100 yards), any Re-
early Roman coinage (the coins being 12 oz, and the solve + Composure rolls made to resist giving into a
word “quincunx” coming from quinque, or five, and derangement suffer a –2 penalty, cumulative. Moods
roll in the extended action to summon the quincunx The following, however, is a ritual, non-magical so-
leeches a point of Willpower away. If she has yet to lution to gain protection against the madness-causing
succeed on the action but has no Willpower, she effects of the quincunx. This ritual is based on the
cannot complete the summoning. Vodoun practice of “sealing a trick,” or providing some
• Sleeper witnesses make for more trouble than stability to a spell in a given ritual space.
usual — they cannot comprehend the manifestation The characters must place five bottles in a rectan-
of a quincunx. The Paradox modifier doubles when gular room. Each bottle must be filled with a mixture
one or more Sleeper witnesses are present, from +2 of graveyard dirt and salt, and then the bottles must
to +4 (p. 123, Mage: The Awakening). be sealed (capped or with wax) and hidden at the
• A mage who holds a physical representation of quincunx positions of the room (i.e. one bottle at
a quincunx symbol in her hand (a six-sided die, a each of the four corners, with the fifth in the center).
domino, a playing card) gains +1 to the roll to sum- “Hidden” is key — the bottles must be concealed by
mon. some manner, either under furniture, beneath a rug,
or literally below the floorboards. This creates a non-
Dealing with the Quincunx literal, invisible set of “crossroads” that the strange
The madness of invading quincunx is infectious and beings may not cross.
often deadly. It spreads like brushfire, or like a disease This space is now protected from the quincunx
vector: mages cannot afford to go mad, not when the entities. No such entity may enter this space, and
magic they wield can do such irrevocable harm. the effects of being in the presence of such a creature
are utterly nullified. It is, quite literally, a ritualized
This is why they summon her: for her venom. She
besotted mages surely would take great satisfaction
in having defeated a creature with such a potent and
magical bloodline.
is not a woman, though most times she looks to be Of course, some claim she is an arrogant serpent
one. She is a serpent, a wyvern that sometimes wears deserving to be butchered. She is a Cerynean Hind,
the guise of female human flesh. Mages do not know a Nemean Lion: just another beast to be hunted.
precisely what she is or from whence she comes, only
that her presence exists way out in the stars, deep in The Venom
the potent black of the night-time cosmos. Her venom — milked from the sacs that feed her
vicious curved fangs — is both poison and drug. She
Theories must be killed to claim it; she will not give it freely,
Some say she is not one creature, but many — that and curiously once her teeth are removed (a necessity
when you summon La Vouivre, you summon a single to get at the sacs), she starts to die anyway, her flesh
creature that belongs to an entire race. Others say she blackening and withering.
is truly singular, a being that is summoned, killed, and The poison itself is a turbid, cloudy fluid (think
reborn again in the stars. liquid egg whites both in color and consistency). If
Other, more troubling theories exist: she is a dragon, it’s ingested, it’s poisonous. Deadly so, working on the
some claim, an eldritch viper whose heritage belongs body swiftly with a Toxicity rating of 10 and doing
with those Dragons that bestowed magic upon the aggravated damage to the body as it runs through the
willworkers of Atlantis. Is this true? Most don’t want flesh. It scours the internals, turning most of one’s
to believe it, for that seems to elevate their hunting insides to a bloody churn.
of her to a truly cosmic crime, though some pride-
make it quick… or she might slice him open, nuts to Hence, she’s only sure to actually inject the venom via
neck, and toy with his bones and innards. bite when she is truly threatened, or wants to deliver
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 5, Resolve 4 a potential death blow to a victim.
Physical Attributes: Strength 7, Dexterity 5, Stamina 7 Wildness Within (Life): La Vouivre has access to
Social Attributes: Presence 5, Manipulation 5, Com- the following Life-based spells: Purify Bodies (Life 2),
posure 3 Control Median Life (Life 3), Enfeeblement (Life 4).
Mental Skills: Investigation 4, Medicine 1, Occult 5 Each costs her one Willpower, not Mana, and each is
Physical Skills: Athletics 5, Brawl 7, Stealth 3, Sur- activated via an Intelligence + Presence roll.
vival 4
Social Skills: Empathy 3, Intimidation 5, Persuasion
3, Subterfuge 3 Story Hooks
Merits: Brawling Dodge, Fast Reflexes 2, Toxin Re-
Check out the following story hooks using
La Vouivre:
Willpower: 7
Wisdom: n/a • One of the characters needs some extra
Virtue: Justice juice to get a spell going, and someone offers
her a taste of a milky fluid — just heat it up,
Vice: Wrath
inject it in, and the magic will flow all the
Initiative: 8
easier. Why not, right? Except, oops. It’s ad-
Defense: 5 dictive. And worse, now the character needs
Size: 5 more, and the only way to get it is to help
Speed: 22 (species factor of 10) summon and hunt down another wyvern.
Health: 12
• Someone begs and pleads with the char-
Armor: 5/3 acters: save her, they’re killing her. La Vouivre
Weapons/Attacks: is a majestic being, they say, a clear scion to
Type Damage Dice Pool Special the magic-giving Dragons of long ago. And
Claw 2(L) 16 Can perform in either yet, the hunting party is happy to have the
form characters join them instead. Who do they
Bite 1(L) 15 Can perform in either help? If they help to save the wyvern, does
form; success = Toxicity she care? Does she turn on them? Or is there
5 poison, agg. damage a greater gift she can give them, something
far better than the venom that sits in the sacs
in her mouth?
Acute Defense: She does not lose Defense due to
multiple attackers. • The characters summon her, but this
time… something’s gone terribly wrong.
Great Leap: She has no wings and may not fly,
There’s supposed to be just one, isn’t there?
but she can leap unusual distances. Triple any of the
But now, she comes in an army of lithe
jumping distances available to humans (see “Jumping,” lizard-limbed women and human-faced
World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 66) legged serpents. One of them is hard enough
Venomous Bite: If she succeeds on a bite attack, she to kill — what about 10? Or 20? Or 50? The
may spend a Willpower point to inject the victim with old saying, “Never let more snakes out of the
a dose of poison. This venom is as described above: bag than you’re able to kill” has become truly
Toxicity 5, and caused aggravated damage. Truth is, apt, here, teaching the cabal how dangerous
she only has enough “doses” in her equal to her Size the act of summoning can really be.
(5), and a dose regenerates at a rate of one per month.
Summoning is a dangerous business, a school of intended to appeal to the nihilistic and all-consuming
magic created and sustained by its own highly complex hatred of the Gulmoth.
systems of rules and arcane formulae. For each entity The systems presented here are more than just die
that can be called to attend the summoner, a ritual or rolls and dots on sheets to the characters who make
incantation exists. Mages have developed spells and use of them; they are fascinating and terrifying, like
even Legacies to capitalize upon the myriad nuances the predatory gaze of a Bengal tiger or the explosive
of summoning, and certain trained or ingrained quali- eruption of a volcano. Mages should approach this
ties contribute to this perilous craft. magic with reverence and respect, not merely because
In this chapter, you will find these sorts of systems it is dangerous, but also because it touches upon so
and more. Of especial interest are the mechanics for many worlds, making manifest their wonders and
pacts — mystically binding agreements forged between horrors within the Fallen World.
mages and the things that they call from disparate
worlds. These elaborate give-and-take arrangements
are perhaps the cornerstone of summoning, allowing Incorporating Summoning
willworkers to ask boons of the creatures of the various Some of the rules in this chapter are quite easy to in-
realms of creation and compelling service, in kind; troduce into your chronicle, while others require a more
one of the most ancient and primal forms of magic patient approach, but any or even all can be worked
known to humanity. into most any Awakening game, given a bit of time and
thought. A Scelestus of the Legion can be dropped into
The myths and enigmas of summoning resonate
with the sense of ancient mystery inherent to Mage:
The Awakening, as powers potentially older than the Summoning for Dummies
world itself dispense strange wisdom to those with At the Storyteller’s permission, these
the courage (or foolhardiness) to ask. Like almost rules can provide guidelines for non-mages
any movement within the Awakened world smaller capable of summoning otherworldly entities.
than a Pentacle Order, summoners are a secretive and Mystically-inclined vampires, Prometheans
sometimes insular lot. They don’t often, or easily, part of the Ulgan lineage, or even mortals utiliz-
with the secrets of their trade and just finding a mage ing the rules provided in Second Sight
willing to teach the magics of summoning to a student might be able to strike such deals. Where
these rules contradict other similar rules
— let alone convincing her to actually do so — can
(such as those for pledges in Changeling:
be a major chronicle goal, in and of itself. The Lost, those for rites and gifts in Were-
Alternatively, you may choose to debut the wonder wolf: The Forsaken and those for creating
and terror of summoning on a grander and more obvi- Changeling Contracts in Equinox Road),
ous stage, as powers go awry and the seals of binding those rules take precedence.
fail, initiating the cabal into the perils of summon-
ing as a trial by fire. Many of the spells, enchanted
objects, Legacies, Merits and Flaws, and other such
systems presented here (and elsewhere in this book) however, an individual convinces a summoner to call
can be used to illustrate the threats inherent to sum- forth an entity on her behalf so that she can strike a pact
moning magic. However you choose to introduce without necessarily being able to summon or control
the systems in this book will color the perspectives the spirit herself. Mucking about in powers one doesn’t
of the player characters. A long chase through the understand, however, can be disastrous. Additionally,
occult underbelly of the Consilium and surrounding sometimes the entities take the initiative, seeking out
communities to discover the lore of, say, Supernal a mage to corrupt without being summoned. This is
summoning from a reclusive Master will leave them most often the case with Acamoth.)
with an entirely different sense of the practice than These rules do not serve as an alternative to role-
the gruesome consequences that ensue when a trusted playing the deal with the devil. While players should
and honored Curator of the Mysterium accidentally work with the Storyteller to determine what benefits
releases a ravening Gulmoth when his bindings fail. and costs their characters are agreeing to while us-
ing this method, the characters don’t have access to
Summoners refer to the agreements forged between
these rules. Storytellers are encouraged to portray the
otherworldly entities the characters traffic with as
unknowable and frightening, even if the player knows
summoned entities and themselves as pacts. A pact what’s going on from a mechanical standpoint.
serves as a mechanical benefit granted to the character Which is not to say, however, that Storytellers
in exchange for a disadvantage he willingly under- and players should work out the pact as a foregone
takes. Pacts balance against themselves; they cost no conclusion before the character actually deals with
experience. While a pact may grant temporary traits, the entity. Doing so may take some of the unknown
experience is never paid to create a pact or to gain out of the interaction, reducing it to the narrative
the benefits the pact grant. import of checking out with the cashier at a super-
market. Instead, perhaps the Storyteller and player
Forging Pacts work to establish the finer points of the pact after the
character has summoned the entity and earned its
What follows provides for the mechanical consider- respect (or compelled its control). Conversely, the
ations of striking a bargain with an otherworldly entity. Storyteller and player can work out what the player
Before such a pact can be agreed to, an individual wants before the summoning occurs, but the cost
must possess the knowledge and capacity necessary may rise or fall depending on how well the character
to summon such an entity, communicate with it, comports herself. The guidelines for pacts are only
and possibly even bind it. A character without those guidelines; no occult truism exists within them, and
abilities cannot enter into a pact. (On rare occasions, antagonistic entities may charge a higher price for a
Skills as four minor aspects (which combine into a When establishing the value of a character’s request,
single major aspect). Similarly, an antagonistic spirit it is often helpful to determine what the character
may try to get the better of a summoner by building will ask of the summoned entity before checking the
the term of the pact from smaller blocks. Typically, a associated values. Once the choice has been made,
term of the major aspect is at least a month. A canny determine the value based on the guidelines below,
spirit may attempt to decrease this period of servitude and determine an appropriate cost based on that value.
by doling it out as two weeks (two medial aspects), or That cost is what the spirit requires before being will-
worse, four days (four minor aspects)! Suffice it to say, ing to provide what has been requested.
those who treat with spirits from other realms must Artifacts
be careful not to be hoodwinked. A character who makes the Artifact request garners
an Artifact, as described in Mage: The Awakening.
Such Artifacts are always on loan from the Supernal
Forging a Pact Realms from which they are issued, and they vanish
The step-by-step process for creating pacts
at the culmination of the pact’s term, no matter how
follows: well-hidden they may be at that time. Artifacts seem
to enter the Fallen World with a specific destiny, and
Step One: Determine the request. What no Artifact ever appears to the same summoner twice.
does the summoner want from the entity? No summoner may benefit from more than one pact
Establish a positive value for it.
including the Artifact request at any given time,
Step Two: Determine the cost. Choose a and few Awakened find that they are ever offered a
cost appropriate to the entity that counterbal- second Artifact. In short, a mage who gains such a
ances the value of the request. When the boon should put it to good use.
sum of the two values equals zero, they are
An Artifact gained through this request is usually
balanced. Both parties must agree to both the
pact’s request and its cost.
designed by the Storyteller with minimal input from
the player, who may only gradually discover the Arti-
Step Three: Determine the term and fact’s powers. Such Artifacts are created as any other
forfeiture. This is the time the pact lasts with the rules on p. 80 of Mage: The Awakening.
and what the summoner risks if he doesn’t Such Artifacts are new to the Fallen World (and usu-
pay the cost. Because the length of the pact
ally leave it soon after) and lack the Legendry quality.
is directly related to the forfeiture, these
should be chosen at the same time. Their
Additionally, Artifacts garnered through these pacts
value should sum to zero. may only contain powers based on spells from the two
Arcana associated with the realm from which it hails.
Step Four: Determine the necessary Will- Only mages can benefit from this request.
power and Essence that must be expended
to seal the pact. Unless the pact is extraordi-
Minor Artifact: The character gains the temporary
nary, the cost is one point of Willpower from possession of an Artifact rated at four dots.
the summoner and one point of Essence per Medial Artifact: The character gains the temporary
request granted by the entity. possession of an Artifact rated at six dots.
Step Five: The terms of the pact are Major Artifact: The character gains the temporary
agreed to by both parties. Once the necessary possession of an Artifact rated at eight dots.
Willpower and Essence is spent the pact has Blessings
been forged and sealed. A magus might summon an entity to ask for as-
sistance in the mortal world. These beings can grant
blessings, rewards of one or more Merits, to the will-
Request worker in question. Sometimes the summoned being
creates the requested Merits out of thin air. A being
The request of a pact outlines what the summoner
summoned from Stygia might provide Resources in
wishes to gain from the pact. These benefits range from
chests of gold ingots before vanishing, while a spirit
small bonuses to specific Skills to magical powers free
of canines may call forth a dog to act as a Retainer.
of Paradox and even immortal life. These bonuses stem
More often, the spirit uses its own subtle influences
from the entity with which the summoner establishes
or arranges with other spirits to assure that the Merits
the pact, and the entity must be able to grant it.
Medial Contract: A medial contract provides a power
that mimics a spell of the third dot of an Arcanum.
Major Contract: A major contract provides a Investments?
power that mimics a spell of the fourth dot of an Yes, they go by the same name as those
Arcanum. powers that Acamoth grant. Why? Because
Fortification summoners recognize that these investitures of
power are, essentially, the same sort of thing:
Some summoners take advantage of the otherworldly an otherworldly entity temporarily installs
nature of the summoned entities to bolster their own a fraction of its metaphysical strength into a
physical forms in ways that cannot be represented by the mortal willworker, in exchange for a service.
blessing or investment requests. Fortification requests In the case of the Acamoth, that service has
last only as long as the term of the pact, but their effects been standardized, but the nature of the bar-
do not reverse at the end of the pact. If a summoner asks gain remains fundamentally similar to that to
to stop aging for a year, not only will she do so, she will which pacting mages submit themselves.
not revert to her previous age at the end of the year (she Some willworkers look askance at the use
will instead simply continue to age at her usual rate). of the term “investment” to describe both the
All fortification requests are considered major requests, abilities granted by Acamoth and those given
and include the following effects (as well as any others by, say, a Supernal entity, but experienced
the Storyteller deems appropriate): summoners are aware that all such other-
Break an Addiction: The character automati- worldly agreements are inherently perilous,
cally and permanently breaks a previous addiction, regardless of how one defines their terms.
whether physical or psychological. It can even break In the end, summoners have bigger worries
than earning the disapproval of others on ac-
a supernatural addiction (such as that to the blood of
count of mere words.
vampires). She remains immune to addiction to the
substance for the term of the pact.
Cure a Derangement: The character automati-
cally and permanently recovers from a Derangement, above the usual limits on such traits as determined
whether it was gained from morality loss or not. by her Gnosis (save in the case of Arcana).
Similarly, minor flaws can be removed through the Because of an investment’s temporary nature, experi-
use of this request, but the character ceases to gain ence costs to raise the supernaturally enhanced trait
bonus experience points for the flaw. further assume that the additional dots do not exist.
Permanently Regenerate a Limb: Some spirits can Example: The théarch Warlock Nox makes a pact with
perform miracles outside the abilities of even a Mas- a demon to increase her Academics (normally 3) to 5 as
ter of the Life Arcanum. Regenerating a single limb a medial investment. Before the term of that pact ends,
counts as a fortification request. Nox’s player decides to increase the trait with experience
Regeneration: The character gains the ability to points. He pays 12 points to raise her Academics from 3
quickly regenerate wounds inflicted upon her. For to 4. The pact remains, however, granting two additional
the duration of the pact, she can heal bashing and dots of Academics. The Skill now counts as 6, having gone
lethal damage at the rate of one per turn as an Instant from merely superlative to literally superhuman. When
action. By spending one point of Mana, she can do the term of the pact ends, Nox’s Academics returns to
so reflexively for one turn. 4, its natural value.
Respite from Aging: The character ceases to age for However, despite the supernatural nature of the
the duration of the pact. enhanced traits, the traits act in all other ways as
Investments normal, natural traits. They are added to or subtracted
A summoner may call forth an entity to grant her from dice pools (including those for rotes) as normal.
a facet of the entity’s own power. An investment is a Additionally, for the term of the pact, all Advantages
phantom dot of a Skill, Attribute or even Arcanum derived from the trait (such as Health, Willpower,
granted by a supernatural entity. It becomes imme- Defense and Speed) are adjusted appropriately.
diately available upon the sealing of the pact and is In the case of improved Arcana, a character can
immediately lost upon the completion of the pact’s learn rotes that utilize the increased Arcanum. He
term. These increases in power can take a character maintains them, even after the Arcanum decreases at
Medial Task: A medial task includes anything that the her soul. The request grants the mage the ability to
character could do herself, but would require significant see her chosen patron (and only her chosen patron)
effort or could pose a significant danger to her. even when it is in Twilight. A character possesses an
Major Task: A major task includes anything that falls Intimate sympathy rating to her patron solely for the
outside of the character’s capabilities. It may include purpose of communicating with it over a distance
the use of a power that the mage cannot duplicate or (other mages cannot sense this connection). A
the discovery of some piece of knowledge that could character under vassalage to an entity can establish
not be uncovered otherwise. Additionally, any task further pacts with said entity with greater ease than
that poses a significant threat to the summoned entity usual (a spirit is less inclined to haggle or throw its
is automatically a major task. weight around when it knows that the summoner is
Major tasks can be an exceedingly powerful tool, already in its pocket), and may do so without actually
but cannot include a task that affects an area greater calling the entity to it (if she possesses the Arcana
than a single region (such as a city) at this
level. Nor can such a task replicate an act
typically considered outside the scope of
Awakened magic (such as create a soul or
bring a human back to true life). For such
terrible feats, see the Epic Pacts sidebar on
page 178.
Major Vassalage: Mages rarely summon
another being only to bind themselves to
its will. It does, however, happen, and mages
who supplicate themselves before alien gods
can expect at best a cold reception from their
fellows. The vassalage request is a single
major request that is always paired with the
fealty cost and almost always tied to the en-
lightened soul forfeiture and lifelong term.
In short, to gain the patronage of her chosen
god, a mage is expected to serve; failure to
do so costs the mage her soul.
The vassalage request assumes an under-
standing entered into between mage and
otherworldly force; the mage will serve the
entity in the Fallen World for assistance from
the entity. Despite being a major request, it
offers only a few dubious benefits: a mage
under vassalage to an entity can call that
entity to it as an Instant action that causes
neither Paradox nor Disbelief. It requires
but a whispered prayer, meaning that it can
often be performed without alerting anyone
nearby, and results in the presence of the
entity. The entity arrives at its convenience
(but may choose to travel to the mage as an
Instant action, no matter its current loca-
tion), usually in Twilight. Appropriate wards
and bans can cut a mage off from her patron,
though the mage herself can never cast such
spells without suffering the forfeiture of
character performs a repeated task that requires the the sacrifice must take place (and what time of day),
sacrifice of some time and resources or a single task but the character must make the sacrifice within the
of moderate difficulty (and possibly danger). term of the pact.
Major Endeavor: The character performs a difficult Minor Life: A sacrifice of blood (necessitating the
undertaking for the entity. Such endeavors require an infliction of 3 lethal damage on either the summoner or
activity that can only be accomplished through dedi- a chosen sacrifice) or harvest (a Resources 2 purchase
cation and concerted effort. It may pose a significant of fruits, vegetables and grains).
danger to the summoner. Medial Life: A sacrifice of an animal, necessitating
Fealty its death. The character cannot garner Mana from
Major Fealty: The character pledges himself to the the sacrifice.
efforts of his chosen patron. This major cost essentially Major Life: The sacrifice of a human, necessitating
acts as a never-ending series of endeavors (see above) its death. The character cannot garner Mana from
on behalf of the entity, and may range from the simple the sacrifice.
to the dangerous. This cost rarely accompanies any Merit
pact that does not include the vassalage request. The entity can also require the summoner to sac-
Flaw rifice wealth, personal knowledge or even personal
Medial Flaw: The character agrees to undertake connections. In the case of Allies, Contacts, Mentors
some difficulty on the behalf of the summoned entity. or Retainers, the sacrifice does not require the actual
She gains a Flaw (p. 217 of the World of Darkness death of the individual, only the permanent break
Rulebook) for the duration of the pact but garners no of those bonds (and loss of the Merit). The murder
experience when it troubles her. Instead the experience of a trusted Mentor or beloved Retainer can actually
points transfer to the entity, making it stronger. count both as a Merit cost and Major life cost. The
Forbiddance dots are removed from the sheet for the term of the
The character agrees to refrain from some course pact, but afterwards the mage can work towards re-
of action. This act usually empowers the entity in gaining them (which necessitates repurchasing them
some way, but the value of the cost is determined with experience).
by the difficulty imposed on the character. Failure Minor Merit: The character must sacrifice a one
to uphold the forbiddance results in the forfeiture point Merit or one point of a Merit.
of the pact. Medial Merit: The character must sacrifice a two
Minor Forbiddance: The forbidden action is easily point Merit or two points of a Merit.
avoided, but might cause some small inconveniences. Major Merit: The character must sacrifice a three
Examples include avoiding specific buildings, specific point Merit or three points of a Merit.
modes of transportation or even specific words.
Medial Forbiddance: The forbidden action is some- Term
what more difficult to avoid, possibly because chances The term of the pact, agreed upon by both parties,
to engage in the action are more common, and causes sets the length of time the pact remains active. It
some moderate inconvenience. Examples include never ends early, even if both parties have fulfilled
avoiding interacting with a specific type of person or their obligations. The term always connotes the pe-
utilizing a specific class of technology. riod of time the summoner has to pay the cost of the
Major Forbiddance: The forbidden action causes pact and sometimes connotes the time in which the
major difficulty and may change the way the character summoned must perform its own task. The greater
lives her life. Examples include a forbiddance against the period of time granted to pay the cost (and ben-
entering or leaving a region, indulging in Virtue or efit from the request), the more dire the forfeiture
Vice, or sleeping under the same roof two nights in a wagered as collateral.
row or vows of vegetarianism, silence or chastity. Minor Term: Between a day and a week.
Life Medial Term: Between one week and one month.
The character offers up some sacrifice to the en- Major Term: Between one month and one year
tity, usually one of blood. With the exception of the and one day.
minor cost, the sacrifice likely necessitates a roll to Epic Term: A character willing to stake his enlight-
avoid losing morality. The entity can specify where ened soul as a forfeiture may establish a term that
attempts by the character to do so until a length of Paradox
time equal to the term of the pact has passed (starting Abyssal entities often ask for this specific forfeiture.
at the moment of forfeiture). A character who fails to fulfill his agreement with one
Minor Merit: The character loses a four dot Merit of them finds that it haunts him whenever he attempts
or four dots of a single Merit. to perform magic. This abyssal taint plagues the char-
Medial Merit: The character loses a five dot Merit acter for a period of time equal to twice the term of
or five dots of a single Merit. the pact, beginning at the moment of forfeiture.
Minor Paradox: The character draws the attention
of the Abyss. Paradox rolls always assume that there
is at least a single Sleeper present,
adding at least 2 dice to the roll. If
one or more Sleepers are actually
present, then the use of rotes and
order tools grant no penalty to the
Paradox roll.
Medial Paradox: In addition to
the effects of the minor Paradox
forfeiture, the character’s Para-
dox is always considered one grade
worse than it would otherwise be.
For example, if a character’s spell
causes what would normally be a
Havoc Paradox, it instead causes
Major Paradox: The character
must roll for Paradox every time
he casts a spell, whether vulgar or
covert. Such a character quickly
garners the attentions of the
Guardians of the Veil.
The character agrees to suffer
some form of personal vulner-
ability if he fails to satisfy the
pact’s cost. A vulnerability is
permanent and cannot be re-
moved with Awakened magic of
less than Archmastery potency or
a pact with an epic fortification
The character and entity agree
upon a particular material (such as
silver or iron), substance (such as
milk or blood) or other phenom-
enon (such as fire) that becomes
the character’s bane. The charac-
ter gains a phobia Derangement
in relation to the bane. Attacks
with the bane ignore any and all
defenses the character brings to
Building a Pact
Minor Medial Greater
Request Artifact (+1) Artifact (+3) Artifact (+3)
Blessing (+1) Blessing (+2) Blessing (+3)
Contract (+1) Contract (+2) Contract (+3)
— — Fortification (+3)
Investment (+1) Investment (+2) Investment (+3)
Mana (+1) Mana (+2) Mana (+3)
Task (+1) Task (+2) Task (+3)
— — Vassalage (+3)
Cost Access (–1) Access (–2) Access (–3)
Endeavor (–1) Endeavor (–2) Endeavor (–3)
— Flaw (–2) Fealty (–3)
Forbiddance (–1) Forbiddance (–2) Forbiddance (–3)
Life (–1) Life (–2) Life (–3)
Merit (–1) Merit (–2) Merit (–3)
Term Day (+1) Month (+2) Year (+3)
Week (+1) Season (+2) Year and a Day (+3)
Lifelong (Epic, +4)
Forfeiture Boon Companion (–1) Boon Companion (–2) Boon Companion (–3)
— — Enlightened Soul (Epic, –4)
Flaw (–1) — —
Life (–1) Life (–2) Life (–3)
Merit (–1) Merit (–2) —
Paradox (–1) Paradox (–2) Paradox (–3)
Vulnerability (–1) Vulnerability (–2) —
Total request and cost equal one another; total term and forfeiture equal one another.
Flaws and Derangements
The way of the summoner is fraught with all sorts of
Insanity is but one of the perils that hounds the steps
of the summoner, as the human mind — Awakened
pitfalls. Those who deal too extensively in the powers or otherwise — can only encompass so much while
of other realms often find that their lives change, and confined within the Fallen World. Because of the
usually for the worse. Novice summoners, as well — fundamentally magical nature of the summoner’s
particularly those who come to the calling of their own craft, those who succumb to madness while treading
accord and without anyone to show them the ropes — that road frequently suffer from the Bedlam versions
occasionally misstep badly and find the consequences of mundane derangements (Mage: The Awakening,
of that error following them for years to come. Even pp. 269–71), regardless of whether or not Paradox is
those who cry out beyond the barriers of the worlds just involved in their onset. Those who gaze into other
once sometimes get far more than they expected. realms frequently see things that their psyches cannot
accept and the mind recoils, wounded.
Flaws Common derangements for summoners include:
Flaws particularly appropriate for summoners Phobia and/or Hysteria (typically pertaining either
include: Addiction (to something only obtainable to summoning or to phenomena that remind the
from a summoned entity); Amnesia (from beholding willworker of a particular summoning gone wrong),
something terrible enough to scour one’s memory); Fixation and/or Obsessive Compulsion (the character
Crippled, Deformity, Lame, One Arm or One Eye may, for instance, inscribe “circles of protection” or
(possibly from sacrificing a part of one’s body or on ac- similar sigils everywhere she goes or even draw them
count of a botched summoning), Embarrassing Secret on her skin), Suspicion and/or Paranoia (often relating
or Notoriety. Additionally, summoners — regardless to the sense that hostile creatures from other realms
of type — can acquire the following Flaws: are nearby or that others are somehow working for
Bad Bargain: The character made a pact with a spirit, them), Vocalization and/or Schizophrenia, Irratio-
but didn’t think through all of the consequences of nality and/or Multiple Personality, and Avoidance
that agreement. Now, she’s already gained whatever and/or Fugue.
benefit she can from this exchange, but still has to In addition to the Derangements listed above, cer-
fulfill her end of the deal. Depending upon how she tain other psychological conditions occur with some
bartered, this may be a single difficult task, a lifetime frequency amongst summoners:
of serious inconvenience, or anything between. In Abyssal Compulsion (severe): Contact with the
game terms, the character has a medial obligation, Void tends to fracture even the strongest mind. Those
as though from a pact (see pp. 172), though she re- who suffer from the Abyssal Compulsion derange-
ceives no benefit from doing so. Award the player an ment, however, have sustained especially deep psychic
additional experience point whenever the character’s wounds from their unfortunate experiences. The Abyss
obligation makes her life (and only hers) considerably creates a terrible wound in the soul — unique to the
more difficult or perilous. Awakened state — that causes a mage to obsess upon
Soul-Scarred: The mage has made contact with the Void and its creatures, and to seek out the lore
something that has blasted and marked his soul. of such. Alternately, the willworker desires to do so
This lingering injury is particularly appealing to to protect himself, to lock the knowledge away, or to
otherworldly entities of the most inimical sorts: pursue it further, with no rhyme or reason from one
Acamoth; spirits of pain, violence, hatred, and the moment to the next.
like; malevolent ghosts; and other such ephemeral When Abyssal Compulsion is active, a mage must
creatures. Given a choice (and when presented with succeed in a Resolve + Composure roll at a –3 penalty
no other obviously more appropriate target), these not to look into any Abyssal phenomenon of which
entities will tend to focus their negative attentions he becomes aware. Willpower may not be spent to
upon the soul-scarred willworker. Award the player augment this roll, though the willworker may use
an additional experience point whenever the damage indirect means of researching such knowledge (like
to his character’s spirit results in serious danger and/ scrying or sending ghosts or spirits, for instance),
or harm at the hands of spiritual beings drawn to the should he have such at his disposal. When acting as a
unhealed gash in his soul. Bedlam derangement, Abyssal Compulsion also adds
all rolls — whether magical or mundane; combat-
related, social, investigative, or whatever — made
upon or against a being of that type. A character may
The summoner’s craft has its own “tricks of the
only have one instance of this Merit, representing a
trade,” the same as any other. Some of these are in-
is a frequent occurrence,
the Consilium may take to
training slayers specifically
to deal with the threat. A
slayer receives intensive
training on how to combat
otherworldly menaces and
their negligent masters if nec-
essary. Every slayer is already
an accomplished combatant
in his own right before the
training begins; a mage that
has learned how to effectively
combine magic and brute
physical force. Training a
slayer takes upwards of a year,
during which time the char-
acter learns a large amount
of summoning lore, allowing
him to identify weaknesses
in the things he will fight.
When confronted with an
alien threat, if the character
spends one turn observing
the entity he can attempt to
determine where the thing
came from and how best to
fight it by rolling Intelligence
+ Occult. Each success re-
duces the entity’s Defense
by one for any attacks made
or directed by the character.
With an exceptional success,
the character remembers ex-
resolute dedication to dealing with a given “species” actly what kinds of weapons
of entity, until she attains her sixth dot of Gnosis, are best used to combat the entity, as well.
whereupon she may purchase the Merit a second
time. At 10 dots of Gnosis, she may purchase a Summoning Circle (• to •••)
third instance of Otherworldly Lore. Prerequisites: Sanctum (Size) • or more
Effect: Throughout the ages, willworkers have used
Slayer (•••) bounded spaces to set their summonings apart from
Prerequisites: Awakened, Occult 4, Brawl 4 or the outside world. In part, they do this for safety’s sake,
Weaponry 4 but also to cultivate within themselves a sense of the
Effect: Mages know the risks involved when they gravity of the act, to separate this powerful form of
decide to conjure up entities from other planes of magic from distractions, whether internal or external.
existence, yet they continue to do so. Each time a Over time, many of these ritual spaces have become
summoner botches a casting or allows an entity into enhanced with their own uncanny character, sliding
the material realm as part of a pact, someone has to partway out of this world and partway into others.
clean up the mess. Usually, nearby cabals are up to A summoning circle must be attuned to a given
the task and if not, the Consilium is. In cities where realm (a particular Supernal Realm, the Abyss,
the problem of summoned creatures gone amuck Shadow, the Underworld, etc.); once set, this choice
dot of Willpower and to reveal her real name to the Void-Scourged willworkers receive a two-dice bo-
creature. Supernal Companions are created using nus to all rolls to summon or socially interact with
the guidelines shown in Mage: The Awakening on Acamoth and Gulmoth (whether to negotiate a deal
p. 83 for Twilight familiars. A Supernal Companion or to intimidate such a being into complying with
spends most of its time in Twilight but can manifest the mage’s wishes). Furthermore, whenever a Void-
at its master’s side by spending a point of Essence (this Scourged mage comes within 10 yards per dot of Gnosis
ability is separate from the single Numen allowed to of an Abyssal entity, the Storyteller reflexively rolls
familiars at creation). In addition to the other benefits Wits + Composure for her, with bonus dice equal to
gained by a mage for owning a familiar, she can drain the spirit’s Rank. On a success, the character is aware
up to two Essence from the Supernal Companion for of the presence of an Abyssal being, though she can-
an equal amount of Mana once each day. not pinpoint its location, or determine its nature or
Note that the process of binding a Supernal entity to power without the use of other abilities.
oneself in such a manner permits the being to survive This Merit costs two dots at character creation and
indefinitely away from its realm of origin. Forcibly four if purchased later.
subjecting an unwilling Supernal spirit to the familiar
bond (and many of them are, indeed, unwilling to be
confined to the material realm), however, is an act
of hubris, requiring any mage with a Wisdom of 3 or
Throughout the ages, willworkers have aspired to
greater to roll two dice to resist degeneration.
incorporate the practice of summoning into their
Void-Scourged (•• or ••••) very souls, in the form of Legacies. Some of these
attempts have failed disastrously, while others have
Prerequisite: Awakened proven quite successful. Still others have led down
Effect: The Abyss insinuates itself into the lives of dark roads the success — or failure — of which is
the Awakened in many different ways, but seldom as purely in the eye of the beholder. The six Legacies
obvious as with those with the Void-Scourged Merit. that follow illustrate just a few of the ways in which
Perhaps her initial journey to a Supernal Watchtower the Awakened make summoning more than merely
was beset by terrible spirits, or maybe she had one too a form of magic, elevating it into an inseparable
many close calls with Acamoth and their servants in extension of the self. Some make use of summoning
the years since, but some mages learn to harness the magics, whether overt or subtle, while others are the
power of the marks that the Void leaves seared into result of eldritch bargains.
their souls.
unheard-of to encounter a Dominion who has lost an
eye or a limb in the course of her personal war.
Background: Mages that join the Choir of
Hashmallim usually have a strong faith and a solid
understanding of Abrahamic theology and the Legacy’s
connection to the Christian faith. The one quality
that all Choir Masters possess is an absolute belief
in the righteousness and power of the Aether.
Those wishing to join this Legacy can only
demonstrate this belief through their actions.
Less patient mages, only concerned with un-
locking the power of the Abode of Angels
for personal gain, have attempted to join
this Legacy, though the laborious tasks set
before them to prove their belief in the
righteousness of the Aether frequently
discourages such mages.
These ordeals are not foolproof,
however: occasionally truly strong
willed and patient Obrimos, inter-
ested solely in obtaining access to the
power of the Aether, are able to gain
admittance to the Legacy and learn
its secrets, no matter how stringent the
Choir is in its screening process.
Organization: The Choir of Hash-
mallim is loosely organized. Individual
Dominions travel where they are need-
ed, often taking up residence in locations
where Abyssal activity is strong. They
make it their mission to drive back
the Void and weaken its influence
in their home territory. Still others
join cabals in areas where the Abyss
is not a threat, with the intention of
ensuring their fellows do not fall prey
to the Void’s seductions.
Though no true hierarchy exists, the
Legacy keeps in near constant contact.
The Abyss is a danger of such epic
proportions that no sane mage could
hope to stand alone against its fury.
The Choir’s fight is one that some-
times seems hopeless, but by banding
together as a community, built of
resolute individuals, the Dominions
hope to ease that burden and lessen the
Void’s power in the Fallen World.
Suggested Oblations: Assisting local
charitable organizations, cleansing Abyssal
taint, meditation upon the nature of the Supernal
aggravated. While the Aetherial avatar is present, of the following effects to her avatar (these abilities
the willworker may instead shunt any damage dealt may only be selected once for a given summoning,
to him by an Acamoth, Gulmoth or other Abyssal unless otherwise noted):
spirit to the avatar. • One of the avatar’s Attributes may now be based
The Dominion’s Aetherial avatar may only be called on the highest of the mage’s appropriate Attributes
down once per scene. (Intelligence, Strength, and Presence for Power, for
example), rather than the lowest. This effect may
3rd: Aetherial Exaltation be selected three times, once for each of the avatar’s
Prerequisites: Gnosis 7, Prime 4, Forces 4 Attributes.
With this, the final Attainment of the Choir of • The avatar gains bonus points of Health equal to
Hashmallim, a Dominion can further empower her the lesser of the Dominion’s dots in Forces or Prime.
Aetherial avatar. Enhanced by still greater boons of • The avatar may remain within the Fallen World
the Watchtower of the Golden Key, the entity becomes for a number of additional turns equal to the lesser of
a genuine terror to the creatures of the Void. the Dominion’s dots in Forces or Prime.
After summoning her Aetherial avatar, the Domin- • When attacked by an Abyssal spirit, the avatar is
ion spends another point of Mana as an instant action, considered to have an armor rating equal to the lesser
requiring a Resolve + Occult + Prime roll. For each of the Dominion’s dots in Forces or Prime.
success that she scores, the Theurgist may add one • The avatar gains the Harrow Numen.
through which to lend significance to an otherwise slings and arrows of the Fallen World. It is hard to
shallow existence. be a Warlock, the Concord reasons, but harder still
Organization: Pandemonium’s nature is conflict; so, to be a Warlock who stands for virtue in a world
too, is the way of the Concord of Serpents. Hierarchy that rewards wickedness. This difficulty, however, is
requires polarity: high and low, strong and weak, ruler the very pillar upon which the Concord of Serpents
and governed. Each Adversary has an obligation to stands, for the challenge is not to be upright for the
her peers, as well as to those outside of her Legacy, and sake of uprightness; but, rather, to empower and exalt
the soul of the Warlock cries out for dominion. the self, as is the way of the Iron Gauntlet.
Thus, each Adversary strives to carve out
a place for herself within the Legacy, 1st: Virtue’s Pact
asserting authority over fellow walk- Prerequisites: Gnosis 3, Mind 2 (primary),
ers of the Serpent’s road. Tests of Space 1, Empathy 2
will and conviction are common, Whenever the Adversary undertakes an
though they almost always remain action that reaffirms his Virtue under duress
civil (if not always friendly), (in other words, any situation that would enable
with each Adversary attempting him to recover all points of spent Willpower
to cow, tempt, or otherwise erode for doing so), he may opt to instead spend a
the resolve of the other, until such time point of Mana to temporarily incarnate a
as one emerges as superior to the other. singular aspect of a lesser Wraith of Pande-
No relationship within the Concord is monium, corresponding to his Virtue. For
sacrosanct; even mentors are subjected the remainder of the scene, whenever the
to this treatment by their students. In- Adversary takes any action that directly
deed, any mage who inducts another into and forcefully upholds or is benefited by
the Legacy would be deeply insulted not to his Virtue, he receives two bonus dice
be treated in such a manner, as such would to his roll, as the Wraith employs its
imply that her student had learned nothing Influence on his behalf through an unas-
that she tried to teach. sailable Supernal thread. This Attainment
Suggested Oblations: Acting as a moral cannot be used in any chapter in which
tormentor for a Sleeper or another mage, de- the willworker has already refreshed his
liberately exposing oneself to and successfully Willpower by way of his Virtue and its use
resisting intense temptation, elaborately counts as having fully refreshed Willpower
binding or otherwise fettering oneself, points in such a manner.
interacting with or studying Supernal Also, with a successful Wits + Empathy
Demons, meditating upon the nature of + Mind roll (reflexively contested by Com-
Pandemonium, practicing exercises that posure + Gnosis for an unwilling subject)
require stillness or greatly restricted and an instant action, the Adversary can
movement, undertaking a brutal determine the Virtue of another within
physical and/or spiritual ordeal sensory range.
Concepts: Chess Grandmaster,
guerilla interventionist, guru of 2nd: Inharmonious Rhapsody
spiritual agonies, modern primitive, Prerequisites: Gnosis 5, Mind 3
peaceful warrior, sacred whore, un- Balance within the soul is a lie; or,
conventional psychologist rather, it is only through strife that har-
mony can be discovered. Inner peace is a
Attainments series of arduous instants and the spiritual
gratification that results from overcoming
The Attainments of the Concord
them. Whenever the Adversary is reduced
of Serpents reward struggle in the
to her last three dots of Health, she
face of tribulation, chiseling a
recovers one point of Willpower
better, more resolute self out of
(up to her normal maximum)
stark refusal to bow before the
Katsinam Suukya
What is it that they say about those who forget the past?
The Katsinam Suukya grew out of the traditions of Regardless, the Katsinam Suukya exists now to
the Hopi people of the American Southwest. During bridge a gap between old ways and the pressures of
the United States’ expansion into their territories, the modern world, admonishing its adherents to
more and more traditions and practices disappeared, return to ancient forms of spirituality for answers to
first through the violence of aggressive expansion difficult questions. Ahota’s vision, recounted to his
and, later, under a tide of cultural assimilation. While first students, told of a time when their ways would
some continued to cling to the old ways, keeping be needed to avert some terrible calamity, or to guide
them sacred and alive, most were gradually battered many to a better future. A number of those drawn
down by colonizing frontiersmen and those who fol- to the Katsinam Suukya feel that its teachings ad-
lowed in their wake. In the late 19th century, a Hopi dress an emptiness within their lives, so perhaps its
théarch by the name of Ahota (“Restless One”) set practices truly can illuminate a safe road through
out with the intention of reviving the traditions of dark times to come. Today, the Legacy is still a small
his people among Sleepers and Awakened, alike. The one, but with a diverse membership that calls upon
first few years of his work, however, proved deeply the influences of the many cultures from which its
disheartening, as Ahota ran into one stumbling block adherents hail, including several threatened by the
after the next. march of “progress.”
To gain a new perspective on his mission, the Sha- Parent Path: Thyrsus
man embarked on a long journey into Shadow, seeking Nickname: Caretakers
the advice of the spirits. What he discovered was more Appearance: Older mages of the Katsinam Suukya
and far different than he had hoped, transforming both often dress in traditional garb, with many of them fa-
his mission and his soul. When Ahota returned, he voring Southwestern materials and styles, particularly
soon gathered five apprentices to himself, only two of for ceremonial occasions. Naturally, these Caretakers
whom were of Hopi descent, to pass on what he had tend to stand out in a lot of urban areas, but most
learned of the katsinam, the life-bringers; spirit guides elders of the Legacy tend to confine their wander-
who educate the young in the important truths of life. ings to more rural and isolated locales. Some stay on
Out of respect for his people’s tradition of obfuscat- reservation land, while others belong to communes,
ing the deepest nuances of their language from the and still others live as hermits. Younger Caretakers,
uninitiated, he simply called his Legacy the Katsinam on the other hand, often adopt a more pragmatic
Suukya, after the title of the life-bringers (already aesthetic, though most of them incorporate more
well known outside of the tribe) and the Hopi word traditional elements into their daily dress.
for “one,” leaving it to the listener to decide whether Jewelry is often worn, and each piece tells a story.
Ahota intended them to be “one with the katsinam,” It may be a traditional take that usually accompanies
“one of the katsinam,” “one chosen by the katsinam,” a particular sort of item, or it can be a very specific
or something else, entirely. story about how the object in question was acquired.
Ahota eventually passed on (though some say he These tales help to keep alive the great oral traditions
simply vanished into the Shadow once more), leav- that many cultures share.
ing a council of elders — several of whom were not Background: The Katsinam Suukya is a small
Native Americans, let alone Hopi — to govern the Legacy. Its members are not particularly flashy and
Legacy after his death. He claimed that this approach many modern mages don’t enjoy living a life spent
represented a “broader vision” that would “bring peace dwelling on old traditions — from a number of dif-
to the people of the world, through the embrace of ferent cultures — that they believe no longer serve
traditional ways.” To this day, three of the elders of any useful purpose. Those whose only interest in the
the council claim to have been apprentices to the past relates to the power that it can offer in the here
first so-called “Caretaker,” but the veracity of such and now are of little interest to the Caretakers.
statements is uncertain, at best.
in Shadow, the mage possesses features reminiscent Optional Arcanum: Life 3
of the spirit guide. The player and Storyteller should At times the mage needs other types of assistance.
work together to determine an appropriate spirit guide By calling upon the Primal connection that resonates
for the Caretaker. within all living things, the mage gains a unique in-
The mage is able to see, hear, and speak with spirits sight into animalistic minds and is able to turn them
as per the spell, “Spirit Tongue” (see Mage: The Awak- to her cause.
ening, p. 246). Additionally, the mage may look into This ability functions like the “Control Median Life”
Shadow if in the material realm, or vice versa, as per spell (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 185–6), requiring
the spell, “Peer Across the Gauntlet” (see Mage: The a roll of Presence + Animal Ken + Life as an instant
Awakening, p. 247). These abilities are continually action, though the mage can control a number of
active. Most Caretakers tend to converse casually with animals simultaneously equal to her dots in Life.
the Shadow Realm spirits around them and the spirits,
in turn, are often curious about or amused by their 3rd: Becoming the Katsina
company. Occasionally, a spirit may offer its insight Prerequisites: Gnosis 7, Spirit 4, Life 4
into a problem presently confronting the willworker, With this Attainment, the Caretaker acquires the
simply because it enjoys having someone to talk to. ability to temporarily physically incarnate certain
of the qualities of his spirit guide, calling its ideal
2nd: Calling the Katsina down from the Primal Wild and into himself, and
Prerequisites: Gnosis 5, Spirit 3 becoming something halfway between spirit and flesh.
The Caretaker grows closer to This transformation requires that a point of Mana be
oneness with her spirit guide, spent as an instant action, with a Stamina + Occult
embracing its metaphysical + Spirit roll. For each success that the mage accrues,
qualities. The mage’s Primal he may adopt one of the following benefits for the
connection grants her an remainder of the scene:
Influence (as per spirit • Acquire one feature from a base or median life
Influences, on pp. 318–9 form (as per the “Transform Life” spell; Mage: The
of Mage: The Awaken- Awakening, p. 187) appropriate to the Caretaker’s
ing) with a descriptor spirit guide. (This effect functions even for those
identical to the nature who identify with natural forces, rather than liv-
of her guide, at a rating ing things: a Caretaker whose spirit guide is stone
equal to half her Gno- sprouts claws of sharpened flint, for instance, while
sis, rounding down. (In one aligned with the river can breathe underwater
other words, a Gnosis 3 without difficulty.)
willworker who identifies • Gain a Numen appropriate to the spirit guide.
with the wolf gains an Influ- Any such Numina cost Mana to activate, rather than
ence of Wolves at one dot, Essence, and require a Presence
while one with a Gnosis 8 + Spirit roll.
whose spirit guide embod-
Also, the Caretaker may cross
ies rain gains an Influence
the Gauntlet, in either direction,
of Rain at four dots.) The
with an instant action, requiring no die
mage rolls Gnosis + Spirit
roll. While in this form, any Life Arcanum
to use this Influence and
spell intended to in any way cause harm
spends points of Mana in
to the willworker also requires an equal
place of Essence, on a one-for-
number of dots in the Spirit Arcanum
one basis. The mage may regain
to have any effect.
one point of Mana per day, simply
by remaining in proximity to the
object of her Influence.
People of the Hour throughout the world), has yet to Their typical wardrobe consists of bright, cheery
slow down and her Legacy follows suit. Forceful and colors and vivid, eye-jarring patterns. Many seem
dynamic, the People of the Hour pursue tomorrow to have raided the local vintage thrift shop for mod,
with the fervor of those who believe that, if they try glam, or hippie fashions, or other styles reminiscent of
hard enough, they can reach out and grab it, and make the 60s and 70s (or what those decades imagined the
it into something wondrous. As to the answer to her future might look like). The cost of the clothing is of
long-ago question and the bargain that she made to no concern; what good is such a thing as money if you
forge her Legacy, however, Lady Peacock says nothing, don’t spend it? Likewise, Spoilers tend to extravagant
save to offer a youthful smirk and a playful wink. hairstyles and jewelry. If it strikes their mood and looks
Parent Path: Acanthus fun, it normally gets acquired and worn.
Nickname: Spoilers Background: The common thread that links all
Appearance: Spoilers dress with flair and gusto. People of the Hour is the desire to live in — and im-
They understand that while they call upon the future prove — the moment, though many of them disagree
to aid their present, they may not live to see it; though on the definition of “improve.” Aside from this one
they relive the past to gain the edge of experience, thread of commonality, Spoilers come from all walks
they do not wish to wallow in it. of life and all strata of society.
Many Spoilers come from the mid-
dle class. Most are disenfranchised
with their lot in life in particular and
the shape of the world as it stands.
A good deal of the Legacy work in
various charities, activist groups, and
social clubs, recruiting strongly out
of these of organizations.
Organization: The only organi-
zational tie between People of the
Hour is that of teacher to student.
The student normally accompa-
nies the teacher until he is well on
his way to obtaining the Legacy’s
second Attainment. This serves to
reinforce the Legacy’s ideals from
teacher to student, but also allows
the teacher the chance to see how
the student applies the lessons
that he has learned. Occasionally,
though, a Spoiler will only initiate
her student into the Legacy, and
then allow him to go out into the
world, so as to observe how he grows
in the absence of rules. Beyond this
loose system of authority, People
of the Hour recognize one another
as kindred spirits, even when they
stand diametrically opposed.
Suggested Oblations: Performing
acts of derring-do while entertaining
a crowd, expounding on the virtues
of self help, meditation on the nature
of chance and fate, helping someone
who has lost something, acting as a
Most cultures revere those extraordinary people the idea, pointing to the fact that the founder died
that rise above the masses to lead and inspire those of natural causes: an unlikely event for a Tremere.
around them in times of crisis. The names of heroes, Another group of mages posit that the first of the
past and present, are venerated in song, story and Heralds was a descendant of the Orphean tradition,
even with worship in some societies. The Stygian citing the mythological character as one of the few
Heralds go beyond simple adoration to remind others mages to ever descend to the Underworld and return
of the capacity heroes have to inspire. They call up intact. The Heralds openly scoff at this theory, rightly
the souls of dead heroes, borrowing their strength to pointing out that no one is sure exactly from whence
serve the living. the practices of the Legacy call the dead souls. It’s just
The Stygian Heralds were founded by a Moros who as likely the shades are drawn from the Supernal, or
was studying several unusual Artifacts recovered from even the Astral Realms, as from the Underworld.
mystically sealed vault beneath Uchisar, Turkey. The Questions of founder aside, the Stygian Heralds slowly
vault itself was an obvious product of magic, the weap- spread their wisdom throughout Awakened society and
ons and armor found within had unusual properties not everyone approved of their methods. It was a member
that didn’t seem to be the result of enchantment. After of the Adamantine Arrow who dubbed them “Resur-
months of study, the Moros came to the conclusion rectionists,” likening their practices to those of grave
that the Artifacts were somehow still bound to their robbers. Rather than being insulted by the nickname,
dead owners. The Artifacts seemed to draw energy the Heralds embraced it, noting that the actions of the
from a different realm; in them he found the mystical resurrectionists helped further the science of medicine
signature of the leaden oppressiveness of Stygia and with their grim deeds. The side-effects resultant from
the echoing eternity of the Underworld. Alongside the Stygian Herald’s blessings didn’t go unnoticed either.
his continuing studies, the Moros began to experiment Individuals that repeatedly served as host to the souls of
with methods of imbuing mundane objects with the heroes had a tendency to go insane. Still, in times of great
same energy and, through trial and error, eventually need, no one could deny the effectiveness of the Stygian
created the first Attainment of a new Legacy. Heralds’ rituals and so they were allowed to continue
Feeling that he was close to a real breakthrough, the their practices. Possibly because of the dubious nature
willworkers enlisted the help of several other Moros of their studies, the Heralds have never grown to the
to assist him in the continuation of his work. He same prominence as other Legacies. Still, their numbers
taught them the methods behind his first discovery grow rather than shrink with each passing year and an
and the cabal began to call itself the Stygian Heralds: interested mage can often find one if she is serious about
Stygian in honor of their path and Heralds in hom- learning what the dead have to offer.
age to those humble souls who walked before heroes Parent Path: Moros
of lore announcing their coming. Many years passed Nickname: Resurrectionists
and when the original founder of the Legacy died, in Appearance: Resurrectionists tend to dress practi-
accordance with his wishes, his name was struck from cally. As Moros, they recognize the transitory nature
every record of the Legacy, ensuring that he would be of earthly opulence and most prefer comfortable, un-
forgotten and allowing him to abide in peace. Stories derstated fashions. Some Stygian Heralds wear subtle
persist, though, inside the Legacy and without, about accents that invoke cultures famous for their heroes:
whom the founder really was. a tie with a Classical Greek motif, for example, or a
A few mages, prompted by jealousy (or so the Heralds Nordic runestone necklace.
believe), declared that the founder must have been Background: Mages that are invited to join the
a Tremere. They suggest that only someone with Stygian Heralds generally have a sound foundation
in-depth knowledge of how to trap and manipulate in history, myth and legend. Potential candidates
a soul could have developed magical means of com- must find merit in the idea of using the dead to aid
pelling the shades of the dead, of ripping them from the living.
wherever it is they rest. The Stygian Heralds refuted
and ability that encourages those around him to excel. merlands or other spiritual paradises could be true or
Related to the Mind 3 spell, “Augment the Mind,” (see they could all refer to some aspect of the Underworld.
Mage: The Awakening, p. 210) the Attainment calls The Resurrectionist is able to reach out to those
on the power of long-dead heroes to boost how the souls and pluck them from their rest, depositing
target is perceived rather than providing a mechanical them in living bodies. A more powerful successor
increase in Attributes. This Attainment may only target to the Death 4 spell, “Revenant,” (see Mage: The
other characters, never the caster. The mage summons Awakening, p. 143), can use this Attainment to
a splinter of a heroic soul and embeds it in his target. summon up the souls that have passed beyond the
This requires an extended Resolve + Occult + Death roll Fallen World, instead of shackling the souls of the
(target number of five successes), contested by Resolve newly dead to flesh. This Attainment may only
+ Gnosis in the case of an unwilling target. The soul- target other characters, never the caster. The mage
splinter remains in its new host for a number of hours summons the soul of a fallen hero with an extended
equal to the Gnosis of the caster. While the character Resolve + Occult + Death roll (target number of 15
plays host to the splinter, he becomes inspirational in successes), contested by Resolve + Gnosis in the case
both word and deed to those around him. of an unwilling host. The soul remains trapped in
Word: Once each scene, the host character can make the host body until the following sunrise. The host
a rousing speech by rolling Presence + Expression. Al- character remains in charge of his actions for the
lies within the sound of his voice gain one temporary duration of the possession. While merged with the
Willpower (this can exceed normal maximums) for heroic soul, the host character gains all the benefits
each success. Unspent temporary Willpower vanishes of the Resurrectionsts’ second Attainment and the
at the end of the scene. following bonuses:
Deed: Each time the host character succeeds at • By spending a point of Willpower, the subject may
an action, allies within line of sight of the character grant a Physical Skill Roll the rote action quality (see
gain a +3 bonus to perform similar actions. As an the World of Darkness Rulebook, pp. 134–5).
example, if the host character managed to leap across • Defense is increased by one (rather than decreased)
a yawning chasm, anyone favorably inclined towards for every opponent past the first that attacks.
the character who witnessed the feat would gain a +3 • Points of Willpower spent to increase dice rolls
bonus to clear a similar obstacle. made for Resistance Attributes add four bonus dice,
Even willing targets are troubled by the sensation of rather than two.
hosting a sliver of soul yanked from the Underworld. The • Wound penalties are treated as inversely propor-
sliver feels restless inside them, twisting and squirming to tional bonuses (a –2 penalty becomes a +2 bonus, for
be freed. The character is subjected to a nearly constant example).
feeling of loss and separation, alien to the actual emo- The soul whispers in the ear of its host for the dura-
tions of the character, until the soul-splinter is released. tion of the possession, haranguing him for keeping the
When the effect ends, hosts possessed of even the slightest soul from its rest. It accuses the host of vile betrayal;
sense of decency (Wisdom 5 or greater) typically suffer at the Storyteller’s discretion, the relentless invec-
intense spasms of remorse and shame. tive might result in a one-die penalty to particularly
Targeting an unwilling character with this At- complex actions.
tainment is considered an act of hubris and requires Forcing an unwilling character to play host is con-
a degeneration roll for mages of Wisdom 6 or higher sidered an act of hubris and requires a degeneration
(roll three dice). roll for mages of Wisdom 3 or higher (roll two dice).
Overuse of this Attainment may also be considered
3rd: Heroic Soul an act of hubris at Storyteller discretion.
Prerequisites: Gnosis 7, Death 4
No one knows for certain the final resting place
of heroic souls. Legends about Valhalla, the Sum-
The urge to serve the Abyss is perverse and mon- if, indeed, they care to. A replaced eye looks hideous
strous; how much more so, then, those that summon and bizarre, while the flesh around it becomes red and
up its denizens and incorporate such alien creatures, irritated, with a fine network of black veins just under
antithetical to life itself, into their bodies and souls? the skin radiating outward from the eye socket for an
Mages of the Legion — so named because each of inch or so in all directions. An Abyss-grafted hand is
them, as a host to lesser Gulmoth, effectively becomes gaunt and wasted: cold and corpse-gray, with a waxy
many — are the answer to that question, cast in sheen and cracked black nails, while the wrist to which
tortured and deliberately despoiled flesh. it is attached appears to be perpetually badly infected.
An ancient Legacy among the Accursed, the Legion These mages look as inhuman as they are and tend to
goes one long step beyond possession on the part of either conceal themselves (whether out of practicality
malevolent entities, making its adherents become both or shame) or else openly revel in their grotesquerie.
more and much less than human through their horrific Background: Legion mages are almost invariably
practices. These mages summon up the least among damaged goods when they first embrace the service of
the Abyss’ innumerable natives and give themselves the Abyss. They may feel that they are ugly, no mat-
over to such beings, in exchange for baneful powers. ter what they do, and finally embrace that ugliness,
By accepting the Void into themselves, however, their allowing it to be mirrored within. Some are simply
appearance becomes alien and terrifying, demonstrat- degenerate and desire to offend against society, a di-
ing outwardly their willing road of inexorable descent vinity, or some other force for conformity. Still others
along the path of Wisdom. While other Accursed are approach the Legacy from a perspective so mercenary
often only disgusting within, those claiming member- as to verge on insanity, carving away bits and pieces
ship in the Legion wear the brands of their loathsome of their humanity to gain the blasphemous gifts of
choice for all to behold. the Void. The fact of the matter is that only a deeply,
As with other Scelesti, those of the Legion are sworn in fundamentally sick person (or, perhaps, one made so
servitude, but they find a sort of comfort in their slavery, through the intervention of another) would incorpo-
reasoning that their incorporation of the entities of the rate the spirits of the Abyss into body and spirit.
Abyss makes them something like an earthly aristocracy Organization: The Legion spreads like the disease
of the Void; sorcerer-nobles building and nurturing small that it is, infecting one demented soul after another.
colonies for the Abyss in the Fallen World. Hounded Only the most twisted and despicable of mages freely
and despised for what they have become, they see their permit the denizens of the Abyss to take up residence
disfigurements and the hatred of others as merely another within them — indeed, to become lasting exten-
sacrifice to their nameless lords. In time, they reason, sions of one’s living essence — so the Legion tends
others will see as they do and the long, hard journey of to favor the model of a secretive cult, with mentors
the Legion will be proven, once and for all, to have truly inducting promising students in ones and twos, and
been worth its cost. then either moving on or else exiling their protégés.
Parent Path: Any Inevitably, any gathering of Legion mages larger than
Nickname: The Accursed; mages of the Legion a small cabal (three or perhaps four members) even-
are considered to be another form of Scelestus (as tually attracts the wrong sort of attention, so these
per Mage: The Awakening, pp. 361–3); some also abominable willworkers maintain a loose network
call them Patchworks or Grafters of connections to one another, rather than forming
Appearance: The physical transformations under- more cohesive bonds. Still, as a society of hideously
taken by willworkers of the Legion become difficult to disfigured wretches, the Legion constitutes something
conceal after awhile, meaning that such mages must of a support structure for its members, whose dubi-
resort to exceptional means to blend into society… ous “blessings” eventually make them outcasts from
humanity as a whole.
Suggested Oblations: Deliberately revealing one’s ing and permanently replacing a relatively small part
deformities, inflicting unnecessary and unsafe bodily of her body and granting her a minor supernatural
modifications — amputations, human or animal grafts, ability. The “replacement part” looks obviously un-
etc. — upon an unwilling subject, making peace- natural to even the casual observer — staining the
ful contact with an Abyssal spirit summoned by a flesh to match the spirit.
Paradox Manifestation, meticulously and maliciously Some example replacements (of which the mage
disfiguring another, performing a service for a Gul- may choose one) and their effects:
moth without requesting compensation, performing Eye: One of the mage’s eyes is replaced by a sum-
scarification upon oneself, ritually sacrificing human moned Abyssal entity. The eye is of alien appearance
organs or other body parts to the Abyss (not merely a red iris, for instance, but instead
Concepts: Abyssal transhumanist, nihilistic degen- perhaps a sickly yellow-green throughout, with a
erate, pathological cutter, perpetual victim seeking vaguely barbell-shaped pupil, and perpetually cracked
escape in monstrousness, scholar of the Abyss who and scabbing skin on the eyelid). While the eye is
went too far, upstanding mage tortured onto the Left- uncovered, the mage can always see Abyssal powers
Hand path, whore to the Gulmoth
The Legion’s process of self-transforma-
tion is agonizing beyond reason, as the
mage permits summoned Gulmoth
of the lowest order to feast upon her
flesh, consuming the metaphysical
template of the body part and adopt-
ing a nightmarish mockery of it; one
capable of serving in such a capacity
and, further, granting extraordinary
abilities to the willworker. These
grafts become permanent pieces of
the mage — gradually regenerat-
ing even if removed (or more
swiftly, with healing magic) —
as she willingly pollutes both
her physical and spiritual self
with the taint of the Abyss.
Note that the Attainments of the
Legion, unlike those of other Legacies,
do not stem from a direct incorporation
of Supernal power into the self, but are,
instead, the result of the irrevocable
Abyssal grafts to which the willworker
subjects herself.
maximum allowed by his Gnosis; excess Mana bleeds Spine: In a mockery of the ladder that once reached
off without effect) that cannot be taken from him, the heavens, the Legion mage permits an Abyssal spirit
given by him to another, converted into Tass, or in to consume and replace her spinal column. Irregular
any way separated from him, save through usage. Any spurs of bone may jut from her vertebrae, like quills
Paradox successes in excess of the mage’s, however, through the skin, or her posture become hunched in
inflict points of resistant lethal damage upon him, on a feral, animalistic pose, while weeping sores follow
a one-for-one basis, and have no further effect. The the trail of her spine, from the base of the skull to the
mage’s blood may turn to a thin, watery pus (making small of her back. Whenever another mage generates
him look hideously jaundiced), become a viscous Paradox in the Legion willworker’s sensory range,
purple-black tar (afflicting him with what appear to she may compel a Manifestation, which is under her
be huge bruises and internal hemorrhages all over his direct control. The duration of the Manifestation is
body), or otherwise take on unnatural characteristics still determined as normal.
reflected in his outward appearance.
Supernal Demon. These
incomprehensible imagin-
ings stain the Tapestry by
their passing, leaving a trail
that can be followed by one
who knows how to look. By
casting this spell, the mage
gains a sense for the unusual
thought patterns that seep
out of these beings, to leach
into the Fallen World. De-
pending upon the particular
qualities (and power) of
the creature in question, its
thoughts can leave meta-
physical marks that linger for
hours, or even days. By way of
this spell, a willworker might
learn, roughly, what such a
being was feeling when it
passed through an area (if,
indeed, it is capable of any
emotions analogous to those
experienced by humans),
what it was doing at that
time, in which direction it
was moving, and whether it
is close by.
Guardians of the Veil
Rote: Seeking the Hidden
Dice Pool: Wits + Inves-
tigation + Mind
Infestations are always
nasty things. Back around
the turn of the 20th cen-
tury, Chicago played host
to one. Someone — word
Detect Alien Mind (Mind • + Prime •) was, a Tremere lich — got
her hands on a weird polyhedral box that some said could
Occasionally, beings from other planes of existence only be opened from the inside by one who was outside of
manage to masquerade as human beings, animals, or even it. Whatever the case, she figured out how to unlock the
inanimate objects. In many cases, various Mage Sights thing and a small horde of skittering things poured out of
can be of help in detecting these strange Resonances, but, it from Elsewhere.
sometimes, a little something more is called for. Robert Baron, local leader of the Guardians of the Veil,
Practice: Unveiling however, happened to be a quick thinker, with a bit of
Action: Instant and contested; target rolls Resistance experience summoning unpleasant things from worlds
or Resolve reflexively without names, and he recognized the telltale signs of
Duration: Prolonged (one scene) alien entities. No one is rightly sure if he already knew
Aspect: Covert this spell when he went on the hunt; if he didn’t, though,
Cost: None he certainly came up with it with suspicious alacrity.
Bizarre entities from outside of the weave of the realms Reluctantly, Baron taught his rote to as many mages as
(such as those discussed in Chapter Four) don’t usually think he needed to curb the infestation, and then he vanished
like those from any of the known worlds; their thoughts inexplicably at its conclusion.
are alien even to the monstrous Gulmoth or the strangest
history of the entity, following it back, one minute per turn alien entities from outside of the Tapestry, or denizens of a
of concentration and studying the sensory input of its sur- particular Supernal Realm, for example. Beings native to
roundings during that time. The mage may “pause” on any any layer of the Fallen World — no matter how far-flung
given minute and analyze it for content of interest. In the — cannot be affected by this spell, as its efficacy depends
case of a being recently summoned from its home realm, largely upon exacerbating a being’s natural aversion to the
this actually allows the caster to look upon that realm in particular qualities of this stratum of Creation.
the time leading up to the summoning. While within this zone, any being that does not success-
An entity whose existence is only recently established fully resist the distraction of this “static” must spend a point
(such as one temporarily created with the Spirit Arcanum), of Essence (or Willpower, for entities without Essence) to
however, may not have much history to study. Likewise, a take an action in a given turn, above and beyond the costs
being summoned from a place in which time has no meaning inherent to any of its supernatural abilities. The entity may
may reveal nothing, or it may reveal wildly inconclusive not spend Willpower to modify any dice roll made on the
information. (or a) Resistance Attribute.
Following the history of an entity summoned from the Mysterium Rote: Enmity of the Land
Abyss back through the moment of summoning to its place Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Space
of origin instantly terminates the spell and the mage’s This rote has come in and out of favor with summoners
player must successfully roll Resolve + Composure, with for centuries, and perhaps even millennia. Certain Mys-
a dice-pool penalty equal to the Gulmoth’s Rank, with terium Athenaeums, however, have quietly maintained
failure resulting in a mild derangement (or, if the mage texts containing its formulae, dating back to the Middle
already suffers from a mild derangement, a severe one). Ages or before. Unfortunately for the Dragon’s Wing, the
At the Storyteller’s discretion, a similar effect may befall a rote — long out of vogue and maintained as a secret of
willworker using this spell to see back beyond the moment the Mysterium — went back into circulation after the
at which an alien entity first arrived in the Fallen World ransack of the Athenaeum in Berlin, Germany, in 1945,
from outside of the Tapestry. Using this spell in an attempt by parties unknown.
to look past the moment of summoning for a denizen of
the Supernal Realms grants a painful and confusing — and
utterly unhelpful — glimpse of the higher world before
Ephemeral Co-Location
abruptly ending the spell. Attempting to look into the (Space •••• + Spirit •••)
Realms Supernal in this way is an act of hubris for any Warlocks of advanced skill in their Path’s Arcana can be
mage with a Wisdom higher than 3, requiring a degenera- in many places at once. Those who learn this spell, however,
tion roll on two dice. can also be in different realms, simultaneously.
Mysterium Rote: Whence It Came Practice: Patterning
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Time Action: Instant
Information moves not just forward, but also backward, Duration: Transitory (one turn)
in time for those with the skill necessary to obtain it. Some Aspect: Vulgar
mystagogues summon strange spirits form the other worlds, Cost: None
simply to analyze their places of origin by way of this magic, Success enables a willworker to create an identical
thus advancing the state of Awakened knowledge. duplicate of herself on the opposite side of the Gauntlet
from her present location. Both copies of the mage must
Hostile Space (Space ••• + Mind ••) perform exactly the same actions at all times (as per the
Summoned beings often have their genesis in alien “Co-Location” spell; Mage: The Awakening, p. 239),
landscapes and they are not necessarily comfortable in though adding Mind 3 to the casting removes this restric-
this world. This spell actually increases the discomfort tion. With a reflexive action, the mage may switch places
that many such entities feel within the confines of the with her duplicate from turn to turn. As with Co-Location,
material realm. only the willworker’s real self may be targeted by attacks,
Practice: Weaving as the duplicates possess no substance.
Action: Instant and contested; subject rolls Resistance With Space 5, this spell may be cast with prolonged
or Resolve reflexively Duration.
Duration: Prolonged (one scene) Adamantine Arrow Rote: Warrior of Many Worlds
Aspect: Covert Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation + Space
Cost: None In late June of 1967, a Mastigos Arrow by the name of
Upon successfully casting this spell, the mage creates an Anaïs happened upon the scene of a Shadow Realm sum-
area of metaphysical “static” expressly uncomfortable for moning gone horribly awry. The three Guardians of the
one particular type of otherworldly being: Abyssal spirits, Veil responsible for the act were already unconscious by the
Though attempts have been made to spread the disease chill settles on the room. The black of the writing contin-
of Abyssal Blood by forcibly draining carriers or through ues to spread until it completely fills the box, which then
other efforts, none has yet been successful. Lack of success resembles what it truly is: a doorway to the Other.
hasn’t kept mages that would rather not deal directly with The blood sacrifice of the user is enough to summon a
Abyssal entities to gain their questionable blessings from minor extradimensional entity, called a p’tak by fell texts
continuing experimentation. that speak of such things, into the Fallen World. Each
time the doorway is opened it remains that way just long
Chthonian Quill (Artifact •••••••) enough for a single entity to pass through. The p’tak fol-
Durability 3, Size 1, Structure 4 lows the commands of the mage that summoned it for one
hour per point of bashing damage sustained by the mage
Mana Capacity: 12
as he scribed his call. A summoned p’tak isn’t immediately
This Artifact resembles a writing quill made from the returned to its home dimension when the duration for
feather of an unknown species. Eight or so inches in length, control is up; it is instead freed from service and can pur-
the feathers of the Quill are an almost black dark blue and sue whatever goals it chooses, unless some other method
have an oddly metallic quality about them. The edges is found to control it. It should go without saying that the
of the feathers are sharp enough to draw blood from the goals of the p’tak and those of the mage aren’t necessarily
unwary and rustle with a sibilant whispering noise when the same. Cautious mages look for ways to dispose of the
used to write that is distracting and unnerving. The Quill p’tak before the duration expires, since the only command
can be used to write with normally, given an ink pot and it won’t follow while “controlled” is a command to return
some patience, but it’s when the Artifact is used dry that it whence it came.
shows its real power. The ritual use of the Chthonian Quill
begins by writing entreaties to those that stand outside the
realms of time and space on a flat, vertical surface. As the Seal of Solomon (Artifact •••••••••••)
user scribes her missive to those beyond, she feels sharp Durability 5, Size 1, Structure 6
pains twinge through her body. A quick examination of Mana Capacity: 15
the writing on the wall, as it were, reveals the source of One of the greatest Hebrew monarchs to ever sit the
this discomfort fairly rapidly. throne of a united Israel was Solomon the Wise, son of
Used with its intended purpose in mind, the Quill draws David. King Solomon built the First Temple in Jerusalem
blood directly from its user to write. Every symbol, letter and placed the Ark of the Covenant in its walls. Legend
and dot is etched in the crimson lifeblood of the user. As he says that God was so pleased with the temple and with the
writes, the mage may choose the exact amount of bashing reign of Solomon that He offered Solomon any one wish.
damage taken from this sacrifice. The ritual is completed In humility, Solomon asked only for wisdom and God,
by drawing a box around the written lines and expending pleased by this, gave him not only wisdom but a ring that
a point of Mana. The scribbled blood turns black and the bore the true name of God within a six-pointed star. The
edges of the drawn box sink into the wall as an unearthly ring gave Solomon power over demons, which he used to
force the demons to build new constructions throughout
the nation of Israel. The ring became
known as the Seal of Solomon and
the six-pointed star the Star of David.
When Solomon died after a trium-
phant 40 year reign, a demon tricked
one of Solomon’s widows into giving
it the ring. To ensure the Seal could
never be used by humans to enslave its
kind again, the demon hurled the ring
into the sea, where it was devoured by
a fish and was lost.
The use of the word “demon” in the
stories of Solomon is subjective. In the
times of the writings that speak of the
Seal, nearly any intelligent, other-
worldly creature that didn’t revere God
was dubbed a demon. Some accounts
of the uses of the Seal of Solomon say
it allowed him not only to control
demons, but also animals and jinn.
a character is absorbed by the p’tak and it may absorb any number of Willpower each turn up to its
• Fetid Humors: A p’tak isn’t made of flesh and bone in the way humans understand. The body of
a p’tak seems organic, but alien humors run beneath what passes for its skin. Exposed to the material
realm by wounds, these humors react with the reality of the Fallen World in unexpected ways. Each
wound suffered by a p’tak increases its Armor Rating by one. P’taks never suffer from wound penal-
ties and may spend one Essence each turn to heal a point of damage (always healing the most serious
damage first).
• The Spaces In-Between: An uncontrolled p’tak quickly reverts to its instinctual behavior, hunting
and attacking any nearby prey. Inside the mouth of the creature are sponge-like sacks that absorb the
blood of their unfortunate victims and stores it. Each time a p’tak bites a sentient creature (only sentient
blood is stored), half the damage inflicted by the bite is converted into stored blood, to a maximum of six
stored points. If an uncontrolled p’tak is outnumbered by its prey or stalks a creature obviously stronger
than it, the p’tak uses the stored blood and the Willpower stolen from its victims to summon more of its
kind. Once per day, a p’tak may summon others of its kind as an instant action that requires the p’tak to
spend five points of Willpower and three points of blood. P’tak summoned by other p’tak are considered
uncontrolled and it should be easy to see how a serious infestation could happen. Some rumors say that
if enough p’tak use their summoning power at the same time, they can open the way for much more
dangerous entities to enter the Fallen World.
Because of a p’tak’s innate summoning ability, mages must be cautious in their battles with p’tak not
to present an initial threat strong enough for the creature to immediately begin summoning backup.
Smart cabals will hide their numbers from the creature, sniping at it from the shadows until they are
sure they can kill the thing before it can call for help.
Modern Awakened scholars that have studied the legends Wisdom rating versus the current Willpower of his target in
believe that ring might have had influence over any entity an extended contested action with a target number of 10. If
non-native to the Fallen World. A handful of mages believe the user wins the contest, his target is banished. If the target
the entire Solomon myth might be a reference to the power wins the contest it is immune to the banishment powers
of humanity over the Supernal being lost in the sinking of of the Seal of Solomon for a year and a day. The Artifact
Atlantis and the severing of the realms. They point out that can also be used to break pacts made between beings of
the ring was lost to the sea in the same way Atlantis was, the material realm and alien outsiders. To break a pact the
both events ending humanity’s magical supremacy. More owner touches the Seal of Solomon to the forehead of the
recently, the journal of a missing Moros, recovered from supplicant and both spend a dot of Willpower. It is worth
her sanctum in Greece at the beginning of the 20th century, noting that most entities won’t appreciate being cheated
described the discovery of a ring with properties and design out of their due and are likely to seek alternative means
similar to the Seal of Solomon. According to the Moros, to punish those involved in breaking the pact.
her cabal found the ring in the body of an enormous fish Mages that own the Seal of Solomon are expected to
that had been causing problems for local fishermen. The last behave wisely and honorably, and the ring punishes them
journal entry before her disappearance states that she and if they do not. Any roll made to resist degeneration while
her cabal were intent on traveling to Israel to determine in possession of the Artifact suffers a one die penalty.
the truth about their discovery.
The Seal of Solomon is a golden ring with a filigree of a
six-pointed star. Through some oddity of mystical design,
Symbol of Negation (Artifact •••••••)
Durability 4, Size 1, Structure 5
the ring will only fit on the ring-finger of the owner’s right
Mana Capacity: None
hand. The Seal holds a persistent power that makes the
wearer immune to possession and shields his mind from The Symbol of Negation is a small, flat disc (about the
the influences of any sentient being alien to the material size of the top of a soda can) made from bronze, etched with
realm. Wearing the ring allows the user to speak and read a single Abyssal rune on both sides. For mages, the metal
any language, including extradimensional languages. By of the Artifact is painful to touch, searing bare skin with
spending a point of Mana and a point of Willpower, the an icy chill. Obviously Abyssal in nature, even carrying
owner of the Seal of Solomon can attempt to banish any the Symbol of Negation has a negative effect on mages,
creature not native to the material realm. The owner rolls his reducing their maximum amount of Mana by one. The
Supernal in some way. A single raindrop that originated in from a Hallow is pure enough to be absorbed for the pur-
the Aether might have seeped into the ground and taken poses of recharging an Echo. Mana from other sources is
on the shape of a diamond. These forms aren’t fixed. Echoes stored in the Echo in the same way as Artifacts without
are somewhat psychoactive in nature, taking on forms that contributing to the overall recharging. Echoes require a
fit in with their surroundings, even if those surroundings total of 35 Mana before they revive. If an Echo is removed
change. A Supernal Echo from the Primal Wild — buried from the Hallow at any point before reaching the 35 Mana
in the foundations of a building — that originally calcified threshold, the Echo immediately returns to dormancy and
in the shape of an extinct animal might change shape to the process must begin anew.
that of a rat or pigeon. Regardless of the form they take, A revived Supernal Echo begins to alter the nature of a
Supernal Echoes share the enhanced durability of normal Hallow, injecting its surrounding with hints of its Supernal
Artifacts. home. An Echo from the Realm of Celestial Spheres might
Even after their mystical nature has been revealed, most generate a constant static charge in the Hallow or cause
mages are likely to believe they’ve stumbled across an Ar- the walls (or surroundings) to weep phantasmal rivulets of
tifact of some sort. Certainly Supernal Echoes can be used water, spiked with Prime. An Echo from the Realm of the
as simple Artifacts. They store Mana and provide a minor Lunargent Thorn might create a localized field of slowed
boost to spell casting, but this is the least beneficial manner time or mystically bar entry to the Hallow to anyone who
to employ the power of a Supernal Echo. Mages that cor- has recently broken a promise. Even though these atmo-
rectly identify the Supernal Echo for what it is realize the spheric effects are magical in nature, and even if they come
rare treasure they hold. Though it isn’t possible to return in solid form, they can’t be used as Tass. Supernal Echoes
the Echoes to the Supernal to recharge them, the magical continue to absorb all potential Mana from a Hallow after
wellsprings called Hallows can revive the powers of the they revive. If a revived Echo is removed from a Hallow,
Echoes. Placed in a Hallow, Supernal Echoes absorb the the Echo returns to dormancy and must be revived anew.
free Mana that flows from such places and work changes The Hallow will revert to its usual nature after 24 hours.
on the Hallow that resonate with the Supernal Realm to For mages with a magical nature resonant with a revived
which the Echo belongs. A fully energized Supernal Echo is Supernal Echo, stepping into the Hallow is like stepping
a powerful magical tool and resource. The cost of reviving into a reflection of that Supernal Realm. Some mages find
and using the Echoes can be steep, but most mages find the experience exciting and intoxicating, others are moved
the price is right. to tears by the renewed knowledge of what was lost.
Used as a simple Artifact, Supernal Echoes have a single Being what they are, Mages that take time to study a
persistent power that grants a +1 bonus to all spells cast revived Supernal Echo eventually attempt to devise ways
with an Arcanum resonant to the Echo (see chart below of using the Echo to provide more than interesting special
for Supernal resonances). Supernal Echoes start out with effects. These studies can either be acted out in-game or
zero Mana, but can be recharged in the same way as other the Storyteller can call for an extended research action.
Artifacts. Unlike “true” Artifacts, Supernal Echoes do not Regardless of method, characters should eventually discover
regenerate Mana on a daily basis. Supernal Echoes can hold they can manipulate the Supernal Echo to produce specific
a total of 11 points of Mana. (For more information on effects. Manipulating a Supernal Echo to produce an effect
Artifacts, see Mage: the Awakening, p. 80.) Mages that requires more from a mage than simple concentration.
study a Supernal Echo can uncover its true potential with The mage must provoke reaction by exciting the Echo
research and experimentation. Experimentation is left as with physical stimuli or activities, similar to performing
a roleplaying exercise, while research is performed as a an oblation. A Supernal Echo from the Primal Wild might
standard extended action. respond to a mage that cuts his hand then repairs the dam-
Supernal Resonances age with a spell. An Echo resonant with Pandemonium
Realm Arcana might respond to an illusion that frightens onlookers. If
Aether Forces and Prime the stimuli are deemed acceptable by the Storyteller, the
character then rolls Arcanum + the favored Resistance At-
Arcadia Fate and Time
tribute of the mage’s Path (Arcanum is determined by the
Pandemonium Mind and Space Supernal resonance of the Echo). Mages that follow a Path
Primal Wild Life and Spirit that favors different Arcana than the Supernal resonance
Stygia Death and Matter of the Echo suffer a –3 penalty to the roll.
Once a mage figures out the manifest potential of a Su- Roll Results
pernal Echo, the next step is to secure a Hallow in which Dramatic Failure: Both the Supernal Echo and the mage
to “plant” the Echo. Supernal Echoes absorb all ambient suffer a paradox backlash. The Echo loses two points of
Mana from a Hallow, meaning no mage can gather Mana Structure and the mage is subjected to an Anomaly (see
while an Echo is present. Only Mana that flows directly Mage: the Awakening, p. 271).
slumber, the Celestial power within called to the mundane whatever most terrifies the mage with its skewed geometry.
lightning of the Fallen World, delighting in the showers Depending on location, seizing the Statue from its resting
of sparks. Viewed with the magics of Prime or Forces, the place may be as simple as claiming the Supernal Echo or
Lightning Rod glows a vivid, electric blue. Spotting the as complex as overcoming high-tech security.
Lightning Rod is the most difficult part of obtaining it. As the Nightmarish Statue absorbs the Mana of a Hallow,
Even mages don’t look up all that often to consider the its dimensions seem to grow and shrink, though it always
ornaments people have tacked onto their roofs. Lightning occupies the same amount of space. Upon its revival, the
Rod in hand, a mage can easily transport the Supernal Echo sensation of being watched by the Statue fills the minds of
and affix it to the highest point of a Hallow. those who visit the Hallow. Half-remembered nightmares
Storm clouds tend to gather over the Lightning Rod as flicker in the places between shadows, along with visions
it absorbs the Mana of a Hallow. When the Lightning Rod of atrocities committed halfway around the globe. Fear
has gathered enough Mana to revive, it begins to emit a is an unspoken language and movement is an illusion of
low humming noise, fills the air with the smell of ozone and the mind. Anyone within the Hallow can communicate
shocks anyone that touches it. Artifacts left in the Hallow telepathically (willing or no) and mages needn’t lift a foot
overnight are drawn toward the Lightning Rod, like iron to physically travel from place to place inside the Hallow.
filings to a magnet and regenerate an additional point of The easiest method of manipulating the Statue is by giving
Mana. The Hallow crackles with enough ambient electric- in to the terror it creates. Mages that sleep in the Hallow
ity to overload delicate electronic equipment, burning out have awful nightmares, which excite the Supernal Echo
their computer cores. The intentional “sacrifice” of such to generate the desired effect.
electronic items can be used to excite the Echo. Resonant Used to Commune, the Nightmarish Statue assumes the
mages (at least three dots in Forces) that perform such a likeness of an inhabitant of Pandemonium. The shifting
sacrifice can tap into the ambient power to cast their daily faces of these entities answer questions in faint voices that
spells without expending Mana. resonate in the mind. Harvesting the power of the Statue
Used to Commune, the Lightning Rod reverses its charge is a trial of the mind. Shards in the form of nightmares are
and splits the air with a bolt of liquid lightning that splashes injected, one after another, into the consciousness of the
down into a puddle. By peering in the sparking water, the mage. Until the mage drains the nightmare shards to boost
mage can see and hear the Celestial he wishes to question. his spells he is subject to the Nightmares Flaw (see sidebar).
Excited for Harvesting, the Lightning Rod oozes floating, By choosing to endure horrors for the sake of power, the
golf ball sized spheres of the same liquid lightning. These mage gains a steely determination while haunted by a shard
shards are cool and pliant to the touch, feeling vaguely (+1 to all Resolve rolls). Used to Summon, the Nightmarish
like water balloons. Any mage carrying one of these shards Statue shrieks and wails before crumbling to ash.
feels the calm remoteness of a gathering storm and gains
a +1 bonus to all Composure rolls. When drained of their
magic, the shards explode in tiny bursts that deal one point
of resistant bashing damage to the user. If the Lightning Rod Mental Flaw: Nightmares
is used to Summon, it draws all the energy of the Hallow Some people are naturally predisposed
to it before imploding and vanishing forever. towards nightmares, perhaps as a result of
events they have witnessed or just as the
Nightmarish Statue result of a weak psyche. People with this
Flaw dread the hours they must give over
Durability 4, Size 3, Structure 7
to sleep and do so as little as possible.
The terrors that reverberate through the endless vaults
Each time the character beds down for the
of the mind take on tangible and illusory substance in the
night she must roll Resolve + Composure.
Realm of Nightmares. This energy, trapped in the Fallen
With success the character manages not to
World, coalesced in the shape of a grotesque onyx statue,
dream at all and regains the normal point
its featureless profile hinting at angles that oughtn’t to ex-
of Willpower. If the roll fails, the charac-
ist. Worshipped as an aspect of the gods by the primitive
ter is plagued by nightmares and doesn’t
humans that found it, the Nightmarish Statue passed down
gain the benefits of a peaceful night’s rest.
through the eons from tribe to tribe until it was collected
Storytellers should feel free to modify the
as an archaeological curiosity or fell into darkness. A mage
roll based on elements such as the Moral-
might find the Statue as part of a museum exhibit or while
ity rating of the character, derangements,
delving among the ruins of a lost city. Viewed with the
recent events or use of sleeping aids.
magics of Mind or Space, the Nightmarish Statue becomes
even more disturbing, combining the worst features of
Supernal Echo, resonant mages can see clearly into unusual spirits possess this Numen, as well. The
Twilight without resorting to magic, and transmuting spirit spends a point of Essence and rolls Power +
spells require no Mana expenditure. Mages can excite Finesse, with success enabling the entity to ascend
the energies of the Coffer by engraving the names of into the Astral Realm. In the event that its way is
recently dead family members into stone, without barred (by a spell, for example), the spirit’s successes
the use of magic. are compared to those of the effect confining it. By
Used to Commune, the Stygian Coffer opens and spending an additional point of Essence per passenger,
a shadowy image of the entity called crawls out to the spirit can take along with it the consciousnesses
stand before the mage and speak its answers. When of willing individuals, who are then subject to all of
the Coffer is Harvested, heavy, lead coins with the the customary rules of the Astral reaches.
faces of long dead monarchs appear in the Coffer as Binding Vow: This Numen is shared by certain
shards. While a mage carries a shard, he is forced to see Supernal entities descending from both the Aether
the ghosts of the restless dead that wander the Earth. and Arcadia, though it is also known to a variety
An unwary mage quickly learns the ghosts can touch of other spirits from various realms (Acamoth and
him and many do just that, their longing for physi- Gulmoth, included), and some which are native to
cal contact overwhelming after years of ephemeral the Fallen World. To create a Binding Vow, the spirit
existence. Forced to constant alertness to avoid the spends a point of Essence and rolls Power + Finesse as
unwanted caresses of the dead breeds a certain wari- a reflexive action while acting as witness to a promise
ness and mages in possession of a shard gain a +1 to willingly sworn. Some entities may be willing to ac-
all Wits rolls. Used to Summon, the Stygian Coffer cept words freely spoken while under duress, while
opens and draws the power of the Hallow into its others may not. A person unwilling to accept the use
empty shell before collapsing in a heap of common of this Numen upon him may reflexively contest it,
stone pebbles. using Composure + Gnosis. The use of this Numen
is in every other way identical to the Fate 4 spell,
“Sanctify Oaths” (Mage: The Awakening, pp. 157–8);
identical enough, in fact, that any Awakened magic
used to alter a Fate-based oath can similarly effect
The myriad entities that mages summon wield many
the Binding Vow. Rumors exist of spirits capable of
of the same abilities as commoner sorts of spirits (see
inflicting even more potent bindings upon others,
Mage: The Awakening, pp. 321), but some possess
using a Numen version of the Fate 5 spell, “Geas”
more rarified supernatural powers. These Numina
(Mage: The Awakening, p. 160).
are typically only found in the summoned entities
specified under their respective descriptions; in the Create Anomaly: This Numen is unique to Abyssal
majority of cases, the abilities are proprietary to the spirits — either Acamoth or Gulmoth — and enables
types of spirits listed for them. Gulmoth, for example, such an entity to create an Anomaly Paradox, at-
don’t invoke Trials, while the chthonic beings of the tuned to a single Supernal Realm, appropriate to the
Underworld have no understanding of an Anomaly spirit’s nature. The spirit spends a point of Essence
Paradox, let alone how to create one. and rolls Power + Finesse as an instant action. The
effective Arcanum dot level to determine the size of
Accelerate: This Numen is proprietary to a hand-
the Anomaly is equal to the creature’s Rank, with
ful of potent Arcadian Supernal spirits, though rare
no upper limit. Subtract the entity’s Rank from 10 to
accounts exist of beings from unknown realms —
determine an effective Wisdom score for the purposes
perhaps those in which time, itself, has no meaning
of the effect’s duration. Acamoth and Gulmoth with
— possessing this ability, as well. On its initiative in
this Numen are rare, as a certain degree of connec-
a given turn, the spirit spends five points of Essence
tion to a given Supernal Realm is necessary to create
as a reflexive action and may act twice that turn,
such a Paradox.
though only one of its two actions may involve the
use of an Influence or another Numen. Derange: This Numen is common to Acamoth
and Gulmoth, as well as certain Supernal spirits of
Astral Sojourn: This Numen is often possessed by
Pandemonium, some alien beings from outside of the
spirits from the various layers of the Astral Realm and,
known Realms, and a few terrestrial spirits (particularly
sometimes, by those descending from Pandemonium
those aligned with madness and similar concepts).
or even from the Abyss. Certain other particularly
The spirit spends a point of Essence and rolls Power
not all Supernal beings possess Trial, as not
all require tests of the specific sorts created
by this Numen.
Underworld Gate: This Numen is used
only by some Supernal spirits of Stygia
and those native to the Underworld, and
potentially by a scant few Abyssal entities.
The spirit spends a point of Essence and
rolls Power + Finesse as an instant action,
with success opening a doorway into the
Underworld for the remainder of the scene.
By spending an additional five points of Es-
sence a day, however, the spirit may keep
the Underworld Gate open for considerably
longer. The Underworld Gate must be opened
at the location of a doorway or other portal
(the mouth of a cave, the shaft of a well, or
a free-standing arch, for example) and may
be freely used by any being on either side of
the gate for as long as it remains open.
Usurp Vice: Certain Daimonic Supernal
spirits possess this Numen, as well as a hand-
ful from the Aether, and a number of spirits
native to the Abyss. A handful of especially
potent goetic demons also know this Numen,
as do some Fallen World spirits aligned to
disparate vices (or the concept of vice as a
whole). Whenever a character within sensory
range of the spirit would regain Willpower
through the indulgence of her Vice, the
spirit may reflexively roll Power + Finesse,
reflexively contested by the target’s Resolve
+ Gnosis. If the spirit succeeds, the character
does not recover a point of Willpower (though
she is treated as though she did, meaning that
Path Realm, though the Trial exists within the soul of subsequent actions that resonate with her Vice will
the individual, rather than manifesting externally. not yield a point of Willpower); instead, the spirit
A mage is capable of refusing a Trial, though this gains a point of Essence.
almost always ends the Supernal summoning pre- Versatile Energies: Certain rare spirits from vari-
maturely, as the spirit judges her unworthy of aid or ous alien realms possess this bizarre Numen, which
guidance. Even if the willworker accepts and embarks enables them to spend points of Corpus, Essence,
upon the Trial, it can be quite easy to fail in many and Willpower interchangeably. It is possible that a
cases, though the Supernal spirit might determine a handful of spirits from elsewhere (perhaps associated
supplicant to be worthy if she strongly embodied the with adaptability, evolution, or other such concepts)
virtues of her Path, even in failure. might possess this Numen, as well, or a slightly more
See the Supernal entities of Chapter Two for numer- limited form of it (only enabling direct conversion
ous examples of the Trial Numen in use. Note that between two of the three traits, for instance).