Campbell 2010
Campbell 2010
Campbell 2010
Journal of Catalysis
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Article history: Tailor-made and size-controlled ruthenium nanoparticles, RuNPs, of three distinct sizes between 1 and
Received 1 June 2010 3 nm are generated from the decomposition of (g4-1,5-cyclooctadiene)(g6-1,3,5-cyclooctatriene)
Revised 19 July 2010 ruthenium(0) [Ru(COD)(COT)], under H2 in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulpho-
Accepted 21 July 2010
nyl)imide, C1C4ImNTf2, by simply varying experimental conditions. Catalytic hydrogenation of 1,3-cyclo-
hexadiene, CYD, and cyclohexene, CYE, in C1C4ImNTf2, has been used as a probe for the relationship
between size and catalytic performance (activity and selectivity) of RuNPs. To allow comparison between
different reactions, all catalytic reaction mixtures were diligently prepared in order that the parameters
such as substrate/catalyst and substrate/ionic liquid ratio, and therefore, viscosity and mass transport
Ionic liquids factors remained constant. It was found that the catalytic activity increases with the NP size, while high
Size effect selectivity is only observed with the smaller NPs. In addition, the studied RuNPs exhibit a high level of
Selective hydrogenation recyclability with neither loss of activity nor significant agglomeration.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0021-9517/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
100 P.S. Campbell et al. / Journal of Catalysis 275 (2010) 99–107
of 1,3-cyclohexadiene, CYD, and cyclohexene, CYE, as probes for carbon). Binding energies were determined with an accuracy of
the relationship between size and catalytic performance of tailor- ±0.2 eV. The data were analysed using Casa-XPS (v 2.3.13) employ-
made and size-controlled RuNPs, generated in the ionic liquid, all ing a Shirley background subtraction prior to fitting and a peak
other physicochemical variables being constant. shape with a combination of Gaussian and Lorentzian (30%
Lorentzian). High-resolution spectra were acquired in the region
2. Experimental of Ru 3p as the Ru 3d region overlaps with the C 2p region of the
residual ionic liquid.
2.1. Materials and methods
2.5. Preparation of catalytic experiments
All operations were performed in the strict absence of oxygen
and water under a purified argon atmosphere using glovebox (Jac- In Table 1 are collected all data concerning the studied hydroge-
omex or MBraun) or vacuum-line (Schlenk) techniques. The ionic nation reaction. In columns 1–3, size and dispersion values of
liquid, C1C4ImNTf2 [30], and the complex, [Ru(COD)(COT)] [31], (Ru0), (Ru25) and (Ru50) are reported.
were synthesised as reported. The halide content of the ionic liquid Each solution of NP was produced from the decomposition of
was under 200 ppm (E.A.) and water under 5 ppm (limit of Karl 43.0 mmol L1 solution of Ru(COD)(COT) as described in Section
Fischer titration). Elemental analyses were performed at the CNRS 2.2 and shown in column 4.
Central Analysis Department of Solaize. For each different temperature of decomposition, a different
1-Methylimidazole (>99%) was purchased from Aldrich and dis- size of NP is obtained: at 0 °C, 1.1 nm (Ru0); at 25 °C, 2.3 nm
tilled prior to use. Chlorobutane (>99%, Aldrich) and lithium bis(tri- (Ru25); and at 50 °C, 2.9 nm (Ru50), shown in columns 1 and 2.
fluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (Solvionic) were used without The value of dispersion, D, describing the ratio of surface sites
further purification. Rus to total number of ruthenium atoms, varies with the NP size
and is given for each size of NP in column 3. Using this and the
known concentration of ruthenium (43.0 mmol L1), it is possible
2.2. Catalyst synthesis
to calculate for each size of catalyst the concentration of Rus (col-
umn 5). For example, for Ru0 (1.1 nm), we have a dispersion of 82%
A solution of (g4-1,5-cyclooctadiene)(g6-1,3,5-cyclooctatri-
and therefore a Rus concentration of 35.2 mmol L1.
ene)ruthenium(0) Ru(COD)(COT) (43 mmol L1) in the ionic liquid
To prepare the catalytic mixtures, we must have the same num-
1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulphonyl)imide
ber of catalyst sites. For this reason, we dilute the most concen-
(C1C4ImNTf2) was transferred under argon to a glass autoclave,
trated solutions, i.e. Ru0 and Ru25, to match the least
the temperature of which was controlled with aid of a thermostatic
concentrated, i.e. Ru50, by the addition of the appropriate amount
bath (0, 25, 50 or 75 °C). Once stabilised, the argon atmosphere was
of pure IL.
evacuated and replaced with molecular hydrogen (4 bar) without
Ru50 has a concentration of Rus of 18.5 mmol L1. A 5-mL sam-
stirring. The yellow solution turned black over time (up to 3 days)
ple of this solution therefore contains 9.52 105 mol of Rus.
as RuNPs were generated releasing cyclooctane (COA) as the only
Ru25 has a concentration of Rus of 22.9 mmol L1. A 3.74-mL
by-product. The resulting solutions were treated under dynamic
sample of this solution is therefore taken, containing
vacuum during a period of 6 h to remove all H2 and cyclooctane.
9.52 105 mol of Rus, and then diluted with 1.26 mL of pure IL
The black solutions could then be stored under argon atmosphere
to make a 5-mL solution.
with long-term stability (at least 6 months – no precipitation, coa-
Ru0 has a concentration of Rus of 35.2 mmol L1. A 2.58-mL
lescence or agglomeration – verified by TEM).
sample of this solution therefore contains 9.52 105 mol of Rus
diluted with 2.42 mL of pure IL to make a 5-mL solution (columns
2.3. Determination of particle size by TEM 6–8).
To each of these 5-mL catalyst/IL solutions, weighing 7.0 g (col-
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments were umn 9), is added 0.78 g of CYD (column 10). This gives catalytic
performed directly in the IL media. A thin film of RuNP solution mixtures with constant substrate/catalyst ratios of 105 (column
in IL was deposited on a carbon film supported by a copper grid. 11) and constant substrate/IL ratios of 0.59 (column 12) ensuring
Conventional TEM micrographs were obtained at the Centre Tech- identical viscosities and a single phase.
nologique des Microstructures, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Using solutions prepared as described, the reaction is carried
Villeurbanne, France, using a Philips 120 CX electron microscope out in parallel in several 0.5-mL batches under 1.2 bars of pure
with acceleration voltage of 120 kV. Size distribution histograms molecular hydrogen, which are stirred and heated with the aid of
were constructed from the measurement of at least 200 different a thermostatic carousel, to ensure identical reaction conditions.
nanoparticles assuming a near spherical shape and random orien-
tation. High-resolution electron micrographs were obtained at the 2.6. Catalytic tests
‘‘TEMSCAN” centre of the Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3, Tou-
louse, France, using a JEOL JEM 200CX electron microscope with Catalytic solutions were made as described in Section 2.5 in a
acceleration voltage of 200 kV. glove box and left stirring for 12 h in a closed system to ensure
homogeneity. Aliquots of 0.5 mL were transferred to identical
2.4. XPS Schlenk tubes containing cross-shaped magnetic stirrer bars. The
argon atmosphere was removed, and the solution was degassed
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was performed in a Kratos in vacuo whilst cooling in liquid nitrogen (196 °C). For reactions
Axis Ultra DLD spectrometer, using a monochromated Al Ka X- at 30 °C, six of these Schlenk tubes were placed in a thermostatic
ray with a pass energy of 20 eV and a coaxial charge neutraliser. carousel to ensure identical temperature and stirring conditions.
The base pressure in the analysis chamber was better than After 30 min, when the temperature had stabilised, the Schlenk
5 108 Pa. XPS spectra of Ru3p, C1s, Si2p and O1s levels were tubes were opened to 1.2 bars of H2. After t minutes, a Schlenk tube
measured at a normal angle with respect to the plane of the sur- was isolated and opened to air, releasing the H2 atmosphere thus
face. High-resolution spectra were corrected for charging effects quenching the reaction. The solution was entirely dissolved in
by assigning a value of 284.6 eV to the C1s peak (adventitious 10 mL of acetonitrile containing a 1 M concentration of toluene.
P.S. Campbell et al. / Journal of Catalysis 275 (2010) 99–107 101
Table 1
Calculations for the composition of the catalytic systems. Column 1 – name of catalyst, column 2 – average RuNP diameter measured by TEM, column 3 – calculated dispersion,
column 4 – initial Ru(COD)(COT) concentration, column 5 – consequent Rus concentration, column 6 – volume of IL/RuNP solution, column 7 – volume of pure IL added, column 8
– consequent number of moles of Rus in the 5 mL mixture, column 9 – mass of IL, column 10 – mass of substrate, column 11 – substrate/catalyst ratio, column 12 – substrate/IL
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
d D [Ru] (mmol L1) [Rus] (mmol L1) Vol. IL–RuNP Vol. IL pure (mL) Rus/105 (mol) m (IL/g) m (CYD/g) CYD/Rus CYD/IL
(nm) (%) solution (mL)
Ru0 1.1 82 43.0 35.2 2.42 2.58 9.52 7.0 0.78 105 0.59
Ru25 2.3 53 43.0 22.9 3.74 1.26 9.52 7.0 0.78 105 0.59
Ru50 2.9 43 43.0 18.5 5.00 – 9.52 7.0 0.78 105 0.59
The composition of the mixture was determined by gas-phase CYD may be partially hydrogenated with high selectivity by molec-
chromatography using toluene as the internal standard. ular catalysts due to the reduced miscibility of cyclohexene (CYE)
in the medium [27,32,33]. Full hydrogenation would lead to cyclo-
2.7. Product quantification hexane (CYA), Scheme 1.
Table 2
Density, q, and viscosity, g, of CYD–IL mixtures of different compositions. xIL = molar
fraction of IL, R = molar ratio CYD/IL.
H2 R xIL q (g cm3) g (m Pa s)
+ 0.000 1.000 1.4376 ± 0.0001 48.5 ± 0.4
0.100 0.909 1.4202 ± 0.0001 44 ± 1
0.200 0.833 1.3999 ± 0.0001 37.0 ± 0.4
0.300 0.769 1.3874 ± 0.0003 33.3 ± 0.3
CYD CYE CYA 0.397 0.716 1.3718 ± 0.0001 31.0 ± 0.3
0.498 0.667 1.3597 ± 0.0001 24.8 ± 0.3
Scheme 1. 1,3-Cyclohexadiene and its hydrogenation products.
102 P.S. Campbell et al. / Journal of Catalysis 275 (2010) 99–107
3.4. Catalyst characterisation
It has been previously demonstrated that the size of RuNPs
generated from the decomposition of [Ru(COD)(COT)] under H2
[36], may be governed by the degree of self-organisation of the 40
imidazolium-based ionic liquid in which they are formed: the
more structured the ionic liquid, the smaller the size [16]. Follow- 20
ing previously described methods, RuNPs are synthesised at 0 °C,
25 °C, 50 °C and 75 °C in an attempt to obtain a selection of mono-
1 2 3 4 5
disperse sizes of RuNP in the same IL.
Size/ nm
3.4.1. TEM Fig. 2. Comparative size distribution histograms for RuNPs prepared in C1C4Im NTf2
Analysis of the suspensions obtained by transition electron at different temperatures.
microscopy allows the determination of the sizes generated:
1.1 ± 0.2 nm, 2.3 ± 0.3 nm, 2.9 ± 0.4 nm and 3.1 ± 0.7 nm, for RuNPs interplanar distances match with the hcp crystalline phase of Ru
generated at 0 °C (Ru0), 25 °C (Ru25), 50 °C (Ru50) and 75 °C (Ru75), (see Supplementary information). For Ru0, only a larger NP of
respectively, Fig. 1. As can be seen from the TEM image of Ru75 and 2 nm is observed by HREM, probably due to the difficulty in
the consequent size distribution histogram Fig. 2, the size of these observing the smallest NPs with limited contrast although may
NPs does not vary significantly compared to those of Ru50 although be indicative of a lower degree of crystallinity in very small RuNPs,
a poorer size control (wider distribution) is apparent. For this rea- as already observed by reverse Monte Carlo simulations.[37].
son, these NPs are not used in catalytic tests. High-resolution elec-
tron microscopy reveals the crystalline nature of the RuNPs formed 3.4.2. XPS
through elucidation of the crystal planes. The Fourier transform In order to establish the oxidation state of the RuNPs, X-ray
images of the HREM have been exploited and indicate that the photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is performed. Due to the weak
Fig. 1. Transition electron micrograph of RuNPs and high-resolution electron micrograph examples showing crystallinity for Ru0 (top left), Ru25 (top right), Ru50 (bottom left)
and Ru75 (bottom right).
P.S. Campbell et al. / Journal of Catalysis 275 (2010) 99–107 103
Ru 3p1/2
490 480 470 460 450 490 480 470 460 450 490 480 470 460 450
Binding Energy / eV Binding Energy / eV Binding Energy / eV
Fig. 3. XPS spectra of the Ru 3p region after NP filtration onto SiO2, experimental data and fitted peaks. Left Ru0, middle Ru25 and right Ru50.
concentration of the solution and the penetration limit of the
X-rays in the solution (maximum depth of 10 nm), no peaks corre-
sponding to Ru binding energies are observed when the analyses 80%
are carried out directly on the RuNP/IL solutions. Samples are 70%
therefore prepared by filtering the RuNPs onto silica under inert 60%
atmosphere and eliminating as much IL as possible. The resulting
spectra of the Ru 3p region are depicted in Fig. 3. It is clear that
in each case, fine peaks are observed, indicating the presence of 40%
only one Ru species. The low 3p3/2 binding energy observed in each 30%
case, 460.3 eV, and doublet separation of 22.2 eV correspond clo- 20%
sely to metallic zero-valent ruthenium, often reported with a
3p3/2 binding energy of around 461 eV [38]. The small difference
may be attributed to the presence of small crystallites, which tend 0%
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
to exhibit lower binding energies than bulk metal. Indeed, as re-
cently shown for AuNPs [39], the d band narrows with decreasing Diameter / nm
particle size and shifts towards the Fermi level. Fig. 4. Curve of dispersion D against mean diameter of crystalline hcp RuNPs.
Table 3
Conversion, selectivity, turnover number and turnover frequency for the hydrogenation of CYD at 30 °C. Experiments 1–3 using 1.2 bar H2. Experiments 4 and 5 using 4 bar H2.
Experiment number Catalyst (nm) Pressure H2 (bar) Conversion at 90 min (%) Selectivity CYE (%) TON TOF (h1) Size after catalysis (nm)
1 Ru0 (1.1) 1.2 66 ± 5 97 70 ± 5 46 ± 3 1.3 ± 0.4
2 Ru25 (2.3) 1.2 75 ± 5 86 79 ± 5 53 ± 3 2.1 ± 0.5
3 Ru50 (2.9) 1.2 83 ± 5 80 87 ± 5 58 ± 3 2.7 ± 0.5
4 Ru0 (1.1) 4.0 57 ± 5 92 59 ± 5 40 ± 3 –
5 Ru50 (2.9) 4.0 73 ± 5 80 77 ± 5 51 ± 3 –
Fig. 6. SYBYL representations of CYD coordinated to the face of highly crystalline RuNPs of mean diameter 1.3 nm (left) and 2.8 nm (right).
Fig. 7. Transition electron micrographs of RuNPs after CYD hydrogenation for Ru0 (left), Ru25 (middle) and Ru50 (right).
Table 5
Recycling of the catalyst Ru0. Conversion, selectivity, turnover number and turnover frequency for the hydrogenation of CYD at 30 °C under 1.2 bar H2. Products removed under
vacuum after each run and analysed by GC.
Experiment number Cycle Conversion at 90 min (%) Selectivity CYE (%) TON TOF (h1) Size after catalysis (nm)
1 1st 66 97 70 46 1.3 ± 0.4
9 2nd 73 95 76 51 –
10 3rd 69 94 73 49 –
11 4th 68 89 71 47 –
12 5th 64 86 67 45 –
13 6th 65 86 68 45 1.8 ± 0.5
3.10. Recycling the most selective catalyst, Ru0, recycling experiments are per-
formed, by extracting in vacuo and quantifying the volatiles after
TEM images of the reaction medium after hydrogenation, Fig. 7, each 90-min run. More CYD is then added for hydrogenation. From
show that the average size measured (Table 3) does not differ the results, Table 5 and Fig. 8, it can be seen that both the activity
greatly from the original size, in accordance with the stability of and selectivity remain high after five recycles, diminishing only
RuNPs in ILs under molecular hydrogen [17]; however, the size dis- slightly with each run. This small decrease of course is attributable
tribution is larger, probably as an effect of stirring [65]. to the gradual coalescence of the NPs, leading to a diminution in
The apparent resistance to coalescence of the NPs means that the number of active surface sites and larger, less selective NPs.
they may be tested for their recyclability. Consequently, using Indeed, TEM images obtained of the NPs after all recycling
106 P.S. Campbell et al. / Journal of Catalysis 275 (2010) 99–107
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