Carry-Throough Structure

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Vol. 33, No. 3, May-June 1996

Sailplane Carry-Through Structures Made

with Composite Materials
Brian E. Thompson* and Robert D. Lotzf
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York 12180-3590

The carry-through structure, which joins and transmits loads between aircraft wings and fuselage, is
a box-and-beam configuration made from composite materials hi the RP series of all-composite sailplanes.
Increases hi the size and weight of these aircraft increased the complexity of their carry-through struc-
tures. RP-1 has an interference-fit, box-and-beam configuration that was repeated in RP-2, but it failed
during static testing because of peeling of the box capstrips at about 95% of design load. Because of this
failure, the RP-2 carry through was redesigned with clearance between the box and beam and with phis
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transferring the bending loads: this redesign was adopted and modified for RP-3. The RP-1, RP-2, and
RP-3 carry throughs and associated flight-worthiness tests are presented here and their implications for
aircraft design with composite materials are discussed.

I. Introduction Torsion Pin

T HE carry-through structure is traditionally the heaviest

structural component in a sailplane because it transmits
the largest loads in the aircraft that are the result of wing bend-
ing, torsional, and shear forces that carry through to the fu-
selage. Wing-root bending moments tend to be very large in
sailplanes because of their long, slender wings. Sailplanes also Main Pins
require dismountable wings that can be quickly and easily
reassembled. For these reasons, the design of sailplane carry
throughs has been crucial to overall sailplane performance,1
and a challenging problem involving operations, structures,
materials, and aerodynamics.
Figure 1 shows conventional sailplane carry-through struc-
tures. A wooden carry through is shown with heavy, bulky
steel reinforcements, and is typical of classical sailplanes. The Torsion Pin
most common free-floating carry-through structure for certified
sailplanes made of fiberglass composite materials is also
shown in Fig. 1, and is compared to its contemporary variation
with two tongues next to each other and slightly offset spars,
which is typical of recent designs of high-performance, open-
class sailplanes. The simpler fork-and-tongue configuration de-
creases assembly time and takes advantage of the anisotropic
properties of specifically graphite-reinforced-epoxy compos-
ites. At the end of each spar tongue is a guide pin that fits into
a rod-end bearing in the root rib of the other wing and trans-
mits bending loads between the wings. This pin also provides
guidance during final assembly. These designs are free floating
because only wing bending loads are transmitted by the carry-
through structure and pins. Additional locking pins are usually
located in the shear web to transmit rolling torsional forces
and to locate the wings in position on the fuselage. Also, two
torsion pins are provided in the leading and trailing edge to
transmit pitching and yawing torsional moments and loads be-
tween the fuselage and wing. These designs trade weight sav-
ings for reliable serviceability. Assembly and disassembly is
Locking Pin

Received Oct. 24, 1994; revision received Dec. 21, 1995; accepted
for publication Dec. 21, 1995. Copyright © 1996 by the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Associate Professor, Chief Engineer, Rensselaer Composite Air-
craft, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineer- Fig. 1 Carry-through structures of conventional sailplanes: a)
ing and Mechanics. Senior Member AIAA. traditional wooden (ca. 1950), b) fiberglass composite materials
tGraduate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aero- (ca. 1972), and c) graphite-reinforced-epoxy composite materials
nautical Engineering and Mechanics. (ca. 1988).

straightforward and accomplished safely in about 15 min by a duced in the Rensselaer Composite Aircraft Studio since
three-person crew. 1976. This studio evolved from a research project into an
This article presents a history of RP-series carry throughs undergraduate design course integrated into the engineering
made from fiber-reinforced-epoxy composites, and places em- curriculum that has given students practical experience,
phasis on lessons learned with the RP-2 carry through and on knowledge of aircraft, and understanding for engineering air-
the RP-3 design. The following section presents a brief history craft with composite materials. Its main objective has been
of RP-series aircraft and Sec. Ill outlines the design motiva- education, and these aircraft were designed and built by over
tions for the RP-1 carry-through structure. Section IV presents 1000 undergraduate and graduate students from mechanical
initial and redesigned RP-2 carry throughs with emphasis engineering, aeronautical engineering, physics, chemistry, ap-
placed on the knowledge gained from static and flight tests. plied physics, computer science and materials engineering as
Section V follows with a description of the RP-3 carry-through part of their Rensselaer experience. It is within this context
structure and the combination of test results that support its that the RP-series carry throughs were designed, tested, and
flight worthiness. This article closes with remarks on advan- fabricated.
tages and limitations of the box-and-beam approach to com-
posite carry throughs for sailplane applications.
III. RP-1 Carry Through
II. History of the RP-Series Aircraft RP-1 was designed to foot-launch. The carry-through struc-
The design of carry throughs and associated engineering
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ture represents a significant fraction of the 115-lb empty

practice have evolved as the RP series progressed from light- weight of RP-1, and so emphasis was placed in its design on
weight solo gliders to dual sailplanes. The first aircraft RP-1 lightweight, simplicity, and separability so that its wings could
was a single-pilot, open-cockpit, lightweight glider and fea- be removed for storage and transport, in addition to load trans-
tured an all-composite Kevlar® and carbon fiber structure. It mission. The optimum carry through for this configuration was
first flew in 1980 and was donated after 60 flight hours to the chosen2 to be the interference-fit, box-and-beam design shown
Empire State Aerosciences Museum for display as the first in Fig. 2. This design features no bulkheads and is based on
student-built, all-composite glider in the U.S. RP-2 is a single- strict separation of load paths where the carry through trans-
pilot, all-composite sailplane that featured an enclosed cockpit mits only wing bending loads, while the pitching and yaw
and first flew in 1985. The RP-3 aircraft is almost six times torsional loads are transmitted through the four torsion pins
the weight of RP-1 and features side-by-side seating, and a located at the leading and trailing edge of the wing-root rib.
significant increase in complexity from both RP-1 and RP-2. In addition, one pin holds the box in the beam and carries only
Table 1 provides salient data about these three sailplanes pro- a connection load. The RP-1 was successfully static tested to

Table 1 Aircraft features

Feature RP-1 RP-2 RP-3
Maximum takeoff weight, Ib 270 450 1000
Empty weight, Ib 115 270 650
Aspect ratio 11 16 17
Length, ft 18.9 21.6 23.6
Height, ft 4.2 4.1 3.9
Wingspan, ft 37.8 44.2 54.0
Wing area, ft3 129 120 180
Maximum glide ratio, mph 20:1 (32) 28:1 (40) 33:1 (53)
Minimum sink rate, ft/s 2.0 1.7 2.1
Wing loading, lb/ft3 2.0 3.8 5.5
Stall speed, mph 22 29 42
Occupancy 1 (open) 1 (enclosed) 2 (enclosed)


4 layer 0/90
Graphite wrap

RP-2 Capstrip Separation

Failure during Static Test
Fig. 2 RP-1 and initial RP-2 carry-through structure.
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Fig. 3 Cutaway diagram of RP-3 carry-through assembly.

a 4-g static load limit prior to obtaining an Airworthiness Cer- specific failure mechanism could not be isolated, failure anal-
tificate and flying in the experimental aircraft category. ysis provided both insights into this carry-through design and
opportunities for improvement, as discussed next.
IV. RP-2 Carry Through After the static-test failure, the RP-2 carry through was re-
After a successful flight of RP-1, the RP-2 carry through designed with the clearance-fit, two-pin concept shown in Fig.
was designed by copying the RP-1 configuration with minor 3. This redesign was chosen for its similarity to the interfer-
changes that included the addition of swivel bearings for the ence-box-and-beam concept and because it offered two struc-
torsion pins and the relocation of torsion pins closer to the tural advantages: 1) there is clearance between box and beam,
carry through to accommodate the primary fuselage structure. and so nondesign, complex loading is not possible; and 2) the
This box-and-beam, interference-fit concept was again chosen loads carried in the shear web are transferred by the pins rather
for its lightweight appropriateness for the low design loads in than having to travel from shear webs into capstrips and back
RP-2, and because of the experience gained in design and fab- into the shear web. A tie-rod was also added to prevent de-
rication of the RP-1 structure. flection that allowed slippage of the wing-root torsion pins.
Two static tests were performed on the RP-2. First, pure Static tests for pure bending and bending-twist were repeated
bending was tested with the airplane loaded to 4 g with 1680 and maximum loads were successfully carried. RP-2 now has
Ib of dead weight that was distributed in 10-Ib sand bags to over 20 flight hours.
simulate the elliptic aerodynamic-lift distribution. This loading
resulted in a slight permanent set that drooped the wingtips V. RP-3 Carry Through
about 0.28 in. after unloading. This test demonstrated struc- This section presents the RP-3 carry through, the approach
tural integrity of the box and beam in pure bending. to its design, its strategy for transmission of loads, and the
The second test was a bending-twist test for 4-g loading. functions of carry-through components, including the box-and-
This test again required a total load of 1680 Ib, but weights beam structures, tie-rod, wing torsion pins, and carry-through-
were placed to match both bending and torsion forces because bulkhead bolts. Design features that avoid the possible failure
of aerodynamic loads in a dive pullout. When the load reached mechanisms found with RP-2 are described.
about 840 Ib, the rear torsion pins slipped from the fuselage Figure 4 shows the assembled RP-3 carry through. Design
bushing and resulted in a small forward rotation of the wings. objectives were similar to those for the RP-1 and RP-2 carry
Loading was continued and the carry-through structure failed throughs, which include lightweight, separability, and simplic-
at 95% of the anticipated maximum test load. Figure 2 shows ity, although there are substantial differences in load-carrying
details of the capstrip that peeled off the box structure. Initial capacity. The RP-3 carry through was designed to avoid the
failure analysis focused on wing-pin slippage, as this slippage possible mechanisms identified during failure analysis of the
would have stressed the sides of the box with torsion loads RP-2 carry through, and these were addressed as follows:
that were designed to be transmitted through the torsion pins. carry-through components were dimensioned and fit to ensure
The actual loading during the test was not considered during clearance between the box and beam throughout the flight en-
the design of the box, and failure may have been because of velope, gussets were added at the discontinuous joint between
the shear flow that exceeded design specifications and caused capstrips and shear webs in the box and beam to provide a
the secondary bond and graphite wraps to fail at the discon- load path to carry shear flows and provide reinforcement for
tinuity at the box corners: this mechanism would have resulted hidden bonds, the tension rod was added at 85% of chord to
in the observed peeling of the capstrips. However, further dam- carry forward moments at high angles of attack and to provide
age occurred when the wings collapsed after the carry through sufficient stiffness to prevent slippage of wing-root torsion
broke, and it could not be established if this was either the pins, and a procedure was developed to prevent prying by the
root cause or the sole failure mechanism. Failure could also beam on the box during assembly. The two torsion pins, which
have been because of damage during assembly, stress concen- are located at 10 and 80% chord on each root rib and transmit
tration at the tip of the beam, or a combination of these and the torsional loads from the root rib to the secondary bulk-
the pull-out mechanism described previously. Although the heads, were disengaged during the RP-2 breakage.

Front Bulkhead

Main Bulkhead
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Fig. 4 Redesigned RP-2 and RP-3 carry-through structure.

The RP-3 wings transmit aerodynamic loads to the root as epoxy seats. During normal loading the box and beam deflect
follows3: wing skins combine with three shear webs (front, in the same direction, and so clearance was diminished only
main, and rear) to create a torsion box for transmission of by the difference in deflections, which was calculated to be
torsional loads to a structural root rib. Figure 4 shows the less than 0.008 in.: this calculation was validated by deflection
internal structure in the vicinity of the carry through. The fibers and strain measurements obtained with a full-scale model of
in the capstrip run continuously from the wing into the box- the beam carry through, which compared within 10% of cal-
and-beam structures. These capstrips are discussed later and culated values and is adequate for the safety factors applied
transmit bending loads to the box-and-beam components, here. Bushings in epoxy seats were measured in test specimens
which in turn convey these to the fuselage through the bolts to deflect less than 0.015 in. The net of all deflections was a
to the main bulkheads. The beam is an extension of the left reduction in clearance of 0.023 in., because of 6-g aerody-
wing main shear web and capstrip, and is connected to the box namic loading within an actual gap of 0.375 in. between box-
component and the two main bulkheads with the two carry- and-beam structures as discussed next.
through-bulkhead bolts. The RP-3 structure was tested at loads The stress distribution around the bulkhead bolts required
of 6-g solo flight and 4-g dual flight, both at a never-to-exceed reinforcing plates to diffuse loads into the shear web of the
speed of 134 kn. Distributions of bending moment and shear box. Cyclic tests confirmed stress distributions on the rein-
force in RP-3 wings, which were obtained from aerodynamic forcing plates divided equally into two bushings. Bushing
load distributions, calculated from solutions of inviscid-flow damage was apparent at 21,000 cycles and failure occurred at
equations with boundary-layer corrections. The wing-root 48,000 cycles under cyclic 6000-lb loading. Strain-gauge
bending moment and maximum shear are 28,000 ft-lb and measurements confirmed the diffusion of stresses into the re-
2450 Ib, respectively, which is more than five and three times inforcing plate and capstrips.
higher than for RP-1 and RP-2, respectively. For the RP-3 Shear flow was calculated and confirmed by the aforemen-
carry-through structure, a factor of safety of 3 was applied, tioned beam test. Shear flows around the box and beam re-
which is twice that required currently for CFR 14 Part 23 quired gussets to reinforce the bond between capstrips and
shear webs in the carry through. The bond between capstrip
certification. and shear webs is a secondary bond, and alone would have
The main design constraint for wing capstrips is the trans- been insufficient to transmit the shear flow. The box was
mission of the bending moment because of aerodynamic lifting wrapped with six layers of 45-deg bidirectional graphite cloth
and rolling forces. Bending moment decreases with distance around the box exterior, and one partial wrap of 45-deg graph-
from the wing root, and so capstrips were tapered uniformly ite cloth on the inside at the corners. The beam has three
from 52 to 3 layers of unidirectional graphite preimpregnated graphite flanges within the beam structure, and two final wraps
fabric (Fiberite 1048) between the root and tip. of 45-deg bidirectional graphite cloth over the beam exterior.
The carry-through-bulkhead bolts were separated by the A tie-rod was incorporated at the rear of the wing to stiffen
maximum available distance of 30 in., which was limited by the wing-fuselage junction and carry aerodynamic loads that
fuselage diameter. The maximum wing-root shear and bend- pull the wing upstream at high angles of attack. Each end of
ing moment result in shear forces on the bolt of 12,000 Ib and the tie-rod is attached to a steel plate bonded to wooden blocks
l-in.-diam ASI 4130 pins were used and heat treated to an that disperse the load into wing skins and webs through graph-
ultimate tensile strength of 140 ksi. These were fit into bush- ite flanges. The tie-rod was designed for maximum lift in dive
ings made of identical material that were bonded with epoxy pullout, which causes a 2400-lb axial load on the tie-rod. The
resin into the bulkhead, the beam, and the box. stiffness of this rod, which prevents deflections that might re-
The clearance between the box and beam was obtained by sult in pullout of the rear torsion pins as experienced by RP-
summing deflections of wing bending, beam bending, box 2, is the critical constraint, and a threaded rod of 0.375 in.
bending, and deflection of all aforementioned bushings in their diameter made from ASI 4130 aircraft grade steel with a ten-
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sile strength of 140 ksi was used. Fatigue analysis estimated a VI. Concluding Remarks
life of 100,000 and 1,000,000 cycles under 6- and 3-g oscil- The box-and-beam concept was chosen for the RP-1 carry
lating loading, respectively, for this tie-rod. through and then used on RP-2 and RP-3 aircraft. Implemen-
Tolerances within the carry through were 1/16 in. for com- tation of this design became progressively more difficult with
posite parts, which makes manufacturing difficult with the increasing takeoff gross weight. The failure of the RP-2 carry
methods used for RP-3. All parts, with the exception of the through, its successful redesign, and the resulting engineering
capstrips, were layed up by hand and room temperature cured required for the RP-3 carry through provided many Rensselaer
under vacuum.4 Warping of vacuum tables, bonding of com- undergraduates with an education in engineering practices with
plex assemblies, and inaccuracies from construction by stu- composite materials, and experience with the complex design
dents, all contributed to the difficulties in maintaining design factors typical of the aircraft industry.
tolerances in the carry through. For example, clearance be-
tween the capstrips of the box and beam reduced from the Acknowledgments
design value of 0.75 in. to about 0.375 in., and this is adequate The authors are grateful for the efforts of the Sailplane Ad-
as discussed earlier. visory Committee, especially the technical contributions of S.
The box component is closed on five sides and there is no S. Sternstein, O. Bauchau, R. Loewy, H. Hagerup, A. Lemnios,
access inside the carry through after assembly. Both the in- and Volker Paedelt. In addition, the authors thank the many
spection and fitting of the carry through are difficult. While students who contributed to the RP-series aircraft and enriched
epoxy resin was used to bond the bushings in the bulkhead, the aircraft design community here at Rensselaer.
the box and the beam cured with the wings and fuselage References
aligned at prescribed angles of fuselage-to-wing incidence and ^rinkmann, G., and Zacher, H., "Die Evolution der Segelflug-
dihedral, feeler gauges were used to maintain clearances inside zeuge," Bernard & Graefe Verlag, Bonn, Germany, 1992, pp. 109-
the carry through. Actual clearances cannot be measured. Dur- 159, 222-244.
ing field assembly, the beam carry through is positioned using Helwig, H. G., "CAPGLIDE and RP-1," Soaring, Hobbs, NM,
the torsion pins for support, and then the box is aligned and Feb. 1980.
Jaranson, J. W., "The RP-3 Sailplane, a Design and Manufacturing
slid over it without excessive relative movement, and the main Guide," M.Sc. Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, Troy, NY, 1989.
wing pins installed: care is taken to avoid prying damage, as 4
Friess, W. A., "RP-3 Progress Report," Rensselaer Polytechnic
may have occurred during RP-2 assembly. Inst., Composite Aircraft Studio TR 92-374940-11, Troy, NY, 1992.

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