Interpersonal Communication in Public Relations
Interpersonal Communication in Public Relations
Interpersonal Communication in Public Relations
Despite the appeal of new media and technologies as a means to building bridges and
enhancing public participation in society, there is increasing attention in public relations
research to considering how integral interpersonal communication is to creating public
J. E. Grunig and Hunt (1984) defined public relations as: "the management of
communication between an organization and its publics" Cutlip, Center, and Broom
(1994) defined public relations as "the management function that establishes and
maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the publics on
whom it success or failure depends".
In 1992, interpersonal communication as a theoretical concept gained prominence in
the public relations literature through the work of J. E. Grunig and L. A. Grunig on the
7models of public relations. In their review of the symmetrical model of public relations,
a model that "strives for balance in problem solving between and organization and its
publics", they concluded that symmetrical communication activities may " rely more on
interpersonal communication than is common in public relations, where communication
through the mass media or small-scale media such as brochures or newsletters prevails".
Elizabeth Toth (1992), Timothy Coombs (2001), and others have argued for
pluralistic studies and applications in public relations, involving rhetorical, relational and
systems perspectives from interpersonal communication theory. In general, practitioners
in public relations engage in communication in three different categories of relationships:
(a) client/organization-practitioner relations, (b) journalist/media gatekeeper-practitioner
relations, and (c) members of target publics-practitioner relations. Interpersonal
communication occurs within each of the three different categories.
Classically rhetorical post hoc evaluations of speaker’s intent, oration, environment,
and effect dates back at least to the Greeks but are central to many different types of
public relations campaigns conducted today. Although research on compliance-gaining
message strategies has been conducted mainly in interpersonal settings, public relations
messages that have compliance gaining as a goal or component are commonplace.
Effective persuasive campaigns often rely on multiple messages.
Public relations may be related to interpersonal communication in three ways: Public
relations is two-way communication, public relations is personal; and, public relations is
Public relations is two-way communication
Public relations is defined across the board as two-way communication or described
with such similar terminology as mutual understanding, satisfactory communication, and
social responsiveness. Even in activities having perhaps the highest persuasive purposes,
as for example the function to manage social, economic, and political issues as they do or
may affect corporate objectives, public relations focuses on the two-way communication-
institutions, corporations, and nonprofit organizations participate as listeners and as
advocates in social dialogue on vital issues.
Interpersonal communication explains this two-way communication in public
relations. First, interpersonal communication does not intend that there be some effect,
according to Weaver. In contrast, mass communication is to evoke a particular response.
What effect is achieved is the product of an exchange characterized as “developmental”
or “coordinated”. The public relations is negotiated. Although there may be preconceived
goals and objectives, these become modified and shaped as the public relations
practitioner and internal (employees for example) as well as external publics interact.
Public relations image building, a popular myth about the field, may suggest some
intended effect, but the reality is expressed clearly by Southwestern Bell practitioner Jim
Pattillo who states:
All the image building goes down the drain for the telephone industry the very first
time the customer starts having a hard time with his telephone service or with company
The lack of control in evoking particular responses is in fact in public relations
literature a source of frustration, as practitioners want more and more to test the
effectiveness and efficiency of their actions.
Public relations is personal communication
In reference to the level of communication discussed, public relations functions are
psychological rather than social, personal rather than impersonal. Psychologically, public
relations has been depicted as… “the buffer zone, the no man’s land in which public
relations practitioners so often find themselves in trying to establish and maintain
This buffer zone may be connected to the organizational communication concepts of
“linking pin” or “boundary spanning activities.” The linking pin concept describes the
individual occupying positions both in the organization and in some external system.
Boundary spanning means that the individual acts to transfer information between two
The buffer zone or linking pin concepts, however, needs further consideration at the
interpersonal communication level. How does, for instance, the individual manage to
operate in two separate environments? The public relations literature is suggestive of the
practitioner “mediating” and “interpreting”. Public relations practitioners do not function
successfully merely be enacting social or even organizationally-specified roles. Instead,
somehow the practitioner must move beyond these roles to the individual actions that are
capable of creating as well as maintaining relations, sometimes with people who have
few common purposes or understandings.
Daily has provided some psychological variables that may describe what is important
to practitioners to bridge between corporate and public(s) interests. In measuring the
response of research and development team members to transferring in outside
information, Daily found strong relationships to boundary spanning between locus of
control, job satisfaction, individual motivation, perception of group cohesiveness and
collaboration, task uncertainty, and individual productivity. For example, as one’s locus
of control became more internalized, boundary spanning activities increased.
Public relations is personal rather than impersonal. Although there is social science
technology available to do public opinion polling, content analysis, and experimental
research-all at impersonal distances, the public relations person must still learn
information from others by such abilities as “good character”.
Public relations is relational
Relational communication as interpersonal communication concerns providing
information between communicants beyond content. This information is the product of
the on-going communication among the participants. Complementarity and symmetry
have been suggested as central concepts.
Institutions, according to the PRSA definition must develop effective relations with
employees, members, customers, local communities, shareholders, other institutions are
dependent on such publics in order to achieve goals. Public relations pioneer Edward
Bernays specifies that the public relations function concerns knowledge and
understanding of human relationships. Cutlip and Center define communication as “a
process that requires a minimum of two people coming together in an information sharing
relationship, using a set of common information signs. These perspectives describe a
domain in public relations communication beyond symbolizing and exchanging-to how
the exchanges become distinguishable over time, distinguishable as the individuals in the
Theoretical applications to public relations may enable practitioners to predict and
control outcomes, or at least influence probabilities of outcomes. Practitioners perform a
variety of management roles and functions while acting as liaisons between the
organization they represent and an organization’s publics.
Among functions performed are ascertaining and influencing public opinion, often
using some combination of interpersonal and mass communication techniques. When
public opinion about the organization is favorable, the practitioner’s function is
maintenance and problem prevention. However, when public opinion is less then
desirable, practitioners are expected to design and implement communication programs
to change the public’s attitudes. Vincent Hazelton and Carl Botan (1989) cited the
example that positive or negative publicity may affect stock prices in predictable
directions: With positive media coverage, stock prices are likely to rise, and vice versa. A
practitioner applying a theory that prescribed intervention in the communication process
with journalists to affect the valence of publicity would be exercising control, but within
ethical and legal boundaries. It is likely that at least some of those public relations-
initiated communications between practitioners and journalists would be interpersonal in
nature. New technologies such as Internet-based e-mail exponentially communication
across publics.
By using theory-based models to drive strategy selection and implementation,
probabilities of effectiveness may be greatly enhanced.