Caulerpa: Species at A Glance
Caulerpa: Species at A Glance
Caulerpa: Species at A Glance
aquarium strain reproduces by fragmentation only; wide range of depths, including sheltered bays, soft or
invasive populations are clones of this distinct strain. sandy bottoms, polluted muddy harbors, rocky reefs,
and high-current capes. Perhaps most importantly, the
Habitat and food webs aquarium strain grows astoundingly fast and as dense
Caulerpa defends against herbivory and epiphytism by monoculture beds.
using toxic secondary metabolites that prevent predation. Caulerpa invasions have caused major ecological
When Caulerpa comes into contact with certain species, damage in the Mediterranean ecosystem, through
it releases toxins into the water column, which can have competition and habitat modification. Caulerpa com-
a negative effect on adjacent floral communities. petes with other species for space and light, grows
rapidly, and emits toxins into the water column. These
How Caulerpa got to the United States characteristics result in the displacement of native
Releases of Caulerpa from personal aquaria are communities and the creation of dense, uniform mats
the likely source for the introduction of the aquarium that persist throughout the year.
strain of the plant to marine environments. Considered a major threat to marine biodiversity,
dense mats of Caulerpa alter the physical structure of
How Caulerpa spreads the environment (i.e., habitat for other animals), affect-
Caulerpa often spreads locally by vegetative asexual ing benthic communities and eliminating important
fragmentation, a process accelerated by water cur- fish habitat for spawning and feeding (Williams and
rents and disturbance from boat anchors, fishing gear, Schroeder 2004). Major reductions in fish population
and other human activities. These factors have aided and distribution have been associated with the dis-
Caulerpa’s spread across the Mediterranean. placement and/or removal of native communities and
habitat. When Caulerpa takes over their habitat, fish
Ecological impacts cannot find shelter, space to reproduce, or food.
The aquarium strain exhibits several characteristics
that are different from native strains. In addition to its Economic impacts
reproduction by vegetative fragmentation, the aquari- Economic damages from Caulerpa are difficult to
um strain has the ability to adapt to a wide variety of estimate, but negative impacts on commercial and rec-
environmental conditions. This strain is more resistant reational fishing, as well as tourism and scuba diving,
to cold temperatures, and it can survive multiple days have been substantial. As Caulerpa spreads, economic
out of water. It grows on a variety of substrates at a damages will continue to increase.
Dana Burfeind
The plant consists of a horizontal, stem-like rhizome that produces a series of root-like rhizoids that extend downward. Branch-like
structures that shoot upward compose the recognizable, feather-like fronds.
Worldwide distribution of Caulerpa taxifolia. Yellow squares = native range. Orange circles = invasive populations of Caulerpa
taxifolia. Dashed line = 15°C average winter sea-surface temperature. Modeled after Verlaque et al. 2000.