Teaching Speaking Through Talking Stick Method
Teaching Speaking Through Talking Stick Method
Teaching Speaking Through Talking Stick Method
The purpose of writing this paper is to describe teaching speaking through talking stick
method. In speaking, many students still get some difficulties, because probably, they worried
about their grammar mistakes. The teacher can use talking stick method to make students
enjoyable to learn speaking. This method provides an efficient way of getting students to share
their different ideas or perspective and can help students master spoken english. It is suitable for
the students because it helps the students to understand how to speak well. It is usually used a
stick and it is made from a wooden stick and the function is the students who get this stick will
have a chance to speak in the classroom, and those who didn’t get stick are silent. When the
teacher conducts teaching and learning speaking through talking stick method, the students will
be enjoyable in learning process. And it is recommended that the teachers consider to use talking
stick method as one of the teaching speaking methods in the class.
Key Words : Teaching Speaking, Talking Stick Method
interaction, which sometimes includes b). Pronunciation is one of the important
multiple exchange and/or multiple things that should be mastered by the
participants. students, because it will influence the
5). Extensive (monologue), Extensive oral meaning of words. Hornby (1989:497) states
production tasks include speeches, oral that pronunciations is the way in which a
presentations, and storytelling, during which language, a way in which a word is
the opportunity for oral interaction from pronounced. People with a good
listeners is either highly limited (perhaps to pronunciation can speak clearly for each
nonverbal responses) or ruled out together. word that they said.
Component of Speaking In having a good pronunciation,
There are some components of there are four aspects that have to be
language that influence speaking ability. mastered by the students: they are sound,
According to Harris (1974:81), the stress, intonation, and rhythm. If one of
components are pronunciation, grammar, them missed from the speaker, it will cause
vocabularies, fluency, and comprehension. misunderstanding between the speaker and
While Heaton (1988:100) states that there listener.
are three points which are needed by c). Grammar is the study of the rules of
language learner in speaking English, they how to combine words into sentences
are accuracy, fluency, and (Hornby, 1989:375). Byrne (1980:36) adds
comprehensibility. Each of the components that grammar is the base knowledge in
above will be discussed as follow: learning a language. Paulstan (1984:1) says
a). Accuracy is one of the components in that structure is the basic element of a
speaking English that have to be evaluated. language learning, which embraces all
Based on the British Broadcasting language skills.
Corporation (in Ayu 2011) speaking As a rule, language grammar
accurately also means that people speak consists of tenses and a rule to use the words
without errors of grammar, vocabulary, and depends on the time, situation, and
pronunciation. Wallace (2008) states that a condition. A good understanding in
good accuracy in speaking is show when the grammar makes students able to produce
people speak with good pronunciation, a grammatical and lexical sentences correctly.
correct grammar, and appropriate If the speakers make mistakes in using
vocabulary. grammar in communication, the listeners
will also make mistakes to translate the f). Comprehension also has an important
meaning of utterance. role in speaking. According to Harris
d). Vocabulary is also one of the (1974:81) comprehension is one of the
components that support speaking skill. It components that involve in speaking skill.
means that the choice of words should be In this part, the speaker must have a good
suitable with the topic. A good speaker must way to make the listener understand with
have many vocabularies to support him to their speech. As we know that the function
deliver his idea. The people cannot of speaking is transformation and idea from
communicate effectively or express their the speaker to the listener. So, the speaker
ideas both oral and in written form if they has to make sure that the listener
do not have sufficient vocabulary. Without understands what they are going to say.
grammar, there is a little information that The writer concludes that the six
can be conveyed. Without vocabulary, components of speaking are very important
nothing can be conveyed. So, vocabulary to be concerned by a speaker in order that
means the appropriate diction which is used the listeners can understand what the
in communication. speaker says easily.
e). Fluency is an ability to express Methods of Teaching Speaking
something in spoken language without 1).Think Pair Share, Frank Lyman
pause. Harris (1978:81) says that fluency is (1981:109) says that Think-Pair-Share is a
the case and speed of the flow of speech. low-risk strategy to get many students
Brown (1994:24) adds that fluency is an actively involved in classes of any size. The
initial goal in language teaching. Harel procedure is simple: after asking a question,
(2007) states that fluency is a speech tell students to think silently about their
language pathology term that means the answers.
smoothness or flow with which sounds, 2). Autonomous Learning, According to
syllables, words, and phrases are joined Holec (1981:53) Autonomous learning is a
together when speaking quickly. This teacher always remains friendly and works
statement is supported by Wikipedia (2012) as a facilitator to the learners which create a
that says fluency in speaking ability is to positive environment of learning. There is
produce speech in the language and can be nevertheless broad agreement that
understood by its speakers. autonomous learners understand the purpose
of their learning program, explicitly accept
responsibility for their learning, share in the with the group. It is passed clockwise to the
setting of learning goals, take initiatives in next person, who may choose to speak or to
planning and executing learning activities, remain silent. Then, the talking stick is
and regularly review their learning and passed to each person for getting a chance to
evaluate its effectiveness. speak.
3). Meet the Guest, According to Emerson
Furthermore, Delucia Waack
(2013:143) Meet the guest is taught through
(2004:467) says that talking stick is another
a series of lectures and guest speakers, but
ritualistic method, the groups that employ
will predominantly focus on providing
this talking stick give the stick to whoever
students with a comfortable and engaging
wishes to speak. The other students do not
forum in which they can practice the skills
talk until the student who speaks gives the
that cover in class. Lectures consist of a
talking stick to the next speaker. This way
presentation on the given topic,
helps to prevent interruptions and maintain
supplemented by a variety of engaging and
member’s interest. So, other students who
interesting short practice activities
do not get the stick must be silent and learn
throughout the presentation.
what statement that is said by their friend
4). Talking Stick Method, According to
until finish. Finally, the students who get the
Garret (1998:82) talking stick method is a
stick may choose the other students to
method that uses a stick well-known as a
wooden stick, which the facilitator or the
leader begins by picking up the stick to In addition, Alarid and Markel
share the feeling or concern with the group. (2005:13) say that talking stick method is
It is passed clockwise to the next person, passed from speaker to speaker as their
who may choose to speak or to remain voice opinions. Only the person who is
silent. Then, the talking stick is passed to holding the stick has permission to talk.
each person for getting a chance to speak. Everyone is obligated to listen until that
Concept of Talking Stick Method person passed the stick to someone else.
According to Garret (1998:82) Usually, talking stick is applied as
talking stick method is a method that uses a representative of significant strength, ideals,
stick well-known as a wooden stick, which or emotions. It can be used at any meeting
the facilitator or the leader begins by picking (discussion) where varying opinions need to
up the stick to share the feeling or concern be expressed.
Procedure of Talking Stick Method question that is not related to what
the stick holder must wait until the
• First, Garret (1998:82), says that
speaker finish.
there are 6 steps of talking stick:
6). The facilitator is free to ask
1). The facilitator, who traditionally
question or make clarifying
might be a social leader, begins by
statements. If the students are
picking up the talking stick to share
confusing, so the teacher is free to
feelings or concern with the group. It
make clarifying statement.
means that, the facilitator is the
teacher which, he or she begins by • Second, Holland (2001:203), says
picking up the talking stick to speak. that a procedure of talking stick
method is adapted from the practices
2). The talking stick is passed
of several Native American Church
clockwise to the next person, who
as well as in nondrug healing circles
may choose to speak or to remain
and in political decision-making
silent. After the teacher has spoken,
councils. There are 6 steps of this:
he/she chooses the students to speak.
1). The groups sit in the circle that is
3). Then the talking stick is passed to not interrupted (participant may lie
each person. When the students had down during some phases of the
sitting in the circle, talking stick is experience, in which case they lie
passed to each students. with their heads toward the center,
making a star pattern). This time the
4). During the circle, question may
teacher asks the student to sit in the
be asked, but only with the
permission of whoever is holding the
stick. The students who will ask a 2). One talks or sing the song
question must ask permission with someone has learned only when one
the students who is holding the stick. has the staff. A student speaks and
5). Another member wishing to the others learn about what the
speak about something is not related speaker is saying.
to what the stick holder is talking
3). One speaks or sings from the
about must wait his or her turn.
heart, and the other groups/members
Another student who will ask a
attend respectfully. Here, the other students already sit in the circle,
students give respond about what the greeting is made. The talking stick is
speaker says. sometimes called the medicine
object. It is used in the group as a
4). The combination of channeling
secret object representing truth and
powerful inner experiences and the
understanding as power agents of
contemplative attention of the group
healing. The leader (the teacher)
is a powerful, almost magnetic
begins by picking up the talking
attracting force that can draw a
stick to share feelings or concern
person’s expression through in a
with the group. After that, the talking
surprising manner.
stick is passed to the next student
5). Sometimes when they have the who may choose to speak or to
staff, group members choose not to remain silent. It is passed to each
talk or sing but simply to share a student.
silent meditation. 2). During the circle gathering,
question may be asked with verbal
6). In these kinds of groups, a typical
exchanges taking place, but only by
session might consist of forty
permission of whoever is holding the
minutes of individual inner
stick. Another student who is
exploration while listening to the
wishing to speak about something is
music, followed by a round of songs
not related to what the “stick holder”
and statements with the talking staff.
must wait turn. The leader (the
A kind of rhythm develops in which
teacher) is also free to ask question
internalized experience alternates
but, only by permission of the
with externalized expressions.
student who hold the stick.
• Third, Garret (2002:143), states that 3). When the talking stick has made
there are 3 steps of talking stick at least two or three rounds, having
activities: been passed to all participants, it is
1). Participants form a circle laid in the center of the circle to be
together. For relaxation and clearing, picked up by anyone wishing to
the leader (the teacher) may use speak further. When all students
music, rattle, or drumming. When all finished speaking. The talking stick
can be closed by saying thanks for of the sentence (first to third,
group. singular to plural) or tense, as
• Fourth, Helman (2009:58) says that, appropriate one to students level of
there are two parts of talking stick proficiency.
method; procedures, those is talking
3). “You do it” give students an
stick activities for teaching language
opportunity to independently
pattern using the sentence
generate sentence using a structured
construction chart and for structured
format for practicing the language
language practice. For teaching
patterns with each other. After
language pattern using the sentence
extensive oral practice, students can
construction chart, consider the
use the sentence construction chart
following procedures:
to compose written sentence in
1). “I do it” introduce the sentences structured small-group formats such
frame. Read the initial familiar as pass the pen for writing practice.
sentence to the students, and then
Based on the procedures above, the
explain the purpose of the sentence
writer chooses procedure from Garret
(its function). Use sample words on
(1998:82), because the procedures are very
the list to show how they can be
clear and easy to apply in the classroom to
substituted to create new sentence.
teach English especially teaching speaking
Model how to generate sentence by
skill. It is easy to the students. This
using the stem or frame and adding
procedure makes the students active and
well-known topic vocabulary or
they can develop their speaking skill. The
words that will be changing.
writer is sure that, those procedures are
2). “We do it” students repeat with suitable for the students.
the teacher sentences as a model.
Then individual students suggest
sentences, placing sticky notes by
their word choices. The rest of the
class repeats the new sentences. Mix Preparation
it up by asking and answering Before having speaking activities in
questions or by changing the subject the classroom, the teacher has to prepare
everything that is needed to the teaching 4).Before entering whilst-teaching activities,
learning process. First, the teacher provides the teacher tells something related to the
the material (asking and giving for topic in order that the students can
information) that is familiar for student’s connect with topic studied easily.
life. The material should be easy to the Whilst-Teaching Activities
students, so that they do not have difficulty In whilst-teaching activities, the
in the learning process. Second, the teacher teacher applies talking stick method and
should provide the interesting topic of the gives the material to the students. The
material that will be studied in the meeting. procedures of whilst-teaching activities are
The last, the teacher makes the score as follows:
categories for the students who are able to a). The teacher introduces the students about
speak correctly and clearly by using talking the rules of talking stick method.
stick. It can make the students have b).The teacher gives the material or topic.
motivation and enthusiast to study in the c). The teacher asks the students to sit in the
classroom. And the students will be happy if circle.
they get score (appreciation) from the d).The teacher applies the procedures of
teacher during teaching learning process. talking stick method.
Pre-Teaching Activities Post-Teaching Activities.
Pre-teaching activities has several In this activity the teacher can see how
functions, namely the teachers can give new far the students understand about the
information, increase student’s material (topic today). The procedures of
concentration and stimulate curiosity. teaching activities are as follows:
Besides that, the teacher can make students a). The teacher leads students to conclude
understand about what they are going to the material.
study. The procedures of pre-teaching
activities: CONCLUSION
1).The teacher greets the whole class. Talking stick method is a good method
2).The teacher checks the student’s that gives the students a big chance to
attendance. express their opinion or their idea freely.
3).The teacher gives brainstorming by This method is using a wooden stick that it
giving some questions. is purposed to give the students have a
chance to speak. The students sit in the
circle and the talking stick is passed This paper could not be completed
clockwise. So, in presenting the material, without a great deal of helping from mary
the teacher needs to prepare it, the teacher people, especially Dra. Ernati, M.Pd, as the
has to follow the procedures of talking stick first advisor and Dr. H. Welya Roza, M.Pd,
method in whilst-teaching activities. as the second advisor who have giver
SUGGESTION guidance, advices, and correction. They
For Teacher, the writer suggests to English have giver their time to help the writer in
teachers to apply talking stick method, finishing this paper.
because this method can be used by teacher The writer also wants to thank the
in teaching speaking in the classroom. chairwoman and the secretary of the English
For Student, talking stick method can be Department, Dra. Ernati, M.Pd and Dra.
effective in helping the students to master Lisa Tavriyanti, M.Pd, Drs. Khairul harha,
speaking skill and make them understand M.Sc as the dean of Faculty of Teacher
the English material well. The student can Training and Education Bung Hatta
be active and creative to express their idea University and Yusrizal, M.Si as the vice
freely in the classroom. By using this dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and
method, the students can understand on Education Bung Hatta University, and all
learning the material during study in the lectures who have helped and guided her
classroom. The student can be motivated to during her study at English Department.
speak and explore their language. Next, her writer’s, deepest
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS appreciation goes to her father, Samino and
Alhamdulillah, First of all, the writer would her mother, Sri Suwarti S.Pd, for endless
like to acknowledge her countless thanks to love, pray and support. The writer also
the most gracious and the most merciful, would like to express her deepest gratitude
Allah SWT, who has given blessing, love, and appreciation for her beloved family, her
opportunity, and health to the writer, so she brother (Deddy Setyawan Eka Saputra,
car accomplish this paper entitled Ardyan Tri Wira Sakti and Nasywan Rafif)
“Teaching Speaking Through Talking and she doesn’t forget to extend her great
Stick Method”. It was aimed at fulfilling a thanks to her classmates who have helped
partial requirement for getting S1 degree at her a lot.
English Department of Bung Hatta Finally, the writer hopes this paper
University. can be useful for the better process of
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