List of GB
List of GB
List of GB
Epic Poems:
1. The Odyssey of Homer
2. The Iliad of Homer
3. The Aeneid of Virgil
4. Milton, John: Paradise Lost
5. Dante Alighieri: The Divine Comedy
1. Cicero: On Friendship
2. Cicero: On Old Age
3. Epictetus: Enchiridion
4. Kant, Immanuel: Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals
5. Pascal, Blaise: Preface to the Treatise on the Vacuum
6. Plato: Meno
7. Plato: The Apology
8. Plato: Crito
9. Plato: Phaedo
10. Plato: Symposium
11. Plato: Protagoras
12. Plato: Charmides
13. Plato: Gorgias
14. Plato: Euthydemus
15. Plato: Cratylus
16. Plato: Phaedrus
17. Plato: Timaeus
18. Plato: Parmenides
19. Plato: Lysis
20. Plutarch: On Contentment
21. Plutarch: On Bashfulness
Essays, Lectures, and Letters:
1. Bacon, Francis: Essays (excerpts)
2. Bergson, Henri: An Introduction to Metaphysics
3. Browne, Sir Thomas: Urn-Burial (excerpt)
4. Clifford, William: “The Ethics of Belief”
5. Emerson, Ralph Waldo: “Self-Reliance”
6. Emerson, Ralph Waldo: “Montaigne”
7. Emerson, Ralph Waldo: “Nature”
8. Epicurus: “Letter to Menoeceus”
9. Epicurus: “Letter to Herodotus”
10. Erskine, John: “The Moral Obligation to Be Intelligent”
11. Hazlitt, William: “On the Feeling of Immortality in Youth”
12. James, William: “The Will to Believe”
13. James, William: “The Sentiment of Rationality”
14. Locke, John: “A Letter Concerning Toleration”
15. Mill, John Stuart: “On Nature”
16. Pascal, Blaise: Provincial Letters
17. Pater, Walter: “The Art of Life”
18. Santayana, George: “Lucretius” (from Three Philosophical Poets)
19. Santayana, George: “Goethe’s Faust” (from Three Philosophical Poets)
Works in Progress
A. Michel de Montaigne: Essays
B. Plutarch: Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans
C. Epictetus: Discourses
D. St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologica
E. Milton, John: Shorter Poems
F. Dostoevsky, Fyodor: The Brothers Karamazov
G. Gibbon, Edward: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
H. Waddington, C.H.: The Nature of Life