TC Pool (GBSS14.0 - 01)
TC Pool (GBSS14.0 - 01)
TC Pool (GBSS14.0 - 01)
Issue 01
Date 2012-04-28
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2 Overview.........................................................................................................................................3
3 Technical Description...................................................................................................................6
4 Network Topologies.....................................................................................................................7
5 Cabling..........................................................................................................................................11
6 Hardware Management..............................................................................................................14
7 Related Features...........................................................................................................................15
8 Impact on the Network...............................................................................................................16
8.1 Impact on System Capacity..............................................................................................................................16
8.2 Impact on Network Performance......................................................................................................................16
9 Engineering Guidelines.............................................................................................................17
9.1 When to Use TC Pool.......................................................................................................................................17
9.2 Information to Be Collected.............................................................................................................................17
9.3 Network Planning.............................................................................................................................................17
9.4 Overall Deployment Procedure........................................................................................................................18
9.5 Deploying TC Pool...........................................................................................................................................18
9.6 Performance Optimization................................................................................................................................18
9.7 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................................18
10 Parameters...................................................................................................................................20
11 Counters......................................................................................................................................23
12 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................24
13 Reference Documents...............................................................................................................25
1.1 Scope
This document describes the GBFD-113726 TC Pool feature, including its working principles,
network topologies, cabling, hardware management, feature dependencies, network impact, and
engineering guidelines.
l Feature change: refers to a change in the TC Pool feature of a specific product version.
l Editorial change: refers to a change in wording or the addition of information that was not
described in the earlier version.
Document Issues
The document issue is as follows:
l 01 (2012-04-28)
l Draft A (2012-02-15)
01 (2012-04-28)
This is the first release of GBSS14.0.
Draft A (2012-02-15)
This is the draft release of GBSS14.0.
Compared with issue 01 (2011-03-31) of GBSS13.0, draft A (2012-02-15) of GBSS14.0
incorporates the changes described in the following table.
2 Overview
Huawei GSM base station subsystem (GBSS) allows multiple BSCs to connect to the transcoder
subracks (TCSs) of another BSC so that these BSCs can share transcoding (TC) resources. In
this manner, the TCSs form a TC pool.
Without the TC Pool feature, TCSs independently process circuit switched (CS) services for
their respective BSCs. TC resources cannot be shared among BSCs. This leads to a waste of TC
resources, especially in scenarios where multiple BSCs with small capacity are deployed in a
With the TC Pool feature, one to four TCSs of the primary BSC form a TC pool. TC resources
in the TC pool are shared among the primary and secondary BSCs, which work in load sharing
mode, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-2 shows a typical network topology for a TC pool. In Figure 2-2 , the primary and
secondary BSCs connect to the TC pool over the Ater interface, and the TC pool connects to the
MSC over the A interface.
DPU boards convert and forward voice formats and perform voice coding/decoding. In this document,
GSM TC Data Processing Unit REV:a (DPUa) and GSM TC Data Processing Unit REV:c (DPUc) boards
are collectively referred to as DPU boards.
3 Technical Description
When a BSC in a TC pool sends a call setup request to a TCS, the working principle for the TC
pool is as follows:
1. The TC pool allocates an A interface circuit identification code (CIC) to the BSC based
on SUBBSCTID of the BSC and the number of A interface timeslots.
From the A interface CICs of the BSCs specified by SUBBSCTID, the TC pool finds the
A interface CIC specified in the connection establishment request message.
2. The TC pool allocates a TC codec channel to the call based on the load balancing algorithm.
The TC pool manages the TC codec channels in all the TCSs and monitors the load of each
TC codec channel in real time. When allocating TC codec channels, the TC pool first selects
the channel with the lowest load from the TCS where the A interface CICs are located. If
all the channels in the TCS operate at the maximum load, the TC pool selects the TC codec
channel with the lowest load from other TCSs.
3. The TC pool allocates idle Ater transmission channels to the BSC specified
4. After a call connection channel (A interface—TC codec channel—Ater interface) is
established, the TCS returns a call establishment success message to the BSC.
4 Network Topologies
The TC Pool feature can adjust the network topology based on the physical connection mode.
The Ater interface, which connects the BSCs to a TC pool, supports the E1/T1 and Ch-STM-1
connection modes. It also supports the TDM and IP over point-to-point protocol (PPP)
transmission modes on the user plane.
The A interface, which connects a TC pool to MSCs, supports the E1/T1 and Ch-STM-1
connection modes. The primary and secondary BSCs connect to MSCs using TCSs. The
resources on the A interface can be carried in TDM mode.
Figure 4-1 shows the TC pool network topology when the TDM mode is used on the user plane
over the Ater interface. In this scenario, the Ater interface supports the E1/T1 and Ch-STM-1
connection modes.
Figure 4-1 TC pool network topology (TDM used on the user plane over the Ater interface)
Figure 4-2 shows the TC pool network topology when the IP over PPP mode is used on the user
plane over the Ater interface. In this scenario, the Ater interface supports the Ch-STM-1
connection mode.
Figure 4-2 TC pool network topology (IP over PPP used on the user plane over the Ater interface)
Figure 4-3 shows the TC pool network topology when both the TDM and the IP over PPP modes
are used on the user plane over the Ater interface. In this scenario, the Ater interface supports
the E1/T1 and Ch-STM-1 connection modes.
Figure 4-3 TC pool network topology (both TDM and IP over PPP used on the user plane over
the Ater interface)
For one BSC, either TDM or IP over PPP is used over the Ater interface.
As shown in Figure 4-4, the timeslots over the Ater interface are as follows:
When Ater transmission compression is used on the user plane over the Ater interface, the BM subracks
of the BSC and the TCSs in the TC pool must be configured as adjacent nodes. For details about Ater
transmission compression, see the Ater Compression Transmission Feature Parameter Description.
As shown in Figure 4-5, the timeslots over the A interface are as follows:
A interface SS7 signaling timeslots are carried on the SS7 signaling link over the A
interface. SS7 signaling is transparently transmitted to the Ater interface over A interface
SS7 signaling timeslots using a semipermanent connection.
IsMainBSC and SUBBSCTID determine whether the resources carried over the Ater and A
interfaces belong to the primary BSC or a secondary BSC.
5 Cabling
In TC pool mode, different BSCs can use both the TDM and IP over PPP transmission modes
on the user plane over the Ater interface, but one BSC can use only one of them. Based on this,
three types of cabling are provided between the BM subracks and the TCSs in the TC pool.
Figure 5-1 shows the cabling between the BM subracks and the TCSs when all the BSCs in the
TC pool area use TDM over the Ater interface. To improve network reliability, the BM subracks
can be evenly connected to the TCSs in the TC pool.
Figure 5-1 Cabling between the BM subracks and the TCSs (TDM used over the Ater interface)
Figure 5-2 shows the cabling between the BM subracks and the TCSs when all the BSCs in the
TC pool area use IP over PPP over the Ater interface. In this case, multiple optical ports on the
same POUc board in the BM subrack can only be connected to the optical port on the same
POUc board in the TCS. However, multiple optical ports on the same POUc board in the TCS
can be connected to multiple BSCs.
Figure 5-2 Cabling between the BM subracks and the TCSs (IP over PPP used over the Ater
Figure 5-3 shows the cabling between the BM subracks and the TCSs when some BSCs use IP
over PPP and other BSCs use TDM over the Ater interface. For the BSCs that use IP over PPP
over the Ater interface, multiple optical ports on the same POUc board in the BM subrack can
only be connected to the optical port on the same POUc board in the TCS. For the BSCs that
use TDM over the Ater interface, the BM subracks can be evenly connected to the TCSs in the
TC pool.
Figure 5-3 Cabling between the BM subracks and the TCSs (both TDM and IP over PPP used
over the Ater interface)
6 Hardware Management
Hardware Management
The primary BSC performs configuration and maintenance on the TCSs in the TC pool over
Ater OM links. Its functions are as follows:
l Cabinet, subrack, and board configuration
l TCS status management
l TCS fault and alarm management
l Operation and maintenance: including manual blocking, unblocking, and query of DSPs
for DPU boards and modification of DSP attributes
The secondary BSCs cannot perform configuration and maintenance on the TCSs. They can
only query the TC resource usage.
7 Related Features
9 Engineering Guidelines
Network Topology
See chapter "4 Network Topologies"
Hardware Planning
All TC resources in a TC pool are located on the primary BSC. Therefore, if the TC resources
on the primary BSC are insufficient, the primary BSC needs capacity expansion.
9.7 Troubleshooting
If this feature does not work properly after being enabled, check the following items:
Step 1 Run the MML command LST LICENSE and enter the name of the license file to be activated
to query the file information.
If... Then...
The file content is different from the Exit the license query task and contact
application content Huawei technical support.
Step 2 Run the MML command LST CFGMODE to query the subrack configuration status. If a
subrack is in ineffective mode, run the SET CFGDATAEFFECTIVE command to switch the
subrack to the effective mode.
Step 3 Run the MML command ACT LICENSE to activate the license file.
Troubleshoot cabling faults by referring to chapter "5 Cabling"
Data Configuration
Troubleshoot data configuration faults by referring to section "9.5 Deploying TC Pool"
10 Parameters
11 Counters
12 Glossary
For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see the Glossary.
13 Reference Documents