50 Years of HPLC

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Cover story

In brief
By some estimates, this year
marks the 50th anniversary
of the method we now know
as high-performance liquid
chromatography, or HPLC.
The story of HPLC even from
the beginning has been one of
evolution rather than revolution.
Here, we revisit the early
days of HPLC and retrace the
incremental development of
the technique’s all-important
particle-packed columns (see
page 29). Then, we take a
look ahead, checking in with
companies and researchers
who are pushing the limits of
column-packing materials and
pressures to nudge HPLC toward
higher speeds and more complex
samples (see page 35).

28 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | JUNE 13, 2016

50 years
A look back at the history of high-performance
liquid chromatography and the column-
C&EN WASHINGTON packing materials that enabled its success

or some chromatographers, their first inkling that high-performance liquid chroma-
tography was going to be a big deal came in 1969. That year, they traveled to Las Vegas
to attend the fifth in a series of meetings organized by University of Houston chemist
Albert Zlatkis.
Earlier meetings in the “Advances in Chromatography” series had focused on gas chromatog-
raphy, which separates volatile compounds in a mixture as it passes through a gas-filled column.
So, many of the attendees at that meeting in 1969 were GC experts who hadn’t heard much
about the technique that was to become HPLC. They were in for an awakening. “That meeting
was pivotal in terms of really giving a jump start to HPLC,” says Ronald Majors, who was in at-
tendance. After hearing about the still-nascent technique, “everybody got really excited.”
GC was still the dominant separation technology at Zlatkis-organized meeting as a turning point for HPLC.
the time. But GC had its drawbacks. Most important, GC But even more, he remembers what happened when he
requires that compounds be volatile or be derivatized to came home. Together with other people who had attend-
become volatile. “But it’s such a pain doing derivatiza- ed the meeting, Snyder organized a half-day meeting at
tion,” Majors says. Therefore, many large or polar mole- California State University, Fullerton, to update people
cules couldn’t be analyzed by GC. who hadn’t been able to go.
But they could be by HPLC. In HPLC, a liquid mobile “We planned for maybe 15 or 20 people showing up,”
phase carries mixtures of compounds through a column Snyder says. “They announced the meeting and sched-
packed with particles. As a pump forces the mobile phase uled it for an ordinary classroom. As the response came
through the column, the compounds interact with the in, it progressively moved to larger rooms and finally the
stationary phase—the particles’ surface—to different auditorium. About 150 people showed up. I could see this
degrees and are separated in the process. was hot stuff.”
HPLC was poised to catch on with scientists at that According to some estimates, this year marks the 50th
fateful Las Vegas meeting because there were appli- anniversary of HPLC. Those estimates typically point
cations—drug discovery and biological separations, to Csaba Horváth and Seymour (Sandy) Lipsky of Yale
among others—where leading separation methods such University publishing a paper in 1966 on ion-exchange

as GC just weren’t getting the job done. Since those days, separation of organic compounds (Nature 1966, DOI:
HPLC has become a workhorse of the analytical chem- 10.1038/211748a0). They followed up one year later with a
istry lab. And applications—from chiral separations to paper on fast liquid chromatography in which they used
proteomics—continue to drive advances in HPLC today. a pump operating at higher pressures than in their previ-
In 1969, though, HPLC was a relative unknown. Lloyd ous work (Anal. Chem. 1967, DOI: 10.1021/ac60256a003).
Snyder, then a scientist at Union Oil, remembers the They were among the pioneers at the landmark Las Ve-

JUNE 13, 2016 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 29

gas meeting who introduced the rest of the the first published reports of
chromatography community to what would modern HPLC. But if you ask
come to be called HPLC. chromatographers about the be-
But pinning down an exact birthday for ginnings of modern HPLC, they
HPLC isn’t easy. It was predicted long before are more likely to mention 1964.
it was reduced to practice. In 1941, future No- That year, Joseph Jack Kirkland
bel Laureates Archer J. P. Martin and Richard visited Eindhoven University of
L. M. Synge wrote that, for a method called Technology.
liquid-liquid partition chromatography, the “In one of the labs I visited,
ability of a column to separate compounds there was this fellow, Josef F. K.
was dependent on the liquid-mobile-phase Huber, who was doing what I
flow rate and the square of the diameter of now call HPLC,” Kirkland says.
the particles packed inside the column. They “He had a very crude instrument
talked in terms of theoretical plates, some- with a UV detector. He had
thing chromatographers use to describe packed a column with particles.
how well a column can resolve mixtures. They were actually GC particles,
The thinner the theoretical plate, the better. but he had coated them with
“The smallest [theoretical plate] should be liquids.”
obtainable by using very small particles and Kirkland worked for DuPont Solving a problem for Robert Woodward helped
a large pressure difference across the length at the time. He had tried to use expand the market for HPLC. Shown here are Helmut
of the column,” they wrote (Biochem. J. 1941, liquid chromatography a few Hamberger (from left), Josef Huber, James Waters,
DOI: 10.1042/bj0351369). years earlier, but the available and Woodward in a publicity photo taken in 1973.
So people knew as early as 1941 that ef- equipment and knowledge


ficient liquid chromatography separations weren’t yet up to the task. His
would require a combination of high pres- meeting with Huber encouraged him to try Even before HPLC, chromatographers
sure and small-particle packing materials. again. were already doing liquid-liquid chroma-
But it took nearly 30 years to move from the- When Kirkland came home, he convinced tography. The first “liquid” in this method
ory to practice because there was still much managers at DuPont to let him work on refers to the mobile phase, and the second
to be learned. HPLC. “My work largely was in the pesticide one refers to the liquid coated onto the
Horváth is generally credited with build- area,” Kirkland says. “We had a lot of com- packing material. The two liquids need to be
ing the first HPLC instrument. And the pounds that did not lend themselves to GC. immiscible.
Nature and Analytical Chemistry papers he Liquid chromatography was something I To make the technique work, Kirkland
published with Lipsky may indeed have been really had my eye on.” says, you have to make sure the ratio of coat-

1900s 1940s 1950s 1960s

Chromatography Landmark paper

invented 1941 In their paper on partition chromatography, English Predecessor
1900 Russian botanist chromatographers Archer J. P. Martin and Richard L. M. Synge predict 1963 Waters introduces its
Mikhail Tsvet invents that high pressure and small particle size will lead to efficient separations. GPC-100, an instrument for gel-
chromatography to “The [theoretical plate] is proportional to the rate of flow of permeation chromatography.
separate plant pigments. liquid and to the square of the particle diameter. Thus the smallest
The work is later [theoretical plate] should be obtainable by using very small
published in 1906. particles and a high pressure difference across the length of the
First report Commercialization 1972 The introduction
of 6,000-psi pumps,
1966 Csaba 1967 Waters Associates columns containing
Horváth and introduces ALC-100, a slight 10-µm particles, and
Seymour (Sandy) modification of the GPC- septumless injectors
Lipsky publish the 100 and considered by many marks the transition of
first report of HPLC, to be the first commercial HPLC from just “high
the ion-exchange HPLC instrument. pressure” to “high
separation of performance.”
nucleotides and
thyroid compounds.


30 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | JUNE 13, 2016
ing to mobile phase is just right so the mobile L. Waters remembers. “The liquid that was ward’s lab himself. “I had the problem pretty
phase doesn’t wash away the coating. He supposed to be stationary on the packed par- well solved by the end of the second day
adds: “It’s difficult to operate, but it’s a very ticles wouldn’t stay on all the time. We built and separated small amounts of material
powerful technique.” three instruments, sold one, took it back, for him,” Waters says. To separate larger
While Huber and Kirkland were working and that was the end of that.” amounts, Waters injected more material
on their instruments, Horváth was working But Waters didn’t give up on HPLC. The and cycled the output back through the col-
on an instrument to separate biological company’s next foray into the field was umn. “I had to cycle it something like seven
molecules. In fact, he called his instrument a more successful. That instrument, called the times to get the other isomers separated so
nucleic acid analyzer. ALC-100, used a higher pressure pump than I had the one Woodward wanted,” Waters
Meanwhile, chromatography firm Waters its GPC predecessor and was intended as a remembers.
Associates, now known as Waters Corp., general-purpose analytical instrument. The Waters parlayed that success into a new
was pushing to roll out the first commercial ALC-100, which was introduced in 1967, is market. He used the American Chemical So-
HPLC. Depending on which instrument you widely considered to be the first successful ciety Directory of Graduate Research to as-
want to count, it was in the HPLC market commercial HPLC. semble a list of organic chemists. He mailed
even before Huber built his version. The market for HPLC opened up con- each one a brochure with a photo of Wood-
In the early 1960s, Waters licensed tech- siderably when Waters won over world-re- ward and a description of what they’d done.
nology for gel permeation chromatography nowned organic chemist Robert B. Wood- In the following year, “we probably sold 40
from Dow Chemical. That method separates ward, a Chemistry Nobel Laureate and instruments,” Waters says. “After that, we
large molecules such as polymers on the professor at Harvard University. One Friday owned the organic synthesis market because
basis of their size by passing them through in 1972, Woodward’s postdoc Helmut Ham- we had the reputation and the experience.”
a column packed with cross-linked polymer berger came to Waters with a problem. He Since those early days, the development
beads. Waters introduced its GPC-100 in was trying to separate isomers of an inter- of HPLC has been one of evolution rather
1963. That instrument included a pump that mediate in the synthesis of vitamin B-12. than revolution, which is fitting, given that
operated at 500 psi. There’s some disagree- At the time, “I didn’t know who Wood- even HPLC’s beginnings involved incre-
ment about whether that GPC instrument ward was. He was just some chemist at Har- mental changes. Although there have been
should be considered the first commercial vard,” James Waters says. developments in the hardware—pumps,
HPLC or merely a precursor to it. But Waters’s colleague James Little knew. detectors, and especially the introduction
Not long after that, the company intro- Waters remembers Little telling him: “If we of electrospray, an ionization technique
duced another instrument for liquid-liquid can solve a problem for him, we can sell a lot that allowed HPLC to be interfaced with
chromatography, incorporating technology of instruments.” mass spectrometers—much of the history
licensed from Shell Development. That Waters had been thinking that organic of HPLC is the story of new column-packing
instrument was less than successful. In fact synthesis might become a major market for materials.
“it was a disaster,” company founder James HPLC, so he took the ALC-100 to Wood- Horváth packed his early columns with

1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

Chiral separations New particles
Expanding detector Mid-2000s
1979 to
markets early 1980s Mid- to late New systems are
1972 James Waters and Chromatographers 1980s John Fenn introduced that contain
James Little of Waters develop methods and colleagues particles smaller than
help Robert B. Woodward for separating at Yale University 2 µm. They require
and his postdoc Helmut enantiomers with develop an pressures of 15,000 to
Hamberger separate HPLC. At first they electrospray 20,000 psi to pump the
isomers of intermediates add modifiers to ionization mobile phase through
in the synthesis of the mobile phase. source for mass the chromatography
vitamin B-12. Their Later, they develop spectrometry, column.
success helps open stationary phases which allows mass
the organic synthesis that can separate spec to be used as
community as a market enantiomers. a detector for LC.
for HPLC.

First meeting Late 1970s to early 1980s Chromatographers
1973 First HPLC meeting is held in Interlaken, develop methods for separating peptides and proteins.
Switzerland. For almost a decade thereafter, the Those methods lay the groundwork for the proteomics
meeting is held biennially. In 1982, it becomes an and biopharmaceutical analyses that are done today.
annual meeting. The 44th HPLC meeting is being
held in 2016 in San Francisco.
JUNE 13, 2016 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 31
material he called pellicular particles, which
that any silanol groups remain-
were impermeable spheres coated with a po- ing on the particle surface not
rous ion-exchange resin. But Horváth’s col- attached to C18 are chemically
umns were inefficient because compounds blocked. They can be mixed
couldn’t diffuse deeply into them. modes, meaning that something
Kirkland, collaborating with Ralph Iler other than C18 is also bonded
at DuPont, improved efficiency by making to the silica. “There are so many
spherical particles in which the solid silicavariations of how you can make
core was coated with a porous outer shell of a C18,” Majors says.
tiny beads. The resulting core-shell particles And the various C18 columns
had more surface area and capacity for in- don’t provide identical separa-
teracting with and separating compounds. tions. The underlying silica, the
Kirkland and Iler followed these superfi- surface area, and the pore sizes
cially porous particles with fully porous can all be different, creating
particles of different controlled sizes and different interactions with the Jack Kirkland 40 µm. Throughout the 1970s
porosities. compounds being separated. (left), with and 1980s, the particle size
Then came bonded phases. One of the In all, there are about 1,400 technician Glen decreased to 10 µm, then 7 µm,
biggest developments in the history of different stationary phases, Wallace, in front then 5 µm.
HPLC, the bonded phase consists of mol- Majors estimates. But many of of a homebuilt By the late 1980s, the field had
ecules covalently linked to silica particles.them are for niche applications. HPLC instrument settled on particle diameters of
Octadecylsilane, also called C18, was the “There are a lot of different sta- in 1967. about 3 µm and upper pressures
most common of these molecules, which act tionary phases, but they’re not of about 6,000 psi, which were
as the stationary phase. Majors, who wrote used that much. I would guess that probably needed to push the mobile phase through
about columns and sample prep for the the top five or six stationary phases would the tightly packed columns. As the particles
magazine LCGC for more than 30 years, esti- separate 90 or 95% of all samples that are got smaller, the columns became shorter and
mates that 800 different C18 columns have done now,” Kirkland says. the separations became faster, partially as a
been introduced over the years. Over the years, the particles have become way to avoid operating at the pressure limit.
One might think that with so many C18 progressively smaller and more uniform. “They were trying to keep the columns
stationary phases, they’re just duplicating Before the advent of HPLC, chromatog- operating around 2,000 or 3,000 psi at
each other. But that’s not the case, Majors raphy columns were packed with irregu- most,” says James W. Jorgenson, a chro-
says. The C18 phases can be monomeric or larly shaped particles larger than 100 µm. matographer at the University of North
polymeric. They can be endcapped, meaning Horvath’s pellicular particles were about Carolina, Chapel Hill. “Even though the
equipment can go to 6,000 psi, you don’t
want to run a column at the pressure limit.
Progressive improvements What kind of lifetime is it going to have
Smaller particles and shorter columns have led to faster separations over the years. before it starts plugging up and exceeds the
Each chromatogram here shows the separation of a mixture (in order of elution, lef pressure limit?”
to right) of 1-methylxanthine, 1,3-dimethyluric acid, 3,7-dimethylxanthine, and In the 1990s, Jorgenson started using
1,7-dimethylxanthine. The conditions are identical, except for the particle size, column even smaller particles (less than 2 µm) and
length, and injection volume (not listed). higher pressures (as high as 10,000 psi) to
carry out separations. “We were after very
high efficiency separations,” he says.
Waters Corp. began its own work with
higher pressures and smaller particles, but
its goal was speed. “That was a wise choice
on their part,” Jorgenson says, “because a
large chunk of the market—people who do
pharmaceutical separations—needs high
throughput.” If Waters could promise highly
resolved compounds and get it done in 10
minutes instead of 30 minutes, Jorgenson
adds, it was a huge selling point.
The move to sub-2-µm particles and
higher pressures—eventually dubbed

ultra-high-performance liquid chromatog-

raphy, or UHPLC—required a complete re-
design of the equipment around the column.
“You didn’t just change pumps and every-
body was happy,” says Peter Carr, a chroma-
tographer at the University of Minnesota,
Twin Cities. “You had to reengineer every
part of the system. The pumps, the injector,
the connections, the column itself, and the
Source: Agilent Technologies detector—all brand-new.”

32 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | JUNE 13, 2016

Ron Majors working on a Varian multidimensional chromatography, each
8500 system circa 1975. column has different selectivity, so the com-
bination can tease apart more components
olution. If you’ve got a difficult than any of the columns on its own.
sample with a lot of material in it “When you have 10,000 or 100,000
you want to separate, you actual- compounds, you can’t separate them with
ly have to use a very long column one column,” Majors says. “You’ve got to go
with large particles. You use the beyond that.”
pressure needed for larger par- In two-dimensional HPLC, the output
ticles to be able to operate that from one column is injected onto a second
long column.” column. When two columns are used in this
And industrial chromatog- way, the method effectively multiplies, rath-
raphers are likely to view pres- er than adds, their capability for resolving
sures much higher than the cur- components.
rent 15,000 to 20,000 psi with Carr, who works in multidimensional
suspicion. “In industry, there’s chromatography, is cautiously optimistic
Most important, the volumes of all those going to be an evaluation of high pressure about the method’s potential. He thinks it
parts needed to be reduced. “The more from a safety perspective,” says Mary Ellen could eventually account for as much as 40%
efficient columns challenge the equipment McNally, a chromatographer at DuPont. of liquid chromatography separations.
in terms of injector volumes, connecting Most companies would probably require “If 2-D LC can change in a big way how
tubing volumes, and detector volumes,” Jor- instruments operating at exceptionally high methods are developed, it will be really im-

genson says. pressure to be isolated in special labs, she portant,” Carr says. “If the way methods are
Even today, researchers continue de- says. That skepticism of high pressures has developed stays the same, then 2-D will be
creasing the particle size, leading to the in- led to a resurgence of core-shell particles important to certain fields, such as metab-
evitable pressure increases. But some, such (see page 35). olomics, proteomics, and lipidomics, but it
as Kirkland, question the need to continue Improvements in separation efficiency won’t be a routine way to do business. The
pushing higher. are still needed as chromatographers turn next five years will tell that story.”
Pressures of about 15,000 psi are suffi- their attention to complicated biological And so the evolution of HPLC continues.
cient for most applications, Kirkland says. mixtures. One way they are achieving such And much as in the early days, the applica-
“People are beginning to understand better separations is by using two—or more—col- tions scientists want to use them for will
the compromise between pressure and res- umns in series. In the simplest form of this push the developments. ◾

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