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Artificial trees for atmospheric carbon capture

Article  in  International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences · July 2017

DOI: 10.22376/ijpbs.2017.8.3.


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3 authors, including:

Venkataraghavan Ragunathan Brindha Parthiban

Vels University Vels University


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Int J Pharma Bio Sci 2017 July; 8(3): (B) 176-181

Review Article Biotechnology

International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences ISSN




Department of Bio-Engineering, Vels University,

Pallavaram, Chennai 600117

Carbon emission is the major cause for global warming; Scientists have been working to reduce the
carbon emissions ever since the effects were identified. There are number of methods to reduce the
excess carbon dioxide that are present in the atmosphere, in this work, we have suggested a way to
reduce the atmospheric carbon dioxide by a technology which will manifest in the form of “Artificial trees”.
The artificial trees are thousand times more effective in carbon capture than aerobic tress anddoes not
release the absorbed carbon back again into the environment. The carbon capture by the trees is
accomplished by special leaves that are coated with suitable sorbent. The absorbed carbon dioxide from
these artificial trees could be utilized or converted into useful forms hydrocarbons-sources of fuel or
buried underground. Therefore, in this review we discuss the various techniques of carbon capture and

KEYWORDS: Global warming, artificial trees, greenhouse gases, renewable energy, peridotite

Department of Bio-Engineering, Vels University, Pallavaram, Chennai 600117

Received on: 27-03-2017

Revised and Accepted on: 20-05-2017
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22376/ijpbs.2017.8.3.b176-181

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Int J Pharma Bio Sci 2017 July; 8(3): (B) 176-181

INTRODUCTION controlling devices all this mentioned controlled

measures is satisfied by advanced method called “The
Industrial revolution and anthropogenic sources has Artificial Trees”. As mentioned above, wide variety of
considerably risen the concentration of atmospheric sorbents are being employed for use in filters for
carbon dioxide (Fig-2).The increased level of the carbon entrapping CO2 molecules: these include a solid resin,
dioxide gas causes the atmosphere to trap large amount liquid hydroxides, and a variety of amine compounds.
of heat energy on the earth’s surface resulting in the Recent reports on sorbents, suggest using amine as is it
increased level of global climatic changes. As a result, it a highly efficient and cost effective compared to other
has become a popular topic to find ways to reduce the conventional sorbents (Lackner 2009). In addition, an
CO2 levels in the scientific and policy worlds.It has been amine sorbent requires low temperature for the
predicted that by the middle of the next century, the extraction of the captured CO2 from the sorbents for
earth’s temperature may 1-3 degree rise than the storage purposes. Nevertheless, people acceptance is
present. As an aid to control this global warming, needed for its conventional installments. Further
various method are being implemented ,this includes analysis of different types of sorbents in low scale level
reduction in use of fossil fuels, implementation of energy is required to find a suitable sorbent for operation.
conservation measures, installation of pollution


FigureIVarious sources of carbon dioxide in percentage

Figure 1
Various sources of carbon dioxide in emitted in the
atmosphere are shown

Graph I
Constant rise in the carbon dioxide level over the decades

Increase in the global carbon dioxide level in parts per million.

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Int J Pharma Bio Sci 2017 July; 8(3): (B) 176-181

DESIGN OF ARTIFICIAL TREES bonding, later many researches were conducted and
There are many ideas and processes in the control of finally as an aid solid sorbents were found to drastically
carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere, one of such increase the efficiency of the trees and storage of
ideas is that artificial trees for atmospheric carbon carbon dioxide without any leakage back into the
capture, which focuses in the control of excess amount atmosphere. Lackner suggested using carbonates
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere without any instead of aqueous form of NaOH to overcome bonding
damage to the external environment. This process is energy. Additional features of this NaOH are easily
known as Direct Carbon Capture. The artificial trees available and are cost effective.
should be aerodynamically designed for better
absorption of the gas (Lackner 2009).When placed STORAGE OF CARBONDIOXIDE
anywhere, it may be deemed convenient, as the carbon The major and the most difficult step encountered in
dioxide is spread everywhere in the atmosphere. artificial trees method to eliminate atmospheric carbon is
Whether installed alongside urban highways or on open, the storage of the absorbed carbon dioxide without any
rural fields, near sea shore and near power plants leakage back to the atmosphere.
effectively creating an artificial forest, but it is Various carbon storage methods are described below:
recommended to install it near highways for direct
capture of carbon dioxide. The concentration of carbon CO2 STORAGE POTENTIAL OF BASALTIC ROCKS-
dioxide is consistent across globe at about 402.25parts SOLIDIFIED MOLTEN VOLCANIC MAGMA AFTER
per million (Lackner 2009) (Graph-I). Reports from MILLIONS OF YEARS
Institution of Mechanical Engineers recommend using Permanent storage of the absorbed carbon dioxide can
compact models of sorbent containing leaves above be done by injecting CO2 into basaltic rocks. Basaltic
vehicular tailpipes.To note that the size of the air rocks (Fig-II) are rich in minerals and divalent cations
2+ 2+ 2+
collector decides the amount of carbon dioxide that can (e.g. Ca , Mg and Fe ). The CO2-charged water
be absorbed. Smokestacks from power stations, thermal accelerates metal release forming deposits of solid
power plants and various industries release carbon carbonate minerals such as Calcite (CaCO3), Magnesite
dioxide as a mixture along with flue gases,-nitrous oxide (MgCO3) and Siderite (FeCO3) for long term storage of
3,4 2
and sulphur oxide, in addition to carbon dioxide. Hence CO2. Iceland is the largest landmass (103,000 km )
it is necessary to separate all other gases leaving only found above sea level and it is found that it is made of
10, 11, 12, 13
Carbon dioxide. Use of highly selective sorbents about 90% basaltic rocks (Lackner 2009).
overcomes this problem by sequential selection of Basalt rocks are solidified forms of hot molten lava that
carbon dioxide from a mixture of various gases that are cooled down after theexposure of volcanic eruptions.
widespread in the atmosphere. This would reduce the The basalt rocks igneous rocks; fine grained which is a
increasing temperature of 1-6 degree Celsius of the combination of plagioclase and pyroxene
globe predictedat the end of this century as a result of minerals.Moreover, deep burying of the captured carbon
increasing carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere. dioxide is done effectively such that the absorbed
carbon doesn’t escape into the atmosphere from where
EFFECTIVE SORBENT FOR CARBON CAPTURE it originated from. Basalt rocks are also found under the
Many researches are been carried out day to day in sea floor as the magma joins the sea. In addition, this
order to find an effective sorbent for carbon capture. method of disposal of carbon dioxide results in formation
Initially sodium hydroxide in liquid form were extensively of fossil fuels which would satisfy the fuel and energy
used for carbon capture, later due to difficulties in requirement of over further generation. However, any
removing the absorbed carbon dioxide from the filters leakage of these would drastically affect the aquatic
required high energy pre-investment to overcome high ecosystem.


Figure 2
Basalt rock in Iceland: storage of captured carbon dioxide

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Int J Pharma Bio Sci 2017 July; 8(3): (B) 176-181

SALINE AQUIFERS converted to harmless product or gets dissolved in the

Saline aquifers are aquatic deposit rocks that are water brine. And this process is applicable for long term
permeable and saturated with salt water. This salty storage of carbon dioxide. It is important to note that the
water content of this rock is called brine. According to absorbed carbon dioxide should not be compacted or
the report stated by International Energy Agency -2008 subjected to violent mechanical stress during storage.
the super critical carbon dioxide that has been Leak proof unbreakable containers should be employed
pressurized to the phase between gas and liquid may be for protecting these aquifers, so that any sort leakage
injected into these saline aquifers (Lackner 2009). The can be prevented prior huge devastation of ecosystem.
porous nature of the saline aquifers helps in entrapment Cement is used to plug wells after injection is finished to
of the absorbed carbon dioxide. Here the injected prevent the release of carbon dioxide back into the air
carbon dioxide reacts with the dissolved minerals and (Fig-III).


Figure 3
Saline Aquifer beneath the earth’s crust representing the
injection of carbon dioxide

PERIDOTITE method for injecting this absorbed carbon dioxide

The most common and predominant lithosphere layer (Lackner 2009). It has been estimated that about 4-5
found in the Earth’s mantle or below the surface of the billion tons of excess carbon dioxide could be stored in
crust is the peridotite (Fig-IV). It has been found that countries such as Oman by using peridotite as a storage
regions of Oman are rich in this peridotite rock such that medium for carbon dioxide. Peridotite also occurs in
they appear even in the top surface of the soil. These the Pacific islands of Papua New Guinea and
natural rocks are porous in nature, and after absorption, Caledonia, and along the coast of the Adriatic Sea and
carbon is injected into it forms solid minerals such as fewer amounts in California. However this method of
calcite. Recent reports from both Columbia University's storage doesn’t have strong experimental proof and
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in New York, states public acceptance for this method is not satisfactory as
that Peridotite would serve as an effective source for this method requires large number of flow pipes, and
long term storage process. High pressurized heated nobody is sure whether the carbon dioxide gas would
water containing dissolved carbon dioxide is the only leak back out into the atmosphere in future.


Figure 4
Peridotite rock found in Pacific Papua Islands

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Int J Pharma Bio Sci 2017 July; 8(3): (B) 176-181


The carbon dioxide captured can be used in a number of ways, one such way is the Enhanced Oil Recovery Process
17, 18

Figure 5
Enhanced Oil Recovery Process

COST FOR VIRTUAL AFFORESTATION that it is one time investment but, the air filters should be
It has been estimated that single artificial tree would periodically replaced. Moreover cost can considerably
cost around (15, 00,000-20, 00,000 INR) depending reduce by increasing its production process.
upon its efficiency (Lackner 2009). It is important to note


Figure 6
Trees installed in plains

Figure 7
Trees installed near highway roads

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Int J Pharma Bio Sci 2017 July; 8(3): (B) 176-181

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION enhanced oil recovery process in the extraction of oils
from the underground (Fig-V). Compact sized artificial
We conclude that the installments of artificial trees are (air filter sized of normal household insecticide
possible. The trees are efficient in the carbon capture cartridges) trees are estimated soon to be employed to
and sequestration process than the real trees, as the be used as household air filters all over the world. And
cost for afforestation of these trees are cheaper as well further this technology can be altered and can be
as easier, and require compact space for the utilized for the capture of many other harmful gases in
installment; it is highly suggested to employ modern and the future.
advanced methods of pollution controlling devices -
artifical trees. However, there are no disadvantages of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
carbon dioxide released back into the atmosphere.
There are least chances of surface disturbances during
We, the authors sincerely thank Vels University
the storage process into the rocks or into the oceans.
management for their kind support and facilities
The carbon dioxide absorbed by the trees can be
provided to carry out our review work.
utilized or converted into useful forms such as
hydrocarbon sources of fuel. In contrast it could either
be transformed into a liquid (fuel) or buried CONFLICT OF INTEREST
underground. As far as the process uses renewable
energy, this fuel would not release new carbon dioxide Conflict of interest declared none.
into the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide finds its use in

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