SIL I. General: Notes From The Book of Prof. Ian Brownlie (JJ)
SIL I. General: Notes From The Book of Prof. Ian Brownlie (JJ)
SIL I. General: Notes From The Book of Prof. Ian Brownlie (JJ)
6. Differentiate incorporation and 11. Differentiate acts jure gestionis and acts jure
transformation. imperiia.
Incorporation refers to the common law Acts jure gestionis are private or commercial
approach under which customary rules are acts of the government of a state. Acts jure
to be considered part of the law of the land. imperiia are public or governmental acts of a
Transformation refers to the approach under state
which custom will only become part of the
law of the land once codified in statute or in IV. Statehood
prior authoritative judicial decision.
1. What is a State?
7. What is judicial restraint? Political entities equal in law, similar in
Courts do not adjudicate on matters of form, and the direct subjects of
international law arising in disputes between international law.
20. What are the four types of territorial regime? 30. What is intertemporal law?
Territorial sovereignty A situation should be appraised and rules of
Territory not subject to the sovereignty international law should be interpreted as
of any state or states which possesses they existed at that time, not at the time that
a status of its own (e.g., trust territory) exists today.
Res nullius
31. What is terra nullius?
Res communis
It is land not under the sovereignty or
authority of any state.
21. What is a condominium?
It is an area of territory under the
32. What are the five modes of acquisition of
sovereignty of several states, or states with
other territory subject to their exclusive
sovereignty. Occupation
22. What is the competence of states over Cession
territory? Conquest
2. Distinguish prescriptive and adjudicative 11. When is a port state jurisdiction exercised?
jurisdiction? The act in question disturbs the peace
Prescriptive jurisdiction is the power to make and good order of the port
laws, decisions or rules. Adjudicative or Assistance is required by the captain or
enforcement jurisdiction is the power to take a representative of the flag state of the
executive or judicial action in pursuance of ship
or consequent on the making of decisions or A non-crew member is involved
12. What is O’Keefe’s definition of universal
3. What is the presumption in jurisdiction? jurisdiction?
The presumption is that jurisdiction is Universal jurisdiction can be defined as
territorial and may not be exercised extra- prescriptive jurisdiction over offenses
territorially without some specific basis in committed abroad by persons who, at the
international law. time of commission, are non-resident aliens,
where such offenses are not deemed to
4. Kinds of prescriptive jurisdiction? constitute threats to the fundamental
Territorial principle interests of the prescribing state or in
Nationality principle appropriate cases, to give rise to effects
Passive personality principle within its territory.
Protective/security principle
Effects doctrine 13. What are the crimes covered under
universal jurisdiction?
5. What is the territorial principle? Piracy
The courts of the place where the crime is Slavery
committed may exercise jurisdiction. Genocide
Crimes against humanity
6. What is the nationality principle? Breach of the Geneva Conventions of
Jurisdiction is exercised over nationals, 1949 and Torture
reliance on the residence, and other
connections as evidence of allegiance. 14. What is the obligation aut dedere aut
7. What is the passive personality principle? It is the obligation either to extradite or to
Aliens may be punished for acts abroad prosecute. This is applied when a fugitive
harmful to nationals of the forum. arrives on a territory of state and there
remains to enjoy the fruits of iniquity
8. What is the protective or security principle? offensive.
Jurisdiction is exercised over aliens for acts
done abroad which affect the internal or 15. What is the rule ne bis in idem?
external security or other key interests of the It precludes extradition of persons already
state. tried for the same offence.