The Central Role of Glutathione in The Pathophysiology of Human Disease
The Central Role of Glutathione in The Pathophysiology of Human Disease
The Central Role of Glutathione in The Pathophysiology of Human Disease
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4 authors, including:
Mihalis I Panayiotidis
Northumbria University
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Reduced glutathione (L-g-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine, GSH) is the prevalent low-molecular-weight thiol in mammalian
cells. It is formed in a two-step enzymatic process including, first, the formation of g-glutamylcysteine from glutamate and
cysteine, by the activity of the g-glutamylcysteine synthetase; and second, the formation of GSH by the activity of GSH
sythetase which uses g-glutamylcysteine and glycine as substrates. While its synthesis and metabolism occur intracellularly, its
catabolism occurs extracellularly by a series of enzymatic and plasma membrane transport steps. Glutathione metabolism and
transport participates in many cellular reactions including: antioxidant defense of the cell, drug detoxification and cell
signaling (involved in the regulation of gene expression, apoptosis and cell proliferation). Alterations in its concentration have
also been demonstrated to be a common feature of many pathological conditions including diabetes, cancer, AIDS,
neurodegenerative and liver diseases. Additionally, GSH catabolism has been recently reported to modulate redox-sensitive
components of signal transduction cascades. In this manuscript, we review the current state of knowledge on the role of GSH
in the pathogenesis of human diseases with the aim to underscore its relevance in translational research for future therapeutic
treatment design.
Key words: GSH, apoptosis, human diseases, human disorders, ROS, free radicals, oxidative stress, thiols, glutathionylation,
glutathiolation, glutathione depletion, glutathione S-transferases, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, nitrosylation.
Abbreviations: GSH, reduced glutathione; GSSG, glutathione disulfide; GS , thyil radical; ROS, reactive oxygen
species; RNS, reactive nitrogen species; RS, reactive species; g-GCS, g-glutamylcysteine synthetase; GS, glutathione
synthetase (synthase); g-GT, g-glutamyl transpeptidase; GPX, glutathione peroxidase; GR, glutathione reductase;
GST, glutathione S-transferase; GSNO, nitrosoglutathione; OATP, organic anion transporting polypeptide; MRP,
multidrug resistance proteins; OA7, organic anions; NAC, N-acetyl-L-cysteine; NO, nitric oxide; OH, hydroxyl
Correspondence: Dr. R. Franco, Laboratory of Signal Transduction, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of
Health (NIH), PO Box 12233, 111 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Tel: (919) 541-5387. Fax: (919) 541-1898. E-mail:, *Unidad de Biomedicina, Facultad de Estudios Superiores-Istacala, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Tlalnepantla, México,
México. E-mail: rfranco& and Dr. M. I. Panayiotidis, Environmental & Occupational Health, School of Public Health, University of
Nevada at Reno, Reno, NV. Tel: 775-682-7082. Fax: 775-784-1340. E-mail:
Figure 2. Overview of de novo glutathione synthesis. Reduced glutathione or GSH is a tripeptide formed by the amino acids glutamate, cysteine
and glycine, whose availability in the cell depends on cellular uptake by amino acid transporters or on other biochemical pathways.
Glutathione synthesis is mediated by the activity of the g-glutamylcysteine synthetase (g-GCT) and the glutathione synthetase (GS).
Glutathione is freely distributed in the cytosol, reaching a concentration of up to 10 mM in animal cells, and it can be compartmentalized (up
to 15%) to some degree in mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum or nuclei matrix. Both cytosolic and compartmentalized GSH have been
reported to participate in distinct biological processes.
Figure 3. Glutathione salvage pathway. Glutathione can also be synthesized through salvage pathways that involve its catabolism. Glutathione
catabolism is mediated by the g-glutamyl transpeptidase (g-GT) expressed mainly on the apical surface of cells. It mediates the catabolism of
not only GSH, but of GSSG and GSH-conjugates. g-Glutamyl transpeptidase removes the g-glutamyl moiety from GSH and GSH-
conjugated compounds by its transfer to other acceptors (amino acids, aa, or other dipeptides), thus producing cysteinylglycine (Cys-Gly) or
cys-gly-conjugates, and g-glutamyl-amino acid (g-Glu-aa) products. These products are further hydrolyzed by ectoprotein dipeptidases
(DPT) which remove the peptide bond between cysteine and glycine. The g-glut-aa, glycine and cysteine (or cys-conjugates) formed from the
action of the g-GT are then uptaken by the activity of specific transporters. The g-glutamyl-derivatives are further substrates for the
g-glutamyl cyclotransferase (g-GCT) which forms 5-oxoproline and the corresponding amino acid. 5-Oxoproline is finally converted to
glutamate by the activity of the 5-oxoprolinase (OXP). On the other hand, S-cysteine conjugates, as a result of GSH S-conjugates breakdown
by g-GT, are acetylated on the amino group of the cysteinyl residue by intracellular N-acetylfransferases (NAT) to form mercapturic acids.
GSH in human health and disease 237
themselves for the maintenance of relatively high protein (MRP, encoded by ABCC genes) that is a
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intracellular GSH concentrations. However, its ex- subfamily of the ATP binding cassette transporters
istence is still controversial (Gukasyan et al., 2006). (ABC transporters), and the organic anion transport
In the basolateral membrane of renal proximal polypeptide proteins (OATP, encoded by SLCO
tubular cells, the existence of two different GSH genes) (Hammond et al., 2001; Ballatori et al., 2005).
influx transporters has been proposed. The first one The MRP transporters have been demonstrated to
involves a Naþ-independent mechanism which has act as cotransporters of organic anions (OA7) and
been proposed to be mediated by the organic anion GSH. In addition, they also act as transporters of
transporters 1 and 3 (OAT1/3) that act as exchangers GSH-conjugated xenobiotics and GSH-conjugated
of GSH for 2-oxoglutarate. On the other hand a metabolites (e.g. the cysteinyl leukotriene C4) that
second Naþ-dependent influx of GSH has been attri- must be exported from the cells in which they are
buted to the sodium dicarboxylate cotransporter-2 formed to avoid deleterious effects. This efflux
(SDCT-2) (Lash, 2005). However, the biological confers drug resistance to tumor cells and can
importance of these transporters in GSH uptake in protect normal cells from toxic insults. Multidrug
other tissues and cell lines remains to be explored. resistance proteins also export GSSG thus suggesting
Because GSH degradation (catabolism) occurs a role of MRP proteins in cellular responses to
extracellularly, the export of GSH, GSSG and oxidative stress. In any case, MRP transport of
GSH-adducts is an important step in its turnover. organic anions including drugs and conjugated OA7
Relatively little is known at the molecular level about requires the presence of GSH and the hydrolysis of
GSH efflux transporters and pumps (Figure 4). To ATP (Ballatori et al., 2005; Cole & Deeley, 2006).
date two GSH transporter families have been well On the other hand the OATP transporters were
implicated in GSH efflux across the plasma mem- initially proposed to act as exchangers of GSH/OA7.
brane. These include the multidrug resistance In this way, GSH efflux is stimulated by the presence
Figure 4. Glutathione transporters. Plasma membrane GSH efflux pumps. Two GSH transporter families have been implicated in GSH efflux
across the plasma membrane. The first group includes the multidrug resistant protein family (MRP) which acts as cotransporters of GSH
coupled to the extrusion of an OA7 (organic anion) and requires the use of energy. MRP proteins have also proposed to transport GSSG and
GSH-conjugates. The second group includes the organic anion transporting polipeptide proteins OATP which act as GSH/OA- exchanger.
This exchange is stimulated by the presence of high extracellular concentrations of OA7 and is driven by the electrochemical gradient of
GSH across the plasma membrane. Other proposed candidates for GSH efflux are hemichannels (connexins, CX), CFTR and RLIP76.
Mitochondrial GSH transporters. The charged nature of GSH (negative at physiological pH) suggests that GSH cannot passively diffuse into
the mitochondria, because the mitochondrial matrix has a negative potential relative to the cytoplasm. Some of the strongest candidates
involved in mitochondrial import of cytosolic GSH include the dicarboxylate transporter (DIC) and the 2-oxoglutarate transporter (OGC)
which act as exchangers of Pi2þ (inorganic phosphorous) and 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG27) for cytosolic GSH. This transport dissipates any
concentration gradient between cytoplasm and mitochondrial whose concentrations are both *5 mM. Additionally, mitochondrial
GSH transport allows this pool to be relatively independent from the cytosol, which when depleted does not affect the mitochondrial
GSH pool.
238 R. Franco et al.
and still uncharacterized entity. by donating electrons and becoming oxidized to thyil
Other less characterized pathways for GSH and radical (GS ). It is important to mention that the
GSH-conjugates efflux transport are those involving reductive ability of GSH, is associated with the
the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance formation of thiyl radical (GS ) which if not efficiently
regulator (CFTR), the Ral-regulated effector pro- removed (by ascorbate for example), can lead to pro-
tein (RLIP76), and hemichannels (connexins). oxidant reactions and peroxidative injury (Wlodek,
CFTR (ABCC7) is a member of the ABCC/MRP 2002). Two GS species can react further to form a
family of transporters which in addition to its GSSG molecule. In general, RS are reduced or
function as a chloride channel, has also been inactivated through the generation of disulfide bonds
suggested to mediate either direct transport of between two glutathione molecules to form GSSG.
GSH or to modulate GSH transport by other Moreover, GSH can directly scavenge protein- and
proteins (Hudson, 2001). RLIP76 (RALBP1) is a DNA-radicals. Additionally, non-enzymatic reaction
76 kDa Ral-binding, Rho/Rac-GAP and Ral effector of nitric oxide (NO) with GSH convey to the
protein which was recently proposed to be a novel formation of the relatively stable S-nitrosoglutathione
multispecific transporter of xenobiotics as well as (GSNO), which can be inactivated by its conjugation
GSH-conjugates with inherent ATPase activity to proteins through S-nitrosylation reactions. Glu-
(Awasthi et al., 2003). Finally, connexins are a tathione can also catalytically detoxify cells from
large family of transmembrane proteins that, when hydroperoxides (H2O2), peroxynitrite (OONO7)
apposed to other cells’ connexins, form functional and lipid peroxides by the action of GSH peroxidases
intercellular channels or gap junctions; and when (GPXs), peroxiredoxins (PXRs), and phospholipid
unapposed, form hemichannels. They control the hydroperoxide GSH peroxidases (PHGPX) (Mates,
diffusion driven passage of ions and molecules of a 2000; Valko et al., 2007). Glutathione peroxidases
molecular mass of up to 1 kDa. Recently, hemi- are selenoproteins that vary in their peroxide
channels have been suggested to mediate the efflux substrate specificity. On the other hand, peroxire-
of glutathione in astrocytes (Contreras et al., 2004; doxins catalyze the reduction of H2O2 by thiols
Rana & Dringen, 2006). including GSH using cysteine in its thiolate (S7)
GSH in human health and disease 239
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Figure 5. Metabolism of GSH. GSH metabolism can be arbitrarily classified in three different types of functions including antioxidant, as a
mediator of thiol/exchange reactions, and as a factor in nucleophile conjugation. As a strong reducing agent, GSH is involved in free radical
. .
or reactive species (RS) and metal oxido-reduction reactions that lead to the formation of the thyil radical GS . Two GS species can further
react and form a GSSG molecule (1). Additionally, GSH can catalytically detoxify cells from peroxides (PX) by the action of GSH
peroxidases (GPXs) peroxiredoxins (PXRs) and phospholipid hydroperoxide GSH peroxidases (PHGPX). Glutathione disulfide (GSSG) is
further reduced to GSH by NADPH through glutathione reductase (GR) (2). The antioxidant role of GSH is also mediated by its role in
other primary antioxidant systems such as that of the dehydroascorbate reductase (DHR) which regenerates oxidized ascorbate
(dehydroascorbate) (3). Glutathione also participates in thiol/exchange reactions (S-glutathionylation and S-nitrosylation) as a reversible
mechanism for post-translational modification of proteins. The main reactions involved in this phenomenon are protein-SH/GSSG exchange
reactions and NO mediated formation of S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and which mediates S-nitrosylation of proteins. Disulfide linkages
are mainly removed (dethiolation or deglutathionylation) by the activity of enzymes such as glutaredoxin (GRX) or thioredoxin (TRX) (4).
Finally, as a nucleophile, GSH can react with a wide variety of electrophiles (including xenobiotics and endogenous metabolites) in a reaction
catalyzed by glutathione transferases (GST) thus leading to the formation of GSH-conjugates or adducts (5).
form in their active site rather than selenium. increases in GSSG are counteracted by its rapid
Furthermore, H2O2 can spontaneously react with reduction by GR (Forman et al., 2002). However,
S7 to form sulfenic acid. Since these S7 molecules severe oxidative stress impairs GR activity leading to
are often part of active sites of a variety of proteins increased GSSG accumulation in the cell which in
including protein tyrosine phoshatases, alteration of most cases can be actively extruded through specific
protein function by H2O2 can be modulated by GSH. transporters. The reducing power of ascorbate also
Other enzymes including GSH-transferases (GST) helps to maintain systemic GSH homeostasis
have been shown to help in the metabolism of RS like (Gutierrez-Correa & Stoppani, 1997; Vander Jagt
NO and peroxides. Finally, GSH also participates in et al., 1997). Glutathione reductase has been
the antioxidant defense against carbon-centered reported regulated at the expression level by several
radicals. (Mates, 2000; Valko et al., 2007). oxidative stress conditions (Masella et al., 2005).
Glutathione disulfide formed in the process of RS Recently the activity of both GR and GPX have been
scavenging, also known as oxidized GSH, is reduced shown to be important predictors of the general
to glutathione by the action of glutathione reductase tissue redox state (Yang et al., 2006a).
(GR) (Wu et al., 2004) (Figure 5). Glutathione The antioxidant function of GSH is also mediated
reductase is a flavoenzyme represented as a single- by its role in other primary antioxidant systems.
copy gene in humans. It requires reduced nicotina- Several GSH-dependent enzymes have been de-
mide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) as scribed to have dehydroascorbate reductase activity.
an electron donor reductant, which is maintained In addition, novel dehydroascorbate reductases
predominantly by the pentose phosphate shunt. (DHR) have been reported to act as GSH-dependent
Under physiological conditions GSSG is maintained enzymes. In this case, DHR activity is provided by
at *1% of total glutathione concentration and the electron donor capacity of GSH that allows the
240 R. Franco et al.
regeneration of oxidized ascorbate (dehydroascor- form. Thus, changes in the GSH/GSSG equilibrium
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bate) (Meister, 1994; Maellaro et al., 1997; Masella within the cell may regulate certain metabolic path-
et al., 2005). Glutathione may also aid in the storage ways by activating or inactivating key enzymes.
and transfer of cysteine because of its reducing Without a process to reduce protein disulfides,
properties. Cysteine’s rapid autoxidation to cystine vulnerable cysteinyl residues of essential enzymes
produces potentially toxic oxygen radicals and so might remain oxidized, leading to changes in their
most of the non-protein cysteine is stored as GSH. catalytic activity (see section below). Higher-order
Thus, the ability of many cells to transport GSH into thiol cell systems like metallothioneins and thior-
the extracellular compartment may help in the edoxins are regulated by the GSH/GSSG balance
transport of cysteine and might also protect the cell (Schafer & Buettner, 2001; Jones, 2006).
membrane by reducing harmful reactive compounds
such as RS (Meister, 1995a; Meister, 1995b; Jefferies
Thiol/exchange reactions. Glutathionylation
et al., 2003; Wu et al., 2004).
(glutathyolation) of proteins
Changes in the intracellular thiol-disulfide (GSH/
GSSG) balance within the cell can be used as an Several proteins involved in cellular signaling have
indicator of the redox status of the cell. As mentioned critical thiols whose function can be altered by redox
above, under conditions of oxidative stress, GSH is modifications, including receptors, kinases, tran-
consumed by scavenging free radicals while GSSG scription factors and proteins involved in ubiquitina-
levels increase. The ratio of [GSH/GSSG] and the tion. Proteins with sulhydryls 7SH (thiol groups)
reduction potential (mV) are two ways to express can respond to oxidative stress by forming disulfides.
the intracellular redox environment of the cell. The The formation of disulfide bonds within a protein
GSH/GSSG couple is considered to be a cellular (intra) or between two proteins (inter) are reversed
redox buffer because it provides a very large pool of by protein disulfide isomerases. On the other hand,
reducing equivalents. Whereas many proteins are the formation of mixed disulfides with low-molecular
active when the key sulfhydryls are in the thiol form, mass thiols such as cysteine, homocysteine and GSH
others require them to be in the oxidized disulfide (s-thiolation) generates mixed protein/non-protein
disulfides (s-thiolated proteins). Because GSH is the
most available substrate in these reactions most of the
Table I. Examples of GSH-mediated oxido-reduction reactions. At S-thiolation processes involve S-glutathionylation of
physiological pH (7.4) and in solution, GSH becomes dissociated proteins. The importance of GSH in mixed disulfide
to GS7 (thiolate anion) þ Hþ. Thus, GSH in its GS7 form
mediates most of the reactions described below.
formation is demonstrated by the observation that
nearly 85% of mixed protein disulfides contain GSH.
Precursors Products Potential modes for S-glutathionylation modification
of protein thiols are exemplified in Table II. The
. .
GS þ H2O
þ GS þ H2O
2 þH
GSH þ NO þ O2 GSNO þ O2
. .
GSH þ R GS þ RH Table II. Potential modes for GSH mediated S-glutathionylation
. .
GS þ DNA and S-nitrosylation.
2GSH þ H2O2 GSSG þ 2H2O
Precursors Products
2GSH GSSG þ Ascorbic acid
þ Dihydroascorbate GSSG þ Protein-SH Protein-SSG þ GSH
2GSH þ Protein-SSX GSSG þ Protein-(SH2)X GSH þ Protein-SOH Protein-SSG þ H2O
. .
GS þ Protein-S Protein-SSG
GSH þ Protein-SSG GSSG þ Protein-SH
GS-OH þ Protein-SH Protein-SSG þ H2O
GSH þ Mn Mn71 þ GS
GSNO þ Protein-S Protein-SSG þ NO
GSH þ PGG2 GSSG þ PGH2 GSNO þ Protein-S7 Protein-SSG þ NO7
GSSG GSH þ Protein-SNO Protein-SSG þ NO
Protein SSG þ O2
superoxide anion; NADPH, b-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Abbreviations: GSH, reduced glutathione; GSSG, glutathione
phosphate; Protein-SSG; protein mixed disulfide; Protein-SSX, disulfide; GS , thyil radical; GSNO, nitrosoglutathione; NO, nitric
oxide; O27, superoxide anion; Protein-SSG; protein mixed
protein disulfide bond; LOOH, lipid hydroperoxide; LOH,
. .
alcohol; R , secondary radical; DNA , DNA radical; M, metals; disulfide; Protein-SSX, protein disulfide bond; Protein-SH,
Protein-SH, protein sulhydril or protein thiol; PGG2, prostaglan- protein sulhydryl or protein thiol; Protein-SOH, Protein sulfenic
din G2; PGH2, prostaglandin H2; PES; Prostaglandin endoper- acid; Protein-SNO, protein nitrosothiol; Protein-S7, protein
oxide synthetase; GRX, glutaredoxin. thiolate anion; Protein S , protein thyil radical.
GSH in human health and disease 241
main non-enzymatic mechanisms for S-glutathiony- binding of GSH to endogenous compounds serves
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lation of proteins involve: (1) reaction of GSH with to: (a) limit and regulate the activity of chemicals; (b)
partially oxidized protein-(SH) groups (sulfenic facilitate their membrane transport and elimination
acids); (2) protein-SH/GSSG exchange reactions; from the cell and organism; and (c) result in the
(3) protein-SH/GSH-GS radical reactions; and (4) formation of important intermediates (van Bladeren,
NO-mediated formation of S-nitrosoglutathione 2000; Townsend et al., 2005). Glutathione forms
(GSNO) and GS radicals (S-nitrosation or conjugates with a great variety of highly reactive
S-nitrosylation). It has been demonstrated that a electrophiles by either direct interaction (i.e. non-
significant basal level of protein mixed disulfides catalyzed); or by a reaction catalyzed by GST
(protein-SSG) of around 1% is found within cells, (S-glutathionylation). Glutathione reacts with var-
and where there is a significant increase in GSSG ious electrophiles (e.g. arene oxides, unsaturated
content due to oxidative stress, protein-SSG will carbonyls, organic halides), physiological metabolites
concomitantly increase. S-Glutathionylation has also (e.g. estrogen, melanins, prostaglandins and leuko-
been observed under basal conditions in the absence trienes), and xenobiotics (e.g. bromobenzene and
of oxidative insults. S-Glutathionylation of proteins acetaminophen). In this way, GSH forms thioether
(considered a reversible post-translational modifica- conjugates with compounds like leukotrienes, pros-
tion of proteins) has a dual role in protecting against taglandins, hepoxilins, nitric oxide hydroxyalkenals,
irreversible protein thiol oxidation and in regulating ascorbic acid, dopa, dopamine and maleic acid, while
protein function. Once formed, mixed disulfide it forms thioesthers with cysteine, coenzyme A,
linkages are removed by changes in the intracellular proteins and other cellular thiols (Eaton & Bammler,
GSH/GSSG balance and/or the activities of protein 1999; van Bladeren, 2000). Via non-catalyzed reac-
disulfide reductase, thioredoxin, glutaredoxin (thiol- tions GSH can also form thermodynamically stable
transferase) enzymes and other reducing agents but kinetically labile mercaptides with a high affinity
(dethiolation or deglutathionylation). The enzymatic for metals including mercury, silver, cadmium,
specificity and efficiency of dethiolating reactions has arsenic, lead, gold, zinc, and copper. In addition,
been observed to depend on the structural con- GSH also functions in the mobilization and delivery
formation of the disulfide (Pompella et al., 2003; of metals between ligands, in the transport of metal
Giustarini et al., 2004; Di Simplicio et al., 2005; across cell membranes, as a source of cysteine for
Shackelford et al., 2005; Biswas et al., 2006; Cross & metal binding, and as a reductant or cofactor in
Templeton, 2006). redox reactions involving metals (Wang & Ballatori,
The group of GSTs forms a class of enzymes with
Glutathionylation of electrophiles
overlapping substrate specificity, that generate a large
As a nucleophile, GSH can react with electrophiles set of thioesthers, called glutathione S-conjugates.
that are generated as a consequence of metabolic Most of the GST isoforms are present in the
processes involving both endogenous compounds cytoplasm, although some are also present in the
and xenobiotics (Figure 5, Table III). Conjugation of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial matrix.
GSH is an essential aspect of both xenobiotic and This allows them to participate in the detoxification
normal physiological metabolism. In general, the of a chemically diverse group of compounds includ-
ing chemical carcinogens, environmental pollutants
and anti-tumor agents. The most common reactions
by GST involve nucleophilic attack by GSH to an
Table III. GSH-mediated conjugation reactions.
electrophilic carbon. These include those of satu-
Precursors Products rated (e.g. alkyl halides, lactones and epoxides) and
unsaturated carbon atoms (e.g. a, b-unsaturated
2GSH þ M2þ GS-M-SG compounds, quinones, quinonimines and esters) as
GSH þ PGA1 S-(PGA1)-GSH well as aromatic carbon atoms (e.g. aryl halides and
aryl nitro compounds) (van Bladeren, 2000). The
GSH þ Hepoxilin A3 Hepoxilin A3-C electrophilic centers of these compounds undergo
GSH þ 4-HNE 4-HNE-GSH nucleophilic substitution, nucleophilic addition to a
a, b-unsaturated ketones or epoxides, and nucleo-
GSH þ Dopamine þ 2O2 SS-gluathionyl-
philic attack on electrophilic oxygen (Townsend
dopamine þ 2HO2
GSH þ Methylgyoxal D-lactate þ GSH et al., 2005). Glutathione-S-transferase also mediates
formation of GSNO from alkyl nitrite and GSH.
2GSH þ 2ATP þ Trypanothione þ Moreover, GST can also serve as peroxidases,
Spermine 2ADP þ 2Pi isomerases and thiol transferases. In addition,
protein-protein interactions between GSTs and
Abbreviations: GSH, reduced glutathione; M, metal; PGA1,
prostaglandin A1; 4-HNE, 4-hydroxynonenal; GXI, glyoxylase I; signaling proteins such as JNK have been shown to
GXII, glyoxylase II; GSS; glutathionylspermidine synthetase; TS, regulate signal transduction (Pompella et al., 2003;
trypanothione synthetase. Hayes et al., 2005). Finally, GSH conjugation has
242 R. Franco et al.
been demonstrated to have a pro-oxidant activity efficiency of the DNA repair machinery (Smith et al.,
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by itself that can give rise to the formation of 1996; Green, 2003; Green et al., 2006).
compounds that are at least as reactive as the parent
electrophiles. In this way, GSH-conjugates extrusion
Other biological functions of GSH
is an important mechanism of electrophile detoxifi-
cation although this may result in severe GSH Glutathione has been reported to participate in
depletion. In addition, GSH-conjugation of metal several other important biological processes. It also
ions has been reported to generate ROS including serves as a substrate for the formaldehyde dehydro-
O27 and H2O2 (Pompella et al., 2003). genase that converts formaldehyde and GSH to
S-formyl-glutathione. This is of physiological im-
portance because formaldehyde is a potent carcino-
Glutathione compartmentalization
gen produced from the metabolism of methionine,
Glutathione compartmentalization is also an impor- choline, methanol sarcosine, and xenobiotics.
tant process which participates in many other Glutathione is required as well for the conversion
biological processes. Significant pools are found of the arachidonic acid metabolite, prostaglandin H2,
within mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and into prostaglandins D2 and E2 by endoperoxide
nuclear matrix. Mitochondria are highly dependent isomerase. Furthermore, GSH is involved in the
on GSH for the prevention of oxidative damage due glyoxylase system, which converts methylgyoxal to
to aerobic respiration and they rely on the salvage of D-lactate in microorganisms. Finally, GSH is a
GSSG by GR and on the uptake of cytosolic GSH cofactor for transhydrogenases in the reduction of
across the outer membrane since they are incapable oxidized centers on DNA, proteins, and other
of de novo synthesis. It has been proposed that GSH biomolecules (Table III) (Meister, 1995b; Sies,
must be actively transported into the mitochondria or 1999; Jefferies et al., 2003; Wu et al., 2004).
exchanged for another anion not only because the
matrix space of the mitochondria possesses a negative
Glutathione as a central player in human
membrane potential relative to the cytoplasm, but
also because GSH is a negatively charged molecule at
physiological pH. Some of the possible candidates Alterations in GSH homeostasis and metabolism
involved in mitochondrial import of cytosolic GSH have been widely reported to be correlated with
include the monocarboxylate, dicarboxylate, 2-ox- several human diseases. Most of them have been
oglutarate, tricarboxylate, and glutamate-hydroxide associated with depletion of cellular GSH levels.
and glutamate-aspartate transporters (Figure 4) Glutathione depletion can be induced by three
(Lash, 2006). different mechanisms: (1) its oxidation by RS, (2)
In contrast to the cytosol and mitochondria, the its conjugation to proteins or electrophiles, and (3)
lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) contains a its extrusion across the plasma membrane. Under
relatively higher concentration of GSSG which these conditions, the cell demands GSH replenish-
allows the formation of disulfide bonds and their ment through de novo GSH synthesis or salvage
isomerization through the activity of protein disulfide pathways (catabolism). For example, GSH depletion
isomerases and oxidoreductases. The high concen- has been associated with the progression of cellular
tration of GSSG in the ER is maintained by the influx death and cytotoxicity. On the other hand, high
of reducing equivalents by either protein transloca- intracellular GSH concentrations are responsible for
tion, which provides with available cysteine residues, multidrug resistance observed in transformed (carci-
and/or selective transport of GSH from the cytosol to nogenous) cells. Finally, alterations in GSH-depen-
the ER. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) catalyzes dent enzymes have been described in different
the formation of disulfide bonds, then, the resulted disease conditions. In the next section, we briefly
reduced PDI is further oxidized by the flavoprotein summarize the role of alterations in intracellular
Ero1. The later generates ROS as byproducts that are GSH content and/or GSH-dependent enzymes or
detoxified by GSH thereby generating high levels of processes in the progression of several pathological
GSSG. Protein disulfide isomerase can be either conditions.
reduced by GSH or oxidized by GSSG. High luminal
GSSG concentrations are then secreted from the ER
(Chakravarthi et al., 2006).
Nuclear matrix is another important pool for Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a ubiquitous,
GSH. No active transport mechanisms for GSH evolutionary, highly conserved process involved in
have been described so far for its nuclear import; several biological phenomena. Under physiological
however, it is assumed that GSH is capable of conditions, it is important not only in the constant
diffusing into the nucleus across nuclear pores. turnover of cells in all tissues but also during the
Recent reports have suggested the critical role of normal development and senescence of the organism.
nuclear GSH pools in protecting DNA from oxida- Moreover, its deregulation has been observed to
tive modifications that might, in turn, affect the occur as either a cause or consequence of distinct
GSH in human health and disease 243
pathologies (Fadeel & Orrenius, 2005). Apoptosis is a changes involved in the generation of a permissive
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highly organized process characterized by the pro- apoptotic environment necessary for the activation
gressive activation of precise pathways leading to of apoptotic enzymes. Glutathione is essential for
specific biochemical and morphological alterations. survival as g-GCS knock-out mouse, which induces
Initial stages of apoptosis are characterized by RS GSH depletion, die from apoptotic cell death
formation, changes in intracellular ionic homeostasis, (Dalton et al., 2004). Several studies have shown a
cell shrinkage, loss of membrane lipid asymmetry and correlation between GSH depletion and the progres-
chromatin condensation. Later stages associated with sion of apoptosis (Figure 6), for example, inhibition
the execution phase of apoptosis are characterized by of GSH release is able to rescue cells from apoptosis
activation of execution caspases and endonucleases, (Ghibelli et al., 1998; Franco & Cidlowski, 2006;
apoptotic body formation and cell fragmentation Hammond et al., 2007). Moreover high [GSH]i
(Hengartner, 2000; Franco et al., 2006). levels have been associated with an apoptotic
Despite the large efforts on the characterization of resistant phenotype (Chiba et al., 1996; Kohno
the molecular events leading to apoptosis, recent et al., 1996; Mehlen et al., 1996; Watson et al.,
reports have underlined the role of changes in the 1997; Meredith et al., 1998; Xu et al., 1999; Friesen
intracellular milieu of the cells that are necessary for et al., 2004; Cazanave et al., 2006). Glutathione
the progression of the cell death program. Intracel- depletion during apoptosis has been associated with
lular GSH loss is an early hallmark in the progression the activation of a plasma membrane transport
of cell death in response to different apoptotic stimuli mechanism during apoptosis that is induced by both
(Beaver & Waring, 1995; Ghibelli et al., 1998; extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathway activators
Obrosova et al., 1999; Hammond et al., 2004; Kern & (Ghibelli et al., 1995; van den Dobbelsteen et al.,
Kehrer, 2005), and it is thought to be part of the 1996; Bojes et al., 1997; Ghibelli et al., 1998;
Figure 6. Role of GSH in apoptosis and cytotoxicity. Glutathione depletion is an important hallmark for apoptosis and cytotoxicity, and can be
depleted by different mechanisms. Apoptosis induced by physiological stimuli such as death receptor activation or cytokine withdrawal has
been shown to induce GSH loss by the activation of a plasma membrane efflux transport for GSH and not by its oxidation to GSSG (1).
Distinct apoptotic stimuli (death receptors), stress conditions (osmotic, hypoxia), and cytotoxic agents (such as xenobiotics and pollutants)
can generate or increase reactive species (RS) formation either by organelle-mediated damage, or by simple chemical reactions, which can
induce GSH depletion through its oxidation (GSSG formation) and/or conjugation (2). GSH depletion and RS formation can trigger an
amplification cascade which utilizes both increased RS formation and GSH depletion (3). Mitochondrial GSH pool has also been shown to
act as an important regulator of cellular death. The resulted GSSG and/or GSH-conjugates generated are toxic to the cell and must be
extruded by efflux pumps. This further depletes intracellular GSH pools by the impairment of GSSG recycling to GSH through the action of
the GR and NADPH. Finally, GSH depletion and RS formation might regulate the induction of apoptosis or cytotoxicity by RS-mediated
signaling (through ROS or RNS), thiol-exchange reactions or protein oxidation-modifications (S-glutathionylation, S-nitrosylation), or GSH
conjugation (by the action of GST) (4). GSH-T, GSH transporter involved in GSH depletion during apoptosis.
244 R. Franco et al.
He et al., 2003; Hammond et al., 2004; Franco & a role of GSH content in the regulation of apoptotic
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Cidlowski, 2006; Hammond et al., 2007). On the enzymes, rather than the involvement of RS.
other hand, oxidation of GSH by RS has been Glutathione depletion has been shown to either
demonstrated to mediate its depletion during predispose cells to apoptosis or directly trigger cell
apoptosis induced by cytotoxic agents that by them- death by modulation of both the permeability
selves induce oxidative stress (see next section) transition pore formation, and the activation of
(Hengartner, 2000; Fu et al., 2001; Hiroi et al., execution caspases (Ueda et al., 1998; Obrosova
2005; Cai et al., 2007). Recent studies have suggested et al., 1999; Coppola & Ghibelli, 2000; Haouzi et al.,
that both MRP (He et al., 2003; Benlloch et al., 2005; 2001; Armstrong & Jones, 2002; Nagai et al., 2002;
Hammond et al., 2007) and GSH/OA7 exchange Varghese et al., 2003; Valverde et al., 2006). In vitro
transporters might be involved in GSH efflux during studies have shown that a reduction in the GSH
apoptosis (Franco & Cidlowski, 2006). Additionally, content is necessary for the formation of the
a recent study has shown that glutamate-L-cysteine apoptosome (Sato et al., 2004). Additionally, GSH
ligase also known as g-glutamyl cysteine synthetase, depletion activates the intrinsic apoptotic pathway
the rate limiting enzyme in GSH biosynthesis, is a initiator Bax, by its oxidation-dependent dimeriza-
direct target of caspase 3 (Franklin et al., 2002). This tion (D’Alessio et al., 2005). It has also been
may represent another mechanism for diminishing proposed recently that released cytochrome C from
GSH levels during apoptosis. the mitochondria needs to become oxidized for its
The mechanisms involved in GSH-induced mod- pro-apoptotic activation, which will require cytosolic
ulation of apoptosis remain elusive. Due to its action GSH levels to be depleted (Coppola & Ghibelli,
as one of the main antioxidant defenses within the 2000; Hancock et al., 2003).
cell, depletion of intracellular GSH content has Several GSH-dependent enzymes have been re-
primarily been thought to reflect the generation of ported to protect cells from undergoing apoptosis.
RS (Wu et al., 2004). The role of RS in apoptosis has For example, overexpression of GPX has been
been extensively studied (Chandra et al., 2000; reported to protect against Fas-induced apoptosis
Carmody & Cotter, 2001). However, such role has (Gouaze et al., 2001). However, in vivo studies have
been suggested mainly through the use of RS shown that there are no difference in animals
generation systems that induce cell death. On the deficient of GPX compared to WT in their response
other hand, the role of RS in apoptosis induced by to death receptor-(Fas and TNF) mediated cell death
physiological stimuli, like that of death receptor (Bajt et al., 2002). Thiol exchange reactions have also
activation, remains largely controversial primarily been reported to directly modulate apoptotic en-
due to reports showing contradictory roles including zymes (England & Cotter, 2005). For example,
both inhibitory and stimulatory effects of RS on caspases have been reported to be glutathionylated
apoptosis. For example, apoptosis induced by and nitrosylated under basal conditions (Zech et al.,
activation of the death receptor Fas/CD95/Apo-1 by 1999; Klatt et al., 2000). Activation and/or transloca-
its ligand (FasL) has been suggested to depend on tion of these enzymes during apoptosis has been
the generation of H2O2 formation (Devadas et al., reported to require deglutathionylation (Pan & Berk,
2003; Perez-Cruz et al., 2003; Sato et al., 2004; 2007) and denitrosylation (Dimmeler et al., 1997;
Reinehr et al., 2005), while other studies report an Haendeler et al., 1997; Kim et al., 1997; Li et al.,
inhibitory role of H2O2 on Fas-mediated cell death 1997; Melino et al., 1997; Mohr et al., 1997; Kim
(Borutaite & Brown, 2001; Aronis et al., 2003). et al., 2000; Melino et al., 2000; Bernassola et al.,
Many reports have correlated ROS and Fas-induced 2001; Mannick et al., 2001; Kim & Tannenbaum,
apoptosis by the protective effect of extracellular 2004). Additionally, anti-apoptotic functions of Bcl-
thiols such as GSH and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) 2, FLICE inhibitory protein (FLIP) and dynamin
in preventing cell death, effects ascribed to their also depend on their degree of nitrosylation (Chan-
known capacities as antioxidants (Gulbins et al., vorachote et al., 2005; Moungjaroen et al., 2006;
1996; Um et al., 1996; Deas et al., 1997; Devadas Kang-Decker et al., 2007). Interestingly, inhibition of
et al., 2003; Sato et al., 2004; Franco & Cidlowski, GRX which regulates protein glutathionylation by
2006). Interestingly, protective effects of thiol-com- cadmium triggers apoptosis in the absence of any
pounds in the absence of any ROS formation are also other apoptotic stimuli (Chrestensen et al., 2000).
observed (Deas et al., 1997). Additionally, apoptosis
has been reported to occur under anaerobic
Stress response and cytotoxicity
conditions i.e. in the absence of ROS formation
(Jacobson & Raff, 1995; Shimizu et al., 1995), or in The intracellular content of GSH is highly responsive
cells lacking mitochondrial DNA, i.e. deficient in to environmental factors. Many different conditions
respiration and mitochondrial oxidative phosphory- of environmental stress have been demonstrated to
lation (Jacobson et al., 1993; Jiang et al., 1999). alter GSH content (Figure 6). These include heavy
Thus, inhibition of apoptosis by using any metals, high glucose concentrations, heat shock, RS
experimental intervention that prevents GSH or compounds that can generate RS. Modulation of
depletion or replenishes it might be an indicative of GSH content by xenobiotics has been shown to be
GSH in human health and disease 245
regulated by modulation of the g-GCS subunit gene that results in the production of free radicals and
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reduced by GSH to Cr(IV) generating OH . It has
also been demonstrated that in the presence of Co
(II), Fe(III), Ni(II) and Cu(II), endogenous reduc- Numerous factors contribute to the initiation, devel-
tants such as GSH cause DNA damage by exacer- opment and progression of cancer including those of
bation of oxidative stress (Valko et al., 2005; genetic, environmental and dietary influences.
Valko et al., 2006). Similarly, the reduction of Fe(III) Glutathione and GSH-metabolism participate in
to Fe(II) by GSH in particular has been suggested different ways in cancer prevention and progression
to be mediated through the g-GT-mediated GSH (Figure 7). Both clinical and epidemiological studies
cleavage that triggers an iron-redox cycling process have shown the role of RS produced by UV radiation
246 R. Franco et al.
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Figure 7. Role of GSH in carcinogenesis. Glutathione has been shown to regulate the progression of carcinogenesis in different ways. Its
protective role in cellular transformation involves the detoxification of carcinogens (RS or xenobiotics) produced by UV exposure, chemical
agents, environment, inflammation and diet. This is mediated either by its antioxidant role or by GST-mediated phase II detoxification
reactions (1). Transformed cells have shown to have increased levels of expression for several GSH enzymes whose function could be also
altered by polymorphisms. Glutathione inhibition of apoptosis and thiol/exchange reactions also contribute to cellular transformation and
immortalization. In addition, in tumoral cells, abnormal levels of several ROS and RNS regulate post-translational modifications through
S-glutathionylation or S-nitrosylation of redox-sensitive transcription factors and proteins that have been shown to be involved in
tumorigenesis (2). Finally, GSH also contributes to cell’s resistance to antineoplastic treatments by either inhibition of apoptosis, or
impairment of chemotherapeutic drug detoxification by GSH-conjugation (3). In this way, therapeutic strategies based on GSH depletion
(by its extrusion or metabolism) have been shown to sensitize cells to anti-cancer therapy.
largely studied for potential anti-cancer therapies. mediated by oxidative stress has been shown to play
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Such therapeutic interventions have been shown to an important role in regulating transient outward Kþ
increase cellular sensitivity to treatment with ionizing currents in rat ventricular myocytes that might
radiation and also decrease tumor resistance to mediate impaired contractility and abnormal elec-
chemotherapeutic agents (Balendiran et al., 2004). trical properties during diabetes (Xu et al., 2002).
Furthermore, GSH depletion sensitizes tumor cells to Despite that GSH depletion has been suggested to be
undergo apoptosis overriding Bcl-2 protection and a cause of free radicals formation, such depletion has
thus suggesting a link between GSH content and the also been associated to its metabolism independent
anti-apoptotic function of the Bcl-2 family of anti- from its oxidation (Beard et al., 2003; Januel et al.,
apoptotic proteins (Kern & Kehrer, 2005). Another 2003).
potential role for anti-neoplastic therapy is the The mitochondrial GSH pool also seems to be an
modulation of GSH efflux by acting on its transpor- important player in diabetes. Hyperglycemia has
ters or pumps. Recently, it has been shown that been shown to increase the enzymatic conversion of
transformed cells are sensitized to cell death when glucose to sorbitol by the sorbitol dehydrogenase,
intracellular GSH is depleted through stimulation of with concomitant decreases in NADPH and glu-
GSH efflux pumps (MRP, CFTR and OATP tathione. This depletion in reducing equivalents
proteins) (Estrela et al., 2006; Franco & Cidlowski, results in augmented sensitivity to oxidative stress
2006), whose expression varies in different cancer cell (Brownlee, 2003; Rolo & Palmeira, 2006). Diabetic
lines (Cui et al., 2003; Perez-Tomas, 2006). streptozotocin rats have been reported to have
reduced GPX activity, and increased levels of GSSG
and ROS in the mitochondria (Awasthi et al., 2003;
Green et al., 2004; Ghosh et al., 2005; Mastrocola
Metabolic diseases arise either when a critical et al., 2005). Hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress
enzyme is disabled, or if a control mechanism for a and GSH depletion have been suggested to be
metabolic pathway is affected. Diabetes mellitus is a regulated by the inner membrane potential of the
metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia mitochondria (Gustafsson et al., 2004), and oxidative
and oxidative stress (Maritim et al., 2003; Green stress has been reported to impair insulin secretion
et al., 2004; Opara, 2004; Pennathur & Heinecke, (Krippeit-Drews et al., 1999; Maechler et al., 1999).
2004; Robertson, 2004; Robertson et al., 2004). Nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT)
Enhanced production of free radicals and oxidative has been demonstrated to protect against mitochon-
stress play a central role in the pathogenesis of drial oxidative stress by mediating NADPþ and
diabetes and its complications, including obesity, NADH conversion to NADPH that is necessary for
which is the most critical factor in the emergence of GSSG recycling to GSH (Arkblad et al., 2005).
metabolic diseases. However, controversy still exists Recently, it has been proposed that alterations in
about the nature, magnitude, and localization of NNT activity in pancreatic b cells mediate impaired
oxidative stress in diabetes. Moreover, it is still insulin secretion during type 2 diabetes. The
unclear whether oxidative stress is a primary event proposed mechanism involves the impairment of
that occurs early in the progression of diabetes or if it GR-mediated GSH recycling after its oxidation that
is a secondary phenomenon as part of the end-stage is required for ROS-detoxification by GPX. This is
tissue damage (Pennathur & Heinecke, 2004). thought to lead to enhanced ROS accumulation
Several studies have demonstrated that diabetes decreased ATP production and enhanced KATP
elicits dynamic and profound alterations in GSH channel activity (ATP-inhibited Kþ channels) there-
metabolism and transport, that mediate alterations in by producing hyperpolarization of the plasma mem-
the cell’s redox state (Figure 8) (Gandhi & Roy brane and preventing Ca2þ-dependent insulin
Chowdhury, 1979; Murakami et al., 1989; Collier secretion (Freeman et al., 2006a; Freeman et al.,
et al., 1990; Paolisso et al., 1992; Yoshida et al., 1995; 2006b).
Lu et al., 1997; Giron et al., 1999; Obrosova et al., Although GST polymorphisms together with
2000; Sharma et al., 2000; Yang et al., 2000; Abou- altered GST distribution and activity have been
Seif & Youssef, 2001; Yue et al., 2003; Raza & John, reported to occur in distinct models of diabetes, their
2004; Winiarska et al., 2004; Darmaun et al., 2005; physiological significance is still elusive (Fujita et al.,
Sampathkumar et al., 2005). Several pathological 2001; Traverso et al., 2002; Raza et al., 2004; Wang
complications of diabetes including peripheral nerve et al., 2006; Yalin et al., 2006). In this respect, insulin
lesions, embryonic malformations, angiopathies- and treatment has been shown to up-regulate the anti-
artherosclerosis-mediated tissue hypoxia, diabetic oxidant defenses of the cells by increasing GST
encephalopathy, and gastric damage have been expression through the PI3K/Akt/p70S6K pathway
proposed to be associated with GSH depletion (Kim et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2006), while glucagon
(Goldin et al., 1997; Sakamaki et al., 1999; Gumie- on the other hand, a physiological antagonist of
niczek et al., 2001; Donma et al., 2002; Mastrocola insulin, decreases GST expression (Kim et al., 2003).
et al., 2005; Bonfigli et al., 2006; Ho et al., 2006; Additionally, insulin treatment in patients with type 2
Mehta et al., 2006). For example, GSH depletion diabetes mellitus reduces intracellular oxidative
248 R. Franco et al.
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Figure 8. Mechanisms for ROS formation and GSH depletion during hyperglycemia. During diabetes, elevated plasma glucose and free fatty acids
(FFA) lead to a rise in its cytoplasmic concentration by its uptake and diffusion respectively. Increase glucose and FFA oxidation lead to
increased production of reducing equivalents that mediate ROS generation through the respiratory electron transport chain (1). This is
followed by a concomitant decrease in mitochondrial NADPH and GSH. NNT mutation or deficiency has been proposed as a possible
mechanism involved in the impairment of NADPH formation and by consequence GR-mediated GSH recycling after its oxidation, which is
necessary for ROS-detoxification by GPX (2). This leads to increased ROS accumulation that have been shown to decrease ATP and
enhance KATP channels producing hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane and preventing Ca2þ-dependent insulin secretion (3).
Reactive oxygen species have been proposed to act as the major mechanism mediating cytosolic GSH depletion, although other mechanisms
including GSH efflux might also contribute to its depletion (4). Oxidative stress and GSH depletion might further alter insulin signaling
through thiol/exchange reactions. Diabetes has also been shown to decrease the expression of GSH-dependent antioxidant enzymes such as
GST and GPX (5). Finally, GSH depletion might also contribute to FFA and ROS-mediated apoptosis in b-cells (6). GLUT4, glucose
transporter; ETC, electron transport chain; NNT, Nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase; ATP-S, ATP synthase.
stress through an increased GSH/GSSG ratio (Bravi sensitization (McClung et al., 2004). Thiol-exchange
et al., 2006), while GSH infusion in type 2 diabetes reactions might also play an important role in
mellitus increases insulin sensitivity (De Mattia et al., diabetes. Cellular levels of protein S-nitrosylation
1998). Glutathione reductase activity has also been and S-glutathionylation have been demonstrated to
reported to be protective against streptozotocin- be elevated in type 2 diabetic patients (Niwa et al.,
induced diabetes (Nagaoka et al., 2004). In addition, 2000; Sampathkumar et al., 2005; Kaneki et al.,
diabetes has been reported to either impair GPX 2007). Additionally, S-nitrosylation of the insulin
activity (Bhor et al., 2004; Manea et al., 2004; Sindhu receptor, insulin receptor substrate-1, and Akt/PKB,
et al., 2004), which will decrease the antioxidant have been reported in skeletal muscle of diabetic
defenses; or to increase GPX activity as a compensa- mice where the Akt/PKB pathway was shown to be
tory response to ROS formation (Ulusu et al., 2003). reversibly inactivated (Yasukawa et al., 2005).
Glutathione peroxidase activity has been observed to A reduction in the number of insulin producing
have both beneficial and deleterious effects on b-cells through apoptosis also contributes to the
diabetes. For example GPX overexpression has been progression of diabetes. Hyperglycemia has been
shown to protect pancreatic beta cells from oxidative shown to induce apoptosis via activation of NFkB,
stress induced by glucose toxicity (Tanaka et al., mitochondrial cytochrome C, formation of ROS,
2002; Robertson et al., 2003). However, a recent and overexpression of the apoptotic genes Bad, Bik
report demonstrates a development of insulin resis- and Bid (Federici et al., 2001; Mandrup-Poulsen,
tance in mammals with elevated expression of the 2003). Additionally, free fatty acid-induced b-cell
antioxidant enzyme GPX1 whose activity may inter- apoptosis is suggested to involve the formation of
fere with insulin function by over quenching in- ceramide and NO. Finally, high glucose has been
tracellular ROS that are required for insulin shown to mediate upregulation of Fas in human
GSH in human health and disease 249
islets which might induce apoptosis in neighboring Glutathione deficiency has been largely correlated
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b-cells constitutively expressing FasL (Mandrup- with pulmonary diseases including chronic pulmon-
Poulsen, 2003). Altered GSH homeostasis and ary disease, acute respiratory distress syndrome,
oxidative stress in diabetes are also important neonatal lung damage and asthma. Glutathione
factors modulating cell death in different tissues. levels in the epithelial lining fluid (ELF), the first
As explained above, GSH is a central regulator of line of defense against exposure to oxygen, airborne
apoptosis. MRP-mediated GSH efflux and mito- toxins and oxygen radicals released from lung
chondrial GSH depletion are required for caspase 9- phagocytes, were observed to be depleted in idio-
and 3-dependent cardiomyocyte apoptosis in short pathic pulmonary fibrosis and acute distress syn-
term diabetic rats (Ghosh et al., 2004; Ghosh et al., drome. Moreover, GSH depletion in the ELF
2005). Furthermore, NAC supplementation pro- contributes to the imbalance between oxidants and
tects these cells from oxidative stress-mediated antioxidants in the lungs amplifying inflammatory
injury (Fiordaliso et al., 2004; Patriarca et al., responses and potentiating lung damage. It is
2005). Finally, it has been demonstrated that skin possible that GSH differences in ELF in various
cells derived from obese mouse are more sensitive inflammatory lung diseases are due to changes in the
to oxidative stress induced by UV radiation molecular regulation of GSH synthesis and the
(Katiyar & Meeran, 2007). production of lipid peroxidation products (Rahman
et al., 2005). Glutathione content in lung cells has
also been shown to be critical to the lung antioxidant
Glutathione synthetase deficiency
defenses against oxidant/free radical (cigarette
Glutathione synthetase deficiency is a rare autosomal smoke/air particulate)-mediated injury and inflam-
recessive disorder which prevents the production of mation. Air pollution gases such as sulfur dioxide
GSH due to a mutation and malfunctioning of the and nitrogen dioxide generate an inflammatory
GS as the result of a mutation in the corresponding response and increase alveolar permeability by
gene (Njalsson & Norgren, 2005). Glutathione depleting GSH levels in the lung. Additionally, it
synthetase deficiency can be classified into three has been suggested that extracellular GPX secreted
types based on the severity of the disease. Mild GS into ELF by alveolar epithelial cells and macro-
deficiency results in the destruction of red blood cells phages, along with the GSH redox system, provide a
and concomitant hemolytic anemia. These patients strong defense against oxidants (Rahman, 2005).
also excrete large amounts of 5-oxoproline in their It is known that supplemental oxygen can cause
urine (5-oxoprolinuria), which builds up when GSH significant lung damage in prematurely born infants
is not processed correctly in cells (Al-Jishi et al., which puts them at risk for developing pulmonary
1999), while individuals with moderate GSH defi- oxygen toxicity. This is mainly ascribed to cellular
ciency also present elevated acidity in the blood damage which is probably mediated by increased
and tissues (metabolic acidosis). Patients suffering production of ROS in the mitochondria. Protection
from the severe form of this disorder experience against these ROS is provided mainly by GSH, and
recurrent bacterial infections, and neurological depletion of mitochondrial GSH has been asso-
symptoms including seizures, generalized slowing ciated with an increased susceptibility to oxidant
down of physical reactions, movements, and injury (O’Donovan & Fernandes, 2000). Cystic
speech (psychomotor retardation), mental retarda- fibrosis is a genetic disorder ascribed to a recessive
tion, and a loss of coordination (ataxia) (Ristoff & mutation of the organic anion efflux channel
Larsson, 1998; Njalsson, 2005). More than 20 CFTR. CFTR contributes to the cellular homeo-
mutations in the GS gene have been described in static balance of GSH and in this way cystic
patients suffering from GS deficiency. These muta- fibrosis is associated with systemic and cellular
tions change single amino acids in the GS or disrupt GSH deficiency, by altered GSH efflux. GSH
how genetic information from the GS gene is deficiency in these conditions has been observed
spliced to make a blueprint for producing this to regulate inflammatory cytokines through NFkB
enzyme. The mutated GS enzyme is either unstable, activation and to promote high levels of oxidative
shorter than usual, or in the wrong conformation, stress and lipid peroxidation byproducts (Hudson,
and in all cases shows reduced activity that disrupts 2001).
the g-glutamyl cycle and production of GSH
(Njalsson et al., 2005).
Other human diseases and pathological conditions
Alterations in GSH homeostasis have also been
Lung diseases
described in several other pathological conditions;
Lungs are amongst the major sources of GSH however, its implication in the pathogenesis of these
storage (6.1 – 17.5 nmol/mg lung) and have higher conditions is still unclear. For example, GSH has
levels of g-GCS than other tissues. Alterations in the been found to be consistently lower in children with
levels of reduced GSH in the lung lining fluid have oedematous protein energy malnutrition (PEM)
been shown in various inflammatory conditions. (such as in kwashiorkor and marasmic-kwashiorkor)
250 R. Franco et al.
compared with non-oedematous PEM, suggesting a The aging process has also been associated with
Downloaded By: [University of Nevada Reno] At: 23:49 21 April 2008
direct relation with oedematous malnutrition. It has deterioration of GSH homeostasis by increased
been suggested that the limited cysteine content in levels of GSSG with a concomitant reduction of
the diet is the underlying cause for the reduced rate intracellular GSH. Additionally, disruption of the
of GSH synthesis in these patients (Reid & Jahoor, microsomal GST gene significantly reduces life-
2001). span in Drosophila suggesting a role of lipid
Glutathione levels are also depleted in plasma, peroxidation in cell aging and senescence. A down-
epithelial lining fluid, peripheral blood mononuclear regulation of the g-GCS has been reported to occur
lymphocytes and monocytes of symptom-free HIV in the rat brain during aging. In the brain, a
seropositive individuals, asymptomatic HIV-infected complex interaction between astrocytes and neurons
individuals and AIDS patients. However, the me- exists, where astrocytes supply neurons with cy-
chanisms by which alterations in GSH metabolism steine for GSH synthesis that is necessary for the
regulate HIV progression remain unclear. Glu- defense against oxidative-stress based pathologies
tathione deficiency has been associated with HIV including those of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and
infection. HIV-viral maturation depends on protease Huntington’s disease, as well as in ischemia,
activity regulated by glutathionylation. Additionally, schizophrenia and epilepsy. Parkinson’s disease
depleted GSH levels are suggested to activate NFkB progression is associated with a depletion of GSH
which allows HIV expression. Finally, GSH deple- levels and an increase in ROS formation in the
tion has also been suggested to be a modulator of substantia nigra. Finally, some reports have also
apoptosis in CD4þ T-cell lymphocytes which pre- attributed a signaling role to GSH as a hormone
sent low GSH content during HIV progression. In (Dringen & Hirrlinger, 2003).
this way, NAC-based treatment for replenishing
GSH stores has been demonstrated to have beneficial
Modulation of GSH content as a means of
effects (Droge & Breitkreutz, 2000; Shackelford
therapeutic approach
et al., 2005).
Liver is one of the major pools of GSH, and Because of the relevance of GSH as a central element
alterations in its content are either the cause or in the regulation of several human diseases, there is
consequence of several pathologies. Alcoholism- an increasing interest in the design of new strategies
mediated depletion of mitochondrial GSH mediates to modulate the GSH content. As indicated earlier,
ROS-dependent cell death (triggered by cytokines), several pathological conditions are associated with
that in turn contribute to the progression of GSH depletion either by its increased metabolism,
cirrhosis. This has been reported to be associated transport or impaired synthesis. In this way ther-
to the inactivation of the mitochondrial import apeutic treatments have been focused on the
transport for GSH (Fernandez-Checa & Kaplowitz, supplementation of cells and tissues with GSH.
2005). Additionally, chronic hepatitis C infection is Dietary amino acid balance has an important effect
associated with depleted levels of GSH in hepatic on GSH homeostasis. In particular, the adequate
and plasma fractions, as well as in peripheral blood provision of sulfur-containing amino acids as well as
mononuclear cells. Acetaminophen in addition to glutamate (glutamine) and glycine (serine) is critical
other pharmaceutical and/or environmental xeno- for optimal GSH synthesis (Valencia et al., 2001a;
biotics can deplete liver GSH. Finally, GSH levels Valencia et al., 2001e; Valencia et al., 2001c; Parcell,
after partial hepatectomy have been reported to be 2002; Wu et al., 2004). Glutamine is an efficient
doubled due to increased g-GCS expression and precursor for glutamate involved in GSH synthesis.
activity. In this conditions, it has been proposed that Cysteine is not only the rate limiting precursor to
an increased reducing environment caused by GSH but it is by itself an important reducing agent.
increased GSH may be generated in order to ensure Cysteine can be given orally to increase GSH;
proper NFkB activity and hepatocyte survival however, cysteine has been shown to have toxic
(Han et al., 2006). effects due to its instability and pro-oxidant reac-
Like GS deficiency, g-GCS deficiency is also tions. Because cysteine can be generated via the
associated with haemolytic anemia. On the other trans-sulfuration pathway, dietary methionine
hand g-GT deficiency exhibits marked glutathionuria (through the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine)
and glutathionaemia (excess glutathione in the can replace cysteine to support GSH synthesis
blood), which can lead to an imbalance in glutamic in vivo (Wu et al., 2004). Administration of oral
acid homeostasis (Schulman et al., 1975). Patients GSH increases hepatic GSH levels; however, the
with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis present mechanisms involved in its absorption are still
low level activities of g-GCT, g-GT and GST unclear. Glutathione is thought to be taken up poorly
(Jefferies et al., 2003). On the other hand, perturba- by cells and rapidly degraded in the gut and
tions in S-glutathionylated protein homeostasis is circulation. Moreover, GSH does not readily cross
associated with hyperlipidemia, chronic renal failure, the blood – brain barrier. In this way, intravenous or
uremia, as well as with Friederich’s ataxia and oral administration of GSH serves only to provide
Down’s syndrome (Giustarini et al., 2004). brain cells with constituent amino acids. Indeed,
GSH in human health and disease 251
Bajt ML, Ho YS, Vonderfecht SL, Jaeschke H. 2002. Reactive Cazanave S, Berson A, Haouzi D, Vadrot N, Fau D, Grodet A,
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oxygen as modulator of TNF and fas receptor-mediated Letteron P, Feldmann G, El-Benna J, Fromenty B, et al. 2007.
apoptosis in vivo: studies with glutathione peroxidase-deficient High hepatic glutathione stores alleviate Fas-induced apoptosis
mice. Antioxid Redox Signal 4:733 – 40. in mice. J Hepatol 46:858 – 68.
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