Her II Pierre Alex Jeanty
Her II Pierre Alex Jeanty
Her II Pierre Alex Jeanty
Other books by
ierre Alex Jeanty
To the reader ,
To the previous readers,
I still do not claim
to be a great poet,
but a great observer of her.
Love will leave few bruises
on several occasions.
It will hit some veins,
and do some damage in parts of you
that the eyes can’t see.
But ,
it will not give you bullet wounds,
nor will cut deep to the soul
It will never become a bystander while
your heart bleeds to death.
Your voice shouldn’t tremble in the midst
of someone who says they love you.
If you are stumbling over your words,
may it be because joy has your knees weak .
But it should never be because of the fact
that fear is swimming through your veins
and doubt overfilling your heart in their presence.
I can’t agree with you or them
and say it ’s love dear.
Falling in love can be scary,
but being in love should never be terrifying.
It was your lack of effort
that screamed, “Let go!”
and whispered, “Move on,” to her ears.
Those who disappear out of your life
as the sun sleeps
are neither lovers or friends.
They are gentle monsters.
They are leeches who will feast until you’re drained.
They are people with terrible promises and rotten motives.
Do not make them your savior,
do not find comfort on their shoulders,
do not build on their promises.
The caution tapes around her heart
are not there to keep you out ,
neither do they exist to be decoration on
Halloween nights.
She will remember the moments
you made her feel loved
more than the times you said,
“I love you.”
Young love is beautiful,
fall for that boy,
believe that it 'll never end,
talk about forever without a care in the world.
do not let old age catch you doing those things.
It will remind you very quickly,
that boys lie and that a man is what you need.
It will tell you over and over that relationships
end and that in a marriage full of love,
is when you'll being seeing forever.
Nothing ordinary is meant for you.
There’s nothing more unfair to you
than convincing yourself that it is okay
to accept anything short of extraordinary.
Your body is made to be made loved to
How is it you sacrifice
your happiness
to make sure
there’s not a scratch on theirs?
If I must be honest with you,
everyone is forgettable;
though memories may linger and replay
It is who we are that makes us unforgettable,
not our want to never be forgotten.
It is the type of love we offer to those who
have never known love that makes us
Simple Reminder I
The scale should never be given
the power to weigh you down.
Quit lying through your teeth.
Do not give her a crown
simply because you want her
to bite her tongue.
There’s no greater transgression
than attempting to make her feel
that she has fallen short by loving the way she
It is silly to try to convince her
that she is a sinner for being able to love so
It may not be normal to you,
but let it be to her.
You have to be
more afraid of losing her ,
than you are afraid
of loving her .
You will always have those
who will applaud you,
those who will only cheer you on
when life is putting a beating on you.
The mistake of many
is that they think forever
is a path, rather than a road ,
that must be built brick by brick .
You remind me of the bible.
Though people can see between your lines,
they misinterpret your words,
they try to define you by their misunderstanding.
They preach their rumors as truth,
crucify your name,
mock you for being a misfit ,
throw dirt on your good intentions,
and bury your character.
She is tired of empty I love you’s,
especially the type that trail before "but "
to put to sleep the doubts that
whisper reasons to walk away loudly in her ears.
You can be the type of girl
who boys look at and want more.
But never become the type of woman
who mistakes the hunger in a boy’s eyes
for the passion in a man’s.
In her smile lives the light
and the darkness of the night sky.
She is no fallen angel,
but an angel who has fallen from grace
quite a few times.
Her prayer is that she finds a man to cheer her
as she puts her halo back the way it belongs.
When their actions
become a brush that meticulously,
stroke by stroke,
reveals the full painting of who they are,
you must not let denial erase
nor paint over their true colors.
They’ll be proud of you when you
set your feet in enough success.
Right now, their eyes cannot open
to your dreams.
Fear has stolen their hope
and pocketed their interest for a life that revolves
around things they are passionate about .
Forgive them,
some of them mean well,
some of them don’t want their
fear of failing to abuse you
like the fear of failure assaults their minds .
If we love with our lips,
but not our hearts,
we are liars with good intentions,
thieves with charitable actions,
lovers without substance.
love is still worth it .
The only love that is worth dying for
is the type of love that makes you feel alive.
Simple Reminder II
Wanting someone
who doesn't make you feel wanted,
is wanting everything you don’t need.
Do not let the world
turn the sweetness of your smile
into sour tones that hang out
with ugly words.
To the girl looking for love
If you do not feed her mind,
your tongue must never find
a way to complain about
the malnourished love
between the two of you.
Nor should it ever question
why her heart has only known
starvation with you.
Love is a full puzzle;
the bigger picture can
only be seen as you continue
putting the pieces together
and falling deeper and deeper in love.
You will see “ forever ” clearly.
Love is hard to find, but obvious to see.
Her face,
Her laugh,
Her personality
an atheist
You do so much
to save those dates,
yet never get another day
on their calendar.
By now,
I am praying you see that
it ’s not who you try to be
tonight for that man
that will make him desire you,
but how true you are to yourself
and what he sees in you.
If you're a size
too big for him to love,
his heart is too many sizes
too small
for him to be your type.
How ignorant
can anyone be
to believe that beauty is
what one looks like,
rather than what can be seen
in one’s heart ?
Stay in the "now"
You are made of love,
How can you let anyone
convince you
that you are not worthy of it ?
Self -love
and selfishness
are neither siblings,
or friends.
Don't let any crumbs of attention
Girls like you
give writers like me
things to write about .
You are the blood of my pen,
life to my words.
Simple Reminder III
If you wonder
how she carries her baggage so well ,
you must first ask her
for a glance at her back .
She has handled betrayal
as if its fire was nothing
more than an illusion.
Women like that handle their flaws,
tame their fears,
and silence their doubts.
Strong doesn’t describe her,
she defines strong.
She is the reason men like me
understand what balance is.
She is yours to keep,
but not yours to own.
Yours to lead,
but not yours to lord over.
If we become like those
who failed to love us how
we were meant to be loved ,
and treat others the same way
they treated us,
we’ve become enemies of love
and allies with misery.
Your body must be home to you.
You must find comfort in it .
If you must know, that welcoming smile
is the doorway to the beautiful sky.
That soft voice is honey to the ears of birds.
That heart is oxygen to this earth.
You must risk your heart
to catch love.
This world is all
give and take.
Your curves lead to the ocean,
only those with good driving skills
can handle them.
To many, it won't be the safest route,
they'll miss the turns,
they'll be afraid of being mocked ,
they won't be comfortable during the ride.
But love, that 's their problem.
Your curves are beautiful.
If they can’t love you,
losing more of you shouldn’t be the solution.
You are not a fool
for being fooled
by a fool .
Being thick skinned
will do you more good
than being thick .
but get that skin thicker
and that heart purer.
They'll walk you further
in this life
than thick thighs ever will.
How can you blame her for choosing herself first
when choosing yourself is your favorite sport ?
Women like her have been victims to enough players, and lost in far
too many games.
Falling for bad promises is easy.
Our cravings for truthful actions
from someone we love will oftentimes
convince us to see things as they are not .
We become blind and deaf to the truth,
while playing guessing games with the lies,
trying to find which one they'll ever fulfill.
Therefore, forgive yourself .
More than enough of us have been there.
If his actions don’t speak
any love languages,
his voice must become
a foreign noise to you.
quality time,
and serving you ought to be found
in what he does
more than what he speaks.
The eyes may lie on some occasions,
do to the heart .
Drugs are liars
who claim they can give
better realities than the current one.
Stupid liars.
They will only silence the hurt
while they feed the pain.
Them not having an appetite for you
does not make you less desirable.
I asked the sky,
“Of all the creations you look down upon,
which would you say is the most beautiful?”
He said, “Her .”
I smiled knowing that he is as observant as I am.
Simple reminder IV
It is better
to be soul food
than to be an
eye candy,
sweetheart .
You may pique her interest ,
but you must keep her attention.
Have your own,
but do not let it own you.
Be independent ,
but never let yourself
become a man-hater.
It is not “men”
who are your enemy,
and cheaters.
They can’t break you.
They don’t have the power
to break fighters.
You can only scar warriors;
conquerors are meant to overcome.
You must find the freedom to freely admit
that his touches are still uncomfortable to you
because you’ve had people who look like him
touch you the same places.
many of us who have seen darkness
don’t know how to accept love,
even when our lover accepts our past .
Protect your heart ,
but don’t protect your ego in the process.
It ’ll cage your heart ,
instead of building boundaries around it .
You only kill you
when you live for them.
Falling in love
is like going sky diving.
It is exciting,
and fulfilling.
You must be patient
or you’ll never be introduced to
the beautiful soul
that is under her mountain
of bad experiences.
If love isn’t what
Recipe for his growth
Gamble with love,
Simple reminder V
You’re winning,
even when there aren’t enough
people cheering.
You cannot love a woman like that
with just words and basic actions.
Do the unusual things that prove
that you're crazy for her.
Her skin is honey
She's been a student of pain,
been in the class of drama,
and circumstances have
yelled at her most of her life.
Your body isn’t a hotel room
for men to spend the night
and check out before the sun stands
over the earth.
I am a man ,
I cannot tell you
what burden she carries,
but I can tell that they are too
heavy for one person to carry.
Nights like this,
she thinks of herself ,
what she loves,
what she missed while missing you.
Whether you play your hand right or not ,
a king will find his way to you.
As long as you hand God your cards to deal.
Love’s influence
Love is meant to continually blossom.
If it withers overtime,
It is because the soil was not right
Maybe the heart wasn’t ready enough,
Or you two were wrong for one another .
You not recognizing that you’re precious
and that every inch of you
is beautiful,
is your blindness.
To one man you are not enough;
yet , to another you’re more than enough.
Study her silence,
Her scars should tell you that
she is very capable of healing
and there's a survivor beyond that smile.
she will have fears when it comes to love
and she will be hesitant when it comes to trusting.
Befriend patience.
Simple reminder VI
You’re a great catch
that has fallen
into the wrong arms.
If we love with restrictions
and tie it to conditions,
we do not give love room to be love.
When we let true love end,
we experience death.
Food for thought
What you have to realize
is that she remembers when it ended ,
it ended long before she left .
Rake your hands through her hair,
Whisper beautiful words in her ears,
Cup your hands around her beautiful face,
Admire her breath-taking beauty,
K iss her lips as if they’re both
a forbidden fruit
and the sweetest peach you ever tasted.
She is a keeper,
as long as you act like you need her
and treat her like you want to keep her.
Her beauty is timeless.
It is one of those things
that time only betters.
We risk too much
for the wrong people
and too little
for the right ones.
It ’s not lost love that we mourn,
but memories.
As you wait for that moment
when you grow tired enough to walk away,
your legs are also growing tired,
your knees are growing weak in a way they
shouldn’t .
Loyalty is an activist
who fights to
earn your lover’s trust ,
and the freedom for their heart
to become yours.
it can also be a dictator
your partner uses to keep
your heart imprisoned.
She doesn't want a man
I stared at her
not to search deeper
for flaws,
but because I am amazed by her .
Simple reminder VII
The beauty of surviving and learning
Healing happens when you
stop wrestling with the idea that
you gave them power to pin you down
and realize that you simply
got in the ring to fight with good intentions.
If your ego won't let you
compromise for the relationship,
what makes you think
her knowing her self -worth
will let her compromise?
Give no room for her past to whisper lies to you
or to mock her for making mistakes
if you do not want anyone to judge you for yours.
She is poetry,
full of emotions
and feelings;
yet complex.
yet unexplainable;
yet complicated.
There are hints in the songs she loves,
they may make your ears bleed;
but , they will help you interpret the words
buried under her tongue
and the caged thoughts of her mind.
You are only hard to love
to those who will find walking away easy.
I think of her as a best seller,
handwritten by God
on pages made from his magnificent robe.
A man’s hands are made
to cup your face
and his arms to hold you.
Wait for the man
who makes you question what love is,
one who loves you hard
despite how hard you believe you are to love.
You don’t need closure to find happiness again,
you need to find reasons to start a new chapter,
and put down that old book .
There will
be memories
that live
as long as
Love cannot be a magic trick .
You loving them will not make them right
or make them love you.
The only magic of love is that it can be invisible,
yet seen wherever it exists.
People like her
Love’s agenda is to add to you.
If your love is taking too much from you,
it must be subtracted out of your life.
She doesn’t care
whether you are different or not .
What she cares about is
if you’re good and right for her.
You may be nothing like the others,
yet still hurt her
when you walk away.
If there’s anything more beautiful
than a classy woman with a loving heart ,
my eyes have yet to see it .
Simple reminder VIII
You don't have to be a model,
it 's okay to simply be a woman.
All natural,
all imperfections,
all real.
Every love
starts with forever planted in its yard .
The ones who see it grow,
cultivate their love.
You have to stop
letting his lying tongue
leave marks on your neck
and his hands
leave fingerprints on your back .
Love was never meant
to be a sword.
A new relationship is not
remedy for heartbreak ,
it is rather poison we drink
as we mourn our lovers.
The storm will wash away
the façade that those who
aren’t true friends put forth.
How unfortunate
What she doesn’t ask for
is usually what she deserves,
the small surprises,
heartwarming gifts,
undivided attention,
and to be showered with compliments.
Being drunk in love
is actually sobering.
It is taking
too many shots of lust
to numb the void
we feel that trips us.
It causes us to land
on the swords aimed for our hearts
that leave scars on our backs .
Love should never be a burden ,
even on the hardest days.
She’s a skeptic when
it comes to promises.
As she evolves,
she only searches for a love
that can be seen by those who are deaf
and felt by the blind.
Do not ask for her heart
if you cannot give her your time.
A lot of wrong men
will fight for you;
how you pick the right one
is by keeping your eyes on
which of them doesn't know
how to stop fighting.
You are not wrong for demanding
that he puts boundaries around
the happy home you are trying to build.
Affection ought to be part
of your routine rather than
something you treat her to
once in a blue moon.
Imagine if the earth saw
the moon every so often.
Simple reminder IX
is in the eye
of the beholder.
what you see in that mirror.
She is a cup of good,
stirred with bad,
and a few drops of innocence.
With a crooked smile,
and an adventurous laugh.
Naïve, she is at times.
But behind all those things,
is hidden a girl
who doesn’t always take a mature path.
Bad intentions leak out of her at times,
but she is far from evil.
New love cannot find its way into the lives of those
who are held captive by yesterday.
She is a heavenly being
trapped in this dark world.
There is nothing I’d like to do more
than remind her
to never let the darkness oppress her
and lead her to forget
that she is made of light .
You cannot love and doubt simultaneously.
If the doubt is more alive,
it is because it is being fed well.
Eventually, it will eat away the love
that was ever on the table , piece by piece.
When love is fed,
you will vomit almost every ounce of doubt .
Boldness flowed through her veins
and grace filled her lungs.
Women like her know when to raise their voice
and when to let their silence make the noise.
You're the sun sweetheart ,
At this point in her life,
she isn't looking for a man
to tell her she is pretty,
she's dying to meet the one
who will run out of words,
trying to explain
why she is beautiful to him.
If you pay enough attention,
you will realize that there is something beautiful
about making her feel beautiful.
Real recognize real
Enough men wait until
it all ends to love their woman
like they did when it all started.
She’ll fight a war for love ,
but she will never fight for
your time nor attention.
Being normal is over praised.
You were never meant
to be accepted by all.
Therefore, be as weird
and as odd as you want to be.
True love is without
conditions and boundaries,
nor is it at the mercy of reciprocity;
however, love must be reciprocated
in order to mature.
I’d like to take this moment
to celebrate you.
Message from the guy who loves you
Love’s words
Women like her are rare
not because of what they look like,
nor what they have,
but it is because of who they are
and how they view this thing called life
despite the troubles it lays at their feet .
Dear Alexa,
Side note: Your name begins and ends with the first
letter of the alphabet. If I ever fail to put you first ,
remember that’s the position you deserve and ought
to settle for when you a man asks for your heart .
Simple reminder X
Thank You