Embedded Computing Systems 10CS72
Embedded Computing Systems 10CS72
Embedded Computing Systems 10CS72
UNIT – 1 6 Hours
Embedded Computing: Introduction, Complex Systems and Microprocessors, Embedded Systems Design Process, Formalism
for System design Design Example: Model Train Controller.
UNIT – 2 7 Hours
Instruction Sets, CPUs: Preliminaries, ARM Processor, Programming Input and Output, Supervisor mode, Exceptions, Traps,
Coprocessors, Memory Systems Mechanisms, CPU Performance, CPU Power Consumption. Design Example: Data
UNIT – 3 6 Hours
Bus-Based Computer Systems: CPU Bus, Memory Devices, I/O devices, Component Interfacing, Designing with
Microprocessor, Development and Debugging, System-Level Performance Analysis Design Example: Alarm Clock.
UNIT – 4 7 Hours
Program Design and Analysis: Components for embedded programs, Models of programs, Assembly, Linking and Loading,
Basic Compilation Techniques, Program optimization, Program-Level performance analysis, Software performance
optimization, Program-Level energy and power analysis, Analysis and optimization of program size, Program validation and
testing. Design Example: Software modem.
UNIT – 5 6 Hours
Real Time Operating System (RTOS) Based Design – 1: Basics of OS, Kernel, types of OSs, tasks,
processes, Threads, Multitasking and Multiprocessing, Context switching, Scheduling Policies, Task
Communication, Task Synchronization.
UNIT – 6 6 Hours
RTOS-Based Design - 2: Inter process Communication mechanisms, Evaluating OS performance, Choice of RTOS, Power
Optimization. Design Example: Telephone Answering machine
UNIT – 7 7 Hours
Distributed Embedded Systems: Distributed Network Architectures, Networks for Embedded Systems: I2C Bus, CAN Bus,
SHARC Link Ports, Ethernet, Myrinet, Internet, Network Based Design. Design Example: Elevator Controller.
UNIT – 8 7 Hours
Embedded Systems Development Environment: The Integrated Development Environment, Types of File generated on Cross
Compilation, Dis-assembler /Decompiler, Simulators, Emulators, and Debugging, Target Hardware Debugging.
Text Books:
1. Wayne Wolf: Computers as Components, Principles of Embedded Computing Systems Design, 2 nd Edition, Elsevier, 2008.
2. Shibu K V: Introduction to Embedded Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 (Chapters 10, 13)
Reference Books:
1. James K. Peckol: Embedded Systems, A contemporary Design Tool, Wiley India, 2008
2. Tammy Neorgaard: Embedded Systems Architecture, Elsevier, 2005.