Rape, G.R. No. 224597, 07292019 - SET A
Rape, G.R. No. 224597, 07292019 - SET A
Rape, G.R. No. 224597, 07292019 - SET A
Carnal knowledge of the female with her consent is not rape, provided she is
above the age of consent or is capable in the eyes of the law of giving consent. xxx The
deprivation of reason need not be complete. Mental abnormality or deficiency is
enough. Cohabitation with a feebleminded, idiotic woman is rape. Sexual intercourse
with an insane woman was considered rape. But a deaf-mute is not necessarily
deprived of reason. This circumstances must be proven. Intercourse with a deaf-
mute is not rape of a woman deprived of reason, in the absence of proof that she is an
Was the prosecution able to prove beyond reasonable doubt the forty-four (44) counts of
No, the prosecution failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt the 44 counts of Rape.
The Court ruled that the complainant’s testimony is noticeably terse, vague, equivocal, and
seriously wanting in details pertaining to the presence of the essential element of force or
intimidation. Her testimony only bears the element of carnal knowledge. That complainant
pushed appellant when he "undressed, touched my body..., I was afraid" is at best equivocal.
Again, this hardly equates with "force or intimidation" within the penal provision defining
and penalizing rape. For one, the act of pushing did not emanate from appellant but from
AAA. For another, "pushing" is equivocal subject to different interpretations depending on the
attendant circumstances. It may mean a gentle "no," "not yet," "wait," "I am shy," "not here,"
and many more possible interpretations or meanings. One thing is sure though: under the
attendant circumstances, it cannot be deemed sufficient proof of resistance or unconsented
sex. The evidence on record indubitably show that then eighteen (18) year old complainant,
albeit she is a deaf-mute with low capacity to learn formal sign language, is in truth, mentally
capable of giving or withholding consent. For even though complainant is a deaf-mute and
certified to be only at Grade 2 level in formal sign language education does not mean she is
suffering from mental abnormality, deficiency, or retardation which has the effect of
hindering her capacity to give consent.