IB CAS Proposal Form
IB CAS Proposal Form
IB CAS Proposal Form
This form is to be submitted before you begin a CAS activity. Your supervisor will check the details of your
submissions and will inform you if the activity satisfies the IB requirements.
3. Your activity relates to which of the following (circle one or more of the titles below)
This was designing the School’s main staff room. This included changing furniture, wall paint, and
interior design.
5. What do you hope to achieve by doing this activity. Will you learn something new, improve on
something you already have, develop new social skills etc.
6. How will you measure or evaluate what you are doing or achieving. In some activities this will be
difficult to do as it may involve things like improving social and interpersonal skills.
7. Who will supervise what you are going to do? Please give the name, address and telephone
Name: ………………………………………………………………..
Telephone No: ……………………………………………………………
The following questions should be answered at the end of each activity. These are guiding or suggested
questions. If you wish to write a continuous response then you can do so but bear in mind that your
response should include answers to the questions and ideas below.
Activity: …………………………………………………………………………..
1. What did you do and how did you interact with others?
3. How successful were you in achieving your goals? Did you have any problems? How did you try
to overcome them?
4. What did learn about yourself and others through carrying out this activity? Give some
times to your answer here as it is central to the IB philosophy.
7. How can you apply what you have learned to different situations you might come across in your
Date: ……………………………………
Any further comments:
Date: ………………….
Thank you for your time and assistance – it is very much appreciated.