Ain Shams Engineering Journal: Pritish Kumar Ghosh, Pradip Kumar Sadhu, Raju Basak, Amarnath Sanyal

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Electrical Engineering

Energy efficient design of three phase induction motor by water cycle

Pritish Kumar Ghosh a, Pradip Kumar Sadhu a, Raju Basak b, Amarnath Sanyal c
Electrical Engineering Department, IIT(ISM), Dhanbad, India
Electrical Engineering Department, Techno India University, Kolkata, India
Electrical Engineering Department, Calcutta Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The demand for electricity is growing very fast; as a result, the entire power sector is facing a real prob-
Received 16 June 2019 lem of meeting the additional demand. Rigorous energy audit suggests the replacement of energy-
Revised 8 December 2019 efficient devices from standard one, operating with poor efficiency and consumes large power. 3-phase
Accepted 23 January 2020
induction motor is widely used as driving power in most of the industries and it consumes almost 65%
Available online xxxx
of the total power. The energy-efficient design of such motors saves a considerable amount of energy
and reduces the cost of operation. In this paper, an attempt has been made to design energy-efficient
induction motor from different perspective of using design and optimization without high-quality mate-
Energy efficient
rial. In this paper, the cost of yearly energy losses is considered as objective function and it is optimized to
Induction motor save energy and money as well. The design problem is a nonlinear constraint optimization problem,
Water Cycle Algorithm which involves many variables and constraints. Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA) is one of the most recently
Cost of lost Energy developed metaheuristic algorithm is taken for the optimization for the case study of 5 HP and 10 HP, 3-
phase, Squirrel cage induction motor. The objective function is optimized by WCA and Genetic Algorithm
and their result is compared for accuracy from cost and performance point of view. WCA found to be the
most efficient tool to optimize the problem and helps to design an energy-efficient motor.
Ó 2020 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Uni-
versity. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction in the initial cost. These motors are designed and fabricated in such
a way that it should be economically effective and durable from
Induction motor is used in most of the industry as a main driv- consumers as well as the manufacturer’s point of view with better
ing power in various applications. It consumes 65% of the total performance. The yearly running cost of an induction motor is five
energy produced by the generating companies. In the early time, to six times of its purchase cost, so incorporating energy-saving
the standard design of three-phase Induction motor is done based concepts to all possible ways gives financial benefits to consumers.
on initial cost, which is the cost of material used in core and wind- The energy-efficient motor possesses 3 to 4% higher efficiency than
ings. The optimal design is carried out from the designer’s experi- standard motors. Research work has been carried out for the
ence by changing the values of design variables and the result of improvement of the design of an induction motor and in some
which is the poor efficiency. Nowadays more stress is given to cases, it is more beneficial to replace the standard motors by
reduce the running cost with improved efficiency to design an highly-efficient motors instead of repair or rewind. To fill the gap
energy-efficient motor. An attempt to increase the quality of the of proper design of EEM with comparatively less manufacturing
material for designing energy-efficient motors leads to an increase cost an attempt has taken to design with the help of the optimiza-
tion tool. This article deals with the design optimization of induc-
tion motor by water cycle algorithm without increasing the
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.
additional cost for material. The efficiency of the EEM (Energy-
efficient motor) is increased by changing the shape of the slot sug-
gested by a researcher in 1984 [1]. A properly designed electrical
system in a large building can reduce the electricity cost by about
Production and hosting by Elsevier
30% through energy management system [2]. A review work
2090-4479/Ó 2020 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: P. K. Ghosh, P. K. Sadhu, R. Basak et al., Energy efficient design of three phase induction motor by water cycle algorithm, Ain
Shams Engineering Journal,
2 P.K. Ghosh et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx


Symbols Zi Constantsði ¼ 0  9Þ
M 1 , M2 Core and tooth iron masses in stator (kg) Ei Constantsði ¼ 0  3Þ
M 3 , M4 M5 Mass of stator conductors, copper bars and end rings Ki Constantsði ¼ 0  9Þ
in kg Ci Constants ði ¼ 2  6Þ
P1 ,P2 Iron loss of stator core and teeth in Watt respectively I0 ,I1 ,I2 No-load primary and secondary currents
P3 ,P4 ,P5 Copper losses in stator conductors, Bars and end ring in Z2 Rotor Impedance
Watts Sf Full load slip
P6 Friction and windage loss in watts f Supply frequency in Hz
B1 ,B2 Flux density of core and teeth (stator) in Tesla p Number of poles
L Gross length of iron in meter W Motor power rating in watts
Li Net length of iron in meter g Efficiency of the Motor
L0 Length of overhang conductor in meter C7 % Reduction of Efficiency due to Stray loss
D0 Outer diameter of the stator Sc Specific iron loss in stator core (W/kg)
RS ,RA Stator and rotor Resistance per phase respectively in (X) St Specific iron loss in stator teeth (W/kg)
X S ,X A ,X m Stator, rotor, magnetizing reactance per phase inðXÞ Rp Specific power loss cost (Rs/W)
RB ,X B Network equivalent resistance and reactance respec- C 0 ,C N ,C V Cooling coefficients of outer, inner stator core and ven-
tively in (X) tilating ducts

suggested high-efficiency EEM should be operated at 5–10% changing the parameters as well as some materials used in stan-
beyond the rated voltage for best efficiency [3]. In the year 1995 dard motors. Industries are consuming more than 52% of power
Friendly and Pillay have surveyed in the various industries and generated and induction motors consume about 60% of the power
suggested that standard motors should be replaced with Energy- used in industries. There is a significant gap between demand and
efficient motors to achieve the overall economy for the long run supply of energy, so it is better to move with the replacement of
[4]. Special care should be taken while choosing variables and con- energy-efficient devices from standard devices. Energy-efficient
straints because an improper selection of design variables leads to motors are introduced in the market in the year 1975. Efficiency
a rise in manufacturing as well as running costs. The performance of EEM is higher than standard motor due to their special design
directly related to the constraints is involved in the design process. and material used. Motors of high rating found to be less efficient
Manufacturers are looking for the cost of the motor, whereas the when operating a smaller load [3]. Oversized motors take higher
user has a target to reduce the cost of energy consumptions with current than exact sized motors for equal loading, so it should be
better performance. The objective function is selected to protect properly loaded with their rating to achieve specified efficiency.
the consumer as well as the manufacturer from the reliability point Rewinding is a more common phenomenon which leads to the
of view. Design optimization is playing an important role here weak performance of the standard motor. The main reasons behind
because the objective is to produce an energy-efficient device with the poor performance are i) core is damaged or insulation failure ii)
utmost performance. This article deals with the objective function, overheating iii) smaller diameter wire is used during winding
namely the cost of annual energy consumptions, which not only causes greater copper loss. EEM is the most modern type of motors
produces energy-efficient device but also increase the life of the that is specially designed to achieve high efficiency and reliability
motor. High-grade material is not used in this design process for practical operations. The efficiency can be improved by using
because it will increase the manufacturing cost. There are nine high-quality material and delicately designed to minimize energy
design variables taken to optimize the objective function because losses. High-quality material will increase the cost of the motor
these variables are directly linked with the objective functions. beyond desirable limits; on the other hand, an attempt to reduce
The constraints are controlling the performance of the motor in losses will change the dimension as well as conductor size slightly.
the field applications. In this paper, the design of the Squirrel cage Instead of attempting both the ways more suitable approach is to
induction motor is done with the most recently developed algo- take the second alternative to avoid sufficient hike of cost. Some-
rithm known as Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA). There are many times manufacturers are bound to use existing materials to main-
Stochastic and Evolutionary algorithms, suitable for design opti- tain the current cost as it is to capture the market; on the other
mization problems but the advantage of WCA is its easy conver- hand, it is equally important to replace the standard motors with
gence process. This algorithm is derived from the natural theory improved efficiency [4]. The only option left is to reduce the energy
of water cycle process. Rainfall is important in this process because losses without increasing the material cost. Efficiency of EEM has
it ensures, the algorithm will not trap into a local minima. Finally, been always 3 to 4 percent higher than that of standard motors.
the result is compared with the Genetic Algorithm and optimized Reduction of energy losses will improve the efficiency and hence
results are projected to obtain an energy-efficient motor. reduce the running costs and kVA demand. The payback period
must be calculated to compensate for the high price as follows.
Payback periods in years = excess cost /yearly saving.
2. Energy efficient motor (EEM)

Demand for electricity is increasing day by day throughout the 3. Review of the past work
world. To meet a part of the increasing demand use of energy-
efficient devices now becoming one of the best alternatives. In the year 1970, the United States and few European countries
Three-phase induction motors are generally used in most of the declared that they introduced the energy efficient standard first for
industries and Agricultural sectors. Energy-efficient motors save Industrial applications. The literature survey says that Europe is
a substantial amount of energy for its high efficiency over the the first country that has developed an energy-efficient concept
industry standard. Energy-efficient motor can be designed by and shows these kinds of motors can save an appreciable amount

Please cite this article as: P. K. Ghosh, P. K. Sadhu, R. Basak et al., Energy efficient design of three phase induction motor by water cycle algorithm, Ain
Shams Engineering Journal,
P.K. Ghosh et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

of energy for industrial heavy work. France introduced an energy

efficiency standard in 1978 for its standard application in home
alliances [5]. Gradually Poland, Russia and a few more countries
from Europe launched their energy-efficient standards for Indus-
try. The design of energy-efficient devices must meet a certain
standard governed by the regulatory authority of every country.
Some of the review work highlighted the availability of the various
Industrial motors with their different standards [6]. In the year
1999, Mehmet has designed an energy-efficient motor and com-
pared with the standard motor to show its energy conservation
Fig. 1. Graph of minimum efficiency and specified efficiency vs. motor rating for
[6]. Asian countries are now following the guideline for energy-
NEMA standard.
efficient devices for their energy conservation and development.
NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association) is one of optimization approach in almost all fields of engineering especially
the largest associations of electrical equipment manufacturers in in the power system [7]. Water cycle algorithm is applied to find
the USA. It was formed in 1926 and it has approximately 350 com- the optimal values of the parameters of a controller in different
panies included as Member. They provide the international stan- operation of a microgrid and other stability related problems in
dards for the equipment used in different industries. NEMA has power system[8].WCA is based on the water cycle observation like
specified a certain level of efficiencies, according to the rating to rivers, streams flow towards the sea. This algorithm is perfectly
design EEM, is given in Table1. Most of the design is done for the suitable for non-linear constraints optimization problems [9]. The
energy-efficient induction motor by incorporating high-quality optimization problem of the induction motor is a typically non-
core and winding material to enhance efficiency but it will increase linear optimization-based problem and converges to its global
the price side by side. In some research papers, the payback period minima more effectively and efficiently by WCA [10]. It is capable
is calculated to compensate for the excess cost. A large area is spec- of handling large objective functions with many design variables
ified to work on the energy-saving side instead of using high- and constraints bounded by the wide range of search space. WCA
quality material. is derived from the water cycle process of nature. The starting of
WCA is the rainfall and chooses the best as sea (best function
4. Design of energy efficient motor (EEM) value), the other considerable values are selected as rivers and
finally rest of the values as streams. This algorithm produces a bet-
The design procedure for energy-efficient motors can be ter solution than any other optimization process because it is sim-
achieved by two ways i) Design has to be done by introducing ple and robust. The coding and implementation is done according
high-quality core and conducting material ii) optimal design to to the flow chart projected in Fig. 2. The specialty of this algorithm
reduce cost of lost energy without increasing the material cost. is the raining process, which ensures the global optima or very
The design is done with the NEMA (National Electrical Manufac- near to it through a sequential process. The steps involved in
turer’s Association) standard given below in Table 1 and the varia- WCA to converge into the global optima [11,12] are described
tion of minimum and specified efficiency with motor power rating below (see Fig. 3).
is shown graphically in Fig. 1. Population: Initially population is generated randomly by
When the induction motor is designed with a target to achieve forming a matrix of size (N pop  Number of variables) as follows
high efficiency by adding active some material (core and conductor in Eq. (1)
both), its cost increases 20%-25% which may not be desirable from 0 1
x11 ... x1n
manufacturers as well as consumer’s side because its selling cost B .
B .. .. C
will be high. To meet the extra cost of production, consumers Population ¼ @ .. . . C A ð1Þ
would be bound to think about the payback period. Optimal design xNpop1    xNpopN
to reduce the cost of lost energy will change the dimension of the
motor but on the other hand, it will increase efficiency by minimiz- where N pop denotes the number of individuals in population and N is
ing the energy losses. In this article, an attempt has been made to the number of design dimensions.
reduce the cost of yearly lost energy instead of the cost of material, Initially, N pop streams are formed. Few good individuals (N sr ) is
which enables the design of energy-efficient motor more effective. taken as Sea and rivers according to equation number (2). Finally,
the remaining population (N streams ) is formulated as under Eq. (3).
5. Water cycle algorithm Nsr ¼ number of Riv ers þ 1ðSeaÞ ð2Þ

Water cycle Algorithm is an evolutionary optimization tech- Nstreams ¼ ðNPOP  Nsr Þ ð3Þ
nique proposed by Eakandar et al. in few years back. WCA finds
applications in civil engineering, water resources, and mathemati- Depending on the magnitude of water flows to the river or Sea
cal problems. WCA is applied to many industrial applications to their quality is determined (function value) and which varies from
optimize nonlinear problems with multivariable objective func- stream to stream.
tions and also finds its applications in different simulation-based Flow of Streams and Rivers: According to the water capacity
each river absorbs water from streams and rivers will flow towards
the sea according to their location. The Designated streams for
Table 1 every river and sea are calculated by the formula given below in
NEMA standard guideline. Eq. (4).
2  3
Motor rating (H.P) % efficiency (minimum) % efficiency (specified)  
5 85.5 87.5 6 f ðriv er Þ  7
6 n  7
10 88.5 89.5 NSn ¼ rounding6 N   Nstreams 7 ð4Þ
4P  5
 f ðriv eri Þ
20 90.2 91
30 91.7 92.4  
40 92.4 93

Please cite this article as: P. K. Ghosh, P. K. Sadhu, R. Basak et al., Energy efficient design of three phase induction motor by water cycle algorithm, Ain
Shams Engineering Journal,
4 P.K. Ghosh et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Evaporation and raining process: Evaporation is the most

important operator of the algorithm which is utilized to avoid pre-
mature convergence (local optima). Since rivers or streams flows to
sea so; it forces the sea to evaporate until new precipitation will
come. Evaporation will occur according to the distance of stream
or river from the sea Raining will start and continue according to
the following equation.

k Y Jsea  Y Jriv k < dmax ; j ¼ 1; 2; 3::::Nsr ð7Þ

dmax is the small number very near to zero? New streams are
formed after the raining process and the random search technique
enables it to locate in a different direction.
Large value of dmax enables additional searches and small value
of dmax indicates search frequency near to sea. Ultimately dmax con-
trols the frequency of searches close to sea (optima). The declina-
tion dmax is given by the equation as follows in (7) and (8).
dmax ðt þ 1Þ ¼ ½dmax ðt Þ  dmax ðt Þ=ðhighest no: of iterationÞ
New streams and rivers are formed as a result of rainfall follow-
ing the mathematical equation:

strm ¼ LB þ rand  ðUB  LBÞ

ynew ð8Þ
LB & UB are the lower and upper bound
Steps of WCA:
The following steps are involved to carry out the WCA algo-
rithm [13].

Fig. 2. Flow Chart of Water Cycle Algorithm.  Step1: Generate population (raindrops)
 Step2: Separation of Streams, Rivers, and Sea according to the
value of the objective function.
 Step 3: Interchange the position of three among the best one.
 Step 4: Formation of the new Stream, River, and sea through the
raining process.
 Step 5: Convergence.
 Step 6: End.

Flow Chart:

6. Genetic algorithm

Fig. 3. Equivalent Circuit of Induction Motor. Genetic algorithm is a heuristic search process and it is based on
the theory of natural evolution by Charles Darwin. It is the process
of natural selection where individuals fittest are calculated for
where n = 1, 2. . .. . . N sr
reproduction by producing offspring in the next generation. The
Where NSn is the number of streams flows to the particular river
offspring carry the characteristics of the parents and added to
and (N sr ) is the number of good individuals are selected as sea and
the next generation. Sometimes parents have better fitness that
means it has a better chance to survive. This process continues
f stands for evaluation function in the algorithm.
through iterating up to the end until a generation of fittest individ-
Exchange phenomenon: According to the Water Cycle theory,
uals is found. Genetic Algorithm is one of the most popular and
stream is formed due to raindrop and goes to river through the
accurate method among all the stochastic optimization process
connecting line between them following the distance given by
for global search. It gives more acceptable results where the num-
Y 2 ð0; S  DÞ where S is in between one and two and D is the dis-
ber of variables and constraints is more and they are bounded to
tance between stream and river. The direction of flow of stream
form the search space of few local minima [14]. It starts with the
towards river depends on the value of Y, which is a randomly gen-
population of strings and its value is determined to find fitness.
erated number between zero and (S  D) and if the value is more
The population is subjected to three operators namely reproduc-
than one then stream will follow a different direction. The same
tion, crossover and mutation. The following steps to be followed
idea is applicable for rivers flowing to the sea. New directions of
for the algorithm [15,16].
river and streams are as follows in the given Eqs. (5) and (6).
Steps for Algorithm [17,18]
yjþ1 j j j
strm ¼ ystrm þ rand  s  yriv  ystrm ð5Þ  Step 1: Initially population size (n), probability of mutation (Pm)
and cross over (Pc) is chosen then the String size is initialized.
   Step2: each string is determined.
yjþ1 j j
riv er ¼ yriv er þ rand  s  ysea  yriv er ð6Þ  Step3: Select the maximum number of generation (TM) and set
t = 0.
The position of stream and river, as well as river and sea, is
 Step4: allow the reproduction process in the population.
interchanged according to the value of function.

Please cite this article as: P. K. Ghosh, P. K. Sadhu, R. Basak et al., Energy efficient design of three phase induction motor by water cycle algorithm, Ain
Shams Engineering Journal,
P.K. Ghosh et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

 Step5: allow cross over among the pair of string. Table 2

 Step6: mutation is carried out in each string. Design variables.

 Step7: Determine strings in the new population. Variables ðxi Þ

 Step8: Set t = t + 1 go to step3 and repeat. Diameter of stator
 Step9: end Flux density
Current density(stator)
Length (gap)
The Problem Slot depth(stator)
Design optimization problem is non-linear type having many Slot width(stator)
Constraints as follows [19]: Core depth(stator)
Slot depth(rotor)
Min of f(x) for xðx1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 ; x5 ; x6 ; x7 ; x8 ; x9 Þsubject to con-
Slot width(rotor)
straints Gi ðxÞ P 0 Dependent Variables ðDi Þ
Where i = 1, 2, 3. . .. . .. . .. . ..m Rotor current density
The design variables are bound with their upper and lower lim- Gross iron length
its as xlðiÞ  xi  xuðiÞ wherei = 1, 2. . ... . ....n Peripheral Seed

7. Design variables and constraints

Table 3
The efficiency and the performance of EEM are largely influ-
enced by the dimension of the motor [20,21]. Depth of slots, length, Constraints ( Gi )

diameter, etc. depends on the quantities taken as independent Ratio of max. to full load torque
variables and Rotor current density, cooling coefficient of stator Ratio of starting to full load torque
outer core, cooling coefficient of stator inner core, cooling coeffi- power factor(full load)
cient of ventilating ducts and gross iron length are taken as depen- Ratio of starting to full load(current)
dent variables[22]. The design variables ðxi Þ are selected based on maximum Temperature
their dependency on the objective function as given below:
play a very important role throughout the optimization process
8. Objective function because it controls the performance of the motor so that does
not fall below the standard level.
Framing of an objective function is a very difficult task, to make h i2 
it simple an equivalent circuit is formed and all the related param- Sf ðRASþRB Þ þ ½XA þ XB 2
eters are calculated. The lumped parameter equivalent circuit G1 ðxÞ ¼
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð10Þ
below in Fig. 2 plays an important role to derive mathematical 2RA RB þ R2B þ ðXA þ XB Þ2
expression for all the constraints and objective function
Induction motor optimization is the non-linear constraint opti- h i2 
mization problem. The first task is to choose the key independent Sf ðRASþRB Þ þ ðXA þ XB Þ2
variables which exactly influence the cost of energy losses than the G2 ðxÞ ¼
dependent variables and constraints [23,24]. In the present work,
RA þ R2B þ ðXA þ XB Þ2
an objective function is a frame to reduce the cost of lost energy
throughout the year and hence increases the efficiency. No further
attempt is taken to reduce the material cost. The objective function 3730
G3 ðxÞ ¼ ð12Þ
is derived as under is given in equation number (9) with some 3730 þ PL
design variables and constraints as shown in Tables 2 and 3 and
2 02 313
given in Eqs. (10)–(15) such thatf ðxÞ, which is required to be
1 @4 xAþ xB 5A5
minimized. G4 ðxÞ ¼ cos4tan n o ð13Þ
Cost for yearly energy losses f ðxÞ ¼ C 5 ðA þ B þ C þ DÞ ð9Þ Sf

A = cost of iron loss yearly, B = cost of copper loss yearly, C = cost of (" 2 #
RA þ RB  2
yearly friction and windage loss, D = yearly Magnetic loss.
G5 ðxÞ ¼ þ ðxA þ xB Þ2 = RA þ R2B þ ðxA þ xB Þ2
K1 x21 x22 K2 x21 x22 ðK5 ½x1 þ x5 þ x4   K8 x6 Þ
A¼ ðx1 þ 2x5 þ x7 Þ þ ð14Þ
x7 ðx1 þ K9 x5  K0 x6 Þ2

B ¼ K3 x23 x5 x6 ðK4 þ K6 x1 x9 þ K7 Þ þ C 2 ðx8  C 3 Þ ½P2 þ ðLP1 =L0 Þ px1 L 3pðD0  x1 Þ

G6 ðxÞ ¼ þ þ ð15Þ
½pD0 L=C 0  CN 4C v
C ¼ C 4 x31 ; D ¼ C 5
The above functions are calculated with the help of few param- 9. Results
eters and design constants given in Appendix A & Appendix C for
better understanding. Two case studies have been made with the 5 H.P and 10 H.P.
The above objective function is considered because SCIM is one motors, having specifications given in the appendix. An objective
the most widely used motor in the industry and its energy-efficient function is framed for the yearly cost of energy loss and it is opti-
design can make it feasible to operate with low losses and hence mized by two methods under the constraints given in Table 3 to
reduces the cost of lost energy throughout the year. The objective maintain the performance beyond a certain level. The test result
function is derived in such a way that it can be a simple and easy is projected in Table 4 for the optimal values of the variables and
process to design Energy efficient motors which encourage its use Table 5 for performance characteristics, which is taken as con-
in the industry instead of standard motor [25–27]. The constraints straints. EEM has been designed compared with the NEMA’s stan-

Please cite this article as: P. K. Ghosh, P. K. Sadhu, R. Basak et al., Energy efficient design of three phase induction motor by water cycle algorithm, Ain
Shams Engineering Journal,
6 P.K. Ghosh et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4
Design variables for GA and WCA.

Case Study-1 (Motor Rating 5 HP)

Variables x1 ðmÞ x2 wb=m2 x3 A=mm2 x4 A=mm2 x5 ðmÞ x6 ðmÞ x7 ðmÞ x8 ðmÞ x9 ðmÞ

WCA 0.130 0.3405 3.3127 0.00037 0.04 0.008 0.020 0.011 0.008
GA 0.127 0.41 3.512 0.00041 0.03 0.010 0.026 0.012 0.007
Case Study-2 (Motor Rating 10 HP)

x1 ðmÞ x2 wb=m2 x3 A=mm2 x4 A=mm2 x5 ðmÞ x6 ðmÞ x7 ðmÞ x8 ðmÞ x9 ðmÞ

WCA 0.150 0.321 3.3253 0.00035 0.061 0.0092 0.025 0.015 0.0093
GA 0.153 0.345 3.591 0.00041 0.057 0.009 0.274 0.018 0.0097

Table 5
constraints for WCA & GA.

Case Study-1
Constraints G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6
WCA 3.336 5.314 0.92 0.9229 4.90 40.01
GA 3.1 5.11 0.90 0.891 4.23 44.23

Dependent variables D1(A/mm2) D2(m) D3(m/s) – – –

WCA 7.2 0.0857 579.644 – – –
GA 7.12 0.082 566.267 – – –
Case Study-2
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6
WCA 3.68 5.421 0.93 0.90 4.92 42.2
GA 3.73 5.32 0.91 0.87 4.5 44.2

Dependent variables D1(A/mm2) D2(m) D3(m/s) – – –

WCA 6.21 0.125 668.82 – – –
GA 6.04 0.115 682.19 – – –

dard specification given in Table1 and graphically represented in WCA has performed his role successfully to design EEM. The result
Fig. 1 the variation of minimum efficiency and specified efficiency obtained from both the optimization process and some other rele-
against their ratings. vant features is given in Table 6. To prove the robustness of WCA
The variation of convergence is shown graphically in Figs. 4 and two methods are compared with some additional parameters like
5 for both the case studies by GA and WCA. The minimum cost is mean, standard deviation, etc. and highlighted in Tables 7 and 8
found for GA is 3740.300 and WCA is 3628.595 in Rs for case study for annual cost of energy loss and power loss respectively for both
1. The minimum cost of the objective function is obtained 5209.126 the case studies. It is found that mean and standard deviation costs
and 5082.14 in Rs for GA and GWA respectively in case study 2. To of WCA are much better than GA for both annual cost of energy loss
find the loss of energy throughout the year, the run time of the and power loss respectively.
motor is taken as 10 h per day for one year (365 days). The results Comparative study of Energy Demands: The comparative
of convergence have been compared graphically for 75 no. of itera- study is projected between both the methods and finally minimum
tion near convergence area to check the consistency of the results value of the objective function for WCA is accepted in case study-1
and the best is mentioned in Table 6 out of twenty trials. The max- & case Studt-2. Energy saving is the main function of EEM which
imum no. of iterations is taken for GWA and GA is 10,000 each. Total can be Yearly energy demand cost in Rs. = (Motor Rating in kW)*
annual energy demand is also calculated for both the EEM (5 H.P & (Rs/ kwh)*(operating hours/year)*(100/ E); E is the percentage effi-
10 H.P) with some significant features given in Table 9. ciency of the motor and the calculation for energy demand is car-
The water cycle algorithm may be considered as one of the ried out for both the cases by GA and WCA having 5 H.P and 10 H.P
smoothest and effective tool if it is applied suitably. In this paper, rating.

3900 8000
3850 GA 7000
Objective function

objecve funcon

WCA 6000
3750 4000 objecve
3700 3000 funcon(WCA)
2000 objecve
3650 1000 funcon(GA)
3600 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Number of iterations Number of iterations

Fig. 4. Graph of convergence for Case Study-1. Fig. 5. Graph of convergence for Case Study-2.

Please cite this article as: P. K. Ghosh, P. K. Sadhu, R. Basak et al., Energy efficient design of three phase induction motor by water cycle algorithm, Ain
Shams Engineering Journal,
P.K. Ghosh et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx 7

Table 6
Minimum cost of some significant features for GA and WCA.

Annually Case Study-1 Case Study-2

Energy loss Cost (Rs) 3628.595 3740.300 5082.14 5209.126
Energy consumption Cost(Rs) 44395.10 45381.66 87835.483 89765.934
Power loss Cost (Rs.) 695.887 717.80 974.23 998.32

Table 7
Comparative Chart of Yearly Cost of lost energy for GA and WCA.

Yearly Energy Loss Cost Case Study-1 Case Study-2

Maximum Cost (Rs) 3852.811 3852.818 5400.648 5573.430
Minimum Cost(Rs.) 3628.595 3740.300 5082.140 5209.126
Standard deviation(Rs.) 68.340 46.412 79.627 88.240
Mean 3629.7287 3746.437 5082.1288 5281.382

Table 8
Comparative Chart of Yearly Power Loss cost for GA and WCA.

Yearly Power Loss Cost Case Study-1 Case Study-2

Maximum Cost (Rs) 791.540 870.120 1076.43 1118.130
Minimum Cost(Rs.) 695.887 717.800 974.230 998.320
Standard deviation(Rs.) 32.320 44.561 29.430 38.121
Mean(Rs) 725.670 805.573 1035.870 1065.411

Table 9
Significant features for energy demand calculation.

Rating of the motor GA WCA

5 H.P 10 H.P 5 H.P 10 H.P
Full Load Efficiency 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.93
Operating time in hrs per year 3650 3650 3650 3650
charges in Rs./kWh 3 3 3 3
p.f 0.89 0.87 0.92 0.90

Calculation for 5 H.P Motor: in Tables 7 and 8 for yearly energy loss cost & yearly power loss
cost respectively to show the effectiveness of WCA. The perfor-
 Cost of yearly consumption in Rs. for GA = 5 * 0.746 * 3 * 3650 * mance obtained from the optimal design is given in Table 5 is com-
(100/90) = 45381.66 pared with the NIMA standard in Table 1 and found suitable to
 Cost of yearly consumption in Rs. for WCA = 5 * 0.746 * 3 * 3650* replace the standard motor. The annual Energy demand is calcu-
(100/92) = 44395.10 lated for 5 H.P and 10 H.P motor by both the methods and again
 Saving in Rs, for WCA = (45381.66–44395.10) = 986.56 WCA saves the energy consumption of 986.56 & 1930.451 respec-
 Calculation for 10 H.P Motor: tively in Rs for both the motors. The water cycle algorithm reaches
 Cost of yearly consumption in Rs. for GA = 10 * 0.746 * 3 * 3650 * near the global minima effectively and smoothly with less number
(100/91) = 89765.934 of iteration than GA without trapped into the local minima. Finally,
 Cost of yearly consumption in Rs. for WCA = 10 * 0.746 * 3 * 365 it can be concluded from the findings that WCA works successfully
0 * (100/93) = 87835.483 and efficiently for this particular design problem with an added
 Saving in Rs, for WCA = (89765.934–87835.483) = 1930.451 advantage of quick convergence to the global minima. The design
process can be more effective if the objective function can be mod-
ified in such a way that it can give a weighted sum of good quality
10. Conclusion material cost and cost of lost energy. The material quality may
increase the cost but it will also increase the performance and
The manufacturing cost becomes high by using high-quality reduces losses as well.
material in core and conductors. Sometimes users are bound to cal-
culate the payback period to balance the extra cost. So, an attempt Appendix A
has been made to design an energy-efficient induction motor by
reducing the cost of energy loss by WCA. The outcome from the
Table 6 justifies WCA gives more acceptable results for the objec-
tive function, cost of yearly Energy consumption and cost of yearly M1 ¼ Z 1 x7 ðx1 þ 2x5 þ x7 Þ
power loss for both the case studies. Mean and standard deviation
cost is derived from the results for both case studies and presented M2 ¼ Z 2 x5 fpðx1 þ x5 Þ  36x6 g

Please cite this article as: P. K. Ghosh, P. K. Sadhu, R. Basak et al., Energy efficient design of three phase induction motor by water cycle algorithm, Ain
Shams Engineering Journal,
8 P.K. Ghosh et al. / Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

M 3 ¼ Z 4 x5 x6 ð0:1775 þ 0:118x1 Þ  Frequency 50 Hz

 Efficiency- 87%
M 4 ¼ Z 3 x9 ðx8  0:005Þ  Pole-4
 SCIM (10 H.P)
P3 ¼ Z 5 x23 M3  Voltage- 415 V
 Current 12.75 Amps
M 5 ¼ Z 6 ðx8  0:005Þ  Frequency 50 Hz
 Efficiency- 88%
P4 ¼ Z 7 M4  Number of Poles-4

P5 ¼ Z 8 M5
Appendix C
x1 x2
B1 ¼ Z 9
x7  Constants (Design)
 Operating Time-3650 hrs
x1 x2  Specific weight of iron 7600 kg/m3
B2 ¼ Z 0
ðx1 þ 0:66x5  11:46x6 Þ  Specific weight of Copper 8900 kg/m3
 Resistivity of Copper in Rotor – 2:1  108 X  m
P1 ¼ E0 B21 M 1  Resistivity of Copper in Stator – 2:5  108 X  m
 Specific cost of Copper-Rs.225/kg
P2 ¼ E1 B22 M 2  Specific cost of Iron-Rs.40/kg
 Specific cost of power loss –Rs.6/W
A ¼ Rp ðP2 þ P1 Þ  Specific cost of Energy loss- Rs. 3/kWh
 Number of Stator Poles-36
P6 ¼ E2 x31  Number of Rotor Poles-30

E2 ¼ C 6  L  ðf =pÞ
A ¼ Rp ðP1 þ P2 Þ
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Shams Engineering Journal,

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