ACI Dealing Certificate: Syllabus
ACI Dealing Certificate: Syllabus
ACI Dealing Certificate: Syllabus
Effective 11 September 2017
The ACI Dealing Certificate is a foundation programme that allows candidates to acquire
a working knowledge of the structure and operation of the major foreign exchange and
money markets as well as their core products (cash, forwards and derivatives), and the
basic skills required for competent participation, including the ability to apply the
fundamental mathematics used in these markets.
• Recent entrants and junior dealers (0-18 month’s experience) in the dealing room
• Middle office and operations personnel
• Compliance and risk officers
Overall Objective: To understand the function of the money market, the differences
and similarities between the major types of cash money market instrument and how
they satisfy the requirements of different types of borrower and lender. To know how
each type of instrument is quoted, the quotation, value date, maturity and payment
conventions that apply and how to perform standard calculations using quoted prices.
Given the greater inherent complexity of repo, a good working knowledge is required
of its nature and mechanics.
Overall Objective: To understand and be able to apply spot exchange rate quotations.
To understand basic spot FX dealing terminology and the role of specialist types of
intermediary. To recognise the principal risks in spot and forward FX transactions. To
calculate and apply forward FX rates, and understand how forward rates are quoted. To
understand the relationship between forward rates and interest rates. To understand
time options. To be able to describe the mechanics of outright forwards, FX swaps and
forward-forward FX swaps, explain the use of outright forwards in taking currency risk
and explain the use of FX swaps in rolling spot positions, hedging outright forwards,
creating synthetic foreign currency assets and liabilities, and in covered interest
arbitrage. To display a good working knowledge and understanding of the rationale for
NDFs. To be able to recognise and use quotes for precious metals, and demonstrate a
basic understanding of the structure and operation of the international market in
precious metals.
Overall Objective: To understand the mechanics of and how to use money market
interest rate derivatives to hedge interest rate risk.
Overall Objective: To understand why risk is inherent in banks business models and
why effective risk management is a key driver for banks success. Candidates will be
able to describe major risk groups: credit, market, liquidity, operational, legal,
regulatory, and reputation risk. They will understand the significance of risk groups for
different banking businesses and units. Candidates will also get an overview about
methods and procedures needed to manage these risk types and extend their
understanding to different risk/return profiles of shareholders, regulators and debt
Number of Minimum
Topic Basket of correct
questions score level
Basic Interest Rate
1 6 3 50%
2 Cash Money Market 6 3 50%
Cash Money Market
3 6 3 50%
4 Foreign Exchange 12 6 50%
Total 70
Examination Fee
• The Foreign Exchange and Money Markets: Theory, Practice and Risk
Management written by Bob Steiner. ISBN: 0750650257 Publisher: Financial
Times Prentice Hall
• A Guide to the ACI Dealing Certificate written by Lex van der Wielen.
Publisher: The Financial Markets Academy (€70.00) available from
• The ACI Dealing Certificate and How to Pass it written by Philip J L Parker
ACIB, ISBN 978-90-802323-9-6. (£40.00) available from www.lywood-
• The ACI Dealing Certificate Study Guide available from the ACI Global
Education Centre online