Unit 1 Introduction To Cloud Computing: Structure
Unit 1 Introduction To Cloud Computing: Structure
Unit 1 Introduction To Cloud Computing: Structure
1.1 Introduction
1.2 From Collaborative to Cloud – A Short History
1.3 Functioning of Cloud Computing
1.4 Cloud Architecture
1.5 Cloud Storage and Cloud Services
1.6 Industrial Applications
1.7 Summary
1.8 Terminal Questions
1.9 Answers
1.1 Introduction
The Cloud in terms of computer networks and its associated technology
supports delivering resources such as computing and storage to customers
on demand. Rather than being a new technology in itself, the cloud is a new
business model wrapped around new technologies such as server
virtualization that take advantage of economies of scale and multi-tenancy
to reduce the cost of using information technology resources.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), an agency of
the US Department of Commerce is America’s first federal physical science
research laboratory, responsible for defining standards in science and
technology. NIST defines cloud computing as, “ ……. a model for enabling
ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of
configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage,
applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with
minimal management effort or service provider interaction.” This NIST
definition lists five fundamental and important characteristics of cloud
computing, such as:
• On-demand self-service
• Broad network access
• Resource pooling
• Rapid elasticity or expansion
• Measured service
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
• discuss the history about the collaborative to cloud
• explain the functions of cloud computing
• understand the design cloud architecture
• discuss the cloud storage and cloud services
• list and explain the industrial application
As you can see, key to the notion of cloud computing is the automation of
many management tasks. The system isn’t a cloud if it requires human
management to allocate processes to resources. What you have in this
instance is merely a twenty-first-century version of old-fashioned data
center–based client/server computing. For the system to attain cloud status,
manual management must be replaced by automated processes.
Figure 1.4: Responsibilities of vendor and user for different types of services
Office 365: Office 365 is the familiar Microsoft Office now available on cloud
as SaaS. It is now available as a per-user per-month subscription. You do
not need to install the software on your PC. You just need a web browser to
access the service. Figure 1.6 illustrates the various components of Office
1.7 Summary
• Cloud computing has its two precursors as client-server computing and
peer-to-peer distributed computing.
• The technology defines how centralized storage facilitates collaboration
and how multiple computers work jointly to enhance the computing power.
• The term ‘cloud’ is used as a metaphor for the Internet, based on the
cloud drawing used in the past to represent the telephone network and
later to depict the Internet in computer network diagrams as an
abstraction of the underlying infrastructure it represents. I
• In this unit we discussed the history and its evolution which consists of
different computing process like client server, peer to peer, distributed,
and collaborative and cloud computing. In this unit we also discussed the
functioning of cloud computing includes the architecture, storage,
services and cloud industrial applications.
Sikkim Manipal University B2131 Page No.: 15
Cloud Computing Unit 1
1.8 Terminal Questions
1. Discuss the history of progression from collaborative to cloud.
2. Describe the functioning of cloud computing.
3. Explain cloud architecture.
4. What are cloud services?
5. Explain the role of cloud computing in industrial application.
1.9 Answers
Self Assessment Questions
1. Server
2. True
3. distributed.net
4. b) collaborative
5. Cloud
6. True
7. User interface
8. third-party servers
9. SaaS, PaaS, IaaS
10. Salesforce
11. Office 365
12. Amazon Web Services.
Terminal Questions
1. We can say collaborative computing is the driving force to reach cloud
computing technology. (For more details refer section 1.2)
2. Fundamentally, the cloud computing technology is different as
compared to the traditional method because cloud computing is the
delivery of computing as a service rather than a product. (For more
details refer section 1.3)
3. The key to cloud computing is the “cloud” a massive network of
servers or even individual PCs interconnected in a grid. (For more
details refer section 1.4)
4. Different categories of cloud services are software as a Service (SaaS),
Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). (For
more details refer section 1.5)
5. The cloud computing industry has seen a rapid rise in the number of
vendors, with each vendor trying to get the first mover advantage. (For
more details refer section 1.6)