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Vet Dermatol 2020; 31: 27–e4 DOI: 10.1111/vde.


Biology, diagnosis and treatment of Malassezia

dermatitis in dogs and cats
Clinical Consensus Guidelines of the World Association for Veterinary
Ross Bond* , Daniel O. Morris†, Jacques Guillot‡, Emmanuel J. Bensignor§ , David Robson¶,
Kenneth V. Mason**, Rui Kano†† and Peter B. Hill‡‡
*Department of Clinical Sciences and Services, Royal Veterinary College, Hawkshead Lane, North Mymms, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL9 7TA, UK
†Department of Clinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 3900 Delancy Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

‡Ecole nationale ve te
rinaire d’Alfort, BioPo
^le Alfort, EA 7380 Dynamyc, UPEC, EnvA, Maisons Alfort, Ile-de-France, France
§Clinique Ve rinaire, 17 Boulevard des Filles du Calvaire, Paris 75003, France
¶Animal Skin and Ear Specialists, Melbourne Veterinary Specialist Centre, 70 Blackburn Road, Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150, Australia
**Dermcare-vet PTY LTD, 7 Centenary Road, Slacks Creek, Queensland 4127, Australia
††Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Nihon University College of Bioresource Sciences, 1866 Kameino, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 252-0880, Japan
‡‡Department of Veterinary Science, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia
Correspondence: Ross Bond, Department of Clinical Sciences and Services, Royal Veterinary College, Hawkshead Lane, North Mymms, Hatfield,
Hertfordshire, AL9 7TA, UK. E-mail:

Background – The genus Malassezia is comprised of a group of lipophilic yeasts that have evolved as skin com-
mensals and opportunistic cutaneous pathogens of a variety of mammals and birds.
Objectives – The objective of this document is to provide the veterinary community and other interested parties
with current information on the ecology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin diseases
associated with Malassezia yeasts in dogs and cats.
Methods and material – The authors served as a Guideline Panel (GP) and reviewed the literature available prior
to October 2018. The GP prepared a detailed literature review and made recommendations on selected topics.
The World Association of Veterinary Dermatology (WAVD) Clinical Consensus Guideline committee provided
guidance and oversight for this process. The document was presented at two international meetings of veteri-
nary dermatology societies and one international mycology workshop; it was made available for comment on the
WAVD website for a period of six months. Comments were shared with the GP electronically and responses
incorporated into the final document.
Conclusions and clinical importance – There has been a remarkable expansion of knowledge on Malassezia
yeasts and their role in animal disease, particularly since the early 1990’s. Malassezia dermatitis in dogs and cats
has evolved from a disease of obscurity and controversy on its existence, to now being a routine diagnosis in
general veterinary practice. Clinical signs are well recognised and diagnostic approaches are well developed. A
range of topical and systemic therapies is known to be effective, especially when predisposing factors are identi-
fied and corrected.

Accepted 20 August 2019

Note: A shortened version of this review, comprising the summaries from each section, can be found at
Sources of Funding: This study was self-funded.
Conflicts of Interest: In the past five years, Ross Bond has received funding from or otherwise collaborated with Dechra Veterinary Prod-
ucts, Bayer Animal Health, Ceva Animal Health, MSD Animal Health and Elanco.
Daniel O. Morris has received honoraria, consulting fees and/or has collaborated with Pfizer Animal Health/Zoetis, Bayer, and Ceva Animal
Jacques Guillot has received funding from or otherwise collaborated with MSD Animal Health, Ceva Animal Health, Bayer Animal Health
and Boehringer-Ingelheim.
Emmanuel Bensignor has consulted and lectured for Elanco and Ceva Animal Health.
David Robinson has received funding from or otherwise collaborated with MSD Animal Health, Virbac Animal Health and Elanco.
Kenneth V. Mason is Managing Director of Dermcare-vet PTY LTD.
Rui Kano has no conflicts of interest to declare.
Peter B. Hill has received honoraria and consulting fees from Pfizer/Zoetis and Elanco/Novartis.
Presented in draft form at the 2018 North American Veterinary Dermatology Forum, Maui, Hawaii, USA, the 2018 International Society for
Human and Animal Mycology Malassezia Workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands, and the 2018 European Society/College of Veterinary Der-
matology Annual Congress in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 27

WAVD cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of information contained in this article. Readers
need to bear this in mind and be aware of the prescribing laws pertaining to their own countries.
Bond et al.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 29
2 The genus Malassezia. General properties, phylogeny, genomic studies and 29
species of relevance to veterinary medicine
3 Historical aspects of Malassezia yeasts as skin pathogens in dogs and cats 31
4 Ecology and epidemiology 33
5 Pathogenesis: virulence attributes amongst Malassezia yeasts 35
6 Pathogenesis: immunological responses to Malassezia yeasts and their 37
clinical relevance in diagnosis/therapy
7 Predisposing factors for development of Malassezia dermatitis 40
8 Quantification of Malassezia populations on canine and feline skin by cytology 41
and culture
9 Diagnostic methods: molecular and mass spectrometry identification of 45
yeasts in culture and skin
10 Histopathological features of canine and feline Malassezia dermatitis 46
11 Antifungal susceptibility testing and resistance 47
12 Clinical presentations in dogs 50
13 Clinical presentations in cats 52
14 Summary of the diagnostic approach 53
15 Therapy 54
16 Prevention of Malassezia-associated skin diseases in dogs and cats 58
17 Malassezia yeasts as zoonotic agents 60
References 61

28 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.

WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

(Section 15.2). Given the general paucity of high quality

1 Introduction trials in this field, consensus views from the panel of
Scientists have been grappling with the complexity of the authors have also been incorporated. Thus, our conclud-
genus Malassezia and their associated diseases for dec- ing summary of therapeutic options is a combination of
ades. Their relevance to companion animal veterinary evidence base and consensus of opinion.2 Finally, in the
practitioners first became apparent in the context of spirit of a “one health” approach, the zoonotic potential
canine otitis externa in the 1950’s, whereas their role in of these yeasts is reviewed.
canine dermatitis was not established until more recently.
Malassezia dermatitis is now recognised as a common 2 The genus Malassezia. General
skin disorder in canine practice, although it is encountered properties, phylogeny, genomic studies
more occasionally in feline practice. and species of relevance to veterinary
The commissioning of this review by the World Associ- medicine
ation for Veterinary Dermatology (WAVD) is timely, given
the marked advances in our understanding of these lipo- Malassezia yeasts form a well-defined and unique clus-
philic yeasts as a consequence of significant scientific ter of lipophilic fungi living almost exclusively on the
endeavour, not least the sequencing of the genomes of skin and mucosal sites of warm-blooded vertebrates.
the majority of the recognised species. Molecular biologi- The genus Malassezia (Baillon) is usually considered as
cal techniques have transformed the taxonomy of the a monophyletic taxon in the phylum Basidiomycota and
genus from two species in 1989 to 18 species at the time subphylum Ustilaginomycotina, a highly diversified
of publication, in the process explaining, at a stroke, many group of more than 1,500 species of plant pathogens.3
of the painstaking observations of phenotypic variation Molecular analysis has confirmed that the genus Malas-
made by generations of mycologists. sezia is deeply rooted in the Ustilaginomycotina with a
This is the second WAVD consensus document on sister relationship to Ustilaginomycetes and Exobasid-
superficial veterinary mycoses, following on from one for iomycetes.4 As a consequence, it was proposed that
dermatophytosis.1 Whilst the headline title of our review the genus should be assigned as its own class, Malas-
is “diagnosis and treatment”, the complexity of Malasse- seziomycetes.4 During the last decade, the analysis of
zia dermatitis in dogs and cats requires a wider-ranging the genome of Malassezia yeasts has allowed a better
review. Unlike the dermatophytes, which visit and poten- understanding of how these fungi, whose ancestors
tially infect the non-immune host, Malassezia yeasts are were most probably plant or soil residents, manage to
commensal organisms, forming a reservoir of potential survive and develop in the cutaneous ecosystem and
pathogens in the stratum corneum or mucosae, that may how they interact with other members of the cutaneous
induce disease whenever the homeostatic balance of microbiota. In 2007 the first genome sequence of a
yeast virulence, on the one hand, and host immunity, on Malassezia species (M. globosa) was published.5 A few
the other, is disrupted in favour of the yeast. years later, a similar analysis was performed for M.
Our review includes a full description of the genus, sympodialis6 and for M. pachydermatis.7 In 2015, a
since six of the currently recognised species have been study reported the sequences, assemblage and annota-
described on dogs and cats, and six more have been tions for the genomes of 14 Malassezia species, includ-
described in other species encountered by veterinary ing multiple strains of the most relevant species in
practitioners. The wide range of methods used to define medical dermatology (M. globosa, M. sympodialis, M.
and quantify Malassezia yeasts on skin is assessed; rarely restricta and M. furfur).8
does one investigator use the same method as the next, The first remarkable feature of Malassezia genomes is
but the different methods often yield diverse and conflict- their small size (~10 Mb), about half of the size of other
ing data; highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of known basidiomycetous fungi, with some species having
each should promote careful method selection for future less than 4,000 predicted genes.5,8,9 This may reflect
studies. A basic description of molecular methods is adaptation to the limited ecological niche of the yeasts.
incorporated to aid the non-specialist reader in under- Gene family analyses indicate that Malassezia yeasts dis-
standing how these techniques are currently applied to play unique characteristics comprising (i) a low carbohy-
yeast identification and epidemiology, and how in future drate-degrading capacity due to reduction of glycosyl
they may change our diagnostic approach to the case. A hydrolase-encoding genes; (ii) a lipid dependence for
discussion of current concepts of yeast virulence and growth due to lack of a fatty acid synthase gene and (iii) a
host immunity is a necessary prelude to a review of concomitant expansion of lipid hydrolysing enzymes
immunological methods in diagnosis and therapy, and in (such as secreted lipases, phospholipases and acid sphin-
the context of the crucial consideration of the host pre- gomyelinases) that allow Malassezia yeasts to collect and
disposing factors, whose recognition and correction is use fatty acids from the skin or mucosal surfaces of their
key to the prevention of chronically-relapsing disease. hosts. Analysis of the genomes also revealed the pres-
As the title indicates, one of our principal objectives is ence of unique genes with unknown function and which
to describe the range of clinical presentations in dogs and were probably acquired through horizontal gene transfer.8
cats, along with a suggested approach to elucidating the The sexual form of Malassezia yeasts is still unknown.
role, if any, of Malassezia yeasts in each case. Our thera- However, a region corresponding to the mating type
peutic recommendations are drawn from both a system- locus (MAT) has been identified for these yeasts;6 it has
atic review of published therapeutic studies been suggested that if there is an extant sexual cycle for

© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 29

Bond et al.

some of them that it is more likely to be bipolar or of the genus Malassezia and the description of four new
pseudo-bipolar, with two mating types, rather than tetrap- species (M. obtusa, M. globosa, M. slooffiae and M.
olar as in many other basidiomycetous fungi.8,10 restricta).20 Eleven more species were described subse-
On lipid-enriched media such as modified Dixon’s agar, quently by different groups and from varied hosts: M. der-
Malassezia colonies are cream to yellowish, smooth or matis,21 M. japonica22 and M. yamatoensis23 from
lightly wrinkled, glistening or dull, with the margin being humans in Japan; M. nana24 from cases of otitis externa
either entire or lobate. Malassezia yeasts appear as small in cats and cattle; M. caprae25 from goats; M. equina25
ovoid, ellipsoidal or cylindrical cells (1.5 to 6.0 µm by 3.5 from horses; M. cuniculi26 from rabbits; M. arunalokei27
to 8.0 µm). Reproduction is by budding on a broad base from humans in India; M. brasiliensis and M. psittaci28
and from the same site at one pole (monopolar blastic from domesticated parrots in Brazil; and M. vespertilionis
development). Some Malassezia species are able to form from bats in the USA29. Of these, to date, M. pachyder-
filaments in cutaneous lesions but also in culture under matis, M. furfur, M. sympodialis, M. globosa, M. sloof-
specific conditions.11–13 Malassezia yeasts have a thick fiae, M. nana, M. caprae, M. equina, M. cuniculi, M.
cell wall (~0.12 µm) whose innermost layer shows a char- brasiliensis, M. psittaci and M. verspertilionis have been
acteristic serrated structure.12,14–16 isolated from animals and are therefore relevant in veteri-
The genus Malassezia (Baillon) was created in 1889 for nary dermatology (Table 1).
a single species, M. furfur, observed in lesions of pityriasis Malassezia species are lipid dependent due to an inabil-
versicolor, a common dermatological condition in ity to synthesize long-chained (C14 or C16) fatty acids de
humans.17 It took a long time to understand the lipid novo.30 There are some differences in lipid dependence
dependence of this kind of fungus and, as a consequence, among the species and this variability has been used for
to obtain and maintain Malassezia yeasts in culture.18 the development of specific tests for the identification.31
Conventional laboratory techniques could not be used and Historically M. pachydermatis was regarded as being
despite the description of numerous species, their accu- “lipophilic but not lipid-dependent” because it was the
rate identification was not possible. In 1989, the genus only member of the genus to grow on Sabouraud’s dex-
Malassezia (Baillon 1889), also known under the generic trose agar. Recently, genome sequencing has confirmed
name Pityrosporum proposed by Sabouraud in 1904, com- that M. pachydermatis lacks a fatty acid synthase gene
prised only two taxa: M. furfur (syn. P. ovale, P. orbicu- like the other members of the genus, but is uniquely able
lare), a lipid dependent species found on human skin and to utilise lipid fractions within the peptone component of
M. pachydermatis (syn. P. pachydermatis, P. canis), a spe- Sabouraud’s dextrose agar for growth. These observa-
cies isolated from the skin of animals, especially dogs. tions explain its failure to grow on lipid-free defined media
In 1990, Simmons and Gue ho described the new spe- and thus M. pachydermatis should now also be regarded
cies M. sympodialis which was characterized by a sympo- as being “lipid-dependent”.
dial budding process.19 In 1996, Gue ho et al.20 had the The phenotypic identification scheme for the routine
opportunity to collect and examine many isolates from identification of Malassezia currently includes micro-
humans and animals. Conventional and modern spectrum scopic features, ability to use lipid supplements (different
techniques were employed to characterise these isolates, Tweens and cremophor EL [polyethoxylated castor oil]),
encompassing morphology, ultrastructure, physiology catalase and beta-glucosidase reactions, and temperature
and molecular biology. The result was a complete revision tolerance at 32°C, 37°C and 40°C (Table S1). Despite the

Table 1. Summary of the taxonomy and ecology of the genus Malassezia

Malassezia species Description and authors [reference] Synonym Presence in animals Presence in humans
M. furfur 1889, (Robin) Baillon17 Pityrosporum ovale HS (dogs, cats, others) HS, PV, fungaemia
M. pachydermatis 1925, (Weidman) Dodge47 P. pachydermatis, P. HS + LS (dogs, cats, many HS (dog contact),
canis others, mostly canids) fungaemia
M. sympodialis 1990, Simmons & Gueho19 M. furfur serovar A HS, OT (cats) HS, AD, SD
M. globosa ho & Guillot20
1996, Midgley, Gue P. orbiculare, M. HS, OT (cats) HS, PV, SD, AD
furfur serovar B
M. obtusa ho20
1996, Midgley, Guillot & Gue ─ HS, LS
M. slooffiae ho20
1996, Guillot, Midgley & Gue HS (pigs, cat claws) HS, LS
M. restricta 1996, Gueho, Guillot & Midgley20 M. furfur serovar C ─ HS, SD
M. dermatis 2002, Sugita et al.21 ─ HS, AD
M. japonica 2003, Sugita et al.22 ─ HS, AD, SD
M. nana 2004, Hirai et al.24 HS (cats, horses), OT (cats, ─
M. yamatoensis 2004, Sugita et al.23 ─ HS, SD
M. caprae 2007, Caban~es & Boekhout311 HS (goats) ─
M. equina 2007, Caban~es & Boekhout311 M. equi HS, LS (horses) ─
M. cuniculi 2011, Caban~es & Castella26 HS (rabbits) ─
M. arunalokei 2016, Honnavar, Rudramurthy, & Prasad27 ─ HS, SD
M. brasiliensis 2016, Caban~es et al. 28 HS (parrots) ─
M. psittaci 2016, Caban~es et al. 28 HS (parrots) ─
M. vespertilionis 2018, Lorch et al.29 HS (bats) ─
─ not reported, AD atopic dermatitis, HS healthy skin, LS lesional skin, PV pityriasis versicolor, SD seborrhoeic dermatitis, OT otitis.

30 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.

WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

undisputable value of this phenotypic identification 1873: Sebastiano Rivolta, an Italian veterinarian,
scheme, ambiguous results are sometimes reported. Fur- noticed a double-contour budding yeast in human “psori-
thermore, the addition of recently identified species atic” scales and gave them the name Cryptococcus psori-
resulted in similar physiological patterns and thus in a asis.40
doubtful identification (M. arunalokei and M. brasiliensis 1874: Frenchman Louis Charles Malassez41 suggested
are closely related to M. restricta and M. furfur, respec- that Microsporon furfur caused dandruff and correctly dif-
tively) (Table S1). For all these reasons, specific identifica- ferentiated the yeast into genus of single cell fungi
tion should be confirmed by DNA sequencing analysis. (“Saccharomyces”) rather than the dermatophyte com-
Various molecular loci had been proposed to identify plex. For this correction, his name was ultimately
Malassezia species (Section 9). The most frequently used attached to the genus.42
loci are the D1/D2 domain of the 26S rRNA gene and the
internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions.32,33 Other genes 3.2.2 Attempts at classification without laboratory isola-
such as chitin synthase-234 and ß-tubulin35 have been tion
proposed for taxonomic purposes. Recently, mass spec- 1884: Bizzozero studied these microbes and described
trometry has also been utilised for the identification of them to be part of normal human skin flora. He claimed
Malassezia yeasts isolated from human patients in three there were two different species and named them Sac-
French university hospitals.36 A MALDI-TOF database of charomyces ovalis and S. sphaericus.43 However, these
main mass spectra has recently been developed to allow were later shown to be a single species.44
the rapid identification of 14 Malassezia species.37 1889: Baillon created the genus Malassezia to accom-
modate M. furfur, in honour of Malassez, who was
2.1 Conclusions already acknowledged as having described the new spe-
Malassezia yeasts are unique in several ways, including cies – at least in the French-speaking scientific commu-
their strict dependence on lipids, their cellular ultrastruc- nity.17 However this particular yeast could not be grown
ture and their dominance as eukaryotic residents on the and isolated in laboratory conditions because its lipid
skin of warm-blooded vertebrates. The taxonomy of the requirement in culture media were as yet unknown.
genus Malassezia is evolving. Eighteen species have 1910: Raymond Sabouraud, a prominent medical
been described so far but many other species are most mycologist, proposed the name Pityrosporum malassezi
probably present on the skin or mucosal sites of warm- for this bottle shaped yeast thought to cause human dan-
blooded animals. Few phenotypic tests are available to druff.45
differentiate Malassezia species and some of them may 1913: Alfred Kraus was able to culture P. malassezi in a
overlap. As a consequence, DNA sequencing (or other medium containing lanolin.46 In a prime example of the
techniques like mass spectrometry) may be required for effect of geography and historical events on scientific dis-
specific identification. covery, this German scientist’s work was largely over-
looked with the onset of the First World War.

3 Historical aspects of Malassezia yeasts as 3.2.3 Diseases associated with Malassezia

skin pathogens in dogs and cats 1925: Weidman reported bottle shaped yeast from the
3.1 Introduction: prehistory facilitating discovery scale of the single horned Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros
Analysis of the history of scientific discovery highlights unicornis) with a generalised exfoliative dermatitis.47 In
the influence of language and geography, the role of contrast to M. furfur this yeast cultivated readily on rou-
experts and opinion leaders in study centres or in the tine media without lipid supplementation. Weidman clas-
modern day “centres of excellence”, and wider cultural sified the yeast in the genus Pityrosporum, with the
effects that may impede or enhance investigation and species name P. pachydermatis. The rhinoceros
implementation of technological advances in the pursuit responded rapidly to topical therapy with 1% salicylic acid
of scientific progress. The fascinating history of the genus in lard.
Malassezia and its role in disease spans four centuries 1928–1929: McLeod and Dowling part-fulfilled Koch’s
and three continents and extends from early microscopi- postulates by isolation of M. furfur from humans with
cal observations through to present day genome seborrhoeic dermatitis in an oleic acid broth.48,49 They
sequencing. After a [final] flurry of controversy in the late then inoculated lesion-free skin of a person with sebor-
20th century, this body of evidence culminated in develop- rhoeic dermatitis and a normal human with the broth iso-
ment of the disease model that veterinarians use today. late and reproduced seborrhoeic lesions in both, from
which they re-isolated M. furfur. An incidental finding was
3.2 The first reports of the yeast and disease an association between the dandruff, yeast and a concur-
rent coccoid bacterium that was carefully separated and
3.2.1 Early reports subcultured. MacLeod and Dowling regarded these pyo-
1846: Karl Ferdinand Eichstedt was the first to observe genic micrococci as secondary invaders, even accepting
hyphal elements and blastoconidia in scale from his it was constantly associated with seborrhoeic dermati-
patients and attributed these to cause a human skin dis- tis.50 Interestingly, MacLeod and Dowling referred to
ease he called “Pityriasis versicolor”.38 three names of the yeast in their work: the “spore of
1853: Charles Robin named Eichstedt’s fungus as Malassez”, “Pityrosporum of Sabouraud” or the “flask
Microsporon furfur, believing it to be a dermatophyte, and bacillus of Unna”. Until now, no consensus had been
termed the associated skin disease “Tinea versicolor”.39 reached as to whether these names covered a single
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 31
Bond et al.

M. pachydermatis 1990: A new species, Malassezia sympodialis was

a described19 and by 1996 four new species were added to
Number of publications

80 the genus.20 This species was later isolated from a cat by

Bond et al. in 1996.56

40 3.2.5 Modern approaches

Currently there are 18 different species of Malasse-
zia.35,57 The genus continues to expand and this is likely
0 to continue as the classical ‘bottom-up’ microbiological
approaches merge with organism-level genomics and
community or “systems-level meta-genomics”.

50 Canine 3.3 Malassezia yeasts in animals

Number of publications

40 3.3.1 Canine ear and skin disease: the first reports (1951
30 to 1999)
The discovery of Malassezia in animals occurred at a
much later date than in humans. As mentioned, Weid-
10 man47 isolated yeasts from the skin of a rhinoceros in
1925, but research in domestic animals largely re-started
30 years later.

3.3.2 Malassezia yeasts in the canine and feline ear

Feline 1955: Gustafson was the first to notice a bottle shaped
16 c yeast in otitis externa of a dog; he correctly recognized
Number of publications

them as Pityrosporum and created a new species P.
canis.58 This was in error as he had misread Lodder’s
description and failed to consider Weidman’s discovery
of the yeast in rhinoceros skin, which grew without lipid
4 enrichment. Gustafson was able to induce a sponta-
2 neously-resolving erythemato-ceruminous otitis externa
0 in healthy dogs by the application of a suspension of ‘P.
canis’ to the external ear canal.58
1961: Fraser also isolated and studied strains of yeast
from healthy and diseased dog ears and correctly
Figure 1. The numbers of publications on Malassezia pachydermatis
ascribed all as P. pachydermatis. During the next two dec-
by year (a) and for dogs (b) and cats (c) from 1900 to present day.
ades, a number of studies showed the connection
organism, whether it was pathogenic and what disease between canine otitis externa and P. pachydermatis.59,60
was caused. This work was later confirmed by Moore 1976: Baxter also showed that, unlike previously
et al.51 thought, the frequency of isolation of P. pachydermatis
These publications, discussions and controversies was comparable in healthy ears and in cases of otitis
were a prerequisite to unravelling the role of Malassezia externa in dogs’ and cats’ ears.61
spp. in skin diseases of the dog and cat.
3.3.3 Canine skin disease
3.2.4 The controversy and ‘Dark Years’: 1940 to 1960 1975: Dufait was the first to describe the skin disease,
1940–1960: are known as the ‘Dark Years’ and albeit in a local veterinary journal written in Dutch.62 Also
spanned a period of more controversy. The hard won later, several non-English language studies were pub-
progress in the field was forgotten as a consequence lished,63–65 all describing canine Malassezia dermatitis;
of the Second World War and the overwhelming however, without a widespread English audience, many
effect of cortisone treatment becoming available in the pruritic dogs suffered as a result of this disadvantage.
late 1940s, to which human seborrhoeic dermatitis 1987: Mason66 spoke about three canine Malassezia
responded. The role of Malassezia yeasts in the dis- dermatitis cases at the American Academy/College of
ease was thus forgotten. Veterinary Dermatology meeting, creating objection and
1970: The systematics were rectified when Sloff in controversy, although another speaker from private spe-
Lodder’s ‘The Yeasts, a taxonomic study’ assigned all ciality practice advised that he has seen a similar case.
Pityrosporum that grew on media without lipid enrich- Similar discussions ensued at a lecture in 1992 at the Bri-
ment as single species of P. pachydermatis.52 tish Veterinary Dermatology Study Group spring meet-
1984: The third edition of “The Yeasts, a Taxonomic ing.67 One highlight of the debate was mention of
Study” (Yarrow and Ahearn) referred to the new genus Shuster’s publication that showed that dandruff was
Malassezia and confirmed that one species grew without clearly associated with “Pityrosporum ovale”, elegantly
lipid enrichment.53,54 This was later officially added into dismissing the distorted view that effective dandruff treat-
the taxonomical order.55 ments were cytostatic rather than antimycotic in action.68

32 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.

WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

1988: Larsson et al.69 drew attention to Malassezia skin of hypersensitivity disorder or a breed predilection (Devon
disease in the English language by describing the skin dis- rex, sphynx) may indicate a poorer prognosis due to an
ease associated with P. pachydermatis. Mason and association with life-threatening systemic diseases.
Evans confirmed and expanded on those earlier observa- 2005: Cafarchia et al.84 reported that both the fre-
tions,70 although acceptance by the veterinary profession quency of isolation and population sizes of M. pachyder-
was not universal. matis was increased in cats with otitis externa, when
1992: Pedersen published in Danish a case series of 10 compared with healthy cats.84
dogs with Malassezia dermatitis.71 He described the 2007: Cats with seborrhoeic and allergic presentations
cytology, mycology, histopathology and the results of were shown to have concurrent M. pachydermatis over-
antifungal treatment. The before and after clinical pho- growth that responded clinically to azole antifungal ther-
tographs left no doubt about the dramatic health and wel- apy, in parallel to the situation in dogs.80,85,86
fare benefits of the antifungal therapy in these cases.
1996: Mason et al.72 followed up on knowledge of 3.4 Conclusions
Malassezia associated dermatitis, staphylococcal pyo- The history of the association between Malassezia yeasts
derma and demodicosis and integrated these into a unify- and its animal hosts has been long mired in controversy.
ing concept of skin commensals as opportunistic and Recent genomic studies have elucidated previously prob-
complementary pathogens. By this time, the initial con- lematical aspects of taxonomy and indicated that geno-
troversy that had dogged the profession regarding the types and species of Malassezia are evolving as an
significance of Malassezia yeasts as a cause for dermati- adaptation to particular host ecological niches. Having
tis in the canine had largely settled. been previously overlooked, canine Malassezia dermatitis
Present day: Currently, Malassezia pachydermatis is has evolved from a controversial to a routine now diagno-
now well-recognized as a commensal yeast of dog’s skin sis in small animal practice, with very significant welfare
and mucosa; overgrowth is commonly associated with benefits for many animals.
otitis externa and dermatitis. Research continues in fur-
ther characterising the relative pathogenicity of the differ-
4 Ecology and epidemiology
ent species and genotypes, and elucidating the factors
that drive the conversion to pathogen (Figure 1a–c). 4.1 Introduction
Malassezia yeasts are common skin commensals in
3.3.4 Malassezia yeasts in cats: rare or common? warm-blooded vertebrates. The loss of fatty acid syn-
The role of Malassezia spp. in feline skin disease beyond thetase genes (Section 2), resulting in a requirement for a
the ear canal had not aroused much interest until the lipid source for growth, is likely one factor linking them to
research into canine and human Malassezia spp. carriage animal hosts. In one review,87 it was proposed that
and associated dermatitis prompted some further work in Malassezia yeasts are potential pathogens that operate in
the mid to late 1990’s. a pliable, physiological “transitional mantel zone” that is
1976: Baxter was the first to report on M. pachyderma- influenced by both host skin and the animal’s external
tis in cat ears and as previously mentioned, found that environment. Thus, yeast proliferation may be enhanced
Malassezia were also present in the ears of healthy ani- by either favourable environmental conditions (heat,
mals.61 In 1990 Hajsig and Hajsig confirmed that M. humidity) and or changes in host susceptibility (Section 7).
pachydermatis is a normal part of cat skin microflora.73
At the time Malassezia dermatitis was considered Many culture-based studies have been carried out
extremely rare or unknown in the cat. A causal relation- worldwide both in humans and in animals (especially in
ship between the overgrowth of Malassezia in the cat dogs) to better understand the ecology of Malassezia
and the development of seborrhoeic dermatitis was pro- species on healthy skin and in cases with cutaneous
posed in 1994.74 The two cats discussed had generalized lesions.33 Results are rarely comparable between studies
exfoliative and greasy erythroderma which responded to because of the use of different sampling procedures, cul-
antifungal therapy. ture media and identification techniques. The influence of
1996: The isolation of M. globosa from skin of a healthy sampling methods and culture media on yeast counts are
cheetah (Acinonix jubatus) represented the first report of reviewed in Section 8. The general conclusion is that
lipid-dependent Malassezia spp from Felidae.20,75 Bond M. pachydermatis remains by far the most important and
et al.56 isolated the first lipid dependent species (Malas- prevalent species in dogs while the other lipid-dependent
sezia sympodialis) from domestic cat skin. Subsequent species are detected quite frequently in certain animal
studies by the same group and other groups in Spain and species (like cats) or body sites. Some of these lipid-de-
Japan led to reports on the isolation of M. globosa,76 M. pendent species seem to be host-specific (Table 1). In
furfur,77,78 M. nana24,79 and, more recently, M. sloof- humans, three species (M. globosa, M. restricta and M.
fiae80–82 from domestic cats. sympodialis) predominate.87 Interestingly human-related
2002: Mauldin et al.83 evaluated the presence of Malas- species may have a different geographical distribution;
sezia yeasts in feline skin specimens submitted for M. dermatis has been isolated in East Asia, M. arunalokei
histopathological examination from 1999 to 2000. Of the in India, whereas M. obtusa was mostly reported from
15 cats with Malassezia, 11 presented with an acute onset Sweden, Canada, Bosnia and Herzegovina.27,33
of multifocal to generalized skin lesions and were eutha- Malassezia yeasts have been isolated from almost all
nised or died within two months. In contrast to humans domestic animals, different wild animals in captivity and
and dog, Malassezia overgrowth in the cat, in the absence also from wildlife. An exhaustive list of potential animal
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 33
Bond et al.

hosts was reported in 2010.88 In addition, the presence of was based only on morphological and physiological char-
Malassezia-like organisms has been reported in a wide acteristics.84,103,104 In the absence of molecular tech-
range of environmental habitats, from deep sea sedi- niques, there is scope to confuse lipid-dependent
ments, hydrothermal vents and arctic soils, to marine Malassezia spp. with atypical strains of M. pachydermatis
sponges, stony corals, eels, lobster larvae and nema- that show inconsistent or stable lipid-dependence.105,106
todes.89–91 However, the presence of M. furfur was confirmed by
In recent years methods based on next generation molecular biology in dogs with cutaneous lesions107 or
sequencing (NGS) have allowed a better characterization otitis108 in Brazil. In a survey in Slovakia, mycological cul-
of the complex microbial communities occurring on the tures performed from dogs with cutaneous lesions
skin and made it possible to detect Malassezia species (n = 118) and dogs with otitis externa (n = 328) yielded
that would otherwise be missed using culture-based M. pachydermatis as the most frequently isolated spe-
methods (Section 4.4). cies (121 isolates); however, four lipid-dependent isolates
were identified as M. furfur and one as M. nana.109
4.2 Ecology of Malassezia yeasts in dogs
Colonisation of canine skin probably occurs in the very 4.3 Ecology of Malassezia yeasts in cats
first days of life; how this occurs is not understood but The skin of Felidae is colonized by a diverse array of
likely involves transfer from the bitch’s flora following Malassezia spp yeasts. Whilst M. pachydermatis is most
removal of the amniotic membrane, licking and nursing in frequent, as in dogs, the lipid-dependent species isolated
the same manner as staphylococci.92 In a study per- from domestic cats include M. sympodialis,56,76 M. glo-
formed in 22 newborn Rottweiler puppies, Malassezia bosa,76 M. furfur,77,78 M. nana,24,79 and M. slooffiae.80–82
yeasts were recovered from around 40% of samples col- The original reports of isolation of M. furfur are based on
lected from the lips, nail beds and ears, at three, seven phenotypic rather than molecular methods. The isolation
and 35 days of age.93 of M. globosa from the skin of a healthy cheetah (Aci-
Several investigators have explored Malassezia colo- nonix jubatus) represented the first report of lipid-depen-
nization in various anatomical regions of different breeds dent Malassezia spp from cats.20,75 In 2004, a study
of adult healthy dogs; example studies that utilised cul- described M. nana, a novel species from aural discharges
ture methods are summarised in Table S2. There is some of a cat and cattle.24 Some lipid-dependent strains similar
variability in the data, reflecting in part varied sampling to the M. sympodialis type strain and isolated from cats
methods; however, it can be seen that the sites most fre- were studied using DNA sequence analysis and grouped
quently colonised by M. pachydermatis in healthy pet together with M. nana.110 Malassezia nana seems to be
dogs of various breeds are the peri-oral/ lip region (81% the most common lipid-dependent species isolated from
of 58 dogs sampled using contact plates) and interdigital cats, particularly in the ear canal; similarities in the
skin ((60–70% of 40 dogs sampled using contact plates) sequences of three loci of the rRNA gene,111 ß-tubulin
whereas the yeast is less-often detected in the skin of gene and microsatellite profiles112 indicate that a particu-
the axilla (12.5% of 40), groin (23% of 91) and dorsum lar M. nana genotype predominates in this host. Malasse-
(4% of 73). The perianal skin and anal mucosa is a fre- zia slooffiae is primarily but not exclusively associated
quent (~55% of 73 dogs) carriage site whereas nasal and with the feline claw fold.80
oral carriage is less frequent. Using cytological tech- Malassezia pachydermatis is less frequently isolated
niques, it was reported that the highest number of Malas- from cats than from dogs.73,75 Marked variations in Malas-
sezia were on the chin region, while inguinal and axillary sezia populations have been reported in the external ear
zones presented the lowest number.94 Malassezia yeasts canal of healthy cats. One study identified Malassezia
were identified by cytological methods in 10–31% of yeasts in 43 out of 52 healthy cats sampled in the winter
examined anal sacs in two studies of groups of healthy months in north eastern USA.113 By contast, another study
dogs (n = 57),95 usually in low numbers.95,96 Malassezia failed to identify yeasts in 20 health cats sampled in
yeasts were detected on the periocular skin of only three France; notably in the latter study, the presence of ceru-
out of 56 (5%) clinically normal dogs.97 Basset hounds men was an exclusion criterion whereas cerumen was
show a marked breed variation, with significantly noted in many of the US cats, especially amongst those
increased frequencies and population sizes of M. pachy- with a purely indoor lifestyle.114 Malassezia yeasts were
dermatis in the nose, mouth, vulva and axilla.98 detected in 20% (six of 30) ear canals of 15 cats with dis-
Studies of oral carriage of Malassezia may have rele- ease and in 43% (13 of 30) ear canals of 15 allergic cats.114
vance as a source of transfer to the skin.99–101 Twice- Devon rex cats and sphynx cats, but not Cornish rex cats,
weekly application of a miconazole-chlorhexidine sham- are prone to high carriage rates of Malassezia yeasts and a
poo to seborrhoeic Basset hounds resulted in a significant generalised seborrhoeic dermatitis that responds to oral
reduction of M. pachydermatis populations in both the itraconazole.80,86,115,116 Predisposing factors such as
skin and mouth.99 Another study pointed out the possible hypersensitivities and internal diseases that disrupt cornifi-
transfer of Malassezia yeasts between the perioral area cation are reviewed in Section 7.
and pruritic skin lesions of the inguinal area as a conse-
quence of frequent licking, and between undamaged 4.4 Malassezia yeasts as components of the
interdigital regions as a result of persistent scratching.102 cutaneous microbiome
Other than M. pachydermatis, lipid-dependent Malas- The original cutaneous microbiome studies mainly
sezia yeasts are infrequently reported from dog skin. In focused on prokaryotic inhabitants; thereafter fungi
initial reports, the identification of lipid-dependent yeasts received more attention in humans and also in dogs and
34 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

cats.117,118 The first large-scale sequencing analysis

5 Pathogenesis: virulence attributes
which evaluated fungal diversity (“mycobiome”) on
amongst Malassezia yeasts
human skin clearly demonstrated that Malassezia yeasts
are the most abundant fungal organisms on many human The interactions between Malassezia yeasts and the skin
skin sites, as previously shown for the scalp.119–121 In of their hosts, and the factors which influence transition
contrast to extensive bacterial diversity found at all from commensal to pathogen, are the subject of inten-
human skin sites tested,122 the fungal diversity seems sive scientific endeavour, especially pertaining to the
more site-dependent.121 Eleven Malassezia species were common pathogens of humans (M. globosa, M. sympodi-
identified with M. restricta being predominant in the alis, M. restricta and M. furfur).33,129 Comparative geno-
external auditory canal, retroauricular crease and glabella; mic studies following the sequencing of 14 Malassezia
while M. globosa was on the back, occiput and inguinal species have significantly advanced opportunities for
crease. The remaining species were detected across understanding of the adaption of the genus to its limited
other body sites and with lower frequency.121 Reanalysis ecological niches (mainly skin), elucidation of virulence
of these metagenomic datasets using a more complete attributes necessary for colonisation and infection, and
set of Malassezia genomes demonstrated the presence identification of novel interventional targets for therapy.8
of 12 species, with M. restricta and M. globosa by far the In particular, the novel description of Agrobacterium tumi-
most abundant, distantly followed by M. sympodialis.8 faciens-mediated transformation systems that allows for
The metagenomic analysis of skin samples from 40 the insertion of transfer DNA and targeted gene deletion
asymptomatic individuals in Hong Kong revealed that in M. furfur, M. sympodialis and M. pachydermatis, and
90% of the sequencing reads matched to M. restricta.123 thus analysis of individual gene function, is certain to rev-
Another study investigating 40 asymptomatic individuals olutionise our understanding of the biology of this
in Japan indicated that Malassezia population differed by genus.130–132
sex, body part and season.124 Another study reported a The presence of a nutritionally absorptive fungus within
significant decrease in community diversity as an indica- the stratum corneum exposes the host to an array of
tion of skin disease in humans.125 chemicals, immunogens and allergens, comprising fungal
Only a very few studies examined the skin microbiota in cell wall-associated carbohydrates, proteins and lipids;
dogs and cats.117,118,126–128 One study suggested that the secreted enzymes that generate both substrates for nutri-
main force driving the variability in microbiota composition tion and an array of irritant metabolic by-products. The cell
was the individual, rather than the breed, hair coat or the wall of Malassezia spp. is unusual in thickness (90–
skin site.126 Anotherh study used NGS to define a much 150 nm14,133), morphology (inner spiralling/corruga-
more diverse cutaneous mycobiota than that previously tion14,133,134) and composition (predominance of (1 ? 6)-
described with culture-based techniques in studies of ß-D-glucan, trace of mannan135 with unusual polysaccha-
healthy and allergic dogs.118 The cutaneous mycobiota ride assembly136, chitin prominent in bud-scar137, lipid-
appeared to be influenced by various factors including envi- rich wall and capsule6) (Figure 2). Interaction with other
ronmental exposure, cohabitation with other pets and skin commensal microbes might also influence pathogenicity
health status. Surprising, Malassezia yeasts were not the and expression of virulence factors.138–140 Thus, these
most abundant fungal organisms on healthy canine skin. commensal yeasts are likely highly regulated by
Sequences corresponding to filamentous contaminants
from the environment (Alternaria, Cladosporium and Epic-
occum spp.) were predominant. Furthermore, the same
study was unable to detect any significant differences in
the relative abundance of Malassezia yeasts between
healthy and allergic dogs.118 In a similar metagenomic anal-
ysis performed in healthy and allergic cats, the most abun-
dant fungal sequences were identified as filamentous
contaminants from the environment (Cladosporium and
Alternaria spp.) and not Malassezia yeasts, which were
identified in 30% (35 of 108) and 21% (eight of 39) of
healthy and allergic cat samples, but rarely accounted for
more than 1% of the relative fungal abundance.117

4.5 Conclusions
Malassezia pachydermatis is a normal inhabitant of
healthy canine skin and mucosae. Malassezia pachyder-
matis also predominates in the skin of the domestic cat,
although other species are occasionally identified, particu-
larly M. nana in the ear canal and M. slooffiae in the claw
fold. Population sizes vary markedly between anatomical
Figure 2. Transmission electron micrograph of Malassezia pachyder-
sites, and between different breeds. These commensal matis.
Malassezia populations provide a reservoir of yeasts that Cells have a thick cell wall with characteristic inner spiralling.
might proliferate and or induce an inflammatory response Monopolar blastic development is associated with a prominent bud
under the influence of various host predisposing factors. scar. Scale bar = 500 nm.

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Bond et al.

continuous interactions with the host immune system antifungal drugs is discussed in Section 10. Other
(Section 6)141 and these interactions ultimately determine enzymes from Malassezia yeasts such as acid sphin-
whether the outcome is inflammation (i.e. fungal disease) gomyelinases and chitin deacetylases may also influence
or not. host-yeast interactions.162
Adherence, the specific attachment of the microbe to Malassezia yeasts from human skin have the ability
host cells, is a key step in colonisation and infection of to synthesise in vitro a large panel of indolic compounds
animals by commensal and pathogenic fungi.142 Adher- (mainly malassezin, indolo[3,2-b] carbazole, pityriacitrin,
ence of M. pachydermatis to canine corneocytes has pityrialactone and indirubin) when tryptophan is used as
been reviewed in detail,143 and likely involves a small fam- the single nitrogen source.33 These indoles act as
ily of proteins that are covalently bound to cell wall carbo- potent ligands for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR),
hydrate and anchored to the plasma membrane.6 a nuclear receptor and transcriptional regulator with
Malassezia cells adhering to keratinocytes have the pleiotropic effects that include down-regulation of
potential to modulate the expression of an array of cytoki- immune stimulation, modification of melanogenesis and
nes, chemokines and antimicrobial peptides, the outcome epidermal cell function, and inhibition of antagonistic
of which may be immune-stimulatory (as may occur in microbes.152,163 One study suggested that M. pachyder-
disease states, characterised by the development of cuta- matis is able to induce activation of the AhR in human
neous inflammation) or immune-suppressive (promoting keratinocytes and to increase the expression of respon-
commensal carriage)144 as reviewed.143 A change in host sive genes and markers of epidermal differentiation.164
immunity, altered skin microclimate or disruption in epi- Since indole production was not detected in a study of
dermal physiology associated with concurrent diseases 80 M. pachydermatis strains from canine otitis
(Section 7) may predispose animals to clinical disease. externa,165 AhR activation by M. pachydermatis might
Co-proliferation of staphylococci in the same lesions145 be associated with the release of compounds other
may exacerbate clinical signs and necessitates concur- than indolic metabolites.
rent antibacterial therapy in some cases.146 The term Malassezia cell wall carbohydrates have been long-
‘dysbiosis’ has been applied to similar microbial imbal- recognised as IgE binding epitopes in humans with
ances within the cutaneous microbiome, albeit primarily AD166,167 while other studies have highlighted their
in the context human and canine atopic dermatitis importance in fungal cell recognition by host phagocytic
(cAD).118,147–149 cells.168 C-type lectins are proteins that bind carbohy-
The Malassezia genus’ evolution to lipid-dependency drates in a calcium-dependent (hence C) manner via
is associated with a wide expansion of lipase and phos- highly-conserved carbohydrate-recognition domains.168
pholipase genes, and loss of carbohydrate metabolism Langerin, a C-type lectin expressed by Langerhans cells
genes, although numbers of secreted proteins overall that recognises mannose and beta-glucans, has a strong
appear lower than those of related plant pathogens (Sec- affinity for Malassezia and Candida spp. and is regarded
tion 2).150 Lipases, highly expressed in the skin of as a major pattern recognition receptor for both commen-
human patients with dandruff and seborrhoeic dermati- sal and pathogenic fungi.169,170 By contrast, Mincle, a C-
tis, likely damage the epidermal barrier directly and by type lectin expressed by activated phagocytes that binds
hydrolysis of triglycerides.151–153 Phospholipase activity glucosyl and mannosyl-glycolipids from M. pachydermatis
in M. pachydermatis is stimulated by the endogenous and M. sympodialis,171 selectively recognises Malassezia
opioid peptide ß endorphin present in the skin of dogs spp. but not other fungi.172 In co-operation with Dectin-2,
with dermatoses;154 activity was significantly higher another C-type lectin that recognises a distinct hydrophilic
amongst M. pachydermatis isolates derived from the O mannobiose-rich protein, Mincle and Dectin-2 collabo-
dogs with otitis externa155 or skin lesions156,157 when rate to enhance production of inflammatory cytokines
compared with those obtained from the dogs with such as TNF-a, MIP-2 and IL-10 from mouse activated
healthy external ears, or non-lesional skin, respectively. phagocytes exposed to Malassezia furfur.171 C-type lec-
Similar observations have been made in pathogenic tin-mediated innate immune mechanisms are discussed
strains of M. restricta and M. globosa collected from further in Section 6.
lesions of seborrhoeic dermatitis in humans.158 Geno-
typic variants of M. pachydermatis with high phospholi- 5.1 Conclusions
pase activity induced higher expression of pro- There have been significant advances in the understand-
inflammatory genes from cultured human ker- ing of the mechanisms of interaction between Malassezia
atinocytes.159 Laboratory data indicated that phospholi- yeasts and their hosts. The outcome of Malassezia
pase production might act in synergism with biofilm growth in the stratum corneum is dependent upon the
formation (layers of adhering yeasts embedded in vari- metabolic activities of the yeasts (expression of cell wall
able quantities of extracellular matrix) to induce or exac- and secreted virulence attributes) and the host’s innate
erbate skin lesions in dogs.160 By contrast, a secreted and adaptive immune defensive responses; interactions
aspartyl protease from M. globosa inhibited S. aureus with other skin commensals (especially staphylococci)
biofilm proliferation and rapidly hydrolysed protein A, a may also play a role. All these processes should ideally
major staphylococcal virulence factor.139 A correlation result in a delicately balanced homeostatic relationship.
between biofilm formation and other virulence factors Further studies are required to define fully the parameters
(hydrophobicity, adherence) was observed amongst that dictate transitions between commensalism and para-
60% of 16 clinical isolates of M. furfur.161 The role of sitism that may yield opportunities for novel preventative
biofilm formation in potentially reducing susceptibility to and therapeutic strategies.
36 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

Keratinocytes activated by Malassezia antigens also pro-

6 Pathogenesis: immunological responses
duce antimicrobial peptides but it is not known to what
to Malassezia yeasts and their clinical
extent these are protective.182
relevance in diagnosis/therapy
The presence of Malassezia organisms on the skin, both 6.2 Activation of antigen presenting cells
in normal and excessive numbers, is known to activate Activation of antigen presenting cells has also been
the skin immune system.173 There is now compelling evi- demonstrated in vitro using human-derived immature
dence that Malassezia antigens can stimulate innate, anti- monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDCs), which are
body and cell mediated immune responses, as well as analogous to Langerhans’ cells in the skin. These cells
triggering hypersensitivity reactions.174 Although this can take up whole M. furfur yeast cells and extracts, as
immune response may offer a degree of protection in cer- well as recombinant M. furfur allergen 5 (Mal f 5)183 Mala
tain circumstances, it may also be harmful. In animals in f 1184 and M. furfur mannan. The internalisation was
which an overgrowth of organisms has occurred, or in shown to occur via binding to the mannose receptor and
individuals that are predisposed to allergic sensitization, pinocytosis. Subsequently, the MDDCs underwent matu-
the ensuing inflammatory response can lead to clinical ration, indicated by up-regulation of CD83 expression and
signs such as dermatitis and pruritus. This section com- increase in expression of the co-stimulatory molecules
prises a comparative review of human and dog studies; CD80 and CD86. These mature dendritic cells are excel-
publications on immune reactivity to Malassezia species lent antigen presenting cells and are capable of present-
in cats appear to be lacking. ing peptides on MHC molecules to T cells.185 Dendritic
cells have also been shown to be activated by interaction
6.1 Activation of keratinocytes between Malassezia antigens and various members of
The initial interplay between Malassezia organisms and the C type lectin class of receptors such as Mincle, Dec-
the skin immune system is likely to take place in the epi- tins 1 & 2, and Langerin.175 This results in the production
dermis.175 It has been demonstrated that application of of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-8 and
M. pachydermatis suspensions on healthy dog skin can TNF-a.175 A recombinant Mala f 1 gene fragment upregu-
induce skin lesions similar to those observed in naturally lated the production of IL-6, TNF-Alpha and IL-10, but not
occurring Malassezia dermatitis.176 This indicates that IL-12, from human leukaemia-derived dendritic cells.184
Malassezia cell surface markers or metabolic products Interestingly, dendritic cells that have been stimulated by
derived from the yeast may be able to directly damage Malassezia antigens appear to be resistant to lysis by Nat-
the skin or induce pathogenic effects by activating the ural Killer cells, a mechanism that likely favours survival of
skin immune system.173 In order for this to happen, anti- the cells in order to maintain antigen presentation.186
gens or allergens produced or expressed by Malassezia
spp. would need to penetrate the stratum corneum in 6.3 T-lymphocyte mediated immune responses
order to be recognised by Langerhans cells or ker- T cell-mediated immunity is important in the prevention
atinocytes. These would then act as antigen presenting and recovery from fungal infections and healthy human
cells able to sensitise and then activate the T lymphocyte individuals demonstrate cell mediated immune responses
population. An impaired barrier function, such as is seen throughout life.187 A deficiency in cell-mediated
in canine and human atopic dermatitis,177 is likely to facili- responses could therefore predispose the host to over-
tate transepidermal allergen penetration. Activation of growth of Malassezia organisms. Cell-mediated immune
keratinocytes by Malassezia is suggested by studies in responses to Malassezia organisms have been investi-
humans which demonstrated that M. furfur could invade gated both in humans and dogs using assays such as leu-
keratinocytes and resist phagolysosome fusion.178,179 cocyte migration inhibition, peripheral blood mononuclear
Furthermore, M. sympodialis produces extracellular vesi- cell (PBMC) proliferation, immunohistochemistry, cyto-
cles, enriched with the allergens Mala s 1 and s 7, that kine production, skin prick tests and atopy patch tests.
bind actively to and are internalised by human ker- Malassezia antigens and extracts have been shown to
atinocytes, potentially promoting sensitisation and main- stimulate proliferation of PBMCs in a dose dependent
tenance of inflammation.180 manner in both humans188 and dogs.189,190 Furthermore,
Keratinocytes recognise Malassezia antigens via Toll- a reduction in PBMC responses was seen in seborrhoeic
like receptors,174 although they, along with other cells, basset hounds compared to healthy basset hounds,189
can also be activated via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor fol- although the role of this impaired response in the patho-
lowing stimulation with Malassezia furfur-derived indole genesis of Malassezia overgrowth in this breed is cur-
alkaloids such as malassezin, indirubin and indolo car- rently unknown.
bazole.175 These tryptophan-derived metabolites can trig- Despite the possible role of T lymphocytes in protective
ger a variety of effects such as apoptosis of human immunity, there is evidence that these cells are involved
melanocytes, but their precise role in cutaneous pathol- in sensitisation of humans and dogs that become allergic
ogy remains to be determined. Once activated, ker- to the yeasts. Basset hounds with Malassezia dermatitis
atinocytes can alter their cytokine expression, with up- usually show delayed rather than immediate intradermal
regulation of the immunosuppressive cytokines IL-10 and test reactivity to Malassezia antigens191 although contact
TGF-b and down-regulation of the inflammatory cytokine sensitization, as demonstrated by patch test reactivity
IL-1a.181 Contradictory results have been reported for IL- and characterised histologically by infiltration with CD3+
6 and TNF-a with some studies demonstrating up-regula- lymphocytes and neutrophils, more closely correlates
tion and others showing down-regulation.181 with disease status in this breed.192 In both atopic
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 37
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humans and dogs, PBMC responses to Malassezia spp. higher serum titres of Malassezia-specific IgG than those
are exaggerated. Malassezia antigens triggered signifi- seen in healthy dogs.206 However, there was no signifi-
cantly higher PBMC responses in atopic people com- cant difference between atopic dogs with or without
pared to healthy individuals193–196 and this effect has also Malassezia overgrowth. By comparing the IgG response
been demonstrated in atopic dogs.190 In P. orbiculare to M. pachydermatis antigens using western
[syn. M. globosa] patch test-positive atopic dermatitis immunoblotting, a protein of 25 kDa was identified in the
patients, an infiltration of CD4+ T cells is seen at the patch majority of atopic dogs with Malassezia dermatitis, but
test site,197 and the expression of intercellular adhesion only a few atopic dogs without Malassezia overgrowth
molecule (ICAM)-1 and human leucocyte antigen (HLA)- and none of the normal dogs, suggesting that this protein
DR in the dermis of these patients was also up-regulated. may have some clinical relevance in the pathogenesis of
Furthermore, in lesional atopic skin, the majority of the T Malassezia hypersensitivity.207
cell clones that were reactive for P. orbiculare showed a In summary, it is clear that IgG responses to Malas-
Th2 or Th2/Th0 like cytokine profile195 and atopic human sezia yeasts are common in both healthy humans and
patients that are sensitised to Malassezia yeasts typically dogs. This probably reflects exposure of the immune
show increased synthesis of the Th2-related cytokines IL- system to antigens produced by commensal organisms.
4, IL-5, IL-10 and IL-13 by Pityrosporum [Malassezia]- However, enhanced IgG responses can be seen in dogs
stimulated PBMCs.196,198,199 Taken together, these find- with Malassezia dermatitis and in humans and dogs
ings provide compelling evidence that T lymphocytes play with atopic dermatitis. The role of this IgG response in
a pivotal role in the generation of hypersensitivity reac- the pathogenesis of skin disease is currently unclear,
tions to Malassezia species in genetically susceptible indi- both in humans and dogs. However, as overgrowth
viduals. with Malassezia organisms does not appear to be a
self-resolving condition, it seems likely that these anti-
6.4 IgG, IgM and IgA responses to Malassezia yeasts bodies are not protective. Alternatively, IgG antibodies
As would be expected in a typical immune response could activate the complement system, as has been
against an infectious agent, antibodies directed against demonstrated with Pityrosporum ovale [M. furfur] and
antigens from Malassezia yeasts are produced in healthy P. orbiculare [M. globosa],208,209 and exacerbate the
humans and dogs throughout life. IgM, IgG and IgA anti- inflammatory response. A final possibility is that IgG
bodies against Malassezia species are present in both responses to the yeast are merely an epiphenomenon
young and elderly people, but the amount of IgG and IgM and neither contribute to, nor inhibit, the ongoing dis-
tends to tail off with age corresponding with declining ease process. Further studies are therefore required to
numbers of commensal yeasts.200–202 The Malassezia- determine the precise role played by these antibodies in
specific IgA concentration was found to be relatively low Malassezia-induced skin disease.
in all age groups. In dogs, serum titres of Malassezia-
specific IgG and IgA in seborrhoeic basset hounds with 6.5 IgE responses to Malassezia yeasts
high cutaneous populations of M. pachydermatis and Increased concentrations of Malassezia-specific IgE are
affected dogs of various breeds significantly exceeded frequently present in atopic humans and dogs. Multiple
those of healthy basset hounds and healthy beagle studies have shown that IgE responses to Malassezia
dogs.189 Using Western immunoblotting to detect IgG organisms are significantly higher in human patients with
responses in dogs to extracts of M. pachydermatis, four atopic dermatitis compared to those with other atopic dis-
proteins of 219, 110, 71 and 42 kDa were shown to be eases or healthy individuals.194,204,210–215 In human
recognised mainly by dogs with Malassezia dermatitis as patients with atopic dermatitis of the head and neck, the
compared to healthy dogs.203 clinical severity of the condition is significantly correlated
In humans with atopic dermatitis, the Malassezia-speci- with the concentration of anti M. furfur IgE.216 Further-
fic IgG concentration in adults is no different to that found more, IgE production by PBMCs stimulated with Malas-
in healthy individuals.194,197 However, in young atopic sezia extracts in vitro was significantly higher in
patients aged between 16 and 21 years, significantly ele- radioallergosorbent test (RAST)+ atopic dermatitis
vated Malassezia-specific IgG concentrations are patients compared with RAST- atopic dermatitis patients
found.86,204 This probably reflects increased exposure to or healthy controls.198 This Malassezia-specific IgE has
the organisms through atopic skin and a tendency for IgG been found to correlate with the degree of response to
to follow IgE production. Despite this, no correlation has Malassezia extracts in atopy patch tests at 48 h post-test
been found between Malassezia-specific serum IgG con- in atopic dermatitis patients.197
centration and atopy patch test responses to the yeast in In humans, multiple proteins from Malassezia yeasts
patients with atopic dermatitis.63,197 It is therefore con- ranging in molecular size from 9–110 kDa have been char-
sidered that determination of Malassezia-specific IgG acterised as major allergens in atopic dermatitis and a
concentrations has little value in the diagnosis of Malas- number have been sequenced and cloned, including Mal f
sezia sensitization in atopic human patients.178,197 How- 1–9 and Mal s 1–13.215,217–227 One particular allergen,
ever, concentrations of IgG4, a subtype that is induced in Mala s 13, a thioredoxin enzyme, can cross-react with the
Th2 responses, are correlated with IgE concentrations in human form of the enzyme, leading to the production of
atopic patients with sensitivity to Malassezia sympodi- auto-reactive T cells that can sustain ongoing skin inflam-
alis.205 mation.228 A similar effect has been reported for Mala s
In atopic dogs with or without cytological evidence of 11, a manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase
M. pachydermatis overgrowth, there are significantly enzyme that is found in both yeast and human cells.174
38 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

In dogs, concentrations of IgE antibodies to M. pachy- antibodies are functional in Type I hypersensitivity reac-
dermatis are significantly higher in atopic dogs than in tions.235 As with intradermal testing to other allergens,
healthy dogs or non-atopic dogs with Malassezia over- there is reasonable agreement between the results of
growth.206 However, dogs with recurrent Malassezia oti- intradermal tests and IgE serology to yeast allergens,
tis had similar concentrations of allergen-specific IgE to although it is possible to record a positive result in one
those with healthy ears, suggesting that hypersensitivity test and a negative result in the other.236 The frequency
is not always involved in such infections.229 Using Wes- of immediate hypersensitivity responses to M. pachyder-
tern immunoblotting to characterise individual antigen matis extracts in non-atopic dogs with Malassezia der-
responses, proteins with molecular weights of 45, 52, 56 matitis is low. One study investigating IDT reactivity to
and 63 kDa from M. pachydermatis have been demon- M. pachydermatis in eight healthy basset hounds, 17 bas-
strated to be major allergens in atopic dogs with Malasse- set hounds with Malassezia dermatitis and 19 healthy
zia overgrowth.230 beagle dogs, reported that only two affected basset
These studies provide convincing evidence that pro- hounds and one healthy beagle dog showed immediate
teins from Malassezia yeasts can act as allergens in dogs hypersensitivity reactions.237 Taken together, these find-
predisposed to the development of atopic dermatitis. ings suggest that mast cell mediated hypersensitivity
responses to M. pachydermatis allergens may be
6.6 Mast cell responses involved in the pathogenesis and contribute to the clinical
Studies have indicated that mast cells may be involved in signs in many cases of cAD. As a result of this Malassezia
innate immune responses against Malassezia spp. The allergens are now typically included in standard intrader-
interaction between Curdlan, a ß-glucan component of mal allergen tests and IgE serology, although, to date,
the cell wall of M. sympodialis, and C-type lectin pattern there is relatively limited evidence of beneficial effects of
recognition receptors (such as Dectin-1) expressed on allergen-specific immunotherapy against M. pachyderma-
the surface of human cutaneous mast cells, induced tis in dogs.238
degranulation and augmented IgE-mediated granule exo-
cytosis.231 In other circumstances, fungal ligands may 6.7 Conclusions
induce Dectin-1 mediated mast cell activation and produc- Based on the above studies, the likely sequence of
tion of chemokines and cytokines without degranula- events leading to immune responses to Malassezia
tion.231 yeasts can be summarized as follows:
In order to demonstrate full IgE-mediated hypersensi-
tivity, it is necessary to document mast cell degranulation 1 Malassezia species proliferating within the stratum
following allergen exposure. In humans, both intradermal corneum of dogs (and humans) produce numerous
tests (IDT) and skin prick tests (SPT) may show positive antigens and allergens.
reactivity to Malassezia allergens in patients suffering 2 These antigens penetrate to the living epidermis
from atopic diseases,212 whereas these tests are usually and activate keratinocytes, resulting in the produc-
negative in healthy controls. Stronger reactions are typi- tion of antimicrobial peptides and alterations in cyto-
cally seen in patients with generalised atopic dermati- kine expression.
tis,193,204,212 or those with lesions predominantly on the 3 Malassezia-derived antigens that permeate into and
head and neck.218,221,232 The SPT results have also been through the living epidermis are captured by epider-
found to correlate with levels of Malassezia-specific IgE mal Langerhans’ cells and/or dermal dendritic anti-
in the serum204,233 and with results of basophil histamine gen-presenting cells.
release tests232 but not with the severity of atopic der- 4 These cells then migrate to regional lymph nodes
matitis.233 and present the antigen to a T lymphocyte via a
Positive IDT results to Malassezia extracts have also major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II
been reported in atopic dogs.191 Immediate hypersensi- molecule.
tivity responses to intradermal injections of M. pachyder- 5 In cooperation with different cytokines, T helper (Th)
matis extracts at concentrations which caused no 0 precursor cells differentiate into Th1 cells and/or
reaction in healthy dogs have been observed in atopic Th2 cells. A cytokine environment dominated by IL-
dogs with Malassezia dermatitis, although they were also 12 would favour Th1 cell development, whereas IL-
seen in some atopic dogs without Malassezia dermati- 4 and IL-13 would stimulate the development of Th2
tis.234 Nevertheless, the reactivity to the extracts in atopic cells.
dogs with cytological evidence of Malassezia overgrowth 6 T helper cells would activate B lymphocytes and
was significantly higher than that in atopic dogs with- stimulate them to differentiate into antibody–form-
out.191 Additionally, positive immediate hypersensitivity ing plasma cells. By secreting IL-2 and IFN-c, Th1
reactions to extracts from M. pachydermatis using Praus- cells would promote IgG production, whereas IL-4
nitz-Ku€stner tests have been demonstrated.235 Clinically and IL-13 from Th2 cells would promote
normal dogs received pooled sera from atopic dogs with immunoglobulin class switching to IgE.
Malassezia dermatitis that were IDT positive to Malasse- 7 The production of Malassezia-specific IgG antibod-
zia extracts and serum from an atopic dog with Malasse- ies could potentially provide a degree of protective
zia dermatitis exhibiting high levels of anti-Malassezia IgE immunity against Malassezia organisms. Alterna-
on an ELISA assay. Positive IDT responses were tively, these antibodies might activate the comple-
observed in the recipients following subsequent injection ment system causing epidermal damage and
of the yeast extract, indicating that anti-Malassezia IgE inflammation.
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 39
Bond et al.

8 The development of allergen-specific IgE antibodies American cocker spaniels, boxers, dachshunds, poodles
could lead to sensitization of cutaneous mast cells. and Australian silky terriers. Breeds with conformations
Subsequent exposure to Malassezia allergens could that favour skin folds are also prone to infections at intert-
trigger the release of inflammatory mediators, riginous anatomical sites. The basset hound and WHWT in
resulting in a Type I hypersensitivity reaction. particular demonstrate clinically distinctive conditions char-
9 Circulating populations of Malassezia-specific sensi- acterized by generalized seborrhoea (basset hound)98,145 or
tised T-cells might mediate delayed and contact generalized, severely pruritic dermatitis with marked
hypersensitivity in selected patients. lichenification and hyperpigmentation.243 It is noteworthy
that all of these breeds are recognized to be at increased
risk for developing ether atopic dermatitis or primary idio-
6.8 Implications for clinical diagnosis and therapy pathic seborrhoea. However, basset hounds in the UK that
present with (an albeit relapsing) M. pachydermatis-associ-
1 A range of immunological hyper-responsiveness can
ated seborrhoeic presentation typically respond dramati-
be present in dogs with Malassezia dermatitis
cally to antimicrobial shampoo therapy with no residual
(none, immediate, delayed, contact). Tests for
clinical signs of atopic or seborrhoeic dermatitis.145
immediate hypersensitivity (serology, intradermal)
Likewise, predisposed feline breeds have been recog-
are relatively accessible (although not standardised)
nized, although not through statistical analyses as com-
whereas delayed reactivity following intradermal
pared to general hospital populations. Case-control
testing is assessed infrequently and patch testing is
studies in Devon rex cats and the sphynx breed, have
technically challenging in the clinical environment.
demonstrated increased Malassezia counts as compared
2 Serological and skin test reactivity is also seen in a
to domestic shorthaired cats.78,81,115,116 In these cases,
proportion of unaffected dogs; thus immunological
Malassezia overgrowth is associated with the clinical find-
tests must be assessed in the context of clinical and
ing of seborrhoeic skin; especially in the claw folds.78
cytological data; they should not be used as stand-
alone ‘diagnostic’ tests.
7.2 The role of cutaneous hypersensitivity disorders
3 It is intuitive that evidence of immediate, IgE-mediated
in the host
or cellular hypersensitivity might indicate the need for
Pruritic inflammatory diseases such as atopic dermatitis
rigorous antifungal therapy to minimize allergen chal-
may create microclimate changes due to scratching (disrup-
lenge in the sensitized host, although this remains to
tion of barrier function), licking (added moisture) or
be proven by controlled therapeutic studies.
increased production of sebum.107 Despite the clinical
4 Although evidence of immediate, IgE-mediated hyper-
observation that Malassezia overgrowth and atopic dermati-
sensitivity provides a rationale for allergen-specific
tis commonly co-occur,107,244 studies have sometimes
immunotherapy (AIT), to date, there is relatively lim-
failed to demonstrate a clear statistical association between
ited evidence of beneficial effects of AIT against M.
the two conditions.240,241 Nevertheless it is generally
pachydermatis in dogs. More data is required before
accepted that M. pachydermatis may increase the inflam-
this can be systematically recommended.
mation associated with cAD directly by induction of inflam-
5 Whilst some laboratories offer serological testing
matory cytokines from epidermal cells and indirectly by
for IgG reactivity to M. pachydermatis, the clinical
acting as an allergen234,239 (Section 6). Thus, a hypersensi-
utility of this test is uncertain because there is no
tivity response to M. pachydermatis might explain the dis-
evidence of any diagnostic or therapeutic value.
cordance in the studies mentioned above since density of
yeast on the skin’s surface cannot be used as the sole
determinant of its pathogenic effect.234 However, in a study
7 Predisposing factors for development of where cAD was the predominant diagnosis for a group of
Malassezia dermatitis dogs with inflammatory skin lesions, there was a statisti-
cally significant correlation between higher CADESI-03
Overgrowth of commensal Malassezia yeasts may occur
scores and increased colony forming units of M. pachyder-
due to alterations of the skin’s surface microclimate, lead-
matis isolated by quantitative culture.107 The range of epi-
ing to inflammatory skin disease.239 Primary diseases that
dermal barrier defects that might influence Malassezia-host
cause increased moisture, altered surface lipids, and/or
interactions in cAD has been the subject of a detailed
disruption of stratum corneum barrier function, or aber-
review.239 Malassezia spp. overgrowth has also been
rant immune responses may encourage this secondary
reported in series of cats with allergic skin disease.85,114
process of overgrowth.
7.3 The role of seborrhoeic dermatoses and aberrant
7.1 The role of gender, age and breed cornification
Gender and age do not appear to be consistently correlated Primary and secondary seborrhoeic conditions also favour
with the presence of Malassezia dermatitis, but breed proliferation of Malassezia spp. Seborrhoeic dermatoses
predilections in dogs have been described in several stud- in dogs have been statistically associated with signifi-
ies where cases were compared to the institutions’ gen- cantly higher M. pachydermatis skin surface counts as
eral hospital67,240,241 or diagnostic laboratory242 compared to healthy dogs.98,245 Similar associations have
populations. Breeds identified to be at increased risk by been described in cats with seborrhoeic disorders.80,115
these studies include West Highland white terriers Endocrinopathies such as hypothyroidism and hypera-
(WHWT), English setters, shih tzus, basset hounds, drenocorticism may cause secondary seborrhoea in dogs;
40 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

while no studies have demonstrated either disease to be no studies have examined the immunosuppressed state
an independent risk factor for Malassezia overgrowth, as a risk factor for animals with active yeast infection. In
cases where an endocrinopathy and Malassezia dermati- cats without skin disease, retroviral infection was associ-
tis have occurred concurrently have been ated with increased density of Malassezia spp. isolation
reported.240,241,246 In cats, no differences in Malassezia from the hair coat as compared to non-infected cats.254
carriage were noted between healthy controls and cases Antibacterial therapy has not been reported to be an
with either hyperthyroidism or diabetes mellitus, using a independent risk factor for development of Malassezia
contact plate technique for quantitative culture at several dermatitis in any published studies. However, a correla-
body sites; however, it should be noted that the cats with tion between the onset of Malassezia dermatitis (or otitis)
endocrinopathies in this study had no skin lesions at the and the recent use of antibacterial drugs is sometimes
time of sampling.82 observed by practitioners and could reflect a reduction in
Malassezia overgrowth appears to be favoured by skin “competition” for micro-ecological resources as the bac-
diseases with (assumedly) altered stratum corneum bar- terial population is reduced.241 However, the opposite
rier function through aberrant cornification. Diseases of has also been noted for individual dogs, where yeast
dogs characterized histopathologicaly by parakeratotic counts dropped following treatment with cefalexin.146
hyperkeratosis – such as zinc-responsive dermatosis and
hepatocutaneous syndrome/superficial necrolytic der- 7.6 ‘Idiopathic’ cases
matitis – have been anecdotally reported to promote In a proportion of dogs and cats with Malassezia dermati-
yeast overgrowth (Section 10).247 The presence of Malas- tis, no concurrent disease or predisposing factors are
sezia overgrowth is associated with pruritus in American identified.70,241 This is analogous to “idiopathic recurrent
bulldogs with autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis pyoderma” and likely reflects incomplete understanding
caused by a single base deletion in the gene NIPAL4.248– of, and an inability to investigate and define in detail any
In cats, a histological study of 550 skin biopsy cases impairment of, the complex co-ordinated innate and adap-
identified Malassezia overgrowth most commonly with tive immune events that determine the outcome of skin
thymoma-associated dermatosis (TAD) and paraneoplas- colonisation by these yeasts (Section 6).
tic alopecia (PNA) associated with internal neoplasia.83 In
TAD, parakeratosis is a common histopathological fea- 7.7 Conclusions
ture, while PNA presents either with absence of a stra- Dog breeds identified to be at increased risk of Malasse-
tum corneum or some degree of parakeratosis.83 In one zia dermatitis include West Highland white terriers
cat with TAD, resolution of Malassezia dermatitis was (WHWT), English setters, shih tzus, basset hounds,
reported to occur after its thymoma was surgically American cocker spaniels, boxers, dachshunds, poodles
excised.251 It is important to recognize that these dis- and Australian silky terriers. Devon rex and sphynx cats
eases are not typically pruritic unless Malassezia over- are also predisposed. The presence of skin folds is a com-
growth is present. Feline facial acne, thought to mon risk-factor for localised disease. Dogs with Malasse-
represent an idiopathic disorder of follicular keratinization, zia dermatitis often have concurrent hypersensitivity
may also result in Malassezia overgrowth.252 disorders, cornification defects or endocrinopathies. Cats
without a breed predilection most often have an underly-
7.4 The role of climate ing hypersensitivity disorder, visceral neoplasia or other
The skin surface presents a range of natural micro-cli- serious internal disease.
mates and several ecological niches with different mois-
ture and nutrient levels may be recognised.253 The eyes,
8 Quantification of Malassezia populations
ears, nares, oral cavity, lip fold, prepuce, vagina and anus
on canine and feline skin by cytology and
provide microenvironments that are moist with secre-
tions and constitute unique ecological niches (Section 4).
The skin also presents gross topographical features that 8.1 Background
affect moisture and retain secretions such as the intertrig- The assessment of the presence and number of Malasse-
inous zones and the interdigital spaces. It is from these zia species is an important step in the characterisation of
areas that Malassezia overgrowth commonly develops. the cutaneous ecosystem of dogs and cats in both health
The external (macro-) environment may also play a role in and disease. Studies utilising traditional cytological and
predisposing dogs to Malassezia overgrowth. It is gener- cultural methods have clearly demonstrated that Malas-
ally recognised that Malassezia dermatitis is more com- sezia yeasts are normal inhabitants of healthy canine and
mon in tropical climates and during warm, humid months feline skin and mucosae (Section 4).58,65,73,81,94,104,255–257
in more temperate latitudes, in accordance with the con- It is also clear that Malassezia overgrowth is a feature of
cept that Malassezia yeasts inhabit a ‘transitional mantel a variety of clinical presentations in
zone’ that is influenced by both host skin and the animal’s dogs98,102,107,145,245,258 and cats.81,82,85,115,259 More
external environment.87 Although not specifically studied recently developed molecular techniques have the advan-
in the dog, this factor is well-documented in human medi- tage of being able to detect minority populations or organ-
cine.33 isms that cannot be cultivated using routine methods148,
an issue that hindered progress with the lipid-dependent
7.5 Factors of uncertain importance Malassezia spp. for decades.42 The molecular micro-
The role of immunosuppression as a risk factor for Malas- biome approach has led to a marked expansion of the
sezia overgrowth has been discussed anecdotally,70 but diversity of bacterial genera shown to inhabit skin.148 The
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 41
Bond et al.

Malassezia genus has retained its status as the dominant

fungal inhabitant of this ecological niche in humans260,
whereas dog and cat studies have shown a wider diver-
sity of fungal genera, normally associated with an envi-
ronmental source (Section 4). The relatively low
abundance of Malassezia spp.117,118 likely reflects the
detection of transient environmental visitors rather than
permanent residents.148
Researchers and clinicians have developed a range of
semi-quantitative and quantitative methods for enumera-
tion of yeasts in skin, some of which have important appli-
cations in veterinary clinical practice for routine diagnosis,
assessment of response to therapy, and in research and
development of novel therapeutic agents and formula-
tions. However, it is important to recognise that each
have limitations that affect the final count;261 methods
suitable for rapid assessment of Malassezia populations
by veterinary practitioners ‘on the clinic floor’ are not nec-
Figure 3. Tape-strip impression from the lip fold of a dog with Malas-
essarily optimal for scientific research. The relative lack of
sezia pachydermatis dermatitis.
sensitivity of histopathology for detecting Malassezia Abundant ovoid to short cylindrical yeast cells with broad-based bud-
spp. in the stratum corneum is discussed in Section 10. ding amongst squames; modified Wright-Giemsa stain (“Diff-Quik”),
8.2 Development and utility of skin sampling
techniques for quantification of cutaneous
Malassezia populations minimal animal restraint. The adhesive properties aid
Methods for microbiological assessment of skin popula- removal of skin surface material especially in erythema-
tions have traditionally included impression (cytology tous lesions with limited exudation. By counting yeast
using slides or tape; culture) and dispersal (primarily cup- cells in a certain number of microscopical fields in the
scrub or swab-wash) methods.261 Impression culture tape-strip sample, a known area of skin surface is exam-
methods tend to under-estimate microbial populations ined.266 Different brands of tape vary in their ability to
whereas dispersal methods yield values closer to the true resist staining procedures without crinkling or becoming
population.262,263 Cytological examination without opaque and a ‘trial-and-error’ approach is needed to iden-
impression (scrapings, swab samples) are more recent tify suitable products from amongst those available
developments. locally. Scotch tape (3M, St. Paul, MN, USA) and Sel-
lotapeTM Diamond Clear (Henkel Ltd., Hemel Hempsted,
8.2.1 Impression cytology and related techniques UK) often work well.
Development. Early studies primarily utilised cytological
techniques as Malassezia dermatitis emerged as an 8.2.2 Impression culture
important inflammatory disease of dogs. These included Culture of impression samples obtained using contact
scraping methods,70,264 direct impression with glass plates,269 adhesive tape270–272 or Denman brushes273 for
slides,69,240 or slide preparations prepared by rolling quantification of Malassezia spp. in skin was well
swabs previously rubbed on the lesional skin.70 One described in human dermatology long before veterinari-
study elegantly described the utility of the direct applica- ans became interested in this area, although contact
tion of vinyl adhesive tape in the assessment of cuta- plates have been used for the study of cutaneous bacteria
neous bacterial and fungal populations in human skin.265 in dogs.274–276 Squares of sterile carpet, popular for skin
A comparison of effectiveness of staining methods for surface mycological sampling in France,277 have also
detecting Malassezia cells in specimens from animals been utilised for recovery of Malassezia spp. in dogs and
seems lacking, perhaps reflecting widespread satisfac- cats.107,259,278
tion with a modified Wright-Giemsa stain (“Diff-Quik” Development. The contact plate technique was shown
[Harleco, NJ, USA] or generic equivalent) (Figure 3) that is to be a convenient, rapid and inexpensive method for the
likely to be available in the clinical area,67,266,267 although quantitative culture of M. pachydermatis from canine
cotton-blue lactophenol69 and May-Grunwald Giemsa102 skin.258,279 Comparable yeast counts were obtained in
stains have also been used. four serial applications of contact plates containing modi-
Utility. Tape-stripping has gained wide acceptance in fied Dixon’s agar to lesional canine skin. When incubated
veterinary clinical practice as a rapid and versatile method at 32°C, M. pachydermatis colony counts on contact
for recovering stratum corneum cells and their attendant plates after three and seven days of incubation were iden-
adherent microbes.268 It has also been used in a number tical on both modified Dixon’s agar and Sabouraud’s dex-
of therapeutic studies,146,268 although these publications trose agar (SDA), whereas day seven counts on both
should be interpreted with due regard to the limitations of media were higher than day three counts when incubated
this method discussed below. Adhesive tape can be at 26°C.280
applied to deeply folded or recessed areas that are not Utility for dogs. The contact plate technique has been
readily accessible for direct slide application, often with used to demonstrate significantly elevated groin
42 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

populations of M. pachydermatis in atopic dogs.258 In Utility. Using the swab wash technique, the anus was
healthy dogs, increased frequencies of isolation and pop- the most frequently colonised site in healthy mixed breed
ulation sizes of M. pachydermatis were found in the lip and beagle dogs,257 whereas M. pachydermatis was
and interdigital skin when compared with truncal sites.257 more frequently isolated in higher populations at nasal
Malassezia pachydermatis populations varied between and buccal sites in both healthy and seborrhoeic basset
anatomical sites in healthy basset hounds, with higher hounds.98 Swab-wash counts from the claw fold of sph-
populations on the pinnae when compared with the per- ynx cats and seborrhoeic Devon rex cats exceeded those
ineal area.267 Contact plate counts of M. pachydermatis of healthy domestic short haired, Cornish rex and Devon
were reduced by both oral ketoconazole and oral terbina- rex cats, whereas ear and anus populations were compa-
fine in healthy basset hounds,281 by climbazole shampoo rable.116
in research beagle dogs,282 and by chlorhexidine and clim-
bazole wipes in a pilot study of five shar pei dogs.283 8.3 Comparison of methods
Utility for cats. Contact plate counts from the trunk A number of investigators have evaluated the relative
were significantly higher in healthy Devon rex cats when effectiveness of different sampling methods for Malasse-
compared to healthy domestic short-haired cats and Cor- zia yeasts, primarily in dogs rather than cats. One early
nish rex cats; seborrhoeic Devon rex and sphynx cats had publication240 reported a subjective preference for direct
high yeast counts that exceeded those of the other impression using glass slides over use of cotton swabs,
groups.80,116 Contact plates were also used in two stud- skin scraping and histopathology. Others found that both
ies that assessed the beneficial therapeutic effects of oral tape-strips and dry scrapes yielded high yeast counts
itraconazole in cats with Malassezia dermatitis.86,284 from lesional skin whereas moistened swabs were much
less efficient.266 Similarly, various authors have reported
8.2.3 Dispersal methods – detergent (cup) scrub that swab cytology was inferior to superficial scraping,294
Development. A detergent scrub technique using wash tape-stripping295 and conventional culture of swabs.84 By
fluid comprising 0.075 M phosphate-buffered saline, pH contrast, Malassezia spp. yeasts and extracellular cocci
7.9 and 0.1 per cent Triton X-100, first reported for stud- were recovered in higher numbers from the dorsal claw
ies of the human cutaneous bacterial flora,262 and subse- fold (following skin eversion) by gentle scraping with the
quently in studies of cattle263 and dogs,285–287 is sharp point of a tooth pick, when compared with tape-
considered the ‘gold standard’ method for quantitative stripping and direct impression using glass slides,296
culture.261,268 The method was also used to quantify likely reflecting enhanced cell exfoliation from the hard
Malassezia organisms on human skin.288,289 In a series of cuticle of the claw surface in this specialised site.
development studies for quantifying M. pachydermatis In a study of normal canine skin it was reported that the
on canine skin,290 counts of the yeast in suspension of tape culture method was effective at recovering Malasse-
pure cultures and in skin washings declined in contact zia but only low numbers of yeast cells were found in
with Triton X-100 and other detergents. Vortexing or man- samples prepared by direct glass slide impression, skin
ual or mechanical shaking of the samples yielded compa- scraping or cotton swab sampling.94 Malassezia pachy-
rable counts. The technique was judged suitable for the dermatis was more frequently detected in a group of
quantitation of M. pachydermatis on canine skin provided dogs with chronic dermatitis using a tape culture tech-
samples were processed without delay and preferably nique when compared with conventional swabbing.297
within one hour of collection. Potential growth interference from volatile antimicrobial
Utility. Detergent scrub sampling supported a genetic components of the tape should be evaluated when this
predisposition to Malassezia overgrowth in basset cultural method is utilised.270,298
hounds by demonstrating high populations (compared to Yeast counts on diseased skin (18 sites in six dogs)
healthy mixed-breed dogs) in the axillae of healthy hounds measured by using detergent scrubs and a contact plate
and even higher numbers in the axillae of seborrhoeic technique were significantly correlated whereas counts
basset hounds.98 Detergent scrub counts were also used obtained by the tape-strip technique from adjacent skin
to evaluate and compare antimicrobial efficacy of sham- did not correlate with either quantitative cultural
poos in the treatment of seborrhoeic hounds.145 method.290 Varied results were reported in other studies
where tape-strip counts and contact plate counts have
8.2.4 Dispersal methods – swab wash been compared.258,267 Contact plate counts typically yield
Development. Microbial populations recovered using con- M. pachydermatis population densities 100-fold lower
ventional swabs can be quantified by dispersing organisms than those derived by the dispersal detergent scrub tech-
from the swab tip using solutions containing detergents; nique257,290 and yeast cell densities measured by tape-
counts can be achieved by plating serial dilutions onto rele- strip.267,290 Thus, the contact plate technique may have
vant culture media. This method was used previously in the low sensitivity for yeast detection when true populations
quantification of staphylococci from porcine,291 human292 are very low, but may prove more efficient when yeast
and canine skin and/or mucosae.293 Malassezia pachyder- are more abundant such as in clinical cases or in selected
matis counts did not vary significantly in each of four swabs breeds with high populations in healthy skin.
applied serially to anus and external ear canal of healthy
beagle dogs; dry swabs and moistened swabs had compa- 8.4 Culture media
rable efficiency at recovering the yeast.279 Yeast counts In quantitative investigations of the skin flora, the culture
were comparable when swab tips held in wash fluid were medium is known to have significant effects on the
shaken manually or vortexed for 30 s. counts of Malassezia yeasts derived from human
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 43
Bond et al.

skin,269,289,299 prompting analogous canine studies. should be avoided and use of 5-10% carbon dioxide
Amongst Malassezia spp., M. pachydermatis is the least should be considered.
fastidious and normally grows readily on routine media In cats, samples should be grown on modified Dixon’s
such as SDA,106 although M. pachydermatis variants with agar at 32–34°C aerobically; cultures should be systemati-
more-exacting lipid requirements have been iso- cally extended to at least seven days in case of presence
lated.105,300,301 of slower growing Malassezia spp. Temperatures in
In early qualitative studies, the addition of 1% Tween 80 excess of 34°C must be avoided because of the potential
to a dextrose/ yeast extract agar enhanced the isolation of to inhibit the growth of thermo-sensitive species such as
M. pachydermatis.302 Tween 80 was not needed for the M. globosa known to inhabit feline skin.18
selective and differential isolation of M. pachydermatis in
the presence of peptone,303 now recognised as the essen- 8.6 Defining normal and abnormal populations of
tial lipid source for growth of that species on SDA.18,106 Malassezia spp. yeasts in the context of clinical
Malassezia pachydermatis was isolated from swab wash reports
samples in comparable numbers after three and seven Veterinary clinicians in speciality clinical practice are
days of incubation at 32°C on each of five media; SDA, accustomed to systematically evaluating M. pachyderma-
SDA plus 1% Tween 80, Ushijima’s medium A, modified tis populations in inflammatory skin lesions in the majority
Dixon’s agar and Leeming’s medium.280 After three days of their canine and feline patients, most often with cytol-
of incubation, the colonies were most distinctive on modi- ogy; they will frequently record “elevated populations” or
fied Dixon’s agar, forming buff-coloured domed colonies “overgrowth” in their clinical records. When these obser-
1–1.3 mm in diameter that were readily distinguished from vations are subject to critical scientific review (such as
other cutaneous microbes; on other media the colonies when case series or reports are submitted to journals for
were low convex. Colony counts on contact plates were publication) problems arise because reviewers and edi-
significantly greater after incubation for seven days on tors tend to prefer objective confirmation of such claims.
SDA and modified Dixon’s agar than after three days at This has resulted in definitions of abnormal populations in
26°C, whereas three day and seven day counts were com- terms of “more than XX yeast cells in YY oil-immersion
parable at 32°C; this poor growth on SDA at 26°C was in (x100) fields”.
accordance with previous53,304 and subsequent reports.278 It is important to appreciate that these definitions are
Counts from swab-wash samples grown on SDA or modi- likely arbitrary unless previous studies established the
fied Dixon’s agar for four or seven days were comparable likely values obtained with the identical sampling method
at 32 and 37°C. When compared with aerobic culture, an in that particular anatomical site in that particular breed of
atmosphere of 5–10% carbon dioxide significantly dog or cat. Marked variations in populations between
increased the frequency of isolation and the colony counts anatomical sites within the same dog are routinely
on SDA but not modified Dixon’s agar in swab-wash sam- described; for example, contact plates may yield conflu-
ples incubated at 37°C for seven days.280 ent growth from the lip region of healthy dogs whereas
One study compared Malassezia counts on SDA and counts are routinely much lower in the axilla and groin.257
modified Dixon’s agar from swabs and carpet squares at Breed variation is extreme in some circumstances, for
27 and 37°C.278 The frequencies of isolation were signifi- example in basset hounds98,305 and Devon rex and sphynx
cantly higher on modified Dixon’s agar at both tempera- cats.80,115,116 It is important to note that high populations
tures after eight days of incubation; higher counts of can be recovered from clinically normal skin; using the ‘gold
larger colonies were cultivated on modified Dixon’s agar. standard’ detergent scrub samples, population sizes in
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no healthy and seborrhoeic basset hounds were shown to
reports of comparative studies on quantification of Malas- overlap.98 “High” counts need not necessarily be clinically
sezia spp. from feline skin. Although M. pachydermatis relevant in each case where they are detected.98,257 By con-
predominates on both healthy cats and cats with dermati- trast, “normal” or at least “lower” populations may be suffi-
tis, lipid-dependent species such as M. sympodialis,56,76 cient to exacerbate cutaneous inflammation in patients with
M. globosa,76 M. furfur,77 M. nana,79,116 and M. sloof- immediate or delayed hypersensitivity responses.234,306,307
fiae80,82,116 are occasionally encountered. Modified Dix- Ultimately, a commensal existence or cutaneous disease
on’s agar has proven suitable for the isolation of these caused by M. pachydermatis involves complex interactions
species at 32°C over a seven day incubation period, between the yeast and its’ mammalian host that are not
whereas SDA does not support their growth.18 simply a result of achieving a particular number or density of
yeast cells within the stratum corneum.
8.5 Recommendations for culture
Modified Dixon’s agar is the preferred medium for the 8.7 Conclusions: recommendations for skin sampling
isolation and quantification for M. pachydermatis from in dogs and cats
canine skin in view of the relatively rapid growth of dis- Routine cytological sampling of skin sites in the veterinary
tinctive colonies and its potential for supporting the clinic is best achieved by light microscopical examination
growth of lipid-dependent isolates; incubation should be (509 or 100x oil objectives) of tape-strips or dry scrapes
aerobic at 32–37°C for at least three days. SDA (prefer- stained with modified Wright Giemsa stain (“Diff-Quik”
ably supplemented with 1% Tween 80) is an alternative or generic equivalents). Cytology using swabs is normally
for dogs if modified Dixon’s agar is unavailable, although best restricted to use in the ear canal. Factors such as
occasional more-lipid dependent isolates will be over- important variations in anatomical site, breed, sampling
looked with this medium; temperatures below 32°C method and host immune status commonly thwart the
44 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

interpretation of the clinical significance of an observed pachydermatis isolates identified seven sequence types,
population (“XX yeasts in YY fields”); trial therapy is rou- named sequevars (Ia-Ig); some of these variants seem to
tinely required to establish this (Sections 8.5 and 14.1–3). be host-specific for dog, ferrets and rhinoceros.300
A single report indicates that the sharp end of a tooth Marked sequence diversity of the intergenic spacer
pick is the preferred method for sampling the dorsal claw (IGS)(Figure S1 and S2) of M. pachydermatis isolated
fold in dogs. from dogs and cats enabled identification of three major
Routine cultures provide primarily qualitative data on groups (1, 2, 3) with 10 subtypes (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B,
presence/absence of yeast, although “heavy” growth on 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D).313 In Japan, Korea and Taiwan, iso-
primary isolation plates likely indicates a high population. lates of M. pachydermatis of subtype 3D were obtained
Contact plates allow convenient, rapid and inexpensive more frequently from cAD skin lesions than from healthy
quantitative culturing of M. pachydermatis from canine canine skin.314 Moreover, subtype-3D strains isolated
and feline skin; they are suitable for both diagnostic and from atopic dermatitis skin produced higher amounts of
research purposes. Optimally sized plates for cats and phospholipase A2 than did strains of other genotypes,
dogs (typically 18–27 mm diameter depending on site supporting the hypothesis that the pathogenicity of this
sampled) containing the preferred medium (modified Dix- yeast is associated with the production of high levels of
on’s agar) are not available commercially but are readily phospholipase A2.157 By contrast, lack of sequence diver-
custom-made in mycology laboratories that are accus- sity in the IGS region of M. nana isolates,111 and in the ß-
tomed to preparing their own media. tubulin gene and microsatellite profiles112 indicate that a
Detergent scrub sampling is the ‘gold standard’ particular M. nana genotype predominates in cats.
method for quantitative culture, although it is more suited
to a research rather than diagnostic environment because 9.3 Chitin synthase 2 and ß-tubulin genes
it is suitable for only relatively flat skin on co-operative Amplification of the chitin synthase 2 (CHS2) gene in seven
patients and rapid sample processing is required. This is Malassezia species yielded an ~620 bp fragment with 95%
the optimal technique for mycological assessment in ther- sequence homology between the species, although phylo-
apeutic product development. genetic analyses indicated that each species was geneti-
cally distinct.34 Limited genetic variability in seen in the
CHS2 gene amongst M. pachydermatis isolates from dogs
9 Diagnostic methods: molecular and mass
in previous studies,315,316 although wider variation was
spectrometry identification of yeasts in
observed in another study.57 Partial sequencing of the ß-
culture and skin
tubulin gene in Malassezia provides a further opportunity
The application of molecular biological techniques has for species and genotype differentiation.35,112,317
underpinned the radical transformation of the taxonomy
of the genus Malassezia over the last 30 years with an 9.4 Multilocus PCR approaches
expansion from two to 18 recognised species (Sec- Genotypic approaches involving analyses of sequences
tion 2).8,53 This section briefly reviews some of the more obtained from multiple loci on the Malassezia genome,
commonly reported molecular and mass spectrometry such as combined analyses of D1/D2, ITS, CHS2 and ß-
techniques that may be encountered in the veterinary lit- tubulin sequences, has proven to be a powerful tool in
erature on Malassezia species. the epidemiological assessment of the intraspecific varia-
tions and adaptation of these particular genotypes to
9.1 Electrophoretic karyotyping specific hosts.35,57,301,318
Electrophoretic karyotyping involves the separation of
intact chromosomal DNA according to its size on an agar- 9.5 Random amplification of polymorphic DNA
ose gel, generating specific banding patterns dependent As the name suggests, random amplification of polymor-
upon the number and size of chromosomes.9,308 This phic DNA (RAPD) is a PCR-based method where short pri-
technique differentiates between Malassezia species, mers bind to random sites on the yeast genome to
but not between genotypes within each species.56,76,309 produce fragments that create specific banding patterns
The ready availability of sequence-based methods has lar- on electrophoresis. Whilst reproducibility is sometimes
gely superceded this method in yeast identification. challenging, it is regarded as a useful epidemiological tool
amongst Malassezia species.88 One study reported that
9.2 Ribosomal RNA gene sequencing RAPD analysis of M. pachydermatis indicated the exis-
Ribosomal RNA gene sequences have proven attractive tence of four different genotypes (genotype 1 to 4), with
targets for molecular fungal taxonomy on account of the the genotype-1 strains producing the highest amounts of
presence of multiple copies in the genome and their ten- biofilm and phospholipase activity.159 Moreover, the
dency to have combinations of highly-conserved study also reported that the inflammatory response
sequences that may be recognised by pan-fungal PCR pri- induced by M. pachydermatis strains in immortalized
mers, separated by highly varied species-specific or geno- human keratinocytes (HaCat cells) was significantly
type-specific domains. Amongst these, the D1/D2 higher in cells co-cultured with strain of genotypes 1 or
domain of the 26S rRNA and the internal transcribed 2.159 Conversely, cells infected with strains of genotype 3
spacer (ITS) regions have been frequently used in the or 4 did not significantly induce expression of TLR-2 and
identification and phylogenetic studies of Malassezia spe- cytokines; overall these data further suggest a possible
cies (Figures S1 and S2).26–28,32,301,310–312 Partial association between genotype and virulence factors
sequencing of the 26S rRNA of one hundred M. expressed by M. pachydermatis strains.
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 45
Bond et al.

9.6 Next generation sequencing and the microbiome diagnosis of Malassezia dermatitis cannot be made by
Methods based on next generation sequencing (NGS) histopathology alone; it is more realistic to limit expecta-
have allowed a better characterization of the complex tions of histopathology to providing evidence of a consis-
microbial communities occurring on the skin and made it tent inflammatory process and/or indication of the nature of
possible to detect Malassezia species that would other- an underlying predisposing disorder. In routine cases, skin
wise be missed using culture based methods (Sec- populations of the yeast are best assessed by cytology or
tion 4.4). quantitative culture (Section 8). In some cases, histopatho-
logical approaches might be best employed after the yeast
9.7 Multiplex PCR has been removed by appropriate therapy to enhance the
A multiplex PCR method that utilized multiple hybridiza- characterisation of underlying disease.
tion probes for six Malassezia species, including M.
pachydermatis, was reported to provide sensitive and 10.2 Experimental studies
rapid identification of Malassezia DNA in skin swab sam- Cutaneous responses to the application of viable and
ples from both animals and humans.319 killed Malassezia have been assessed both clinically and
histologically in laboratory animals (guinea pigs, mice, rab-
9.8 MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry bits) and humans, primarily with “lipid-dependent” Malas-
Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight sezia species isolated from humans (whose
mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has emerged as a nomenclature pre-dates current revised taxonomy)
tool for identification of microbial cells or cell extracts.320 applied under occlusion.321–324 Lesions generally com-
The method is rapid and sensitive, although identification prised focal areas of scaling that most often resolved
of isolates is possible only if the spectral database con- without treatment upon discontinuation of inoculation
tains fingerprints of the relevant species and strains. and were characterised histologically by yeast cells or
Mass spectrometry has also been utilised for the identifi- hyphae in the stratum corneum, variable epidermal hyper-
cation of Malassezia yeasts isolated from cases in three plasia and superficial dermal inflammation with granulo-
French university hospitals.36 A MALDI-TOF database of cytes and lymphocytes. Interestingly, Swiss white mice
main mass spectra has been developed to allow the rapid developed skin lesions whereas the nude (nu/nu) mouse,
identification of 14 Malassezia species (Section 2).37 the hairless mice and nude rats did not.321 Inoculation of
suspensions of M. pachydermatis into the middle ear and
9.9 Conclusions dermis of immunosuppressed mice led to transient infec-
Molecular techniques are pivotal in the accurate identifi- tion that resolved within 21 days.325
cation of many of the currently recognised Malassezia In laboratory beagle dogs application of M. pachyder-
species, with the usual exception of M. pachydermatis matis was associated with epidermal hyperplasia, occa-
(which is readily distinguished from the other species by sionally with parakeratosis, superficial perivascular
growth on Sabouraud’s dextrose agar). In particular, dermal inflammation with primarily neutrophils and lym-
sequencing of D1/D2 domain of the large subunit of the phocytes, and sometimes mast cells (but not eosino-
rRNA gene, ITS, IGS, CHS2 and ß-tubulin genes or phils); features were more severe at sites that were
regions allows for accurate identification of species and occluded.176 Histological changes markedly reduced
recognition of genotypes that may have relevance for within seven days of withdrawal of yeast challenge.
host-adaptation and virulence. Microbiome studies utilis-
ing next-generation sequencing have the potential to re- 10.3 Canine Malassezia dermatitis
define the microbial ecology of mammalian skin. Multi- Histopathologically, canine Malassezia dermatitis pre-
plex PCR and MALDI-TOF MS hold promise for rapid and sents with variable but often marked hyperkeratosis and
specific identification of Malassezia from skin and culture multifocal parakeratotic hyperkeratosis with the charac-
specimens, respectively. teristic budding, bottle-shaped yeasts and often cocci (if
not lost during processing) over an irregular spongiotic
epidermal hyperplasia that extends to the follicular infun-
10 Histopathological features of canine and
dibula, see reviews.83,326 Exocytosis of lymphocytes is a
feline Malassezia dermatitis
regular feature and neutrophilic or eosinophilic exocytosis
10.1 Background may create epidermal microabscesses. Mast cell exocy-
The histopathological features in skin biopsy specimens tosis is rare but a linear array of mast cells at the dermo-
from lesions of Malassezia infection in dogs and cats com- epidermal junction is not infrequent. Pigmentary inconti-
monly represent an amalgamation of features reflecting nence is occasionally observed. The follicular ostia and
both the host response to the yeast as well as the concur- infundibulae may be dilated with hyperkeratosis, occa-
rent, underlying disease. Preparation of the skin prior to sional focal parakeratosis and yeast cells, with variable
biopsy and/or the ready loss of surface scale and yeasts cocci bacteria. The superficial dermis has variable
during histological processing results in the number of oedema with interstitial and perivascular inflammation of
yeasts observed by microscopy to be of questionable inter- lymphocytes (usually the dominant cell type), plasma
pretative pathological significance. The issue of yeast num- cells, histiocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils.
ber is compounded by the potential for hypersensitivity As mentioned above, it is important to recognise that
responses to Malassezia allergens to exaggerate the yeast cells are not always observed; Malassezia cells
immunological reaction out of proportion to the population were absent in 23 out of 86 cases in one study.242 The
density of the yeast (see Section 6). Taken together, a follicular ostia/ infundibulae may be the best place to find
46 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

yeast cells when numbers are low. Whilst visible in seborrhoeic dermatitis, Sertoli cell tumour-associated
haematoxylin and eosin stained slides, periodic acid- skin disease, superficial necrolytic dermatitis and zinc-re-
Schiff or Grocott’s-Gomori methenamine silver stains sponsive dermatosis (Table S4).
accentuate the presence of the yeast.
Authors in one study242 proposed standardized histo- 10.6 Conclusions
logical criteria for the ‘presumptive’ or final histopathologi- A diagnosis of Malassezia dermatitis cannot be made by
cal diagnosis of ‘Malassezia dermatitis’ comprising: histopathology alone. Histopathological features in dogs
often comprise hyperkeratosis or parakeratosis, irregular
1 pronounced irregular epidermal and infundibular epidermal hyperplasia and spongiosis that extends to hair
hyperplasia; follicle infundibulae, lymphocyte and granulocyte exocyto-
2 prominent epidermal and infundibular parakeratotic sis, and a mixed, predominately lymphocytic, superficial
hyperkeratosis; perivascular or interstitial infiltrate with variable superficial
3 diffuse epidermal and infundibular intercellular dermal oedema. Yeast cells may or may not be observed
oedema (spongiosis); in surface or infundibular stratum corneum (cytology or
4 diffuse epidermal and infundibular lymphocytic exo- quantitative culture are preferable for assessment of pop-
cytosis; ulations). In cats, histopathological features vary markedly
5 superficial perivascular to interstitial dermatitis according to the nature of the underlying disorder.
wherein lymphocytes are a prominent inflammatory
cell type.
11 Antifungal susceptibility testing and
6 presence of unipolar budding yeast in the surface
and/or infundibular keratin.
11.1 Introduction
In the case of absence of budding yeasts, those Antifungal chemotherapy is widely used in the treatment
authors242 regarded the histopathological diagnosis as of a range of clinical presentations in both humans and
“presumptive” provided the first five criteria were fulfilled. animals that are attributable to cutaneous Malassezia.
Unfortunately, similar features may be observed in skin Previous reports have highlighted varied in vitro drug sus-
biopsies from lesional skin in dogs with cAD,327 a disease ceptibility results amongst the different species and
whose signs may mimic or complicate those of canine within genotypes of selected species.329,330 The need for
Malassezia dermatitis.328 Features more supportive of surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in general
Malassezia dermatitis include scalloping of epidermal and has increased in parallel with the emergence of AMR as a
follicular margins, eosinophilic pustules and diffuse lympho- significant threat in both human medicine and animal
cytic exocytosis, but none of these are pathognomonic.326 health. This section reviews literature relevant to Malas-
sezia spp. and identifies areas for future development.
10.4 Feline Malassezia dermatitis
The histopathogical features associated with Malassezia 11.2 Methods
dermatitis in cats are poorly defined although hyperker- The susceptibility test is critical for the selection of treat-
atosis and irregular epidermal hyperplasia have been ment strategy and the control of drug-resistant pathogens
observed in association with abundant yeasts in the stra- and in circumstances where the organism’s susceptibility
tum corneum, analogous to canine features.259 The lack cannot be reliably predicted by its’ identity. In 2008, the
of description of the histopathology associated with these Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute published the
yeast in allergic and seborrheic cats that are otherwise most recent document (CLSI M27-A3) in its’ series of ref-
healthy reflects infrequent biopsy sampling in cases more erence standards for susceptibility testing of yeasts.331
readily assessed by cytological techniques or culture.85 However, these focused on invasive human pathogens
By contrast, more reports are available in cats with gener- such as Candida and Cryptococcus spp. but M. pachyder-
alised infections that are often associated with visceral matis does not exhibit sufficient growth in the standard
neoplasia or other serious internal diseases (Table S3).83 defined (and lipid-free) RPMI 1640 medium to permit use
of the reference method for this species. The European
10.5 Other conditions where Malassezia yeasts may Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
be observed histologically (EUCAST) analogous reference susceptibility test for
Malassezia yeasts may proliferate opportunistically in pathogenic yeasts and moulds332 also specified use of an
response to skin disease and it is therefore not surprising RPMI-1640 based culture medium that is unsuitable for
that they may be observed in the stratum corneum in a Malassezia spp. Establishment of reference susceptibility
variety of conditions. According to a standard textbook,326 tests for M. pachydermatis may ultimately depend on
Malassezia may feature in cases of bacterial intertrigo, work by organisations such as the International Society
feline hypersensitivity reactions, acrodermatitis of bull ter- for Human and Medical Mycology (ISHAM) working
rier dogs, atopic dermatitis, congenital follicular paraker- groups or the Veterinary Committee on Antimicrobial Sus-
atosis, facial dermatitis of Persian and Himalayan cats, ceptibility Testing (VetCAST), a subcommittee of
familial paw pad hyperkeratosis, feline acne, feline para- EUCAST. In the absence of standard methods appropri-
neoplastic alopecia, feline thymoma-associated exfolia- ate for M. pachydermatis the CLSI M27-A2 and A3 proto-
tive dermatitis, female hyperoestrogenism, food allergy, cols have been adapted by various modifications of the
hypothyroidism, ichthyosis, interdigital furunculosis, process (Table S5).329,330,333–336 Technical specifics were
mucinosis, nasodigital hyperkeratosis, sarcoptic mange, usefully reviewed in detail, including a discussion of the
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 47
Bond et al.

effects of medium and conditions of incubation, lipid sup- the treatment of invasive mycoses in immunocompro-
plementation, inoculum preparation, end-point determina- mised humans,343 and topically in dogs with Malassezia
tion and quality control aspects.337 otitis. Clinical efficacy with these products corresponds
Modified Etest protocols and conventional disc diffu- to multiple, systematic reports of low MICs in vitro with
sion (CLSI M44-A) have also been used to determine the drugs of this class,329,330,334,344 with the exception of flu-
in vitro susceptibility of M. pachydermatis (Tables S5 and conazole (see below).
S6); tests of this type are more suited to routine diagnos-
tic use than broth dilution methods.329,333,338 The CLSI- 11.4.2 Terbinafine
recommended medium (Mueller-Hinton agar supple- Terbinafine is a synthetic allylamine derivative that inhibits
mented with glucose and methylene blue) optimally sup- fungal ergosterol biosynthesis at the point of squalene
ports the growth of M. pachydermatis provided the epoxidation. Terbinafine was first shown to have activity
inoculum is incubated with a lipid source (Tween 40 or in vitro against Malassezia spp. more than 30 years
80); agar diffusion using clotrimazole and miconazole ago,345 although in the same study terbinafine activity
discs on this agar yielded values that correlated with MIC was 20–800 times greater amongst a range of dermato-
determined by broth dilution.339 Etest, a commercially- phytes. Subsequent to conflicting reports of efficacy
available manual in vitro diagnostic method that utilizes a using topical versus oral dosing in human pityriasis versi-
plastic strip with a predefined gradient of antimicrobial color, in vitro studies showed lower MICs in isolates of
agent, was used to establish MIC values for ketoconazole M. sympodialis that correlated with efficacy of oral dos-
and itraconazole that reportedly correlated well with ing; higher MICs in M. globosa, M. restricta, M. slooffiae
those obtained using a broth dilution method.330 One limi- and M. furfur sensu stricto346 were associated with bet-
tation is that strips are not available for all antifungal ter responses to the higher concentrations achieved by
agents used in dogs and cats. topical therapy.347 These species-related differential sus-
ceptibilities were confirmed in a subsequent study, with
11.3 Breakpoints: clinical versus epidemiological M. sympodialis and M. pachydermatis showing greatest
A breakpoint is defined by EUCAST as “specific values of susceptibility amongst examples of relative tolerance
parameters such as minimum inhibitory concentrations amongst other Malassezia species.348
(MICs) or inhibition zone diameters on the basis of which Further studies in collections of field isolates of M.
microbes can be assigned to the clinical categories “sus- pachydermatis have routinely indicated susceptibility at
ceptible (sensitive)”, “intermediate” and “resistant”.332 concentrations similar to those obtained with azole antifun-
There is scope for confusion around use of the term break- gal drugs. In a study of 24 M. pachydermatis isolates (urea
point. “Clinical breakpoints” indicate to the clinician the broth dilution), mean MIC values of terbinafine were
likelihood of therapeutic success when using a particular favourably comparable to those of itraconazole, although
antimicrobial against an infectious agent. “Epidemiological ranges or MIC90 values were not reported.349 Similar activ-
cut-off values” (ECOFFs) (syn. epidemiological or microbio- ity was found (supplemented RPMI 1640 medium) with a
logical breakpoints) represent the highest acceptable MIC single M. pachydermatis strain.329 In a study of 62 canine
value of the wild-type microbial populations with no derived M. pachydermatis strains (Christensen’s urea
acquired phenotypically detectable resistance mecha- broth, supplemented RPMI 1640), terbinafine was superior
nism340; it is important to note that this might not be clini- (based on MIC90) to fluconazole by six two-fold dilutions
cally relevant if the MIC is still below that achievable with but inferior to ketoconazole and itraconazole by three and
the drug at any given site of infection. Unfortunately, inter- five dilutions respectively.334 These values were barely
pretive breakpoints for antifungal susceptibility testing of exceeded in a pharmacokinetic study of skin concentra-
Malassezia species are not yet available; thus, any classifi- tions achieved after oral dosing at 30 mg/kg sid.350 In
cation of isolates into susceptible, intermediate and resis- another study (Sabouraud’s broth with 1% Tween 80) of
tant categories remains speculative. This may be 216 colonies of M. pachydermatis obtained from 28 dogs
especially challenging in the context of topical therapy with otitis (n = 25) or dermatitis (n = 3), terbinafine was
where high local concentrations are often achieved.341 superior (based on MIC90) to fluconazole by five two-fold
Review of existing literature on M. pachydermatis suscep- dilutions but inferior to ketoconazole and itraconazole by
tibility testing suggest that, in some cases, previous use of one and four two-fold dilutions respectively.336 A similar
the term “resistant” would be best regarded as an ECOFF relationship between terbinafine and ketoconazole suscep-
rather than a clinical breakpoint330,342 although further tibility was noted in a study (supplemented Sabouraud’s
studies are required to confirm this hypothesis. broth) of 51 M. pachydermatis strains from canine ears.351

11.4.3 Nystatin
11.4 Antifungal drug susceptibility testing in
The polyene cyclic macrolides, amphotericin B and nys-
Malassezia species
tatin, were amongst the earliest broad-spectrum antifun-
11.4.1 Azole antifungal drugs gals introduced for clinical use.352 The potential toxicity of
Imidazoles such as clotrimazole, climbazole and micona- amphotericin B generally limits its use in veterinary medi-
zole are used topically (most commonly in otic products, cine to serious progressive or disseminated systemic
creams or shampoos) although ketoconazole and its tria- mycoses, whereas nystatin is active when applied topi-
zole derivative itraconazole are widely available for oral cally.353 Its mode of action is via altered cell membrane
use in dogs and cats. Posaconazole, a triazole structurally permeability mediated by preferential binding to ergos-
similar to itraconazole, is used orally or intravenously for terol. These drugs were regarded as reference agents in
48 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

early studies of M. pachydermatis susceptibility to azoles povidone–iodine.371 The calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus
because of well-established activity against the genus,354 and pimecrolimus) have activity in vitro against human-as-
although polyene-resistant strains have been induced sociated Malassezia yeasts.372 The clinical relevance of
in vitro by exposure to mutagen (N-methyl-N’-ni- these observations for canine and feline infections
trosoguanidine) or UV irradiation.355 requires further assessment.
Wild type M. pachydermatis strains appear routinely
susceptible to nystatin, although higher MICs (MIC90 11.4.7 Combinations of antifungal drugs
increased by a single two-fold dilution) have been Combining antifungal drugs might potentiate their effi-
reported amongst isolates obtained from dogs with skin cacy, reduce the selection pressure for resistance,
disease when compared to isolates from healthy dogs reduce side effects if lower doses can be used and
(reportedly RPMI1640).344 In a study of 51 strains from achieve clinical efficacy when monotherapy is ineffec-
canine ears (supplemented Sabouraud’s broth), nystatin tive.280,373 In a study of 30 M. pachydermatis isolates
was inferior to ketoconazole and terbinafine by seven and from canine otitis externa, primarily indifferent and
four two-fold dilutions, respectively.351 often divergent interactions were observed between
azoles and nystatin, terbinafine and caspofungin,
11.4.4 Chlorhexidine although 55% (16 of 30) of isolates showed a syner-
Previous studies of the activity of chlorhexidine against gistic interaction between caspofungin and itraconazole
M. pachydermatis have primarily utilized dilutions of or fluconazole.373 By contrast, amphotericin B antago-
commercial products rather than conventional reference nised the activity of itraconazole, but not fluconazole or
methods with the drug in its’ pure form.356–359 posaconazole, in approximately 55% of 30 otic isolates
Although most of these studies have evaluated very of M. pachydermatis in a broth micro-dilution checker-
small numbers of isolates, a common theme is that M. board system.374 An additive interaction between flu-
pachydermatis is typically susceptible to dilutions of conazole and calcineurin inhibitors against M. globosa
chlorhexidine products, in accordance with reports of and M. restricta is mediated by the immunophilin gene
clinical efficacy. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, FKBP12.131
reduced susceptibility to chlorhexidine in vitro has not
been reported.
11.5 Reports of reduced susceptibility to antifungal
drugs amongst Malassezia yeasts
11.4.5 Gentamicin and other aminoglycosides
Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic with activity 11.5.1 Selecting for resistance in the laboratory
against many aerobic Gram-positive and negative bac- In a study of 10 selected isolatess of M. pachydermatis
teria, commonly formulated in polypharmacy otic prod- from canine ears (supplemented Sabouraud’s broth), ter-
ucts for dogs. Whilst gentamicin has been used as an binafine MIC50 increased by three two-fold dilutions when
inhibitor of bacterial growth in cultures of M. pachy- sub-cultured 30 times in Sabouraud’s broth containing
dermatis from ear swabs from laboratory dogs with terbinafine at concentrations close to the original MIC.351
high bacterial colonisation280, a subsequent report indi- Similarly, nystatin MIC50 increased by a single two-fold
cated that 20 of 20 isolates were susceptible to high dilution when sub-cultured in the same way and keto-
concentrations in vitro.360 Further studies (Sabourauds conazole MIC50 increased by four two-fold dilutions. From
agar, Christensen’s urea broth with Tween 40 & 80) work in Malassezia and other pathogens, reduced sus-
have shown a wide variation in effect, with MICs’ of ceptibility to azoles may be caused by reduced affinity
gentamicin ranging from 1.0 to >150 lg/mL.361,362 due to alterations in the drug target enzyme,375 by
Netilmicin, tobramycin and framycetin also have vari- increased expression of the target gene (ERG11) encod-
able but often high activity against M. pachyderma- ing this enzyme, or by increased efflux by overexpression
tis.363 These studies indicate that gentamicin might of genes encoding membrane transport proteins of the
not be an optimal drug, for suppression of bacterial ABC transporter (CDR1/CDR2) or the major facilitator
growth, in culture media intended for the primary iso- (MDR1) superfamilies.352 Induction of high fluconazole
lation of M. pachydermatis and that further studies are MICs in 30 strains of M. pachydermatis by prolonged
warranted. The extent of any clinical benefit of anti- exposure was associated with elevated MICs to other
Malassezia activity from gentamicin in otic formula- azoles, suggesting that the molecular basis for these
tions used in canine otitis externa requires further effects may in some cases confer cross-resistance to this
assessment. drug class.376 Further studies are needed to define the
molecular genetics of the reduced susceptibility to azoles,
11.4.6 Other drugs terbinafine and nystatin induced in M. pachydermatis by
A small number of publications report activity in vitro of laboratory exposure at sub-inhibitory drug concentrations
other agents against Malassezia spp. These include plant- and any implications for long-term drug use in clinical
derived substances such as Blad-containing oligomer (an practice.
antifungal agent approved for agricultural use);364,365
beta-thujaplicin,351 a honey-based gel,366 kanuka and 11.5.2 Studies of field isolates
manuka367 and other plant-derived essential oils;368 Malassezia spp. are reportedly not susceptible to
agents primarily used in the topical treatment of human echinocandins and griseofulvin.377 The inherently lower
dandruff or seborrhoeic dermatitis (selenium sulphide, antifungal potency of the triazole, fluconazole, is largely
zinc pyrithione, ciclopiroxolamine,369 rilopirox370) and compensated by its excellent pharmacokinetic properties
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 49
Bond et al.

for deep-seated infections of humans.352 Amongst collec- may protect the microbe from the host immune system
tions of M. pachydermatis, fluconazole consistently returns and reduce susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs.160 One
significantly higher MICs when compared with other clini- study evaluated the in vitro antifungal susceptibility of M.
cally relevant imidazoles and triazoles,335,336,369,378 leading pachydermatis strains, in both their planktonic and sessile
to questionable predicted clinical utility of this agent in dogs (biofilm production) forms to fluconazole, posaconazole,
and cats, pending development of clinical breakpoints and voriconazole, miconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole and
further clinical studies.379 terbinafine; MIC values were increased by 3–6 two fold
In 2010 a study reported the first itraconazole and keto- dilutions in the sessile form.378 Another study reported an
conazole “resistant” isolate of M. pachydermatis, originat- increase in itraconazole and ketoconazole MICs by nine
ing from canine seborrhoeic dermatitis.333 Subsequently, it two-fold dilutions (<0.03 to >16 lg/mL) following biofilm
was reported that Italian clinical isolates of M. pachyderma- formation in M. pachydermatis, either alone or when co-
tis from canine skin lesions had low susceptibility to azoles cultured with Candida parapsilosis.383 A further study also
compared with those from normal canine skin.334 Another reported that effective concentrations (EC50) of ketocona-
study expressed concern about the phenomenon in the zole and itraconazole MICs increased by 18–169 and 13–
worldwide context, given that secondary infections with M. 124 times respectively against M. pachydermatis in bio-
pachydermatis in cAD are frequently treated using azole- films when compared to planktonic forms.384 Another
containing shampoos.338 These authors investigated azole study reported reduced susceptibility of M. pachyderma-
(itraconazole and ketoconazole) susceptibility amongst M. tis biofilms to azoles, terbinafine and amphotericin B.385
pachydermatis isolates from cAD cases in East Asia over a The significance of these important observations for ther-
two year period (2010 and 2011) by Etest using Sabour- apy in clinical practice remains to be determined.
aud’s dextrose agar supplemented with 0.5% Tween
40.338 MICs amongst isolates from cAD isolates were sig- 11.6 Conclusions: clinical context and implications
nificantly higher than the isolates from healthy dogs, in par- for practice
allel to studies of isolates from healthy and seborrhoeic Testing for resistance is hampered by the unsuitability of
dogs from the same region.380 Treatment failure in a dog the current CLSI and EUCAST reference methods, lack of
with idiopathic M. pachydermatis dermatitis that had an agreed modified protocol optimized for M. pachyder-
received years of previously successful treatment using a matis and absence of clinical breakpoints for either sys-
combination of pulse oral itraconazole and topical therapy temic or topical therapies. Despite these critical
was associated with elevated MICs to azoles in vitro.381 limitations, current data suggest that the vast majority of
Similar observations were made in studies of M. pachy- field isolates of M. pachydermatis are routinely suscepti-
dermatis isolates from dogs with chronic otitis externa. ble to most relevant azoles (miconazole, clotrimazole, itra-
One study reported that most M. pachydermatis isolates conazole, posaconazole and ketoconazole). However, the
from canine otitis externa cases were inhibited by clotrima- evidence that reduced susceptibility of M. pachydermatis
zole, miconazole and thiabendazole, at concentrations of 2- to commonly used antifungal drugs may develop under
8 (clotrimazole), 1–4 (miconazole) or 16–32 (thiabendazole) both field and laboratory conditions highlights the need
lg/mL.341 MICs were higher in M. pachydermatis isolates for surveillance and vigilance for the emergence of clini-
from chronic otitis dogs that had been previously treated cally-relevant resistance. This is especially important in
with various topical ear products containing miconazole cases of cAD, seborrhoeic dermatitis and chronic otitis
and clotrimazole.356 Another study examined in vitro anti- externa where repeated treatments are commonly uti-
fungal susceptibility of M. pachydermatis isolated from lized. Improved and agreed reference methods designed
cases of canine otitis clinically nonresponsive to either topi- to overcome the specific growth requirements of Malas-
cal miconazole or clotrimazole and recognized MICs above sezia spp. are therefore urgently required.
the limit of detection for miconazole and clotrimazole in
some isolates.382 Another study reported that high MICs
12 Clinical presentations in dogs
of itraconazole and ketoconazole in a strain of M. pachyder-
matis from canine dermatitis were associated with mis- 12.1 Signalment
sense mutations in the ERG11 gene.375 An additive effect Malassezia dermatitis can potentially occur in dogs of any
of itraconazole in combination with tacrolimus375 likely age, sex or breed, but signalment related predispositions
reflected calcineurin-inhibitor binding to the immunophilin have been reported. Malassezia dermatitis is often first
FKBP12, as shown previously for additive interactions with diagnosed in dogs between one and three years of
fluconazole in M. furfur and M. sympodialis.131 age,386 as might be expected in a disease that is fre-
It is important to note that products formulated for quently secondary to atopic dermatitis or due to genetic
treatment of canine otitis routinely contain concentrations predisposition. Important breed predispositions are dis-
of the drug that are at least 650 times the MIC of the cussed in Section 7.1.67,240,241 There is no sex predisposi-
wild-type target pathogen. Therefore, antifungal concen- tion.
trations in topical products typically exceed, by several
orders of magnitude, the highest MIC values reported to 12.2 Historical features
date for azole-resistant strains. Malassezia dermatitis typically presents as a pruritic der-
matosis or otitis and it is a major differential diagnosis in
11.5.3 Biofilms any dog with those presenting signs. The severity of pru-
Biofilms, wherein groups of adherent microbial cells ritus can vary, ranging from mild to very severe. In one
become embedded in an extracellular polymeric matrix, report, the onset of clinical signs coincided with the
50 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

summer or humid months and then persisted into win-

ter,387 but this apparent seasonality has not been verified
to be independent of an underlying seasonal allergy. The
pruritus can manifest as face rubbing, head shaking, ear
scratching, paw licking/chewing, anal scooting or general-
ized scratching, depending on the location of infection.387
A pruritic facial hyperaesthesia is occasionally seen in
association with Malassezia cheilitis.67,387

12.3 Skin lesions and distribution

The skin lesions in dogs with Malassezia dermatitis can
be localised or generalised.70,264,387–389 Regional dermati-
tis commonly occurs on the muzzle, lips, ventral neck,
axillae, ventral abdomen, medial hindlimbs, interdigital
skin, perineum and in the external ear canal and intertrigi-
Figure 5. Malassezia paronychia in a dog characterised by brown dis-
nous areas. Malassezia paronychia may occur in some colouration of the proximal claw.
cases. Some clinicians have observed anecdotally that a
localized area of Malassezia overgrowth can occur follow-
ing persistent licking. On examination, skin lesions are veterinary clinicians believe this condition is a severe
characterised by diffuse erythema and variable amounts manifestation of allergic skin disease and concurrent
of kerato-sebaceous scale that can be brown (Figure 4), Malassezia dermatitis. Similarly, historical reports of an
yellow or grey in colour.326,387 The skin and hair coat may idiopathic seborrhoea non-responsive to etretinate in
become greasy and self-induced alopecia can occur due West Highland white terriers and basset hounds may
to the pruritus. When paronychia is involved, there is red- have reflected untreated Malassezia dermatitis.390
dish-brown staining of the claws (Figure 5) or hair, with Malassezia overgrowth in the ears typically results in a
inflammation of the surrounding soft tissue. Chronic pruritic, erythematous, ceruminous otitis externa which
cases can have marked lichenification. Hyperpigmenta- results in the accumulation of a brownish discharge. As
tion can also occur with chronicity, depending on the on the skin surface, the medial aspect of the pinna can
breed; for example, West Highland white terriers typically become lichenified in chronic cases.
develop this change with chronic disease (Figure 6), It is uncertain how the range of immunological hyper-
whereas basset hounds typically do not.145 Dogs with responsiveness to M. pachydermatis present in dogs
generalised lesions often have an offensive, rancid odour. with Malassezia dermatitis (none, immediate, delayed,
Although the occurrence of severe generalized alope- contact; Section 6) influences the spectrum of lesion type
cia, lichenification and hyperpigmentation in the West and severity in affected dogs.
Highland white terrier breed has been reported previously
as a form of genetic epidermal dysplasia,243 many

Figure 6. Malassezia dermatitis affecting the axillae of an atopic

Figure 4. Malassezia dermatitis in the neck fold of a bull mastiff. West Highland white terrier.
There is a localised and demarcated area of focally intense erythema The chronic lesions are characterised by symmetrical areas of
of thickened skin, with mild alopecia and kerato-sebaceous material intense hyperpigmentation, severe lichenification, erythema and
matting the remaining hairs. tightly adherent crust.

© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 51

Bond et al.

12.4 Concurrent diseases pyoderma.85,392 Dermatitis may be localised or gener-

Many dogs with Malassezia dermatitis have concurrent alised with pruritus, alopecia, erythema and greasy exu-
dermatoses, especially hypersensitivity disorders, date. The most commonly affected body regions include
ectoparasitic infestation, bacterial pyoderma, endocrino- the face, chin, neck, limbs, abdomen and ear canals (see
pathies or cornification defects (Section 7). This can com- below). Less commonly affected regions include the tail
plicate the diagnosis, or lead to misdiagnoses, due to and the pinnae, and in contrast with Devon Rex and sph-
overlapping of clinical signs. These diagnostic challenges ynx cats, the interdigital regions and claw folds.85,259,284
are compounded by lack of direct correlation between Although uncommon, Malassezia overgrowth should
yeast population density and clinical signs (Section 8.5). be considered in every case of localised or generalised
However, it is also important to remember that in some erythema associated with seborrhoea in cats.284
cases, especially in predisposed breeds, there is no iden-
tifiable underlying cause and the dog’s skin disease may 13.2 Feline idiopathic facial dermatitis
respond completely to antifungal therapy. Feline idiopathic facial dermatitis is an uncommon skin
disorder of presumed hereditary origin.395 Persian, and
12.5 Conclusions: clinical presentations in dogs anecdotally Himalayan, cats are predisposed.395–397
Erythema, usually with kerato-sebaceous scale, and pruri- Affected cats show progressive skin lesions on the face
tus (minimal, mild, moderate or severe) dominates the clin- characterised by symmetrical erythema and exudate with
ical presentation, often favouring intertriginous zones. black waxy material matting the distal hair particularly in
There may be concurrent hyperpigmentation, lichenifica- facial folds, perioral, periocular and preauricular regions.
tion, malodour, traumatic alopecia and otitis externa. Some Secondary excoriations may be present in severe cases.
cases present with paronychia with claw fold erythema A concurrent bilateral erythematous otitis with black
and swelling, waxy or crusty brown exudate, red-brown waxy exudate was reported in seven of 13 cats.395
claw staining, or frenzied facial pruritus with varying, some- Malassezia overgrowth has been found with cytology
times subtle, cheilitis or erythema of chin/ perioral skin. methods in approximately half of the reported cases, and
more often with concurrent coccoid and/or rod bacterial
overgrowth.395–397 In one study five of 12 cats partly
13 Clinical presentations in cats
responded to antimicrobial agents. Of these cats, four
13.1 Malassezia dermatitis and paronychia received ketoconazole 10 mg/kg for 14–42 days either
The clinical presentation of feline Malassezia dermatitis alone (2/4 cases) or with concurrent antibiotics (two of
varies markedly depending on the underlying disease four cases). A partial reduction in pruritus and exudate
(Section 7). Malassezia yeasts (chiefly M. pachydermatis) was noted in three of four cats. A 2% chlorhexidine 2%
have been associated with a greasy seborrhoeic dermati- miconazole shampoo three times weekly in one case was
tis in cats with or without concurrent paronychia.391 Pre- used to a good initial response but was subsequently
disposing diseases include poorly defined genetic factors withdrawn due to irritation. It was concluded based on
(in Devon Rex and sphynx cats),80,86,115,116 feline atopic the partial responses seen in some cats that concurrent
dermatitis (which may present with concurrent bacterial infection may be a complicating factor in this disease.395
pyoderma),85,259,284,392 adverse food reaction,259,284 flea
bite hypersensitivity,284 although some recurrent cases 13.3 Feline paraneoplastic alopecia
are idiopathic despite diagnostic investigation.74,284 There Feline paraneoplastic alopecia is a clinically distinct disease
is conflicting evidence for diabetes mellitus as a predis- that occurs secondary to carcinoma of the liver, bile duct,
posing cause.82,284,393 Feline immunodeficiency virus- intestine and pancreas, as well as with a neuroendocrine
positive cats have been shown to carry more Malassezia pancreatic carcinoma and hepatosplenic plasma cell
organisms compared with normal cats but this was not tumour.82,83,398–405 The typical clinical presentation is of
associated with any clinical signs.394 ventral alopecia with inelastic, thin, smooth and shiny but
Affected Devon Rex and sphynx cats typically show not fragile skin; adjacent hairs can be easily epilated.
mild to marked greasy seborrhoea with alopecia (in Limbs, paws and ears may be variably affected and dry
Devon Rex) and hyperpigmentation or reddish-brown sur- crusting and fissuring of the footpads is occasionally noted.
face discolouration and variable erythema affecting the It is a non-pruritic disease unless there is significant sec-
axillae, groin, ventral neck and predominantly ventral ondary Malassezia (or bacterial) infection, usually manifest
interdigital regions. This is commonly accompanied by a by crusts and brown exudate.399–405 Systemic azoles (itra-
greasy, tightly adherent brown exudate on the claws and/ conazole 5–10 mg/kg once daily284 and ketoconazole
or in the claw folds of multiple digits. Pruritus is not typi- 5 mg/kg twice daily401) have been used in a limited num-
cally a feature.78,115 ber of cases to successfully treat concurrent Malassezia
Less common presentations reported in Devon Rex infections, resulting in reduced pruritus, better quality of
cats include generalized seborrhoea sicca, a greasy seb- life and reduction of inflammatory changes on histopathol-
orrhoea affecting the ventral neck and head and pruri- ogy, albeit without improving the poor prognosis associ-
tus.115 In sphynx cats in particular, there may be some ated with frequently metastatic neoplasia.83,401
elevated Malassezia carriage (compared with normal
cats) which may result in greasiness without overt inflam- 13.4 Thymoma-associated exfoliative dermatitis
mation or seborrhoea.85,116 Significant colonisation of the skin with Malassezia organ-
Allergic cats show more variability in their presentation isms may be associated with some cases of thymoma-as-
and may present with concurrent bacterial sociated exfoliative dermatitis. This is a paraneoplastic
52 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

syndrome characterised by a generalised marked inflam- Some feline cases of otitis externa are associated with
matory exfoliation with patchy hair loss and easily epi- Malassezia yeasts as the sole pathogen,256,419,421,422
lated hair, and variably thickened skin which may be whereas concurrent bacteria421,422 and/or Otodectes
fissured or ulcerated. While this disease has been cynotis mites393,422 are commonly identified. Affected
reported a number of times, only two reports confirmed cats usually present with excessive dark to black waxy to
associated Malassezia overgrowth.251,406 The remaining flaky exudate, erythema, with variable otalgia, canal wall
reports could not definitively confirm the presence of a hyperplasia, pruritus and odour.79,393,419 Underlying dis-
thymoma,83 or failed to demonstrate yeast on eases or co-morbidities include otoacariasis,256,393 atopic
histopathology, though skin cytology and/or culture was dermatitis,85,284,392 and feline idiopathic facial dermati-
not noted to be performed in all cases.407–410 tis,395 although some cats have no identified predisposing
A single cat with thymoma and confirmed Malassezia diseases.256,419
overgrowth (confluent growth on contact plates) that was Interestingly, unlike the situation in seborrhoeic bas-
treated surgically and followed up showed no yeast set hounds,98,145 there is no evidence for an increased
growth on contact plate culture six months following surgi- prevalence of Malassezia otitis in seborrhoeic Devon
cal removal. The only additional treatment for the M. Rex and sphynx cats prone to Malassezia dermati-
pachydermatis initially isolated in this time was two baths tis.80,115
in a selenium sulphide shampoo, indicating a likely strong
association between yeast overgrowth and the thy- 13.8 Conclusions: clinical presentation in cats
moma.251 Erythema, usually with kerato-sebaceous scale, and pruri-
tus (minimal, mild, moderate or severe) dominates the
13.5 Superficial necrolytic dermatitis clinical presentation. There may be concurrent otitis
Superficial necrolytic dermatitis (syn. necrolytic migratory externa and an observed breed predilection (Devon rex,
erythema, metabolic epidermal necrosis) has been very sphynx). Malassezia dermatitis might feature in cats that
rarely reported in cats, in association with pancreatic car- present with a phenotype of allergic skin disease, idio-
cinoma, thymic amyloidosis, hepatopathies and intestinal pathic facial dermatitis (Persian/ Himalayan), feline acne
lymphoma.83,411–414 Clinical signs include scaling and vari- and serious internal medical disorders such as feline para-
able alopecia of the trunk and limbs, with or without pruri- neoplastic alopecia and thymoma-associated exfoliative
tus, and ulceration and crusting of the oral dermatitis.
mucocutaneous junctions and interdigital regions. Two
authors have reported secondary Malassezia dermatitis in
14 Summary of the diagnostic approach
conjunction with this presentation.83,415
14.1 Dog or cat presents with inflammatory skin
13.6 Feline acne disease potentially associated with Malassezia
Malassezia organisms have been identified with cytology yeasts
methods and/or histopathology in 16% (four of 25) to Clinical features are summarised in Sections 12.5 and
18% (four of 22) of reported cases of feline acne.252,416 13.8.
Malassezia organisms in feline chin acne have been iden-
tified not only on the skin surface, but also occasionally 14.2 Establish whether Malassezia yeasts can be
within comedones.417 There is some debate over the role identified cytologically (or by quantitative culture
of the pathogenicity of Malassezia spp. in chin acne,416 using contact plates or detergent scrub; not routine
although two cases were reported in conference pro- swab culture) in lesional areas. Counts may be high
ceedings which responded poorly to antibiotics, had yeast but not necessarily so
organisms on both histopathology and cytology samples,
Yes: Initiate trial therapy with appropriate topical and
and showed a good clinical and mycological response to a
or systemic antifungal product.
30 day course of oral ketoconazole.74
No: Sample more sites; use an alternative sampling
method; reconsider diagnosis.
13.7 Otitis externa
Malassezia pachydermatis is the predominant Malassezia
Additional diagnostic evaluations and treatments may
yeast isolated from cats’ ears; frequency of isolation is
be indicated at first presentation depending on the clinical
increased in cats with otitis externa.418 In addition, M. fur-
signs, including cases where signs suggest, for example,
fur has been isolated from the ear of a healthy cat,
paraneoplastic disorders in cats.
whereas M. sympodialis56,76,419 and M. nana 24,116 have
been recovered from both healthy cats and cats with oti-
14.3 Evaluate the clinical and mycological response
tis externa. Whilst many healthy cats have ear canals
to appropriate topical (three to four weeks) and or
apparently devoid of Malassezia yeasts, despite attempts
systemic (two to four weeks) antifungal therapy
to associate particular yeast counts with ear disease,420
there is a subset of cats which can carry large numbers of 1 Complete clinical & mycological response - diagnose
yeast in their ear canals without evidence of otitis Malassezia dermatitis; consider an underlying
externa.114,393,421 It has been suggested that the finding cause.
of excessive otic Malassezia organisms in the absence of 2 Partial clinical, complete mycological - diagnose
clinical signs may potentially be indicative of occult sys- Malassezia dermatitis; investigate/treat ongoing
temic disease.114 underlying skin disease.
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 53
Bond et al.

3 No clinical response, complete mycological - con- included a component of expert opinion where the evi-
sider yeast presence incidental to other inflamma- dence based data is limited or absent. Consequently, the
tory disease. concluding summary is a combination of evidence base
4 Partial clinical & mycological response - suspect and consensus of opinion.2
Malassezia dermatitis; review compliance; extend For the systematic review we utilised the Strength of
or intensify antifungal therapy. Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT), a comprehensive
5 Neither clinical or mycological response - review taxonomy for evaluating the strength of recommendation
compliance; consider abnormal drug absorption or based on a body of evidence and the quality of individual
metabolism, or drug resistance; change antifungal studies (Table 2).2 This schedule emphasises the use of
treatment and re-assess. patient-oriented outcomes and is designed to simplify the
interpretation of studies and facilitate their incorporation
into evidence-based patient care. Studies for review were
identified by electronic searches of the PubMed (National
15 Therapy
Center for Biotechnology Information, US National Library
15.1 General considerations of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD 20894,
Treatment of Malassezia dermatitis typically involves the USA) and CAB Direct (Centre for Agriculture and Bio-
use of topical and/or systemic antifungal medications.388 science International, Wallingford, UK) databases (key-
Topical treatments such as shampoos, gels and lotions words were Malassezia, treatment, dog, cat) and manual
are appropriate for Malassezia dermatitis since the yeast searches of Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Vol-
is located within the stratum corneum. Shampoos are umes 1–8 (no relevant studies identified). The studies
particularly interesting because they have a mechanical were included if presented in full or abstract form in a
action that may reduce scaling and greasy exudation; peer-reviewed journal; studies presented only in confer-
some are formulated with keratoregulating agents such ence proceedings were not evaluated due to likely infre-
as phytosphingosine, ammonium lactate, zinc gluconate quent availability to the wider veterinary dermatology
and salicylic acid.423 Although some clinicians favour community.
other topical formulations and combinations (such as
mousse, wipes, sprays, particularly in skin folds), these 15.3 Review of trial data in dogs: systemic
products currently require further evaluation to justify treatments
their therapeutic recommendation. Systemic therapies
15.3.1 Azole derivatives
are often more expensive than topical therapies but may
Ketoconazole: In spite of the widespread practice use of
be necessary in cases where topical therapy is challeng-
ketoconazole to treat Malassezia dermatitis, only a few
ing for the owner/patient affiliation or otherwise ineffec-
studies evaluated the efficacy of this azole in vivo. Stud-
tive. However, a combined topical/systemic approach
ies were either randomized and controlled,146,379,424,427
may be optimal in some dogs with generalized and/or
or controlled without blinding428 (Table 3) involving rela-
severe lesions: one study (published in abstract form)
tively small group sizes (7-12 dogs). Together, these stud-
showed that a combination or oral ketoconazole and 2%
ies indicated that the use of ketoconazole at an oral
miconazole /2% chlorhexidine shampoo was more effec-
dosage of 5–10 mg/kg/day is most often either com-
tive and allowed a better speed of cure than either topical
pletely or partially effective, when given fasted, to
or systemic treatment used alone.424 It is also important
to diagnose and treat the underlying cause responsible
for the proliferation of the yeast (Section 7). Table 2. (a) The Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT)
(b) descriptors for Levels of Evidence (LoE) for individual studies
15.2 Development of the consensus on therapy (a)
Many in vitro studies have been published showing the Strength of
potential activity of various molecules against yeast and Recommendation Definition2
notably Malassezia spp. (reviewed in Section 10). Unfor- A - Strong Based on consistent and good quality patient-
tunately trials assessing the in vivo efficacy of antifungal oriented evidence
treatment for Malassezia dermatitis in dogs are few in B - Moderate Based on inconsistent or limited quality patient-
number and commonly involve only small group sizes oriented evidence
with resultant low statistical power. This is quite surpris- C - Weak Recommendation based on consensus, usual
practice, disease-oriented evidence or case
ing if we consider that Malassezia dermatitis is a very
common condition in veterinary medicine. In cats data are
even less numerous and only open studies have been (b)
reported. Level of Evidence Definition for treatment studies2
The authors approached the development of consen-
1 – Good quality High quality individual RCT, or meta-analysis of
sus guidelines on therapy on two levels. Firstly, we per- patient-oriented consistent RCTs
formed a systematic search and review of relevant 2 - Limited quality Lower quality clinical trial, cohort study,
published trial data with grading of the study quality to patient-oriented case-control study
provide evidence based conclusions on the strength of 3 – Other evidence Recommendation based on consensus,
recommendation, updating a previous review.425 Sec- usual practice, disease-oriented evidence or
case series
ondly, we provided summary practice guidelines that are
primarily evidence-based and drawn from part one and RCT randomized controlled trial.

54 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.

WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

Table 3. Clinical trials of oral ketoconazole in the treatment of canine Malassezia dermatitis in dogs and level of evidence (LoE)
Study Design Dose used Clinical outcome Adverse effects Comment LoE
Bensignor 2001 RCT-UB (10 dogs 5 OR 10 mg/kg 7/20 complete In 10 mg/kg Small group sizes; two KTZ 2
per group) once daily response, rest group: vomiting doses compared
partial [n = 2], anorexia
[n = 1], apathy
[n = 1]
Rosales et al. 2005146 RCT-B (seven 5-10 mg/kg twice 4/7> 50 % clinical Nil Small group sizes and 2
dogs received daily improvement concurrent cefalexin
KTZ) therapy limits
interpretation. Compared
with terbinafine.
Bensignor 2006427 RCT-B (10 dogs 10 mg/kg once 4/10 complete Nil Small group sizes; compared 2
received KTZ) daily response, 6/10 to pulse ITZ
Bensignor et al. 2012424 RCT-B (10 dogs) 10 mg/kg once 83% Not specified Abstract publication only; 2
daily improvement at compared to shampoo
six weeks alone or combined with
Sickafoose et al. 2010379 RCT-B (12 dogs 5-10 mg/kg once 7/12 > 50 % 6/12 dogs: Concurrent cefalexin therapy 2
received daily clinical transient limits interpretation.
KTZ + cefalexin) improvement anorexia [n = 2], Compared with FCZ.
vomiting [n = 3],
vomiting and
soft stool [n = 1]
FCZ fluconazole, ITZ itraconazole, KTZ ketoconazole, RCT-B randomised controlled trial – blinded, RCT-UB randomised controlled trial – unblinded.

Table 4. Clinical trials of oral itraconazole in the treatment of canine Malassezia dermatitis and level of evidence (LoE)
Study Design Dose used Clinical outcome Adverse effects Comment LoE
Pinchbeck et al. 2002 RCT-B (10 dogs 5 mg/kg once Median lesion Nil Small group sizes; 2
per group) daily or two score reduced two ITZ intervals
consecutive by 60% (pulse) compared
days/week, for and 31% (daily)
21 days

Kumar et al. 2002481 RCT-BNS (11 5 mg/kg once All responded Nil Combined with twice 3
dogs received daily fully by d22 weekly selenium
ITZ) sulphide shampoo.
No statistical

Bensignor 2006427 RCT-B (10 dogs 5 mg/kg once 5/10 complete Transient Small group sizes; 2
received ITZ) daily for two response, 5/10 vomiting [n = 2], compared with KTZ
consecutive partial inappetence
days/week [n = 1]
ITZ itraconazole, KTZ ketoconazole, RCT-B randomised controlled trial – blinded, RCT-BNS randomised controlled trial – blinding not specified.

improve both clinical signs and cytological or colony (7.1%), anorexia (4.9%), lethargy (1.9%) and diarrhoea
counts from dogs suffering from Malassezia dermatitis (1.1%).429 Adverse effects were significantly more fre-
(Strength of Recommendation (SoR) B-moderate). The quent in dogs receiving concurrent ivermectin or ciclos-
length of treatment varied between three and four weeks porin. 429
in most cases. Whilst one un-blinded randomised study Itraconazole: Itraconazole appears to be effective
of 20 dogs suggested that there was no significant differ- based on the few clinical trials that have evaluated its effi-
ence in efficacy between 5 and 10 mg/kg/day of keto- cacy for the treatment of canine Malassezia dermati-
conazole administrated once daily for three weeks,428 tis427,430 (Table 4; SoR B-moderate). Two were
there is insufficient evidence to comment specifically on comparative versus ketoconazole. Therapeutic doses rec-
the efficacy of the various doses used (5 or 10 mg/kg, ommended are variable with 5 mg/kg once daily, or for
once or twice daily). Reports of improved efficacy with two consecutive days a week, being most often used. In
KTZ at doses of 10 mg/kg twice daily386 do not appear to two relatively small studies there were no significant dif-
have been subjected to critical comparative trials. ferences in any results between itraconazole pulse ther-
Adverse reactions are regularly reported with the use of apy (two days on, five days off) and the daily
ketoconazole in dogs; a retrospective study of 632 dogs administration of either itraconazole or ketocona-
that received a median daily dose of 10 mg/kg reported zole.427,430 The pulse therapy approach reflects predicted
adverse effects in 14.6%, including primarily vomiting accumulation of this lipophilic drug in the stratum
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 55
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Table 5. Clinical trials of oral fluconazole and terbinafine in the treatment of canine Malassezia dermatitis with level of evidence (LoE)
Study Drug Design Dose used Outcome Adverse effects Comment LoE
Sickafoose Fluconazole RCT-B (13 dogs 5–10 mg/kg 8/13> 50 % 6/13 dogs: transient Concurrent cefalexin 2
et al. received once daily clinical vomiting [n = 4], limits interpretation.
2010379 FCZ + cefalexin) improvement vomiting and soft Compared with
stool [n = 1], KTZ + cefalexin.
diarrhoea [n = 1]

Rosales Terbinafine RCT-B (8 dogs 30 mg/kg 3/8 > 50 % Nil Small group sizes and 2
et al. received once daily clinical concurrent cefalexin
2005146 terbinafine + improvement limits interpretation.
cefalexin) Compared with
KTZ + cefalexin.

Berger et al. Terbinafine RCT-B (10 dogs 30 mg/kg 8/10> 50% Mild signs in 3/10 Small group sizes. 2
2012432 received once daily clinical dogs in both groups Complete clinical
terbinafine at OR on two improvement in (overall 6/20); resolution in only 3/20
either dose) consecutive both groups vomiting [n = 2], dogs at d21. Eight dogs
days/week, diarrhoea [n = 2], developed pyoderma.
for 21 days anorexia [n = 1],
panting [n = 1].
Elevated ALT in 1
ALT alanine aminotransferase, KTZ ketoconazole, RCT-B randomised controlled trial – blinded.

Table 6. Clinical trials of 2% miconazole/ 2% chlorhexidine and 3% chlorhexidine shampoos in the treatment of canine Malassezia dermatitis with
level of evidence (LoE)
Study Product Design Frequency Clinical outcome Adverse effects Comment LoE
Bond et al. 2% miconazole/ RCT-B (16 basset Every third day 15/16 “marked Nil Compared to 1
1995145 2% chlorhexidine hounds received improvement” 0.25%
MC-CH) selenium

Maynard et al. 2% miconazole/ RCT-B (32 dogs Twice weekly Good (≥50%) Nil Compared to 1
2011268 2% chlorhexidine received MC-CH) response in CH
91% of dogs

Bensignor 2% miconazole/ RCT-B (10 dogs) Twice weekly 85% NR Abstract 2

et al. 2012424 2% chlorhexidine improvement at publication
6 weeks only

Maynard et al. 3% chlorhexidine RCT-B (22 dogs Thrice weekly for Good (≥50%) Transient self- Compared to 1
2011268 received CH) 2 weeks, then response in limiting MC-CH
twice weekly 86% of dogs pododermatitis
for two weeks, [n = 1],
then weekly if increased
needed pruritus [n = 2],
[n = 2]
CH 3% chlorhexidine, MC-CH 2% miconazole/2% chlorhexidine, RCT-B randomised controlled trial – blinded.

corneum431 and reduces costs and likely also side-effects groups limits full clinical interpretation (LoE 2; SoR B-moder-
of this relatively well-tolerated azole. Adverse effects ate). Transient side effects of vomiting [n = 5] and or diar-
seem to be less frequent with itraconazole compared to rhoea [n = 2] were seen in six of 13 dogs.
ketoconazole: transient vomiting and decreased appetite
were relatively rare in the published studies (four of 49 15.3.2 Allylamine derivatives
cases). Terbinafine: One study showed that oral terbinafine at
Fluconazole: Only one study evaluated the use of flu- 30 mg/kg orally once daily for 21 days reduced yeast
conazole for the treatment of Malassezia dermatitis in counts (assessed by contact plates) in a group of seven
dogs.379 This double-blind randomized controlled study basset hounds with high skin population densities of M.
comprising 25 dogs showed that fluconazole at 5–10 mg/ pachydermatis but without dermatitis; mycological effi-
kg orally once daily administered with food was as effective cacy was numerically but not statistically inferior to oral
as ketoconazole at 5–10 mg/kg orally once daily for control- ketoconazole at 10 mg/kg once daily.281 This low-pow-
ling the clinical and cytological signs of Malassezia dermati- ered study was not included in the SORT analysis
tis (Table 5). Concurrent use of cefalexin in both treatment because the outcome is disease-orientated (yeast
56 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

count) rather than patient-oriented (no clinical scoring) 15.4.3 Miconazole

(Level of evidence (LoE) 3).2 The efficacy of terbinafine A small RCT of 1% and 2% miconazole conditioners of
was subsequently assessed in two clinical trials, either low statistical power showed reductions in clinical scores
randomized and controlled by a different interval of dos- and yeast counts but no statistical difference when com-
ing of terbinafine, or in a small study with concurrent pared with vehicle control (LoE 2).436
cefalexin therapy (Table 5; SoR C-weak).146,432 Monitor-
ing of serum hepatic enzymes has been recommended 15.4.4 Climbazole
for dogs receiving daily oral terbinafine in view of A 2% climbazole shampoo had rapid mycological efficacy
reports of reversible, mild-moderate elevations of ala- in a small disease-oriented (contact plate yeast count)
nine aminotransferase and serum alkaline phos- rather than patient-oriented (no clinical scoring) RCT
phate.432,433 A study designed to integrate involving six treated and five control beagle dogs without
pharmacokinetic data with previous MIC data in 10 skin lesions (SoR not applicable).282 Similarly, a short,
healthy dogs treated with 30 mg/kg orally once daily for open study of wipes containing 0.5% climbazole, 0.3%
21 days indicated that terbinafine does not achieve high chlorhexidine and Tris-EDTA assessed only yeast counts
stratum corneum and sebum concentrations compared but not clinical parameters.283
with serum values; achieved concentrations barely
exceeded previously reported in vitro MIC values.350 15.4.5 Enilconazole
These and other pharmacokinetic data might indicate A 0.2% enilconazole lotion is licensed in some countries
preferential utility for systemic mycoses,434 or the need for the topical therapy of dermatophytosis in dogs, cattle
for further dose optimisation for superficial mycoses in and horses. Only one retrospective study of 12 cases of
dogs. generalised Malassezia dermatitis reported treatment
with a 0.2% enilconazole lotion (frequency of application
15.4 Review of trial data in dogs: topical treatments not detailed) in association with oral ketoconazole.437
Although a complete mycological recovery was
15.4.1 Miconazole and chlorhexidine described, no specific report of clinical improvement was
Miconazole is an azole derivative present in various sham- available (LoE 3; SoR not applicable).
poos, creams or lotions. A combination of 2% miconazole
and 2% chlorhexidine in a shampoo formulation is 15.4.6 Others
licensed for the treatment of canine Malassezia dermati- In a RCT involving 35 dogs, 20 received a commercially-
tis in a number of countries, primarily in Europe and Aus- available mixture of essential oils (Malacalm, Flora Slr Oli
tralia. Consistent high efficacy has been reported in essenziali, Lorenzana, Italy) twice daily for one month, 10
randomised controlled trials (RCT) (Table 6; SoR A– received oral ketoconazole 10 mg/kg orally once daily and
strong). In one RCT study, clinical efficacy was associated 2% chlorhexidine twice weekly and five dogs served as
with marked reductions in skin population densities of untreated controls.438 Whilst the authors reported a
both M. pachydermatis and total bacteria/ staphylococci, >50% improvement in clinical scores in nine of 10 of dogs
assessed using a detergent scrub technique.145 In the treated with essential oils, and in all of the dogs treated
second RCT, yeast counts were assessed by tape-strips with ketoconazole and chlorhexidine, interpretation is lim-
whereas bacterial populations were not assessed.268 ited by unclear randomisation and blinding procedures,
Adverse effects to miconazole/ chlorhexidine were not and failure to report pre- and post-treatment group clinical
reported amongst the 48 dogs treated in these two stud- scores (mean or median, range) in the three treatment
ies,145,268 although the UK data sheet of the product used groups (LoE 2; SoR C-weak). An unusual feature of this
mentions ‘very rare’ or ‘exceptional’ pruritic or erythema- study was reported lack of relapse 150 days post-treat-
tous reactions ( ment in all of the essential oil-treated dogs. Further evalu-
xml:id=-449936). ation of this product is warranted.
Selenium sulphide, piroctone olamine, benzalkonium
15.4.2 Other chlorhexidine products chloride, triclosan formulated either in gels, shampoos,
In a RCT, a 3% chlorhexidine shampoo was reported to lotions, sprays or spot-on are also available but there is
be more than 50% effective in 18 of 22 treated dogs268 insufficient evidence to recommend their use at this time.
(Table 6; LoE 1; SoR B-moderate) and was judged not In an open case series published in abstract form, a sham-
inferior to 2% miconazole and 2% chlorhexidine. Four poo combination of piroctone olamine and ammonium
dogs had transient and self-limiting side effects; the UK lactate and a lotion (piroctone olamine and salicylic acid)
data sheet reports that self-limiting pruritus and erythe- reduced clinical scores and cytological yeast counts in 14
matous reactions are ‘common’ and that conjunctival seborrhoeic dogs with high Malassezia counts (LoE 3);439
inflammation may occur. A 3% chlorhexidine and 0.5% these data should be confirmed in a RCT.
climbazole shampoo was compared with a 2% micona-
zole and 2% chlorhexidine shampoo in a blinded design in 15.5 Review of trial data in cats
16 basset hounds (seven healthy, nine greasy) by a single In cats only open case series have been described, using
application of each product to one side of the body.435 oral itraconazole at varying doses and intervals (Table S7,
Both yeast counts (by contact plates) and clinical scores LoE 3, SoR C-weak).85,86,284 As for dogs, topical antifun-
reduced during the fourth day trial period but clinical inter- gal agents such as miconazole, chlorhexidine or climba-
pretation was limited by the varied clinical status of the zole are likely to be beneficial but there is no data to
subject dogs in this published abstract (LoE 3). substantiate this, other than anecdotal reports.
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15.6 Antifungal drug formulation consecutive days per week (two studies of LoE ≥ 2).
The relatively high cost of certain innovator-formulated Based on current limited evidence, the use of either of
drugs such as itraconazole has stimulated the compound- these two azoles is justified in canine cases and the final
ing of bulk powder formulations by pharmacists in an choice may depend on regional differences in availability,
attempt to reduce costs to clients. This is legal in some regulatory status and cost. Rationale for itraconazole
(but not all) countries under certain conditions. In a ran- instead of ketoconazole includes the potential for inter-
domised cross-over study involving nine healthy beagle mittent dosing and a perceived tendency for itraconazole
dogs, neither generic nor compounded itraconazole was to be better-tolerated. However, definitive statistical evi-
bioequivalent to the innovator-formulated product.440 dence of superior safety and/or efficacy is lacking and
Pharmacokinetic analyses showed that the compounded cost-benefit analysis makes ketoconazole a more practi-
formulation had very low absorption and bioavailability cal choice in some countries. Compounded formulations
(5% of innovator product), yielding likely ineffective must be avoided due to unreliable bioavailability. Evi-
plasma concentrations, whereas the generic and refer- dence for fluconazole is limited to a single study (LoE 2)
ence products were broadly similar to each other. In a where it was used at 5–10 mg/kg orally once daily in con-
similar study of eight healthy cats, itraconazole com- junction with cefalexin. Thus fluconazole requires further
pounded in both capsules and suspension was absorbed assessment, especially since in vitro MIC values are rou-
poorly and inconsistently.441 In a field study of 95 dogs tinely the highest amongst antifungal azoles utilised in
and 20 cats receiving either compounded, generic or inno- veterinary medicine (See Section 10); this may correlate
vator-formulated itraconazole for systemic mycoses, sub- with intermittent anecdotal reports of treatment failures.
therapeutic concentrations were detected in 95.2% of Terbinafine warrants further evaluation due to partial ben-
animals receiving the compounded formulation but in only eficial effects in two trials (SoR C-weak) and questionable
12.5% or less of the animals treated with generic or refer- stratum corneum concentrations in a pharmacokinetic
ence formulations.442 The poor bioavailability of itracona- study when given at the current dose of 30 mg/kg orally
zole in compounded formulations and in some cases once daily.
treatment failures, has been attributed to the absence of In cats, there is weak evidence only (SoR C) for the use
cyclodextrin, a carrier compound shown to improve gas- of itraconazole at doses of 5–10 mg/kg orally once daily;
tro-intestinal absorption.443,444 A study of compounded or 5 mg/kg on a seven days on/ seven days off protocol.
fluconazole suspensions showed poor pharmaceutical In view of this limited data, good safety profile and in line
accuracy (median 74% of target concentration).445 These with guidelines for feline dermatophytosis,1 itraconazole
data indicate that use of compounded azole formulations should be considered as the systemic azole of first choice
must not be used; innovator-formulated or proven generic in this species for Malassezia dermatitis. Topical
formulations are preferred. chlorhexidine and azole products have not been evaluated
There appears to be no published data on the compara- although their use is intuitive as adjunctive or sole treat-
tive efficacy of different topical formulations containing ments where application is practicable and clinically
the same or similar ingredients. This may be especially appropriate, such as in localised infections.
relevant with over-the-counter formulations where regula-
tory assessment of product quality may be less exacting
16 Prevention of Malassezia-associated
and with molecules such as chlorhexidine whose stability
skin diseases in dogs and cats
may vary under different conditions.446 Both published
RCT of a 2% miconazole and 2% chlorhexidine shampoo 16.1 Management of underlying diseases
with strong evidence of efficacy utilised the same innova- As Malassezia yeasts are part of the normal cutaneous
tor-formulated licensed product (Malaseb, Derm-care microflora, complete elimination of the organism is unre-
Vet, Slacks Creek, Queensland, Australia);145,268 one of alistic even with effective treatment.447 Relapsing infec-
these studies also showed good activity from a licensed tions are common where there is persistence of the
3% chlorhexidine shampoo (Microbexâ, VIRBAC SA, underlying cause for the yeast overgrowth. The standard
Carros, France).268 clinical approach is identification and treatment of under-
lying causes, whenever possible,388,391,447–449 though
15.7 Conclusions: consensus guidelines for there is surprisingly limited reported evidence to docu-
treatment of Malassezia dermatitis in dogs and cats ment its efficacy (Table S8).
Amongst the various treatments utilised for Malassezia
dermatitis in dogs, strong evidence (SoR A) is available 16.2 Topical therapy
only for the use of a 2% miconazole and 2% chlorhexi- When predisposing factors cannot be identified or con-
dine shampoo, used twice weekly (two RCT with LoE 1). trolled in an animal suffering from recurrent Malassezia
This may be considered to be the topical treatment of first infections, regular topical or pulsed oral antifungal therapy
choice, where available and locally approved, and when have been recommended to minimise the frequency of
owners are able to apply the product effectively. Moder- infection relapses that cannot be managed by other
ate evidence (SoR B) is available for a 3% chlorhexidine means.391,447,450
shampoo (a single study of LoE 1). Multiple topical therapies have been shown to be effec-
For canine Malassezia dermatitis, there is moderate tive for treatment of Malassezia dermatitis in dogs and
evidence (SoR B) for the use of ketoconazole at 5–10 mg/ cats (See Section 15). In addition, because of a lower risk
kg orally once or twice daily (five studies of LoE ≥ 2); and for toxicity, topical treatments have also been recom-
itraconazole at 5 mg/kg orally once daily or two mended (if practical and not causing irritation426,450) as
58 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

preferable to systemic treatments for long-term therapy per week (“weekend therapy”) has been investigated or
in chronically relapsing cases.448 Furthermore, there is proposed for three oral antifungal drugs. Terbinafine
evidence that bathing dogs in 2% chlorhexidine/2% (30 mg/kg orally once daily, two days on/ five days off)
miconazole shampoo every three days can reduce oral reduced yeast counts in tape-strips from dogs with
carriage of Malassezia organisms.99 However, recom- Malassezia dermatitis but clinical resolution was consid-
mendations for weekly antifungal shampoo bathing as a ered complete in only one of 10 dogs at the end of
preventive strategy to reduce the frequency of recurrent 21 days.432 Whether pulse therapy with terbinafine might
Malassezia dermatitis appear anecdotal rather than evi- prevent relapse of previously resolved infections remains
dence-based.447 Studies in vitro that demonstrate sham- to be determined, but doubts over skin concentrations
poo persistence on hairs may or may not be relevant to achieved with current doses350 makes use of this drug
persistence on skin,448 and studies in vivo on topical ther- questionable.
apy persistence were conducted in normal dogs rather Pulsed therapy with itraconazole (5 mg/kg orally once
than in dogs with Malassezia dermatitis.282,283 daily, two days on/ five days off for three weeks) has
In a comparative study of a commercial mixture of been shown to be efficacious in the treatment of Malas-
essential oils (Malacalm; Flora s.r.l., Lorenzana, Pisa, Italy) sezia dermatitis in dogs430 and thus should be effective
applied twice daily for one month to 20 dogs with recur- as a preventative, although one report highlighted poten-
rent Malassezia dermatitis, and combined ketoconazole tial for development of antifungal drug resistance with
(10 mg/kg orally once daily) and 2% chlorhexidine sham- pulse dosing (Section 11.5.2381). By contrast, this regi-
poo (twice weekly) for 21 days in 10 dogs, both groups men was not fully effective at reducing otic counts of
showed good clinical and cytological improvements at Malassezia and therefore pulsed dosing cannot currently
day 30.438 When reviewed at day 180, all conventionally be recommended for prevention of otitis externa. There
treated dogs had reportedly relapsed whereas dogs trea- are only anecdotal reports of preventative efficacy of itra-
ted with the essential oil formulation had not.438 Interpre- conazole for dermatitis at a once-weekly interval. Keto-
tation of this study is limited by incomplete conazole (5–10 mg/kg orally once daily, two consecutive
randomisation, clinical and cytological data in the publica- days per week) has also been recommended anecdotally
tion and an absence of within and between-group statisti- without any published studies at this dose,447 although
cal comparisons at day 180-time point; consequently this itraconazole is generally regarded as being a safer drug
treatment cannot be recommended for prevention with- (See Section 15).
out further critical assessment.
With respect to prevention of recurrent Malassezia oti- 16.4 Malassezia Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy
tis, while studies in vitro have demonstrated antimicrobial Hyposensitisation to Malassezia by immunotherapy was
efficacy of ear cleaners,451,452 there are only two studies initially proposed in 1998 as an alternative to extended or
examining topical therapy for prevention of Malassezia repeated administration of antifungal drugs in dogs with
otitis. A single study examining dogs with recurrent aller- recurrent Malassezia dermatitis with demonstrated IgE to
gic otitis showed a favourable outcome to a once weekly Malassezia antigens.234 In a non peer-reviewed report on
ear cleaner containing chloroxylenol and cerumenolytics Malassezia immunotherapy (aqueous extract, 1,000 PNU
(Epiotic, Virbac Carros, France) and concurrent twice weekly, Greer Laboratories, Lenoir, GA, USA) added to
weekly three drops per ear of 0.0584% topical hydrocorti- conventional immunotherapy for other allergens in four
sone aceponate solution (Cortavance, VIRBAC SA, Car- dogs with atopic dermatitis still prone to recurrent Malas-
ros, France) (95% chance of remaining free of relapse at sezia dermatitis, results were reported as good to excel-
day 180) compared with weekly ear cleaner alone (50% lent in all cases.455 A retrospective study reported a good
chance of remaining infection free at day 180).453 How- response to subcutaneous alum-precipitated
ever, the lack of detail regarding the nature of the infec- immunotherapy (Artuvetrinâ, 100 lg/mL, ArtuVet Animal
tion for both pre-treatment and relapsing otitis, makes a Health BV, Lelystad, Netherlands) using 1 mL per month
recommendation specifically for the prevention of Malas- (dose adjusted if required based on clinical response) for
sezia otitis difficult. A second open study examining twice a minimum of 10 months. Nine of 16 Malassezia mono-
weekly 2% acetic acid 2% boric acid topically showed the sensitised dogs had an observed reduction in use of both
protocol unsuccessful in preventing relapse of Malassezia anti-inflammatory and antifungal medication, as well as a
otitis beyond previously documented relapse intervals in >50% reduction in pruritus scores.456 However, despite
six of eight cases.454 the improvement noted in both studies, the quality of evi-
dence remains low and the significance of >50%
16.3 Pulsed oral antifungal therapy improvement of pruritus is disputable as a meaningful
Oral antifungal drugs might be given by an intermittent/ measure of success.457 Further studies are required to
pulsed dosing schedule to try to prevent recurrent Malas- better assess the potential benefits of Malassezia aller-
sezia dermatitis (and otitis) in dogs and cats, particularly gen-specific immunotherapy as a preventative approach.
where topical therapy is either ineffective or impractical.
Overall, published evidence that substantiates the effi- 16.5 Conclusions
cacy of this approach is lacking. Whilst the clinical risk When predisposing factors cannot be controlled, regular
appears low, it should be noted that intermittent use of treatment is often required to minimise relapses. Topical
oral antifungal drugs could potentially predispose to treatments are preferred to systemic treatments for long-
development of antifungal resistance (See Sec- term therapy because of a lower risk of toxicity. Topical
tion 11).351,381 A dosing regimen of two consecutive days prevention of Malassezia dermatitis in dogs might be
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. 59
Bond et al.

achieved using 2% chlorhexidine/2% miconazole or 3% sequencing or large subunit rRNA in one hundred isolates
chlorhexidine shampoo twice weekly, as has been previ- resulted in the differentiation of seven different haplo-
ously recommended for treatment. Lesser frequencies types, namely Ia, Ib, Ic, Id, Ie, If, Ig.300 Haplotypes Ic, Id
may be useful in preventing relapse in some cases but and Ig seemed to be specific to one animal species (rhino-
there is currently no evidence to support this. Twice ceros, dogs and ferrets, respectively). Isolates from
weekly topical hydrocortisone aceponate shows promise humans all belonged to haplotype Ia which was also
in the prevention of Malassezia otitis externa associated detected in animals (especially dogs and cats). More
with allergic skin diseases. Pulsed therapy with itracona- recently, the spectrum of fungal species (“mycobiome”)
zole (5 mg/kg orally once daily, two days on/ five days off in the human skin was investigated using next generation
for three weeks) has been shown to be efficacious in the sequence techniques.121 In this study, 14 skin sites repre-
treatment of Malassezia dermatitis (but not otitis externa) senting a range of physiological characteristics were sam-
in dogs and thus should be effective as a preventative, pled from 10 healthy adult volunteers. Malassezia yeasts
although one report has highlighted potential for develop- predominated on most of the sampled body sites and 11
ment of antifungal drug resistance with pulse dosing. Malassezia species (including M. pachydermatis) were
There are only anecdotal reports of preventative efficacy directly identified by rRNA gene sequencing from the dif-
of itraconazole for dermatitis at a once-weekly interval. ferent clinical samples.

17.4 Isolation of Malassezia pachydermatis from

17 Malassezia yeasts as zoonotic agents
17.1 Background Pathogenic roles for various Malassezia species have
Characterizing the zoonotic potential of pathogenic been described in association with several human skin
agents is always a difficult task. The concomitant pres- diseases including atopic dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermati-
ence of the same species or the same genotypes in tis, folliculitis, psoriasis and pityriasis versicolor.88,459
humans and animals is a first indication but of course it is Among these diseases, M. pachydermatis has been most
not absolute proof unless transmission from one host to commonly isolated from human patients with seborrhoeic
another has been clearly demonstrated. The case of dermatitis.460,465,466 However, it is difficult to assign a
Malassezia yeasts is rather complex because many of the truly pathogenic role to M. pachydermatis in the context
18 currently described species have been found on the of these studies and its identification from surface sam-
skin of animals as well as of humans (Table 1). ples of human skin is typically ascribed to contact with
dogs (even though epidemiological data on pet contact is
17.2 Skin colonisation in humans not always available). One exception has been the report
Several species of Malassezia yeast are known to colo- of a facial granuloma in a dog owner, where M. pachyder-
nize healthy people as part of the commensal microbiome matis was identified by electron microscopy in affected
of human skin.33,121,458,459 Spatial distributions of the tissues, the yeast was grown and identified by standard
species most commonly identified (M. globosa, M. sym- microbiological methods and the patient responded to
podialis and M. restricta) may vary according to the age, anti-fungal therapy.467
body site and geographical location of the subjects stud- Malassezia pachydermatis has also been isolated with
ied.88,121,460 The archetypal zoophilic species, M. pachy- significantly higher prevalence from the sputum of asth-
dermatis, may also be isolated from healthy human skin matic human patients (21.7%) than from healthy controls
by culture or detected by molecular techniques, espe- (0%).468 The clinicopathologic significance of this finding,
cially from the face460,461 and hands.461,462 In a retrospec- if any, is unknown and data on pet ownership was not col-
tive study of 32 Malassezia spp. isolates from human lected from the subjects studied.
clinical specimens collected in 1984 at the Center for Dis-
ease Control in Atlanta (USA) 15 were identified as M. 17.5 Zoonotic aspects
pachydermatis.463 These last isolates were mainly from From a zoonotic perspective, the pathogenic role best docu-
skin, tissue fluids (e.g. eye, ear, vagina) and four were iso- mented for M. pachydermatis is a syndrome of life-threat-
lated from blood. Skin colonization by Malassezia species ening fungaemia that occurs in pre-term neonates while
in full term healthy newborns has been also investi- receiving lipid-rich nutritional infusions via catheter.469–475
gated.464 Malassezia pachydermatis was not isolated Malassezia furfur is the primary skin-colonizing species of
from the skin of human neonates, while M. sympodialis human infants476 and is therefore the species most com-
and M. globosa colonisation begins at birth and increases monly implicated in this syndrome;477 however M. pachy-
in the first weeks of life. dermatis has also been clearly documented as an
aetiological agent.469 For example, an epidemiological inves-
17.3 Genotyping tigation of an outbreak occurring in a neonatal intensive care
In epidemiological studies, genotyping of Malassezia unit (NICU) identified a single strain of M. pachydermatis –
yeasts may be required in order to identify the source of as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis – which
infection and to discover possible connection of geno- was isolated from 15 infants with sepsis, nine colonized
types with particular diseases. Different studies targeted infants, the hands of a nurse and three dogs owned by
various RNA or DNA regions in order to distinguish the other health care workers in the NICU.469 In another study,
molecular pattern of M. pachydermatis and to assess 47 out of 86 M. pachydermatis isolates collected from 25
whether genotype classification was in accordance with neonatal patients at a French University Hospital were
host preferences. In one of these studies, the partial genotyped using intergenic-spacer 1 nucleotide sequence
60 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.
WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

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The authors thank Catherine Outerbridge and Wayne 22. Sugita T, Takashima M, Kodama M et al. Description of a new
Rosencrantz, co-chairs of the WAVD CCG committee, for yeast species, Malassezia japonica, and its detection in patients
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2002; 138: 215–218. Figure S1. Schematic structure of the ribosomal RNA
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72 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.

WAVD Consensus Guidelines Malassezia dermatitis

Contexte – Le genre Malassezia est compose  qu’un groupe de levures lipophiliques qui ont e voluees en
tant que commensaux de la peau et pathoge nes cutane s opportunistes chez de nombreux mammife res et
Objectifs – L’objectif de ce document est de fournir  a la communaute  ve  te
rinaire et aux parties
interesse es toute l’information actuelle sur l’e
cologie, la pathophysiologie, le diagnostic, le traitement et la
prevention des maladies cutane es associe es aux levures Malassezia chez le chien et le chat.
Mate riel et methods – Les auteurs ont forme  un groupe d’experts (GP) et ont revu la litte rature disponible
avant octobre 2018. Les GP ont pre pare une revue de la litterature detaille
e et des recommandations ont
e  faites sur des sujets choisis. Le comite  de recommandations de consensus clinique de la WAVD (World
Association of Veterinary Dermatology) a fournit des indications et a supervise  le processus. Le document
ae  te
 presente a deux congres internationaux de socie  te
 de dermatologie ve  te
rinaire et a un workshop
international de mycologie ; il e tait disponible pour tout commentaire sur le site de la WAVD pendant six
mois. Les commentaires e taient partages avec le GP par voie de mate rialisee et les reponses, incorpore es
au document final.
Conclusions et importance Clinique – Il y a eu un de veloppement remarquable des connaissances sur
les levures Malassezia et leur ro ^le dans les maladies animales, particulie rement depuis le de but des anne es
1990. La dermatite a Malassezia chez le chien et le chat a e volue d’une maladie obscure et controverse e
sur son existence me ^me, a de
sormais une maladie diagnostique e en routine en pratique ve  te
ge nerale. Les signes cliniques sont bien reconnus et les approches diagnostiques sont bien de veloppe es.
Une se rie de traitements topiques et syste miques est connue pour e ^tre efficace en particulier quand des
facteurs pre disposant sont identifie
s et corrige

Introduccio  n – el ge
nero Malassezia esta compuesto por un grupo de levaduras lipofılicas que han evolu-
cionado como comensales cutaneos y pato genos cut aneos oportunistas de una variedad de mamıferos y
Objetivos – el objetivo de este documento es proporcionar a la comunidad veterinaria y otras personas
interesadas informacio n actualizada sobre la ecologıa, la fisiopatologıa, el diagnostico, el tratamiento y la
prevencio n de enfermedades de la piel asociadas con las levaduras Malassezia en perros y gatos.
Me todos y material – los autores sirvieron como Panel de Orientacio n (GP) y revisaron la literatura dispo-
nible hasta octubre de 2018. El GP preparo  una revisio
n detallada de la literatura e hizo recomendaciones
sobre temas seleccionados. El Comite  de Pautas de Consenso Clınico de la Asociacio n Mundial de Derma-
tologıa Veterinaria (WAVD) proporciono  orientacio
n y supervision para este proceso. El documento fue pre-
sentado en dos reuniones internacionales de sociedades de dermatologıa veterinaria y un taller
internacional de micologıa; estuvo disponible para comentarios en el sitio web de WAVD por un perıodo de
seis meses. Los comentarios se compartieron electro nicamente con el GP y las respuestas se incorpora-
ron al documento final.
Conclusiones e importancia clınica – ha habido una notable expansio n en el conocimiento sobre las leva-
duras Malassezia y su papel en las enfermedades de animales, particularmente desde principios de los
an~os noventa. La dermatitis por Malassezia en perros y gatos ha evolucionado de una enfermedad poco
clara y de existencia controvertida, a ser ahora un diagno stico de rutina en la pr actica veterinaria general.
Los signos clınicos estan bien reconocidos y los enfoques de diagno stico est an bien desarrollados. Se con-
oce una variedad de terapias to picas y siste
micas efectivas, especialmente cuando se identifican y corrigen
los factores predisponentes.

Hintergrund – Die Gattung Malassezia besteht aus einer Gruppe von lipophilen Hefen, die sich als Haut-
kommensalen und als opportunistische kutane Pathogene einer Vielfalt von S€augetieren und Vo €geln entwi-
ckelt haben.
Ziele – Das Ziel dieses Dokuments war es, die veterina€rmedizinische Gesellschaft und andere Interes-
sentInnen mit der g€angigen Information u €
€ber die Okologie, Pathophysiologie, Diagnose, Behandlung und
Vorbeugung von Hauterkrankungen im Zusammenhang mit Malassezia Hefen bei Hunden und Katzen zu
Methoden und Materialien – Die AutorInnen wirkten als Guideline Panel (GP) und fu €hrten eine Review
der Literatur durch, die vor Oktober 2018 zur Verfu€gung stand. Die GP erstellten eine detaillierte Litera-
€ckschau und machten Empfehlungen u
turru €ber ausgew€ahlte Themen. Die World Association for Veterinary
Dermatology (WAVD) Clinical Consensus Guideline Komitee stellte fu €r diesen Prozess die Fu €hrung und
€gung. Das erstellte Dokument wurde bei zwei internationalen Treffen der veterin€
Aufsicht zur Verfu arder-
matologischen Vereinigungen sowie bei einem internationalen Mykologie Workshop pr€ asentiert; es wurde
auf der WAVD Website fu €r Kommentare fu €r eine Dauer von sechs Monaten zur Verfu €gung gestellt. Die
© 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4. e3
Bond et al.

Kommentare wurden dem GP elektronisch mitgeteilt und die Antworten in das Enddokument inkludiert.
Schlussfolgerungen und klinische Bedeutung – Das Wissen u €ber Malassezia Hefen und ihrer Rolle bei
€hen 1990ern. Die Malasse-
Krankheiten von Tieren hat sich bemerkenswert erweitert, vor allem seit den fru
ziendermatitis bei Hunden und Katzen hat sich von einer obskuren Erkrankung mit Kontroversen in Bezug
auf ihre Existenz zu einer heute routinem€ aßigen Diagnose in der allgemeinen Veterin€
arpraxis entwickelt.
Die klinischen Zeichen sind gut bekannt und diagnostische Herangehensweisen gut entwickelt. Eine Breite
von topischen und systemischen Therapien ist als wirksam bekannt, vor allem wenn pr€ adisponierende Fak-
toren identifiziert und korrigiert werden.

背景 – マラセチア属は、さまざまな哺乳類や鳥類の皮膚共生生物および日和見皮膚病原体として進化し
目的 – 本研究の目的は、犬や猫のマラセチア酵母に関連する皮膚疾患の生態学、病態生理学、診断、治
材料と方法 – 著者はガイドラインパネル(GP)を務め、2018年10月より前に入手可能な文献をレビュー
した。本文書は、獣医皮膚学会の2つの国際会議と1つの国際真菌学ワークショップで発表された。 6か月
結論と臨床的重要性 – 特に1990年代初頭以降、マラセチア酵母と動物疾患におけるそれらの役割に関す

背景 – 马拉色菌属是由一群亲脂酵母菌组成,这些酵母菌进化为多种哺乳动物和鸟类的皮肤共生菌和皮肤
目的 – 本文章旨在向兽医界和其他对此有兴趣的群体,提供犬、猫马拉色菌性皮肤病的生态学、病理生理
方法和材料 – 作者们成立指导小组(GP),回顾了2018年10月之前现存的文献。指导小组编写了详细的文献
结论与临床意义 – 对马拉色菌及其在动物疾病中作用的认知得到了显著扩展,自1990年代初以来尤其明

Contexto – O ge ^nero Malassezia e  composto por um grupo de leveduras lipofılicas que evoluıram como
comensais de pele e pato genos cut^aneos oportunistas de uma variedade de mamıferos e aves.
Objetivos – O objetivo deste documento e  fornecer a comunidade veterin aria e outros grupos interessa-
dos informacßo ~es atualizadas sobre ecologia, fisiopatologia, diagno stico, tratamento e prevencß~ ao de
doencßas de pele associadas a Malassezia em c~ aes e gatos.
Me todos e materiais – Os autores serviram como Painel de Diretrizes (GP) e revisaram a literatura dis-
ponıvel antes de outubro de 2018. O GP preparou uma revis~ ao detalhada da literatura e fez recomendacßo ~es
sobre os to picos selecionados. O comite ^ de diretrizes de consenso clınico da Associacß~ ao Mundial de Der-
matologia Veterinaria (WAVD) forneceu orientacßo ~es e supervis~ ao para esse processo. O documento foi
apresentado em duas reunio ~es internacionais de sociedades de dermatologia veterin aria e em um curso
internacional de micologia; foi disponibilizado para coment arios no site da WAVD por um perıodo de seis
meses. Os comentarios foram compartilhados eletronicamente com o GP e as respostas incorporadas no
documento final.
Concluso ~ es e importa ^ncia clınica – Houve uma expans~ ao notavel do conhecimento sobre leveduras do
ge^nero Malassezia e seu papel na doencßa animal, principalmente desde o inıcio dos anos 90. A dermatite
por Malassezia em c~aes e gatos evoluiu de uma doencßa em que a sua existe ^ncia permanecia na obscuri-
dade e controve rsia, passando a ser um diagno stico de rotina na pratica veterin
aria em geral. Os sinais clıni-
cos s~ao bem reconhecidos e as abordagens diagno sticas s~ao bem desenvolvidas. Sabe-se que uma
variedade de terapias to picas e siste
^micas e eficaz, especialmente quando fatores predisponentes s~ ao
identificados e corrigidos.

e4 © 2019 ESVD and ACVD, Veterinary Dermatology, 31, 27–e4.

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