Oracle® E-Records: Implementation Guide Release 12.2

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Oracle® E-Records

Implementation Guide
Release 12.2
Part No. E49052-02

July 2014
Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E49052-02

Copyright © 2008, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author:     Ankit Jaiswal

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1 Introduction to Oracle E-Records

E-signatures............................................................................................................................... 1-1
Electronic Records..................................................................................................................... 1-1
Sign What You See.................................................................................................................... 1-2
One-step E-signatures............................................................................................................... 1-2
Framework................................................................................................................................. 1-3
Framework Components..................................................................................................... 1-3
Online Versus Deferred Mode Capture............................................................................... 1-5
Touch Screen User Interface..................................................................................................... 1-6

2 E-record Signature Flows

Online Flow............................................................................................................................... 2-1
Deferred Flow............................................................................................................................ 2-2
Oracle Applications Framework Signature Confirmation....................................................... 2-4

3 Implementing E-records
Enabling Profile Options.......................................................................................................... 3-2
Setting Up Responsibilities...................................................................................................... 3-4
Enabling the Event.................................................................................................................... 3-4
Enabling the Subscription........................................................................................................ 3-6
Setting Up Oracle Approval Management............................................................................... 3-8
Setting Up the Configuration Variables................................................................................... 3-9

Running the E-record Event Setup Verification Report......................................................... 3-13
Setting Up Indexed XML Elements........................................................................................ 3-14
Security Rules.......................................................................................................................... 3-15
Related Events......................................................................................................................... 3-15
Setting Up Related Events....................................................................................................... 3-15
Setting Up Ad Hoc Signers..................................................................................................... 3-16
Manually Enabling E-Records Only....................................................................................... 3-17
Enabling One-Step E-signatures............................................................................................. 3-17
Setting Up Redlining.............................................................................................................. 3-18
Enabling E-Records in Mobile Supply Chain Applications.................................................. 3-18
Force E-Record Generation ..................................................................................................... 3-19

4 Setting Up Security Rules

Technical Requirements............................................................................................................ 4-1
Setting Up Secure Elements...................................................................................................... 4-2
Adding E-record Security Rules................................................................................................ 4-2
Security Rule Examples............................................................................................................. 4-2
Maintaining E-record Security Rules........................................................................................ 4-4
Viewing Security Rule Details.................................................................................................. 4-5
Updating Security Rules........................................................................................................... 4-5
Deleting Security Rules............................................................................................................ 4-5
Running the E-record Security Policy Administration Program..............................................4-6

5 iSignatures
Types of Documents.................................................................................................................. 5-2
ERP Documents......................................................................................................................... 5-2
Uploading Documents.............................................................................................................. 5-2
Document Status....................................................................................................................... 5-3
Security...................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Checklist Functionality............................................................................................................. 5-4
Uploading Documents ............................................................................................................. 5-5
Querying Documents................................................................................................................ 5-6
Viewing Document Details....................................................................................................... 5-8
Updating a Document............................................................................................................... 5-8
Deleting Documents.................................................................................................................. 5-9
Sending Documents for Approval............................................................................................ 5-9
Signing a Document................................................................................................................ 5-10
Signing With E-Initials........................................................................................................... 5-12
Updating Signers..................................................................................................................... 5-13
Adding Signers........................................................................................................................ 5-13

Reordering Signers.................................................................................................................. 5-14
Managing Templates Using iSignatures................................................................................ 5-14
Linking a Document to a Website...........................................................................................5-15

6 Maintaining Oracle E-Records

Generating XML........................................................................................................................ 6-2
Generating E-Record Documents..............................................................................................6-2
Validating E-record Events....................................................................................................... 6-2
Validation Information Details................................................................................................ 6-4
Adding a New Indexed XML Element...................................................................................... 6-5
Maintaining Indexed XML Elements........................................................................................6-5
Viewing Indexed XML Element Details................................................................................... 6-6
Updating Indexed XML Elements............................................................................................. 6-7
Deleting Indexed XML Elements.............................................................................................. 6-7
Running the Oracle E-records XML Element Synchronization Program................................ 6-7
Running the Oracle E-records XML Element Optimization Program..................................... 6-8
Purging Temporary E-record Tables......................................................................................... 6-9
Framework Verification............................................................................................................ 6-9
Using the Single Event Framework Verification Window.................................................... 6-10
Inter Event Framework Verification....................................................................................... 6-13
Working With Test Scenarios................................................................................................. 6-14
Adding a New Event to a Test Scenario..................................................................................6-16
Raising a New Event After Event Approval........................................................................... 6-18

7 Reporting and Printing

Evidence Store........................................................................................................................... 7-1
The E-record Detail................................................................................................................... 7-4
E-record Details......................................................................................................................... 7-6
Printing E-records...................................................................................................................... 7-6
The Printing Process.................................................................................................................. 7-7
Selecting Many Documents or Related Documents for Printing.............................................7-7
Printing the Collated E-record.................................................................................................. 7-8

A Oracle E-Records Events

Oracle E-Record Events............................................................................................................. A-1

B Navigation Paths
Navigation Paths....................................................................................................................... B-1



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Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide, Release 12.2

Part No. E49052-02

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide.
This guide assumes that you have working knowledge of your business area's
processes, tools, principles, and customary practices. It also assumes that you are
familiar with Oracle Process Manufacturing. If you have never used Oracle Process
Manufacturing, we suggest you attend one or more of the Oracle Process
Manufacturing training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

1  Introduction to Oracle E-Records
2  E-record Signature Flows
There are two different types of signature flows - online and deferred. The online
process forces all signatures to take place at the same time before the event can
continue. The deferred process lets you move on without all signatures in place. The

following is a flow of the two different types of processes, using the OPM Item Creation
process as an example.
3  Implementing E-records
You must complete the following steps to enable the E-records functionality. These
steps comprise the initial setup of Oracle E-Records and are required to ensure a
complete and accurate system.
4  Setting Up Security Rules
This topic describes how the e-records stored as XML documents in the database are a
repository of critical information that can be queried for reasons ranging from internal
users viewing information to regulatory authorities inspecting process records.
The information contained in these e-records can be confidential and critical to the
nature of the business. Therefore, access to these e-records must be restricted so that any
unauthorized entry is prevented.
Access to e-records must be based on the contents of the e-records. For example, you
can restrict access to all e-records having any reference to a particular formula
5  iSignatures
This topic describes using attachments with Oracle E-Records, the types of attachments
available, and how attachments are stored.
6  Maintaining Oracle E-Records
Oracle E-Records has utilities that let you maintain your system. You can view XML
and e-record information from within the application. This information can be used to
verify XML and XSL information, as well as e-record layouts prior to the event being
used. You can also update or delete existing indexed XML elements, or add new
7  Reporting and Printing
After an e-record is created, it is stored in the Evidence Store, a secure environment in
the database. You can view the e-records, and their associated documents, and print the
e-records in a PDF format.
A  Oracle E-Records Events
B  Navigation Paths

Related Information Sources

Related Guides
Oracle Process Manufacturing shares business and setup information with other Oracle
Applications products. Therefore, you may want to refer to other guides when you set
up and use Oracle Process Manufacturing. You can read the guides online from the
Oracle Applications Document Library CD included in your media pack, or by using a
Web browser with a URL that your system administrator provides. If you require
printed guides, then you can purchase them from the Oracle Store at

Guides Related to All Products
Oracle Alert User's Guide
This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle Applications data.
Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts
This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release
12, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the Oracle
E-Business Suite architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics, giving
a broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the installation
and configuration choices that may be available.
Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide
This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle
E-Business Suite implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing
maintenance of Oracle E-Business Suite product data. This guide also provides
information on creating custom reports on flexfields data.
Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide
This guide covers the design-time and run-time aspects of personalizing applications
built with Oracle Application Framework.
Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install
This book is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing or upgrading
Oracle E-Business Suite. It provides instructions for running Rapid Install either to carry
out a fresh installation of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, or as part of an upgrade
from Release 11i to Release 12. The book also describes the steps needed to install the
technology stack components only, for the special situations where this is applicable.
Oracle Application Server Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide
This guide covers the use of OracleAS Adapter in developing integrations between
Oracle applications and trading partners.
Please note that this guide is in the Oracle Application Server 10g (
Documentation Library.
Oracle E-Business Suite system administration guides
This documentation set provides planning and reference information for the Oracle
E-Business Suite System Administrator. Oracle E-Business Suite Set Up Guide contains
information on system configuration steps, including defining concurrent programs
and managers, enabling Oracle Applications Manager features, and setting up printers
and online help. Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Guide provides information for
frequent tasks such as monitoring your system with Oracle Applications Manager,
administering Oracle E-Business Suite Secure Enterprise Search, managing concurrent
managers and reports, using diagnostic utilities including logging, managing profile
options, and using alerts. Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide describes User
Management, data security, function security, auditing, and security configurations.

Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide
This guide explains how to navigate, enter data, query, and run reports using the user
interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. This guide also includes information on setting
user profiles, as well as running and reviewing concurrent requests.
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User's Guide
This guide describes the functionality of Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and the
necessary setup steps in order for Oracle Applications to conduct business with trading
partners through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). It also contains how to run extract
programs for outbound transactions, import programs for inbound transactions, and
the relevant reports.
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Implementation Guide
This guide describes implementation details, highlights additional setups for trading
partner, code conversion, and Oracle Applications as well as provides the architecture
guidelines for transaction interface files. This guide also contains troubleshooting
information and how to customize EDI transactions.
Oracle Report Manager User's Guide
Oracle Report Manager is an online report distribution system that provides a secure
and centralized location to produce and manage point-in-time reports. Oracle Report
Manager users can be either report producers or report consumers. Use this guide for
information on setting up and using Oracle Report Manager.
Oracle iSetup User Guide
This guide describes how to use Oracle iSetup to migrate data between different
instances of the Oracle E-Business Suite and generate reports. It also includes
configuration information, instance mapping, and seeded templates used for data
Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any product that
includes workflow-enabled processes. It also describes how to manage workflow
processes and business events using Oracle Applications Manager, how to monitor the
progress of runtime workflow processes, and how to administer notifications sent to
workflow users.
Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide
This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing Oracle Applications-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how to
define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide
This guide describes how users can view and respond to workflow notifications and
monitor the progress of their workflow processes.
Oracle Workflow API Reference

This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and administrators to access
Oracle Workflow.
Oracle XML Gateway User's Guide
This guide describes Oracle XML Gateway functionality and each component of the
Oracle XML Gateway architecture, including Message Designer, Oracle XML Gateway
Setup, Execution Engine, Message Queues, and Oracle Transport Agent. The
integrations with Oracle Workflow Business Event System and the Business-to-Business
transactions are also addressed in this guide.
Oracle Buisness Intelligence Publisher Report Designer's Guide
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that
merges XML data with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs
to meet a variety of business needs. Using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat as the
design tool, you can create pixel-perfect reports from the Oracle E-Business Suite. Use
this guide to design your report layouts.
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is a template-based reporting solution that
merges XML data with templates in RTF or PDF format to produce a variety of outputs
to meet a variety of business needs. Outputs include: PDF, HTML, Excel, RTF, and
eText (for EDI and EFT transactions). Oracle BI Publisher can be used to generate
reports based on existing E-Business Suite report data, or you can use Oracle BI
Publisher's data extraction engine to build your own queries. Oracle BI Publisher also
provides a robust set of APIs to manage delivery of your reports via e-mail, fax, secure
FTP, printer, WebDav, and more. This guide describes how to set up and administer
Oracle BI Publisher as well as how to use the Application Programming Interface to
build custom solutions.
Guides Related to This Product
Oracle Process Manufacturing Cost Management User's Guide
The Oracle Process Manufacturing Cost Management application is used by cost
accountants to capture and review the manufacturing costs incurred in their process
manufacturing businesses. The guide describes how to set up and use this application.
Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution User's Guide
The Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution application lets you track firm
planned orders and production batches from incoming materials through finished
goods. Seamlessly integrated to the Product Development application, Process
Execution lets you convert firm planned orders to single or multiple production
batches, allocate ingredients, record actual ingredient usage, and then complete and
close production batches. Production inquiries and preformatted reports help you
optimize inventory costs while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction with
on-time delivery of high quality products. The Oracle Process Manufacturing Process
Execution User's Guide presents overviews of the tasks and responsibilities for the
Production Supervisor and the Production Operator. It provides prerequisite setup in

other applications, and details the windows, features, and functionality of the
Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development User's Guide
The Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development application provides features
to manage formula, routing, recipe, and validity rule development within process
manufacturing operations. Use it to manage multiple laboratory organizations and
support varying product lines throughout the enterprise. Characterize and simulate the
technical properties of ingredients and their effects on formula performance and cost.
Simulate and optimize formulations before beginning expensive laboratory test batches.
Product Development coordinates each development function to provide a rapid,
enterprise-wide implementation of new products in your plants. The guide describes
how to set up and use this application.
Oracle Process Manufacturing Quality Management User's Guide
The Oracle Process Manufacturing Quality Management application provides features
to test material sampled from inventory, production, or receipts from external
suppliers. The application lets you enter specifications and control their use throughout
the enterprise. Customized workflows and electronic recordkeeping automate plans for
sampling, testing, and result processing. Compare specifications to assist in regrading
items, and match customer specifications. Aggregate test results and print statistical
assessments on quality certificates. Run stability testing with unrivaled ease. Several
preformatted reports and inquiries help manage quality testing and reporting. The
guide describes how to set up and use this application.
System Administration User's Guide
Much of the System Administration duties are performed at the Oracle Applications
level, and are therefore described in the Oracle Applications System Administrator's
Guide. The Oracle Process Manufacturing System Administration User's Guide provides
information on the few tasks that are specific to Oracle Process Manufacturing. It offers
information on performing Oracle Process Manufacturing file purge and archive, and
maintaining such things as responsibilities, units of measure, and organizations.
Regulatory Management User's Guide
Oracle Process Manufacturing Regulatory Management provides solutions for
document management that help meet the FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and other international
regulatory compliance requirements. Regulatory information management is facilitated
by use of electronic signatures. Manage hazard communications by collaborating with
Oracle partners to dispatch safety documents, attached printed documentation sets such
as the MSDS to shipments, and set up workflows to manage documentation revisions,
approvals, and transmittals. The Oracle Process Manufacturing Regulatory Management
User's Guide provides the information to set up and use the application.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing
Oracle Manufacturing Execution System (MES) for Process Manufacturing provides a
seamless integration to product development and process execution applications for
rapid deployment and tracking of procedures, work instruction tasks, and batch

records. Set up and manage material dispensing operations and produce electronic
batch records interactively with full electronic signature control, nonconformance
management, and label printing routines. The Oracle Manufacturing Execution System for
Process Manufacturing User's Guide delivers the information to set up and use the
API User's Guides
Public Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are available for use with different
Oracle Process Manufacturing applications. APIs pass information into and out of the
application tables, thereby bypassing the user interface. Use of these APIs is
documented in separately available documentation.
Oracle Engineering User's Guide
This guide enables your engineers to utilize the features of Oracle Engineering to
quickly introduce and manage new designs into production. Specifically, this guide
details how to quickly and accurately define the resources, materials and processes
necessary to implement changes in product design.
Oracle Inventory User's Guide
This guide describes how to define items and item information, perform receiving and
inventory transactions, maintain cost control, plan items, perform cycle counting and
physical inventories, and set up Oracle Inventory.
Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
This guide describes how to create various bills of material to maximize efficiency,
improve quality and lower cost for the most sophisticated manufacturing
environments. By detailing integrated product structures and processes, flexible
product and process definition, and configuration management, this guide enables you
to manage product details within and across multiple manufacturing sites.
Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
This guide describes how Oracle Work in Process provides a complete production
management system. Specifically this guide describes how discrete, repetitive, assemble
–to–order, project, flow, and mixed manufacturing environments are supported.
Oracle Quality User's Guide
This guide describes how Oracle Quality can be used to meet your quality data
collection and analysis needs. This guide also explains how Oracle Quality interfaces
with other Oracle Manufacturing applications to provide a closed loop quality control
Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide
This guide describes how to set up Oracle Shipping to process and plan your trips,
stops and deliveries, ship confirmation, query shipments, determine freight cost and
charges to meet your business needs.
Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

This guide describes how to create and approve purchasing documents, including
requisitions, different types of purchase orders, quotations, RFQs, and receipts. This
guide also describes how to manage your supply base through agreements, sourcing
rules and approved supplier lists. In addition, this guide explains how you can
automatically create purchasing documents based on business rules through integration
with Oracle Workflow technology, which automates many of the key procurement
Oracle interMedia User's Guide and Reference
This user guide and reference provides information about Oracle interMedia. This
product enables Oracle9i to store, manage, and retrieve geographic location
information, images, audio, video, or other heterogeneous media data in an integrated
fashion with other enterprise information. Oracle Trading Community Architecture
Data Quality Management uses interMedia indexes to facilitate search and matching.
Oracle Self–Service Web Applications Implementation Guide
This manual contains detailed information about the overview and architecture and
setup of Oracle Self–Service Web Applications. It also contains an overview of and
procedures for using the Web Applications Dictionary.
Installation and System Administration
Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts
This guide provides an introduction to the concepts, features, technology stack,
architecture, and terminology for Oracle Applications Release 11i. It provides a useful
first book to read before an installation of Oracle Applications. This guide also
introduces the concepts behind Applications-wide features such as Business Intelligence
(BIS), languages and character sets, and Self-Service Web Applications.
Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install
This book is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing or upgrading
Oracle E-Business Suite. It provides instructions for running Rapid Install either to carry
out a fresh installation of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, or as part of an upgrade
from Release 11i to Release 12. The book also describes the steps needed to install the
technology stack components only, for the special situations where this is applicable.
Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12.1.1
Refer to this guide if you are upgrading your Oracle Applications. This guide describes
the upgrade process and lists database and product-specific upgrade tasks.
"About" Document
For information about implementation and user documentation, instructions for
applying patches, new and changed setup steps, and descriptions of software updates,
refer to the "About" document for your product. "About" documents are available on
My Oracle Support for most products beginning with Release 11.5.8.
Maintaining Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Set
This documentation set provides maintenance and patching information for the Oracle

E-Business Suite DBA. Oracle E-Business Suite Maintenance Procedures provides a
description of the strategies, related tasks, and troubleshooting activities that will help
ensure the continued smooth running of an Oracle E-Business Suite system. Oracle
E-Business Suite Maintenance Utilities describes the Oracle E-Business Suite utilities that
are supplied with Oracle E-Business Suite and used to maintain the application file
system and database. It also provides a detailed description of the numerous options
available to meet specific operational requirements. Oracle E-Business Suite Patching
Procedures explains how to patch an Oracle E-Business Suite system, covering the key
concepts and strategies. Also included are recommendations for optimizing typical
patching operations and reducing downtime.
Oracle E-Business Suite Set Up GuideThis guide provides planning and reference
information for the Oracle Applications System Administrator. It contains information
on how to define security, customize menus and online help, and manage concurrent
Oracle Alert User's Guide
This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle Applications data.
Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide
This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle E-Business Suite
development staff. It describes the Oracle Application Object Library components
needed to implement the Oracle E-Business Suite user interface described in the Oracle
E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products. It provides information
to help you build your custom Oracle Forms Developer forms so that they integrate
with Oracle E-Business Suite. In addition, this guide has information for customizations
in features such as concurrent programs, flexfields, messages, and logging.
Oracle E-Business Suite User Interface Standards for Forms-Based Products
This guide contains the user interface (UI) standards followed by the Oracle E-Business
Suite development staff. It describes the UI for the Oracle E-Business Suite products and
how to apply this UI to the design of an application built by using Oracle Forms.
Other Implementation Documentation
Oracle Applications Product Update Notes
Use this guide as a reference for upgrading an installation of Oracle Applications. It
provides a history of the changes to individual Oracle Applications products between
Release 11.0 and Release 11i. It includes new features, enhancements, and changes
made to database objects, profile options, and seed data for this interval.
Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any Oracle
Applications product that includes workflow-enabled processes, as well as how to
monitor the progress of runtime workflow processes.
Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing Oracle Applications-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how to
define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide
This guide describes how Oracle Applications users can view and respond to workflow
notifications and monitor the progress of their workflow processes. Oracle Workflow
API Reference This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and
administrators to access Oracle Workflow.
Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide
This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle
E-Business Suite implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing
maintenance of Oracle E-Business Suite product data. This guide also provides
information on creating custom reports on flexfields data.
Oracle eTechnical Reference Manuals
Each eTechnical Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed
description of database tables, forms, reports, and programs for a specific Oracle
Applications product. This information helps you convert data from your existing
applications, integrate Oracle Applications data with non-Oracle applications, and write
custom reports for Oracle Applications products. Oracle eTRM is available on My
Oracle Support.
Oracle Applications Message Manual
This manual describes all Oracle Applications messages. This manual is available in
HTML format on the documentation CD-ROM for Release 11i.

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
Users who are granted the Integration Analyst role can navigate to the Oracle
Integration Repository through the Integration Repository responsibility. Users who
have the Integration Developer role or the Integration Administrator role can access the
Oracle Integration Repository through the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data
Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you
may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables.
If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Introduction to Oracle E-Records

This chapter covers the following topics:

• E-signatures
• Electronic Records
• Sign What You See
• One-step E-signatures
• Framework
• Touch Screen User Interface

Organizations that want to maintain electronic documents must have systems that
support the ability to electronically sign those documents, ensuring that the appropriate
personnel have reviewed and approved them.
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) generally requires signatures on transactions
which affect product quality. Companies can also require signatures when moving the
custody of goods from one department to another, or when moving responsibility for
manufacture from one department to another. So, wherever a signature is needed on a
paper document, a signature is needed on the electronic document that replaces it.
These electronic signatures or e-signatures can be done either through forms or through
the online mode. A new feature, one-step e-signature, further simplifies the e-signature
process in the online mode. This document addresses the enabling of electronic
signatures in OPM for static (setup), as well as transaction data.

Electronic Records
21CFR Part 11 describes the requirements for companies wanting to move from paper
based record keeping to electronic record keeping. GMP describes where it is
appropriate to keep electronic records and capture electronic signatures.

Introduction to Oracle E-Records    1-1

This document details all areas in OPM that GMP explicitly or implicitly states are
important for capturing e-signatures and e-records. There are also events where data is
captured that are industry standard, or dictated by other authorities (like the DEA) that
are not mentioned by GMP.

Sign What You See

Since electronic signatures are a legal and binding equivalent to handwritten signatures,
it is important to review the data you are responsible for signing. The pertinent data
displays at the time of e-signature capture, rather than having to review it using the
transaction windows.

Workflow Notification Display

When a notification is sent for approval, the following information displays in the
• Subject is the full subject of that e-record.

• Sent displays the date and time the notification was sent.

• To displays the name of the recipient of the notification.

• Style Name displays the style sheet name.

• Version displays the style sheet version.

• The name of the e-record attachments.

One-step E-signatures
The one-step e-signature functionality lets you combine the several pages that a normal
signing process takes, into a single page where all signers can complete their approvals.
This is an online process, not deferred, and is set based on a profile option.
Approver count and approver list in one-step signature process
Approvers for a transaction are often set at the Approval Management (AME) level,
where the set of approvers required for a business event are defined.
Approver count feature provides product teams the capability to enable the ERES
framework to allow any number of valid application users as ERES Approvers during
the signature process, as opposed to mandating pre-defined AME approvers. In this
feature, product teams can set the number of application users for signatures. An
approver count is set while raising an ERES event raise and the Signature page is
displayed with those many rows. Any valid application user can sign-off the
E-record.the transaction.

1-2    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

The Approver Lists feature allows product teams to send approver lists to E-signature
framework. This list can have application users or responsibility. If it is a responsibility,
any user who has the responsibility can do the sign-off. This also supports multiple
counts for responsibility level approvals.
Approver list and approval count are available only in the Simplified Signature process
(Einitials), and not available in the regular signature process.
Support of the above two features is primarily driven by the fact that the originating
transaction systems may have their own way of defining the approvers and need not
duplicate the same in AME.

Based on Good Manufacturing Practices and customer requirements, the following
application windows are configured to capture e-records or e-signatures, or both.
Application windows, along with their associated programs, must be enhanced to call
the data capture framework. Events are defined within the framework. An event
consists of an event name, the tables, the columns, and the data values.
If an event exists, but is disabled for e-records or e-signatures, then the window behaves
as expected. If an event exists and is enabled for e-records or e-signatures, then the
framework reacts accordingly:
• If e-signatures are enabled, then the e-signature window displays, requiring entry
from the appropriate user.

• If e-records are enabled, then a snapshot of the event takes place at the appropriate

If you have existing workflows, you can enable Oracle E-Records on these workflows
using the components of the ERES framework. Refer to the Oracle E-Records Developer's
Cookbook available on My Oracle Support as Oracle Process Manufacturing Manuals and
eTRMs-E-Records, note number 227397.1, for details.

Framework Components
The framework consists of the flowing components:

Workflow Business Event System

Workflow Business Event system is used to define an e-signature event and associate
synchronous e-signature subscription to the event.

XML Gateway
XML Gateway is used for mapping definition and generation of XML for an e-record.
Individual product teams define XML maps and DTDs for e-record and e-signature

Introduction to Oracle E-Records    1-3

events supported by them. These maps and DTDs are loaded into the database and
source controlled under the respective product tops. The e-record stylesheet is also
defined as part of XML Gateway.

Transaction Variables
This component is used to define conditions, rules, and approval hierarchy. It stores
rule specific attributes such as electronic recording required or electronic signature is
required, and what type of style sheet needs to be applied for this rule. These rules are
evaluated at runtime based on the transaction ID, which is the primary key for the

Oracle Applications
A generic call is available, which is called to raise an event from the window.

Workflow Notification Subsystem

Notification subsystem is used to generate the signature user interface and control the
flow of the user interface and return a status back to the application.

Workflow Automatic Notification Processing

The Oracle Workflow Automatic Notification Processing automatically forwards your
notifications to another role or responds to incoming notifications with a predefined
response when you are not available to manage your notifications directly. This can be
done on either an online or a deferred event.
The Notification Routing Rules let you define the rules for automatic notification
processing. Each rule is specific to a role and can apply to any or all messages of a
specific item type or message name. A rule can result in one of the following actions:
reassigning the notification to another user, responding to or closing the notification, or
delivering the notification to the original recipient with no further action.
When an event is signed with an overriding approver, the following happens:
• The Evidence Store contains the original approver as well as the overriding
approver details with proper comments.

• The Signers list page shows the original approver as well as the overriding

• The E-records Query shows the original approver as well as the overriding

XML Publisher
XML Publisher provides a new approach to the customization of report publishing by
integrating familiar desktop word processing tools with existing Oracle E–Business

1-4    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Suite data reporting.
Use the full range of your word processing application's formatting features to create
rich report layout designs, or simply modify the ordering of report data to better suit
your needs. XML Publisher transforms your document to XSL and PDF, letting you
leverage your existing desktop application as an XSL editor.

E-records Evidence Store

The Evidence Store is used for storing electronic signatures. The e-records stored in the
evidence store can be queried for, printed and audited.

Online Versus Deferred Mode Capture

When windows require an e-signature, there are two methods of capturing this data.
The signature can be captured in process (online) or asynchronously (deferred) through
workflow notifications.
• Transaction windows (e.g., Batches, Inventory Quantities, Quality Results) require
you to enter all signatures online only. If the signatures cannot be fulfilled in that
session, then the new or updated transaction data is not committed to the database.

• For those objects where a status or active/inactive column exists (e.g., Items, Lots,
Formulas, Recipes, etc.), a generic workflow notification exists to enable deferred
mode signatures. In these cases, windows prompt you for an e-signature when
appropriate. If an e-signature is not entered online, then a notification is
automatically sent to the user responsible for signing that record. Once all
signatures have been fulfilled, the pending rows are updated to the appropriate
status (active, approved, etc.). While signatures are in progress, the OPM window
prevents any updates from being made to the pending data.

Online signatures are beneficial for those real-time processes that cannot proceed
without immediate authorization.
• Deferred mode signatures are useful when the signature does not need to occur
immediately, the signers are not typically in the same physical location or are
otherwise not immediately available at the time of the signature request, or if there
are several items that the signers must verify prior to signing, thus creating a time
lag between receipt of the e-signature request and the response.

• Workflow notifications can be accessed through Oracle Applications. The use of

Oracle Workflow provides an additional level of auditing - Workflow keeps an
electronic history of when parties were notified and when they completed their

In order to ensure the proper signatures are captured for each document or event
within each internal organization, part of the Electronic Record Framework enables
secured users to associate the appropriate Users with each event.

Introduction to Oracle E-Records    1-5

An e-record contains a defined set of data from a moment in time captured by the
software. This set of data is unique for each application, and each event within that
application. For organizations capturing e-signatures with e-records, the intent is to
present the e-record to the application user and let them approve or reject the data
along with their signature. For those not using e-signatures, e-records are captured as a
background process. Layouts for all OPM e-records are contained within this document
and is further explored within the detail designs to follow.
E-records are captured in an XML format. XML provides portability, ultimately
enabling the delivery of e-records to the FDA electronically. XML also provides
longevity of the data. This helps eliminate the need to keep old versions of programs
available just to read the documents. The e-records are generated using the XML data
with related XSL or RTF templates.
The e-records are stored in an evidence store. The evidence store is a secure storage
location and has links from the transaction windows.

Touch Screen User Interface

Oracle Process Manufacturing provides support for touch screen devices. The touch
screen display monitors offer shop floor operators a user interface that requires minimal
training and that minimizes the use of keyboard and pointing devices.
The Operator Workbench is equipped with touch screen user interface to perform batch
transactions and execute process instructions, or to perform dispensing and reverse
dispensing operations.
For more information, refer to: Using the Touch Screen User Interface, Oracle
Manufacturing Execution System for Process Manufacturing User's Guide.

1-6    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

E-record Signature Flows

There are two different types of signature flows - online and deferred. The online
process forces all signatures to take place at the same time before the event can
continue. The deferred process lets you move on without all signatures in place. The
following is a flow of the two different types of processes, using the OPM Item Creation
process as an example.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Online Flow
• Deferred Flow
• Oracle Applications Framework Signature Confirmation

Online Flow
Following is the procedure for the online flow using Item Creation:
1. Enter a new item.

2. Save the new item.

3. Select Approve New Item from the Action menu. A dialog box displays notifying
you that the item must be approved.
1. Click OK. The process is incomplete and a message displays that the Electronic
Signature Process abnormally terminated.

2. Leave the dialog box, and continue to the approval windows. The List of
Signers window appears.

4. If the Ad Hoc signer functionality is enabled, then you can add, remove, or reorder
signers at this time.

5. Begin the approval process in the order the approvers are set for by clicking the

E-record Signature Flows    2-1

Sign button.

6. For each approver, the electronic record displays. Enter the reason, signers
comments, and signature type. In addition, you can see the response history for all
previous approvers.

7. Select a notification response.

1. If Cancel is selected, then the previous window displays.

2. If Reject or approve are selected, then the Signers Confirmation window


8. Enter your username and password.

1. If Cancel is selected, the previous window displays.

2. If Submit is selected, the approval is complete, and the Signers List page
displays for the approval process to continue. If the submission is a rejection,
then the process stops. The confirmation page displays, whereby you click OK
to close the browser and go back to the Items window.

9. Once all approvals are complete, click Submit.

1. A message displays that the online process is complete.

10. If the signature process is not complete, then a message displays that the signature
process is not complete because this is an online event. You can either click Yes to
stop the process, close the browser, and complete at a later time, or click No, and
complete the process.

11. Once the process is complete, close the browser.

12. Click OK to the dialog box on the Items window.

Deferred Flow
Following is the procedure for the deferred flow using Item Creation:
1. Enter a new item.

2. Save the new item.

3. Select Approve New Item from the Action menu. A dialog box displays notifying
you that the item must be approved.
1. Click OK. The process is incomplete and a message displays that the Electronic

2-2    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Signature Process has been abnormally terminated.

2. Leave the dialog box, and continue to the approval windows. The List of
Signers window appears.

4. If the Ad Hoc signer functionality is enabled, then you can add, remove, or reorder
signers at this time.

5. Begin the approval process in the order the approvers are set for by clicking the
Sign button.

6. For each approver, the electronic record displays. Enter the reason, signers
comments, and signature type. In addition, you can see the response history for all
previous approvers.

7. Select a notification response.

1. If Cancel is selected, then the previous window displays.

2. If Reject or Confirm are selected, then the Signers Confirmation window

displays. If Reject is selected, then an email is sent to the requestor and all
subsequent signers that a rejection has occurred.

8. Enter your username and password.

1. If Cancel is selected, then the previous window displays.

2. If Submit is selected, then the approval is complete, and the Signers List page
displays for the approval process to continue. If the submission is a rejection,
then the process stops, you must close the browser, and go back to the Items

9. Click Submit.
1. If the signature process is complete, then a message displays that the online
process is complete.

2. If the signature process is not complete, then a message displays that for this
event deferred is allowed, and notifications are sent to all approvers. Based on
the profile options EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout (in Hours) and EDR:
Workflow Notification Timeout Interval, reminders are sent out over a period
of time until they are terminated.

10. Close the browser.

11. Click OK to the dialog box on the Items window. The item remains pending.

E-record Signature Flows    2-3

12. If you receive an email notification, then click to the approval window from the
e-mail. You will not see the list of approvers, only the approval information you
must complete.

Oracle Applications Framework Signature Confirmation

Events that run from the Oracle Applications framework technology complete the same
online and deferred signing paths as the forms-based events. But, there is an additional
confirmation window to comply with the framework standards.
At the end of either an online or deferred signature, a Confirmation window displays
This window has information that includes the name of the event, the e-record ID, the
identifier, the identifier value, and the current status of the e-record. Verify that the
information is correct and click OK to complete the signing process.

2-4    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Implementing E-records

You must complete the following steps to enable the E-records functionality. These
steps comprise the initial setup of Oracle E-Records and are required to ensure a
complete and accurate system.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Enabling Profile OptionProfile Options
• Setting Up Responsibilities
• Enabling the EventEvent
• Enabling the SubscriptionSubscription
• Setting Up Oracle Approval Management
• Setting Up the Configuration Variables
• Running the E-record Event Setup Verification Report
• Setting Up Indexed XML Elements
• Security Rules
• Related Events
• Setting Up Related Events
• Setting Up Ad Hoc Signers
• Manually Enabling E-Records Only
• Enabling One-Step E-signatures
• Setting Up Redlining
• Enabling E-Records in Mobile Supply Chain Applications
• Force E-Record Generation

Implementing E-records    3-1

Enabling Profile Options
Oracle E-Records has several profile options that can be set to enable records and
signatures, or modify the software in different ways.

EDR: E-records and E-signatures

You must set up the profile option EDR: E-records and E-signatures. This profile option
lets you enable the functionality for your entire system. This profile option is sent out
with the hierarchy type set to Site, which enables the system administrator to set the
profile option based on the implementation. Valid values for this profile option are:
• Yes - Enable e-record and e-signature

• No - Do not enable e-record and e-signature (default value)

EDR: Server Time zone

Set the profile option EDR: Server Time zone to the time zone where the database is
running. If you do not set this value, then you cannot raise any events and an error
displays that all e-records have a null value for the time zone. Each window in Oracle
E-records displays the time zone that the system is set up to use.
• Ensure that the database time zone is the same as the server time zone profile
option value since the system does not verify the database value.

• Once Oracle E-Records is enabled, do not reset this value.

• This value does not reflect the current user time zone value. It is always the server
time zone.

Note: If you had previously set the Server Time zone profile option,
then you must set EDR: Server Time zone to the same value.

EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout Interval

This profile option determines the number of times you receive an e-mail notification
reminder. It works in conjunction with the EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout (in
Hours) profile option.
This is set at the Site level only.

EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout (in Hours)

This profile option determines the length of time between reminder notifications. It

3-2    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

works in conjunction with the EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout Interval profile
This is set at the Site level only.

Example 1
EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout (in Hours) = 5
EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout Interval = 3
The result is that five hours after the initial notification is sent, three more are sent at
five hour intervals. If no acknowledgement is made, then the process is terminated and
e-mails are sent to all approvers and the requestor that the process was terminated.

Example 2
EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout (in Hours) = NULL
EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout Interval = 3
The notification timeout in hours overrides the number of reminders sent. Therefore, in
this example no reminders are sent and the process is terminated. This is not a valid
combination. You must set a timeout interval in hours.

Example 3
EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout (in Hours) = 5
EDR: Workflow Notification Timeout Interval = NULL
The result is that no notifications are sent, and at the end of the five hours the process is

EDR: Security Level High

This profile option, when set to Y, restricts access to e-records before security rules are
created for them. The default value is Y, and users must be granted access when the
system is set up.

EDR: E-record Print Granted

This profile option lets you restrict access to printing e-records. The default value, No,
set at the Application level restricts everyone in that application from printing
e-records. The system administrator can set the profile option to Yes for specific users to
grant printing capabilities.

EDR: Send Individual Approval Notification

This profile option is for receiving emails during a signing process. If this profile is set
to Yes, then the requester gets a notification after every signer completes the signing

Implementing E-records    3-3

process. If this is set to No, then there is no notification for each signature. All signers
receive a notification for a rejection, regardless of the profile option setting.

EDR: Send Individual Approval Notification

This profile option is for receiving emails during a signing process. If this profile is set
to Yes, then the requester gets a notification after every signer completes the signing
process. If this is set to No, then there is no notification for each signature. All signers
receive a notification for a rejection, regardless of the profile option setting.

EDR: Developer Mode

This profile options lets you debug a transaction by taking a snapshot of the raw XML
and storing it in the EDR_RAW_XML_T table. This can now be used as the XML
payload in the Validate Event window. Default value is No.

Setting Up Responsibilities
The following responsibilities are available with the Oracle E-Records applications.
Give your users the appropriate responsibilities. The administration responsibilities
must only go to the person responsible for setting up the system.
ERES Administrator
This person has the responsibility for overall administration of the Oracle E-Records
application. Only a small number of people should be assigned this responsibility.
This person can access the Oracle E-Records application for user tasks like querying the
Evidence Store only. No administration related functions are exposed to this
iSignatures Administrator
This person is the administrator for the iSignature process. This person can do all the
functions of a user, in addition to updating and deleting other users files.
iSignatures User
This person can upload files and send them for approval. In addition, they can update
or delete their own files only.

Enabling the Event

The Oracle Workflow Event Manager lets you register:
• business events that occur in your applications,

• the systems among which events are communicated,

3-4    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

• named communication agents within those systems, and

• subscriptions indicating that an event is significant to a particular system.

You can use the Event Manager web pages to define and maintain these events,
systems, agents, and subscriptions.
A business event is an occurrence in an internet or intranet application or program that
might be significant to other objects in a system or to external agents. For instance, the
creation of a purchase order is an example of a business event in a purchasing
application. You can define your significant events in the Event Manager.

Business Event Creation

When you define an event in the Event Manager, you must assign it a unique internal
name, which is case-sensitive. The format for these internal names is a compound
structure of identifiers separated by periods (.) as follows:
This format lets you organize the events you define into a classification hierarchy.
Example: oracle.apps.gme.Process.Batch.close, Process Batch Close Event
Display Name
The Display Name displays in the Edit Event list.
A brief description of the e-signature event.
All seed data is sent set to enabled.
Generate Function
Generate functions is NULL for all e-signature events.
Owner Name (mandatory)
The Owner Name must be your product name.
Owner Tag (mandatory)
The Owner Tag must be your three letter product code.
Customization Level
The Customization Level determines how much of the event information can be
changed. All seed events are set to Limit, where only the Status can be changed. Custom
events are set to User, and all fields can be changed.
Identify Event Key
Each instance of an event must be unique and is identified by an event key. The key
helps to tag the transaction data with e-signature and e-record data. The key must be a

Implementing E-records    3-5

unique identifier for an event and not hold multiple values. In most cases, it is the
primary key of a table on which the event is taking place. In some cases, the primary
key can be a multi part key, which is concatenated and treated as a single event key.
This key is used as a business event key and is passed as a parameter to the event raise
Example of a single key:
Example of a multi part key: (If the Batch Header table does not have BATCH_ID)
Event key representation during API calls:
Refer to the Oracle Workflow Guide for details on enabling events.

Enabling the Subscription

Subscription processing can include the following types of processing:
• Run a function on the event message.

• Send the event message to a workflow process.

• Send the event message to an agent.

Add Synchronous E-signature Subscription

A synchronous subscription is added to the defined business event, which is a local
subscription. The phase of the subscription determines if the subscription is
synchronous or not. The phase of the subscription must be set to 0 to make sure that
e-signature subscription is the first subscription run when an event occurs. A rule
function is associated to the subscription that determines if an e-signature is required
and generates a snapshot of the data to be signed. The snapshot is generated as an XML
document in the rule function. This is the generic rule function, which is used by all
product teams while defining a subscription.

Subscriber: System
This is the local system, on which the subscription code is to run.

3-6    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Triggering Condition: Source Type
Set the triggering condition to local.
Triggering Condition: Event Filter
Select the event that this subscription is for.
Triggering Condition: Source Agent
Leave blank.
Execution Control: Phase (mandatory)
Set the phase to 0.
Execution Control: Status
All seed data is sent set to disabled.
Execution Control: Rule Data
Key: the subscription requires only the event key.
Action: Action Type
Set the action type to Custom
Action:On Error
Stop and roll back. Do not set to any other value.
Action:Java Rule Function
Leave this blank.
Action: Pl / SQLRule Function (required)
Enter EDR_PSIG_RULE.PSIG_RULE. This is the rule function, which determines if
e-signature is required for the event instance and generate XML document if required.
Action: Workflow Item Type and Workflow Process Name
Workflow item Type = EDRPSIGF
Workflow Process Name = PSIG_ESIGN_PAGE_FLOW
Action: Out Agent and To Agent
Leave blank.
Action: Priority
Leave blank.
Action: Parameters
The parameter column can be used to add space delimited name=value pairs, which can
be accessed by rule function. The rule function looks for the following parameter and if
the parameters are not, then set it.
Documentation: Owner Name (mandatory)
The Owner Name must be your product name.
Documentation: Owner Tag (mandatory)
The Owner Tag must be your three letter product code.

Implementing E-records    3-7

Documentation: Description
Any information you want to document about the subscription.
Customization Level
The customization level will be set to "Limit"
Refer to the Oracle Workflow Guide for details on enabling subscriptions.

Setting Up Oracle Approval Management

Oracle Approvals Management (AME) is a self–service web application that enables
users to define business rules governing the process for approving transactions in other
Oracle Applications. Rules are constructed from conditions and approvals.
Oracle E-Records enables you to enhance your system using the functionality available
in AME, including Serial and Parallel Approvers, First Responder Wins, Consensus
Voting, and Line Item Class Approvers. The information in this section offers an
overview of how to maintain information in AME. For details on setting up AME, refer
to the Oracle Approvals Management documentation.
Two notable features in the AME setup are the First Responder Wins and Parallel
Approver Support. First Responder Wins supports voting regime. You need to set
voting regime to 'First Responder Wins' and order to parallel in AME. The First
Responder Wins feature sends out signature notifications to either single or multiple
signing groups (as the case maybe) involved in a particular transaction. The transaction
is approved even if one of the designated signers, from the group or groups, signs the
The parallel approver support allows signers to sign the transaction according to the
signing order created for the transaction and multiple approvers can be on the same
order. This feature accommodates more than one signer for a transaction and allows the
user to set the order or sequence of the signature process.

Creating Transaction Attributes

In OAM, an attribute is a named business variable such as TRANSACTION_AMOUNT,
whose value OAM fetches at run time, when it constructs transactions' approver lists.
OAM includes the attributes commonly required for the transaction types of each
application that can use OAM.

Creating Conditions
In OAM, a condition specifies a list or range of attribute values required to make a rule
apply to a transaction. For example:

3-8    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Creating Approval Groups
An OAM approval group is an ordered list of persons or user IDs. You can create OAM
rules to include one or more approval groups in a transaction approver list. You must
create an approval group before using it in an approval-group rule.

Defining Approval Rules

In AME, an approval rule associates one or more conditions with an approval action.
The rule applies to a transaction if and only if all of the rule's conditions are true for the
transaction. Each application that can use OAM defines one or more transaction types.
Each transaction type has its own set of approval rules. Several transaction types can
share attribute names, while defining separate usages for those attribute names. This
makes it possible for several transaction types to share conditions and rules.

Defining Action Types

An action is used to instruct the AME to modify a transaction's approval process. There
are two types of action, approval and production actions. Actions associated with a
transaction's approver list are approval actions or approvals. Production actions are
actions that generate a production such as a variable name or value pair.
The AME contains action types and actions that an implementation requires. These
actions and action types can be used to either create or modify an existing action.

Setting Up the Configuration Variables

The Configuration Variables lets you add, delete, and update new variables to
transactions and rules. You can also add a variable to a rule that overrides the default
global value for the variable in the transaction.
Associate the e-record output XSL or RTF to the rule. This ensures multiple style sheets
can be associated to a single event based on the control parameters.

AME Transactions as ERES-enabled Events

When you create, update, or delete an input configuration variable for transaction type
at the transaction or rule level, it raises the appropriate event that goes through the
approval process. If the approval process fails, then the transaction rolls back. If it is
approved, then it is committed to the database. Refer to the Events appendix for details.

To view variables associated with a transaction:

1. Navigate to the Configuration Variables window.

Implementing E-records    3-9

2. Select a Transaction Name from the list of values. Required.

3. Click Go. The available variables are listed under the Result for Transaction section.
All seeded variables can be updated but not deleted. The following transaction
fields are display only:
• Variable Name displays the name of either a seeded or custom variable.

• Description displays the description of the variable.

• Data Type displays the type of data for the variable.

• Default Value displays the default value for the variable.

To view variables associated with a transaction and rule:

1. Navigate to the Configuration Variables window.

2. Select a Transaction Name from the list of values.

3. Select a Rule Name from the list of values. Only rules associated with the selected
transaction type are displayed.

4. Click Go. The available variables are listed under the Result for Transaction and
Result for Rule regions. All seeded variables can be updated but not deleted. The
following rule fields are display only:
• Variable Name displays the name of either a seeded or custom variable.

• Description displays the description of the variable.

• Data Type displays the type of data for the variable.

• Default Value displays the value for the variable that overrides the value found
in the transaction.

To add a transaction variable:

1. Click Create from the Configuration Variables window. The Create Transaction
Variable window displays. The Transaction Name is a display only field.

2. Select a transaction variable from the menu. If the variable has already been set, it
does not appear in this list. Required.

3. Enter a description for the variable.

3-10    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

4. Select a data type for the variable. Valid values are:
• Boolean

• Character

• Date

• Number

• Time

• String

5. Enter the default global value for the variable.

6. Click Apply to save the variable.

To add a rule variable:

1. Click Create from the Configuration Variables window. The Rule Variable
Definition window displays. The Transaction Name and Rule Name are display
only fields.

2. Select the input variable you want to add from the menu. If you do not see the
variable, then ensure that it is already created as a global variable under
transactions. The Data Type field is display only. Required.

3. Enter the value for the variable that overrides the global default value.

4. Click Apply the save the variable.

To update a variable for a transaction:

1. Once the transaction variables display, click Update. The Update Rule Variable
window displays. The following fields are display only:
• Transaction Name

• Variable Name

• Data Type

2. Modify the Description and Default Value as necessary. The default value must be
Y or N. No other values are accepted.

Implementing E-records    3-11

3. Click Apply to save your changes.

To update a variable for a rule:

1. Once the rule variables display, click Update. The Update Rule Variable window
displays. The following fields are display only:
• Transaction Name

• Rule Name

• Input Variable

• Data Type

2. Modify the Variable Value as necessary.

3. Click Apply to save your changes.

To delete a transaction variable:

1. Once the transaction variables display, click Delete. The Delete Transaction
Variable window displays. You must not delete the four seed data variables,
• E-record required

• E-record style sheet

• E-record Style Sheet version

• E-signature required - you must set this to Y to enable e-signature.

The following fields are display only:

• Transaction Name

• Input Var Name

• Description

• Default Value

2. Click Apply to delete the variable. An error displays if the variable is associated
with a rule. You must delete the variable from the rule first, then delete it from the

3-12    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

To delete a rule variable:
1. Once the rule variables display, click Delete. The Delete Rule Variable window
displays. You cannot delete the four seed data variables, including:
• E-record required

• E-record style sheet

• E-record style sheet version

• E-signature required

The following fields are display only:

• Transaction Name

• Rule Name

• Input Variable

• Data Type

• Variable Value

2. Click Apply to delete the variable.

Running the E-record Event Setup Verification Report

This program logs all set up seed data for an Oracle E-Records selected event into the
concurrent log file. It displays the current setup for the following information:
• Event Name

• Subscription

• Profile Options

• Transaction Type

• AME Conditions and Rules

• Approval Groups

• Approvers

• Transaction Type Configuration Variables

Implementing E-records    3-13

• Generated XML

To submit the E-record Setup Verification report:

1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

2. Enter E-record Event Setup Verification in the Name field. The Parameters dialog
box displays.

3. Enter any of the following fields to narrow the scope of the report:
• Business Event is theworkflow business event name.

• Event Key is the business event key number.

4. Click OK. The Submit Request window displays.

5. Complete the fields on the Submit Request window and click Submit. View or
print the report.
Refer to "Validate E-record Events" for more information.

Setting Up Indexed XML Elements

The initial implementation of Oracle E-Records contains seed data for indexed XML
elements. You must run a concurrent program to index these elements.
The job of the concurrent program is to index all the non-indexed elements. The
indexing consists of changing the status field in the table EDR_IDX_XML_ELEMENT_B
and creating a section in the interMedia text index for the indexed XML element.
After creating or updating an indexed XML element, you must run this program again
in order to index the element.
Refer to Maintaining Indexed XML Elements, page 6-5 details on querying, updating,
and deleting indexed XML elements.
Refer to "Adding a New Indexed XML Element" for details on adding new XML

To submit the E-record Indexed XML Element Maintenance program:

1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

2. Enter E-record Indexed XML Element Maintenance in the Name field.

3. Click Submit.

3-14    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

4. View or print the report.

Security Rules
It is possible that your system is set up to run Oracle Internet Directory (OID). If so,
then you must do the following:
• Make sure you have Oracle Applications usernames and passwords for all users.

• Set the Applications SSO Login Types profile option to Both.

You must set up security rules on your system. Refer to "Setting Up Security Rules" for

Related Events
Related event mode lets you relate major events to multiple other events, in a
parent-child relationship. Some of the scenarios where related events can be
implemented are:
Mass Lot Creation
Many lots are created on one window and only one signature is required, but
individual e-records must be captured.
Mass Specifications
When a master specification is assigned to various organizations, the master
specification is signed, but creation of referenced organization specifications require
e-records and must be linked to the Master Specification.
Batch Release
Batch Release requires an e-signature, but lots created during this process only need an
e-record and must be linked to the Batch Release Event.

Setting Up Related Events

To ensure that the related event completes correctly, it must be set up as part of the
configuration variable for the parent event. Therefore, when the parent event and
related events are triggered, the processing can complete successfully.
The following scenarios depict invalid setup:
• If you have more than one e-record event subscription enabled for the parent event,
then an error displays when you try to perform the transaction.

• If you have more than one e-record event subscription for the parent event, and
they are all disabled, then an error displays when you try to perform the

Implementing E-records    3-15


• If you do not have any e-record subscriptions for the parent event, then an error
displays when you try to perform the transaction.

The following are valid setups:

• Only one e-record subscription either in enabled or disabled status.

• Only one e-record subscription enabled where you have more than one e-record
subscription defined for the event.

To set up a related event:

1. Navigate to the Business Events window in the Workflow Web Administrator

2. Locate the event that is designated as the parent event.

3. Click Subscription, then Update.

4. Enter a line with the name of the child event and the type of action to be taken in
the Action region, in the Parameter field.
The line looks like
An example of this is oracle.apps.edr.InterEvt.Event2=ERECORD_ONLY
The valid values are:
• EVALUATE_NORMAL - you want to consider the child as a regular e-record
event and proceed without any special processing.

• IGNORE_SIGNATURE - you want to consider the child as a regular ERES

event, but does not want to capture e-signatures.

• ERECORD_ONLY - you want to only capture the e-record for the child
transaction without evaluating or AME rules.

Setting Up Ad Hoc Signers

You can set up your system so that signers can be dynamically changed during the
signing process for a single document. Based on the setup, you can either not change
signers, add new signers, or add new signers and remove existing signers. This can be
set up at both the transaction and rule level, with the more stringent one taking
precedent. Therefore, if you have the transaction level set to add and remove signers,
but the rule level is set to add only, then you can only add users.
If this variable is not set up, then the functionality defaults to NONE.

3-16    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

To setup ad hoc signers:
1. Navigate to the Configuration Variables window by selecting ERES Administrator

2. Search for the event you want to put ad hoc signers on, and click Go.

3. Click Create to add a new variable.

4. Enter the variable name Adhoc Signer Capability.

5. Enter a description.

6. Change the data type to String.

7. Set the default value to NONE for no dynamic changes, ADHOC for adding new
signers, and ALL for adding new signers and deleting existing signers.

8. Click Apply.

Manually Enabling E-Records Only

The e-record framework lets you set an event capture with e-signature or e-record only.
But, when initiating an API where there is only an e-record needed, it is necessary to
also set the configuration variables correctly. You can set a flag programmatically when
running the API to set the program to capture an e-record only. This flag would
override anything in the configuration variables. For more details on enabling this flag,
refer to the Oracle E-Records Developer's Guide.

Enabling One-Step E-signatures

One-step e-signatures is a method of signature capture where all signatures are done on
a single window. In regular e-signatures, there are three windows that the signer sees.
The initial List of Signers page, the e-record itself, and the Signers page. In the
simplified version of the e-signatures, all signatures are done on one page, condensing
the signing process.
Like the regular signing process, the signer selects an approval or rejection, a reason,
and enters a username and password as unique identifiers.

Setting Up the One Step E-signatures Page

In order to set up the simplified e-signatures process, you must set the configuration
variable to E-Signature Mode. The values for this variable are SHORT or FULL. The
value FULL is the regular way of signing documents. You must set this variable to

Implementing E-records    3-17

SHORT to use the one-step e-signatures feature.
The rest of the set up for one-step e-signatures is the same as regular signing. You must
ensure that the AME setup is complete and the business events you want to use are
There are a few limitations associated with one step signatures;. you cannot use Ad Hoc
signers, digital signatures, and dynamic responses.

Setting Up Redlining
There are a number of transaction e-records that can change based on the transaction.
For example, you can change the status of a formula several times, each time creating a
new transactional e-record. The redlining functionality lets you set up change tracking
for both text and RTF e-records.
For an RTF e-record, the change tracking highlights removed items. You have the
option of setting the redlining feature to reflect changed information however you
For a text e-record, the body of the record has the text PREV before the old information
and CURR before the new information.
To set up the redlining functionality, you must add the configuration variable
REDLINE REQUIRED. If you want to use this functionality, you must set it to Yes.
To set up Redlining:
1. Navigate to the Configuration Variables.

2. Select a Transaction Name and click Go.

3. Click Create Transaction Variables.

4. In the Variable Name field select Redlining Required.

5. In the Value field enter Yes.

6. Click Apply.

Refer to the Oracle E-Records Developer's Cookbook Guide available on My Oracle Support
as Oracle Process Manufacturing Manuals and eTRMs-E-Records, note number
227397.1, for details on creating redlining templates.

Enabling E-Records in Mobile Supply Chain Applications

The demand for accurate, real-time information and the need to increase inventory
velocity throughout the supply chain drives rapid adoption of mobile computing for
inventory, logistics, and manufacturing. Mobile computers connected using Radio
Frequency (RF) to the network, combined with the use of automatic identification

3-18    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

techniques such as bar coding, permits activity execution, such as picking or receiving
an item, to be unified with the recording of that activity in the information system. This
approach virtually eliminates sources of error. It also reduces latency, increases work
efficiency, and reduces the complexity of the overall business process.
The addition of e-records and e-signatures to mobile devices gives you the same level of
compliance and security that the associated window offers.
The basic functionality remains the same when signing on the mobile device. Upon
completion of a transaction, the signature window displays, and can be signed online,
or deferred if the transaction allows. The deferred signing process continues in the
windows-based Workflow.
At the end of the signature process on the mobile device, the e-record is not
automatically displayed, due to space limitations. You can review the complete e-record
in the normal ERES Evidence Store. In addition, any attachments associated to the
transaction are viewable in the ERES Evidence Store in the text versions. The PDF
version is not supported for mobile supply chain applications.
Another limitation of the mobile signing is the inability to add Ad Hoc signers. All
signers must be set up in AME prior to initiating the transaction.
As with the windows-based e-records, the mobile counterpart offers the same
inter-event verification process, giving you the opportunity to test flows prior to using
Refer to the Oracle E-Records Developer's Guide for details on setting up of e-records and
e-signatures for Mobile Supply Chain Applications.

Force E-Record Generation

The ERES Framework can also capture E-records at the minimum, irrespective of the
setup. When the new event subscription parameter, FORCE_ERECORD is set to Y (yes),
then an e-record is captured irrespective of the configuration variables, status of the
profile options, with or without signatures, etc. If the option is set to N (No), then ERES
process continues normally.

Implementing E-records    3-19

Setting Up Security Rules

This topic describes how the e-records stored as XML documents in the database are a
repository of critical information that can be queried for reasons ranging from internal
users viewing information to regulatory authorities inspecting process records.
The information contained in these e-records can be confidential and critical to the
nature of the business. Therefore, access to these e-records must be restricted so that any
unauthorized entry is prevented.
Access to e-records must be based on the contents of the e-records. For example, you
can restrict access to all e-records having any reference to a particular formula
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Technical Requirements
• Setting Up Secure Elements
• Adding E-record Security Rules
• Security Rule Examples
• Maintaining E-record Security Rules
• Viewing Security Rule Details
• Updating Security Rules
• Deleting Security Rules
• Running the E-record Security Policy Administration Program

Technical Requirements
The technical requirements fulfilled by the security model are:
• You cannot delete an e-record once it is created.

• The view access is contingent on the content of the e-record and the event for which

Setting Up Security Rules    4-1

the e-record was created.

Setting Up Secure Elements

Before a security rule can be created using a particular XML element it has to be
identified as a secure element, the XML element must be indexed, and its usage must be
defined as a secure element.
Refer to Setting Up Indexed XML Elements, page 6-5 in the "Implementing Oracle
E-records" chapter.

Adding E-record Security Rules

Once the secure elements are created, you can create security rules.
There are two modes of operation that a user can configure at the site level. These
modes are determined by the profile option EDR: Security High, set at the Site level.
This value can be set to Yes or No and has a default value of No.

Warning: Do not change this setting once security configuration is


Restrict Mode (Low level security)

In this mode, access to e-records is granted by default and users or responsibilities can
be restricted as required. This is the default mode.

Grant Mode (High level security)

In this mode, access to e-records is restricted by default and users or responsibilities are
granted access to specific values.
Refer to Enabling Profile Options, page 3-2 in the "Implementing Oracle E-records"

Security Rule Examples

A security rule creates a restriction or grant statement such as:
Allow user James (user id: JASDE) to access e-records for event Formula Approval
having value Yeast for Formula Ingredient
In this example, Formula Ingredient is the secure element for the event Formula
Approval. Access to the value Yeast is granted to user id JASDE. Similarly, access to a
particular user can also be restricted for a specific value.
Using these security rules, access to the e-records for specific events is restricted based

4-2    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

on the contents of the e-records; specifically the value of the secure elements identified
at the time of secure element creation.
The comprehensive set of security rules supported by the security model lets you
provide content based security as follows:
• Grant a user access to an e-record based on its content.

• Grant a responsibility access to an e-record based on its content.

• Restrict a user's access to an e-record based on its content.

• Restrict a responsibility's access to an e-record based on its content.

• Grant a responsibility, but restrict a particular user within the responsibility, access
to an e-record based on its content.

• Restrict a responsibility, but grant a user within the responsibility, access to an

e-record based on its content.

To add a security rule:

1. Navigate to the Security Rules window.

2. Click Create Security Rule. The Create Security Rule window displays.

3. Enter the information for the security rule:

• Secure Element displays the name of the secure XML elements. Required.

• Event Name displays the name of the event.

• Secure Value displays the value of the secure element. In addition, you can use
special characters when creating the secure value. Required.

• User displays the user associated to that secure element.

• Responsibility displays the responsibility associated to that secure element.

• Access displays whether the element can be accessed or is restricted by default.


• Start Date displays the date the security becomes active. Required.

• End Date displays the date security is no longer active. This can be NULL,
leaving security active indefinitely.

4. Click Apply. A confirmation displays that the Security Rule is successfully created.

Setting Up Security Rules    4-3

5. Run the E-records Security Policy Administration program.
Refer to Running the E-records Security Policy Administration Program, page 4-6
for details.

Maintaining E-record Security Rules

The e-record security rules are used to restrict or grant access to e-records based on
their content. You can search, view, create, delete, and update security rules.
The search criteria is not case sensitive and handles trailing wild cards. For example,
searching for abc returns all matches for abc% and ABC%.

To view the security rules:

1. Navigate to the Security Rules window.

2. Enter search criteria, which can include one or many of the following:
• Secure Element displays any indexed XML event that has been set up with a
secure usage.

• Event Name displays all active events.

• User displays all system users.

• Responsibility displays any responsibilities set up in the system.

3. Click Go. The search results display. You can sort the information by clicking on
any heading that is active. The following information displays for each record:
• Secure Element displays the name of the secure XML elements.

• Event Name displays the name of the event.

• Secure Value displays the value of the secure element.

• User displays the user associated to that secure element.

• Responsibility displays the responsibility associated to that secure element.

• Access displays whether the element can be accessed or is restricted by default.

• Details lets you drill down into the details of that record.

• Update lets you update the record.

• Delete lets you delete the record.

4-4    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Viewing Security Rule Details
You can view the security rule details. You cannot change any information about the
security rule from this window.

To view the details of a security rule:

1. Navigate to the Security Rules window.

2. View the detail information.

3. Click Back to return to the previous window.

Updating Security Rules

Security rules can be updated from this window. After security rules are changed, you
must run the Security Policy Administration program for these changes to take effect.

To update a security rule:

1. Click Update from the Security Rules window. The Update Security Rules
window displays.

2. Update the desired information. You cannot update Secure Element, Event Name,
Secure Value, User, and Responsibility. You can update the following:
• Access displays whether the element can be accessed or is restricted by default.

• Start Date displays the date the security becomes active. Required.

• End Date displays the date security is no longer active. This can be null, leaving
security active indefinitely.

3. Click Apply.

4. Run the E-records Security Policy Administration program. Refer to Running ,

page 4-6the E-records Security Policy Administration Program for details.

Deleting Security Rules

You can delete all security rules from this window.

Setting Up Security Rules    4-5

To delete a security rule:
1. Click Delete from the Security Rule window. The message Are you sure you want
to delete this Security Rule? displays.

2. Click Yes to delete the rule, and No to cancel the delete.

3. Run the E-records Security Policy Administration program.

Refer to Running the E-records Security Policy Administration Program, page 4-6
for details.

Running the E-record Security Policy Administration Program

You must run this program to enable security on the Evidence Store.

To run the E-record Security Policy Administration program:

1. Navigate to the Submit Request window.

2. Enter E-records Security Policy Administration in the Name field. The Parameters
dialog box displays. The Action field is set to either Add or Drop.

3. Click OK. The Submit Request window displays.

4. Complete the fields on the Submit Request window and click Submit.

5. View or print the report.

4-6    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide


This topic describes using attachments with Oracle E-Records, the types of attachments
available, and how attachments are stored.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Types of Documents
• ERP Documents
• Uploading Documents
• Document Status
• Security
• Checklist Functionality
• Uploading Documents
• Querying Documents
• Viewing Document Details
• Updating a Document
• Deleting Documents
• Sending Documents for Approval
• Signing a Document
• Signing With E-Initials
• Updating Signers
• Adding Signers
• Reordering Signers
• Managing Templates Using iSignatures
• Linking a Document to a WebsiteLinking a Document to a Website

iSignatures    5-1
Types of Documents
Electronic records store the snapshot of an ERES event in Oracle Applications. Along
with capturing the main transactional details of the event in an XML format, you can
store an attachment related to the key business entities involved in the ERES event.
These attachments become part of the e-record and e-record storage.
There are two types of attachments:
ERP Documents
Attachments related to the business entities involved in the transaction being snapshot
by an e-record. For example, attachments related to a recipe, which is being changed by
an ERES event. These attachments are currently attached to different business entities.
These attachments are already stored in Oracle Applications.
Non-ERP Documents
Attachments directly related to an e-record entity. For example, a standard operating
procedure (SOP) followed during the transaction being snapshot by an e-record. These
attachments are attached only to e-records directly. These records must be uploaded
into Oracle Applications using Files Approval.

ERP Documents
When e-signatures is enabled for a transaction that allows attachments, the attachments
are sent through the signature process with the transaction. The attachment is captured
as part of the e-record, and once the signature process is complete, the attachment is
stored with the e-record.
When the e-record is queried, either by transaction or generic, the attachment is
available for viewing.
For setup information, refer to the Oracle E-Records Developers Cookbook available on My
Oracle Support as Oracle Process Manufacturing Manuals and eTRMs-E-Records, note
number 227397.1 for details.

Uploading Documents
You can upload a document using Files Approval. Each document is assigned a
category, which contains rules for the approval process. Each category has fifteen
descriptive flexfield segments that can be used to store information about the
documents in that category.
When a document is in either the No Approval Required or Approved status, you can
attach the document to an E-Business entity using the Oracle Applications Attachments

5-2    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Document Approval Modes
Files Approval has two modes, user and administrator. Depending on how you are
logged in, you can either upload, update, and delete all files, or only the files where you
are the author.
• From the iSignature Administrator responsibility, you can upload, update, delete,
and send for approval all documents in the system.

• From the iSignature User responsibility, you can upload documents, and update,
delete, and send for approval only those documents that you own. You can only
view documents you did not author.

Document Status
There are five statuses for a document:
This is the default value for all documents when they are first uploaded.
A document is approved after all signers approve it.
Waiting for Approval
A document is waiting for approval when it is in the approval process, but not all
signoffs have been completed.
A document is rejected when one signer rejects the document. Rejected documents are
not published and are not available for attaching to ERP entities.
Approval Not Required
When approvals for a document are not required, set the status to No Approval
Required. No rules are required to be set for this document status. If you send the
document for approvals after upload, then it is automatically set to Approval Not

The following rules are set to determine what privileges you have based on the status of
a document.

iSignatures    5-3
Operations New Approved Waiting for Rejected Approval
Approval Not

Update Yes No No No No

Delete Yes No No No No

Overwrite Yes No No No No

Send for Yes No No No No


Checklist Functionality
The checklist functionality lets you set up a verification checklist that is uploaded with
the document into the iSignatures system. The checklist is a PDF form that contains
fields to be entered answering questions about the file being uploaded. This form can be
empty fields that you enter information into, or they can have validation against them
based on setup in Adobe Acrobat.
The checklist can be created by any product that lets you turn the file into a PDF. Then,
the document is edited in Adobe Acrobat to have logic and buttons added to make it a
usable form.
The file must be uploaded into the iSignatures system under the EDR iSign Checklist
Templates category, and must be in either the Approved or Approval Not Required
status. You must set up three configuration variables to activate the checklist. These
• Checklist Required - valid values are Y, yes the checklist is required and N, no
checklist is required.

• Checklist Template - enter the full name of the PDF file, including the version.

• Checklist Template Version - enter the version number of the checklist.

When a document is uploaded into iSignatures, the checklist appears after the Apply
button is clicked. Then, you enter information into the checklist and click the checklist
Submit button. As the document moves through the signature process the checklist can
be updated. In the e-record, the checklist link is under the Related Applications section.

Coding for Checklist

In Adobe Acrobat, some code has to be added to the top of the PDF file to enable some

5-4    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

validation, including the Submit button.
• Add the following text fields as hidden in the PDF document:





• Create a button named SUBMIT as Hidden. You can set the display name under the
Options tab.

• You must attach a javascript to the Submit button. Navigate to the button properties
and under the Actions tab --> Mouse Up --> Add --> Type Submit Form --> Select
Url. The URL must be
• Make sure you have the fields as shown here

• Export format - HTML Form

• Include empty fields

• All fields

• Set page action to the template, Navigate to Document-Set Page Action. On page
open add the following javascript for Page Open action

var submit_on = this.getField("SUBMIT_ENABLED").value;

if (submit_on == "Y")

Uploading Documents
When a document is captured, it has an associated category. Each category can have up
to 15 descriptive flexfields. This information is stored in the database with the
document, and can be used to search for the document.

iSignatures    5-5
The list of categories can be restricted by modifying the value set
EDR_FILE_CATEGORIES to include a WHERE clause. The clause defines the categories
to appear in the category list of values.

To upload a document into the file approval system:

1. Navigate to the Files Approval window.

2. Click Upload File. The File Upload window displays.

3. Select the Category for the document. The list is a value set that can be modified
through the System Administration responsibility. Each category has rules set up in
AME that determine the approval process. Required.

4. Based on the category selected, the window displays all descriptive flexfield
segments set up for the category. Some of these fields are required. Complete all
necessary fields based on the category.

5. Click Browse to select the document to upload. Required.

6. Enter a Description of the document. This field has a maximum of 255 characters
and supports MLS.

7. Select the If File Exists option. Required. Valid values are:

• Don't Overwrite displays an error if the document already exists in the system.
You must either select a different document or select one of the other two

• Overwrite replaces the last version of the document.

• Version Existing File versions the new document based on the version label
entered. Default.

8. Enter a Version Label.

9. Click Apply. A message displays that the file is uploaded.

10. Query the documents to see the document in the list. You can update, delete, see
details, or send the file for approval.

Querying Documents
When you query a document, you can view all documents in the system, or narrow
your search using the available criteria. The search criteria is not case sensitive and
handles trailing wildcards. For example, searching for abc returns all matches for abc%

5-6    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

and ABC%.
The Advanced Search option lets you search for the documents based on the
descriptive flexfield information associated to the document.

To query uploaded documents:

1. Navigate to the Files Approval window.

2. Search for documents in the system. You can enter criteria to narrow your search.
Enter at least one search criteria.
• Select a file name using the list of values.

• Select a category to see all documents in that category.

• Select an author to see all documents uploaded by one person.

• Select a status to see all documents in a specific status. Valid values are:
Approved, Not Approved, Waiting for Approval, Rejected, Approval Not
Required, All.

3. Click Go. The search results display. The following information displays for each
• File Name displays the concatenated name of the file and the file version. For
example, the file test.doc at version 1.0 is shown as file_v_1.0.doc.

• Version denotes if the file has previous version. Click Details to see the other

• Category displays the category for the file.

• Status displays the status the document is currently in.

• Description displays the long description of the document.

• Uploaded By displays the name of the person who uploaded the file.

• Last Modified is the last time the document or information about the document
was changed.

4. Click Details to see more information about the document and its history.

5. Click Update to change information about the document.

6. Click Delete to delete the document from the system. Refer to Security, page 5-3 for
information on which documents can be deleted.

iSignatures    5-7
7. Click Send for Approval to begin the approval process for the document.

Viewing Document Details

Viewing the details of a document includes all information stored in the flexfields, as
well as the information about all previous versions of the file. In addition, you can open
and view all versions of the file from this window. You can view all documents and
their properties logged in as either user or administrator.

To view details of a document:

1. Click Details for the record. The File Details: <filename> window displays. This
window displays all information about every version of the file. The header
information is the current document and all flexfields that were defined for that
category. The rest of the window displays information about all other versions of
the file. This information includes:
• A link to the document and the flexfield information about the e-record

• Information about the signers of the document, including the name of the
signers, their response and the date signed, the reason given, the signer type,
comments entered during signing, and any overriding details about the signer

• Name of the potential signers, if they have not yet signed the record

• The version history of the document, including the file name, category,
approval status, description, who uploaded the file and when, and any details

2. Click the File Name attachment to see the document. The document opens using
standard browser plug-ins based on the document type. You can save a copy of the
document to your hard drive, but you cannot make edits to the attached copy.

Updating a Document
The information about the document, stored in the descriptive flexfield segments, can
be updated. If you change the category of a versioned document, then that becomes the
first version of a new category for that document. This is not available if the document
is approved.
If you are logged into user mode, then you can only update documents you own. If you
do not own the document, then the icon is disabled.

To update a document:
1. Click Update for the selected record on the Files Approval window. The Update

5-8    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

File: <filename> window displays.

2. Update desired fields. If you change the category, then the flexfields change based
on the new category.

3. Click Apply.

Deleting Documents
Documents can be deleted from the system based on their status. Refer to Security, page
5-3 to see which documents can be deleted.
If you are logged into user mode, then you can only delete documents you own. If you
do not own the document, then the icon is disabled.

To delete a document:
1. Click Delete for the selected record on the Files Approval window. A warning
window displays.

2. Click Yes to delete the document.

Sending Documents for Approval

All documents must be sent through an approval process. Based on the rules set up for
a category, the document runs through an approval process, either online or by sending
notifications to everyone who must sign a document. If a document is rejected by
anyone in the signing group, then all other notifications are closed, and a new
notification is sent to say that the document was rejected or a message displays saying
the signing process was rejected.
When a document is uploaded into the system, it is in a New status. This is the only
time a document can be sent for approval. All other statuses occur after the approval
process begins.
After a document is sent for approval, all approvers receive a notification in their
Workflow notifications list. The document is approved or rejected and signed.
If the rules for a category are set for no approvals, then you must click Send for
Approvals for that document, but it is immediately set to Approval Not Required.
If you are logged into user mode, then you can only send for approval documents you

The Approval Process

The approval process follows several paths based on how the system is configured. You
can sign online or deferred, or deferred allowed, which does both. In addition, you can

iSignatures    5-9
add dynamic users to the signing process for that document, and remove existing users,
depending on the setup of the system.

To send a document for approval:

1. Select the file to send for approval.

2. Click Send for Approval. The List of Signers window displays.

Signing a Document
The List of Signers window displays all the people required to sign the document. In
addition, you can see any overriding details about the signers. So, if someone sets their
signing rules to someone else while on vacation, you see the original signer's name as
well as the overriding signer's name.
After signing has begun, you can also see the time the person signed the document, the
signature type, and any other additional comments the signer includes. The status of a
signer changes from pending to completed after the signing process is complete.

Note: The following steps are for a FULL signing implementation. If

your system is set up for e-initials, then only the signing window
displays. Also, you cannot set up Ad Hoc signers with e-initials. For
details on e-initials, refer to the section on Implementing E-Records.

To sign a document online:

1. Navigate to the List of Signers window by sending a document for approval.

2. The following information displays:

• The window displays the detailed information about the e-record being signed.
This information includes the Event Name, Filename if a document was
uploaded in iSignatures, whether the event has Defer Signatures Allowed, the
E-Record ID, and the Timestamp for the record.
• The Sequence is the order each user signs.

• The Signer is the username or user ID of the signer.

• The Signature Type is populated after signing, and is the type of signer.
For example, reviewer or author.

• The Additional field is only populated after ad hoc users are added. This
then denotes that the signer was added dynamically only for this

5-10    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide


• The Status field displays where your signature is at that time. Before you
sign it is Pending, and after you sign it is Complete.

• The Signature Time is the time that you signed the document.

• Click the Sign icon to begin the online signing process.

• Overriding Details displays any changes made to that signer.

3. View any related events associated to the current event. In the E-signatures History
section, there is a References section that contains links to any parent or child events
related to the current event. During the signing process, these events are available
through the link. These events are viewed based on the following scenarios:
• If there is a single parent or child event, then when you click the Related
E-Records link, you are taken to the evidence store details page that displays an
appropriate message along with the e-record details. You can then return to the
notification details page by clicking the Return to E-signature Process link at the
end of the page.

• If there are multiple child or parent events, then the Related E-records page
displays listing the parent and child e-records. You can view any of the records
from this page, and use the breadcrumbs to navigate back.

4. Click the Sign icon on the List of Signers window next to your name. The
E-signature Event window displays. This window includes all the e-record header
information, as well as the flexfield information about the record, and a link to the
attached document.

5. Answer the prompt I have read the e-record at the bottom of the window.

6. Select a Signing Reason, if applicable.

7. Enter a Signer Comment, if applicable.

8. Select the appropriate Signature Type. You can also configure this list in the

9. Click Approve to complete the signing process, Reject to fail the document, or
Cancel to stop the signing process. Cancel brings you back to the List of Signers
window. If the document is approved or rejected, then the Sign window displays.
This window displays the information entered into the previous window.

10. Enter your username and password to sign the document.

iSignatures    5-11
11. Click Submit to view the Confirmation window. Cancel brings you back to the
previous window.

12. Ensure that all the information on the Confirmation window is correct. This
information includes the name of the event, the e-record ID, the identfier, the
identifier value, and the current status of the e-record.

13. Click OK to complete the process.

To defer the signing process:

1. Click Submit on the List of Signers window. This can be done before anyone has
signed, or after people have begun to sign.

2. The message Are you sure you want to defer the e-signature process. On deferring
the e-signature, offline workflow notifications would be sent out for obtaining
the e-signature appears. Click Yes to defer the signing process and view the
Confirmation window or No to return to the List of Signers window.

3. Ensure that all the information on the Confirmation window is correct. This
information includes the name of the event, the e-record ID, the identifier, the
identifier value, and the current status of the e-record.

4. Click OK to complete the process.

5. The Files Approval window displays, and notifications are sent to all the signers.

Signing With E-Initials

If you have set up your system to sign with e-initials, then the E-signatures window
displays, rather than the List of Signers window.

To sign with e-initials:

1. Select the file to send for approval.

2. Click Send for Approval. The E-signatures window displays. The following
information displays:
• The window displays the detailed information about the e-record being signed.
This information includes the Event Name, Filename if a document was
uploaded in iSignatures, whether the event has Defer Signatures Allowed, the
E-Record ID, and the Timestamp for the record.

• The Sequence is the order each user signs.

5-12    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

3. Enter the Signature Type, which is the type of signer. For example, reviewer or
author. This list is configurable in Workflow.

4. Select a Response, which is either Approve or Reject. Depending on how the

system is set up, if the response entered is Reject, no other signer can continue, the
process is terminated.

5. Enter any Comments, if applicable.

6. Enter your username and password to sign the document.

7. Click the Sign icon to complete the signature process.

8. Click Submit after all signatures are obtained.

Updating Signers
Based on system setup, you can update the list of existing signers for a document. This
change is only for the single document being sent for approvals.

To update the signers:

1. Click Update Signers on the List of Signers window. The Update Signers window

2. From this window, you can delete a signer, add new signers, or continue through to
reordering signers.

To delete a signer:
1. Click the Delete icon next to the name of the person to be deleted on the Update
Signers page. A message displays Are you sure you want to remove this default

2. Click Yes to delete the signer, and Cancel to return to the previous window.

Adding Signers
Adding signers can include adding a single person, or a group of people. No one can be
added twice. So, if someone is a single signer to a document and a group is added that
the signer is part of, then the rest of the group is added, but that signer is not added

iSignatures    5-13
To add signers:
1. Click Add Signer on the Update Signers window. The Add Signer window

2. Select the search criteria or enter a name or partial name with wildcard. You can
search by Group, User, or User ID.
• If you search by User or User ID, then the list of names displays.
• If you search by Group, the individual users display, with the name of the
AME groups they are associated to.

• Any overriding details display for the users.

3. Select the users or group you want to add as signers. If the user or group is already
part of the signing list, then the select box is disabled.

4. Click Apply. The Reorder Signers window displays.

Reordering Signers
You can change the order of the signers. This change is only valid for the document you
are signing. This window does not appear if your event is set up for parallel signing.

To reorder signers:
1. Select the name of the signer to move.

2. Click the up or down arrows to move one space at a time, or click the top or bottom
arrows to move to the beginning or end of the list.

3. When you have finished reordering the users, or you do not want to change the
order, click Finish. The List of Signers window displays.

Managing Templates Using iSignatures

Oracle E-Records supports both XSL and RTF stylesheets. A stylesheet is uploaded into
the system using the EDR E-record Templates category.
For XSL stylesheets, there can be a subscription enabled, XSL Upload. If the
subscription is enabled for the event, then after approvals are complete, the stylesheet
moves to the XSL repository and can be used to create new e-records. Update the input
configuration variables for the event to recognize the new stylesheet name and version.
For RTF stylesheets, after being uploaded into the system, the file is processed using the

5-14    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Oracle XML Publisher API. The RTF template is uploaded into the XDO repository and
centrally controlled by XDO. An XDO API then generates the PDF. The subscription
RTF Upload must be enabled. The file is stored in the XDO Repository. Refer to the
Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide for more details.
Oracle E-Records includes the print count as part of the header information when
printing e-records. Therefore, you must not include print count as part of your RTF

Linking a Document to a Website

You can link to an iSignatures document from a web site. The document that appears is
based on the version, so if a new version is uploaded, then either the link needs to
change or you can continue to point to the older version of the document.

The GetDocument.htm File

You must create a document named GetDocument.htm and place it in a public
directory. This is an example of the GetDocument.htm file.

iSignatures    5-15
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>iSign Repository</title>
<script language="javascript">
<!-- Define the isign host name and port -->
var isign_host = "";

<!-- Define the dbc filename without extension -->

var dbcfile = "";
<!-- Define the protocol -->
var protocol = "http";

<!-- Define the path for OA.jsp -->

var oajsp =

<!-- do not modify these variables -->

var url = protocol + "://" + isign_host +

var filecategory = "";
var filename ="";
var uname= ;
var idx ='$');

<!-- get the handle to the url search and

pick the filename and category -->
valLength = uname.length ;
if (idx != -1) {
var pairs = uname.substring(1,
filecategory = pairs[0];
filename = pairs[1];


<!-- attach a random number to the url, to
avoid caching issues -->
var rand = Math.random();

url = url + "&rand=" + rand;

if (filecategory != null && filecategory !=
url = url + "&fileCategory=" +
if (filename != null && filename != "")

5-16    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

url = url + "&fileName=" + filename;

<!-- create frameset to not expose

the isign url -->
document.write("<frameset border=0
frameborder=no framespacing=0 rows=\"*\">");
document.write("<frame name='isign'
src='" + url + "' frameborder='no' scrolling='auto' noresize
marginheight=10 marginwidth=10 framespacing=0>");

document.write("Viewing this page
requires a browser capable of displaying frames");

<!-- throw error if filename is not a

part of the url -->


document.write("Invalid url


Setting Up the URL

The beginning of every URL must be:

The ... must be replaced with the location of the GetDocument.htm file.
The end of every link is a combination of the category and filename. For example, if the
URL is pointing to a Technical Design with the name isign_v1.1.txt, then the end of the
link is:

Therefore, the entire link is:


iSignatures    5-17
Maintaining Oracle E-Records

Oracle E-Records has utilities that let you maintain your system. You can view XML
and e-record information from within the application. This information can be used to
verify XML and XSL information, as well as e-record layouts prior to the event being
used. You can also update or delete existing indexed XML elements, or add new
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Generating XML
• Generating E-Record Documents
• Validating E-record Events
• Validation Information Details
• Adding a New Indexed XML Element
• Maintaining Indexed XML Elements
• Viewing Indexed XML Element Details
• Updating Indexed XML Elements
• Deleting Indexed XML Elements
• Running the Oracle E-records XML Element Synchronization Program
• Running the Oracle E-records XML Element Optimization Program
• Purging Temporary E-record Tables
• Framework Verification
• Using the Single Event Framework Verification Window
• Inter Event Framework Verification
• Working With Test Scenarios
• Adding a New Event to a Test Scenario
• Raising a New Event After Event Approval

Maintaining Oracle E-Records    6-1

Generating XML
The XML Generator window is used to generate an XML document using a specific
map code and document ID. The resulting XML document is then displayed for
technical review, or subsequently copied into the e-record generator with an XSL style
document to view the readable electronic record.
Developers can use this utility to verify if their XML mapping is correct.

To generate XML:
1. Navigate to the XML Generator window by selecting Generate XML.

2. Select the Event Map Code from the list of values. The map code is created in XML

3. Enter the Event Key, which is the value for the root element.

4. Click Generate. The XML is generated and then displayed on the window. Click
Clear All to start over.

Generating E-Record Documents

The E-record Generator window lets you see the e-record format based on given XML
and XSL documents. If you need to make changes to your XML or XSL, once the
changes are made, then rerun this utility to see the new e-record format. Once the XSL
is correct, upload it into the database for it to take effect for any generated e-records.

To generate an e-record document:

1. Navigate to the E-record Generator window by selecting Generate E-record

2. Paste your XML document into the XML field. Required.

3. Paste your XSL style document into the XSL field. Required.

4. Click Generate. The format for the e-record document displays. Click Clear All to
start over.

Validating E-record Events

This feature enables customers and users to validate whether the required setup for any
business event is complete. A user selects the business event and transaction key, and
the application checks all the setup required such as profile options, configuration

6-2    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

variables, approval setup, workflow subscriptions and e-record templates to enable a
business event for e-signatures. Users can review approvers, approval rules, and
associated input configuration variable values. The user can validate generated XML
and e-record formats and content before deploying it to the production environment.
Some of the use cases for this utility, include:
• A developer implementing e-signature for a transaction can review the final XML in
order to create the AME transaction attribute definitions (which require XPATH
expressions to be written using the final XML).

• A developer implementing e-signature for a transaction completes development

and wants to test the setup for a particular instance of a business transaction. This
transaction can have data that is different from the data in the raw XML file used to
create the map at development time.

• A developer modifies the XML map for the transaction and wants to validate the
setup based on the new map.

• An Administrator makes changes in the AME rules with new approvers for a new
set of rules and wants to validate the setup.

You can select data either from a database to verify already transacted information, or
from an object, when you have raw XML, and want to test how it can be transformed. In
addition, if you complete a transaction with failures, you can turn on the EDR:
Developer Mode profile option putting the system into debug mode, rerun the event,
and the raw XML is stored in the EDR_RAW_XML_TL table.
Refer to "Running E-record Event Setup Verification report" for additional information.

To validate a database data source:

1. Navigate to the Validate Event window.

2. Enter the Event name you want to validate.

3. Select the Database Data Source.

4. Enter the Event Key you want to validate against.

5. Click Validate. The Event Details window displays with all the current information
about the selected event.

To validate a view object data source:

1. Navigate to the Validate Event window.

2. Enter the Event name you want to validate.

Maintaining Oracle E-Records    6-3

3. Select the View Object Data Source.

4. Enter the Raw XML Payload you want to use for the validation. If you have run the
event in Developer Mode then you do not need to enter the XML Payload, as the
system pulls the information from the EDR_RAW_XML_TL table.

5. Enter the Event Key you want to validate against.

6. Click Validate. The Event Details window displays with all the current information
about the selected event.

Validation Information Details

The Event Details window displays information about the event and event key
combination you are validating.

Profile Options
This section displays two profile options that are critical to the setup of e-records. These
are EDR: E-records and E-signatures and Server Time Zone.

Meta Data
The meta data section displays information about the business event, the business event
subscriptions and their associated parameters. If this information is not correct,
navigate to the Workflow Business Events window to make any necessary changes.

Run Time Data

The run time data section displays information about the AME rules, approvers, and
any routing rule overrides that are currently set up. To change this information, you
must navigate to the Oracle Approval Management window and complete the setup.
In addition, this section displays all the configuration variable information. If this
information is not correct, navigate to the Configuration Variables window to make any
necessary changes.

XML Payload
The XML payload section displays the raw XML as it is currently set for this event.
Click Export to download this XML to your machine so you can make changes to it.

The e-record section displays the actual e-record for this event. This can be either a text
version or RTF version, depending on how the e-record is set up.

6-4    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Adding a New Indexed XML Element
When creating an indexed XML element, it can be defined as a query element, a secure
element, or both. A query element is used in the E-record Query window and lets you
view e-records based on one or many elements. A secure element is used to set up
security rules. Restrict or grant access based on an element.

To add an indexed XML element:

1. Navigate to the XML Elements window.

2. Click Create Element. The Create XML Element window displays.

3. Enter the Owner Application short name. Required.

4. Enter the Display Name. This name appears in the generic query when querying
e-records and the page used to create security rules. Required.

5. Enter the XML Element. Only the XML elements belonging to the ERES events of
the particular application are shown in the list of values. Required.

6. Enter the name of the Document Type Definition. The DTDs in the list of values
contain the element already selected. You then select a DTD knowing which event it
applies to. Normally, this is left blank.

7. Enter the Description, which is an internal descriptive name for the element.

8. Select the Query Element and Secure Element options where applicable. The
Query Element option lets you see this element on the E-record Query window, and
the Secure Element option lets you use the element for setting up security rules.

9. Click Apply. The element is created in a non-indexed state.

10. Run the E-record Indexed XML Element Maintenance program. Refer to "Setting
Up Indexed XML Elements, page 3-14" for details.

Maintaining Indexed XML Elements

All e-records are XML documents consisting of many XML elements. An XML element
which is indexed and used for special purposes such as querying or creating security
rules is called an Indexed XML Element.
The search criteria is not case sensitive and handles trailing wild cards. For example,
searching for abc returns all matches for abc% and ABC%.

Maintaining Oracle E-Records    6-5

To query an indexed XML element:
1. Navigate to the XML Element window.

2. Search for elements in the system. You can enter criteria to narrow your search.
• Enter the XML Element name.

• Enter the Display Name.

• Enter the Status of the Element. Required. Valid options are:

• Indexed displays only indexed XML elements

• Not Indexed displays all non-indexed XML elements

• All displays all XML elements

3. Click Go. The elements display in the Results section of the window. The following
information displays for each record:
• Owner displays the product family that owns the element.

• Display Name displays the long description name of the element.

• XML Element displays the name of the element.

• Document Type Definition displays the DTD that the element is from.

• Status displays whether the element is Indexed or Not Indexed. An indexed

element can be used for searching e-records and creating security rules if they
have been identified as query or secure elements. A non-indexed element is
indexed by running the E-record Indexed XML Element Maintenance

Viewing Indexed XML Element Details

You can view the details for the Indexed XML elements. You cannot make any changes
from this window.

To view details of an indexed XML element:

1. Click Details for the element. The XML Element:<element_name> window

2. View details about the element including the General Details, Element Usage, and

6-6    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Event Details.

Updating Indexed XML Elements

Basic information about an element can be updated. You can add or change the
Document Type Definition (DTD), add a description for the element, and modify
whether the element is Query or Secure.

To update an indexed XML element:

1. Click Update from the XML Element window. The Update XML Indexed window

2. Make any modifications to the element information:

• Add or change the Document Type Definition Name.

• Add or change the Definition of the element.

• Change the Query Element and Secure Element options.

3. Click Apply.

4. Run the E-record Indexed XML Element Maintenance program. Refer to "Setting
Up Indexed XML Elements, page 3-14" for details.

Deleting Indexed XML Elements

To delete an indexed XML element:

1. Click Delete from the XML Indexed Element window. A warning window

2. Click Yes to delete the element.

3. Run the E-record Indexed XML Element Maintenance program. Refer to "Setting
Up Indexed XML Elements, page 3-14" for details.

Running the Oracle E-records XML Element Synchronization Program

When new, deleted, or changed XML elements are synchronized into the system, they
are available for query on all existing records in the system. To make them available for
query on new elements, the Oracle E-records XML Element Synchronization Program
must be run.

Maintaining Oracle E-Records    6-7

This program is run in the background as a cron job. It is run as often as necessary,
based on the amount of querying done in your system. For example, if your system has
several hundred records entered every day, and there is a need to have the ability to
query these records immediately, then have this program run every hour.

To schedule the Oracle E-records XML Element Synchronization Program:

1. Navigate to the Submit Request window from the ERES Administrator

2. Enter Oracle E-records XML Element Synchronization Program in the Name field.

3. Click Schedule.

4. Select the necessary information to schedule the program and save the new

5. Click Submit.

6. View or print the report.

Running the Oracle E-records XML Element Optimization Program

When indexes are added, changed, or deleted the system does not remove the old
information and replace it with the new information. Instead, new rows are added
which over time causes fragmentation of the table. This can cause performance
problems during query. The Oracle E-records XML Element Optimization Program
cleans up the fragmented information to help improve performance. This program can
be run as often as needed, based on the use of your system.

To submit the Oracle E-records XML Element Optimization Program:

1. Navigate to the Submit Request window from the ERES Administrator

2. Enter Oracle E-records XML Element Optimization Program in the Name field.

3. Enter the Optimization Level. Valid options are Fast which only defragments the
table and Full which defragments the table and removes old data.

4. Enter the Minutes for each optimization which determines the number of minutes
the program runs.

5. Click Submit.

6. View or print the report.

6-8    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Purging Temporary E-record Tables
In Oracle E-records, temporary tables are populated to complete the signature process
and for reporting purposes. The tables used for these purposes are EDR_ERECORDS,
EDR_ESIGNATURES, and EDR_TRANS_QUERY_TEMP. Once the process is complete
and all reporting is done, the data is no longer used. This program lets you clean these

To purge data in temporary E-record tables:

1. Navigate to the Submit Request window from the ERES Administrator

2. Enter E-records Temporary Data Cleanup in the Name field.

3. Click Submit.

Framework Verification
The Framework Verification window lets you test the components of the framework
without dependencies to any other products. This lets you validate the framework
setup in an environment separate from setups in Oracle Applications.
The Framework Verification window can be used in four modes; deferred allowed,
online only, offline only, and offline using forms library. The difference between offline
and offline using forms library is that it invokes the AddTransaction and POST Forms
Commit procedures. These procedures now support DB mode being passed as a
parameter. Now, the corresponding files are modified to handle the DB mode as a
parameter to the Add Transaction call.
The Oracle Application Framework (OAF) can also be enabled for e-records and
e-signatures, without any additional setup required.
You can use attachments with this verification utility. The attached files are shown
along with the e-record.
This window also supports descriptive flexfields. When an e-record is generated, you
can see all the flexfield information associated to that e-record.
The following components are added to use with this window, which have no
connection to any other product:
• A model to support inserts and updates from a window.

• An Oracle window that acts on the above data model with attachments and
descriptive flexfields enabled.

• A business event that is raised from the above window when an insert happens.

Maintaining Oracle E-Records    6-9

• An Approval Management Transaction that represents the approval matrix.

• DTD and XML maps that represent the business event data.

• An XSL stylesheet that represents the e-record.

• The ability to have Multilingual Support (MLS).

• Debug mode

• Multiple Query modes

Using the Single Event Framework Verification Window

The Single Event Framework Verification window can be used for testing different
aspects of the framework setup. Different fields are populated based on the part of the
framework you are testing.

To enable Single Event Framework Verification:

1. Verify that the EDR: E-records and E-Signatures profile option is set to Yes.

2. Verify that the Framework Verification Event (oracle.apps.edr.framework.test)

subscription is enabled.

3. Navigate to Transaction Type Configuration Variables and set


4. Create an approval group in AME with at least two approvers.

5. Define a Rule and associate approval group. This step is mandatory to test
e-signatures from the Framework Verification window.

To request an e-signature on the Single Event Framework Verification window:

1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

2. Enter the information for the test record:

• Test No. is a new, unique, alphanumeric ID for this test record. After it is saved,
it can be used again in query mode. Required.

• Description is a short description of the test record.

• Numeric Value is any number for testing numeric format in the framework

6-10    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

• Date Value is a date entered based on the system date configuration that lets
you test the date format in the framework setup.

• Debug Mode can be set to On or Off. If it is set on, then messages of what is
happening during process display.

• Signature Mode can be online only, offline only, deferred, or offline using
forms library. This is required when raising an ERES event.

• Query Key Type tells the EDR_STANDARD package how to build the where
clause when form call for transaction query from the E-record Details option on
the Actions menu. It is required only when you want to see the e-record details.
The valid values are:
• Append %When the event Key is passed to
EDR_STANDARD.PSIG_QUERY, it builds dynamic SQL for the event key
as ' event_key like '||event_key||'%'.

• Prepend %When the event key is passed to

EDR_STANDARD.PSIG_QUERY, it builds dynamic SQL for the event key
as ' event_key like '||'%' ||event_key.

• Apply % Both SidesWhen event Key is passed to

EDR_STANDARD.PSIG_QUERY, it builds dynamic SQL for the event key
as ' event_key like '||'%' ||event_key||'%'.

• Use Equal ConditionWhen the event key is passed to

EDR_STANDARD.PSIG_QUERY, it builds dynamic SQL for the event key
as ' event_key = '|event_key.

• Signature Status is not an active field. It displays the current state of the test
record. This field is initially blank, but changes to the status of the current
record as it goes through the signature process.

• The Descriptive Flexfield lets you enter information into a number of flexfield
attributes. You can then see this information on the e-record.

To verify partial online (deferred allowed) mode:

1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

2. Enter required data.

3. Set Signature Mode to Deferred Allowed.

4. Save the record. The signature process starts.

Maintaining Oracle E-Records    6-11

5. Complete the signature process for one user and click Finish.

6. Close the window and respond to the message window. This sets the signature
status to Pending.

7. Navigate to the worklist of the next approver and respond to the notification. If the
second user also approves, then when you query the record it displays as Complete.
If the second user rejects, then it displays as Rejected assuming there are only two
users in the approval group.

To verify partial offline only mode:

1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

2. Enter required data.

3. Set Signature Mode to Offline only.

4. Save the record. This sets the signature status to Pending.

5. Navigate to the approvers worklist and respond to the notification.

6. Repeat Step 5 for all approvers.

To verify partial offline using forms library mode:

1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

2. Enter required data.

3. Set Signature Mode to Offline using forms library.

4. Save the record. This sets the signature status to Pending.

5. Navigate to the approvers worklist and respond to the notification.

6. Repeat Step 5 for all approvers.

To verify online only mode:

1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

2. Enter required data.

3. Set Signature Mode to Online only.

6-12    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

4. Save the record. This sets the signature status to Pending. The signature windows

5. Complete the signature process for one user and click Finish. If you click Finish or
close the browser without completing the signature process, then the window does
not save any changes.

To view e-record and e-signature details from the window:

1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

2. Query for a record that has completed the signature process.

3. Select E-record Details from the Actions menu.

To start the signature process manually:

1. Navigate to the ERES Framework Verification window.

2. Query for an existing record and select Request Signature from the Actions menu.

To verify an e-record with attachments:

1. Query for an existing record.

2. Click the attachment icon and attach a file or long text.

3. Set Category to either Other or Miscellaneous.

4. Select Request Signature from the Actions menu. The e-record displays the
attachment along with the e-record.

Inter Event Framework Verification

The Inter Event Framework Verification window lets you test the related events set up
in your system to ensure the set up was completed successfully.
The system is seeded with four events for testing related events:

Event Name Display Name

oracle.apps.edr.InterEvt.Event1 EDR ERES Inter Event Verification Event 1

Maintaining Oracle E-Records    6-13

Event Name Display Name

oracle.apps.edr.InterEvt.Event2 EDR ERES Inter Event Verification Event 2

oracle.apps.edr.InterEvt.Event3 EDR ERES Inter Event Verification Event 3

oracle.apps.edr.InterEvt.Event4 EDR ERES Inter Event Verification Event 4

oracle.apps.edr.OAFInterEvent1 EDR ERES OAF Inter Event Verification Event


oracle.apps.edr.OAFInterEvent2 EDR ERES OAF Inter Event Verification Event


oracle.apps.edr.OAFInterEvent3 EDR ERES OAF Inter Event Verification Event


oracle.apps.edr.OAFInterEvent4 EDR ERES OAF Inter Event Verification Event


Working With Test Scenarios

You can set up test scenarios with a hierarchy of events to replicate the inter event
signature process. This lets you test the setup of your system without modifying the
existing environment, or adding any unnecessary data into the Evidence Store.

To add a test scenario:

1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator

2. Right-click on the root node Test Scenarios. The shortcut menu displays.

3. Select Add Test Scenario. The Test Scenario window displays.

4. Enter the Test Scenario name.

5. Enter the Test Scenario Instance.

6. Select the Test Scenario Type for the new test. This can be either Forms for a
Forms-based test or OAF for an Oracle Applications Framework test.

7. Select the Debug Mode for the test. Debug can be either On or Off.

6-14    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

• The Descriptive Flexfield lets you enter information into a number of flexfield
attributes. You can then see this information on the e-record.

8. Click Save to save the new test scenario.

9. Either collapse and expand the root node or click Refresh from the right-click
shortcut window to view the new test scenario.

To copy a test scenario:

1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator

2. Right-click on the test scenario to copy. The shortcut menu displays.

3. Select Copy Test Scenario. The Test Scenario window displays.

4. Enter the new Test Scenario name.

5. Enter the new Test Scenario Instance.

6. Select the Debug Mode for the test. Debug can be either On or Off.

7. Click Save to save the copied test scenario.

8. Either collapse and expand the root node or click Refresh from the right-click
shortcut window to view the new test scenario.

To show test scenario details:

1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator

2. Right-click on the test scenario and select Show Test Scenario Details from the
shortcut menu. The Test Scenario window displays.

3. View the information for the test scenario.

4. Set the Debug Mode if necessary.

5. Click Save if the debug mode was changed or Cancel to exit the window.

To request an e-signature:
1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator

Maintaining Oracle E-Records    6-15


2. Right-click on the test scenario to send for signatures.

3. Click Request E-signature from the shortcut menu. The List of Signers window

4. Proceed through the signature process normally.

Action menu - E-record details

After the signature process is complete, you can select E-record Details from the
Actions menu. The E-record Details window displays with all the details about the
signatures. If the test was sent for multiple signatures, then this displays all the records.

Action menu - Latest E-record details

After the signature process is complete, you can select E-record Details from the
Actions menu. The E-record Details window displays with all the details about the
signatures. If the test was sent for multiple signatures, then this displays only the last

To verify an e-record with attachments:

1. Query for an existing record.

2. Click the attachment icon and attach a file or long text.

3. Set Category to either Other or Miscellaneous.

4. Select Request Signature from the Actions menu. The e-record displays the
attachment along with the e-record.

Adding a New Event to a Test Scenario

You can add several events to a test scenario. These events have an established
hierarchy, which are grouped together. Below the test scenario, you can have three
levels of events.

To add an event:
1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator

2. Right-click on the test scenario where you want to add an event and click Add

6-16    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Event. The Event window displays.

3. Select the Event Name to be raised from the list of values.

4. Enter the Execution Order. This dictates the order in which the events are raised.

5. Select the Signature Mode for the event. This can be online only, offline only, or
deferred and is required when raising an ERES event.

6. Select the Execution Mode for the event as either Raise with Other Events or Raise
• The execution mode determines how to group events for the signature process.
For example, set up a hierarchy which has Event4 associated to Event3, Event3
associated to Event2, and Event2 associated to Event1. If you select Raise
Separate for Event2, then Event1 and Event2 are run first, then Event3 and
Event4 are run. If you select Raise with Other Events, then they are all raised at
the same time.

7. The Related Event Name field is blank if the event being added is the highest level
event. This field displays when adding Related Events to an existing event.

8. Either collapse and expand the root node or click Refresh from the right-click
shortcut window to view the new event.

To add a related event:

1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator

2. Right-click on the event name to add a related event to and click Add Related
Event. The Event window displays.

3. Select the Event Name to be raised from the list of values.

4. Enter the Execution Order. This dictates the order in which the events are raised.

5. Select the Signature Mode for the event. This can be online only, offline only, or
deferred and is required when raising an ERES event.

6. Select the Execution Mode for the event as either Raise with Other Events or Raise
• The execution mode determines how to group events for the signature process.
For example, set up a hierarchy which has Event4 associated to Event3, Event3
associated to Event2, and Event2 associated to Event1. If you select Raise
Separate for Event2, then Event1 and Event2 are run first, then Event3 and

Maintaining Oracle E-Records    6-17

Event4 are run. If you select Raise with Other Events, then they are all raised at
the same time.

7. The Related Event Name field displays the name of the event directly above in the
hierarchy when adding Related Events to an existing event.

8. Either collapse and expand the root node or click Refresh from the right-click
shortcut window to view the new event.

To show related event details:

1. Navigate to the Inter Event Test Scenarios Navigator from the EDR Administrator

2. Right-click on the event and select Show Event Details from the shortcut menu.
The Event window displays.

3. Edit the Execution Order, Signature Mode,and Execution Mode if necessary.

4. Click Save if any information changed or Cancel to exit the window.

Raising a New Event After Event Approval

Once a event has completed approvals, it can be necessary to launch another event. For
example, after all approvals are complete, it can be necessary to send Workflow
notifications to other people to let them know the event is complete. You can use the
Approval Completion event and subscription as a hook to initiate another event. This
can be used both through the forms and as an API. For details on setting up this event,
refer to the Oracle E-Records Developer's Guide.

6-18    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Reporting and Printing

After an e-record is created, it is stored in the Evidence Store, a secure environment in

the database. You can view the e-records, and their associated documents, and print the
e-records in a PDF format.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Generic QueryEvidence Store
• The E-record Detail
• E-record Details
• Printing E-records
• The Printing Process
• Selecting Many Documents or Related Documents for Printing
• Printing the Collated E-record

Evidence Store
The Evidence Store provides the functionality of querying the e-records repository in
the following manner:
• The individual product teams determine the XML elements that can be queried
upon during creation of the DTDs.

• The Evidence Store window displays these elements to the user in a menu. You can
select multiple XML elements from multiple menus and provide search criteria for
each of them.

• Individual search criteria are OR'ed or AND'ed with each other to create an
aggregate search criterion, which is used to query the e-records repository.

• The search results are presented on the window as multiple rows of e-records based
on the number of hits returned by the query.

Reporting and Printing    7-1

• In the backend the query mechanism uses an intermedia text index to go through
each XML document stored in the database to search for individual XML elements.
This XML search ability distinguishes the Generic Query from other typical
querying applications.

The window is divided into two regions, the top region lets you specify the query
criteria and the bottom region shows the results of the query.
There are two options for using the generic query, a Simple option and an Advanced
option. The query criteria in the simple option are Event Name, From Date, To Date,
and the user id of the e-record signer. All these are individual columns in the
EDR_PSIG_DOCUMENTS table. All search criteria fields let you use the standard
percent sign for wildcard searching.
The bottom region of the window shows the header level information for the e-records
retrieved from the database. This includes the business event name, the unique
identifier of the event, the time of its creation, and the time zone in which it was
The Advanced option lets you query e-records by directly querying the XML element of
the e-record. The Element box on the window takes its values from a LOV and the
condition defaults to equals. After selecting a particular element (which corresponds to
an XML element), enter a value to be searched.

To view a query using the simple search:

1. Navigate to the Evidence Store window.

2. Select an Event Name using the list of values to search by events.

3. Enter the E-record ID to search by a specific ID.

4. Select the Signer Name of the signer to search by a specific signer.

5. Select a To and From date to view queries within a date range.

6. Click Search. The search results and their time zone display. The following
information displays for each record:
• Event Name displays the name of each event.

• E-record ID displays the unique e-record ID for each event.

• Identifier displays the identifiers used to create the event. If there is more than
one identifier, then they are all listed and separated by dashes.

• Identifier Value displays the values for the identifiers used in the record. If
there is more than one value, then they are all listed and separated by dashes.

7-2    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

• Event Date displays the date the event began.

• Status displays the status of the event. Valid values are error, pending,
complete, and rejected.

• Related E-records displays if there are any child records associated to that

7. Click on the Event Name to view the details of a single record.

8. Select all the e-records you want to print and click Collate and Print.

To view a query using the advanced search:

1. Navigate to the E-record Generic Query window.

2. Click Advanced Search.

3. Select an event name using the list of value to search by events.

4. Select the name of the signer to search by a specific signer.

5. Enter the e-record ID to search by a specific ID.

6. Select a to and from date to view queries within a date range.

7. Select a query element to search by specific elements. The query elements are
defined in the DTD.

8. Enter a query value to search on a specific value for a query element. If you do not
enter a value in this field, then the search results in no records.

9. If you want to add more criteria, then click Add

10. Set the logic operator either Show e-records when all search criteria are met or
Show e-records when any search criteria is met.

11. Click Search. The search results and the time zone display. The following
information displays for each record:
• Event Name displays the name of each event.

• E-record ID displays the unique e-record ID for each event.

• Identifier Name displays the identifiers used to create the event.Identifier

Value displays the values for the identifiers used in the record. If there is more
than one value, then they are all listed and separated by dashes.

Reporting and Printing    7-3

• Event Date displays the date the event began.

• Status displays the status of the event. Valid values are error, pending,
complete, and rejected.

• You can sort by any column that has an arrow next to it. Click the column name
to sort in ascending or descending order.

12. Either click on an event name or select a series of events from the Select box and
click View Selected. The record displays with all signer information.

13. Click Collate and Print. You can select to print one document, several documents,
or documents and their related events. Refer to "Printing E-records" for details.

14. Click Continue.

The E-record Detail

The detail that displays with each e-record is as follows:

This section displays information about the e-record.
• Event Name displays the name of the event.

• E-record ID displays the ID for the e-record.

• Event Date displays the date of the event.

• Identifier displays the name of the specific identifier.

• Identifier Value display the value for that identifier.

• Stylesheet displays the stylesheet name.

• Style Version displays the stylesheet version.

• Print Count displays how many times the document has been printed.

• Requester is the person who initiated the transaction.

• Attachments shows if there are any attachments for the e-record, and lets you
navigate to them.

• The e-record section displays all the detail information about the e-record. This
includes any flexfield information entered about the e-record.

7-4    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Signature Details
This section displays the users who have approved and signed the transaction.
• Signer is the name of the person who signed the e-record.

• Date Signed is the date and time the person signed the e-record.

• Response is either Approve or Reject.

• Reason is the reason code for why this was signed the way it was. This can be

• Signer Type is the type of person signing the document. For example, the signer
could be the Author or a Reviewer. This can be modified.

• Comments contains any comments noted by the signer.

• Overriding Details displays any changes to who is signing. If rules were set up that
someone else signs when you are on vacation, the information of the original signer
displays here.

Additional E-record Information

This section displays information about the transaction the e-record is associated with.

Transaction Acknowledgement
• Status displays the current status of the record.

• Acknowledgement Date displays the date the transaction acknowledgement was


• Acknowledged By displays where the transaction acknowledgement was sent


• Comments displays any extra comments added.

Print History
• Print E-record ID displays the unique number of the e-record.

• Print Count displays the number of times the e-record has printed.

• Print Requester displays the name of the person who requested the print.

• Print Event Date displays the date the record was printed on.

Reporting and Printing    7-5

• E-record Status displays the status of the e-record at that time.

Related E-records
This section displays any parent or child e-records associated with this e-record.
• Event Name displays the name of the event.

• E-record ID displays the ID for the e-record.

• Identifier displays the name of the specific identifier.

• Identifier Value display the value for that identifier.

• Event Date displays the date of the event.

• Status displays the status of the event. Valid values are error, pending, complete,
and rejected.

• Parent or Child E-record displays any parent or children to that e-record.

E-record Details
On each window that is e-record and e-signature enabled, there is an option on the
Action menu for E-record Details. This displays the same window as the generic query,
but it works in the context of the current transaction.

Printing E-records
The e-records print functionality lets you do the following:
• Collate and print multiple e-records

• Print e-records with the e-record ID watermark at the top left corner of the page

• Print all e-record formats supported by the Oracle E-Records framework

• Print related records using Related Event functionality

• Specify print characteristics

• Maintain audit capability on print activity

• Display history along with the e-record details

7-6    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

The Printing Process
The printing process collates and prints documents, and prints them out in a single
document format. In addition, the collated document can have page numbers of each
specific document, or a single series of page numbers for the entire newly collated
If you are printing a single record, then select the desired printer. If the printing
functionality has signature approval required, then all signatures are required at this
time. After the event is signed, the document prints, and the print count changes.
You can also print multiple documents at one time, as well as related documents. If you
select to print a document that has related documents, then select the appropriate
related documents to print. All related documents are not automatically printed.
You can print both text records and xdoc records. Both types are printed as PDF files.
The difference is the look and feel of the document. The text document is a basic line
document, while the xdoc document, having been created using an RTF template, has a
much more advanced look and feel, including tables and bitmaps. If you are printing
both text and xdoc, then the documents are merged together into one PDF file.

The Printout
The hardcopy printout of an e-record contains standard information, including:
• a watermark in the footer that displays the e-record ID, print count, and print date,
as well as a message that the record has been printed from a secure account from
the Evidence Store.

• header information that displays the e-record ID, and all the detail from each

The document shown in the preview does not contain the watermark information
shown on the hardcopy.

Selecting Many Documents or Related Documents for Printing

You can select many documents to print, or a document with related events. Either
selection results in a single PDF file sent to the printer.
Select the documents, or related documents if appropriate, you want to print from the
Collate E-records window.
1. Enable the Create new page numbers for collated documents option to print the
entire document with sequential numbering.

2. Click Continue.

Reporting and Printing    7-7

Printing the Collated E-record
Printing the collated e-record can be set up as a secure, signed event. In addition, the
print count for the printing action changes for each print job, thereby letting the
administrator see how any times something has been printed. This also helps to
maintain a secure environment. Also, if you have any attachments associated with the
transactional data, you can see the names of the attachments when you print. These
names appear on the e-record, but do not print the body of the attachments.

To print the collated e-record:

1. Select the Printer Name using the list of values from the Print Options window.

2. Select the Orientation.

3. Click Go.

4. Select the printer from the list.

5. Click Finish.

6. If the printing process event requires a signature, the List of Signers window
displays. Complete the signature process to print the document. The Confirmation
window displays.

7. Ensure that all the information on the Confirmation window is correct. This
information includes the name of the event, the e-record ID, the identifier, the
identifier value, and the current status of the e-record.

8. Click OK to complete the process.

To preview the new PDF file:

1. Click The draft document is available for preview to view the PDF file before

2. Close the new window when you are done viewing the document.

7-8    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Oracle E-Records Events

Oracle E-Record Events

The following events are used when you create, update, or delete an input
configuration variable for transaction type at the transaction or rule level.

Event Details
Following are the event details for the e-record events.

Name Display Description Status Owner Name Ownertag


oracle.apps.e EDR File This event is ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.file.approv Approval raised as a Records
alcompletion Complete post
operation to
teams can
subscribe to
this event to
take specific
actions based
on whether
the file was
approved or

Oracle E-Records Events    A-1

Name Display Description Status Owner Name Ownertag

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES e-records ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.amevar.cre Transaction Transaction Record
ate Variable type variable
Creation creations

oracle.apps.e ERES File This event is ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.file.approv Approval raised for Records
e Event each file to be
using the

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES e-records ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.amevar.up Transaction Transaction Records
date Variable type variable
Update updates

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES e-records ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.amevar.del Transaction Transaction Records
ete Variable type variable
Deletion deletion

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES e-records ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.rulevar.del Rule Variable Configuratio Records
ete Deletion n Input
Deletion for

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES This event is ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.framework Framework used to test Records
.test Verification the
Event eSignature

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES e-records ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.rulevar.cre Rule Variable Configuratio Records
ate Creation n Input
Creation for

A-2    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Name Display Description Status Owner Name Ownertag

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES e-records ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.rulevar.up Rule Variable Configuratio Records
date Update n Input
Update for

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES EDR ERES ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.InterEvt.E Inter Event Inter Event Records
vent1 Verification Verification
Event 1 Event 1

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES EDR ERES ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.InterEvt.E Inter Event Inter Event Records
vent2 Verification Verification
Event 2 Event 2

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES EDR ERES ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.InterEvt.E Inter Event Inter Event Records
vent3 Verification Verification
Event 3 Event 3

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES EDR ERES ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.InterEvt.E Inter Event Inter Event Records
vent4 Verification Verification
Event 4 Event 4

oracle.apps.e EDR ERES EDR ERES ENABLED Oracle E EDR

dr.print.ereco Print Print Records
rds E-records E-records

Event Keys
Following are the event keys for the e-record events.

Name Event Key User Key

oracle.apps.edr.file.approve EDR_FILES_B.FILE_ID EDR_FILES_B.FILE_NAME

oracle.apps.edr.file.approvalc EDR_FILES_B.FILE_ID EDR_FILES_B.FILE_NAME


Oracle E-Records Events    A-3

Name Event Key User Key

oracle.apps.edr.amevar.create EDR_AMETRAN_INPUT_VA AME_TRAN_NAME,INPUT_


oracle.apps.edr.framework.tes EDR_FWK_TEST_B.TEST_ID EDR_FWK_TEST_B.TEST_N

t O

oracle.apps.edr.amevar.delete EDR_AMETRAN_INPUT_VA AME_TRAN_NAME,INPUT_


oracle.apps.edr.amevar.updat EDR_AMETRAN_INPUT_VA AME_TRAN_NAME,INPUT_


oracle.apps.edr.rulevar.create EDR_AMERULE_INPUT_VA AME_TRAN_NAME,RULE_


oracle.apps.edr.rulevar.delete EDR_AMERULE_INPUT_VA AME_TRAN_NAME,RULE_


oracle.apps.edr.rulevar.delete EDR_AMERULE_INPUT_VA AME_TRAN_NAME,RULE_










oracle.apps.edr.print.erecords EDR_TRANS_QUERY_TEMP QUERY_ID


Subscription Details
Following are the subscription details for the e-record events.

A-4    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Name Phase Status Rule Data Rule Parameter Priority
Function s


.edr.file.ap _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
prove G_RULE DE=oracle.

oracle.apps 101 DISABLED KEY WF_RULE. CORRELA 50

.edr.file.ap DEFAULT TION_ID=
provalcom _RULE UNIQUE

oracle.apps 101 DISABLED KEY WF_RULE. CORRELA 50

.edr.frame DEFAULT TION_ID=
work.test _RULE UNIQUE


.edr.ameva _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
r.create G_RULE DE=edram


.edr.frame _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
work.test G_RULE DE=oracle.


.edr.ruleva _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
r.create G_RULE DE=edram

Oracle E-Records Events    A-5

Name Phase Status Rule Data Rule Parameter Priority
Function s


.edr.ruleva _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
r.delete G_RULE DE=edram


.edr.ruleva _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
r.update G_RULE DE=edram


.edr.ameva _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
r.update G_RULE DE=edram


.edr.ameva _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
r.delete G_RULE DE=edram

A-6    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Name Phase Status Rule Data Rule Parameter Priority
Function s

oracle.apps 0 Disabled Key EDR_PSIG EDR_XML Normal

.edr.InterE _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
vt.Event1 G_RULE DE=
Event2 =
vent3 =
vent4 =

Oracle E-Records Events    A-7

Name Phase Status Rule Data Rule Parameter Priority
Function s

oracle.apps 0 Disabled Key EDR_PSIG EDR_XML Normal

.edr.InterE _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
vt.Event2 G_RULE DE=
Event1 =
vent3 =
vent4 =

A-8    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Name Phase Status Rule Data Rule Parameter Priority
Function s

oracle.apps 0 Disabled Key EDR_PSIG EDR_XML Normal

.edr.InterE _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
vt.Event3 G_RULE DE=
Event1 =
vent2 =
vent4 =

Oracle E-Records Events    A-9

Name Phase Status Rule Data Rule Parameter Priority
Function s

oracle.apps 0 Disabled Key EDR_PSIG EDR_XML Normal

.edr.InterE _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
vt.Event4 G_RULE DE=
Event1 =
vent2 =
vent3 =

oracle.apps 0 Disabled Key EDR_PSIG EDR_XML Normal

.edr.print.e _RULE.PSI _MAP_CO
records G_RULE DE=oracle.


AME Transactions
Following are the AME transactions for the e-record events.

A-10    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Oracle Application Transaction Type Id Transaction Type Line Item Query

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.ametr EDR ERES N/A

anvar.create Transaction Variable

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.file.ap EDR ERES File N/A

prove Approval

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.amev EDR ERES N/A

ar.create Transaction Variable

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.frame EDR ERES N/A

work.test Framework Test

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.frame EDR ERES N/A

work.test Framework

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.amev EDR ERES N/A

ar.delete Transaction Variable

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.amev EDR ERES N/A

ar.update Transaction Variable

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.rulev EDR ERES Rule N/A

ar.delete Variable Deletion

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.rulev EDR ERES Rule N/A

ar.create Variable Creation

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.rulev EDR ERES Rule N/A

ar.update Variable Update

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.InterE EDR ERES Inter N/A

vt.Event1 Event Verification
Event 1

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.InterE EDR ERES Inter N/A

vt.Event2 Event Verification
Event 2

Oracle E-Records Events    A-11

Oracle Application Transaction Type Id Transaction Type Line Item Query

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.InterE EDR ERES Inter N/A

vt.Event3 Event Verification
Event 3

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.InterE EDR ERES Inter N/A

vt.Event4 Event Verification
Event 4

Oracle E Records oracle.apps.edr.print. EDR ERES Print N/A

erecords E-records

A-12    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

Navigation Paths

Navigation Paths
Although your System Administrator may have customized your Navigator, typical
navigation paths are described in the following tables. In some cases, there is more than
one way to navigate to a window. These tables provide the most typical default path.

Navigation Paths

Window Path

Configuration Variables ERES Administrator:Setup:Configuration


XML Elements ERES Administrator:Setup:XML Elements

Security Rules ERES Administrator:Setup:Security Rules

Evidence Store - Administrator ERES Administrator:Inquiry:Evidence Store

Evidence Store - User ERES User:Inquiry:Evidence Store

E-Record Generator ERES Administrator:Utilities:E-Record


XML Generator ERES Administrator:Utilities:XML Generator

Validate Event ERES Administrator:Utilities:Validate Event

Single Event Framework Verification ERES Administrator:Single Event

Navigation Paths    B-1

Window Path

Inter Event Framework Verification ERES Administrator:Inter Event

Files Approval iSignatures Administrator:Files Approval

Upload a File iSignatures Administrator:Files

Approval:Upload File

Files Approval iSignatures User:Files Approval

Upload a File iSignatures User:Files Approval:Upload File

B-2    Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide


21 CFR Part 11
This rule represents the combined effort of divisions within the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), along with members of the pharmaceutical industry, to establish
a uniform, enforceable, baseline standard by which the FDA will consider electronic
records equivalent to paper records and electronic signatures equivalent to traditional
handwritten signatures.

Any document associated with one or more application entities. You can view
attachments as you review and maintain an entity. Examples are operation instructions,
purchase order notes, item drawings, or an employee photo.

Any object that furnishes information to support another object or action. Examples are
a purchase order, an invoice, a word processing file listing, receiving instructions, CAD
files citing an item's specifications, or video instructions of an assembly operation.

Electronic Record
Any combination of text, graphics, data, audio, pictorial, or other information
representation in digital form that is created, modified, maintained, archived, retrieved,
or distributed by a computer system.

Electronic Signature
A computer data compilation of any symbol or series of symbols executed, adopted, or
authorized by an individual to be the legally binding equivalent of the individual's
handwritten signature.

Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures.

An occurrence in an Internet or intranet application or program that is significant to
other objects in a system or to external agents.

Event Subscription
A registration indicating that a particular event is significant to a system and specifying
the processing to perform when the triggering event occurs. Subscription processing
can include calling custom code, sending the event message to a workflow process, or
sending the event message to an agent.

Oracle Approval Management Engine (AME)

This component is used to define conditions, rules and, approval hierarchy. We also
want to store rule specific attributes such as Electronic recording required or Electronic
Signature is required, what type of style sheet need to be applied for this rule, etc. These
rules are evaluated runtime based on Transaction ID (this is the primary key for the

Workflow Business Event System

Workflow Business Event system is used to define an e-signature event and associate a
synchronous e-signature subscription to the event.

XML Gateway
XML Gateway is used for mapping definition and generation of XML for an E-Record.
Individual product teams define XML maps and DTD for E-Record and E-Signature
(ERES) Events supported by them. These Maps and DTD are loaded into the database
and source controlled under respective product tops. The E-Record style sheet is also
defined as part of XML Gateway.


Generic Query, 7-1

Symbols Good Manufacturing Practices, 1-1
21CFR Part 11, 1-1
Identify Event Key, 3-5
Action Type, 3-7
Internal Name, 3-5

Business Event Creation, 3-5
Java Rule Function, 3-7

Customization Level, 3-5, 3-8
Linking a Document to a Website, 5-15

Deferred, 1-5
Manually Enabling E-Records Only, 3-17
Description, 3-5, 3-8
Display Name, 3-5
E On error, 3-7
Online, 1-5
Out Agent, 3-7
Electronic Records, 1-1
Owner Name, 3-5, 3-7
E-Records Evident Store, 1-5
Owner Tag, 3-5, 3-7
E-Signatures, 1-1
Event, 3-4
Event Filter, 3-7
Parameters, 3-7
F Phase, 3-7
Priority, 3-7
Framework, 1-3
Profile Option, 3-2

Generate Function, 3-5

Reporting, 7-1
Rule Data, 3-7
Rule Function, 3-7

Source Agent, 3-7
Source Type, 3-7
Status, 3-5, 3-7
Subscription, 3-6
Synchronous eSignature Subscription, 3-6
System, 3-6

To Agent, 3-7
Transaction Variables, 1-4

Workflow Business Event System, 1-3
Workflow Item Type, 3-7
Workflow Notification Subsystem, 1-4
Workflow Process Name, 3-7

XML Gateway, 1-3
XML Publisher, 1-4
XSL, 3-9


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