Material Requisition xxxx-MR01/: SRU Thermal Reactor PACKAGE (4137.05-PK-311/321)
Material Requisition xxxx-MR01/: SRU Thermal Reactor PACKAGE (4137.05-PK-311/321)
Material Requisition xxxx-MR01/: SRU Thermal Reactor PACKAGE (4137.05-PK-311/321)
1.1 Scope
The purpose of this supply specification, in conjunction with all referenced documents, is to define
the minimum requirements for the design, materials, fabrication, testing, inspection, painting and
supply/prefabrication and assembly of the following main equipment for SRU Reaction Furnace
Package, to be delivered to SRU Construction Project. Main Equipment to be supplied are listed
1.09 Temporary Drum Support Structure for the steam drum to 1 Set.
be supported during the welding of the risers and
downcommers(as described
1.10 Special tools including slings and shackles (see point 3.2) 1 set.
2.07 1 set
Not applicable
2.10 Special tools including slings and shackles (see point 3.2) 1 set.
3.01 Temporary
Base frameDrum Support
for Thermal Structure
Reactor and Waste Heat Boiler 2 2 set
3.02 Four Years Operating Spare Parts 1 set
Refer to para 3.2
3.03 Construction and Commissioning Spare Parts 2 sets
Refer to para 3.2
3.04 Capital Spares (OPTION)
Refer to para 3.2
3.05 All required documentation in English and Russian 2 Sets
language as para 1.83 (OPTION)
3.06 Not applicable 2 Sets
1 - Design by PURCHASER to be provided to VENDOR for manufacturing purposes and for design
of supporting frame referenced at point 3.01 on above table.
2 - Design by VENDOR.
3.- In all cases, the documents must be supplied in native format form rev.0. If Russian translation
(optional) is not taken, the documents will be in English only, but leaving enough space for others to
add the text in Russian
For a detailed scope of supply check list refer to Attachment 1 of this Technical Supply Specification.
AORC Project: The project for the construction of advanced oil refining
complex, including implementation of the Project.
1.8 Language
This Contract is executed in English and Russian language versions with the English version
prevailing. Vendor will allow enough space in the documents for others to included the text translated
to Russian
Conflicting and inadequate information in this Material Requisition and the reference documents
shall not relieve VENDOR from supplying equipment or materials of satisfactory design, material
and workmanship based on their experience for the intended service.
Mandatory Russian Certification
VENDOR shall be responsible for ensuring that all equipment supplied by them and their SUB-
SUPPLIERS are fully in compliant with applicable Russian Federation standards (GOST, OST,
SNIP and general Russian laws) and mandatory safety regulations. VENDOR shall provide
Russian certification as per below:
• TR CU Ce rtificate s , P roduct Type Ce rtifica tes (for s tock
• s a fety ca s e by the equipme nt de s ign de ve lope r;
Te chnical pa s s port for pa cka ge unit, a s we ll a s te chnica l pa s s ports for e a ch e quipme nt unit
this pa cka ge, in the forma t s pe cifie d by Rus s ia n norms , in Rus s ia n la nguage .
Ce rtifica tion Dos sie r (CED)
Ve ndor Data Book tha t s ha ll include the Engine e ring Dos sie r, Qua lity Dos s ie r a nd Ope ra tion a nd
Ma inte na nce Ma nual.
It is also VENDOR’s responsibility to supply the final certification stating the compliance of
equipment supplied according to the above regulations. Scope of supply will not be considered
fulfilled until the mandatory certificates have been provided. VENDOR shall agree fully to Russian
Federation standards and regulation by stating clearly in writing their compliance within their
proposal during the bid phase.
The data sheets referenced within the Attachment 2 have been prepared by using western
standards and should be considered as the minimum applicable requirement for equipment
supplied. VENDOR is required to check all the above-mentioned data sheets against Russian
regulations and provide relevant VENDOR proposal accordingly.
VENDOR shall get on time all the required mandatory Russian Federation Certificates for the
importation, installation and operation of the Industrial Equipment according Russian Federation
Equipment certification and ce rtifica tion a ge ncy s e le ction s ha ll comply with P roje ct S pe cifications
MNP Z-AORC-FD-4137.00-P M-P RO-019, MNP Z-AORC-FD-4137.00-P M-P RO-020/1 a nd MNP Z-
All spare parts shall be listed and submitted on Project SPIR form data package according to
Working Procedure 12.
VENDOR shall be fully responsible for all claims attributable to unsuitable or unsatisfactory
3.4 Exclusions
The following items are excluded from scope of supply, supplied by others:
• Burner
• Supply, installation and connection of electrical power cables and control cables
• Supply, arrangement and installation of cable trays
• Interconnecting piping
• Interconnecting electric and instrument cables
• Unloading and storage of the package material at Site;
• Installation of skids and equipment at Site (site erection);
• Civil works, earthworks, concrete foundation and sewers, and relevant soil investigations.
• Anchor/foundation bolts (selection by VENDOR, supply by CONTRACTOR), unless “special
type” ones (VENDOR to specify);
• Levelling blocks & grouting;
• Mechanical and performance testing of the main unit system in accordance with the applicable
• Preparation for shipment of entire train in accordance with the specifications.
• VENDOR shall define components that will be supplied by a 3rd. party and ensure only
components with demonstrated experience are applied
109265 -MR01 SRU TR P a g e | 11
• Main components shall be selected according to project VENDOR list.
• Co-ordination and costs associated with all correspondence and activities required by 3rd party
or independent inspection authority for pressure vessels and any other Certifying Authorities
• Whole Guarantee and responsibility for assembling and good operation of the complete unit.
The driven and driver manufacturer shall be JOINTLY RESPONSIBLE and directly get in touch with
each other to exchange information.
VENDOR shall assign qualified planners to the project whose responsibility will be to plan, prepare,
monitor and expedite the production schedule.
Planning must use accredited software such as Primavera® or MS Projects.
Production Schedule
VENDOR shall prepare a detailed production plan covering all design, procurement, fabrication and
delivery activities.
Based on the plan, VENDOR shall issue a monthly progress report that will provide the followings:
• Gives actual versus planned progress for the month;
• Provides a recovery plan for activities that are behind schedule;
• Identifies milestone achievement;
• Describes key activities for the following month;
• Highlights areas of concern.
The de s ign s e rvice life of the e quipment, including inte rnals a nd lining, s ha ll be in line with the
re quireme nts mentione d in the d a t a s h e e t s a n d w h e r e a p p l i c a b l e , i n BEDD MNP Z-S RU-RD-
4137.00-S P MI-000-P E-S P E-001. General
In accordance with the Scope of Supply (Attachment 1) VENDOR must supply 2 (two) trains of
Thermal Reactor Package. Each Package is composed by:
Each WHB (heat exchanger) shall be supplied complete with seamless tubes,
tubesheets, saddle supports, nozzle connections, inlet channel designed and
prepared to accept welded connection with the Reaction Furnace Chamber, outlet
channel with welded semi-ellipsoidal head, manway with gaskets and bolting, lifting
Design and details drawings for WHB are to be handled by CONTRACTOR to
o Each steam drum shall be supplied complete with nozzle connections, manways with
gaskets and bolting, lifting lugs/trunnions, drum internals and mist eliminator.
The steam drum shall not have any slope and shall have its horizontal axes in true
horizontal plane
Steam drum design, and steam separator arrangement shall ensure that steam and
water are evenly separated over the length of the steam drum.
• Riser and Downcomer Pipes between WHB and its Steam Drum
o Risers and down comers shall be fully shop-fabricated, hydro-tested and delivered
welded to the drum and boiler. Due to transport limitations, the WHB with the furnace chamber
will be shipped in one pack and the steam drum in a separate pack. These pipe spools will
have beveled ends prepared for site welding
. All downcomers provided with low-point drain with flange, blind flange, associated
gaskets and bolting.
The quantities and sizes of risers and downcomers shall be determined by the
VENDOR based on circulation design. Temporary Drum Support Structure (details will be provided at detail engineering
Two (2) sets of temporary drum support structure, one for each package. The steam drum will be
“piggyback” design and will be supported from the WHB by means of risers and downcomers.
VENDOR shall ensure the steam drum can be adequately supported above the WHB during
installation by temporary means. Site welding of the risers/downcomers will not be carried out while the
crane is loaded. VENDOR shall engineer and supply temporary support structure or set of jack to
facilitate support and alignment for erection of the steam drum on top of the WHB.
As indicated in P&IDs, pressure relief valves installed in pairs shall be provided with a switching
device which allows changeover of duty valve to spare valve at both inlet and outlet sides of theb
This switching capability will be provided by 3-way changeover valve. The switching device shall
be designed in such a way that automatic switching capability is achieved without the need of keys
or lock-out devices.
The switching devices shall be installed at both inlet and outlet sides of pressure relief valves. The
switching capability shall be provided in such a way that at least one pressure relief valve will be
available at any moment and no operator action can lead to a vessel being unprotected by a safety
relief valve or safety relief device.
The entire system must be designed in accordance with the requirements of ASME I. Miscellanea
VENDOR to supply gaskets and bolting for all the equipment as detailed in 3.2.
In addition to the above, VENDOR to supply forged caps for all stub nozzles with butt weld end
connections for preservation for transport. General
The refractory (optional) will be supplied loose for site installation
The Mechanical Equipment must be duly protected through the adoption of Refractory Material.
Complete set of refractory material for the burners, furnace chambers are to be supplied by
PURCHASER. Anchors to be free issue from PURCAHSER to VENDOR by for welding in
Chamber (AISI 310).
Supplied material shall include enough overages to ensure adequate quantities are available at site.
Materials that have an EXPIRING DATE, shall be produced within a minimum time agreed between
Parties (depending on the material fabrication time).
The VENDOR shall ensure all lining material has enough shelf-life to accommodate storage period at
site. Material shall not have expiry within 12 months at the time of shipment to site and of 18 months
from the inspection readiness date. Preservation requirement for the refractory at site shall be clearly
specified by the VENDOR.
In case of large quantities, CONTRACTOR might instruct VENDOR for staged delivery (more than
one lot of material).
VENDOR, considering the packages’ production schedule, must submit to CONTRACTOR a
fabrication plan for all the refractory material subjected to shelf life expiring time (i.e., castable,
For Such materials, the fabrication shall start only after CONTRACTOR INSTRUCTION.
Manways located in refractory lined sections of the furnace and WHB shall be provided with a
refractory plug, easy to remove from outside.
Forces and moments acting on the nozzles of centrifugal machines (due to piping weight and
thermal expansion) shall be checked in accordance with the applicable codes.
4.10 Welding
Vendor shall meet the provisions of international Code, MNP Z-S RU-RD-4137.05.00-S P MI-000-MM-
TS P -002 and all applicable project standards herein mentioned concerning approval of welding
procedure specifications and qualification records and verify all Sub-Vendor shop fabricators’
compliance with the Standards.
Vendor shall submit welding procedures and weld maps for all shop fabricated items for Contractor
and Company approval prior to commencement of any fabrication.
Fabrication cannot start without the Company’s approval of the welding procedures and weld maps.
5.1 General
VENDOR shall inspect and approve all Equipment and Materials, which are to be incorporate into
the Work. Prior to receiving each item of Material, VENDOR shall verify that said Materials meet
the project and Company specifications.
The criticality of the equipment/material shall be evaluated and assigned with the corresponding
Inspection level following the requirements as listed within the QC requirements for Suppliers of
materials, equipment and services MNP Z-S RU-
RD-4137.05.00-S P MI-000-P R-P LN-303.
For each Purchase Order and/or item of equipment the principal manufacturing steps, type of
inspection/test, the Controlling Procedure, and the acceptance standard shall be defined by Vendor
on an Inspection and Test Plan (ITP).
The QCP/ITP shall be discussed and agreed with the VENDOR at Pre-Inspection Meeting (PIM).
The agreed QCP/ITPs shall be held by the VENDOR and initialed progressively by the
VENDOR’Inspector, CONTRACTOR’S Inspector, and any other authorized Inspectors to
demonstrate successful completion of each inspection activity.
Pre-Inspection Meetings date and agenda shall be arranged with the CONTRACTOR but shall not
be less than 30 solar days after P.O. award.
VENDOR shall reference and attach with sub-orders all relevant Purchase Order technical and
inspection requirements.
VENDOR shall prepare an inspection book including all the documentation pertaining to the supply
(as construction drawings, mechanical calculations, materials certificates, non-destructive
examination certificates and radiographs, welding procedure specifications, procedure qualification
reports, welder qualifications, calibration test certificates ex-proof certificates, hydraulic/pneumatic
test certificates, etc.) and shall be always at disposal of the inspectors who will check, stamp and
sign the documents as soon as available after each inspection and test.
During the bidding phase VENDOR shall provide a list of all SUB-VENDORs proposed for the supply
of equipment and materials subjected to PURCHASER review, comments and approval.
For Instrumentation materials, if included within the VENDOR scope of supply, VENDOR shall select
the Sub-Vendors from the mandatory instrument sub vendor list only attached to the Request for
For electrical materials, if included within the VENDOR scope of supply, VENDOR is recommended to
follow the electrical SubVendor list attached to the Request for Quotation.
VENDOR shall provide the VDR according to the list in attachment 4 – rev.1.
VENDOR documentation shall strictly follow the requirements as listed within the VENDOR
coordination procedure and Project requirements doc. MNPZ-SRU-RD-4137.00-PM-PRO-003.
VENDOR shall produce a 3D Model which shall be compatible with Smart Plant 3D, Version 2018
R1 and later versions when it is approximately 30%, 60%, 90% and As built complete.
For further details on the compatibility and contents of the supplied 3D Model, refer to the Attachment
Vendor shall include within its base scope participation in design reviews of 3-D model of the
package integrated within the main plant. Reviews will be organized by the CONTRACTOR at its
offices. 3D model reviews with the CONTRACTOR / COMPANY representative will be required at
30%, 60% and 90% of model completion (at least 2 days for each 3D MODEL review shall be
considered within the VENDOR base scope). The Vendor shall undertake any action points from
these reviews that affect the Vendor scope of supply.
The below contents shall be included based on the Engineering status progress:
• 30% Phase:
o Main Shapes of Equipment/Package (Overall dimension fixed and final); o
Conceptual auxiliary skid dimension;
o Main Process Equipment Nozzles;
o Volumes of Area for Maintenance and repairs, Extractable Components, Escape
way, Access for Operation Personnel (conceptual);
o Conceptual main valve position and dimension (PSV’s, main control valve, process
isolation valves);
o Conceptual Platform and ladders shapes included in VENDOR scope of work (if
o Conceptual instrumentation position.
• 90% Phase:
o Update of 60% Phase Model;
o Auxiliary Equipment/Package Nozzle Fixed and Final;
o Electrical/Instrumentation JB’s position Fixed and Final;
o Field Instruments Installed Position Fixed and Final.
• As-Built Phase:
3D MODEL shall show the Equipment / Package as design in the Issue for
Construction Drawings. Once the 3D Model will be fully completed, approved and
ready for construction, VENDOR shall supply the complete intelligent 3D model
compatible with Smart Plant 3D for final implementation in the CONTRACTOR
Overall 3D Model.
The below 3D MODEL phases shall be completed by CONTRACTOR for the overall Plant as per
• 30% Phase: TBD
• 60% Phase: TBD
• 90% Phase: TBD
VENDOR shall provide all the info in order to allow CONTRACTOR to meet the above dates.
10 . List of Attachments:
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• REV.3
To: Darius Pavri
Copy To: Abad Andres
Amadeo Stefano
Technical Communication:
To: Javier García
Copy To: Abad Andres
QA/QC Communication:
To: Luca
Copy To:
Abad Andres