Cansolv CO Capture: The Value of Integration: Energy Procedia
Cansolv CO Capture: The Value of Integration: Energy Procedia
Cansolv CO Capture: The Value of Integration: Energy Procedia
Energy Procedia
Energy Procedia 100(2009)
(2008) 237–246
Elsevier use only: Received date here; revised date here; accepted date here
If CO2 emissions are to be reduced to control global warming, many large scale projects will need to be
executed on a short term that capture and sequester the CO2. Most studies to date have focused on CO2
capture from power plant flue gas and concluded that the cost of CO2 scrubbing is in itself expensive and
that more mature and efficient technologies are needed.
CO2 emission control is also complicated by the need to provide SO2 and NOx emission control as well.
Burner modifications can be used to control NOx, but other scrubbing technologies are needed to control
SO2 emissions. For high sulfur coals, limestone scrubbing is generally applied, adding to the cost of
power through purchases of limestone reagent and disposal of by-product gypsum.
Cansolv has evolved amine based regenerable technologies that capture SO2 and CO2 and that release
them in a water wet, nearly pure condition. SO2 can be converted to sulfuric acid and CO2 can be dried,
compressed and sequestered without further treatment. Most importantly, energy used to capture SO2 can
be recycled to help capture CO2, reducing the net energy demand of the CO2 process. The use of these
two technologies together allows power companies to use higher sulfur, lower cost fuels and reduce
energy consumption rates for CO2 capture. By-product sulfuric acid from the SO2 scrubbing system also
provides a ready source of revenue to offset scrubbing costs.
Cansolv has proven its SO2 scrubbing technologies in commercial applications since 2002. It has
operated CO2 pilot plants at several different locations, logging over 6,000 hours of operation. The two
technologies will come together in an integrated system, in a plant designed to generate 50 tons per day of
CO2, which will start up in 2009. This paper presents important design and performance advantages of
these systems.
c 2008
2009 Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.
Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
1. Introduction
Coal fired power plants are the world’s largest point source emitters of CO2. Depending on the sulfur
content of the fuel, uncontrolled SO2 emissions from power plant boilers can be as high as 3000 ppmv
SO2. Limestone scrubbers are widely used to control SO2 emissions to concentrations below 35 ppmv.
Unfortunately, this exceeds the mandatory requirement of conventional amine-based CO2 capture systems
for SO2 and additional SO2 removal is required. Cansolv has developed an amine based CO2 removal
technology that is tolerant to SO2 and that can be combined with its SO2 Scrubbing System to reduce
overall energy requirements of the two systems.
Pure SO2 captured by the Cansolv SO2 Scrubbing System can be converted to a usable by-product in two
ways. Firstly, it can be converted to H2SO4. This is likely the most attractive option for the Power
Generation market. Alternately, where hydrogen sulfide is available, a Sulfur Recovery Unit can be fed
SO2 to produce additional sulfur.
If SO2 is converted to H2SO4, additional heat is generated in the acid conversion step that can be used to
further offset CO2 capture energy demand.
This breakthrough technology sets a new paradigm for amine-based scrubbing technologies for SO2 and
CO2 capture systems.
2. Business profile
Cansolv Technologies Inc. (CTI) was formed in 1997 to commercialize the Cansolv SO2 Scrubbing
System. Since 1997, CTI has continued a vigorous R&D program in order to improve the Cansolv SO2
Scrubbing System and also to develop other gas scrubbing technologies for CO2 recovery. At this time
nine commercial Cansolv SO2 Scrubbing Systems are in operation throughout the world in various
applications, with many more in the construction and planning phase. Operating Cansolv SO2 Scrubbing
Systems have been designed to treat gases varying in flow rate from 5,000 Nm3/hr (3,100 scfm) to
820,000 Nm3/hr (510,000 scfm) and inlet SO2 concentrations ranging from 500 ppmv to 12%. Resulting
SO2 emissions are as low as 10 ppmv (29 mg/Nm3) with near zero liquid effluent.
Several Cansolv CO2 Capture plants are also in various stages of engineering & procurement. Table 1
below describes the CO2 commercial projects currently in progress.
A successful CO2 capture technology must be robust, proven and low cost. CTI’s technologies have been
developed with these constraints in mind. In addition, CTI developed its CO2 capture technology to meet
the following needs:
• Be SO2 compatible and/or compatible with upstream FGD
• Be easy to operate
• Have improved properties when compared to benchmark, such as:
• Low regeneration energy & Low degradation of solvent
• Fast kinetics: similar to primary amines
• >99.9% CO2 product purity
• Minimal effluent
The Cansolv System is a wet scrubbing process that uses a regenerable aqueous amine solvent to remove
CO2 from flue gases. The Cansolv Solvent is highly selective to CO2 and balancing solvent loadings and
circulation rate within the design allows complete flexibility of the system to achieve almost any desired
removal rate. After absorption, the CO2 containing solvent leaves the absorber and is regenerated using
steam to produce a concentrated high purity CO2 stream.
As a proof of its viability and operability, the Cansolv CO2 Capture process has been extensively tested
for more than 6000 hours of piloting, on various flue gas streams (Table 2).
April 2007 -
Blast Furnace Japan 22% vol 90%
Natural Gas Fired May - Sept Shell-Statoil,
4.5% vol 85%
Boiler 2007 Norway
Jan – Feb
Cement Kiln North America 20% vol 90% and 45%
The amount of energy required by the CO2 regeneration step is dependent on the solvent type and the
system operating parameters.
While things like adequate engineering design of the regeneration column, addition of heat recovery
equipment and improved mass transfer devices can all lead to certain OPEX savings, most of the energy
consumption in CO2 capture is related specifically to the amine solvent and to the way it is operated.
Solvents can therefore be customized to match the value drivers of a particular application. For example,
CTI designed two different solvents DC-103 and DC-103B. As a weaker amine, DC-103 is favored by
lower energy input (1.18 tons steam / ton CO2 captured) compared to DC-103B but has higher capital cost
because it requires more packing than the stronger and kinetically faster DC-103 B solvent. A rigorous
optimization study is recommended for solvent selection for each industrial scenario.
Table 3 to follow shows the performance and physical expectations of the Cansolv CO2 capture System
extrapolated for a full scale system.
Specific LP Steam Consumption < 1.2 tons/ton CO2 < 1.35 tons/ton CO2
Every case will involve an examination of site specific trade-offs in order to best optimize the cost of the
capture plant with the cost of the power plant. Looking at larger, more expensive equipment may be
worthwhile if the resulting operating cost savings is valued more. One such example is to decrease the
temperature approach of the associated regenerator reboiler as low as realistically feasible. While the
immediate impact is an increase in the price of the reboiler and much more required surface area and
footprint; the potential advantage is the ability to use lower pressure steam in the regenerator. Lower
pressure steam may mean less parasitic energy loss in the power cycle steam system since the steam rate
(defined as kWthermic / kWelectric) would be higher.
The largest and most important operating cost for implementation of an amine based CO2 capture unit in a
coal-fired power plant is the energy required for solvent regeneration. Therefore, recovery of any
available energy inside battery limits can be vital to the economics of the project. Among the several
engineering improvements, which are to be applied to amine based scrubbing technologies, is the
Mechanical Vapor recompression (MVR) System. It derives its benefit from the fact that latent energy is
available in the lean amine exiting the Regeneration section. In a regular process flowsheet, this energy is
lost. By using Mechanical Vapor Recompression equipment, it allows this energy to be captured and re-
introduced into the system to lower steam consumption during the regeneration step. The vapor leaving
the lean amine flash tank is recompressed from 1 – 1.25 bar(a) to 2 – 2.5 bar(a) and sent back to the
reboiler to reduce the consumption of fresh steam by 30%. The MVR compressor consumes energy, but
the coefficient of performance is high enough that the impact of the change nets an improvement in
energy demand of 15%.
Many new amine based CO2 capture systems now being considered have only been demonstrated in 0.5
to 1.0 ton per day CO2 capture systems. While this small size demonstration proves the chemistry and
robustness of the solvent, it does not allow the absolute energy demand to be accurately measured. In
addition, engineering improvements, such as MVR compression cannot be properly evaluated. CTI is
entering into agreements with two coal fired power plant operators to demonstrate its technology at larger
scales of operation.
In order to prove at a large scale the Cansolv CO2 Capture process, a large utility has purchased a Cansolv
demonstration plant, to be erected and installed in Germany on a Coal Fired Power Plant. This Cansolv
unit, which is in the engineering phase, will treat a slipstream inlet gas of just over 20,000 Nm³/hr
containing ~12 % CO2 and 70 ppmv SO2. The target CO2 removal is 90% for a total of 100 tons of CO2
captured per day.
This will be one of the world’s largest scale amine based CO2 capture
demonstration plants. The demonstration of this technology at this scale is
viewed by the operator as “an important step towards climate friendly low
carbon power plant technology”. He plans on using the unit to “focus on
progress in terms of ecologic and economic characteristics of the post
combustion capture technology” in order to drive the commercialization of the
technology for the future.
242 D. Shaw / Energy Procedia 1 (2009) 237–246
Inset (Figure 1) is a preliminary engineering layout (excluding major equipment) to illustrate what the
Cansolv demonstration Plant will look like. The absorber height, in this case, will be approximately 140
feet high. Overall footprint should be no more than 100 feet x 50 feet.
Figure 1: Demo Plant
Conventional primary amines used in flue gas CO2 capture service have a significant tendency to degrade
in the presence of O2 and SO2. Degradation causes a loss of capture capacity and eventually requires
replacement of the solvent over time. While primary amines perform well in reduced gas environments,
they have very low tolerance to the presence of SO2. Specifications as low as 1 ppmv are requested by
some vendors in order to offer any warranties related to removal efficiency or solvent consumption. Cost
of implementation of upstream FGD reaching these low SO2 concentrations before the CO2 capture unit
could be prohibitive. Moreover, should SO2 concentrations exceed allowable limits in the conventional
amine system, immediate reduction of CO2 capture capacity and immediate degradation of the solvent
may be expected until SO2 concentrations return to design levels.
Cansolv CO2 removal solvents do not present this high sensitivity to SO2 content. For example,
accelerated degradation studies showed that SO2/HSO3-/SO32- concentrations as high as 2 wt% in the
absorbent do not enhance the rate of formation of organic acids, which are a good indicator of the
degradation rate of the amine solvent. Larger scale piloting studies deliberately fed SO2 into the CO2 loop.
The Cansolv CO2 removal solvents remained active for CO2 scrubbing.
The Cansolv CO2 Capture system uses an amine that is very similar to the Cansolv DS solvent used in the
Cansolv SO2 Scrubbing system, which has been in operation at commercial scale for over 6 years. These
operating units have proven the durability of the Cansolv solvent, in large scale applications where the
flue gas conditions are similar to that of conventional power plants.
CTI’s experience has shown that SO2 in the flue gas entering the Cansolv CO2 process does not degrade
the solvent. Furthermore, more detailed studies have shown that the deliberate addition of SO2 into the
solvent can reduce its degradation rate in the presence of oxygen. SO2 that is absorbed by the Cansolv
CO2 removal solution is present as bisulfite and sulfite. A portion of it may also disproportionate into
thiosulfate and sulphate. Sulfites, are strong reductants and preferentially readily react with dissolved
oxygen, mitigating the impact of oxidation on the amine. Thiosulfate is a free radical scavenger which
also attenuates potential undesirable degradation reactions. All SO2 that is absorbed by the Cansolv CO2
removal solvent must be removed in the system’s Amine Purification Unit (APU), however.
Therefore, to a certain degree, the design basis for SO2 management systems upstream of the Cansolv
CO2 Capture system is established on the basis of an economic choice between the incremental cost of
removal of SO2 upstream of the CO2 Absorber and removal of SO2 from the Cansolv solvent as a heat
stable salt in the APU.
If SO2 entering the CO2 loop is not removed, it will accumulate as non regenerable Heat Stable Salts
(HSS). Eventually, HSS neutralize the Cansolv CO2 removal solvent and reduce its ability to scrub CO2.
Cansolv’s proprietary technology for HSS removal is required for all systems to manage the solution’s
HSS content. The APU technology is based on the use of a sodium hydroxide regenerated ion exchange
D. Shaw / Energy Procedia 1 (2009) 237–246 243
So when considering a Cansolv system for CO2 capture, one needs to re-think some of the usual notions
associated with conventional CO2 capture with amines.
In other words, the allowable concentration of SO2 in the gas fed to the CO2 removal system is not
arbitrarily set at near zero, but is a function of the optimized cost of removal as compared to the cost of
solvent to be replaced due to accelerated degradation.
Higher amounts of SO2 entering the CO2 solvent reduce the rate at which the solvent degrades which
reduces solvent replacement costs. But the result is an increase in APU costs for higher HSS removal.
The inverse is also true. So there is a balance to consider; an optimum range that maximizes the value of
SO2 ingress. As demonstrated in the figure below, the optimum SO2 concentration range in the flue gas
for a Cansolv system has been found to be 15-60 ppmv. This can be achieved by conventional scrubbing
technologies and by the Cansolv SO2 Scrubbing System. Therefore an upstream FGD system would not
need to be upgraded to further remove CO2 from the flue gas.
One of the challenges facing Cansolv’s integrated SO2 and CO2 capture systems is that utilities do not
historically value SO2 as a by-product. A regenerable SO2 Scrubbing technology requires that the user
enter a new by-product market, which adds to his commercial risk and operational complexity.
In today’s operating environment, several factors could lead to a shift in these mind sets:
oRecent escalating market price for sulfur and H2SO4 make by-product revenues significant
oExposure to gypsum or other waste disposal liabilities may not be acceptable
oThe cost of the limestone/gypsum value chain is increasing
oPost Combustion CO2 Capture obligations may require more aggressive SO2 removal.
Once the concept of valuing SO2 as an End-Product is adopted, new channels of potential heat integration
can also start to emerge.
Cost of APU
Oxidative Degradtion of DC-103
~15-60 ppmv
Being the only provider of amine based SO2 and CO2 removal technologies; Cansolv is able to offer the
unique advantage of one integrated system to remove both pollutants simultaneously. The result is a
treated flue gas stream that is released to atmosphere with the bulk of CO2 and ALL of the SO2 removed.
The SO2 stripper overhead stream has a high molar fraction of water vapor. A significant amount of latent
energy can be recovered from this overhead stream through the use of equipment such as a Mechanical
Vapour Recompressor (MVR). This energy can be recycled from the Cansolv SO2 system to the Cansolv
CO2 system to reduce the primary steam requirement for CO2 capture. Up to 15% of the energy
requirement in the CO2 capture system can be obtained from the FGD system.
Assuming that most utilities will not have access to a stream of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) for use in a Sulfur
Recovery Unit to form elemental sulfur, the most obvious method of handling product SO2 from Cansolv
is through conversion to sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Sulfuric acid remains the world’s most widely traded
inorganic chemical and users are geographically distributed, which minimizes by-product market
exposure. Recently, H2SO4 prices have reached all time highs, not insignificantly due to a growing
population requiring more fertilizer to grow crops and food.
H2SO4 is produced by converting SO2 to SO3 in a bed of vanadium pentoxide catalyst (or equivalent). The
SO3 is then absorbed into water to produce H2SO4. The conversion and absorption steps are exothermic
processes and as much as 1.7 tons of steam can be produced per ton of acid. This energy can be sent to
the CO2 regenerator to further offset CO2 capture costs.
Energy saved for CO2 capture can be valued in several ways. Reduced energy consumption can be valued
either as equivalent CO2 credits, which can generate a revenue stream, or as a decrease in the cost of the
CO2 sold into a possible EOR market. In either case, value can be generated by steam savings.
In this case implementing a Cansolv SO2 Scrubbing system and a standard single absorption acid plant
(with a heat recovery system) as the upstream FGD unit, can yield the following:
D. Shaw / Energy Procedia 1 (2009) 237–246 245
Additional Steam
Product Mass Flow Source
Overhead Condensers in
SO2 Product 15 tph (360 tpd) 90 tph
In this scenario, up to 130 tons of steam per hour can be cut from the CO2 regenerator duty, reducing the
CO2 stripping energy demand by approximately 25%.
In addition, assuming a market value of 300 USD / ton, the H2SO4 yields potential revenues of more than
60 MM USD annually.
CTI is currently in the process of rolling out the world’s first Integrated SO2/CO2 Capture System (Start-
up is expected in 2009). This integrated SO2 and CO2 capture facility will demonstrate the benefits of
recovering energy from the SO2 system and delivering it to the CO2 system. Upon a closer evaluation, it is
evident that the two technologies are remarkably similar:
This demonstration plant will be installed at a coal fired power plant and will be treating a slipstream of
flue gas for simultaneous SO2 and CO2 removal. Cross-contamination of any of the streams (the solvent
streams, for example) are not a concern since the system is designed with one common solvent
management system (APU). The demonstration system will remove 50 tpd of CO2 and will have ZERO
SO2 emissions. The Plant will be heat integrated (as described in section 7.2.1) and is designed to meet
the following steam requirements:
Water Wash
Cooling Cond.
SO2 Product
Impurities to
Prescrubber Blowdown
Feed Gas
SO2 Regenerator
M/U Water
These effects will have a very significant impact on both the output of the power plant, and the overall
price of electricity.
Low cost CO2 capture systems will be justified to offset the penalties and great interest has been shown
for new technologies that promise reduced CO2 capture cost. Cansolv’s approach is to offer a solution that
manages SO2, lowers parasitic energy consumption and reduces overall capital costs of these systems.
Ongoing studies on integration of our scrubbing units into power plants are leading to improved and
innovative ways to tap into the existing steam cycle while exploiting the synergies of CO2 and SO2
capture to maximize benefit.
A combined SO2 and CO2 removal strategy offers significant savings in additional upstream abatement
equipment, the opportunity to create new revenues from otherwise wasted by-products, as well as offers
the unique advantage of turning otherwise wasted energy into precious CO2 regeneration steam.