Statement of inquiry
Different representations make it easier to understand and justify the relationships within communities
Inquiry questions
Factual – Line of inquiry: Students will investigate the different category for the material.
Can you classify these recyclable materials into several categories? Papers, glass, aluminium, plastic bottle, fabric and boxes.
Conceptual – Line of inquiry: Students will investigate the differences between data representation that suits their data well.
Does a pie chart suitable for representing data that has many categories?
Debatable – Line of inquiry: Students will explore ways to represent data and the accuracy of each data they collected.
Can the classification of solid waste be carried out effectively and save the world?
2. Contents
6. Data representation
7. Conclusion
8. Appendices
MATHEMATICS FORM 1; Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (Publisher: Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd; 2016)
TOP STANDARD MATHEMATICS (Publisher: Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd; 2017)
Mr Collins project : www.mangahigh.com, http://www.youtube.com/user/mrcollinsmaths
Students will be explained and introduced to They were test what in the world around them that
need to be sort out according to category. One of
- Explain the meaning of set them said, the rubbish that can be recycle. Teacher
ask them to find more example to be put in category.
- Describe sets using: (i) description, (ii) 1 Al- Farabi did well, and teacher ask them to put list
listing, and (iii) set builder notation. out 5 example in the world that need to categorize.
Including empty set and its symbols, { }
and . Involve the use of set notation.
Example of set builder notation: A = {x: x
≤ 10, x is even number}
Same with 1 Al Farabi, teacher show the recycle logo
and asked them to interpret the meaning behind it.
One of the kid sparks the idea that all rubbish need to
be sort out to make it easier to recycle. Teacher ask
them to find more example to be put in category. 1 Al-
Kindi did very well, and teacher ask them to put list
out 5 example in the world that need to categorize.
Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit
Students will be explained and introduced to Teacher introduce the symbols they need to learn,
and the meaning of every symbols and how to use it.
11.1.3 Identify whether an object is an element of a Introduce the symbols and and n(A). Students of
set and represent the relation using symbol. Farabi able to understand and tried to do the exercise
in the text book given by teachers. Learning went
11.1.4 Determine the number of elements of a set amazingly.
and represent the number of elements using symbol.
11.1.5 Compare and explain whether two or more Teacher introduce the symbols they need to learn,
sets are equal and hence, make generalisation about and the meaning of every symbols and how to use it.
the equality of sets. Introduce the symbols and and n(A). The kids in 1
Al Kindi is able to understand and tried to do the
exercise in the text book given by teachers. The lesson
went well.
Students will be explained and introduced to Teacher need to be explain in slow pace as this is
there’s a lot of symbol they need to identify and
11.2.1 Identify and describe universal sets and differentiate. The students give full attention and they
complement of a set. able to do it after a few example shown. Lesson went
smoothly and well.
11.2.2 Represent
(i) the relation of a set and universal set, and
(ii) complement of a set through Venn diagrams. Slower pace were used and model from the class were
used to make it easier for them to understand. After a
11.2.3 Identify and describe the possible subsets of a few representation, they continue to finish their
set. worksheet given earlier. Lesson went as planned.
11.2.5 Represent the relations between sets, subsets, The quiz went well for 1 Al Farabi
universal sets and complement of a set using Venn
Students will be explained and introduced to Teacher do a little revise on what linear equation is a
make a comparison between linear inequalities.
7.1.1 Compare the values of numbers, describe Students able to make a difference between it. Lesson
inequality and hence, form algebraic inequality. delivered well and they were given a few exercises to
complete it.