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The German company MOBOTIX AG is known as the leading pioneer in network camera technology and its decen-
tralized concept has made high-resolution video systems cost efficient.
MOBOTIX AG • D-67722 Langmeil • Phone: +49 6302 9816-103 • Fax: +49 6302 9816-190 • sales@mobotix.com
2/144 M15 Camera Manual: Contents
MOBOTIX Seminars
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cises. For more information, visit www.mobotix.com > Seminars.
Copyright Information
All rights reserved. MOBOTIX, the MX logo, MxManagementCenter and MxPEG are
trademarks of MOBOTIX AG registered in the European Union, the U.S.A., and other
countries. Microsoft, Windows and Windows Server are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, OS X, iOS, Bonjour, the
Bonjour logo, the Bonjour icon, iPod and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc. registered
in the U.S.A. and other countries. iPhone, iPad, iPad mini and iPod touch are Apple
Inc. trademarks. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other marks and names
mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective owners.
Download the latest version of this and other manuals as PDF files from
www.mobotix.com > Support > Manuals.
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Contents 3/144
1 Product Overview 10
1.1 M15 AllroundDual 10
1.1.1 General Product Characteristics 10
1.1.2 Hemispheric Sensor Module 15
1.1.3 Advantages and New Features 18
1.1.4 Decentralized Video System 20
1.1.5 Green IP Video 22
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4/144 M15 Camera Manual: Contents
2 Installation 54
2.1 Preparing the Installation 54
2.1.1 Installation Options: Wall, Ceiling, Pole 54
2.1.2 Installing the Camera with Hemispheric Sensor Modules 57
2.1.3 Network Connection and Power Supply, UPS 60
2.1.4 Providing the Camera Connections, MX-Overvoltage-Protection-Box 61
2.1.5 Wiring, Fire Prevention, Lightning and Surge Protection 62
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Contents 5/144
3 Operating The Camera 94
3.1 Manual and Automatic Operation – Overview 94
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Manufacturer 143
Legal Notes
Attention – Special Export Regulations Apply! Cameras with thermal image sen-
sors (“thermal cameras”) are subject to the special export regulations of the
§ U.S.A. and the ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulation):
• According to the currently applicable export regulations of the U.S.A. and
the ITAR, cameras with thermal image sensors or parts thereof must not
be exported to countries embargoed by the U.S.A. or the ITAR. At present,
this applies to the following countries: Syria, Iran, Cuba, North Korea and
Sudan. The same export ban applies to all persons and institutions listed
in “The Denied Persons List” (see www.bis.doc.gov > Policy Guidance >
Lists of Parties of Concern).
• Under no circumstances can the camera itself or its thermal image sensors
be used in the design, the development or in the production of nuclear,
biological or chemical weapons or in the weapons themselves.
Legal aspects of video and sound recording: You must comply with all data protec-
tion regulations for video and sound monitoring when using MOBOTIX products.
§ Depending on national laws and the installation location of the M15, the recording
of video and sound data may be subject to special documentation or it may be
prohibited. All users of MOBOTIX products are therefore required to familiarize them-
selves with all valid regulations and comply with these laws. MOBOTIX AG is not
liable for any illegal use of its products.
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Contents 7/144
Safety Warnings
Installation Instructions:
• This product must not be used in locations exposed to the dangers of explosion.
• Make sure to install this product as shown in Chapter 2, «Installation» of this
• When installing this product, make sure that you are only using genuine MOBOTIX
parts and MOBOTIX connection cables.
• Make sure that you are installing this product on a solid surface that provides
for a sturdy installation of the fixing elements used.
Electrical installation: Electrical systems and equipment may only be installed,
modified and maintained by a qualified electrician or under the direction and super-
vision of a qualified electrician in accordance with the applicable electrical guidelines.
Make sure to properly set up all electrical connections.
Electrical surges: MOBOTIX cameras are protected against the effects of small elec-
trical surges by numerous measures. These measures, however, cannot prevent the
camera from being damaged when stronger electrical surges occur. Special care
should be taken when installing the camera outside of buildings to ensure proper
protection against lightning, since this also protects the building and the whole
network infrastructure.
Never touch the dome or the protective lens covers: Due to the high performance
of the M15, the area of the image sensor can get quite hot, especially when the
ambient temperature is also high. This does not affect the proper functioning of the
camera in any way. For this reason, the product must not be installed within the
reach of persons without domes or protective lens covers.
Power off before opening the camera: Make sure the power supply is disconnected
before opening the camera (i.e., for installing or replacing sensor modules and SD
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8/144 M15 Camera Manual
Dear MOBOTIX customer,
With the M15, one or two separate and interchangeable MOBOTIX sensor modules (lens
plus sensor board and microphone) are installed in the camera base module M15 Core.
The sensor modules can be purchased with 5MP or 6MP resolution: from tele lens to
Hemispheric, each available as day or night models. In addition, the LPF (“Long Pass
Filter”) variants of the night models have been designed for special requirements (such
as number plate recognition). If the M15 is configured with a Day and a Night sensor
module, the camera will automatically switch to the appropriate image sensor depend-
ing on the illumination.
The introduction of the newest sensor technology with increased light sensitivity in combi-
nation with the new HD Premium lenses (aperture f/1.8) not only generates more brilliant
images with up to 3072x2048 (6MP image sensor) or 2592x1944 (5MP image sensor), it
also delivers color images of higher quality under lowlight conditions.
The new model variant M15-Thermal supplements the proven MOBOTIX technology by
a high-end thermal imaging sensor, which can reliably detect moving objects even in
total darkness. The M15-Thermal-TR (TR = Thermal Radiometry) can trigger alarms when
detecting temperatures in the image or in measurement windows that exceed or drop
below the specified temperature.
If you still have any questions, our support and international sales staff are available at
intl-support@mobotix.com from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (German time).
Thank you for choosing MOBOTIX products and services. We wish you all the best with
your new, high-performance MOBOTIX M15 AllroundDual camera!
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10/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
1. Housing with integrated camera electronics, flash memory, external ports (Ethernet,
MxBus, MiniUSB) and pre-installed VarioFlex mount for wall or ceiling mounting.
2. Front element to hold one or two sensor modules, with microphone, speaker, passive
infrared sensor (PIR), outside temperature sensor and status LEDs.
3. One or two sensor modules with lens, image sensor, microphone and status
LEDs (microphone and status LEDs are deactivated if attached to a M15). Both the
M15-Thermal and the M15-Thermal-TR have a factory-installed thermal image sen-
sor and you can install one additional sensor module.
The housing with VarioFlex mount, connection cable for sensor modules and network and
the front element are components of the M15 Core basic module as standard. The sensor
modules may be ordered separately and combined freely as desired (for example, Day/
Night, telephoto/wide-angle). The system’s modular design ensures a high level of flexibility
and ease of repair (for example, replace one sensor module instead of the entire camera).
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PoE switch
Note that the sensor modules are easily exchanged even if the camera has already been
installed. The image area captured by the camera varies depending on the focal length of
the selected lens. With a Super Wide Angle lens (90° angle of view), for example, almost
an entire room can be recorded from one corner. A Tele lens (7° angle of view) enables an
M15 to clearly record a license plate number, for example, from a distance of approximately
150 m/500 ft. Or even the serial number of a bill from a distance of 4 m/12 ft.
One M15 is usually all that is required to monitor either an entire room or the four lanes of
a gas station. The high degree of image detail not only reduces the number of required
cameras, but also minimizes system costs by reducing the wiring complexity, emergency
power requirements and number of recording devices required.
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12/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
The day and night lenses in the M15 are positioned exactly parallel to one another. This
way, the day lens always covers the same area as the night lens.
By design, the D10/ Hemispheric Day and Night Camera (M15 with D10/N10 Sensor Modules)
N10 sensor modules may
display shades from the Equipped with one L10 sensor module for daylight (D10, color) and one sensor module
camera housing or the for night images (N10, Black & White), the M15 is the perfect hemispheric dual camera
dome of the other D10/ for applications with a wide range of lighting conditions. Since both sensor modules are
N10 sensor module.
always parallel thanks to the design of the M15, you will see the same image as a color
image by day and as a Black & White image by night.
The VarioFlex mount supplied as standard makes the camera ideally suited for outdoor use
and for installation over in-wall sockets so that the cabling remains perfectly concealed.
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A number of additional devices can be used. They are connected via a network switch
or directly to the camera housing via an MxBus or MiniUSB cable (for example, ExtIO,
MOBOTIX functional boxes, audio or USB-based storage devices). If the network switch
features an Internet connection, it can be used for encrypted access to the camera foot-
age from anywhere in the world.
Virtual PTZ (vPTZ) – Panning, Tilting and Zooming with No Motor Required
The M15 also zooms in on detail. This vPTZ function (virtual Pan, Tilt, Zoom) is a standard
feature in the integrated camera software. The image can be enlarged using, for example,
the mouse wheel, a joystick or a software-controlled PTZ panel, and you can “move” the
view to any section of the image. This provides the features of a mechanical PTZ camera
without the disadvantages of maintenance and wear.
Internal DVR
The M15 features direct recording to the integrated MicroSD card, which makes the cam-
era fully independent of any external storage media, even for longer periods of time. The
camera internally stores high-resolution video, without requiring an external recording
device or PC and therefore without creating any network load. Old recordings can be
overwritten automatically or automatically deleted after a specified period of time. When
using a 32 GB SD card, for example, the camera can store more than a quarter million
event images in VGA format (640x480). If you would like to archive complete sequences
or extracts of sequences, you can export the required data to any PC or USB hard drive.
Low Power Consumption in Accordance with the PoE Standard (IEEE 802.3af)
A M15 uses no more power than its predecessor (typically 4.5 watts), despite the new
sensor technology. Adjusting the PoE class via the camera software also enables the use
of PoE switches that cannot be operated on all ports with PoE class 3 (up to max. 12.95 V).
Model Variants
The dual camera base module M15 Core is available in the M15 model variant, which can
be equipped with one or two sensor modules. Each variant features an internal long-term
memory (a pre-formatted and pre-installed MicroSD card).
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14/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
The maximum resolution per sensor module is 6MP (3072x2048 pixels, more than 3
times larger than Full HD!). The sensor modules themselves are installed in a few easy
steps in the basic module (see Section 2.2.1, «Initial Installation of the Sensor Modules
(Except M15 Kits)»).
MOBOTIX also offers the M15 Kits as ready-to-install day/night cameras with the same
focal lengths for both image sensors (see Section 1.3.6, «M15 Kits “Day/Night”»).
MX sensor module
(Color/Black & White)
MX sensor module
(color/black & white,
with any combination of one
or two day or night sensor
modules M15-Thermal/M15-Thermal-TR
with thermal image sensor
and one optional day or night
sensor module
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1.1.2 Hemispheric Sensor Module
Equipped with the hemispheric L10-L12* sensor module (day or night), an entire room *For an explanation of
can be ideally monitored using just one M15, which replaces the time-consuming and the sensor module desig-
nations (e.g., L10-L12),
expensive installation of several standard cameras. The overview image provided by a please read Section 1.2.1,
single M15, which may be tailored in a number of ways according to specific user require- «M15 Lens Options»
ments, minimizes the system costs by reducing the wiring complexity, emergency power
requirements, and number of recording devices required.
High-Resolution Panorama
When several cameras are monitoring a single room, it is difficult to understand the room
layout due to the different viewing directions of each individual camera. This makes it hard to
comprehend the overall setting. The panorama function of the M15 with the L10-L12 sensor
module delivers a widescreen, corrected image of a high-resolution 180° allround view.
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16/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
an angle) may be optically straightened to the image edges using this feature. A welcome
side effect of this is that the protective cover disappears from the image.
If this measure does not work in a specific situation (downward camera tilt not possible),
the protective cover can be removed from the image by zooming and, if necessary,
by panning downward using the virtual functions. The displayed image section or the
panorama, as the case may be, is reduced slightly but the image details are enlarged
as a result of zooming.
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Double Panorama for a Simultaneous View in Two Directions
The “Double Panorama” display mode provides a panorama image of both halves of
the surveillance area. Using the vPTZ functions, the panorama images can be changed
as desired. The example here shows an overview panorama of the entire room, as well
as the entrance, which would have otherwise no longer been visible in the panorama.
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18/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
The high-resolution M15 AllroundDual is the more powerful successor of the M12 and uses
image sensors with 6MP or 5MP resolution. Since the images of a M15 sensor with a maxi-
mum size of 3072x2048 (6MP) or 2592x1944 (5MP) can be viewed live or in the recordings,
the M15 is clearly superior to its predecessor in terms of image quality and frame rate.
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Thermal Radiometry – Measuring Temperatures and Triggering Alarms
The M15-Thermal-TR (TR = Thermal Radiometry) can do even more than to record thermal
images and detect movements; this model variant can measure temperatures and trigger
alarms. This is the result of using a calibrated thermal sensor, which can measure the
temperatures in the entire image or in measurement windows.
The M15 provides an activity-controlled image analysis sensor as standard for detecting
the movements of people and objects in a defined surveillance area (full image or section).
The MxActivitySensor delivers reliable results particularly in outdoor area applications, in
contrast to video motion detection that continues to be available and that registers all
image changes in defined video motion windows. In the monitored area, the camera
distinguishes between the continuous movements of vehicles, persons or objects that
trigger an alarm and movements that do not set off an alarm such as shadows, changing
light conditions and trees swaying in the wind.
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20/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
Usually, cameras only supply images, while processing and recording take place later
on a central PC using video management software. This centralized structure has too
many limitations for high-resolution video systems since it requires high network bandwidth
and the PC processing power is insufficient when using several high-resolution cameras.
Due to the large number of computers and servers required, traditional centralized systems
are therefore becoming less suitable and cost effective.
Integrated sensors enable MOBOTIX cameras such as the M15 to automatically detect
when an event has occurred. If necessary, the cameras will respond immediately with an
alarm sound and will establish a direct video and sound connection to a control room.
M15 models utilize MxActivitySensor to detect the movement of people and objects and
their direction of movement as standard. The MxActivitySensor delivers reliable results
particularly in outdoor area applications, in contrast to video motion detection that con-
tinues to be available and that registers even the smallest of image changes in defined
video motion windows. In the defined monitored area (full image or section), the camera
distinguishes between the continuous movements of vehicles, persons or objects that
trigger an alarm and movements that do not set off an alarm such as shadows, changing
light conditions, heavy rain or trees swaying in the wind.
The M15 is also equipped with a shock detector as standard. For example, if the camera
receives a blow to the housing, it can simultaneously take a video of the offender, trigger
a sound alarm and notify the security company by a SIP call. Due to the build quality and
absence of moving parts, MOBOTIX cameras are extremely tough. This typically allows
them to stay fully operational, even when they are subject to strong vibrations.
All MOBOTIX cameras are backlight-proof and are not adversely affected by the glare
from direct sunlight. They deliver meaningful, detailed images at all times as the camera
software supports easy programming of independent exposure windows, making them
ideal for rooms with large glass fronts.
MOBOTIX In the event of an alarm, M15 cameras can also record lip-synchronous audio.
The cameras therefore play an important role in analyzing and clarifying a situation. Thanks
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M15 AllroundDual 21/144
to an integrated speaker and microphone, each individual camera can also be used for
bidirectional communication (two-way video communication), so you can easily use the
MOBOTIX App with your iPhone or iPad on the road.
The decentralized MOBOTIX video solutions are superior to traditional systems in all
major aspects. They are also considerably cheaper to operate as they require
• Fewer cameras due to the more accurate detail of panorama images with mega-
pixel technology
• Fewer recording devices because ten times the standard number of cameras can
be used to record high-resolution HDTV video with sound on one computer/server
simultaneously in the decentralized system
• Lower network bandwidth because everything is processed in the camera itself
and the high-resolution images therefore do not have to be constantly transmitted
for analysis
Recording Software
Decentralized and Safe
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22/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
MOBOTIX IP66 cameras are highly robust and work – without high-power climate control
and extra protective housing – in a temperature range from –30 to +60 °C/–22 to +140 °F.
Integrated into the cameras are high-power processors and flash storage, thus making
energy-consuming servers and storage devices unnecessary. And, of course, the disposal
of waste later.
High Resolution
A hemispheric MOBOTIX camera with two image sensors replaces up to eight standard
cameras – including their consumption of energy and resources.
Without mechanical components, MOBOTIX cameras are maintenance-free and stay fully
functional, even after years – and are, thus, more sustainable compared to other systems.
Even previous camera models can be easily updated and then offer new functionalities.
Remote updates via the internet and the fact that the cameras are maintenance-free
reduce trips by car, and, thereby, the negative effect on the environment.
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M15 AllroundDual 23/144
ll mo
u nt
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24/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
Since MOBOTIX cameras are backlight-proof, none of these lenses requires a mechanical
auto iris, thus making the camera extremely robust and maintenance-free.
The M15 can take one or two optical sensor modules as required. The sensor modules
are available with 6MP or 5MP image sensors, resulting in differences in the lenses’
angles of view:
105° 92°
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Technical Specifications 25/144
Lenses for Sensor Modules with 6MP Image Sensor
Lenses 6MP L10 L20 L22 L32 L43 L65 L135 L270
Original image
(image format
Focal length
10 mm 20 mm 22 mm 32 mm 43 mm 65 mm 135 mm 270 mm
(35 mm equiv.)
Nominal focal
1.6 mm 3.6 mm 4.1 mm 6.1 mm 7.9 mm 11.9 mm 23.7 mm 50 mm
Aperture 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.5
Horiz. angle of
180° 103° 90° 60° 45° 31° 15° 8°
Vert. angle of
180° 77° 67° 45° 34° 23° 11° 6°
At 1 m distance
Image width ∞ 2.5 2.0 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1
Image height ∞ 1.6 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1
At 5 m distance
Image width ∞ 12.6 10.0 5.8 4.1 2.8 1.3 0.7
Image height ∞ 8.0 6.6 4.1 3.1 2.0 1.0 0.5
At 10 m distance
Focal lengths of MOBOTIX lenses are always given as compared to a 35 mm camera.
For example, the MOBOTIX Super Wide-Angle lens L20-L23 has a nominal focal
length of 3.6 mm. Converted to 35 mm camera, this would be a lens with 20 mm
or 23 mm focal length, depending on whether it is combined with a 6MP or a 5MP
image sensor. Converting the focal lengths to 35 mm camera as a known format
provides for better comparing the image formats and the angles of view of the dif-
ferent lenses. Another benefit is that you can easily set a 35 mm camera (analog or
digital) to the same focal length (Lxx) of the MOBOTIX lens to obtain the same angle
of view. This approach greatly facilitates lens selection.
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26/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
Lenses 5MP L12 L23 L25 L38 L51 L76 L160 L320
Original image
(image format
Focal length
12 mm 23 mm 25 mm 38 mm 51 mm 76 mm 160 mm 320 mm
(35 mm equiv.)
Nominal focal
1.6 mm 3.6 mm 4.1 mm 6.1 mm 7.9 mm 11.9 mm 23.7 mm 50 mm
Aperture 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.5
Horiz. angle of
180° 92° 82° 55° 40° 27° 13° 7°
Vert. angle of
160° 68° 61° 41° 30° 20° 10° 5°
At 1 m distance
Image width ∞ 2.1 1.7 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.1
Image height 11.3 1.3 1.2 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.1
At 5 m distance
Image width ∞ 10.4 8.7 5.2 3.6 2.4 1.1 0.6
Image height 56.7 6.7 5.9 3.7 2.7 1.8 0.9 0.4
At 10 m distance
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Technical Specifications 27/144
1.2.2 M15-Thermal(-TR) With Optional MX Sensor Module
This model variant has a permanently installed thermal image sensor and can optionally
take one more sensor module (see above). The thermal image sensor is available in the
focal lengths listed below.
The following combinations of thermal sensor modules are possible for an M15:
A. Combined operation (1 thermal sensor module, 1 optical sensor module): The advan-
tages of an M15 with Thermal sensor module and simultaneous daylight sensor
result from combining both images: brilliant 6/5-megapixel images during the day
and in twilight hours and reliable motion detection at night.
B. Single thermal operation (1 Thermal sensor module): The M15-Thermal delivers
only a thermal image.
t Available Focal Lengths Thermal Sensor Module/Sensor Module Thermal-TR
Example image
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28/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
Camera Model
M15 M15-Thermal(-TR)
Lenses with 6MP/5MP Image Sensors
*For an explanation of L10-L12* Hemispheric (right/left) •/• –/•
the sensor module desig-
L20-L23* Super Wide-Angle (right/left) •/• –/•
nations (e.g., L10-L12),
please read Section 1.2.1, L22-L25* Super Wide-Angle (right/left) •/• –/•
«M15 Lens Options»
L32-L38* Wide-Angle (right/left) •/• –/•
L43-L51* Wide-Angle (right/left) •/• –/•
L65-L76* Tele (right/left) •/• –/•
L135-L160* Tele (right/left) •/• –/•
L270-L320* Tele (right/left) •/• –/•
CSVario L24–54/L27–60* – –
Image sensor with individual exposure Color/BW/LPF Thermal image sensor
zones (any combination) (+ optional color/BW/LPF)
Image sensor sensitivity 6MP in Lux at 0.1 / 0.005 or
1/60 s / 1 s 0.02 / 0.001 NETD typ. 50 mK, <79 mK
Image sensor sensitivity 5MP in Lux at 0.25 / 0.013 or (color/BW/LPF see left)
1/60 s / 1 s 0.05 / 0.0025
Hardware Features
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Technical Specifications 29/144
1.2.4 Camera Variants – Software Features
Camera Model
General Features
Digital zoom (continuous) with panning •
Motion JPEG/MxPEG codecs •/•
Custom exposure windows • (not for thermal sensor)
Temperature measurement alarms (M15-Thermal-TR only)
Snapshot rec. (pre-/post-alarm images) 50
Terabyte ring buffer (internal/network) •
Continuous/event rec. with sound (0.2 to 30 fps) •
Time and event control •
Weekly schedules/holidays •
Web functionality (FTP, email) •
Playback/Quad and MultiView •
Bidirectional audio in browser •
Logo generator, animated •
Flexible event logic •
Master/slave arming •
Several scheduled privacy zones •
Customized voice messages •
VoIP telephony (audio/video, alarm) •
Remote alarm notification •
Via MX-Input-Box/MX-Output-Box
Signal inputs/outputs, RS232
or MX-232-IO-Box
Programming interface/HTTP API •
Security features (HTTPS/SSL, IP-level access control,
network authentication IEEE 802.1X)
Video Analysis
Video Motion detection •
MxAnalytics –
MxActivitySensor •
Video Management Software
download from
MxManagementCenter • www.mobotix.com
or App Store
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30/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
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Technical Specifications 31/144
Technical Specifications M15/M15-Thermal/M15-Thermal-TR
Image Processing Backlight compensation, automatic white balance, image dis-
tortion correction, panorama correction, video sensors (video
motion detection/MxActivitySensor), optional off-color/black &
white display of thermal image sensor
Virtual PTZ Digital pan/tilt/zoom, continuous up to 8X
Alarm/Events Video Motion detection, MxActivitySensor, external signals,
temperature sensor, PIR, microphone, shock detector, notifica-
tion via e-mail, FTP, IP telephony (VoIP, SIP), visual/acoustic
alarms, pre- and post-alarm images
Microphone and speaker Microphone and speaker integrated
Audio features Lip-synchronous audio, two-way communication, audio rec.
Interfaces Ethernet 10/100, MiniUSB, MxBus;
inputs/outputs and RS232 via accessories
Video telephony VoIP/SIP, two-way communication, remote controlling using
key codes, event notification
Security User/group management, HTTPS/SSL, IP address filter, IEEE
802.1x, intrusion detection, digital image signature
Certifications EMV (EN 55022, CISPR 22, EN 55024, EN 61000-6-1/2,
FCC Part 15B, CFR 47, AS/NZS 3548)
Power Supply Year-round Power-over-Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af);
PoE class variable (M15-Thermal: class 3 required)
Power Consumption M15: Typ. < 4.5 W with 1 sensor module, < 5 W with 2 sensor
M15-Thermal: Typ. < 5 W with thermal image sensor, < 5.5 W
with 1 additional sensor module:
Operating Conditions IP66, –30 to +60 °C/–22 to +140 °F,
air humidity up to 90–100% (acc. to EN 50155 Chap. 12.2.5)
Protection against mechani- IK06 (according to IEC 62262/EN 50102)
cal impact
Dimensions W x H x D with wall mount: 158 x 244 x 239 mm;
M15; M15-Thermal W x H x D with ceiling mount: 158 x 210 x 207 mm
Weights M15 without sensor Weight with wall mount: approx. 1,129 g
modules Weight with ceiling mount: approx. 1,078 g
Weights M15-Thermal with- Weight with wall mount: approx. 1,210 g
out add. sensor module Weight with ceiling mount: approx. 1,160 g
Dimensions/Weights L10-L12: Ø x D: 43 x 45 mm (installation dim.), weight 85 g
sensor modules L22-L25, L43-L51: Ø x D: 43 x 57 mm (installation dim.), wt 111 g
L32-L38, L65-L76, L135-L160: Ø x D: 43 x 60 mm (installation
dim.), weight 122 g
L270-L320: Ø x D: 43 x 60 mm (installation dim.), weight 160 g
Standard Delivery Housing (high-resistance composite, PBT), white, shock-
resistant dome for L10-L12 sensor module, coated glass pane
for all other MX sensor modules, protective Germanium cover
for thermal image sensor (only M15-Thermal), accessories for
installation on wall and ceiling, Allen wrench, 50 cm patch
cable, manual, software, MicroSD card (pre-installed)
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32/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
M.2 1.10
M.1 1.11
1.15 1.14
1.20 1.17
Standard Delivery
Item Count Part Name
1.1 1 Camera housing with mainboard and wall mount (installed),
without sensor modules and front element
1.2 1 Front element with additional sensors (installed)
1.3 2 Transport plugs (installed)
1.4 1 Dummy module (must be installed when using only one sensor
1.5 4 Inner housing cover (installed)
1.6 4 Stainless steel Allen screw with flat head M4x8 for inner hous-
ing cover (installed)
1.7 2 Cable lock black with bayonet catch (Ethernet patch cable,
USB, one mounted, one supplied)
1.8 2 Single wire plug, blue (MxBus, USB, mounted)
1.9 1 MicroSD card (SDXC, SDHC pre-installed)
1.10 1 Ethernet patch cable, 50 cm/19.7 in with sealing (installed)
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Delivered Parts and Dimensions 33/144
Standard Delivery
Item Count Part Name
1.11 2 Sensor module cable 15 cm/6 in (installed in camera)
1.12 1 I/O cable with red clips to front element 15 cm/6 in (installed)
1.13 1 Hinged ferrite for Ethernet cable (installed)
1.14 1 Hinged ferrite for sensor module cable (installed)
1.15 2 Rubber plug for covering mounting screws, white
1.16 3 Stainless steel Allen screw M6x30 (installed)
1.17 3 Stainless steel washer Ø 6.4 mm (installed)
1.18 1 Stainless steel spring washer Ø 6.4 mm (wall/ceiling mt., inst.)
1.19 1 Stainless steel lock nut M6 (wall/ceiling mount, installed)
1.20 1 Rubber plug, black (installed)
Mounting Supplies
M.1 4 Stainless steel washer Ø 6.4 mm
M.2 4 Dowels 8 mm
M.3 4 Stainless steel wood screw with hex head 6x50 mm
M.4 1 Allen wrench 2.5 mm
M.5 1 Allen wrench 5 mm
M.6 1 Lens wrench (L10-L12 lens, glass/filter insert, dome)
M.7 1 Module key (sensor module, focusing of lenses)
M.8 1 Rubber sealing for wall/ceiling mount, white
M.9 1 Ceiling mount for VarioFlex mount
M.10 4 Protection cover for screw, white
M.11 4 Security clip for sensor or blind modules, red
Camera housing
LED default settings
Sensor modules
1 Power (an),
Error (flashes)
2 Recording (flashes)
Ext. temperature sensor
PIR sensor
To press a key, use a
paper clip for example,
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34/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
Sensor module
Only use cables with Only use the corresponding MOBOTIX cables with sealing ring when using the connec-
angled plugs inside tions of the M15 shown above:
the housing of the
M15 (exceptions: • Ethernet patch cable: MX-OPT-CBL-LAN-1/2/5/10
patch cables, MxBus
connection wires)! • MiniUSB (straight/angled): MX-CBL-MU-EN-STR-05/2/5
• MiniUSB to USB-A (angled to USB socket): MX-CBL-MU-EN-AB-05/2/5
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Delivered Parts and Dimensions 35/144
1.3.2 M15-Thermal/M15-Thermal-TR Model Variants
The delivered parts of the M15-Thermal/M15-Thermal-TR are slightly different from those
of the M15 Core (see Section 1.3.1, «M15 Core (Base Module)»):
M.2 1.10
M.1 1.11
1.19 1.14
1.20 1.17 1.13
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36/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
244 mm/9.6 in
199 mm/7.84 in
239 mm/9.41 in
106 mm/4.17 in
244 mm/9.6 in
199 mm/7.84 in
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Delivered Parts and Dimensions 37/144
Dimensions of the M15 with Ceiling Mount The drilling templates
can be found at the
158 mm/6.22 in end of the manual
106 mm/4.17 in
Always print or copy
drilling template in
their original size
210 mm/8.27 in
199 mm/7.84 in
207 mm/8.15 in
106 mm/4.17 in
210 mm/8.27 in
199 mm/7.84 in
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38/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
Sensor module
including status LEDs
and microphone
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Delivered Parts and Dimensions 39/144
Front View
LED default settings:
1 2
1 Power (on), Error (flashes)
Diam. 50 mm/2 in
LEDs 2 Recording (flashes)
Sensor module
Diam. 50 mm/2 in
Rear View
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
Sensor cable con- image (North)
Sensor module
Pressure compen-
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
Side View
58 mm/2.3 in
30 mm/1.2 in 15 mm/0.6 in
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
Sensor module
weight without lock ring: 85 g
weight with lock ring: 91 g
40 mm/1.6 in
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
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40/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
*For an explanation of 1.3.4 Sensor Modules L20-L23, L22-L25, L32-L38, L43-L51, L65-L76,
the sensor module desig- L135-L160*
nations (e.g., L10-L12),
please read Section 1.2.1,
«M15 Lens Options» 3.1
Sensor module
including status LEDs 3.6
and microphone
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Delivered Parts and Dimensions 41/144
Front View
LED default settings:
1 2
1 Power (on), Error (flashes)
Diam. 50 mm/2 in
LEDs 2 Recording (flashes)
Sensor module
Diam. 50 mm/2 in
Rear View
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
Sensor cable con- Top = top border of
nection image (North)
Sensor module
Pressure compen-
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
Side View
48 mm/1.89 in 15 mm/0.6 in
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
Sensor module
weight without lock ring: 122 g
weight with lock ring: 128 g
40 mm/1.6 in
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
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42/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
Sensor module 4.6
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Delivered Parts and Dimensions 43/144
Front View
Diam. 50 mm/2 in
Protective lens cover
Sensor module
Diam. 50 mm/2 in
Rear View
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
Sensor cable con- Top = top border of
nection image (North)
Sensor module
Pressure compen-
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
Side View
32 mm/1.26 in 48 mm/1.89 in 15 mm/0.6 in
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
Sensor module
weight without lock ring: 122 g
weight with lock ring: 128 g
40 mm/1.6 in
Diam. 43 mm/1.7 in
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44/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
In order to facilitate the installation, you also order the M15 as complete kit with one day
and one night lens of the same focal lengths.
MX-M15-DNight-D32/N32 (6MP)
-D38N38 (5MP)
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Available Accessories 45/144
1.4 Available Accessories
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46/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
1.4.6 NPA-PoE-Set
1.4.7 MX-Overvoltage-Protection-Box
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Available Accessories 47/144
1.4.8 MX-NPA-Box
1.4.9 MX-GPS-Box
The MX-GPS-Box is equipped with the same compact housing as the other interface
boxes (protection class IP65, –30 to +60 °C/–22 to 140 °F). This interface box should not
be installed inside of other wall mounts, but on the exterior of the building with a large
section of open sky above it. This ensures the best possible reception from GPS satellites
and thereby the highest possible accuracy of the received GPS data. The maximum length
of the MxBus wiring (0.8 mm diameter wires) is 50 m/55 yd.
1.4.10 MX-232-IO-Box
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48/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
Use this triple set of security screws for plugs (4 pcs 6x50)
and for machine threads (4 pcs M6x15, 4 pcs M6x30) to
securely attach the VarioFlex foot of the wall mount. The
Allen bit supplied with the set (1/4 in drive with hole for
security pin) fits regular power screwdrivers.
*For an explanation of 1.4.14 Sealing Ring as Dome Replacement for Sensor Modules L10-L12*
the sensor module desig-
nations (e.g., L10-L12), Order no.: MX-OPT-Ring-L10-L12-PW/BL
please read Section 1.2.1,
«M15 Lens Options» For special scenarios with hemispheric sensor modules,
e.g., if light entering from the side creates reflections within
the dome, you can use the sealing ring instead of the dome
(see also Section 3.3.4, «Replacing the Dome Against the
Sealing Ring (Only Sensor Modules L10-L12)»). In order to
avoid burns by the hot lens, the dome must not be removed if the sensor module is
within the reach of persons!
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Available Accessories 49/144
1.4.15 Other Accessories
Since the range of accessories for the MOBOTIX system keeps growing, you should visit
the MOBOTIX website www.mobotix.com in the Products > Accessories section to see
the entire list of available accessories.
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50/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
MOBOTIX cameras and connected MxBus modules operate with built-in firmware whose
functions are accessed by the MOBOTIX MxManagementCenter remote stations and
The M15 models therefore also feature a variety of functions that are integrated in the
firmware: from motion detection and long-term storage right through to alarm notification
via video IP telephony. The virtual PTZ functions allow you to continuously zoom into or out
of a MOBOTIX camera image using either the mouse wheel or a joystick.
When recording image or video sequences, you can choose to store either the section of
the live image that is visible or the full sensor image (full image storage). This also allows
you to examine parts of an image or video that had not been visible in the live image
section on display at the time of the recording.
Download free of charge Unlike in the camera systems from other manufacturers, there is no need to buy and
from www.mobotix.com install additional software on your computer thanks to the MOBOTIX firmware that can
No licensing fees
be accessed directly in a web browser via the camera IP address. Instead of using a web
Free updates browser, you can also download the free MxManagementCenter video management
software from the MOBOTIX website (www.mobotix.com > Support) to quickly display
multiple cameras on one monitor or on an entire video wall, switch alarms with sound or
conveniently search for an event. The MOBOTIX App for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPad
mini, iPod touch, iOS 5.0 and higher) is also available free of charge from the App Store
for your mobile applications.
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MOBOTIX Software 51/144
1.5.2 MxManagementCenter
A unique feature is the adaptive bandwidth management supporting quality search even
over mobile networks with very limited bandwidth. MxMC is 100% free of charge, requir-
ing no license or update costs and at the same time having no limits in terms of users,
screens and cameras.
No license fees
Free updates
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52/144 M15 Camera Manual: Product Overview
Premium solution: There for you whenever and wherever you need it, the MOBOTIX App
serves as the perfect remote mobile station that uses intelligent detailed solutions to increase
security and convenience for users on a daily basis. The controls are optimized for use with
touchscreen devices and feature three main views (Live, Player, Events), self-explanatory
symbols, large software buttons, multifunctional sliders developed by MOBOTIX as well
as simple gestures like swipe and tap, making it easy for newcomers and older users to
work with professional security equipment. In addition, using mobile devices to operate the
various functions such as door opening, activating the voice mailbox, switching the door
bell off at night and switching a light on/off, creates added value in the form of greater
convenience and security in every day life.
MOBOTIX App – Mobile Remote Station for MOBOTIX Cameras and Door Stations
• Bandwidth-optimized remote access via WLAN (WiFi) or the Internet
• Live images and recordings in the best MOBOTIX HiRes quality
• Two-way communication, door opening and video mailbox access
• Doorbell and alarm notifications, protection of privacy
• Convenient search functions, playback of external MxPEG videos
• Grouping of cameras and filtering of events
• Free from the App Store for the iPad, iPad mini, iPhone and iPod Touch
Free download from
the App Store
No licensing fees
Free updates
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MOBOTIX Software 53/144
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54/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
The MOBOTIX M15 has been designed to be mounted on walls and ceilings. It can also be
installed on a mounting pole using the appropriate MOBOTIX accessories. The different
installation options are described in Section 2.3, «Mounting the Camera with Wall Mount»
and the following sections, while the drilling templates are included at the end of the manual.
Like all MOBOTIX cameras, the M15 is extremely flexible in terms of how and where it
can be installed. An M15 can be used for both indoor and outdoor applications: in fixed
or mobile applications – constantly changing locations or in/on vehicles of any kind. The
M15 cameras have been certified weatherproof according to IP66 IP66 and can work
reliably in temperature ranges from –30 to +60 °C/–22 to +140 °F without heating or fan.
A practical weather and sun protective cover is integrated into the extremely resistant
housing, which is made of UV-resistant special-purpose plastic.
Thanks to the camera’s unique VarioFlex mounting system (supplied as standard), the M15
camera can be installed quickly and easily on any wall, ceiling or even a round pole of up
to 18 cm in diameter (when combined with the stainless steel pole mount). The VarioFlex
mounting system allows a wide range in both the horizontal and vertical directions (rotating
and tilting) to enable precise adjustment to suit the area to be monitored. The mount also
fits directly over in-wall sockets (without the frame) and MOBOTIX interface boxes to
fully conceal the cable, thus improving the security of the installation.
Signal input/output GPS time and posi- Ext. power supply Overvoltage protection
RS232 tion information (e.g., solar panel) + network connector
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Preparing the Installation 55/144
Wall mount Ceiling mount
Wall installation Ceiling instal- Tilting the camera when
360° lation installed on a wall
• Horizontal: 180°
• Vertical: -60° to +20°
Tilting the camera when
installed on a ceiling
Central joint • Horizontal: 360°
• Vertical: -90° to +17°
The VarioFlex mount consists of a central joint, which is directly screwed into place with
the M15 housing, and a wall and ceiling mount, which is fastened to the central joint
with just one screw. In addition to being easy to install, the VarioFlex mount enjoys the
advantage of featuring completely concealed cabling and high impermeability to water
and dust (IP66). Wall and ceiling mounts are designed such that they can be installed
over conventional in-wall sockets (without the frame) or cavity sockets and conceal them
completely. A MOBOTIX interface box can be integrated in the wall mount.
Space for RJ45 in-wall socket/concealed cabling
Make sure that you have found the best camera position before installing the camera. It
is important that the camera’s field of view is not obstructed in any way. Once the camera
has been installed on a wall or ceiling, you can fine-tune its position. If the monitored area
changes or the camera has to be installed in a different location, it is easy to exchange
the camera’s sensor modules and continue using the camera, without having to upgrade
to new video software.
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56/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
Wall Installation
The M15 can be installed on the wall of a building or structures, even mobile surfaces, for
both indoor and outdoor use. The camera is mounted using the pre-installed VarioFlex
mount (supplied as standard), which is easily secured using the four enclosed screws
and screw anchors (depending on the surface, it can also be mounted without screw
anchors directly over the in-wall socket). The Ethernet connection cable of the camera
has already been guided through the mount and simply needs to be connected with the
network cable on-site (for example, using the MX-Patch-Box). By adjusting the VarioFlex
mount as required, the captured image area can be precisely adjusted to the desired
practical application. The camera can be turned or tilted 180° horizontally and 80°
vertically (from -60° to +20°).
Wall installation
Wall installation
• Horizontal: 180° -60°
• Vertical: -60° to +20°
Ceiling Installation
By exchanging the wall mount for the separately supplied ceiling mount, the M15 is ready
to be installed on ceilings in just a few easy steps thanks to the VarioFlex system. This
installation option is of particular benefit when monitoring rectangular rooms with a single
camera. In such cases, the L22-L25 sensor module with Super Wide-Angle lens allows
the room to be monitored almost entirely by an M15 installed on the ceiling in one of the
corners. Using the PTZ software, you can easily zoom in on image details in either the
live image or the recording. The camera can be turned or tilted 360° horizontally and
107° vertically (from -90° to +17°).
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Preparing the Installation 57/144
Installing on a Pole (With Accessories)
Installation on round poles is frequently used for cameras that are intended for mobile
outdoor use (for example, surveillance of construction sites). For this purpose, MOBOTIX
recommends using the pole mount, which is available for the M15 as an accessory and
is almost indestructible (MX-MH-SecureFlex-ESWS). This pole mount is made from rust-
proof stainless steel with a white coating and is used in combination with the pre-installed
VarioFlex mount supplied as standard with the wall mount.
Poles with a diameter between 60 and 180 mm can be used. It is particularly advisable
to use cavity (metal) poles, in which the network cable is not visible and can be protected
from attacks. For more detailed information on the installation process, see Section 2.2,
«First Installation Steps». The drilling templates are at the end of the manual.
The camera must be correctly positioned on the wall or ceiling in order to be able to use the
high-resolution hemispheric image display options of the M15 with L10-L12 sensor module(s).
The entire hemisphere of the room in front of the camera is then effectively monitored.
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58/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
focus (b
est ima
ge qua
2,50 m – 3,50 m
1,50 m
3 m
5 m
MOBOTIX recom-
2,50 m – 3,50 m
Allround View
A single M15 sensor module can moni-
tor an entire room right into each of
the four corners (360° Panorama View)
thanks to its hemispheric lens. The
camera should ideally be positioned
on the ceiling in the center of the room.
Rooms with a square floor area of up
Capture of entire room
to approx. 40 m² generally allow the
recognition of detail even at the bor-
ders of the full image. Rooms with up to
100 m² of floor area can be monitored
using one single camera if you only The image quality (precision) diminishes as the
want to monitor specific objects or to distance of an object to the camera focus point
know if persons enter a room. increases: 1 very good, 2 good, 3 satisfactory
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Preparing the Installation 59/144
Furthermore, the “camera view from top to bottom” can also be achieved by installing the
camera on a wall or a pole at a tilt of 90°.
ing removes the area
concealed by the
weatherproof cover
Part of the captured image area is concealed behind the protective cover of the M15
housing, especially in the full image. For this reason, M15 cameras with L10-L12 lens
should be adjusted so that the concealed areas are not those that are supposed to
be monitored. The concealed area can be completely removed from the image by
panning/tilting/zooming the image using the virtual PTZ function.
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60/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
PoE adapter
The maximum length of the network cable for power supply over an Ethernet cable is
100 m. The Mx2wire+ media converter set (available as an accessory) can be used to
extend the range of an Ethernet connection up to 500 m in length (maximum transmission
speed for a 500-m cable: 45 Mbps and 12 W for the PoE device).
The MOBOTIX M15 can be powered by switches or routers that support the PoE
(Power-over-Ethernet) standard and conform to IEEE 802.3af.
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Preparing the Installation 61/144
Using Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
You should install an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) in order to maintain a continuous UPS units not only pro-
power supply even when utility power fails. These devices also provide full protection against tect the camera against
power failures, they also
electrical surges and voltage fluctuations, enhancing the reliability of the system as a whole. protect all other con-
nected network devices
When using a more powerful 19” rack-mounted UPS, you can also protect all other network against damage from
components (for example, switches, routers, PoE switches, etc.). voltage peaks and lows
Since MOBOTIX cameras do not require any heating, even during winter, the average
power consumption of less than 5 watts is very low. This, in turn, means that you can
centralize the UPS-protected power supply by injecting power into the Ethernet cables
(max. 100 m). This kind of protected power supply can be used either with MOBOTIX
PoE products (MX-NPA-PoE + Universal Power Supply) or with PoE-compliant switches
according to IEEE 802.3af.
PoE switch
Once the camera position, the position of the cable outlets and the method of power sup-
ply have been decided upon, the cabling can be installed. Before installing the MOBOTIX
M15, you should make sure that the network connections have been thorougly tested so
that the proper functioning of the camera is guaranteed.
If the camera is to be installed outdoors, you should also install the MOBOTIX
MX-Overvoltage-Protection-Box (optional accessory). This interface box not only provides
overvoltage protection of up to 4 kV for MOBOTIX IP cameras, it also provides simple
and weatherproof connection of the cameras to a network patch cable (-RJ45 variant) or
a network installation cable (-LSA variant).
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62/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
When installing the wiring inside or outside of buildings, make sure you always adhere
to the relevant regulations on wiring, fire prevention, and protection against lightning.
MOBOTIX cameras are protected against the effects of small electrical surges by a range
of measures. These measures, however, cannot prevent the camera from being damaged
when stronger electrical surges occur. Particular care should be taken when installing the
camera outside to ensure proper protection against lightning, as this also protects the
building and the entire network infrastructure.
When installing the wiring, make sure to follow these guidelines:
• Data cable: Make sure you only use double-shielded Cat 5
or higher cable (S/STP) for Ethernet connections.
• Outdoors: Installing the camera outdoors requires special
precautions and measures regarding the cables as well
as lightning and surge protection.
• Wire lengths: The cable segments must not exceed the
maximum allowed cable lengths in order to ensure proper
data transfer.
• Avoiding induction: When running data cables parallel to existing regular power
lines or high-voltage wires, make sure you observe the minimum distances to the
power cables.
Fire Prevention
When installing the power lines to the camera, make sure you always adhere to the
country-specific regulations (for example, VDE in Germany, IEEE in the U.S.) in effect on
wiring and fire prevention at the site of the installation.
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First Installation Steps 63/144
2.2 First Installation Steps
Not required with M15
Kit (see Section 1.3.6)
2.2.1 Initial Installation of the Sensor Modules (Except M15 Kits)
The MOBOTIX M15 cameras are delivered with a pre-assembled housing as M15 Core
camera. The sensor modules (consisting of lens carrier, image sensor and lens) need be
ordered separately. Upon delivery, the sensor module sockets in the front element are
fitted with transport plugs. When operating the camera, it needs to be fitted either with
sensor or blind modules. This closes off the front element and protects the camera against
foreign objects, insects and water.
Only replace the sensor modules when the camera is disconnected from the power
supply. Make sure the power supply to the camera is disconnected before installing
or replacing sensor modules.
When installing the sensor modules, make sure that the sensor module cables and
the patch cable are not damaged or bent sharply.
Note that you must not operate the M15 with installed transport plugs, since the
camera is not protected against the environments:
Transport plug
M15 with two transport plugs: M15 with one transport plug: M15 with one blind module:
No operation allowed! No operation allowed! Unrestricted operation
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64/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
1. Prepare the sensor module: Remove the plastic
lock nut (this is not needed any more). Remove the
bayonet catch by rotating it counter-clockwise, then
remove the blue rubber plug.
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First Installation Steps 65/144
6. Lock the sensor module: Using the black module
wrench, turn the sensor module clockwise until it
Repeat steps 3 to 6 for the second sensor module or the blind module, respectively.
Installing the blind module is a mandatory prerequisite when using the M15 as a mono
camera with only one sensor module.
Note that the sensor modules are not yet protected against theft and unwanted
rotation (e.g., due to vibration). In such a case, it is highly recom- Blind module
mended to install the security clips (M.11):
• Section 2.2.2, «Opening the Camera Housing»
• Section 2.2.3, «Installing the Security Clips (Optional, Not
Required for M15 Kits)»
• Section 2.2.8, «Closing the Camera Housing»
The following tasks require opening the camera housing and removing the front element
of the M15 in order to get to the interior of the M15:
• Inserting security clips at the sensor module or the
blind module, respectively.
• Exchanging the MOBOTIX Ethernet patch cable
against a longer MOBOTIX patch cable.
• Connecting an MxBus two-wire cable in order
to attach MxBus extension modules (e.g., the
• Connecting a MOBOTIX USB cable in order to attach
external data storage devices or an «MX-232-IO-
• Exchanging the pre-installed MicroSD card against
a larger one or as preventive maintenance measure
(see Section 3.5, «MicroSD Card Recording»).
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66/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
1. Place the camera face-down on a clean and dry
2. Remove the two rubber plugs at the back of the
camera housing.
3. Using the supplied 5 mm Allen wrench, loosen
Remove rubber plugs at
the two bolts at the back of the camera housing.
the back of the housing Leave the bolts and washers in the camera housing.
using small screwdriver
1. Open camera housing: Open the camera housing
as described in Section 2.2.2.
2. Insert the security clips: To protect the modules
against unwanted rotation insert the two red secu-
rity clips at the insides of the sensor modules (as
shown in the figure). Make sure that the security
clips click into place as shown in the image detail.
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First Installation Steps 67/144
2.2.4 Exchanging Sensor Modules
Note that you only need to follow this procedure if the security clips (M11) have been installed.
Since the sensor modules cannot be exchanged from the outside in such a case, you need
to remove the front element, replace the sensor modules and install the front element
again. If no security clips have been installed, you can exchange the sensor modules as
described in Section 2.2.1, «Initial Installation of the Sensor Modules (Except M15 Kits)».
1. Open camera housing: Open the camera housing
as described in Section 2.2.2.
2. Remove the security clips: The sensor or blind mod-
ules may have been protected against unwanted
rotation by applying the security clips. Push the top
pf the security clip in the direction of the blue arrow
(see figure in the side note) so that it can pass the
notch and pull the clip upwards.
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68/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
If you want to replace the pre-installed MOBOTIX patch cable (0.5 m/20 in) by a longer
one, make sure that you only use genuine MOBOTIX cables (see Section 1.4.5, «Ethernet
Patch Cable for Bayonet Catch»).
1. Open camera housing: Open the camera housing
as described in Section 2.2.2.
2. Remove the patch cable: Turn the bayonet catch of
the patch cable at the inner housing cover (red circle
in figure) counter-clockwise and remove the catch.
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First Installation Steps 69/144
3. Remove hinged ferrite and pull out cable: Remove
the hinged ferrite from the patch cable by cautiously
opening the two latches with a small screw driver.
Gently pull the patch cable out of the housing (you
may have to remove the foot of the wall mount to
be able to do this).
5. Guide the patch cable into the housing: Guide the In order to ensure the
new cable from the front through the cable guide weatherproofness of
the M15, make sure that
in the hinge of the VarioFlex mount (see figure). you only use genuine
Reinstall the foot of the wall mount if you removed MOBOTIX patch cables!
it in step 3.
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70/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
Only use USB cables Using the USB plug (red circle in figure), you can attach existing expansion modules, such
with angled plugs as the MOBOTIX ExtIO (USB), the MX-232-IO-Box or external USB hard drives to the camera
for connecting USB
cables to the M15!
in a weatherproof and well-protected manner.
1. Open camera housing: Open the camera housing
as described in Section 2.2.2.
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First Installation Steps 71/144
2.2.7 Connecting a Two-Wire MxBus Cable
You can use such a cable to connect additional MOBOTIX modules (e.g., the MX-GPS-Box or
the MX-232-IO-Box) to the M15.
Note that you can attach two MxBus cables (each having The length of the entire
two wires) to the MxBus connector (red circle in figure). MxBus wiring must not
exceed 50 m/55 yd.
Take care not to switch the polarity of the wires. It is
recommended to use the same wire color for +/– for the
entire MxBus system (e.g., red = +, blue = –).
1. Open camera housing: Open the camera housing
as described in Section 2.2.2.
2. Prepare the MxBus wires: Remove the blue single
wire plug. Strip 5 mm (1/5 in) of insulation from the
wire ends, then push each wire into one of the four
holes in the single wire plug (this prevents humidity
from entering the camera). Single-wire plug
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72/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
After you have connected an MxBus module, you need to activate it in the camera's
browser interface (Admin Menu > Manage Hardware Expansions or Manage
MxBus Modules, respectively).
Once you have completed the tasks in the interior of the M15, you need to reassemble
the front element of the M15. Make sure that you are reconnecting all plugs as shown in
the figure if you removed any of them:
1. Before inserting the front element, make sure that
the sensor module cables of both image sensors
are running at the inside of the screw bore (see
red arrow). The sensor cables must not run along
the outside of the screw bores (see figure below)!
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First Installation Steps 73/144
2. Place the camera on its right side (as seen by the
camera) as shown. Push the cable of the left sensor
module under the retaining lug at the screw bore
(red circle in detail figure)
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74/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
The M15 is an allround camera designed for use in indoor and outdoor applications. The
camera must always be installed with the VarioFlex mount, which has been prepared at
the factory for wall mounting and allows the cabling to be concealed. The best camera
position for the selected lens must be found before installing the camera on the wall
(see Section 2.1.1, «Installation Options: Wall, Ceiling, Pole» and Section 2.1.2, «Installing
the Camera with Hemispheric Sensor Modules»). You can fine-tune its position once the
camera has been installed on the wall.
Using the VarioFlex wall mount, the camera can be precisely panned, both horizontally
and vertically, to suit the area that is to be monitored.
+20° 180°
Tilting the camera when
installed on a wall: -60°
• Horizontal: 180°
• Vertical: 80°
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Mounting the Camera with Wall Mount 75/144
In order to ensure a flush finish with the surface, connect the camera patch cable to
the network cable using a standard adapter that is protected in the wall mount or a
MX-Patch-Box that can easily be inserted into the cavity socket of the wall mount (VarioFlex
mount). For more information on the MX-Patch-Box, please visit www.mobotix.com and
go to the Products > Accessories > Interface Boxes section. It is also possible to install an
in-wall socket with RJ45 connector. When doing so, make sure that the in-wall socket
is placed as high up in the wall mount housing as possible.
When installing on-wall cabling, breaking out one Pliers to break through
of the four possible openings in the base of the wall a cable guide
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76/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
1. Install and prepare the network connection: The
pre-installed patch cable attached to the camera
must be connected with the on-site network cable.
The connection can either be established using an
installed in-wall socket with RJ45 connector or, in
the case of a protruding network or patch cable,
using the MX-Patch-Box. In both cases, the con-
nection is well protected and is neither accessible
nor visible from the outside.
No screw anchors 2. Drill the holes: Use the supplied drilling template
are required for for the camera (found at the end of the manual
wooden surfaces
or, if used, the extended drilling template
included in the MX-Patch-Box package). Drill
the holes for the supplied screw anchors. Screw
anchors do not have to be fitted if the surface
is made of wood. To secure the mount, the sup- Interface Box
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Mounting the Camera with Wall Mount 77/144
5. Mount the camera: Place the wall mount over the
drill holes and hold it against the wall. Then use the
four screws each with a washer and tighten them
using the appropriate wrench. Do not overtighten 
the screws as this may damage the plastic mount.
Screw caps for
Check that the screws are securely in place and
lock screws
place the white caps on the screw heads. Then aim
the camera as described in Section 3.3.
7. Establish a connection to the camera, check the image: Establish a connection to the
camera as described in Section 3.1, «Manual and Automatic Operation – Overview»
and the following sections. The live image from the camera should be visible on the
computer monitor. Check image sections on the computer monitor.
The VarioFlex mount and ceiling mount must always be used for ceiling installation
(see Section «Ceiling Installation»).
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78/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
The M15 is an allround camera designed for use in indoor and outdoor applications. The
camera is always installed together with the VarioFlex mount, which is shipped as a wall
mount, but can be converted to a ceiling mount in just a few steps. The best camera position
for the selected lens must be found before installing the camera on a ceiling, an overhang
or balcony (see Section 2.1.1, «Installation Options: Wall, Ceiling, Pole» and Section 2.1.2,
«Installing the Camera with Hemispheric Sensor Modules»). You can fine-tune its position
once the camera has been installed on the ceiling.
Using the VarioFlex ceiling mount, the camera can be precisely panned, both horizontally
and vertically, to suit the area that is to be monitored.
• vertically: 107°
Tilting the camera when
installed on a ceiling
• Horizontal: 360° -90°
• Vertical: 107°
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Mounting the Camera with Ceiling Mount 79/144
In addition, a cavity or in-wall socket can be installed for the network cable protruding
from the ceiling, which allows sufficient space to use a standard adapter to connect the
network cable with the camera patch cable.
Cable connector
Cavity socket
Wall seal
When installing on-wall cabling, breaking out one of the four provided openings in the Pliers to break through
base of the ceiling mount will ensure that the cables can be fed neatly into the camera. The a cable guide
camera patch cable must be connected with the network cable using a suitably sealed
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80/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
1. Convert to a ceiling mount: Simply remove the lock screw on the central joint and
exchange the wall mount for the supplied ceiling mount. Before fastening the ceil-
ing mount to the central joint (using the screw of the wall mount), the patch cable is
guided through one of the four openings.
No screw anchors 3. Drill the holes:Use the supplied drilling template for
are required for the camera (found at the end of the manual). Drill
wooden surfaces
the holes for the supplied screw anchors. Screw
anchors do not have to be fitted if the surface is
made of wood. To secure the mount, the supplied
stainless steel hex head screws will be screwed
directly into the surface later on. You should start
with a 2-mm drill bit, for example (drilling depth just
slightly less than screw length), in order to facilitate
screwing in wood.
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Mounting the Camera with Ceiling Mount 81/144

6. Mount the camera: Place the ceiling mount over
the drill holes, use the four screws each with a
washer and tighten them using the appropriate
screwdriver. Do not overtighten the screws as this 
may damage the plastic mount. Check that the
Screw caps for
screws are securely in place and place the white
lock screws
caps on the screw heads. Then aim the camera
as described in Section 3.3.
8. Establish a connection to the camera, check the image: Establish a connection to the
camera as described in Section 3.1, «Manual and Automatic Operation – Overview»
and the following sections. The live image from the camera should be visible on the
computer monitor. Check image sections on the computer monitor.
The VarioFlex mount and wall mount must always be used for wall installation (see
Section 2.3, «Mounting the Camera with Wall Mount»).
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82/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
If you are intending to install the camera on a pole, you should consider using the MOBOTIX
M15 pole mount. This mount is made of 3-mm powder-coated stainless steel (white) and
has been designed specifically for outdoor use. The supplied stainless steel straps allow
the mount to be attached to poles with diameters between 60 mm and 180 mm. By design,
the pole mount does not allow the use of an in-wall socket. We recommend using an
MX-Patch-Box that can be easily inserted into the cavity socket of the wall mount (VarioFlex
mount) in order to ensure a weatherproof connection of the network devices. For more
information on the MX-Patch-Box, please visit www.mobotix.com and go to the Products >
Accessories > Interface Boxes section.
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Mounting the Camera with Pole Mount (Accessories) 83/144
2.5.1 Pole Mount (MX-MH-SecureFlex-ESWS)
When mounted to a pole, the camera can be turned or tilted similar to wall installations:
• horizontally: 180°
• vertically: 80°
+20° 180°
Tilting the camera when
-60° installed on a pole
• Horizontal: 180°
• Vertical: 80°
If the wall mount is rotated by 90 degrees, you can also point the camera all the way down:
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84/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
The caps for the screws are also required here. These are included in the delivery of the
M15 basic module (see Section 1.3, «Delivered Parts and Dimensions», item M.10).
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Mounting the Camera with Pole Mount (Accessories) 85/144
1. Prepare the cable: Guide the on-site network cable from
behind through the middle opening of the pole mount.
Ideally, the cable should be guided directly from the pole
into the cavity socket of the VarioFlex wall mount, where
it is connected with the camera patch cable (concealed
cabling) via an adapter (such as MX-Patch-Box).
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86/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
The VarioFlex mount and wall mount must always be used for pole installation. The
VarioFlex ceiling mount should not be used.
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Replacing the MicroSD Card 87/144
2.6 Replacing the MicroSD Card
The camera must be taken down to remove, insert, or replace a MicroSD card in use. To
avoid data loss, be sure to deactivate MicroSD card recording in the camera software
and reboot the MOBOTIX camera before removing the card.
A MicroSD card may only be removed from the camera after you have deactivated
recording to the SD card and rebooted the camera. Failing to do so may lead to data
loss! Make sure that the card is not write-protected!
1. Deactivate recording: Recording to the SD card must be deactivated (Admin Menu >
Storage on External File Server/Flash Device). If the MicroSD card recording is still
active, deactivate recording, reboot the camera and then disconnect its power supply.
For more information, see Section 3.5, «MicroSD Card Recording».
2. Open camera housing: Open the camera housing as described in Section 2.2.2.
3. Remove connection cable from the inner cover of the housing: Remove the con-
nector of the sensor cable and the I/O cable (red clips) after opening the clip catches.
Remove Ethernet cable and any connected MiniUSB cable after opening the bayonet
catch. Remove MxBus cables. Make sure the front element with the sensor modules
does not fall down.
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88/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
10. Activate recording: If you have inserted a MicroSD card that has already been
MxFFS formatted, you can activate recording under Admin Menu > Storage on
External File Server/Flash Device. Once the camera has been rebooted, it automati-
cally activates recording.
11. Format MicroSD card: If a new MicroSD card is used, it must be formatted before
use as described in Section 3.5.2, «Formatting the MicroSD Card».
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Network and Power Connection 89/144
2.7 Network and Power Connection
• Power is supplied to the camera via the camera Ethernet connection (patch or instal-
lation cable). We recommend using a MOBOTIX PoE adapter or another similar
high-quality PoE product to loop-in the power supply:
– One camera: with the PoE adapter (MX-NPA-PoE or MX-NPA-Box)
– Multiple cameras: with PoE products conforming to IEEE 802.3af (PoE switch)
• The maximum length of the network cable for power supply over an Ethernet cable
is 100 m.
• Make sure that you only use switches or routers that support the 10/100 Mbps
network interface of the camera.
• We highly recommend using uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) to provide backup
• If you are using IEEE 802.3af or IEEE 802.3at (PoE+) Power-over-Ethernet network
components to supply power to MOBOTIX cameras, make sure, if possible, that
these components do not have a fan. Since the power consumption of MOBOTIX
cameras is very low compared to other products, the reliability of the entire system
is increased, thus extending the life of these components.
Appliances with a maximum total power consumption of four watts may be con- Connection of additional
nected to the MxBus connector and USB connector if power is supplied to the devices with more than
1 W (via MxBus/USB):
camera using PoE class 3. If PoE Class 2 is used, the power consumption of all Max. ambient tempera-
the connected appliances should not exceed one watt! ture +50 °C/+122 °F
For information on changing the PoE class, see Section 2.7.5, «Variable PoE».
Using a patch cable and an MX-Patch-Box or MX-NPA-Box offers the following advantages:
• Quick installation/deinstallation
• No shortening of the cable in the event of multiple installation/removal
• Hose-proof/dust-proof connection in accordance with IP66
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90/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
Insert the MOBOTIX patch cable of the M15 into the network port for standard connections
(only permitted in indoor areas).
If additional cables are required inside the housing, they must be connected as described
in Section 2.2.6, «Connecting a USB Cable» and Section 2.2.7, «Connecting a Two-Wire
MxBus Cable».
1. Connect the factory pre-installed cable of the camera to the camera connector of
the PoE adapter.
IP addresses in the 2. Connect the LAN/Power connector of the PoE adapter to the Ethernet connector
diagram are shown of the switch/router or the Ethernet port.
only as an example
3. Plug the RJ45 connector of the power supply unit into the PC/Power connector
of the PoE adapter.
For the M15 you should PoE adapter
use the blue MX-NPA- (MX-NPA-PoE)
PoE-Set or the MX-NPA- Power supply
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Network and Power Connection 91/144
2.7.3 Power Supply When Connected Directly to a Computer
1. Connect the factory pre-installed cable of the camera to the camera connector of
the PoE adapter.
2. Connect the PC/Power connector of the PoE adapter to the Ethernet port of the IP addresses in the
computer. diagram are shown
only as an example
3. Plug the RJ45 connector of the power supply unit into the LAN/Power connector
of the PoE adapter.
The PoE adapter replaces
PoE adapter the crossover cable
(MX-NPA-PoE) when directly connect-
Power supply ing to a computer

Connect the factory pre-installed cable of the camera to a PoE port of the PoE switch/
router. The switch/router must support the PoE standards IEEE 802.3af or IEEE 802.3at.
IP addresses in the
PoE/PoE+ switch/ diagram are shown
router only as an example
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92/144 M15 Camera Manual: Installation
The power consumption of the camera depends on the functions in use as well as any
peripheral devices connected (see table). PoE classes 1, 2 or 3 may be selected in the
browser-based user interface in order to optimally adjust the camera to your system
design (PoE switch in use, emergency power concept, etc.).
If the total power consumption of the camera and peripheral devices exceeds the
power provided by the PoE switch for the specified class, the switch can disconnect
the camera from the power supply. In this case, the camera will only be accessible
again once the peripheral devices have been disconnected from the camera and
the camera has been restarted.
Variable PoE: The default setting is usually fine, and nothing needs to be changed. However, the PoE
Multiple cameras power class must be changed in the browser if a higher or a lower power class is required
can be operated
simultaneously from
for your application:
the same switch
1. Select Admin Menu > Network
Setup > Ethernet Interface.
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Network and Power Connection 93/144
2.7.6 Camera Startup Sequence
As soon as the power supply has been established, LEDs 1 and 2 will show the progress
of the startup sequence.
1 Power (on),
Error (flashes)
2 Recording (flashes)
1 2
• Booting: Immediately after connecting the power supply, the red LED lights up, blinks 1. Start
for two seconds, then stays on permanently red. A camera self-test is carried out at
this point, and the entire system is started. In case of an error, the camera will start
using the backup operating system.
• Waiting for key pressed: Both LEDs light up for four seconds. If you press the R or L 2. Key
key of the camera during this time, the camera will execute the corresponding func-
tion (see Section 3.2.5, «Starting the Camera with an Automatic IP Address (DHCP)»
or Section 3.2.4, «Starting the Camera with Factory (Network) Settings», respectively).
To do so, use a paper clip but avoid using sharp or pointed objects!
• Ready: Once the camera software has been started, the green LED is on permanently 3. Ready
and the red LED blinks. The camera can now be accessed via the network (browser,
MxManagementCenter, MOBOTIX App, etc.).
During the startup sequence of the camera, the LEDs will always light up, even if they
have been deactivated in Admin Menu > LED Setup.
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Manual and Automatic Operation – Overview 95/144
– Integration into MxManagementCenter with automatic adjustment of the
camera’s IP address:
The camera is displayed in MxManagementCenter despite the fact that the
IP address is not part of the local network. The application allows reconfigur-
ing the network parameters accordingly (see Section 3.2.3, «First Images and
Network Parameter Configuration in MxMC»).
Camera software
in the browser
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96/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
For the following examples, we will use a camera with the factory address
Replace this IP address with the IP address of your camera. You will find the IP
address of your camera on a small sticker on the camera. Make sure that the IP
addresses used in the following examples are not already being used by other
devices in the network.
Hint: Briefly pressing the L key with the magnetic side of the custom tool will prompt
the camera to announce its current IP address on the camera speaker (see the figure
in Section 2.7.6, «Camera Startup Sequence»).
You need a computer that is using a 10.x.x.x IP address in order to manually set up the
network parameters of the MOBOTIX camera. The computer’s network parameters usually
have to be changed for this purpose.
Entry in "Subnet mask" 3. Once all dialog boxes have been closed, the computer
field: will have the IP address
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First Images and the Most Important Settings 97/144
Windows 8.1:
1. Open Start > Settings > Control Panel > Network
Connections. Clicking on Properties opens the dialog
box shown.
3. Once all dialog boxes have been closed, the computer Entry in ”Subnet mask”
will have the IP address field:
1. Open a terminal as root user.
2. Enter the following command: ifconfig eth0:1
3. The computer is now also using the IP address
Mac OS X:
1. Open System Properties > Network.
2. Click on the Admin Menu softbutton in the user interface of the MOBOTIX camera.
The Quick Installation starts automatically once the
admin user has logged on.
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98/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
Note: The Quick Installation can also be executed at a later stage by opening
Admin Menu > Network Setup > Quick Installation (see also Quick Installation in
the Camera Software Manual Part 2).
4. Once you have completed the Quick Installation and rebooted the camera, the
new network parameters will be activated. The camera can now be connected
to the target network and, if required, further configured.
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First Images and the Most Important Settings 99/144
3.2.2 First Images and the Most Important Settings in the Browser
Once the MOBOTIX camera has been connected to the power supply and to the network,
you can access the user interface with the live camera image in the web browser. Internet
Explorer, Firefox, Safari or any other graphical browser with activated JavaScript is suitable.
It does not matter which operating system is used.
After entering the camera’s IP address in the browser address bar, you will see the live
view of the MOBOTIX camera with its user interface controls, such as softbuttons, buttons
for the different camera screens, pull-down menus (Quick Controls), icons for accessing
the online help and the camera status, and status information elements.
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100/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
Guest screen: Click on the icon in the top right corner of the camera's user interface in the browser
http://<camera IP>/ to find further information on the different camera screens.
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First Images and the Most Important Settings 101/144
3.2.3 First Images and Network Parameter Configuration in MxMC
Finding Cameras
When starting MxManagementCenter for the first time, the configuration wizard opens
and automatically starts searching for MOBOTIX cameras. The number of found cameras
is shown next to the Add button. This number is updated automatically if the number of
MOBOTIX cameras on the network has changed (i.e., by connecting new/disconnecting
existing cameras). Download
for free from
Click on Add Devices. The cameras are displayed either in a list or as tiles. Use the List
and Tile buttons to change the display mode.
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102/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
If you have assigned a fixed IP address to your computer, you will certainly prefer to assign
fixed IP addresses to the cameras. To do so, enter the IP address and the subnet mask.
The IP address is incremented automatically for each selected camera.
When you click on Apply, the selected cameras are automatically reconfigured and they
are located in the same subnet as the computer.
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First Images and the Most Important Settings 103/144
Adding Cameras
After a camera has been reconfigured, it has the status Accessible and can be integrated
into MxManagementCenter.
Select the desired cameras (use Cmd-click to select several cameras). If the cameras are
password-protected 1 , click on Edit User and Password 2 and enter the user name
and password.
The number of selected cameras is shown on the Next button 3 . Move to the next
page and click on Finish.
For more information, see the MxManagementCenter Tutorial, which can be downloaded
as a PDF file from the MOBOTIX website: www.mobotix.com > Support > Tutorials.
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104/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
1. If the camera is powered on, disconnect the power supply by unplugging the cor-
responding cables and then reconnect the power supply.
2. Wait until both LEDs light up simultaneously for the first time.
The camera has finished booting and can now be used (e.g., MxManagementCenter,
MOBOTIX App, web browser).
If you use the camera’s L key to load the factory configuration, this configuration is
not automatically saved in the camera’s flash memory. When the camera is next
Make sure you store
rebooted without using the L key, the last stored configuration will be used. To per-
the default network manently store the new configuration in the camera’s flash memory, open Admin
configuration to the Menu > Store. Note that you can restore specific parts of the camera configuration
permanent flash memory
afterwards by using “Restore” to re-apply the settings still stored in the camera.
As opposed to resetting the camera using Admin Menu > Reset configuration
to factory defaults, the user information will not be reset if the camera is booted
using the factory settings.
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First Images and the Most Important Settings 105/144
3.2.5 Starting the Camera with an Automatic IP Address (DHCP)
If a DHCP server is active on the network, you can also boot the camera with the DHCP
client (factory default), without having to reset the entire configuration to the factory default
settings. The camera will then automatically get an IP address from the DHCP server and
will announce the new network parameters. Note that this is only possible if the speaker
has been activated for this camera.
1. If the camera is powered on, disconnect the power supply by unplugging the cor-
responding cables and then reconnect the power supply.
2. Wait until both LEDs light up simultaneously for the first time.
The camera has finished booting and can now be used (e.g., MxManagementCenter,
MOBOTIX App, web browser).
Starting the camera with an automatic IP address (DHCP) is only temporary. The
network configuration of the camera can be permanently set to DHCP (factory set-
ting) under Admin Menu > Ethernet Interface.
Make sure that the network has a functioning DHCP server when starting the camera In case of an error,
with DHCP support. If this is not the case, the camera cannot obtain a valid IP address the camera uses its
last IP address
and will use its last IP address.
You should also make sure that the cameras always obtain the same IP addresses by
permanently assigning the MAC addresses of the cameras to the desired IP addresses.
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106/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
1. The live image from the camera is displayed on the computer monitor.
2. Loosen the screws on the VarioFlex mount
using the supplied Allen wrench so that you
can easily turn and tilt the camera.
3. Display the desired camera section on the
computer monitor, then turn and tilt the cam-
era until you have found the best position and
sharpness. Retighten the screws of the VarioFlex
mount to prevent the position of the camera
from changing.
4. If required, clean the lens using a clean, lint-free
cotton cloth.
Section 3.4 provides
Correcting the Image Horizon (For L10-L12
more details and informa-
tion on the functionality Sensor Module Only)
of the OnScreen Control
The M15 with hemispheric L10-L12 sensor module
allows the correction of an uneven image horizon +30°
via OnScreen Control that was possibly caused by
the installation position. The image horizon is turned
by up to 30 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise
and can be optically restraightened by clicking the
icons (see image).

Rotate image to the left
 +/- 30°
Rotate image to the right
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Adjusting Camera, Lens Focus and Installing Filters 107/144
3.3.2 Adjusting Lens Focus (L65-L76/L135-L160 Only)
Once the camera has been installed, the L65-L76 and L135-L160 sensor modules should
be checked for proper image sharpness and manually adjusted, if required. To do so, use M.7
the blue lens wrench and the black module wrench (both are supplied with the M15 basic
The focusing aid provides a visual aid when correcting the image sharpness (see The Live M.6
Screen of the MOBOTIX Camera in the camera’s online help).
1. Position the blue lens wrench on the notches of
the sensor module. Rotate the wrench to the left
until you feel a stop (max. 300°) and then a little
bit further until the protective glass lens slides out
of the sensor module.
6. If required, clean the outside of the protective glass lens using a clean, lint-free
cotton cloth.
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108/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
MOBOTIX offers a polarization filter in its range of accessory products for all sensor mod-
ules (except the L10-L12). The polarization filter prevents unwanted reflections from smooth
surfaces. The filter can be used to provide better facial recognition of the people behind
the windshield of a car, for example. Only one filter can be used per sensor module, which
then replaces the standard protective glass lens.
M.7 1. Position the blue lens wrench on the notches of the
protective glass lens. Rotate the wrench to the left
until you feel a stop (max. 300°) and then a little
bit further until the protective glass lens slides out
of the sensor module.
5. Adjust the polarization filter according to the camera’s live image on the computer
monitor. Rotate the filter to the left using the blue lens wrench until you reach the
desired setting (maximum 180°).
6. To readjust the polarization filter, rotate it back to the right until you feel a stop and
repeat step 4.
7. If required, clean the outside of the filter using a clean, lint-free cotton cloth.
Note that using the polarization filter reduces the amount of light that enters the lens
by approximately 50 %.
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3.3.4 Replacing the Dome Against the Sealing Ring (Only Sensor Modules
In order to avoid burns by the hot lens, the sealing ring must not be installed if
the sensor module is within the reach of persons!
1. Insert the blue lens wrench into the notches of the
dome. Rotate the wrench to the left until you feel
a stop (max. 300°) and then a little bit further until
the dome slides out of the sensor module. When
doing this, make sure that the dome does not get
stuck in the sensor module housing.
2. Turn the wrench over, insert the two notches into the
slots of the lens’ metal ring and unscrew the lens
until you can remove it from the sensor module.
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5. Screw the lens with the sealing ring back into the
sensor module using the blue lens wrench.
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Virtual PTZ and Full Image Recording 111/144
3.4 Virtual PTZ and Full Image Recording
The virtual PTZ function allows you to use a mouse or joystick to continuously zoom in on
images from the selected video source and “virtually” move the enlarged image section
within the entire image sensor area.
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112/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
In order to use a USB joystick in the browser, make sure that you have a PC with a Windows
operating system and the latest version of Internet Explorer and that the “ActiveX” mode
in the camera software (browser) is activated:
You will find more information and details on vPTZ in the Camera Online Help or in
the MxManagementCenter Tutorial on www.mobotix.com, Support > Tutorials.
The latest versions of all the manuals are available for download from the MOBOTIX
website www.mobotix.com under Support > Manuals.
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3.4.2 Full Image Recording
It is possible to record a full image, regardless of the live image stream that is being
displayed. This ensures that the recording always contains the full image of the lens used,
even though the operator may have used the vPTZ features to zoom into the image in
order to examine a specific detail.
In MxManagementCenter, the recorded full images may be prepared for the user with
the vPTZ functions (for example, panning and zooming in on an image detail such as a
If full image recording is not activated, only the last displayed live image will be saved (save
what is seen). The main benefit of live image storage is to ensure that the full power of the
camera processor is used for live image correction and maximum frame rates. The main
advantage of full image recording lies in the special functionality of the M15, in that it can
always maintain availability of a maximum size (full) image for later investigation, despite
vPTZ actions carried out on the live image. The mechanical limitations of motor-driven PTZ
cameras mean that they simply cannot provide this unique advantage to the user!
Post-event search in the full image: If you are using full image recording on M15
cameras, you should use at least MEGA resolution when storing. This will facilitate
later searches in MxManagementCenter. The advanced distortion correction features
require this function to deliver satisfactory image quality.
Full image recording on: Due to the increased processing time, full image recording
reduces the data rate of the live image stream, which may drop by around 10 to 30
percent. We therefore recommend reducing the frame rate for storage as much as
possible to affect the live image stream as little as possible.
Full image recording off: The event that triggered a video motion (VideoMotion, VM)
window may not be in the recorded sequences because the window was not displayed
at the time.
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3.4.3 Special M15 Configuration in the Browser
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116/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
1. Log the camera on and boot it as described in Section 3.2, «First Images and
the Most Important Settings». Depending on the number of sensor modules used,
proceed as follows:
– One sensor module: Proceed with step 2.
– Two sensor modules: In this case, the remaining steps need to be executed
L R separately for each sensor module. Specify each sensor module’s installation
position separately in the Installation (right) and Installation (left) Quick Control
Left and right camera
images from two sensor fields for the right and left sensor module (i.e., camera image), respectively. If
modules (M15) you need to use the OnScreen Control (see next section), click into the correspond-
ing sub image when viewing a dual image or show the image of only one sen-
sor module.
2. Select installation position wall/ceiling/floor: Click Installation in the Quick Control
panel and then select Wall, Ceiling or Floor according to the installation position
of the camera. Ceiling always means that the orientation of the camera or sensor
module is from top to bottom and for Floor, the camera or sensor module’s orienta-
tion is from bottom to top.
As a result, you will get a perspective-corrected panorama view for each image
sensor matching the specified installation position. Panorama view is configured as
the factory setting and it can be changed as described below.
4. Set the mode that you want to be the standard view. For demonstration purposes,
the descriptions below describe the typical display mode for the wall mount and
the ceiling mount, Panorama and Surround respectively. Every other display mode
can be operated in the same way.
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Wall-Mounted: Setting and Correcting the Standard View “Panorama”
The currently visible image section may differ from the desired image section due
to the installation position or any accessories in use, for example. However, it is not
necessary to physically move the camera, as in this case the browser alone can
be used to adjust the visible panorama image by zooming, panning and tilting.
Tilted vertical lines may also be optically straightened to the image edges using the
panorama correction function. These tilted lines are primarily caused if the camera
or sensor module is tilted (for example, due to mounting with 15° wedges) or if the
image tilt is modified.
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118/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
2. Click the lock icon. Clicking the lock once opens it (lock clasp is raised). The lock
prevents execution of later vPTZ actions, which could also unintentionally modify
the view you configure. This applies to all overview display modes, that is, also to
Panorama/Focus, Double Panorama and Surround.
Lock open
3. A new icon for processing the panorama image appears in the top left corner
of the camera image. Enlarge the image by clicking the icon once (OnScreen Control
4. Using the OnScreen Control visible in the live camera image, you can now change
the displayed live camera image as desired (panning, tilting, zooming, rotating
and panorama correction). See figure on the right. When doing so, the vPTZ func-
tion using the mouse or joystick is deactivated. In case of a M15 with two sensor
modules, click the corresponding camera image (right/left) to edit it (highlighted
with a yellow frame).
5. After you have modified the desired setting, close the control panel (“x” in the top
left hand corner).
6. Click the lock icon again to close it (lock clasp is down). The panorama image
setting is then locked until the camera is next restarted.
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To permanently save the standard image setting defined for the M15, go to the Store
Complete Configuration option in the Manage Settings Quick Control. The settings
will then remain in effect, even after rebooting.
Tilt down
Panorama correction
Default setting
To use the OnScreen Control, click the arrows in the top area for shifting the image sec- Depending on the instal-
tion. In the bottom areas, which are displayed when needed, click to the left and/or right lation position (ceiling,
wall, floor), panorama
of the center point. correction and image
tilt correction may
The same applies to every area: The further away that you click from an area’s center not be available
point, the greater the change triggered. To reset an area, click its center point again.
During panorama correction, clicking between the two trapezoid symbols straightens the
left or right tilting lines, which are best visible at the edges of the image section.
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1. In the case of a double image, click the corresponding sensor module (camera
image) and select the Normal option from the Display Mode Quick Control.
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3. In the Installation Quick Control, select the Set North option.
4. Store the desired North direction permanently by first activating the checkbox and
then clicking on Yes.
5. You have now set the North direction for the Surround and Double Panorama
display modes. In the next step, you can set these views as the standard view for
the camera live image.
North East
Caution: No OnScreen
Control is available in
"Double Panorama" mode
West South
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122/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
6. In the Display Mode Quick Control, select the option Surround or Double Panorama.
You can fine-tune the views using the vPTZ via mouse or joystick and, as described
above, by unlocking and locking the standard view using the lock icon (open lock,
correct display and close lock again).
For each of the subviews (North, East, etc.; see below), the OnScreen Control on the
side can be used to adapt it (open lock, click subview, adapt view, click next subview,
adapt view and close lock again).
2 3
Left camera image with three subviews Right-side camera image with a partial view
Panorama/Focus display mode Full image display mode
(for example, Cam1 sensor module) (for example, Cam2 sensor module)
When you click inside one of the subviews, this area is highlighted with a yellow frame.
All of the PTZ actions triggered by the mouse, joystick or OnScreen Control now only apply
to the highlighted subview.
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Sensor Configuration (Only with Two Sensor Modules)
Sensor configuration specifies which sensor module is connected to which of the camera’s
connections (Cam1 or Cam2), and in which camera image (left/right) the sensor module
is to appear for the dual image display. Open the corresponding dialog box here: Admin
Menu > Sensor Configuration.
You should also open the Sensor Configuration dialog box in the following cases:
• Swapping the displayed camera images: You wish to display the left camera image
on the right (and vice versa) without having to replug the sensor module cables on
the camera itself.
• Replacement of sensor modules: In this case, the M15 detects after startup that
the sensor modules have been replaced and indicates this through an alert super-
imposed on the live image as well as through a system message (Admin Menu >
System Messages; see Section 3.4.3, «Special M15 Configuration in the Browser».
• Adding/switching on sensor modules: This is where you can re-enable deactivated
• Removing/switching off sensor modules: This is where you can deactivate any
connected modules if needed.
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124/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
3.5.1 Introduction
More robust than hard Flash-based storage devices (MicroSD cards, USB sticks and solid-state
drives: Flash drives drives) do not contain any moving parts as compared to the commonly
for recordings
used hard drives. Flash-based storage devices are compact and
highly resistant to moisture and vibrations. They feature low energy
consumption and they do not lose any data in the event of a power
failure, meaning that they are ideal for use with MOBOTIX cameras.
In addition, MOBOTIX cameras constantly monitor activated flash storage devices. MOBOTIX
has developed a technology to test the wear of the flash device by logging the number of
write/delete cycles (patent pending). The flash memory wear is automatically displayed in
the status bar in the live camera image but it can also be viewed at any time in the Admin
Menu > Camera Status dialog box.
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MicroSD Card Recording 125/144
32 GB MicroSD Card: Storage Requirements All specifications
are based on calcu-
6 fps CIF 6 fps VGA 1 fps MEGA 1 fps QXGA
lated averages
File size single image 15 kB 45 kB – 120 kB 240 kB
Storage required per
90 kB 270 kB 75 kB 120 kB 240 kB
Storage required per 24
7.8 GB 23.5 GB 6.5 GB 10.4 GB 20.8 GB
Time for one full cycle 4 days 1.3 days 4.8 days 3 days 1.5 days
The MicroSD card's service life depends on production quality and frequency of
use. Set the type of recording (event-controlled or continuous recording, frame rate,
resolution) according to your specific requirements.
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126/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
Format SD card: Before a MOBOTIX camera can store image and video sequences on a MicroSD card, it
Admin Menu > Storage needs to be formatted as MxFFS (MicroSD cards delivered with MOBOTIX cameras are
on External File
Server/Flash Device
already MxFFS-formatted). The following steps are necessary to format a storage device
(Admin Menu > Storage on External File Server/Flash Device):
1. Make sure that there is a MicroSD card in the card slot of the MOBOTIX camera.
Make sure that you always wait until the formatting process has been completed
before accessing the camera again. If the Secure deletion – Slow option is disabled,
this usually takes just a few minutes. You can only access the MicroSD card once
MxFFS formatting has been completed.
Formatting with the Secure deletion – Slow option enabled takes several hours. You
can also use suitable applications on Windows, Linux/UNIX and Mac OS X systems
to repartition and safely erase the MicroSD card.
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MicroSD Card Recording 127/144
3.5.3 Activating Recording
Activate recording:
Follow these steps to activate the recording to a MicroSD card that has already been
Admin Menu > Storage
MxFFS-formatted (Admin Menu > Storage on External File Server/Flash Device): on External File
Server/Flash Device
1. Make sure that there is a MicroSD card in the card slot of the MOBOTIX camera.
• In the web browser: Automatic activation by clicking on the Arm & Record softbut-
ton. Confirm this in the Easy Dialog by clicking on the Yes button.
• In the web browser: Manual activation via the Quick Control Recording > Recording
On or in Setup Menu > Recording.
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128/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
The following options facilitate access to the stored image and video sequences on a
MicroSD card:
• In the web browser: Play back the recorded event images without sound directly
from the MicroSD card using the Playback view of the camera software.
• In MxManagementCenter: Play back the recorded video sequences with audio by
accessing the MicroSD card in the MOBOTIX camera via the camera or with a direct
access to the MicroSD card via a card reader connected to the computer (coming soon).
When using the MicroSD card from one MOBOTIX camera in another MOBOTIX
camera, you need to make sure that the time on the original camera is in sync with
the new camera. We recommend using automatic time synchronization via a time
server (Admin Menu > Date and Time).
Follow these steps to deactivate recording to a MicroSD card (Admin Menu > Storage on
External File Server / Flash Device):
2. Click on the Set button at the bottom of the dialog box and then Close.
4. You can now safely remove the MicroSD card from the camera (see Section 2.6,
«Replacing the MicroSD Card»).
A MicroSD card may only be removed from the camera after you have deacti-
vated the recording to MicroSD card and rebooted the camera. Failing to do so
may lead to data loss!
Removing connected flash storage devices from the camera without properly deac-
tivating them may lead to data loss and/or destroy certain sectors of the storage
device. This is limited to 4 MB of lost data per incident due to MxFFS formatting.
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3.5.6 Using a MicroSD Card in a Different MOBOTIX Camera
A MicroSD card containing recorded data from a MOBOTIX camera can be inserted into
any MicroSD card-enabled MOBOTIX camera. Once MicroSD card recording has been
activated (requires a reboot), the “new” MOBOTIX camera automatically synchronizes
with the card and resumes recording. No data is lost in this process. Make sure that you
deactivate MicroSD card recording before removing the card from a MOBOTIX camera
and then reboot the camera.
If the MicroSD card’s contents are encrypted, you need to enter the same password in
the “new” camera in the Admin Menu > Storage on External File Server / Flash Device
dialog box. Otherwise, the camera cannot access the MicroSD card.
MOBOTIX will not assume any responsibility for flash storage devices (for example, MicroSD
cards or connected USB storage devices) delivered with or integrated into MOBOTIX cam-
eras. The same applies to damage to flash storage devices or damage resulting from the
use of devices that are not supplied by MOBOTIX.
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130/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
3.6.1 Overview
This section contains an overview of the general browser settings of the MOBOTIX camera,
as well as further configuration options. Detailed information on the software functions is
provided in the camera’s online help.
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Configuration in the Browser 131/144
Basic Settings
• Administering the camera: You can modify the camera configuration in the Admin User name: admin
Menu or the Setup Menu. password: meinsm
– Admin Menu: This menu contains the basic configuration dialog boxes of the
camera (for example, passwords, interfaces, software updates).
– Setup Menu: This menu contains the dialog boxes for configuring the image,
event and recording parameters. Some of these settings can be changed using
the corresponding Quick Controls in the live view.
• Resetting changes: If you would like to reset some larger changes in one dialog box
without resetting the complete configuration, you can use the Default button at the
bottom of the dialog box to reset only this dialog box’s settings to the factory set-
tings. If you would like to reset all image settings, you can do so using the Manage
Settings > Restore Image Settings Quick Control in the live image of the camera.
• Storing changes permanently: Once you have finished configuring the camera, Make sure to perma-
you should always store the settings in the camera’s permanent memory. You can nently store changed
do so in each dialog box (clicking on the Set button at the bottom of each dialog
box will temporarily implement the change; when you click Close, you will be asked
to store the complete configuration in the camera’s permanent memory) or in the
Admin Menu (Admin Menu > Store current configuration into flash memory).
The Configuration section of the Admin Menu provides more functions for storing,
copying and managing camera settings. For more information on this topic, refer to
the online help for the specific dialog boxes.
• Time tasks and time synchronization: Apart from a multitude of possibilities for Automatic time syn-
controlling the camera using time (time tables, holiday and vacation, scheduled chronization using
a time server
tasks, etc.), the camera can also synchronize its internal clock. This allows you to
manually synchronize the camera with a computer or automatically using a time
server or another MOBOTIX camera. The camera can use either NTP servers or Time
Protocol servers. For more information on this topic, refer to the online help for the
specific dialog boxes.
• The “More” and “Less” buttons: When opening some of the camera dialog boxes, More: Display
the camera only shows the most important parameters. These dialog boxes have advanced features
a More button in the bottom right-hand corner. Click it to display additional options. Less: Hide advanced
If all options are displayed, click on the Less button to hide the additional options. features
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• Run the Quick Installation: After booting the MOBOTIX camera for the first time,
accessing the administration menu (the Admin Menu button) will automatically start
the Quick Installation. The Quick Installation assistant helps you in setting the most
important parameters of the camera. For security reasons, you should set your own
administrator password and disable public access to the camera.
• Disable public access: Guest users are only allowed to access the Guest screen of
the camera without entering a password. If this is not required, you should deac-
tivate public access (Admin Menu > Quick Installation or Admin Menu > Users
and Passwords).
• Add users and assign access rights: You can add users and user groups and assign
the desired rights (Admin Menu > Users and Passwords, Admin Menu > Group
Access Control Lists (ACL)), similar to a computer operating system. This approach
allows individual access rights to be assigned or denied to camera-specific features
based on the user groups.
• Deactivate the automatic reboot: In its factory state, every MOBOTIX camera will
automatically reboot every morning at 3:36 a.m. All images in the camera’s storage
buffer will be deleted during this reboot. Images stored on external file servers, internal
flash storage, or SD cards will NOT be affected by this reboot. Make sure that you
deactivate the automatic reboot if this is not desired (Admin Menu > Time Tasks).
• Optimize the image settings: The factory image settings of MOBOTIX cameras
deliver excellent images for most application scenarios and should not be changed.
If you do wish to make changes, your changes should be minor and gradual. You
should, however, set an image program according to the application scenario of
the camera. Image programs provide a quick and simple method for adjusting the
camera to the application scenario as they perform several configuration steps at
once (Image Programs Quick Control).
• Set the resolution of the live image: By factory default, all MOBOTIX cameras are
delivered with an image resolution of 640 x 480 pixels. You can select the desired
resolution using the Resolution Quick Control.
• Adjust the exposure: The automatic exposure control of the MOBOTIX camera uses
individually configurable windows to determine the best image exposure. Open the
Exposure Control Quick Control and select a predefined set of exposure windows. If
required, you can also define custom exposure windows (Setup Menu > Exposure
• Activate event control and recording: By factory default, the MOBOTIX camera’s
event control is disabled. Click on the Arm & Record button to activate event control.
This will activate motion detection and recording. Cameras with integrated flash
memory (MOBOTIX R models and models with SD card) will use the flash memory
by default to store the image and video data (recording target). If desired, you can
set additional events and adjust the settings of the recording and storage param-
eters (Setup Menu > Event Settings, Setup Menu > Recording and Admin Menu >
Recording to External File Server/Flash Device).
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• Set up actions/messaging: Upon detecting an event, the MOBOTIX camera can
trigger alarms. These alarms can be adjusted to your needs and you can assign
them to one or more events: playing back an alarm sound on the camera speaker,
showing the visual alarm in the camera live image, sending an e-mail or IP Notify
with the alarm image, placing a phone call, uploading an alarm image to an FTP
server, switching a signal output line of the camera (for example, for switching on
the lights/opening a door).
For the settings, see Setup Menu > Action Group Overview. The actions to be
performed are defined and used in these action groups in the form of “action pro-
files.” The different action profiles can also be defined in the following areas: Admin
Menu in the Hardware Configuration (profiles for signal output), Transfer Profiles (FTP,
e-mail, IP Notify) and Sound and VoIP Telephony (sound profiles, VoIP profiles). For
more information, refer to the online help for the Action Group Overview dialog box.
• Activate shock detector: The M15 is also equipped with a shock detector as standard.
If, for example, the camera’s housing receives a blow, it automatically registers it
and sends a notification via an IP Notify or telephone call. A general advantage
is that MOBOTIX cameras are extremely tough, not least because of the absence
of mechanical moving parts. This typically allows them to stay fully operational, in
particular, when they are subject to strong vibrations. Open the Setup Menu > Event
Control > Environment Events > Edit dialog box if you would like to activate the shock
detector (and any other sensors).
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134/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
Using this event type, you can create up to 20 event profiles, each defining a measurement
window within the image area. For every measurement window, you can set a minimum
range and a trigger value and you can decide if the event should trigger if the temperature
exceeds or drops below the specified value. The minimum range sets the number of pixels
in the measurement window, which need to have a higher or lower temperature than
the trigger value in order to trigger an event. To configure the new event type,. open the
Setup Menu > Event Control > Event Overview dialog in the Environment Events section.
• You can only use events of the type Thermal Radiometry if the sensor is running in
linear mode. To use this mode, open Setup Menu > Image Settings > Thermal
Sensor Settings and activate the Linear Mode option. Note that this has already
been set for sensors with TR technology as factory default.
• If you want to use MxActivitySensor on sensors with TR technology, it is recom-
mended to set the value range of the measured temperatures in the Setup Menu >
Image Settings > Thermal Sensor Settings dialog to Small (high sensitivity).
For further information on configuring and using thermal sensors, please see the online
help of the camera in the Setup Menu section under Thermal Sensor Settings and Events
based on environment measurements.
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Additional Notes 135/144
3.7 Additional Notes
If the MOBOTIX M15 is used with only one sensor module, the blind module needs to
be installed (item 1.4 in Section 1.3, «Delivered Parts and Dimensions»)! If this is not the
case, the camera must not be used (see Section 2.2.1, «Initial Installation of the Sensor
Modules (Except M15 Kits)»).
Accessing the Admin Menu of the camera (the Admin Menu softbutton) is only possible
after entering a user name and password.
• Factory default user name is admin.
• Factory default password is meinsm.
The Quick Installation assistant automatically appears when the Admin Menu is accessed
for the first time. It provides an easy method to adjust the basic camera settings to the
current application scenario. For security reasons, we highly recommend changing the
default administrator password after the camera has been properly configured.
Enter the user name and password exactly as shown above. Note that all entries are
Make sure that you store information on user names and passwords in a secure
place. If you lose the administrator password and cannot access the administration
menu, the password can only be reset at the factory. This service is subject to a fee!
This deactivation occurs in the camera module itself and cannot be reversed,
even at the factory. Deactivating the microphone will also deactivate all functions
that are making use of the microphone.
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If the camera’s IP address is not known, you can start the camera with its factory IP
address. This procedure is described in detail in Section 3.2.4, «Starting the Camera with
Factory (Network) Settings».
All defined users are deleted and the admin password is reset to the factory default
when you reset the camera using Admin Menu > Reset. Use the method described
in Section 3.2.4, «Starting the Camera with Factory (Network) Settings» if you would like
to maintain the existing users.
In its default configuration, the camera’s event control and video motion detection features
are not enabled. In order to activate event-controlled recording, open Setup Menu >
General Event Settings and activate the Arming switch. Another method is to click on the
Arm & Record softbutton in the browser’s user interface. The camera displays the motion
detection window in the live image (dotted frame in the center) and the camera auto-
matically stores images as soon as the motion detection window detects movements.
If the dotted rect-
angle in the live
image is visible, the 3.7.7 Deactivating Text and Logo Options
camera is armed
As camera arming is deactivated in the camera’s default configuration (see preceding
Text and logos can be section), the MOBOTIX camera only displays the text www.mobotix.com, the time stamp
also deactivated or and the MOBOTIX logo at the top of the image. Once the camera arming has been acti-
individually configured
vated, the text at the bottom of the live image (event, action, messaging and recording
symbols) will also appear.
You can deactivate the status bar at the bottom of the live image and the text bar in the
top left-hand corner by setting Text Display in the Setup Menu > Text & Display Settings
dialog box to Off. Setting Text Display to Date and Time will only display the time stamp
in the live image. To hide the logo in the live image, open Admin Menu > Logo Profiles
and set Logo Display to Deactivated.
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Additional Notes 137/144
3.7.8 Deactivating the Camera Reboot
By factory default, the MOBOTIX camera automatically reboots once a week between
3 a.m. and 4 a.m. The reason for this is that in some rare cases, external influences (for
example, radiation at high altitudes) can sometimes lead to camera malfunctions. The
automatic reboot will refresh the camera’s memory and will ensure proper operation
without requiring any interaction on the part of the user. If desired, you can deactivate the
automatic reboot of the camera in the Admin Menu > Time Tasks dialog box.
3.7.9 Browser
Current Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Opera,
etc.) with enabled JavaScript can display the camera’s live images with their standard settings.
If the lens becomes dirty during the installation process, clean the lens using a lint-free cotton
cloth. Make sure that the lens is still in focus after cleaning and adjust its focus if required.
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138/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
Attention – Special Export Regulations Apply! Cameras with thermal image sensors
(“thermal cameras”) are subject to the special export regulations of the U.S.A. and the
§ ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulation):
• According to the currently applicable export regulations of the U.S.A. and the
ITAR, cameras with thermal image sensors or parts thereof must not be exported
to countries embargoed by the U.S.A. or the ITAR. At present, this applies to the
following countries: Syria, Iran, Cuba, North Korea and Sudan. The same export
ban applies to all persons and institutions listed in “The Denied Persons List” (see
www.bis.doc.gov > Policy Guidance > Lists of Parties of Concern).
• Under no circumstances can the camera itself or its thermal image sensors be
used in the design, the development or in the production of nuclear, biological
or chemical weapons or in the weapons themselves.
Legal aspects of video and sound recording: You must comply with all data protection
regulations for video and sound monitoring when using MOBOTIX products. Depending
§ on national laws and the installation location of the M15, the recording of video and sound
data may be subject to special documentation or it may be prohibited. All users of MOBOTIX
products are therefore required to familiarize themselves with all valid regulations and
comply with these laws. MOBOTIX AG is not liable for any illegal use of its products.
Installation Instructions:
• This product must not be used in locations exposed to the dangers of explosion.
• Make sure to install this product as shown in Chapter 2, «Installation» of this manual.
• When installing this product, make sure that you are only using genuine MOBOTIX
parts and MOBOTIX connection cables.
• Make sure that you are installing this product on a solid surface that provides for a
sturdy installation of the fixing elements used.
Electrical installation: Electrical systems and equipment may only be installed, modified
and maintained by a qualified electrician or under the direction and supervision of a
qualified electrician in accordance with the applicable electrical guidelines. Make sure to
properly set up all electrical connections.
Electrical surges: MOBOTIX cameras are protected against the effects of small electrical
surges by numerous measures. These measures, however, cannot prevent the camera
from being damaged when stronger electrical surges occur. Special care should be taken
when installing the camera outside of buildings to ensure proper protection against light-
ning, since this also protects the building and the whole network infrastructure.
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Additional Notes 139/144
used, the power consumption of all attached modules must not exceed 1 W! If thermal
sensor modules are used with this camera, PoE Class 3 is required and the power
consumption of all attached modules (MxBus and USB) must not exceed 1 W.
Never touch the dome or the protective lens covers: Due to the high performance of the
M15, the area of the image sensor can get quite hot, especially when the ambient tem-
perature is also high. This does not affect the proper functioning of the camera in any
way. For this reason, the product must not be installed within the reach of persons without
domes or protective lens covers.
Power off before opening the camera: Make sure the power supply is disconnected
before opening the camera (i.e., for installing or replacing sensor modules and SD cards).
Network security: MOBOTIX products include all of the necessary configuration options
for operation in Ethernet networks in compliance with data protection laws. The operator
is responsible for the data protection concept across the entire system. The basic settings
required to prevent misuse can be configured in the software and are password-protected.
This prevents unauthorized parties from accessing these settings.
For more information, see the News and Functional Overview pages in the online help of
the camera’s browser interface. Click on the icon to open the camera’s online help.
Furthermore, detailed information on the camera and its current configuration is displayed
in the Camera Status dialog box when you click on the icon.
The products of MOBOTIX AG are in full compliance with Art. 5 of the German Electrical and
Electronic Equipment Act and the E.U. Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of the Use
of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) as far as
they are subject to these regulations. (You can find the MOBOTIX RoHS Declaration under
www.mobotix.com, Support > MX Media Library > Certificates.)
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140/144 M15 Camera Manual: Operating The Camera
3.7.15 Disposal
Electrical and electronic products contain many reusable materials. For this reason, we
would ask that you dispose of MOBOTIX products at the end of their service life in accor-
dance with all legal requirements and regulations (or deposit these products at a munic-
ipal collection center). MOBOTIX products may not be disposed of with household waste!
If the product contains a battery, please dispose of the battery separately (the correspond-
ing product manuals contain specific directions if the product contains a battery).
3.7.16 Disclaimer
Neither MOBOTIX AG nor any subsidiary of MOBOTIX AG will assume any responsibility for
damage resulting from improper use of its products or failure to comply with the manuals
and the applicable rules and regulations.
Our General Terms and Conditions apply. You can download the current version of the
General Terms and Conditions from our website at www.mobotix.com by clicking on
the COS link at the bottom of every page.
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142/144 M15 Camera Manual
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Manufacturer 143/144
67722 Langmeil
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You can find the latest version of this and other documents (e.g., declarations of conformity)
at www.mobotix.com in the Support section.
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M15 Camera Manual
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The German company MOBOTIX AG is known as the leading pioneer in network camera technology and its decen-
tralized concept has made high-resolution video systems cost efficient.
MOBOTIX AG • D-67722 Langmeil • Phone: +49 6302 9816-103 • Fax: +49 6302 9816-190 • sales@mobotix.com