Twin Cam Tech Tip 09

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1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 • www.floheadworks.


This Nascar Type Setup

produced by Perry Kime
and perfected by
“The Master”
High Performance Begins Here
After many hours of Dyno testing and thousands of dollars in
R&D we have figured out how to make a massive amount of
horsepower and torque in the lower RPM range without loosing
the “Fun to Ride” factor for street driven Harley-Davidson
motorcycles using pump gasoline.

The information in this file is provided for your inspection and

education. The contents represent the products and technical
insights involved with the FLO Headworks Twin Cam
High-Performance Kit.

We are excited about sharing this information with you for your
riding pleasure.

After you have read and digested the info, please call or E-mail
with any questions. I am easy to reach during business hours.
Thanks for your interest in our products.


Perry Kime, CEO

Research and Development of
FLO Headworks High Performance Engine Kit
for Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88/95

R&D on the heads started in April 1999. The Up to now we have made recommendations
porting process was meticulously documented on compatible components to compliment our
step by step all the way through. The exhaust heads by using Dyno Test data and tuners
port was the biggest challenge because the flow reports to get the complete picture. After many
was quite low at around 89 cfm at .600 lift. The years of experience I found a way to incorporate
exhaust ports actually went flat at .400 lift. all the main factors into a computer program
That’s real bad! The intake was flowing around that would give analysis on specific information
109 cfm at .600. The exhaust to intake ratio after requested from the owner/rider of the
rounding all figures was 77%. particular motorcycle. Such as, model, type of
riding, average packing weight, geographical
The CFM target is controlled by the exhaust to location, with short list of things you require
intake ratio. Ideal numbers are 90 to 92 percent. in performance. List any and all modifications
Evacuation of the gas is the key to making the that have been done. This information was
Twin Cam engine happy. valuable to us because now we can design other
products to meet their needs.
Atomization of the incoming fuel and
evacuation of the burnt gas will noticeably This TC88/95 project bike engine was designed
reduce engine vibration. Many of our tuners with careful consideration for the owner’s needs
have reported this along with improved gas and his desire to have excessive horsepower at
mileage, longer spark plug life, and of course his command, with absolutely no side effects
a lot more horse power and torque. or adverse reactions of any kind.

We make the combustion chambers We like some of the Screamin’ Eagle® parts. Their
hemispherical because the shape and size ignition system is good, their Keihin 44mm CV
combined with the dual plug increases carburetor is good after we blueprint it. Our Big
atomization and burning efficiency of the fuel Bore Kit and JE 9.5:1 pistons are a superb combo.
over the entire piston top. However, other areas need special attention.
Page 2 of 2

After graduating from Harvey Crane’s Cam Now its Dual Plug Wire Kit time. Every
School in March of 1998, I was ready to use fabrication is different and this TC88/95 is no
information from “The Master” himself for the disappointment. This Screamin’ Eagle® coil
cam design. takes a special terminal and boot. The dual plug
side is so tight we decide to use deeper boots
The exhaust system in a lot of cases is a choice and remove a little rubber on the sides.
made by the owner, however, looks are
deceiving. Our Dyno test results indicate only The carburetor goes on followed by my
a handful of options will be considered for this bulletproof 700 cfm air filter kit. This 95 cubic
project. What we actually used will now be incher is going to need it.
A lot more Dyno testing helped us blueprint
We begin with disassembly, of course, but very the carburetor and we ended up with some
carefully. This is a different animal. Now the very impressive numbers, especially in the
boring but necessary part, reading the factory lower RPM range. The Thunderheader™
manuals. Once that part passes we actually Exhaust System made the most horsepower
start looking inside. The top end was pretty and torque by 5% over exhaust systems that
straight forward but this Twin Cam stuff is lot we tested.
different. We meticulously remove and replace
the cams, bearings, etc. by the book. Our High Performance Engine Kit now joins
the FLO Headworks line of the finest products
The rest of the top end goes back together by available for your Harley-Davidson.
the numbers, pretty much uneventful.

High Performance Kit

for Twin Cam Harley-Davidson
manufactured & installed by:
Perry Kime, CEO, FLO Headworks
1150 Pike Lane #2, Oceano, CA 93445
Telephone: (805) 481-6300
1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 •

Fun to Ride Guide

Y ou Want How Much Horsepower and How Many Foot-pounds of Torque
at the Rear Wheel? Are We Talking About a “Street Bike on Pump Gas?”
Well, I don’t know what magazine ads you’ve been reading, but that’s just not going
to happen in real life. In my 25 years experience working with Harleys, the most
you’re going to get on a street bike running unleaded gas is about “1 per.” What I
mean by “1 per” is 1 horsepower and 1 foot pound of torque per cubic inch of
engine displacement. That is without sacrificing low end performance and life
expectancy which equals “street ability” and means “fun to ride!”
Simply put, you can’t get performance at both ends of the power spectrum. Low
end power, low end torque is what your engine was designed to produce. Take that
away and you destroy the “fun to ride” factor.
For many years it has been common knowledge that companies specializing in
high-performance products will build an engine specifically for Dynomometer use.
We know Dynos are used to measure horsepower and torque. What these
advertisements don’t tell you is just exactly how they got their figures. Most
commonly the engine will have cam timing that is not acceptable for pump gasoline
or street use. The next trick is to bump up the compression and select a compatible
gasoline. Racing gas at 98 octane with lead works good up to about 10.5:1. 104
octane is good up to 12.5:1. And 108 octane is good up to 15:1. Keep in mind each
time compression and octane are raised it decreases engine life by 15% to 20%.
With 10.5:1 compression, a good engine builder can get a Twin Cam 95 cubic inch
up to about 1.1 ratio giving 105 HP and torque in the upper RPM range. 12.5:1
compression at 1.15 ratio will give 110 HP and torque. 15:1 compression at 1.2
should give you about 114 HP and torque.
The point I’m trying to make here is to the average Harley rider, pump gas is the
rule, not the exception. Don’t be mislead by the advertisements you read in the
magazines. Most high performance companies place those ads to get your money
not for their credibility. So, buyer beware and don’t believe everything you read.
Our philosophy at FLO Headworks is to “accentuate the positive” and improve the
characteristics that were inherently designed into the HD engine.
What can you expect? Starting at 2000 rpm on the Dyno Curve, our Performance
Kit can give you more horsepower and foot pounds of torque per cubic inch of
engine displacement than any other high performance kit. The focus is on the
potential improvement on the lower RPM range where the Harley Davidson engine
was designed to perform.
To quote the owner of our first R&D project bike, “I can pull the front wheel off
the ground at 70 MPH in 3rd gear!” Now that’s “Fun to Ride.”
Fun to Ride Guide
A Power Band Comparision of RPM, Horsepower and Torque
for Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88/95

300m0 rpm
0 ry Specs 5 00
0 – Facto 450 Dyno
0 m son FLO Headw 0 r
Sp pm 0
2 rp av
ork ec
y D s
le ifi
a r c
H 800





L ocation

6 50

Length of
Power Band



Harley Davidson
FLO Headworks
Dyno Specific
FLO Headworks Twin Cam Carburetor
Performance Kit Dyno Test Results
150 150
140 140
Maximum Torque = 106 Maximum Power = 104 130
SAE Torque (ft-lbs)


SAE Horsepower
100 90
90 80
80 70

70 60
40 20
30 10
20 0
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
RPM (x1000)
ROWE 037 99 FXDX (A) 8/04/00 8:37:56 AM
FLOJE 95 C.I. Kit, FLO Heads, FLO Cam Kit #525, S/E 44CV, FLO Air Filter Kit,
S/E 7000 Ign. Kit, FLO Dual Plug Wire Kit, Thunderheader Exhaust System
FLO Headworks Twin Cam EFI
Performance Kit Dyno Test Results
150 150
140 140
Maximum Torque = 110 Maximum Power = 98 130
SAE Torque (ft-lbs)


SAE Horsepower
100 90
90 80
80 70

70 60
40 20
30 10
20 0
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
RPM (x1000)
Dennis Morelli 2005 FLTRI 2/2/08 12:04 PM
JE 95 C.I. Hemi Bore Kit; Heads CNC Port Flow, Tooled Intake Ports, Dual Plugged
FLOMASTER Cam Kit #525; Dual Coil Kit; Power Commander
Cycle Shack True Dual Exhaust System (baffels in)
1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 •

CNC Port Flow Cylinder Heads

For Harley-Davidson
Twin Cam 88

A fter much time and flow testing

we are pleased to offer a major
breakthrough in the High Tech
stock tested at 82 percent at .650"

world of The pro-

Volumetric cess of
Efficiency. events
Our op- that lead
tional to a sig-
"Tooled nificant
Finish" in increase
the ports in the
has effec- flow char-
tively acteristics
doubled the through-
atomization out the
factor over entire
the polished range of
surface valve lift
used by is lengthy
other head and tricky
porting to say the
companies. least. Our
Another bench
interesting technics
discovery that applies to the HD have enabled us to improve the low
V-twin engine is the exhaust to lift flow of both the intake and
intake ratio of the air flowing exhaust ports arriving at exhaust to
through the ports. Generally speak- intake ratio of 92 percent at .650"
ing they like a fairly high ratio lift. This will give the engine a
around 90 to 92 percent at .650" smoothly tuned effect even with
lift. The Twin Cam 88 C.I. castings some of the more radical cams. The
high lift flow at .650" lift has been valves. The head diameter has been
increased in the intake port by 25 increased from 1.574" on the ex-
percent and in the exhaust port by haust to 1.690" and from 1.841 on
33 percent. intake to 1.940". Valve stem clear-
ance is fit to .001" on the intake and
During this process a large amount .002" on the exhaust.
of metal is
removed from This high
the ports and performance
combustion cylinder head
chamber area. modification
The seat pock- package in-
ets are cludes:
polished with • Hand lap-
a radius up to ping the head
the valve gasket surface
seating area. on the
Our hemi- Microflat.
spherical • Glass bead-
combustion ing and paint
chambers are touch-up.
matched to • Testing valve
Photos by Perry
the bore size springs.
and polished to give the most effec-
tive flame travel. The dual spark plug • Assembly with our all Teflon valve
option is the finishing touch to give stem seals to the specification
your engine its full potential. required by manufacturer of your
particular cam.
The valves are hand made in-house
from 21-4N stainless steel with pol- Additional information is available
ished tuliped heads. The backside is from FLO Headworks Customer
machined with a .750" radius to Service Hotline at 805-481-6300.
increase the flow characteristics and
nitrided along with the stem to mini- These heads, like all FLO Headworks
mize wear. The valve seating area products, are guaranteed for one
measures .060" wide on the exhaust year on street driven motorcycles.
valves and .045" on the intake
Flow Test Data Sheet

HD Twin Cam 88 C.I.

Description ____________________________________________________________________________________
HD 1.841"
Intake Valve Make & Size _________________________ HD 1.574"
Exhaust Valve Make & Size __________________________
Inch Flow __________________ 85
Combustion Chamber Volume CC_______________________________________


1 Stock .100" 34
.200" 74
.300" 103.6
.400" 116.4
.500" 115
.550" 115.2
.600" 115.5
.650" 115.5
Total CFMs
1 Stock .100" 33.8 38.5
2 CNC Port Flow .200" 76.3 80.9
Open Chambers to 100 CC .300" 102.3 111.9
FLO Valves 1.940" .400" 113.5 133.9
Radius and Polish Seats .500" 110.5 140.2
.550" 109.1 141.1
.600" 109 143
.650" 109 144.5
Total CFMs 763.5 934
1 Stock .100" 29.1
.200" 59.9
.300" 81.9
.400" 89.1
.500" 91.8
.550" 92.4
.600" 93.1
.650" 93.1
Total CFMs
1 Stock .100" 27.3 36.6
2 CNC Port Flow .200" 58.5 55
Open Chambers to 100 CC .300" 79.9 77.2
FLO Valves 1.690" .400" 86.7 99.9
Radius and Polish Seats .500" 88.5 119.3
.550" 89 126.2
.600" 89.5 132.1
.650" 88.5 132.8
Total CFMs 608.9 779.1
Gain INTAKE Port @ .650 Lift CFM 35.5 % 24.6 Gain Average from .100 to .650 Lift CFM 170.5 % 18.3
Gain EXHAUST Port @ .650 Lift CFM 43.3 % 33.7 Gain Average from .100 to .650 Lift CFM 170.2 % 21.9
Exhaust to Intake Ratio Before @ .650 Lift 82.1%
Exhaust to Intake Ratio After @ .650 Lift 91.9%
Exhaust to Intake Ratio Average from .100 to .650 Lift 83.4%
Test Notes:
HD Twin Cam 88 C.I.
Test Head _______________________________________




Air Flow CFM






Intake Before
Intake After
20 Exhaust Before
Exhaust After

0 .100 .200 .300 .400 .500 .600

Valve Lift "

1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 •

Super Port Flow Cylinder Heads

for Screamin Eagle
Twin Cam 120

Photos by Perry Kime

Our Flow Bench Techniques have enabled us to offer some big CFM numbers while
maintaining OEM size valves. These Stock heads have a big problem in the Exhaust
Ports, averaging only 88 CFM at .650" lift. Intake Ports average 145 CFM at .650" lift.
Exhaust to Intake Ratio is extremely low, 60% at .650" lift. Needless to say, “We had
our work cut out.” After all is said and done, with our Patented “Tooled Finish” the
numbers look like this:
Intake Gain is 7.4 CFM at .650" lift.
Exhaust Gain is 44.1 CFM at .650" lift.
Intake to Exhaust Ratio is 86% at .650" lift.

We offer these SE 120 heads exchange or just do yours PDQ. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Assembled Head, Ready-to-Install Dual Plugged Combustion Chamber

Intake Port and Polished Seat Exhaust Port and Polished Seat

Ported and Tooled Finish Recontoured and

Intake Manifold Swirl-Polished Valves
Flow Test Data Sheet

Screamin’ Eagle™ Twin Cam 120 C.I.

Description ____________________________________________________________________________________
SE 2.080"
Intake Valve Make & Size _________________________ SE 1.625"
Exhaust Valve Make & Size __________________________
Inch Flow __________________ 100
Combustion Chamber Volume CC_______________________________________


1 Stock .100" 37.8
.200" 79.4
.300" 112.5
.400" 130
.500" 138.3
.550" 140.2
.600" 142
.650" 142.8
Total CFMs
1 Stock .100" 37 40
2 Super Port Flow with“Tooled Finish” .200" 78 82.3
Short Radius Seats .300" 112.5 115.2
Recoutour Valves .400" 131.9 136
.500" 140.3 145.3
.550" 143.4 148.2
.600" 145.6 151
.650" 146.6 154
Total CFMs 935.3 972
1 Stock .100" 26.8
.200" 49.9
.300" 68.1
.400" 79.5
.500" 85.1
.550" 86.2
.600" 86.8
.650" 87.2
Total CFMs
1 Stock .100" 27 37.1
2 Super Port Flow with“Tooled Finish” .200" 51.1 56.4
Long Radius Seats .300" 70.2 81.9
Recontour Valves .400" 81.5 103
.500" 87.6 119.1
.550" 88 124.1
.600" 88.6 129
.650" 88.9 133
Total CFMs 582.9 783.6
Gain INTAKE Port @ .650 Lift CFM 7.4 % 4.9 Gain Average from .100 to .650 Lift CFM 36.7 % 3.8
Gain EXHAUST Port @ .650 Lift CFM 44.1 % 33.2 Gain Average from .100 to .650 Lift CFM 200.7 % 25.7
Exhaust to Intake Ratio Before @ .650 Lift 60%
Exhaust to Intake Ratio After @ .650 Lift 86%
Exhaust to Intake Ratio Average from .100 to .650 Lift 80.6%
Test Notes:

Screamin’ Eagle Twin Cam 120 C.I.
Test Head _______________________________________




Air Flow CFM







0 .100 .200 .300 .400 .500 .600

Valve Lift "

For the most seats and guides
part detonation is coming loose,
invisible. You burnt valves and
can’t feel it, you seats, bronze
cant see it, and valve guides
most of the time seizing, valve
you cant hear it. stems gauled
But for 99.44 and excessively
percent of the worn, holes
people who ride burned right
Harleys on pump through pistons,
gas, it could be rings that have
going on right been so hot that
now inside your all the spring
engine. tension is gone.
Now that I’ve The bottom line
got your attention is your cylinder
we will discuss in heads are seri-
detail the cure. ous Hi-Tech
The key words business. The
are Atomization, use of space age
Graphics by Erick Photos by Perry
Flame travel, and materials and
Complete burn. technology is
Its like taking a trip to the rated at 98 octane with 4 now absolutely necessary
center of your combustion grams of lead per gallon. for the survival of your
chamber where Volumetric Today the best gas available engine. Solutions to these
Efficiency is the final judge has 92 octane with no lead. problems haven’t come easy.
of how you live or how you As a result your cylinder Many years of effort and
die. heads have become the extensive research and
In 1985 the EPA passed most important part of your development have paid off
a new law that has drasti- engine. Detonation and and now its time to give you
cally changed the extremely high temperatures the hottest Tech Tips ever
requirements of pump which were previously no released to the public.
gasoline. Prior to this new problem are now causing
law premium leaded gas was warpage and cracks, valve
Atomization of the in- compression pistons and it many knowledgeable engine
coming fuel is achieved in was later discovered that builders.
the intake port and mani- the flame front was partially Last but not least is the
fold, primarily by the rough blocked by the piston dome. Complete burn. This is
surface of the casting. If you Flame travel notches were achieved by simply adding
are one of the unfortunate used in the later 1970s by another spark plug to the
people who has sent your opposite side of the
heads to a person combustion cham-
or company who ber and increasing
claims to be knowl- the voltage at the
edgeable in the area plugs to at least
of flow characteris- 15,000 volts each.
tics and your heads Dual plugging
come back with the alone of a stock
ports polished you motor will elimi-
have a problem. Not nate most
only will your motor detonation, stop
go slower but it will plug fowling and
run hotter and hard starting,
detonation will be increase horse-
much more appar- power by 5 percent
ent, considerably or more, increase
shortening the life gas mileage, double
expectancy of your spark plug life, and
top end. lower emissions. Some
The next key word tuners have reported 6
is Flame travel. Your to 8 percent increase
HD engine has one in gas mileage. Dual
spark plug located on plugging is nothing
the left side of the new. In the USA it was
combustion chamber. first used by Liberty
This chamber is deeply
Super Port Design Aircraft in 1917. A
concave in shape and R&R Specialties the leading little later by Conti-
partially filled with the manufacturer of carbide cutters, nental and Lycoming
piston dome at the has teamed up with FLO in the 1920s and 30s.
point of ignition. Be- Headworks to perfect a “Tooled Primarily used as a
cause of the location of Finish” that will effectively double safety factor it also
this single spark plug the atomization of the incoming reduced spark plug
and the piston dome fuel. Many other improvements fowling and detonation
the flame travel is have been well documented. and increased RPM by
partially blocked and Reduced engine temperature, 6 percent.
does not cover the detonation, spark plug fowling, and Well Bros now
piston evenly. High emissions. Improved horsepower you’ve got the straight
compression pistons and gas mileage. Especially answers to all those
increase this problem effective with Hi-Performance cams questions you been
considerably. In 1970 and high compression pistons. For askin’. For more info
Warner Riley set a new more Info and a flow chart on your on your particular
land speed record at model Harley Davidson contact application, call the
Bonneville of 202 MPH Perry at FLO Headworks 1150 Pike FLO Headworks cus-
with a Harley Lane #2, Oceano California 93445. tomer service hotline,
Davidson. In 1972 he Or call 805-481-6300. 805-481-6300
went faster with lower
Dual Plugging

Twin Cam Knucklehead

FLO Headworks is went faster with lower The test results are
now Dual Plugging all compression pistons impressive. With 15,000
Harley Davidson models and it was later discov- Volts output from the
from Knucklehead ered that the flame front coil, using our Dual Plug
through Twin Cam. was partially blocked by Wire Kit we guarantee it
Dual Plugging in the the piston dome. Flame will stop spark plug fowl-
U.S. was first used in travel notches were ing and hard starting,
aircraft engines in 1917 used in the late 1970s eliminate detonation,
by Liberty Aircraft. In by some knowledgeable increase horsepower by
the 1920s and ’30s, engine builders. at least 5% percent,
Continental and We began Dual Plug- increase gas mileage,
Lycoming used dual ging Harleys in 1982 double the life of your
plugging as a safety and have since come to spark plugs, and lower
factor because it consid- some amazing conclu- emissions. Some tuners
erably reduced spark sions. The deeply con- have reported 6% to 8%
plug fowling and deto- cave combustion cham- increase in gas mileage.
nation. RPM was also ber in HD heads has Also, especially effective
increased by 6% per- created a large lack of with most Hi Performance
cent. combustion efficiency. cams.
In 1970 Warner Riley That problem combined Steel thread inserts
set a new Land Speed with the gasoline avail- are used on Panhead,
Record at Bonneville of able today makes Dual Shovelhead and Evolu-
202 MPH with Harley Plugs an absolute must. tion 1340 and Twin Cam.
Davidson. In 1972 he
1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 •

Dual Spark Plug Wire Kit

for Harley Davidson Twin Cam
Single Fire Ignition System

M anufactured and tested by

FLO Headworks, this wire kit
is designed especially for the TC88.
comes with special terminals and
boots to fit the coil. Sparky brand
neoprene watertight spark plug
The kit allows the stock single fire boots and easy-to-install terminals
electronic ignition system to fire are used for the plugs.
dual plugs. The very highest quality For more info, contact the FLO
Belden Black High Temperature Headworks Customer Service
7mm GZ with Supression Core Hotline at 805-481-6300,
IRS/350 is used. Designed to fit all fax 805-481-6341 or E-mail
Harley Davidson models, this wire
kit measures 23 inches long and
Dual Plugging the Twin Cam

Dual Plug Wire Kit installed

1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 •

Twin Cam Big Bore Kit

for 95 Cubic Inch
Harley-Davidson Engines

W e are proud to offer a 98%

percent seal of piston rings.
These cylinders look exactly look
J.E. exclusively for our High Perfor-
mance kit with valve pocket
clearance for 1.940 intake valves
like Screamin Eagle™ with one big and 1.690 exhaust valves at valve
difference. Our cylinders are ma- lift of .600 thousandths. Utilizing
chined to precision tolerance with high-tech CNC based manufactur-
“Torque Plates” at 38 ft. pounds. ing and purpose designed forgings,
This increases the percentage of J.E. is able to maintain exacting
leak-down from the factory average specifications on each and every
of 90% percent to our minimum piston. They are forged and come
acceptable average of 98% percent. complete with pins, clips and rings.
The compression ratio is 9.5:1 with
The pistons are manufactured by our Super Port Flow cylinder heads.
Camshaft Design
for the Harley Davidson
How to Pick the Right One the First Time

W e asked Harvey
Crane, the world
famous cam designer and
example, our three day
crammed cam school
should have taken three
sophisticated, top secret
stuff in the camshaft
business. And seems just
his answer was, “what- weeks to digest, and now like overnight, everyone
ever works,” or WEW, his we have officially has one. So where do you
patented one-liner. scratched the surface of go from here?
There are so many cam design. Computer In addition to the
factors to consider. For programs are high-tech correct cam profile, other
for the Harley Davidson
How to Pick the Right One the First Time

compatible components ratio, Valve train weight, designed to create maxi-

must be used, such as valve springs pressure, mum Horsepower and
Intake, Exhaust, and Lifter type, Roller diam- Torque across a broad
Ignition Systems. Heads eter, Hydraulic lifter leak power band from 1800 to
with good flow character- down rate, Hydraulic 5800 rpm. Our cams are
istics including a high intensity, Major intensity, especially designed to be
exhaust to intake ratio Minor intensity, Ramp compatible with all
are also necessary. Other acceleration, Opening Screamin Eagle high
important factors that Ramp type and velocity, performance parts avail-
must be taken into con- Closing Ramp type and able for the Twin Cam 88
sideration are many. Just velocity, JERK, and and 95 cubic inch en-
to mention a few; Cubic Smoothing. gines.
Inch displacement, Bore So, what does all this Now the design and
and Stroke configuration, technical jargon mean to testing process is com-
RPM, Piston speed, Cylin- a person who is buying a plete and we are proud to
der Head Port Flow CFM cam(s)? the short answer announce to Harley
chart; Weight of the mo- is to be sure the cam Davidson owners around
torcycle, Gear ratio, etc. manufacturer knows how the world the release of
Also terminology used to to use it, and The Master our new Cam Kit for the
describe important fac- definitely does. Our cams Twin Cam 88 and 95 C.I.
tors currently required to are specially designed for Technical Information
design cam lobe profiles use with EPA formulated is available from the FLO
properly. Valve lift, Valve pump gasoline in Califor- Headworks Customer
timing, Duration degrees, nia and other states Service Hotline at 805-
overlap, lobe centers, where air pollution re- 481-6300, or E-mail
Cam base circle diameter, quirements are stringent.
Cam lift, Rocker arm Our cams are especially
1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 •


for The Harley-Davidson Twin Cam

Grind #525 FH
no, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 • www
1150 Pike Lane #2 • Ocea
95 C.I.
Twin Cam 1999 up 88-
plicat ion: Engin e I.D. Harley-Davidson
Rocker Arm Ratio 1.628
Valve Setting: Hydraulic
Valve Lift Lift @ TDC
Timing Duration at .053
Valve .525 .218
22/42 244°
Intake .525 .176
44/22 248°

ents (FLO Spring Kit)

Valve Spring Requirem
1.840" 120 lbs.
On the Seat
.525" 280 lbs.
Open @ Lift

Application Information
n Twin Cam engine.
Mas ter for the Harley-Davidso
Des igne d by The
pati ble with all Screamin’ Eagle parts.
p Gasoline. Com
Bolt In, Street Driven, Pum to 580 0 RPM .
Broad Power Band 1800

Pushrod Cover Kit Included (not pictured)

1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 •

for the Harley-Davidson Twin Cam

1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 • Grind #550 FH

Application: Engine I.D. Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 1999 up 88-95 C.I.

Valve Setting: Hydraulic Rocker Arm Ratio 1.628

Valve Timing Duration at .053 Valve Lift Lift @ TDC

Intake 22/46 248° .525 .218
Exhaust 50/22 252° .550 .176

Valve Spring Requirements (FLO Spring Kit)

On the Seat 1.840" 120 lbs.
Open @ Lift .525" 280 lbs.

Application Information
Designed by The Master for the Harley-Davidson Twin Cam engine.
Broad Power Band 2000 to 6000 RPM.
Street Driven, Pump Gasoline. FLO Valve Spring Kit clearance required.
Valve to Piston clearance required. Cam Case clearance required.

Cams Cams
1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 • Grind #575 FH 1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 • Grind #600 FH

Application: Engine I.D. Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 1999 up 95 C.I. Application: Engine I.D. Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 1999 up 95-107 C.I.

Valve Setting: Hydraulic Rocker Arm Ratio 1.628 Valve Setting: Hydraulic Rocker Arm Ratio 1.628

Valve Timing Duration at .053 Valve Lift Lift @ TDC Valve Timing Duration at .053 Valve Lift Lift @ TDC
Intake 22/50 252° .550 .218 Intake 22/54 256° .575 .218
Exhaust 54/22 256° .575 .176 Exhaust 58/22 260° .600 .176

Valve Spring Requirements (FLO Spring Kit) Valve Spring Requirements (FLO Spring Kit)
On the Seat 1.840" 120 lbs. On the Seat 1.840" 120 lbs.
Open @ Lift .525" 280 lbs. Open @ Lift .525" 280 lbs.

Application Information Application Information

Designed by The Master for the Harley-Davidson Twin Cam engine. Designed by The Master for the Harley-Davidson Twin Cam engine.
Broad Power Band 2200 to 6200 RPM. Broad Power Band 2400 to 6400 RPM.
Street Driven, Pump Gasoline. FLO Valve Spring Kit clearance required. Street Driven, Pump Gasoline. FLO Valve Spring Kit clearance required.
Valve to Piston clearance required. Cam Case clearance required. Valve to Piston clearance required. Cam Case clearance required.
Cam installation

Remove and replace cams

1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 •

Blueprinting Keihin
40 and 44 mm CV Carburetors

A fter much time and testing,

FLO Headworks is pleased to
announce to Harley-Davidson own-
chamber and the air filter element.
Most air velocity problems are
caused by a restrictive air filter.
ers everywhere. We have finally fin-
ished designing a Computer Pro- Many factors are considered such
gram that will allow us to Blueprint as Engine Displacement in Cubic
the Keihin CV Carburetor on the Inches, Bore and Stroke configura-
bench, guaranteed to work perfect- tion, Compression Ratio, Flow
ly for your specific engine. Chart with CFM figures on the
ports, Ignition System information
All Constant Velocity Carburetors if other than stock, Exhaust Sys-
are designed to conpensate for tem type, and most important Cam
changes in altitude and barometric Specifications.
pressure, however, the slightest
modification to increase engine per- For more info and tuning tips, con-
formance will require a carburetor tact the FLO Headworks Customer
tuning. One of the biggest problems Service Hotline at 805-481-6300.
occurs in the design of the air filter
1150 Pike Lane #2 • Oceano, CA 93445 • 805-481-6300 •

High Flow Air Filter Kit

For Keihin CV Carburetors

W e are pleased to offer the

highest flow Air Filter Kit ever
manufactured for Harley-Davidson
fixtures for all Harley-Davidson V-
Twin models from 1937 to present,
including the Twin Cam 88. This
Motorcycles. K&N Engineering has kit comes complete with all mount-
been helpful in the development of ing hardware including a radius
the filter element that will flow in venturi ring. Detailed installation
excess of 700 CFM. A must for big instructions with photos also
cubic inch engines. comes with the kit to make this
modification easy.
Maintained properly, this filter has
a lifetime guarantee. The air filter Catalog and price list is available
backing plate is made of .125 inch from the FLO Headworks Customer
thick steel with welded mounting Service Hotline at 805-481-6300.
Blueprinted Keihin 44mm Carburetor

700 CFM Air Filter Kit installed

Exhaust Systems
for the Harley-Davidson

Which is the right one for you?

We get a lot of questions other down the track. with our Hot Setup. The basic
about exhaust systems This is the same Info is to use a 1˚3/4 inch
for Harleys and I must objective that we want diameter pipe 36 to 40 inches
say to all you guys out to create in the exhaust long, straight through with no
there, Its like choosing pipe. The diameter and obstructions or baffles of any
a woman. The right size length of this pipe is kind. Dyno testing tells us that
and shape or just the determined by the size some exhaust systems are
right sound to satisfy and frequency of the consistently better at making
your personal taste. pulses coming out of horsepower and torque like
your engine. Some the Thunderheader with its
Technically speaking in engines require a little patented anti-reversion
a High Performance back pressure to run system. Cycle Shack true
application, the proper properly because of duals are even better for
function of the exhaust poorly designed ports in making torque.
system is to evacuate or the head giving a low
scavenge exhaust pulses exhaust to intake ratio More info is available at the
by keeping them or cam timing designed FLO Headworks Customer
connected together. to comply with EPA Service Hotline,
Imagine, if you will, a Emissions Standards. (805) 481-6300.
railroad train with all the
cars connected together. All I can tell you for sure
They actually pull each is what works the best

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