DJ ABERTO SIEMENS 3 WT Catalogo-Lv35-3wt
DJ ABERTO SIEMENS 3 WT Catalogo-Lv35-3wt
DJ ABERTO SIEMENS 3 WT Catalogo-Lv35-3wt
Industrial Controls IC 10
Siemens LV 35 · 2019
© Siemens AG 2019
SENTRON Introduction
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© Siemens AG 2019
requirements for electrical power distribution and makes the underlying technologies
ever more complex. Our components and systems are perfect for integration into
devices combine with digital engineering to provide you with optimized solutions –
Our products lay the foundations for safe, We support you throughout the entire
reliable and efficient electrical infrastruc- value chain – from the planning stage,
ture at medium and low-voltage levels in during installation and right through to
buildings, infrastructure and industrial operation, as well as when it comes to mea-
applications. Our portfolio includes, among sures for modernizing and expanding your
other devices, power distribution boards electrical power distribution systems. You
and distribution boards, communication- benefit from a broad portfolio of
capable protection, switching, measuring personalized and online-based mainte-
and monitoring devices, as well as switches nance and support services. Professional
and socket outlets. Our tested and certified software and data ensure simple planning
components, systems and software pack- in compliance with standards as well as
ages allow for ever-suitable solutions in error-free configuration and documenta-
both centralized and distributed power sys- tion. Clear ordering channels, transparent
tems the world over. They reliably protect product availability data and high delivery
against accidents, faults and fires caused by reliability coupled with swift global spare
electrical installations and allow consum- part provision, comprehensive online
ers to utilize electrical power in a sustain- services, expert consulting and fast,
able, responsible manner. efficient and reliable processes ensure that
you are optimally covered throughout the
entire product life cycle.
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Siemens LV 35 · 2019
© Siemens AG 2019
■ Benefits 1
• Electronic trip units (ETU) with outstanding features
• Only two frame sizes cover a broad range of applications from
400 A to 4000 A, with a breaking capacity up to 66 kA up to
690 V, 3- or 4-pole version, fixed-mounted, withdrawable ver-
• Modbus RTU communication
• Metering with internal voltage tap
• All components can be combined in a modular way
Ease of use
• User friendliness in planning, configuration, installation and
• Wide range of accessories for both frame sizes can be easily
• Displays for all electronic trip units (ETU)
Safety and reliability
• International and standardized processes ensure highest
product quality
• Conforms to international standards and approvals
Siemens LV 35 · 2019
© Siemens AG 2019
General data
■ Overview
3WT circuit breaker, withdrawable version, size II, 3-pole 3WT circuit breaker, fixed-mounted version, size II, 3-pole
$ Withdrawable circuit breaker * ON button, mechanical
% Indication and reset button after + OFF button, mechanical
tripping for , Indication of circuit breaker position
– tripped signaling switch and - Guide frame
– manual reset reclosing lockout . Guide rails
& Stored-energy indicator / Auxiliary circuit plug-in system
( Switching position indicator 0 Crank hole
) Ready-to-close indicator 1 Hand lever
General data
■ Benefits ■ Design
Safety and reliability Versions
• High degree of protection with door sealing frame in the case Breaking capacity: 55/66kA at 500V/690V
of exclusively local operation of the circuit breaker Rated current: from 400 A to 4000 A
• Infeed supply from above or below, as required Rated operating voltage: up to AC 690V
• Locking of the withdrawable circuit breaker against moving, The 3WT circuit breakers are supplied complete with an operat-
as standard ing mechanism, electronic trip unit and auxiliary switches and
• Locking of the guide frame with the circuit breaker removed, are fitted with auxiliary releases.
as standard The non-automatic circuit breakers are supplied without elec-
• Signaling switch for overload and short-circuit tripping with
mechanical reclosing lockout
tronic trip unit
Standard version
• High degree of protection with cover IP55
• Electronic trip unit with LSI protection, LCD display with back-
• Mechanical reclosing lockout after overload or short-circuit light, LEDs for the cause of tripping, LED status indicator,
tripping as standard query and test button
• The circuit breaker is always equipped with the required num- • Auxiliary supply connector: The circuit breaker is equipped
ber of auxiliary supply connectors with the required number of connectors
Easy to operate • Mechanical ON and OFF pushbutton
• Unambiguous ON-OFF indicator with auxiliary switch for sig- • Door sealing frame IP41
nal • Tripped signaling switch (1 NO)
• Ready-to-close indicator with signaling switch as safety • Ready-to-close indicator with signaling switch
• Stored-energy indicator
Modular • Auxiliary switches (2NO + 2NC)
Many components, such as auxiliary releases, motorized oper- • Rear horizontal main circuit connections for fixed mounted
ating mechanisms, electronic trip units and current transformers and withdrawable versions
can be replaced or retrofitted to adapt the circuit breaker to • For 4-pole circuit breakers, the fourth pole (N) is installed on
changing requirements. the left and is 100 % loadable
Minimal power loss and therefore low energy consumption • Indication and reset button after tripping for
The low power consumption of the electrical components also - tripped signaling switch and
saves money when it comes to purchasing the control-power - mechanical reclosing lockout
transformers. Where space is at a premium or ventilation is • User manual in English/Chinese/Spanish/Portuguese/Turkish
limited. Additional features of the withdrawable version:
General data
■ Function
Operating mechanisms Fixed-mounted and withdrawable version
(see illustration "Motorized operating mechanism")
Fixed-mounted and withdrawable circuit breakers
The circuit breakers are available with various optional operating • Protective measures against arcing gases
mechanisms: For 3WT circuit breakers with voltages up to AC 690 V,
• Manual operating mechanism with memory, with mechanical screening from vertical busbars is not necessary.
closing Electrical add-on devices on the side of the circuit breaker
• Manual operating mechanism with mechanical and electrical must be separately covered. Also see notes under "Project
closing planning aids", "Dimensional drawings".
General data
Guide frames
Fixed-mounted circuit breakers
Closing of the crank hole is only possible in the circuit breaker
positions (connected, test or disconnected position). The circuit
breaker position is shown on a display on the circuit breaker.
The circuit breaker is moved with the help of a hand crank. The
connected position as well as the disconnected position is
achieved by moving the circuit breaker to the end stop.
• Shutters Horizontal Front connection Vertical
Inadvertent touching of live main contacts or busbars is pre- connection with double hole connection
vented by covering with a shutter. The shutter is constructed
in two parts and allows the upper or lower connection areas to Withdrawable circuit breaker, withdrawable guide frame
be opened separately for the purpose of checking that they
are not live. The divided shutter can be interlocked in the open
or closed position and two padlocks can be fitted.
Main circuit connections
All circuit breakers are equipped with horizontal main circuit
connections on the rear for up to 3200 A as standard (horizontal
connection to busbars). Exception: Circuit breakers of size II Horizontal Front connection Vertical
with max. rated current 4000 A. They are equipped with vertical connection with double hole connection
main connections (for upright busbars).
The following options are available, with combinations of top and Main circuit connections
bottom connections possible:
• Accessible from the front, double hole (holes according to
DIN 43673) (for vertically installed busbars)
• At the rear, vertical (for vertically installed busbars)
Guide Shutter
Guide frame
General data
Opening, closing and locking devices Electronic trip units - ETU
• ON and OFF buttons
- Mechanical ON button
In the standard version, the mechanical ON button is a push-
- Mechanical OFF button
In the standard version, the mechanical OFF button is a
pushbutton. As an alternative to a pushbutton, a safety lock
(CES) can also be supplied.
If the key is removed in the "0" position, it is no longer possi-
ble to close the circuit breaker mechanically.
• Locking device against moving the withdrawable circuit
Access to the crank hole and application of the crank is pre-
vented by means of one or more padlocks. This also prevents
movement of the withdrawable circuit breaker in the guide
Auxiliary releases
Electronic trip units – ETU35WT, ETU37WT, ETU45WT, ETU47WT
Up to two auxiliary releases can be installed at the same time.
The following are available: The electronic trip unit is controlled by a microprocessor and op-
erates independently of an auxiliary voltage. It enables systems
1 shunt release or to be adapted to the different protection required of distribution
1 undervoltage release or systems, motors, transformers and generators.
2 shunt releases or
1 shunt release + In all electronic trip units, the following high-grade features are
1 undervoltage releases. always included as standard:
Undervoltage releases • Display with back light
• LSI protection as minimum configuration
The undervoltage release causes the circuit breaker to be
opened if the operational voltage falls below a certain value or is • Integrated function test
not applied. The circuit breaker cannot be closed manually or by The test button can be used to test the electronic trip unit
means of an electrical ON command if the undervoltage release using an integrated test function with or without tripping of the
is not connected to the operational voltage. The undervoltage re- circuit breaker (the solid-state trip unit, trip solenoid and
lease has no delay as standard. A delay can be set by the cus- breaker mechanism are tested).
tomer in the range between td < 80 ms and td < 200 ms. • Active LED
In addition, an undervoltage release with a delay in the range Correct operation of the electronic trip unit is indicated by a
from 0.2 to 3.2 s is available. flashing of a green LED.
When the operating current exceeds the response threshold
Closing solenoid of the overload protection, it is indicated by rapid flashing of
the green LED.
The closing solenoid is used to close the circuit breaker electri-
cally by means of a local electrical ON command or by a remote • Cause of tripping
unit. The cause of tripping can be queried locally and displayed
(by pressing the "Query" button).
Motorized operating mechanisms • T. U. Error
The operating mechanism is used to load the storage spring au- A microprocessor fault or overtemperature inside of the elec-
tomatically. tronic trip unit is signaled by a warning indicator LED.
The operating mechanism is activated if the storage spring has Communication/measuring functions
been unloaded and the control voltage is available. The use of modern communication-capable circuit breakers
It is switched off automatically after loading. This does not affect opens up completely new possibilities in terms of start-up, pa-
manual operation of the storage spring. rameterization, diagnostics, maintenance and operation. This al-
lows many different ways of reducing costs and improving pro-
Indicators, signals and control elements ductivity in industrial plants, buildings and infrastructure projects
Operating cycles counter to be achieved:
• Fast and reliable parameterization
The motorized operating mechanism can be supplied with a
5-digit operating cycles counter. The display is incremented by • Timely information and response can prevent plant stoppages
"1" as soon as the storage spring is fully loaded. • Effective diagnostics management
• Measured values are the basis for efficient load management,
for drawing up power demand profiles and for allocating en-
ergy to cost centers
• Preventive maintenance reduces the risk of expensive plant
• Measurement function with a very wide range of measured
values, such as current, voltage, energy, power etc.
• Can be used in 690 V networks
General data
Manual function tester for Electronic trip unit ETU Ground-fault protection
Ground-fault releases "G" sense fault currents that flow to ground
and that can cause fire in the plant. Multiple circuit breakers con-
nected in series can have their delay times adjusted so as to pro-
vide time-graded discrimination.
The reason for tripping is indicated by means of an LED when
the query button is activated.
Measurement method
Vectorial summation current formation (measurement method 1)
The three phase currents and the N-conductor current are mea- 2
sured directly.
The electronic trip unit determines the ground-fault current by
means of vectorial summation current formation for the three
phase currents and the N-conductor current.
Direct measurement of the ground-fault current (measurement
method 2, only for ETU47WT)
A standard transformer with the following data is used for mea-
surement of the ground-fault current:
1200 A/1 A, Class 1 (the internal load of 3WT is 0.11 ). The
transformer can be installed directly in the grounded neutral
point of a transformer.
Manual function tester 3WT L2
The manual function tester is used to verify the proper operation N
of the electronic trip unit, the energy transformers and current T5 PE
transformers as well as the tripping solenoid F5 and the data dis- NSE0_ 02093
3WT L2
NSE0_ 02091
T6: 1200 A/1 A
3WT L3
NSE0_ 02092
T6: 1200 A/1 A
General data
ETU35WT electronic trip unit
Classical building, motor and system protection
with time-selective coordination for up to 4000 A
• Adjustable overload protection with I²t characteristic curve
Display with backlight
Delay time
MENU tR = 10 seconds at 6 × IR
Indicator: overcurrent
release activated • Short-time delayed short-circuit protection
adjustable in the range 1.25 ... 12 × In and
2 Indicator: Overload alarm
10 1.5 .3
value, short-time delayed 8 2 .2
short-circuit release
.02 0 Rotary switch for delay, • Indicates the reason for tripping by means of an LED
Ii 20x In TRIP I short-circuit release
Short-circuit protection • Test facility for the release
fixed setting MAX. 50kA
The same as ETU35WT but also
Display with backlight • Reversible neutral conductor protection
Indicator: overcurrent N-conductor • Permanently integrated ground-fault protection.
release activated protection on/ off Calculation of the ground-fault current
Indicator: Overload alarm
Indicator: fault in
through vectorial summation current formation
Rotary switch for setting overcurrent release
value, overload release
IR =X In
tR =10s(@6 xIR)
Indicator: cause of
For technical details see the table "Functional Overview of the
Isd =X In
tsd (s)
release Electronic Trip Unit System" under "Technical Specifications".
Rotary switch for setting 12 1.25 TRIP S .4
10 1.5 .3
value, short-time delayed 8
6 2.5
2 .2
Rotary switch for delay,
short-circuit release 4 3 .02 0 short-circuit release
Ii 20x In TRIP I
Short-circuit protection
fixed setting MAX. 50kA
Ig (A)
100 TRIP G
t g(s)
Rotary switch for delay,
Rotary switch for setting 300
earth-fault protection
value, earth fault protection OFF
Query pushbutton
Clear pushbutton
Test pushbutton Test socket
General data
ETU45WT electronic trip unit (Release 2)
Economical all-round system for intelligent buildings and all
types of industrial applications
The same as ETU35WT but also
Display with backlight
• Adjustable time-lag class for overload protection
• Selectable characteristic for overload and short-delayed
Indicator: overcurrent
release activated
Thermal memory on/off short-circuit range (current discrimination) for more accurate
Indicator: Overload alarm N-conductor protection discrimination adaptation to upstream fuses and protective
Indicator: Communication
Setting value devices
Indicator: fault in N-conductor overload
overcurrent release • Thermal image as restart protection for tripped motor outgoing
Rotary switch for time-lag
Rotary switch for setting
value, overload release class overload release feeders
Rotary switch for setting Rotary switch for delay / • Reversible and adjustable (incl. turn off) neutral conductor
value, short-time delayed time-lag class short-circuit
short-circuit release release
Rotary switch for setting Indicator: cause of release • The protection functions can be set by means of a rotary cod-
value, short-circuit release
ing switch or slide switch
Query pushbutton • Communication capability with COM16WT
Clear pushbutton
Test pushbutton Test socket • Optional metering
For technical details see the table "Functional Overview of the
Electronic Trip Unit System" under "Technical Specifications".
The same as ETU45WT but also
Display with backlight
• Ground-fault protection with tripping functions which can be
adjusted separately
Indicator: overcurrent Thermal memory on/off
release activated
N-conductor protection
For technical details see the table "Functional Overview of the
Indicator: Overload alarm Electronic Trip Unit System" under "Technical Specifications".
Indicator: Communication
Setting value
Indicator: fault in N-conductor overload
overcurrent release
Rotary switch for setting Rotary switch for time-lag
value, overload release class overload release
Rotary switch for setting Rotary switch for delay /
value, short-time delayed time-lag class short-circuit
short-circuit release release
Rotary switch for setting Indicator: cause of release
value, short-circuit release
Rotary switch for setting Rotary switch for delay/
value, earth fault protection time-lag class,
Query pushbutton earth-fault protection tg/I 2tg
Clear pushbutton
Test pushbutton Test socket
General data
10 1.5 .3 10 1.5 .3
8 2 .2 8 2 .2
6 2.5 .1 6 2.5 .1
4 3 .02 0 4 3 .02 0
NSE0 02098
300 .4
I201 19752
600 .3
I201 19751
900 .2
OFF 1200 .1
General data
Module for mutual mechanical interlocking • Select the width of switchgear cubicle to allow enough free-
dom of movement for adjusting the interlock!
The module for mutual mechanical interlocking can be used for
one or two 3WT circuit breakers and can be adapted easily to • Openings and cut-outs in system elements must be designed
the corresponding versions. so that Bowden wires are not changed in direction or ob-
The fixed-mounted and withdrawable circuit breaker versions structed when they are passed through.
are fully compatible and can therefore be used in a mixed con-
figuration in an installation.
The circuit breakers can be mounted alongside each other or
one above the other, whereby the spacing of the circuit breakers
is determined solely by the length of the Bowden wire. The
Bowden wires are supplied in standard lengths of 2 m (length:
2 m/3 m/4.5 m). Interlock signals are looped through via the
Bowden wires. Interlocking is only effective in the connected po-
sition in the case of withdrawable circuit breakers.
The mechanical endurance of the Bowden wires is 10000
operating cycles.
The interlocking module is mounted on the right-hand side of the
fixed-mounted circuit breaker (see illustration) or the guide
Minimum requirements must be fulfilled in the switchgear for the
interlocking to function: 3WT circuit breaker, 3-pole, with interlocking module and Bowden wire
• Bowden wires must be installed as far as possible in a straight
line with minimum bending.
• The bending radii of the Bowden wire must be greater than
500 mm.
• The sum of all bending angles along the Bowden wire must not
exceed 640°.
• In a vertical arrangement of circuit breakers to be interlocked,
the interlocking mechanisms must be in line.
• Circuit breakers to be interlocked must be arranged so that
Bowden wires can be optimally installed in compliance with
the conditions mentioned in the above points.
• The installed Bowden wire must be fixed (with cable ties or the
like) before the interlock is adjusted.
Interlocking module with Bowden wire
A B 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 0 Each circuit breaker has an interlocking module and a Bowden wire.
A C 0 1 0 An additional Bowden wire must be ordered separately for each circuit breaker.
0 0 1
1 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
3 A B C 3 circuit breakers one above the other:
N S E 0 _ 0 1 1 4 1
0 0 0 When one circuit breaker is closed the other two circuit breakers cannot be closed.
1 0 0 The interlocking mechanism of each circuit breaker consists of an interlocking module and a
0 1 0 Bowden wire. An additional Bowden wire must be ordered separately for each circuit breaker.
0 0 1
1 0 0
If the third circuit breaker is closed, the other two circuit breakers cannot be closed. All three
A 1 B A 2 0 0 1
1 0 1 circuit breakers each have an interlocking module and a Bowden wire. A Bowden wire must
0 1 0 be ordered separately.
General data
■ Technical specifications
Size I
Type 3WT804 3WT806 3WT808 3WT810 3WT812 3WT816
Rated current In at 50 °C, Main conductor A 400 630 800 1000 1250 1600
at 50/60 Hz Neutral conductor A 400 630 800 1000 1250 1600
(only on 4-pole version)
Rated operating voltage Ue at 50/60 Hz AC V up to 690
Rated impulse Main circuits1) kV 12
withstand voltage Uimp Auxiliary circuits kV 4
Utilization category B
2 Rated short-circuit
making capacity Icm (peak value)
Breaking capacity up to
N 500 V AC kA 121
S 500 V AC kA 145
690 V AC kA 105
Rated service short-circuit Breaking capacity up to
breaking capacity Ics (rms value) N 500 V AC kA 55
S 500 V AC kA 66
Z-Opt. A04 690 V AC kA 50
Rated ultimate short-circuit Breaking capacity up to
breaking capacity Icu (rms value) N 500 V AC kA 55
S 500 V AC kA 66
Z-Opt. A04 690 V AC kA 50
Permissible ambient temperatures Operation °C –20 ... +70
Storage °C –40 ... +80
Rated short-time withstand current Icw 0.5 s kA 50
at 50/60 Hz. 1s kA 352)/50
At a rated voltage of 690 V, the Icw value of 2s kA 252)/30
the circuit breaker cannot be greater than 3s kA 202)/25
the Icu or Ics value at 690 V. 4s kA 172)/20
Permissible load up to 50 °C A 400 630 800 1000 1250 1600
for fixed-mounted and withdrawable circuit at 60 °C A 400 630 800 950 1120 1500
breakers at cabinet interior temperature3)4) at 70 °C A 400 600 700 800 1000 1350
Rated rotor operating voltage Uer V 2000
Power loss at In Fixed-mounted circuit breaker W 25 40 60 90 120 140
with 3-phase symmetr. load (without line- Withdrawable circuit breaker W 50 80 130 205 255 310
side busbars and metal components4)) including guide frame
without maintenance mechanical Operating cycles 10000
electrical up to 6000
690 V AC6)
with maintenance5) mechanical Operating cycles 18000
electrical up to 12000
690 V AC6)
Operating frequency mechanical 1/h 60
electrical 1/h 60
Minimum interval ms 80
between tripping operation by electronic trip unit and next making operation
of the circuit breaker (only with automatic mechanical resetting of the lock-
out device)
Service position 3 0 ° 3 0 ° 3 0 ° 3 0 °
N S E 0 _ 0 0 0 6 1 a N S E 0 _ 0 0 0 6 2 a
General data
Size II
Type 3WT806 3WT808 3WT810 3WT812 3WT816
Rated current In at 50 °C, Main conductor A 630 800 1000 1250 1600
at 50/60 Hz1) Neutral conductor A 630 800 1000 1250 1600
(only on 4-pole version)
Rated operating voltage Ue at 50/60 Hz AC V up to 690
Rated impulse Main circuits2) kV 12
withstand voltage Uimp Auxiliary circuits kV 4
Utilization category B
Rated short-circuit Breaking capacity up to
making capacity Icm (peak value) N 500 V AC kA --
S 500 V AC kA 145
690 V AC kA 105
Rated service short-circuit Breaking capacity up to
breaking capacity Ics (rms value) N 500 V AC kA --
S 500 V AC kA 66
Z-Opt. A04 / A08 690 V AC kA 50/66
Rated ultimate short-circuit Breaking capacity
breaking capacity Icu (rms value) N 500 V AC kA --
S 500 V AC kA 66
Z-Opt. A04 / A08 690 V AC kA 50/66
Permissible ambient temperatures Operation °C –20 ... +70
Storage °C –40 ... +80
Rated short-time withstand current Icw 0.5 s 66
at 50/60 Hz 1s kA 66
At a rated voltage of 690 V, the Icw value of 2s kA 55
the circuit breaker cannot be greater than 3s kA 45
the Icu or Ics value at 690 V. 4s kA 35
Permissible load up to 50 °C1) A 630 800 1000 1250 1600
for fixed-mounted and withdrawable circuit at 60 °C A 630 800 1000 1250 1600
breakers at cabinet interior temperature3)4) at 70 °C A 630 800 1000 1250 1600
Rated rotor operating voltage Uer V 2000
Power loss at In Fixed-mounted circuit breaker W 20 30 45 70 110
with 3-phase symmetr. load (without line- Withdrawable circuit breaker W 40 60 90 140 225
side busbars and metal components4)) including guide frame
without maintenance mechanical Oper. 10000
electrical up to 690 V AC6) cycles 6000
with maintenance5) mechanical Oper. 12000
electrical up to 690 V AC6) cycles 12000
Operating frequency mechanical 1/h 60
electrical up to 690 V AC6) 1/h 20
Minimum interval ms 80
between tripping operation by electronic trip unit and next making opera-
tion of the circuit breaker (only with automatic mechanical resetting of the
lockout device)
Service position 3 0 ° 3 0 ° 3 0 ° 3 0 °
N S E 0 _ 0 0 0 6 1 a N S E 0 _ 0 0 0 6 2 a
General data
Size II
Type 3WT820 3WT825 3WT832 3WT840
Rated current In at 50 °C, Main conductor A 2000 2500 3200 3800 (withdrawable) 4000 (fixed-mounted)
at 50/60 Hz1) Neutral conductor A 2000 2500 3200 3800 (withdrawable) 4000 (fixed-mounted)
(only on 4-pole version)
Rated operating voltage Ue at 50/60 Hz AC V up to 690
Rated impulse Main circuits2) kV 12
withstand voltage Uimp Auxiliary circuits kV 4
Utilization category B
Rated short-circuit Breaking capacity up to
making capacity Icm (peak value) N 500 V AC kA --
S 500 V AC kA 145
Z-Opt. A04 / A08 690 V AC kA 105/145
Rated service short-circuit Breaking capacity up to
breaking capacity Ics (rms value) N 500 V AC kA --
S 500 V AC kA 66
Z-Opt. A04 / A08 690 V AC kA 50/66 50/66 50 --
Rated ultimate short-circuit Breaking capacity
breaking capacity Icu (rms value) N 500 V AC kA --
S 500 V AC kA 66
Z-Opt. A04 / A08 690 V AC kA 50/66 50/66 50 --
Permissible ambient temperatures Operation °C –20 ... +70
Storage °C –40 ... +80
Rated short-time withstand current Icw 0.5 s 66
at 50/60 Hz 1s kA 66
At a rated voltage of 690 V, the Icw value of 2s kA 55
the circuit breaker cannot be greater than 3s kA 45
the Icu or Ics value at 690 V. 4s kA 35
Permissible load up to 50 °C1) A 2000 2500 3200 38005) 40006)
for fixed-mounted and withdrawable circuit at 60 °C A 1950 2150 2900
breakers at cabinet interior temperature3)4) at 70 °C A 1800 1950 2700
Rated rotor operating voltage Uer V 2000
Power loss at In Fixed-mounted circuit breaker W 170 325 420 -- 902
with 3-phase symmetr. load (without line- Withdrawable circuit breaker W 310 535 760 1050 --
side busbars and metal components4)) including guide frame
without maintenance mechanical Oper. 10000
electrical up to 690 V AC8) cycles 6000 4000 200010) 200010)
with maintenance7) mechanical Oper. 12000
electrical up to 690 V AC8) cycles 12000 10000 400010) 400010)
Operating frequency mechanical 1/h 60
electrical up to 690 V AC8) 1/h 20 20 10 60 60
Minimum interval ms 80
between tripping operation by electronic trip unit and next making operation of the
circuit breaker (only with automatic mechanical resetting of the lockout device)
Service position 3 0 ° 3 0 ° 3 0 ° 3 0 °
N S E 0 _ 0 0 0 6 1 a N S E 0 _ 0 0 0 6 2 a
General data
Operating mechanisms
Manual operating mechanism with mechanical closing
Closing Max. force required to operate the hand lever N 210
Charging stored- Required number of strokes on the hand lever 5
energy feature
Manual operating mechanism with mechanical and electrical closing
Charging stored- see "Manual operating mechanism with mechanical
energy feature closing"
Closing Operating range 0.7 ... 1.1 × Us
solenoid (Y1) Extended operating range for battery operation1) for 24 V DC, 110 V DC, 0.7 ... 1.26 × Us
220 V DC
Power input AC/DC VA/W 15
Minimum command duration at Us for the activation ms 60
Total closing time at Us after start of ms 80
closing command for the activation solenoid,
suitable for synchronizing tasks
Short-circuit protection
Smallest permissible DIAZED fuse (operational class 1 A TDz (time-lag)/1 A
gL)/miniature circuit breaker with C-characteristic
Manual/motor operating mechanism with mechanical and electrical closing
Manual operating see "Manual operating mechanism with mechanical
mechanism closing"
Motor Operating range 0.7 ... 1.1 × Us
Extended operating range for battery operation1) for 24 V DC, 110 V DC, 0.7 ... 1.26 × Us
220 V DC
Power input to motor AC/DC VA/W 40
Time required to charge the stored-energy mechanism 1 × Us s 20
Closing see "Manual operating mechanism with mechanical
solenoid and electrical closing"
Short-circuit protection
Motor and activation solenoid for the same rated control supply voltages:
For motor and Smallest permissible DIAZED fuse (operational class at Us = 24 V 2 A TDz (time-lag)/2 A
closing solenoid gL)/miniature circuit breaker with C-characteristic at Us = 110 ...127 V 1 A TDz (time-lag)/1 A
at Us = 220 ... 250 V 1 A TDz (time-lag)/1 A
Auxiliary releases
Shunt Operating value pickup 0.7 × Us (circuit breaker is tripped)
release "f" Operating range 0.7 ... 1.1 × Us
(F1, F2)
For continuous command (100 % duty ratio),
locks out on momentary-contact commands
Extended operating range for for 24 V DC, 110 V DC, 0.7 ... 1.26 × Us
battery operation1) 220 V DC
Rated control supply voltage Us AC 50/60 Hz V 110 ... 127, 220 ... 240
DC V 24, 110 ... 125, 220 ... 250
Power input AC/DC VA/W 15
Minimum command duration at Us ms 60
Opening time of circuit breaker at AC/DC ms 80
Us = 100 %
The operating range is only permissible for the specified rated voltages
and corresponds to the battery charging voltage.
General data
Auxiliary releases
Undervoltage Operating values pickup 0.85 × Us (circuit breaker can be closed)
release "r" (F3) and dropout (0.35 ... 0.7) × Us (circuit breaker is tripped)
"rc" (F8) Operating range 0.85 ... 1.1 × Us
Extended operating range in battery for 24 V DC, 110 V DC, 0.7 ... 1.26 × Us
operation1) 220 V DC
Rated control supply voltage Us AC 50/60 Hz V 110 ... 127, 220 ... 240, 380 ... 415
DC V 24, 110 ... 125, 220 ... 250
Power input AC VA 15
DC W 15
2 Opening time of circuit breaker at Us = 0
Version "r" (F3)
Instantaneous ms 100
With 100 ms delay ms 300
Version "rc" (F8)
With delay, td = 0.2 ... 3.2 s s 0.2 ... 3.2
Reset via additional NC contact – direct switching-off ms 100
Short-circuit protection
Smallest permissible DIAZED fuse (operational class gL)/ 1 A TDz (time-lag)1 A
miniature circuit breaker with C-characteristic
Contact position-driven auxiliary switches (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S60, S61)
Rated insulation voltage Ui AC/DC V 400
Rated operating voltage Ue V 400
Switching capacity AC, 50/60 Hz Rated operating voltage Ue V up to 24 110 220/230 380/400
Rated operating current Ie/AC-12 A 10 10 10 10
Rated operating current Ie/AC-15 A 6 6 6 4
DC Rated operating voltage Ue V 24 110 220
Rated operating current Ie/DC-12 A 10 3.5 1
Rated operating current Ie/DC-15 A 10 1.2 0.4
Short-circuit protection2) Largest permissible DIAZED fuse (operational class gL/gG) 10 A TDz, 16 A Dz
Largest permissible miniature circuit breaker with C-characteristic 10 A
Ready-to-close signaling switch (S7) and "tripped" signaling switch (S11)
Switching capacity AC, 50/60 Hz Rated operating voltage Ue V 110 220
Rated operating current Ie A 0.14 0.1
DC Rated operating voltage Ue V 24 220
Rated operating current Ie A 0.2 0.1
Short-circuit Largest permissible DIAZED fuse (operational class gL) 2 A Dz (quick)
"Tripped" signaling switch (S11) Signal duration after tripping continuous, until reset
The operating range is only permissible for the specified rated voltages
and corresponds to the battery charging voltage.
Without any welding of the contacts only at Ik 1 kA in accordance with
IEC 60947-5-1.
2 I
ETU35WT, horizontal main circuit connection (breaking capacity S)
I 400 66 50 3WT8041-5UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8045-5UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 630 66 50 3WT8061-5UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8065-5UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 800 66 50 3WT8081-5UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8085-5UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 1000 66 50 3WT8101-5UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8105-5UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 1250 66 50 3WT8121-5UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8125-5UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 1600 66 50 3WT8161-5UA30-0AA2 36.000 3WT8165-5UA30-0AA2 49.000
II 630 66 66 3WT8062-5UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8066-5UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 800 66 66 3WT8082-5UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8086-5UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 1000 66 66 3WT8102-5UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8106-5UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 1250 66 66 3WT8122-5UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8126-5UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 1600 66 66 3WT8162-5UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8166-5UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 2000 66 66 3WT8202-5UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8206-5UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 2500 66 66 3WT8252-5UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8256-5UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 3200 66 66 3WT8322-5UA30-0AA2 61.000 3WT8326-5UA30-0AA2 74.000
ETU35WT, vertical main circuit connection (breaking capacity S)
II 4000 66 66 3WT8402-5UA32-0AA2 92.000 3WT8406-5UA32-0AA2 106.000
ETU37WT, horizontal main circuit connection (breaking capacity N)
I 400 55 50 3WT8040-6UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8044-6UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 630 55 50 3WT8060-6UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8064-6UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 800 55 50 3WT8080-6UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8084-6UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 1000 55 50 3WT8100-6UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8104-6UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 1250 55 50 3WT8120-6UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8124-6UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 1600 55 50 3WT8160-6UA30-0AA2 36.000 3WT8164-6UA30-0AA2 49.000
ETU37WT, horizontal main circuit connection (breaking capacity S)
I 400 66 50 3WT8041-6UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8045-6UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 630 66 50 3WT8061-6UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8065-6UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 800 66 50 3WT8081-6UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8085-6UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 1000 66 50 3WT8101-6UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8105-6UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 1250 66 50 3WT8121-6UA30-0AA2 34.000 3WT8125-6UA30-0AA2 47.000
I 1600 66 50 3WT8161-6UA30-0AA2 36.000 3WT8165-6UA30-0AA2 49.000
II 630 66 66 3WT8062-6UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8066-6UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 800 66 66 3WT8082-6UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8086-6UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 1000 66 66 3WT8102-6UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8106-6UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 1250 66 66 3WT8122-6UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8126-6UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 1600 66 66 3WT8162-6UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8166-6UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 2000 66 66 3WT8202-6UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8206-6UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 2500 66 66 3WT8252-6UA30-0AA2 57.000 3WT8256-6UA30-0AA2 70.000
II 3200 66 66 3WT8322-6UA30-0AA2 61.000 3WT8326-6UA30-0AA2 74.000
ETU37WT, vertical main circuit connection (breaking capacity S)
II 4000 66 66 3WT8402-6UA32-0AA2 92.000 3WT8406-6UA32-0AA2 106.000
Electronic trip unit (ETU)
ETU35WT: protection functions LSI with LCD display
ETU37WT: protection functions LSING2) with LCD display
Accessories included
Motor operated mechanism,
with mechanical and electrical closing,
motor and closing solenoid 220-240 V AC 50/60 Hz,
220-250 V DC,
Shunt release "F" 220-240 V AC 50/60 Hz,
220-250 V DC
with door sealing frame IP41,
without 2nd auxiliary release,
with auxiliary switch 2 NO + 2 NC
Icw/500 V 0.5 s for breaking capacity N.
Current transformer for overload protection in the neutral conductor and for
ground-fault protection must be ordered separately, see page 2/32.
2 I
I 1000 66 50 3WT8101-@@@@8-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8105-@@@@8-@@@@ 76.000
I 1250 66 50 3WT8121-@@@@8-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8125-@@@@8-@@@@ 76.000
I 1600 66 50 3WT8161-@@@@8-@@@@ 61.000 3WT8165-@@@@8-@@@@ 79.000
II 630 66 66 3WT8062-@@@@8-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8066-@@@@8-@@@@ 118.000
II 800 66 66 3WT8082-@@@@8-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8086-@@@@8-@@@@ 118.000
II 1000 66 66 3WT8102-@@@@8-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8106-@@@@8-@@@@ 118.000
II 1250 66 66 3WT8122-@@@@8-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8126-@@@@8-@@@@ 118.000
II 1600 66 66 3WT8162-@@@@8-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8166-@@@@8-@@@@ 118.000
II 2000 66 66 3WT8202-@@@@8-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8206-@@@@8-@@@@ 118.000
II 2500 66 66 3WT8252-@@@@8-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8256-@@@@8-@@@@ 118.000
II 3200 66 66 3WT8322-@@@@8-@@@@ 100.000 3WT8326-@@@@8-@@@@ 124.000
Vertical main circuit connection, top and bottom (breaking capacity N)
I 400 55 50 3WT8040-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8044-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
I 630 55 50 3WT8060-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8064-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
I 800 55 50 3WT8080-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8084-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
I 1000 55 50 3WT8100-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8104-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
I 1250 55 50 3WT8120-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8124-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
I 1600 55 50 3WT8160-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8164-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
Vertical main circuit connection, top and bottom (breaking capacity S)
I 400 66 50 3WT8041-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8045-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
I 630 66 50 3WT8061-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8065-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
I 800 66 50 3WT8081-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8085-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
I 1000 66 50 3WT8101-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8105-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
I 1250 66 50 3WT8121-@@@@6-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8125-@@@@6-@@@@ 76.000
I 1600 66 50 3WT8161-@@@@6-@@@@ 61.000 3WT8165-@@@@6-@@@@ 79.000
II 630 66 66 3WT8062-@@@@6-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8066-@@@@6-@@@@ 118.000
II 800 66 66 3WT8082-@@@@6-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8086-@@@@6-@@@@ 118.000
II 1000 66 66 3WT8102-@@@@6-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8106-@@@@6-@@@@ 118.000
II 1250 66 66 3WT8122-@@@@6-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8126-@@@@6-@@@@ 118.000
II 1600 66 66 3WT8162-@@@@6-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8166-@@@@6-@@@@ 118.000
II 2000 66 66 3WT8202-@@@@6-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8206-@@@@6-@@@@ 118.000
II 2500 66 66 3WT8252-@@@@6-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8256-@@@@6-@@@@ 118.000
II 3200 66 66 3WT8322-@@@@6-@@@@ 100.000 3WT8326-@@@@6-@@@@ 124.000
II 3800 66 66 3WT8402-@@@@6-@@@@ 118.000 3WT8406-@@@@6-@@@@ 141.000
Electronic trip unit Article No. ▲▲ ▲ Additional Article No. ▲▲ ▲ Additional
(ETU; 8th position of Article No.) supple- price supple- price
ments ments
ETU35WT: LSI with LCD display 5 X 5 X
ETU37WT: LSING2) with LCD display 6 X 6 X
ETU45WT: LSIN2)6) with LCD display and additional features 7 X 7 X
ETU47WT: LSING2) 6) with LCD display and additional features 8 X 8 X
Operating mechanism, auxiliary release, auxiliary
switch (9th to 11th position of Article No., further
options see page 2/25)
Manual operating mechanism, AA0 without AA0 without
with mechanical closing,
without 1st and 2nd auxiliary releases,
with auxiliary switch 2 NO + 2 NC
Accessories (13th to 16th position of Article No.,
further options see pages 2/26 to 2/31)
with door sealing frame IP41, 5AA2 without 5AA2 without
4) 4)
with door sealing frame IP41, sealing cap over OFF button 5AB2 5AB2
and shutter size I, up to 1600 A X X
size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
with door sealing frame IP41, 4) 5AF2 4) 5AF2
safety lock device CES instead of OFF button3)
(key removable in OFF position);
and shutter size I, up to 1600 A X X
size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
1) Icw/500 V 0.5 s for breaking capacity N. 5) Can be converted to vertical at top and horizontal main connection at
2) Current transformer for overload protection in the neutral conductor and for bottom.
ground-fault protection must be ordered separately, see page 2/32. 6) ETU Release 2 prepared for communication and metering.
3) This disables mechanical or electrical ON commands. X = additional price
4) Not available for circuit breakers without guide frame, see also page 2/26.
I 630 55 50 3WT8060-@@@@3-@@@@ 36.000 3WT8064-@@@@3-@@@@ 49.000
I 800 55 50 3WT8080-@@@@3-@@@@ 36.000 3WT8084-@@@@3-@@@@ 49.000
I 1000 55 50 3WT8100-@@@@3-@@@@ 36.000 3WT8104-@@@@3-@@@@ 49.000
I 1250 55 50 3WT8120-@@@@3-@@@@ 36.000 3WT8124-@@@@3-@@@@ 49.000
I 1600 55 50 3WT8160-@@@@3-@@@@ 58.000 3WT8164-@@@@3-@@@@ 76.000
Without guide frame (breaking capacity S, guide frame see page 2/32)
I 400 66 50 3WT8041-@@@@3-@@@@ 36.000 3WT8045-@@@@3-@@@@ 49.000
I 630 66 50 3WT8061-@@@@3-@@@@ 36.000 3WT8065-@@@@3-@@@@ 49.000
I 800 66 50 3WT8081-@@@@3-@@@@ 36.000 3WT8085-@@@@3-@@@@ 49.000
I 1000 66 50 3WT8101-@@@@3-@@@@ 36.000 3WT8105-@@@@3-@@@@ 49.000
I 1250 66 50 3WT8121-@@@@3-@@@@ 36.000 3WT8125-@@@@3-@@@@ 49.000
I 1600 66 50 3WT8161-@@@@3-@@@@ 38.000 3WT8165-@@@@3-@@@@ 51.000
II 630 66 66 3WT8062-@@@@3-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8066-@@@@3-@@@@ 118.000
II 800 66 66 3WT8082-@@@@3-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8086-@@@@3-@@@@ 118.000
II 1000 66 66 3WT8102-@@@@3-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8106-@@@@3-@@@@ 118.000
II 1250 66 66 3WT8122-@@@@3-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8126-@@@@3-@@@@ 118.000
II 1600 66 66 3WT8162-@@@@3-@@@@ 94.000 3WT8166-@@@@3-@@@@ 118.000
II 2000 66 66 3WT8202-@@@@3-@@@@ 59.000 3WT8206-@@@@3-@@@@ 72.000
II 2500 66 66 3WT8252-@@@@3-@@@@ 59.000 3WT8256-@@@@3-@@@@ 72.000
II 3200 66 66 3WT8322-@@@@3-@@@@ 63.000 3WT8326-@@@@3-@@@@ 76.000
Electronic trip unit Article No. ▲▲ ▲ Additional Article No. ▲▲ ▲ Additional
(ETU; 8th position of Article No.) supple- price supple- price
ments ments
ETU35WT: LSI with LCD display 5 X 5 X
ETU37WT: LSING2) with LCD display 6 X 6 X
ETU45WT: LSIN2)6) with LCD display and additional features 7 X 7 X
ETU47WT: LSING2) 6) with LCD display and additional features 8 X 8 X
Operating mechanism, auxiliary release, auxiliary
switch (9th to 11th position of Article No., further
options see page 2/25)
Manual operating mechanism, AA0 without AA0 without
with mechanical closing,
without 1st and 2nd auxiliary releases,
with auxiliary switch 2 NO + 2 NC
Accessories (13th to 16th position of Article No.,
further options see pages 2/26 to 2/31)
with door sealing frame IP41, 5AA2 without 5AA2 without
4) 4)
with door sealing frame IP41, sealing cap over OFF button 5AB2 5AB2
and shutter size I, up to 1600 A X X
size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
4) 4)
with door sealing frame IP41, 5AF2 5AF2
safety lock device CES instead of OFF button3)
(key removable in OFF position);
and shutter size I, up to 1600 A X X
size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
Icw/500 V 0.5 s for breaking capacity N.
Current transformer for overload protection in the neutral conductor and for
ground-fault protection must be ordered separately, see page 2/32.
This disables mechanical or electrical ON commands.
Not available for circuit breakers without guide frame, see also page 2/26.
Can be converted to vertical at top and horizontal main connection at
ETU Release 2 prepared for communication and metering.
X = additional price
Manual operating mechanism,
with mechanical and electrical closing
Closing solenoid
AC 50/60 Hz V DC V
-- 24 B X
110 ... 127 110 ... 125 E X
220 ... 240 220 ... 250 F X
5-digit operating cycles counter
mutual mechanical interlock for 3WT circuit breaker,
and shutter
Blocking device to prevent opening of the cabinet door
when the circuit breaker is in connected position
Sealing cap to prevent unauthorized opening,
cannot be combined with safety lock
Interlock module with a Bowden wire (2 m); when interlocking three
circuit breakers an additional Bowden wire is required, see page 2/33.
With shutter
Size I, up to 1600 A X X
Size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
With door sealing frame IP41 5 A S 2
locking device,
sealing cap over OFF button
and 5-digit operating cycles counter
Locking device: mounting set for CASTELL lock1), Interlock to be
obtained from the manufacturer of the locks CASTELL lock (FS 2)
Sealing cap to prevent unauthorized opening,
cannot be combined with safety lock X X
With door sealing frame IP41 5 A T 2
locking device,
sealing cap over OFF button,
5-digit operating cycles counter
and shutter
Locking device: mounting set for CASTELL lock1), Interlock to be
obtained from the manufacturer of the locks CASTELL lock (FS 2)
Sealing cap to prevent unauthorized opening,
cannot be combined with safety lock
With shutter
Size I, up to 1600 A X X
Size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
With door sealing frame IP41 5 A U 2
locking device,
blocking device,
sealing cap over OFF button,
5-digit operating cycles counter
and mutual mechanical interlock for 3WT circuit breaker
Locking device: mounting set for CASTELL lock1), Interlock to be
obtained from the manufacturer of the locks CASTELL lock (FS 2)
Blocking device to prevent opening of the cabinet door
when the circuit breaker is in connected position
Sealing cap to prevent unauthorized opening,
cannot be combined with safety lock
Interlock module with a Bowden wire (2 m); when interlocking three
circuit breakers an additional Bowden wire is required, see page 2/33. X X
With door sealing frame IP41 5 A V 2
locking device,
blocking device,
sealing cap over OFF button,
5-digit operating cycles counter
mutual mechanical interlock for 3WT circuit breaker
and shutter
Locking device: mounting set for CASTELL lock1), Interlock to be
obtained from the manufacturer of the locks CASTELL lock (FS 2)
Blocking device to prevent opening of the cabinet door
when the circuit breaker is in connected position
Sealing cap to prevent unauthorized opening,
cannot be combined with safety lock
Interlock module with a Bowden wire (2 m); when interlocking three
circuit breakers an additional Bowden wire is required, see page 2/33.
With shutter
Size I, up to 1600 A X X
Size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
Locks are available at the manufacturer of the locks or 3WT lock, interlock
system 2 identical keys for 3 circuit breakers.
X = additional price
With door interlock and shutter 5 A X 2
With shutter
Size I, up to 1600 A X X
Size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
With door interlock, 5 A Y 2
locking device,
sealing cap over OFF button,
position indicator switch
and shutter
Locking device: mounting set for CASTELL lock1), Interlock to be
obtained from the manufacturer of the locks CASTELL lock (FS 2)
Sealing cap to prevent unauthorized opening,
cannot be combined with safety lock
With shutter
Size I, up to 1600 A X X
Size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
With door interlock, 5 B A 2
sealing cap over OFF button,
position indicator switch,
5-digit operating cycles counter
and shutter
Sealing cap to prevent unauthorized opening,
cannot be combined with safety lock
With shutter
Size I, up to 1600 A X X
Size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
With door interlock, 5 B B 2
locking device,
sealing cap over OFF button,
position indicator switch,
5-digit operating cycles counter
and shutter
Locking device: mounting set for CASTELL lock1), Interlock to be
obtained from the manufacturer of the locks CASTELL lock (FS 2)
Sealing cap to prevent unauthorized opening,
cannot be combined with safety lock
With shutter
Size I, up to 1600 A X X
Size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
With door interlock, 5 B C 2
sealing cap over OFF button,
position indicator switch
and shutter
Sealing cap to prevent unauthorized opening,
cannot be combined with safety lock
With shutter
Size I, up to 1600 A X X
Size II, 630 ... 3800 A X X
Locks are available at the manufacturer of the locks or 3WT lock, interlock
system 2 identical keys for 3 circuit breakers.
X = additional price
Accessories/spare parts
2 Guide frame for withdrawable version, horizontal main circuit connection at top, vertical connection at bottom,
2 auxiliary supply connectors
I 400 … 1250 N, Sclass,; 1600 N class 3WT9883-2BC10 22.000 3WT9883-2BC30 27.000
I 1600 S class 3WT9883-4BC10 23.000 3WT9883-4BC30 28.000
II 630 ... 2500 3WT9883-6BC10 37.000 3WT9883-6BC30 48.000
II 3200 3WT9883-7BC10 37.000 3WT9883-7BC30 48.000
Guide frame for withdrawable version, vertical main circuit connection at top and bottom,
2 auxiliary supply connectors
I 400 … 1250 N, Sclass,; 1600 N class 3WT9883-2BC20 22.000 3WT9883-2BC40 27.000
I 1600 S class 3WT9883-4BC20 23.000 3WT9883-4BC40 28.000
II 630 ... 2500 3WT9883-6BC20 37.000 3WT9883-6BC40 48.000
II 3200 3WT9883-7BC20 37.000 3WT9883-7BC40 48.000
II 3800 3WT9883-8BC20 37.000 3WT9883-8BC40 48.000
Accessories/spare parts
When retrofitting, the circuit breaker Article No. must be added to the name plate on the operator panel and to the
side wall of the circuit breaker in accordance with the installation instructions.
Designation Required For 1 set or 1 unit
order quantity Article No. Price Weight
per circuit approx.
For fixed-mounted and withdrawable circuit breakers
5-digit operating cycles counter 1 unit 3WT9864-0CA00 0.500
00035 Auxiliary release Rated control supply voltage
AC 50/60 Hz DC
Shunt release "f" for -- 24 1 unit 3WT9851-1JB00 0.800
1st and 2nd auxiliary release (F1 and F2) 110 ... 127 110 ... 125 1 unit 3WT9851-1JH00 0.800
and closing solenoid (Y1) 220 ... 240 220 ... 250 1 unit 3WT9851-1JK00 0.800
Undervoltage release "r" (F3) -- 24 1 unit 3WT9853-1JB00 0.800
instantaneous 0 ms, short-delay 200 ms 110 ... 127 110 ... 125 1 unit 3WT9853-1JH00 0.800
220 ... 240 220 ... 250 1 unit 3WT9853-1JK00 0.800
380 ... 415 -- 1 unit 3WT9853-1JM00 0.800
Undervoltage release "rc" (F8) 110 ... 127 110 ... 125 1 unit 3WT9854-1JH00 0.850
can be delayed 0.2 ... 3.2 s 220 ... 240 220 ... 250 1 unit 3WT9854-1JK00 0.850
380 ... 415 -- 1 unit 3WT9854-1JM00 0.850
Undervoltage release "rc" (F8) 110 ... 127 110 ... 125 1 unit 3WT9855-1JH00 0.843
can be delayed 0.2 ... 3.2 s 220 ... 240 220 ... 250 1 unit 3WT9855-1JK00 0.825
for ETU45/47WT release 2 NEW 380 ... 415 -- 1 unit 3WT9855-1JM00 0.772
Auxiliary switches 2nd auxiliary contact block in addition to the 1st auxiliary contact block
2 CO 1 unit 3WT9816-1CE00 0.070
2 CO for ETU45/47WT release 2 NEW 1 unit 3WT9888-1CH00 0.068
2 NC and 2 NO 1 unit 3WT9816-1CD00 0.180
3 NO and 1 NC 1 unit 3WT9816-1CF00 0.170
4 NO 1 unit 3WT9816-1CG00 0.170
Motorized operating Consisting of motor and closing solenoid (Y1)
mechanism and Rated control supply voltage
electrical closing Motor Closing solenoid
(possible if
9th position of AC 50/60 Hz DC AC 50/60 Hz DC
Article No. for V V V V
circuit breaker is "A") 110 ... 127 110 ... 125 110 ... 127 110 ... 125 1 unit 3WT9831-1JH00 2.400
220 ... 240 220 ... 250 220 ... 240 220 ... 250 1 unit 3WT9831-1JK00 2.400
Motorized operating Consisting of motor and wiring
mechanism Rated control supply voltage of motor
AC 50/60 Hz DC
-- 24 1 unit 3WT9832-1JB00 1.600
110 ... 127 110 ... 125 1 unit 3WT9832-1JH00 1.600
220 ... 240 220 ... 250 1 unit 3WT9832-1JK00 1.686
Electrical closing Consisting of closing solenoid (Y1),
(possible if electrical ON button and wiring
9th position of Rated control supply voltage of closing solenoid (Y1)
Article No. for AC 50/60 Hz DC
circuit breaker is "A" V V
-- 24 1 unit 3WT9833-1JB00 0.800
110 ... 127 110 ... 125 1 unit 3WT9833-1JH00 0.800
220 ... 240 220 ... 250 1 unit 3WT9833-1JK00 0.800
Mutual mechanical An interlock module with a Bowden wire (2 m)
interlock for one fixed-mounted circuit breaker 1 unit 3WT9866-3JA00 3.000
for 3WT for one withdrawable circuit breaker 1 unit 3WT9866-4JA00 1.000
circuit breaker Interlocking of three circuit breakers
additional Bowden wire required for each circuit breaker
Bowden wire (2 m) 1 unit 3WT9866-8JA00 0.200
Bowden wire (3 m) 1 unit 3WT9866-8JA01 0.500
Bowden wire (4.5 m) 1 unit 3WT9866-8JA02 2.500
Interlocking systems • 3WT locks 1 unit 3WT9863-7JE00 0.360
• 2 of the same keys for 3 circuit breakers
• Locking device in OFF position
• Lock in the operator panel
• A maximum of 2 circuit breakers can switched on
• Preparation for CASTELL lock is necessary 4)
Locking device Safety lock (3SB1) instead Made by CES 1 unit 3WT9863-1JA00 0.120
consisting of safety of the OFF button Normal lock no. SSG 10
locks or padlocks Mounting set1) for 3WT lock 3), CASTELL or FORTRESS 1 unit 3WT9863-6JE00 0.100
to prevent lock2)
unauthorized closing
of the circuit breaker Interlock to be obtained from the lock manufacturer
CASTELL lock (FS 2) or FORTRESS lock
1) The 3WT9863–6JE locking system meets the isolation conditions to 3) Interlock system 2 identical keys for 3 circuit breakers 3WT9863-7JE00.
IEC 60947-1 and IEC 60947-1/A1. 4)
Directly in the circuit breaker order or as an accessory 3WT9863-6JE00.
Locks are available at the manufacturer of the locks.
Accessories/spare parts
When retrofitting, the circuit breaker Article No. must be added to the name plate on the operator panel and to the
side wall of the circuit breaker in accordance with the installation instructions.
Designation/ Rated current In Size Number of Required For 1 set or 1 unit
for circuit breaker poles order quan- Article No. Price Weight
Type tity per cir- approx.
cuit breaker
For fixed-mounted and withdrawable circuit breakers
Crank handle
For withdrawable 1 unit 3WT9884-0JA00 0.500
circuit breaker
N S E 0 _ 0 1 1 4 8
Accessories/spare parts
When retrofitting, the circuit breaker Article No. must be added to the name plate on the operator panel and to the
side wall of the circuit breaker in accordance with the installation instructions.
Designation/ Rated current In Size Numbers of Required For 1 set or 1 unit
for circuit breaker poles order Article No. Price Weight
Type quantity per approx.
For guide frames
Connecting bar for up to 1250 A up to 1250 A I 3- and 4-pole 1 unit3) 3WT9823-3AA00 1.500
rear vertical connection N, S class; 1600 A N class
1600 A S class I 3- and 4-pole 1 unit 3WT9823-3BA00 1.500
630 A and 2500 A II 3-pole 1 set1) 3WT9823-4AB00 2.600
4-pole 1 set2) 3WT9823-4AC00 3.500
3200 A II 3-pole 1 set1) 3WT9823-4BB00 5.400
4-pole 1 set2) 3WT9823-4BC00 7.100
13 14 Position indicator Connected Test Disconnec- Precondition
switch position position ted
(actuated by withdrawa- position
ble circuit breaker) 3 NO + 2 NO + 1 NO + possible if no 1 unit 3WT9884-1JC10 0.280
3 NC 2 NC 1 NC pos. switch
mounted yet
Automatic mechanical resetting device after overcurrent tripping 1 unit 3WT9866-2JA00 0.050
Shutters 1600 A I 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9884-3CA00 0.500
Protection against 630 A ... 3800 A II 1 unit 3WT9884-3DA00 0.630
the main contacts 1600 A I 4-pole 1 unit 3WT9884-3CB00 0.500
630 A ... 3800 A II 1 unit 3WT9884-3DB00 0.500
Auxiliary supply up to 4000 A I, II 3- and 4-pole 1 unit 3WT9827-1JA00 0.160
For guide frames –
for spare parts and
Arc chute cover I 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9811-0GA00 3.820
4-pole 1 unit 3WT9811-0HA00 4.950
II 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9811-0JA00 4.900
4-pole 1 unit 3WT9811-0KA00 5.600
For withdrawable circuit breakers
Blocking device up to 4000 A I, II 3- and 4-pole 1 unit 3WT9867-1JC00 0.100
to prevent opening of
the cabinet door, when
circuit breaker is in
connected position
For fixed-mounted and withdrawable circuit breakers
Main contact up to 1250 A, N class, I 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0AA00 2.000
breaking capacity N 4-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0AA00 2.000
up to 1250 A, S class; I 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0AA10 2.500
1600 A, N class 4-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0AA10 2.500
Icw = 50 kA
up to 1600 A, S class I 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0BA00 3.000
4-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0BA00 3.000
up to 2500 A II 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0DA00 5.300
4-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0DA00 5.300
for fixed-mounted up to 4000 A II 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0FA00 7.300
circuit breakers only 4-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0FA00 7.300
for withdrawable circuit up to 3200 A II 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0FA00 7.300
and for fixed-mounted 4000 A 4-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0FA00 7.300
circuit breakers
for withdrawable circuit 3800 A II 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0GA00 7.300
breakers only 4-pole 1 unit 3WT9821-0GA00 7.300
Arc chute up to 1600 A I 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9811-0CA00 1.800
4-pole 1 unit 3WT9811-0CA00 1.800
630 A ... 4000 A II 3-pole 1 unit 3WT9811-0FA00 2.500
4-pole 1 unit 3WT9811-0FA00 2.500
Installation manual for 3WT8
Chinese language 3ZX1812-0WT81-0AN0 1.000
English language 3ZX1812-0WT82-0AN0 1.000
1) 1 set = 3 units.
2) 1 set = 4 units.
3) Please order the number of connecting bars as required for the
4) More languages are available as PDF online.
■ Characteristic curves2)
Every electronic trip unit type and every setting has its own cha- mediately after switch on and the electronic trip unit is therefore
racteristic. Only a selection is shown in the following. The cha- not yet enabled, the opening time is extended, depending on the
racteristic curves each show the largest and smallest setting level of the overcurrent by up to 15 ms. In order to determine the
range of 3WT8 circuit breakers with 1000 A rated current at break-times of the circuit breakers, approximately 15 ms must
500 V rated voltage with various trip units. be added to the opening times shown for the arcing time.
In order to obtain a complete tripping characteristic, the relevant Refer to the following legend for tolerances.
parts of the characteristic have to be combined.
The characteristic curves shown apply to ambient temperatures
The characteristic curves show the behavior of the electronic trip at the circuit breaker between -5 and +55 °C. The trip unit can
unit when it is activated by a current that is already flowing be- be operated at ambient temperatures of -20 to + 70 °C. An ex-
2 fore the tripping operation. If the overcurrent tripping occurs im- tended tolerance band can apply at these temperatures.
1.25 ... 12 x In 1.25 ... 12 x In
t t
0.1 ... 0.4 s 0.1 ... 0.4 s
t t
I Ii ≥ 20 x In I Ii ≥ 20 x In
3WT8 circuit breaker with ETU35WT electronic trip unit, 3WT8 circuit breaker with ETU37WT electronic trip unit,
LSI characteristic curve LSIN characteristic curve
Opening time t [s]
0.1 ... 0.5 s
Opening time t [s]
1.25 ... 12 x In
I t
I t
I / In I I
3WT8 circuit breaker with ETU45WT and ETU47WT electronic trip unit, 3WT8 circuit breaker with ETU45WT and ETU47WT electronic trip unit,
L characteristic curve S characteristic curve
Opening time t [s]
Opening time t [s]
3WT8 circuit breaker with ETU45WT and ETU47WT electronic trip unit, 3WT8 circuit breaker with ETU47WT electronic trip unit,
I characteristic curve G characteristic curve2)
1) Sizes I and II: 100 ... 1200 A.
Tolerances for the set currents
L: Tripping operations between 1.05 and 1.2 x IR 2) As a result of the activation level of 150 A (frame size I) and 200 A (frame
S: –0 %, +20 % size II) in case of a single-pole loading the minimum pick-up value of
I: –0 %, +20 % ground fault will be Ig = 300 A.
G: –0 %, +20 %
Tolerances for the tripping times
L: –20 %, +0 % for I2t characteristic curve
S: –0 %, +60 ms or -0 %, 10 % for characteristic curve with fixed delay time
I: <50 ms
G: –0 %, +60 ms or -0 %, 10 % for characteristic curve with fixed delay time
■ Dimensional drawings
3WT circuit breakers, withdrawable version, 3-pole
Horizontal connection
58 a
44 b
10 c
1 6 2 3 6
a Ø9 27 3.5
b 5 250 75 14 e
408 c c
15 430
a Disconnected position
b Test position
e Ø12.5 c Connected position
2 4 4
Ø13.5 60
90 90 Ø13.5 b a
250 75 120 120
c d
Double hole, 400 to 1600 A Double hole, 2000 to 3200 A
e Holes in bars to DIN 43673 Holes in bars to DIN 43673
27 d
ø9 n n
m 250 75 14
15 h
420 540
408 30 30
514 179 179 150 148 150
548 448 568
9 2 1
* Recessed grip
+ M8 nut
, Slots (4 mm deep) for line-side phase barriers
- Center line of circuit breaker
270 For safety clearances see page 2/38.
All dimensions in mm.
Front connection
h 320 Ø13.5 g
Double hole c
Holes in bars to DIN 43673
10 b
1 6 2 2 3 L3 L2 L1 N
Ø9 Ø9
p 27 3.5
a 5 250 75 14 e
b 408 c c c
15 430
a Disconnected position
b Test position
N L1 L2 L3 c Connected position
f $ Auxiliary conductor plug-in system
% Guide frame
& Switchboard door
( Slots (6 mm deep) for line-side phase barriers
) Holes for attaching the guide frame
* Center line of operator panel
For safety clearances see page 2/38.
1 2 4 4
3 3
Ø9 Ø9
250 75 Ø13.5 90 90 90
c d b a
e 120 120 120 Ø13.5
Double hole, 400 to 1600 A Double hole, 2000 to 3200 A
Holes in bars to DIN 43673 Holes in bars to DIN 43673
ø9 27
m 250 75 14 n n o
15 h
1 4 L3 L2 L1 N
2 3
16(B 4
p 10 c c c
a 175 100 14
$ Clearance for lifting out the arc chute
% Space for auxiliary supply connectors
N L1 L2 L3
e & Space above arc chute
f ( Auxiliary supply connectors incl. wiring space
) Switchboard door
* Recessed grip
+ Nut M 8
, Slots (4 mm deep) for line-side phase barriers
Front connection
L3 L2 L1 N
h 320
Ø13.5 g
Double hole e
Holes in bars to DIN 43673 c c c
Door cut-out for operator panel using the door sealing frame Door cut-out with edge protector
Cut-out after mounting
157.5 157.5
b b
40 120
12 9
1 29
$ Mounting surface*3 holes, dia. 5.5 mm; only drill when using door interlocking.
a b c
a b c
1 5 4 1 6 0
Ø 1 3 ,5 1 6
R 1 3 ,1
4 4
8 ,9
2 4
N S E 0 _ 0 1 3 7 5
9 6 ,8
1 7 0
2 2
1 3 0
8 1
6 8
9 1
R 2 2
5 1
4 0
2 1 8 5 1
N S E 0 _ 0 0 6 0 6 b
3 6
5 5 9 7 7 0
8 3 8 3
1 1 5
1 3 1
5 4
N S E 0 _ 0 1 3 7 6
4 4
6 5 ,5
2 4
1 3 0
1 7 0
9 1
6 8
5 1
8 8 5 1
9 5
1 1 3 3
N S E 0 _ 0 0 6 0 7 b
9 0 1 3 1
1 1 3
4 x R5
4 x 5,5
"Ready to close" Tripped External ground- External N *** Standard auxiliary Optional auxiliary switches -S3, S4, or S5, S6, or S5, S60, or S61
signalling S7 signalling S11 fault sensor sensor switch -S1,S2 S60
■ Schematics
X100.8 X100.11 X200.3 X200.1 X100.13 X200.14 X200.12 X100.6 7 X300.1 2 X300.11 12 13 14 X100.1 X200.6 4 10 8 X300.4 8 6 X300.5 3 9 7 X300.5 3 9 7 X300.5 3 9
X200.3 X100.5
0 V d.c.
24 V d.c.
CubicleBus +
CubicleBus -
0 V d.c.
24 V d.c.
CubicleBus + BSSWT
** either CubicleBus -
-F3 or -F8
* either
-F1 or -F3 V-Tap
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S5 S60 S61 S60
Example of an overall circuit diagram
X100.9 X100.12 X200.2 X100.14 X200.13 X200.7 5 119 X300.5 3 7 X300.6 4 10 8 X300.6 4 10 8 X300.6 4 10
Siemens LV 35 · 2019
3WT Air Circuit Breakers up to 4000 A (AC)
© Siemens AG 2019
S1 "NC"
S1 "NO"
2 S2 "NC"
1st auxiliary contact block ( 2NO+2NC)
S2 "NO"
■ Further information
For planning guides with further descriptions relating to design,
operating principle, installation and retrofitting see manual
"3WT Air Circuit Breakers" at
3/2 Glossary
Siemens LV 35 · 2019
© Siemens AG 2019
Rated operating voltage, (Ue) Voltage fixed by the manufacturer. Several pertinent tests relate to its
EN 60947-1; determination, as may also the utilization category. Along with the
rated (operating) current, it determines the device’s utilization. The
highest value of rated operating voltage may in no case be greater
than the value of the rate insulation voltage Ui.
Rated insulation voltage, (Ui) Voltage measure to which are related tests of dielectric strength and
EN 60947-1; creepage distance.
Rated current, (In) Current value of particular circuit breaker that can be handled uninter-
EN 60947-2; ruptedly. The highest current valued tripping the circuit breaker in
conformity with a specifically stated tripping characteristic.
Reduced rated current, (Ir) Specifically established, reduced value of In current for a regulated
time-dependent (thermal) release and that the circuit breaker can
handle continuously. Maximum setting is at value equal to In.
Changing Ir shifts the release’s tripping characteristic along the
current axis. (Ir = k x In holds where k 1)
Tripping time at a given Ir multiple, (tr) Time after which circuit breaker will trip, if a current flows through it that
is equal to the given multiple of Ir. Changing tr shifts the tripping
characteristic along the time axis.
Actuating current of (selective) release’s Minimum current value causing the release’s time-independent delay
3 time-independent delay, (Ids) to actuate.
Delay of time-independent delayed release, (tv) If a current flows through the circuit breaker equal to at least Isd but not
reaching Irm the circuit breaker will trip with time delay tv. Total shut-off
time is influenced by the tripping of the circuit breaker itself and is
about 10 ÷ 20 ms longer.
Actuating current of time-independent Minimum current value causing the time-independent instantaneous
instantaneous, (Irm) release to actuate.
Rated operating current, (Ie) Rated operating current of device (switch-disconnector) is fixed by the
EN 60947-1; manufacturer with consideration for the rated operating voltage, rated
frequency, rated operation, utilization category and type of protective
cover, if that comes into consideration.
Rated normal current, (Iu) Current value set by the manufacturer and which the device can
EN 60947-1; handle in continuous operation, i.e. during a period longer than 8 hours
(weeks, months, or longer).
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity, (Icu) Ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity value expressed as the
EN 60947-2; 2.15.1; rms value of the alternating component of the assumed short-circuit
current that the circuit breaker must be able to manage in the mode:
1x switching off of the short circuit and a following 1x make-break
sequence. After testing, the circuit breaker need not be able to
conduct the rated current uninterruptedly. Icu is set for the rated
operating voltage at the rated frequency and at the established power
factor for alternating current or at the time constant for direct current.
Must fulfil the condition: Icu Ik"
Rated short-circuit service breaking capacity, (Ics) Value of the operating short-circuit breaking capacity expressed as the
EN 60947-2; 2.15.2; rms value of the alternating component of the assumed short-circuit
current that the circuit breaker must be able to manage in the mode:
1x switching off of the short circuit and a following 2x make-break
sequence. May also be expressed as a percentage of Icu. After
testing, the circuit breaker must be able uninterruptedly to conduct the
rated current and to switch off the overcurrent. Temperature increase
of the main terminals may be greater. Ics is set for the rated operating
voltage at the rated frequency and at the established power factor for
alternating current or at the time constant for direct current.
Permitted: Ics Ik"
Rated short-time withstand current, (Icw) Value of short-time withstand current specified by the manufacturer
EN 60947-1; that the device is able to handle without damage during a designated
EN 60947-2; time period (short-time delay). In case of alternating current, it is the
EN 60947-3; rms value of the alternating component of the assumed short-circuit
current Ip.
Catalog notes
■ Overview
Trademarks Symbols
All product designations may be registered trademarks or In the table below, you will find all symbols concerning
product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose connections that can occur in this catalog. In combination with
use by third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights orange highlighting, these identify special selection criteria.
of the owner.
Amendments Connections
Unless stated otherwise on the individual pages of this catalog, Screw connection
we reserve the right to make changes, in particular to the
Ring cable lug connection
specified values, measurements and weights.
Dimensions Spring-loaded terminals
Ordering notes
■ Logistics
General Packaging, packing units
With regard to delivery service, communications and environ- The packaging in which our equipment is dispatched provides
mental protection, our logistics service ensures "quality from the protection against dust and mechanical damage during
moment of ordering right through to delivery". By designing our transport, thus ensuring that all our products arrive in perfect
infrastructure according to customer requirements and imple- condition.
menting electronic order processing, we have successfully
optimized our logistics processes. We select our packaging for maximum environmental compati-
bility and reusability (e.g. crumpled paper for protection during
We are proud of our personal consulting service, on-time transport in packages up to 32 kg) and, in particular, with a view
deliveries and one-day transport within Germany. to reducing waste.
To this end, we supply preferred types marked with } With our multi-unit and reusable packaging, we offer you specific
ex works. types of packaging that are both kind to the environment and
tailored to your requirements:
We regard the ISO 9001 certification and consistent quality
checks as an integral part of our services. Your advantages at a glance:
Electronic order processing is fast, cost-efficient and error-free. • Lower ordering costs.
Please contact us if you want to benefit from these advantages. • Cost savings through same-material type packaging:
Low/no disposal costs.
• Reduced time and cost thanks to short unpacking times.
• "Just-in-time" delivery directly to the production line helps
reduce stock: Cost savings through reduction of storage
3 areas.
• Fast assembly thanks to supply in sets.
• Standard Euro boxes - corresponding to the Euro pallet
modular system - suitable for most conveyor systems.
• Active contribution to environmental protection.
Further documentation
■ Industry Mall
The Industry Mall – for online information, product selection
and ordering
• Detailed information including product data, illustrations,
certificates and CAx data
• Simple configuring of systems
• Possible to request individualized quotations
• Availability check
• Online ordering facility
• Order tracking/order overview
• Fast access to relevant training offers and services
You can find the Industry Mall on the Internet at
Further documentation
In the "Entry type" selection box in Product Support, you will find
the following:
• Application example
• Certificate
• Characteristic
• Download
• Manual
• Product note
• Software archive
• Technical data
In addition, the Low-Voltage Power Distribution and Electrical
Installation Technology catalogs are also available there.
Further documentation
Industry Online
Support App
Industry Online
Industry Online
Support App
Support App
Further documentation
■ Product configurator
Finding the right product faster
• Complete selection of products and systems based on
technical characteristics or application requirements
• Simple, intuitive operation
• Option to save the configuration and order lists in a file format
of your choice (txt, pdf, xls, csv)
• Direct transfer of the order list into the shopping cart of the
Siemens Industry Mall
• Fast access to product data, diagrams, certificates and
CAx data for the selected product and system configuration
• Available in multiple languages for use by customers
anywhere in the world
The configurators are available online in the Siemens Industry
Mall and offline in Catalog CA 01.
You can find our configurators at the following website:
Characteristic EPLAN Electric Siemens makes available up to 12 file types to support your
curves Certificates P8 Macros mechanical (CAD) and electrical (CAE) planning processes for
you to download at any time of the day.
You can find the CAx Download Manager on the Internet at • No manual data collection necessary • Universal manufacturer data for all common CAE and
CAD systems
• Standardized documentation is simple to generate
• Choice of different languages for system commissioning
anywhere in the world
■ My Documentation Manager
User-friendly compilation of project-specific documentation
In accordance with directives*, the documentation is part of the
plant and requires certification, thus giving the purchaser the
right to full plant documentation.
To support you in this, a manual configurator has been
developed with which you can put together individual and
standard-compliant documentation – fully in accordance with
the relevant project-specific requirements.
You can thus select the chapters relevant to the respective
project from the available manuals of the installed Siemens
components. FAQs, certificates, data sheets and your own
content can also be incorporated.
• Compile and structure manuals, data sheets, FAQs and
In "mySupport" you can compile individual documentation for certificates simply by dragging and dropping
your project by dragging and dropping • Insert personalized content via the Notes function
* e.g. Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC and EC Machinery • Further processing possible thanks to selectable export
Directive 2006/42/EC formats (pdf, xml, rtf)
You can find My Documentation Manager on the Internet at • After generating the documentation, automatic translation into
the desired language is possible • Always up-to-the minute thanks to the Update function
■ Overview
An overview, updated on a daily basis, of our products certified
in accordance with CE, UL, CSA, FM, shipping authorizations
etc. for low-voltage power distribution and electrical installation
products can be found on the Internet at
In the Entry list, you can filter the view in order to quickly find
comprehensive information on the following subjects:
• Product or search term
• Date
• Type of certificate (general product approval, test certificates,
shipping approval, ...)
• Certificate (confirmations, UL, VDE,...)
• Approval office (TÜV, VDE, UL, ...)
• Country
Siemens contacts
Service & Support
Unrivaled complete range of services over the entire life cycle
You will find further information at You will find further information at
Assistance with technical queries is provided at You will find further information at
You can find your local contacts at
■ Overview
Product information
Website Fast and targeted information on low-voltage power
distribution and electrical installation technology:
Software for power Support in performing power loss calculations for the
loss calculations - dimensioning of control cabinets:
Product documentation
Siemens Industry Comprehensive technical information – from
Online Support planning to configuration and operation:
CAx Download Collation of CAx data types for standard CAE and
Manager CAD systems:
Product training
SITRAIN Portal Comprehensive training program for our products,
systems and engineering tools:
Product hotline
Technical Support Support in all technical queries about our products:
Software licenses
■ Overview
Software types Rental floating license
Software requiring a license is categorized into types. The rental floating license corresponds to the rental license,
The following software types have been defined: except that a license is not required for each installation of the
• Engineering software software. Rather, one license is required per object (for example,
user or device).
• Runtime software
Trial license
Engineering software
A trial license supports "short-term use" of the software in a non-
This includes all software products for creating (engineering) productive context, e.g. for testing and evaluation purposes.
user software, e.g. for configuring, programming, parameteriz- It can be transferred to another license.
ing, testing, commissioning or servicing.
Data generated with engineering software and executable Demo license
programs can be duplicated for your own use or for use by third- The demo license support the "sporadic use" of engineering soft-
parties free-of-charge. ware in a non-productive context, for example, use for testing
and evaluation purposes. It can be transferred to another
Runtime software license. After the installation of the license key, the software can
This includes all software products required for plant/machine be operated for a specific period of time, whereby usage can be
operation, e.g. operating system, basic system, system expan- interrupted as often as required.
sions, drivers, etc. One license is required per installation of the software.
The duplication of the runtime software and executable pro-
grams created with the runtime software for your own use or for Demo floating license
use by third-parties is subject to a charge. The demo floating license corresponds to the demo license,
3 You can find information about license fees according to use in
the ordering data (e.g. in the catalog). Examples of categories of
except that a license is not required for each installation of the
software. Rather, one license is required per object (for example,
use include per CPU, per installation, per channel, per instance, user or device).
per axis, per control loop, per variable, etc. Certificate of License (CoL)
Information about extended rights of use for parameteriza- The CoL is the licensee's proof that the use of the software has
tion/configuration tools supplied as integral components of the been licensed by Siemens. A CoL is required for every type of
scope of delivery can be found in the readme file supplied with use and must be kept in a safe place.
the relevant product(s).
License types
The licensee is permitted to use the software or an earlier ver-
Siemens Industry Automation & Drive Technologies offers vari- sion/release of the software, provided that the licensee owns
ous types of software license: such a version/release and its use is technically feasible.
• Floating license
Delivery versions
• Single license
Software is constantly being updated.
• Rental license The following delivery versions
• Rental floating license • PowerPack
• Trial license • Upgrade
• Demo license can be used to access updates.
• Demo floating license Existing bug fixes are supplied with the ServicePack version.
Floating license PowerPack
The software may be installed for internal use on any number of PowerPacks can be used to upgrade to more powerful software.
devices by the licensee. Only the concurrent user is licensed. The licensee receives a new license agreement and CoL
The concurrent user is the person using the program. Use (Certificate of License) with the PowerPack. This CoL, together
begins when the software is started. with the CoL for the original product, proves that the new soft-
A license is required for each concurrent user. ware is licensed.
Single license A separate PowerPack must be purchased for each original
license of the software to be replaced.
Unlike the floating license, a single license permits only one
installation of the software per license. Upgrade
The type of use licensed is specified in the ordering data and An upgrade permits the use of a new version of the software on
in the Certificate of License (CoL). Types of use include for the condition that a license for a previous version of the product
example per instance, per axis, per channel, etc. is already held.
One single license is required for each type of use defined. The licensee receives a new license agreement and CoL with
the upgrade. This CoL, together with the CoL for the previous
Rental license product, proves that the new version is licensed.
A rental license supports the "sporadic use" of engineering A separate upgrade must be purchased for each original license
software. Once the license key has been installed, the software of the software to be upgraded.
can be used for a specific period of time (the operating hours do
not have to be consecutive).
One license is required for each installation of the software.
Software licenses
■ Overview
ServicePack Software Update Service (SUS)
ServicePacks are used to debug existing products. As part of the SUS contract, all software updates for the respec-
ServicePacks may be duplicated for use as prescribed accord- tive product are made available to you free of charge for a period
ing to the number of existing original licenses. of one year from the invoice date. The contract will automatically
be extended for one year if it is not canceled three months
License key before it expires.
Siemens Industry Automation & Drive Technologies supplies The possession of the current version of the respective software
software products with and without license keys. is a basic condition for entering into an SUS contract.
The license key serves as an electronic license stamp and
is also the "switch" for activating the software (floating license, You can download explanations concerning license conditions from
rental license, etc.).
The complete installation of software products requiring license terms_of_trade_en.pdf
keys includes the program to be licensed (the software) and the
license key (which represents the license).
■ 4. Export regulations
We shall not be obligated to fulfill this agreement if such If you transfer goods (hardware and/or software and/or technol-
fulfillment is prevented by any impediments arising out of ogy as well as corresponding documentation, regardless of the
national or international foreign trade or customs requirements mode of provision) delivered by us or works and services (in-
or any embargoes or other sanctions. cluding all kinds of technical support) performed by us to a third
Exporting may be subject to authorization. In delivery infor- party worldwide, you shall comply with all applicable national
mation, we label authorization obligations according to German, and international (re-) export control regulations.
European and US export lists. If required to conduct export control checks, you, at our request,
Our products are controlled by the U.S. authorities (goods shall promptly provide us with all information pertaining to parti-
labeled with "ECCN" not equal to "N") and may only be supplied cular end customers, destination and intended use of goods,
to the stated country of the end user for sole use by the end user. works and services provided by us, as well as any relevant
Without U.S. government approval or other approval under U.S. export control restrictions.
law, the products may not be sold, transferred or otherwise The products listed in this catalog may be subject to
forwarded to other countries or to other persons other than the European/German and/or US export regulations. Therefore, any
specified end user, either in their original form or after further export requiring a license is subject to approval by the
processing into other goods. Goods labeled with an "AL" not competent authorities.
equal to "N" are subject European/national export authorization Errors excepted and subject to change without prior notice.
Please note that you can also preview the export designations in
the respective product description via our "Industry Mall" online
catalog system. The deciding factors, however, are the AL or
ECCN export designations indicated on order confirmations,
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Motion Control
SINUMERIK 840 Equipment for Machine Tools NC 62
SINUMERIK 808 Equipment for Machine Tools NC 81.1
SINUMERIK 828 Equipment for Machine Tools NC 82
SIMOTION Equipment for Production Machines PM 21
Digital: Drive and Control Components for Cranes CR 1 Digital: These catalogs are only available as a PDF.