Sources of New Business Financing
Sources of New Business Financing
Sources of New Business Financing
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Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Bootstrapping
3. Bootstrapping Equity: Founders, Friends, Family and Fools
4. Bootstrapping: Bartering and Skunk Works
5. Primary Sources of Financing: Equity
6. Primary Sources of Financing: Debt
7. Financing: Do's and Don'ts
8. Start-up Financing for LiveREADS
9. Self-Assessment
10. Summary
1. Overview
You learned about the four basic financial needs: working capital, fixed asset
financing, one-time start-up expenses and extra cash. You also learned about the
implications of a business being overcapitalised and undercapitalised.
It is tempting to say that once the entrepreneur knows how much he or she needs
and for what, then the process of looking for financing begins. Although this is a
rational and linear way of thinking about financing, this is not how many
entrepreneurs approach financing their business. Many entrepreneurs do get started
in pre-business and early stage activity in the bootstrapping mode.
In this topic, you will learn more about bootstrapping and the various sources of
bootstrapping equity. You will also learn about the two primary sources of financing,
equity and debt.
Objectives: Sources of New Business Financing
Upon completion of this topic, you should be able to:
explain the potential of bootstrapping to finance new ventures
identify various sources of private financing
describe the primary sources of finance, equity and debt
2. Bootstrapping
Bootstrapping, or starting a new business with almost no capital and little more than
the entrepreneur's own hard work and effort, is a commonly practised start-up
financing strategy. This is better illustrated in the following article.
Reading: The Value of Bootstrapping
Believing in a "big money" model of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs often spend a
lot of time trying to attract investors instead of using wits to get their ideas off the
ground. Read the following article to learn more about bootstrapping.
frequently will require less than market-adjusted risk rates of return. If this were a
subject about investing strategy, we would recommend that these investors act more
like professional investors. However, they are not professional investors by
definition. As you have already seen, this is the most popular source of financing in
the United States and probably the most popular source in the world.
Reading: "Love Money"
Getting money from family and friends is often the best or only way to get seed
capital for most of new ventures. Read the article below about the issues involved in
borrowing from family and friends.
"What's Love Got To Do With It?", Profit vol. 26 issue 2 (May 2007): A11-13
While reading the article, reflect on the questions below.
How did various entrepreneurs deal with the people from whom they
borrowed money?
What are some of the ways in which both, the borrower and the lender, can
protect their interests?
The article illustrates that there is a potential strain on the relationship of the
borrower and the lenders, if dealings are not on a professional footing amongst
them. However, with proper measures, it can be very rewarding for the borrower as
well as the lender. Use of legal contracts and notes of repayment can serve to keep
all dealings business-like and prevent any misunderstandings amongst the borrower
and the lenders.
Skunk Works
What is Skunk Works?
A skunk work can be defined as using borrowed resources and assets. Skunk Works
are found in larger businesses that are trying to encourage people to start
intrapreneurial ventures. The companies allow and enable employees to borrow
resources such as offices, equipment, people or money from ongoing operations to
experiment and develop innovative new products and services. The normal practice
to obtain capital for new enterprises in larger companies is obtained through the
capital budgeting process, which is an expenditures plan where a business identifies
its capital needs, likely funding, impact of new capital investments and accounting
system for those capital investments.
Let us look at an example.
Cisco Systems is one of the largest companies in the world, and at one point in the
year 2000, it had the highest market valuation of publicly listed company. It is
difficult to continue to be innovative in such a large bureaucracy environment.
However, Cisco requires innovation to stay on top. Therefore, they use the skunk
works mode of intrapreneurship. Read the article Net processor design team tells of
skunk works ingenuity' How Cisco beat chip world to net to see how this is done.
Note : This discussion on Bartering and Skunk Works references the following:
Oanh Ha, K. “San Jose, Calif.-Area Entrepreneurs Turn to Bartering”, Knight
Ridder Tribune Business News (5 August 2003): 1
Cisco Systems
Matsumoto, C., “How Cisco beat chip world to net”, Electronic Engineering
Times issue 1137 (23 Oct 2000): 1-2
also work in groups; pooling their money to act as mini mutual funds for
investments. This money can be used for anything, but is frequently used to prove
the concept that the business works.
Private investors usually will take stock in the new company because this leads to
higher returns than a simple loan would. Sometimes, they combine stock and a
regular payment in a hybrid investment called a convertible preferred.
Venture Capital
Venture capital is professionally managed money, invested in potentially high growth
businesses. It is not usually available for small businesses, businesses without
significant growth potential or first stage start up businesses. Although some venture
capitalists will provide seed capital if the business has long term potential.
Venture capitalists are sometimes needed to get a thriving small business to the next
round of growth. However, entrepreneurs are particularly wary of most venture
capitalists because of their business practices. Venture capitalists drive a hard
bargain and are usually savvier than the entrepreneurs when it comes to financing
deals. After being burned in the Internet bubble burst of 2000, venture capital firms
have become very heavy handed about their investments. They enforce tough
contract clauses, suing their investments, and even suing each other. However, a
perceptive entrepreneur can negotiate with venture capital firms.
Despite their tough reputation, some venture capital firms have softer sides. Read
about Village Ventures, a venture capital firm, in the article It takes a village to
identify a true venture capital bargain. These venture capitalists believe that all
investing is local, and so they are moving to smaller cities and towns for their
Public Capital
Public capital means selling stock on a recognised stock exchange. It makes your
company a public company. The rules and regulations of each country and stock
exchange are very varied. However, going public is often seen as the ultimate goal of
the high growth oriented entrepreneur. Money raised from a public sale of equity can
be used for anything, but investors usually prefer that the financing be used to grow
the business and make it larger. Growing businesses can achieve economies of scale
and scope that can make earning grow at increasing rates, and this makes the stock
go up.
Public equity is also an important exit strategy because it finally enables all the
equity investors who have put money into the venture along the way to become
liquid by selling their investment or stock to the highest bidder.
However, going public has its costs and that includes losing control of the business.
Read the article The Sarbanes Oxley solution, new corporate governance standards
redefine directorsand officers liability to understand the complete implications of
going public. It indicates that going public is a step that requires very careful
analysis and consideration. The reporting requirements are steep and complex.
Note : This discussion on Private Investors, Venture Capital and Public Capital
references the following:
Village Ventures
Andy, S. “The Village Vanguard”, Fortune 142 issue 2 (10 Jul 2000): 154-157
Royster, G.D. “The Sarbanes-Oxley Solution”, Best's Review 104 issue 5 (Sept
2003): 45-48
“US Corporate-Disclosure Law Confuses Lawyers Outside US”, PR Newswire
(15 Sept 2003): 1
Reflection: Sarbanes-Oxley Law
In the United States, the recently passed Sarbanes-Oxley law makes reporting and
governance requirements steeper than ever. Even though Sarbanes-Oxley is a
statute of the United States, it affects businesses around the world.
In a recent survey of international lawyers, it was discovered that there are major
concerns that the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley infringe on other nations' laws
and sovereignty. To learn more about the implications of this law, read the article
‘U.S. Corporate-Disclosure Law Confuses Lawyers Outside U.S. LexisNexis-IBA
Survey Reveals Attorneys Fear Extraterritorial Nature of Sarbanes-Oxley Act.’ listed
You have learned about various sources of new venture financing. Now, attempt this
exercise to determine how best to use financing from various sources to fulfil your
business needs.
such a large order. Here, the source of financing is Venture capital. Not only
can venture capitalists often come up with additional money when needed,
they can also provide advice and important industry contacts for a business.
4. Stage 4, Stephanie needs additional equipment for her new factory in order
to increase production capacity. She also needs to address distribution and
requires more lorries to deliver her merchandise to various stores. Here, the
source of financing is Leasing companies. If equipment requires a large spend
of money, it is a good option to lease it from a leasing company and utilise
your finances for other crucial expenditure. This will also help spread out your
5. Stage 5, Stephanie is supplying her products to various department stores at
an ever increasing rate. However, more and more of her finances are being
tied up in inventory and work in progress. She needs to finance her
operational requirements. Here, the source of financing is banks. When the
business is on its way to being well established, banks are a good source of
financing as banks are most concerned with how the money is going to be put
to use and how the loan will be repaid. Bank debt is frequently in the form of
inventory and working capital loans.
6. Stage 6, Stephanie's silk ties and scarves are now being sold nationwide. She
has expanded her business to a range of clothing accessories. Her first retail
store is a big success. She wants to build the business and open 50 more
stores in the next two years. Here, the source of financing is Public capital.
Going public is a source for large amounts of additional cash as well as
increased public awareness of the company. Money raised from a public sale
of equity can be used to grow the business and make it larger.
What did we learn from this example?
Let's do a quick recap.
Inside equity or bootstrapping is the best way to finance the smaller needs of
a new venture at the time of its start up. It not only helps the entrepreneur to
start quickly but also indicates commitment to future outside investors and
provides the right incentives and motivation for business owners.
Private investors or angels are a good source for financing the expansion.
Such investors can also lend their positive reputations to the business to
attract other investors.
Venture capitalists often come up with additional money when needed. In
addition, they can also provide advice and important industry contacts for a
If equipment requires a large spend of money, it is a good option to lease it
from a leasing company and utilise your finances for other crucial
expenditure. This will also help spread out your expenditure.
Banks are a good source of financing when the business is on its way to being
well established. This is because banks are most concerned with how the
money is going to be put to use and how the loan will be repaid. Bank debt is
frequently in the form of inventory and working capital loans.
Going public is a source for large amounts of additional cash as well as
increased public awareness of the company. Money raised from a public sale
of equity can be used to grow the business and make it larger.
You learned that the LiveREADS entrepreneurs have already raised US$700,000 from
a series of angel investor rounds. This means that they started with just a few
wealthy investors, and as they needed more money to finance the development of
the firm and to pay the authors' option money, they either went back to these angels
or found different wealthy individuals.
Although the case does not tell us which of these scenarios occurred, it is important
that the first set of investors were not diluted by the second and third round. Each
round of investment has the potential to make the previous rounds own less and less
of the equity. Anti-dilution provisions can account for this. Refer to Negotiable Terms
to a Financial Agreement in Chapter 8 of the eTextbook to learn more about anti-
dilution provisions.
LiveREADS now needs another $5,000,000 in financing, and they are looking towards
either a venture capital deal or the venture arm of a larger media company. Without
further analysis, it is not clear which way they should go.
9. Self-Assessment
Now, try the self-assessment questions to test your understanding of the topic. Click
the following link to open the Self-Assessment in a new window.
Q1. Which three of the following are the advantages of bootstrapping a new
1. Forces the entrepreneur to set priorities
2. Encourages the entrepreneur to generate sales as quickly as possible
3. Helps the entrepreneur avoid undercapitalisation
4. Enables the entrepreneur to retain more ownership
Q2. Which of the following is NOT a likely source of funds for a brand-new small
1. Investment by the founding entrepreneur
2. Investment by family and friends
3. Investment by the government
4. Investment by the public raised through the sale of stock
Q3. Which of the following is NOT a likely source of debt financing for a start-up
1. Family and friends
2. Banks
3. Insurance companies
4. Leasing companies
10. Summary
This topic covered the following points:
Most financing for entrepreneurial ventures comes from the founders, family,
friends and fools, usually in small amounts
By bootstrapping the business, entrepreneurs can save current and future
financing costs, and have the business financed in an inexpensive way.
Other sources of private financing include wealthy individuals, angels and
venture capitalists. Public financing means selling stock on a publicly traded
stock exchange.
The two basic types of financing are debt and equity. Equity financing
requires that the entrepreneurs share in the profits of the company with
stockholders, either through dividends or capital gains. Debt financing
requires the payment of interest as specified in the debt instrument
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